COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. ALEI.I D. TATE, LOO Ah EDITOR, Saturday Morning.Dec. 24, 18G4. '-Z-:v,-ar,r-v T Sl ?I Advertia.n.cnto. Co?- Xlie cold weather of tho last few weeks, eJkot'ially closed tho Canal, so that tho water has born drawn off. &3T Wu aro Indebted to Mr Ljonard Wbilmoycr, of tho Army, for a copy of a itiolinioiiil, Va,, paper. ($5? Tho FToigh'iug at present is excel lent and those who have plenty of gicun lacks arc enjoying it ''muchly." t Wo are roque.-lcd to announce that tliu Rev 0. V. Scott, will preach to morrow morning and evening (Sunday,) in the Bjptist Church. eOr We fonder 10 all of our Patrons i' the complitncnta of the season and wish i ad of them "A Merrio Christ ma.-.,"' and ai "Happy New Year," t- Interesting Remiuisceticea. Tho , anto election dtclnratioua of bhoddy or- i gaus, including Di. John's, ibat il Lincoln fbould ho elected ihero would no draft the rebels would at uneo lay down their arms, ctu , etc. 6f Tho Couimi.-siouers of Columbia Couuty have received information from Harrisburg, that the diaft for the Stati Militia has Leon indefinitely postponed. 'I ho cause of this change is unknown to u, but supporotke oliject is to await till old Abie's three hundred thousand is 'sup plied, thou Andy call will bo attended to. r- . - - fir Tho First National Hank of Ber wick ha- put iu opcratiou, under the lo lo'vnijr olTicers : President. M W. J ick- ton) ('miner, M. E Jackbou: Tcllir B. A P. ll U.ivic ; Dirtetors-Ji:sse Bowman, M Her, Wiji Limon, W . II. Woodin M Tniiih, S li. liowman and lwaii'. Frank SST Tho Bloom-burg Local Senate, having engaged the hall of tho Academy fir iti permanent use, will meet ihfro reguruly every Friday evening, at half pat mx o tloelc. The atlvauiage.s nhieh this assoeiution nflera to the young men of tur town, of which all can avail them n-ltfc?, are tiieh :i9 thould secure a !'u I aud uc.ive moinboi-.-liip. t,ar W'f wi 'c in error in stating, :i fvv Kit k. ..go, tii -t t an extra tiain had been put on the Lnokawautta and IJIoom?burg 1! -iilro .il. It appears tltat the addition train wi I imt bu put on until Mouduj t,fM 'J'ai'iangcmoiit will give tra'v- cleis the a'ttaulasru of two down at.d up Irani.- uatlv ibe whole It-ngth ot the ro id l&" fctlftii lct;rfi. X j. AuIuson Hll8l.ll, :tl ut I'l y pum ,.ou o. Jnhn Jit'ebi r. of B'oom-hurg, fell dead in ihe road, on u idoy last, in .Mr.unt I'leas int I -wu lup. Oul. f- . Hit body was rcm.iv ed lo U oom-bnrg. Joseph Lilly, E q. riittiinotHtl a Jury on Monday, aud held ILc tiMial Ii qde.-t. 1 la C.iiicr- ol the "C.LU.MiilA BiMotiiAl,' dctiiea u- to ri'ttiiiid his patrons lint ho will as u-ual wait' upon then with his acou-toined New Yenr'.-Addre-s, ..t the pr. per time. New Year coming 0.1 Sunday ibi car, ho will pro lubiy be round an Saturday afteruoon We bespeak for him a liberal reception, ty the I'rit uds of the Democrat. Osir Winter U at our doois. Fuel and I'rovi.-ious are dear, and tin re :irti tho.-e smoug us that hate not tbo moms to buy Thfrg nre the fatnilie.- of ourbravi. fold lers, many of whom will need assistance, and who are entitled lo oibi-t tnco without h-ii'g ngaided aidj.cts of charitc. Then' rc whole families whom uliforluno ha taken, and who, iu ih struggle ef Hie, have been dnvtu to the w.ill. Tliese thould reeiive asuistance fiom thore who have a eompeicui'e. tSV A wi'ld Winter. There are many iudieatious lhat the preent winter will be a tjpe of what all our winters will ulti mately become, a mild and open scaboti Nature foicsaw it, iu preparing the coats tor the ears of corn, aud gave them but scanty covoiiug, tha streams and po-nds aio not yet full, which indicates that much rain is yet tu fall, the muikrats have built their houies two stories high, to avoid the rise flf the water, aud tho nutn aro scarce, s the iquirrels will have the liberty ol' the woods, of btiug locked up in tbelr holes bv enoW-bauks. tSr Secretary Stanton says lbat( the hew draft for UOU.OU men i I'to make up tho deficiency o'-eaiioncil by ciedits on Hie I.ih call.'' That cill was issued July j 19, 18U4, for 500,000 men to servo for ono year; and the diaft was (or should bavo heen) made' about lifty dayi alter its pro mulgaiion. It is probable thut the Seore tiry of ur intends to cover, hy tho word 1 dtficicnoy," fb6 men who were dralted and failed to report, or who, iu any way, slipped through tho fingers of the provost fiuard, as well as that ''occasioned" only ,hy ''credits.,' Thero is nothing in tho urder to iudicatuthat counties which furti i'hed less thait their quota of men on tha last draft will bo obliged to make up for that dofioioncy. The whole thing iu our opinion, will bo number grand Bchomo tu rob tho poor, aud tnriob shoddy, Dr. John makes the fal-m nnnmin coment ihrough li is last numbor tbat Lin circulation is about doublo that of tbo two othor papers of this nlacc. mr.nniii.r it. "Democrat," and tho "Star." This as- snrlion U faIso 00(1 tu0 Doctor know it when ho wrote it, Tho circulation of tho "cmocrat s equal, if not larger than tho "lllinntllinntiEt nnj . --.......w, uuu iiiuv iQu, 01 regular oouaimo ut)?oiiuurs. Tho propriolor of the "DiMiioorat," has elriekcu from his list during the pat few years, moro sub scriber!, for alow payments, than the Re- j publicans circulation. Probably tho Doc tor has got somo of, them ; hence his blowing. NOTICE. Bloom. iiuna, Dec 21, 18(1-1 On and afier Monday next. Due '.'(lih, 1801. Passenger Trains vM leavu Dloonic but i; ah follows : Bound North. Bound South ' 0 ur, A. M. U is A. M 0 30 V. M. 8 25 P. M. Ceo. W. Rathiip.n. Asttnt. i c Congress Thero WHH nnlliinir .Inn., W.IS notlling Uone in Congress of any importance tho week. . - fJold sold in New York on Monday lat at :i. To Mii.itauy Orricens and Soldiers From Onl. E. F. Jones, Ma- Stith. "With me, the use of tho "Ii onclwd Tro dies," is an hIisoIhIo nece-sily ; aud I can not undiTStnnd how any officer who is call ed unou hv his nnsitinn In iki. hi ;., pnmin.iiiil. cnrnrl W!il,t 1 1, " -ww, ...iuwuv tuuuj WHEAT, per bushel. 5 51) HVI1. ' 1 tin uoitv, i .-, IlLTKWIIUAT, 1 (IU 'Mill It per bbl. la on n.ovna-'f.r.i), a 1 t' . i! 7.1 1 HUCKWlinAT Flour. 4 51) llllTTI-'.lt. rtlTATHES. iiKinn Ai'i'Li:.-' HAMS llACON. S'l HAV by the ton. an on (JIIICKKXH, pel pair. 4'J RECEIPTS FOR NOVEMBER, TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT- -:o:- Tho following payments have been nude lo tue L.tiiuiiiuiu jinmaui omce, iiunng ihe month nf Novtmber, 1801: Win .1 Mi Kcc. Can J.icob II Vube Tin Mcti.irvy II uj C. Ili-s Jnhn t' l'mler. lls'l I li i. Il.'iiurlcll, Jacob WelliviT J O Ward l' l-a.ic Ulind.'s UjviiI It Alb thin Ji". 1 1 1 Lilly, Jnlili llniitnii Sr ly'olutiibia I'uiinty 51 ( V.I !re-l"r 5 'J ji -tuilri'w 11 wsitiuuver 1 .5 Oeuriie Kr.:iMer 1 00 J .VI 4 mi I 111 J p 1.V.11M a tl.l N'alhau KlerH.'iiteiu 111 U) Win II J.ici.b).i: i 3 '" liavid a A pl '.iiaii -.' oil ani'lel '' lleml '.' uu Hiram A-li 1 ""(Juase L'liltiiii.iu. V.ii 1 1)11 II. ,11 l:u.,b I 1:111. 2 Jin t apt V T ibln j.". (H J inp'-r ft. II. r .1 'J" 1'iti'r Siliuu 3 I'" frliii? i riunur I Mo J. tin Wnlter 'J U'l Tin, nti Wi'.iver Ii '"' Jnlili Ki ic, l.- l e 1". ter K.i-i- iiDTIhm I U, llivr lo III! 2 Til a im 'J Ull a on e mi .'. IHI e on 2 1111 01 Ui'U tt iiut'c 1 K .McCnlliiiu, U' S l.ynnn Juhii .Miciia,;! Win I'.irr Uui.'iiiu.-I llnzart Abrah.iiu .ii -1111,111 joha It l-i l.-r Col John 0 I'ri'i ze rit''ihen (1.IUWH I.' K lu.lll, I.H't .liihliiia Ur ink Oeo W I'uiiit I'reili'rick liri'hr, I. mi John ICreti.ler I III .'1 110 I 0 e 1111 4 im li-iul ibr.iiii V I ifr :i Ml 5 25 r I, a 33 J nil Wni l.i'nle I 1.0 I nb Sere't I h ih Knorr e oil 4 HO i'n In. 1 DlHinlv '20 nil 4 ;l ! T: l R M .'b in mil I 1 II e liu I J lb out II cl. , 11 I.' uu 4 01) Thu llu-n y 1 .V,l r.J- Our p.i) mciitb are auiiouui il above In th.' pat mi ) aie email. The full si anuusii;illy brini.-H lean piyaienld. Our, tliauki U(J due tn ltioiij;btful fri.'iiiiH. Wi-'liavu sent billi, by mill i'.io P'l twn weiku, to 11 larRe nuinb-T of persons, in i-eitiuiii. uf ihe country. iiuitbtcU t"lhe ntlico iif'tln- t'li'iinibia Ueiuu, ami re'ueted runiltiiiicin by Ihe i..iiiie 1I1.111111.' Ilim lreilf, if not tliuuMiuds. nf i iin rs, tu wluuu wo luve not miiI In It j, but w ho know ilniu-i Iver inili bod lo in, aio! if Ih.'y weru as honest .in ilwy piofj's tn In', woulJ at ouce pay lluir nniibiu. ues, li-xeu tlniiir'h it bo but, one wiuui.j wiihnut wi.iiiii fi r a 1'rimtra J.vnit Upuii ihe advent uf Irfij. we I ti cnupd. leil.uf 11. tcen.ity, to rliarje $; 3d fur all pil 1111(1111.1 tuhscriplloiii.. .mil 1 1)0 per annum, (whuh will ii"l be I'lpiul i.t premnt tn "Nt oui.i.iii 111 Uemuii.itic tune) fur Hie future, i.i advance. Nor u thi" lliewumt. 'I he name 1 T di'liii'in 'lit will. 111 Hi liiiure it" 111 III part b- .irn'.e.i tiuin the rull. And mure, tluy will bj CJlle tJil uy tha .hoitCM e.'al process , , , ., fyrrr-Jgv-riTrr -'-'-y-- -r.Trmr-cr-.K. WBEKLY PLAI. MM IOR 1866. ('hcapc-t aud Lest Family' Paper iu Wen ! Our MnlLo-'Deiiiociaaj uu I the Union.' ' Eveiiv Family sii.iui.i) have a Pai'Kk) NL'tv TVi'n Si" suv r E anam preent nur annual 1'i o-p. cv- ins to nur r .tders for tile Tienli-fuurlh Vol- mil., i.flhii t'l.AI.N' lll.ALLIt. .NolHllhiit.lU'llML' III.- leient del' ut 01' ibe Ue.uucr.i y. U never wa 111 belii r enn.liliiiii pecuniar). 01 111 bitter plmk fwht III- bltlli'ii . if III ll.'liliicr.liy Hurt, belu liij tint in Hid II. inutralic I'.iriyof the Nmih .iluiiii r'l thi .avion f uar Country and 1'uu.tiiutiiui Wu .li ill Kiinre uu i.'jpeSS') tu iii.ikn e.ich Weekly Puiiu ii.'iil. r tniitaiu a p. rieit .ym pi" or Uu current lUMii weei', with Unit tauuil npiec uf f.u anil humur whuh h.i.,liilli. iluiuaile it m popular a pip-r. and tru.t Hint ibn 01. i piirnio.e u thui.uiuiut jiar will bo convinced thut it n tlw Hest Kewvpapeu in the West! nurinj tho coiulne year we shall print the PLAIN 111! UXll on uu eiiliru ' llrmn of Type, no tint 11 will present a neat und tasteful app mm ice. Wo h:il coniiime to employ an mupie lWitonal Corps, mid will not be behind .my p iper 111 talent ami enterprise. Ueing members of the A-nociiled IVem, and liavliu an Inlerem in the new arrautionUnt for furnishiui' Spatial lieporti tu the V p-terii Coie., we thall be able to lurni-ll early and relublo Teleurnpliic lteporu from all ectiuiu uf the rniiuty ; aln. 1 iiAiplete Market lteporta uf Cleveland. Iliill'alo, New Vnrk anil Chlcaao H.pecial ntteiltion will lie paid to tha Literary De partment, giving each week n rfelett'i'ale.onsinal eon iributiniia uf I'octry, .Miceiuuy. wl'. In abort, wo hall mnko a t-'omp1' ie Newspaper Heeord of each week Xotwitluiaii line the continued ulvance ofniier. ink nud printiui; niuterlal. tho rrnpouur nf tho I'lain Ueiiur. belli", ruiilldent uf a 1 1 be nil tuppoit nun', us iu thu past; u lIM'ui the t'ltvi'liiiiil Heikty l'liilii IXiiilrr AT THE roi.l.OWI.Nd TEltMS: einijlo fubtcriber. per year, ' 8'- ' Clubs of Tun. each copy 5 1 ' I Hubs of Twenty, cadi cony, 51 ou With an cxtiu copy to each i luh. TIiop trriutaro really Imvcr than Hie times will ad mit, but the II ill'iing piopicis nf 11 lurt'o filltum warrant us m oirerini! thu i'lain Dealer a the Cheap est paper 111 the W it I 1 ..,A..1 ... f.V llllll- ry Hvery Dein.'irat is reiiiiled In nidus In get ,,g our paper b.,,e,l,eg:P,e.,dr.s()N) Cl.i;VI!I.A.ND OHIO. EXECUTHIX NOTICE. Eijlato of G'ore W Hiitlo, Drooacctl. tUUSCrilun'ii. run . .v - I'.TTIIKS TeHnnientao' oil the e.tute nl i.eorge tv decide &c nil decede im without luymeiil furtliH ith. Ml. Pliasaul twp .MAIIV H1TTI. U. Nov I J, ldil. ti'rs. sfonsi. FOR SALE, AGO D-SIZEU MAKE, suitable for rurin. UuggJ- I) rait, nr I'aiia'ing, will be suit cheap, on upplicatiuii to the Uditdr of the Deuiucral. , lllnonisburg. Oct. I. Irtll. Ludies nnd ChildreM Hnts. I.ate.t styles at CIlAUMId O.Mtl'Ollll ct fONS, Continental Hotel,. Philadelphia. LHdioa' Furs. Purrhaser. may rely upon gelling llio tet Fur. at CIIAKI-UH OAKroKH k SONB, Ceullnilltal Hotel, i Chuyiut SUCCt. Philadelphia. r i ii u ,ntn ..." i' I nil nil I iiiw lis il il. il inula tit. . ... '. .- -f- ' , .,., I. hub beun cranted bv the Itegisier oi nnis i.rui,, .... . , ;.toHie iindersigned both residing 1" said twp. a largo SKUig u. it so . y u. persnus having ilnlun nyainn tne i-sium oi ' """t--ii".,V. Ill are r" I'l' iieil ! prusuiil iiiuiii ." ii.v i , . if. SPECIAL NOTICES. rV0 CONSUMPTIVES. JL CouaunipUvo aufTurcru will t Vi.nn,hV. ,V",.,curo r Consumption, Asthma, ?,! ? ch Vi' " i"1,?" t.liront lu" I'llcctloiu. (frCOPf tlia'ScAby .eliding their address to 1 iter, mnv.utn a. wii.son, r'PHK CONFESSIONS ANiTexpe J,,.. ., . tier cc! or in INVALID. 'nr "10 '"'"''It. iili.l nt n tautlon tn Young Mill unit oilicrs. who milcr from I-'orv oils Debility. I IHna u-e Decay if Mnimnn.l, tec, miiiiil) Inv ot the sjirio I 1110 t 111! AlttKH nr Ml .rimv I' .,'..., .. I,. I.,.. i in I'll himself nrt. t undcrg ilia considerable uuackcrv uv cniliMtni; n ii!l hiil addressed envelope single ( opli! hi ly bo lint nr tin- niitlinr. . . .c. . NAT" ANIKI. MAVI'Alll, Esq., June 4. lfT.4,- ly llrnnklyu. Kiligs co., N, V KVK .1 EAR. ft.i'.rnH!""!i.f ,!,XA.'.:'5' M0'" AifRMT fonnerly ot l.ednn, Holland, l9nniv located lit No.flll 1 1. I. ftrori. I' i.I'iiia. uhcrn persons nltlicted I lull. tn. en nl I'm liVi. nml liAll will bo .dentin oily treated mill cured. If curable. (O" Artificial Lyes Inserted wlthinii pulo. A II nt li.iriti-H in.i.1.1 liir Lxuiulnatlnn. "lu'Meil l.irulty i Int lied, us ha has un secrit. in his mode nr 1 r. iit in t ii t July 'J. I -01.- liiii ( INIWItJIilTEON vilEE f TO NEHVOUS SUFFERS-. A, nilNTI.n.MAV, curcil of NVrvoim Drhililt. In- cni'iiiPlfnc.v I'reinatiirn Dfciy nml Vnuihrul Ciror l.'ill'.l hy II ilogiri! tn li'Minfit ollirr. III hi liin.ii nctiiMiM tn ll.rlll li ... nil .. I I I I .! f .1. I ... ' J "" " .,'.' . iii. iiv.-t. ii iri'u i i IHAT1IPJ nil' r1. cinpt n id illrc Hoik Tur inn ini! the tlmiile reiueily ili'il III Ins iiiso, Buirur.:r nlflmigti prnllt liy ttu: ' ailviTtlm'ri bail 'TierleiiPi', nml ine n mrc ami vul- "ie 'eniei.y, can iin n iy u.Mteili g liim .t mice at hi. place nr binshum. Tlfd llccliie nml full Inrnrina. unn-ui v Hal Importance-Will liu clici'rlully rent by rctiitil mall. Aililrort JOHN' II (innnv, No. Ol Nafufiii Mri'tt. New Vnrk ID" I'. H.-Ncrmin Hiolercr-i uf boili tcivs will ami tliln Infnritiatinn liivalialBB """' i-w.-a.ii. MATfilMOWIALI l.ADItS AND UCNTLEMLN If you wljhtn marry, nildross the iimlcislcncil hn will ki'tiil i.ii u ith'iiit iiinncy ami withnnt prirp vulti alilc lu Ii t mill I on that will enable ymi tn marry happy mill pi'H.iy, rrepi'cllve of nae, wcnlth nr beniil), " nun iiiinrinaoiiii will tu;tni ii ot Ii I ii , ami it ymi wisli to rry. I will chi'erlullyniislft ymi. Alllctteri ttrictly conlldeiitlal. The di sired leroriiiution sent by ri'lllrl1 mi'H. urnl im qui'tipn nrkcil,aililti-s S;,,r"'1 1Kl'!!"1!,l!'t.' 'Srecnpoliit. Kin-s cu.. Ncv, 4'ork. wtl. J.I, ICU1. .ill! Uniformity nfFrices ! A New IVntiiro in llimlnen Everyone hia own mil JO.N'CS it l,'o. oftbu UrencutOnu Trice Clothing t'iru,Xu. !.'U4 MJrhct.itreu nbnvc Sixth, Philadelphia, In ad lit lull to having the lar?et, moat varied .mil fa-liiuii.ible utork of Clnlhiui! iu I'liilailelphia ilKlilecx presglj (nr retail sales, lime rountltuti'ii every uue Ilia unu saleinan, by li.iviiii iunrke.1 in tkuri's, uneiioh nrtlclent tn erylnwet pilcu It tan be sold fur sothey rniiHut pii.iHhly vary all uiiiat buy aliKe. The (inn i are well (punned prepared and creat painst.ikeu witli the uiakiii!: im that nllcan buy W'lth tliefull aaaurmiea ul cettiui; it iiond nrticle at the very low'f ft price. A Inn. ;il,irt:i' dtnok f piel e eiiodn nil ll.iud of the lati iit style and lii'nt ipi.ilities. whitii w i.l be iiinilc to order, in the must f.i-hiunable and boel inaiiuer, 'ii percent, lulnw iredil priLei. Itemeniber the Crearcui, in Maiketabove itli ureet ii'j iui. JO l.d CO. ' KiiuliiLt: nisin.o-uinLC.tuTS foutiiu A hum fnluable ami wniidi rl'ul iiubliralion. A w.irk .1 . 40ii ii.ijijm. anditil ngraliit. DII.IIUN 'I Hit S V MM: .Ml. CUM, 1111 uiiiiial and popular tn-nt-i"it uu Man nml Wninaii On-ir I'liysiolny, Fiinrtinii-, and !?i'Xiinl ilisunlcr of every kind ilh never r.illitiz It.'iiii iih - fm tin ir spieily curi. The paiticenr Or I'uiiti'r li i Ioiib been unit villi K unbound but at the carni'tl solicitation uf iiuuierouii' pitmuih he Ii.ih been induced lo extend hi nii'ilkal iiuf.ilii.'t.ii through III jii.-ili u 111 of hU '-VADi: U'.' I'M It is a volume lint hnul.l h ' in lh.i hands nf ever) lamil; 111 th.i laud Hi u preventive of iiicret vices, nr us 11 yuide for th'' al ei i.itinu uf one of tin iiiut awful iiti.l diMrutOvi' jiiiir.-ii ever vjniieil uniikiud. due'opy it.'curely em velnpril uiil b fnrwiirde.l 1 r". of pnrtiuu to any part ol the t'uit.'tl Stat.'i. for .V) et'iiu Iu 1' o Mump'., A.ldrci.-, putt nail, Ur. Hunter, No. a Divjtdon Klv.-it. .Now Vnrk. .M.. Jl, lCI.-y. i . ELL'S SPHCIF.O P1L1.S Waii I ) HAN rf.D IS ALL (,'A-fc! - ( '.111 I)C fL'l i i Oil ! Nl'VO Tatl to r:irt! Ho imt mmsniti ! ,p npft'ilv m arllnii ( N. rliaii'c nf (lit t ro'uiriil ! ho not intrrVr uitlij d'lrtitttfri p'lrftiitet! ('.in b list. I wiiiiout iIttTt imt f I pwnriU of 2() I'rt-ji ih'1 p.ij-t innntti tomin M' t1i"iii f v. r "t'vt'ri' i'.ish. uwr on. huutlrett ilij-n ian have I no'ii thrill 111 i(i ir pr-ittir". .111.1 11P wn'.ik will of t lu-i r j t (lit .!. nml iitrivc ol lit ir t niiino-itiini, ultiili i tiitjit'ly vi-t;tlili. it tut Inn in !( on flu ft Mmi. linn ' tlrf il of 0 rtiliiMt can I t-huwu IJulP- Sii-cinc I'itU hp1 Hi-' ityinnl nml only iri'tiiiinc SptMilu I'lII Tin y itn ;ul;ili-il for m.ili anj fi-io.ihj , old or yiHifis, iii'tl Uifj onlj r l. id r ni ly for ''UVcti'ia ; II piTiiiiitii nt .uiil ctiy cm. in nil vnf of 'nu . torrli.M- or S.-mirul iikii."s-, Willi f.ll il- (r.tin ol evil 1. mm 11 ii- t r no I Viii'itiul Hist harm, ft , tliu U iMh M.ti' Uivi'liitiUry Ini"' it timimir.', (! uniiitl 1 'i I'ilil v ;.uil lrrii,itti.u, Impotencf, j Vt'ak!i-'M or l.oi-.-'nl I'nu it, .Wmoii Dilnhtv, tu.. j a'l of I. lilt an-up pi no i pally 1 1 out -t-vual 01 St-lf Imiiii , or Mjitio ( inulilhljuiial iltTairji'tnuiit, an I incapMiiai-'s 1 in Milljiirfini i tiillilliug tin limit' of 'iiiuiri tl lite, in all Ji'Mul it i a (Totntrrlnsi, i l.ldct. .iiid HtriLtitii.'?. anil i.i liUt-aL't' of tlio Jtlatliicr ami Ui:ncH. ill. y act a-a cliarm 1 tUI.Li" a t.puri- unci tl oy t.tkin a Biityl- t.t. I rinnl liy all f tit priictpal ilia-:itrf IVhpSI Tlit y will ti' m'M IJ mail- ?t-ur I i.tleu. nud Co.. ! fiduntially. uu ttxt iit o the niotn y, hy J. 1IUYAN, M. I). , No ;ti (C,l,ir Jt., Vow York. Conptt'.ttn? riiyii i.ui for lhi tri'Minuit of iS.'minat, Urinary. Hcxnut, i'iuI Nuroiiit iOsck. who will H'lnl IrtT-c 1 nil, th- i'ulhmjh valuable wurK, in sual nl i iirlopu : Tut r.mtm Thoism I r. IIT.I.lS TltKATl!. mi rolt. Muiw.s Pin n.tiir.. I ir:tv. I tit l.nt Iti-i- iin.i lnk 1 i.f pnvuT, S.'Minl Uti'Citft f, i imiial caku Nightly Iw-ii-Mni)., (ir'nl.i' )t hiltl. Wu. .&(.. a pamplilitof ' p Liint.tiiiiu inipoit uu .hhit'i to the alilnti'tl. an. I uIm.Ii hlioui i tij.atliy c'i) Mill' r.T. a thu ini-jtim ! l . .in-iu ihu m t r-'ct ft.uo 1 l.tt4ily fil)i Tuo J stamp i 'iir ii to pa) p't?l..yii. it. uMii r i-, -Mi i ly. FRLt.U .Iti 111 V A L OF Full & Yt inter Goods Miller's tore. j'lIP. subs riln'r ha- jn-l ri lurne.l froui lie Cuius 1 u nil II 'r large and sel.-ct ussurimet uf I'M I. AM) Ui'JE(, GOD IS. purchased at I'hilailelpllla. at the luwust llgilre.nnd i ho h Ihev are di teriulii'-.i tn s"ll on a- mnderate terms i- i. iu be prniuieil elsewhere in lllunnisburg. His irui'k roinprue- .hoik )(f -s anons. nfclwie t .tyles .mil latest fn.hinh. Dlir dm. Iis, i.Vii tihWMlKS, ii 'itmr iiK turr.tx-iVsiHK. cr.ii.m iv.uti., iwu.uif irAia: max. ,v;.-. uovt- ,v Jl.m Jl' Cll'i, iti . $r , "ye In shun inerithing usually kepi in eountrv Binron in Will' II lilt 111! liu Hie puuili gciii'r.uiy i nil The Highest price paid for country produce. S 11. M1LLHR Illiiuinsluirg, N'ov It). 1-UI. TO YOUNG MEN. duel Publish tl in a Sealed Envelope. 1 UlCUHlXIIlN'TS. A Lecture onibe .Saturn. 'Pre. itmeiit and Radical Cure of Hpi rui'ttorrluE I or seminal Weakness, involuntary t.mibiniis,?cxuai iieuiiuv, iiu iiupeiiimi ut. in ,si ar riago generiilly' Ncrvenuniiess, i oiusumpiii It, Hpilop. sy, and I'll' Hi'tital ami P.ijsiciil iiirapa ity, r. sulw a iiigfrnm i-ulf Alni.e. i c. Ily IlDll'P J. . ll.'I.Villt Wtil.U . D.. Aulhuj of lho"Urecn innk."&c 'I he w .uirlil ri.'iiivin.ilmitbur, in ibis admirable I,ec lure, il. arly proves Ironi hi own i xp 'rionei that. the awful tonsi'iveiiies of ..'lf.Ab.ii.o may be etli i.tiirlly removed without luedaelm' ami witiiuul dangerous siirgnal operations, bougktes, iiilrumeu8, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode iuT i urn at urii-e certain aiidellittual, by whuh every .ull'erer. nu uutlcr what his tu di'loii may be, may tare hiuielf i lu-aiier, pri vately, and railiislly. 'Ibis l.'clura will prove u boon to Ihiiusandi and thuu.auds. Svnv under eu. Mini) uilurcs, in a plain, sealed 'ivelope, on the rer, ipt of six ce..ts. or tno puitege .1 imp. by addres.iiig, I'JIAS J, t.'.KI.IM'., k Co., 127 l)nwoty.Ncn-iirk,l'u,t Office I ti 453d, Ocl. I". lei 4. liLOOMMJUllti SKYLIGHT, Picttue Gallery. -UK uiulerslgiied lumruis liu,of llloiuii. uue iieigbiiurnuuu. iiiai ne ins laaru uie large ruotu I'xieiiuiiig over niirney biunuer where hu has put in l-njllgllllliui gouu pic- roups w hero each per.on lUirate. lOll.idl table Ulpetl.u tu luako lilacs. fibluhinetil ll llrsl class iiin, nud he llcrefiire solicits a liburul patronigu tiienubH.inui. lucnii.iauiiy uiiiuuuco, I... ......I. rn's'iif lliu ml. - ejr- l.V'intrj produio taken in l.nchapgo for p.ure. " IIUNl'v ROsil.NSTOCK lllniiiu-burg. Nut. 'J3, 16(11. fMnv. FFl'OK Oh THh LACKAU ANNA I V- k ULOIJ.MSHUKG 1 It. GO. KlNtifi'J'ON, J'a Deo. 3 1801 The annual meeting of llm tHock holders oVlhu Luck idat , uu awaiina unit I'lnuuiauurs ivauruun . u , win ue neiu I liu Kingstuii llnu.e, Hvlbo burough nt Kmi.lou ninuuay jiiuu'ii v, .'"". elect u 1'reiiduiit uud llUssctors. A II KHYN0LD3, Stc'y Dccciubir 10, Remember the little Polks! CHIUSTMAS A .!)' YH.VR'S loys. olioiis, Kiiicli-kt jacks, wills, Cacuiics ami Swcet ITIcatM, &c, Ace, Arc. AT . STOHKBiiU'S' Sloomsb iu;g jBnkcvji AND Confection a eiy Stoke fTUIE undersigned would respectfully j J Inform the cltiicns of lllnnm.tiurK mid trif ,,ija 1 iinblic ni'iii'Mlly, that he liai Jul rcc hc4, atlWTHjft I hit Store, a larjto stuck nf 2!ifca t hrist nuts owl New Vent's To-s. ' Cniu'jtimtnf Cnti.l Inn iimb- up Inln pnarlv every Mini , of t ape. hi-iiili's tlii'iis.iiiil of llitlu nrillBns niniiif.ic- . tnri'il out nf wood. nil nrwhich nre irntMi up with n 1 1,'nn I deal nf care, and with view of bclnj very up. prnpriate for llm aeamin. Ilelm I Alirii; CAT.3 well filled with nntlnnx , 1 Hi h im Miaul.. Niti, iliflo'ent rt) lu nf inuib, b .inln, ; nuiiiiiK, iieitr. iMimnuVrt. variety or nap-. inaibles, tnp. little wlllnwwnrk, in'edlei plua kulvi'n a ennd article If np.'cticle-, tnntlicr with imnilrjdii nf olh-ir nrtlflei, which ho ifluri to the public at very low '"(iTvel a rail all he nffir, fnr' xale I. ...ifiil ami li m.iiiii in I'tery r.iinlly. Tin; lii.lld.iy are fnt I iil'liiniiciiiiii: nun we miiiw i i no ncuer place in tlila citi. m tn obtain n cninplele upply,f Holiday Tnya nml itirt fnrchllireii. llluoiii-burir, Nuv. ii. 1804. MORE MEN WANTED 1 11 EVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES. L.'IUCK AlUUVAL OF FALL & WIiVTEtt AT PETE It ttNT'S STOKE, J." UailT STIir.F.T, COLUMBIA CtaV7T, P.1, nAS J Hit received from I'hi'ailelphia, and Is now opeuiuc at Ihe old stnnil liteiy occiiiied by .Marti & Hut, a splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE whidiwlll be sold cheap lor CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stnckcnimlstaof (.miles Dress floods chofceslstjles and latest fa.hiuus UillifiOS, . ' Mu-lins, Giuglfittis, l'lantuils, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, . Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassiuierca, Satinets, Cottouados, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Giocerios, Qucensware, Coilaitvaro, Ilartlware, Medicines, . Di'us, Oil.-", Painta, kc. ROOTS & SI.IOKS. HATS C'AVs. In ,inri ..ery thin;: u-u!iy pt in a cnuntrv hlnre. The p.itrniinsi' ol old friends, ami Ihe publir "general ly. Ii ri'-prctfully ini ii'tii'd. The hifhe-l uiarki'l prici paid for country prnduf!.. I'LTHIl i;.vr I.lehl S'trecl.ov ill, IWU. Si. & EE. T. Aislh'-iiy & :., illiilinriiriiiiTr jt I'll -!i graphic , utals, U li'vloiilr iV lit-i.til. 501 1-LU) A DV AY, i. Y. In addiilon to uir in iiii Imsim-m nf I'l.nlr,' ra bn: Miiieri.ilii. wo are lll','iil.uarti'r'i Ini thi' Inllim Injr, iii : Stercitoan. mi-l Slatosinitc I'lcten Of these wi-have .in iinuien-i. iomi luii'i t, iutludiii; W.i fellies, Aiin-riia n and Furiiu L'Hi"a it tail I .- . til -,n i'S- (.roups, Main: r , tie. . Ice. Ann. Itevohin: s?li ri',iMopci, r-i- ( . . 1 1 ' : i . or private e!nbillu'i Our (MlnluKiiu will be i nt tu any ulilress on rici i.t of Hump. Photogi-aphic Albums. Wc wire the fu.t to intru lure llwse ii lo Hi rulud Stall's, and wo in iniif icinre iuiuu'ii.e ipi.iniities In (.Ti ansiuu in prim frmii WI i .'liu in S'.'l iih. (lur Al.llt.'Mri have Hi' reputaliuii nf h.-ins sum pi'roir irlb"auiyand ilurability in any .ulieri.. 'Ihey will be ieut by 111..1I. free, uu receipt uf price. lL'i"'i'ie Allitm made to Order. myj J CAliD PHOTOGRAPHS. j Out iitalnuii.. nuw embrace- iver .fire tfiomatid dif. relit inilijirts itu whi.h 11.I1I1I111111. are conlnul.ilty tu iiiu' iiiad ; of I'urtraits 01 Huiiueut Aiuerii auj, iV-e . vie 1 aiioui Ull MajiT'Conerals, .Mil Slate. men, I in Dllincs, l.'j A. tl nrs, -in A lists, IOj Sfije. C0-' liru.-'.i iii ials, '':.-. i:.,h,,,..u. ! III. I l.l 'Ut rulnlli'ls, ' '.'.".ii tlth 'r 'u"ii'"r, I iu N-nv iiliiei rs. rm Prniuitieiit Wninen, ! - i5u Pr'iniit'l Port inn Pnrir.iils. . Jl.tiuu t'liPIi:- w ' tvultK.-1 IIP HT. , ir.r'iiiling r 'prn -ut ii.iiis ui ibe unii-l ul brated craving-, i'.ii.itii.tjs. tii.iiu , vr. .'.ttalojues sen ' rec 'ipt of i-i.iuip tililri't firHii'' ll zui t'n i i I'ruiii nu C.iiibiiuf will b' titled o.i liu r Jii i 31.1. and -.'in by m.ill I'lite. PI isl.igiiiphera .iii.l otli us nrderiug gnmls C I with pi a.i remit twenty live per caul of tin i w ilh tiieir order. II. fc II. 'I' ANTHOVV & C ' .Mtiiufacturers of Vhohgraphic MtUri .ill lin.iluny, N'ulV ILr"'l'lM prices au.l qualliy of our goi Is eai fail rilecj (14-uiii. "l-'RESll A ll R IV A L fail anD tDinlcr - roit- EVERY i50 Y fc IIH iliuierslgned. gruteliil for past patronage tespec I f 1 1 1 1 iiifuriiis hlscu-liimers uud the publicgeuerally that he has just received from the Ha.terue cities, thu ii ry t.1 mid must .elect stock of Fill! and Winler sfc That hns yet been opened in lllooinsburg, tn w hich he , , ... , , , , invites Die aiieiiiioii ui ins irii'iius.. unu assures iiieni ihatthiyuru oir.'ie.l fur .ale at g'eai bargains. Ills t-toclioiuprises a luru assortment of lir.NTI.CMUN" WP.AHIN'fi AI'I'AIMIL. Coiiriktitig ol FAiiiunHAULi DinssCusis. of every des criptinn: Pauls, Whts, Wlitrts, Cravats Stocks, Cnttnu Handkerchiefs, Clnves, fuspenders. He. (Jnlil Wutcbes uiul Jftvelry. j Of every description, line nud cheap, N, il. -Remember " LoteenUrs' Cheap Kmjiorivn. cull uud ec. No ihargo fur uiaiuiug tiumls, DAVID LUWUMIPJlfJ lllnuiusburg, N'ov. IU, Ull. (June HSU ) , 9 OYSTERS SAuOON. . ,, ,, 'J1 Ill's BuliFOrlber rt'spt'Olfully gIVf'S 110- g llrutn Hie iinl.llr lulling it hia Milnnn. in Main Illonni.biire. consliiullv un liauil. i n , nnms ! H !: l.rM-l I Vol ', ia. " -sv"l.j. luiiiuvi I.ithcr In the fcUIP.LL or by thu C. to suit ciisloin-1 e" luiuilies . an Im supplied by the cull nr by tliu I mart mum short notice. He also keen.- eolisianllv ou bund XX ALII, Cider and Mineral., (ii.u him a call, 1$ STU11NKU. Illooiuibiirg. N'nv.SiI. IrCI. Orio nui.Ji'od Slieep for Sala- 8 'I10 fflb-eribt'T nffers at rrivalo Sale, at; I i. 111. reiidenru iu Pino tnw u.liip, Culuiiibla county, t.IJNJ'J HUiNDltElJ UUHliU SIJEII', I in oirclloiitfjnilitlon. They will be sold in lots (o aid purchaser.. JOHN T fOWLUlt. 'tfi'ietwi'. Nov. J, 1601 SCROFUjLA. DR. li. W. WELLS' miemcw compound the JBIiOODi TIUS old established, thoroughly hieil Rtuudy, rccovimcdcd by some oflhciliosl ""''""" P!l1jncinlSy hlS attained U CtllbrL ly in moil parts of tht cmtntry, in curing SCROFULA OR A'l A GS EVIL I Scrofulous torrs, Itose or Krysipclai, Sciled Head J nnd King Worm, Tetter or .catt WieumOtlitor or Swell ed N'cck, (so romnion w ith onr American Frraales) cu rable Cancers and Cancerous Sore., Iltalnt or Iloils, Chronic Ulcerated Sore, 4ti. 5 I .Vose, .Mouth and Throat, Syphilis in all its forms, Sy- j phitilic or mercerrial Sore mouth, an.! throat, chronic I ulceration of tlio .Lung., Stomach aud'Kldncys, I'iin. p'es, I'osluues, anil tlntches, Khcuiiintl-in, Female Weakness. I.ercorrhao, (arisins from Internal nlccra on) Dropsy, Ucnenal llebllity, Cmaclation and nil dis eases of the 9 n cases of CoEtivcttess Or Constipation it NEVER FAILS. Its mild In its action, just rullicicnl to tcgblalc the bowels nud keep them regular. Us uilllke all prepa rations for the Illnnd. having the I. native properties combined, As it contains Wild Cliury, Mandrake and Dandelion pi epurrd in v sckutific munntr U wtnLs u'onderfu'l'j in cus a oj clt onic ajj'ccthus' 0 the Chrniiic PILES, and periuaneiitly cured b the Alt' r native iih, I LaiativeariVcl one great feature iu it. is,it produces an APPETTIEs f I oni tho lOiniucnrcinent-iii tliort it is a very fine Ton ic Its palataolo aud ran be taken by tho most del icate Female or Child. It being purely vegetable thero will bu no harm done In taking It, if there is no benefit derived. Prepare it by Dr. E. W. Wells', Pi'actictil Physiiian WlLKES.BAlUtE, PA. OFFICE over L. 0. I'nins Store, AIauicit Stiikkt. For Sale, hy all Druggists througf oul the Country. IM?. Kvwry agent Is'aulhoiizcd to refund the money where the compound. fills to relieve, I'ull Direction.. nccoui) any ' rniblu ttlo in Ktiglith, French and Ccr man. N No Uartliotio uictliciuo U ro quired. Iu treating Five tliousaud oases, I bavo never knowu u case to require IMiysio, or bave I ever Known it to fail in Uiorougbly removing tliu diseases. As I devote all my timo at tbo 6tudy and treat uieut of Diseases OF THE BLOOD- I nrp,.ar,,.t tn ivn nilviro .'nrntiil lit- nn. am prcjiartU 10 glVO BUVIIC (gratli) uy ap- plying to my office or by letter, iiocom pauied by a Stitmp. E. W. tVEl-LS, M. I). Whole.aro. Cortland Street New Vork. Hold by W II. I'iciiy & flo. Light BttCCt-Mf I Pp'llL0)'- A'Jt''' 1 uKar,lVuW$ii MIS, KeJep Your EfB ON THIS PLACE. SECOND ARRIVAL " OF NEW G.ODDS. MAa enlarseil anil prently linprnvoil his Store Itoi m ami .locked It 11 Ilh a Inrc- anil supcrlnr HtiK-k of RI'RIMOatid UM.MIHt (JflONH. wbirll iv.ll l.n ..,1,1 n. Idw ns hi npy other csiubllibincnt in tho country. I Giticon at 10, lb, 20 and, '25 cents, muslins, lilt arhetl unit drown at 25, i!8, i up to 48 cents fill F.rt finOIH nf every shade, quality I "lid prlci-j a full line of Dnine.tii: (Jnods, via ; Th 'i lia, -tripos 'I Iclii.l.lnneu and Cotton Tabl.. Ili.iper. Oltiiihaiiis, N'ankirns. fcc , .c. A good supply of i mlh.. Sh u's nud Oaltera New stork uf Hats mid Cups. All U' ii n I iiiyiiiin and rnlljicit Carpels. a splendid nftif le Jut opened anil for laic. A frc.liiupply of Grrtcer'iijs and Spices, a new lot or CJADAR AND WILLOW WARR. .,i;ivivi,iiai. uy ine quarter, ii. ur and w linle barrel Nuj. I und 8, medium ninl Ini Also, a large and splendid assortment of new uesiijiis. niso. a nuw 101 nr thu ks und ' Oil Chth Satchels. I Ha vine bought these snnilshi'fiiri'Hip late ri.e, I am i prepared tu sell luw.ilieap as the cheapest fur tmh nr country prudure. wi: bthdvto ? ' nioomsburg. .Mny li, I81H ' 1SC4. Miilad.'liiliia k Crlc ISO! i3R. A 1 Z, -- ;R O' A Mm 1 I This great line traverses thu Northern and N'orlh. West iniiiities of 1'euiiF) Ivauia fo this my of line, on ' Lake llrie, It has been leased bv the Pennsylvania Itallroad . Coiiinauv, and is oncrali'd bv them. Ill entire length ns opened fur passenger and freight business, October nth, 101 TIMB Ol' PASSLNOLIt TRAIKS AT NOIlTlll'MBERLAND. Mall Train leaes, Ha-t ri )) p. M. I. prc.s Trull 11 try p. M. AccoininoitntiDiii III t.'7 A.I Artummuilaiinu. 5 nj p. y, LUAVH WCoTWARD. Mail Train. . - - 3 30 A. Jl.- Llmlra Uaiirrss Train, . . . 5'1'jA. M. Accommodation - till P.M. Accommodation . . . 0 10 A. in. Passengers Cars run through on Mail Train, with out tiuMU both ways between Philadelphia and Hric, and Mt-ltlmurennd Hrle, Klegant Sleeping i.'ar on Clmlrc npress Trains both ways between Willlauisport and lljlilinorc. For Information rejecting I'.is.unjer business, an ply ntllie Cor. 3ntli ami .Maiket Sts. Aud fur Freight businessof the l.'ompany's Agents S. II. King-ton, Jr , Cur. 13th and .Market Sts., Phil'a J, t . Ke uulds. Hrie. J.M. Drill. Agent . C. It: It., lialtlmore. II. II. Houston, tleu'l. Freight Agt . I'liilailelphia, II. W. CwiniiiT. Cen'l.Tuket Agt I'liilailelphia. Joseph I). Potts, fien'l. Alnnager.Williainsport. Nuv. I'.', IBM. CArAWJJA liiiANDYj An'd SPAIIKUXG CATA' WJ.VES. Fqunl Iu Quality and Cheaper in Price than tliu Bran , iliea.'iud Wlucs ul the Old World For rummer Complaint, Cholera lufpiintuni, iloivcl Complaint, Cramp, Colic, aud Diar heoda, A shreCuro is guarantied, orliii. i.,j ey refunded, In support of thu nl.ovo statements, arc presented Ihe Ccrliliiates of Dr. II. Chilioii, I'heiiiist, New Vork j. Dr. Iliiam Cov, lusperlur, lliln; Dr. J.uue R. Mi huls, Chemist ilnnou ; Doctor N. K. Jones. Chemical lu-pertur, Circle villi'. Chin; Prof. C. T. Jackson, rhemit, llu-ton i Dr. IJphani Shep ard.Charlestuu. rt. C. ; aud J. V. '.. Illancy, nud . A, Manner, CniiMiliing Cbemists. Chicago, ull of wnoin have analyzed the Catawba llranuy, au.t commend it in the highest terms, for inediriual use. Analysis oj the Massnchmclis State As. saycr, dun. a."). 1858. When cvnpornted through clean linen it left no oil ur oit'nuiM! nutter. In every m.uect it is a mire soir. liquor. Tliu Oil nh'rh gives to this llraudy it- navur iiim iioiuia, is wnouy uiiiiiro lusii, or gram on Us odor partake" nfboth the fruit and oil of cranes. - With tclds, it produces ethers of a high fragrance. The substitution of tl i- liianilv fur Comiae w ill do awav n iili the maiiuf icluru of llclilto'H spirits soul uuuer inis name ootii at uuuie ami aarnni, Ite-pcctfully, A . IIA V.6. M. II, As-ii-r in State Mass . Id l!n Ivi-ton St Bv the s one, in 18(i l. I have niialjzcd "I. LYONS' PI Ull OATAWIIA illl' liV." with ri'f.'reiice lo its i omnnsitioit nml character, being I tin .1111111 as that prniluci'd iu past jears. A -1111111111 taken iiom leu taiks rnr..rili;.t the Mini- result- W illi regard ,to punts' : a slightly increas ed uiii'uiui ..f in.' iiriiii iplu mi w hu h its llavur depends was ib-termin d by cuiupan-uii with furuier samples. 1 1,' 111, in, ,1. hi... 1 1111 in , -1 . .inn, iiiui nils lirilllliy i- jirni ceil by thu same prores as inn.t of Hi., nil p.irveu iiui iuy. iii'speriiuuy, a. ii . ii a vi;s, Statu As-njer. in llnylesiou St, Mnnu''.icturi'd niilv bv II. II JACOIt & CO. (Tn w li'iui all Order- should In addressed.) II. pot. Ill Liberty St., New Vork. November 3, !f(31. 3iu. . hauling Kuil-roml. WINTER ARRANG. MENT, November 7t.b 160-1. tent Trunk Ivhp from ibe Nnrib and "X N rlh-We.t fnr I hilade plna. New-Vork, Read ing PnttM ille I ..' . Allentuivu. I'., i. Ion. &',. jic. 'I'ruius lean- Haniibiirg Inr New-Vuik, us follows At II Ml and -. 1.1 A. ,l. and 1 IS I' AL. urriviug ut eiv Vnrk at III A VI.. and '.'. and IU (in p. tl. 'Phe abuve roiiuecl with -null ir Train oil thu Penn .ylinuia Hall llo.ol, nud rtl 'epiug Curs uccuiupaiiy the lirst two 'I'raiiis. withniit chaiigu Leave fur Hemline. P 'tt.vill.','l'.u,ia'iia, Miner. 1 1 'Ie. Allcutown. uud Philadelphia ut li IS A. M and I 45 P. .M snipping nl 1, tuinm an I principal Slunoiu only: Wuy 't'raius. sluppiug ut all points nl ? Mi A H uiul 4.10 P. H. ll.'lurniiiU cave .. w -V.nk at 1) A M , I'J noun, and 7.IKI I' '.1. Philadelphia sit . V. .M' ami II 110 P. M ; PnitsvilleulrtSO A. M uinl '.'.Hi P. M ; 'I'litli.i'pia at H.I ll A- vi. uinl '.Ma P .M. uud Reading ul I'J mlunight, 7 M and lll.t.'i A. l., I.Hl und ttba P. M Iti'Uiling iirouioilalinii 'I'raiu ; i . aves Reading at li 30 A. II. returning from Philadi lpnia ut I. II. I P tl, , Columbia Railroad Trains leave "calling nt 0.40 ami 11 A SI. for l.phralu. Lili.. Columbia fvc. (In Sundays ; Leave N.ivv' Vmk at 7 P Phllailcl pbia 11.13 P .M., I'niWvillu 7.:ill A..M , Tituiaqila 7 t. M , ilurrisburg (J la' A. .tl.. and Reading ut IJ midnight. fur llarriiburg. .' Mileage, S 'asnn. School, and Uxrur .iuii 'Picket, tu and from all point, at rcducd Rales llaggaju iltecked through ; eO pound, allowed each russcuer. O. A. NH OI.I.S, (leneral Superintendent. ni'iniNo, r.i. Nov. 2d. lrGl. AT JOHN FAltlilllA.S OLD CSTABWH FUll MANUFACTORY, No 719 Arcb St.,aliovu 7ib, P 11 I 1, A 1) K L V II I A. I have now ill slurc of my own I in pnitiilinnnnd Mauufurluro. one of tho AllCUSr anil inn. i iu'.aii I il't: I. -.'Ii'itiun nf Fancy Furs, for I.ADtHS' ami Cilll.DRP.Vrl WHAR In the city. Alio, a fine iirroitiuentorij'i ul's Pur (.loves ti olinrs. A. my furs tveru ull purehascd when lluid was at a much luwer' preiniuni tii.ui ul, pieasi nl, I nui rnable.l to dispn.o nl Iiieni lit very niiHinablu prices, audi thercfnru solicit a cull from my Iriuiu!. uf Counliy and UrC'Ylciueiiiber Hie N''l"i',l',r;" PV',',, . JOHN FA It UH5 A, 718 ARCH Street, abovu7tb., south bide,' l'HILADKI.FlllA. K7-Ihavo uu Parmer, nor coiineitioii Willi any Other lure iu Philadelphia! fep. 10. i"04.-4m. Ladles' Furs. ...I.. , , . , .j.. pit vin.lVJ OAKI'OI'.D i: HOXrs, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. Gentlemen's Hats. All the latest st)les at ni.Mtl.l'.t OAKI ORU SONS, Continental Hotel. Philadelphia. Ladies' Furs. Tho largest assnrtaient ot I'll RI.U3 OAKrORO k BONS, continental llrutcl, Phi ladelphia. Gentlemen's Hats. All tho latest slyl at Oil ARLBri OAKl'ORD U SONS, Conllnonlul, Philadelphia, Ladles' Furs. Purchaser isay ret upon getting the best fur. at Cll Attl.l.B OAKPHKl) t SUNS, Continental Hotel, I'hllid.lphia m POSTSCRIPT! ir Mazimiliaii, hy proclamation, Las cut off a largo slice or Guatemala, (In Cen tral Amorica,) including llio British log wood cuttfbg provlnco of Belize, nndrjn tcuda incorporating It with his iMczicitt possnfsions, Tbo lion woe t liko thia ort of annexation, and is likely to object. Dijatii or Hon. V. L J)w ro.v. lion Win. L L'ajton, Minister to France, died on tlie SJ inm. of apoplexy. IIo rau for Viro rbident on tlit! Fremont ticket iu 1850. T in his 0 'Diintinication to tlio iiotigo on Montluy in reply to a resolution ro quiring tlio correspondence iu roluiion to llio Irotiblea'tfu tlie Nortlifrfi lioftlcr, Sec retary Sctvaril ayi itiuo tl'flicullia. aro not luficly lot'iil, but l.avo ari-en out of tho attitude of Grout liriitaiii ioiv,atil8. ui at beginning ol tbij uii il war. Tins is very IIUlitiHUt. raw rs -1.1 jtrrazsanitgc ix: vuamg-eni $1! $050,000 Worth of $1 g. s. iiTsic'Txs & co'., 30 B 'ekniiiti Siici Nrw yotk, orn:i:s thi: roi.i owino i.ihjci:'m hnts to Buyers of Vulu ,blc Jewelry. HAVr ff I uen f..f n Ion. Huh- eiiaageil ln Mi" Packet bunln an i pI.iIiII.Ii.mI our rip nation for promptness nud leliubilily and pni-ursiug fucll. Hies lur selling Jewelry in this wny, i,r.- c ,n(1 lent lhat wu ran give sati.factiuu I-, all whw reel ..Ui-Jsiil tn patrnulse us, SoJil.OUU worth of Watches, Diamond I'ins Chaliii. ic. to be suld fur vne H'dliir enrh. w iihnut recanl to. value, and iiottu be puid for until you Ku.iiv what you are lo receive Just look at the following list of Articles to bj sold for due II., liar each I 173 Watches (handsomely engraved, and warinnted perfeit, varying In price from Siu HO to sis.) no card, '.'.in I. lilies' Watches, solid Cold HiiiiHiig Cases, S!ji) (ieutlemi'ii's lver Watch".. 5 III) tu V.S ll'l " ti.Uill Latest situ" Ve-t and Nerk l.'b.ilua. 4 loiniiint ZM0 Cent's (,'nlllnrtii.i Diainuud Tins, ti S'J tu.'.'. ut) 4.UUU t.'nlitorui.i Diamnnd IJar'Hmps, 'i Oj in IS .11 a.tlilU .tlliiiatnruunu Cn uiullnl Itevnlvlug eu u. i uu '.' OW) Cnlifnrnia Diamond and enamelled Cut's Scarf Pins, new stvles. S fin m 1.1 in 2 00) Ma-onic and Emblem Pius, J 00 to 10 0J'O (Jold l.alnl .liacelots.T engraved and ' Plain, a 00 lo90 00 a.UOH Jet nud Mosaic Ilrnochcs. 3 bo tu '.0 60 -.Ot") Cuuicii llrooihcs. rich patterns, very tasty 3 00 to CO 09 4.o0ij riorentliie nml I avn Pins, the real article. 4 Ofl to 10 00 3,.WiJ I.ava and I'lorcntise Car-Orops, 3 CO to 10 on .f.Uui) Coral Car-Drops, 4 no too 00 '-'ODD I, allies' Chatelaine. Jet and Cold. IS IIUm'.M) UU ti.Uill Gent's Pins, a iDiendid nssnr't. 2 00 to 15 Oil ij.uuu sets I tellies' Jewelry, new stjles 0 110 to Iti I'd '.'.iiiiU Cold Pens, nnd Silver Cares, .1 UU to III VU' This ehtirc list of beautiful and valuable iroads w 111 be fold for One Dollar each. Certltlnites of nil thj a Vive articles will be placed in envelopes, and sealed. These envelopes ale sent by mail, ns nruered, without reiiuru iu iiioice. uu inu receipt ol tlie certiucaiu )cu will see what yiju are to have, and then it 1. at your option to semi one dollar and take the nrticle, or not. five C"rt!Aatcs ca.i ha orderci for Sltelevnu for for 8.' j thirty-llvu for SI '. sixty-live for 81U; und nno liutiilreu for 315. We will send a single Ceetiflcate ou receipt uf '.'j cents, C. 8. IIASKI.VS & CO., Hoi 42T0. 30 lleckinan Street, New Yort. Noviiuiber 11. l-'HI.-lm UP DE GKAFF'S EVI3 AM) KAU lF l.)llt AliV, (On the Siti.ire, Three Door, from Steele's Hole I WILKESBARRE, FA. MIIS INS I UT1UN is now opi ned and furnished In the most costly style. Reception, Private and Operating Itoouis nre large, convenient aud well aifapteii. Tliu surgical apartment coniatus tne rinest collection of InfitiUinenlfl iu lins country and thus Ills faculties will enable him tn meet any nml all c.uergent it's in practice II.' will operate upon all the various forms of HLIN'DNLS. Catarnrt, Oi eliion of the Pupil. Cross Lyes, Closure or Ihe Teir Ducta, In version nf the l.clids. Pterygium, &c sc. And will treat ail furius nl'tfon s. Lye Crannied LtdSi.O'pnccties ol'thu Cornea, and ticroiuloiis diseases of thu Lye to gether with all the disease, to which the Lye is sub j.ct. . DL MWLS TOII treat all the disease, common to the organ. Dischnrcf's' frmn the I'nr, Nmses in the I or Catarrh, difficulty of henrins.tutul lie fness uven whero tlie Drui S is destrnyeil. Will insert an nitificlal uue answering nearly all the piirpusi. of the natural. DISL'A!LS HP Till'. 'I llltOAT. All con), mon to the Throat and N'nsu will be treated CUVLIIALSl'IKlKRV-lli.wlll operate upon CluU feel, Hair Lip, Cleft Piillate.'l'iiiuoi., Cancers, P.nlnr geil 'Pencils, ac I'lu.tic npi'r.itiuiis liy lirniihg new " tlesh into dcfnriued parts, nud Ueuerul Surgery of whatever charun-r it may pr.'seut IILRMA (nr UUriTlli;.). lie will perform "I.abiu. operation for the rvdlinl (ei'iupleti') cure of Hernia, this is unquestionably a perfeit (nre. and is ni ne wiih little ur uu pain, i Hit ufui.iny Imi dteil operated upotiiii Huston tlie re has been no f.uiur s. it having met the perfei t approbation of all w hnliave subuiiited to it ARTIM Ai. LVLS. It II litre t urn li' Lit Lyes giv ing Mieiu tliu motion and expression of th- natural 'Pheyari-iiisertid with the ieu.t pain. HUHDRRilOl. r,,(Piles,, This truublesoine duen-0 is readily cured. Those suffering from it will do vul' to mil. Dr Up De Craft" visits Wilkes-Rarro w ith n view' of building up u pivmanciit Institute Inr the treatment of llniLje. L'araiul (.eueral Surgery Tho i.xperieuce of more than u ipiurtor ofu centmy in llmipiialiiiiilgener nl prai tice, he hnpes', will be it sulHi lent guarantee tu those who may be i.'i. posed tu employ hiiu, . ay 14. leiil. If Lnclv.nvaiiiia A; llliinmsLiiig Etiil.oad o N AND .WV It JN I-. I?l!4, PAnSUNOLR TRAINS Wn.l. RI'N AS Pr,I,llitVB: SI o V I N C. 11 I ' T II. '.issei'iT. Lenvc Srrai'lon, .... 4 20 P. M. SSS f.-li ' 11.13 0.33 i " Killgrl"! '. Iinumsbiirg .... Rupert. ) " li.mvills. Arrive at Nur. iuui!i"rlaiul, ti n v im: Nor t ii Leave N'uriliiiuilivil.iNil, " Haiiville, " Riff" ft.' ' i l.'uiusbiirg . . " ICiiigstnn, .... Arrive ut Scnintoa. ?,nn a.m. e.40 IW ! ti.:u I J I J P. M 1...II rreightv Pusseng'r I av" ftlnninshiirg. III.'.'! i'a.sengers I.i - lug Ih. V'nil Traill Su. iili .:niiiiei t w iti the Lxir.'s- trutn troui .North . arriv ins ai llarrl-burg nt i.:i A. M II ii 111 more 7.tii) ; VI.. unit ul Poll nlelpliiu at ..111) A l. The .Mail tram fin.o Norllriiiiberlaud Ii aves iiniiiedlalely after lit' Lxir' ss tritiu Iruiu liar, ri.burg and Uultimnr.'. Allowing Pa-seuv'ers leaving I'lill.nlelplii i at IU. Ill r. i, tu re.ii h points uu till- road during th.: next fnfi'iinnu. New and efegilut Sleeping curs necntiiparty tha night tr.uin earh iwiy In tweeit .N'orthiiiuberlaiiil and Haiti, more, und Northumberland uud Philadelphia. , II. A. 1MNDA. fuel. I J. C. Wells, f.r7 Victrt .1gv. I Kingston, Junuury lib, I .-." j. r. vvtit. N. MUVIB. $ bw Drug Storl, WHOLESALE AND RETAl'L rplli: uiiderslgni'il would inform their friends and the 1 piiblh- generiilly.that they Have taken the stand for merly ociupit'il by Oi o. .tl, lltigenburh. iu the Lichauge Iluililtug, uu Main street, In lllooiiisburr. where lie ha. Ju.l reieivcu a full suppiy of HDi-ug!., iWi (liciiius, raitils, oils, lljHEtlll.S, iVC , Whiili w ill be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sortan.1 tUe. Physicians' prescrlptloi-s carefully compounded, at ull limes nnd ou short notice. IXT ('oufi'i tioiieiy -f Hie best . enaction., ami foda Water iu .ensou U A (bum of tho public custom is te.pcttfully so idled, KYUIl & JIOVLR. IHoomsbiirg, Aril 11, leitn, BUFFALO ROBES' or r.vr.r.v sr.r. mi auAi.tTV,Ki:pp constant. ly ou hand. nud w ill be sold cheaper than the cheapest. VIKUiES.U.ri AM) 111 TAII, by thu inider-lgned. at Ills Tiuiik, Pur and Valise vetaulii-b incut, No. 403, .Market Htreel, I'lilladelplua. TIIOS. W. MATT6DN. October I. efll,-3lll aTiVoG AN GRIM, Attorney and Counsellor ut l.ttU'i i.xrouri:. hi'llivan co.. pa. tEf Milllnn' and other claitis proin'll-yalicrdod to October 13.1KO. PUMJ'KINS, Corn.t Ider. Apples! Corn-Stocks, Oats. Bad prodiic. tsncMHi'. wanted at thi. offlet, un rcomii K'H'ter t WV