no COLOMBIA D1101MT. EDITED BY Ll'.VI L. TATE, PnOPRIETOn, " Cur Contl.nlon---nard ll ever ! Our clorlou Unionhold It dear 1 Our Starry Flag foraake it never I The proud Caucasian our only peer! BLOOMSBURG; SaturdOY Morning, Deo. 24,1064. m-. 1 ..a... .uMMMmnmBMcgm. atV. rnhAi Wnvi, "X7noIr . t f .i .,.,! In eonfcrtmty with annual general usage. wo kvte como to the couolusiou to puoli-ii naner nest week. Tlin will afford tho young men, conuected with iho office, a ,.i ,:,, ?,.,. little merited rest and recreatiou. In tie mean time, tho office will be kept open- as usual and all job-work and hand-bills will bo promptly and neatly executod. Letter from the Editor. IlAniusBUNa, Deo. 20, 1601. Dear Reader ; SubpccDied hero in behalf of Daniel . . . . . McIIenry, Esq., ons--of tho "Columbia 6'ounty Political Prisoners," whose trial camo off to-day, before the Military Com mission, I have responded to the summon) and I am happy to' say, that bis trial has terminated. Of bis acquittal of tltegen- eral charge of disloyalty-there can bu no .1.4 U.. n.tmA il.iij ulnnuA liplirn doubt, but some days may elapse beloro ' tho decision will be announced Sixmore morrow. It will soon be over. Sixteen of our citizen,, are in keeping hero, and some eight more are yet iu Fort Mlfflir. ..niit 4i,.. i... Mu.A fn-nnn nr.n m, ml. , ,. ,., ,. .," .. men. This looks like ending the war ,T .. .,, .... 7 , . .i Hope it will suit tho loyal men, who voted for Lincoln to avoid the Draft!" ; Tho "Buehler House" here, under the able supervision, of its gentlemanly propri- T -n n .. I ctor, Geo. J. "Bolton, Esq., is undergo- ing valuable.improvements. It is demo- cratio head.quarters , I expect to go to Philadelphia in the morning. iMotniug new ot impoi tance. Moroaucn. Yours, in hnsto, L.L T, A Timely Address. Wo would call the atteutnU ul every reader ol thu Cotuiiluu Democrat to lhe truly able und eloquent address ol Hon 0 L. Waku, b.tinnan of the Dmmcntiic State uentral Coiuiiii tee, wlm ti appears on our.outido. It is a most timelv and 'oui wari.Ko in fitting document. Comeing from the' llmo,U h vv')ul,, be ,Dori reasonablo to source it does, it speaks with an authorita- Pe,lovo ,,,at thc Administration has realiz five voice to the Democracy ofPennsylva-,ed ,Lat 'h-"onqet of the South is an im nia. The important subjects to which it POibihty,auU is about to kindle a counter alludes arc handled in a masterly manner. war flamr' ,hat- under tho cover of its 11 Tho base manner in wbioh tho meagro mninritv for T.inrriln was obtained is made clear. It is demonstrated that it is a very ' tl,e demand of unconditional urrendt-r. mesgro majority indeed under the oircum- 'or tllB purpose ol extermination. In tho stances. ' The complimentary allusion to at of a excitement, of such an in the Demooratio press of the state is well'lensc naturo as u'ould b ooeaaioned by a deserved, and will bo properly arPreciated. j cl)Ills,on Wlth our aociullt enemy, and in Wo horoevory Democrat who reads it the' 6Imw of enthusiasm with which our Tvill resplve to do his part faithfully and People would prrpro to measure their liberally in supporting by every means in! stret"h wi,h tl,u ",ost powerful of the his power those who labor so eurn-stly for , C,"'),r"8 ot "op-, there .would be a little the riuht with so little ohartco ol comn.en- , ,,,0'1"a', ' l' ar- ehaugo of poli- surato reward. 'I bo recital of facts eon )Cf toW:lr" 11,0 fcoutl' "pceially if the nscted With the arrest of citizens of this 1 uUau Pr'"'!"!l' t unite tl.o seciiop, . . ... . . . . against 4he common fou. State by the military authorities, their j Welcome o war with Great Dritain ufferlug, in wretched p.isons, their mook wt.lc0IU(..a ,,ar wilu tralls;,lRt1c vvor,l( if in that conflict we oau find a thus desplayed for the au.ho.itie of the Lctl)0 (or our ,loillM,:B llDimositiL.g Th(l Commonwealth, the bold and defiant dis of American artillery 'against regard of the ancient, sacred and cowti- ,0 Uilg of Qpngl wou,(, tutiofial right of (rial by jury, will justly Lratfilul ihitii the voice of the A..Kel of alarm every trub friend of liberty in this "Puact) u oud awake1 th(j muU)0es (ij ouoeprouu uiu ouixuuiiwcami. .... uuu. mend the address to the careful perusal of every reflecting citizen. Our African sister Liberia is to have one of our gunboats on credit. as dt clded by the O ommittee on Foreign Affairs, "for the purpose of assisting iu tho Mop Dace of the slave trade, now C'iriied on r-nn.rnrs to the will of that Govcrnim-nt." The Secretary of tho Navy is diroctod to neleot the vessoliandcompleto tho arrange - ments. It is expecteil that this new poli cy of making Iree pifts of our navy (Liberia being one of tbo biggest huit.l ugs of tl.e age) will continue until ull tho chiefs of tho two Guicnas,Sencgambia, and the "Un explored Itcgion aro providod with ono.of these interesting relics. Another Error. Tho Editor of tho liepublitan, published in Blnomsburg, re cently slated, that Columbia county was the only ono in tho Stato", that gave an army-vote majority for Gen. MeOlellan Like most of its .jatement, this too, is iu oorreot. Wo take pleasure in statinghit like Columbia, Monioe and (Jonriicld, through their valient soldier inthe Geld, hand.omely subtiimd thu coblo heio ol Anlietam. . . . i raonarohie. of Europo, let tho train bo fir- &r Tub Cnisis, Bo colebra'ted for its ' ed let 11,0 tLmidcibolt fall, it cannot shat .ability and sound democraoy, during the tor tbe Republic ho fearfully as civil strifo lify-lime of its founder uud able Editor, ua8d, "". . rtnr. SjtlltBlArllAllV. u-lll li,rnlMlinilPf1 at Columbus, Ohio, by bis Son, S A Me. danj, Esq., for the benefit of 'tho widow and family. Mr. M., liko bis father was, is a democrat in whom thero is uo guile, and briDgs to tho support oftho columns of Tint Oitisis, rare talents and great re. search. Its subscription prioo,in advonoex U .S3 00 per annum. . , A Foreign War. i Previously to tl,o Into presidential olco- .. 4. ,. , ,, . ' ..I Hon, tl.o yoltcy of tin Administration toward' Iho great powers of Europo, was uniformly of a concilatory character, In fact, our diplomacy in soveral instances has been marked with 30 much forbear- , , .111 ance and good nature as to have been do- nouuerd by those mot sonsitivo on tho point ol national honor, as havcing been drcd and cighty-ninu dollars "and forty submismo and devoid of sitirit. Tbo re- nino cents," If wo understand arithmetic mwlintinn nf ii.n Mnnrnn Dnnirinn in , .1 r . uuuc.y ucquio ci.ig m mo yrunmuwui u , ncghboring Kcpublic, tho apologetic eourso punued iu tho matter' of the rapturo of the Trent, an tbo cautious treatment of n" '"''J""1" calculated to complicate our- . . ou P",....i.lruou to permit no quarrel ttth transatlantic tioli'tilate to impede the contemplated 1 march of Souil.ern subjugation. c I, ... 1 , . Suddenly, if by the touch of a mag- Cuu . uuu, cub Auuiiiiisirmive temper has undergone a change, und it is signif- r""" atU r " l"pc"ou mr' Lincoln s ro-eleotion. lhc atmosphero of the White House and of the hulls oi Con- 8 now V"W" vim toiiviini's mill lin. with ibo brciitb of viiidiciiveness and botilitv toward Great Utiiu uiu. i no ni'ouiu u.ivo ouuuiil llie 111- lection, ana millions of stern, impatient tjiuucL's aru couceutiaieu upon tuo intiu cloud 'hat overhaug.s the Canada frontier n r. .1 .l.. 1. . .1 I. i. i . . i .. ..... . ' a .u ..,u .uu nangn.y umpire wnose priue I...., . I.. 1 ....!- I I I .1 I... .1.. "" J u.,...u.,u u wu liriltlilM mill liniind rtl nit. nniuili.1. 1 ' . . 1.ho, PP seBt,.uc nt of defiance to .. u,.. r.m.v P'UIU?U-, 1 ""''-au people are excitable, impel uous auu or iji7,auu arc rareiy apt to consider ibe consequences ! ""d" provocation Bat it is not i so uasy to expluin theabnipt transition of ' tuo Aumiuistratioii Irum i;.trcmo rcberve . - . . and overstrained auction ,o its present P,rU.of lhe t.n w nol parlicularly .characterized by patriotio fervor or intensity of uat bnal , " "ouul fce',B3 It is too cold and carfly, and tr. Uluc,1.y;'!'t in .he intent of its fanati- y 1 'us'-7 '. ,uol .c,uo' ........ .u. ..uunui iuc iiiuiu niii;isf lonuu public seiiiiinent. There muft be a mo tive, a political design, a diplomatic pur- poc, that has prompted the cautious in- triguers at Wa.hiugion to such a violent exhib tion of ai taoni.-m toward a foreign Power. Thoso who are most sauguioe of the ultimate subjugation of the South will not pretend that that purpose is so near its consummation that another field is re- J I .1... '.j . smoke. a compromise mav be offVrod. uitii. out too conspicuous a rctroim'ssion fion , thti o)d , o AlllC cl' rv, whtfi. No.tb .mil Souib uot trout lo front, but r-bnuldtu .0 shoulilur, and embattled plain of foreign adver-aries. There is no such canoelcr of hatred us companionship upon the fluid of battle Onj charge aga.nn the rauks of England by tho com Lined heroe of tha . North and South would he wroth,iu behalf of future section. ul "d.iuoro than all tl.o eloquence of - or8t"r3' ",0 "8m ' dlploniao,or 'ho art- ol htatcsmai.fhip. 'f'o oouttnd auaiu-t tbo South and agaiu;t Gieat Dritnin would be a tu.k hoyond tho utmost resources of the Federal Government. The first re sult would bo the recognition of the t on- fedcriioy by Gnat liritaiu, the raisiog of tho blucka;k of Southern ports, and tho , blocUailo ol'iho harbors of tho North. i Tho Emperdr of France would not hesitate to follow tl.e example of his neighbor and J shoot down tho perpetrators, if possible ally iu tho aet of recognition, and tha ico 1 whilo in the commission of their crimes.or thus broken by the two great Powers of if it bo necessary, with a view to their Eur. pe would open the channel tor every oapturo, to cros the bot.nd..ry hctwn-. other potentato, and tho Southern Con.- the United Suites ail Gonad.. ; said com. federaoy would be cct'.lil shed as an iude- tusnders an. hereby directed to p,ir,ir. pallium nation. Hut if the object is to .n- ,ht.m wherever they ...ay take reiu. , n v.te the cooperation oftho South, in tho if captured, they are under no ccum!.... iuteretit of Hepublioauiatn, igaii.ct lho ar- ces to bo surrendered." romance and sp.r.t of encroachment of tbo II. R. Smitoii IJl.v,.T.., fl. T -!. - .-v. uvuio- laturo of Vfrginio, as "contradistinguished from West Virginia, now in session in Alexandria, have elected Joseph Scgar to tho vacancy in the U. S. 8onate,occsion. ed by tho death of Mr Bowdt-n.and John 0 Underwood, at present U S. District place of Mr Oarlislo,whoo term of office expire on the 4th, of next Marob. A Tremendous Blunder. An awkward error, probably of" some subordinate clerk In the Treasury Depart- meofc r.p0rt tho total of our nution&l rtebt nt nDoutoigbly hundred' times as umoh as it really is, ami lour hundred tittic Urger than tbe national debt of Great Brittain Tllis ror appears verbatim in tho landed typo of a morning nurmu. It is iu lho.e '. W0rd9 .'JOll0 billi,)n( B0TCn hun ,roj aD(1 frty thousand million?, eix hun. one billion is tho same as a thousand mil lion. But take off tbo billion. Then we l.nn.lro.l nml fnrt ll.nit.iuul miions with tbo odd dollars and ceuts Now tho debt is less than two thousand millions of dollars. II the Treasury clerk bad stuck to the plain way of statement which everybody understands he would nut nave made a blunder that would disgraoe 8(.h0, bo tc of Te ,, expression ol tbo debt is seventeen hun- dred aod forly millions, six hundred and ...... 1. 11 . . .... n)ul l3 uousanu,iour uunurou aim ctgniy nine dollars and forty-nine cents iv. 1 Kviniu JtJ nee u ,,, Q (jf pos, (o tbrow b f , , tthXwA ,lpon "some clerk.1' But wo do not believe . . . ... . , ni.,.1, ..,u.. illli U UIL'I tV WUIIIllllllUU IV- UlUlft? givu their ttatemunts in figures, but thi occurs in tin; PrcMdont'b Message e-pclliMl out in words. It was, therefore, no doubi u --uiuuucr iu mu wruui ui uiu uiuaaiigi; . ..t:i !.. . ,i !. r.i. . .ih.,,.. in ,.ln nr!ntr ,,f the M.,,,, also. Was it ijiuorauec ? Doubtless it was. But the Post doe not correct th ''bluriuer : ' it only inakea tho mattei uA ,10lwnnd lu;0I1 s llot ' . - 03i 1 1 1 on unless Webster is iu error. For . . . this distinguished lexicographer says' mm sa mMoti of millions. Hene, our President has with one stroke of bis pcn pnced our national debt far- beyond that of a lLo UiltioQ3 of ,Lo civilizcd wbrld oou,b ued. The Democratic Vote of thc United States. The following table (hows very nearly the Demacrttic vote cafet at the lato Presi dcutial election : New England . . . . 'New York New Jersey Pe.nisv.lvauia .200 odo .310,00!) . .05 000 .HT) 0011 ....8,1100 ,..30,OmO .205 1100 . .135.000 ,.105 000 ...75,0110 ...75,000 .. .55,000 ...SO.OCO , 30,000 Delaware . . Maryland . . Ohio Indiaua ... , Illinois. Michigan. . Wisconsin . , Iowa Minnesota, . Missouri . . . Kansas ,1(1,0110 Kentucky 50.000 t a iloruu 50,1100 Oregon 8.00D Nevada 8,000 Total.... 1,100,000 The Dcmoonatio vuio for AlcClellan is just about c.qual to that eas; for Lincoln c .. , , , . , , four years ago. Although defeated, the n . . Democratic, organization is an immense power iu this cmntry scareely inferior to its rival Indcod, if we deduct itsfrauds and rascalities from iti voto, we shall find that there are more Democrats that. Re publicans in the United States. Getting; their Eves Ovened. Tho New York Times thus discour.-cs on tax ation. We are glad thoso who havo help ed to bring the trouble, ou thu country are' gctting'their eyes opened about the crush ing load, of publio debt tho.Adni im'slri.tion is heaping upon' us. Tho Times says. "Our taxes are stretched almoit to tbo ex tremity.'1 l'NeV loans cannot meet ooe half of our daily expenditures."" "There is a limifeven to thu power of this nation in bearing it public debt.'' "Of the crush ing of lhe rebellion there can bu uo doubt, but it muij bu gainel thtohgli the dentruc non ot the public ciit." "We aru spend ing, perhaps, lour time our income." Fou.NEV and the Tho New Y'ork Tiibitiic and the Philadelphia Mm .chants rccjm.ucndcd John W. Forney, for a plucn iu Lincoln's Cabinet. would bo a grateful reward for his aban- domng tho Demooratio party, and UU ef- ! factual audlaitful services it. su.taiolug hisimbeeilo adininistr.tion, by his bold and indomitable courage, iu fuiquity. iu I thc hour ot peril. But the roulade need 1 not lay any such fluttering unction to hi! hopes. They havo hud his Qrvices, and onco mora secure in power they will be influenced in the future irrespective of obligations for Berviqes had. General Dis has issued a projhiraation with reference to future raids are attcinp ted, the United Siato commanders aro "lo JCQy Largo numbers 'of refugees who. have been driven from their homes in Tounesseo, Alabama, and Georgia by the ro-occupatiou of thtfce States bv lho rebels, are being sent to northern as rapidly OSmeallS COO t)0 .rOVIU as means can uo proviuru to trant-pori ,... t i to tni,l fRo. nun .... - ...1 children aro now on their way from Lou- isvilln, Kentucky, to Keokuk Iowa. Thoy'aro utterly destitute and for a time nt loa8t' wiUojuecujof publio obarity. In- Pike county tho official count of tin 0)dior votewas M'Glellqn, 20; Lincoln 03. M'O'ollan's. majority, 0, Total ma? joritj in tho county, 020. he Disturbance in Clearfield. Editohb I'iiiladeli'iiiA Aoe I pro- poso to give you a brief and truthful history of tha "great buttle" recently fought in tbo county of01c.ra.ld, of which we have so:,,,, t f (0 mnnv nustirdlv diatortuti accounts. Ull . . . i ... .1 m. j rf - - .. tbo night ol iho lath, or morning of tho i-iui luoitiwit, vui.ouijr uuu uhiicduii, ui last woek,) Oaptaiu Soulbworth.eomimiud ing a tquau ot U. a. aoiuiera, surrounaeu lltrt nf Attn fPlintifiB Ailnma n rlnanraa , ,er, residing in Knox township, Clea, field countv. A dance or frolic was in full mottoes. After disnosiorf his men to com- mand tho premises, witl, one man bond- t vaoccc in u.c uoor, openeu u, uuu vim a revolver in hand walked into the room.- Ho declared his rank as an offirer of tbo army, and requested all to keep their scats, juu iiir mat no wouiu biiooi mowh iuu ursi. " . . who resisted. 1 bomas Adams, who was ' in Luc ii uuu oiui y uuu i. uuu, ui . IL . I .1 1 . t up wo ... -.1 : i : it out. andsee nu a so d er statu inenre- me uui. uuu suumi: u buiuiui eiuumiii: ure." pared to intercept him, took a loaded gun biehwasathadand shot the solder. killing hiln insanity Adams the., we.,, to the oppo-ilu uabl end, kicked the board w I'jo-o, got out upou a shed descended thence to tliw giound, ran wbcu a volly was fired at him, and he whs mortally wounded, dying a short timo af terwards. Ouptain Southworth arrested niticleen men, among them being tho fid-, anotuer a young mm. w.m UBU teanuind had been hired to convey some ul the men to the dance, and a third i. an who accompanied him. Nc.teer of these three were drafted men nor bounty jum- per; but thc writer believes, from iufor- .nation received of a character that com niamla-implicit faith, that lhe whole three volunteered into the service when tbo ''emergency" in 1803 called out cituens fur the dafensc of tho Stale ; ...d that thei' served under Capt. H. K. Swoope until honorably discharged. 01 the remaining captured "not ono man was a o.t.zen of fhl. f lho Provost Al-wli-l Gene Uleariidld county." The ' terrible war, ' of (hu rju toJ n ca3a tho ' l.arp and decisive, was a shot fro,., one q.lllt!l or any part ,hcreof of auv t0Wll! Thomas Adams alone on our side,....- v-d ...,..,, W;. . ol . ci. ni,icill,, or .... ey froof U S. , ddiers on tl.o other. Lap ta,u Southworth took all .h. arms in .he possession oftho arro ted parties, cousun-, ed o ten loaded revolvers, and tho I- oners are held to answer under tl.o law. This plain story strips the highly color ed statements in regard to the affair of my ny of their sensational points for tib.ob the publio have been iudebted to the fertile imaginalions of Abolition journalists and correspondent!-. Y'ours, Clearfikld. Fisiiinqcueuk, Sept. 10, 1801. Mr. U'i'th P. Mclleury, Sill as I airr re- quoted to hnnd in my tepoi ts of the ...on that r-hoed envioua to me in my enrollment r i, i i . I will dew sow. and its you i. ro one ot the oiiea-ut tl.e'imTs at S..1I witer bu-tl mo I will make you an olf r if ;ou w II eIid iue a .on dollar bill to bi rwiek wit.i the mall thin afternoon I will not you und .1 you dotit j ou will go with the rel. . SAMUEL F, FEaLEU. Tho first thing to consider after loading tho above is that it comes lrom ono ol Abrahajii Lincoln's uhocn officers in this county ; from a man who has been ap pointed an Enrolling Officer, by tho low ers that be, for the purpose of making aud reluming a fair and impartial enrollment, of all pcrseus subject to draft under the enrollment act as passed by Congrets for tl.e purpose of 'calling out tho National forces, aud that he honestly and justly perform such other business as may be ulb'tted him. How has this man been conducting himself, uudur the cover nud screen of his. offi 'e I Has ho bei'.i sicli g ' tl.ii part of riti man ? This is proh- ehly tho only ease that come to light, but it. tlv eoursi ol hs two or thno "-"raukifij .. Euro, ii g offi u-r I r Fifliiiij! ere. ; ii'WUth p, Ji"i'. iij t poor houeet, luiluili luui a d iui-IF.-iislve penple of tuut j township ha. he gultcl, or ihu- r0 t"c'" 01 n,Blr ,1,,ru o'UgI W print h letwr 6oiifeit in order lb ,l our Democratic roailcra can sco the kind of tallent -selected out of the ranks of ,1,u KePub'ian party ol this county to f,U Pos,io" ol' Enrolling Officer. ! 110 D01 jnKs 10 ut' 001,11 s "e"'g Pllrly that baa been so much boasted of for the last seven or eight years. This namo 1 1? ln, .... .1..C..1 lurtn :.. Oiiilliiui a , 1 iiuici nua uiaucu iu iuuw. in ,e nine months dralt.and exe,ptt?tm&u T i n , , ,, . , , ,, 1 buincd. It docs uot appear that lhe Con on the ground of being a school leadhrr. .... . . J l.lni.,il,u An nl 1, mil ' . I. . . .i.n,inj l.nn, He had a certificate from Billy burgcs 1 Ho came home and went to enrolling; u btiriucs.i 1.0 doubt be thought tu m.uepay belter; b having frequent opportueitiso it .-itiinj; ".teini mc n ten dollar bill and J will 1.0' nporj you I" I'his ihing has 1 ui .1 c .rried mi 'o an manning oxti it in it.- . .iiiii.y .. lull Is correct that is leport t .i in pi. vale uncles At onc lu uro day we may have uu oeeasiou to advert to this matter again. Slur .n. Vtr.. 1 il.. M T....1 ttzT Wo regret to lo irn that PI r. Jacob Moyer, of this place, had his pocket pick- ed of his wallet, containing about Cvo huudred dollars in n.onoy and notes, while on a recent visft to Harrisburg.- '. , . , , .-, b . That City seems to be infested with a sot ofoul-lawa.cut-throatnand.lhieves.-yic,'. wick Gazette. -- SlNOE Gen Sb ermbo has been in ootivo eommand. two of lis children have died, A letter lrom him unon tho doath ol ontt n. iroiu uuu ujioo tuu iiuuui ui 'uu of thorn, a vear or riio.0 aco. shows that ui iuuui, jcui iii ii.uiu ouuivs iui the father ta not lost in tho oomtnandcr. A Proclamation by the President Call for Three Hundred Thous-, and Men ,".., ,',. WASftiatoN Deo. 20, 1804. wiiekeab, ny tno act approvcu uu.y, .. uruT (lu ur r.le nnro iff anu CBmg out of iho national foree, and fori mbor purposes," it is provided that the 1 president of tho United States may, at hU pUorollon) at Btty tHuo Lercaftor, call lor any unmuer oi mo:i ns voiunioora inri tho J , tcrms of two ftnd tbrcQl i. . ... vears. iur miiturv Gurvico. at u in casu mu ' , ' , l?!""'??! lyWIIOUIJJj 1VUIU Ul U Ml J j JJIUUIUUtjUl UILU' Uon j..,, Qr of a coumy nol ,0 sub.di vldcdi shB not b(j ficd with,n lhc paC(J of fifl(;cn artflr uoh a cal( tllBn ,h, prcaidpDt gha ilninedlately order a draft . , t, .,,, , ., ,, one vcar to till such nuota, or any part r i. i u en i ..,. tliprnir whinli mn h.. unnllpil ! atltl ivictc j -v , ... . ... ,c,.i . , i , ... i. i. . . ,,,. , ,, . . , lZ JZlZ, , UotH ot-the enemy in certain .... . . ., inrii. mill, i.iiu milliner in iiumi lu uu u aiaies nnve renuereu it niipraciieaiiio to proeuro from them thuir lull quotas of iroop- under said call and ichcrevsftow tho foregoing causcs,but two hundred and fifty thousand meen havo been put into ,, .,. ... ,i. tho Raid ca of Juiy .istb, 1801, leavng a deQ0icl,Oy on that call of two hundred, , . ,,ou,aud. . Nqw thorefor0i t) Abraham Lincoln,! preiidt!nt of ,ho Unitcd Slate!) of Ameri-1 c n tQ ,. t,)e llforcsaid defi. ! oicncy and tQ pf0vi(k. for,tiu, i(1 the mU nlldl)ava Hrvioi! of lho United, Sta,M)do Uju3 ,bj for tlireo bun-1 drB(1, V0;IinlecM t Icrvo for on0i ' Qr lhrco j Tje oftho St.ilMi wA j .j,;,. uude. tlis cM ff l)Q ,ls. ' . , , , . ni.nrir.mnv, ,!lPMt, jon i)iMricti or (f & sq vidl.d, ,IB, nol be o,, bcloro 10 ,6th Jay 0,-Fobu H05 lba, a draft sbu boWo l0 flU uoL ,,,, or al)v y,xrt ri . mj , ,r ... ... mnw . n nn. filled on the suid 25th d .y of Fchuary, ISC5. Iu testimony whereof, I have- hereunto set my baud and ca.ued the seal of thu Unitcd Stales to be iifTixcd. Done at the city of Washington this 19th day of Drccmber ,iu. thu year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and aixly-four aud of the of ' lho Uui'cl states ol America tl.e e.glity ninth. . AniiAiiAM Lincoln. By ll.'. l're.aidfi.t : Wji. II tEivAiii. Sec'v of State. SUMMARY OF NEWS. General Sherman has passed to the south oi Savauah, tsntl mi Moud ty Irs .astern flank, under command of General Howard, camo out to tbo Atlantio coast, near arawsounu lntssounu m a nrgn harbor, rbout twenty miles southwest of 1 - ' the mouth ol the Savai.ah river. It roUS SOIlie distance lip l.lti) iJlO land. Shcr- Piuu tomialtit.. in aaul c"iiniy, to and nuiong III rred ' . i i i itnra of thu taid ilerenaril. in lhc order ettaiili.hed hy man S tro (IDS had Communicated With tllC law. will m t Uu rriMiiti.ra of Uiu ilrccuaed, at Hi Federal fleet off War.-aw round, an 1 Gene ral Howard has sen. on official dNpatch to Admiral Dahlgreu aunouuiin1 bin proxi mity to thu coast. So the great problem is solved. General Sherman has succeed ed in reaching (bo Atlantic onact iu safety, lie will nowjoso tio ti.i.o it. supplying his army will, lood and ammui'ition, and in Kciiiit.j ihoje reinforcements which 'must lie .greatly tiec.led There is uu evidence' ilial' has been (rkeu or even hive-ted r curiously attacked. There are I . i . - 11 .1. I a. , r i mm . ll.i.cit itinii iiitn Inlllirltittiili ..t nihf I u j . ...... . .. -..j .,, .-,,-, .., . still ill Uonteilorate poesessiou, .with two lines of railroad connecting it with. V,r- giniu yet unbroken. . ...n. i n . Evcrthing is quiet at I etcrsburg-Gcn. Lee had made a report ol Longstrcet's re- connoissanco on the uortli bank ol the James He lost one man killed and five , , , , . . T, . , WOUIIUeU, UUU UULI1IIICU bllllijl X'CIITIUI prisoners. Confederate reports of War ron's raid aro also beiou received. Tho! . . . I st 1 Hum Warren' ----- For soveral davs nast General Hood linn hiiiin nrn .ill it Hphmiio itauirii. nr., 14 tin ULt.u imuumiii Miuiii 11 UUUIUI MUU nearer to Nashvillo with his sivgn para- Held ill UiOu prtJXimuy at p V, i I u M uii. ut. 1 ui 1 iiuuiud v j inunu ( 1 1 UVUUK and on Thursday morning, at daylight, it wa- begun, The Uonlederates semi oirolel of work around Nm-hvillo, ou tbe coutb ! s.di',extendiug from tl.o Cum-erland river above tho town, arouud lo lhe river again , , 1 1 11 . in. below it, was attacked all points, The four Federal g'unboats on the river assi-ted in tho attaoH, and they roon succeeded iu driving tbo Wctarn Confederate flunk -way from tho river bank. Tbo laud forco penetrated the oponing and forced tbo fj.,', furlhor ba k, tho Confederates continuing their retreat until they we.o flvo miles from tho river. Iu the ccittro thoy woro also driven buck alistaneo var - ying from one to tlireo miles, Their oas - tern flank maintained its position, Genu ral Thomas, in llw day V battln, captured sixteen OaDUOU, aud lrom eiuhl huudred '4,luu u"uu"ui JUH ,fum '"h"1 "UI'ureu , l,ou8a ,( nrisflnori. Twanlv wrninna vrer also taken. ' j " ow-u DEATHS. --p- " t. rTi7ZTr7 n Oatawissn, on baturday, tbo 10th o iDcocmbor, Mr. Peteu Bodine, n very wortuy citizon aged about 09 ycata. ft V" . ' . , . . , aw the Km., nrrnd 47 vears. On Saturday morning, December 1 7th, 1804, at the rostuenco ot u son-in-iaw, Jes Freeze, Esq., in Bloom township. i,ir uu,,w UUBa' m u,u 'lu ,c ii, , .,...r.t,.,,.nj ii,i.nlni Al ojt . o . of j. r bey nd the po i t set by the Psalmi.t as the period of bum.m ... ... .i . i i.j ll10) 11,01 01 11,0 ""caseu uas reaouuu Passing through the changes and chanees of this mortal life, meeting its vicissitudes and reverses, bo fulfilled his drstiny and has gone to his rest with no stain upon his character and through Christ, his Redeem-1 cr, no srn upon mi sou.. By the blessing of God. bis last years wero comfortably and pleasantly passo diu the Lutheran Church. Ho was a cheerful ... . oumpan.ou, an allectionate busbautt, ami ' h. l) ''T ,,1s,Pt;,umb" ""'y- u l riday, the 10th ol Decomhar, 1804. ElmHii V., twin son of 0. It. it Effio Aim Kyeily, aged 3 years. 4 months and 11 "dayi. Lines On the Death Of Elmer. Gone In bin thii.ihood'j beiuty, in iiiiincriicK ami love, I. Krutlu I title Klmer, To brighter world, above. (Jo ne from thc hearts that loved him ; Father and .Mnthc. dear God only lent iiim to you Life's ftJtli nnhile to cheer. (June nro.her you ulll inl. Mm, Your i.'iyiu;ito nf each hour, Hut a'lil liu'l. lioirrnear yuu With angel'K flfted power (.rue. friend, do not di-plore hliu, HU cent.u spirit hirst, W'n. I'Jr It. kintlrud cipiri.i, roinluclcd liout to real, Tim wjlrhfiil Heavenly Uarducr, fc'uw this exotlf fall, ltloriiiilni; J ii earth', drear garden, it with care. Tc Hi Cclftiial Men. Wln-re now hr'H wultius .tanJ, Ti'l I'nther; .Mutlicr, l.rnillrr. .Meet him in that lirljlil lam.. Illoniii. Ijur-. Dec Hi, Iclit. NctuSlDucvliscmcnt 'NOTICE. T! "MI ERE will be :. sale of F.-wi in St. aitl'8 Erisroi'ii. I iu'kcii, of liniiiHbur, Mi Sutunui, .laiiuaiy lh. 1865, al '. ii'iliiik, I. M . fir thu year lai!5. ts I'ew llid.l. r. nri' reipiubU-d tu be preaent niiioni.liurj. Il.T. 'Jl. isl. ildiniiailraiiir'.s Kolico. Et,tatc of Peter Jindiue. .kc'tl. IrTTEItSiif ailinliii.tiatinii on the l'iaie ol IM.'r Uiiliii.',at. nfC at.iuia-a tw p.. t olninbiu ro , deiM, have bi'i'ii ,'raiited by the Kexittier nn.'nliitiililircii.. ii tin iintli'rsiL'iiL'd . all nprioua leivlite (Iiiiiih triiiihiil llif t'sttitt' of .he ileceili'iil an r'iU''.totl to pri'm'ii.lh'.iii lo A.iiiiiiiiMr.iinr m ina re..: lilp iIImmii i.i'liiy, au.l uli pi-r.t .I'lenti. in :iiil inivii r.ttita ludi'Ltetl lo maka ui.'iit ft'rihuiili jt.iiN v. i.onm:, .,im'r. December '.I, l-W im $.1 uu Athiiiisislfa inv's rVotirc. Eitute. of William Webb, ' bleeds': I. 1 .'TTEItS of ndininistratioii, with the Hit. niiiii'MMl. on Uiu i:-tatr nf W I I.I.I M W'UBIl, la.'.' of entrii loivuthi.i, Col, uuu ,i c iu. ty, in c.'ii.eil. h ivu liouu granti'il hy in..' HcjiMer nf l.'ui. umbia comity, to the iniilir. icnu I lull pi-r'ona haviir.' elaiim ngniiiiit thu ..ftati- ol thi- tljceilfiu me re. !. tfd toprfio'iit iIkmii in lhc uiitli'raiuiieil, reniilin;; in isttill tuwiiBiiip, uilhoiil dt'lay. mid ull pt'rtoua iudeO led lo iiiuku puyiiient forlh.vith . k 111.! II.UU MAN, Mm'r.C.T-.l. Di-rvuil r 41, lKl.-Giv. 81 ''U AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Junta llatlman, Deceased. .'I 11F' nt.deiintd ppoiuud by the or- A phan'a court ol Co. umbia county, tirmakt ill iribu. tmn nflhu h.ilanto in 111" huuiU t Janiea ALmU'ra an. I AI...1 lit..,.!.,.!! ...n. iiliir i.f litntti. Iltirtiiittii lull. i,l ..I .n ..1' lt..,....l 1.. l'r. ! 111. ...... Itti Miturilay, Hi il.iy of January, A. I).. )6Ci: All' piirfiuis h.iviu;' Chum or ili.ii.iuda tigaiu-t Uu o.t.ila ul lho dci'f.iti. d. art-ri'tuestcd to prttatiui tlieni to tin An iilor or he debarred Irum coining iu for a sluro of tho iii..Lta. HEUVi'.Y II GUOTZ, Auditor nioom.) uri', D.Ti'utbjr H, Inil. SfIBUlFF'3 SALE. E Y virtue of mirlrv writs of ven iitvnii civuas. i .Mltil nut of lho (,'ourl of .'oiumon l'lt'aa of I nliiiiil.ia i i.ti my. and to mu directed, will be ex pniteii to tt.ilii al puldic oiit.t ry, at llie L'oerl .loust1, in .l.oom.bllli;, nil Ttwuiln .. the nth dm of Jniniarii. 1805. at J n'cluck. P. U of aald day, tho folloivluif described properly, to wn: a curiam Lot or Piece ol Ground, P . . . . . . tainius rOLttTUiiX 'W'KLa, more or lc, buumlrd .... t..n n.. .1. ....... i... tn.. i '.. ...t. ,.,,,.,............... ) moua ui uawu llouer, on tho North by lainla nf lien. . j rum, nu tin-E.kt bv laiuia of VOa. STaJm', I Frame IhVflllllR IluiKO, fMsdkfO and itlhreo atory Hardiiitf Mnihiiin llonae. wl.h good water Power, and a i.os .-une, with the appun.'ii seized, taken in execution and io he aoid ua the ' m.,,!,,,. cvvm. i i..,uv Phcinra (, j UlooiniburB. Ucceinbcri!!. 1H34. PUBLIC SALti. OF M m 9 . . . ValliaDIC l Cill lilStatC, 1 .. . . 1 at .,,,,,, , .,. n .... r .1... n. nliaiu' Cuurt of rolumhiu couiily. on A. IHI.-U .ll.U l .11U J 1 . , j i., . 1 '""'"'! llte (lu!J ' '"'','. 1805, I 1 n. ninl I J 1... .... jr,vVir,J Aillll"lliut"( m mi nn i nhuiiihi, nv yuoim uuu (iiuit.'ii rijj'iia uuu cri'iius winch uvr.t if John I'm. lulu if Hen Ulfk llltt Hvllifli ill bUIll lonity. dcc'il wllUxpunu to vale, by PuUic Vendue, ou lho fim A 'CERTAIN FARM, AND UEAi; ES I ATE, Silua'le in said Ilcmlnok lown- -'A"? ami ili'acril.i'd aa followa lo-Hil: On tun I1111. und I'ountv of Columbia, houiiili.d Ji North by land o. t.itf t'.tatu or laaai: Wuf. i""- iii-r. th i i-aaud. mid lauda of lauac l.eiily, "ii 1110 ii l ny llllioa 01 Jollll nilli'r uuu JOit Hurt- uunt i fouth by lumia of iieuben tviiiti-rnem, iiariumiiVcoutaiuiux auu jiiiiii iiiirioian. uuu uii inv ii i.i ujt luuua oi uiu. o.NE IIIIMHtl.l) AND Til'LiNTi' A1IRES, Wherroii arc erected jyKW r RAMB HOUSE A1," ";ii',IJ J"Jai!i, A Gu0) ANK BAltN, "WitJiW 1,18 ,wul,, J";i'yk auu coumy ' .,, , ni'3. COLEMAN, L'terk. j 'u'Ell'uii OliiALI'' j Ten per cent to be paid or seoured on theduyofiaiei one fourth, feat tho aaidtu percent ubl) l'll when tha mbla eoutlriued, n,ltli, baUnce in oik yMr thereafter with tutereit. . I win MAV .r...i I a'JJ r a. vvai iiil r, Ditmbtr 31,1664. PUBLIC VENDUE! THE subseriber will rxposo to salot nf iiubllc nut err. nn lilt! In OrcLimno,! towndilp, Columbn county, l'a.. uu IFcincsttay, the a8A f Decembei, 1801, The fotlnwlilg valualilo prrsbnal property, viz: THREE HORSES, OWE BEEJF COW, Young Guttle, Seven Sheep, One Pat Hogi Two fllinatii, tfno two-linrio Waijon, Pled". Plnw, llnr- row., i aiiiiini.inlll.i;uiiiii.uo, iiork, Shnvi-H.f orka, tfcylhcn, Inrgu Iron Keltk', (iralii In tin; Oriiuuil, Hay by the Tim, fly (Straw und CorK-fodder by ilia bundlui t'.ux by tho bundlo, littckii'luut, Rye, torn, Wheat, Oats if; Potatoes by lhe bftshel. One Orlnd-itono, Coohlnif ft jvc, llureiu, Bad.itead., Cliair. and 'J', Clock, o1t of Uojper-tnols. two vita of tloublo llitrncii, Hpiiiulng w.toclt and Woo. Wheel, tojjcllicr Willi a e'eat variety of otliet article too nuiutrum to inuntioii, ICC rfnlo to ronmienreat!) o'clock a, m.. of said ilny, ""'KU . iivn itttvtiu.iiib7 . iii v. k.h-i uuu c'.iiuuion lie uiauo WM a..HAUI,Id. . it.c. ir. i m Urei'tuviiM.I I'.ip rUHLJU SALE 04' Valuable Weal Estate. 'PIIU nnder-igued oH'iis lo sell at pub- M lie ul ', upnu in,- iruin.H. on T 11 U USD AY , 1:K K.MUult, 1804, A valuable Farm nud l'luit.ition. nitiia.c in l.iicust on itli.i. Col iliuli I :t counl.v. uitjoiulriK f.irm nf .Mosea V. Shoemaker, U iaa Geurt'e urn. .Uu. HcUur.ry, con' laltlili(t ubuut Tim Huwlied Acns of Land, indrcil of hicli i. ili nred, om In n cootl Due Hiin.lreTl of wliicliin ilcnrvil, oni1 in n puudj tlttu tu ciiiiivriiKMi nun uu; Duiaiitu ib h uii iiiifurcu. Theru lui'riKtotl upon suiJ prCnilico, a guild well llill'.ercd, iiiauo, ii guod frame Jg r.un OAltV. with nlhcr "lit liullJinia, iioud OrelinrJ, and acvvinl excel. em Spring. iifWuleron vurimii par., of the Farm. tfnl I properly will ha sold in ttliolu or lu Iota In -nit purchaacii, I Aile in omineiiernt tun o'clock A, M of.ail day. hun atlcndamo will bs'tU'eii am! co iililluu; bo iiij'Ic known by SAMUEL C. HEAD. ' November CO. lSC4,-5w. A NEW STORE IS O RANG EVIL LE. (henp fio'tlsatitl (?rc-at Bargain. HE Suhs'-ri'irr resprtfull y inlmniS' hi. frii'iu!. mid lhe g noruua publl:, that Im has Jual npi'ucd n NEW STQtiB, lo thi' well-known 'aii J nf III ! lata Win Friw, Eq.. I on Mhin Hir.u t. iu Uri'iii'VI'l i (.'nl'iiub! i funny, P;.'., 1 1, ilc!i h i. h. 'ii e... lilU'tl ui:li al. kiiulti w' j iJiioici-: New Goods, Pn-ah from .hi' Ea-terti Maikit., nhich h.i to lllnir in i ' ip u Iho che'ipo.t lor ready pay and ci ml ry'i-. tiM Moik t.H.sls'j In iii rt oflhe following .irlielca Max a 4U ij. i$J;x& I'lmlM l.'.ixiini rJ, PMiiin !illi ('.imbrirl II. ...liui... l.'nllir.. . 1 it l i a. Sii i-..,,,iiiCiia, Al pickaj, .Millinery nud lires. Lo .da, j. c Tt a. l?o.l'eu. rju.'ar. Mtlhis.'a r'plf, (.'jiH"ai., I i.l) Kui sioa. a t, TnLinhrn, t','i;ar.r:uiiir uuiltitli r n.-tiil in t..i. Ii.u, Udi.tll) I. pi in L'oa.iliy Moici ALSO- Huts nit'.l C-iK, Bouts fs'tS hot'S, Mi.l all iiiilinu. i! ii 'r illy lu Irtdc ".V (.'rain. Ilulli'r. Uia. l":u and country pro duct, takt'ii io e&ehiiu'i' for (.nn-N, Ut)UNELHJci 13ELLES, . ()rani:fl U: II. e 17, 1H.-I ly. New Grocery St. re. MOJIE FUESII tJOODS. (Pvrncilj Ei 'Finns' old HuimJ on M'in SVYf', IS Ion i nihu i . r5"'!IE undersigned h is jut reeciv, d tv SihiJ filnck I'f it' ML AMI W'lXTKR lBV 0(lilS, of all KiniN, .Men'a II. mu' . CALF AHD 51 V SCOTS, tin; bi'.t in lho imrkii ! a i'h.ii,. iorliueiu ol'I.i ii.-j and Children.' toiea i.f all hiuJa. A Fresh Lot ol Gro: cries. cf all kitii'v. autli r, Molasses, I Tea-, I Kici , I, Sugars, Golfee, Spiees, ' Salt, JI.1T3 and Oafs, Tobacco, Signra, C.ituli.T, liazen-, Lady &.'., ?:., ecc. FEII) AND PKO VISIONS. 'I o.'i'i'ier l.h n uretl .aii.'ty uT iiulii.ii un J etct'tr laa too iiumeroua to hum ion. II f It itter,' V.K. .Mo .1 and produce generally token 1 1 1'lihiiiifc for suuti., HENltY GIG EH. II nom bur?, Dec. 10 iftH CLAIM AGENCY. Thu undersigned havirg connected him ill with e.tahlishnd Aeenetes in Waab- sell with e.-tahl.sllltd . ington and Piiiladi-lphii. is prep.arc.l to attcnu to lho eolleetiou ol 13ok pay,13ouu. lle J lPUiu( iilMi 'UtS other t'ljUltublO I ...... ., bga...;. tie'.it. his ex- . , . 7? per.ei'ee and bucriecs cunuielt ms enable bin. lo attend In th-u. with lhe Ii a.-t pos. hll'!u J,,,".v- N haii-ea ..mile unless tlitr CJiflJO Wllb E. 11, j.iniu E (. , Uourt !!uun All.'N, IJiooms- burg l'a. U H. HI! .CKWAY. Ji.oomsiiuit; V o. IU, lsui. ' K.E-0PN D. tub danviLle hotel. . chaiileT"n savage. (ATI! of Ilia roiinsylvunia llnu.c, h.ia. luirchai.-i J Uiu ubote wi ll kniiivii Tuverii Ktaini, In t. ly ncciip. ii'd . y Ulii no 1 1 . l'ri'i ze, iiouto i n Mrik.t u 1'erry hln i h, in ll.iovill" l'a.. and haa rf turulahed uuu ro iipfiit'd il'for Ihii uri'ouio latioti ul Uiu public. I triu iM'iiiv . .nii.i- iiim iui.ii.u.uiii,iimi imiiiiiiiii iiau. ...u.iimi; it 1a pij.1a.nuiy lo-au-d iu ihe central i hu iiitiiau la iiirt' auu roiiuno uoua, auu 11 la noun am. Iniaiueaa purl uftliH Hom mU. 'l'a all may f.ivtr him mii.i thfir p.'.tniiie. hu ptoiuiaea Ilia uluinit illorla to pruuiilo I In Ir cuiiilfiL, and iiaaurua II1..111 llial liolhiir .h.ill U) wauling 1.11 llij patt to lli.iku Ilia lloiiao the '.'ravi'Kr'a Homo. L'll Alt hits ,. pAVAUK. N'. n. tuilli'a l.iuiiibus ruiia .'uuu thu iibovu iiivu. ..JUi'd llouau. to ami iruiu bulii llai. .load ilepo.a ut fury of Uiu Triilua. l.jt. la, jstii. TiniUxTi' laiuul fi'or Sale. rpilE uiidursinud oiVurs to sell at Pri- I vutu Hale, i (joo.l Tract. of TI.MUUIt I.AMI, ait. lulu lu lli'iitou 8inlu;.arlii.if tovii.liipa,d)oluuiliia co Pa., uiluiiiiiiif tuuda of Ju.hna ..ring, i.eo, i'iiiiil;lon, coiiluiiiiiig abotit iotir. U limited Acres. - All ofttlurii la tillable laud, ell alercd and tua ci'ittlblu ofeaay 1 ullitaliuii. "I'lio aaul tract i ill Im aohl cnlira or in parla of onu hundred, or 1 11 lilty litre loll, ua muy bu duaireil. Bjr- Teruia caay iilh llberul lime uu part of the iiaviiieuta, aVor furrther parllculara fjiepiiro uftlie aiibacribcr at lna raaldouce HI liuinlocK toivii.hlp or hy u.l Iruaa at Duck Horn' Tllll.MAd J. VAM.tirtsH.KJi:, CU. .5, IPdt. ADM INISTlt ATOlt'S NOTICE. Estate of Abraham Wiliver, L'cceasf(', LK'IIXIIH nf adiiiiuiatru.inn on .hi' lU.u.i) of Alir. hum Welllver, lute of M.nlitoii lvp e'o. to.. dn'J., have been eraiited by tho Hoy t alt r ufColuiubiiicn, 1.1 tha u.idi'raiiiiiud I all puriona liuviiia 1 Iial ! uiulut. the e 'ate of Uiu di'ceili'iit npi repeated tnprea.'lil IhenitO llie unduralimJ, reijiliuff in aald towiiahip, wlllmul dcluy, uud all uerwaia indcsiud lu make payment furthwilli, WILLIAM II. WELLIVER, Ain't. DitembitS, JS,-biv (J oe,