Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 28, 1865, Image 2
'JKTff.i'.". COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. The Polioy of Peace. Mr. Blair's mission to Richmond is un- EDITI'.D BY LP.VI I. SWV V-n N, - - f ATB( PROPRIErOU. ofpolUionl conclusion is plainer " " Vobhcs at Fort Fisher. Who rropoBoiL Dissolution of List of Drafted Me". .i .1. . n , ,1 i, i . i iM! mi i , r r , the Union. The fo lowing list of men, wero drafted than tbat Groat Britain is, to-day, biding Tho explosion of the niagaaino of Fort , u ufc,.ip"i ,.,, n Tno-dav. doubtcdlyanoutcnofgood. Ita spcciQo bcr time, to make good ll.o dissolution of Fisher cost tho federal army and navy a " I ...,. .. ,', ifrtlrf. to fill the deuoichUlc. in tho union H nccossary,uy lior guns or nor loss hi upwara oi two nunurcu uvea. --- , .. . gold. This confL'ssion,tho usu A hundred brains watch tlio Mruirelo of aateriitio of Fcdornl ncoounts tho sections in ill mnrul pronrofs, Agents oonclude is muoh below tho truth. Two poacoful purposo dobs not appear) but it,nevortho less,polnts genorally to the dawn of return ing rcasotl. Tho gossip of Washington newsmonger's wo regard with CThtoinpt ; tired' livds nation of secessionists, and Kccessiomsni. Jnn. 17, 1QU0. to till tne ueuoicnuios m honesty char- I'ltcrj one is awate of th'o tfttliblo evil thi ( tho several dolintiucnt town.hips iU Ibis . Innrt n in dolusivo doetrino has Worked, fdr our onco county. ,1T I! Peaceful nation- With ccocssionlsm, we' MADISON TOWNSHIP. BLOOMSBURG: Saturday Morning, Jan. 20,1065. Ill UMIIWW WMH I I IUH'll - but,ou the broad facts of tho onB0,vo must -of Franco or it.. M "!,..!- 1,,-t rnro vnrv litlln TV...!., I l.:.J.!..l .tinlm. llirt Atlnntin. Ilm Wilmtrntlrni. Ir.- n,nv m nnUnnnnm ll.n tinniKrr nt bor that tho firit fOimal propoiltion 10 U1S- unvia ia uub mv iintnu aiujj ui u oiitiomiM- r j ... tj'w v - ..v. - M - ft i M iti BUIVU IIIU uiiiuii nun iu vmw iwif r i linn., i i. ..,! i naturally link tho South lud Southerners, Jacob M. liusbllno, of tho Savau- number which-tho (.fptdBlon killed, how but it will temper one's wrath to rc.ncm-, Wtlj ""W''""' lf Our Oonstltullon-'gttant It' everl Our clorlous Uiilori"-hold It dear ! Onr Starry riag forsake It ncVcM . Th proud Oaucasilanour only peer! TERMS OF THIS PAPER: ( At'TEll JANUARY 1st, UC3. ) $& 00 per Year, or 2 u Off paid strictly in advance. llko policy. Tho npiuo.tchmrntH that may bo expected to follow from it, whether or not they take from in actual negotiation, Will lead, we hopo earnestly, to some moro intelligible course on tho part of tho Cabi net than that oi the dopcration of a blind and bloody fury. The Southern pooplc insist on separa tion, with terriblo earnestness. Their do mcstio affections they hava already sacri ficed in pursuit of that purpoio Tuoy Ports may bo carried, cities occupied, Golds laid wasto ; Fisher appoars to havo been carried out but tho work of conquest begins and ends iu utter rt'cklesnntss. The tncu who were in the soul. Every pulsation of tho popu- sent to assault that side of the vall,appear lar purpose, thoso ucutc miuds watoh at to huvo been led forward as though about Yolping of the Abolition Hounds Ivio weeks ago, we stooped to notioo tho ravings of the abolitlbn Editors of tho propose now to givo up for its accomplish Pittston CJazctlo, AVyoming ltciiublioan, mcnt an immcmo interest, that has found and liloomeburg Smut Machine, in which deep root in thoir polilioal passions. Tho artiolo wo stated a fow facts matters in hates which their hearts have been inflam-' stop-watch. Tlinv know tlint tlin nrnrrrrnH nf cunniinit tlm.n itlinm ir lm rennmlpil 1 is not material but moral. Forts may bo The naval attaok on tho soa face of Fort il origmwou uu ioyu it was carried out ny traitorous oouin Carolina. On the '-'1th of January IBA'i, John Quinoy AdanlS presented the fol lowing petition to Congress : both tho North and at tho tiouth and re- to ipring to close quarters by the simple ,. 10 " V0Brcs.s.01 ,,,,,, , , , .. . , c . b ,. . t i , Tho undersigned, citizen of Haverhill, in port regularly for the cold consideration of operation of jumping on board an enemy s ho Commonwealth of Massachusetts, pray Lord Palmorslon oud Louis Napoleon.- ship ! Tlicy were armed, accounts admit, ii,at j0U wi immediately adopt measures, These two groat statesmen ocupy. thus, a with but cutlussus and pistols! For a pcacoab'y, to divide tho Union of thoso while they moved along tho naked beach, oxposcd evoy step of tho way to a Ore from Port Fisher in front 'and from Mound position to deal with tho "American ques tion'' with thoir hands on the pulto of each section : and estimate its condition alter which they Beldom deal and for which tho first named Editor, appears to have been satisGod and has returned us his thanks. Wo dismiss Mr. -Rich art for tho prosent, .and hopo if ho is not a hotter, ho is at loast a wiser man. Of tho othor two littlo can bo expected, as their oalibers arc so aevorely demented with ,lnegro-on thc-brain," that they aro almost hopelessly boyond reclamation. Wo then expected that the balanoc of tho abolition gang, hereabouts, would Bcent our track and join chorus in yolping music. Nor woro tVe disappointed. Most oi them havo already given tongue and joined in tho chase. But last and least, came along last week, our sooty neighbor, Dr. lirower, of the "Montour American." Well, really, this was moro than wo bargained for, and places us in tho unenviable dilemma of cither quitting tho contest, or running tho risk of serious contamination. And as we oan't consent to onter into a controversy with tho "Old Rhinoceros" and aro un willing to uso our columns to give him his wonted notoriety, we pass him for the present, and hand him ovor to tho Devil. States. First, because no Union can ue agreeable or permanent which docs not present prospects of reciprocal benefit. Second, booauie a vat nronositiuu of the tho fa.hion of a physician with his car to a Battery in flank ! Corpses dropped from resources of ono section of the Union is their ranks into the turfs that dashod un- annually drained to sustain tho views and h. having marked thus, oourso of another section without any au also strewed the 1 eqt Third because (judging 1 frfttn Ilm lnalnrv nf nnat nntiittiQi this Mil whole length ot their tracK. ioD if pcrilj8lc,j jD) iu tue present oourso of The ditch of lllo fori galncd,they floun things, will certainly overwhelm this dcrcd in its loose sand as iu a slough of whole nation in utter destruction.'' despond. A ccadly Grc swept throunb 1 Well may Massachusetts send her men Silas Johnson, Ualonder Claik, John Qei'cr, Peter B Shultz, Jeremiah Stiles, OUANGB James S. Lazirm iliram LI ow in an Henry Stint-'r, William Huidlay -Bezalcel llayhurst FISIHN'GCIU: Martin Mbort.MU) John Dcitterick Joseph Wagdhor, Jos. It. Pennington. Wesley Diltlin'-, Jacob Flick, Ashby Layiati, Darnel Shultz, John Zci lloft) (Jeorgo Gibbons. TOWNSHIP. Kmanuo' H Johnson Ceo W M Abbott. Di'ithic II Mr.Garglo Jonathan Poiist Thomas Mcllenry. 5K TOWNSHIP. .Monroe Marklo the South should begin to sink, to Gnd N. tbeni) arj( lhcy f0ij d0ZCU)i) holplcss as lo Gel(1 and ' 03st ftS ioit her Govoiuor bccn ca um0ue to mak poloou and Palmcrston apply their remc-! shoon : ,i10 eliamhles. TIn.lnr rrrnnr..nan. ' tlat Ihcro has been no loyal army, tho I nro ..:,;,. De U't.b.. dies to the thci dangerous case of "tho ;jtor miic ja nnj s,cnS)a iar0 nutI,bcr ' sll0Ul of whoso victory has not drowned the worlhy 0f ,i,e racc i,e ag', ami thu lan The Peace Rumors. It is stated that "Francis P. Blair, Sr., returns to Richmond with full authority from President Lincoln to give a safo conduct to Washington for Peace Com missioners from Jefferson Davis." This slhtement i? made upon questionable au thority ; but, whethor true or falsest gives cvWonce, in connection with other oir cumstanoes, that the popular mind is now taking into serious consideration the prac ticability of negotiation between the sec tions. Wtien newspaper correspondents, day after day, ttunk it worth their while to writo and telegraph concerning peace ru mors and peace propositions, it is safe to conclude thai the current of popular thought is tunniDg in that direction. It is certain that tho pcoplo, of all parties, in the North, have received the impression that something is being douo diplomati cally to bring about a compromise. Mil lions of anxious hfcarts ore awaiting tho rcBult of tho mjstorious movements that conjecture pronounces to bo iu behalf of negotiation. The masso3,bonding boceath their load of tbSatiOhrshrinking' from the terrors of conscription, and mourning for their slaughtered kindred, listen with painful Eusf.euso for tho confirmation of their hopes. If tho missions that they have been led to suppose wore favored by the Administration with a view to recon ciliation should turn out to bo some in triguo to deccivo them or to complicate the questions in dispute for the purpose of giving a Xresh impulse to tho war senti ment, there will be sore disappointment in tho land. If tbeso journeyings to and fro, betwocn Washington and Kiohtnouu, have really no slgniGcancc of peace, it is tho duty of the Administration to be frank with tho pcoplo, and break at once tho rose-hucd bubble that floats so fascinat ingly before their eyes. But, if it be true that Peace Commis cd Hy Federal atrocities.thoy stand deter- Southern emancipation will havo Bwept on tho beach. Death mined to follow out, at ovon tho cost of the 1 nn obstaolo from the purposes of Lranco their point oi departtiri sacriGco of the institution of slavery ! If and England. Popular sympathy aud pop tho President bo capable of rising superior !"'ar waD'', the heels of tho j ol to the passions or tho intrigues of faction, !' f hc Governments of thoso countries ; ho must learn to deal with tho relations of i aI1(1 we may therefore expcot, if the soul o( the sections with a correct appreciation of of that astounding fact. Slavery lies at the foundation of South ern society. That system of labor Is in-1 tcrtwiuod in the Confederacy around all tho rights o( property. Prodjudioo and pride bedgo it round about in tho South ern soul. Attachment and duty have en grafted it in the Confederacy side by side with domostio affection. To p'hiclr that system from their hearts, to tear it from the very baso of their social organization, shows a terriblencss of purposo at which even bloody fanaticism mmtstaud aghast. The South declares that, bhe Gghts but for hor freedom. Tho sincerity of that declaration, she proposes now to place un der tho proof of a sublime sacrGco. The republicanism which mado he; States free and independontjsho vows between clenoh oil teeth to preserve at the cost of not oii" ly her hoart's blood, but by the sacriGco of deep passions of her toul. Tho Gerce determination placed thus in proof, will undoubtedly satisfy mankind that tho issue of tho war henocforth is ono involving tho sacred right of self-government. The Ab olitionist or tho Democrat who in these States, continues honeafroth to sustain the George McBride. JACKSON T0WNSJ.I1P- . Theodore W Smith. I Thomas Wollenry, I Jacob Farvcr. Noah Bogart. SUGAR LOAF TOWNSHIP. Elinas Colo, Samuel Park. PIKE TOWNSIIIl'i John E, Cerinan, David Shojiuaktfr. G Itl'.ATEST I.ITEtlAHY WbllK or TtlK AaK.-"So far a I can judge, nothing has make this work Mho Wri D'elionary NcwQluuertiscmcnt! Administrator'n NdtiHb. Estate of Jous SinqiiKy, Di:ceasei LKTTKRri of (iiliiiliil.l rallnii, on the Ertnte of Jom HixiiLir, ller, llcnver toHnM. Culmnbln u. dtceaicil, liavo been itrimlcil by tli'i l(eillff ur Cdl umbln cmnily, to Ilm umliii.lsned nil pi'c.uin hatlm, clnttus OKaliifl ihtf llalnto of tho ilvccilent. atu ri-'iiivt-ted to pru.ent them to tliw midotf Ijncd, te.Mjnit hi .aid lowiulilp, mtliout duluy, and all I'or.oin IiiJeU. ted to umki) nnyiuciit rnrlliltli. I IIAN'II'.I, HiVdIXY. DANllJ.BINUI.hV.Jrt. I January !itf, I605.-0W. 8J Adm.u ! Administrator's .iv'olico. Estate or Jacoii IlARTzj!t,L, Ju , Dko'u. LCTTEHS of admliilitrnllmi, on Urn IMotc (,r Jncol,' llnrUill. Jr., lute of All HI In tmwnhii, t'olumbl.t . couniv, dcceaied, liaxu been i!rnnled by tUi lU'Rislm. of Uoluniliia county, to tho niiduriljinid nil n:r.oni having claiiiM uiniln.l tho HUatenf ilm rlcdeiil unl re'iui-Mud tn )ieent Ihein tu Iho undinlgiitd, ruaiil, lug In laid town! ip, without delay, ami all vnttiui Indebted lo make payment forthwith. JOHN l. UCTLER. Adm'r. January W, lib.). liw. TIuco Hundred: Dollitts' ' I'lius.TflEru.Ta. . pilE boaul oi Svliool Dircninr I if Centre tiwiulilp, In the Uouiily of 'Culuiuliia, I'a.. oiler A Itanium of Tirtc Huntret lJt.ll u a, I'a) aide In Tc p lli n It lo u ly and every litiii'U uf .aid tnilil), wliii will pul u Hubitllute lulu Ilm .rvli-u for three yeern. until I he quiil.i of .aid Tuuilili, nhall libve been Mlljd, under Ihe prcient call of 3UU,Wu men. AMlltlUV I'UKAH. JOIIV Mil. I,. AAIIDN KHhCIINEIt. IrfAAl) III H- I'ltliU'lC. IIAUIlVlllJOIt. ld.VAU AllXWINR' &cAod Ihrtttojt. sick man" of tho West. What, lhen,will he the fato of tbo coun try ,if wo turn our backs on alt offers of ne- 1 gotiationl Exhaustion in tho meantime and foreign intervention in the end 1 Let us save from tho wreck of our glories at least the pride of our Ameticauism. Im mense interests, political prestige, and per-1 iiaps, in the end, oven rolations of renew-1 cd friendship, may be plucked from tho ruin of our prosperity and greatness. Missions of peace, interchanges of senti ment, and generous concessions, wo hail, thereforo, with joy as the only means left us, now, for saving all that yet remains of onr moral and material grcatnoss from de struction by, in the Fust place, domcstio war, aud,in the end, foreign intervention. The Draft and Local Bounties. But a fow wocks remain before the Draft General Hancook, in hio specoh before tho Lcgislaturo the other day, gave it as his opinion that the Draft is to take place punctually on the loth of February. A committee appointed by tho Legisla ture tb Visit Washington to make an effort to have tho quota reduced, has returned, and although no official announcement has been made of tho fact it is understood tbat they were measurably successful, and that the unjust decision of the authorities in saddling tho enormous quota of near 07, 000 on Pennsylvania has. bein rccallod, and that the number will bo much less. Governor Curtin,in his last message took strong ground against tho j.ayment of lo cal Bounties, and thd Legislature seems to bo of tho samo temper. Tho probabil ity is that tbo law allowing tho paymont of local Bounties, will 60on be repealed, and those who so vauntingly said ''volt for L'urtin and uvovl the Draft" and lUc-cltct Lincoln. and the tear will be over without any mote men being requited," will havo an opportunity of feeling as well as seeing how cruelly they deceived un suspecting au honest men into the support of Abolitionism. Tho Governor and Re- etill further in tho aecendanoy. Early's publican Legislature will make it lmpos march of last year into tho Valley of tho ' sibltrto esoapo tho Draft, by r.aing local Shenandoah, teaches us that the work of Bounties, and thus Glliug quotas. Mr. decimation having been carried out upon Lincoln and CoDgreps havo cut off the Fedsral invasion, Leo will again throw off means ol escape by tho paying of commu his spate troops,by ordering an army of ne tation money ; and between tho two the groes to water its horses, next Autumn, in pcoplo will stand a splondid chance of be- tho Potomao, or the Susquchannah. I "K compelled to go into thejmny in per- Southorn emancipation will not havo ex- so11 pended its material consequences next' The Bounty Law as it at present stands year. Tho throe millions of people made authorizes the paying of largo Bounties to by that measuro a basis of enlistments, vrill " 'ho quotas uuder the pending call but furnish an available force of about Gvo D0 tax cau be levied to pay tho same iu nf tln Kllrrionrs rnolinrl mi. of Hint ,.... uyillC 312" Ot a Sell Ol Ma3aCIIUJCtt3. Ull dermis ditch toward tho beach, marking I 'ier an '19r 6'3'or South Caroiiua, iu tbo war, docs so, thoreforo, in the full knowl edge of tho fact that tho States of the South can Dever be brsught baok save only as couqucrcd Provinces trailing at tho heels of a despotic centralization. Southern emancipation accomplishes a chango in tho struggle, materially. Sla very alono stands between tho Confeder ates and the employment in the army of their black rcservts. Two hundred thou sand negroes, they are about to plaoe im mediately in cmps of instruction. By next Summer these men will have beoome a formidable army. With these, and the whito men that may bo gathered up at the posts throughout tho interior, the rocruit meut nf the Southern armies will have moro than cpunterbalanced all tho rc-enforoe-monts likely to bi obtained from Mr. Lin coln's current call. Fighting behind braBt works for two months of such a campaign as thatjiiit ended, tbo economy of life in tho Southern ranks will have plaoed them suoh townships as have already levied a tax of two per cent, uutil tho expiration of one year from the dato of tho laying of tbo lust tax. Such townships as wish to Gil their quotas by payment of Boun ties, will havo to act promtly or the repeal of tho law, which may be expected at an early day will prevent their action. hundred thousand men. Two hundred thousand of these placed in the Geld, and three hundred thousand hsld still in re servo, thu resources of the South in men, Bioners are to be received at Washington, from their black reserves alono, aro seen the AbolittoD-journals aro neithtr just nor , to bo enormous. Sixty or eoventy thou disorect in redoubling, at this importune t sand whites and blaoks, of tho Confedvra moment, their Gerce denunciations ol tho cy, pass annually into the military age ; Southern people, and in miisting,in ad-! and constituting a constant element of re ' vanoo, upon cxtrerao conditions, If we eruitmcnt almobt equal in number to the' Hotel Changes. nro upon the eve of a discussion of politi- cajua'.tics of a carapaign,provo the supplies! Richard Fnun, Esq has sold the cal is duo to our own dignity , of soldiers at the South to bo practically White Hall Hotel and Farm of 100 acres, to suppres3 lor tno wnua tlio utterance, it Hicxhaustablo. to Mr. Beriger, of Schuylkill county for not the sentiment,oi antagonism, courtesy uonieucrato emancipation extends its 55,000. and prudence aliko ilotnand that wo should 6ignihoanoe to the cabinets of Europe. I Mr. & Mrs. Fruit, have honestly won mako no exhibition of temper at such a The pride and polioy of Franco stand com- tho reputation of keoninn tho best Hnuso muted to tho support ol thn Empire of of Enteitainmont known in Pennsylvania Mexioo. A triumphant consolidation at! Mr. John A. Shaman, has sold tho Ho Washington would this, under tho Monroe' tel in Maiuvillo, to Abraham Shutnan- Uoctrine, plungo Louis Napoloou into a chango on the first of April. their retreat, as they did their advance, with the corpses of its bloody vioiims. The remnant, quailing before the terrors of that dreadful flight, rcmaiued in the ditch, sheltered by screens of sand ; but whenever, any of their nuuibors raised his head, he fell forward, under tho Confede rate rifle, a stiffenod corpse 1 Fourteen hundred, or, as somo of the accounts say, two thousand, oven, havibg.bcl'n engaged in that operation of tho navy, it is tho sheerest folly to ask the country to be hove tho statements which set down the losses on the occasion at lut two hundred The surprhc allegod in explanation of tho capture of the western salient ol Fort Fisher appears to us highly improbable. A terriblo sacriGce of life may in that way have been avoidedi but theCghtiog subse quently in confessed to have been exceed ingly stubborn. The defensos of tho fort consisted of a series of traverses, and thereforo took the form of a succession of formidable breastworks. 'J be garrison resisted sternly at every one of these, aud therefore fought from the time of Terry's first footing upuu the parapet uutil the close of the struggle, behind works. For six or seven hours the battle raged under circumstances so opp-jllingly unequal. Tho original force engaged in the attack was. early iu the evening, nearly crushed. An additional brigado having been brought up from tho rear, this lighting was main taincd with renewed vigor; but. inasmuch as the contest was about to bo suspended for the night when the Confederates cvac ualed the place, even the ro iuforcdmonts of the original ussailauts uiu3t have been very nearly shattered to pieces. Four or Gve thousand men, exposed for so many hours to a fire from behind breastworks, must havo suffered terribly j and this gen eral fast must, apart from the evidence otherwise showing that it had becu para Ijzed, satisfy every ono that its losses are not stated truly in tho reports which sot them down at nine hundred. Tlio navy must have lost in killed and wounded twenty-five per cent. o( its at tacking forco. This would Gx its casual ties on the occasion at between three huu- ,t.4 ....1 p. n t .1 i i i uicu uuu uitjr uiiu uve iiuuutuu, i. Ulgli er proportion may, wo think, bo supposed fairly to have fallon in the series ol bloody- attacks by which the work has bcon car ried ; and, in consideration of the force employed in tbeso, load to tho conclusion that tho losses of the army must amount to at least thirteen or fourteen hundred. Tho two hundred deaths confessed to have resulted from tho explosion of the maga zine of Fort Fisher, point to the supposi tion that the number of wounded would swell the list of casualties on that occasion to eighf or ten hundred. The cost of tho capluro of Fort Fisher in men, can cer tainly not bo estimated by one who wishes to look at things as they really arc,at less than.Gve hundred killed and two thousand to two thousand five hundred wounded. What a sacriGce to tho impossible 1 Whom the Gods wish toy destroy the first set mad ! advocacy of the fatal doctrine of secession it would have been Well ojuIiI tho whole weight of the war have fallon. But it could not be, all must share the respon sibilities incurred by their ''crr'ng si. tors." .T , , .!-. .1 ... guagS. CiO nOUICr IWllOllui uiunmueiu nan yet been reared than this American Dic tionary. I wa anilcipailii t'ie g'Cittcit literary wo. I; of thenar., and' it seems lo mo this" anticipation wai not extravrgant." J. G. McMtjxn, &' 1 Pub. Imtrudbn, Wisconsin The TuiitiAT. Fmnili'S' woold do well to kit-p always nt home a box ol B nun's Bronchial Troches.a simple but m"M r vllouily eflifacioiH . pro i flu for nff cii'.ns ol the 'I hroat, affoiding prompt relict in ca-os of coughs, colds, bronchial 'roub'os, etc Singer and public speaker will fi"d them also cxocl ent to clear the voire and rentier articulation wonderfully ca-iy. Moiitlhj Mtig'izii.c Bf Among the change in real c-taie, we woitld muiition that our old nc'glb r ll. J Yaple, of the Exchange Hold, in ibid orough, ban pun-hated die Shick shinay hotel propnty lor Sfl.'-iflO Luzerne Unio-i, Chushed ! Cent ral B.-nj-iiiiin . . ... . . . i . .i i. oompu'iny "ltusiicu ii,)- BKkToW, Cor, Co , Pa., January UOth, 1805. Mr. Editor ; Undoubtedly a coinniu nication from mc will be unexpected, and I hope you will excuse ihe liberty I have taken in introducing myself, as ciicn in stances aro so that I thiuk I havo a right to speak as well as some of my opponents I have been a reader of the Columbia Democrat, for some time past, and always found it advocating good Union Doctrine. I have bien a soldier in Uncle Sam's ser vice since this mis.serablc rebellion has been iu exi&ienoc, but thank God, I havo not been abohtionhcl enough so as to ad vocate all the doctrines of.tho present ad ministration, neither do 1 ever expect to advooato them, as long aB we have to many corrupt qicn at the head of affairs. I voted against illegal arrests and against all tho evils of the present administration, and when 1 did that, of course, I voted against Abraham Lincoln, our abolition frionds call him "The Government." I havo been tramping around a great deal of Ittto and scon tho evils of Lincoln and his officeholders in making aircts, , carrying people from their homos and confining them in bastiles, for no pretense ) whatever ; and every such tight I see it makes me a moro bitter enemy of tho ad ministration ; so hereafter, as heretofore,! shall use my energies toward putting down I abolitionism, and raising the Democracy,' so as onco more to restore the Uuion,whieh in my estimation, will never be done until we have the roins of government iu our JKaV A Pardee, of ll. z l:on; o ihc firm Ja.,unry i, ISoS. G OLD'P KNB FOR THE MILLION"! Pefis to Suit thelhnid, and Prices to Suit the Pocket. Tho best Gold li.s iu the Wodd ! On lie fscelpt of the following tumn, ue uill m-nd, li mail, ur n. dir. clod, (iold I'eu or I'.iin, HjUtlinj the tain i nccordinif lo the decriHiu, n.uiii ly : Cold Plus, in Silver l'l.-itod Extciisinu Cases, with l'ci.eil. Kor 81 No 'l pen : fur $1 S3, No. a pwi ; for SI .. 4 pen ; tor H 2 No. i i H for o. C pen 1 These ..-u lire .lamped Till! mvifiil W.,1'1 V. an11 are well ittiiiln d mid Hue writing Cu d I'. mi,, null goo' urnliiui pointi, although they are uimurraiiled, tin I cannot be cxchanied,- 0 WARRANTED GOLD 'iiA.V, Our tiuini- lAim tiinu (icdj IVn l.'ci., ,V, V..) in .lamp ed on all our lir.t ipj.ilily rem, and Un- point, urn wnrruuled lor .lx otoiitlij, i-tpt iiai:l ctcidi iil Our second 'iiinlity l'cn, are .luuipej I'll t' N TK.lV. AM I EN, 1II1 the initial, of our firm (A. .t'.Lu.) mid are ciir.full) made, lunula iff n.iiriu poiuU u our lirsl iti.ility IVn.. tlig 1 ul) grcnl Lilli-uine bn.iu iu Huallly . l llicliul.l. Gold Polls, ltl and 2d q'lality in Solid Silver Extension Case-, with Pencil?. iial Hal 1-or SI UOu No. 1 pen la iiinllly or u .No 4 pi-n-JJ u.11 Tor ! u No. -.' pen l.t 'pulity, ur 11 No a pen -.-d 'J I'or jU' -.'6 a No J ueu J-l Miiiihtt. nm N.. a -;.i mi Tor ss l JU u No t pi n li-l .Ujliiy, cr a NoSp.n -d iUol. for 81 M a No 5 pen III iiuulily, or a Not! piu Md euiil. rot ou a .mi. o pvu- lt ipiailiy. The same Gold Pens, in Solid Silver Gold Plalcd Ebony Dc-4 lloldeiaund Morocco Casts. 1 or tii 25 a No J pen lit .uu'ily. urn. N 1 4 pen id 'pial Man F. Butler was the fa.l of Fort Fisher, on the 10 h iim' We extend our sympathy to the fricu.Uof I.'',' ;.g.s ::;'::!!! :!;;.u; tor .31 un .1 ioii ,im is, uuiiiy l'ur J OU u N. J. pen. I'ur 30 ',3 .No. e ptu. Tor U Ud a No. 1. pen ; nil hr.l 'pulll). l')ur 1'uiu rank lliroiifhout tbo munlry ni e'unl If not !up-rioi loan) cum pen. iu,ino-.i.iiireil. Nolouly mr lluir urliiui; 'iiulili. . l.,i. .mr.tonily and elexai.l I lie ri iile.l iiuc ia a.uu 111 llieir ni.iniiiniiuru, and nuiie nr.- .old with the .h.liii .t i.i.puilckliou huh .kill cm Ji-iul. fame. 111 cnif-riii s mu.t ll ' 'ilaMH. number and nualily in nil i i,.liuu uu, iili.tbcl full or lim. bir, cuur.e or hue. t'ie Goucral This Administration is bound to do ono of two things. It mu-t carry on this war four year- more, or make wlut bef re the election the Ki publicans oiled a .li-"- honorablu pe ico. ----- -, - - .1 ... ll h no fhrmo to Iji-long to tile mi North aud his f in il- in ihe crisis. Our Abolition contemporaries pro fess to havo great couGdenco in the jus tice of their cause. Thoy should, there fore, bo content' to havo tho North ap- IU.ZJ u 'rity minoiity, while the vast nmjority went to destrui'tioh pretty itnu-li a-, tln-y are going now. SMAI.I. Pom. The small pox prevails with alarming poverty iu Uppur uueou, l.ohiL'h county. Out 1 otic liimily M'jiih it curried oil' nix perron la. t week pie ettrj tWitie should rusort tiou without de'ay. to t i r.ui- vaceiua hands, Most Respectfully, A SOLDIEK, I ot Pardee. V Co., coal lit alert, paid a spu ! eial war tax of over. SJ-1 ,ii00 on an iucoiuu I of about S'-iiiO.UUO iu IsOIl Enoch Arden, by Alfred Tenny- Institute ,ut NVu,h- ' I. . . I 1 1 lotion, lias uuuu nuriicu iinwu. The universal interest felt in this charm I ing poem baa induced Messrs. TiciiNpit &' Fields, Mr. Tennyson's Amefiean pub-1 Ushers, to issiic a twenty -five cent edition t MAURI AGES. At tb.ii residence ol Jo.i!h TO CLUBJ. A dl.rount of I'.' per .i nt. m ill be oIIim-i d on mu,, ol 5.5, 1 1 .col u one adiin nt one lime , iu run on ; -.u per ll III I I. hi. All ruiiiltaiici M by umil. Ileti.icred, nrj ,i ,.m ,i. To all ho i nih.,0 -ju uliti ixiin or nei.Uinie, ii, liunranlii' til- . j ilelivvry m Un- food.. I Huular. i.' all our ne i)e, uilh l.iniriiviiig. of eil -ii. ., .iti J priee.. ni upon rec.ipt ol, it' n. I elm r.-poiui..-u lor iu leni., by n.iiil. Ma loner, nn j ji-noler afr i.-.piii,.,i t inrrerpond v illi ii. a. ivu .nil oiler Ihrui ai.t in.ii.iuuKnt.. .Aodrv.b A.MLItlCAN ('.III. II l-1 : V i (.., ..'.iw i,j,o, .Sou or. January J1, iei .1. .i,n. PUOSPECTUS of the 2iia ' m Am iiiJJil, Oil Companies, of Clarion River. Phila. aci.o.MJ ri.ooit, CapHul Stock, each SuO,()00. 00.000 Share in euch, I'ur Vulue, 810. 0. L. LAM HE it TON , President. Ofiico, No. Walnut Mi., li;,.L-, hi ' T e I it lun i mi m i . n ... .i. rr .. .1. . 17.1. . I... .. o. oijirourt xi'IllUA. ji': rv A, "i, fn ..a.,.1.. :.. ,iv . , L'CUCIl uavuu, uu me i nil u-ai., " .iv;. i ....... I""-? - -b '"0 AI f.rnnvnitn. Mr. m Palmer, and Mies 1iia . Lal ,il. 1 ... .1.. .,:.! i , , ., uiuiii uuu uiuiu uusiiv uuiiious which mev i r t'ii - J I UI ?1 11 11 l.lliailVl b, puoiisli. I hey sond copies to tho press by, of Berwick, hoping that the exteuded publicity given) On Thursday, iho 12th inst., by Usv. by this ohoan edition mav result in tho in. Geo. Paison, at tbc lesideneo of Dr. Gurt- troduotion of this most beautiful and ncr' iu Jerseytown,Mr. Jucob E Weliver, touching idyl into all tlu households in the laud. proach tho tribunal of reason with calm- bloody war.Dissolution of tho Uniou.tllcn, Mr JoUN Hi.nijeiiuteu, has taken the ooib anu decorum, aoooroiug to their op ponents a respoctful hearing and a dis passionato consideration. Convention of Publisheril. Aoonvcntion uf publishers w ill hi held at Harrisburg, on THURSDAY, FEB. Oth, 1805, for tho purposo ef petitioning Gongrcsitn favor of tho ropeal of tho duty on paper, and of taking suoh other action as may be deemed beneficial to tho busi ness of printers and publishers, The pub lishers of tho State, aro retpeotfully re quested to nttondi a reBmi 10 "10U 00 1S) 'horeioro, open-, iIotci n eavcr Valley, formerly kept by ly and deeply committed. A s a political 1 Frank L. Shuman, and being a social jol deduction, he has hold it an accomplished ' y fciow, js doing a rousing basiness. lact. as a iruiiuamcntat assumption ot his The Duty on Paper1. A large delegation of paper manufac turers havo been in Washington for some weeks, importning members nut to vote for a repeal of tho worso than Useless pro hibitory duty on printing paper. Wo are glad to leant from a correspondent in A Pictorial Double Numher. Tho Phronological Journal and Life Illustrated, lor January ,'appeara with !J2 quai to pa ges, and a beautiful illustrated cover. It coutains Portraits ofTonayson, Silliman, Sheridan, Cobb, Philips, Suianna Wesley mother of John au Indian Chief,Frans Mullor, Miss Muggins, Miss Fury, tho Princess of Wales, Floronoo Nightin gale, A Group of Warriors Hannibal, ven, Luz. co , Pa. JuliU3, Pizarro, Cromwell, Charles Xlf, Frederick the Great, Scott, Wol-' lington, Napoleon, with Ethnology,Phrcn- of th same placo, to Miss Rllic Gorti-c-, of Muncy Creek twp., daughter ol .Mr. Philip Gortocr, deceasid. On the UOth u't., by ham Dcrr, Eq., Mr. 11. S. Applegatc, to Mi-s tsarah ll. Cornelison, both of Pine twp , Col. co. At Town Hill, Jan. 22d, 1605, by the Rev. E. Wadsworlh, Oapt. John Robison, of Co. F T tli Penna re-rrves, to Mis? Suruh E. liuckaliw, of Fairmotint, Luz. county. In Beach Havcu, Jan. 2'3, 1805, by Rev. B Sharer, Mr, Thomas Ahtiruw,io Miss Rosunnnh Jloach, all uf Beach lia DEATHS. In Berwick, on Monday eveniug, lOih The lie Wit and SMI Creek til rr mpsr-je-, uwe or ;ani.i'd lu the month ul'Uttnbvr, A 11 . ItOJ. 'i lie property of Ih.-.u (.'outvalue. i ,itiuti uu 11m (.'laiion Itiver. in Mill l.'reek tu-.Muliip l.'larion Cu , IVnu.jKani.i. uiiil I. known :i in., ll l imi.ts of tiu hundred niiif uvoniy-llvu ji- -. hi fi-o i ople, iu each Company, Willi a Ir mta-r mi Urn Clarion Itiver, lo 11.11 h, .f tlireo lourtln ol r.,u 1111 u. I heClarion Itivir 11.13 loii(j ln-ni faii.nut I, r r 1 Oil ipriu?ii aud depj.itii. It rum parallel lh Hi. i.pper Alli-iiluny lluer.aud both iru.n the i-nt-rii I.jiiu of the name coal bahin i.nd Hie unmu .tralilii aliuii The Clarion Itlvol is a I a run Igaulu .triniii for flatb'iau and rail, capabl.-of carryiiigun caeh bout one thuu.und barrel, of Oil tn 111.11 kit Clarion Cuunly udjoina Ver.ansn County, aud the Al lejiheiiy I Her makes .1 ureal itti-ep around boili coun lien, leavlni; them in the .liapu of a peiiiu.ul 1. A glance al thu map will sliuiv, 4 line -Iriwu from the appur bend of thu Allishi-ny Hun. iuilii vlcinlU of OH Creek, tu tlio lowei 0.1. 1 of 11. b.-lmv thu nioulli o tho CI.iiiuu, will buecl tn j Oil nui 111. of lliu Clrriou liner. Dunns Iho pre.ei.t i"-a.ou, expert tuccd Oil men and Beolo,'uti hay made a thoruiu'li upmraiion ofiln rivir, and have large 1111 e.luieul.. .Mn-ady, thu wliolo lliH-r 1V0111 1 momh tu aliuoit ll. .ource, hn. b.'eu leased nud pun (Used by OH men, and nclla are beiu;' .link nluii I'1 whole lei. tin ..nil great rapidity and with liaturius.' p.-utpecUof ..ux. j. A bin e mid uppokiie the uu tVittuiid .Mill l.'r.ili Oil Conipuuies, some leu other Coiiipaulen ure boring with engine,, one of tilnch .truck lliu Ant e,'n ol Lnl at my feel, and auoilier immediately udloiulnj .Iruit it at lifty light feel in Ihe r k. Twenty years ago, on tho rifr below lhcu Com pail)', l.iuda, at thu modlh of Oeer CreeK. .Mr. Fucker, nhu boring fur nail, Urml.uuo u( ihulari.l flowing Oil Weill kuunii in thu oil coiinuy. 'lllid well lutii lone been f.toiou nn.l h:ik hecn ever i in , T, , , . j .nice, and la.nuw, gu.hiiig out u eoiMtaiil .irunoi ol ology, l'hystognomy, and Psyohology,No, inst , Major Nuiiiati 6eety,agcd 5"Jyeais, on and water, iiunon u-mg prep ued fur oi, ,mr- 1, Vol. 41st. Published at 20 cunts a 7 months, and 0 days. His remains were number, or 82 00 a year,by Messrs. Fow-1 takcn 10 lieach I,av?" for iu,crailinl' in ueaver towusnip, uoiumnia county, on tho first day ol January, 1805, Mr oi?t Mngley, aged 50 yrs. and 10 days, policy in Mexico,ho has placed the success of tho Pouth wider the guaranty of his sivord, Louis Napoleon stands committed against a reconstruction of tho Union on tho evidents of actual uvenco. Political inference, tho man who would rise to thu iovel of statesmanship, must learn to deal with as with existing fact. Tho overt aot of Franco is not more eonolusi ve of hor pol Hie Bankrupt Bill. In Beaver township, on the 25lh of last December, Mr. Jacdt Singley, sou of the abovo named deceased, ag'jd 17 years, 2 mos, and 4 days. In Mount Pleasant township, Col. co., C . . 1 T I ' . n , ovreei-rumora in xvionmond say that on Thursbay, the 12th inst., Mrs. Uutnu jjgy Senator BOckaeew, has our thanks ioy in roferonco to tho war of the sections for a valuable prosent, in the nhapo of than aro tho interest's of that other great four bound volumes of the Congressional power, of those of England. Whether on ler & Wells, 380, Broadway, Now York. - - Interesting News i-rom Richmond. The Richmond Whig of Tuesday last states that tho Hon. Pierre Soulo had ar Washington that members geuora-lly havo rived in Mexioo on a mission from tho the good sense to perceive tho fallaoy of Confederate States. no arguments oi these disinterested gen-, Street-rumors In Richmond say that ItUUJUU , Willi UlUJUVSO UUUULMI IU IVSIBfe llll'll -r a r, 1 I 1 , . -r I ' I. I , 1 1 I 1 i ,,!, ri'u,.,fiii,i ii.i. James A. Soddon has been removed and rme Jacoby, wife of John Jocoby, deed, X- - - - iiiiifiiiuiil.uai xuu eiu.iii.vio uiu mui. una . , - . ., , n , Tin. Balikriint Bill intrndncnl inlr. fl.o tax, WhlOS UrlngS UOtUlllg into tUO puDIIO UDU- "'utt'""K CBoretary oi var. t ..- -j- i he Bankrupt JJ.I . troduced into the ' b b Other changes aro talked aboutbut there 1 of MottvIHe, St. Joseph present Congress is before tho Senate ,mon ' oa(innubiio for tllQ ,1Rnnlu of io .,.: L,, h county. Michian, Jau. 14. 1805, of Dip- -r 1 r ... ik l . t "I O I " ID iiULLIlUl' UU1U U . ' L .. .' t . dudictary omm.ttee. un.y ahout six paper monopolists, will bo greatly modifi-, The Confederato House of Reprcsenta weeks of tho present session remain for cd, or, better still, abolished altogother. . . , , , . . Congress to Gnish up the business it has The thanks of publishers and readers are 'ves declared by a rosolution.on Monday, marked out. Many bills will thoreforo i"0 ,0 Me""' A"Uer and "yil ,n th CaS0 f lUaty S' looto t,,at' under utuiu, u i "! wi .wMi ait mo uircuumtautTca oi iuo case, u 13 ex . - i . .1 i . . i . navo to go uuacteu u.u, u..u is nut exL,rtiong in defcDS0 0f VTnleti aml tbo 8.Ient that the ln,,itar ' .. " llkolv that tho Senato w aareo in all tho rn,li0 n,,t,)in .i.. '.Im mninnnt,, P8"leDt tliat lhB mMa! authority dis- - " U W M V V . eUVIIW VM WW HIUHMfH details with tbo Bankrupt Bill passed by ootnoina'iion of paper manufacturers tho Houso. Tho moasuro may bo throWn . Imnl.- fnr rnvision in the llouso or to a IttV lion. Wi, II, Jacouy, our Mem'- Age cu'rgo him from custody, and it ii pre- Biiiucu tuai uu una uouu cei ai noercy. theria Minnie Vulsella, infant daughter of Iliram and Sallio A. Bitteubendcr, aged 1 year and B days. I In llemlook township, Col co,, on tbo 10th inst., Mrs. 6arah Jl'ugncr, in the 1 74th year of her ago. In Hemlock township, Col. no , on the 18th inst., Mr. Michuel Stcclcir, aged 73 I years further below, a. Alum Cork. Oil li.n been obiaiuod bill lliu well ban noi yet b en ti-.led with uu en;;. no .Memm. l.yoii, fhaili i. CV'-ipauy of lliu Jjllo Irort iurk, .mernl itnle below ihe.e Cumpanien, during Itii- pa.l rail, i truck a tluw iug will. It it Huiv beiu tubed. Ureal rumirea are found in thu blufft. and rituit acros. tne rner In tin. vRinlty, from wluili ga. i. emitted, and Oil jaea in largo globulri, nl.iclmur.t uu reaching the .urface of Hie water und cover uwiiH Oil. Tliia ia cuu.idered luiU.iiutiblu proof oil territory. Abundance of Umber and cual it found ou the lanA for uiigiuo ami ulher purpo.ea. One well will uu put down immediately on racli properly, A cuiiipeieiil Situ "uaruetrc iupc-riiil--'"1 i. now uu (ho iround, .uperiiilendiiig lira upernliuii Jf both Uompnule.. Tin .lock of ihe adjoining Comiauli-. liavn already advanced, by rea.on Of the early idccen ulreuiiy i.t tallied, A limited number of tjharet in cnult (.'oinruny. fir thu uiu of tho landholder, will uu .old at S.J pi-r ham. January es, 1SCS, 'Jin. J- The Quota of PcnnsylvaniaAindcri In Danville, on tho 18th inrt., .-.... i f. . . . r.l li- ll 1 Globe and Appendix, grounds of comnwct&l oggrandiiomont,or jmyj to Uy over until next sejtfon joint cdmmittce, In either caso it may lor of tbo H. ol R., paid a visit bom'? last' tlio new Assignment, is announced at 50 residence of bis father, Dr. I. L S have to Uv over until next sejiion. Saturday. 000. ' 6'to, I), &.ott, in the 20th year of bi at the Scott, age. KOTICJlE !' THE undersigned beiug regularly licencd AJXIQVfl. S3 E-Q3 Qii Hereby cHeri hiu .irvice as .iicli tn all who may foul lo give him a call, III. long experuncu in lliu b, willenablu liim to render auliafactiuii lu hi. cuiioimrn. All persona deiirlag my aervlcea, will pleao Inform inn lu that eil'ect befura llicy udveili'.u lit AM DERR. rii.f.oftico addtuit Roln.ibiir; Oolmabia tuuuly I'a Jaikion lorviuhip, Jan T, leu'