Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 24, 1864, Image 4

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Saturday Morning.Dcc. 24, 1064.
Godey for the New Year.
Godoy's Lnily'n Book ,for January, 1805,
is a I'rcralum Number unrivalled anil
unapproaoliablo. It is crabelli'slicil with
two pplonilid Stool Plates, a superior col
orctl Fashion Flato, and Eotirtcon Full
Pago Engraving? ; among which arc Throe
Itobo Drcesee, from the eclcbratod bnuic
of Messrs. A. T. Stewart & do., of Now
York, nntl one from Hrodie's Emporium :
several Crochet patterns, adapted for win
ter wear ; a Uoatco Evening dross, a noy
city ; tbo latest stylo for Bonnets, Collar,
Gjpcs and Caps ; a beautiful article print
cd in colors, oallod "Tho Work-table
Companion ; a Tidy, printed in tint ; and
a humorous engraving, "Scenes on the
Ice." Wc oannot begin to namo tho num
erous illuitrations, as tliero are about
Eighty, all of them useful and ornamental.
Tho literary department is no less varied
ntioV inviting to tho magazine reader.
Marion Harland contributes "A Hasty
Speech, and what came of it." Miss Y.
F. Townsend, Miss M. W. Janvrin, MiB
Frost, & Mr?. Dcnnison also contributes.
Tho Holly Trco Promenade, original
Muiio for tho Piano, by tho editor, J.
Stair Hollo way ; and a Model Cottage,
Trjtb plans, niako up tbo best number of
'"Godey's Lady's Hooli" overissued Now
is the time to begin with tho now volume
of the Book. Terms for 1805: One
copy, one year, S3,00, two copies, one
year, $5,50 ; thrco copies, ono year, 57,50;
four copies, one year, SlO.OOj Address
L. A. Godev, Philadelphia.
The Lady's Friend. The January
number of tho Lady's iriend is already
on our table, and fully bears out the high
reputation of this now monthly, which is
now enturing upon the second year of its
cxistonce. Tho leading filed engraving,
' nush I it is Asleep," is a beautiful pic
ture, and will doubtless go right to the
hearts of tho ladies. Tho Fashion Plate
a double ono, as usual U very hand
Bomo indeed, admirably engraved on steel,
and richly oolorod. Then there is a col
orcd design of a Work Table Companion,
a vory useful lady, as she scemi, in red
and yellow and blue ; and numerous oth
er ongravings of tho Fashions, Work 'fa
We Department, &c. The Music of this
number is a pieeo entitled "I Stood With
in our-Cottago Hall." Among the liter
ary contents, which arc cvon unusually ex
cellent, ivo may Bpeoify "A great Match,''
by Emn.a B, Ripley ; "A Story of a
Household,'' by Mrs. Hosmer; "Cupid at
tho Capo," by Miss D6nnelly ; "Through
tho Paper-Mill,"by Virginia F. Townaend;
"James Smith's Siory," by Julia Giil ;
Castle Linnlooh.." iy Aunt Alicte ; "Mrs
Gordon's Prescription ," by C: M. Trow
bridge ; "Loved and Hated," by Ida Ma
son ; Editorials, &c. &. Price S2,50 ; 2
copies 4,00 ; 0 copies 810 00 ; 21 835.00.
t Spcoimen numbers will bo sent to tho3a do
tirouB of making up clubs, ior 15 cts.
Wheeler Wilson's Sewing Machines are
furnished as premiums. Address Doacon
& Peter-ion, 319 Walnut itreet, Philadel
phia. iVo is Ike time to send on suiscrip
tionsor 1805.
The New York Day Book.
The Prospectus of tho ''Now York Day
Book,'1 claims for it a ciiculation of 50,.
000 copies, larger than that of any other
Democratic weekly paper. To have at
tained Buoh a circulation as that, in faco
of rival contestarts, is surely evidenco of
no ordinary popularity. The D.y-Book
doals with all pubiio questions in a bold
and independent spirit, and however pco
plo niay disagree with Eomo of its posi
tions, there can be no doubt ol the earn
estness of its editors, or of tho vigor with
whiob they maintain their opinions. It
is tno peculiar viows of Tho Day-Book
upon tho slavery question which have, no
doubt, attracted to it-tbo attention of tho
pubiio. Inferring to this point, the- New
Hampshire States and Union has thus
forcibly staled it :
"If tho Democratic party, twenty-years
ngo, had taken tho ground occupied ly
'J he Day Book on tho negro queetion, and
stuck to it like truo men, wo never should
havo had this war, and the country to
day would have been prosprrous and hap
py. The quickor Ihey accept this por
tion and act earnestly upon it, the quicker
we jhallhavo Peace and a restored Union,
and we may add wo never ih-tll have
theso desirable results on any other
In view of tho above, it is tho duty of
every candid man, bo he Republican or
Demoorat; to cxamino tho position of Tho
Day-Book. Ai a single number is not
eufficiont for this, we adviso all who de
Biro a New Yorkwcekly to try it fbr ono
year, and make tn'omselvcs acquainted
with its line of argument. Its terms are
tho same as the New York Tribune, wbote
exact antipodes it is in politics, whilo in
News, MarketJ, $'C., it is quite iu equal.
Dallou's Monthly Magazine.
"We are in receipt of tho January num
ber of this most excellent and obeopest
Magazine published In tho United States.
Wo would advisa all in went of an excell
ent Magaiino, and who U thero that docs
uot want such an institution iu their house,
to tend on tho amount ol subscription- for
ono ycorj commencing with the January
numbor, Price only one dollar and fifty
cents nor year. Address Elliott, Thomoi
& Talbot, Boston, Ma,a
Kjbep Youu JEyb
HAS nlargctl mil greatly Improved lib Store Room
and stocked It with n lirgts and superior Stock of
8PHINO nml SUMMER (lOODrl, which Will ho sold na
low n,M iitiy oihcr eslnbllKlimetit In Hi? country.
Calicos at 10, 18, 20 and 25 cents.
Muslins, Rlt ashed and Urown at 25, 28,
up to 48 cents
HREi'ri 000113 of every shade, quality
nndnrlcci a full lino nf Domestic. Iloodi,
vU ! Checks, t-'lrlpes, Tliks.Llnncn nml Cotton
Table Dhpcr, Oiinjhaliis, Nankeens, ie , &.C A
good supply of Ladles Shies anil Callers
Now stock of lints nml Cans.
All Wool Ingrain and Collage CarpctS)
a splendid nttine Just opened and lor tnic.
A fresh supply of
Groceries and Spices,
n now lot of
MACKCRAL by tha qiiortcr, hall and whole barrel
Nos. 1 und 2, medium and laigo. Also, n largo and
rplcudid assortment of
new designs. Also, n new lot of TRUNKS and
Oil Cloth Satchels.
Itnvlng bought theso goods bi'furp the Into rise, t mil
prcpnredtn sell low, clii'ap as the cheapest for cash or
country produce.
vn study to rLUAsr..
Rloonirliurg. May I'-', 1SUI,
ISCM. riiiladcliiliia & Kite
St. A t R SOASa
This great Una traverses the Northern and North
west counties of Feins)lianla to tho rlty of line, on
Lake title.
It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, nnfl is operated by them.
Its entire length was opened for passenger and
freight business, Octobur Kill, lEiil
Mnil Train leaves
, K.lSl
s -in p. m.
Eipreis Train " "
Mall Train, ....
Eluiiro Unpress Train,
Accommodation .
Passsnccrs Cars run thrnuch on Slall
11 27 P. M.
10 27- A. M
5 25 P. ,M.
3 39 A. M.
5 S5 A. M.
4 34 P. SI.
0 10 A. in,
Train, nun.
out ciiamii both ways between Pliiladelpliiaaud Erio,
uiiii iiuiitiiiui u unit ijtiv.
Elegant Sleeping Car on Ulmlre- Express Trains
both ways betwaen Willlnnisport and fliillluioa'.
For Information respecting Passenger business, ap
ply at the Cor. 30th mid .Market Hts.
And for l'rcight business of tho Company's Agents
S. 11. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and .Market Ht Plill'a
J, W. lteynolils, Ilriu.
J.M. Drill. Agent N.C. Kill., Haltimore.
II. II. Houston, Oeu'l. 1'reiphl Agt , I'hiladclplila,
11. W. Cwinner, Cen'l. Ticket Agt Philadelphia.
Joseph I). Pom, Cen'l. Manager, Williauispiirt.
Nov. 12, Ibtil.
Heading Jlail-road.
7th 1804. ,
reat Trunk L'tie from the North and
North -Wcbl for I'hllado'phia, Now.ork, Head
ing. lie. Lebanon. Alleiiton n. Eaulnn, tr.. Sir..
Trains leave llnirl.biirg for New-York, ns follows
At 3 1.1) and ". 15 A, M. and 1.45 P. M., arriving at New
York at 10 A M and 2.45 and 10 (10 P. II.
1 ho nbovo ranuect with siuiiur Trains on the Penn
svlvnnia Hail Uoad
, and Slec ins Cars acconipnn) tho
firet two Trains, without rhuico
l.e:,vf". 1,iiiling, Pottsvlllc.TainaTua, Minersvl lie.
Allentown.aiHl PhlUdelphia at K.I5 A. M. and 1 43 P.
11.. slopping at I.i hanou and principal tilatinns only.
Way Trains, stopping at nil points, at 7 23 A. M . and
4.40 P. M. Ititnrning Leave Ncw-York nt !l A M., 12
noon, and 7.UO P M. Philadelphia at ij A. .M-a'nd 3.30
P. JI : l'ottsillent 8 50 A. .M.nnd 2.35 P. .M ; Tamaqua
at P. IU A. .M. aii(12.l5l', .M, mill lteadiug at 12 midnight,
7 35 and 10.45 A. M ., 1.33 nnd UOS P. M.
Iteading itccoiuo'lntion Train; Leaves Reading at (
30 A. M. reluming from PJiiladelphia at 4.30 P. M.
Colutubiii Hiillroad Trains leave Heading ut 0.40 and
It A .M.for Eplirain, Liliz. Columbia. cc.
On Sundays; Leave New. York lit 7 1' M., Philadel
phia 3.15 P .M., l'oltsvlllc 7.30 A. M., Tamaiua 7 A, M ,
llarrisburg 8 15 A. M.. and Heading at 12 midulglit.tor
Coninmiation, Mileage, Season, School, nnd Drcur
elon Tickets tumid from nil points, at reduced Itntes.
llaggage checked through ; to pounds ullowcd each
G. A. N1COLI.8,
Ottteral Svptnnttndsnt.
IiEadiiii), Va. Nov. :!. 18C4.
II 0 W E It,
r.FSPIHTI'OI.I.V offers his profess
ional services" to tho ladies and gentle
men of I'd lomsburg and vicinity. He is
tireiiared in atitnd to nil tho varloui,
opjralions in the lino of tils pruf'-siion, and is provided
With Pic latest improved P'JHCF.UllA TKKTIIi which
w.ll luiiHerted on gold, platina, silver and rubber base
tnlookw II as tho natuial teuh
Ml ieril plJti-and bli ck teeth r.inuuf.irtured and all
o erfliins on teeth, cnrel'ully and properly attended to
Iteidenco and officii u few doors abovo the Court
II u.e. f.amc sido.
111. in.nsburg, Juno 0 1803
X, C. PAl'L.
No. 4 Noith Wharves,
Uy 11 U TT Ell. ' CHEESE.
Nov. 14. l!o3-2uio
II A M S, ii e. J
257 North Third Street Pliila'd.
jn, ifOi
Pittibitrgh Cutnmerclal College,
llinghamptin " "' " " Thlladolphla.
Htralton, llrjatit k. Co..
Tliesn Scrips, are in amounts of SIS and $30 and are
ns so much cash, by the Hludent nn entrine either nfihe
above Colleges. Young men desiring tool, tain a finish
ed Collegiate Education, will here find a good specula
Hon by applvlngul the nfneo oftlin
May I Iiit4 COLI1MUIA HUM Of. 'It AT'
'IMIE iinderiijned. having taken the Espy Hotel.
I lately kent lis Mr. P. llovvi II. would,m,ii
I nform li's frUud and Hie nubile In general, that ni
pains will be spared Tor the sMtiufnctory cntcflaiuinent
ofuli whoinaylavor him with tlu-ir curtma.
Espy, AprllS l?f.4.
BELL 6c ALL A BACH, Proprietors.
Washington;, d. o.
11 A C C O D U. A L E R
r o
105,NOKT11 Til I It I) STltlllST
I'll II.AIiA.
WOULD respectfully Inform the cltlieni of Rlooins,
burg, and viiiuity, he coiitiuucsihe practise of
..nd solicits a share of public patronage.
OrmK. oi, MaiuHlrect, lint house below the Court
llou.e, llloonisburg,
February 3. lr!33-tf
T'T.I nl',er.'l,ni','! wo",l onuounce, tbolhe hainn hand
nihil lintaiiilCnp Einnariiini, mi Main St.. Illootoi.
burg, an aiiortmciit of dlftsrent kind of leather, inch s
flncralfkiii, iiiororeo,(rednndbiac)aiid lining, all
cf vyhlclilie will sell cheaper than can be had elsewhere
In this market, Cull sud eieuiimj them for yourselves
N...b..,.M.rtUNI ,0',NK'a"'TON.
II. c
tfA& Aim 'WIHEEK
( rrasy's Slorr, in Light Street, Fa.
IIVo Keeps all Kinds of
Hcady-Mado Uotliing.
Sugars, Molasses,
tsyrups, coflces,
Teas, Fish,
Salt, lkcon,
Hams, Lard,
Tobacco, fjiars,
Hats, Root",
Caps, Shoes,
l)rugs, Oils,
Paint?, &c, &c.
In addition to our large stock of Dry f!oods, we linc
n lingo nnd full assortment of Itendy .Made Clothing
lot m-i nnd Ho, s wear which wo nro determined t"
sell cheaper th in can he bought elsewhere. Call nnd
sou. mid judge for ) ourselves.
I Ight Street, October 29, 1604.
National Foundry.
'I HE fiib.rribi'r. proprietor of Hip above mimed rx-
J tenric cstali.lshiuLiit, is now prepared
to receive
crs for
AH Kinds of Machinery,
rCo'Ierles, Ill.nt rurnaccs, Ftatinnary Engines, Mills
tiipiiiin'r maT:iiivi:8. .C . &.C.
lie Is also pri'p.ircd to nnku Siuve", all slu-s and
,n I torn p, p'nw-lrous, nnd everything usually made in
Hist-clnsH i-'oiiudrles
His OAl.'nsive facilities nnd p'raiicnl workmen, war
in ii tt 111 in in receiving tho largest contracts on Ihi
iii i-t reisonalilo t'rniH,
117" liraiuuf all kinds will be taken in cxclianv for
,cntiiM. .
XCtf Till, cslabli.liiuent is loca.ed near the l.ackawou
na S llloonisburg Unilroiiij Depot.
illaomsburg, Sept. 12, ie13.
""" tiiMHiiieii.. nun no uas purciiaeil Ills ununers
merest in tho nbove establishment. and Iho tons,.,,, ulls
hereafter bo conducted by himself exclusively.
lie hns Just received ami otfers for sale, the larg-
Arh nut mid itii.Dt nr. !.... ...n.i, ..e 1 A K'l.r
8 BTOVliU ever Introduced into this market. , n general Ton'c, II (!5 TETTER'S HITTERS pro
CSV1 His stock consists of n complete assortment of J'ueeeirerts which must bo exnerienced or witnessed
ho best Cooking and tiarlor stoves in tbo market, loeeth- "i-rnrn they rail be lully upp-ei lated. I tt ca-es of Con
er with Btovr Kixturn-. of ev.-ry .lescription, Oven nnd
mix c-iovi-s, iiaoiainrs, siovcs, i;itsi iron Air-
Tight stoves, Ccnniin Htnves. &c. tc. Stovenino nnd
Tinware constantly mi hand nml manufactured to unler.
All kinds of repairing iloue, ns usual, on shoit notice.
The of old friends and new cusioniurs re
pedfully solicited. A, M. KUPERT.
Hloniiniburg, Nnveinliei 3d leiiO. tf.
(On the Biu.ire, Three Ilcors fioin i-tctle's Hotel
MI1S INSI'UTION is now opmcd and
fn ruisliett in llio mogt rn-tlv tvlr. RtTcnt inn.
Privuteutul Oi.erut.h" tloninp iln; lart'c. rniivciiiciit nnd
fl, colleclinu ot inn.-unients in this couiitrv. and
thus his I'lrulties will enable h into meet nnv and nil
emergencies in pi actico He will operate upon nil Hi-
vnrnHii iitiii oi mil, uatnrarl, uceiiiou
the Pupil, Cross Ey,'f, Clnsuru of iho Tear Duct.i, In
version of tlw Eyelids, I'lerygluui, tec, c And will
, trenl nil forins of rVri.s, Eye (iraiiuled". Opareties
, oftbe Cornea, mid Scrofulous discuses of llu I'ye tn
gelher with nil tho .li.cases to vv hich Ills Eyo is tub-
DEtl'NEi'S Will treat all thn diseases common to
the organ. Disrliarjes from the Cnr, Noises in III- I nr
Catarrh, difficulty of heuriug.tntal De fness even where
Iho Drum Is de.lruyed. Will insert nn ititificlul one
unswerlng ma. ly nil tho purpoieH of liu natural.
DISEASES HP THE THROAT. All diseases com
mon to the Tlirnnt nod Nose w ill Ut treated
(JHMillAI.SUItdCRY.-lle will operate upon Club
feet. Hair Up. CI It 1'i.lliitu, Tumors, Cauc. rs, I'.nljr
ged Teiiciis, -c I'lm-tic operations by hen liig new
Hush inta ilcformi d parts, nnd Oeuetal tlurgvry of
whatever char.i It it m:iy present.
HERNIA (or RUPTl'IU;.)- lie will perform "Labius
nperntiou fur the rudkal (riuiipleti-) cure of Hernia,
lliis Is uii'iuestlonnlily u perfect cure, nnd is none wiih
little or no puiii. Out nfmuny hui.drqd operated itpouin
Hoston there In. Iiseu no having nu t the
perfect approbation of nil wholnvc nilnniiteil toll
AP.TIPICAI. EYEt!. Will Insert artificial E)fs giv
ing tlieni thn mnlliiii and exprei-siou of thi imlurnl.
They ore iuseiti d with the .-nt pain.
HE if, (.I'iU-s-.i This troutilcsonie disease
is rondily cured. Thuso BUtfering from it will dowel
to call.
Dr Up Do Oral!' visit, Wilkcs-P-arro wilhavirwof
building up a perum ient In-iitute for the treatment of
tlie Ec, 1 uraml (I'-ni-ral Surgery. The experience ol
more than u quurter orn century iu llo.pital and goner
ul practice, ho hopes, will be u sutlicicut guarantee to
llio.e win, may be disposed to employ hiui,
nlny 11, lSd-j. tr. .
Lackiiwiinuti k Rioumslmrg 16,.iiiroail
ON AND Al'Ti It J ,. 18. 3(i4, PASdENGER
M O V I N 11 a O U T II.
Leave Pcranton, . . . 4 50 P. M,
" Kiqgstou . . ' . .5 53
Ibooiusbtirg fcViS
" P.upert 8.3.5
" Danville . ji.ja
Arrive at Nurt'iunilerland, ... u.55
M O V 1 N ( N O It T 11 . .
Leave NorthumbcrlaKd, . . P.Ofi A.M.
" Danville f.4d
" Rupert, . . . ' . . u.'il
. " llloonisburg O.3.5
" Kingston, ji.ii p. j
Arrive ot Scrniiton 1 in
l-'rciglil li Passenger leaves llloonisburg, 10.15 A. M
at 7.00 A M. Tho .Mail train from Northumberland
leaves iuiinedintely after tho Exprt is train from liar,
rl.burg and ll.iitiinore, allowing Passengers leaving
Philadelphia at 10.10 P. M. to teacji points 011 this roa l
during tha neit forenoon,
New ami clegiiHt Sleeping cars accompany tho nialil
trains carh nay b"twoen Norlhui.iborlaii l nnd Halt i
inure, und Northumberland ami I'lil I u 1! 1 v i .1 .
II. A. FONDA, Hunt,
J. C.Wells, m7 Tula Jecvl.
hingston, January 3d, ISOI.
The Berwick House,
Pcmi'-k, Columbia co,y Pt
mrg HE undersigned wonld respectfully nnnoiin'co to
""'sttf M 'iiends and Hie public generally, that
having leased :hls well-known house-he has given ii
aiiinrtiuuu reiitivuiion, ine rooms iiaveufcu ris-papui
...1 nn.i II... ,,(l. n,ni.itu ' ,' .
en m-iiaoni
ed ond Iho entire eslalillsliiiieni elegantly ri'furin.hed.
He nz nleaianlly mid e igiblv located, nml nrovlded
with nll'the re'iul.iio convenieuros, it oirers to the
public the combised advantage, of
A First-Class (lotcl;
Ilia TAI1LE will always bo supplied with the beiltli
niarkets nlfuid, uud 11 1 H 11-vR with tlie .choicest li
quors, Travellers, drovers, teamsters, hoarders, sic.
acrominodnted ttigiMierul salitfaction, Careful runl 11c
coiiitiiodating Hustlers always in attendance. cHubliu
the tnnsl riiniplele ami eitensive ill Ibis seitinu.'
I. p. siniJE'i'.
MnySj, IPC 1. ,
i. r. ivcn.
New Diiug Store,
rnllE unilersigneil would inform their friends ami the
A public (fciiorully.thut Ihey Have take 11 the stand for
merly ocitipied by lien, ,M. liageiibtich, iu Hit) Eichuuge
ituildingf on Main street, iu lllooiusburr, where lin has
just receivuu u full supply of
Wl'iigs, IrlidicicivK, INiints. Oils,
ILniniis, iVc ,
Which will he sold on moderate terms for ready pny.
Also, NOTIO.N'U Eunerally, of cyery variety, sort ami
PJiyilclam' presr.rlitloits carefully compounded, nl
all times and on short notice.
IC?" Coiifectioneiy )( tho best iclcctloui, and i?od
Water in season,
LT" A sbarn of the public custom Is respectfully iu.
Uloowilurg, April II, ie03.
SI. W & K
Office lu. Court Ally, formerly occupied by Cliirlss 1(
, ilucktlivv,
Bloemiburl, DeJ i, 1S3
A pure and powerful Tonic, corrective nnd nlterntlvc
of nondeiful etlieacy in disease of the
Cros Dyspepsia, I.lvcr Complaint, Headache, Cenern
iieiuiiiy, iervousnes, Depression nt fpirit", con-
rllpatlou, Colic. Interinlttent Fever, Crumps
. end Spn.nis, mid all oinnlniiiM nf either
Sex, nrislug from llodlly W'cnkness
whether inherent In the system or
produced by special cjiiscs.
NoTiiivn Hint Ii not wliolesnme, nnd rcunrn
live In its nature enters intu tks cuinpii.illon iifllliS
Tl.TTI'.ll'H ti'IOMACII IHTTI'.nH, This popular pre
luiratlon rontnins no mlncial of nny kind, nndendl.
botanical I'lenn iit ; mi fiery excitant ; but It Is a tomby
na Ion of 1ho exlrarts of r.iro b.ilsniiiic herb? nnd
plants wllh tho purest and mildest of all difTunlvu slim
uieuts. It Is well lobe forearmed ngaln.t tllsenso nnd, so fur
n Ike 1 1 ii ii in ri system can be protected by human means
ngalul maladies engendered hy nn uiiw liolesntiio at
Unisphere, impure unler nnd other external causes
lllisi i; Tl Etl'd uitpurh may bj
relied on ns u safe-
In di-trlits Infcftcil with Voter ani.lgut, ll ha. been
found infallible ns a prcvi'iiliM! mid Irresistible ns a
rciui'dy mid lliousnnils who resort to II under nppre
liensiuu of nn ntt.icK, escape tlin scourge ; and thousands
who neglect to avail thaineelves of its protective 'pial
itiesiu ndvnnce. am cured by n cry brief couro o
tills marvelous medicine l ov r and Ague p.itients.
after lielng pali 1 w ilh pilnine fur months Iu vuln, un
til f.ilrlv saturated with that I'liiiguDUis nlka'old. nrn
not iinfri'Tii'iitly rctnred to health within n lew days
by the use of IIOr-T' TTI'.K'tf lll'ITEHP. i
'I he weak stomurh is rapidly invignriited and tho np- I
petite re slored I y till b nerei' ibl.i 'runic, nnd henc it
wornr woniicrs in enses ot irispi and iu less con.
flTii'.-d forms of indigestion. Acting ns n gentle nml
piunicss npperient, ns well ns upnr, tho liver. llnlo
iiiv.i'.u'.ly relieves the Constipation superinduced l,y
i irii-t1 ii, on m un- mgr. live nun secremo orgnils
i PuiM'iH nf fecnlo habit liable Xerreut Macks,
ir.tit c; ViiUsnnd f l.avpwr, find prnnipt mid
'l'hungonv of Uillllls Colic li iiiuoedintelv fia.nnirp.l
I J ' S , ! " . i , , ,, l H
resorting to It, the return of the etyuplaiut may be pre
I vented
i "liuuonal wniknes, prein.iture deeayand dehiiitynnd
decri'ii lut e arising from old nee. li nmrri.,'. iiw r.1,....
trie influence In the inuvii
it operates ns n delightful Invijnriint. When the povv
ersnt nature are relaxed, it operates to re-l,iforco and
re-establish them. Last, but mil '-rtt, it '.lis mils s.ifu
et 1 mil It'll t, being iiinirtlacture! froni sound and Innocu
ous materials, nn I entirely fren iVum tho ncid eluuicuts
present more or less Hi uil the ordinary tonics i.ud
sloiuarhlcs of tin-day.
Nn family nu'iliiine ba been in iinivcr.illy, nnd i I
may bo truly added, detertntlj prpular w Ith the nit.-lli
sent portion of Hie community, .id l.'OSTBT'i'Eli'H
Prepared by
PITlHMilUlH, Pa. !
IL"Hclil by all Druggists, Cioetrs nnd storekeeper. 1
evt'ty where,
iNovember24, 13.13 -ly. i
Genuine Prepara fions'
COMPOUND n.uii) IlXTIl.VCT r.Uf'IIU, a ,,,. I
live nnd specific )ctuu4y fur iIJs.m.cs ut lliu LLt'
Kidneys, (iruvel, and ilropsleal swellings
This medicine inrrenses the jiswt r iifilivlinn uud 1
excite the nlo-orbents into healthy nrtioii hv whiili lli I
Winery or Calcareous depoiitions, end nil lJiin.ituiul
I'.iilargi iiinncnts are reduced, in well as i nin nn-liii. 1
flainatlou. -
Tor vvcnkniss arising fioiu Et.H-c, tabits of Dis
Flpntinn, Early Indiscretion of Ablin s, utii-n, le d vviHi
Hie following symptom :w
I Indi'posilioii to Cicrtion Loss of Power
.oss ul viemory, Cimcuity ol CriMlhing
Ueak Nerves, Tro.iiiilini
error 01 Disease, Pain iu Hi i Ua.k
Uiiivi-miI Lus.ifiile vt tho M11 si 111 n r Hy.tem,
Hot Hands, Eruptions en tin- r.rvi ,
Dryness of the Skin, j; usiung of tlio rii'di .
1 .nun 1 omiteuniicj i
These syniploms, if nllovved to go on which Hii.l
iiieoiciiio luvan.iuiy reiunves, soon lollows
1 m roTt.Ni.-v, fAiirrv, Ci'ii.ri-r'i' I itt,
In one rf winch the Patb-nl tuny r- 'pilrn
Who tun say Hint th ). nr.' nut frequently follow .-d
by lliosc llirefil Diseases "
Many aie awern of Hie ciuse of tli.-ir mtrci inc. b it
none will confess Hie lerords of the lus.iue A.ylunn.
And inclnndiily deaths by Consumption bca-'ouipe
w itness to tho tiulh of Hie assertion.
The Constitution oncu effect eil w ith organic we iknes.
rcpiires the aid of Medicine to strngth-iu nnd luv ie
oi.Hu Hits system, which Helmliold's l.itract lluihu in
variably doev. A trial will convince the most .keptical
In many affections peculiar to Felonies the Extract
IliichU is iitit-qtintlecl by any other remedy, us in 1 hln
rosis vrRftetiiion, Irregulnrity. painrulnci-s, or Sun
presaiou of CiiUnmary Eviiuiatious, ulcerated or solr-
rnoiis naio ni tun merit', l.cucliorrlnea or .Wh les.
Take no more Ilalsam Mercury, or unnleasint -Metll
lies for unnleusnnt nnil dnnruriui. di.e.iuiid ii,hn.
buhl's I' lliirliu and Improved Rose Wash cures
secret diseases 111 all their stages. At little einense
Little or no chinge 111 Ui t. No inconvenience tin no
lt causes n frequent desire und gives strength to Lri
note thereby removing nliitiiictinns, preventing ami
curing sliielures of the Urethra, allaying p.iin nnd in.
Ilaniiiiiirluu, so freipieiit iu Hie class of flleases, and
rxpc Ring nil poisonous, diseased nnd wnruout matter,
Thnusands upon thonsands who have been the vic
tims of quacks, und wlin havn paid lieavy fees to be
,,ru.l 1.. .. .),.., i,n.... ........ 1 .1....: ..... .1 1 ,
ull,i ,ial ,(, .puisoN" has. by the uke of novverfu
Rttringeuts" been dried up In Iho system, tu break nut
tu an uggraviiled lorm.aud jierhaps niter marriage.
t.'se IlelmbnliPs Eitrac: Piicliu for all ufTuclioni and
diseases of tho Urinary Organs, wucthcr existing in
Muleind Female, from wll never cause urigiiutiug mid
no malierof how long standing, of these Organs requires Hie aid-of a Diur
etic, llclmbold's Extruct Idithu is the Great Diurelk',
ami iscerliln Its have desired fillet in afl Diueutei fur
which it is recommended.
Evidence of the uiiisl reliable etui responsible char
acter will accompany the medicine.
l'clcc $1 per Dotllo, or 6 for $5.
Delivered to ituy address, securely packed from nbser
vAliou Describe symptoms iu .ill bouiuiuuiittiluus.
Curei fuarauteed, advice grails Addru.s Icl'ms lor
Itifiiruiatiuii to
II. II. IP'I.MROLI), Oltmt,,,
104 Hnutb . . low Chestnut, I'lilla.
. IIEL.MIlOl.lrri Mi iJ it at tpot,
IIELMIIOLD'd llrug ai Chtnlial Ifarthtuii,
5JI lifiiunvvAY Ntiv VotK,
llcvvaro of Counterfeits aiin unprincipled dualura
W lin t'lldCBVOr In dismiss noriii'ir niAii" mid s ll,r',
...7i.s... .7 ... . . .r....'..i" ....... , , j, , , " , .. ..
nlVparano EstrVct'r" inn!
tiiiiuvu i3u if an.
11 Y
. All Druggists Evorywlioro.
Cut out tha .diirt. anient ei tl semlfor it.
AnJ avnld I inposilinii mi I rsposuie
if SI IW.x-y.
It Is well known tothc medical priifcs.lnn IRON
Is the Vital I'riuriplo or Life Element of the bloud. ,
Thlsls deiived chlelly from thn food we ent ! but if tint
food Is not preperly digested, or if from nnyrnuse wlist.
Mvcr, tho neressary quantity of Iron is tint laken Into
th 1 circulation, ur b iconies reduced, tho whole system
sutrers. Tim bad Mood. will irritate lliu heart, will
clog up tlie lungs, will obstruct the liver mid will srud
its ilisense-priiiiuclng i'leineiits to all parts of the
l' nnd. very ono wll. sutler In whatever organ may
In- pr.Mli.piitif tu ilisensc.
'thn great value of
lft ON AS A INHilinNE
. Is well Known nnd acknowledged by nil medlcnl men
The ditliiiilty ha been to obtain surli n preparnllnii o
it u will niter the i Ircul.ition nml nsrluiltate nt onco
with Hi ll'oml. This point, says Ur Hayes. Massacli.
lisctts ftalo I'hoint.t, Ins li.'eiinltnl led in tho I'ctuvi'
tin Syrup, by combination In u way before unknown.
; THE I'EliU'IAIV svitcr
' Is n Protected solution of the Protoxide of lion nVcvv
Discovery in Medicine that Strikes nt the Knot of Ms
ease by supplying the blooj Willi luVitul Principle or
' Life Element' Iron
! '.HE I'EAlim.V S7IU;i
, Cures Ili'spcpjla, l.lver Complaint, Dropsy i'cvei rtlid
i Ague, Loss of Enervcy, l.uvv Hplrlts.
Infuses streiisth, vigor nnOiiew life Into the systeni.nnd
builds up an Iron Coiistilutl'in.
Cures Chronic Dlr.rr'iren, Br n fit la. Iloils, Scurvy, Loss
of t'ln.stilut'oii.-il Vigor.
THE I Eli U VIA N S Yll Ul
Cutes Nervous Afljclions, I'enmli! Complaints, nnd all
diseases of the Kidnevs nnd llladder.
THE PER Uf'lAN i 1 It UP, .
I n iicrIHr Cnr uil .Mi-, ..o ...l. i.,. i.. t. . .
f ,. Mwn,, ,,r accompanied by )MMj or a 5t"t"
tiiu slum,
Pamphlet containing certificate of cures and recnui
liieudatinn, from some of Ho mn.t etninent Phvkicinus
ClergyiiMM,. nml oihers.wlll l: si-ut l r ( 10 nni n.Wro.s
vvi; .ePrt n (,:v of Hie uniiies to show thj tkar
of itie tt'stiiiioual'i.
JllMVi: U'll I UIIJ fun
Presldont of Hie .Metropolitan Hank, ,ew Vork
llov. AIIHI, STi.VEV.s,
. I.ato Editor t'hristnin A.lvnrnto and Journal
lti'V. I' t.'lll'KI.'ll.
Editor New VorK ('hronlcle
Kev John Piernont.
Lew is Johnson. M tl
liev lVarr.n liurton,
Rev i rthur II I'ulUr,
liev (iiirilou II' M; ik,
liev Hylvnnus I rbb,
liev. T. t-tnrr King.
Ili'v 1 1 hrnliii Nut.', .Ir
Itev Jinepli II much,
liev . Henry I 'ph mi,
lli'V P i; llendley.
Ko.well ICiiuiev ill II,,
H K Kendall vf II
W R ( Iii-ImiIiii, At D.
Kranrl Da .V! ll
Jer 'inl ih yt'in. 11. I)
irise Amu Handle. M 1)
Ahr.ih.iiii IVuidfll II 1 1.
A ,. II iv,-, Vi D.
J ll Inilun, M Ii.
llov John V Oliiictf.-ul
I.. Kiiiiiev. M 11
Prepared bv N I.CI.ARIC k Co exdusivclj fur
J. P.DIN&MOKK, No41'l llroadwny Nen-Vork. -
Ho d by nil Druggists.
Nn ramilyFlioiild be tVithout it, Only S3 cent, a bo
for svt . nv
J. P DINPMURE A'49l llrou!vi.iy, Vevv Vork.
ti IV imu'ld! Si CO No. M Trriiiimt At llo.ttl
An.) h) s.i Druggirts ami Country fc'troi ki-eiurs
Jlay ll, lid -Jim. '
i in. iiunersig:-vi. t Isn e xt-ist.i-.-tv rngr.c-,t In Hi
,. i f''",,;la"l"' '""". and koepi-co-iffinilv mi Iiiiiim
un tor saleol his Warcruou.s, t larce nsniriinvnt of
FIX IS. 1 I) pjggj, ('OEl'lNS,
li) whirii Ii.- is u-ihled to ll 1 1 orders mi nn..'iiinn
,.i.-i. -nei'pBit goon lior.e and Hearse, uud will 1.1
times bo ready to attend l'uneiels.
,,., , , , iLMON C. BlllVt
HliNimsbiTj, January iii. lfj
At A. J.' Evans'
UilHlti vllftllifil!
uiidersijnrd rej-pectfully infnrius lii-k frii-uils
I am I tho public generall), that livims just received
from thtj Liistorn tilns, u large iissorinii iii of
being the In n ns.orlinent , iv, r i.tfen-d t iln v.
An. .., .1,.,,. ,.tJ....... .. . . , " ""',"..
n,.r, ii,i., . . .1 "7"'" "i "." -i"iniii;. iii inet
to I.-iv-ilTi, Tn..:;.?... 17.
nlhiiie but th.' ben ,li,.n.i,i ,,ii,.,T..r v.. ""-
ti lishikcnt
II u M.
k.p. mi haud a largo assort-
4 'i crmno"
vlik t) .7yUi.j,
III 21 Ol
Aft1. tO-etll-r W lift n li.n, lv ,.C n.illr,,,.
C- 'ALL AND tii.E IUR Vul.UM; F 'i
A. J, I
Ploom.burg, Apiil. S.I, lt04.
Cheap Groeiy Store.
E8ATS. Ami
'. HE undersigned having In light out the flroci ry n
I David ftrtiiin, lius rtiunvi d Ins I'm and l ap More
up to b'troup's old stand. litre in adtlition to a supe
rior ttsiortmcnt of
i I hits and Caps,
Molns-cs, Suj,'ar,
OoflVo, Teas,
Tolincr-o SuulT,
Cigars. Spices,
t Dried Fruit, Uuitor,
Goal Oil. Diuss.
1 l t rr.....i 1 '
"""" ...iiii(Ji,
Books, Writing Panor 81 Ink.
Utirdtvare uud Ceduruwe, Knives, Coiiiln,
iJ'C, yc , ij'c,
Together with a variety of articles generally kept In a
"ii .
Also-A fine lot of KIIH. MOIIOlFOS ,n.l
wiiitu un iiiv lies ine 111 euiion 01 Mioeiualars ,tnd the
public. ,t
JilIIV 1: niii'pnv
..... ,. .- . - -
, J
lllociniburg, Dec. 5, IE(i3
D. , illl.AI'Kl.l'HIA. PA.
Iseasoof theNcrvcin. Seminal, Urinary andSex.
lul Hyttems-Jimv nnd relinlds treuluient m r0.
ports ortlu IIUWARD AMOCIATlON-asnt mini
in Icttor cut clops, free of charge, Address Dr
J.HKII.I.IMJ IIIHJUIITOV. Ili.vv.ard Assoc at oi.,o,
ilStitiiliNilnh Mrect.l'liHadelihia, Pa,
July i:i JrOj -ly '
V :AXtK.
' -.-.n i,ivi'i-i.ui,-,i .i . , , . .
D "lug locate,!!.
.. - ----..--..--. ..-,.',", ,.u,ui'
Lir.. .1, ..'i . 7 ' ' i ims inu piiuiic geuer
I With promptnen and on moderate tonus und will
, guarantee geuerul tulijfjction,
;8.p',S...-y. C.Wr.NTWOItT...
Minn In Ojutl House y, holow Dninrnt Ottton
Novembsr M, IM1.
MJ liiWdslElESVa'ill
Jlnl how his Pulmonic Sirun, Scaivccd
, . tut 7 i it'ii .
'..,., ntfl Wnttletthi I'-ill net nn
the System n curing hut dis
ease, and the
Te nbovo is n correct likene.. of Ur Schvnek lok' li
tunny years ngo, niter hlind r. covcreil from Unniuttip
tloil . by it course of his "Piiif.iik's 1'ut.MoMrHvniT,"
'llinllki ress. nlthotig It do1 s uot represent him nny ,
thing like nslnd lis hp vvns ul tho vvorel. I it is In
.troug(ontral wllh III Inle nnd vlfnrnus looks of I It a I
Portrait below, which I. the tine likeness ofhlninl tlin '
ireseiit time, Tin coiitroM between thec two pur-1
trails Is so great that ninny would not belijvi thtin to ,
bn llio same persou. Yet thero nre hundreds of per- j
sons, in nnd nrounj l'hllad"lpliia, who will rreogiii.c
both portraits tnlie true rjprcscntntion.. When the i
first vvns taken lie vveijIirdU), pouuJs j Jt the ptes.'til i
1 1 111 U Ills Wliftlll it "'.'0 poundt.
1 l irty yenr. ngo I was in the In.t tige
i. ... . . , - r. . Hl,,,.
I )(..,iisu:iipion. n,l g.v ii np t ,:t... r .,, ,
i, v , ' , ''" ' '"n in mis illy.
- ....(- riiiiMi. 11 u
u nutii..,-,i ,., .
I iniies. viiicii 1 urn ine it) o nnv sin get ihrr,,. ni.iuvnr
..rivsl 1 wuii put to be. I, h 11 it ili-re Inidfor nimv ivvi Us.
1 Thi. vs. my i.aiivi pt.ire. where all my f:.:,ilt lin d
I nml h ii'di-'ii of ''o.isii.i,.i in Jlr. 'Plmrulu'i !:u nt
I li'iidedniv filber In li's last illness, vvus caiLd. mil
, gave mi- on' wiek li. IW up mv I'lnlrs. Hc in, ,,,,,
I i.H ii- fun, in rot ml v sy, .-.11 1 ihnurhl I was l,, 1
I '"' 11 iii-iii" 1" un III e,ll"S 1 now oil -r to 1 1 1 .1 p ib- 1
. lie. wliich e in d in... It .em-,1 to n -1:, lt 1 KUU,i , j
th.'iu pin- tntiig in;' v hnl : y-tein,
I Tiieysiini iiper. thi 1 , alter i-n my luntf, vi-t I
wi ul I tpn o.l'iiin.e li-n-i u pint of oir-nrlve n-li,i 1, m. '
I ter ever),; ,, s i,, ihai b-gin' tn .-uWid,-,
ui) i oujli. f .'.' r. fAin. iiihl v.-mi 13 -a 1, ..,nin 1. m-. '
nie.n'id iiiyai.-tirl, -rnn-i -o ar-nt tlir.t Uttss niHi 1
I Glihiu'iy I mii'I.I k.'i p fiiui' cuing ton nuili. f .,
I gcinnl 1.1) stientth un.t I l-i , n prmviti i 1 i! -h ,
I nvrriiir". I'." m.i.'i) ).'ars I Imv e enj-y -d,.r .
! M,ii..d good li-tiih. I. -i-pi.ig Hi- liv-i an I st-'-iMil. '
1 health) with tlu -i iuwi ii Tonic and Man ImSe fiil,..iif !
; 1 .1111 Of 11 hillnii I '1.1. f.f-..i!.:il 11. ,t . i.,1., 1 . .. .. ,
ret. uud twenty pounds. On ley renvi) pn.-i!e vvnul I .
s"iid for mi', far niul ucnr, to if ihirines wre !
ike m ils. 1 nr lliis pur rs.. 1 pay proles. imnil vi.ils1
In tlie large 1 Hies. 'I hrci.n mnpiivi-s wish to see th-
no Hint ninkfs H,,.e un ilii lues, and v. ho vvai cur.'d ol
consumption b) til mi. 'i'o m-ikr 11, w lungs 1. ,,,
bin ; but rnviti . 111 Hi- lot gs and cbr'01 ic nlorraii mi.
if lb. bruin hinl inb.'s can (' i,-i.,-d ru, I, CH, f ,tc
living hoiirlv under tbi; ir.inrv trratmeiit ,.f plivsi.
ttau. nn-ju-t i-ti nr.! iiirril M th. prop, r its'-, f
rtchen.VV I'-il.uoi ie Sjrup. .Si'invie,M'iiiilc,!,nJ ,Mj.
dr.iko fiil..
1 l ow rr li -eiiliv i.inn. w ith a I ,r;e civ ft v in the '; Irhi- of Hi,, nhl long Hie lower 1,,'j.' 1 rv mm h '
h 'pati.-d nnd conipl, t.i ndh -siou of Ih" pl'nrn'. Th.
I r.Uiig 1 1..111111I, ki lili i, perlnbunf the right long.
nli) 1 hwi, ino; ,lu ii..r,'or.- toii'i.,11,,1 ., ?. ,1 .1 J
" ' J ii.-ni-.iiy inn- 111011. Jli-l'l-Hl ri-it.,,1,
t'oiiig. Ihey .1. iiingotl.c V!i"l" diy.'Mive ,-,,. ,;,fk.
lelinus. and 1 viii mlly Hi pntr ut iKa
I Ulltl ui
Alien III hi- It fir' 111 el JUllilLlifn .ftti
1-1.1.1-11V ,-iu iu- iieHiiirooti ler. nn, 10,1 lui.i.. , ,.-h 1
I leitto i-uij, I ,'iri cl III ' plti -nl how tn us.-Hi- t'.rni '
r.un-di 1 li'.'u v -tin' 1 .,i.- rm.l t'-tij will all stupnf '
J'thciroun nrtnrd o nn-i run I.i: 1 nnil 1.1' i-iiunii.ji,. '
lien, Iwi r r uipirim, dv-upii. rei'inh, t 'inker, ni-1
ri isti-ci'iiiri 1.1. ti il s. til lid'i i.l.l stomach i r. u si h
li'nltliy. In New E'igUii lens cmnsr, ciiro-sj.- tr.r.irrti
j ulet r-ii.' I tlirmit. tJunitiiMii nl uvula, is inuri oi vi I
I lent 1 Inn in m.ynt.Vr siiinii tf tho loiioiiy. - hi, w 1
, Ireoiutim-iaus-d l.v r, f iul Hmnach 1 r) tmr 1
, it nut villi cminii ini'o snd a.tin. run nil th v t I 1 1
I get i- li r. Ii.-f ( t.rr 'et the ctojisth and'liv r, '
luilt':-) Willi, ul uptl..iis-lvf3. '
! tJood nut ni'.ii s the iciiiedy. If v M luve am tM
1 ease in any part rf Cn- body, it will'reni.ii i th. re mm 1
duny iiK.rt nml m no until you ran g( till ! .lutiiii, h i'i 1
the conrtlll'in tod. ye. I food, nnd make new hi , oil 1,1
Ink.- tn- pben of i!i-M;ii.,! iiKII -r. This i ih.' only
wii) '.i Ik a! ui'.iti in th lungs and lilcMln! L -ii- '
. ",111 inn s , inn 1 1 mi' it. initial inu nvtr, 1111. 1 ontini'
I vull do the I. n'mg. .Many p. isons l..tvc n:i 1 lut Hint
! ei-rtnln met irmcs nre grest 1 11 rifle rs of the Muni -
1 v hen Plo mi i 1. net.' i! it raiiuul hu p.irifi.-ii ; n 1
I is disins'tl lli.i mine ni Hie illsi'ii.ed mailer iu the
sy,lom i but pit Hi.! iippar.itna m I'rder, the lin-r and 1
J stomach, tin I give it plenty of nourishing food, 11 uill i
1 'r.. , .' "'. """ " u" -,cu '"''l ,
, -hi- 11 ,i-ui.-i'iis-'ii
SJi In nek'. I'ulinouic syrup is nun cf the b-st i repi
litmus, of Iron in u..-. it 1. n puweiful Ionic (,f ,isrf
"""", iron in u..-. it n.n puweiful ionic ,,r itself
I r": T:'""" " ' " .mo mucus in
. I,. ,ke Pills. Hv. Pulmonic I'yrup i m.ido ie'to Mn'mi
1 Thi i tin-iiiji' WO) to euro :on,ioipti,i.. ,.,.
intl tu a good cppi ut and lood tloiB imt diiert I cm.
,,"i,,-i , ,uu I'Kiiinu ni'v-i'r iiiiiiu inc cougti ; rnuove
l.ieians and it Will Hop of iurlf. 'I Ins Is Hi, mo.t
tt'iulde I with ii.y pnti.-r.ts at mi "l liev
I say,' ll'ntoi, 1 ft;l i.roug.'r ; I can 'af .u.v n tb't
swi'ins ere I. -II.M. nnd I fel le tter every wv.v ;'t,j'. iy
,1'iiigh is iu bad ). t ," anil Hi. y an ns'.i ins'-d m j,",,r
i inn .ay mat dies out m.-.u, r ; r. movt. th) est ire imi.i
i it will sti p its-df. HcheiitkV Huaws-vJ cr. Htc. a good
! uppetilu in hhiuit nine d.iy, when iluie is tin uiiig ilu.
ia.e, unli-ss, tin llvor is so con j-neil itut Hi,. Vlnn.
link : Pill, i.innot unlock the du Is t.i Ur ga' Idaddti
in that shoit space of tunc n. mile - t n'luvv the rltle
lulu in pais tut Keep llw livei and tho Honneh
h-iilHi) and there is less dauber il tin ipiluu or any
nth- r tlisi asi!. It is hart' to t.iRu cold when those or
g.iiisiire In-.illhy. 'J'lioso that air 'jiIioiis. low si.irln.d.
,ln...rv. f,..hnSl -n,,,l I ....!
' nervous, .tommh fulluf wind, everything that is cat-.
I'll lies Innvy loss of'innrv. lrv mi I..-.1M,. ..t,
hud i-i. vii i.t.ti 1 u.if, nut one but of
H HEX' K'rt MANDRAKEPILLM. Il is only a " o,t I,
, one dollar nml livenly-flvo cents, with full ilirecli'iiM I
; Jhis is tulhci .ut. In mini) cases, to tslisfy whatth.i
luDiliriiu's arc. Freiiuentlv uno l. irl , mil... i
I chauseiulliu systeni. Any pi'rsnn tint culms orJiua
I ry health, by ii.jug Hie ir'i'nvveeil Tonic mid '
I Pills occnsinu'ill), mutt get the dlgcitive ii'g.nii in
1 such a healthy condition that Ihey b.'conio fl'iby J
can produtii n number of my old contuiupHve imilent
now cnjojiiig good liealtlr, vvtighinSnearly'.",i'J pounds
I ill conclude hy Mating tlir. u run s I have ma tu in
new ori,niu iviiitii ureall inherent, nml nny 1
oiiewholeeU nny interest in tho mailer lo visit ilium 1
i irsi is .virs I .mow, if.Uli.g II. -n at No. 107 Hiiustnii I
itreet' lltr husband cnlled uno.-i mo m u rr.nn, m
1 iireei. tier hu
noun Ftreet, nun vvisii ul ine tn cull mid wm her. II
mid I could tlu 110 good : that he 1,1 1 11,,. 1,..., .,,,,,1.
cul utii'iidiincii. and nil said sbu was loo far gnn v ith
C'liuuinpliun tu ho cured but .she Ind heard or some
greut cures I had made, and hu deiired lo gratify h, r
wishes. I railed, and found her Ijlug coiilined In Inr
Isec In U111 1 last stage 01 bronchial Loiisuiupiiou, nnd
without doubt inusl linvo died toon. J i-ioiniuod Imr
, , v., . ".--v..,,.. mum tury mucii uiu-iteti,
but no cuv Hies ii.itl furmed, liernuigh was vcrv severe.
.....fc-,. ,.'. ,. ,, uiu.itin 11 uiuis very much ulletteu
,.,A n m I.., 1 1 .'..II ,. . - r. . ' ... .
ine ipii-unt was nail lull uf thick pus. Pulse, HU, b gt
swollen very iiiiilIi; uml worm than all she had chro
nic diarrbtr i. Il.;r bowls had been uit.vod eleven liuu.s
mat clas I told hor the liiul lungs eniiiigh tube i uretl
but that this iiiurihica leeu long siniiilliig. and h"r
itoin-ich was in null an ulcerated couditiun tint I ,is
nrrniJiiotliug could be iim.l. t-ho insltled I sliouid
try and tin w hut I could for her, cb."rvlog that the
would not last Itfiig In iho condition she wits in,
and I could not mako her any wnr.e. I gave h"r llr't
iidosool my .Maiitiruko Pills, und the tome nml hyrup
freely. 'Una vvus on Tuesdn)v unit by the next fuuda)
(hu ili'irilne-iwus tuirjod oil", hcriipiu-lite hwi returned
und the could sit up in bed and cm her dinner. Hhci.
now well, mid gave inn it long, u rtlf.cate,' ccrtlllt'd tu
by the R..V. Dr. Dowliug.
.Mri.llininloniHvv,ea West roriy fiftli ftreet came
to my rooms wllh a tumor on her liver. Wis vvnslovv-
in IllJ roiiuis Willi a lilllior Ol
!K R ''.V'l W...'.:!?- !!'!i
into lliu -Tim ,n,l
tuuinr Had been lUnHtcg over foiirlien veurs 1 eavo
llill Ui
just at the di rections wcrc.priuted, Hho Vame back lo t
my rnoius. iiiuiii unit in two weeks, itonen lint :
better t her loiiguo Jiad begun tu clean a liulo arnuiiil
the edges. her .kin whiter it m her eei brihur, and
the tumor dlscliargiug very i.ilen.lvo mutter, much I
fajtor It had tvoi done b.foro. She kept grudu- i
iillyiiupruviug, nnd in about ttvn nioiilli. she unuj to I
tny tonnis very iiiuchfrisbteued, suiiug thai lliu miuur
hud nearly slopped ruiinliig and was healing up, and
linn eery uucior nun loi.i tier that If It uver healed It
would causo hor death. I tol l Imr that the disease had
all lift hsr syst iu, anil nnlure would henl Hie ulcer up,
J hoy are now lu nled, oud have been for niiout u tsar, i
and she is as hearty und robust a wmnanas you will
llndln a da)s walk rilic iilud foraHyone locHlliml
I Mvv York. WrdneoJay. lljrch 30. irt.4.
'"r.iindiakMKrrat pains In" vlsirnny'ono Ins tha'
nnttblnir I k l,n. r.. m,J i.ln. ......
nenrs nns nuiiiiiig use ncr case, nnit irtes to ur
I inin inM ii . nnd t.n ma 'i'l.u -.a. n..i. .i
field, from ytiimford, Cmin, Mr. Ilnilliolomcw got he
ilnvvii to sen me, and she has Irteti ever since nt het
house. VJhensh" flr.t cnnn tn my rnoms. slio vvns
inucii Finarinii'ii wnu n uistressing cough, spitting large
nuaiiiitie's of Mood, i e
tpsti roineteT.nnd in a II u
,,..'...- -
cininliifil her lungs with tho
IIIV nructleo linver fiiiinil mui
with one llingso gone nnd tho other lung so sound .
1 could not give mm h eiiroiiragcmMit, 1 thought she
wniil.l die i but to my astniilihtui'til the PulinnnlcPyrup.
, Kenivecd Tonic, and Miindrnko Pills nil seemed tn pu
right tn work, the lung is nil lunled over, leaving a
cavity as lurco ns n gouso rgg 1 good nppallt", ftnn
spirits, nnd has gained smnu thlrtv-five pounds Iu
weight. Hlii Ii.ii some cough vet, which I do no not
Hiluk will lenvc her belori! June. I should think it
would b" of great Interest to smiio iinpn'ludlred phy.
cicl.lli to vl'lt tli'se, particularly Alias ijcolleld,
. or any of th 'iu whn hnvu been cured by my medicines.
, 'J hey nr6 numerous In New York, but the nbove tnreo
, nil illflVr from carh other ! nnd if my medicines nro da.
lug what 1 repru.'iit Ihey are. they Should have tn-:
credit and the ullll:tei! kuuvv wlr're nnd how they mar
be cured. j, . HOIIENTK. M. I).
Dr. J II. H. htnrk ranbo fiiund at bis piluclpal olllcs,
No. 3.1 Nortli Uh Hiri ct, hiladr lphl i, rvery fc'aturdnj.
froiuB A. M lihtil .'i P. .M to tivc ndvlce. free of
charge; but Tor n lho,f.ii.i eininlnntlnti In charges
three il'dlirs Prim ofth" Puluinulc Pyrup nnd Ho.
weed I'ntilr ouch SI2.5 per bottle, or Sd tlm hair doitiin.
I Matnirnkt! Pills VS rents in box, and for tele by all
tlruggl.ts i it Dealers,
Juno II, 1 lil.-l v.
. Oldest lieci.lator i'oi' Females.
I ill liniiii'dliflv reli vv w ithoul pnin. nil dUturban-
ces i f I lm periodic Clschari'e, wlieth'r arising Iroui rs-
laxntloi or h'.ippie.sion. 'J he) nit like n clt.irni lu re
moving Hie pnlus that ii'crrifi,iny illilic ilt or iiiiiuoder
; nte ineiiitruntion, mi l ore 11m only tnfu nnd rellahla
. remedy lor l'lutli, Hiik llendache.l'ulu. Iu thi! I.oiu ,
' mid rMdci, Pajpl nlhut of thi; Heart. N irvntis l't.
uiorfi. Hystoil-s, fp.ciiis, Prok u leep, uud otlur un
pli iifnlit uud ilniigerinis nil', it. of an unnatural comli
i Hon ofth. sexual ftiuc 1 uis In tlu worst ensui of
. I'iun, Alius, or l hit. lli'-y i lf. it n sptedv . lire.
, i:!. CIIEEriEMAVd I'EMALI. I'Ii'.I.m,
I'avr bei n Used over n UunrtiT iif n Century. Ttsey
I sre i R'.-red ns Him only s ife nirans of r'iiewiug Inter
1 rujitud inenstriMtiiiu, hut La Itrt mint b-jar in mind
i tlint tln-rif is nni condition of the female svsteiii tu
w hii h the Pill, cniiiiot be taken without producing a
peculiar result Th- cnuditinu rcfi'ired to Js ,'reguancy
til nsii't Ml. n ring', furh i. th.) irreilstlbl,-im.
d.'iav of the medi'i'i,' to restore th-i si(aisl fiiiictlons
to n uoriunl ioii'(itiiti. Hi it evn Ihtf rjirnductivH pow
er of nntui o cnuind r-'si.l it. '1 lii-y c.iniioi do Iinrui lu
an) othr way. '
DR. hi pekem .V'.-3 rr.M t,t: rn.r.n ,
re tli.s only M iIIlmiu i' ul iirin d nnd Hiiiirle La lus
Invr ulie ujionfi-r uinn) )ears,nr ca-i rr'y upon n,t.v
I'' of liiutaiious I 't'tes., 1'ills lurui IUa- I'l.'.l
I'ri'i ariitiiin tvt put fnriv.'cd, with linni'diato nml
i'lf.lfii nt i.iriess. Ii;'l' r.E liEi' nil Tuk
tills iiilvi'rtl.cnieiil to your Dfu;gll. nod tell him
in ivj 1 1 ie ii",i ii.iu inn, re inoio reuuii.-i Alei icili4
; lht. .. .,., ,Jln rii. . ,
DR. CHEE-MAN'rf I EilAI.H PII.I.H 1 1 !
Tlmy liavu recjln d. and arc liow receiving tin sin
ctiun of tin- niii't einiin iit l'S)n lan-t in Alit rics
i:.':t'l li.'IT 4l;(ti;. I iVS with ei.rb I'.m, th.- priii
One h.lli.r n'r bin cinitaliilng fro.n !j in CO Tills.
Pills sent l.v mail, promptly, ly r 'iiiiltjiig lli.j ,nc.i
In tlie Propri'-tnrs. 01 1111 nutli' nx 'it Ag. ut. in currwa
fuud.. S.d I by I'r-igfists gen r-ill'.'.
IH-'VlllNtl.-j i I'll.LVi.l! Pionrl tors
t'l IV I.-r ftrjet, New Vrk
"."J" fold in Elooiujliur. by E; er ,t Mnyer. and B
P l.ui.t Fi 6. v!T. in.-l -ir
t' I..M 1NIir.ll SAFES, LU
HiOVED to ,. IciAnvt, F.,,tiS
i' It.t. i.-l'lJrp.'ii,,. Imv ,;0
uiiu n larie
in Hie I'liito J Bt.vtes.
I'irt Siftt in Offta. Ml tunc cut -ilt; til tm'
ttuti in iriinH n.viiitiin.
ihe 2?.-.lani3n'.i'r rfnf-.s of l'Jiih.lcljihia .against Hij
iien had tli'i-surct 'kfii.sir.,ti in 111 the fdhiwlm- tsi
itrlinl Cm III 'ir umjiifnci.uriM'i .1.',r.i-.Rii P.r I'al s Inw
.it I 'i nth fully vtnrrnut-J Hi- r -pr '.-ntniiuis which ti,rj
Ii 'i u iim.l- of th 1:1 '1-, ri'ii-leriug tin nudonlit i t turns
iH.aiiiet Hie Il l-tin.' rlcni ni.
I'liilT'ilphi 1 April l!f pj, .
V'jrt :ram IP.i.'jun II, ntl-m mi IT nflun's is
I ! IliCbt'Si sntisfm t-oii t" atr.te tn y,,.,, Uial owing I11
Hi-very jimt. itiv ii'i.iliti snltr-u of Hi.- CM iininiiirr.
i . ...... "' ' ur': V"t,, ' five Mi-mi' sn e-
'V n I.V 'h.t .1, ..r ... ..
f,,,,,!,, 6lrv r ,,. , i,.,.i,,, '"I ,
n-ii r'i.n-'ii,i''ni,) 1111011 11 an nf on. ni'ti- rur.i. vvlrr. Hie
vn.i of the h nt cnu. d th - hr.'.ss plates 10
iiifll. we c.niiiol but r.':,r I ili'i-t. rv.iti ni of 1!,. ic ml
liable I'.ut nits n most vmiv lining proof of the greut tv
curlli alb rde I b) ;. mir sn!-s.
V. shall Hike -'rent pi i.vir" in r cn'1.111 'inllnr tt V
nn 11 tl s. inn sur.- r-li.iini i.tumt fire.
,.., t;i;o.t,iL t. Hi vi ,jnvs i into . .c ... j
.j Tiny Inn, sine,'d Ifrre Hafe; .
Jul) i" , iw. .nsuiH.I l':v.'. fillllA I WfiKLP" CHI.
F.::.'!ll!IT!ii. HE It
1 .'.1.
W w nwirdi'il tin I'rlm! Med
nl fur Ms superiority ovi-r.i I
c.inpelllion. in th 'nit I
Mllt.-S .M his l.lipinl Mlli-I'ta
'J riSVPllilig TrUliK?,
He I "lug the invenfiir m,.l :K' rVklutifc?
.Miniiil-,itturiirt.f Elu.lic steel " V.''"
Hpniif sn Id y.ile .olid liivi ti'd Iron rrnmn
1 rnvcl nig 1 ruuks. VnlLes. Lad ea Hat IJ.ises, Lnrptt
i:ps I.eallier Hags, l.'mhr, Hi, ,,,( H(,,ln- Jlnr.Vf,
llovi- digs, Pri-i'i'llers,, Ac, which li
1. Iirepiiied tu t JI at llio lowest Manufacturing priru.
' r U i"l' ' I iVl ad' pi ll i I Tl'u"l""", -'rl", liaS -Mdiiufacluf;
4- -MAI. Ki-T STREET Mil.' door nbeve Fourth.
. , r-outli silc. PillLADr.l.l'IIIA,
rT-r.kles room nn tlia Hr.-i Hi,,,,'.
by-Trunks nS.nly r.'poiri'd or i-Jcharged fur mm
Mil's, t all nml (i,-e. as we s"ll t, ry , lieaj, fur ca.h
I cv. I) !ft,:i limn
HI I B.E,,
Nos. 0, 11,-1:1, 10, 17 OouitlantU Strci't
nf.aii niiOADWAY. new voiik 11 . y
Tlilsol.l-ejtibli.Ufd end favontc riiorl of iliujjusl
ne s Coraniu.uty 1ms been r.-c iill rerllied, and is. o.i.
pint" ill t v -r)lliing that can ininin- r to tin. cumlurls of
Us palr'un Lndl's and familim nre .11 ciall) and iuru
fully provided fur.
It i-cintrully located in the bu iness part nf the city,
and it cniliguow imbe principal lines t.f it lumlinau,
cars, ouinibiissus f.Tries, tic.
. ll",u,1'"!1,1"J1":,'l"flhJ ir,-.sura caused b)tlie
piu". iiavu m-ini reuuiiil III
une notutr ai a
Jilt 11 Cents tier Daii,
'I he table is amply suppued with cl' the luxuries ol
III ' M'ftsoii.uu.l i uq 1 a I to 01 any Uher hotel in lite
Ample accommodations cm nfii r-d for upward of Kl)
uV" Do 11 it belicvi lUimi-rs narkineit, und others who
may say "tho Wi'slem liofl is full."
. I). D. WINCHESTER, Propri"tor.
Feh. li.lcM.
mmim mm .
.'rilEPri'i ri' turof ihls vvell-kuowii nnd renlrilly lure
I ted House, the EtiittNou HotsiI, situate on Mai,
Hlrcet, in lilonuijburg, immediately "inositn the Coluin
bl.i I 'utility Court llou.e, reciiccltully i.ifnruu his friniidi
and the public in gt nernl, that his llnuse is now In or
der for tlio reccp'lon nnd tint jtluini.Knr of travelers who
may f id di. posed in favor it Willi llieir custom. Ilo has
spared nn eii 'ii.e iu prnpauug the Ext iiamie, for the
eutertai ent nf guests, ni'itlrr U ill tliero be any.
lliiug wnntln; (on his pnrt'itu iiiluister to their rersouni
coinfott. Ills Imu.e is sp.icinus iiml enjoys an excalleut
b'lsiuess locution,
IC" Uiuniliitii'ii run nt all limns between thn Exchange
Hotel nnd Uil Miriuiis P.til Rotnl Depotn, hy which ln.
elers Hill be pleasar.ll) iiuiveyeil tu anil from tlu i.
spectivo tft.illiiiu in due time to meet the Care.
Hlonnitliurg, July T. Id n
fill und CO? .Market Ftreet, Phllidi'lpliiu,
'fMllfl llot-'l Islocuted in the very centre ' f busluasa
X und is near the ri'tpectacle nlnens cf iiiiiusimii Hit
li lilcli innke il particularly desi i able tn penons visiting
I'liiluib'lphld on business nr p'ensiiru i ami the Manager
liopee by rlosu personal utleiilliin In Hit) vvanisofhii
111 C net t s tu iiiiik" il a t'limlnil ilil'i J.O.II1' fo, much as
I favor l.l.htnise.h .the r
.I. im H.lVli.M .VS0i. I'roji'is.
July 2.1, 1-01,-IJ inu
1'iUional Hotel.
(liiit White Swano
nun r.tnir'i'i i a t in... .,.mnn
,'.., r , If,... uL.i 1 .k . i,
'! 01)1 liti&lt HoUl J-fOatlOn, Pa
JOB. IIOIHI'M. ('nth,
M in h t, letW -Hin,
.1 r :..',
;v.l--.. '".': unuaiarje nssorllnunt cr V r
1: ,'1'1'' f""'ftflatai,,..r S.f.
Cluk;.t ' uii-ul,' L". iron doors, fur bunks ail
i'lfci1''.'!'; si' r-s. Iron shult r Iron snsji. aU
. - '!-.;. ii,u, j of iocks eiu ii lo auy ita m