Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 21, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 18. NO. 47.
The Ltliigh Cuttle Potrdci'
S, warranted to
be th moat power
ful mictit for tlio torn
nch mill Mooilof Cuttle,
Bwlne, or Sheep, In pro.
mUlim iligeallon.clcntia.
Int llin ayatctnnml tran
afer'.nu tlio purMed nn
Imnl nn itl In lloah, fat,
milk. liHtlcr, (in lUtrcnjlh
mill erlabliahlng health
nml visor.
nuvovs nonsn u
Min.lU'OWUEU is the
only incilicliici legally
patented In France, Eng
land, Switzerland ami
Holland, nml duly nil.
...Iti... I tlinl f'n.,..
''LENTOnr ' tiiinnrcil Willi prir.e men.
nlii, nml Invented bv Mr. Iluvoy. I'mfcaaor of the Itn.
6i-rlnl Cnlli'sn lor A i! rlcnl tn r at t'nrls. niidnow miin.
iifar.turcilby U. II, HlltN'nil, llr of Z. mill A., Allen,
town. I.i'blitli County, l'ciinylvnoia,
Alldleae. of tho .', llloo.l, I.tinga nnd Bow.
rpeedlly and rertainly cured. Ilenlthy .lock will
to hrniitjht Into the very liishcat atnte of perfection,
nml one or lun Inhle-ponnliil n week, ia of great value
to linril working hnrae, breeding fto'k nml cultii, nml
mveil Hiomuiiiila nl nluablu lnrc from contnsioua
dlaoaae, na well nl tit- nnrii.ynrd nln llio army.
tiji: i.r.ninii i.'(.'I'i:ctiinb
rfTiirtiinllVoverroiiii! nil the ntialnclna which Uaunlly
prevent tin! eipel llnu of uornii. lire ptenaaMi In take,
nml nlxn one of Ihc imit m'rei'nhli! imri'iillvea for
Children. Hn conlllent I. Hie Inveiilnr of the auccca
nl hi l.ih iriou atudii'.. In the pnUmlnijicnl ciiiupii.-i
lion nf thin pn piiiiitliiii, Hint he fitrnlalie every Kind
u.ileil phyli Inn, hit n written prcairipUuii.aa n new
if r:i in nmn rln medici,
I'll 15 i;.lv, IIDWMI. liT. MIL'i: AND ANT 15X-
la n powder for the mire etteriiilntttinn of nil Vertnlna,
will never i liiincn lib nee nml iliinnlc, nnil much
fitt f.raldi- In lit" old I'liiitpliunei I', which hard
'IK in n ytrnrl llini', iii.'ikln: I' wi:tlilea. Tor direr
limiii nml p.'irilriil.irH ee llnvunull I. Ills in the Lines.
! Din. hiiiiilfeil inn) llilriy.'i-veii iTinilninii have
jei n n s ;i',1 tn iefc lolelir.ileil preparations, up t.)
.Orlii'ii-r -M. Irtlt.
linv r. A. llnviR. nre the wh"l"nle Apenti Inl'hll'a.
l'ur.ile hy nil re-pecmtile I nml country dure
NiiviiiiiIht in. IiMH I'.'in.
j-. vumj ibiiiii (Duo cj
Select IPoctti).
as if to vex him tho
more, tlicro was a
large space of dirty frozen water in tbo
court on which his widows lookod, and ev
ery tirao ho glanbcd up from his papers be
beheld somo fivo or sis hoys, most of them
with a singlo okato, scudding up ana down
his oasis with shouts ol laughter and many
a trouble on tho opaque sUrfaco of tho fro
zen puddlo, which only mad) them the
"Confound the brU 1" aid Jack,sav.
agely. "How tho dcuco can a man think,
with such an infernal row in his cats! I've
a groat mind to go and drive them oiT'.M
However, as Jack was n most amiable
fellow at bottom, ho didn't execute his
threat, but contented binifolf with semi
occasionally anathemas" on the joyous ur
eliincs in the intervals of Iiis labor.
When he finally stepped to light his gas
they weio gone, and a eouplo of hours'
perfect sileneo enabled Jack to finish his
task, and prepare to go home,
"Let mo t-co," said ho to himself, as ho
went along. "Yes 5 it will bo moonlight
by about ten to-nigbt,and by (Jeorgc ! I'll
have a glorious skating frolic all to myself,
for there rron-'jt bo any one out, it a so ex
cossively cold I"
Jack was quite consoled with this idea;
and by tho time he had had his supper,
lighted his .cigar, and sat.down in front ol
a cheerful wood firo by the side of Ins wid
owed mothor and his only sistor Kate, he
was in a capital humor.
''Kato, how I wish your poor foot vns
Tho Soldier's Widow,
nv Mua. niidj.Y.
She knelt beil.le bis dying bed,
A nil klaacrt hla pallid brow ;
Blic vainly praatced his icy li a gil
lie cannot liccd her now,
Shu call' Ills nnrnc n accents low,
Her tenra arc on his face ;
lie apeakt not, moves not, for he Ilea
In death'. Int cold embrace,
They fell her tint tha angd'a Walt
To bear him to'hia real ;
b'lio lirnra them not, flu only itrivea
To clarp hltn to her brcait.
She only nowa that he liaa been
The sunlight of Iter home,
Sim only feela tllit alio la left
To walk this world alone.
Where la Hie hand that etrewed her path
,3i lovingly with llowcra I
Where la tho heart Hint dung to hcra
In sunshine nnil shower t
l'hai hnnd la cold, that henrt la still,
Icr ilrenui of love ia o'er I
And now , upon this drenry earth,
They'll ciicoj her palh no more I
interesting SItctel),
John philips was and is 0110 of tho
most accomplished skaters I ever saw.
Morning, noon and night, through every
.'hating season, found Jack skimming over
the glossy surface of the river that ran by
I droii!. curves and gyration? manifold with-
'I'.'iiinl in duality nml Ch'np-r in I'riri- tl'nu tlio II inn
.iii'd anil t in, '1 in 111 . 1 11 1 milt , f . -, . , :
.r,,rHuiii r (:iiniii:,iiit, rii.iii r.i iiifi niitum, iiowii I tho foot of h'S garileii , or winning 10 won
iviiinpiniiii Lriiinp, uiie, mm iieu.i.i.
A nnri-litre In enriruiit ii!il. nrlnr. i...... ev refunded.
. . 1 1 in a mimic, .circle of a few varus in uiam-
In aiipivirtnl tin. nlnuu tnt.'iin-iilH, are preneiited 1 ,u " c '
tiioi.'eiihi .iteatii'Dr. j.i. it. cjJUov. i tieinU, New ctcr wboso periphery was olocd by a
Vrk : llr. 1 1 i rii in I oi, ( h.-iniinl linpi'it'ir, (ihin! J
i'r. Jm it. i, i.'iii'iui-t ii.iVtiin ; ibKtnr .v K. irinnle lina al admiriii!! spectators. lit rh-mlrnl, I'Jri leilll.- Illiln i I'nT. 15. inppn.ii"""' o t
T.Jiicknii,ri ,i,t, iiii.tnii; iir. ciMk. rphain step. s, to liye ou ifc. People who want.
a.-d,IUnrli-sluu, S. I!. ; and J. V '.. I.ini'y, nnil li. A, i v . , . , t-
Mnriui r,riMiiiiiiiii' cte-ini-tH. i hiiami. nil of wuuiii c( ju uq J 1 1 v lniinuatcd that ice was his
hav." hii.iIi. 'd Hi.- iwIia llrniiny, mi.: cimiueiid It . .
in tin hijimt t.-riiH. fur .!i inai m.' i meat and drink, auu tt?.t lie liau been
A.,ly I aiHwamtrns sauttM. k f a hcar( lunch off a g00,i.
sniirr. Jin. '!;) IHoS. , ,, c i t j t ,
Wh"ii evaporated llin.uch rh-nu I i it left no oil SIZ d block 0 t It, WUSllcU dOWU Uy II
daght of the clear, cold water of which
itlivnr .Hid armii i. ia Hh dly uiilike rusil, or cram ml. . . ,mn.....
ll. i.d. ir iintliik"' I'lMi. th Hi;- truil nn.l I'll f craie.- 1 WeS Climp'ISCl!..
tt illi m I.I, it produce,, elli. r nr ji li I VII irat'rnncc. - , -r ,
I have too often lunch
...I.J l.;l.nn oml
.Tin-iil.-.tlliilliui nl II i. nmiily f..r 'irime U ' ubu ..u -...n.
mi iin.mnv iihih-i.iiiiiniiiiur. hi no i .pirtu t.(lwevr jn tne noontido interval Ot 1114
ild under lhl n.i Initli at ,m mi, I nlirnud, niiwirii, in ui- inmvut"
skating, not tn know that tin.' waspvcin
I volition.
I These were a Gumbc of coliagca along
' the bank on each fide of the Philips man
sion, and a number of pleaiant people liv
ed in them amiable old folk'', clever lad..
and pretty lassos, all of whom (-aving tho
' cldo't, whose skatiug day had goni by)
i WOrc mure or less familiar with J-iok s
favorite accomplishment, and many merry
Ibkating frolics were held thereon
Perhaps the must graceful anil accam-
plifhod artiste, after Jack was a onarm
in" young damsel of tome neyentcen sum-
mem 'and winters, for every season must
and will count in the race of lifo,)by name
Fanny Lcyton, who lived in tho cottage
down the river, nearly half a mi'c below
Piniin'j Iiotiac. Funny and Juck often
itu.pi'rtruMy. . i. ii .n.i'.
Am iyer to St.itii M-i Hi II") b-fton it.
ilir s iiir, in I ttli 1.
t have nnnhxed "1. I.VlsVS I'I,1I5 (JATA'llA
4AIIV" Willi ,rr,f T. nie t" lt Miniisitliiii nml b Ini the .(line in Hi it pnnlmed in pnt
year'. A nniili. l ik. n' Irmu ten i n.ks nlfirilel the
e.tni results illi n to purii i n slightly inerea.
ed aiii'iiint-f Hie priui.ipli! n'u lib h i II ivi.r depeiulu
waa ib-lcriiilii-il by iiiiiiiariuii with lormer utiiiiplea.
Tin- iiiilnnti n. of nuiily.ia slum- tint U.ln Urmi'ly
i pro lured bv the mini" ir k im iimrl of tin1 nil
purled llr.imly. K-ipei lliilly. A A. IIAVKS,
s'lnte aic. Hi liiijleslun St.
MunurmliiriMl i.nly bv II H JAt'll.l k L'O.
(Tn Hhiiin nil I inter ahould h ' ail.lri M il.)
II pi.i. Ill Liberty tft.. New nrk.
iNnvrmlier .1, Irlll.- :iiu.
Vc ti
Fltlt J1ANUFA0T011Y,
No. 718 Arch St., above 7th
...iii 4 It V I T Tr T A
JaiS??1 1 lllm' " 1 1
ntionnml Mn.i'uf irture, one of the I AIt(
'imnl lli:.M-llrl'"i'of
b anuy -c u-i a,
"Who can it be!"
"Some ono from town
inn in tho fanlastio evolutions of an ac- ly abreast of the figuro, when there was a
comnlished skater in tho same snot whero ' sudden crash. Ho felt tho ice beneath
he had just beheld it tbo inBtant before.
muttered Jack.
, I reckon. At all
events, I'll run down and havo a nearer
look at him."
And, suitjng tlio action to tho word, ho
struck out Icieurly down tho river.
A fow yards below tho point at which
the form seen by Jack.was gliding nboift,
the liver took a bend, and narrowed sud
denly, running for more than three miles
between lofty, overhanging banks, from
which the trees, chiefly hemlock and pine
projected themselves towards cacti other
from cither shore, throwing the stream in
to deep fhadow, with hero and thero a
baud of light, where a few trees had been
cut down, or hud fallen away from the
bank with the gradual wash of the soil
from their gnarled roots.
To Jack's astonishment, no sooner was
ho fairly untlor weight for tho mysterious
skater than the latter, apparently seeing
and divining Irs intontion,suddcnly ceased
his gyrations, and after an instant's pause'
swiftly hot down tho river, keeping close
in shore, and .evidently with tho design ol
eyatling Jack's pursuit.
'-'Ho, ho '."said Jaok to himself, half
aloud. "That's your game, is it ? V.ery
well 1 Hero goss f jr a chaso, my fine fel
low 1"
And,putlin2 forth an additional amount
CiU'iouB Wife Hunting.
( 1
Tho native blacks of Australia havo a
1 he Veteran and the Rccruit
"I'ut a recruit into a fortst of nine
til.r, ..nil in nn ttiatnnt ItA nna ntlfnrrOll in
'to the deadly cold water with a shock that 6inEular ,odo of w.ifo ,1,.unllnS ad ? tr0M '' 'is " he havo
J ... ninlrlln r,enr!tinil in fl nnnr ll.ntTliall nnhnilr hnrrn'ernils nl,nl I. tin ln tnnn "
caused him to utter o wild, sharp shriek """" . : - . j v-
of mingled terror and paiu ere his ,,ond , work, whence we cztracl tho following : 1 says an ,arniy letter writer "you will .fim
JL t ,., Ubh irirr M,rrann t I In not,"f? 's bratahty of their Da- h,m under his aholter tent three week, fror
stink boncath tho bubbling surfapo 1
Fortunately,, tho river was not very
deep at tbii pcint, nor was tho current at
all rapid,and in another moment Jack was
struggling manfully among tho broken ioo
to reach tho firm edge of the airholo.
But, encumbered as ho was by his hoavy
clothing, aptl-iioarly paralyzed by the
intense cold of tho wator, it is more than
doubtful whether ho would havo succeed
ed in rescuing himself from a horrible
death ! Help, however, was at hand I
The phantom had hoard tho shriek and
seen Jack dltsappct'r, and, swift as a swal
low's flight, it sped to tho rescue. Ou the
very c,dgo of tbo air-holo it halted, and,
rapidly tearing off a longpashmero soarf,
with which its throat and shoulders .wore
protected, planted its tkatCB firmly ath
wartwiso on the i co, and flung the end of
the ecarf,with skilful aim,right into Jack's
face, crying at the same time, in a clear,
sweet voico
"Hold hard, Jack, and never foar!
Now for it !"
That voico gavo Jack new life. ABud
den glow seemed to gather round his
heart, and to start the warm blood afresh
through all his sliffering frame. He
caught tho .scarf in his teeth, and then,
gmpiug it with his left hand, was .ena-
than in their that timo. Not so tho veteran. If he he
Among them, ca.npcd in tho pine forest, give him an old
women aro considered as an inferior class , aX0) a boot log, a mud puddle, a board o
two and a handful of nails, and ho builds
w r.ut
. ............ i .i i I 1 1 1! I 'r
.furusidtcilV 'cnil trmu'iny Ir la of '..n.ry and
emem-inr ..o Nat;.;. Nuuiber nud H,, .
in the city, 'ran laces, and it was
a doubtful matter
which was tho swifter of Uie two on a
straight ahead maich, though Jack far
surpassed her in tho ariibe.-que, il I u ay so
'.call them, evolutions and figures of the
I 1 ...Mi n .1 Limnriond In
71fl Mll'll Street, nbova 7thM M.uth hide, 1 't- W w' ' ol uu '
7,8 ,UU'U btr ''UtLADlJl.PlllA. learn that Jack Philips was de.-perately
. .,... u'lfl, nv . .., . . 1.. ... . U..I il ivtll irivn
(CT-I have no Partner, nor i ' BIlHtlon Willi 1U1SS L'attu , m '- "... b..
them pain J. fear to knoy that she looueu
coldly (evea in summer) upon hit passion.
What tho reason was I never Knew, uur
did .ho, J believe. Probably it was timply
of t relict h, hi increased his speed so far
well," said he, "so that you might go with tinft onickly s to gain a hundred 3 ards in
mo on the river to-nicht. There won't bo' mnmeiit unou the fivino- nhantom. Hat : bled . without ercat strain upon bis re?
- t o 1 j -
a soul out.and wo would liave it all to our- lue otbcr,apparcntly perceiving this again, ' cuor's ftrengih, to climb upon the solid
solves." immediately increased his wn 1 ac;. and. ! ice, hoarsly rja.-ulatint;, "God blcs you,
Jvatc had violently sprained bcr ankl a . w',tbout materially widening the distanee I Fanny !" and instantly lost consoious-
few days before, in skating. I between them, sne.d onward with a rapid- ness.
"Why, John," exclaimed Mrs. Philips, jtv that defied Jack's utmost efforts to sur I There was not a moment to lose. As
"you surely don't think of going out skat- pa5S iQ a mom(:tjt tho form had ontercd sittance must be had at once, or Jaok had
ing fuch a bitter night '. oull Irccze 10 tb0 deep bhadows beyond llio bend, ar.d only hecn saved from one death to sue
death suy hoy." I Jack lo-t sight of it. In another moment curab to another almost as speedy. There
Not a bit of it, mother '." cried Jack, he again bcl old it fining across a space of 6tood a small cottago on tho fhoro of the
cheerily. "I'm used to it, you know. moonlight, still the same distance auead,to 1 gtream,inhabited by n ferryman. To this
And havan't JL that splendid worsted jacket become again lost iltno.-t i E'aotly in the cottage Fanny I.eylon, bravo and devoted
youjinitrae? I'd defy upland in that next lino ol darlno. s. It thU mauncr, girl,and no longer the provoking phantom
jacket." I through gloom and through glit;e,r, tho fl sw rather than fkated A few hoavy
"They've been cutting ice up tho river chase eontiiiuod with wonderful swiftuoss b'o.vs with a largostono soon awoko tbo in
to-day, Jack," said Kate. "Look out for for nearly two miles, neither pursuer nor 'mae, ten hurried words told the!
air-holes" I pursued paining upou ,ea,?h other. in a few minutes Jack Philips stripped
'Pooh I as if I didn't know all about it,' , Wint the emotions cf the phanton worn wrapped in hla'.kets, and laid on mattress
answoied Jack, chuoking his sister play-1 (S jc; j, b.-gun involuntarily to call , before a blazoing fire, while Enoch, the
fully under tho chin, "I'l.l jump them,iny jt tbus to himsull.) of course, I caunot pre- ferryman, concocted a powerful hot gin
dear, if I don't see then, in time to go n,,d lo sav : hut Jack Philio's mind was toddv. his panacea against oil fleshy ills
1 -- -
round." 1 aroused up to .1 p:toh of exeitfrnont that jlbr his slowly reviving guest.
Being aware, from experience, that re- scut ,10 cour3')g holly through his ' Fanny Lcyton, having sent Enoch, by
monatranoe would bo uaeles, ucither ilrs. VC;DS auj causcd a profuse perspiration to land, to her own hou'o with news of lb
Philips nor Kate .volunteered any further ptart forth upon hia bosomo and brow in affjir, horoieally rebucilcd on her skates
remarks of that nature ; and,at ten 0 tluck, Bjte 0f i,jttcr 0Jd. Ile.howeyrr.wiis and started as swiftly as cvor up the river
Jack bado them Voth good night, and, ap- uttery Hoon cjclH 0f thiSi mi fut neither to boar the tidin;s to Mrs. Phillips and
pareliLDK himself 111 skating guise, wont .... llf!nt nor fnli.,Q. nis whnlo Kate. In an hour Jack was as well
merrily forth to- his solitary ice frolic. 1 g1lj W38 pOSSl.aaC(i w;th the ono fixed re- ever, apparently, and took a socond toddy
Fortunately there was no wind. A S0,V(J of overtaking tho .hantom ; he nei- .w.'nh decided relish, and in loss than two
Hill, bitter coltl made everything cri.p and tber saw nor heard anything clpc but tho hours later Jijrs. Phillip's car,riago, with
britUc. TJie tyrf.eraek led .under the foot, Ueccinir form and tho eohojo that rolled ' Kate rnd all sortcs o,f reniidics and cloth-
other Slorein riiiladelphial
Sup. HI, li!' I.-4'"-
l n, norm
. n wvpn.
j$ev Drug Storl,
mill' iiiiilerfiKiirH wnnUl Infnrii' Hielr frietida andllit!
.Jui.trecciveniifiilli'u'l'l"l m . .,
li'uu's J!5i dicincs, Fantls, ils,
Bin nips, &c.
Which will be mild mi moderate term for ready pny.
ai.o. notiuxs seiiV. r WW vimv. U'"",J
'ein;yiclana'pr''crlpllni'.a carefully compounded, t
al,15ScHo,'Jf;H!e''iic,t .election,, M
Water 111 .enaun. , , r,.(,fMiV .n.
, tluuc 111 ino piiuui. i.ur.... .
nnH ihmm i n tent mnnc inRhc) I lick, the 1 11.. .1.1. : r.... i. . , 1
.b-.yfj. .v . j , UlUUg llIU JIIU 1UL lUlll IIIU CUiltU AllUhCI ,
ieo ever and anon gave a sharp suap as' nor jjj (,c rc).,s ms 8pCcJ an ;Qst:mt
tho weight of Jack Philips pressed for an whether in shade or in moonsbiue,nor give
iusiaut upo,n it, here and tharo in his cr- other heed to his course f an to make it
ratic course over its moon-lit surface. as gtraight and swift as that of an arrow
After loitering, as it wero, back and launhe.d .by 11 stout archer torn an ashen
forth in front of his own grounds for a bowl
while, an idoa, and a very natural ouo un-1 Tbo chase had now entered on its third
L7- A 1
rNnoni.luirs. April 11, IBfia.
Viul biialuuaa pnrl of Hi",",' 'Hih, ibelr tintrnnajo, he.
art to tniike UU '''ViitW N, tiAVAOB.
,n; n. amiti.'- oiiitiii.;..;. 'aXVWM
liied llnitiiti "" ' 1 rit.u-. IU, lnni.
ivery urrlval nf tlm TruHn- -IZl
;. saloon. .
tViT.Vi.i ...l..ilir rr-Bneolfullv CIVeS no-
I tlce to Iho imlillc lhal if'j nl 1.1; Saloon.
.,!.i"W,..r, M. ...tmrt. couJlsntly n hand,
. ... 1 i.Hlio (VN tn ult cuitom l '"''''' . , f
derthe oircumstances. struck Jaok that it
.would bo a pleasant thing to skato down
tbo r'.ver ta far as Fanny Liytou's doini-
onc of those mysterious caprices that seem f-w an(j have a look at 'tho windows there-
'moident to raaide.uuoou. ai an evuuv Q) especially certain two mat gavu air
was a fact, and tojack a mclaiioiiouy one, 1 Bnd light to tiat young uuy s ciiamncr.
tho,vh ,hc ,bore yp under, it manfully, and jack immediately acted on ibis idoa, and
believing that a faiut heart never won fair' jn a yory few minutes brought himself
lady, kept hoping and persevering in his gradnaUy to a stand in front of the L-.y-euit
with praisworthy ardor. bon villa. His hope, however, if such it
Fanny didn't dislike Jack, mind you.; was, of seeing a light glancing from tho
on the contrary, she seemed fond of his casements, or from auy special of that
society, for ho was a genial fellow and a mansion, proved faliacious. Tho houo
I. ..i, : but wheneyor ho at ' was entirely dar.k. within, and the moon,
.,!, ni hnvmd tlio limits of situ- Uhioh was hut lately xiseu, .B.hod a palo,
... r.s..i.i.i ,ml m sneak of his love, 1 cold Klittnr on tho gray stone waUs,black-
she turned the' subject a.ide with a laugh cned fantastically here and there by the
. m .linn niiv I nbailowa of tho old trees that stood
naying suo urn iii , -
trnublo her till .tho was : around them.
W10UB T-.1. I T -1. 1. -.,,! n ln1linf nfxr clrli ntlll
l... (,rntV. at' CaSt. anU lUai UUUU. UUC& lltm ll lU.ii."!.!...; "-6") 1
UVU..iu-"- Ji . , , 1 . f !. :
. i nnrr-cablo as a Irieiiu anu com- oner romnimug """'"'i "",' "
.... 7i.tnk of ohanainchim in that sort of rovorio by the river bank, struck
" , 1. t-.i. .nn..iil Innk ' .- innnnli its rtnntro with tho intention of
l . ,, nnil W 111(111 dUUlv ituuiu uu, mii.i. ;, fnr a moment but soon returning homeward. Gazing mechani
? . . . i " . ...1 -' inl in tho laurfi p.allv down tho stream, as ho shot out from
briguienctt up ..-,.. , - - - - . ., , . .. WM .
-.T .nnnnrm inn W0UIU CUUUliuu iu tUu auuu w. ....
1 .l t 1 ..,l Viu flin innarllinn nf n fnrm
. ....... Aiic 111 v uau tuov ' uuiiiv miuoivw uj . .. ... ...
1 tie nanicriiiir r.onu - j ... . -
luv, b .,,! ir tin alrrittnr in !i nirn.4 near
CU 1 ' . . . e -rr.:. l,.lnnn lk fnrlrinr shore, about tt COUtllo ol I.-tn
n 1 , ti,. cn,n ni iiiiuiio unn.v" m - , .
...... T am about to relate dred yards lower down. He fancied for a
iiioin iviinu ino wi w - , . t .
' .1 a...nllii.llv modified them. moment thai it was an opucoi illusion, as
muueniy . . ,1!o.nnn nn,1 Hmnner-rtnln linllt thrown
Jack has boen kept in' town ait uny,. j u. - VV. u V 7 .1
rim mnon UiroDiru the belt ol trees that
ZaZriil Sedho river bank made the figuro somo
was unpiu.. - ; - Bhndowv and indistinct' Ho rubbed
iou wasinsplcnu, flirtber out intotUo lin(
been pictum . -.-. . , . . . and ,ookcd a No , lhcrc
ITT::Z And it .as, an actual form, curving and sway
tO HI9 " ' ' J
mile, and here the river became torturous
anl i.rr,pgular,a sharp curvo spreading out
into a broad, bayliko expanse, and as sud
denly closing up again into a deep daik
gorgo, only to carvu out lis bank again, a
faw yards further on, into another brief!
pace of clear moonlight and oalm water.
Whoncver these open ppaeos occurcd,
the phantom buggutl the shoro, which was
always in partial shadow, whilo Jack hold
straight across tjio opon sraeo hoping
thereby ti gain upon the fugitivo by sub
stituting tho traight line for the curve.
Tho advanlago, however, bail been but
slight and transient to far, and tho race
bade fair to uarry them both to tho soa,
which was but twenty milcs-furthor down,
when, as Jaok Phillips entered tho third
of tho openings nbovo described, ho beheld
(for his oyo was cvor sieadily fixed in
quest of the phantom,) with a grim delight,
tho form so.ircly two-thirds of the distpneo
around its mtrgin, cvidontly gliding with
diminished speed . The space had at last
begun to tell tipon it,
Jack's heart hounded fiercely, for ho
was possessed with a kind ol rage against
this weird skater, who had thus ar foiled
his power of speed and endurance, and,
with a dosperato effort, ho shot, almost
with the speed of light, sraight out across
tho moonlit spaco, fecliug Confident that
ho should head tho phantom off in the
mouth of tlio opposite gorgo. Ilia eyes
wero still fixed upon the dark form seen
tndUtinely skimming along under the shad
dw of the further bank. Ho was more
then half way ncroea tho opcoing.and near
ture rnoro clearly shown
treatment of their fomalos.
, i 1 1. r t,. . 1
anu aro USCO aiuiott ua uuuaio ui pmuBu ,
so that It is not at all uncommon to meet
a hugo black follow travelling merrily
along with no load but bis spoar or war
club, while his unfortunato leubra is pant
ing under tho weight of their' goods and
chattels, which eho is compelled lo oarry
from camp to c'smp. Courtship, as the
precursor to marriago, is unknown among
them. When a young warrior is desirous
of procuring a wife, ho generally obtains
0110 by giving in exchange for her a sistcx-
or somo other femalo Telative of his own;
but if there should happen to be no eligi
ble damsel difcngagcd in tho tribe to
which he belongs, then ho hovers round
the encampment of tonic other black until
ho gets an opportunity of seizing 0110 of
their leubras, whom porhaps ho has seen
and admired in attending one of the grand
corroborries. Ilia modo of paying his
addresses is simple and efficacious. With
a blow of his nulla nulla (war club,) ho
stuns tho object ol his "affections," and
drags her insensible body away to somo
retired spot, when as soon as she recovers
her senses, he brings hei home to his own
gunyah in triumph. Sometimes two join
in an expedition for the same purpose,and
then for several days they watch tho move
ments of their intended victims, using the
utmost in concealing their presence.
When they have obtained tho knowledge
they require, they wait for a dark, windy
night; then quite naked, and carrying
only their "jag spears," they crawl steal;
thily through the buh until they reach
tho immediate vicinity of the camp fires,
in front of which tho girls they aro in
search of aro sleeping. Slowly and silen
tly thoy creep closo enough to distinguish
the figure of pne of Jhpsc leubras'; then
one of tho intruders stretches out his spear,
and inserts the barbed point among her
thick flowing lock, turning the spear
slowly round ; then with a sudden jerk,
sho is aroused from her slumber, and tfi
her eyes open, she feels the sharp point of
another pressed against her tnroa,t. She
neither faints nor screams,; she knows
well that the slightest attempt at escape or
alarm will cause her instant death, soj like
n sensible woman, she makes a virtuo of
it t .
necessity, and rising silently, she follows
hor captors. Thoy load her away to
.1 II. 11. . a' 1 . .. u n l.nn
COnsilierauie aiatauta, uu nor iu usu,
and return to ciisuaro thoir other victim
in like manner. Then, when they havo
accomplished their .design, they hurry off
to their own camp, where they aro rc-
iug within.drovc up to the ferryman's door j C8ivej with universal applause, and highly
and carried Jack home.
The next morning, howovr, Jack was
.not so well. He had a high fever and ev
ery limb seemed to burn and throb, as il
with acute rheumatism. About nine o'clock
came Fanny ,with anxious inquirers about
his health ; and before sho left Kate,with
whom sho was in close confab for an hour,
him a houso,aiid ti home, too, comfortable
and commodious, and not wanting in arch
itectural beauty. First he fells his tic ft,
thon .cuts and notches his logs end lajt
together to the rfrjuircd height, llii roo"
he puts it a grcatslopc, and that
ching it with the green ol the pine tops.
IIo has been careful to leave window ppa
eos, and tacking pieces of his sholtor tent
over tlicsc ho was providrd light,but keeps
out ino nipping air 01 winter. 1 lien witn
his board he makes his door, and, the boot
supplying hinges, il soon swings into its
place. Then ho fills tho spaces between
the logs wt'li soft earth from his mud pud
dle, and his homo is done, except, his c'oitn
incy, and the forest and the mud puddlo
soon provicc that, for his ehiminoy is
nothing but a pile of sticks plentifully
plastered without aud within with mud.
Then with his old axe ho manufacturer
out of pine logs a full aa-ortmaut of fur
nijuro, boadstcad, chairs, table, wardrobo,
and generally adds a mantel. Then, with
a bright Grc upon his hearih'j llo is pre
pared to laugh at winter, aud generally
A mono other incidents of tho Sherman
campaign through Goorgia, the following
discreditable story is told of somo of tho
western soldiers. A foraging party vis
ited a plantation, and entered upon the
pleasant pastime of strangling chickens
and bayoneting hogs. Finding a fine
flock of sheep they "went for thorn," as tho
boys 6ay, when the rebel owner camo out
and told them to take all hut two imported
merino aheep, which sho highly prizod.
Having pointed the pels out to tha men, she
returned lo tho house. A low minutes af
ter, ehe.says, they returned, informed her
that they had killed tho fatted shcop, and
proposed to dino upon it. Said they:
'Madama, give us tho piano; il is I sacri
lege to cook' so ehoico a mutton with com
mon fuel." The piano, she avers, was
carried out, broken up,' tho fire kindled in
the yard, and dinnor highly rel'uhed by
tho jolly foragers.
honored for thoir chivalrous exploit. Oe
easionally, an alarm is givon, but even
then the wife stealers cscapo amid the con
C6F" B'.aokwood's Magaziuo has tho fol
lowing story, purporting, to be original
with Mr. Lincoln. Il appears that before
Virginia seceded, a commitloe of gentle
men waited upon him to see if something
could not bo done to avoid the impending
catactropbe : It was just after the taking
of Fori Sumter, and Lincoln's having call
ed'out 70,000 men to coerco tho South.
"But what would you have mo do ?" said
Mr. L'ncoln. "Mr. Prcfidcut," replied
one of tho deputation, "I would beg ycU
EST There is much excitement at Har
risburg, Pa., occasioned by a proposition'
iusiun, to renew their afompt at somo fu- to lend me your finger and thumb for five
ture period. When a dislioguished war- minutes," meaning, of course, that ho
rior carries off a brido from a strange wished him to write something that should
tribe, ho will frequently volunteer to un- allay the prevailing excitement. But Mr
iWfro the "trial of tnears." in order to Lincoln did nnt'choofc to understand him.
sho wroto a few .lines vitll her pencil which prevcnt tho necessity of his people going I '-My Gngor aud thumb I ' ho repeated
she desired might be given to Jack as soon t0 war jn hjs defence ; thon both tho tribes j ''My finger aud ihumb ? What would you
as sho was gone. I racet, and ten of their smartest and strong-! do with thorn I Wow your nose?'' Tho
A mn frinnrl wnnlil nnvrir show me the, ' o-i n.,nn mnn urn nicked out bv tho np 1 deputations rctlrod in disgust, aud Air.
. j ........ - - o. JVM"b 1 ' W , . ,
nolo nor oommunieato the contents, I am ' grieved party. These aro each provided giuia scceUccil.
unable to givo them to tho roador. Lut with throe rood spoars, and a womracra, 1
that they wero eminently agreeable I feci or throwing stick; and the offeudcr, arm- P.. na OAAn n a T-.l onnnnniX ' w1 Anln ttfitll 111 Q 101 1 nl fin . ( a tllaCIC fihlclfj
UUIIUUGUI iui ua avuu - " - it w,. , .wu ,wi.v, i'u uuij ..... T . - .
which wa, in a very few days, ho called ' 18 inches long by G wido,) is led out in , ne.o.o tue B.- u.. . .
at tho Lcyton mansion, and continued frcnt, and placed at a distance of forty ' the entire bed of the AUeghany Liver to a
to repeat his visit daily for.thc nqct mouth, : yards. Then at a given signal, the thirty company of speculators. A correspondent
attho.c,pd or which period ho announced ' fpears aro launched at hirh'in. rapid" buc- of tho 1 htladclpuia Ago says :
to me, and to tho fa,t of mankind who ecsSion, ,h.i. ho receives and parries with Jl'touSl:
cared to know it, that no was eogagetl to . US sUieiu, anu so skuuui pro uie uiaCu3 "j ,0 pnB3 by without a more cxienc.
Miss Fanny Lcyton. I in tho ufo ol their own weapons, teat very j uol-,cu tuan it has yet received. hti-
Thev havo been married more than a seldom it enj wound inflicted. Having niato, if you cm, tlio value of ono huu-
J - . . . . . . ti 1 1 . 1 ri .f Lnrl hk miilnii
year, and a happier eouplo J. never desire I successfiilly passed- throng i t . . o are, anu , m . u.
tno warrior is - "7" -""V :acr0 wUloh u very low, and see if ho
earned his leubra, and to have atoned for doc8 not tll.e a'.um ,u-ffio!cutIy
his offenso in carryiug her ofl ; so iho t0 n;u. 0fj- th0 State debt I Yet this
ceremony generally concludes by tho two ';3 t0 ()0 given to eomo half do.zen ppeculii-
trihos faasting together in perfcot harmony, tors.
to seo, l lio y still go a seating now and
then, both by day and by night, wheu
there is a rapon ; but always together, and
so (hoy aro sure never (p be betrayed into
danger by iho fan,taj(i:c chuso of Phantom
Skater I
S3f A vast coal field has been d's-
covered hotwecn tho groat lakoa and the
Rocky Mountain". Th's will furuiih fuel
for tho navigation of tho Upper Missouri
river, and will bo a controlling dement
in tho location of a railroad to tho PaciG'i.
figy- It is claimed that tho Ohcrokees,
Greeks, Ohoctaws and Scminolcs aro all
in cordial allianco with tho South. These
Jndians, looate'd West of Arkansas, are
devoted to the Confederate cause, atid will
givo it a hearty support.
m ;'" '.". , mm en ..r by tno
i r. i uiniii. . " , , keepi rnnitantiy "
-l iii.oii alinrt milieu. "" , l(ilv ,, a call,
baud ;a ai.i.. oydtr mu ST(JliNEU.
now do you liko mo now," asked u Motiibu Wit, A stingy husband
bello of her spouso, as sho sallied into tho threw off tho blaino ot tue lawlessness oi
room, with a sweeping train1 of muslin l"ol- his children in company by saying his
lowing her. "Well," said he,"to tell you wife always gives them their owu way.
ho truth, it ia impoisiblo for mo to liko "Poor things," was tlio prompt reply.
you any lonScr." It's all I have to givo incm
. --..- - t -..
A MAN onoo advertised his property for ! jgyi-yfo centuries ngo not 000 In a bur-
Bale, and concluded his advertisement with, jrc(j wofl oak'tngs. Fifty years ago not
"A never failing H'rcam of water before boy . R lll0U9and ,v8 flowed 10 run
the door.1' Very truo his property wat t large at night. Fifty yeari ago not ouo
seated on tho Dolawaro river; g-rj j,, a thousand made a waiting maid of
"lrou,lET7nnolg"urcflT,, os tbo her mother. Wonderful iiuprovoinvm,
mathematician said to the dancing mastor. in this woudorful fgo-
Ulnotiiiliurs Nc' 'rf 1
VR rrrtif i"arTiTiMMBKir"1"'''r2::' - y - .