Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 04, 1865, Image 3

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    Mil MtHA nMnnn.1
17 vjju iJ.iuin umnvviuii
alem u. tate, tooAii EDjTorT
1 r ir 7
Saturday Morning, Feb. 4, 1805.
11.. i.i i7n rrrT 1
DM, B. Lootr, ISO Uroadway, N,
Y read Ills advertisement in another
column of this paper.
, Juiiqns. Ahillhasbccnintroduoedin.
.o.ho, providing for a
new modo of dm win, t ,
Lin "S-TTV w ta
pocu. introduced iu the Locs ainrn in
Iio standard weicht of potatoes at fifty.
six pounds per bushol.
' -
, to?" o aro indebted to tho foreman
of tho Star office, for tho loan ol the typo
of tho County Statements, as published iu
a"tL0r C0lumD'
IRSr.Tbc quota, of troops for this 13th
P'istrict,.eouiposed of tho counties of Col-
timlna, Bradford, Wyoming. Sullivan'and
wu&iour, unacr tlio call for 300,000, is
Pfl. " - T" - - ' At the residence of Iho bridcs
Car in another column wu publish an Morilausvillo. on tho 7th by A. K. Ilea
ediiorial from the Kioh'mond Enquirer, cools, Hq., Mr. Miciukl IIooK.aud Miss ,
Jtlf. Davis' oi gm. la explains itself. Mauoauct Mouuas, all of Ool. oo., i'a. 1
According toil, thiMvar must fo on ' On tho 28th ult , by the same Mr.
' - - -- Cr,Kjiui;r, Huckel, aud Miss Elmiha
SST A largo and well oouductod Ball Bku.mstctku.
.cam off at Mnjor Koons' Exchange Hotel 1 Al lba same tirae a,ul p' thn samo,
on Tuesday evening. We understand that M' Lot Joii.nso.n, and Misa Marqauet
oinc s'xty couplB were preicut. ! M' liE'-m a" of Ool co., Pa.
' ' ' I" Uloomsburg by tho Hev. J. W.
Tho 10th prssiuis has boon ap- Lcshor, Jan. lad 1805, Mr Valaiiius
pointed as a day ol fasting, humiliation, t!ox' aml Mifs Si'sanna Bimkiit, all of
and prayer by Jcffor.-on D.ivk Abraham Norlllu,nheriaud Co, Pa.
Lincoln has selected the J 5th for a -ome- y 1,10 al"0' n, tlic 1IoU!, oftlle Vo'b
what similar purpo,, " 'B,.b" 'j' "'.J ' ?? 1 ,p0,1a' 0,1 tliu
' ' Jl't ot Jan. IHOj. Mr C. 11. UAMrnui,L,
n-v it, ii t, i .i i. , -VtlJ ol the M3 llvg, Army of U. S. and
JfcT A 11,11 ha, heun int.odueod into the lMlaJ3 Sai,ak E,
J.i'glslMuri' by Mr. Jacoby ihe Member . ; - -
fmm this Diairict, pmpo.iug to increase DEATHS.
tho pay of our County (Jimunijiiiiers,.Ju- f 7 " " I
tors ..d Witness. 1 ""' 7th(.,la .f J-y 805, Sa-
. UAH Ann, wile of John I rembly, aged
COT Much as the ootmtry hopes for it, 40 yuarp' 1 "10Iltll !,ad da'
there U uo peacu. Tbo peace rumors of l" IIt!"ll(ck mwnship, Columbia couu-
i.i. .i l'i ofi Sundny laet, Mr Si I) Nr.. S Sla-
thp past wclI; or two seom to have van- ,.,. ' n , ,
. ' 'i Kit alter a protracted illneds.aj'od about
.ishert into thin air, and nil we have to ex- rS years. ';
peot is moic war, more draftn, more blond- l , t10 u. S. Hospital i;i front o Peters-1
hhed. Mo dearly aro our people pay- burg, Va., Mr. Emanuel Boone, of Co. '
ing for thuir invtctnirnt in Abolitioiiism. ai"u I,'S'' l'- V., formerly of
Urango in tbii county, aged about !Jv!yrs.
tOT Mr. Geo. L. Jidinton, adveriiro -fM:lTOCraiIc':
through hand-bill, the los of his pocktt RECEIPTS FOR JANUARY, J
hook, cont lining S'ilrt. Supposed to l avn TO THE I
K-en loss botwe.,, .om burg aud Bow- COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT,
mini s Mill, iu Orauge township, on Fri- :o.
day last,' A liberal reward is ojfen-d for
.the return ol tin- money to the owner.
ffiV" T lie abolilio'iisls are. very 'much
(.(po.-ed to Sunt rij.t; adoiuiiic In Id
i!,u (he highest csti'ciii by U'a-liiiigloii,Jff
lerson, Minlieoii, and o'hor ln..nders of the
llepuUic. A.-cording to these later
I'ght", Slules liavt no rubts ihat aboli-
01 .
.imit-.l nro liniirn! lu ri n.rl Tl... l.irinc
of 177fi ipJi ll o setup vinu't tliul
tionists now hold with thrin Kin-; G:ov'c
wa' all in wilh these Abraham Alri-
emus Primus liolJs su enuallv rxa tod
Jlrv Hulaus Ihm.tum.''ht fiitnds
nnd iieihho!- of 1 lie imiorinnato Uev A. '
iX, Hui'A.v.o ! airui omit towmhiii liuzem-j
r ' ' r
county who ha been aentui'cjd by this
' .
DiiBcrauly eoutemiitiole Auniiuiftration t-i
n fine of two hundred uoilara and coiifine-
, ,
iinoui 01 six moiitiis 111 i'ort i!iiiiiiu,i)(.cau e
die is a Democrat ast w.-eli nia.ia Mr.
1 , e u .......
gave mem a ca.-u pi esc 11 1 01 auuui 1111.
. . . ,,,, , ,
IJJ fiintEU I)0liJ.M.1' Ult I VVUB I1IU-JI.
.just aud eoinmeiid-iblu. JuMiee will ulti
mately triumph.
.EST We aro illloriiud that Vlileutiue
, . , '
.'ell, Jolltl fiL'IHOnS, Joseph YaiI.-ic!iIo,nild
Hci.jailliu (t "ollcy have been convicted b)'
0,0 military coinmisMon sitting a, IJarri.-'
-hllr.T mill il-ntl'llPIMl as iailnw.-t! t
'""'t- I
33( njatnin Colley ons year imprison-
orient, at labor Joseph Vai'.ieklc one
year imprisonmont, at labor Valentine
:Foll tit months iniprionnKiit, at labor-
.John Lemon six tuonuis unpitsonuicai, ai
Wo have more than once given our
.opinion of tho court's jurisdistion under
the aot of Congtess, iu these oaios, and of
the , men who bavo given evidonco sgaina' -
tho citizens of iho county, and wo need not
repeat that. A day will yet when
.tho bittor cup will bo presented to tho lips
$f those who uow bold it to others, and
, . a iii !. , ,, nf
wIlEU they tOO shall UrinU to tlie Uh 01
sorrow and misery awl they io justly.
,, , ,, . .
1.MP0U tank Ouii;i!. I bo following im-
portaut order has been iu relation to
those who liaid Commutation iu 1801. As
uu 1 , . lit
will bo seen, the uapreion uutlcr wliicti a
great many arc laboring, ihat they aro not
liable to draft under the present cull, ia
... I f 11 1 . . I. .. ..-,1 .
erroneous. J-HO lOllOWlUH Id mu otuu
''Office or A. A. Puo. Mau. Gen.,
Weatorn Division of Peiinsylvau a, V
Harriaburg, Pa., Jan. HG, 1800, )
''-Circular No. 7. Quet-tions having
been mado to this offico, with reforoneo to
.1 . i-.L-.i!... -f .elm nnlil nnm in 11 tnlioil
1110 liaumivo, ...n. - '- -
Under tbo drafts OI Inol,tll0 attention .Ol
1 ... v. .,olj ia n-illerl lo till!
District PrOVOat Marshals IS CUlim W IHU
5lh section of tllO Ameudators I'llirnllnient
Act' of .February a-lth, 1801, from wliicn
i clinnlil l,n nnrlHrstOOd t llll l ie names m
It 8UOUIU UO UUUOrMuoii iiiiti J
all men dniftal after the latltr dale, nuU
exempted upon payment of commutation,
should be ironic' 10 the wkttl for tho
draft under the call ol' I) cembcr 10,1804.
By order of
Major R I. DODGE
A. A, Provost Marshal General
WM Siiutlui, Cdipt. and A, A. G',"
) I K&- Tbo followine
, . - II V
I tiutnerical strom-th of tlm rnflrtla urn a ... .1-
,n luo o'lfedcralo Congress on tho Uth
Mi- v . , .
, r ,1,oster of Alabama, said that ha
".tt" n calculation that tlioro wurn
enough In tho Confedoraoy between
11,0 nfics f eighteen aud forty-fivo years
t0 protect this Government ngaiuBt any
enemy forty years to come. There wore
sero.n hundred thousand ptrsons in tho
"Dfo"y botwcin 'lecn and forty
vu -0"3 of n80'
rrtM A r - . 1 .
vice. AlW iintnnifi..
f aso, bo was asking if ho had stated ;
hc facts exactly as thoy had occured.
-ie3,sir, replied tlio applioaut. "Ihavo
,0'11 'nu 1,10 pin'" truth ; you can put tho
to il 3mmU.
Suhstitute roTiJuTrUR.Marry tho
niet girl you know. You will the ihavo !
lier to Prosi(l nt 'our hrcakfast tablo.atid, !
,In,0,a J0U nrc a sa1 'JoS indeed, you will i
"ot rCfuiro Mxy but her- 1
The. folluwiiig pajmenls have been made
to the ('iti,iiu Dcmnnut office, during
the mouth of January, lfeGo:
I. C Mover Co,
(leorgo F Kindt
S.'4 M Sun'I f'r'asy, Esq S .10
'J.' Ki Her 4 00
I no Ch.i's II llese, Es-i '! (in
f. (ill Mephen Wolf m no
I,, , l lb I'hliu 'J 00 I K Sui rn lihcer I -J.I
(1 W Iiri -ebarh tTqid i,u llt.dolph Sliuuiaii, 2 ,0
liacln-r M Evans -Mil Jati.b Sliusars, -I (10
John Henry I I'll I i-uy llnrtzel, 2 .In
Wm I! Harris 'J oil I'Ii.k .-'houriii, 11 1)0
Job. i II Miller. '-' nu ll.-i i.Hiuiii Miller, 3 50 I
VT",1'.1 !'''"','
Jiiim (J J.'n ob
uliiich ? W l'. -a Jo.r.'.nlnrt. li no
3 10 -. ,, j. I',, ni It i rt
S 00 lion. U in. Merrifn-1.1. 2 UO
Jo.eidi lless ivarnien I "I li -v. D r 'I'ubiin to
II J.iliiisnn. (l-i Ei. of John Sn
Single), 11(10
J.ihtiTSh uian
4 00 Li nf Win I'l-itt
a uu
a 4u I
1 M
3 no I
ii so I
:i no
a (ni
2 oil I
i on '
S iK !
i; un
a -iu
Hon It I, Wright
i"n W.avur
Fli Joiu-s
lion (.'eorge.tJcott,
4 bO John .Miller (Unll ),
2 UO Mailnni fitlnerl
4 UO J uenh Shiptii'iu Erq
iitV Isaac I'll P.
'1 00 P K llerli'-Hi. Ei-q
i,i i n as)
.Mrs. 1:. a. imdsnn, :11m e ra ti.iwer.
John II Corn, li on, I uu Leonard tuains,
Eslaii' nf Jacob ltss 'J Si II -uiv l ink,
? iniiiel Sn) 111 r. H- 4 00 Ceo. I'ftii-rninn, W Mill e 'i UU lino., iilioues
Jfj";';, i "
j""1 (j'l.uj,';,.
J 7.i c.-int (; i; iiioekwav .1 on
o 00 Hi. ,,f Jaroh IlarUw-l 11 bU
I J Sw is
ones - 00 : u tl winter-teen, -
clur. M. I), 4 mi i.harl- s Ash, - 00
A KSnuth
' Kri-Hiin-r. Esq.
4 uu i.-uias. liaxer.
4 22 I J II eteik'-r, '-' 00
1, in! jnlin iioii'nian, E i- 2 no
2 .in William Uu hart, - 00
2. 00 JerL-inlnh Ocss S '!
I 0 ls.,ac K D'ldnie. a 04
1 CO lieu. II. K"lrhuei 2 .10
2 0.1 I'.-, of Piter lioiiiiie, 17.1
I .'.il C pi Isaac Leids, 5 "0
5 II 1 (ii-o. I. Joliu-o -, I So
li 2.1 Daniel Mi iilIh a (10
1 uo Ist.iln r M lllaker S 00
a 00 Jos. l.illey, Esq., ' "0
2 5(1 U 111 II llruder 2 no
I .in W U irt & Co. I t
1 -.'.i William Ikeler. 15 20
i un John IUli r, (.I1f.1l in) 5 60
2 5 Iliram Uliue, l 2.1
5 U. Iluehlor llull'O 3 bO
es. ut mhhi k axu
"'lr' Hiddle
liithard l'rmt. l'. 1
.' Mcllnde, Eq
n a w.nson. i;-q
John loltn. l.s-t
II Clay Millir
An I. Slniuian E-.q
i.ieut w 11 t"t
Th ' t' Swepe
Jnlin HimlerliU'r,
l.a.-u- iller
iia-diali Six auk
1 John II Heller,
Cf Vcr) liberal p.i) incuts have been (liaile 1'iriiig
the last month, for huh our food irieuds l,Ao our
hearty thanks. A toiiiiiiuanc-! of the s.nna proniptt-
md,! moluiled. Wu i!e d upon tin: justice ii" our
customers for thecoutinuauto ..fa "Free Pres. '
2 .VI
I 00
1 21
111 - 50
EliliS - - - lb'
lllilED APPLES, 2 50
IIACiiN, - 2u
II AY by Hie inn. '.'I po
CHICKENS, per pair. 50
1 no
.l1"u,"i'rjJ;'; " j,"
, 1
Tho undersigned (leprous of moving
Wei-', Hirers to sell at priv.ile.aale, Farm situate
( n,,.,,,,,,, lonuslnp, Colombia county, Pa .containing
OXK Ill'MMt MB &, FOliTY '1 HHEE Acres,
-jbont one hundred acres of ninth is ileared Land,
the baliiuco good Timber Lund, whereon is erected a
lv,th an excellent well of water and pump nt tho I'nnr.
and iho nover fulling Springs on Hie prtmiees. Al.o.
3,U50 feet, and ail other neces.ary oni-buiiiiire.
rZX7 KVrim''.he'
1 . . i . . i... I I .. hili .lnl i.f piilhl li
utt-munra i,i-iii'ii" -
lion. 1
1LS The above propi riy lay s wilhiu two miles of
New Coluiiibiis nnd Caiuur.i
For further lurliculars and conditions apply tn
Denton. Ta,, Fob. 4, Uii5. I
t 1 IT'l'I.Il OF EVEItYTIHNO rilnting tn thn hn-
A niau.syvtein. ...aloiiud lu.nalo ; the nud
trcniniut ol di.easesi Iho siamajo cu.toms ofthe
world: liow to nurry well nud a thousand things never
"'1,,, bl.f,ir'rnd tho revised and -.nlarge.l edi-
uonof " Comuiun Sein-. ," a curious book for
sent routoauynuurcss. none, may uo n.n
,,ok Stores, or w 111 bo sent by m ill, post paid on
,, i ,i,c pneu. uu. e ii fuofe. m. p.,
at tho
on ro
ceipt ol Hie pricu.
1130 llruadvuiy, New York.
I 'ibrmtry I. ISM -Oni.
Al'AMPIII.l.T uirecung now i" spcci'nv
,,..1,,.,. .i-bt .md eivu up sicrl-iiliis,r
.. 01, r,n, ma .if dm inr or 1111 illiiuu Sent by C-v
,,! fro no r-e not uf 10 ents Addres),
E II FOD1T H . H-t llioadwuy N, V .
I'cb I 15C5 to
Si W
Tlio laws ihat rcguhtB health, ar oflniporlanco to nil.
. Bryan's Life Pills?
Tim oreatest Jir.nwi.Ni: or the age.
A mro aiitlJote for tlcknou, and n rcfugo from
Sorrow, Fain and Disease.
They aro admitted to bo tho
iCSt Family Medicine
(or general use. Purifying tho fllnod mid eloainlng
the system from all impurity, they mu
and mild In their operation,
Read What Tfittj U'ill Dp:
Ccntlo and effectual purgatiro.
' Blloiit derangement remoyed.
Cleaner of the tllnod aud lyiteni.
Debility ond l.on of pun-er dlspellod'.
, Encrg) auppjled to tho Jluielet k Nerrei.
Female Irrctmariliea roniovod.
Gloomy anllclpationi hanlihnd.
II cadache enUrriy curod.
Irritation of tho Stomach removed.
J aiiudlce and Liver Complaint, cured.
Kidney diseases relieved,
Jvoi.ii of appetite aud sick stomach removed.
lelancholy aud Ennui dispelled.
curalgia and Nervousness cured.
Opium and other stimulants avoided.
Plmjles and Eruptions removed.
Q.uinsy and Sore throat healod.
JRhrumatism soon alteviatnil,
Sleip produced Sweet and Sound,
( oothachoand inflamed gums relieved
Urinary diseases bcnellUed
Vitality pro.Jucef in the nervous,
w onus i.tvariably cipclled.
J-actly the Mcdiclno wanted fur
oun; nnd old ten use them.
Maximus, Cupitalis.
jBryan's Life Pills,
'have been used by thousands with success,
Hundreds of Certificate can be Shown
They regulate the Sininath, Liver and lliliarv Secre
tions w hi tn is the i hiel cause of nirv ou-ness'. Cnlilt
less, Dunnes, of Sight, Headache, c-tck Stomach and
other Kindred complaints.
Thoi-c of a nervous temperament uhnc stLktiess
add-, a keener anqiii." to the ills orlife, beeoiui! bles-m-,1
.Milt a new existeiitc una their teats of an 'push
are thuuged tn smili a ufjoy. by using them.
lu-inspilcd with brilliant UioucUj.
' with new Ideas, and words of firo.
uiih jinlnmitahlc cournc'1.
Willi bright conceptions c-f t lie .future.
with business tact and power
with unfailing energy.
Willi skill that cnir auccs.
with a swcct.molodious voiie.
with rapturous emotions.
become js 1 1 1 t tr 1" 1 1 cud
Til E DESPAIRING, happy.
Life Pills
an a
Are adapted for all Ages & Coi.stilutions,
Thryare cnmp'i.ed of the active principles of Herbs
mid Coots culled from our fii Ids and forests. They
aie mild but certain In '.heir operation - producing
neither cramps, griping pains or sickness. They
may be lalteu by all ages, sen s or condition without
To curu disease we mutt go I'uilher than simply pur
go the bowels ; we must uiu such rein-uois as act in
harmony Willi the Inns of nature, in the gent lest mm
tier. A enlhattir tne.ely prepares the way lor other
mentis buns iiiilii.peu-.Uile iu very man) cases to
evacuate Ihu bowels uf accumulated ac j ,1 mailer. A
disordered system ionics on by slow degrees, nud Ihu
niliou of medicine mu et be iu liko manner. Disease,
though local iu its character, alfeils more or lebs Iho
whole system ; nud it is necec-sury to ael in a similar
uiaiinu- on tho sy tem by Idnml-healing und purif)ing
remedies llrst. locally on Ihu sioin.uli und l,nucU.
anil iiieu on ma wuoio system
d all going through Hie biuii
em Thu inediilne, In.tead
Hi should partially remain
cted. so us In
iu U until u change is ajlecled. o us lo accomplish
Ihe woik , thereloi.-, n stinplc calhartir lull
is not what Ihe svslem wholly requires. A iiiednine
i. that will not only oper.uo on tun bow
els, but have an o-peeial uitiuu on the gerrilioiis uf
Hie Liver, Slomaih. Neries, iidno)s and Aliineiitary
Canal auci.llually un the lllnoj. Such, then, is the i p
er.ilion of liryau's Lifu Pills consaque inly, ihey arc
invaluable lu nil cases of llyspep.ia, liad-ihu und
Neriuiisiu ss," Jtiid will expel nil huiuorj fiuui the
nlood. They act on ull parts of ijie sysleip, and in
llueiice a ihange in iIiom- organs that are deranged,
and tan be .ones. fully used iu any disease thai af
fects tlieihuniau l ame. They have heiilthftl r'pd life
giving prop. rties. uliuli. btungtaketi up'b) iho many
iiiuiiile enters the blnud and us.i ts naturu to
pejloun ho function, (f nitention is paid to llio ill
geslivo organs uniUegulur evarualious of the body,
much ilisea.o may lie prevented ; and these pills nie
designed to ell'ect thai end, n Ihey iiotnniy act on thu
Hillary Secretions by pinna ting digestion, bul carry
oil. through the bowels aud Kldncjs, ail irritating Im
mors. Nalurs expounds her laws, uud Ihe pr.itlice
that falls in harniuny with Ihem is most suciessful.
N'o mediiiiiu sliuiild be taken that weakens Ihe svs
leni, and prevents tho proper p rforinuneo of Uu- func
tions ul the body ; Ihe vast machinery ol Ihe human
Inline luiisl bu l.ept in order, or some pan btoomes
influenced by undue oicitenierit ; tho whole system
mu. I. be nourished, or it dies j to. by under landing
fully tholuws upon w Inch liln ami Health depend, wo
can guide Ihe s).iem by Hie silent forces of nature and
lie. p all Iho functions in harmonious order. Such is
Ihu durlgu of Dryau's Life Pills ; for although it ini',1
lathailfc, Ihey never weaken the system, kill resloro
it to n iialurul equilibrium uud this great principle
lies at the foundation of , very disease. They u'tl uu
ull parts uflho ) stem, and iulluence u change iu UiCle
oreans are dertiuged. The utmost reliunijo 'may no
placed in these Pills ; they aro tin result pf deep
ought .only uud experience in the true aiqion of liu.
lure's remedies, directed to Uiu cause lial lies at thu
foil iidatiun ol diseusn. They have been tiled by Hum
sands with successful results, und they nro now placed
bcluru ihu people with tli u greatest toufidenco,
A Boz of Buvan's Life Pills will cost
They w ill uccouiiillrh faithfully nil that is represented
They aro elegantly put up by the proprietor, whu
was Ihe Iuvtiilor ol UllYAN'S I'UI.MO.VlU WAFEI1S
n mcillriiie lung uud favorably known to Ihe American
tf )on wish to buy llltYAN'3 LIFE PILLS nnd can
not get.thent of ) our druggist, slont take auy 'oilier.
bin ruud Twenty Five Cents In a letter to thn proprie
tor, nnd you w III gel them by return of mall, po.t
r iiul Address
Box 0(J7l- 7(1 Cedar Street, N. Y.
Fotn nv UntonidTi (.rnef-ally
IH'MAf, DAUNTS H CC, V WholciMe Arnti'
rpo OONStiMI'i iVKfJ.
1 (liiiiiuiiiptivu iiiflVrrrs uill reclvn a valuable
prescription tor tin nirii nf 'iiisiiimitlon Asthma.
Iroiiilnlli, anil nil 1 1, mat nud lull? Kireulous. (frcscf
charge.) by sending tli' lf nitilr--as Id
Kuv. i:ilv Mil) A WII.HOS,
Willi. ilmliurtjli. Kings ro ,
Bcpt 21, Ir?04,-3in Nuw York
"0 thn Nervous, pebilitnted and I)rs-
nnndent nf hotn sexes. A crcat su Xivr havlnir
been re.lnrrd to health In li few diiys. niter ninny
years of misery. Is llllug to nsalit Ills mireritig f I
low creatures Ii V semllne ifrou.l nil tho receint of ft
postpaid addressed envelope, a ropy nf tl formula of
euro employed. Direct M JUIIIsf M. I .UJNAI.I..
Hot le'J l'ost Ufllcc, llionklyii, N. Y.
Jan. H, teoi. T ly 111, '04
" " " "i3Vb"T?au!
Professor J. la Al.'sJ. Mi M UocuUar and Aoai
formerly of I.oilon, Holland, li nuw located atNn.Slu
I'lNE Street. 1'imhdki.piiia, Wliern " pranii nlllictod
wltliillseaseanf ll.o liyil and I1AU will In) sclenlill.
ally treated und cured, f curnhlc. QJ- Artificial
l.yes Inserted without pain.
N. I) iVochatge mndo for Examination. 'IlioMnl.
leal faculty is Invlleil, us he has no tccreti io Ills
inniio ot ireniment,
July 3. la'll.-l'iin
If you wish to marry, address tho uuilerslgncd.twlio
will send you u Itlmut money and without price, valu
able information that will eu.iblu you lo marry happy
and sneeilllv. Irre.uertlvn of aire, wrnlili nr he:intv..
Till, information will cotjo'i iinthliiL'. mid If von
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist yi Mi lotieri
strictly coulldeiitlul. 'ilm desired Icformation sent by
nlurii mnil.anil no questions asked, mldros
Surah 11. l.nmliert. (Irceupolnt, Kings co.. New Y
Oct. 1.1, ieijl.-:ini,
Uniformity nl Prices ! A New lVnturo in Ilusslneii
Every ono his own Halesiuanl JUNES U CO, of the
UresentOiivt'rlcu Clothing Store, No. SOI Marketstree
above Sixth, I'hlladclphla,
In nd.llllou lo having tho Inrsest, mn t varied and
fasliliiunblo stock of t'lothinir iu I'hilndelphla. made ex
pressly tor mail sales, have cnnstltuteil every ono I
his uwn snleinau, by having marked in Hcures. on eaoh
arucieni me vcryiowesi price it fun nc soro lur sutiiey
caliMot possibly vary all mint buy alike.
The joods are well sponged and prepared and great
pajnstaltcu Willi the making so that ullcauhuy with
til dull assurancu ol g ttiug n gnuil nrticlu at the very
lowest price. Also, .1 large stock afpieir goods on hand
nf the latest style and bust qualities, which will bu inailo
to order, in the most fashluunblu and best manner, '.'5
per cent, below credit prices.
lteniembcr tho Crescent, In Market above Sixth street
ii'J. sui, JUNES k CO.
I'Olt Tllp '
A mo.t valuable aud Wonderful publication, A w
oHUi) pages, nndttl colored engravinas. llll. IICN
TElt'S VAIIE MCCU.M. an nilginnl nnd popular tient
ii'i "11 Mfn ntid Woman their I'hj siotojy, rnurtlons,
ndSexu,il itiordcY of i-trry kind with never falling
r.cmedle) lor their spi edy .cure, Tho pactlceofllr
Hunter has long beea and ellll is, unbounded, but at
tin: eanut solieitatiou of numerous persons he lias
been Induced to extend his medical usefulness through
Iho medium of his -V IDE MEi'l'M ' It is u volume
Ihat should bulu tho hands of every lanilly in thn land
n a preventive of secret vices, or as 11 guiijo for tho
iniei union 01 one nl tliu nuvt t.wiiil
11 11 ii dtffctniLtlvn
fewurgcB ever illed iiianklud, One copy securely en-
velopedwill be forwurded ireu ofpoiuge to any part 1
ol tho ,Uuaod states for 3U cents in P O Mumps.
Address, post paid, Dr. Hunter. No. II Ui.jt.lon
Street, New York.
.May s!l, leiil.-y.
Two Valuable Farms.
The undersigned, desirous of moving
West. nirer to sell nt private .ale. his TWO FARMS,
silunto iu lieiituti towu.bip, Columbia county, la.
1,10 .arm oo which oe now resiucs, containing uooui
some veventy (teres ur wlurlt is cleared Land w Hereon
I. erected FltAME TWO r'TOUY DWLI.LI.N'd
HOUSE, COOK-HOUSE .ndjoiuing with well of water
nud Pump, and a never-failing Spring on the prem
ises, w ilh water conveyed to iho door in I 'adou-pipe,
and a running -.iroum by Hie door, Also,- A I'll VME
BWIS IIAt.N, ao x 00 feet, with Uuvanport uvei
shout atlath'-d with mows. Alt-o,
TWO tlQOtl A?SJ! flS'CllJll'dSj
of (1 rafted Fruit. w.Uh all the neceasary iuiprovo-
itietils iu a liigu rialo 01 cuiiiv.ttiou
' Another Farm and Plantation,
located about one qunrUrnf r. mile notth-casl of the
first iiani-d Fainii uuitaiuing
some thiriy-uliio actus of which is cleared and under
goudculiiv.ilio t
K7 For coiidiiiotis and further particulars, npp'y
I-Iciiinii, I'a., J.tuu-.ry '.'I,
'llE uiidersiplicd, offers to sell at Pri-
ft vale Sab.-, a good Tract of TI.MI1EU LAND, sit
Hale In lleuloii su lrttcarloaf towinhips, Columbia co
Pa., a Ijoioiug land, of Joshua llrlugi O'eo. Hudson and
Jese I'entugtoii, containing about
i'oiif lliiuilwd Acres,
.u niiMiiiu is ii 1 1, toit- linn, wen watereil Bun sus-
ceptiidu tifunsy euiti .aiioii.
The said tract 1 w ill be sold ciiltra or iu purls of
one liuoorou, or 111 nuy acre 101s, a. oi.iy uu nesireii.
O-" Ti' ujv witll liburul lime uu h.ut ofthe
i'or furrtljcr parlirulars cii'iuire of the Mitisrril" r itt
liis rt'sidencu in lltnrtt'ick tnviiihip, or by al) rcn ;tt
Hurk llonr THOMAS J. VAMiHitSLtCH,
Oil. Ini4.
HMTM . 1 - 1 1 - - i 1 t 1
iiil. uumirigocu uciug rrguiariy nconcn
& m m ir 0 m t?, is Di a
Iloreljy uU'ut h t-' rvitc as hucli tn nil who nmy fuel
iiijposf.l to yivo Ji i tn a cull. Ills long rxncrutiii; in
titi! willcnqtilc liiui to render lu
lllri fll8tlMlltr.
All porti)ii tltiring my acrvlcM, will plusse inform
11 It IU thill bufurc lllcy llilVLTlUo.
. lit AM DERR.
Po.t-offiroddress : Kohrshurg. Cdumbia county, Pa.
Juiksou township, Jan 7, Ieti5.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of John Sinoley, Deceased.
LETTEItS of ailiuiiil.t ration, on tho Estate of Jou-r
SiMii-LY , late of Heaver township, Columbia en.,
lUreai-ed. have been granted by the liegister of Col
umbia i oitoty to the tiudursigiied ; all persons having
claims agiiin-t he E.latc of lhc ileiedeut. uru reques
ted to presLiu them lo th" undersigned, residing in
said township, w nliout delay, and ull persons indeb
ted to make payment forthwith.
January 2-1, 166.5,-Oiv. S3 Adir.,is.
.Administrator's Kotice.
... ' .
I ETPEliS of udmiuiilralioii, 011 the (Mali of Jacuh
l. Ilnrtz. 11. Jr . 1,110 01 atituiu luwiisiiip, uoiuiiiiua
county, dec-eased, have boon grained by tin liegutcr
of Columbia county, to the iinderbigusd ; nil persons
hilling claims again.l Iho E.laluof tho decedent are
reqir"ted lo pit-sent them 10 the undersigned, resid
ing iu said town. I ip, without oeliy, und all persons
indebted lu uiaUu p i incut luithn ilh.
JOHN 11. HETLEIt. Adui'r.
January 2S, let'iS. -liw. .f.l
Adni5:iists,:t(,oi,,N IVoticu.
Estate oj Wiltinm Wtbb, Ueceused.
IiVI'TERS of, administration, with the
J Will in .id, on Ihu Hi-tatn of WILLI Ml
WEHII, lata ul i.eulro towu.liip, Columbii county
deceased, liavo been granted b) the Register of Col-
iniibiu county, to tho undersigned I all tier. ons hat ine
claiiiis Jngaiiisl tho 1. statu ot tiie lUcedeul urn reques
ted to presniii I hein to thu uiidersigued. residing iu
Scult tuwiisiiip, without delay, uud ull persons unbil
led tn mono payment lorthwith.
December 2l,uu I, tiw. 3 1 i'U
Adiiiiiailra tor's Notice.
Estate of William Piatt, Eeceusnl,
ETTEIIS nf niliiiiiil.trallnii nil the E.tntu of Wll.
j Ham Piatt, late of Pit-o township, Col. co., i.c'f ,
havobceii grauled by tho Kegi.ter of Columbia the
undersigned ; all persons having il.iiiu-against thu rs
t.ileuf the deteiliul iro roquested liipreseul themlo
the undersigned, residing in said township, without
delay, and nil pcrima Indebted to niiku payiuoiit
Pino tw'p , Jan. il lea, iiw $l ti,i. '
Eilat. of Georgu W. Hiltlo, Deocascd.
Ll'.'Fl'Ei 1 i'oslanieiitary on Ihu estate of Course W
llilllu, i 'f ol .Ml. I'leitsaut lowiisoip, l'oiuuibia i 'u,
deteased, hi c been grunted by thu Itegjetcr of Willi
kc, ,ioiiiu u lersigiiou yotji nsiuiiig in said lw
all per.otu h ving ilaiuis against .tho estate of tin,
decedent aru ri nested tu present Ihem to Ihu Lxeru
trix without delay, and ull nursou. iiuluhtui to uink
payment forllmith. .MARY II1TTLE,
511. I'luasnul twp., Nov. l'- IS114. Exrs,
(l.niniisti.iloi 'k rVotice.
Estate oj Peter Hotline, dee'd.
I ETTERSuf ndministratioii nu the Estate 01 Pclor
I illodine, lute 01 Catawissa Iw 11.. Columbia ro.. decM. I
bavo been granted by I lie Register ofColuiubiacn., In I
1110 iiioiersigiieu ; an persons uaving claims against tne
estate of Ihu decedent nre requested tn present I hem in
Iho Ailmliilsirntiir at his residence in s.iidmwu
hip wiilioiiidelsy, and all peisniis Indebted to make
pajmenl foilhwith,
JoltN V nODI.NE. Adm r.
Dcicmbcr il Ibtil bv 53 UO
Court Proclamation,
WHEREAS. lm Hot, William ELnttr., rresldent
Judge of the Court nf Oyer and Terminer and (len
rral Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Hessinnt nf Ihe
I'cace and Court of Cominon 1'lens and Oililiati'a Court,
iu thn Stllh Judicial District, cnmnnscil ol the connllcs
of Columbia, Mulllvnn and Wyoming, and the linn. Jahn
M'UcynoldsA: Stephen Mnldy.AssoclatoJudgcanfColuin.
bin cnunjy.linvo issued their precept. bearing date the "lb
day of Hept,, iu thn year of nut I.or"ofie thousand eight
hundred and sixty-four and to 1110 directed for holding a
Court nf Oyer and 'IVrmllier nnd (leneral Jnll delivery,
(lenernl (lunilcr Sessions of the lVacc, Coiumoii l'leas
and Orphan' Court, In llloomsburg, In Hie. county nf
Cidiimbia, on tho flrl Monday, (being the Cth day) of
1'ebruary next, to continue 0110 week. '
Notice Is hereby gUen.totho llornnor, Iho Justices
of the I'caVe'ninl Coustablea nf t ha' said county of Col.
iimhln that they ho then and there In their 'proper per
sons at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day witll their
records. Inquisitions and other remembrance tit do
those lliiugs which to their nllires nnnerlalu to bo done.
And those that are bound by lecognlzanco, to prosecute
I against llio prisoners thut nrt or may be in Ihu Jail uf
said enmity of Columbia to bo then and thcrd tn prose
! eutn them as shall be Just. Jurors aro rc'iucstud lo bo
punctual liilhcji nttl'iidifnce, agreeably tp their notices.
( ) Dated nt lilooiuiborg, lllo Ulst day of Dec.
I I.. 8. Un tho year efuurr.nM one thousand right
1 ( v ) hundred and sixty-four, ami iu the eighty-
tlglithyear of tho Independence of the united Etatos
of America, ( Uop sank niie Com iotwKAi;rti. )
HA.MtlEli S.VVDEll, Sherlir.
BberilTs Office, llloomsburg Jan. 7, let."..
List ofCauses for February Term ISC5.
1 Elijah McMuririe Endorser of Aaron Wolf vs Chris
tlnn Waif.
2 Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby.
3 Uiism I P stoktr. vs Win Ikcler.
4 David Achenbach vs Jehu Wurdiu,
5 Ueorgo l,oiigenbvrger(leorgu .Miller etal vs Jokhua
ltobblns U. William lloyles.
II J 110 Allignr nndf'urnh A All.-gar vs Jnn Y Allear.
7 Samuel Williums va Charles II. Uicterich aud tJcv.
A. Herring,
U Wilson Acer vs Joseph I' Long.
! Hugh McUeynolds ct nl vs I'elcr Ollplmnl
lu Amos W Creamer vs I'.uorli lluwell.
II Amos W Creumer s Enock Unwell.
IS John et nl vs S F lle.ully i t al
IH (leorgo W Ijarrlsnu vs Casper 1 Thomas.
i-i lucuaru .tiorguu vs ci.iniuei iiouglauu.
13 J0I111 liuiklo vs Henry T. Itiley et al
rn neury uilioor, vs Moore Crevelinc.
17 Eiiuj I, Adams vs, Samuel II Sejhcrt wit' Sel la,
to Peter M Trnugh and Joslah Thomas Uarn Isheo
18 John Kelll'er ndm'r of Joseph Cejrh rt, deceased
vs Mr ses Moycr.
Ill llebercn Vanilerslice vs Itkhnrd 11 Menaugh
110 (leorgo Carr, endorsee of J. in,'. Carr va Sylvester
J 1 ox ami Thomas Crevellng, Jr.
Jejse, Prolhnnoianj.
Grant! Jurois for frfc, Term, IbOS.
Ilor. Ilerwick-JeremlahSecshoItt,
iriar:rccKwiu. iiippetulcel, Julin II. Suilth, Samuel
lllooui Vastine llooa.
Denton Jusmi OI11.
C.itawissa Snlomoo llelwig,
t.'enlre lleury l. Knorr, Iliram
rishiiigcrcek Abrahau- Kline, Es-.
Ilemlock-Juhu llartmaii, Wll'iaui Fry, Jackson Leldy.
l.ojust Mli hael doner. Jonas t'uhringer. Isaac
Mu'des, Wm, Uerujnger.
Milllin-Charles tlruver.
.Mndlson-friderick Derr, Jacob Eyor.
Maine Jiirol, Hnir-tp.
Or., nun Willi. 1 in ltlli.
Scnit-llariuau Croviliiiir, II. D. Mellick
January 7, lciij. '
Traverse Jurors for Feb, Term, 1805.
Ilor. Ilerw ick J. P. Hibbet Frederick Nicely.
Jllooin S.iin,uel Mellick, Stephen Knorr, Joseph I.,
Shannon, '
Catawissa Joseph Ureisch, Jacob Gensil, Uauicl 1 1 c I
Centre Theo Mrll. Price. Ileorv (I. I'.irlmi.
I'l.hingcreek D.iiiielThonias, Silas Mcllciiry, Iteubcn
Franklin Vchael Mensch. Jesse Cleaver,
'lliinlpck Abrahaiu Van Horn.
Jackson Abraham Manning.
Locust, John Sii)der, Henry I'nhrinsi-r, Washington
Mt. Fle,iaut John Ituckel, John Mordan,
, ,Mllieiiry C, ,-,s. l,cwis Eckrotll.
Orange A. I . Hi ul lo man
Pine Thomas McUrlduJohn W. Hunter. Luther A ,
liti.irlngrri.ek-Williant MioaJa.
x-cntt John I'.ut Win. 11. Creasy, Thomas Dollman,
Henry W Creasy.
Suearloaf Ceorge Dills.
January 7, lal',0.
I IVT'l'IUE is hereby given that the fol-
ll lowing persons have tiled in tho ellice of tho
I Clerk of the (litutler Sessions, applications to ItT-i-j.
Hotel, or sell l,!qiiur by the quart, with or without
other merchandize, at tho place named, and that tha
applaa ions will be presented lo the Court of (luartcr
j Ses-ious of Columbia county, uu Mutiduy, the uth day
j of February, ldbj, at 2 o'clock, P, JL,
j Iliram Smothers, Hotel, Berwick,
Julin Lcggot Greenwood,
i Charles P. Smith " Ceutrovillc
! lleriiard MeRrerty, Liquor Store in Con
j troville, Conyiigbum township.
lilooiiisburg, January 14, If 05.
. -vNrnrri 11 1 i .111
1 Vi 0 1 ICI'j is hereby given to all legatees,
. 1 creditors and other persons interested in the ei.
talcs of the retpeclive del eudetits and minors, thai
the following administration and Guuidiun accounts
have been filed in lit ollico of Iho Register of Colum
bia county, and will be presented for confirmation and
allowance in the Orphan.' Cuurt, to be held in lllooiu-.-burg,
iu'tho county nlnresaid, 011 Wednesday, tliu Mh
. of February, lei'5, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
1. Final nccotint of Peter Eut adru'r.
of Alem .Marr, laic of Scott towtuhip, deceased.
1 U. Account of Androw ( 'revoline; and
tuimici jien
orungu tuvvnuhiii, dea-aned.
ailiu'r uf Caleb Uarton, late of lllooui township, dee d.
I. Account of Jacob Longenbergcr, atl
mluistratur of John Itarig. late of Kouriugcreck '.own
snip, deceased.
5. First and final account of Oliver
Evans, niliu'r- of David Hampton, lute of Koarmgcreel:
lownstijp, ueceubuu.
ti. First and lioal account of William
(1. Harris, a.liu'r. do bonis nop with the will annexed
uf Andrew ilea's, luto of-Siyjurlouf twp., deceajcit.'
7. Accouut oi John Woll, adm'i. of
(ieorgu P. .Miller, lute of Centre tuwiu,Lp, dc.cor.ned.
ti. First and tiual account of Henry
lluse, utliu'r. of Ile.ury (J. .Koons, late of Hemlock tw p,
d. ceased.
U. Final ncccunt of William Lamon,
and Nathan Siller, adm'rs. of Samuel filler, lute ' I
Uriarireck tunuship, deceused.
10. Account of William Maslellcr, nnd
I Joseph Correll, I'.x'r.. of Jnlin Heller, lair of Madison
lowii.iup, uecoasL-u.
11. First and final account of Wilson
Waiiich, udm'r. of Samuel Wuiiith, late of Hemlock
lowiiship, detea.ed.
llloomsburg, January ti, lo05. IlECISI'Ell. ;
Sheriff's Sales. (
BY virliio of a writ of Fi la io me di-1
reeled, issued out ofthe Court of Common Pleas
o Cntiuuuia tuiiiity, will oo ovposeil tu sale at the
Court House, in llionmvburg, I
On Monday, thu Cth of February, 16(13, ,
nt 0 o'clock. P . M., the fulloning described real estau '
A Cettain Tract of and,
j Situate in Lucii.t tow u.hlp, Coluuibi.i cuuuty, adjoin
Iiigluiiilsof Jackson P. Cacklere.e on the south, on
th-i Ea.t, Jonathan lluchuiuu uud Ainu Fox, on tho
north. Peter Miller, sen , and Peter .Miller, Jr.. on thu
west, contiiniiig SL.VEN'1'Y TWO ACItES and Seven
Perches uud allowance, about Fifty Acres of whitli are
impruiud laud, there are uu thu premises u 1.00
HOCaE, uuu Story and a half high, u Frame Hank
Ham, ,-pnng House, uud Applu Oiiliard, with Ilia up
pilrtuiaucus. ALSO,
One other Tract of Land, situate in Locust town
ship, aforesaid, adjoining llio above described trait nu
llio Last, by land of Peter Miller, sell., nu the S tilth
und Witt, Peter .Miller, sen. uud Peter Miller, Jr.. on
the N'nrth, cotiuiuiug FIVE ACItES, nud one hundred
and twu perches, slnct measure, ull cleared laud. '
Another Trad situate iu Locust township, county
aforesaid, adjoining I. inns uf Wright Hughe, uml
others uu the Nntth, lauds firuierly belonging to Win.
.Millard on tlu l.u.t. laud of William II. Rhodes un (he
I South, Charles S. Cox, on the West, tontalnii'ir- U.NE
HUNDRED ACItES, more or less '
One other tract of unimproved land, situate ip Lo
in,n,.i,,i. 1 ,., ..e..r.....i.i n,n.ri;.i..,. in. ..1.
uf M las Johnson, Michael r-nydei, Susan Kline uud
I others, tonluliilng ELEVEN ACRES, and 0:10 hundred
1 ,,i i,,.i ...... i,..Z .1. ,,;..., '
aad Eight pxrihes, sine I measure.
Ila" aeued, taken In exueiitiou and In be sold as
the propcriv of Wtiglit Hughes
Sheriff's (Uuu 1, loom. burg. Jan ll.leCj.
A Lot and Dewlling Houso, with
(iardin. S.H'iIe, fruit Trees, Outbuild T4AIJJJ
ugs i-c . situate on I hud Street, below Mar- h&.'l-
i lie
kctaud near the Academy
first day uf April, IH j,
app!) lo the undersigned
I'osse.slou given upon Hie
For tii 1111 ami parlirulars,
ti c now 1 k
liiooniiuutc. lanuai)-' IJCa,
WisTAit's Balsam
WI L D CIl 13 RR 1T.
Cough, Voids, Wlwoping Cough, Urpn
chiiis, Difficulty of llicathing, Atlh
nut, Jlo'ineiMS, Sure Throat,
C oup and every a'ir.tim
c K a V .11 B T S iV .
Wlstor's Balsam of Wild Chony
Bo general his thaueuf this remedy become, and
so popular Is it cvur were, nut it is iinuecu-sary to
rcrnujit Ks virtues. Us wurt-s speak f-r it. nud fine
utterance In thrf nbumlulil nud voluntary testimony uf
IJ'ic ninny wWii, from long nin-tluk and seltled dls-
.ease ha Ve by Its iisii bi en rertore.l to pristine vigor
ami iieaiui v e can present a muss ol cvoicncu in
proof of our assertion., ihat
Thp Rev. Jacob Secljlcr.
Will known and much respected among the Herm-in
population lu this country, in ikej the foilonji); state
melit for tm benefit uftl,e nlHIcted.
IUn;..ii l'i Feb. IS, Ifa'J.
Htar Sir llavlii"; reatUVil lu my family important
beuellts frnm th-i us.i of your valuable preparation.
Wisilk's IIi.m,m or V ii.uC'iukhi-itiitTiirds Ine pleas
lire to recommend It to Iho public. Some eight wars
n;u one of in, daughters seemed to !. iu a iIim I i liu..-. n ,1
hopes of Ii' r reiovery wero t-('Uera(iied. I Iben pro
cured a , bolilu of Jour cxcelknffiaiiiaio.nnd biforc she
had tukiu Ih-i whnleorthe ruuU'nls of i;is bottle in my
inilU iiliml ease, inidu freUHiu u,,; f ,uur valdablb
medicine, and h ite always been bom-llled by It
From Jessie Smith, Ev , President of the
Mori u Cott ifij Uanli, Mur.i'stown
iVfti.' Jtrii-y
"Having liked Dr. Wlstar's Unlsnm of wild Chrr)
for about tifieii ears, ami lta lug realized bem licinl
re. suits in my tnuilly, itnirords me great pleasurs lu
rcoiiiinniling it to the pub leas a laliiablu remedy in
cases ofweak lungs, colds, coughs, &r , aud a rmeny
which i cnnriiier in ne eniireiv innocent, and may lie
taken with perfect safely by Ihe most delicate health,
From Hon. John E. Smith, a Cistin.
gunhfd Luwycn in Wmtmin
titer, Md.
I have on s veral occasions used Dr. Wistar's nalsaru
I of Wild Cherry for severe colds, and alwa, s with de
cided benefit. 1 know'of no preparation hat is mora
i efficacious or more deecrviitg of general use,
I The llulsion has also been used with excellent effect
by J. 11 Elliott, .Merchant, Hall's Cross lt.iads. Md.
I ll'htar's Edlium rj Wild Cherry.
None Rfiitiiinj uiilcck Hinuti
1 UyVT&," un tho
J P. DIVSMOI'.r.. No. 4UI Uri-ndway.'N'-w Yo k.
H. T.'. 1'Otl LE Co.. Prnpr i lnr. Ilo.ti.u,
And Sy all Drug uu.
Has fully established tha supe lorlt) of
Over a l other I' ;n!ing prepa aUona
II cures all kinds ofSo es, Cuts, Pf -la, lliirns. Roils
leers, Salt liheuui, E )siprla'. Sues Piles, Corns,
fVre lips Sore -)e, tc.. e., reu.iviiig lUepuiuut
ui.-e, and lledifliig tho uiest nngry I ooking Snellings
intlamation us if by magic. 25 cents a box.
ion vl k: HY
J I' l'l'-"MOI!E, No. 401 llroadway New York.
S iV l.ov I.E O.- N '. iH'I'reioi it-st. Uo.lon.
And by all Druggltts,
Ala) 7, 1SS4 1'Jiii,
W. foyer s Un.ilii'itlgfil Dictionary.
Thoroughly !en.-d and much Enlarged.
Over 3000 Fine Engravings.
10.1100 WORDS and M L AMNOS not lounJ iu other
Over t In rt v alibi American anj European scholars em
ploved opou this revislou, and thirty years of labor
expeudeiritpu.l il.
Among the collaborators nie Dr. Mahau. of tlerlin.
I'rot', s.or. Porter, Dniu, Whllney, lladly, Li ni.iu,
Ciliuaii, und Tl atclu r. ('apt. Craigbill. of'We.t
J'uiut .Military A. a.l"iii), Judg - J. C Pirltins, Pro-fes-rrMlle.,
A ,L. lloly. I sq . Aie , Jj-r.
Smeral table, of great value. one of Ihciu of tlliv quarlo
page., l-'aplaualory an i Proi-oitniine, of iiiuut-s in
liition uf persons ond piati s, fiseu.louyms. ,t.c , ..t .
us Abaddon, Aeadia, Al(.auy Regency, Mother t'ary
.Mason and luxoo's Hoe, Mr, Micawhcr. cVc.
Coiitaioing one lillh or oue-fourlh mor: luatier ihan
any Inrmer eiiitiuiu.
From iriv eleclrotypu plates nnd the Ri.eraide Press
and lliiiderv, '
ai. i rnr. i. Ut:v Tin. jsusiv
ii kt H'uisrr.n.
PubHihed by (1. 4: (,'. MIlltltLi.M, Sprmgrtild, Mass.
' S i u sy n l i..i:s
Jxauary 7 l?i;5-lm.
Tli ipo iliiLulred Dullai s
BSK2':.T!E05. -
IiE board of School Director
it Centre township, III thu Cnunty uf
Culumhia, Pa., utter '
1 I reiiuum of ''Arte lltttvtrcl
Payable In Twp, Jlonds lu any aud oi.-ry
citizen of said township, who will put a
Substitute into the .i-riice for three J.-ars.
until the tiuota of said 'l'ownship, .hull
have Ix'eu tilled, under tu pre.iin call of
:ioo,ihiii muii,
John hill
Acieel IJlrttlvTi .
Ja.iit'iry is.
charleTnTsa vagjj,
fATE ol Hie peitjijivlvglila House, has purchnssd
j tha abpie i.'ull Itnown 'Pitieru Statin, lat.-ly oi.-up.
led ry (leorgo ti'. Freeze, situate on .Merkit A: Ferry
streets, in II tnvillo, I'a.', and has re-furnished uud re
opened it for lllo mi oniu lalioll ol the public.
' The House is large and coiiiiuo.lioiis. and has aliiiu.
ilutit Mnliliiig. ,lt,u pleasantly loe-Ued 111 Hie central
nud business part "fill" llureugh.
Tn all wp.11 ma) f.tvo- him Willi their pntruuage, he
promises his iitmost ejinils lo promoio their comfnrt,
uud assures th -m that nothing .hall ba wanting 011 his
pari I" 1111I.0 Ins lluusu thu Tmveli-r's Home.
N. II. Suiilli's Oinnibiis runs from the nhove men
Imiu ii House, 10 uud liom both Rail Load depots at
over)' arrivul of thu Trains. Iki. Ill, le'iil,
Lndieh' Furs.
Purchaser nay rely upon getting Ihu host for. al
'It A It l.l S O.UU'Ultl) Si. SONS, Coutiusiitil llotil
I'lllludllplilii. ,
Ladies' and Children's Hats.
Latest styles at CHARLES OAKFORIJ li SONS.
Cnutiuenlnt lintel, Philadelphia.
Gentlemen's Hats.
All Ihe latest stiles at CHARLES OAUFOKI) &
SONS, Coiilinenlal lintel rinlaiTelpliia.
.Ladies' Furs.
'I'lie largest a.soit ueiil at 1 IIAKI.ES UAIU'oRUA.'C I Ilnunlnl II..I..I l-t.l I...l,.l,.l,i.
Ladies' and Children's Hats.
l,.ue,i lyie. ni I l tll.ES uAUrOUU St. SUN
Coniiitclal lI'Mtl, I'lulad- Iphia.
m mTt abb mzmi
011 Com17.,licP of.Clariou, River.
Offi-eo, No, 4:13 U'dhut- St,, Phil.t.
8E1.OND fi.oiM:.
Capital Stock, etifh 'dul,6o'. Bo.ppb
Starci in ta:h. Par Vulue, $10.
il Ii. IjAMBBRTO'V, Preeldent.
J. SIMPSON APlflUA, Scc'ry .VTieSi.
The De Wll and .Mill Creel Oil.l'(;nionis were Br
gauiiod lu the niiuilh of l'b r. A' U , I Ul.' '
The properly of these Coiupiiles I. sit'ulj uu ilm
Clarion Hlver, in Mill I rn.-k township, ('Is 'or! Co.
I'Mins) Ivunln. jinl Is known n. Ihti Workm-iii I.uudB.
It p nslsts of two liutidrfld aud twentv-Qvo acrn4 .J'l
fee tl.nple, lu each Cuiu,uiiy. vrith a IroutJg-i on i.u
Claff jii ijlver, to each, -I three fourth of one milt
I hi: Clarion lllver nas long hesn laniou. rr its (ill
springs ami dipisits, It runs parallel ulh Hi llppr
Alleglunr Itlver , and b -III cross Ilia western lluiltt of
lli samu cut, I .iiul Iho same strimrat!Ui , .
Thn Clsrion III r el Is a liro i.ktlgablo slrraru Tor
fl.tlni.-ili ami rails, capable nf c.irriilj on eaillt.lioul
ono ihoii.uiiil barrels orlnl In market,
Ct irinn Coint) udjoins Vet.aiigo County, and the Al.
Itghent It i ve r mnkei ii gfrent sneep around both couu.
Hi s, leatlng them in tin- .haps uf n penin.ul i.
A glance at lllo uini will mow. Unit a Una drawn
fiom lilt ujipu r lie ml nf III.! Allrgheuy Itlv.-r In llu
vlcliillv f Oil creek, to the lower b I of It, ln.m
tha mouth ofthe Llailon, will bis.ici tti i Oil rjgi ,tis of
Hie I'lrrloii Iliver. Ilnnn;' th i presrni .ea.on eipirl
euced tlil men aud geologists liav uiaut a thorough
exploration of this river nud have largo iiivesliumts,
i-ilrenily, the whole l,ir fro.ii iin nilii tn slmo.t
Its siiureu, h i. Ii 'en lea.ed and uurrhus. u by Oil on n,
1,11. 1 wills ale mink tilin g lis winds length with
greut rupiditv and w jlh llatturiug prospi-its of s-ieeess
AliVrj"andoppliJitebl-Do' tMu j,nu Mill Crje ((it
Ci'inp-in'oA, .oioe tun other C'o-i psiio-s iiri boring witn
eiigiuee, one or whUh struck Ilia Ilm v. In of OH at
sixty, and another liuui- iliate.y inlj-iiulu.' struck
It nt fifty eight leet ill tlw roik. ,
Twnity )iars ago. on tbo nvr In-lnw thest Com
pau)' tlje nioulli of D.-i I'r ik .Mi l
wlivn boring for s't, sirnck one if th ) largest il-iwln
Oil wells known In the uli country
This well has luiigpcun fauinus an ha. Ii'eo v r
since, and Is now, gu-hing out a unii.t.tnt .1 -ciui uf
Oil and wuti-r. It is aW being pup i0, oil pur
),osus Further bilnw, a Al mi Hock, Oil has been uMilne.l
but the well has not et b- en tested with nu eiigiiw,
.Messrs. Shurb .t. r.inipar.y of me Sllgu Iron
Wo; i t, set miles belim these Compaiii .s, during
Ihu past tall, struck n (Liwiug w.ll. 11 it un bili.g
(rest flwurss fi Xminl lu, ha bluir.. and
atnii. tne river In lint iRIuit), Imiu wiiiih j;im i.
inline J, and Oil u..-. in jr globules, whicirlmr t
on reaching the surfaceof tiie w ater ami cov-rr It wllu
Oil. i his is luusideieU iu -.i.-pnt.,ble proof of Oil
terrltmy. '
Abuuilanca of limber nod coal Is fi'u.iJ uu the laud
for engine aad other purposes 1 . .
One will will be put Juwii l.nmedi.iuly' oil eae'i
properly- A copipcteut nnd eiiirgttio .'irterluteiiJifiit
is now on Hie grouliJ, .'IperhiUiiuiiij I It j opwl.ttiuui
I jf both Cniopum
Jliw .lock ot the aej. lining l.oio miles liav. alrea-i
adviine'.d, by re.t.un uf tin eurly alrt.n y at.
A limited number, of Shares In each Company, for
the use uf the landholder, will bo sold at i yor
January 'Ji. lsi'.J.-'.'m,
Ptns to Suit the land, and I' ices to iii
the Pad,tt.
Tho bot Gold Pens in the WorlJt !
On lbs receipt ofthe fo,ll,onlig sums, wu will seiifl ,
bi mail, or as directed, a OnlJ 1'tn or I'.i.i, seleitlii
Ihe vauij according to the descipliov, iimnrly :
Gold Pens, in Sdvor 1'lnted Extension
Cases, with Pencils.
Fur 81 No. a pen : for SI '.'3, N? 3 n-u . or 1 30 No.
4 pen : for 8J No. 5 peli fi,'r,iJ55 Vu. pen
These pens are stamped Till! IMPERIAL PEN. and
i are well (luislied and line w ruing Co d Pens.wilh guo
aridum puints. although th y aro unwarranted, and
, catiriol be exihatiied.
Our name (American Cold Pen Co.. .N. Y.,) Is stamp.
ud un all oor first quality Pen., and Hit point, uru
I warrnnted tor six iiioiuhi, except ugnln.t aici lint
Our second quality Pens, lire stamped TIIL N.tTluN
1 AN 1 EN. with the initial, of our Inn (A, . 1'. lo,)
, and are cart fully made, having thu enme puiuts as our
flrsl quulity Pens. tho t.'jl)1 giuilt L'nreroiicc being iu
quullly uf the Cold.
Gold Pens, ht and 2d quality in Solid
Silver Extension Cjsc-, with PruoiU.
For $'J 00 n No. I pen lit qu.aHy or a N" n. pen id qusl
.ur wo n no. pio jsi qyuui),.ur a,ii pej,uai
For tsl 5 a No a pvn 1st quality, , ,, , 4 j,,.,i';M .-i,u.
Fur 8-1 50 a No 4 pill lit qunlny, ur a .d qin.l,
Fur SI 50 u NoJ pen lit quullly or a rtue pen 'Jd
fur 50 a Nu. 0 ptli l.l quality.
Thu eatiuu Gold L'uus.iD Solid Silvur Uo'.J
Platcd Ebony Desk Holders aud
Morocco Ca-t-s.
For ti iS a No 3 pen I.t qua'ity, ur a ,V 1 4 pan SJ qual
tor 111 ill 11 No 4 pen 1st quality, 1 a Nu5 p. 11 Jd .ml.
' Fur 3i 'Ju a Nu 5 pen I.t quality, ur a Noo pen Va ual.
Fur si UO a Nob pen I.t quvlit. Fir 9", 50 n No i.
pen, For 50 75 N e neii, For BU uu a ,Mi. li
pin ; all tir. I qu-ililv.
Our Pens rank throughout ihu eoiuilry' as ciunl If
not superior loan) gold pens ii.auuiaili..-ej. Vji unl
lor their urllinj quulm slei. durability unJ vlagant
tiiii.h 1 he greatest tare is o.ud jo thetr m'auul.ictdia,
und uiiiiu uu soil with tha .'igtne.t luipeifsitiou
w hich skill can deltfit.
Pai lies 111 ordering mud iper.'fy tio 'uSiuv. nilu.bir
nnd quality 111 all instances and wk.tbsr stnT or lum
ber, cuur.e ur flue.
A discount of l-per cut w ill b-i all 0 J nr. siiuix
of $15, if sent to one address, at one nine , M twr tent
uu 5J5 j -.1) per cent un $(n.
All remillance. by iiihiI, Registered, nrj at our ri.'i.
To all w ho euilo.e "0 cents extra for registtring, we
guarantee thn sJfs deliver) of the g.uids. ' '
Circulars of all nor new st) les, with Engraving, of
f xacl .lies, and prices, sent upon receipt .,f stamp, If
desired, Pens repoinlnj for 50 cents, by Mail.
Stationers nud Jeweler-- aru requj.ted to eorrsspouj
with us as we tan oiler them great indocuiuciite,
AMKEICi:; Oill.D PEV erf.,
No. '.'00 llr.ialwa), ,V York.
January S3, ibijo. -'int.
Ac B.8.. T. A!.thoisy;4ii Cir.,
illuiiuraclurer nf riiotii'.ii.iic flf.t
lijnls, Hlrjlfsale A lictiiil.
Iu ndditioq to mr uniu busities" of fboteif ra hlc
Material., we are HeaJqiierlf rs lor the lullowiog, us
1 Sttrcosvopts and Slcriusivpic I ttics,
I Of these we have an tmmcti"e a.vottide-I, iurlu tin;
1 Wai Scenes, American ami Foreign Cttiu. and l. ul-
scnpi s. Croups, Stalin r) , I.C.,-Aie. A'so Revolvm-r
. Stereoscopes, for public -t private etiubiiuui tuir
, CtaMgue will be si nt tu any a lures, on reci ipt of
Photographic A.Ibuin,.
We were Hie first to intrh trice 11 :j tt. rilled
'Stales, an I w'e m intifada"" tioi'ieu.e vfu inii."as :lu
great variety, lanenig 111 price truin 50c nts o go
' eech, Our 'A!, HUMS have-Ill repqluliioi of bulnir .u-
perior mi t'l'aiU) and durability lu any others. Tlnty
I will bo' sent bv free, h'i ri-ci-ipt'ofpnci .
IfjCjIn Alliunn r.ojf tt tri;.f.j
Our Catalog!,.! n--w t-iubracus ov!i .rtis rvju.asj dif
firent sutotels'to which nJdilions lA'e continually
being made, uf I'utlrait. u; Eminem Am riiuus, &.C..
v it nboul
It'll Mnior O'etieral.,
550 H(4t--ll!el,
-.Ill -litiierul.,
','75 Colonels,
luu Limit' Colonels,
J.10 Other Officers,
75 Nut v Ollli'ers,
l.l'l Diii-ius
I iS A itl nr.,
(0 AKistv,
I-J5 Sl.ige,
ull.l'rumiueut Woiiuhi
r.ei rromiut roreigo rorir-iiis. .
j.oou ciiPiK- nu' works of ait,
including repmdurtions ot the most iclibiated Km -grav
lugs. Paiulings. St nua1., Xic. Catalogues sun' on
receipt ul stamp. All orair Mr.U io U. i'U t'11
I'roiu our C.iUlojiif will bi filli-tf ua tl;j reei
l.e.i. aud svi.i by null. I ).' . - ' .
PI ntograplurs ninlolh-i. nrdeiin; good (."
with ile.i,e rsiiil twepiy live par t ut of tin 1
with their order,
t:.-tt II. T ANTIIIiXY & C(
.V'lHufacturiri e J'.vo' n'ra-itis .ljrr .
5nl Uroadwar. Nnif " ,
C7The prices and qualityof u-ir eai
to suti.
The u'uderaigiit'd having' councoted him.
sell with oulii!,ihi;i! Aeiuiius in Waih.
ingtnn rtijd .Pl;llnO I'lliin j-, prupan-il to
attend to tho collct'ti'in of 15 .ok p iy Btun,.
ties, Pensions, an,l y other ctiuintbi
claims i.gnttist the Uovtri.nidiit. llu
liericnoo and conuecli ins in-ife
him to nttciid lo th"in with th'- l at pr.
iblo dulay. No eliuii.'1 s ininiu 'inlfis -be
claiiiis aro hboiiieil. Utlieo with K, II.
' Jjlttlo 1'. 11., tJUll Limi-ii Atlev, II o ui.s
bum Pa. 0 R. ItROOKW Y
1 tl.-irt..iat..iis 1) e III I .ill t '
1 lj00UlabUI", UiC. lo, lsut,