Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 28, 1865, Image 3

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Saturday Morning, Jan. 20,10G5.
flay Sleighing ia good, but llio Oystors 1
at Fox's saloon aro better 1
- j
W Hon. II. W. Tiiacv, M. 0., lias
our thanks for tlio I'cpnrt of Hid Commit
aoticr of Agriculture for tho year 1801),
3y Wm. Applcman, K?q.', advertises1
in this Journal two cootl Farms fdr anlr
lopatcd in the tovnliip of Denton.
'VST Wo publish the list of drnftod men,
tlrawn at Troy last week, to fill tho
delinquent townships in Co'umbia cotinty,
iistY See bur now advertisenicnU. As
iPUal, wo have moro than tho thrco other
papers ofj.ho county combined. Advcr
Users appear to know thfir interests, and
accordingly consult! our columns.
IDMlfflSIMf &ilMu
W :AT, pet liunliil, ! il)
It VII. ii I mi
CORN, mm J A,
t'LOUR pcrbbl, 1.1 (mi
n.A.x si:i:n . :i
IIUCKWIIEAT flour, 4 5u
ewis . .
potatoes, .
II A V hy llin tilll.
. in
'.' .11)
'.'I mi
1 Cniiauinptlvo suntar will rerclvit a valuable
preacrlptliiu fur tho urn of Cnnsumptlnn, Asthma,
.roncliltl., mi. I nil iliriml mid lung iiiroctloni, (free of
chargo,) Uf sending their address In
CHICKENS, net linlr. An
. . 1 Hopt 91, i6, -3nl
T!io following iayincnls havo been made
to tho Columbia Democrat oflicc, during
tho month of December, lfHU:
lit'. I'llVV Villi A. Wtl.MllV.
) lllliliiialturgh. Klnnn rn,
New York
rPO the Norton-, DobiliUted and D--
I pmnlotit of Ihiln rexcf. A front m Juror liavlng
bri'ii restored In lir.ilili In a few days nllrr many
yonra of misery, la w illing tu nasi. t III Miretlng fi l
low crcnlurcB by sending vfroe,) on tli tin hit i f n
pnlpjld ndilroascd r hvolupe, atopy nf tl e fmmulii of
euro employed, lllrcitln JOIIV AL I AlJNAI.I..
... Hox led 1'obI Ollicc, III onklyn, N. Y.
irui. f ly III, 'lit J
Court Proclamation i tli.wcLi., rrcalilcnt
inurl nfUvvr iitnl Terminer nml
.Messrs I'susleo $M 'i
I'heuls Tliomita a no
lien. I. I, ore, l!' 'J ,",U
H.niil Drown, Jr '.' mi
Hat ofllolit llnLTtilinrli a.-.T
II Irani lllttoiiliuuder 3 (si
Henry Ililtciibouder
la.wc K. Applcmnii
Win T llartr.oll
1'otcr S llnruinn
Al U Woodward
Ihinlel Single)-, Sr
Wm I'nrr
I'lnllp .Miller
Anrou .Miller
Joaiph Wl-u
Hiitnml Nuugosvcr
John H I'atteianu
Samuel II tiliulu
Allrn Atunit. Est
(leurgo Maikhnuan
Ion V E I'lollet SH no
Eft of II llnnilllirl i Ul)
Jacob .Miller ' no
Raiser Ea.lck 4 nil
Ihoimia ktcllltvy I in
J A Swisher ' (ill
IXnfl'hlllp Wall 7 nil
N II W llrnwii 7 (Kl
I K Krh'Mniiin, K1 i mi
John 0 Wnini r 'i oil
J II I"u r inn n . I'.ai lii .',) (t lloncll, 1! ii
Win Unwell. i:i c .In
on . Jncob Slilnir.nn t iii
J (III lljnlc l Oenael " CO
t'hna Klliifiininn V HO
Hi inoii ttny.ier 1 M
'l lio (JriMii'l'.'ii C,j III iki
Win (1 (lulik 1 ,-,u
Ji ri'ininli a ll
'. .VI
i mi
I oo
v. Ill
3 (HI
'2 (III
Prnfi'ainr J. IS k.V'ri, M M Oorui.UT nn.t Al-RlaT I
o!v'!r.y "' 'ei1 UnlliinJi I' now locutcil nt Nn..'illl
I.NI.htrect. rniniiHpiiu, Mhern pi-ranna nltlirtPil
w llnll'iii.aof t'li' IJVi: nml liAK will ha aclcnllll.
nlly irenti-il nml ir(.,, f furnlilc. rjy Artlflclnl luierlixl without pnlu, ,
N II yOI llltriri'M l.lllil,. I'll. f l. . I
Irnl fanilly i, ImllcJ.ns liu h.n 111) mi-rrrtm tn lila I
rWIIJJItl.AS tll Hi,'
i ii i ir i.i in.' roiirt iirciv
i-rnl Jitll IMIvi'ry Court of Hunrtcr ri''rlnii of the
IVnc iniil ( niirl of ('oiiinioii I'leua iuhI Orplifiira Court,
In the Snth Jii'llrlnl lljlr,l. toniioaoil ul III.' iim Kins
nn'nliliilUiil.Sullltiin iiii.i kVyoiiiioi!. nml Hi" lion, Jthu
,M Itej lliililat .Sl;ilion'Jil.l'reaol'Unlulil.
liln r'Hliilv.ll'iM' lii"ilthi'lr pc"iirllf 'Int'i tho7lh
ilny of S.'il . In tho y.'nr ofour I-uril one tlioiiami'I cislil
humlri'il noil aiMy iour ami to moilirocti'il for IioIiIIiik it
I'oiitt nf Dyer nml 'i'i r in i 1 1 -r nml (leiicrnl Jnll ilclivery,
Oeni rHl (limiti r Heaalon of Hie IVure, Coiuiooii I'ltMa
mol Orplniu'a I'ouit. In lUiiniiiKli'irir. In tlu county nf
(,'nliiiiiliiu, nil llio lirxt klnuihiy, , lining thu till iluyj ol
l'thrunry ni'il. t.-i roiitluUii one week.
NoIieo la heri'hy elvi'n, til the IVirniii'r, the Jutlrea
of llio l'enro sniil (.oinlablea of the andl county of (,'ol.
iliohl'l Unit thi'V hu llli ii titiil (Horn In thrlr iirnoef our-
I I anna lit Id n'cloik III llio fori'iioi'ii ofanlil ilny with their
r'i.oriU, I n '' 1 1 1 1 1 ..ii nml other ri'inciiihrinite to iln
morn lliliiga u Inch lo their nllicm n '-- r I n III tn ho done,
nioilo nftrcnlineiit.
July le.ljl.-l'J
a mi
a .mi
:i m
:i (in
in mi
j on
C" CJouitr will eommence on Monday ' XXV",!!11, "K S?
Miuiiloi lli'inley
two wei k.s and wo rodpcetfully request our
custntiicrs tn Mend or bring us ull tho
u.oni'y they cau for tho Ooi.umma Doio
til ki.
baF We am having moro and better
Sleighing this winter which is an. old
fashioned out than has fallen to our lot,
iitiiny ono toason, for. the past ten years,
Good for the girls. Al,o,for tho Oiain
nud. Fruit. '
rJSf lion. Dauu 1J. MoNHioMi:av,(iur
State Senator, we observe by the List of
Standing Committee,- holds a place on the
Donimittees of Canals and Inland Navi
gation, and Retrenchment and ltelorJi.
iSf 'ryi'outiAi'jiic Anviunisnn, iitho'
Wile of an rxeeedingly neat and handfonic-'
ly prinlid quarto - filled with Cuts and
t-peciuien T) ie by the celebrated Typo
)'otin'!cr.", I' Jounsjn, A Co,, of Phila
delphia. lib" Tht Methodist, of-this place, slop
ed an inieretting rekival on Wednesday
evening, lo lisien to an r.bnlitiou lecturer
iu piisorMifc in Dixie. As usual, on
ueh uce.itioii!" :i colli etion was taken up,
to delrny ihu i xpetiei'S
KS" S.-.siuiii. Mr 11 KMt v. a citizen of
Ueiiluu imkiiship, Cnliniibi.t county, and
latrl) one of Alie'h pnlitieal prisonets. re
turned homo on Monday, huvin been d;s
cliaipd by the Militiuy Uniiuniition at,
11 j.j ri - lu i
EzJ The nii.itiing ihurd of this dis
trict, met in l!looin;-l'iiri, three dajs of
the pid-in'. will;, and were busily e- (n
t d in 1 1-v i 1 1 1 ct n! corrrttin- tin enrol li-t;' "! t it u couuty.
r.atMfiifltiitrt Arthur I (in
iiiieliler llmiae
Joid". llviioa
Col Julio (' Vi'iiL'cr
llou II II I'mli r
llnw.iril Ansor.lnlliui
i: U.ikrnr.l k Shu
TIhu W .Mnilaoii
i; .M Kilihiu u Hon
Jniiiia V KeiKr
Jneili r-hoein,iki'r
llfiilj.-ii T Toiiik
lien Mil
T II (llnalr-l
launc I.iii
Slri k'ari'arct W.lun
IM.ito of Win Wi'llb
JjiIiii Ver (Doll)
llJrrU II nrtuinn
.-nniuel kV lluilmuii
lieuhi'ii lliiinlioy
llvmi rriiiou'ii
Ivtcr An h's
Win II lll'ller
lieo kV .Miller
i.-luto ol fi ler lloi'iuea Oil
Mnlhl.'m II Aiieiu.iu j A I
a III)
iMoaca IIiitiu 'J Ull
l'.'l ol JaincB Cvrrilt li DO
.MonlL'ouury tloli1. lJ .VI
Jreininh ILtgunbuih 1 c
i:ii.iti llo-iurt :i li'l
Miniui'l O Keli'hnrr I IIU
.Miij. Win. II Uooim I nil
J.tckaon ,M llouer I III)
Dr. .1,1 s i l.mli 4 III)
Allien 1,'tl, Jr I Ull
Ac Aiw lilt' I nil
1'uiiit'l lloM I nil
J J nubbin i! nil
Willinui .Miller I y,
Levi llilrhline '.' nil
Win J Iki ler, I'.a i '.' .Ill
kVllaon kk'ulkli ."i nu
Kll lloliluns. I n i lit!
llou lieu II Jnil'mui I nil
SlKtlir.-'iinfl .-'nyiler II 00
l'hiiii Kisller 1 UD
l)i. 'in kk'nlliver 'J ll
Win i; Harris n in
II II iiniiiuuu '. on
.M.iihi.i.4 A (iirtoii '.' u
Cr- Very litiernl pnyiiii nln hui' been iiinile luring
the .it inoulli, for ulmli good friemln l.,uo our
lieuitj thank A i ouliii. Line of ihu a.inio prouipti
luile la hulh lle.l. We ili'ii'iiil ittiou tliejuatiio o'otir
ciir.tom''rti lor tin- eouiinii.-iueo of a f,rree I'res
:i nu
in n:i
i nu
lu nu
l nu
In mi
! nu
5 nu
I hi
1 M
i I in
2 nu
J nil
7 15
I no
I Oil
l UJ
3 in
I 'iJ
1 ;.
2 mi
-.' to
1 ,-u
e nu
a nu
If yell ttlahto uinrry, inhlreai th" iniitsralgni-il wlm
will leiiilyoii u llh mt luouey nml wllhniit irire Milu.
nblo liili.rioiitlou 1' will eunnlu you to marry huppy
nml ai-i',iy. lrrep.-i tlvo of ngi, wenllh or boiiuty.
I'IiIh luforoiuliiiii will tottyo'l nutlilng, nml il you
wlli lu innrry.l ill cheoiiully naal't you. Allhtleri
Uriilly (.oiiliili The ilealrcil lelorinutldn lent by
r. lurn lonll.nml on iin'ainua nakil, mldreaa
Hnriili I!, rt (ireenpuiul, Kiiiia co.. Nvw Vo
Oct. I.'l, iNil.lllil.
Uniformity nfTrlcc.4 ! A New t'enliiro in llulnea
Kveryoim hla unit r.iliaiii,in I JUNIIrS Ul). of llio
Cri'enllliiu I'ricf '.'lotlnnp Store. No. S1U Alurki talrio
uboti! Hi Mil , l'hil:idelihiii,
In nil liilon to liavliiL' the larcet, ino( varied anil
I'a.-lilnnnlile thick ofl'loihlug In riilla.lildila unnlei-x.
jiretlv lor retail mlea, h.ive loiutltuleil mery one
lila own K.aleiiiuu, by Iinving iii.irUeil in lli;iiri"i. on ennli
nrilileiit (he vei) loi,t ,ii e it e in l.c aold fur au tin y
iniiHot io.aIbly t.iry all niual buy nllKe,
'I'lie i-oo.ia lire well -.jinri-i.-.l ,imt pri'toire-l nii'l great
p.iioat.ikeii wlllitlie iiinkiiig an Hint nil ran lull with
llietiill a.-nraina ol Bi lling a good nrtiile i:t the i ry
lowest price. Alan, u large ativk of piece gnoda on hand
of the lati it Hyle ami heal ii,ilili'a. wlilrh w W he ni.nli!
to order, in the iiiiki fnhioiinble ami beat iiianuer. i'i
per ci nt, lielnw credit Htea.
Ueioeiober the (;reictnt. In Matketabrtvc Sillh atreet
U) 'JUI. J(Ji:8 4t CO.
'i i:it .itu.n i)is(;i.oMiiii-.d--3i;ciu;T
A iiioal viiluable anil wonderful publication. A w
nUuu pages, miiiau colored eograviu?-. 1)11: HUM
TIMl'cS V Mil'. Ml.i.'lJM, nu oiiglnal nml popular Hi nt-
lea nu .klmi mid kVuuiaii Itu tr I'hyaiology, l'liiirlinna,
and Sexiiil iliiurder of ever kind Willi ue er failing
lleiuedii a lor llieir aneedv cure. The one liceof jlr.
kiul tluiau tlml nrn hound bv ictoiiil-lniice. lo nroaetnle
at'aln.l llio prlaonvra Unit arx or uiiiv be lo the J ul I of
H.ilil touuly ufColuiiilila to be then nml tlieru In iifnae
rulc them na nl in II hujiiat. Jumra nm reiiiealeif to he
puiictunl In Iheli ntleiiilmico. ngreenhly In their liolieei,
i-- ) liit"l nt lllnoniahiirg, tho alal ilny of Dec.
I.. H. ilu the year ol nur l.or.l one lluiuanml eight
Miull'lrcd and alXWIour. ,1ml III Ihu l lalllV'
I uighlli year of the liiili'pi.'ti.lciicij nf Hie Uulleil rMatca
i oi .iiucrica, i lion aiVK'iim i.oMitowAi,iu. I
MA.MIIKI. HWDIMI, tiherlir.
j tb riira Otnce, lllooniaburi; Jan. 7, Jem.
i List offatisis for Fibrtiary Term I8G5.
1 Clijali McMurlrle Uudoricf of Aaron Wolf vs Clirla
i lino kVoir.
2 Jacob llarrU va Peter lacoby,
II ItuaK'l I'Htokir, s Win Ikeler.
4 lint Id va Ji hu kVurdlii.
, 5 lleorgo l.niigeolierger lleorgo .Mlllcrelnl v Joshua
llubUnil A: kVllliaui lie) lea.
(i Jim Allehilr alld arah A Allegar va Jim V Allejar.
r.nnuii llianiavai;ii,irlea II. Ilieterich and (Jen.
A. Herring,
6 Wllaoii Ager va Jobpll 1' Long,
!) Hugh .Mrtleyimhla it a I va I'eli r Ollphnnt
IU Amoa W rre.iioer va llnojl llokVrtl:
II Amoa W Creamer va I'.uiiik Hnwi.ll.
I'J John Ib'i.uel it nl va H I' lleadlv Hal
III lieorgo kV (larrlaou va (,'nier i Thoui.H.
IJ llli hard Jlnrgan va Samuel llnngland.
!. John llmklo va Henry T liilev el al,-
HI Henry (iljiner, va Moore ('rev fling.
17 lliina I. Adaiiia v a. rlainnol II Se)bert wit fei fa,
to IVler M i'l.iugh rind .luaiali Thmiiaa linrii labco
IP John KelUVr nilm'r of Jixeph Ceurh rt. ilicuand
v a Mi ?ea Mi j or.
ill Hi berca Vanileralhc va lliilinr.l H Jtennush
'JO (Jeorgo Cnir, uudoraee of Jjnie, Carr va tfylvcalor
J I'ox mid r.'ioinaa Crevelnii, Jr.
IijaMj Coi,, 'loth'wntary.
(On the C'litnU, Tluco Doors from Btccle' llote I
rtT tf-niNl A T-i T-l - A
'PIUS INSI UTION is now opened andi01 13KC) A JWA V , IN. X.
m in iiiiareu in ,nu iiivin vvn.ijr aiyiu. ..vcetHiuo.
I'rTvntoniid (Jpcriniug llnoiui are large, convenient nml
well mlapled. T'lio Hurglrnt npnrtiucnt cmitnliii the
finualcollcctiilii of Inatruioeiita in thla country, ami
lllua lilt facultioa will enable hi in to meet any and nil
I'liicrgcuilea in nrartlco He "III operate upon nit tho
vnrioui forma of III.lNIIN'llSiS, Cataract, Orrlunn nf
tin lit pi I. Croaa I'.yea, Ulo.iire of Hie Tear Dncla, In
vcralon of tho llvtllda. I'tcrvgluin. &c. -c. Ami will
trent nil forma r.frJorea, I'.ye Uranulcd I, Ida. Oiacetloa I sianiii,
ofthc Coriicn, mid fcrofuloiia dlaeaaea of Hit Cye to. I
13. & H. T. Anthony & Co., IDnQTCP 1 f OrP ? '
fllanurncnircrs of riiolograpliic Mat- J. UOlOU I 11 li
fii.iis, u jidil'mhu (v ileum.
Waix News. Hood gotten bts
array across tho .Teunesscojtiver, and
in full maioh towards tho Atlnntjc either
to aid in defondin Charlestou,dr ,to join
In nililltlon to mr main buaincaa of l'ho(ogra hie
.kalerial, wo dre Ucndquarteri lor the (ollowlug, vie
S'tcrtosr.oiits ami Ulrrcoscomc Views.
of tiicao wo imvo an iminaiiao naaoitnieit, inciutiing General Lso, in soiiio more ilroisivrj ac
War Ucrnei, American and Foreign LTIIot mid t.n n. .. '
annetwrnuiia. Htaiuiirv.&c.. &c. Ann. llvo v n
Blcre.oropea, for public or prlvnto exhibition bur
(.'alnlofjuo will bo lent to any alilreaa on rectlpt uf
getlicr Willi nil the diteaaca tu which Iln !'. h la nib.
in. aiiSa vv in item an ine uiaeaaea cnruiiinn in
(lie nrnnli, llirrhnreea from llio l!nr, Nulaea ill llio Lnr
Catarrh, dllliiully of lieiiring.totdl Do iTueaa even where
llio Drum la dealruyed, Will luaert iln alllfirlal one
,-iiiy vvi-rjils iipurly ulltho pilrpodca bf.illu iintiiral.
l)ISi:A?i:r1lir I'lli: '111110 l'.-Al dUcaiea coin,
inon to Hie Thru it and N'uaii Will lie Ireatud
UI'.MUIAI. rJUIlll NltV.-lln will upentn upon Club
feet, Hair l.ip, Chill I'allntcTuinnra, I'aucera, r.nlar
gnd T'eiiblla, p I'lrlallo piicfatlotia lly lienlihg new
lleah Inln ilelnriued patlfi, mid (lenernl Uurgi ry nl
whiilever ill ira'Ur it may jireaent.
HI'.ltMIA (or llUI'l'Ulli:.)- He will perform "I.aldua
operation for Iln rdlcal (complete) cure of Hernia,
ilila la iinqui alloiiably n perfect cure, mid la noun with
1 at tit: or no pain. Hut nCmany hundred operated upoiilii
llnaloutliMro liaa hueii no having met lite
pcrft 1 1 approbation ol nil vvholmo aiiliiullteil lull
AIITIFIOAIj IIVHrJ. kkTllliiaetlnrtine.ini I'.yoa giv
ing Iheni llio motion and exircaaiou nf Hi- natural.
Tin y are iuaertul Willi llin leii.t pain.
HCllOlllintUliS, (rilcBO-Thlatrmibleanni diaenae
la rundlly Hired. Thoao auirerlng from it wlllilowi l
to call,
I)r Up tJodrntTvlalla Wllkca.!arro wllh a v lew of
building op 11 permanent Infinite tor the Irenluient of
tho i:yo, l.nrnml lleuerul Surgery. Tim experience of
more Hum a quarter of a century in nndgener'
al pracllre.he liopea, will hen undent guarantee tn
tlniM! who may be iliapoi-.od to employ hi, n,
May II, 181,4. tr.
1 liiladcliilila ii, Kiic
7k A. X , " Jl OAS
IS (15
Estatr of U'i'itim 1'iuit, 1 cccas'f.
f r.TTKItSnf adinliiMrallno 011 Hie Il-lato of Wll.
JJliaiu I'l.ilt, late of Pin- lovviialiip. Col. 10., iln'il..
Illivulii'i'tl grained by the llcglrler ol'Collllnlilai the
11 ii ili-r-1 ir ih'iI ; all oerboua having laim- ugniiil lhe r.
late ol the lleiedent llle reqllealed lu pn aelil lb 'ill III
the iinileraigue'l, reaiding in -,ii tnwu.hip, without
delay, and all persona indebted to maku pajmenl
Pn.MIir.llTl IV PI t. Adm'r.
Pino tw'p., Jan :i l-r.-i.-ilw i:i Uiv.
Ivtnt. of (j"orje W. II 1 1 tie. Dcueased.
ir.TTIl. 1 'JV'i-l.iuieiilnry on the estate f C 'orse kV
j llittl '. 1 Vol Mi. IMea-nm lnw 03 'ip Coiuuilii i m...
d evil, Iti e 1 1 granted hj the llegiater of Willi
A.e.,tolle 11 h!. lulled l.ntll ri siding in a.iid Iwp.
all pjraoiia h vlua il'ilioa agnnial llio late of tlm
i.'i'ei'di'lll ill' r u.'-t ,1 10 pr-eut lb. mo unlii; Ct 111
(nv without ili'lav, .ind all perum- lud, bn-d to umk
payment liniiiwilli. MAl: IIITTI.I',,
.Ml. Plea, 1 mi iw p , V.iv. IJ. li'l. Jli-ra.
Estate nl I'tlvf iinliii, ,ic ,
l'.'ri'l',liMil a 1 in : n 1 -1 r ;il m lhe I. Hale ih I'i Irr
line ill ( .it iwih-a mil., 1 oliiiul.ia Co.. derM,
have h 1-11 granted l the liegiMer oi'Ci.liiinld.i en., lo
I lie node 1 i n in d ; all (M r on a linv elaine again -l Iln1
t.ii.' of the ih'u'di'iit .lie 1 .',ii.ii',l to iri'H''iil them lo
Hie A.l 111 1 11 Nl r.-.l or ,il hi re-ideuio in aid low n
ltip w itli, ml ib lay, .ud all pei&oua iiideliii'd to
i t .it forthwith.
JOHN" V. liulJIXC, Adin'r.
I)eieinb"r 21, l-UI-iiw 4.1 uu
I I'rri:
I lli.lin
Estate uf Eli salt; Ik Mil
Iln iinileriii!u,'il, u 1 1 L , r app'ont
nil ilit iisri.
i'ib'i.-lt en 4th pnge of ihe
aS'ilumn of valuthle receipt?,
u.r W
Dkmoci; at.
piepa id 1
(i u' I . tn
in titiiiir' bud rxpeiiuR'iiting
c. ipts M.ih- nrx'. wi'i 1:
rib-elk lor tills J iuriiui u u
wlm hah j.'iveij time and study
with the re
ErST Vv'ulil it not lie a Jv-i.-able for
ciliz iH to take a lilllt! I'Atns ai.d s-pmiUle
n.ic ovi'i tli.'ir .pn viinuuts during these
iltt)ny lions It mig lit akii many the
tliMpled.Mire ol finding tluins.'lve on their
barks will. hceK higinr than their hcadf,
or the result of broken liuiiis. Don't bi
(paring nt your a.-he.
Uev. W. J. L'aciick, was installed a,
Pnsiorol the Fir..t Uipti.-t Church, in
Uerwiekt ou Sal.buth mornit' last. A
protracted iff.rt h low in irnsrrss it
lhat chutch, and cutiderablo interest if
beiug mnnifuatiid. M ty he be
inaut in the hands ol (ind, til
d l,i 111 Hr Il Hi's
mil of I oluiol'i t' I'ouviti , I'.i , t-. make dtvinb.i.
lion ol the asxHc of ih" 1.1 r.iinl th .Mnr ny.
dec-lij.,'!!, ,1111 ing III- pi-rnnlM I'lllltlt d II) law tn re
i'.ivetln- a.lill.'. Ill I .lllflii! lo Hot l!ll'.r.'.i of Ilia ip-
i"iiiliui'iil at liis oliii-i' 111 Illeoiu.Purg 011 -atiir.lny. Iln
' -J-th d,i) of January at il hYmi in Ho- lort'iioon,
v. lieu mid w In le all pir ma iutt r l"-.J maj i.tteii.l If
tli..y iliiok proper.
. IV. kVlllT,.iioiir.
! II.ioiiiburg, Jan. 7. IV..-.-4I-5-J .'ill.
! Entitle aj S i 1 'lt H (",'.( i.w , ileunse I.
"B'lIK under .-iciicd. iippuiut"d by the Or
p pliniia' I'ourl or Col in. In.t county, In make ditri
liilllou 01 the'e l,i Hi l,ami ol Unll-ilil Deluolt,
loliniiii-tralor of S.nnh ii'di'iiMiu, late . f kladioii
t i . 111 a.H'l count) t n id ,lioong lhe In 11a rtml -gal
reprehoui tiiv e-ol no .aiu oi 1 .im-.i. 111 iio ore
labli.lieu b) law , w til iin-e trie p ruev nu 1
llouti r ll.ia long hei'K mid atlll la, lllibo.lilib'il. hut nt
llie I'lirln at aolii itallon of nuuierotb perona he li.ia
been Jmlilled In extend hla lli.fil!ltf r-a Ihrollgll
tho 111, iinliii of til-. -V kill! M I'.i I'M ' Ilia a Imuiiio
thai llou'd be in lhe li.'imla of every tainily in lhe laud
a-a piiveiitivn ol'a.cril vli-ea. or as a gill le lor lite
al't'i rilioti of 1.111 nf tlin muni awl'ul and tl.truiiivt'
im', nl rgfs ever v i-ile.l 111 tiikiinl. One ciqiy ael urolj t.u
v. lopi'.l w ill be forwarded free of potngi- lo any purl
nl tlir l'niU',1 St, ilea fur "id ceitla ill P U aiampa.
A.lilrera. pnat tiaid, llr. Hunter, No. a llivi.lilll
Slreei, N. w ork.
.May 'Jl, i-iil -y.
riUYA'lE bALlU)
Two Valuable Farms.
Tin: iinder.'igued, de-i rous of mnvMii
Weal, oiler, to si II ill pri,.ite tide. Ina 'I'WH I'.kllllS.
aitiiale 111 l.eiiion Inwuahip, ('.ilundua I'oiiuly, 1 11.
'Ihe J'arm 011 wliith he now roanlea. lontaioing about
Kiine ai veuly Arn-i. of whnli H cleared Land win reoii
i.ernted v iTtAkii: twii s'i'oiiv iikvi;,
I till 'St.. I'lKIKIMIL'rii: , adjoining Willi wu.l of waler
and Pump, and a iiever-l'itllns r-priug 011 the pr.-in-Mi
a. w llh water t onv e)ed t" tin tlnur III I Mdoll-jilpea,
.mi ,1 riiiiuiug a ream bv Hie tloor Al.n.-A PkkMli
.-kk'ISS li.M.N. ;id . nil f it. with Devaiiporl ni-ei-eh'iol
all'ieh nl Willi mow a Also,
Two Hand Ainnc ii thiirj!,
of Ural'led Print. till alt llin ueciaanry Improve
oi'lita in a lush tle of . ultiv .itnol
A L.O ;
Another Fann and Plantation,
ti.i-.ileil about nue uu.iitwr o a 1111I0 north. ca-t of Ihu
l.rsl u.iiii d I'.irm. c-.iiit j in 1 11 1
nun.-llnriy nine ,e roa ol w hiili la ile.ired and uml r
fn id cillllvaliou.
(J- 1'i.r lumliiioiia and further p ull 'tila ra. npp y
Hem hi, Pa., Jamr r -I. lei.l.
C fluid Jiirnis fur Fib, Trim, I&tjj.
Poll Till: liar. Ilerwlck -Jeremiah Seeah, ill..
Iiriar:reek 111. mpp mateel, Jnlln II. Sinllli, ISnntu.-l
Itloniu 'Va-tliie lloon.
Ilentnu -Juaao (iln.
Cll(awlaa,lSol.iooii 1 1 el wig
Centre -Henry I) Kuorr. Illiani Stllwippcnlieirer.
I'iahli.gcreek- Abraham Kline. Haq
lleuiiei s - J1.I111 llorlninn,kkTI!i,ilii Fry, Jarkanil I.e ilv.
Jonaa t'aliringer. Isaac
ilevised Fee Bill of the
C iluiiibiii& Montour Counly
l.ucut MirlMfl UtirtiT
l.tlnik-t Win. Hcriiiiitfrr
.MHlMM-riiarli'H !rnfT.
.Unilumi rrtili-ri(k lltjrr, Jacob Pjcr
JVtnllic J.iroN Ousnr
tniii- itliani I U'!!".-.
Scntt-llnriuiin (V cling, II. 1). Mpllfctt.
Juini.iry 7.
Truverv -jfnrors for Feb, Tcriu I8li5.
Itnp ltr-rwick J. V. Sihbot 1'reilfrirk Nfrvty.
.niiiiS. until I .Mt'llhk, Stephen Kuorr Jnicpli L,
Cntnu ixfii JirtK'pli I.'i'UlIi, Jucnh Ootifll, UiUik'l Hil
w is.
fciurc-'l'Iir'n MrD. Prlcn. Hnry (Mini litu.
! r.-tiiiiL'crc( i;-t:atli.''i'liuiii.i!i, Silas Mcllenry, lt-jiilnn
rr.iuklm ( htiii Mfiith. Jt isc Cloavir.
M uilork - Ahnlnin Vnn llitrn,
Jui khuti - Alir ili.iiu Mitniiitii;.
I.urii't- .Itiliii Siudcr, Henry r.ihriiigir, Waiihinst"!'
.Mt Pinal mt Jftbn Itiickcl. Jnliu Mnrt.ilt. Luate
.Mitlliu lli'iir) . lli'Ait. litjw U Uckr-Jlti. ,
Miull-Min - .l.ifih iiirti'i. I
.Maui' -Mil h.ifl (Irnvrr
)rttuf A i lii uHi'iuiiii, ' i.
Pint' -'I tmiiMtf .M t llr, Juhti W, Hunter, I.iilli.'r A.
.iruiiiu. "
l;MNH!!,r',i'k William
HcutL John I'm Win. II. L'K'.iiy. Tli'iuiag fioliiimu,
Henry W ( ri'tisy
iNi-ratiftaf -ifi-nriif'DHU.
Jiiiiu.try 7.
"VTOTICK ia liei-cl.y'given that, the fol-
X lowing pi-Mima have tiled ill the ollire of Ihu
Clerk of lhe Uilflrler Sea-loin, lipjdiratioua tn keel
lloP-l, or m II liquor by lhe quail, Willi or without
other men hauilue, at tin- places mimed, ahd Ihu
appliea inn-, wi I be pn aented In lhe I Uurl of (lu.uti'r
Se.Mniia ol Columbia cnuiitv, on .M'liiilny. the I'll! day
of J'tbruarj', lei 5, ul 'J o'lloik, P .M
ll.runi SiiioilniJ, Hotel, Derwiik, Ltj.'jpt Creeiiwnod.
Charlis 1'. Smith " Ccutrevillir
llernard Mi-ltreity, Jq'ior Store in Ucn
trtville, Cm yi-ghd n town-hip.
jp.ssi: coi.i'.MAV, luns o.j:.
lllnnniabiirg, Jaaii.ii) II, I'.l'iS.
Thla grenl lino trnvi-raea llio Northern ami N'urtli.
.veil coiiutlca of Pexnaylvnnla tu lhe city of J'.rio, on
l.nke llrle.
it haa Iweii leaaed by the Peimajlvanla Ituilroud
Cniiipnny, and ii operated by them.
Ita entire lengllr waa npeiled for paaaeuger and
freight buaineaa, October 17th, iMil.
timf or 1'iaaisr.iK ai .Nur.rilt'
Mail Traill leavca, I'.a-t ID Hi 1'. M.
Klmlra P.M'rcaa Train, il 'JT P. M.
Lock Haven Arcoininoilalinn, 10 '.'7 A.M.
Willi, imaport Au:oiiiiiiiiilallnii. J '.'J I', jj,
Moil Train, . 1 24 A. ,M.
niinlra I'.vpreaa Train, - - . 3'J.IA. ,M.
I. ia'k Haven Accoimuo.Ullriii 4111 P.,M.
kVllliaiuiport Accniiiuiodation - - I1.V5P. in.
Paaaungcra Cara run through on .Mall Train, vviut.
on l ui iNiu both vviiya between l'hilailelpliiaatid lltie,
.lint llaltitnnroaud l.ri.;.
i'.legmit Sleeping Cars on niniiro llvpreas Traina
both wna helw'eeu Willlamaport and ItalHjiioro.
Jir iiiforui.ition reapectiuz Paaaenger buaineaa, ap
ply ul tho Coy. atilh uml .Market Sla.
And for 1'reUlit huaiiieaaof tha Coinpiuv'a Agenta.
, S. II. Kingston, Jr.i Cor.ldlli and .Market Sla., I'll I 'a
J, IV. lteviiolda, Hrle.
J.kl. Ilrlll, Agent iV.C. It. It., Ilalliniori'.
I 11.11. llouatoii. lieu'l. 1'relght Agt . IMiilad Iplila,
II, W. (iwiuner, (Jen'l.Taket Agt. Philadelphia.
Joaeph I). Pntla.GeiiT. .Manugu., kVl I Jiuinv nor I.
Jilll, I , ICUJ,
l.itrli.-uvaniia & filootiisbtirg Itnilroail.
Crff- TWO DAILY TltALS'S. "a (
r ami A'"i'' it "ii''- iJn-, i' i
Photographic Alburn.
kk'u were llio liril In Intrndiicft Hicao 1 1 to Ih'l'nlled
Slntea. and vva m inufuctiira iiiiiuenrc quiintillea in
grenl variety, tanning In price frmu lu inula tu $.u
ffili, Our A I, HUMS have lhe repdlation of being n.
perinr III bi anty uml duriiliiliiy lo any oihera. Tliey
win uo eeni tiy man. irt-e. on rrcetiioi price.
tJtl'Ht Attaint made to UrJtr.d
Our Catalogue niiw emllraroa oief lita thnutantl dif.
fercul aiibjccla (lu which a.lilillolla aro rniitlnunlly
being made; of PotlMlta ol Ctiilueut Americana, fcc .
vir. annul
:M Slate.inen,
1.10 llitlnea,
IV.'i Ami ora,
.411 Aill.ta,
Ua Singe,
'i rroinlnenl i nrnrii.
Ill') Mnjor-libner.lla,
'.HI llrig.-rii.iiernia,
'JtA Mir I a ,
11,11 I. lent .('olnni'li,
J.iil Oilier Officers,
i.t Navv Oilleera.
ion rromiiu oreigu rortr.ilta.
3.(iin) conns up kvuKKrf up a nr.
IncSuilllig Jellrudiictlniis of llin moat iilebratnl Hn
graviuga, Paiuliuga, Hlnliu-a, AVe, Cntulngiiea aun on
receipt uf Stamp. An order for Ono li, .ell. Pit I a
from nur Catilomlc it 111 ll.i lilted iln Hla romp jf, ami aeiitny mall, l iin.
PI i-lflgrnphers nmlotlieia ordering gonda (i ' I),
with pluise remit twenty live per rent f tin l" nt
vv uu meir oruer.
I!, k II. T AXTIIOVY k C i
Mwnftutttrtrt vf I'iotoifraphU JMtrt 1
.101 llroudwiiy, .Vow ;,
E7"Tho prieea nn I q'lalltyuf our guudi ran fall
Keadinir ilail-road.
Novnnber 7th 180-1. j
G rent Trunk Lino from the North and I
T North -Weal for I'hllado phin, Now-Vork, Read-'
ing. Pottaville, Alleiilnwu. Haalon, fir., ic.
Train leave llairiiburg for New-York, aa follow a
Al 3 HO and H. I.i ,. ,M. mid l.t.'i P. M.. urrivltig nl New
York nt It) A ,M ami J. 1 . ami It) (in I', l.
I'lio allot u ronuecl with aimllar Traina uu tho Pcnn ;
aylvdnla Hail Koail, mid Slei ping Cars accompany lhe .
Iirl two Trains, vv llhoiit chaiigo
l.eiivc for lleinlliig, Pottaville.Taiiiaqua, Mineravillo. 1 a. r. a ci.t,n,
Alleutowii.uild i'lilladvlpliiu al S IS A. .kl. uml I 4". P. j
M., aloping Ul l.eliimiu nud principal Slallnua only. . troi t
Way Trnlua, Hupping ul nil pnluls, nt'7 'Jj A. M.and T1"""
1,41) P. M. Ileturiimg I.eavu.New-York at U A M,, I J ,
iiiiiin, and 7.UU P. M. I'lillailelplil.i al 8 A. M: mid 3.:m !
P. M ; Pultavllleat f ,'.U A. .M.and -J.:i5 P. M ; Tamaqiia , M anil'.'.lai' .m.iiiiii i.eaiiingativ mliiiiigni
-.ll.'.ntnl 10.13 A.M., 1.3-Jand tiU3J,..M.
Ileinlina Accoiuodallon Train: Leaves Itendlngntfl
PC A. .kl. nlutning Irom Philadelphia at 1.31) P. .M.
Columblit Itailroad Trnlua leave Heading at 0.4U arid
II A M, for llphrula, I. Illz, Columbia. &c. 1
(In Sundays i l.eavo Nuvv-. ork at , r M f lilladcl-
Sherman is reported its putting hit army
on tho movo northward frnm Savnnali.
cither to altaek Augusta, fur upon tho 3
vanah river, or to assault Charleston from,
(lib, land aide, or Wilmington, or to join
da? The jury in this Wced-Opdyke
New Tork ease, after biiing SO hours re
turned utid staled that thoy ooiild not
ngrec. They wero d'lVided' b'ntuou six
oonts damages and sortie other r.tnu. Nino
of them wern fornix cent dnmigcs. 'I 'hit
any ol tho "loyal" parties to tliia easd
' were tlainrtged' in character to oven thai
I insignificant sum, is extremely dotibtfiil.
!?''I,IJLV 1 "UJ. ' j
1' KNN'Slf LV.Vfii iV
ijaraiaAti. mi suioiipivjiiw
Ofllcc 130 S5uh PiflKSlreel,1
o-pitct i I .Oaio.noo. aoo.uw, 44rM, eJ lM. uatitai. smo.odu.
U. X. iACKMAK, lllllU VT. DAVIS,
i.e. nnaiBxttiita, rtina a axALu
lout ts. rctaanr,
jAMi'.a .m.
Thla Company tins UU arrca of land. In fee. on A.
undent; l!lv.,r lii.ti.illnll u 11,1 .'l.v n...l u.l.
nhii3.l3P M.. Pottaville 7.30 A.M., Tamaqua 7 A. M , joining l.aytoiiia, with 1 10 roda front nn tho rlvor. and
llari-Wiurg 8 13 A. Jt.. and Reading ul PJ inldnlglit.tor 75 roda front on I.ay'a Run. llou. O. 1'. Unmade!!, d.
, iinrii.iiHii:. nor tu nie tin tny .lemyor, nnu agent tor una land,
aiou Tickets lo and from all points. at reduced Rules
lluggngu iheckid throtigli: tU pounda allowed each
(1. A. N1COI.I.F,
flcncral Superintendent.
RKAtJiNO, l'a. Nov 2d. IftlJ.
I.i: A V I- .SORTIIkV V tl tl.
Peru lik,
at St-riinlou,
New York,
1. 1; a v c
" llerwick,
11 Inoouiaburg
" Rupert,
" llanville,
Airivi- at Northumberland,
" ll.irrirl.tirtr.
" Wuahiiiglnu,
1'J.l.i 1',
SOL' T II kVAll 1)
li (III A M
' tl 1,1
J S3
Ill -III
l.-Jl) P
5.00 P. Jl.
5 40
5.1 5
10 M
. M.
5 30
10 HO
Tho thorleat nml moat diiecl route lo the w cat and Ihe
oil region I
Ti 'I'rains of tne Philadelphia ami V.o Railroad
leave N.irlhiiiobeiland evi ry morning for i:rie, arriv
utc ther' lh aftermeiu ol the auim- day tn cuuneil
vv itli train- lor Ihitl'alo ( level, mil, Chicago, with all
ponila west, and loiinettiog al Corry Willi all aaaiua
on Hi- (Ml Creea ll,iilroad
New and elegant Sleeping rnra uccumpany Ihe night
traina each ivav bitwi't-o Xorlhuiuherluitd mid Haiti
lil,.ie, ulid Northumberland mid Philadelphlu.
II. A. 1'uSUA. Supt.
Ivingaton, Jauiiar 11. 1BII5.
JANUARY Ict. 105
50 eta. lo
III llei order'". I 'the ii
C-lll HI' .1 kNUAIIV. A
li. i-i.'i Al! inri
d. i.i
kil It DAY
Ilia ll.l-V illg
the iu-tru
U u tich good EwcH Untitle.
CS5 Just beforo the election the aboli
tion papers would hru-ile up and denounce
the Democratic press as being guilty 01
lying or iuventing some new electioneering
bchemo whenever tbey would fpsak ol
uuother draft to bo mado. What do thoe
Who were to Eroaly deceived by thest
Abolition editors, think of thcut now ?
Is Fresitleut Liueolu's call for 300,000
more" a ""copperhead lie," too !
Adveutisk youii VnsnuES.-Wo ad
vise our farmer friends and all others who
proposo to sell off their Ileal
personal Property, bttkkeen
Spring, to advertise their sales
ly, both by newspaper and by
Dv do'iutf so, they will draw
i. lomnr crowd, and ol course in view
lUUlill - t a.
hntier nriccs. It is
DI C0U)pimuu) ""- i
tho worst b6rt ol economy to
the tnatlor of advertising.
...t,1 . il.n nrinter will bo
11AIU IU j---
l-a We hake b.-en fakored with two or
three f-lls of snow during tho past week,
and sleighing has been renuercu us gUu,. ,
us tho lovers of that invigorating exercise
rnnid desire. The merry jingling of bells ;
greet our ears
:.n nml. wo
..8,..all hours ol the morn." For tl.o-o who
i ImiiH nr ileiiMiid- a'ani-t Hie 1,-l-ile nl Hi 1 di e a-i-d,
are re-po i -il to present Hi m t-i the Aio'iior. nr tn-deli
irred frmu cnuniig i i ho .. Ilor.- cf III u-aets
jtiiiv (i. i'i:i;i:i:, A.uur.
I loonisliurs. Jan 7. lri,.i-SJ ,'.n.
EstucuJ WMLuit Widb, Decta.l.
i I'.TTEHS of adminiMratioii. with tjir
i) j will iiiinevel, on ihu H-tale of WILLIAM
Wl'.llll. late of Centre town. hip, Cnliiiubii county,
lei, 'iiaed. have been granted by llie R'gn-ler of Col
ainl.ia im, my, lo Hi - ii ii l.-r.-itiH'.l ; nil pi r.oua hav ing
-l.'illiia ,'lg'tlllt the I. .tat nl Hie diced, nt .lie requ,
led lo preai'lit III. in lo Ih.- lllk.lerslglled. resiillug III
Seoll tnwiialilp, wilh.iiil,ilelnv. ,lu 1 all persona intleb
led tn inane payment Inrtlnvitli
i:i,I IIAR'I MAN, Mm'r.C. T..1.
neciiiiher -Jl, lSiil.-im-. 5 1
aIjiTTT'ok s notiopT
Estate oj Ativan if Mtttis, itececrstd.
SMIE uiidcr.-igued nppotnted by the Or
1 phmi's Courl ol' Ciiliinibi:i 'nuuty. tn make dl-lrl-billion
of Ihe hala.n-e in Hi" bauds t ivt-r K. Herb.'in
I ,,1, n Veneer, ir . A il.iiin nlr.ilor of AlexVr .kieara,
line n Lucuat twp , in aai ' eouniy. in nun uiiiuiik in.
eicdllura of lhe allld dene.ised. Ill the Older vaUbllall-
ml (j) law, will liiett the ereilltora i.t 111" iieieaae,: a;
111" llecoruer a llllice. Ill ni'iniosiiiiri:. " .
Ji-lh III J A M Alt . A II I wi.j. .ill pert-oil- ii.ivio
claim or ib uiauils ng the Clan- ol Ihu deceased
are reqii'-atisil t "preat ft no m i" in" niiunur. or uu
haired from n,oiiif in fir a .hare ..f 111;-aaaits
JUll 1. l IVl.l..l. ,'inaiir.
llloL'iiiaburg. January 7, IstSo i: 3d.
St on
Ml cents.
511 rriita.
V5 n'ttla
$15 nu
t-5 00 to S-i.ui)
E.-tato or
this liud
cconomi'.'J i"
Each dollar
returned ten
rpiIK undersigned, Guardiau for tho
J minor children of Joaeph Ce.irhart, deceaael,
vvill oiler to rent. f two )eirt irom llin Hrat wf
April licit.) al public mil c-y, on
Thun-day, tho 'Jnd day of February, 1600,
g) The lillukving di'icribed vnlu .bl vlato, k'iir
A Sturc Home, Dwelling liouewUli the
Out-builtlitts. and Two dc4 of L'uut,
rfliu.ilu in Catawis.i luwealitp, Until iln a I'ouniy. Pa.,
on the .Main Road, about niid waj between ( Jlawi.ia
"'sanhVr'openy is all in guml cunditiou, with every
enliven enco lor a reildciie" and bus iiui . land, in an
eLcilleiit neiBliburllO'id. and oil ' iudueeiueiii.
fr barking ill llie Meli'.lllllie uu -innaa
AjiL)' 'I'" I"' Reined on lhe promt
moiiii u'llDik, P, Jt.. on l'l "lay
WM. CltEASV, Sr.
January H ISOJ.
'IIIE undersigned, having inkun the
'i siorn lately oi'iiipe-d by Jatue li- P.yer. on .Main
Ptreet, above Iron Mt- t, m i.lodtn.lurs. and atocked
It ie.ll. everv VUri' IV I'f
, . i itt,.,ifiillv liil'iirma da lileiiiia anil me niiiiic gen-
at all hours ol tho day and rrift;jXi i. "lit i- '-im 'T' 11
ght say, until tho Xe
(In Vi-il hi Town.
I'.arli ihltliihuul iit, haiup il.ij'. m
I' i.lititlnnat r.tso lu (aniily, in
t'uuntrl ir lotMi,
l)r liu.iry out o flow it within
inn mile, ....
inIill!(Mti:il ii'ilf. or f.ailiou of n
mile, up n A null':,
Ul -ins al inqljt '! prcnliius
Veil al rtit-'lii iIhuIHi' Hi-' !ay islt.
(iiiiniar --n nt" p.irliiriiinii
litsiiuiiiiMilat au I cutli :i- rt
i i j i r inriiinu,
1) ih'i-riiiLt PlariMiia.
Alt att'-r nlti-iiilaiMM', nrinrcliii' lo
-r willn rv rali'f per i-it.
Kt'iliiitiDti ul' 1'iai iviriM &l l,uc it inn -),
Amputation i t; nt Ann
A in p u ati.iu nf I'niL'i'i "r Toi.
Upcr.itiuii lnr ll-ir'-iip.
1 CUlnll Ol' 'I'mIUI'j
l!tirpaliiu ofTuianr,
IlltP (hit Hull nf 'utlji'ti'T
Pn I iimrt c.-ii.iin'u 1'i.r I'nrnin'r.
Coiuli itiuit w itliiu I'lLtlit milt's,
I 1'iii Tmrar in A-i in-s
i i-i.i'i'ulf rn Vam ii il I! mil nalia.i .
I ii'iniiL lit all raxc extra,
J. ulnar) T. If .
1 iNational Found.'7.
nr. MibM-rlh"!. prnptietnr of Hie above named ex
J t.ille ektjh.ihlniK lit. ia now prepared inp'ioivo
ci. lor
II Kiiith i f lrJrli!ii-ry,
. (olerit-s. nia.l I'ltrnrn-cl, Stalilnary I'.ugiuea. .Mills
TllltHSIIlMI JiACIIIM'.S. -C . 4.L.
lie i nlan ir. pared lo urike .iiov all ai.i a a ud
.iilloiu. p'..w.i'iiii. mid everything u.ually made in
I'lst-elaaa I'nutiilries
Ilia ml uialv i- Lu ii.ti-a mid prailinil wnik n, vvnr
molt linn lu ree.iviiig llio largeat ciuili.icta on lhe
111 i.t re laolltlble t' rills. ,
r' lirmu "f "'I kinds w III be taken in cxclialli fui
i This e.i.ildi'hineiit Is Inra.ed near tho l.ackawun
,,a 'A II. noui.burg Railroad nepijt., mu M1,
illwomshiirg, Sept. I-, teliS.
Stll.OII to 8 23.1W
111.00 in .lil no
7.n(i to
ini.lll lo SWliI
5'ln.iiil to .13 ml
S lo.uo lo J"..ini
IT-1. un
SJ.uo lo .1 no
.-3(1.1111 to . 1 1 11,110
" s,UD tn (IS Ud
? J.I'U
?VOTlCE ia hnrehy civen lo all legatees,
1. -5 cr'-dil'. and oilier peraiui- inteieHied lu llie ea.
tales nf the rt-K cli v.- tle eudenta and minora, thai
the fellow in nduiiiiirlriilinii mid (iiurdi,ui a.'cnunla
havo hi en lib d ill th olliceoC ihe Reti.ter of Coltiin.
iiia count), mid will he presented for l mid
ullow am f 111 (he Orphan' Ci'Ult. In he held in nlnolna
biiig. iii the nullity nl'oresaid, on k edneailny. tho Mil
ol 1. In ti.ii , Ul 3, ..I 'J u'lloil. in the ulleriioon ol said
1. Final account of Peter Knt adui'r.
of Alciu .M.irr, l.iU nf Scott tow njliip, deceaaed.
M Account of Andrew ' revelinj;' nud
Samuel llenri Ui'ra, ol Arilnbald lleuriu, late of
Orallge low'nallip. deieaaed.
:i First accnunt. of William O. Hurley,
adtli'r ol' Caleb llaiton. Into of lllooiu township, dee'd.
I. Aeeouul of Jacob Lougenbcrger, ad
ministrator "f John Rarig. late of Roariugcreik town
alilp. deceaaed.
0 I'irst and final account of Oliver
Hv.uia. adui'r. ol David llauipluii, lato df Iloaringcreck
low il tlii p. Deceased.
(i. 1'irr-t and liu ul a count of William
(i. Darrta, adui'r. tie bliula lion with tho will auneicd
of Andrew iLaa late ol Suga.'loiil twp., dneased.
7. Account ol Jiilm Woll, adm'i. of
Course P. .Miller, lale of Centre township, dicensed.
b First nud filial account of Henry
llu, adin'r. of Ileury (i. Kuons, late of llelulock twp,
il. c Used. t
. Filial aceouut of William Lamnn,
and Nalliaii Siller, nilm'ri. of Saiiiu'jl Sltler, late nl
liriarereek lowiiahiii, deceased.
It). Account of illiani Masteiler, and
Joedi Corrill, C.'ra. ol John Heller, late of .Madison
low i.nhip, ilen-a-eil.
' It. Firt and final account of Wilson
Wainih. adin'r of t--aniuel kV.iuiili, lalo of lleiuloik
toiviiainp, diieasod.
l.touiiiabiirg. January li. laiio. UUUISl'Ktt.
Arthur's Heme Magazine for '65.
fPHE Home Magazine closes its volume
Jl for InU with lh widest rirrulation il has yet nt
tiiiuuil, I'or 1ei:5 it will, b..- enlarged, and made still
more worthy of the patronage it is receiving. Nn pe
noiiiial in llio country has not with a heartier wei
romolioiii thu ireaa. It4 prnides come liearlded from
in iv ilirtcloo. Tu hininlaiii tl.o liich place it Iris
rem iicd in public fuv or, Hie publisher ami editors vv ill
spure neither e.peiise nor labor. Oiv il. any we. a
nn uliilnui for Ihu coming year beyond that of any nth
or periodical ot its class in Ihu country. Ilia, purcv
ccllrut, Hie people's magaiue, and alinuld llud a place
ir. every homo. Terms iji 3lla)ear ; three coue &ii ,
Jive copier, and nnu tu sitter-up of ilub, ?iC; nine
copiea, and one tn getler-up ofclub, SI5.
Jan. 7, Id, ka
II. C. II O W E 11,
RPSPrCTl'UI.I.Y nders Ins profeas
ionul services lotlie ladies mid gentle
men of lll touikburg and vicinity. Ho is
prepared in attend to all III" various
op iraliona in the line ul Ins profession, and is prnvhl",l
Willi the latest improved VOHCELjIUS TKKTJI; whiih
w il bein-erteil on gold, platina, silver and rubber base
Inlnokvvill ua tho italuial teeth
kll icril plate and block teeih manufartured and i)l
0 erntii ns on teeth, eniel'ully and properly alleuded to.
Ite.ii'ence and olliro a few doors abovu llio Court
II 111.0, saiuo aitlo.
Ill lO.iishiirg. June i. lel!3
H'ibstcr s Utiitbihlgcd Dictionary.
TlioriiiLirlily Olivine! atil luuch Knlarijeil.
Over 3000 Fine Engravings.
10000 WOUDS .trul MIjftNIXGSnui fouml in nthrr
Over llnrty nhli Amnrieau ntiJ nuropcrm gclinlarn out
pin) oil upon tli i -t re1biou, ami thirty years f luttur
(j.xpjmltjti upon it.
Aiming thu cn!lnlinr.itnr Q'c Or. Malian, of ncrlin,
Pruf'sors Porter, D.iu.t, Wliiniry, Hailly, layinau,
(Jilnfiu, and 'J'Liitih'r. Cnnt. (j'raicliitl, nf Wc-t
Ptiint Military Acaljiuy, J mis J. C. Pcrkiiit?, Pro
futxirHtilch, A I Hulley. l , &r., J-c..
Suvtral talilut. of urt-at valup.nii" nf thciu of flrty qltartn
pacfi?, L'xplaualory an 1 Pronouncing, of i tallies in
iklinn if pcrxniii, and placi-s, pscudonynm, Arc, A.c,
ig ANaildon, Acadia, Albany Upgonry, MoUht Cary
.M,ton nml ImvoiiV line, Mr. Micawli t, AiCw
Cuntainiuir ontf-tltth or niic-iuurtli umru matter ihau
any runner cditiung.
I'miii (tew cleclrut)pe platen nnl tho 1Utrsidc Vtvm
and lliudcry,
'f?K7' W'KHSTKR.
Pnb'lflieil by C. Ac U. .MP.ItltlAM, SprinuM, Masi.
ilHlinry 7 lrib5-lin.
usautei tits Coinnrnrv thai it willnnll In lots for -ilit).
0(H), rest-riiiij l ho oil riiit uhidi in worth 910K.O
ruUiiimiul. Iiiimcdtttz reremtr Kill Ic derired for (Aa
liive two pom! t'niiiut: with loniplctc ll.tttircs to op-jr
ntc iiniiMjilialfly for oil. 'Jim t'-rritury in ,tlii" lunu
Uiatc locality had never failed lo produce profitably.
Abo, mif fitimlml arrets, in ft niuinltj, lu tit c- le
lir.ttcit Churry Htm DiMrict, iniiiK-riiaKly ndjoifiiri(-
Cherry Hun Petrotum Coiupauy, whoso slntk t now
worth nrr S30 purdiarc. Tlio Company now have of
furs, winch w ill boucLeptftl, for ainkinU well a on leasn,
w Itlh.ut any rost to the corporntiou and onr half the
pr"-t','lB to go to the Coiiipanv. Thu Curtiit an t tit
Nicholas Companies arc in this inimediato locatitv,
and their stock is now roniiuaiitlinp a lart'e premium.
In addition, the Company haft -10 acres, lu fee plniplo.
on Ch'irry Tree Huu. which oiuiiles Into Oil Crek,
uml in the be! producing section ofthc UH Territory
nml 110 ii m in fi! ttluiple, on Walltut hrnd, live
) inilch above the innuth of Oil Truck, and not over two
' mile, from thu celebrated lUed well, now piotluciug
oerU0 barrels per day.
Also, the leiit.e of three trat tn hf land, two on Oil
' Creek, cath producing; over ten Uarren per dav, and
one on AlUphu'iiny liner, (irodtielnn tn Harrela per
day of liruvy oil, worth, now $i per barrel Thu
Company now receives three-fourth ut the proceedi
I of th last named well, ami nf 1 1 j f other two
Kuril ut tliTsu tracts will oe iiovciuped by tne company
by sinking additional m-1U and the cuiiiCf and tlx
turcs are now on hatiil to do it.
The otneeru nf this Coinpatiy mean to pronccut th
development of thee laudri moil cueri'tic.tlly. and
they have tiillro conrtdeitte that they will yieUry
large dividend, on the cat ilal tocfc
ltfubcnptioitM uulct bo luado promptly, luorj
than one halfol tha stuck u ulnni )--iu'a;ed
Hubscrlptions w HI b rcculvud al thu oilier of the
Company .
January 7, iS0.'-3t. (
'00,000 Shitres, al 2 00 per hare.
Jtwl Published in, a Scaled Envilope.
A Leituro .Intlio Nature. Treatment and Ua. Ileal nine
of r-periouloirhtiM or i-cminal kkea!,nes. involuntary
Hiuiasioua. Sexual Debility, aad lmpeiliiui uta lo Mnr
ring.' generally N'erv'i'oiinea, l.'ouisuiuplii'ii, Hpilep.
ay, mid fits: .klenlal and fnysicul incapa. iiy, reault
ingtroui t-olf-.kbiise. k. lly ROUT J. iJUJ.VJJR
kk'LI.L. M. II., Aulhoj nf llle'-Grccn Hook." .tc.
Thowoiirlii rauiiwiu'daiitliur. in tins admirable Lec
ture, iletirly proves front his own experience
awful conaK'iveiices of Self-Abiise may ho eflecturlly
retuoved wllbnut modaiine, and wllimut dnngerniia
197 Ilowery.Now.York, foal Ollico fix 43Sii.
Oct. 17, IctiJ.
I 'turves,
t. C. I-Al'l.
iXo. -13 ioith
No v. 1 1. lS'i32mri.
S ii muff's Bales.
and to coiiimoiii't.
when due attind-
lr-aatirfl of m. r,nr terms and nl siitialariory prices.
cnunot nttoru io tuuuigu i ' r ii,s .t..ik con.i.t., m p.m. ut
a 8leifiU rido, wo givo the following receipt dry
ns a substitute propoied by a churlish bus- ucbbn-&
putilioncd tor a
The Berwick House,
Bini-i-hy Columbia do., Pf
awwlir.nniler.igucd vvnuld reieilfillly aiiiiounre to
ET' In- fiiiends mid lhe public generally, tiial
havin" leaaed 'his well-know ii house-lie lias given II
aillnroiigll v novalioii. The rooms have In on ripupei
iiliindtlie entire .si.ibli.h.iieui i'leganll Murnished.
llenig pleusuhily and iligib'y located, uiol pl-mnfu
with all the n-piiailo lonveuieiuoa, it oilers to tho
public the combined advantages of
A tFirs( -Class SloteS-
IMS 'I'AIII.H wi" ulw'iiya he supplied with the henthe
markets nlloid. ulid HIS IM II with Hie thoire.l li
tiiors. Travellers, drovers, teamsters, boarders, Kc.
1 iii'ioiiiinodiileil to ueuernl aatirl'ailion. Can fill uml nr
1 couiiuodaling llin-llers alw uya in altenilino''-. tnbliti
tho nto.l inihptito and ntuiialve In tills sei lion.
; Mayas, ifm.
Tiinttef fiiiiiii! ibi' Sale.
f"HE untluNpneil oirors to sell nt I'ri-
E vale Sab-, a good 'I'r.irt of TIMIU'H I, kNH, sit
.ii,. In lleiilou sndisniarloaf tow n.liii. L'oluuiln.t en
l'a. u.ljni'iiiig ,ind of Jo.hua llrlug, lieu. Dodsuu and j
Jesse I'i'iiiiigloii, I'oiiU'nitng about 1
Puuv li'itdied Acrts,
All ofwhirii latill.iblo liinl, well wittered and rus-.
ceptlble uf e.ny i ulinalijii.
The said Hail ; will be sold cull ra nr ill pnrls nl 1
nnu hundred, or III till) aeri lots, ns may be denied.
Sy Terms easy wnu nuer.ii inuo nu pun unno
paymeiits. ... 1
I'or furtlher pariirulnrs cnqulro of the subscriber at ,
his residence lu lleiulnek tiivvnslllp. or by addreas :rt
ll,,ck Horn- THOMAS J. YANDKitSI.K.'i:.
Oct. 15. inm.
ns a Bubstituto pro
fn when
"-t" . I 1.1 . ..j. . c
il. ..nn.lnil flint I lliV bUOUlU WI 111 n sp-eninn uni'i)
MlU imc. -i.B--"' r " " ' , COOHS.
JJillJUJU .v, ,
b" . . . i
. . .. t ii ... ii. i in irrinr. uoar
f. t 111 tllO WW, 'k" ., JIV,,. akr,cl.l'.S &-c . ,
und tbnir feet in a tub of loo-water, wliiio whlrh ,l0 wiuVcU chcni tho t.nej.jfct. for m.n o
1,0 lirtllldlnhrd a whip Willi OHO hn.lll aud "'".li,,,. t,I0ducr. B.urraliy Km r.i elnBr r.r
. ,i r l,r.ll with tho other. Try tooJi. Ti:itwti.i.tor.R.
Ladies' Furs. !
Thelargrat asanrtinent at UIIAULLS OAKi'Oltl) i.
CATS. S).NS, l.'onlinentul Hotel, I'hi ladelpliia.
Ladies' and Children's Hats. ,
1 l.nten styles at ( IIARLI'.S OAKIORI) 4c bl).
rouniienlnl llon l. I'hilndolphiu.
Ladies' Furs.
run hjaors may reiy upon gililni! llio be.l I'urs at
CHAItl.HS O.kKfOltll tc KO.N'H, Lonltntnlal Hotel,
theitrfut tiiust, l'niladil'hi.i
T viriuo nf a writ nf t l'a to me ili-
U) tecled. i.sued nut of tlio I'niirt of L'oiiiinou Pleas (
of Columbia uuiuty. w ill uu ovposod tu Balu ul the i
Court Hoiiae, in in join, nurg.
! On Monday, tho Oth of Etbrunry, 180.),
ul i n't lurk, 1' . At., the following described real innate
! lo wll:
I A Certain Tract of and,
! Sltuato in Locust tow iikhip, L'olumhla county, adjoin
ing liiuilsnf Jaikann l'.'l ucklerese on Hie aniilh, nn
i tho dial. Il.iihiiiuu mid Airttsi I'ox, on llie
norih, I't ter .Miller. en., and I'.'l' r .Miller. Jr., nu the
we.!, iniil lining M..VKMTV TkVtJ ACKi:S uml Sevuii
1 I'eicbes mid ullow ance, ub iul I'illy Acres of which are
! impruvud land ilp re are mi Ihu premises a I.UI.
I llul'Si:. one Story and a half digit, a Trunin think
. nam, Spiiug liouae, and Apilo Ouhard, Wllh llio up
pllltell. ilina.
Ono other Tract of Land, n'ddlo ill Locuat tiiwn
ahip.'l. adjuining the nbnk u described tract nn
the, by laud of 1'ilur Miller, eii . on tho Sjutli
and W'e.t, IVter .Miller. ' ii. and I'etur Aliller. Jr.. mi
thu North, tout lining I'lVil ALTILS, ami nnu hundred
and two peicln-a atint measure, ull ilearod land.
Another Trnct sltunle in I.ntusl town. hip, coUnty1
afnriaalil, adjiiining hniua of kk'right Hughes ami
oihera Un llio Nortli, land fi rmerlj h'huigitig lu Win.
Alillard nn tlu li.ul. laud nf v Illiani II. Rhndt-a on llie
Sinllli, Charles S Cos nu the West, coulaioiiig O.N'L
lll'Milll.l) AUIll, moro or le.s
One nlher tract of unimproved land, altiiatn lu l.o
nisi inwn.hip. and louiity uforeanld, mljoliilng uuda
uf rt Ins Ji liiison. Alich.iul Mi)der. tiu,iu Kline ami
ollu rs. containing lll.lIYKS' ACIILS. uml one hundred
l'llr .....llies. atrial oiellallre.
If?- Viiied. l iken in ekecuiiuii and tn be mid aa
lhe prnpeiw ol Wrlclit lluglies.
; tfAMUEI. S.NVDEIl, Sheriff.
Slnritrs Itfuo I. loom. burg, Jan 14, IktiS
allAT, CAPS,
L57 North Tliird Street I'hila'd.
III. IHi."
riltsbiirgh ('onniiorcial College.
'llliighauiiliii " " .
Ofitlciiden's l'lilladolphla.
ri,.iti... Ilrv.-t 111 i ffl.. ' ''
Tlie.H Scrips, aro inuinoiints of$l3 and nml are
aasomiicli cash, bv llio Student on cntringi'itlier ofthe
uhovn Colleges. Youug men ilesiringluubtuiii a lliuali
ml Uollegialo relocation, will lu-ru llndaguod specula
tlnti by npplviugiit tlm nnirootthe
.May I. inm COLUAlltl.k nr.MOHIHT
frill! undersigned, having taken the f.spy Hotel,
1 lately kept by Air U Howell, would ru-peclfully
I nfuriii Ills friends and Hie public In gi iii raL thai no
pains will bo pared for.llie satisficlory eiilertaiumcnt
ofall who may favor Inm Willi tu.rt"!";mi. ....
JOt U Al Vil(;:IHANK.
Hapy. AprlH l-'H
ol Venango county,"
of Pbilsdelplita.
W I L L I A M M D A It L 0 W ,
Of Lsm.uiD &, Haiilow, Philado'lphia.
T'ine per cent, per Month on $000,000.
In calling the attuutiou of capitalists td
this i-nlorprise, tlio Director have no imitation m
einiesHiiur lhfiil"'lief that their return fro.n il will bo
more certain nud more liberal 'hull Irom any new
company now beforo llio community. The property of
the company consist nf the following :
Nn. I. Throc-einiata of ibe working interest lu the
....... I I .... T..I I .... l.u IlL.ln li,l I1..I....I I'..,,..
surgical operations, bougbu-s, inatruinenta, ringa.or , oi, w i 1 1 1 tho aero of laud nn winch the well
tordluls, pohiniigout a uimlo of cure at onco certain ( located. This well ha bien fliwiug snno tnrlv in winch every suirerer, rio lualter what ' MnVi Pt;1 , at tiio rate nf n'intit Hiroo lluhared and liny
his in. dlllon inay be..niay enro liliuself rlicapcr, pn- har'rels . hilly, and is iiuw il..wiug ut thai rate, thus
vatily.and riidic-lly. 'Ilila Lecture will prove a 'ilding n. the Uouipauy blivorn Pity mid ahty bir,
boon lothiius.indsmul thousands. rds daily, worth, at proseul pili-a. iwonlv thouauud
Svinl under e:i. inany addres. in n plain, sealed jnii,,,,, ,,cr inoulli, winch w ill pay to the SUickhol lers
ivelopo, on Ihu reieipt ol six eels, or two postego I : ,, t.otiip my.
etiiups by alilresaiug. , Moiili 'J'll.lN TIIREi! Pfit CENT, l'tlll MONTH
.1",i5..J.,"'vl,',.''. --"'. : from the Hart. TJiero is muni on Ihe land lnr several
tnoru welis, two id whnli will be inuneuialelv tiuu
lui'iicod oy Ihu Company, uu I in vvJncli wi shall havu ,
I the sunn, interest u- 'o tin- Jersey. 1 lie churaitoi of
i this properly, ns oil laud, is well knbvu it is only
! uecesstir) to auy tint tin well on il lias oyer failed in
I gtlliug oil, while it li.ia already pmJueed ttle AIiipl4
' blt.ldo. (ho C'li'tllelli-. and lhe J. r.iy.
Nn. 2 Tweuiy livi' acres lu fee nn tho east aid", nf
the Allegheny river, nppnit ih nio.illi of i.ig i'u'idy.
This Iran li.ia aboul forty mUa' front iiutlio river and
I cnntani-a large uniouiil if baring surfaco. ')i w-ells 111. ,.' 'J ..IU 1"M ..... ."l'.. ,
iliem the llnbbs, the Ih our, i-e. Tho Company in
lend to proceed nl once In divi top this rtne projirty
I mid fcol sauguiUL- uf success,
No. II. A lease of Intel it on tl'o vt nt. 11. kvil
sou I'nrin. on Slippery Ruck Huu, In Lawrence County
.Noa 4. A. In 7 and g aro. also leases on Slippery
Rnik Kim, i-nutnnilhg futir hundred ncres in ull. -Tliej
woro obtaini'd in.piil. Ifo4, by Ur, Egborl, and
I'ouiiiiue fur hlieuil yeiira from tln-ir dale. They s.
i me to the l.e.seea till thu ml and other minerals con
laini.i in the aeteral tiaits. with ttle right lo. i.i.Uu
ami sublet with all other risht nud uriiilerei con-
iieited vv llh Hie hiikiiies. of iinniub mr ol!, cnnl and
other mineral, and reserve a royi-lly of only one
ighlli of a nd ml or iiilnernls
'I he Slippery Rook Terrimry is a new ami only par
tially developed ml regnui ; but iho uccesa alreudy
obtained Hiito and on Iho Atnhoning River, a fevir
miles wet, tog. iher Willi the large pi.intitio. uf ull
found north, anulh. eaal and weal of il, lead us to
1ioi? thai it will prove a succo.aliil oil regmti.
'I he Ciunpmy have nlnnily nn i-nrllf lit engine,
tools, and all nece.sary lixiun-s un tin gruuuds, vvltti
a well piully dnwii, und .hall procie.i t.. l o vt I Jp llio
prnpoity aa fa.ias pn-.tbln. .
Tlieae lands and leases vvrte all selected for till pur
pose., by lie I'rosidetii ol litis Cupipauy, r. h-isc groat
sucr. sa in tho nil bmlile-' sterling Integrity ainl
force uf .liarucier are ton well kuowa lo r t,iiro com
im ill here
SiiSeriitfun rscru'ri at te ejlee . ,
. I.LIA Aim Si. l'.Ht.OW,
4JU Chestnut Direct,
Oaly a .iisitf,J.k'utar ff &krci are fur aids..
JiUouiy "i. Mi.k-i,ts.
- . - -s
Tho undersigned, grateful for past ptt-
ii t m a i. r m I ruiingc, resp u lly inf nns )r iravitiing I'u'tiie
11 ,i .il o, cu generally, th ho ha. just procured truiu New York, a
new, beiiiiiiful and c-p umus
" " mnv nnF.rvn i Phoenix Company Coach,
JUJliN u. 1 J-.iV.kJl.ili, . by whn li iiieana he is now enabled to innvey I'm
AIANt FACi'UltElt iikVUOl l'.SALI'. HEALER IN I fingers nml llnggaco nt". ly and iniiifortnbh In twccn
i i.iiiuio.iiorg uno ine sevi-ini n.ui .vo.n. in ihi. mr. ,
iiie i .aiua, u vv ill bo his unity m in loiuiuouaio ma
11'. solicits li.u publu
ciistoini is to their satl.lai Itmi
II rg. Jatiunrv 7, MV,
f ATE ol th ' I'. iniBVlvmna llouae, has iniriiiaaril
1 j the above will known Tavern tiland, lately orciip
led by l.eo ge li , 1 ret 7a', niualo on Morki I 1 erry '
strei'is, in llanvilb-. Pa., and has ni fiiriiialied and re- f
opened il for Ihu acromoJulifin ol Hi.- pub'ir.
run House IS llirno umi coonnum,i,ts. t.n.. ti.i. n',,.-
daut stabling. It IS ploasatltly located in iln ceiitrul ;
unit business part nf tlio lluiiluck. ,
Tn all who may favor him vtllli their patronage, he
promises bin utmost ellnrts to promote Uu lr comlort.
and assures tliem thai uotlllng all.ill ho vvauliilg ott his
part to make his House ,la'(',l':llJllli's n"""V (5I"
N. II. Smith's Omnibus runs from thu above men- j
tinned lluuso. tu and Irom both Hull linad depots ut
every arrival of llio Trains. Hoi. 11). leOI.
ALottiud Dokvllinn lloufe, with steffrr
(latdi tl, Gliiblo, 1'ruit Trees, Out build. Mj!!
..... .tr kil. ..tie iii. I lilrd Street, hulnvv kllir I'Sl '
ki'.nnl Hour Hie Academy. I'ossissinn given itpoi' tho
lu.l day of April. 1H.5 fur tetmi nnu parucuu
apply tu the undersigned.
gloonituurii lanuji y 7 1 30J
BELL 6t ALLAB ACH, Proprittors
Kiusu fi o'rirTT uotu eiih
C O II A 0 C O D E A L E It F
five doorsbelow Hurt
A T !i' O It N E Y A T L A W .
urtico lit Court Ally, formerly octupled by Cliil
nioo'mSburi Dec t.
The undersigned having coniicdted him
self with ostabliehutl Agencies in Waolf-
iiirrliin mill Phil mil Inlii a is nri'iiniril tn
V OTICE is hereby given, to all persons alleud t0 tbo collection of Dack ntiy.liouu.
I 1 iudi bled tu, or having denlinga with, the alu . i n .i -. .
nnu of rairnun, , j.eo & Ci Lime nurners, al Luno ties, PcUSIOUB, 1111(1 all OthtT KJ.UltltblO
Rnlgo, lhat tlio Hunks mid Acrniints of said firm havo 0laims a,rraitlst tho Government;. Hid 0.-
been placed in the hands .t the undersigned for .cnle- u,n. nbu'"" M w n ! 1,3
lllenl mill lull. Clloil. Beiiieuieoi iiinri u nisi", iii. IICIIUUI.U auu uuoiuunii ut'iinuiviuiia iuuiu
lUlhofl,,rtlioaeilil.roatedueediiotcoiii. .. . i , ,i . . .
plain. If co.t ensues. Thu Hooks, tec, uro lu m ollico i "I"' aitouu IU Ultin Mltu llio nasi pos
.Mine uuiu . i. ii ruuri;i'3 uiuuu 'ititcsj inn
olatina tiro scoured UilMMMrWl ,
l.illln V.-n.. OmtrL V
burg Pa.
1 11UU I11NII11. I
... 1 ll. Klro.l.
a trial-nil I II I 1'V I 1.
I.iglit Strcci, January 14, IsliA lis.
Ladies' Furs.
Purchaser may rely upon getting the best fars nl
CHARLES OAKt'ORI) &. SON'S, Continental lleul
Ladies' and Children's Hats.
Latest styles nt CHARLES OAKI'URI) li SONS,
Cnntiiieiital Hotel, I'hlladi Iplil.l.
Gentlemen's Hats.
All inw mirsl allies l unui.t..-, uaniuiii'
FON. Coiiliiii'iital Hotel fliiUd-'lili
1 .
1 at
IHoourburr. Jan