COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. EDITED ny LUVI I.. TATE, rRorniETon BLOOMSBUR&: Saturday Morning, Jan. 21, 1065. " Our Oonstlltitton guard It ever ! Our "lorlou Union hold It dear ! Our Bta-ry Flaj fortake It never I Tht proud Caucaslan--our only peer!- TERMS OF THIS PAPER: ( AFTEtl JANL'AliV lr, 13. ) '$3 00 per Year, or 2 50 if paid strictly in advance. The negro sohools now sustained by tho government arc ievenly-siK in numbcr,willi iwo hundred and .nineteen teachers and five .boused one hundred arid rJinrty oubolars Abolition Richangc. Negro schools sustained by the govern- tmntl Whero do tho Uuitod States au. tborities get tlio' power to take money out nf tlin rrnnS.,rn th mli.nnt,. .,nr T How can they use tho people's money for. J" raS,v"" ...I. ir buoii a purpofo as mis ( Verily ,tlieso aro Btrango times, when that provision of tho Constitution (or any other) whioh says no money shall be taken from tho Treasury except by appropriations niado by law, is wautooly violated. Havo wo no.Constitu- tion to gutde'us I noiavf but iho will of the does uot prove them to be oowards,or shou Administration? no cheeks upon the ac- that tho republic should be entirely d tion of those whom we havo r looted .n our spaired of. It is ouly because they do uot official agents tocouduo tbc ulTain of our realize the extent to which the adtnini?tra goTommtnt? Aro our lives, and fortunes lion has gone, and that they permit, only al tho mercy of despots and fanatics, who thirst for blood.and cravo wealth and pow- cr I Aro our rights and liberties 3d aside to build up aiV inferior race of beings? J hen, indeed, is revolution justifiable, a revolution to establish a Constitution, aud make laws, and securo our liberties, "lie- 6istanoe to tyrants is obedience to God." If theso things bo true, then tliu timo' for submiSiion is already passed, aud the hour for tho people to move for their deliver- enoe from tho edicts of tyrannv , at hand, Xegw children educated by' 'the govern, ment ! If (ho government baa money to sjiaro for this purpose when her fair fields aro deluded with tho blood of her children, and when tho is groaning under the debt before the hcul of t lie tyrant is too firmly and misory entailed upon her by a fanati-' placed upon their necks. The fanatics aro oal, abolition war, in tho namo of Heav- ( having their day woe be unto them m, are thero no white childun to educato, ( when ibe tide turns. whoso advancement iu kuowledgn would ! ""' be an honor to tho country aud a benefit lo ' h ls statcd tbal G,'u- D s hi3 Euccedt,tl tho race ? Is tho nrgro tho prestige of in Cndine out cvcr incendiary engaged this govcrnment.upon which it must lavish thu iltte",l't o & tlio hotels iu New nil its care, and squander tho people's , York' Th' arc 1101 t0 bo brol,gllt !" money i' Is ho better than our children, nnco t0 Punis"lllant' for (he public Welfare that ihey iLust be iH'gleeted,defpized,thcir ,cq"a that no revelaiiong- ol tho facts be God-givca rights trodden uuder foot, their luudo Ul,ti11 aftcr t,,(i war- Whal - own free govcrnmont.givcn them as a her- 031140 of ,Li31 Cortaiuly iho deed wa ntage by our -fathers, taken from them, to not dono uy Southern' rebels or through liberate, and fondle, and educato Ami!- tl,uil' 'ligations. If to, why are ibey Are wo fools and blavos.that we stand idly not P1'6'1 as General Dix aid thoy by aud permit these things ? j would be if found out. There is some- , , a . , j thing behind the scenes, as it always has The Diurr. A JXcw Quota to be As- uccn a niy story why, aftcr so much and zigncd lo rcimsylvaim.Nnyn It. I. so ruat a preparation for a great confl'a Dodgc,Pro70st Marshal-General of Pcnn- graliou thero was so little mischief done. pvlvania.jaa issued clrculiiM minnnnnirm - ' b that by dircctious received from Provost Marshal General Fry. tho district quotas assigned by him, under the call of Dec. 10th, 18G4, and announced to tho district Provost Marshals 6f the State, by letters from Major Dodge, dated December 20ih, ore repealed, and that now quotas will be 1 e .1 . . UIU uauiuum V. Ul IICIUIUIU, uu Will Ut! hi ni jui'LUiail. Wl VyUII"lL'.-i3lill11UUUSUrU established for tho different districts by , . , ;,. , , Tn- i i .11 -.,-.. 1 r . , re-elected ; ltichardsou, of Illinois, who has not only become ju.-tihalilo but nee January 31, up to which tune corrected , .. , , , , ... , , J . 1 . r 1 enrollments will be received. They should 1,1 b buC0CL'dt'd b Kwhurd latest essary, in order to prevent a further con be forwarded immediately. It has here- Gri,U(iS' ol IoW3 alld Anthony, of Rhode linuation of the inhuman barbaiitics prac tofore been the custom for the Provost' hhl)d w,1 Iiave bec" rc-clccted ; Hale, tieed upon our men whom iho fortune of Marshal-General of the State lo a.ssb.n tho f New IIan,Pshiroi who will be succeeded ( war sometimss throw into their hands, distriot quotas, aud tho district Provost ' by Aaron lL 0rain " IIarlIinSi Ore- The time of iho House has been mainly ,ii 1 1 I......: 1 1 son, who will be succeeded by Gooriio II. taken Up with debate on the promised .-.Mimiuig ut,,, vutunuicui uuuius .isaii.ueu 1 0 tho quotas of their sub dittriola. Mjssouui 18 Free. Tho Tribune dc- elares that Missouri is frec-becauso J clique or traitors iu that Slate has decreed1 tho emancipation of other people's slaves ! 1 Missouri is free! Free from law and or-1 a f, ff, mill , t, f I t: f p, ll f r "8r ' ni Irom freedom of ('Ipntinn. Iren fpnm nil 1 . . . . : . ' liberty of thought, word or deed. Poland I s. e .i. ..I : : i.. . ' ,f,nr, i.hai, I tt r;SU0WdUitllcroi,-cU',7)7S5 pupils iu thu Y It ho I f -ar,S Slat . "I"'" of Philadelphia, frce-w.lh the i.ou hand of Au-tna des- Le lh of scLools fiv0 poiism pressing down iho throbbing, of tetnb,a,s t avnrnn noU nf .,, nnlnJl her heart. Maryland and Missouri aro ; free-to stund by with the sojwliii2 brows ..i. .. i ... .... ,i,.i. i:i ......I while their property aud their liberty aio alike crushed under tlie chariot wheels ol . - " , u out-throat fanaiieisna. Nearly twowccksa,o the abolition I State of Massachusetts, bv ncrmusion of Stanton, had recruiting agents down at Savannah, Georgia, catching niggers to fill I ,, ,i. iL. .i, i ' her quota, on tho last call, ' ji, ... i mi ,, I Uy and by, we shall bo paying another "special Income las," to pay somebody for those Ma'sachusotts darkiest What cay you, Pco John Is thero auy such special five per cent, tax on incomes ? ThQ Toonessco Convention" of orazy beads hu7c nominated Parson Drowlow, for Governor. An honest, good, or do cent man would uot have tallied with ihe calibre of tho "convention." CaT Wo direct attention' to- tlio pros pectus of The Any York Daily JWit-a, on fourth page. Its a high touu aud ably edited journal. X" An abolition paper in York State raics the nauio of OJd Ueu Uullor for President iu 180a, I 5?- The recent conduct of Col. Chiv ington, in Colorado territory, in attacking a defenceless Indian village und maisaorc- ing its inhabitants id about to be invent gated in Congress Tho n.assncrc is-pronounced by Judgo Hnding.of Colomdo, iko mott cruel that history records. He says that the "in-jtivo dians bad previously given up their arms j they molested no travelers ; (hoy claimed lo bo quiet and peaceable ; yet they wcro suipriscd by a miliary force, coming .t)mb ber of other balfbrecd.s that were stopped at tlio lotijjcs. Not a soul was epaied man, woman or papoose that fell into tho hands of tho soldiers Tim Indians lo more expected an attack from tho troops ,i, ,i. ... , c .i. . . i . i did from those at bort Lyou, wbom Aey vlsltcd cvory ltow ""rnful is the fate of the poor In u,uu ' VjOH'P'jr0 11 01 ,llu '"can, "050 wc" ' H'o daily concern of so I'TgO ll pOTtlOU OI OUl' people, aUll WO Uiay ! I .... i , ... .. . . . , wo11 col,uludo poet that ' .Uiiii b ill ll uiilil II II V iu Inall , fliakc. countic miuioa, mourn," ; - A" Tho masses iu tho North havo long submitted to the usurpations and disunion 'schemes of thj administration and tho ab olitiouiats. I3ecauo thoy havo done this, for the sako of poaoo at home, thaso impo sitious upon theirrights. It is their groat- est error thai the first dcpartuio of those in power from the chart ol our liberties was permitted to pass unrebuked. The per- nnsion to exercise one usurped power I gives a licctitc to wield another. Tho I longer they go unrcproved ths moro nu-1 mcrous aud the moro tyrauical ihoy be- come. We believe the time will come bo- j foro mariy days, when iho people will a- waken to a sense of their couditioo,- ' when they will see the great error they have committed in not being more lonao- j ions of their perogaiives. Wo hope they may got waiked up before it is too latc,and ivasuan cuori oi tno administration to cet un a liitlo- iud.Vnation a-ainst the git up a nine- maignation against ue Was it an c ffort of the administration to Southern refugees in New York. looks that w.iy 1 uT- The NeW U.mted States Sena- Tons. Tho United States Scnators.whoso terms expire on tho -ltli of March nest, ..,lT,..., .( ll,.! ... ...1 ....11 1... 7... . " W 1 ami . ITnmnr.l M!l.; Wilson, of Massachusetts ; who havo been .. 1 v. .- . u 1. , mi... ro'clccted 5 Lowell of KcnlUdky, who will b succeeded by James Guthrie; Fare- wellot lHalDG ! "kinsou, of Minnesota ; Tcn EJck' of Ncw Jer'e'. aud 'Wo, of 11,0 Sule of yirS"' Tl,B QW SuU0''S F TnK t- . otaxe. a. ro ion irom tuo suncrintenti- ent of the Common Schools ol tho State C0 p(jr UJ0,h TllQ total cut of t,1Q ...i n.. ..m n : Bvoieni is o-,-ioi 1 increase over lliu - ' year previous of S07,O73, this docs not include tho czpunsc of tho Philadelphia Common Schools. There is a decrease of 307 u.lo tenebcr., owing to the war, and au l"oruaso 01 " teacUors. , ,' " 7", I "'''"el. 1 rowncll, D . D ,; Presiding Dishop of iho Protestant Enis-1 copal Church, died at his residence in 1 in . . two hundred miles for tho purposcy..t dead for , ho saeriQecs and calamities that bavo 1 ,t'l0lU ljllttur- iit no meat. Give cat- ,irovhionB on boaid, and freparcd for a lb" result oi it lias not yet out. Iho victim include.: were ' followed the failure of that oauso and are mp lea as elten a. tho patient w th.r,ly,- E,coml ntltick When Uutlrr was ro- jOcmooriU iVn itl-o eouo Co iucliVuoiid and ' y men, women and children. Gen. Dent, (0 bo-retrieved by its uocess. There arc Give physic when neeossnry. Ifthealiovo moved from notiiinamKGenoralTcrry was it umlcr'i0od that bo will assist iu the lleasod tliat I OUIl Ul VyUI. JCIH, BUS 1.1I1CU. Willi 11 II UU1 ,ie 11 t U a t All llC lIS'll KG ia-.iiiiiiu,wvuii, i'u uis iuiu uiiuuuiy, , . . ., . ,, ,,, , .i.r.r it .i on ti. -".hest erguinont could possibly be Ib0.r. He was in the SO year of us aeo ; . , . . . ... . , ,. . . , . , , . brought against bl.oJdy as n i olitical ccon - und was consecrated Bishop nf Conncoti. ' cut October 27, 1810. Tl roughout his whole EpiBcopalc,bis Diocmo was happy, united and profperous. Dy his death the venerable John Henry Hopkins, Uishop of Vermont will bo iho, Prcsidinir Dishop. tgif Some u i istocrnts iu Philadelphia, who always rido in their own carriages, havo called a meeting to force tlio poor pcoplo who rido in street oars, to allow niggers to bo hauled round with thorn. We pity tho poor addlcpates, if tbay want to ride wilh the greasy wenches, lot them I tako them in iheir carriages. finvnrnnf Rnvirtmir. The Albany Arg,,ma n well merited iuuto of p'raiso to this distincuijhcd gen- tribute of p'raiso tlemab updn his retirement from au oflico . which bo has eraccd abd honored. "Ho i8 ti,u mah U)0tl wl)0m ,bu eyes rf all the I pcbplo D0W C(incontrato as tho rcprcsonta- cf Dcmoontio pjinciplos, and tho Champion of constitutional liberty. The ,.. n oomiI)L. a,,.i 80011. ,..,cn ,.V(.rv ad- vocato of this great cause will bo dear to u,o beartB of the American pcoplf dearer crow stronger cacli timo they touch tho earth : and l.'ovcmor IScyinour will find this defeat but the pre-; . I , . e . , . ; ludo to a fresher and more vigorous career.' TI , , . , . a ,1 . rr Ho has exhibited so lniich hoDosty in offico -so much firinticss when that quality was needed to defend popular liberties or rnr1 wnll Imnn.rn.l ind,- i u ' "w 1 J n mcnt and a moderation that averted oeri oils collisions: he has been so indefaliira ble in tho details of duty, that all who will I fnCin.v nnlinlv l.ia niltniniAtrntinn. must ' admit his high executive capacity. His Slntn tiani'i-it niul tnililin nnrrn.nonilnnr.o , .... , , ... f . . huvo exhibited an elevated tono of state- maiiihip; atul his occatioual tuldrcs-efi and ' ' , , , . speeches havo been among tbo biM epect r.A ...... o .i. Ids public reputation His fellow eitizcn!. who had opportuhitieo to apprcciato hi I m: Gk.nusek 1 AltMEn. The January j moemefiti of Iho land aiid naval lorccs social qualities bis chivalrous courtesy and number of this well known agricultural1 harmonious. On Tliuisday tho first ves grace of manner, and the charm of his journal is received. Wo cordially rec- scls of tho fleet appeared off New Inlet,and couveroation, find hardly lo9 to adiniro oiumciid it to all our readers who arc iu on F.itlay il!-,niing filly Federal vessels than iu his public eliaiactcr. Above all auy way interested in agricultural or hnr- were in c:osu proximity to Kort I'isher. thoy kuow him to bo above all eordid temptations, free (rom vice, his mind di vested of cam, his soul above bypocriry. Such a n an can f.ock honor iu the walls of private life aud Dud it thcic. And wo 'i -. . know Uiat uov. beyinour uooh not loou bejond. liul if tho day should como whfn patriotism and statesmanship lire wanted in the Ic i.lorship of States and Nation-) that day will oall him forth from retire- incut, lor the Time will demand the .Man. - Tho Saturday Evening Post. We would call the aitcutiou of tho:o who with to subscribe to a first dais Lit- crary Weekly, to the Siturday Eveuiug Post, published iu Philadelphia. Tim .''.. ,, , 1 , . l'o,t contains weekly a largo and very terc.mng assortment ol Storieo, Sketches, Aneedot s, ko., calculated to amuie aud inttiuot its readers. A family cf children who lead a paper liko Tno Post.can hardiy . . , . , fail in being bettor informed than ihoso who do not. Of couro every man should take his own county paper; but, alter that, vo would commend The Post to his attoutiou. Wc observe, that Wheeler & Uilsons oulebrated fauwiog Maehines aio given as Promiujis with certain clubs of The Po-t. It.-, terms arc S'2 50 a year, nine for 10, &o. Sample copies are sent is - " k -n -,,,.ri Address, Deacon Peterson, Jl!) Wal- uut Street, Philadelphia. -"-" -- Phochedinos in Co.n'oiikss. The Sen - ate Military Comimlteo havo instructed Ponator Howard to r.porl a joint rcsolu- i lio" iu-ructiDg the President to place the ......".. , ,. ' . ntuiii uiuiuia unu nuiuiera now 111 out j hands iu charge of our returned piisonen, I who i-hall have power to treat thcili as our soldiers aie treated in the Southern pris- oos; that their ofliecrs should be fitst made to suffer as our's have done ; that il, tllll !.,l,...,r..,. f 1i,....... ll.!. . f r,.,.r.A ....., n. i.:t.:. J ing slavery iu all tho State". v u v. w u . ,w .vi.ia.i.uiiu.i, i"iiiuil No vote has yet been reached upou it, and as the discussion is prolonged, tho promts ol ,.,I:I?U'r" J" 3J' CoNVMi:iAM of, Wilksbairc, who was coiitincd n the Con- I"' " t Ob.rloi.on, 8. C, for ' I ' u i,ml .nnili. i,,,.... .,.i,...o...i .i reached home on ihu 4ih of December.- Wo are informed he looks wall.butis quite thin, owing doubtless to the poor fare re- ceived at That ...hosnitable reso.t at that ...hospitable reso.t. Hesi meii.-CoI. W. W. II. Davis has rninmcil iim mi;inr;,.t nt tt... n.. - ...,,.iU,6UUiiUk uunu. lovoi JJcmovrul alter an absenco in Iho .. . . . army ol more tbau tbreo years. Dr. Men Ueulia" w'o had control uf tho paper du rig the absence of Col. 1) , retires from " " " - ' - New Jeusey is tho ouly Democratic -u (h(J N(m, ud - h , ., ,. ,, , , , I... I la ,,,.( rl ,1,.l,t I . I. 1...1 , ,. ., , , ou baud m tbo Treasury. Plus is tho - ItSr Tho reports laet week of "Peace ' movements iu Georgia," disbanding of 11 III IM . i the ueorgia .Militia,' Aso., iVo., havo been contradicted by den. Sherman iu a letter lo the President. C Tho mouther's of tho Pennsylvania LcgUlaturo intend raising their pay to 51200. Some years ago wbon iho dem ocracy ruled, tho pay was 91)00, - - The inercaso in tho population of Wash - vtfc- ington oity,siucu tho varbcgnn,is remark- ablo. In 1800 ils population w 75,000 1 it is esliniMod how to reach 100,000. L'urr. for the. Small 'nr. Tho foltnw. log prescription is vouched for by tho knstport (Mo.) Sentinel, as a euro for the 81,18,1 Pox ll 'li wort" ,r)'ipg now: "Oivu to llio paticuttwo tnbioapoontfull f inixluro of bop yca.-t and water, cetencd with mouses, so as to bo pal- Utablo, equal parts of eaob, three times a , day Children undor twelve years of age h1,ou1(1 laku two ''po'onB full threu times a ''ay. Diet Uoilcd rice and milk, and t0!,stU(' bread '"ois'oned with water, and .uiijuU nu nnuti oi suull pox will remain. . ' . 5 II.MIAM Al'l'fiKMAN, OU0 of tllfl n , ,. ... , Columbia county prisoners who was found .. . ..... . to tho dralt, Gued five hiiuilrcd dollars and ... . ... ("dL,rud ' P 'sonment UUt,l the payment of the fine, has paid the amount and bu n . . , . " i . ui ,1 ' ylvama volunlcors havo been oonsolidal r, lnn.(l ll i.,. n,l,i,..-.i . " contained nearly one hundred and filty . c,j owi t0 xho MnMM of their ra)U rucaseu, lie lias aildresicu a petition to Congress, recounting tho hardships of bis I'VIWil'llitiffl tf hi n tltlflir ri-i,itt n..I ....I.!.... .ii.,. tint I in amount of bis fino btl refuuded to . . ' torted from bun. yenator Huckilcw has ,. . , , his easo in band, and all who read his . ... , , . memorial will ho convinced that then: tlcVer AVas a more righteous call for leis- . ' i ticu lure. Il coils ouly ono dollar a year. Itis one of the best aud cheapest journal-. I published. Sand a greenback in a letter t to the publisher, Joseph Harris, Uoclie-I tcr, .N. i., aim you will receivo the paper I r .. . i 1 1 . i . i lor .i ye,u , aim toon snow luo January number to your neighbors and they will subscribe also. The publisher of the Far- mer offers to send a copy of tho paper tc all who wish to csauiini; it before sub- scribing, " - uJT'l w tVk"! "fml ,' bU home, ju F.iii iniiiiiit, tlii oouuty. a uonplu ol months ago, by unnu soldiers and thrown into a Liuoolu ba-flilc, lia been condom n"V MX ,ml CJU'J,D(,,"ll!1)t ' Fori Mifilin, and S'JOO fine. Tho 'head aud ffont of his o)r(.nning- is ,, mr llui.lh js a democrat, and as a minister of the (.Jospel, would uot preach Aboli tioui.-tii ! I,e disloyal to his government As well IniS,,t GVCTS man ruf'""'--' ' Mihstituf an "anti-si.u-erv 13ihl" for tho B.bla ct f U ftH.ors, nn.l worship hat the la. an tiC8 wollu Mt upas an 'aim slavery God,' bo impri-oiied for disloyal practices. -J,uzcrne Union. nr nT o" of New Columhu-, the other day. Ho w.v iu town attending- to miium in 30.llr'- Mr, U., is crippled and almost fro"1 lli-"nB eoi.lin.Miieut in a Lin coin batilc. Lour months in Fort. M lilin r"0r'i'"e, told sadly up-uj an other- wise vigorous coustitutiou. I thero no day of reckoning in the future, for tin- outrages this admioiitra-ion has com mil tcd upon unoffundiujj cit:zens llbbl. .." rf ' , P K' Mt nn l.'ur.'! 1. I .wlj0" lcft a Lng.ish po rt Pomct,me ago. is now.undcr tho namo of i in Slmnnmlo,,!. 1 is now.unucrtbo namo of the Shenandoah,' actively at woik in destroung American shipping on tun Atlantic. Sho has already j captured the ship Kate Piince, the b.irks ! nun i,u, uouney, antl the hi Stisau and tehooner Charter Oak, or San Francisco. The English merchauls and aristocracy have now another m nive Ibr II J m r .... chuckling over the destruction of our com merce, JKa- Tho new board of Directors of the 1 Uauk or Danville, are as follows : I ittou in .uanviiic, are as lollnws I From Danville, E. U. Ikldy, Peter laldy, George A. Friek, W. G. Scott, . C Kbodcs, George U. lirown, Thomas Lr,ia n m ' Haldy, Georae A. Friek. V. i S,.nti Woods, ft. M S'linnn ii.,, i. 1, ,.i -., o, . ley; George G. Piper ' ol Milton, John Sharplcss of and William (J. i nui jjiiiiui unu i.e. jiau9 01 thn r :, nurley of tJloomsburg. " "Alby, President. C.i miming as the newest "novti "ulJ11u A& rili. MwfcsT io ei. "Dillon of Webster's ti:..!.. : ... inouary is a monument oi literary a- hor, which will attract tho attention of the learned tho world over. It is uf chunn ink CIS the newest HOVtl. f turn nvnr nnim I , - w iHr nnn M.irt l,,i,t. ,, .I ,.,lmn 1. ..1 ll ..w. ,,u, 11 nun .u umac ll, I hope that the day is not far distant when every school in our Slate will have . " i n .... i ... .. u j. oui i.jhihs. inn. out) i Cm. Schools of Pan. ii- Anothuu Steamship Wulckbu, We have to record another terrible disaster at I ..J "u Elcnmship Melville, which loll Mn.i, V...1. n., , , encountered a , having her bo New York ou tho 5th inst. for PoitUoyal, sevcro ttorm on the 7th, bows stove iu by tho sea, and , about noon next da) she suddenly went ' .. e e , uunu. iuus 1111 uuiv iuui t liuuw to , , , . 1 havo been saved two passengers, ho mate 1 ,,, . , 1 C1 b . ' and the third engineer, is he had 50 pass- IIUIO L1UI1 -v.J UlllUClil UUll VIWlTi 6?" Pennsylvania furnished 67,000 - n n ., . . . . men,acco.uing to uov. uuruos statement, .1.. n ,1. . rw. . .1 year 1601 and 'd as JO 000 to me uorernuiciH iu tuo yet our quota is announce Acoording to, ibis stylo of flouring Pcnn- svlvania riuota is more than double what it should be if properly calculated. J82? Persons who complain of tlio rear- . . . .... city ol colits lor supplying ohango, will bo glad to know that tho noW Ihrco-cout ? . ... ..... iractional currenoy will soon ib usuou liy .he Sccretaij of tho Treasury WAR NEWS. Tort Fisher, tho work defending New Tn0t. North Oarolin.t, has been captured. It was takeu on Sunday n combin- ed land and nuvnl txpoifiiioti, undor tho command of lirevct Major General Alfred II. Terry, and; Hoar Admiral David D. i'ortl r. When Duller' returned from For' 1 Uhcr,altur tho previous nttuck,hu brought ,i8 (mops to Fortress Montoo. Admiral , pCrlor took iho fleet to Ueaufort, North Carolina. Here the vessels took coal and tlaeiu at tliu lieau oi tne iroops wi i un- rt,ss Monroe, and under orders, From Wmliinnion, ho at .ailed to 13eafort, ' ,Vt this port, on January 8th, all tbo land troops and naval vessels were assembled, prepared for a second expedition against Wilmington The land Urces numbered -i.-... i..i.. ,.,. Ti n flCI!t. vesscl9. i On January iHh the cnitibibed c3:lcdi- f,m n,.-.,..inri. 'I lin weather I was good at the sea smooth, and on Janu ary 1 1 th, lust Wednesday, the licet all nr- In V Inn tno Atiau-, 1 H 1 .. T . 1 i perience of the previous attack matlo the ! At davliglil tlie lion-eladt and frigates advanced to tho attack, and at about eight o'elock the boii.bardii.oiit was begun. Tho shelling rivalled that nf llm former attack mi iutmit) . and was kept .... .... up all 1'iy. Tlii- f.nt .-eldom rep'ied, the storm ul sli'.'H bjilij; to.) heavy lot tlio nun to la (ior at their g'lin. About nonu, under lie irolretiou cf a fl :et of gunho in, jiro p trillions v.'i're made to hiinl (JrUJial Ter ry's tronpj, A .wtrip ol wood.- o:i the haeh .ibout ibrte miles abovi Furl fi-iiur, w.t-. helled, to ilrivo iho Coufederitcs oil, and the landiug began nlmost on the uie spot where Uuticr ilcb.ifked twH weeks before. The l.iijdin,r was uuoppoted and during i Friday and Friday nilit L'i rry sueceeed. ed iu g'ttin his oniiro force nf eight thouiTind men on hoie. During all this tii'J-i the bombardment of Furl Fi Iwr coi.tinued. li was renew d on y.ituid.iy with equal fnrce,and Ter ry beau lii.i prepcratinus for au iivault. A lino of eaithvi rks was coiittructed icros? the narrow bench, b. tt ecu ibe ocean and Cape L' river, aud a portion of the Federal troops placed iu'tliein. These" works feed towards the north, rod wfre intended av a protection against auy as sault which might bo made by tiie Confed erates, li om Wilmington, tipnn llie Fede ral rear iluiiii the attaek ujioij h'ori Fish er. Gencial 'J'erry ul.-o began iho con struction of '.vorkn tinvur lj the sniitli, to ao.-ist him while the asau!t wad bein made. During all llii- tinu: lliu ho hbard inout of Fort l'isher In iho 11 et wa kepi i i p, and tUa.eely i:..i I,,,- ;,..., a "un iva firo.l n'P'i'' iJuinu thus imoiuotfil tno Federal labor ing panic.- progr'M-d i idl ,and l noon ou Saturday last everything . ready for the attack. An aaultini: eolumu of in- r.vcu near .ua.ouuoro, on ... ha( rut nc.aurrar,, in 00lnmand of tio coast, about thirty milo3 n rth cast of; ,ije ,l(.(cnocs ul Itichuiotid, intending him FoitFinlier. The dups were at once pro- tolf to pn eted to South Carnlina, to con pared for a battlu,aud the unforiuoatc rx-! ccntrate the rt-bul forces iu dial quarter to 1 fautry was at tinco tout lorwsid against j Fresidrwtial Inau;'u anon ba'l A preiiy 'the uoithwustern angle of Fort Fuller. ' ti'nu 'u f"uit1' "f March will ho m lioh j Another a.-saulting pa.f, con.pujed 0f!,,icl) 't'rualia. while tho laud i-i., Lailors and marine,., was advanced a ain-t ' "rlili.'.lr -'. " 'thu norths stern a'l'k1, Al half pal three ibe infantry reach d the fort, and i,IUr a lo" mA lr"'ih 8uccecd. lv 11 l,d 1 otlK'r They 1 cJ "' l'li,5l",S a lodgement. I he sailori- anu marines w no auvaneeil aguiut Hie other anlo, wore rcpul-ed with heavy los. ey were accordingly withdraweu, and to assist the infantry cobiinu. Having cTeeted a lodgniMit, the Fede ral troops gradually worked their way along the ramp iris, driving iho Confide rates from oim b.nub-pioof aud tiaverse to another, until, uS Un o'c'ock in ihc eve. uiug, the entire fort was captuicd and tht garrison diivni out, Central Whitney and Colonvl Lamb, wilh the Confederate troops, retreated south along Federal Point In V1.1v Tut, 'I. 'I'.in.. i.onlrl;.i.t nn -ainivi , iw.i nu 111 icii.ii;. , mill nuiu UJIJ (iireil Hath Whitney and Limb were wulldtd. All the works belong to our irooP Seventy two cannon and a uuin i c . i.. ........ ...i uer ui irauii.-u. .iriuuiv esti ill lieu at from ono thousand to twi.titv five lutnilrnil ' " - luu jiiujiusu m iieimg as icaeuers in uegro have becu capluit'd. Wi'urugton is not! schools. taken, It is thirty miles noith of Fori t,j AiTn,,, i..,irTiT,TTr.. -." . .. ... . ,rl m i. . - ,i,i ni"01" "all the coinpoMtors in the 1 slier. fho Capo lear river is not elos- f Pross office, at Hartford, Conn., are girls, ed bv this canturfi i for it has aflotb v nn-i - - trauce south of New Inlet. Uy jad.cious .. ,r ... n ,. , . lunuiuuv ii.'B, uin ivi a , it tuu vouieuenites havo no large force ts oppose him, Porter may bo ablo to effectually olo.-o eiitranec, though two largo forts havo yet to be taken before he c an have undiluted possession or. Tho Fedoial loss in the ., .,. of the harbor lSfauli upon rort l'ishcr is lopor'ed at I....I ttii r.l.. ..' nine uunureu. i ne magazine oi me iorti ,a liln.nn .. n nll.r !t ,..o n... .l "" 7 ", tivri h li nil ml ll o hrti cnlillr.u tv.m l.l two huodrrd Federal soldiers were killed .ind wounded. There is a report that tho ullaliasseo anu tuo lyincuaniaiiga arc shut UP 'm G'd)0 oar ivcr.but (Irs is cxtromc - ly doubtful. Tho removal of General Duller from command has niado yarious changes uc- ... ... . cessary in General Uraul's army. (Jen. Ord in couiuiand of the Twenty-fourth .... '. corps it is tniti mat ucnoral JIuntcr will he Blkflcr'. pcrinanen, tu,w.,r If ,1,1, bo so, it will bo scarce ly ait improvement V TvLZgZt&X ucrQ!6 ,), (;tjtn mittco thai it was impossible to capturo Port Fisher. Tho only item of intolligrucc from Grant's oamp Is that tho Uonlc.leratca arc labor- JJSg JjYhi'nf Ui"l3"o o"3in JumM above Dutch Gap, which will mako the canal, if ever opened, perfectly useless. jvj- iin-.r .,..., :,, inL,n0nd nn Mnn. day, and since then has had a consultation with the Cohfi'derate authorities, though pcaos ncuotiaiiorH I lioro ate all sorts of rumors il ing nl-out, hut notbiug deQ- Ul.icas " P"uaw- ti-juii, out oi incso :;Tlutms( f1)iot , rol,m nIollg tbo JiDe ju front of the Army of tho Potomac, and even p'eket filing seems to havo been s'v up' , TIo'tIi and 81lb Regiments, l'enn- The new onfimization will be conwnanilcd by Lii ut Col. IJuiupus and will bo known na t" 57ih I'onnsylvaiiia volunteers.. --ii.i.i . , 83?" It is rumored that Leo has boon command of all tho rebel armie-, .... . , .. , i ciicck aiierinati s prono-cl niovcineiit nor'hward. iShermaiij UKivou.cut was considered by Leo ns more imp 'i lanl than any Grant can mako upon It'chniond in four months. &3r Public Speakers. M litary M.'ii and Singers, and nil snfferihg Irom Irritation uf the Tluoit end Ho.irnu'S4 will bo agreeably surpri-i-d al the i ii'0-t imme diate relief afforded by the m-o of 'Diown's llrnncliiai Trrekc..' 'Their dun u'ceni in gredii uts 'illay Pnlmnnary irritnti 11 and fli r -nr.'ikii'u or siiil'ii l. w In 11 llm il.reiii Ij, w,.,,n,d nd wekeiio I bv tot in ueh 1 x- eiei"", ib. ir me iviil ivc re e vcl strui);t!i in the vocal irgtn. . . . Coin. Wilhct' Xit!ccc RnnUtet ' he President has remi ted tliu si-ntuneo of Commo'lnru Wilkes, who win seuteucod to , .th .t.taum 111.11 u u. mrji. n-,,111 iiiiiii iiju reiviee lor itireu years, on account of bavin-' e'ipt.ired M.t UIM..II .... 1 I .1 1 : I . on .....I 01 11 mi 1 01 r 11 me jri iu 10 1 in er I rent llli Seiitl t.Ci' ha-i been -u iii, ul ificil as to make hi t-uspcusiou cou'.ni'ie only fur a petiod of one year frmn it. date. With what diffidence nu du ciawl about iu humiliation at the f. et of fonign powuis. A loyal leaguer, named M. G Allen, one ol the i-lioiidy nUieer.i at t!.' Cu-iom llou-e in Pliil..delphia, has been arrcfrtid cu a charge ol i-tnuling e'ghl) thou-eiid dol ari of iho ublic fiimU. -.Some months ngo ho .-.lole i. or oiihl thoiH.ind dollars, llo was'a g eat hnw'ci' lor war ! war ! OCT From S.ivaiiiuih e Karn that dn S'heriiliin is p.:ruiint a vi ry com-ttitoi y policy .and ha.i isni.ed ;i pr. c!ani:.t'on per mittinc p'ai.teri lo brim? iu tht 11 n oduee 1 ; 1 ,. .! ... " ... - . ;. .13 uaiiii, .inn iiuiiis nut lun'icii'ii'.'iH 1 1 r tlicin In ilno. ThU looks as if he le.-i pcrfeo ly securo. au.l means to inalio 1. 1 1 the friends he can, - - - . To he Huso littwiid IS. iV.oitj.wa irird and convicted iu tlie Nnriliumher 'and oiinty Court, at fSiiifmny, la-' we.'k, for tho murdir of Mis Chamber lain, wifo of Lewis ChnmhiMlain ol Slia- i moki'i toK iHlop, N )ri!iuuil)i;rl,ind couniv lUi! li ne ol Ills i-X'ieu'lOU IS ut to :t liv G iv. (.'uriiii. CSy The large ronn in tho uoith wine ol the Patent Oliics is to be ucd for the ihc North. A bill has p issed both hou-ei ol ('oiiitres-iuoreasiug the duty of liiokuy lo two dollars per j'allon. The law Well'' into cifi'et on the lsl uf January, 1 -J ti.1 it ttoes not apply to tho kipc!: on hand, hut only to liquor manufactured after thin tisoc. 123 The ('oinmi-sionors of Nortlul'ii berland county have contracted for tin building of a new Court House, to he erict ed at Sunbury, with the I) S Ili-jel, o' Williamspor', ut (.00 Mr, llb-scl built tho Court house at Willinmspoit. ( JScS1- A lady who vuited the Contraband Camp, at Norfolk, Va., roeently. wak astonished lo find near all tbo little ii'ggei babies, of both icx, named "Abraham." The stockholders in National Hunks arc individually responsible to the amount ol their rcspecivo shares of stock for tUbl- 1!1 l... ... ' or Hnb'liticj of every kind. ISdy A number of young ladies have nuiiu iu i.niim irnm i,',.., ...i r. o. i . . . il... ,',,.,.. .. ..- . . , - --,. j..,iiiihi, iur ' ., CSr "c''Ward Hjechcr's salary for una j'uur mis oecn nsou at Siy.OUl), MARRIAGES. Ou the 22dof Doc. IcflU, at tho Par- . JJ.JJ Or.npvlllo. by the , Hov. , W nov . m ii i i r m . HObAN.S A IU. llOUhl.Elt, both of Flailing, creak tu-n flol en P-i . ' . . ' On tho Mih iust , at tho Parsonao in C 111 1... li..' 1 - - .1 . . . yiu ,,, uoouncii, r. JOHN 1 1. ill I N II1 K -Ot ft I Inlt'ihiti ti. tn l J.o Jons H. ftliN.NK'K,of Sliiokshinny,to Mis J.I'IN1,A I'kai.uii, of Fishingoreek twp , K ' " 1 lgaet"iT,J-1TTriVtfT Deaths." Iu Suuhurv. Oil tho lOlh imt.. ftnneuT w, . i .i , m tt , 1 " i "ly child of Col, Tiuinan H. and Mri. li' l.,,,l ,i i i k juui , mm u mu. . Tu Munoy, nu Saturday ovening, 1 lth inst 1 IIOMl'SON MlirilK.l.r.. e dint el.i il of n' H,milci siiumm. ... rl ,, J' a,,"U,Cl &"""UgU' "a,d "b,mt " l'irtiR Columliii Dtmo, mi A Card. 0il 'rislni'is Lvo.whilfi our Satmih Schol was holding thrir Christinai Festival i Hloomsburg, and wlilile tho children wetc lnnk!llS l,,c,r l"l''uin offering for th, tancOl of their library, by tho present, li,,n of purse of 80I) 00, by Mis Lizzie l'KTrtKi:.v, in behalf of it, Babbalh febool teachers and niomheri of tho con', gregatibn and friends as a chratmis ntl)i. 1 his expression of cstoo u I appre- my laborn in the go!ic ll0 may in bmo humble iIoltcb "" uiuuhi. ii muuig unf kiuu Hot,. ors in tho reception of tho great ehriat- mas gut to our world, which U Chri,t J. born in th. hope of .lory. W.(,OODHICII. NcU) 3vDucriiocnicuts( EUiUf if Wil'ltuii tntl, Lfcensrcl. ' r i:rn:iiS'f i.iiiiihi.trnt ' ,f rf. ' 1 ' .l' ' '.t i" .r.. trntinii n the Knintn nf V, I il t: tllH II. hill. !..! ..... . Iiuvulifcii;tiilcil li Un- lli'Kl.lcr 1 1 T Co I ii in ki .t cl','., t t ),',; j...... .,, , mi,,: ii.miii. ii:;iiniitlioi'i. l.Uc ol llm iirtcu ut ri' r '.'i...t. -, tiipri'.i'iit llietnlii ti: ,ll"k-r"l-''''.'-'' r""' i n tuwnniun. witimut SuT' "" ,'c, iMlc'1 '" ,'"'ku '"'" i.pMiii.,i.i.,.v- I'liia tn'p , Jan si 41 (H), DONATION?' ' ryilK Irionrl-. of tho Jev. J W. Lf.i- iiim pniin.H mitliiiic ,lpl n vi'iov VI-.' I' nt lil. rul Iunc iu Ili.i.iiiiKl.iir, on TllUul)AY, J.nUA.).lV 20, 180.5. N..r furtlier uirllMiun l,y tin! I. tl sIit iac...Ury . 'ICII Mil, II (MS, Tit.uii ..Ax H-nmu.-ii:. II. fCIIWUI'PilSlltrttu, CIIAIIW'.-t II 111: 1 iiaku.m suniAw, Ja Mi. ''" "lJU"1 1"'''H't PKI VA'l" iViSALli OF . Two ViihiiibSo Fantw, ! Tiik iindersigtiod, do- rouq of niov:nt' Wmtoir.'r In m.-li t j.ri ulf hit TWD r.Mti.H. KllUn'5 in JS.-11 toil tn 1 1 -b n ('"Iu. i,Ui,i riMlnly. I n. 'I Iw I nrm 1111 h In, li l:o nun r IiIl-s. cimliiiuin nhunt NIWTY-TVVO AO-B'S, pomn pcvi'iiiy A f mh is i l.'iirod Lrtii I h ; ".u;1l" nju-nutrm: . .ny h.miii . i r ,v ,t. j ,,,, en,,,!,, nMl ,, v.-r-f 1 1 1 j r-.nn,' 1,11 .llm pri.,11 iii 1 1 1 1 1 u 4 11 1 iu kim;v iivvi: .Lit'j. "OH "UUT li'il l llli; Uoiil ill 1 a l.'li mil.. mil ! rtiioiiii; h runni liy Hi Uiur Wet. AlilU(! HWltfrt IIAi.X, r.U x till f it, null II i.imimt i,,.., ile-ol iiUulIi 'J Willi mim s Aim. -- T' '! Aj3;c llrch.'ti'dK, of mm, illi nil lie- iipcrsidrjr improvo Intnl. in a 1 1 1 -1 1 ,-ulj if 1 uliiiuii 111 A LMJ ; Another Farm and Plantation, liimti'it il'inut niK q.nil.Ti1 a iiiiIj iinrtll-KU-t of 111 lirnl iiiiiii il I'.i rin, Kiiul.iirinii! FOU I'Y FIA'li ACUH-5, ""'t llorli 11 inn arr.n ul v, hi. li n cl. i-i il anj unitu r V'uutl tultiv.itiui). ly" I'ur mil lilli.lin nntl fnille'r pnrli. iiliin. I ! y WILLIAM A l' PLUM AN. Uc 11 ton, r.i., Jjinuury iU lf2. ur Valuab'o Personal I ropcrty. ? I! L unli-ci ih' r, a-! mtui-tr t pn..u. uf iviit iim nn'. .iic i i.i tll, 'lul M.M, Mlllrllllai' !! iai,l.l 101 of till i .. 1 -tn 1.,rii llw I jl.lL.ih.J I l llluw 1,1. illlt, 111 l ul IHU.3 I'll . nil I UrSIMY, Till: '2 1 1 1 1 UK JaMAHV I" .j Tin1 'i . 1 1 . . . inj; -r.liinblii iii-rin'iiul jiriiiriy vu Udh Uiy Male, one Cu ri. ge, one fjon V.igoti. Sleigh. Huri an, D -.k li.d- mil lieilding, two .Stoves, Olniir-.TuliI. ,i, Set iee. Stands, oils! Gull,'-nt U'.ih'i innt'litii'-. srt o( Uuv'j -!iuinrs (!oip r .iif.le. 'lnear, a l.uge I'Vli-tel Pola oej b .lie Ii'i-h . togiilier uiiii I ly" .iri ty i f llou c hold ml K telun Fuiu iturir tuo niiiiiuruii- to iiieini oi. ALSO; l tin fririu t.riliu il ua.'-.I. in t it., i-a loin.liip On Wednesi av, Januah. a.Vni, 10.1 Tin folluv.oia limp Itv Hill III' 1 11" fll I'm -U I J . ONE DA UK COLO H ED HOUSE, Tivulvi! S pen, one two-hor.o Wag hi, alid aet ol Y, Plows, Ilat - os, Ciliivaiors, four wainu ol Uji-j, Wheat, Hick-wheat. Corn aud Oats by lie huslul, Corii-Sli'ller, two Fanning Mills, one ti.riiiiij; Laths, Pigeon Net, ! Gi.dn in. the Ground, tog'ther Willi lie) tit iro Famine; Utnsil.s of tho deceased. iMii-isting ot unifies too numerous to ut-ntiou. Ty" Sjii' tu rniiiir.i iirc nt 10 o'cio. k. A M , nn omh ''J'. lien Ut.h ;i ul in ii utn, n,. wilt Ijj uih.Io I.'iium'i,. JOHN V. HO 1)1 NIC. Ailiiilnittrniiir oI'Uiq Estate Titer llo.lniv, ik'cM. J.imiari' 1 1. Ici3 Public Vendue. or Valuable Personal Property. ILL be expired to Public Sule, at tin' ti'tn.i'Hci of the tuUrritiir. in .l.ul.a"i. uin iiiliip, Col. ro., on TUESDAY JANUAKY Ul, lc0.., Tin' d'll.mjut viilii.iiaii prupi-rty, vii TWO liKOWJNf Al HES,, Five Milch Cows (Iwo ul which nn' fr".li. ) Onu riiiw nml I'iji, N .-lii'i'li, llii) hy lliu Inn Hlraiv .nel t'nru IihIiKt liy 111 i Huiiillo, liyo aii'l lldili-itlii il by lliu tiiiilii'l .m l I'ur1. Ill till' l'Uli, ll'tigoiis, Plows. Uarrowt, Slch, Com Shelter, Potatoes hi the Ihish.l, Tegrlli.-r mill hii cnlliu lli.tisrlioh! ami Kilcle'ii riiriul.iri'. J. .ili't'i cniniiiiMiii' ut !i ii'ilurU n. in. ol'tnlil d.iv. w hull nlK'i'.liiiicj (i Ud giv nil uiiii coihIUiuik bu niinU liinoi ii by JOHN Me-11 EN I! Y. Jr. I It AM DKUU, Auitiouccr. juiniar' l, IM'.3. FOR RENT. A STOKE HOUSE, LOT OF L N ' ! rpnK uml,rsi 0uoriljan fw ,ll0 - iinr .miJruiil.r j...,.h Mtnrj. .i,r... i ill oilur to lent, (fur twii yi'.1i .rum tit tlrtt "f ANDDWELLLNC. 1101 SE ' April iiext.) m imiiiic om c y, un 'I'linrsiliiu llm 'iifl ilni. nl l'Vlru n r u lHfirt'. I 1 HO IOIIUH III J UCI Cr IbClU OlliaUl J IIIIOW, VII 1- A Store llousc, Dwelling Uomc.uith th' 1 . ... 03 . 1 . Out'builtliiigi. and Tw ac. of l.'vts Siluatv in fi-Untt I tn tmvi'liii, t'ohi il.i:i idiinly, I'n , on tliu .Mil) Komi, nbuiit mi. nay LdvVcin (Jiniwi'mii nml Mi i n v i I i-i . Paiil iriierty I iM In t"oil niniitinn, itil.i ftoiy cniivuiili'iicii Iur a ri'.iilmnc .iml bun mix Him, I, in n .'icellunt nelslituilKMiil, an 1 ull'-'ii riru ni.liaoiniiiiu furi'inliiil.liis In thu .Murium llu hU-iin'iiJ. VJT 'I'u bu Ki iiti'il on tliu, an, I In tiilnmdM t ill unu . ii"in, i , ,.i , nil lain uay, liir-ininiu .... 01110 b '". ',,, ,tt,., o Al. UlU'jAai . or nt unu u'clnck, 1', ,M .nil lanl ilay, Iijii iiiiu iilimi'l January h iiT'S. - LiQUieb 1' 111 S. ''""'' vr..iyn mum ; llm brkl I "u r J at (,i nun Iim i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers