Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 14, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 18. NO. 46.
E i llicit
CnlUc liovfi;v.
S warranted to
lip thn most tinner-
fu I njiPiil fur tho Mom
mil iiml lil. .".I of C.iiili'.
4a mvini', nr r-neep. in pro.
v In' tins illci''iiim
h Inn Hi" ' it''t innil trini
ty FhT'.nir tiio (it ri IIimI tin-
7J I iii.-i I tlnlil In 1 1 . I J . Inl,
iiml i -1 r 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 ! It r:i 1 1 1 1
, ami vl jur.
iii ydvb iionsi:
Mil. I' POU licit l Un
duly nn'iliriiH'K Icffnlly
nuti nii'ii in r uinti-. i.tic
lainl, Silt.r-r'.niil ami
llnliantl. iiml duly ml-
-- -rt... iniui'ii ny int-ir ' unrip,
'iLLENTQW" 1 Imnnroil witnprir.p iiipiI-
nl mil itivi'itlp.l liv r. Dm ry. I'r.ifusinr nr Urn Im
mniM 1 1 !( tr Aj! ipiillnr.' tit Pari, and now man
. m ill.. .,11. v ''.(!. IIIIIM'.lt, Dr-"I mi'l A , Allun-
inin I.-iihh rmitity, Penn-ylvaiiia. t
ll tll.ea, f m' tin- fi.nii Mh. Illmiil. I.ungn mill U'i- 1
tU .t.n. ihlv anil iiit.naly riiri-il. Ili'altliy Ktnrk will J
In l.'.ni!!l't into tin v.-rv hlilhpf.1 Matt' nl petlrrllnn.
iiml mil' nr uvo iii1iI--imiiiiIiii n woi-i. m K'J -aiviunu
, hnril " "l kill" ll"in". hri'i'iuni! Mi" " n"" i"ii, nun i
. ivil Ilinii-mnU m lal.nililp linn-i-!- ham contusions ,
1'i.r.iM'i-. a- it". I II"' niiin-var.l tuin tin arm). ,
' ' I : l.l.r. inn Willi 11 i ii.m i.i i i"-n
I B'irlll i'IV nv mi .ill III'' i ll-llirll" Willi ll 1 1 S 1 1 II 1 1
prevint tin' i "'llinz 1 1 Mill-in' nri' iii-niniNi iii imi',
miiI al-n mi' 'a I'"' "i"-l "I'n-i ai'ii- piiririni v-i mr
rliil'lri-n fin .-fin iI.ipiii l- i ni' ia i tiior oi ini- .tn-i-i-. (
nl ln InliTimii -in tn I" i Mi' i-iln"iii'Jli'.ii P"nipti-I
li in ,r Miik P' i p iti.tini. lit-r.iralnlii'"' i-vrvv Slli.l I
nil a ll -1. I'Hi u mi a v. i itu'ii pp n-rij'ii"it t a n-., ;
r:i in ni-i'i ri'i in. i'p a. '
iim vi. .s mi i n. itvi. viii-i: and ant i:x ,
Till! iiin-vp HI-
io pnvili r r-ir Hi.- mil- ext. -rutin. itmri ' f all Vermin", i
will in vi i id. in.' iiltli ii."' anil ill li-. iiml nruli '
pr, f l.i Hi i lil ril'"-i!liii"il I 'il''- Mhitll hnnl- 1
i in a in inn" maun:.- t -. i ,. tui.ii-
InnlH anil p.irli ll..lli Ill" "III. ill Win III ill ' ll'i. j
ila liamin a .ma niiri.r-M iii "i'-iiiiiiiii iiiivr
t n i.w in-.l' .1 i" tlii-M. ii.''-'H pr , iii i-i i
iiriiih. r -' l-i.l. I
li.n an-'Ili' ll"I'-ill'' Agi'llt . In I'llll'.l. ,
j'.ii . i. i. . p. ii.ihl.- Ilrai! .mil tun lit r r-luri
. v mi., i l'i l-'.l - l-'ni.
iMI i
-KI.lMinTMVlil H'lVKS. I
J 'pi:ii in it ...'in mi.l I'll 'up -r in I'rii-f tl'mi tli.-Ilriiii- ;
n . .in I V f nl tn - ill I U'i.iIiI
t'.ir yiiiuin i i . "inpl.. i nl . i h ri nil -an tun. Ilnui-I
i i in pi.iini i r.imp. i i'Mi-.. anil hut ii"ii..t.
iiri-'nr. i ml i"il. m I ii i. . . ') ri'C.i'i.i.ul.
In -.npp MM. 'li' .I'.-ii' ft it---iii alii, til.- p.-i"M'itit'.
a. . ritn .1 'nl I'r .1.. H. I'ailinti, li 'iiii-l i'v
nik - l'i tin. mi I'.'i, l';i -nut. it ln-.p.-1-t'ii . .'Itio;
.r. .l.i I! Vili"l. i'!l""'l-l ll.'-t in : llni-t'T V I!.
J .ii. ill an. til la-p-ilnr, Ir. l.-l i tililu ; IT I. '.
i ..itt..... i Ii mi. I ll-i tn.i, Oi ''ni- I'pli.ti.i !i"-p.
nr i I I. .rl. -I. " - ' : in I '. V '.. l.i a -) , m..t i. A,
M.iri.i i.i ...-n'li-i': ' 'li--ii. I -Is-, al. . f ivmuu
;t n . (ii.iii. il in. I'.it.iuiit r.raa iy, mi i cnuni'liiti it
a lit '.i Ii -i t lit , mr ia.'.!i iiml nri -
,- . 7.1M 'i' Mm irunrfs ytttr An
un,r , ... 'J;') lrj-S, ' I
Wli. il "i"r .1 'I tin. mill il.'iin ha -a II li'ft tin ml
,r . ir n i in 1 1 1 i I i i v -i'V r --p I it it a tmri-fpir-.i
in. i li'i '-ir 'l"i ' 'il li I'1' ll -'iv. (i In tin- llr.inily it-
,1.v-t tul -i. "in i i. Ii"lli anlilti' IiimI, nr yrnin "ll.
It. .i.l'.r ..iri.iK'- "I l"'tli tl"' Inin ati-l "II "1 .ittpi'i
.i !- ii a. n in i r..-i i n a tr.rjrmr.'
'la. fiiiuiiiaii.'ii "i vl I-. i i. in l t'-ir rn-jn:tr
-.ia.i iii.ii Millilli la.intil .i tur - "I lli-llli'i I-rplllt i
, I.I tllltli l t n- "-' '"'Ill al lain ' "a I al'i" nl.
i, , ii iin . ii n iy m. n.
Aii)''i in .-tatu ,M.i I ' II ') I'-il'in r't
I li.n- ai'.ilir. -.1 I. I.ViA'tl' PI 1:1: CVIU'IU
I II 1 1 V " null n I rat-" t" II" ' "lapii-llinn ami
l..r.l.t.'t n in; tin- .1111" if unit pr.i.iat in p.l-l
V.-.IH -.inipli- i.tkia trnni t i-.i.l. all'iiii--' III'
- , a iffilt" ' I'll " i-' nt In pnrlll : .1 ali'ilttl) larr.',i-i-i,
I .i.n null 1 l'i ptl'ifl.l I ' I' I'" 'I ll nr il'-pi'll'l-l
, ,i i,. i i .1 Iii i-ini'p.iri-tin mill I n-r laiapli-i.
tin in It. .1,1 n. "t aiiMiy-M -li""' inn uifi iiriany
. llr ,i tli --.ttti - lift a1 at"-t nl til - mi
-...ii.-.l lli.i imi 11 --piiifuliv. A- A IIAM.S.
Hi. in Ayt-aiT. Mi ll'iyli'Miiu t.
M..nitr.irl'ir,-.l liv II 11 J Ai'ilH 4- ' O.
'I'j i a. an .ill iii.l'-r' Ilnnlil Ii i.l'lri-f.-il ,
ll pin '.i I l.iln-ity HI . V Vark
Nui 'inh. i V l-i'l ''ni
.10! IX I'M! HI 15 A S
lll.M lll.lrl
l-Ull .MAMil'AUTOHy.
?IS Aich it , u1 'm 7ii,
1' II I I. A I) 13 1. 1' 11 I A
II, .11 III l-t"l" 'll !,' I'H-
, iip f th- I Allill'.t'l .in.1
I'nnM -l hk AMiniciN .Moiiiilv, (UMrKinhocmu i
o Utvtrt nl' llio wliiilins fliorc1
Con hi 1 tail lull tl i y licnuliPa o'it.
How tn.itiy a flrctim tlint now, pcrrliniift'.
II tin Mult rptnmn In oH riMimnc.
or wii, when yet Hie nrt w.n yuuiij,
In vrti', liy arilont pmt suiu,
S lionlil lie rrliji;( lij Uipc '
TIip paill. liai nnwli 're grOPtiPr ficldi
Than lliy rcfrerhlng niolrttiri IcIUa
Tlioaslt loflipr imiiiiittiliij lila.l llio IIIiIiip,
Ntnio aru lanro licantit'itl tlrin tliliia
llialili t Ii roii g li thy f.-rillu nllcyj tMrni,
Ami itlac blmnji all llitlr li.inil'H,
Willi inro,.lt.liciiy.
Thy li.-itiku lira rlcji unit nlnti'liii-; rutu,
"I'll y Bullion wln'.it Is sil l uiiflinrli ;
In till rirlt tinier I't'u.l Hit! klnu,
(r 'ni'.itli llm cliotlimt's ih.itlt- ti'tliltf
t'ntil tlu- nil Ik iiiiinl lilitlioly Ray,
All railolitut tif itvw ftirm'n hay,
Cnint'3 Irlpplnuo'orllio .
My Inniip liit. been ntnotig lliy lillls i
Tliy iti'i.ic, tt'l'i'ti liiiiin.-i.
.My mi nl Willi witl .-.nil p. tin il.-li-ilii,
JYIi. tin r llinii fll.Ip.t tn anil liri.'lil,
Or .mJi tli.-r. In-n the aiiltiian rain
Piiiii ilniiii tli, iiiniialiilii (l.ipuH cinif In,
Thou lull'r-l ni.'iji'tllc l.y,
I .n'ek not Arno') ill. I;y, mle,
Ami 111111111. I'm. n ohall urVr illviiln
.My ilt-aillnt lip.irt ami froin lliao;
Aintiti. thy wil.lni!?ra I npu
I'nwtillcit lint, ut v.-hero
XVo li.iuil innv may il.trn
To -.liirl Hit- f.irnii lu 1 1 fit !
oh 1 wmiiil Hi l c-mill Inin; nncp l. int.!
an I mill In I In w llnllnii rtn-ri! i
Ami i.vr Hi" lull at flint "I' il.iy.
I'p. ni the war path i')Vj. Iil way j
Ami make nrll tn-uk mill tiilUI p til'.'
Willi war n linop hull, ntul m.iiii.1 of v 1 1 1 T-' .
Ami ilea illy lev.hy I
'I I.n hopp is xiiln. "J'ib not fur mo,
Wi inl r-ini'i'ii-liaii'ia. tn m Vc
ii.I tl'.lh.i irjattt in Itu.naii limn'.!
'I'll.! .-.Ii.iiIi h that uiKlilly i-talk rat li t.l.l j
Anil ni: tin j p.m- my km,
W.iiu mi-r tlii'iii III-' iim li p. -n,
Ami hiil Hi. in In i- f'tj ayi'. I'd '-f, lli. mi roUi
Aa.l til. ii. sit! I oil al I1..-HHH .Irdll
.M.,n:' Hi.; path nrrim lilt: hill,
Ami n-Jilio flat Iniiii 'pilikly rii-n
Alliiiait my nav, ulilt tpiiti ir.a-t
I naii,U'i .ni, 1 1 1 1 spirit l,t, I.
Tn rnuli llm Hl'i'llns tln'rc i
WIi-mp "pari.lin w.iii'iit mi'l my .ilflit
.i't-n llret niypypn In'lionl thn .uht;
Am I iihi-ii, al last. 1 lake in) ti-rl,
'Ph n lijihtlv "a - i- .-ii'Mit-; l.r. at
I pray thy km ly liiini e.h .11 pri-s.
Am. 1 i lil mi- in l.'in; i.n.
Win. It tin- l.tV trump h il' hr' '
1 i. ,st l.i ii'i:
OKEaS3SiM)i-VBH3iC H3.
f Corrpipoiidcnce of Ilia Colum'ilii Dcmoirfl.
Deaii Cor.. :
As I am sitting bore to-uight, 1
liavo bcon lliiukitig about tlio Abolition
party, nnd tbinking Imw tbey aro serving
tbo good old Union Democrats. I think
sometimes it cannot bo that tbo Tories arc
again in power, Tboy go urouud howling
Union they aro not for tbo Union and
Constitution of our fore fathers they go in
for a half union, and to toll the truth, they
only want tho A'cgro 1 free, they do not
want tho Union, Tliey do not earo one
snap for it. I thought that I. would drop
a low linos for your good old Union Dhm
ocnATic Pai'EU, lo show the lovers of the
Constitution and Union how the Abolition
party will lie.
There U a Soldier homo here who was
taken prisoner about nix months ago. lie
was down to Charleston in prison. JJe gnt
only a pint of corn chop a day. lie is
now a tncro skeleton. He say.s that the
reison our bravo boys are starved i.-t con
trariness mi both .lide", lie said that our
-itle would not exchange prisoners hcoaiiie
the Rebels will not exchange th j itzi;rr.
I and say they are their property. So uur
Icar Husband.- and Rrothcrs arc left tliero
to b ' starved to rt at h. becau.'o the rebel.
will not give up their property.
ll'j eauia light out, and uaid, tint the
A Startling Rumor. How on Qil Bo?;cd;
f A correspondent of tho Doston li uVclcr, ,
England &. Prance lo Rccognizo writing from the oil regions of Pcnnsylva
the South on March 4th. nia, givss tho following description of tho
. j nianDcr in which oil is found :
htl'OUTA.NT Utterances or tiie Rich- , ((rn .nictJiir a snot (or a well tbo artes-
tan driller raises a derrick about HO feel
in height, bringing up a steam cngiuo of
mond Pni:s3.
England Preparing for War.
Troops I hid in llcadincss to Embark
for Amtiiai,
about six bono power, and then driving
Little Girls. Bahea in tho Woods.
That homo seems incomplete in which j Tbo following touching story is told 'by
thoro aro no little girlsto stand in that t tho Melbourne (Australia) correspondent
void in the domestic circle which boys
can never fill, and draw all hearts within
the magic ciroto by tho nameless oharm
of tho London Times.
''Sonic weeks back, at the station of
Mr. Dugald Smith, at Horsham, two boys
of their presence. Thcro is fotnctbing . and a girl aged respectively tho cldost boy
about little girla that is especially lovable, Gve, tho children of a carpenter named
(Prentice,tho wag, remark', that tlit grows iDuff, wandered by themselves into tbo
down an iron pipo six inches in diameter 1 on them, too, as they get biggo:").even ! bush and were lost. They had been sent
.i i .i .i . . i i i.e... !.t...: i i.i.. .... i.. 1 . , . . . i -.
" r a r o r. a
rm nr. n
Saturday Morning, Jan. 14, 10G5
l.'orrccionilinco of tho New Vgrk Worltl.
Wasiiinoto.v, Jan. 4, 18G.1.
If stories vliich ure obtaining wide cur
rency here, aro to bo believed, there is at
last real danger to be apprehended of in
tervention in our affairs by England and
France. It is known here and it is said
to have been known in tho Stato Depart
ment for several days, that England has
beeu quietly oiganizing a largo foreo of
men, to bo held in r.eadiuess fur some im
porttint duty. An order, moreover, is
known to have been issued, peremptorily
refusing leaves of aboii.eo to the officers of
several of the best regiments of tho liog
lish army, and tho recent marvelous
promptness of the Oauadian authorities in
raising men, even at the expense of an en
fjrcjd draft, under the p-cte.t of an ap-
nrnliniwloil ? Mi-'iaiiin liv ititi ItVnintis. in
paity in power think more of the N'Ego J thoU,bt to r"oi(ll clcarly t0 lLo l jct that
i i uui uu v t'u iitina tiiniu Ltitic iu , . , . , . . .. -p .
J J tlitv Iiml linnri illali-iiptnii tn miiyn thn first
opportunity ol organizing all available
any emergen':)'.
Thi recent notice ol the abrogation of
the reciprocity treaty, and the evident de-
the army ; ami more, lie said that if any
li'id to Im where lie was, they would not! . , "
. . T ,. . . .... , . ' lorces Inr i
b-eoitie oiiwtt niioti. wnms. xtioy wouut
b i Di;.M.H'itATS. liut I must tell you what
one nf our lying loyal leaguers told him
lie said, that wero eopporlieads in
tltc Xoith that wt nt in for the outh starv
iui: our men (!) Now ho .knows that ho
toitl a wit )ii bl ivk-licarloi Lie. for he can
not find one D. inner it, that goes in for
starving them ; ami be knows it too ; but
he had to lie a Utile. It .was the man that
locked up tbo Pump. Wo cannot expect
any thing more from him, or anj other
''deseendeut of a tory."
liut urcttt God, how lot'jj arc wa to live
I tcrm'naiioti of the government to push
I woik with all posbiblt; lnte upon tho gun-
I boats iutcuded for fervice iu the northern
I lakes is alro noticed by those who are
now watching the tigua of the times with
intcn'e ititerest.
Additional (scitement has been awak
ened by tho important leading editorials
in the ltiehinond Examiner and the
final of (ho '-id inst. These aro believed
to have been prompted by Ltrii.s Napoleon,
through the earth aud gravel some fifty
feet or so, to tho first strata of lock, in
troduces a drill, of about two and a half
inches in diameter, attache to a tompor
screw, and thctico to a working beam and
engine, with which he bores uow at the
rate of eight or ten feet per day into the
solid Blatc nnd soapatonc, say one huDdrcd
feet ; ho thcu comes to the fit st strata of
ainditono, which may bo ton or twelve
f jet in tbiokness j and bc-ilrillE through
this comes again to slate and soapstono of
bluish oast, and working on, say for twen
ty feet or so, ho reaches the seoond strata
ol sandstone, out of which thoro conies
rushing up, when the right vein is struck ,
inflamablo gas, salt water and petroleum.
Tho boro of the well is enlarged by a
rimnier, and thcu an iron tube, in sections
of about fourteen Icet, aud closely screwed
together, is inserted in two sections and
run down to tho veins of oil; a flax seed
bag, which expands when wet, is fixed be
tween tho tube and the walls of the well,
in order to prevent the surfaco water lioni
dcjcending a plunger or valvod piston is
introduced into the tube, and tho Biioking
tod being attached to the working beam,
the conduit pipw and tank, which may
hold sixty barrels, being in readiness, the
engine moves and tho precious treasure
Kuslios forth. This i.-s what is called pump
their willful, naughty ways seem utterly
void of evil when tlioy aro so soon follow
ed by tbo sweet penitenco that overflows
in such gracious showers. Your boys are
great noble fellows gonerou", loving nnd
full of high impulses but they aro coisy
and demonstrative ; and dearly as you
love them, you aro glad their place is out
of doors. But tho littlo threads of speech
out by their niothpr,as they had often gono
out on the samo errand boforo to gather
broom, and not returning before dark the
parents became alarmcd,and a.'carch com
menced. The father, aBsitod by friends
and neighbors in large numbers, scoured
tho country in ove'ry direction for nights
and days in vain. At length, iu dispair,
tho assistance of Bomo nborminal blacks
that flew from the innocent lip? of the angels was obtained, tlu'se people possessing an
of tho hou'chold, twino themselves around
the heart, never to rust or break, not even
when the dear little faces aro hid forovor
among tho daisies in the church yard, a?,
alas 1 so many fond hearts know.
Hut little gjrls must grow up lo bs wo
men, and iberc are long, shining tracks
from the half-latched door of childhood
till the girl blooms into n maturo and ra-
dient womanhood. There aro tho broth
ers who always lower their voices when
they talk to their lister, and tell of the
sports in which she takes almnit aj much
interest as tucy do, while in turn she in
structs them in all tho minor details of
home life, of which they w ould grow up
ignorant if not for her. And what a shield
she is upon tho dawning manhood wherein
so many temptations lie. Always her
sweet presence to guard and inspire them,
a cheek upon profanity, a living sermon
on immortality. She has scarcely any
strata of sandstone, but this in some in
stances is very ,!ecp. In a well on Wat
son's Plat the drill Ita9 reaohed the dopth
of three hundred feet, and yet tho third
bed of sandstone is not reaohed."
I ha
, ,. M i-ltll'll Hill'
in-. I Hi: Mill t I. --I' Hi"""'
Fancy Furs,
tn, r, inn; h"luil.i nil I'"1" ""'"'" '
VI tuiiv.
" II- in -ml
Ox l-'ov. Seymour, ol Now York, ii
tired from oflk'O on ihc Uitd instant, and
.his ?uccefor, Mr. I'intou, was inaugur
Ti:t: Jiiiii'Jta 7 -lie h.etnti'rat. has rais
id ita subt'cr.p'ieit ptieo from S'-J to iiJ ;"()
No country paper can n w loi-g survive
ui'li lev, ii-d the poop'e sh m'd cheerful -ly "ihat cannot be avoid d.
Uow Au.uniown mi r.Ti nii: Diurr
At a meeiiiit; of the Town (Joumsi1 of the
.i i i ..... r. i ...
, i iit i i : ; anil to inu nuti tiui lunwiiu m ni'imie
under Micli a blac l administraiimi as tui t ' '
It goes with me I ke a Republican lately ! """ 01 ,!lB bmt Pc"P,e Ior tlie
.Miilthatha.'uriied. All that he blames ' bold more of Mie rebel leaders,
the Democratic paity for is, tl,e,t they did i That the South Is .no.n harder pushed
not lut. every black aholitioni.-t as last as ' than at any previous time during tbo war.
iheyeamc out, then this trouble xvouhl cannot bo denied, anil th.-unwillinS.ic.s ot
. ,pnn lioro. ()),! r.r ttm lime ! England and Fiance to fee tho Union re-
. ,,, , ... .. ,? ri,i . , stored is well uudertood. Tliev loili
a a Goo i Old Democratic Union. Hiat , , , J ,
, , ,t i . -it ,1 vcvr permit t ic South to be comiwicd.
c tlir. iiiiU- ITtn-j t hat will evL-r s ,'iud. ' '
Not a rotten abolition one like the pies-1
cut party want.
D e HI, 1R01.
in t'nil to l'ctiott. which lliov repird mitii
kuiilv an beuu no des-ition. The il-fic
Urn NMiiip. Mini1' ' "'"'' '
- - l t,n, , i,,, P ii tn-r
miipr Mm i-1" 1 hini'i''1!''".''-Sc-i.
10. Ii-l- S.n.
j r. i.TtR.
n,,r uiiiii'.li"" nil'' W
i viiliniit.iM that, ill WVliiiiirton ('itv 'ho
(jovernincnt has re-ortod to the focret diaft'
Utilierlo. the publicity "i veil to tho dralt
lijri"';.!) ol Ailoi.tiiwii, J a helil U.ccm- (ias operated s a totrptation tn desert, or
... . ..... .t ...i ... i ...... ..
Inr 9th, I -til, it was on motion
Id wired, That erh p. i-on liable- to
Mililirj Dtaftin 'aid ISmough, who shall
pay the -niu of flftyt u dollar.-, t-i the Com ,
uiiitei' of I Ik: Want in v.ld'.'li In1 nidos. on
or biforo .t.inuao' 7ili , f b ill, ll dt.i.fifd , bo
entitled tn, snd the Itnrmigh Authorities
hereby oblige tin luselxes tj luniish a suh
, uitute for hin'li tliaftcd innii, or pay him
J the t-uin of J"-Hlt) out ol the liuruugh (tea-uiy.
It is believed that thu programme will be
in i fleet as follows : Notieo will be given
after the 4th of Maich, that England and
France rct-ogiii," Mr. Lincoln as Presi
dent only of s-u h States as are rcprescn-
TiiE SceitUT Dit.M'T. W'c iioiiim by our ted in the electoral college, which is lauta-
ingawcll. In thp,lflowiug wolls," that j5dcB of tho CJtlont of hep influoncCi Shc
is.such that send the oil out wjiiulUueous- doos not kn()W Low fari hflw fm
ly, tho unit must go aown iuio iuu iui.u Unc nnd ctcrnit hcr own and .Jo
less example goos ; how it will radiate into
other homes whero a sister's memory will
be the consecrated ground of the p&st.
Cherish then tho littlo girls, dimpled
darlings, who tear their aprons, and cut
tlin f rttllp.nlnl lia . nnrl nnf Mm ennnr nnd
A Soldier's Opinion. -
" 1 brcalT into tho nrnserrps nnrl nrn t inin.
A brave soldier of company C, 207th rse d ,. fl-f f .
regiment, Pa. Volunteers, iu front of thcm ircss and ,-jndress the!r doll-babies
to their hearts content, and don't tell them
'Tom'lhumb" nnd "Red Kidiug Hood"
and Jack and the Beanstalk" are all fic
tions, but let them alono till they find it
out, which they will do all too soon amidst
the cold and chilling realities of later years.
mount to a recognition of Confederate
independence. Tho course hinted at by
the ltiehuiD'.d papers' believed to have
been adopti d some timo since, and the
(lonfedci an States have already offered
itncy, to a laige degree, attending all tbo tl,cmp.clvcfa u- colonies of England ant
dialt- niRilo l"r troops nuneg tno war, p-rncW) or at least asks those powers to
innv ue in i city hju'u i" hup ju.-u- ... , ,i. i . .. ii,,,,,,
with no ties to hold tbc.m to the community ! il P'oicctoralo oier them.
in which they are enrolled, with no inter
! i.i iv
il fiU VI
IJ U U ' v' " M. Ci.ti.I.AN. it is reported,
WHOLESALE AM) lu'ilAiij 1 wiisH lor Europe iu February; hi-s
Yt::'"l' will accompany Mm.-
.piiiutt r' it' ' it ., ,, .... i, iu ih .....
"UiiiUigb the Uolou .hnnu'ii .! eoircs
I undent in New York makes the follow
jug statement in icllrt uee lo the Gcuoral's
a'in'M :'-'. - '"
I'lHriu iv-.i a '.'ill - U'l' "'
.'?ll).l!,Bvx1 S'itJHiSj liiei,
1 I, ,11 l, .,,1 1 innii' LU'' 1' ' "' py
v .n. Mi l IUNS if m lutt. , uf n.ij uriuy, .oh.,.,i,
i;i;,..,-,i.-'l.i.M-r.ptloin run. -city u.inl'", ul
'rrn'WTl.. 1-.I ,1-M..ut...n,
';' A jiiaii-'uf .In- .uWi. turtum . e .P"MI
"IP'I, MllVi:ll
I. i .... -
mnniiiiliiirc, Apn1 It. I'"'3-
est lo coinnel their nre.seiico in tho di-
ttict in which tluy are eonsci ipted,do not
lung hoilate, when tliey di.-eover they
have been drafud, to abscond. The se
cret diufs avii Is this danger. The wbool
is lurncd in a private loom, in prescneo of
tins ciirollii'L' board. Tboe drafted in
the iiiortiiuii ot a certain day are trnt merely i time
notili' d of the laet, but they ure sumii.ouml
to the cfiioe in the afternoon of tho mine
day, when they arc sworn iuto the service.
Alter such a iiiuster,ihc conscript is afford
ed tho necessary time to apply for cx-
furnish a sulttilulc. V line
The Candian Pi ess.
I'r.iut tlio Montreal Uu ning Telesrnpli. J.m. a, 1-05 J
Petersburg, writes as follows to bis father
iu Clinton couuty, viz :
'All the bovs from home aro well. I
think I will enlist in the regular army for
five years, lor there is no uc for a man to
eomo home as long as there will bo con-st-.rintion.
'I hope that every man who supported Answer all the funny questions they ask
this Luicoin nUnnnutraiion may oeuraue. if nrQ nbo ,o io aoand (lon-t ke
and sent to the front in tho extremist , , . , .
front part of this Southern territory, and ,u f f" baby theology, which alter all
be compelled to remain thcro until the .is a tair sample of the inquiries of tho fi-
l.-isr. man falls. T'hev will then have to uito into tho purposes of the infinite. Yes
stand lira for days and nights, without jet the little fairio rollick on, with a train
icst or sleep, aud then on half rations. 0f stmfbiHe following io tho wake of their
J5v th u t me tboy win tniuK oi tno i.iuuuiu .. -
L inr, n,l its kindness. hhh:1& "U!ch ani1 ll0rly.
'Tho rebel works look rough, but wc have many hard problems to solvo. llu
can not take them with all the mon wo i mor their innocent ljttlo fancieB, help them
can net." , ! in their troubles, kiss tiie tears away from
Como, Lincoln gentlemen, fight na you their eyes, and as the fair arms entwine
around your necks, you cau not liut re
peat the p.'aycr : "God bless tho littlo
Girls I"
voted 1
''To de a wo. . ;an , of fashion is ono of
the easiest things in tho world. A late
writer thus describes it : lluy everything
you don't want, aud pay for nothiug yoa
rret; smile on all mankind but your bus
bank ; be happy everywhere but at home
e.iip'iou or
A company ol gentlemen in mis cny )10 is thus engageti, lie is a ryvorii soioier,
have fitted up a fast sailing clipper ship nhosc failurs to report will be regaided as
in eleganl ftyle, placed on bouid every desertion and punished accord inely
. . T . ' I l., .,,,., ,1,,'n
(jOllcelVliU'O luxury, iimuiitu "i . """l'i"" i
K. wiih a lino ercw, put her m chargo ol
AMition JJ,nhat'"c.
Kumois have been prevalent lor same , n0gicct Vour children and nurse lap-dogs ;
;imo ol an inorea-e to tho imperial 1 0 t0 c!"urcU ever timo you get a new
lary loice iu Canada. It is now Mated in i b ,(
...,ltn..., 1 r.ll.rr trait. inrni-tniul fiirnlrn. I OrCSS.
After Lord Lyons left Washington, his
I ,.,i,. nf our ablest canUWs
"!, i i i!nniA I!. Mcniullaii for
lit l IU VICIIUIH1 vvv'jj. - ,
one vcar. lo sail win 10 Im will wnh Ins
Ihc iihnvo wi ll Knoll n 'I'ii' '"
Intnl. I.iti'lv n fUP
Mi ti l A. i iri
o'...'.J ' '"'l'i" V.i, . ? ... ,,-f.irn..l,..l n.i.l u
i."'np'l it for Hip iifi'oii"" "'"' Vni . j ill I ,i. nhini
Thu lli.ii-- i Limn "'! ' , ' , i l u-mriil
ilnnUI,il.lniK. H l'l''.i"'"ll
unit hll.iliP.l patl nl' HI" ','. ,.. n ilrnlia-O, ll
Tn nil Mini .my lai"- him e I i J",r, ', ,
I'rnaii,,., hi. tinsl . ll"H I" l" ' " l( ,,Va
n. a.,.r.. lli.'ni ih.u ""'""'? ' l'i '' V , "
pari lo make hi. Home Prf S.T .Mil!-
N' II. tfmltb UiiihiI'I" "Hi; f'ViuMlMlelt' l
ll-iui'it llniiup, in anil imin l'1' '.' '"' 1 ,, ..rihiiTiaini. ! I '- " '
A SiiAMEi,i:ss Adueieuaiion. A gen
tleuian exhibited to us on Saturday a sam
ple ofauny tobacco, brought from rold'ur.s
at the front, one-third propoitiou of which
proves to be sumac. This article it worth
t . fiiin j. i.i A til.-,, ltlnntlo nt' In.
f , I aOOUl " .y".'j -
rjfjs- ' They can at any time have peace bacco would cot some liuutlrcde of dol
s'niply by lading down their anus and 1 j.ir3i '1'he tuinao isdtied and afterwaids
suhiuiltiii" to tha a ithority !Ji(rtr salurutca j u ttrong decootion of wast
U,c Cumti itHo'i."- I'fifficid s iun.-'i,y . f lt is tlic in(.0rporatcd into the
miiiiaiy an" uiuii iikii-iiiiuhuuu untn
the tho Coltlftriain G uards jnid other reg
. . . , .1 . i. r . ... .I.- 1 .......
ItUOnis 10 Illi- IIU 111 llL r Ol leu iiiuu-iuiu iiiuii, , ...
have been order, d to hold themselves iu i "fine old branuicsanu sncr.ies we.-
readiness to embaik for Canada. Tbo 1 at public salo at big prices. It has since
reason given in tiie Mine circles for this 1 0ukcd out that his butler and other ser
inovcii.cnt is the iutention of tho goern- J yauls obtained the liquors which were
incuts of Franco and Great Britain on , Avonuo groceries, thus
the uaueuration of Air. Liucoln iu March : b0lu dl ouc 01 U1U "u""u b
O ... ..... . 1.1 rrtn frif- I 1,0,11301 VPS.
next, to rccoguizo litiu as rrcsiuuiii oniy iiiaisiiiy uicu rjiv, .v. ....
of thiiso Sta'es tor which ho has been
f .only and friends tl.o cntito espenso to
1 be barue by the gentlemen. This is the
j New Voik ftjlo of doing things.
What Constitution'! the one that lias
k-cii violatcd-igU'Ted-torniu tatters by
Lincoln and bis conoresf, or the one that
the viholo thoddy maulers aie now
hasteuiug to patch up and upon thu
i l. ono nnd nverv t-ni'C.leS Ot lill'l-
SrvY c,MConmtuthn! pertain-
ll .ii-ii 1 niwi ll 1 1 1 1 ll 1 1 iui
elected ; thus officially affirming tho dis
union ol the formerly United Slates spokcu
of by Earl Rusjcll" in his letter to tho
Confederate oommisaioiicrj.
Train tlio .Momreal (iari'ltn. Jan. I J
A rumor has been current iu this city
for three or Jour day that a number of
C2T A veteran officer prcsenten a me
morial to Napoleon, soliciting a pensiou.
"Wo shall seo," was tho Emperor'a re
ply, "Sire, you may eeo now, if you will
deign to look," said tho soldier, uncover
ing a breast soarred all over. Tho peu
sion was granted on the spot.
How much. ltlf a man sells his watch
for 810 ; and sells
JUiu Illonnulmri:. lonbliint'y on liaHj,
i-i.... .. ,.,,i, i.v in nil rnmi
i.iumt ill Hiil B l(;t, l, ur u, - , ..
I T. ruillllli'l I till im llipll"0 hy .' ' ' ''
luinini'i imi ii" 'i.p.'' .n.tniiilv on .hurl nollio H; "'" f 1 1 I1' ,f. n,1," , '
XX AI.E, ryilprui.'l '1"rn1 oViT l'i U.
genuine article, and iu that shape is fur
nished to soldiers. Tho ouujo ot com
plaint is less on account of tho deleter jus
effects of tho adulteration. ' Tho sumao
produces ulceration of tho mouth in all
unfrofiucullv tcnniuatinc iu can
1....i!lnltnn. IrtP I " 4 . . .
ly not that oiu eeueiui yu ""-., . cor. To detect tho adulterated article is
Vice I'rcsiucui Uiu ....... ... . . b Tho fcumil0 l)0 6(,
.'When you hear a man talking b mt tl c P u
Constttulio!i,spol nun as a r-. i. -, uot"l)0 pcparatcd, or oven distinguished
from it. llnl'1 JSTortlt American.
Somo five hundred able-bodied men left
tbo city of Quobeo, last week, for thu pur
posool joining tho rebel arm under Leo.
Tiny will attempt to ruu tho blockade -U
Uceio ihopitMlc ..t l.u.n.nt - - J ot U , .,,
tireei, iiiimiu......... '"' - aw lUHlCUHi lyiug ,
F R RSU U V L ItO, tniiiisbment tUa migiu
t T Tbcu-nliBt Constitution doos tho old
for 50; back
mlcht prepare or be in readiness to re- it fr S45, how much does he make in the
move to Canada; and it was understood 1 transaction V It looks ns il ho mado
to bo current in military circles iu fact 15. hut ho didn't. Uoy, can you tell
bo positively so that everybody believed , 1QW xm j
it. Wo learn, however, upon inquiry iu . - -
a quarter which leaves us uo room fur j- A desorlcr from tho Army of the
doubt, that it is not truo that any order , p cr:rcutcii for desertion, taounted
:z,iTr,:,fjs,?.ftv:S;," i"?; . -
troops tent to this osuntry. This rumor hold of tho ropo gave it a pull to seo it it
was counled with tiii"lh(.r, that on :ho wn3 (,iroi)2 enough to hold him.
lth of March next, the day of the rein-1 , - .
.... ... . .1 vt 4 JMn.... .1 liiitmlnr in Htn lime
..,! i..t Ml A ifn intn i .iium n in inn lj i tiivr uuui uuv,ivi iu v..v
I'rcriilent's chair, Great Hrilaiti and oil regions of Pennsylvania says : 'Wo
1.1 .... ...ill nnli ni t'HitiiiTM Iii in na thn were naddlcd aercos the orcek by an oil
r i.iuuu inn u... .v. ,.jj,..w ...... , . , . ii- ,1
ii..,ai.i..., r ii.. sinipa inr ulnr-b he ia nrioro. acetl 1 o, Iii if to a million, coatlcs
uleoted, and in thai Wi make a rccogiu auil hutlo-s, au I with but one uispcndcr
. , a I ... I . ; -.. .. 1 I.!-. irAtu n rutin
liOU Of tllU l-k'UtUUU t-'onlC'lfl.i -V IO UCl'p Uisevura' iuu uu wuu...w i.r.
Bioamv. A ''corn doctor"' by the
name of -'Dr. lloyal Sutton" married a
young lady, respectably connected, who
was attending Heidsburg Seminary Claroti
county. While spending the honeymoon
delightfully a Ionian of Clearfield county,
accompauicd by a child and a constable
arrived and claimed tho Doctor as her
liege, of but a few months standing. Tho
child, shc said, had been left with hcr by
the Doctor, who allcdged it to bo his by
a wife ofa still previous dato,uow deceased
Thcro being at least ono wife too many in
the case, tho "corn Doctor" was accouia-
dated with boarding at tho expenso of tho
T-v: Chatnrcc Democrat tells a pretty
good story concerning tho Poet Oflico at
Wcslfield. A letter was put into tho box,
the appearence of which denote 1 that tho
writer was unaccustomed to tho uso of
stamps, and had failed to mako one stick
at all. lie had tried, and vainly triod,
but the portrait of Heijunin Franklin
would curl up. At last, in despair, ho
almost blood hound instinct iu foil wing up
the very faintest track. The blacks sooti
eai'noupou tho traces ol' tho littlo wander
ers, expatiating, ns those trackers always
do, at cvciy beut twig, (flattened tuft oi
grass, on tho apparent rctings tho objects
of their search. "Here, little ono tired
sit down. Dig ono kneel down, carry
him along. Here travel all night ; dark;
not sec that bush ; her fall on him.' Furth
er on, and more observations. 'Here, lit
tle one tired again ; i ig one kneel down ,
no able to rise, fall flat on his face.' Ihe
accuracy ol the readings of the blacks was
afterwards curiously corroborated by tbo
children themselves.
"On the eighth day after they were
lost, and long after tho extinction of tho
faintest'hope of their ever again being seen
alive, tho searching party came on them.
They are described as having beeu found
lying all in a rov? on a clnuip of broom .
among some trees, the youngest in tho
middle, carefully wrapped in his sistor'a
frock. Thoy appeared to be in a deep
and not unplensant sleep. On being
iwoko tho eldest tricil to sit up, but fell
back. His face-was sc emaciated that his
lips would not cover his teeth,aud ho could
only feebly groan 'Father.' The youngest,
who had suffered least, woke up as from
adrcanijohildlikc demanding, 'Father.why
didn't you como for us sooner T wc wero
orying for you.' The sister who was al
most quite gone,whon lifted up could only
murmur, 'Cold, cold.' No wonder, no tho
little creature bad stripped herself of her
frock, ns tho elder boy said, 'to Jover
Frank, for bo was crying with cold.'
"Tbo children have all sinco dono well,
and arc rapii"v recovering. They wero
without food, aud by their own account
had only one drink of water during tho
whole time they were out, and this was
from tho Friday of one weok until the Sat
urday of tho next wec, in all, r.ino days
and eight nights."
A Hidden Treanure.
The Emperor Maximilian, says a Ger-,
man journal, has a chance of digging out
a bidden treasure. The highly romantic
story is as follows : Whon Napoleon tho
I. dethroned tho Houtbous in Spain, tho
Mexicans (whoso eyes had been opened by
Ilumboltto the fact that tboy wero a na
tion of KC7cn millicc?, subdued by eighty
thou-and Spaniards) hecaino encouraged
and threw off tho SpanUh yoke. J he ice
King sent during the revolution lour mill
ions of gold pieces, together with nthci
numerous treasures, to Madrid. This
happenod in June 1808. The escort was
attacked by one hundred men, and ma'ssii
ctod, savo one eavalay offieor and a few
of hip men, who acted in conocrt with the
robbers. To avoid tho vigilance of the
Government, tho bandits concluded lo hide,
the trcasuro in tho grouud, aud to divide
it after the expiration of ono yoar.
Al tlio foot of a precipice ono thou-tm'd
feet high, of. a hollow deep ill tho moun
tain was a oavo '''here the trcas iro was
dragged, the cave walled up by tho rocks,
tho inter-tiefS with earth aud plants, nnd
finally a littlo brook was directed so as to
pass, lilw i cataract, ovcr'tho plaea.
Now the robbcri spread out tho tumor
tint tho whole tory of the rabbjry wis
invented by the Vico King hiiujelf, aud
that he bt ought the trea-ures iu safety.
Tho so acoused was called to account.
Hut the icUbers did not enjoy their treas
ure, for btfore the expiration of iho vcar
pinned it to the cuvclopo, aud wroto just
under it-'P.UD ijtlietusyd 0:u snrki" ( oth(,r nm00g tll0I1)Sv0s
l or wore defunct. A Gormau traveller uam
A Lady who had boated highly at a . CBi,.brllU.d bv his climbior: tin
dinner-party of tlwaood maunera of her 1j(J nf 0risba, learned tho secret from
iltlo darilng, him thus : i . ,. oi-... d Tmiiati. Th
"Uharlio, my dear,vou't you havoEoiu'u rm.iuiiai L.ovcruuient. to whom the pUc
beans !" 1 1. ., iaau noiuUd out bv Mullur, is uow
- , v
"No' was tho ill mannered reply of tl.o
petulant cherub.
"No !'' exclaimed tbo astonhhed mother
'no what i"
N b ai tail t'- ebil.t.
iu search for the trea-uro, ns thu historical
facts Roeui to justify tho truth of thobtory.
Csiy Mast intu hata all lie j which, tboy
l u t uttor tlniLBolves.
Uloonuljiltg, Nov '3 Irfl,