Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 14, 1865, Image 4
Farmer's Department. r The Life of the Farmer. rFrora au address at tlio Anuiiitl Fdir of it. i I o! i,. .i n... .,., tUQ Agricultural bOCltty nt GrCGn COlin- tj.Sept atl, 1801, by the Rev. Charles RoCkwclLD. D , orUatsMll, N. V.l , , ... . , I IlO I Pnosl hope atld ambition of inul- " (itudnfl of tllOSO in large citien IS that tllor ,. i . i i i ii mnv 1ivr In Rnn Hin inin whrn llmv fhfill , , ..ii .i , navo a home oi their own in tlio couutry ; ., .. . . lf iintliinrr mora, nt least . , ! A lltlln hnrn. n 1 lltn firm. A little horse tn till it; ' A nrotiv varil.a hietlv hnttsn a , tJlr .. nn T A rtclly wife to All it. The farmer on the other hand, has no Buch wish to gratify. From hi, own land nnd dwelling lie may over freely gazo on ' the broad and living page of nature, with lessons' of heavenly wi8dom every whero around llim. No cloSO COnCuomCIlt of workkhip or of study tp shut him in. No idiok uarK ciouub oi city smoke anu nos iou3 vapors overhang and surround him polluting the air,and obscuring the bright I sunlight of heaveu. No lofty dwellings with narrow Btrocls hida from him tlie with narrow Btrocls hido from him the fair faco of nataro around. No dust-la don, healed, stifling air of busy, orowedud rnnmu wnitni, nr rvTinn.t liim Kn nniot? rooms WCaKCn Or CSnauSt Ullll. JMO noisy din of hummers, nor whirl of wheels and spindles, confuses the brain, or drowns . . .. .,-.t. n tno V01C0 Of relleetion Wltbllf ilim. lori him, more than others, the sun shines, the pure and healthful breezes blow, lho n.gbl dews fall, tho rain decend ng from the ' clouds fl-cda the mountain springs, and . . . . sonus tho lcamnn rivulets tu pnricli llui nlains Below soothinrr the snlrit bv iheir I piaiUS DC10W, SOOtUing lUe spirit 0.V lllCir j fi-ontlo murraurs,of rousing to joyous effort.1 , ' . . j itr flinlr nnoalnaQ rtnllwWw nnA tunltnn j "u lor him tho glittering rain and dew drops , ' , , ? ,,, ' on leaf and plant and flower, liko unnum- , , - , . , , . . bared roms of brirhtcst radinnr'ri. tlnnnn .. . . . ... .1 anu tremble in Ibo morning sunlight, as if , . ti , , , full OfllfO and J0y. 1' Or him the brilliant m . i, , glories Ot tbO rainbOW arc paiUtctl, by the hands of.God, on tho misty curtains of tlio eoenim, nl-v Thn in,a.l!n. - .... -' tp " j-j w..u c.ujjiujj m iuo birds of spring is his. For him tho flow - era breath, their sweetest fragrance, and theeoldon Iruits of autumn ii,.,;. i icliest stores. For him the fields of sum mer wavo in graceful beauty beneath th'j breath of morn, and the rimtling leaves of autumn sing their plaintive song of ruin and decay, t, . ,i . i , .,, . I it IS lUrtUCT true that IlO Who tills the I ,i . , r r t . i , eartb, as thO miIUter Ot tod, Stands be- iween his Maker and his fellow-men, to convey to them tho rich bounties of Provi deuce. Thus is ho the priest at tho altar of nature, who receives and spreads wide ly around him the rrifrs whir-h rtn,l i- I j u"-- vuu u t.tu, placing there. So too.ahoultl the con.tant ' growth, and no lees constant ruin and do- fay' which the farmer see anound him, let'd him deeply to feol that man U frail and mortal, lowly bending, and quickly hastening to his native dust. Wo live on the ruins of former generations, auc, liko the grass wbioh whithors and lho flowe s Which fade, shall soon bo mingled with tho earth beneath us. Death is tho prico ol life, and men and trees and plants moulder and decay, that other men and plants and trees may live whero they died. Sin has brought us into sad commuuion with tho dust on which wc tread, and tho monuments which mark our graves look out upon tho fields our hands havo tilled. Dy war, famino, and pestilence too, the earth is thickly strewn and mingled with tho duH of the dead, and the blood of the fallen has enriched tho soil of a thousand battles fields. Soon we, too, liko those who havo gono before us, must mingle with our nativo duit. The clods of the valley will cover u?, and' those undying spirits which now givo us li!o and motion will ascend to Aim who gave them. God grant that in tho Harvest Home of Ilea ven, tho sngel reapers, ns a shock of corn in its season, may gallier- us in. and with ui, many whom wo shall have turned un to righteousness : for Euro indeed in th'e trpmiso of God, tljat ''What a man sow eth that shall ho also reap ;" that "He that goeih forth and wecpeth, boariDg precious seed, shall doubtless como again with rejoicing, brioging his sheaves with him." Jtr Tho ombalwers at Wahhrnton CD are doing a thriving buinoes. They arc very fastidious, however, as to tbe regu lation of their prices. For instance, thpy . e.-f f t i ' .-o - nm, ,t,fc , i..nn,B t, , uiiii 7.10 ami nro CliargO Inrmbalminir a private, autl ' "snwudicush, by the Student on entrlngeilherofilie .. 3 ' above colleges. Vomig iiihii deslrliiglooUtnin n'fiiiisli tor t ItiCCrs fiVO dollars for Cacll additional i f'' Collegium Education, will here f.udu good specula ,. it,. . 1 lion by npplviugiil tho office oftlie uiguor grade. Iji (his oaso, at least, jhe May i. Inn colhmiiia di:mqci;at' old masim-tbat war is a great lovelcr, istT?0?7TTrn7-' ottruo. jliiSPY SiliOTEL. tta ii- ii "T, , . t 'r"U "'mlershrned, having taken thn Espy Hotel, S3f "SalllO," Bald a fellow to a oirl-' 1 Intelykept by Mr. E Howell, would resuecirully t . I ii ,.i' . 1 nho bad red linir. ''Iffior, (-.,. , . ' ' Uit ''No danger of than:' said Sally, vou are too green to burn." Nobody liko to be. nobody ; but every body is pleated to think bimso'lf sbmoboly, And everybody is somebody ; but when anjbody thinks himielf to be somebody-, he generally think tverj body ujse to bo nobody -Tin: taxes ij' Cinoinnal,nrow('7 fiftacn ' per cent, higher than last year. 'What ol that t wearu enjoying an Abolition war, and the last dollar is not -t reached "Wlio'a- afo r'd !" UP DE GRAFF'S UVK AM) HA It IM'IJIHAKYv (On the Biuare, Three Honrs frnm Plccles Hole I WILKESDARRE, PA. riMIia INSTUTION is now opened and furnished In tlto moil riistly ttjlc. Reception, Private and Operating Rooms arc large, convenient and wrtl iKlniitod. The Surglcnl ripnrtriiRiit contnltii the finest tnlloctlnii of Instruments In tills country, nml thu his faculties will enable til in tn meet any nnil nil emergencies In prai lice. Ho will operate upon nil the various terms ot ma uni.ffo, unturoci, uconion 01 the Pupil, cross i.yes, rinsiiro nr inn wtctn, in version of the i:ycii.ta. pterygium, &c, .c. Ami win treat ml forms ol'Snres, Eye llrnnulod l.ld. Opacctios , r,lll0 forma, und Scroluloiis diseases of lh i:o to. pc.hcr .ih all u.. di.... to which il.. .:! .b. M-J DHAl'NESfl -Will (rent all the ccTtmnnn tn Hio orstin. Dls.hargc. Horn the Inr, Noises In lite (Vintrli, .limcultyoriiinrlnii.totalOniriin.i.cvcnwhcra Hi.. IIimiii I. ilnklrmnl. Will llnprl nu nit firlnl uno nn.wrrlns licnrly nil the purpoaomirdionntnral, DIPIIASI'.K UI'Tllli I'HUO.Vi'.-AII ilUcascn com. mm. n... ' nml bn will l.n tir.NHUAIi HUKOi:i:V.llo will opcrnto upon t'Hh feet, umr i.ip, cion rniinio.tuuiom, t-nuccrf. r.uinr. nfilTi'iitlls, mc t'lnstlr. oietntioft hy Iicntllitf new 7i...i. i,,,.. .irr.,.,i .,J n.i ,irnTv of whatever charart'r II may present. . ,, mhh.ii t ; in ii'i'iiiiiu. it.. .. nt ..... i... Ml. nt.lit operation for tin! nillrnl (complctp) euro of Hernia, "'1' l uli')Ui'fllonnbly n perfi'ct Hire. nml I. Willi l1"10 or " I'""'- Ul1' ''r'ny 1""lre,l opcrntcd upouln Motion thnro ha. hccii no f.llnrcs. it liaUni: met the rM l?dli;v,ni,,l,n?r l"e "llur"1- iSSffKS'rS l0,f,fup ,,o (, viik.u,o withaviowof llflSKISSSr oSSS "'oro ,,'lin niternrii i century In Hospltainnd seller. nl practlee.ho hopes, will he a sufficient guarantee- to ,no,e ,v.110 ""' b0 '"'P"""! to employ him. ' TLX m' 13DnnWiV V V "1 IjIvV. f JJ VV A Y , LN. 1, In ndilitlon to our main business of Photocrni hie Materials . we are Hcniliunrtcrs lor the following, viz ; Stcrcoscoiiis awl iitcrcosconic Fictcs. t 1 of ll"'60 wo ,laTC nn Iniincn.o assoi tniert. Including ' ,Vnr scenes. American nnd lVrclsn Cities nnd Ln id. J' w" 1)0 10 "" c" rcctipt of n i PhotOCraphiC AlblimS Wo wo lho P.aea llie,a !tt0 ',...., 1 C,c!- Ai.nHiis havu the reputation or bcinc ; jierlor lu beauty nnd duruoility lo nny oilicrs. They will be sent by null, free, on receipt of price tTtott AUuma madt ti Oriter.a o O AUD PHOTOGRAPHS. 0,lr,:t,!,tos,lannv,.c,braccsovere tAoniaiirf dlf. 'cni subjects (to which n.iiinions nro coanuaiiy, beinj maJc) of l'ortraits oi Umlnent Americans, &e , viz 4 About i ' 10J Mnjor-Cenernls. , sou iiris.-Ccnerais, BTj Colonels, Lieut colonels, ,25U Other Oflicers, I 75 Now officers. .'.10 Stateimcn, HO Divines, 1SJ Autl ors, ll Aitlsts, l'ij titage. on rrouunant vouicn. ISO I'romint rnreisn Porlrnits. coi'its-s r tvonus or art. Including reproductions of tlio most celebrated V.a graviiigs, Paintings, StautJ., Ac. Catalogues sei on rut' lih til ktiuiuii. ii ill ii'.-r inr j iii.t-ii i n i ! from our. Catalojuc will bi tilled on the reel 1 1 I 31.C"t Ullll M.'llllty Ill.lllt CHI,, I I singroplicrs anil ollieis ordering good, ui with please retnlt twenty five per cetit of tlu I , . , w iin uieir order. ! .vni u",J)tlVrt?rl . , ! ro-The n, fall ' tosatl!fi'' oecroi-om. A. LECTURE. TO YOUNG MEN. Juet Published in a Scaled Envelope. lltlCKSlXCCNTS. A Lcciurc onino iaiuro,Treaiineninnd Hauicai nurq nf Spermatorrhoea or Pi'inlnnl Wcnkiiera. involuntary rniUslous.Heiual Debility, nnd Inipcilliiientsto Jlnr- riage generally ncrreounes, i.onisuuipiien, lipnep- sy. nndrin: Mental and Pliysiral lurapaiity. result, ing from Self-Abuse. &c. lly UOI1T J. tJULVUI!' vni.u.i. 1'.. Aiunoj oi ma "urecn hook." &c. Tho wourld rouownvd author. In tills ndinlrable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience ihatitho awful consEqvences of Self-Abuso niny be cnectiirlly rcmuved wittiDiit niedacluo. and witnotit dangerous surgical operations, bougkies, inetruuien'.s, rings, or fordiius, pointing out a moao oi cure ni nnco certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter w hat tig co uiiign mny oe, mny cure ninit-eii iiicnpcr, prl- tfiS'tX usa'nlui .Wm,dcluru provo a aorP!won,os? st imps by addressing, . CIIAS' J, C.KLINi:, fcCo., 12" IloWery.New.York, PostOfflco fcx, 433B. Oct. 17, J6C4. BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gailery0 ""THin undersigned Informs the citizens of nionm. JL and iieigliburhoud, that liu lias taken the large room nt tho Uichange lllock, extending over Harney Slohner liakery, and the llooksiore when; he has put in a large Skylight. It Is only hy Skylight list good pic tures can be taken especially groups where each person can be takenjust as well as separate. He lias gone to considerable expense to make his es tablishment a first class one, and ho therefore solicits n liberul natron ige tocnablo lilni, to constantly inlrodioc the modern improvements of the art. f7" Country produce, taken in Kxcliance for pictures IIHNliY UOSr.NSTOCi:, lllnnnnbiirg, Nov. 23,1801, (Nsv, II. C. HOWE R, SURGEON DBNTIST. nrSPKC'TrULLY oners tils nrofe ional services to the Indies and gentle men ui i.i.iuiusuurg nun vicinity, no Is nrcnarcd In allend to nil the vnrloiiM opirntlon? in the line of his profession, and is provided wttlillielntcstiiiiproved VOltCFJJIIlt TKt.TIl; which will 1'jlincrteil on gold, plntiiia, silver and rubber base tolookwi II as tho lintiiiul teeth Ml ienl plate nnd blw k teeth manufactured nnd all oi en tii'iis on teeth, carefully nnd properly attended to. Itenidenco and ollliou few duurs above the Court II Mi,e. same side, 111 ic.nsburg, June f, I8f,n . n. Thompson. PAUL &, THOMPSON, WIIOLnSALE ng5 DEALERS IN No. 43 'North irim-vcx, PHILADELPHIA. IO-lUTTEIt. IJIIBUSU. Nov. 14. ifiii-i 12iiio. II A .M S, ti c. J JOHN C. YEAGER, MAN! FCTUItEIl it WHOLESALE DEALKR IN A HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street. Phila'd. Nov :1. Ifi'-' SniOLSII.PS FOR SALE, Pittsburgh Couliuercial College. Illughaiiiplili " " Crittenden's ' riilladolphla. Stratton.llryaiil U Co.. " ThesH Scrips, nre Inn mounts of $13 nml $.11) and nro 1 uiiiriu ins irieuus aniline piibllr In general, that mi i.,.!,,. i i,n t,itii rr ,i.., .,.,i-c.,i, ... ofnll who may favor him with their cunom, , 1 loli, JOS D-JI.UCJII1ANK. i Espy, Aprils IMll. BELL 6i Al-LABACH, Proprietors. CORNEIl OV THIRD S7y PENESYLVANJA A V WASHINGTON, D, O, FltlifllMUTII & lJUoi'llKIls! ' WIIOLESAIlE T011A 0 0 0 D E A L E R- f AO.105.NOUTII TllUin SWIEBJT , rivedoortbelov, Ran I'll I LA DA, o ti 'a T-Toi 4 1 All the latest styles al CIIARLJW OAKI'OR I) k JNH, I 4ii,nii-.t.Philadeln! ,UH" MORE M UN WANTED 1 REVOLVTION IN HIGH PRICES, LyllC': A1UUVAL OF FALL & WINTER Al UjUjU Jji l.lnilV STttKKV, COt. '' ",',";.,,. ,' AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ' covm'r, pa, " sr-tcnum nMor.n.cni ui - , "! , "lT") f X A TVT TT r7 V? IVI i, j I I fKY Jl M - ' - --"- - I wlijfli will Ijo.hoM cheap tot 1 CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. m, ttockcntmlnUur Ladles Urcss Cooils cholccitnlyloi nM,i intern million iit;.n1 uanco3. MuslillH, - i Ginghams, ' Flannels, Oarpcb, Shawls, Ilo.siory, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. . Cassimcvoi, Satinets,. Cottouadcfl, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Queenswaro, Cedar ware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oil?, Paints, OTS & S 1UKS, UA'l 8 & UAi'S, .V;o,p,in'pr,!f ly, Is respectfully so Idled. The highest market price paid for country jiroduM. i,iBl st,cet.NoV. ,o, mi. I'C'1'LU 1:NT' A NEW STORE IN Oil A NG E VI LLE. Cheap 0 "(Is and. Great L'arg.tius, THE Subscriber respectfully inlorms his friends and the generous public, that he lias Just opened a NEW STORE, In the well-known s'.'ind of the lnto Win. I'rltz, l!.q on .Vnm Str.'et, in Orangeylllc. Columbia county, Pu., which has been wcll-flHed with all kinds of Choice New Goods, I rrosh from tho I'.astern Markets, which he intends selling as cJieup ns lho cheapest for ready pay and nt country vroducc. ins atom cousins in part ot tne roiiowing articles : Cloths, Cnsslmer", Fatlinctts, Silks, Cainliricks, I)e Lnlnes, Calllroes, Muslins, Shawls, Llnom, AllpackiiH' Millinery and Dress Uoods, ic. Ten, Coffee, Sugars, Mollnses. Spices, Chceie. rish lini slus.Sult, ToUabeo, Si garB.Suiiff, and other articles in this lino, usually kept In Countiy titans. ALSO: QUEENSWAKE fc EARTHEN WA HE, Hals and dtps, Hoots and Shoes, And all notions generally in trade. OCT" Oruln, Mutter, Eggs. Mont, nml country pro. duco taken in exchange for floods. CORNELIUS BELLES. Orangcvllle. Hoc. 17, 1601. ly. FRESH ARR1 VA L Jail au& tDintcr -rou- EVERYBODY- THE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, respec fully informs his cuninuers nnd thepiiblicgunorally that he hasjutt received from the Easterno cities, thn argebt and nioi.t select stoi k uf Fall and Winter That has yet been opened in Illooinsburg, to which he iuvuch mo aiiciuioii oi ins menus, ami nssurcs them that they uro offered for sale nt great bargains. His Stock comprises a lurgu assortment nf GHNTLEMEN'S WEARINO APPAItrt.. Conrisimjol Fashionable Ilnuss Coats, or every dos cription; Pantrf. Vosts, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Collon uiiuunviuiiiiiai vit.'vtjn, 1311 piiuihi t :rn, CvC. Wold Watches and Jewelrv. Of every doseiTptlon, diio and clicap. N. II. Remember " Loicenlcrg'B Cheap r.mporiun,' call and see. No charce fur exiiiiiing Roods. ... , , , IMVIl) LOWENREnil Illooinsburg, Nov. 10, 1334. (June IMi i New Grocery Store. MORE FRESH (JOODS. (Formerly Eirtwias' old Siand) on lUain Street, Bloomsburg, THE undersigned has just reccivod a good stock of FALL AND WINTiJR DRY GOODS, of all kinds, .Men's Heavy calf km u p bootsj the best In the market ; a flood Assortment of Ladies and Childrcns' Shoes of all kinds. A Fresh Lot of Groceries. of all kinds, such as Molasses, Teas, I Rico, Fibh. bugars, (JolTuo, Siiiccs, I Salt, Mats and Caps Tobacco, Scgars, Candicr, Itazcn?, Lard, &c, &o., tt'O. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with n great inrioty or notions am etcete Irs.Joo numerous to iiieii'ion. H7"lbittor, Eggs, Mo, t and produce generally taken ,1 1 exchange for goods, ' HENRY GIGER, Wooimbiirg, Dec. 10, 18114. "jNEW "STORE ,t CHEAP GOODS. 'QCIIK SALBS AXI) SMALL PROFITS.'' r IIE undersigned, havipg taken tlio I Stnro lately n-cupluil by Jumes K. Ever, on Main Slrett, nbuve Iron Street, in llloonuburg, and stocl,cd it Willi every variety of Rcriieclfullv liifnrius his frlmi.l. ft till t lid till 1,1 In nnn . crnlly, that ho will bo happy tn foceivo u of the ,,, fj public patron iigu, nun irusis Hint no can render gencr ul atllaitl in by felling them lh best qualily of ,iK.HAHlKll,aJfJJ,. on fuir terms und ni intlif.iciorv prices. His Hock iihhuu, in putt, of drv coonn. ' UROCERIRS, riSII. flUEUNSWARU. WOOHUNWARE, llOorSiSHODS, nud especially with ti splcu'did variety o(Ar' J'ii6, LADIES DRESS GOODS, .... FMVY .HtTJCJX .ye . .. ready ( iy" "" cllc"'' "" "'" clll'"J""li for cash or Kfrl-ountry 1'rodura, generally tukcii lu oxchaiige fur ! ... ' , ANHRUW TllltWlLLIOEU. Idooiiisen'g. Jai) 7, liW-y. .ATTORNEY AT LAW, nr.oo.Msiima. va. '" t ul"t AUy f""",c'!)' occupied ly l!iwle ,.. ........ . .!!? 'w uiuuiii uurg ue" 4, isj'j Keep Yo'un Eye ON K ITH1S PLACE.! SUCOND ARRIVAL OP NEW GOODS. H, ... , , ... .. AS enlnrped h ml crontly Improved his Ktoro rioom nml storked It with a Inrso nml superior Stock of MALI, nnd WINTIHl OOODS, which will bo told as low ns nl any other estnbllshniciit In the country. CilUcos at 10, 18, '!0 and 25 cents. Tit...1.. til ).,. i !...... .4 or no MKSlins, liharhrd and UiOWtt at 25, 28, ui) to 18 cents fill T.ff? OOODH of every shade, unllty and prlcoj a full linn of Domestic iood, viz : Checks, Stripes, Ticks, Llnncn and Cotton Table Diaper, Olnghnms, Nankeens, tec. , Ate, A good supply of Lndles Shoes nml flatter J New stock nf lints nud Caps. All Wool Ingrain and Cottage Cnrpcls, u splendid artldo Just opened and for tule, , A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. MACKnilAl, by the quarter, half nnd whole barrel Nos. I und i, medium nud laiRi'. Also, n largo nnd splendid nssortment of new designs. Also, n new lotnf TIlUNKB and Oil Cloth Satchels. llavlnc bought those goods before the late rise, I nm prep.iredto sell low, cheap ns thctheapest for cull or country produce. Wi: STUDY TO rLHASU. tloomsburg, Jan. T, 18l. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO BUY GO TO freasy's store, hi Light Street, Pa. Who Keeps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINCnAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWL?, Ready-made Clothing, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, sgars, Boot'-, Shops, Hats. . Caps, Drugs, Paints, Oils Sc., ifce. In addition to our large slock of Dry Ooods, w o Jtnve n huge nnd full npsortiuent of Ready Mado Ctnlhing lor .Vleii and llojs wear which wo nre detetiiiineil to sell clieuper th m tnn be bought elsewhere. Call nud ci), and Judge for yourselves. II. IV. UllLASY n ui. 1 ight Street, October 2D. l&GI. Cheap Grociy Sfore. ALSO 'I HE undersigned hnving Imitglit nut the Crorery n 1 David StriHin, ri movid bis lint nud Cap Store up to Stroup's old stand, where in edditiou to u supe rior assortment of FALL AND WINTER Hats and-Caps, f& CONFECTIONARIES, CRACKERS, Molasf-cs, Su?ar, Coffee, Teas, Tobacco Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Duller, Coal Gi Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books, "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware-und Cednrware, Pi cket Knives, Comb;, iJ'C, ij-c, iJ'C , Together with a variety of articles generally kept in a Store. Alao-A tine lot of KIDS, MOIIOCCOA and Linings tn which he Invites the mention of Shoemakers uud the public. JOHN K. GIRTON. Illoomibiirg, Dec. 5, 1603 NEW ARRIVAL. At A. J. Evans nijflMl! EMPOIl'M! BLOOMSBURG, PENN. I LATEST SYLES CAEAP OOODS f'IIE undcreigned reapoctfully informs his friends I and thn public generally, thai he has juet rcicived irom tue l.astern cities, a large assnrtmcut of aas. vt a o wii being the bestassnrtnicnt ever offered In this ninrkcl. Also n complete assortment of Hoys Clothing. Intact everythlug,in the Clothing Lino I'or those who prefer ta lishincnt. Hu also 1'bcps uiiilinnd nlargu assort' . ." - mei of BOOTS AND SHOES. H ATS VND CAPS, together with a vnriety of notions. ay mll and si'.i: rou vouitsi:i.r. A. J. EVANS. Illooinsburg, April. S3, 1801. 1'RESlT.QR RIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods A T Miller's Store. rpili: mhscriber has Just returned from the Cities j. whu auuiuer large umi scieti nssorimet of FALL AND WIN'JEU GOODS. purchased nt Philadelphia, at tho lowest flgurc, and which tlioy arc determined tn sell on asiuoderato terms ' as can be procured nlscwhcre in llloomsburL', His siiick comprises i4jE4' niikzs noons, of choicest styles nml latest fashion. niir noons, .ixn nnacr.itn:s, inunirutK WKKXiirjiHK, cr.n.m wahk, ihh.ww wake inox, jmii.s, nw i - .v awol's HATS l( CHI'S, tot., iye., "., In short at erything usually r I't In counfry Stores to whii h ho invite the nubile u-iicrnlly. The Hlghe(tprlco paid fur con nry produce. , , S. II. MILLER. Illooinsburg, HoV 10, ISO I. TINWARE & ST VE SHOP. rplli: undersigned respectfully inrortns his old friend oicchased his brothers itiiindtho ton corn wils ' exclusively, dors lor sale, tlio Inre. and customers, thai he lids hereafter bo condoned by ,', , 'WnXm 110 llllH MIMl fOCCIVfill nU i I nr Inr unl.i f Im ln.. est ami most extensive snrinient of I' A N (J V soriiuent of 1' A N 0 Y I llox Stove. Itiila tor. Cylitidn Sn'ves' tn it I"a , Tuhi .tove,; Cain n HtovJs A T, ' L'm,". AlrI Tinware coustuntly u I and nii in T,U,e ?L '. ,.',?, A kinds of renS ,;d "ih atronigs of old t ,, I , L I .n , ... . . net WJ 'soiciterl ti eeei ,.' CKiSoM AMI.blLlir mouiu.uurg, r,ovtiubtJdl b. If. TO ALL INVALIDS. IIION IN THE BLOOD. It Is well known lollic mndlral prnfcsslnn that lltO.V Is the Vital I'rlnrlpln or Life Iltrincnl of the hlood. ri his is uoriveii rinciiy irom tno rooii wu cat i nut n iiki fo,l not pri perly dluested, or irfroni nuy cniisu what-; ever, the iieroesnryiuantlly of Iron Is not taken Into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system 1 .suffers. Tlio had Mood i ill irritate the heart, will clog up the lunc., will obstruct the liver and will send i itsilieasO'proilii(liiR ileiueiils to nil purls or tlio sys- 'tern, nml every ono will sillier in whatever organ nmy on Jircoiipogcil lu oisofisc. Ihu grout value of IKON AS A iTOICIKH I well known nnd acknowledged by nil medical men The dill'aully hns been to obtain such n preparation o it as will enter the circulation mid' nssliiiltntu alonru with Ihu lllonil. Thli point, says Dr. Ilnjes. Massach usetts State Chemist, has beciinttnineil in the Peruvi au Kyruji, by cii.iMiiatloii in a nay lie fore iinkiionn. THE PEHliVIAM SVI1UP Is n Protected solution nf tho Protoxido of lion n New Ili.covcry In .ledicino that Strikes nl the Root of Ills in jo by supplying tho MouJ with its Vital Principle or i.liu i.ieoo'oi-'iit'ii. THE PEAitlVlV SYKOP Cures Dyspepjln, Liver Complaint, Dropsy I'evci and .Ague, Loss ol Enerjgy, Low Spirits. . THE PERU l'I AN tSYRUP Infuses etrenjtli, vigor nud new lfe Intotlie syslcm.nud builds up an "Iron Cuusiltiilloii. THE PERUVIAN SYRUl' Cure Chronic Illf.rr' r:i, tVrtfntii. W Sctrvy, Loas of t'ot.iililUt'oNit! Vfgnr TU E I ER U VIA N S YR UP Cures NorvnUs AlVi'ttioii". remain t'oiuplalnts, and ill ilisi'iiiies "f ihu Kiilueyj and Ll.idder. the per ui;ian srnup Is n pperffii: for all dl.i-nes orisln.illtig in a bail' uf .liu blitoti, or uicomp.iiiiod by II 'billtunr.i Low Sl.uu ul liu System. Paiiiplileti roiitnlMiiig certilleatis of cures and rocmi iiiiioilntioMH from Mimu of the iniir I t-,iliii.-iit l'h siiiniw t.'lers) mei., and uthitrs, ill be si-nl Tree lo uiij'niliire-i u select a few uf the names to thow tile ot the testiuioiials. JOHN It WILLIAMS, KSU . Prcslilont of tint Metropolitan,, New York. Itev. AMIJI. STe vi:s. Lale Editor Christ.iln A,l wnw and Jnariul. Itev, ! Clll'Ilt.'ll. I'.tlitor New York Chronicle Rev John Pierpotit, Lew i Johnson. M I). Rev Wnrren l.iiiton, Rrv rlliur II I'ull.-r. Rev (iiirdon R. thing, Rev Sylv nuns I nbb, llev. 'P. Starr King. Rev I phrniin Nine, Jr , I.'cv Joseph II ( litich, llev. Henry Upuaui, Rev P C lle.nlli y. IIOmw-II Kiuiiey M ll,, S K Kemlnll M D W I! ('hi. holm, M I), l'rniiiis Dana, M I) Jerenri.ih Stniit, ,M, t lit-i- Autu Handle" M I) Mi nil am U'einl, II M H. A A hayes, II II. J R ' lii i. M H. II, I'.. i:, line-. M H. Rev John V (Jlinot 'ni,, Prepared by l.ri.Altli ; to exclu-tively Inr J. P.MNS.MoKt:, N.i 4!i llrniidway Nc, ork. So il by nil llruggi-ls. No I'aniilySliouldJie Wjllioul it, Only2.)AulsubuA ion s .j.k vv J. P DIVSMiilli: Nn l!ll llroidw.iy, V,-w York. 3 W 1'OWLi: u CO No. t.-Tremnnt M llnhtnn And bj .nil llriiggiitsoud Cuiintrj .Slnnkeepcrs May It, leOI-IJiu. v'X;- . , a"lin un.UTPUMi'ir i-nrsn rxtnisivciy onpupetl In l!iJ Undertaking Hvsiness, and keeps constantly 011 liantl nd fir sale nt Us Warcrounis, n large nttsortinnnt nf FINISHED COFFINS, lly which he is enabled to nil orders on presentation Ai.mi Keeps n good llorso and Hearse, and will at nl times be ready to attend i'Hiierels. SIMON C. SII1VE. Illnomsbi'rg, January 2!), 1E5B $Ti $650,0 00 Worth of $1 IVAH'HES, MIMA'S, MX US, Ac. G. S. HASICixi- g. CO., 'M Beekman Street, New Yoik, orrui.s Tin: i'oli.owims iNDtti'E.ME"Pd TO Buyers of Valuable Jewelrv i i ri i p. i .. . . . . 1-1 x I'd ii i"r u lone UiiHi iiiycd in tin I'jcKrt - minii-s, uiih t'M.iiiiirii!i iiur rtimriiiitiii iiir ri-iill lul i mi promptness and reliability ami possutsing gieal f.icil tries inr selling Jewelry ill tills way, we nro rouildcnt wo can givo satisfaction: In nil who feel disused to patronize us. Sii-W.OUl) worth of Watches. Ilia 11 mil tl IM Mb I'Iiiiiii I Air., to be -oi for imo Dullar cnrli, williont nxaul id vnliiii, nnd not tu bo puid for until yon knuw what you Ju,i unk at the following list of Articles lo bo sold for One Dollnr each ' nmtics io ue sold Its Watches ihanilemuely engraved, and warranted in li.iuiue n .'lUIK'H, SO III l.OliI 1 1 II lit liifr ITjiwn-. I itfO ;nnlciinMii. tfilvcr U'atrlirs, :, (ID tu J3 DO " I fi.000 lsQtcsl M'yiu 'ukt nnd iVtck Clinius, -1 50 to liu nO .l.itHl r.nntt. f ilir.inii,. Ili.i..n...l . a. r-.. . V... '. .r .s r.r , , "i"t u iu-. uu rt.uuu Uiilirorul.i Uiaiiioud Ear-Hrops, ou 0 j .uiuiaiiiruuiiu i.nameiicii Revolving Pins, (in ((, o. (jn S! out) California Diamond nml Enamelled . cut's Scnrf.l'.itis, new st)les, 5 nil in ., in 2.1)00 Mii.onte uud Emblem Pins, 3 ui) to 11) UU B.mMI Cold Ibiiid Hracelels, tngiavod .md ),' "", , , .a li'l tn'.H) 110 .kiwi) Jet nud Mosaic llrooches. a ut) to ?U 01) V.ouu Camup llrooches, rich pi.ttcrns.tcry luty 3 00 to CO CO 4-uo I'lor'cnlinc nnd I ava Plus, the real '"'icle, , 4 Olltn Hi 00 JiuUO l.avn mnl I'lorcntise Car Droiij, 3 en to 10 lt .1,111)0 Coral Ear Drops, 4 tin) 00 S.UIIO Ladles' Chatelulite, Jet and Hold, 13 00 lo illl Ot) iidliU (ient's Pins, 11 splendid ussor'l, 'J Ot) to 15 I Hi Ij.OOU sets I udios' Jewelry, new styles ti IIU to lii t)D ti.WIO Cold Pens, nml dilye.r ('uses, .1 UO to 1(1 O'J TJiis entire list of bountiful Und valuable goods will bo sold for Ono Dollar each. Certillcutes of nil the nbovo atticlos will be placed tu envelopes, mid sealed. These euvclnpus ulo sent by mail, ns ordered, without regard to ihoice. On the receipt of tlio certificate. KU w ill sea what ynu arc to have, uud then it is at your option tu semi ono dollar nud take the tirlitle, or mil. 1'ivoCertirifatesca.i bo ordorec for 91,! elovmi for for $1 1 thirty-five for 8-1: sixty-five (or pit); una one hundred fnr S13. Wo wilt scud a single Ccelihcute ou reieiptof'Ji cents, , 0, S, IIASKINS & CO,, llox 1'J.O. 30 Iloikinaii Street, New York. November 10, ISO I. lm. Dlt.O WENTWOUTHil'livsiclan from tlerinany.hnv i ns located permniiently at Jloidansyille, (.'olmii. b a louiily. Pa., re.peclfuliy lufori,,. tlio public gencr- nt ly.-hal he Is Prepare, to ,t; and .uhum- fully, all rases nf ACUTE nnd Will, protuptues. and on tnotleriitu tTrnVs and lill 1 I'lliiriilitin lHnnrn1 Htlt I dTtrl I nn i ." C. WENTWOItTll. TTTn..v ,, , 7 , ' . W.0U1,,) reilicctfully liiforn. Ihe citizens oflllnonn. V ' Uur!'"".' ," ,A,,.U"" ,,B emiliniieslho practise of , , JUI.IWIA H AM) a U Hill: ' 6n,,r"" ,'''' palronage. .Orrun on Ma ti . trcef, lli.-l huilie bcluw Hie Uurl llniittc, Illooinsburg i I'cbiiur) II, IvJll or ER. STIIENOK'S OWN CARE. uniOiiimiujioumi mnl., i ftltltiK I.AIIOUINO UNDER CONSUMPTION, 1 , . .. . ., , Jltttt ItOW IllS I llllliamc oiTUJi, OCUKICU 'Jhnin. a))d Mandrake PilU act oil the System n curing hnt dis ease, anu tne cTtnin.ton a M!i(, r,1 r tTT f ni i UlUilVl DUIjUIiOO Aiirnii'uni ii i i To nbnvo is n correct likeness of Dr Schenck taken many years ngo, niter Tie had recovered from Cnnsump. lion by a course ol ins "PiitLxeK iti.monii 'MRcrr iellkeros. nlllioug it does net represent him nny thing like ushiiil ns he was ul lho worst, yet II Ii In strong conlraft wilhthelialo nud vigorous looks nf the Portrait below, which I 1 lie t run likeness nf liluint the present time. The Loutrast between these tunpor. traits Is so great that many would not believe th-in to bo thn same person. Vet there are hundreds of per rons, in nud nroiitnl l'hllni!"lph!a, who will recognise both portraits tube trim representations, Whenthe first was taken he weighed 11)7 pounds I at the p res "lit timunis neigui is -j-ii pouuui,, Xi.v.' Vouif. W i dues lay, .March HI), .Bbl. ; 10 7 KB PUBLIC I Tl.lriv v.nrs ivjn I w s in the im-l singes of I'liimon- nr CiniMiiuitioii. uud giv.u op In die. I n-sideil in 1 I'lill-i.lflphin nml Dr. .1 seph P.irri.h, then ofilus city. ' j or, e eil mo In Morenowii. N. J ji ili.t.imu nl" niii" ' mlti s. w hieh ttink me tun dnt s In eel tin ru. tin uiy nr ' rival I was put in bed. nud lln-re laid Ii r many w. i-k-. Thi wasiity ii.n , pl.u-i.. u lien all my faintly lived nud h nl died of ''oiisniiiptlou Dr. Thornton 'ho at. ' I led in) father in Ms last illnivJ, was iall... nl, .t , ' h'ivo me one week to li iit my ntl'iirs. He ha I s -eu nil in) I .nn i I v gothat a . nud thought I was tngn tno. ' ' 'I hen' I In-iiril n' lb ueilie I uuw ull'.-r In Ilia pub- lie. Willi ll i ore. I on-. H. s -hi .,1 tn m I until f ( til.' in pelirlrallng oi w bole sy.teiu. 1 , They mm'Ii ripein-.i Hi.; matter. m n.y lungs, nml I 1 would spit nlVoioio than n imt ol if n si v h jidlow ma). ti-r eeiy u, n ruing niin as tliat I, y.iii ' in , olisidi i ; my eouili. f ver pain, ni.-bt sivcin-all h -g-intu leave J , me. an I my npitt'titit ln'cinit! -o gient thai il u nh I ilii'.iiillty I iinilil ket p Irom eating Iuo iniii'h. I a m i ' giineil my treiifili iniit I have I, en grow ing in II -h ' iverslin -. I'm in.iny years I have enjiyeil itniui, r . iiipled good health. Ice, plug the liver uud rlnmnih , henliln' with the -x-uwei d Tniiie anil JJaudrake 1' . I I nm of a bilious t 'iiiiera!neiil. My wvmhtU l n linn ' I dred tuitl twenty poiiintp. On my recovery people would j ; eeiid -for on , At and near, to see if iln ir evfes wire I ' like mine. I'or this purpose p-iy ptnles.ioiial vjJs ' in the large i tiles. 'I lie i on umptivt s wish to see tin- ' I .one that makes thee meilii J rn-,-. mnl who via-, t ured nl i inistiiiiption h th, no. Tn make n uv liitiitr, is iniposs). ble ; bin cavities in tin lungs and chrmiir ulci rail ms ' j of tiw brniirjiiitl lubes e.iu be lii-aletl Mull tust-sitiol ' d) ing (inurh under ll-u oMinary treatiiu ni of ph)rf- , E-in.ii.-s. nn , jut sui h uie iim'il by the prop.-t ut-of Schein I.V Piiliiioiiie Syrup. Seaweed Tunic, ami .lu- drake Pills. ; I mil nntt a ,1,'ealH y mini, Willi n large rnvity lu the ' jivildle 1 1 tin- nf tin- iijhl lung the Inv.-t-r ijbe vi-r nun h hepiilixed and inmph ta ailli.Mnu of til pleiu.i. The It II lung is miii ml, mid the tippi-i r-ln- of Hit- ritht Ian-.- ' i in a tuli ral.ty henllh) , nut iimii. Tin- gn-iu ri a-.oi ' w lly ph)Mi I a lit- i!n nnl rure cnil.uiuptioil Is thi. trv In do tno unit Ii . Ihi y give iti'-dn-iiii-t. in .inp tlni i'ii'idiIi, ft, ,li!i i liill. In fl ip,: -,witi-, bei tn tin r. nml, In mi lining, they (Uiaiigeti.o w hub- poweio, .in k. 1 Ing up the serritluiis. ami i-v 'iitnally ihe patient -inks and Hies. Alter I make a can lul examination of tlit patient wiili the llrnui "nnir.r, nud tin it lungs, ennimli ' left to cure, .1 ,li ot I'ne palli-lll Imw In tlst-tli,. ttiio, rellieili h llelilt V e 111,- uilIM' fill I t'ti-y will all htnpol' 1 llieinwu accord. Nn one i an Lu t und of coiisuiup ; l, en, liver e. mpliiiiil, dj sptpii.i, eiitarili, canker, ul rer.-iteil'thrnat, t-nb-ss i,he lit er aint slt.iii.u Ii are in.itl,. , healthy, lu Now Enghiiid this e.iuker, ihr.nile e.iiurih i uli i rate I llireal, , l.ttlg.lltinl of u a,i, is uinr. prt a 1 I lent ilnu in mi) etht i B.-t'tiini of the muatry. Tins iy t're,uenlly rnoseil by n Inul stontaeli. Ynu t-ny burn ! , ll not Willi laU'lic linio mid ugi.iii, nml nil ili.'v r- i I get is ti iiipnriiry iiln f Curreil Ihu nlouuiih mi.l'iiv ..-r, nml liny will beiil ii til -ui-i l v,vm. (iood nut ilion i-the rei ly. If you i-aje.jiny di- I oust! in any part of Hie hotly, it will remain lln-re mm , ' tlft ay limit and mum until you can gelihe sniu,ii h in ' the loinlitiou tnili!'i.,i ftioil, and make new M i., lake the pl.ieo ot iIimmm iI mailer. This is lye only i w ay o ileal , .niiiu- m tin- lungs uud ulcerated hum. , Lbiul till" s, furred Ihe'iili mid liver, nod mm will iln th - heiiliog. .Many p, rums liuu certain meilii im-. are great puulleis nf ihe lilnnil. . When blo'.il js once tlifteased it annul bo puiilit-it ; it is iIIm .ui'iI the Kami.- as thn iliei .isetl matter in tin- i synteni ; Inn get the njiparutiis in nrder, ihu livei and Unmacli, .indgiK ii plumy of nourishing fond, n mil lonkn iiew blood, wlwi h will take lhu plueo nl in.u wJiIOi is ili.e.ised. t'elienik'a Piiliiioiiie sj rup is one of Hie best piep i ration, nf ipm in use, ii i. n powerful tonic of Hh II, nml when llie Seawted Tome ilisolve,! tin; iniifiis Jt, the Hoiuni.h. mid il is tarried oifbi tho md ortliu Mali, diuko Pills the 1' it I iritt 1 1 1 c S)riip is made inlo hloiui. This is Hie only way lu cure iniisuiiiptjnn, If imt gi t a gnnd i,tpelii - ami fund dm s not iligoi, t:.n;. nolcuro the palieiii Never niinil Hie cough ; remove .llie iniisi-ami it Will stop of 1 1, elf. 'I Ins u Hi-, imum truiible I haie Willi my patients nt my roonm I'liey nay, "Doctor, 1 tell ssrnuger ; J run 'cat' o.v inin sweal. .'lie belter, ami I fee.l hi tier every way : b r my cough is so bad yet ;" I'tid they mo a.'onij-ii tn a mil say imii noes not mailer ; remove tie, ca ise ami '1 will Mop lUt'lf. clioutk'n t5cw,.f.i (rc.ittm a zutut iii'i'i'iiu' in iiumu hum u.iyi, uiip.i inciu is nn ui nu tlio days eaee, unless Ihe liver is so (or.gesifti .but ih,. vtnn. 1 iliul.'i ritis i.ihiioi unlet 1, tin: tn gull bladder in that short fjMou ol time, in in allow tno tale bile lo pass nil' Keep th) tivt'i' uini lhu blom.ith heallhy and there is less dauber nf f.iiisumptioii or any other disi aie. It is hard lo luxu lold when those or g ins are healthy. Thoso Hint me bilious, low spirited, n eiiog stupid, coated lougue, pour uppilili, i nervous, Mnmnih full of wind, ever) tiling that 1 en lies heavy lo.s of lnciuorv, try on.- b'dllu nl 1 rL'IIHNCK'H SHAWl'iEII TONIC, and ono box t, S IIENi K'SMANDR.Ki:i'.ILL(i. liginnlv (1 e,t ,, fine dollar mnl tvvtnty.fivo cents, with lull uirti nuns This is Mithtieiit. in oiuu) .tn what the 1 medicines are. I're-quciilly nnu bottle makes a great I chaiiguinthe syslem. Any person Hint enjoys ordina ry health, by tiring lho Seaweed Tonic and Mutiiliiike l'llls occusumHlly, must get Ihe digestive organ in sutli 11 heallhy coiiditiuu thm tin y, become ll.'shy. 1' can prmlucu a number of my old consumptive puiirut 1 now enjo)lng good healih, weighing nearly 'JlMJ pounds 1 willtontliido b) relaling ibreo cures I have m.nlu in 1 Ne York, ami wliich or mil different, and any one wlio leels any Interest 111 tlio matter to 1 isit theiii i 1'irst 1. Mrs. l'liilnw, tesldlug Ihen at No. 107 1 itrcet. Her hiikband failed upon moat my room, M 1 llomUtrctt, nud wi.lied me in call uud ice hur, lie said! could do no good ;thntho had all the best medi 1 cui nueuumice. ami 1111 sum she was ton far gone t illl I Cinsiimpiion to bo 1 ured ; but sho had heni .1 of mine glt'ii cures 1 ii.tu nia.e. mid no ilenred tu gratify Inr willies. 1 etilteit, nud loiind her lying coniliied tn In r bed in the last tinge of bronchial consumption, mid wlthuul doubt must havo died soon, 1 examined her Ungs.loiiud both bronthial tub .s t cry tniiilt nlleiiteu, hut no cavities hail torinnd, her rough wns veryseKiru, Ihe spii-box wns half lull ol thick pus. Pulse Illl. legs "V 11 " "'',"' '"rsu than all she had chio- iiledinirliU'.i. Iler howls had been moved eleven liuies llintday. 1 told her she hud Itiugs euougli to be 1 ured but that this diurrlucu had been long htuudliig, und lu.r Hoinachvyu, in sitcli nn ulcetuied condition that I was ilfritidiiolliing could be dnne. Site insisted 1 ihould lr;' nnd do what I could for her, observing that f,iu w'uuld nut lust long in ihu condition ehuwnsin, and 1 toiilii not muku her any worse. I govu her tlr.t. iiilo.teiil tuy Maiidiaku l'llls, uud the tome ni'fl S)rup Irt ely, 'I lial vvu ou Tuesday, uud by i)ic next Sunday the dinrihti'a was carried nir, her appetite liud returned nml ihe could nt up in bed and cat her dinner. She is now well, nml guvu 1110 u long ci ilificalu, ttrlilied lu I ..luilmmmuVrdWest ry.nni, slreel c.cim, , " X,, ,a lu ou-ua ,, ,,' 'I '1 ' ;, ' Vu7 ?' 1 .' . R J . lu my rt'oiu with a luinur on Iter liver Us w ntt mv- tuiuur had been rmihlr.g uver fourleeii yenrs. 1 gave ' tier Hyritp, Tonic ami t ills,' nml loldhcr to tnknilu'iui SX1 STJ S'i! IT .,,l'".t"''- h ""iJlUV :"'! " v v"r.' T v" '.'H " V '''V.n"! n 1 X i. 11 ."1" n.y rooms very inurh frtshleued, sating Iha.lhii mm. ,7 hud tienrly slopped running, uud wns healing up, nud Unit cv, ry doclor hud lold Tier that ir il ever healed a would cause her death. 1 told her thai H .niseasehad t, 1 1 f her y.ts.m, and l.nluio vv ould h, A the ul -r up, 1 lu y nr' now l.e.ib il, und have be'., lor il year mid .In II i ll ,i,ly mjd . 4m I n woman in ) mi w ill dud Hi u duys walS oho llud fur any one ucall mi 1 ! fef t . wP great nnliii tn visit tinv nut t... Iinnp. tin. nnvllilllfp lllr l.n. .....I . . t . . . . I " . ...... .... vu.ri mill iriCff IU 0f litem tnroinf nnd sec tne. Thn next tnse l Miss Scirr ' "' V " n,"""""; '."" iiarinninturw not her, i nnn nipn inn, nm Hit im I, tun ... . .I....7 ... i. .7 nnuno, When she first enmu ti. my mom., oho wn inui II MM1.I...W.. iiuii.irvi.FIOPrrilfll. ppillllli; inrco quamiiies ni mumi. i uxniomcu inr 1 u im i Ith tin I res piromi'inr, nun in nil viy nriKIKII Hi ver touild CV! I iflth one lime so fur Bot.c nml Iho ullier long so.'ninil t m.tiilil nnl nl vn nun Ii inrni,pni,ni.i,i, t ii i.. ...... would dlo hut In my ntlniilslimviitthc I'ltlmonlcf yrup, I Honweed 'J'onlr, nml Alnnrlrnko l'llls nil nvrined In nr Ught to wtk, lho lung is nil lunled over, lenvlne n cavity ns largo nsngooso egg i good nupclltn. fine ...i.iia ...I ,.n ff,.lh.l .ni... Ji.i.t.. ... , r.i,,ii-, tiiti, ii, t ..i.ivii fiiiiii; mm, Il.l- piillllllF 111 I welcht. She ha some couali yet, whiili 1 do no not think will leave lior belore June, slioulil think It would he nf great Internal to snniu impri Judlced phv clcinii to vllt these cnn s, inv.lcnhirly m Krotlcrd, or 'tiny of them whu have been cured by inv ninth lues 'I hey nre numerous In New York, but the nbovc Inreo nil differ from rath other i nnd if my medlrliioj nre do. lug whnt 1 reiireseot thev nre. thev shnulil linot tin, I rrcilli nud the nfiiicled know where nnd Imw they tun, ! ho cured, j. , HI'IH'.XCK, , D. Hr, J. It. Rchenrk ennhe fotitidnthls principal office No. 3.1 North llth Street, hilndelplila, every Saturday from 9 A, M.i tihtil 6 P. ,M., tn live ndvlee, free " charge! but for n thnuiugh exntniilallou lie charge three dollars Ptlen of lho Piiluioiiic-jyriii nnd Sen weed I'miie ouch fiia.Vper.bntlle, or jr, ilfo hnlf do?en iMnndrnko Pills S,, cents per box, mid In; blc by nl Druggists nml Dealers. June II, Mil.- 1 r. IMPORTANTtqFEMALES IP Hi S IL !AJh)!! "If 3 !D E TO TEatE BiAEJiEOS ! DOTII MARRIED AND SINGLE. Oldest Regulator for Females?, im ciir.nsEVAN'H n:.i,i,n t'ii,i. Will iiiiincdiiitely rellnvt), witlmut pnln, all dlsturb.i ees of the perludlc discharge, whether arising Irom r liixitlloii or suppression, '1 hey tut like n ch.irm in tt movlm! tlui pains Hint accompany difficult nr liniuotli" al nieii'lruntioii, ;uid nre tlio only snfti nml ri''j rmiiedy fnr I'lilihes, Sick llem!at!),!,l'iiius in the l.oiu . I'm k mid Sides, I'.ilpl ntinn "I'lho lliiift. Nervous I r inors, II) stelies. Spasms, llrol-. ll Sliep, nii ntlit u. , I' .-i t-rin t and dmigernus nlfetts nf mi iiinialnral conn, lion of Ho sexual fiiiicJioin. In the mini eases c, I'luo. .Minis, nr U LItes tin y etlVit a siuilv i ore. d:i.'s imimalu ph'.i.s. I'ave been used uver a (luarier of n Century. Th- j are i K' rid as the only salt! ii'iiaiu uf renewing int. r Mpt.-d lueiiittruiiliim, tint La lies must bear in inr. I ttilt. ihi-re Is nitii iiiuililion of th'! fentalu system whiih the Pill- iiiuiiul lie tal.t ti without prnilueii. pecnllai result The cnndiiitiii refi'ired tn is regtiii'ii Hi rem'l 111 e:,rliige. Sin Ii is the Irresistible i. it. in V ,1 til.- I lirilie to reslnrt! 111.! texual fillitll n i" a nm noil euiiititioti th it even lho rprii'lurt i vi p r nf ontiiie (aiini't lesl it. They e.iuiinl ilnliarni ni) other way. DR. I'l r.HSHM t"S I'li.M.Vl.E PILLS ie Ihe only .ileiili inu lint iiriied uud Single La !i . Inn r 1 1 -.1 npnu for man) i an re'y iipnn ici-.- tnunr "f liiiiliiiliins I 'i'iii'se Pills tnyn, th,. 'H (i I reparalinii i'vt put Inrwi rd, with immediatt! n i I', r-islent ll(i"T nr. I)i;i'l IVKH 'I'm. mis mlyi rliM'u.eiit lo yi. or Druugist. mid toll him lit t ) nu want th-In st und innt-t relinhh; I'omald Metln m. in Ihewoiltl which iscolllplised jl till. I'HI'.I'-M -W'S I'EOAI.r. PILIS'" Thi'i Inin ri e.-iieil, nn. 1 are now rec iviug th s i , lion of the nin-t .-in In - lit Phi siflans in -tin. rn.ii. HM''l'P l)ll(..t;i IDNri uiHiinrh lio, - lhu p. it One I.. liar i r Itux, rinilaliiiug Irmn .Ml tn 1,11 Pills 1'illtt v-ut l.v mail, jijniuplly. by leiujttiug the pi- . to the Propri tois, oi- im ,-iutlit.ri..'d Agent, in Kiir.ii. fun.U. Sulil by I'rn-'i'ifts tri-n. rally. Ill) PHINtlri & IIII.I.Vi:!! I'rnprli'tnri. SI Streel, .'sew tor' i"7 fold In Piooiui.bUi'g. iliy Uyer ,t a1o)er. nn,1 1 P l.uu l i b it. ni I - EVANS k WATSON - SAL M.Di;il SAI'I.H. 1.- ' MOVED to V iScvU i .l-i.'lli. . ,Jt .' ' K ,.V3S. b'jrrrl, ',f(,',,.,'im. h.iv mi'l a laige ni-Ktirtiiieiii of I V'hi"l pun f Salainalnler S'. Is. i, inni doors, for lituks . iti.ies, iron sliuttt r imii safh III III" foiled Si.-iten. Hi, -.i hi imc .flrj, -7 Cfl-ill out ll'-W, iflfA r trvlfi pi ""fiitf cetntiew The Salamander S,l't.s wi ild. of Phihiilelphia aitalnn it, EVANS & WATSON, irive hail the Hiirest deitii'iJialioti m ihe f.ilitiwdn; ri , tilluit" thai their ni.iiiuf.i,-tiirt- i.f Silaio-.o b r Sa, b It, , ul l"i. gill fully wan. ini"il Hi s.tiiiatio.iiv 1:1' Ii li.i;, In eu made nl lliem as rentleiing an undoubted ptiihJ, ugalnst Hie terrilit elcuient. ' l'hil,i',t,ljihin Ai.tyj 13 I'Sn. ,1r Vans ,y ll'ultoii- I.Vml nun ll nutirils t-j liu higi-est nit I -l..el i Ht.ttc to ) t,i. tint ..wing tV' Hie v"iy pn lei tive .pinllli s of Inn i f the S.tlaniaiitli j, SM' s who Ii we purch.w d id'yni nun.- lit- untatli s u we -mt'ii a large pnrii ,.. lewelry. an I nil nm .... ein.-...l 1,1 th, fur ill mi plat u , llie iiinrillllg nf th t 1 ia ui-!.. N I we i-tl i t ;ut til s ' saf jver- local d III I fourth s 1 y "I'th" buil.lini: w. nteiipietl an.! tout in fell ub35 tueiillv iiitnu Ii ap ,, biirulag ruins w Ii -r u vnsi tin,' nlialii.ii uf ihe h at causetl Ih brass plat, s t inell, we r.i t but regard th prest natinn it their v i uiible cailenti- a- must tnuv luting proof ol tin gieut i ciirily alt'trtled by ymir sal 's. Wi- shall tnke g,-eal pl.-.isute III recninuielliliur tb-H. ' nu ll iil'InlMll i's a ,,r,. r. Ilaiii e ng.'liol lire tiLHRiii: rt. SIMMONS Jt into.. ..wW.rj. i The) Ii.u,-biic, puri'hnsed u large Safe, , Jul) .', Iro-.'. .iigiul Ji) Joi THE liREAT WORLI 'S r'Alll KXIIHIITloN IIEI I. IN LONDON 1 1-;, . Til OS. W. .MATTSON Wilts tUMirtlnl ihe Pn,'-Mcil - nl 'I'ur mi im i iinly iumm :ii t-.iMl'ltUtHlS 111 lllii i;iU l'nr Itirf iiiipruitiH' fiLw.n Tr.Wlll!.S! 'rrtllilJS, feMjM Me b. iog th- inventor and rlt&mb M.inufaelurt rofl'HutlcH.-el ,'fi 0m,r Spring no.l I f-t.l., l.eatheraud rli) Riveted Iron I'rnind 'I'rnvellnu '1'riinks. Valises, I, ad i s Hal Cases, i ;iri. R.igs. I.ealher lUgs, Uialiri lln and llnbhy Horse.. Hois' tligs, Propellers, Win elberrows. Ac, wkuh hi is prep.iud tn M il at the lowest Mauufac luting pr.ieu. The nmsl utietisiva Trunk nud Carpet Hag Muliul'JCIui i-i hi Pliil, id, Ipiiiu. I 4dJ .MAilKI.'P STREET, nue door r.bc.vf r'ourth. i . , South side, PHILADELPHIA. I V , "Sale, room on the first floor. OJ'Prunks nemly ri pairetl or exijianged fur new i m s. Call mid nee, ns we hell very cheap for rash t n . 1 1, rJ,i:l -I'.'uio ' Nos. !), ll, 1:1, 10, 17 C!o.u: tJitfltlt Street NT. All IIROADWAY, NI'.W YORK CITY This olil-estiiblisheil nud f,ivoiin result of Ihe llu.i m ss Community been leceutl relilled. uuiliiioiu. ,,'',' everything tint can iniuLli r lo the eitmfurls . I ! Its patrons Ladles ami famtliei uro tpttially ami tare- fully nnu uli , I for. It is ft nt 1 ul l it tinted in the In iucsk pari of tlio Ui), and ii. ,'uuliguuus to the lines .f steaitiliuats, cars, uiunibuifses ferries, &c. In iiuia. ipiciiM! of 111 ' pressure rnitced by the Rubel Don, price, have been reduced lo One Dollar n d 1-iJJij (cul,s per Day. 'I lie liibl. .1- amply Mipp.iml w illi all the luxuries ol lho rcninii,'jud iseipial to thai nf.iny other hotel in trie run nt ry. Ample accuiiiiiipdalii'iis are oitrred for of Kni gue-t. Mr" Do imt belieyi. .nniiers.iiai'kinen, ami others wfco iiiay say "the Western Unti l is lull." D I). VVIN'H,i;d PER, Proprietor. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. I'eh. IS.leo-'. Hi C ' 1 HE Proprietor of lus weJI-known and coutrally loca I led House, lite En iumik lloin,, situ.itu 011 Mai 1 011 aim, the Coluui iSireit in lllooiii.burg. Iinniedlalely inoil- 1 lua County Coitrl llnuse, respt'clfitliy iufurnis his friends and Hie public in general, that his llouso is now in or dor for lhu retcplioii uudtiilcrluinineiit nf nim.'lcrs whu I upiy feel dispo.ed lo f.ivoral w.itli llo ir custom, lie has I spared noexpensu in prepaiiug Ihu E.m iumii:. for tho eniertaiiiiuenl nriiis guasls. neither shill Iheru be.uny. Hung wauling (oil his part. In minister In llieir pursoml comtorl. His house is muuiul uud enjoys an vxielleut 1 business loiutiou, . y omuiluiseu run at nil limes belvveen Ihr r.xcli.iugM 1 n,,,,.! and the tariuus Riil Road lienou. by whlcli tiav. elefs will he pleasantly couve)ei to ami fi mil tlio re spective Stations In dun llinu lo meet the l art. tv,M. II, uoonw. , Illooinsburg, July 7, tOi and CM Market Street. I'hlladelpliiH, 1 T"!S. V?r'"r.''. "''!" V'L .'"''? f iMmlnni I unit ItfiiiMir I 111 rL'unfLtailc l ill ( s Ol fillllii.iiii ml n ',", paitifiilarlydeslraitle to persons visiting hopes by clo.o per.i I alti-nliou lo tho wiiui.'ofhis Ins guests tu miiko it a toiniortabluliumu 1 01 iniiih as may favnr his liniiso with their I'Ulrouage. .1. he (l.Vi: iVai., rrtin'rs, JOHN SII0t'KLr.Y,Ci.i:nK, July tilt, lettl. -l'J 1110 LEATHElll LEATHER! ! 1 l-flli:iilidf'rig would uiiuounn., Iitnl he hand 1 Uthls Hut and ( ap Emporium, on Juiu St lllnputs burg, mi n.surlnieiil of tlnrenilt kind oflculh. r, such ns ft... calf .kins, inoro. eu, , red Mark ami liiiiuv. nil f whii Ii lie will tell iheiipor sail ho hud el.sw hcie in lhu maikot. ( all u d xinine them for )m,r.elvsi. , JUIINh LIUTON. 1 1 cutrbiirg, May -I l I