COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT.' Saturday Morning, Jnu. 20,1060. 1 VALUABLE IiECEiPTS. Wo intend publishing in this column, from week to wock,untiloxhauatcil,roccipt3 of great valuo, prepared for tho Demo chat by a gootlcman who Las the fullest confidence) in tlioir effioaoy gained in, tho mnjority of the receipts by ootual trial, Somo of tho rceoipt?, wo nro con fidont, will bo worth to tho reader, ten ' times tho pnoo of subscription to iho Democrat. Wasuino Fluid. Ono gill spirits ol turpentine,ono gallon ioftsoap, two quarts soft water, ono quarter lb sal soda : boil together firo minutes, By tho uscof which Ilimedy, rccommcdcd by some of the most nearly tho ontiro labor attending tho washing of clothes is difponsed with. It ,''ff"' Physicians, has attained t celcbri- it manufactured at an cipenso not exceed-. , . , ,i . ...... , 1 , . t y in most part of (lit country, tn curing ing that of ordinary soft soap, Tho in-.j - grcdionta can bo had at any storo or drug' shop, it oan lo mado in a few minutes,! SCROFULA OR KIAGS EVIL and its uso will not injure tho finest fabric. I M I, I li i . . ... iwuvuwtii wuuiu gruugo l lor tUlS RctofutousSorc Hose or Erysipelas, Scaled Hcatl receipt alono. . nln w Tetter or Sttt Wieum Onietor or Su di To Cure Warts Pare tho hard and dried skin from thtir tops, and then touch 1 them with tho smallest drop ol acetic acid, taking caro tho acid do not run off tho wart upon tho neighboring skin ; for, if it docs, if Will causo inflammation and much pain. If this praotico be continued onco or twice daily, with rcguUrity, paring tho surfaco of tho wart occasionally when It gets hard and dry, tho wart will soon bo effectually cured, To Keep a" Stove DuionT Mako a weak alum water, and mix your British lustre with it. Put two spoonful to a gill of alum water. Let the stovo bo cold;brush with tho mixture; then take a dry brush and lustre, and rub tho stove until it is -perfectly dry. Should part.bcforo pollish- ilig,bcoomo so dry as to look gray,moiston it with a wet brush, and proceed as before By two applications a ycar,it may be kept as bright' as a coach body. To Remove Ink SroTS from Linens. Ink spots can bo removed by saturating tnom with lemon-juico and rubbing on salt, and then putting them whoro the sun will shine on them- hotly for several uoura, as last as ir, urics, put on more lemon-juice and salt. When tho lemon cannot bo obtained, citric acid is a good substitute. Iron mould may bo removed in tho same way. Couch Syrup. Put 1 quart hoarhound for 1 quart water and boil it down to a pint) add 2 to 3 sticks liquorico and a table-spoonful of essence lemon. Tako a table.spoonful of tho Syrup thrto times a day, or as often as often as the cough may bo troublesome. Tho above reocipt has been sold for 8100. Several firms aro making much money by its manufacturo. Small Pox Certain Curo. Tako of powdered foxglove (digitalis) and sulphate of zino, one grain each. Rub together thoroughly in a mortar with fivo or six drops of water j this dono, add four or fivo ounces of water, and sweeten with loaf sugar, Dose: a table-spoonful for an adult,, and one or two toa-spoonfuls for a child, every two or three hours, until symptoms of diecaso vanish. . Pomiqation tor Sick Rooms Take of oasoarilla, reduced to a coarse powder, chamomile, flowers, aniseed, each equal parts, two ounces. Put some hot cinders in a shovel, sprinklo this gradually on it. nnd fumigate the charnbors of tho sick. It takes off all smell, and keeps off infec tion. Cure fob Dysentery. Tako new ohurncd butter,beforo it is washed or salt ed ; clarify over tho firo and rcmovo the milky particles ; add J braqdy to preserve it, and loaf sugar to sweeten ; let tho pa tient (if an 'adult,) tako two table-spoonfuls twice a day. The above is a sure euro, and it is sold nt a great profit, Dairy Secret Have ready two pans in boiling water, put-Iho new milk in one and cover tho other over it; This mil occasion a great.inoreasc in tho thickness and quality of tho cream. Bins of Poisonous Animals Indi go, 4 drachms; gum camphor, 8 drachms; alcohol, 8 ounces ; mixod and kept in close bottles. Apply to tho wound, and the ouro is soon completed. Bottb, Murrain &.'11'ot For young Cattlo and Horses. Mix occasionally 1 part of salt, 4 parts of wood ashes. It promotes appctito and health. Good against both murrain and rot! Inplamatoiiv Rheumatism. A suro devote all my timo al the ttudy and treat remedy. Take on ounco of pulverized ! "'-MUM ill nil1 it into a pint of sweet, jffectcd. and a sound Mt, Tosted, jHritli tho i with Itum. BBaHalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. HaaLaaaaaaaaaaaHL SCROFUIiAJ DR. K. W. WELLS' AMER1CKN COMPOUND For THE HIAMm. 'PHIS old established, thoroughly tried ed Neck, (so common with otir American Tcmatcs) cu rable Cnnceraand Cancerous Sorca, Dlalns or Boils, Chronic Ulcerated Sore, MBS. Noac, Mouth andTliroat, Fyplillia In all its forms, Sy pliltlllc or morccrrlal Sore moiitli, and throat, chronic ulceration of the Lungs, Stomach and Kidneys, Tim. pica, I'ostunea, and Blotches, lthciimatisni, Female Weakness. Lercorrhao, (arising from internal ulccra on) Dropsy, Cencnal Debility, Emaciation and all dis eases of the 9 In oases of Colrtivenbss or Constipation it NEVER FAILS- Its mild in its action. Just sufficient to regulate the towels and keep them regular. Its unlike all prcpa rations for tho Mood, having the laxative properties combined, As it contains Wild Cherry, Mandr.akc and Dandelion prepared in a scientific manner it works wonderfully in cas es oj chronic affections of the IiUWl jLiver lOWSLS, Chronic riLna, and permanently 'cured by the Altrr native and Laxative afl'ect ono great fsature in it, produces an APPETTIE. from thoinnimcneement-iii ehort it la a very fine Ton ic Its palatable nnd can bo taken by the most del icate Temale or Child. It being purely vegetable there will bo noharni done in taking it, If there if nobencfu derived. Prepared by Dr. E. W; Wells', Fiacticdl Physician W1LKES.UARUE, PA. OFFICE over L. 0. Pains Storo, Market Street. For Sale by ull Druggists throughout the Country, r.8. Every agent ia authoriied to refund the money where the compound falls to relieve. I'ull Directions accompany cuchboltle in English, French and Ccr men. N D. No Uartlictio medicine is re- quired. In-treating Fivo thousand casos I havo never known u case to require Physio, or have I ever Jrnown it to fail in thoroughly removing the diceases. As I raoDl 01 " Ui' 1 uukjuu- 1 am ed , jT0 nJvico t) b ' plying to my office or by lcttor, accom panied - by a Stamp ii. W. WEJ.Jjo, M. D. Vholcsalc. 41 Cortland Street New York. mld by v ll. ireaiy u uo. Lijbt Strcit-Mr, SIORE SI EN WANTED 1 REVOLUTION IN II1GU PRICES. LA II OH ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS. AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix t.imir sriiKKV, Columbia cou.rrr, pa, HAH Just received (mm I'ti ilatlcl pli In , nnd la now opening nt the old atnnd lately occupied by Marti 1 ft Ent, n splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE which w'll lie old cheap lor OASIl OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ilia stnckconslstsof Ladies llrcs a (Jouds choicest stylos and lates.t fashions (Jalicos, Slusliiis, Oinghanis, Flnuucls, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Juaus, Thread, Sco. Groceries, Qucunswaro, Ccdarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, HOOTS & SHOES, IIATS& GAPS.' In slion winy thing tisimliy kept in n country Horo. Tho patronage of old friends, and the pulillc general' ly, I respectfully soijclled. The highest market price paid for country produrc. PUTEP. ENT. Light Street, Nov. in, 1 8(1 1 . i A NEW STORE IN OR ANGEV I LLE. (heap G oils and (''real Bargains, fjPIIE Subscriber respectfully informs 8 his friends and the generous public, that he has Just opened a NEW STORE, In the ivrll'knoivn s'atnl of tho late Win. I'rit.. Esq., on Mnni Street, in Oraugoville, Columbia county, I'a., which has been wcll.fllled with all Muds of Choice New Goods, fresh from tho Eastern Markets, which he intends Killing as cheap as tho cheapest for ready pay and country ploiluce. His Stock consists in part of the following articles : wye. "'riP frrt' a:, Cloths, Caasimcrs, Sntlinetts, Silks. Caiubrieks, Do Lalries, Callicoes, .Muslins, Shan Is, Linens, Allpackas' Millinery and Dress Coods, kc. Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molluscs, Spices, Chocife, I'isli It ni sins. Salt,, Scgars, Snuff, anil mlivr articles in this line, usually kipt in Country Slures. ALSO : QUEENSWAHB & EARTHENWARE, Hats and Caps, Hoofs and Shoes, And all notions generally in trade. Grain, llutter, C:g. Meat, and country pro. duco taken in exchange for Roods. CORNELIUS DELLE3. Oraiigoville.Doc. 17, 1601.-ly. FRESH A It II IV A L Jail ani) lUinicr MEm mmmwmm -ron EVERYBODY THE undersigned, grateful for paft patronage, re.pcc fully informs hiscuctuiiicrs ami the pulilicKuuernlly that ho hasjun received from the Uasterne cities, the argestand inot select stock of Fall and Winter " That hai yel been opened ill ninomsburg, tn which he illvitru llio iitfnntlnlw.r ...... . , melius, iniu assures miimii that they arc ollered for sale at great bargains. His Stock comprises a large assortnu-nt of UKNTI.EMEN'S WEAni.VO ArPAREL. t;onsisting 01 PtsiiioNADin DefkhCoits, of every ilea crifitioiij Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravati Stocks, button II:mill.'firli Infj Clnt.n. lu.i.i.n.ln.. ... (loid Watcllns nnil .r'nwolrv Ofcvery description, fine and clicjp. N. H.llilnniiitinr t f a .n n ,...i rH.-.. l call and sec. No charge lor cxiiming Goods. Tiloomsburg, Nov. 10, 1301. (June IHS'J ) New Grocery Store. MORE FRESH tiOODS. (Formcrlij Ei annas' old Suind) on Main Street, Bloomsburg, THE undersigned has just received a good stock of FALL ANI) WINTER DM GOODS, of ull kinds, Men's Heavy mi'fAm hp boots tho best in the market j a Oood Assortment of Ladies and Childrina' Shoes of ull kinds, A Prosli Lot of Groceries, of all kinds, such as Molasses, I Toas, I Rico, I Fish, Sugars, I Coffee, Spices, ' Salt, Mats and Caps, Tobacco, Scgars, Candicp, Razons, Lard, itc., fcc, Aro. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Togeltii'r with a great wiriety of iiotionsaud ctcnto. ias.tuo numerous to men' ion. a Itutter, Eggs, Mo a and produec generally taken 1 1 euhaiigo fur goods, HENRY GIGER. Illooni.burg, Dec. 10, Ifcfll, NEW STORE & CHEAP GOODS. "QDU K SALES AM) SMALL PROFITS." rriIE undersigned, having laksn tho I Hloro lately occupied t,y JAmes K. Eyer, on Main Mreit. above Iron Slrcct, in Hlooiiuburg, and Mucked it Willi every taricty of llerpeitlully inrorma Ids friends and tho public gen erally, that ho will he happy to receive a sliaru of tho public patronage, nnd trusts that ho can render geuer al salibfaill in by selling Ihem Uih l.est quality of on fair terms and nt aallsfaciory prices. His stock 'iiiiiu, in pan, of DRY (iOODS, cuoci;uii:h, risii, UUEUNSWAIIE, WOOUKMVAlti:. IIOOTH.BIIOBS. HATrf, v.ra, nnd especially with a spleudjd variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, FJlW AltTlCLKS .ye . ft., whicli he ill sell as thcap as the iheapest, for cashor rutin iiiiy. trj-Coiinlrv nroduce. ocncralK' taken in for goojt, '.J)HEV -J'EKWJl.I.IGEU. tiloomsMirg, Jan. 7, Iboo-y, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMsama, pa. OMleu In Court Ally, formerly occupied by CJiuin It f ,fiii.nms,ir, UlooniiburE Dec. i, USi, Keep Youk Eye ON THIS PLACE. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. H AS enlarged and greatly Imp roved his Flore Room ami siocKeii u wiui n largo aim superior iocr or HAM, and WINTER 0001)8, which uillbcsnldas low as at any oilier cstnbi slinieni in t lie country. I Calicos at 10, 18, 20 and 25 cents. '.Mustinsy lihached and Grown al 25, 28, up to 48 cents, IM Edit (100DS of every shade.ipiallly and price; a full lino of Domestic floods, viz : Checks, r-'tilpcs, Tiiks, Minion nnd Cotton Table Diaper, Ringlinms,' Nankeens, fcc , A.c. A good supply of I. miles Shoes and (iallera P.CW StOCk Of HatS Olid t;nrtS. All H'OOl lllin'aill aitll C'O UitCO Cni'IlClS, n siilcndld nrtlclp lust oncned and for tain. u spumiiu nmrii. jusi openco nnu lor taic, a iresii supply or Groceries and Spices, a new lot or CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. MACK lilt A I, by the quarter, half and whole barrel Nob. 1 and 'J, medium and large. Also, a largo and splendid assortment of new designs, Also, a new lot of TRUNKS and. Oil Cloth Satchels, , llnvljig bought these goods before the late rise, I am prepared In sell low, cheap a the cheapest for lash or country produce. WE STUDY TO ri.EASC. 'r llloomsburg, Jan. 7. ldOJ. IF YOU WANT TO RUY GO TO Ct riisy's Store, in Light Sfrccl, Pa. Who Keeps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Keady-made Clothin g Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Pish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, spars, Hats,. Root", Caps, Shoos, Drugs, Oils, Paint?, ivc, &c. 1 ii addition lo our large slock of Dry (Inods, we liave a laigc and full assortment of Ready Mnilii Clothing loi .Men and Hoys wear which in are detennined to sell cheaper can bo bought elsewhere. Call nnd boo. and Judge for yourselves. II. W. CREASY fc CO. 1 Ight Street, October 23, IPO I. Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO n III. undersigned having buuglitont Ihe nrocery o . iiaviii i-iroun, lias reinovi il Ins his Mat and Can Store up lo Stroup's old stand rior assorluient of where in addition to a supe- FALL AND WINTER i Hals and Caps, - CONFECTIONA K IBS, CRACKERS, Molasses, ' Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Tobacco Suuff, Cigars, Spiecs, Dried Fruit, Ruttur, Coal Oil, Drug., I'arlor and Hand Lamps, Books, "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware and Cedarwarc, Packet Knives, Combs, iJ'C, tf-C, if-( logethcr Willi a variety of articles generally kept in a .f," ... Also A nne lot of UIDS, MOIJOi EO.S and I.iniios lo wliichho invites tho a, ention of Shoemakers and the llloonisburi. Dec. 5. IPfiD ii. untiu.ii. NEW ARRIVAL. At A. J. Evans' TLOIIIING mmwmi BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAUAP GOODS rilli undersigned respectfully informs his friends X and the public generally, that he has Jun received iiuni uiu j.aMurn cuies, a largo nsfrorunini of being the best assortment over offered in tills market. Also a complete assortment of Hoys Clothing. In fact cvurything in the Clothing Lino Tor those who prefer to lonvo their measures, a perfect fil guaranteed, and . nthiug but tho best workmanship nllnwcd at this es ta lishiucut. He idso kOeps on hand a largo assort mei ' of BOOTS AND SHOES. "ATO NJ). CAPS., together with a variety of no.ions. K7- AND 8I.U TOll VOUI1SELT. . A. J, EVANS, llloomsbu re. Ap ril. 2.1, ISO I. FllESIl ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods Miller's Store. ft II 11 subscriber has Just ritiirncd from llio Cities JL Willi another large and select assorimet of FALL AND WlN'JER GOODS. iiurchase.l at l'hiladc'lnhln. nt tl.n inive.t flirn.e. m.i iuI.ui, .1,.,.. ..... a. . i ... .I u.u iitiu. in....'., luiunuiiui iiiuuenivu terms as can ho procured clscwhcra in llloouibburi:. Ills slock comprises LA I) IKS' DHI.SS GOODS, ofchuicest styles nnd latest fashion. DHY noons, AM) nitOCKlllKS, lUltDH'AUK (lUKPJfsn'AUB, CKDAIt WARE, IIOLI.OH' WAHE lliO.V, .VAILS, HOOTS & SIIOKS HATS CAPS. &o , .)c, 4 In short I'verytliing usually kept in country Stores to whit h ho invito tlie public generally. The llighctlprico paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Blooinabiirg, Nov 19, If CI. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend uu.l customers, that lie has ourrln.snil his l.mii..o merest in Die ubnvo establishment, nud ttiu concern w lls licreafler bo conducted by himself exclusively, 110 uns lilt! received anil oilers Inr sale, l in ii nr. est ami most extnu.ivu assorlment of TANUyl rtTllVl-'.St ever Inl rndnr.,! I. .1.1 Wt 5" liis stock consists of n coiunteiu nssiiriiinn, t iu ... r, -'.., ii an'. '..l i. BIUVI'S III IIU IllUfftei, VUgl'lU- er with Stovo Tixturua of every description, Oven and llnx Stoves, Iladinlors, Cyliiidar Stoves, L'ust Iron Air- .Plllllt BlflVeS. ..l,,n,l ( ... .... u. ....... Tight stoves, L'auiiou Stovea. tc. &c. Stoveolno ami Tinwnro constantly on hand and luauufuctured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. The putrouugu or old friends and new customers rc pcitfully solicited. A. I, IlUPtUT, liiootiiaburcj, November 3d kCtfe if, Aim TO ALL INVALIDS. IRON IN THE BLOOD, It Is well known to the medical profession Hint IRON I Is tho Vital I'rlnrlMln or Life lllemcnt of the blood. TM. I. .Inrlt-n.l rlilnlt,' Crnti, llm Ci.n.l U n r( li.ll if llin food is not prepcrly dfgcstrd, nrlffroui niiycnuso what- over, tlin necessary quantity of Iron is not taken Into tin: circulation, or becomes reduced, Hie whole system sud'ers. The had Mnnd will irritate tho heart, will clog up the lungs, will obstruct tlin liver and will send its disease, producing elements lo all parts nfiliu sys tem, and ct cry ono will sutler In whatever organ mny bo predisposed to disease. 'Iho great valuo of 1K0X AS A MEDICINE ' I. u.ll lfnr.U'ti nlnl firl.-tllll 1"itrn.! I.v nil (iinillrnl tunn ' 'I'lio HUliculty hssbecn to obtain such a pr. .arnllon o , It as will enter the circulation and assimilate at once ... .. .,. .i.i.i, ,,.,,,. .m. n,. ii,., . l ,. with th lllnnd. This iminl, says Dr. Haves. Massach usetts Statu t'hcmisl, has been attained in tlin I'eruvi' an Syrup, by combination In a way before unknown, THE I'ttKlVlAIV B VII IT Is a Protected solution nf iho 1'iotnxido of hop n New Discovery in Medicine that Strikes at Hie Root nf Ilia easo by supplying tho bloud with its Vilal Principle or l.lfu Element Iron, THE PEAHCVl.V SYRUP Cures Dyspepjl.i, Elver Complaint, Dropsy I'evei and Ague, Loss of Eucr)gy, Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, vigor and new lifelntotlicsystciu.anil builds up an "Iron Constitution. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures (,'hionic ni.'irrl oa. Si roful.i, Roils, Scurvy, of Constitutional Vigor, THE IERUVIAN SYIIUP I.OSd Curis Nervous Airertinn', I'cnrilu Cnuiplaluls. ami all diseases nf thu Kidneys and llhulder. THE PE ll Ul 'IA N S 1 'II UP IsnspcrihY fnrall diseases originating in a bad Male of ,be blooil, or accompanied by Dcbililj or a Low Statu ol thu tysleiu. , Pamphlets containing cerlllicatis of cures and recmn ineiidiitlons fimu soi if Hie i n 1 1. 1 1 nijiieiit I'liVMiinn. l.'K rgyiuei,. and oiliers.Hill be sent I'reu In nn)nddroiH te suleit a lew of the names to show liiu ihar.nter of tlio U'&tiiuounl. JOHN E WILLIAMS, HSU . l'residont nl the Mi tiopoiitan Hank, New York. Rev. AUDI, STlA'ENS. Lalu Editor L'hrlslniti Advoenle ami Journal. Rev, I' (;iliRCII. Editor New York Chronicle Rev John Pii-rpnut, Leu is Jnliusnn. M II. Kcv Warren burton, Rev Arthur II Puller, Rev (.union Robbius, Rev Slvanusl.'obb, Rev. T. Sl.irr King. Rev I phraiui Nine, Jr., Rev Joseph 11 Clinch, Rev. Henry I'phnii, Rev P 0 lleailiey. Rev John W Oiniest vid, Kl )s n I'll Kinney M D,, S K Kendall M I). W R ( hl-holm, M D. 1'rancit D.iua, ,M D. Jert'inlah Stone, ,M, II Jnu Amu Sauclles J 11 Abraham Wendell M II. A A Hayes, . I). J It hiltou. M ll. II, E. Kiiiii, y, M D Prepared by X 1. CLARK i: CD exclusively for J. P.Dl.SS.MORC, No llll Kuuidwiiy Xeiv York. , by all Drugi'ii-u, No I'.unily f-hould be Willinul it, l)illj'2.iieutsa box roll sim: iiv 2. I'DIVSMORE No llll llriudH.iy, Vow York. S W I'OWI.E CO No. HTreniont fti Hilmi And by nM Drugguls and Country dtruekuupurii. May 11, ltOI-l-Jui. j rrilE uudersigi.eiris nrso cxtenstviiy engaged in tli Undertaking Itusintsi, and keeps constantly on baud "d for salo nt liis Warcrooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED (JOFFINS, Ily which he is enabled to nil orders on presentation Also Keeps n good Horse nud Hearse, and will at al nines lie renuy loaileml 1 uiicrela. Sl.ilUN C. SII1VE. llloomsbiirg, January S'l. 1S3U TO IS'SP-,. '&PJxAi J5! BUFFALO ROBES t'l EVERY SI'.E nndaiJALIT Y, K EPT CONST AN'P ly on hand.and will" be sold ilienper than Iho ilieap'csl WHOLESALE AM) Rl TAIL, by the iiuiler-igneil, at Ills Trunk. Pur and Vnlise mlnb'lishmciit; Nu.1112, Markit Street, Philadelphia. . THUS. W. MATTSON, October I, ieoi. :int CENTREV1LLE, PA, PUT. undersigned niinoniires to his friends and the X publdic, that In- has became Iho Proprietor of thu i New Centreville Hotel, - I.ocr.lcd in Cenlrev illc, In Cnnyiigham township. . inlii&i ic 'a, ,1 a I wlna'ni v ?: I Z . ...... mvii -.s.u..., ..j suiisi'tcuuil , SJ lteuiember Hie Union Hotel. A W. 1.0 VC Ccntrovilio, Aug. 'JO, IFUl,-y. BLOOMSBURG SKYIJGIIT, Picture Gallery. rjMIE iiuderalgncd informs the cillneus of Illniuu, X nnd neighborhood, Hint he lias takrii tho large room lit thu Exchange, exieuding oyer Harney Stohucr liakcry, and thu llookstoru wliero lui has put in n largo Skvliglil. It Isunly by Skylight that good pic tures can betaken especially groups where each person can bo taken just as well as separate. He has gone In I'oiisideiable expense tn make his es t iblishinuiit a lirsl class one, and he Ih-reforo solicits a liberal iiilroo leu inen-ililii Iiii, i n i , .. ,i, ;.,,,v::, ...... .......m,,, .uhuuuuu "" """i"" ..uiuoveiueins oi uio art, C7" Country prodinc taken in Exchange for picture HENRV UDSENSTOOK. Itloonisburg, Nov. S3, I6UI, Nov. F, 0. HARRISON, SI. D. WOULD respectfully lururrn the citizens of HIooiiib. burg.and vicinity, Hint ho coutinueslhu praalsu of JUKIUCI.VN Axo, olid solicits u sliaro of public patronage. Omen, on .Main Slreet, first lioii.u Inlaw tho Court Iloilsu, IHouuisburg, Tebruiiry II, 1S53 if A. LOGAN GRISI, . Attorney and Counsellor at .aw, LAl'OU'PE, SULLIVAN CO., PA. E7" .Military and other cluinn promptly allcrded to October i:i,IHi3. Ladles' Fvu's. Tlie largest asaniiueiit nt CIIAHLUS OAKJ'OKI) li uVNlJ. I'liiilliienl il lltsl ll.ll,,,l.,l,.,.i.. "'. SONS, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. Gentlemen's Hats. inAJL V.10 .I,",c"t. ,'',';', af ClAltLES OAKTOrtl) & bO.N'S, L'onlliienlal. Pliiladelphln, BliA.NK SI BLANKS! I Of every descriplioti, for sale at this office. or SR. SCHENOK'S OWN CASE, LAnOIUNO UNEER CONSUMrTION, WHUiE Jltld how his Pulmonic Striip, ScalCCcd . . a - Jomn, ii the System n curing hat dis ease, and the GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT To above Is a correct likeness of Dr Pchcnck taken lunny years ago, after he had recovered frnin'Cuiisiimii linn! by a course of his "SillrNCK's IMitMniH'Stitrp," '1 hpllkere.s, althoug it docs net represent lilui liny thing like nsbail as lie was at the worst, yitltls in V strong conlrast with tin" hale nnd vigorous looks of Iho Portrait below, wlilili Isthelrue likeness nf hlnint Ilia nresent time. The coulrant lu ttteeii lliosu two nor' trails Is so great that many would not bellevo tli-ni tn ho tho same person. Yet Ihero an; hundreds of per sons. In nnd nronnd Philadelphia, who will rerojuNo liulli portraits tnbo true representation. When the first was taken he weighed 107 pounds Jut the pres. 'lit tnuohis weight Is pounds. Viw YonK Wcdn's,iav March III), 10 "iWE PDSLIfi ! Thirty V"nr ago I was in tlie last singes of I'nlmnn- ' li r) Coiisuuipliou. nud giv u up lo ,'.ir I resi.ieit in : I una iiui.i ami nr. j sepn r,n rish then ol tins i iiy. or. i! ed me lo .Morislonu. N. J a ili.lancu nl' nine I lullcs. v hii h took me two days to gel tin re. tin my nr rival I mis put to bud, and (here laid I'nr in inv weeks I Thi . -is my native plaie. win re all m f.nuilv lived and Ii id died of Cnumiupllnii Dr. Tie iriiloii. u Iin ,u- I tended my f.ilher In Ins last Illness, uih c.illed. audi gave me one week tn H up my ml.iirs. lie s en ! . ull my f.iuiih tr 1 n. nud Hiouglil I was tngo hm. I I lie ll l in .iru til 111' leuieiltes I now oiler til tile pub- He, whli Ii cured me. It eemeil lo me I could feel Iheni pcui trilling my nlmle -! i They s i ripened Ihe mall, r "ii my lungs, and I would spit oirinoio than a piutnl mr..isive volluw null tereverj ninrning As sunn as that In gnu' In uli.jile, I my eougli. fever, pain, night swenis -all liei'an tn leave ine, and my appelite became, -n ureal it was s ill, illllicully I nuild keip I'ioiii eniini' iniimuih. I I gained my strength, an. I I Inn e b i u grow mi! in ll -h eversime. I'm many years I Imv ij. ye.l iniiuter rupti'd good Innlili. keeping lln- livi r ami L'mmik. It heallhv with th" -eimeeil 'Pnui.' ami Mauilrnke Pills,,-,. I am of u bilious t eerainenl. l eight I. I n Iniu I dred and twenty pnUiuls. On luy n u. -rv people nul l send for me, and near, to see if Un-ir i ai- were . like mine. I'nr Ibis purpose I paj uiili.Mmi:il iMls J in the large ritu-s. 'I he. mi Uinpiiv.s ili in see Hi. I one Hint make; llion medii im s, ami w ho uns cni eil nf i nnsuinptloii h) Ihem. To make U (U lungs Is Impns.l . Ide ; Liil . ii vilii-r- in lln: Iuiil-s .nn' elironlc 1 1-, r . 1 1 i ' -1 1 r ui ui' nriiin ui.-il nines i, in lie ll.'tileil Mil II .as, 's ate dying hnurlv under Ihe o-ilnniry tr.-:il im-iil of ptyr., auijii-l sui h nru Hired b Hie pr p r o St hem k' Pulmoiin: Sj ruji. Seauced 'I'luiic, nnd .Man. diake I'ills. I am now a h. al'hymnn. ill' a largo en ily in He' middle lelm nf tin: light lung.lhu low. r Inl.e vr'ry mui ll hcpnlucil nud itnnpli tu mill -riun of Hi pl.-ura. Ti" lift lung is -mi ml. and Ihe upper li h" 1 1' ihe n.'ht" i in a Inleraldy hi'.iltby i-om iiioii. l he grenl renon wh) ph.VHiinus .1 1 cure cuu.umptiiiu i- Hiev iry In do loo null Ii ;Hn y 1,'ive medii iues In -Inp I he no;-h'. In slop thill, In stop night -went-., In itii f. ver nnil.'l.v mi doing, lliey derange ti.u w hole diue-iivc .n ers, iin k iug up Ihe set m ions, and eventually in,- paiieni sinks nud di.-s. Aft. rl in'il.e a innlnl i miuiuiiIi.-ii nl ih" paili'iit iih lln: l!esiiioiueti r. mui liinl lungs I'li-utili lelt to nun, 1 ilic it Hie p.iiieui Imw tn iiM-tln- s I! "in' e the . au-e i, u.l l''ey will nil stupnf their nw ii accord, No one can l.e i ured ni coiisiiinp-iien.liM'i- e mplainl, ii)spip-ia, catarrh, t-iinki-r, ul l el ateil tli real, unl. s - Ihe li er an. I stnmaili are luaile healthy. In New England this canker, chronic u.i.inh ulcerate I ihrmii, i luiigalinu if inula, is more piet.i lent Hum in nn) uih. r n ihe country. This is freipiently tans-il h a tnnl stoma, h. Vnu eat hum it out with ci.u lie lime ami ,i';,uu, nii.i all ihej ni.l gel i" li mp.iiar i. lief l.'orr-'i I thu .Inmai Ii ami ju.r, and tin y w ill heal uptiieuisehes. (ionil iiiit niou is thu reiueiiy. If you lum- any dis ease in any purl of ilia body, it will remain then: ami iluiiy iiinr. and inuru until y.ui can getihu stomal Ii in the cundition to digest f,i,, anil make new Id mil tn lake Ihe plaeo of ili-.-.i-eii mailer. This I tlin .uilv way'o Iieal eaiilie. in Iheluii'.'s and ulii-rateil binii ,li Inl tub s. Corrtil Ihu slnmach and livi r. nnd nature will iin ih.- healing. .M.iuj p, rsmis an idea Hint ccitam inei.icincs ari( greal iiiili, is uf ihe hlnnd -Wh ui bin al is em,., i,e,i-eil it ii.uunt be purified ; it is diseased Hie s.'IIIH) US Hill diseased llllillel j the systi in ; but gi t the apparalus in nr.lei, the liver anil stomal h, and give it plenty of nourishing final, il ni maku new bliaiil. whiih will lal.u III." placu ofthat W 111. il is diseased, , Schcnck's Pulmonic sjrup is one i.r lln: best pre'ei raliuus ol iron in use. it is a ui.wert'iil innie .,c .....ic "nil when tin: Seaweed Tunic dissolves Ihu mucus in thu stninaeh. and ll is carried olfhy tho aid of Hi,: Alan. J"1. t Pulmonic Sjrup is made inu l,n,. 1 Ins is the only way lo curu coiisiinipilon. ll luiu- i mi. get iisiem iippeuie null lunil On, s unl illg.-st. I nolcure thu oata-nl Never mind the euiigh ; remu e I theiaus. and II willsinp uf ilself. - Ins is III: inn-i1 ...... nit . iiavi; mm my piltlellls III llll' rUIIUlH i'llCJ' say,"l)oilor, I leel wronger; lean eat' my vhi sweala am In Her. and I feel bitter every w.iv lei1 my I cough is so bad yet ;" and tln.-y nru nsi..iu'..,l i., ii,.,,, inu say that does not mallei ; remove Hi,, ru'isu nnu I i. ... .iii i.s. ii. ruiuiiu s ceau.e.i creates a "nod appetite in nbuiii niiiodays, wlie.i Iheiu is iiiilun- .lis. ease, unless the liver is so cougoniii ,hut the Man drako Pills unlink ihe ,ui,ts ui tn s MaiMcr in that shoitspacu of time, in I'l.lo l- allow llm atulu bile in pes oil Keep Hi.: Iivec una ,U 6lniuaih lu-althy and there is less danger ol c iiisumplioii or any oilier ,lisi..-ise I i. H..I I..I.I... ..1.1 ..i.'., 1 Oilier disease. ..V. : 1 woeu uio;,o or- k.iiis ...on u.iny. i iiuso lilui nte bilious, low spiriled, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, pour n Hie nervous, stomach fuller wind, eviryiliing that is eat en lies Inavy loss of ineinuiv, try on,, bultle ul SCIIENLK'S SEAWEED 'I'O.MU, and one! bov of S HEN. K'SMANDIUKEPILLS. ll ...,Vn cot i one dollar and tninly-llve cents, w nh full direi lions. Una is tulliel. nt. In inaiij cases. t, salnly w hut the medicines aru. I re.piently one lumlu makes a great (hangu nit he system. Any person Hint enjoys ordina ry health, by the Seaweed 'Pome nnd Mandrake lillsociasiuniilly, must get the digejlitu urganu m such iilienltliyiondiliou that the hecoiuo llshv I tail prodaie a number of my old tuu.uinpiivu nalients now i njoy ,g guud health, weighmg nearly Sim poumls 1 ill cooilude b re .mug tleu . un-s I Imvu in New ink, and wiiuh am nil dillerent, and w,h any onew holoelsnl) inieresiin the matter tn visit Hie,,, .f t n r"'i '",luw: "-'''"," "" " '"I Houston slreet. Her liiishaud called upon me ul luy room, a ' HondUreel, and wished in locull and fee her. lie sa d could do no good that ho had all t,u ue.t modi inl liltendatice. umfall smil shu was io far gone v nil Cusiimptiuu lo be cured ; but !,,. ud heard. .f some glint cures I had made, uu.l he desired lo gratify In, wishes. 1 called, and louiid.ii:r lying co.ilined to her It, in !, '""i",'1 l'fclnal coiisiimplion, mid 1, is r ,','n b,1 n"",' u, ""' ' eAuniiuod lier : .-" ".""U.I...1IIUIS verv iiiinn uueiteu but no cavities le.d IV.rn, I , ", ".V tho snit-bn.v was hull" ."nil i,i'ii!i..l- .." . .,..,... .. ,,n ,i,s. rmne mu, legs b.hv.. i. n.i ii, i urn worsu than all s he had thro. ,,lH ,Mr ""V 'V'"!',1"" niovutl iL-Veii limes i , i it i l'.ur ''!" '""ia enough lobe cured but that Ihis diarrhea had been lung siaudini. and her etuiuatlivva. In mill an ulcerulvd Hint I was iifiaid nntlilng iiuild be done. Sho insisted 1 should try and do what I could fur her, ob er viug thi I Thu wou d not :,,t inug ln ,llu t(1,110M -,, , and I cnulil nut make her any worsu. I gimo her llr,t ndoio ol my .M.mdruko Pills, and Ihe tonic nud Syrui reely. was on Tuesday, and by ihe next Sunday tludartlia.nwiiscarr e, of, her appetite had returned nud the could sil up in bedaud cnl her dinner. She is LyYi,:?.xd.fri,,,.r cf,"flcak' ct"ii,u"tu Mrs.llariliolouicw.M West Toriy-fifth street eime ".".'.! TT w".!' n "!mur "" "er "ver. Hha was Imv spin ed,. kin sallow, tongiio co,ut.,, hnwelsco.tivo, no appetite, and fast..liiMug ii ,10 Kravu LT h;Vni uinor had been rmiHir.g over fourleeu yearn. 1 guv. Justus Iho d ti; Hons were printed, she lame back u my room,, 3J lion, Hrecl'iu two weeks, suinewli a tho edges. her skin whiter and her oi's brighter, nnd r,'V,"ti,'ni !1',t''."rill"S very oilci.sito iiwitir. n" fustor 1 bad over doin, before. Slio kept grndu ully Improving, and in nbnuttwi. miouII.s tho' camu to my rooms very much frlgblened, saj ing tlmi ihu tmr that every doi dr had Vo I ,r V ,, 'if'i.; " i7'! ;," ''' ""I'l'ifjJ runuiiig, uu.l was healing up, and K. J ' l il,i 1.,u1'1 '"-'rlhatthii disease had Tin e lliu I a."'1 "? "ru u;"'1'1 tUv MlU!r up, iiuv uiti now iieniuit. ii in) iiain tn, on r,,. ,. i,., iTt'Z, W& nud sholaashenriv. . l r.J ,:, 7. . .'.""l! I lllllllfeNi 4 W9k frr. v7fe I I I I I them tofome nnd sen inc. Tho next caso H Mis Heir t.vfii iiwiii iiiiii.ifi ii. , iniu. mrs. iiariiiiunmcw Bill net, down lo ten ino, nnd s-tio has baeti ever since at hot houso, V7honstie first caino tn my rooms. an uai (niit nninrlntiiil Ivlltl fi , Anl. i.... , : 'luaiitltlea nfblond. I einmlned her limgs wlih th.i tOHHMtt-fnf. mill 111 fill lllV hrnntlun .ina.Ms. t 1 Willi lino lutisso famoiia nndtbo nllmr Innn .m... i 1 could not give much cndiiirngemr nt thought sho would illo! bill toniynstniii.hmeiiUho I'lilinoiileCyrun. Seaweed 'I'oillc and Slnildrnkn Pills nil seemed to gn right to wnik, the lung is nil hi filed over, leiulim n cavity as large as :i (fono egg ; good nppcllte, flnu spirits, nnd has gained somo Ul! rt v-ltvc pounds In weight. Shu has sonic cough yet, which I ilo no nut , think Hill leave her belore June, I should think It , Mould he of great Interest lo some unprcluitlcoil phv I ciclan to vllt llie.e eases, particularly lls Scoficlil, I or any of them who havo been cured by my medicines. 'I hey urn numerous In Now York , but the nbovo Inreu ! nil dlller friuii cm h oilier : nud ifuiy medii iis nre d. i lug what I represent Ihey nro. they slinuld havo trig credll anil tho nllllcted know where nnd how they mnv bo cured. J, II,H('IIE,NIK( M, 1, Dr.J II Hchcnrk cniibe fnunilnt his prlnclpnl 'otllce, I No, :W .Vnrlli tilh Hlrect, 'liilndelphlii, every Siilurday,' 1 from !) A. Mi, uhlil .1 I'. SI., In live advice, free n ' charge ! but ror n thoioucli enmlnalon he ihargen llirco dollars Price nf thu Pulmonic Hymn. nnd Sen weed Ionic each SIS.i per boulo, or $0 I he hall dojieii. Mandrnku Pills '.'J cents per box, and for salo by a' Druggists ami Dealer. June II, 1-0 1. I J'. IMPORTANT FEMALES I T Tim BiASMIiS ! 1J0TII MARRIED AND SLN'GLIil. Oldest Regulator for Fomalcs. I'll. CIIEEHEMAX'S I'E.MALE PILLS Will iumieili.'itelv relieve, without rialn. all ili.tnrlint. I ecs of tlie penoilic I'isiliari'e, wheliicr nrining Irmu ru j laxatloii or suppre'sion. They acl like a charm In re 1 moling the pains that accoiiipiiiiy,iHicnli or inn Icr. ate iiien.lriiiitlon, anil nre the only salo and rcllahli! ( remedy for I'lilthe-, Sick lleniWcho,P,iius in tlin Linin, .ilk and Hhlfx, t'jiliii r lion nf Him Mi'iirt. iNerVilml'M-. iiii. I nt lii! r iiii IllcUMllil mid dailL'eious nllV'its of an .1 limit if r.-il linn of thi. si'Mial lime inns In llm worsl casus uf I'luoi Aldus, or Whites, they elfeii a speedy lire. ii:i. i;iir.i:si;.MA,va pemali; pii'.i.h. Have been used o er a Uiianer of a Century. They are ollered as Ihe only safe means of renewing Inter ; rupled iiieuslriialiuu, Imt La lies must hear ni mind lb. it, then' Is oiiu i oudilinn uf Iho feiuali! svst.'in in I wbldi the I'ills ... 1 1 1 1 l ho taken without pr.idu. ma a petuli.ii result The ( I'lidilimi rel'eired tu is .-regiinn. y - Hi result Mi c.rirl.ig.'. Such is thu Irresi.tihli ei. , deucy nt" the medicine tn reslore tlie si'Mial fuuilmui 1 to a nuruiiil i unililiuu, Hint even Hie repro.luMlve puw ' er ofniilure t.-iunnt resist it. They c.innnl il .1. In i any other way. 1 mi. ci e"s pemali: pills ' Are Ihe only .Vudu ine tbnt airied an. I Siuule h 1 have relied upon for main years, or can r.-'y .ipiurmnr I tSewnre of liuilailous I Tiose IMI- i.imii lln I'lne-t I Preparalinti ey-r put ftirwi r.l, with iumie l.aiu ami , P.-rsislent s.iicess. DON'T IIP. Iilp'l I V I II Ihis ailverlisuiiieut In ynur llruugist, nud lell linn Hrat i you waul Ihe be-l and most r. liable .Medicine I in the world, wiiuh iscniupriel in I 1)11 t'HEE.-'.MAN'S lEHAI.E PILLS1" I Thev have received, and are mm receiving lln- sau . lion of Hit- must enuiieiil Physii lans in Ann ru a. EXPLICIT IliltLIII loS with i nch inn, Hi, ,n UI.e li.ll.'ll per llr.l. I .III I il I III 11!!; iriilll illl III I. II I'ills, Pills sent bv mail, pronipHy. by reiuitliug Hie pure In Hie Prnprn Inrs. or mi aiilliuried Agent, in t urruil fun. Is. Snld Iiv liruirgists gen, i.tlly. Ill'TIi t-Vtirt -V-'ll Proprieinrs. SI Cedar Slreet, Ww Vor'c. Snld in llliinuisburg, by Ever & Moy. r. mui V. i' Lut. P. b. -J7, ISl.l,ly. EVANS & WATSON - '' "J.rJr'r'ir'' SALAMANHEIl SATES. II T, M'lVT.I) In A'... lh.Se.,1, -Vnrio . V'rf-vl(.,' t: !,' S'rcrt, I'iiln 1,1iliin, have mi v r""A. anil a lui!.'.' ass. .rtiu. nl of . ',vi' f' -'-'." l-'l, iron liners, lot I. .ml.' -. II Ml Ii. aO lull 111 ' .."-"" -Jli slnr. s, iinn shull r- iron - - ' nt incus eiu il lo auv tun I in Ihe I'liileil it.-ites. i-c .v.ic. in our lirj. W came out rlit . irtlh tm itiiln in 'jimil riiinltlitw- Tlie Salamander Sales ol" Philadelphri ngainst its. world. F.VAXS k WAT." ON , o.-ive had Hie sureil -h nn'sM-aliou in the f.illiiwlui! ui Iiii. nl" Unit Hi dr uiiiuufaetiire iifi-ilmu'iii I. i S.n s tit, al I' l.t'lh fully wiirranl.'d Hi- n pr s.-nl-.l s w lie b u.iy' b-'.'U iiiade of Ih ! rendering an uiulinilil ,1 s cmlCy iiLiuust llu tenilic . leuii'iit. i'hila I' Ipbi.i A , i it ! ' I ,",. f 1(1111 ,- l',lse)i (!. nil ! I'll l! .' t el Ihe highest saiisf.ti una to sliite to yini, thai i . mt ih lln- very line Jll.tlttl s.ftw.l nl Hi - -..In, nl -. S.lf. s Willi ll we pun has 'd nf vm snnie five lime n sun ,. we snved u liiri-e i ortii.i. .ifjc'wi In- and all mir '.k, c., e. I lo ihe i man us, lire in li.inrt. .i pi, . . ,.,i Ihe nun ci'ih Uih in.-I.. Wl. nne nil . i .-Is i Hi se sin' - w n I'.e.n d in 1 1:.. t'l.lirll f('l ' ori!l.' builillH'I w . OLCIInled I 111,. I 111 y fell ubf.i lU.'i.Hj lut. .a J) - -ii ..fhuruii.-! ruins. n r. the vr.s'. ion -111111111111.1 Ihe h m raus.- ih brass plat s to ne'li. we but regard Ihejn -Sertoli. ui -a Hi dr vul iiiible c-'iilents u iiuisl eiiin i.u nig proof of Hi ,'ie.H -.. turiiy .iiiuidi-il hv y.inr sat. s. Wl shall Ink.' grenl ph ilsllie III I. c.iul'lieuilllu ll)' II. '. men nl li.i-i:u'ss as :i s nr. r-'lianc ugain-t dm (JT.iiliclE V. SI M.Mu.N.s 4. i:.t.i.. ,.. u.m. . "Tl.i-v h.m s. nn-pur. based si v ii,, lei,-.". Aiigu-t u V . TEE HltEAT WHIM.P'S r'AIlt EXIIIIHTHiN ilEl-D IN LONDON li-.1l. TIIOS. W. MATTSON Wi.s awai'dedlhe Pri.e.Me.l til for his superiurily over al C.'IHI. till. HIS 111 Hie ll,. ted w'?JS'A.-3 Suites fur his improVeuieiitj 'I'., s l'.tl l.rv.r 'l,...ii,-' J-Kr''21'. I'J . : , wi He being Iho ilivenlnrand rt&4YiJl&&;) Mauuraciuri'r.iri'.la-lii st,, I --T l 4 -Spring so id Side I.eaHieraud snli.l liiveied linn Frnmo Tiavelling Trunks. Valises, I, ail es Hat V is s O.rpit It.igs, l.eaiher Maes. tJinhrillas and Hobby Horses, Ib.vs' nigs, Prop. Ileis, lui, t.t, which In: is pmpaieil to i.e in Hie ,,nesi iMinufiii turini! prim. Thu must ejieii-ive Trunk and Carpi't Hag Miiuiilnrinr er in Pliiladelphi.i. Ml .M Alllil.T hTltlJET, nnu door nbcve I'oinili. , , Soiilh side, PIIILADELl'IIIA, " -Miles room mi thu lii-t Hour. ' "Prunk.. neatly r. paired or exchange I f..r new me. Cull and see. ua we sell very i heap fur cash. P nv. 1 1, IHil-P.'iuo Nos. 9, 11, 111, 15, 17 Couitlitudt Street N'EMI IIIIUADWAV, 'EW VtiKK ''Pl'V Tills old-established and fin mite lesm in,- l.u.i uess C'ouimunily has been receuily rellll.-.l, an is.i.ui- plete in liver Ibiug that tail minister tu tho .if Us patrons Ladies .unl families are spiiially and t aru- fully provided for. It i- centrally located in Ihe Im mess pari of Hie ilty, and is conligiious lo the principal linehs.fsteiiiuboatc, inrs, omnihiisscs feiries, e-e. In cousi'.pieiico of Hi" prussuro caused by Ihu llebel linn, piicu. havo been reduced tu One Dollar d l'ijty C cuts per Day, 'I he table is amply supplied Willi all Ihu luxuries ot tlie season, iiiidise'pial to Unit ni nny other hotel in Ihe couutiy. Ample accommodations are ollered for upward uflOO guests. lO" Do nut hcjjcvi lunners.ii.ukiiieii, nud olhcrs who may say "tho Western Hotel is full." I). D. WINL'IIESTEll, Propti. tor. TIIOS. I). WIXCIIESTEIt. Teh. IS.INW. ill P. Proprieiorof Ibis well-know n and centrully loci ted llousu, Ihu E.MiUNiiE Holt I., situale on IVIiii, Street, in lllnonisbiirg, iiiiiuedi.ilelv ilieColuni I In. 1 1 'tm nty C'tiii rl lluuse.respeclliilly iuloriu- uu .. u-uda iniu ine piiuuc in geiierui, in.ll Ills llousu i.. n i i r der for tlie recepliuu undeiitertniumeiit u ti.iv. b i- who may leel disposed to favor il with Hieii ciiit.un. In kit spared no expense in prepaimg Hi )U, .1 ,v.t, fur thu eniertiiiiiiiieut of Ids guests, iitilli. r shall ill re be any thing winning (on h)s pari) tu minister to lie ir pel renal cnml'ort. ills llousu is spacious and enjoys .in exiellcnv business location. vy liinuibiiseu run nt ull times between the Etibang-i llnti.l and tlio various Hull Knail Depnis, by vvhicll lt.iv elers will l.o pleasantly conveyed to and from thu'ii speclive Statiouu in duo liiuu lo meet tho Curs. , ' W.M. II. KOONS. Iltnnillsburg, July Ibbn ' bUilaud AOS .Market Slreet, PlillndilphiH, '"pills Hotel Is limited in Ihu very fciitiu of business X nnd is near tlie reepettaclii places of umusemiiit which mnke it particularlydesirablu tu persons visiting Philadelphia on business or pleasure ; nnd ihu .Manager hopes by ilo.u personal iitteiillun lo iho wuniaofhia Ills guests tu maku it u cninfurlable homo lor miiih us may favor Ills housu witii their patronage. J. ims iimsi. A:t,y, I'ron'rs. C SIIOCKI.EV, 1'i.t UK, JOHN July Vll, lfeol.-U inu LEATHER 1 LEATHER I! MMI P. undersigned would annuunci', that he has en hand X athlallataiidl'ap Einpuriuiii, on .Main St., lllooins. ? ". ' V . : L" "'"""''1 line i nil' skins, morocco, (red and bln'M and liniiii. all cr w lilcli lie vv ill sell i heapnr than can bit had 1 1 ew hem 1 1. i.t .,.. j !.. ii .... i . . ..... . . " ""'iciemiue iriii inr w kijcs, juiiiv iv Miiwira Hluoiuibiire.May'JI, If HI