Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 14, 1865, Image 2

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Sattttfday Moriiing, Jan."l 4, 1065.
B MtowiLiiuaii in IM i m i ! iuann lapreq
"'Our Constitution cianl It ever!
Oaf glofIoii4,Unlon--hoKl It dear !
Onr marry" Flag-v-forsake ll'ncvcrl
The proud Caucaaslan our only peer!
$3 00 per Year, or
2 (.O.fnnirl RtHntlv in nrlvnnnn.
w iimiiii.i.. ,n i the religion of these loyal scamps.
Direot Taxes. Mr. Burgess, it is reported, is in the
Ono or two things remain to bo said Army- Tuia is on,v truo in part. Find
about tho question of Direct Taxoi, to 'DB 5t nn up-hill business to any longer
whiob tvo ndvertrd last wock. j run lhc " Tankhavnock Smut Machine,''
One tax was to hare been levied under ' 1,0 wcnt lo Washington, --not to "shoulder
tho said law, previously to April 1, 1865 j'1"3 niusket" not to fight in tho ranks,
and tfost tax was paid by Pennsylvania to lbut to "r'W 1,10 omolumontj of a safo and
tho General Government, by making an- lucralivo offio (out-of-harm's-way) and
propriation for arming and equipping tho
oldiers sent to the army at tho beginning
of tbo war ; thereby increasing or Stalo
debt to tho amount of several millions, and
to pay tho interost on which, wo or c now
paying a special St ale tax.
l'erhaps Peo John, writing for his
ftionds in the back townships, will deny
that also ; but tho pocket of tho tax payer
will at once set his judgment straight on
that point.
In this way, by playing hand nnd glovo,
Andy Ourtiu managed to conceal the fact
of the levying and paying of a Direct Tax
off of tho people of Pennsylvania, until tho
aotual knowledgo of tbo fact, would neith
er endanger his nor Lincoln's ro cloction
Now, concealment boing no longer ncocs
sary to hold tho gudgeons whom they have
so long deceived, tho facts aro admitted
by, all except snob intensely ignorant
fellows, as fuglotho Republican.
We'shall havo mote to say on, this sub
ject hereafter. For tho present let what
has been writton 6ufilco.
Orangeville Male and Female
The greatest outrage committed by any
portion of people upon any other, was
enacted by tho manner of conducting and
holding the election for Trustees of the
Orangcvillo Male and Female Academy on
tho 31st December, A. D. 1864. We
would not havo referred to it at all through
the newspaper ;-ns the whole subject will
undergo a judicial investigation", had not
the lying Republican endeavored to mako
a point about the matter.
"The other party," of whom the Repub
lican speaks as having been "wofully bea
ten," were not and arc not beatcn,and tho
unjustiCablo course adoptsd by tho party
who controlled the election -will have such
a ventilation as will do them gdod for tho
balanoe of their natural lives. Tho peo
ple, who have an interest in tho proper
conduct of all our schools.and in the funds
for carrying the same on, will sac that jus
tice is done, as soon as they get the mut
ter in their hands.
Meeting of the Legislature.
Both Houses met and organized on tbc
3d iasl. The House olectcd A. G. Olm
stead of Potter county, Spoaker, A. W.
Benedict, Clerk, W. II. Denniston, Assist
ant Clerk, Alexandor Adairo, Postmaster,
Cbareles E. IdcllSergeant-at-arms,Jamcs
'R iMoJuukin, Door Keeper. Tho domo
erals voted' for nominees of their own who
might Kave been elected if thoy had re
eived enough votes,
Wm. J. Turrol of Montrosc,Snsquehan
na oounty, is Speaktrr of tbo Senate.
The vote stood on tho first, ballot 33
Domocrats to 55 Republicans.
Harrisburg is crowdcd.all tho Hotels be
ing full. The markets aro steep and on' tho
rise. Board-612 00 per week.
Our Quota 60,000 I
The announcement of tbo administration
that the quota of Pennsylvania is sixty
thousand on tho coming draft, has alarm
ed even Lincoln's frionds. Thoso who
voted for him under tho false assertion
that bis olooiion would end the- war and
givo peace without further drafts, hsve a
beautiful prospeot-before them. AH1 this
might have been otherwise if' McOlellon
bad been olected. 'I bo South would have
returned to tho Union under his adniinU
tration,but under Lincoln they never will,
as long as thoy havo power to resist.
8Qy Rev. A. K, Rutan, of Luzerne co.,
who was ''Kidnapped for opinions sake,"
and undorwont a farsioal trial beforo tho
Military Commission at Harrisburg, has
beon sentenced to pay two hundred dol
lBrsfGne and undergo six months impris
onment' in Fort Mifllin.
- - -
0r Wm. H. KKMBLW)aboll.ionist, was
of Pennsylvania, by the Joint Convention '
of the Legislature. 1 at),0i high-mtuded man, says that- tho bet
ir "t " wa8i 'to' thero was ,(ho such thing as a
S-IIon. James Guthrie, u nobVe- I)ircetLand Tax," and tho abolitionist
Un.ou Demoerai, ha4 been elected by tho based his opinion upon Poo John's asser
Knntnrkv T,of.lotoi,,r i tt,, rr!..i c. . .. ..."
rf lk us uulltlI oiaie
t&r Senator MojuooMfiBV, and'lfcp
rrflfntallvo JACOny, havtrour thaukV for
BUT 0. N, Wordeu has retired from the
Lewuburi Chronicle. J. R, CorneHu'S
will hartafler ruu tlio (imnt'mintini.
'The' Philistines arc upon us. I
Oeo. M. Kiciiaut, of the Witts ton
Gazette' homo weeks since, copied an nr- I
tide, iuto hU lapor, headed "WlLLlA'M
Duiioess," and oredked it' to tho" Blooms-
burg Democrat," Following up the cr
tract. Mr. lMcbart? guvd Mr. Durgess a'
good name, a'Ud pronounced blm a ''p'iitri
ot," allodging that he had "sbouldcr'cd'his
ntuskot and was doing God's eorviCo in tho
Army." We tell you this is a slander upon
Mr. 15. tfo did no such thing. Liko
ihofct other ''loyal leaguers," Mr. B., eva
ded duly when called to Gil up tho Army,
ana thereby dcirauucu tho (Jovommcut of
his cervices.. Just as did Geo. M. Hichart,
I'aldlion JOUII, and Ira Avery. llllS IS
joined tho army oi the loyal thieves and
robbers. Mr. Riohart, in the next place.
administers to us a little loyal advice. He
thinks wo have novor abused tho rcbcls.or
supported the Government, and advises us
to "go down South and kiek for a job
with Jeff. Davis." Now, if wo have not
abused tho rebels, as this loyal lincoln
poop thinks wo should, we havo stirred up
their allies in tho North tbo abolition loy
aMoagucrs who arc equally traitors totho
Country and enemies to tho Union.
We did more. We- shouldered our
musket, in the hour of our country's peril,
with our two Sons, two Sons-in-Law, and
twelve nephews then iu tho4 field, and
marched down South in defenso of our
country to tho bloody-fields of South
Mountain and Antiotum. Where then
wero tho valorous Richarls, Burgosscs',
Averys Johns, &c, with all their vaunted
loyalty and patriotism I Sneaking at homo,
denouncing patriotic domocrats as "trai
tors and copperheads !"
Fool-like, Mr. Richart, intimates that
our teachings caused the difficulties in
Fishingcrcck. Doos he know, poor sim
pleton, that tho abolition conspiracy against
thoso inoffensivo men up Ftshiugoreck, has
proven a failure and been pronounced a
a farce. And we aro proud to-day to say,
that with all the searching, swearing and
falsifying of the "loyul kid-nappenj' that
they wore unablo to our fidelity
to good order, or even supect our patriot
ism, or that of any other Democrat in
Bloomsburg. Ycs,we stand defiantly upon
tlio Record, and boldly appeal to its truth,
for our vindication from thcUonguc of ca
lumny .
But a word more, to this "verdant loyal
leaguer," and his click of aboliiion liars.
Wo notioo, Mr- Richart, that in your ar
tiolo, aS applicable to us, you havo intor
sperced tho term- "cowardice." Wo hurl
it back, with re-doubled force in your
teeth, as unworthy tho emanation of oith
era gentleman or a patriot. And, wc
warn you in ad vanco, that if jou repeat
tho insi?iuationi and cscapo tho wringing
of. a gooie's-ncck, you may feol the weight
of a gentleman's boot in oloso proximity
to your' posterion organization.
To yorf'and'all suoh pimps and critters,
wo would say,onoefbr all, stand from un
der. Be carcfuihow you play wuh edged
tools. Our advice is : j
That when Ihe I,i6na rage.
And the band begint to play,
Vou "bnja" atound the "monkey cage,'
Had better keep au-ay 1
t3T Tho la;its Monthly for January
comes out m new type. It U a return to'
ttin 1ilia. f GCa -a
.ub.u.iw u. u.ij jcars ago, and I .ok",
quaint anu in somo respects pleasing.
. u ValKt Ia g00U, mougn not quite so
gouua:, torraenj. . J no number is. ex-
cccd.ngly roadablo; and ihe writers are
Bryant, Longfellow, Hawthorno, Bayard
Loylor, and Holmes. Mrs. Stowe begins
ui Pr.., snuueu ine Ubimney Cor-
Wei Imwfl rnnln,t1.. it... mi.. .
.,..,m.1,u,j Dalu ,UUi illu Al
tauiio noes not view political questions '
from our standpoint; but as a literary'
magazine it is very ablo. It is Si 00 a
year, publishod by Ticknor & Fields, Bos
ton. --
Appointments by the Commis
sioners. The Auditors and Commissioners met
lart week, and made tho Annual Settle
ment. It will ho published as soon as
approved by the Court ic February. Tho
Commissioners then made tho following
judicious appointments for tho ensuing
year, viz : :
Att'y lo Commissioner, W. Wirt, Esq J
M..n.nill. a i. n... n l T, ' 1
Mercantile Ap'rCapt. C, B. Brockway.
Y 7 . T,. I V uiuuuiiic
cannot toll the truth. Iu the wager ho '
aooord'Dg to tho llcpublkun, t- an honor-
uoD w,lcreUy be ,ost jjjg ,uol)oy l0 1jg
great disgust and chagrin.
Wo givo another crtioic on tho "Direct
Land Tax" this weokj to whioh wo call
" JudS Ai s Vt'iUom of Lewistown,
died at bis rfsidenre in tliat pUee on Mon-i
. x. i .
day a week, og.d CI.
Failure Of the War in 1064.
OcDornl Banks moved Mnoc tho com I
nunceniciit of last year lo tlio ltio Grand, i
lib oouiicd Drownsvlllo ; and wo wore
told that tho rebolHou had litci stranglod
in 1 exes ! What are Km facts now ? Ho
has withdrawn noarly all his troops from
, . . . -
ItlQ btato i and tho Wholo lino of tho Rio1
, . . " ' i
Grande is again opon for tho transporta
tion, to neutral ports, of Confodcr" ate cot
ton. In this ono of its great .movements
tho war, during tbo paBtyear, has proved
a failure.
A Federal expedition moved up Bed
River. A fleet of gunboats led tho van.
A flotilla of tVansports followed with rcgi
nionts, brigades, divisions ; and co-operating
armios moved overland iinder a sya-
tflm nrnrimllin,. ..nhnnhlrnllnn T ..!.!nn
, . .
was.wc were assured, about to bo "olean-
t, m . , . ,
uu um, juius iu uo orcrrun, .vrKansas
bought into subjugation I And what came
,7... ...
811 l,,T m8" Ps ' ft rlh
nrmv nnrl nitw. wn hiirlrl hnnlr m diana.
. ' ..."
tor ; some of tho vessels oaptured or destroy
ed ; largo masses of the troops killod,woun
7 . i PTU'T ,
ded or tiken prisoners: and the wholo
. ., , . , .
rnlinui-wl tm in lutf niiramf tin hi lltn inm.
T ... , . ... .
tho war has proved a failure.
ni a a 1 1 . 1
ouerman, at me Dcginnmg ot tuo past
year, gathered an army at Vick'sbUrg.'-
Having moved to tho eastward', Bo reaohed
Jackson. He prejsod'thb Confederates J
back until ho reached' the Mobile and Ohio
Railroad at Merid'ati. A co-operating ex-J
pcditlon of eavolry, designed to feed his1
army from tho rioh prairies of Eastern .
Mississippi and Central Alabama, having'
been driven baok, the Federal chief rctrao-1
ou uis sicps. uarrassou on tno way oy
Stephen Leo's horse, he returned to Vicki
burg and, after a march of upward of two
hundred and fifty miles, presented tho
country with another instanoo in which
the war has proved, in 1801, a failure
Shorman commenced his advance into
Northern Georgia during tho yc arust
closed. Fighting and manoeuvering, he
pressed on from Ringgold to D.ilton, from
Dalton to Kingston, from Kingston to"1"'' n aCC0"nl f tl,a alloficd unjut
Marietta; and a (sacrifice of prob
ably fifty thousand men, planted tho Fed-
tral flag within tho defences of Atlanta.
Whether or not ho may havo learned from
the movement of tho Confederates that his
Onnpnllnno fe.. 1 I 1
',-,, , ., ., ,, 1 15th of February ,who havo removed from
practicable, need not be considorod hero : 1 ,1 . , , , , , .
I . ,, . , r . . . , . . ' 'he towuship, who are disabled by appar
but the actual fact is boyond question that. I . . , - , ,- ,
. ii.t... . , . ' ct permanent physical disability, who
having reached that city, ho has dec ared , - ... ,
i. - , .'. . have served two years in this war, who
'tS POSOSSion. Of all Ihn nlnnrts. fnr tr'iinli I
he -had fought on tho way to it, of no avail
ft . 1 j. w . r. ..(vi aa
Even brilliant succcssdoes, thus, not re
deem the operations of Gn. Sherman, in
Northern Georgia, from "tho conoluiion'
which declares all tho great movements of
the war in 1864, practically failures.
Hunter moved last Spring against Lynch
burg. His advance was designed as a
cooperative movement for tho reduction
of Riohmond, and was heralded as one of
tho finishing touches of tho work of subju
gation. And w
And what were the features of .
that expedition I Early burlod upon its
rear, it oould not retrace its stops ; but,
seeking safety in flight, retreated, hungry,
cxhausted,and demoralized, to the Kana
wha ? Hero again, ono of tho great move
ments of tho campaign of 1864 proved, in
keeping with all tho others, a miserable
j Sheridan succeeded Hunter in the design
( on Lynchburg. Successful in driving baok
: tho Confederate advance,ho movod up the
Valley of tho Sbonandoab. Early threat
ening his flank from the Blue' Ridgo, tho
Fcdcml chief did not dare lo proccod bo
yond Stanton. The Southern gencral.have
m. .
mg altera timo assumed the offensive
Shorida n fell back : and, notwithstanding
that he saved Ins army at Cedar Creek has
not again advanced beyond Wtnohestor.
As a movement upon- Lynchbnrgin sue
cesses of Shoridan's camnainn in tm V.,l.
ley have not savcd'it from the falo whioh
has declared it in common with nll n,n
' . 7 .... re UJ
pr rrrpftt. mnvnmnnta rf t Im a nm nrin
lQ ,laT0 provctl ft fa,urc
Grant cjniraoncod, during the past year,
his operations against Richmond. Hiph
hopes and confidant assurances declared
bis advance to havo scaled tho falo of tho
"rebellion;" Paper victories brought him,
alter a bloody slaughter, to a poi nt which
ho might havo reached by water without
the loss of a man. Tlio ohicancry and
falcehood touching his operalions, from
that, day to this, meet now their correct in thefaot that General Grant
still tus aud strives against Riohmond in
vaiti. Da the "key" of that city in whose
pockot'it'may', tEtro can btr no doubt that
at tho closo oftlJo year 1804-, tho Federal
onslaught on the "rob'el'' capital remains,
like every otfi'er ' great movement of tho
I campaign, a failure.
port xislicr ! In charity wo would pass
ovcr thal ,;,.;,, of ,ouJ , d J
t include it in tho
whioh pronounces every great undcrtakiug
of tho oampaign of last year a failure,
Tho attack on Charleston was ono of
tho grounds of tho faloo hopes of tho 1st
of January, 1.801. Fort Sumpter has
been battered down; but still its ruins re
main unoonqucrcd. A' bombardment in
conflict with all the restraints of 'h'n inanity
and law,rained destruction pn'CharlcBton ;
but still that city remains ooverod by: un
apnroacbablo defenccH, This year has
wilucsscd all the Mao hopes of which
In. i ., ... .....
Chad slou was made this subject twelvo1
months ago, scttlo down into tho conolu
sion that tho attaok on that city is a fail
ure. Florida was to havo boon ubjufjated in
1601 1 A State was to have beuit rector
odby tbo logio of artillory Into ''tho Un-
ion 1' IiVdnrnl trnnno. nnnrrrnnritnil nn tlin
. , . . .
S. I Inlina . n .. .1 m.k.a.I - . . .
. i . ......
moved into tho interior. Hurled back to
Olustco, they rotrcatcd, shattered and
bleeding, to their ships ; and added thus
another instanco of tho general truth, that
every largo oporation of the campaign
of last year has resulted in failure.
Ships and troops gathered liko storm-
clouds around the harbor of Mobile. That
cily was, wo Wero asaure'el.about to be cap-
turodjanda co-operating' foroc, moving
for that base,wo were told, would iramedi-
in,c'y afterward go up tho Alabama to
1 ' , .if, ,
repeat the apparently harmless process of
peat the apparently harmless proccs
"cutting tho rebellion in two I" What are
,, , . , ; , ., .., . 1IH ...
the facts to-dav T Mobi e is st ilia "hot
of "cession ! The Federal army
land tho Federal fleet have seen nroDer to.1""") OD0
givo its torpedoes and its artillery and its
rifles a "wldo berth," and even that gal-
.... ., , ., ,,
lant old sailor, barragut, whilo ablo to
0 '
look upon its church-spires in the distanoc,
was unable to break the spell which ap-
pcars tu' havo decreed that each expedition
l-l.t' f l . ... .
ui me war in ioui suouuuiurn out a mis-
But what shall wo say of Sherman's
raid oorosi Georgia? Beginning at his
confession of the practical failuro of even
tho splendid successes whioh brought him
to Atlanta, in tho Vain hopo of strangling
tlio rebellion, the movemonfof that officer
lo tho seaboard was,suoh as it is, a success,
Tho tneasuro of that success is simply the
occupation of tho previously scaled City of
Savannah ; and oi about twenty milos of
tho lower part of tho-Ogeccheo-Savannah
peninsula ; but, while this is litcrlly the
sum total of its results, that march is tho
only instance in whidh any ono of the
great movements of tho campaign of last
year has not proved an utter failure.
Correct tub Enrom.munt. There wrs
considerable complaint under tho lant
quotas assessed upon some of tho town
s! ips. One way to avoid this at tho next
draft, is to havo the enrollment corrected
Immediately, by having all tho name
sticken off that do not properly belong
there. All who will bo over 4.r on the
will not bo 20 years of age on the.l.rth o!
Fobruary, all these can be stricken off, il
tho necessary application be at once made
to the Provost of thia District. We may,
also, say that it is the interest of every
rightly enrolled man, to report the names
of all of proper ago, &o, who are not en
rolled, for the more of these there aro on
tho list, the greater the chance of escape,
when the drawing takes place
TnE Methodist. This largo dou-
blo-shcet Methodist Journal, is published
weekly in New York, at $2 50 per year,
in advance. Georoi: R. Unooita, D. D.,
Editor. It is an excellent religious news
paper, conduolcd with discretion and
Christian propriety, an advocate of Lay
Rcpresentation,and is sustained by a largo
corps of experienced writers and able Ed
itors. Every christian family should reecive a
copy of "The Metiiooist." Especially
shouid it be patronised by the Society
whoso religious scutiments it represents.
Speoimcn copies can bo seen at this office
Wmcn Shali, vf. Follow. The Re
publican press say it is treason to advocate
the cause of peace Even professed iniu-
.oiwio . in vvHMiniu .u jiiuuuu
war to the knife and the knife to-tho hilt, , Almost instant relict' in the distressing
and yet Christ on tho Mount lolls us that, I'b'ir of brtulhing peculiar to Asthma."
'Blcsstd are the pcaco-makers ; for they! R,' A' - KauirKSTo.v, New York.
shall be called tho children of God." We ..' !! c 'Xaclly,
. - - t, , r iitt relieving my throat so thai 1 could sing
are told again in Romans 15: "How with case."
bcautifnl aro the feet of them that preach ( T. Duciiaume,
tho gospol of Peace," We ak the rea- Chori-lcr French Parish Church, Moutioal.
dcr which is it safest lo follow tho teach ! As l'lurc aru. "-itatious, bo sure to oi:-
ingj of tho Abolition press and tho war.
preachers, or Ihe teachings of the written
will of tho Son ol God.
nor jamcs iticticnry one oi mo so call-
cd monsters who frightened Mr. Lincoln
or fomobody else out of his wits has been
liberated after a confinement of 103 days
in Fort Mifllin. We wish that Mr. Lincoln
aud ihe other parties at whoso instanco
Mr. McIIcnry was arrested and incarcera
ted in a loathsomo dungeon wero as guilt
less of a violation of law or tho Constitu
tion as tho accused, Scranton Register.
Health. Health ie an excellent
thing, especially when you aro sick," as , T,DS ?rT 1 .D nMeno ,nS!",Dst
r iV ,- , . , . ' laws. Tho only chargo was that ho so d
Mr,P..rlington eayg. And when you. are 0t his store to a neighbor's boy two lbs.
siok, it is important to havo rcatorativo of lead and a box of oaps. Well may Mr.
agent, pure and relieble, suoh as you got Chapin wnndor whotlier he is a citiscn of
at Moycr & Eyor's Drug Store, where pro- frco Amo''ic!i r subject of an European
scriptiorfs am alw.ijS put up with tho ut-
most cart, aud where fresh and genuin Real Estate Sale. Mr. George P
modicines are dispensed. Steele, last week sold the hotel proporty
known as '' Stcelo's Hotel" on Iho Sqnaro,
A Committee of Keituckiaas, who re- io Mr. iba Bonnott, for S'Ji.OOO.
conlly waited on tho Pwiidcnt for tho pur- A. Pago has purchased tho farm of
pose, got his promise that tbo draft slould Major MoNiel on tho Kingston road, con
be slopped in that' Bitut whioh has been uiaiDg 75 j'-Ibid.
done. It Was found t!u the draft was Stanton. Mr. Stanton,Secro
putting more men from Kentuoky in tb; tary f ar, rceivod through tho mails
rebol army, than in thai ol tho Federal.' we"' a ,cttcr oontaiuing four largo
w pi'"- Ihcrc was nothing in tho letter
Qy Hon. W. U. Jai ohy, our Member 'Honto who tho donor of tho strango
of the Legislature, we ttotico has been' WttS'
placed on the following Couiiuitlfecr, vis :
Acoiiutits,Pnnting aud Mine & Miuarals'
okiu si ,vim: v i:
To tfte Editor of the Dcrttbcttit : j
ami I often heat complaints in this,
abolition publication, are more tfbun-
, , , ' , , , I
ly Circulated amoni? tllO tieonlo', thatl
dantly circulated among tho
those of a mnro conservative and dcllio-
. ...
A.fltlA lAhllnhfll. It Id . 1 1 n . Jt,t, I 1 1 rt h.
vl HIIVI iiiUiiviiv I . IIHU l.i.i. IUU l.w
i i i
ion is obvious enough.
Not (inly do tho; advertise tnoro exten
sively in their own party publications, but .
they bio constantly seducing democratio
papers into giving, among our own people
favorablo notices of pcriodicali, whoso
doctiincs and tendencies wo believe to bo
pernioious in tho highest degree. And
whilo that is being donc,tho people do not
D,lJ 8D' nmWoto to that poison. No
whore is found a notioe or recommendation
oi a democratic publication no wucro is
attention called by our papers to tho
monthlies of our Own party organization ;
and our people arc left to tho mercy of
abolitionism in us only seductive form.tho
' t
Look at all our democratio
weekleys, which oirculatc among tho rank
and file of our party, and you will sco tho
extent of tho evil to which I refer.
Wc do not Hud advertisements anil no
tices and recommendations of" Tho Amer
ican Monthly" a democratic magasino 1
published at No. 37 Park Row, Now
York; nor of "The Old Guard," also of
the truo faith, publishod at 103 Nassau
street, New York. These are left to find
their way as best they can ) wliil othcis
fill column after column of our party pa
pers. Depend upon it Mr. Editor, these
things ought not so to be. CfSr.
, j
I Ccrreff'tu'encc of the Columbia ib'inonnt.
Return of Prisoners.
I.icut Myron Fellows, of Now Colum
bus, has jtut returned ou parol, from
Charle.-toHn, South Carolina, after being
a prijoucr of war suvcLtcnn months and tt-n
days.' His health is iu bad condition, and
hi co f-lght very much impaired.
John 1. Koqus also arrived at Annapo
lis on the 15th ult. Mr. Koons left New
Columbus in 1801, rnlinted with Colonel
Harvey's Company, was u prisoner of war
iu 180;!, was wouuded slightly, was after
ward exchanged, and then returned to his
company, whore ho remained uutil the 5th
of May la.-t, when he was aain taken
pri?ouer at iho battle of" tlio Wilderness,
a few days before iho expiration of his
term of enlistment, and sent Fouth with
noarly the whole of t fie 7ih ltrgt. of the
P. K. V. C, ho U now paroled nnd is ex
pected to see his home for tho first litre
since he left fn June lcfOl.
A Pictorial Double Number.
The Piitti Nor.r-JicAr. Journal and
Lite Illustrated, for January,appears
with 32 quarto pages, and a beautiful il
Imtratcd Cover. It contains portraits flf
Tennyson, Silliman, Sheridan, Oobb, Pil
ips, Suiaua, Wesley mother of John
on Indian Chief, Franz Mulcr,Miss Mug
gins, Miss Fury, tho Princess of Wales,
Florence Nightingale. a group nf Warriors
Hanibal, Julim Ctu'ar, Pizirro, Crom
well, Charles XI I, Froderick the Gieat,
Soott, Wellington and Napolcdn,with Etii-
Piivsioi.oav, and Psychology, No 1.
Vol. 41st. Published at 20 cento a num
ber, or S2 00 a year, by Mcs-rs Fowler
& Wells, 390 Brodway, iN. Y.
8- Brown's Bronchial Troches,
l(Q)ntain no opium nor anything injuri
ous " Dr A. A Hayes, Chemist. He-ton,
j ".1m elegant combination for Coughs "
I Dr G. F. Bioevw, Boston.
recommend thci uie lo Public Spiatc
Rev. Yj II. ClIAlMN.
"Most salutary relief in lironctitis."
R07. S. SEiai'itiEi, Morristuwn, Ohio.
try Ocurtct'il u'icn suffering from
('oWJ." ltcv. S J. P. ANDKItsriV
tain tbo genuine.
A youne; girl named Jenny Forbes,
livig " -- J'""- Uptegraff, on the Square;
drank stryohuiue on Mouday t-vening,
irom mo tiifcts 01 which mo uicti. It is
sn"! luat n lcltcr 'rom uer parents, Hying
at Caibondalc, raying that they were des
titute and suffering, prompted Iho sad
act. Part of tho family wore at the Ball.
Record of Times.
Dyeu L. Ciiai'In, Esq , ono of tho Lin
coln prisouers of New Columbus, this coun
ty, wo understand, has returned to, his1
homo. Ho was arrested on the U 1 at of
August, incarcerated in Fort Mifllin, and
was released on tho 31.t day of December,
Gold Uscllihg al $'4'' in tbo Now
i'oik markets.
Wf M1 m &urWiaimMtt
X OTICJB is hereby given, to all persons
t Indebted lo, nr having dealinea with, the lato
Arm of Fairman, I.eo e Co., Mine llurnrr. dt Limo
Itldfjc, that tho Hooka and Aeeounts of said Ann hiVe
been placed In the hanrta nftho uml-riltncd for aettle.
nietit ami collection. Settlements mint be nia.le h the
1 1 1 1 1. ..f l.. I..,,. ..i ..... t n.ihn..l .J ....... I
iviii "i viiiiiuijr ,;A, ,i ,itJi,- iiii:iv.ii;h nini nut cilOl
plain. Ifcoet tmuci, Tho ltouks,Ac.,aro III my oinco
ati.ijht tjtre-t.
I jusi.rn 1.1111.1.1 , j, r
Light Hired, January 14, IdW-tls.
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
low lug pcrnnm llnVe tlleiT In tlio tlir of the
Clerk of the Uuatter Senium, nppticntluiia to keep
Hotel, or acll ll'iuor by the quart, Willi nr without
iither incrrlinnilir.e, tit thu placei nanieil, anil Hint tbu
npplicft inna will bu preai'iiteil to tho Court of (tnnitcr
Sei.lniit (if Culunililn cminlf , on Mnmlay, the Uth Jay
of lYbruary, lt)i;.'i, til 1 n'tlock, 1', .M.,
Hiram Smother ) Hotel, Berwick,
Juhu Lcggot Greenwood,
JIISSI". UOLKMAN, Ctritu O. 0.
llloiiiufbiirg, Januiiry II, IfiiS,
List iil Catisi s for. February Term 1805.
I Elijah iMcMurtilu EnJnner of Aaron Wulfra Chrli-
tlan Wolf.
B Jneob llnrria V reter Jnrnby,
3 l-ntoker. va Wm Ikelcr.
4 llaviil Acliriilnich vi John WariMll.
r. fl.inri'n l.i.Mtri.tilmpnnr flnnron .M II I... ft .l 1i.HliHn
0 Jnci Alli'itnr nnJ r'arali A Allecnr v Jnn V Allrur.
KouuiiiH at t iiiiam iioyiea.
, B.iinuel wiuiauia v Charlca II. Ulcteiiili ana (leo,
. .
A. I vrrnm -
fi Wllantl Aeer v. Jo.enli V I.hiil..
Ii Alcltt-ynnlila et nl v I'cltr Ollplinnt
IB Aiuna V CreniuiT va llnocli Unwell.
II .Alum t Lreniuer va Euock Unwell.
Ii John lli'lhel rt at va S P. Ilcnilly rt al
13 tleorgo W Card. on v Caaper 1 Tlionua.
14 Itklianl .Mnrgnn va Samuel lloagtanil,
15 Joliu Ituikle va lleury T. Illley ct al.
ir, Henry Ullincf, va Moore Crovullng.
17 Euoa I. Ailnuiii va. Sauinel II Sejberl wlf' Sol fa,
to I'eter .M Tr.iusli nml Jnalah Tlimiiaa tlarn ll!.'n
18 John Kulirrr ntliu'r ul' Joai-ph Ocarhirt, ili'teaaid
va Mi rvt .Mt)er.
lit Kebeiia Vnniieralice va t'.lrlianl H Mcnnuli
SfU lienrgu ('air, eihluraee ofjmea Cnrr va bilve.tcr
J I'ox u till llioinua t'rcvellng, jr.
Jese Coleman, Prothmiotary .
nIIIC utidfrsigned, Guardian for tho
i minor ihililreii of Jitaeph tJearbarl, tlcrrnav.l.
willoirer to rent, (fur two )enra irum tlie fir.t f u(.'xi,; ni piioiie out cry, on
'ri,.... .. .i... .i if r.i ,an-
iiiuiouiij, iiiu .uu uuy 01 r unruary, toil.),
The roltunlng ileierlbcil valiukte tato,vii.-
A Store House, Dualling ioune. u-itli the
Out-bail iigi. ond Two dcci of bull y
Pltuiitp Iii fataulaaa toiviikbip, Coin qhln rouutT, I'n.,
on the .Main, about uil.l way HetHeen Citaua
ami M.iiiiiill.i.
f.ii.l Properl, ia nil In gooil rnniljunn, with every
r.inv.'iii.'iu turn realdcuie iiinl huaiuc.i rtamt, iu aii
eireltent iieigliburlninil, ami uX rare iinliicciniMita
loreiobarkiiig iu the .Mercantile bu.ineiia.
WT To be Hi utiil ou the pri, nn tt to rinuiiie ni
at one ii'iloik, I', M mi eaiil ilay, whuniliie nttuiul.
uni u w ill be (.'irell, by
January 14 lifts.
Public Vendue.
OF .
Valuable Personal Property.
WILL hi- rxpof-ed to Public Sale, at
tin- ri-.l-leiic- of tin- tubscriber. In Jaikann
towilflllip, (.'ill, CO., nil
TUESDAY. JANUARV 24, leo.".,
The fnllnu inj: rnliinhtf! personal jiroperty, viz :
two brown mares,
fivv. IVBTr.riiT Onwc
' - - aia.jv .m -v 11
(two ot whirl, are lrch. , One S.nv nml vi...
piiimmi, iiiiyoy tne 1011 straw uml (Jornto. 1 er by Hi Kye unit llileh'wltcr)! bv the bu.hel .1,1 :
... . . - .
III I 111 i.ura
Wagons, Pious, Harrow.'. Slcl.t, Cunt,
I .teller, rotators In, the Jltiihil.
Tngilhi-r with Ilia entifb' llnuarholil umi KitUi-n'
C" Hale t' cnnimeiirc nt . nclnik n. im,. nt'mjil dnr,
when ftUtihlance will lio uml coiHlition he itiiitl!
Vituw n by
IllAM DKHK, Auaioncer.
January 14, Im.0
Public Vendue
Valuable Personal Property.
rPHE suliscribrr, adniiui-tralor of the
..8 rttate or IVler lloilinc, late of t'atawiaaa toi.n
aliip, ili-renai-il, will lerpo.u to .ale, ul Ihe rraidcner
"i n mun nouiiie, in i.ilan Kn. "a 0n
Tuisdav, tiii: 24tii ok January, 1805
'i'hu rutlowlng vafi'tBlu personal iropcrty, viz .
One Bay Mare, one Carriage, one Spring
Wagon, Sleigh. Bureau, Dek, Heds and
Hetlding, two Stoves, ChairsTables, Set
tee, Stands, one Gun, Patent Waching
machine, set of Buggy. harness, Copper
kettle, Vinegar, a large Fish-net, Pota
toes by iho hunhcl, together with a argi
variety of tlou chold and Kitchen Furn
iture too numerous to mention,
At Hie rnrinof the .Vcrcajecl, in CnMwiaan. towui.iifi
On Wedneseay, Jan'uaiiy MOth, IBU5
The follnwiiig property will bo ouVred Tor Kale
Twelve Slicp, one two-horse Wagon
Slid, set of l'aukcc-harness, Plows, llai
rows, Callivaiors, four swarms of Bscs
Wheat, Buck-wheat, Corn and Outs b)
the bushrl, Corn-Sh'jller, two Famiinp,
Mills, one turning Lathe, Pigeon Net
Gr ain in tho Ground, together wilh t li
entire F.iruilng Utensils of tho deceased
contistlng of articles too numerous tc
tt7" Hale In commence at 10 o'clock. A M , nn each
day, when tonus and condition. ull ma,u Known.
Ailniimrtralof of ihe unato I'eter lloiline, dee'd,
January 14, leU,
Lackawiintia &: liloomshurg KallroaU.
fi" TWO DAILY Tit A INS. "3a
Leave Northumberland, f.UOA.M,
liautillc, . f.u
" Itupert, . . ,'
" tllouiu.biirf V.:I3
' llrrwicli, - . io.S.'i
" Phlchahiuiiy, II. ID .
" KiiiBton, . . J8.H p. J,
Arrivu at iJcnintnn, .Ou
3 nn c. M
5 in
0. J.1
r. m
3 3D
7 3(1
10 00
1. '13
new YorK,
1. 1, a v i:
" rtiucalon .
" llerwick, .
' ttiiioiuaburg
" Un pert, . .
" llauville,
Arrivu at Nurthiiiubcrland,
' llarrl.biirii.
li.OO A M
The thnrteit nnd muat direct rauw to tlio weal and the
nil region I
y Tralna of tho Philudclphla ami Erie ltallroail
leave NurtliunibcrlaiHl every innrniui; for Erie, arriv
nil! tlier.j tlie iiriernoon nf tho aame day to couuuet
with train for llutfalo. Cleveland, Chicago, with all
potuta weal, aa.l tiuiiierliui at Corry Willi all train,
ou tlio Ull Creot lUllrnail.
New mxl eKuuiii tileeiunc cara ivcraiiipiinv Ihe nlchl
train) eacl way b'lw'eiv Nurlhuuilwrlaiid ni. llatll-,
iiuiro. ami Norlliuuibertaiid unit riiilndeliihin.
II. A. t'ONUA. Supt.
lUujitun, January II, IBM.
Estate of Elizabeth Murray id easeil.
'I'lli: underlined, Auditor appoiuted'ky tin) llrj tiau'j
1 Court'of l'oluuilia county, l'a,, tu make ilialribu
Unit of tlio araela nl' the Eatalu of EliiabelhlMiiriay
deceaaml, auiuitjj tho perauns entitled by law to re
eclte the same, will intend to the diittia of hia op.
i"lntiiienlaint( otlleu ill lllaoiuabiirj) oii fatiirday. tho
'fc'llrday" of January, at It u'cloctr in Ihn forenoon,
wlioii and whno ull person iiilereateil- may niteniUI'
lliey think rlivr
lll''oiii.biirj J in r.o 3- n $ 30.
Mo W KrS'i::
hare been flleil In th nlllce of the Lftl-r or l
bin county, and will be preaontcd for cnnflrinnlli
allowance In the llrplinna' Court, In t o held in HI
oil M
iiiire. 111 ine cou iv ainrf..niii. 1111 iv.. n..j, nu .
... . ., . . ... v IIIILllllNI XII mn
1. I'inal ncootint of Peter Ent atlui'
or Aieni iiarr, laio 01 aeon towuliip, ili-ccnieil,
i 1 ..e. 1 .1 . . . , ,,
rnniiici neurit ui if. or (Uciiinuni iicnne, lato
Orange tnwiialilp, ilelealeil,
3, First account of William (i, Hurlc
nuui r 01 iaicii iiarion. laic ni 11 iiiini
4. iVnnnfllil nr.Tftnnt. 1 .nhl.iml.n...
lulntf tralor of John Uncle, fat f liimriiiKcKxh inn
r. t.'..t .-.J r-l -. t A.I.
"'' r. ui imriil 1 1 a Ml p 1 1 II , Illtu Of Koarili"Cfn
----- - ... iwu.'v ... v,tl
C .
II t.'i.i. r. i . . r
vi ii'iuifir iiv.., iuic ctisoiionl IWp., (It'ieiUuC,
7. Account ol .Inliii Woll, acini t.
(wurie r. tliller, lulu nf I.Viitr' toivii.lilp, ilic.a.J.
- - .v"m, wl iii'iir
.....i i. .... i . .,
u.i... .ui. u i. hi I., imiiiii., mic ui licilllin.k tU fir
iJlCeairil. m tM
0. l'lnnl iioi'oiin ol W ill. a in Lamo
ami iiHiiiau Miner, miiu ra nl Suniml Mlli'r. lain
.... . v. om cwn..-u,
1(1. Aoi'ininl nl tvil null At n.lril,, ,,it
t,,.,, i, .,,. n ... i.,i. n..u.. 1 71
....... ,,, ,,.,.,,, unill.nH
lo iiklnti. iletruntii.
I li. hm iuhJ fiim I nccouut. nf Wilun
Wiulcli. ailni'r. tjraiiiiitfl Wutntli, Inli of tlrmto,
KMTHtllllll, IItCJlll?ll,
. ntooinaburg, January 0, IriU, llGUISTEIl
Shbkipp's Sales.
III IUU HI .. Will HI J.'t lit, 111 IHI! (II
oi Loiuiiiiiia roiiiuy, w ill na mpuseil tn aiilu at lb
IH.l'.l I'.'IIH 'H. 11 IHV- . Illlll 111 .(Ullllllllll M
Uoiirt lloilai:, in Uionin.liurg,
un niuiiu uv iuu uiu ui ruuruuTY. idiid
ut -i o ciora, r, .11., tne ioikiuihl' ueieritieu real eaim
in w 1 1 :
A Ceitain Tract of Land,
Minnie in l.ooiiat lownenip, Loluiiilila cnuiily, ailjiiln
lilt i.a.i. joiiiiinaii iiiicIiiii.iii iiiiil Am.l I'm, on tit
.iu .iat.v.111) i .i.atiiicriFi: i'n lint .ouio. ti
iioriu, reior Jiliier, aril,, nnil ruler All lir,4r.. mi Vi
Wi'.l.liilllllnllll! ai VIJNI'V two auiies uinl Sew
iiiiproveu iniiu. inert nro ou me riri'iHiii'a n i,ui
i c i li i v. .tun mum. .UH.V, it in. ii. r iii v itr,a oi in li i nr
' ....... 3 . . . . ; .
imrn, .-puoi; iniiice, uuuMppie uitiijru, Willi l!u apf
Olii' other Tfnrt ft I, a ml. .Itu.ite III Louint tonne
nip. nlorriiiUi iiiijuiiiiNi. the above ue..cribeil tract n
tin' I. iikt. hy l.iuil nt I'etrr Miller, ai u., on Ibe ri nt
unit We.t, I'eti-r .Miller, ai n. anil IVtrr Miller. Jr.. ..
the North, lootiliiliii; I'tVIl AUItl'.rf. nml one Iniinlri
mitt two perelien, utrltt lui-uauri', ult ileureil l.uiil,
Another Trart iltinitii iu l.oruiil tnw-n.liln. euunlS
arnniaiil, mljoiiiing l.imi. ol' Wriiflit llonlie. aiif
olhrra 011 tlie North, tamta ft rinrrly hi'tuiiitiiiL' to Vn
.Mutant-oil tin Ka.t. I.imt ol tMlliaiu It. Illimlei ou tli
(mill. I'li.irln. d. I'm, on the VVe.t, cinituiiune ON
iii'vitniwi ii..j 1....
I ... i.,. ... ..h-, iiiitiu ui 1 3
Onn other trait of iiiiiuiiro oil laml, ailuiit.i in I..
uifl tow 11,11111, nml louiity niorea.iiii, an I 11 11 -r Inn
otliera, roiilnliiiiig EI.IIVI'.V Ai '1! l;rf. and oueliuiiur.'
01 ri in. ji'ini-iiii, .iiK-oari royiiiT. r. ine an
ami ltut piircliua, lrli;l meaaiire,
rii'iri'il, taken iu I'Aei iiiion anil lo bu anlit
tlie propertr nt Wright Hughe-.
SAMUKI. sXYIiim? SLrri.r
Mu rin e 1 nice iiionni.nurg, Jan. n, Iriri.
iafionn! Police Gazette.
the cm eat
... . . . ...... .
. ..r.i l.r... , f ... .1..., .1;.
i tie rrunrintors woiitn can itio a ihhikih
- ' 1 . . .1 1 -. ',,
,,, HOW III the tWPIIIIHltl yi'iir nl ll lillbltcii
1 iifini iiiiLiui. 111 in.7 ill. 1 111,11 ml1- ii.iiii! 1
,. . I I -
linn, anil Unit il i- Hie only pupnr iiuhli-li
I'll 111 1H Ullllrll Dimes l-ll il.l III !! llft'lirill.)
Iiepoils o! nil Criminal inatieir. nl miior
laliee nei'tirtni til tin; tvotlil. Il.ivui
........ !.... nl 1." ...l .. ... I ........ ......
i et s exie ii i" uvur nit) run nrv. s i'S
I lie in ii mi mi ul tae.ilitics lor ntilituiiim inr
. ...r - - r ....
ri'i'i i urrii :i inn 11 i em ir ri er e
w ttin r sneeiaiiiv. j'.aou i n i oer s
eitiuelil-lien vvtiti fii y r v i n "s ni ei.irijtti
evenl oi'cnrriiiu in tlji uteut meirniioli
, ... . .. .. r .i. .. it..-.- ,. .
u tt tit er iy ii es in i ie i m t isn
eoiiiiiiiH front titni! in ttm, exacl hi;.'
ne-berfU lliieves ami oilier I'tliiiiiiiu-.wlii. Ii
e uao i'k ciuztii io "iiaiu iimn -e vim
iiuniiMl ilepteilalioii-,
To eitizHn- anil nHicttr il i-i it inv.ilii'ii
orllle tloiii!!-. of the thieves, their wlieren
I'ont- nun 1 lit i r plain- mm uevtre to etiirat
uliil der-poil lltn u wary.
1 is in Wio til :oml gov
Hiiiniont ami cm rem moral', mill it' evtan
rite 1:111111111111 ill all I'.iiir. ui 1111. 1.11 Hint
is an evidence, (it in aiinreuialioti hv thu
IHiblit:. It i:"ti be piiruh.ii-etl nt ull new
ileum.', anu ner.-o w at t 2 to biiuaunuu
ealt uo io by inlilrHS'iiii;
(JKO. W. M ATStSf.I. KCn ,
3 Trjnii How, New York
Valuable Scal Esa(c
TNT nitrsti-itico ol no order nf tire Or
pliaiiH t'oiirt of tV-luiiibia eotinty. oil
.ntiiriiiiii tin .in Hint til in nitit-u i a .)
it IU ii'ilork iu llni fnri'iiiinn. Levi I'm
uooda ami iliatleU, rihlw mid rredita,
which were of John Cm, Into nt" lleie.
.titiniiii. tralor in an ami -iiit'iuar, uie iyim t I II.
link tnwinihiii, iu until county. dee'd.E
will eipoae tu .ale, by I'ublic Vi'iului', on Ihu preiu
iSr7 Situalo in said Ilcmlook lown-
iTJXyi i r ...l M- i,.,.i..,l
illlll iii'.Lriurii lis i"i"i" n . ..ii
North by binds of tlie e.late of laaar. Was.
ner. ilrci.'.-iaed. mid lamia of laaau l.ejitv.
ou tlie Itn-t by liimle of Joliu .inner 'nml Julie Hart
mull ; on the Hnutli by lamia of lteiibeu Winter. tern,
and J oil ii llartiiinu, unit ou the Wot by lamia of l.'cn.
tiariiiiaii, cnutaiiilii
Whereon are erected
A New Frame House,
and other oiil.nuililinga.
Q.J- Lain tlie Eatnte' of naiil ileceanml, m'tinilo i rt
the town, hip of llenilik nnd iniiuty aforeaaiH.
IllDoin.biiri,', tieceiutier 10, Ir'OI.
Ten per cent, to bo paid or secured on
lltn day if'aiilu j nno fourth, lefa lie) aaid ten pi'r cent,
tu be paid hen tie' aale in confirmed, ami Ilia balauco
in one year thereafter Willi iulereat.
LEVI COX, Adm'r,
llecember 5l.lril
I IT virtue of suudry writs of venditioni, iaaued nnfofltie Court of Common plena
of Columbia I'uiiuly, ami to ine illrritedi will be ex
nosed 10 public a.ilo, nt'tho llouao ol John L. llirtt.
In l.ncual tuwuahlp. ou
Tuesday, the nth day of January, 1805,
nt 3 n'clock, 1. St., of aalrl day, tho follow im dcactlbe
prouurty, to-wlt : A certain
kot ov Piece ol' Groujulv
, tiluMo he l.nriiM town, hip. Uetunibla" rnuuty, rnn
I tniiiius roi'U'l'I'.l'.N ACUEd, luoae "I leas, houml'W
. as (ollowa, tu wit ! ( 111 IMi Ti .t by lauds of D.ivU
llower. ou iiioNorin oy lamia nr lien
jaiiiln Eulks oiillinEuat tV lamia of
Wlllluin Wil.uni whereon' aro erected
a t-tiiry ami a nt
Framo l)vcHin House,
and n three .lrry Carding Mailiiue llouaii, Willi t
Water l'o);br, arid n Log r-lablo, Willi tha appiiinn
""ity" B?ij;6il, taWen In execution ami to Im toi a Un)
sroneily of Jolin I'tfi ly.
SAMUEL SNVDElt, ilirrlff.
Hheiitra Ollicn, I
I'.lo.iMi.lgii; 11. ten. bur .'t 1 BO 1,1
raw axi