Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 24, 1864, Image 1

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VOL.. 18. NO, 43.
The b ctiiffh .il!le Powder.
Ms aril and li
iv Kwlne, or
lil'tliif ill
71 v I us the sy
1 S warranted to
E bo the tnnst nower.
ful niiciit fur the xtom-
id blood or l.'ultle,
, or 8licri, In pro-
system and tran-
sfi rlnir tlin piirllii'd nn
imnl ft ii i it in flush, fnt,
milk. Inillcr mid strength
find establishing licnlili
and vL'nr.
iiijvovs tionsn u
Ml'I.U l'OWI)i:R is the
only medicines legally
pat men in i rim co, i:ns
l.ind, .Stiltzerinnd uml
Holland, nnd duly ad
...111...I l.if h,,,. I-
LLENTOWrl' M honored ulih prize mcil'
Hi., nnd Invented uv Mr. Duvoy. I'mfessnr uf th lin
tinl il f 'illicit) lor Agriculture at Paris, mid now man
ufactured by 0. (!. Ir' "f nd A., Allen
tiwii I,ehl3h t.'niinty, Pennsylvania,
II, ltl"o i , i.niiKs .tint ii im
V,y IM7 jniKr
I'rom the Wllkoabatte Itccofd oftlm Time. I
SoniR moDtbs ngo the following ballad
Linooln, should rcmiiii'iu n position. to resistinc- a bombardment, tban anylliinc Thu people odn allow can Henttttntc, I
T il ) r feel tbo first fruits of their own wicked- 0i,0i A bravo old uamo desecrated ; a 'this position of our liberties il tbev dc&he. j
vanini 'tmGnatlc LUztm V-"''1''- "ess nnd folly, and mcut the curses find fortress associated with many proud reo-j They have the power the awful power
1 have but waited tbo tnrdv movements uouucman"u i an outragcu una sintering olloctions and memories ol our lorclatlier s to provo recreant to themselves; to become
nnnnln lnl.i, .1... ! II -1 1. -I...II . . .. f ' ! . tl
Letter from a Southern Ladyto
Gen. Hunter, U. S. A.
From the Jiicltniond Examiner.
kbepberdstown, Va., July 20, 1804.
was sent to us by a ludy, with ft request f our -lublio authorities in 1l,,c..l.. i, PC0P,C) ff,,e 1110 imponUicg cloud, shall struggled for freedom, turned into a Un- the executioners of their own rights ue.slual iiuntku : lcstorday your
that it should bo published in ibis rmt-cr. ro.,,!. e .i i.... .... u.i ..i. waturo into storm and darkness. tile for tlio usos ol modern tvrannv .' their own happiness, and their own clorv u. C.JD.' ar,!DtIal0 of 'P0 ,K
Our plain duty, follow-oilizens, both as This is not nil, nor in my view tbo
....... h,...-, .. - V0ln.. . t
illustrated in tbo past. Yes : if thoy so :tlf:inj0U!, ortler. aml hllrnf!Jd'lv ,.,.
nfac luted by
All ill. n ... nf Hi i, Stmuir
fls, Bncodlly and cettainly Hired. Ilealtliyslnck uitl
lw brnuelit intii the ery Mchett unli! n perlccllon,
nd one r two tntilenponnmi n week, ii nf great valuo
to hard wnrldnr; lMre. Iirccdlii)! stoik uti'l cnltn, nnd
saved lhotihaiiil ol aluablo horses Irinn rontaeious
ililao. as well at the n.irn-ynrd nsin 111" nrmy.
th i! woiim confucti ins
prT'rtiinllt'ovvrroinc nil the cilntacles Hhifh usually
iir.iicni flu. rimd IIiil' uf worms, urc tilensant to take,
tnilalsounn ol the. mutt Hprtenldc pursntives furl
ihiHren, Ho cmitldent Milieu
id his ialririmrs flu, Hen, in the
il in nfiliDi he furnishes evert' t!iad- I
tilted idu-liim, Hith a wrllten prcucriplir it.a a a new 01 cl COtlllliaud..r who bad befll traiisfcircd
ra in nia'eria ineiiica. . n . .1 r
'itn: union luiM'ii. hat. Mien ami ANT u. to a I i igato on the Ocean.
I p il,'r fir tti(ur8cxtcrni'iiia'tionr.f lilt Vermins, The author of tllO ballad, now oigbty-
ti III ii"er rhnnjii Willi ai'B and ilimate, and injcli fj., vrnrs 01,1 ,v roifl if linrn with snnin
r-sf rab'f to tin old, Paste, which hard- UVL 5?ar 01(1 w rcaQ 'J ""c u"' Omo
1 ns In u s"rl tune, makiiiB i worthless. For direr- EtirprtSL', and We hope Ul b lllpasurt) :
liuin and fir'irulars see thu sin ill hills in the huxes. 1
J-One ,midte"d Hiid thirtj seven premiums h.ivn I A p7 ;J JfnTn.
I '.Mi i.warded to thesa tvlebratml -pr' patutluns, up tii yjiJili UfUJ ft
llrt.,li-rJ IHII4. .
ItiiYM. & HoviiK are the uhnlal A?ent In I'hil'a.
I it sale Uf all respectable Ilru and counlry lore
T.iiAinbi r J1.. rl4 lui
rneiltt llf ttlfi filitnlimi li,tlit ll.n Oil. ,,ll
Wc promised it after election. It had . , . ,. , ... , , '
1 . . .. in orucr 10 uisniiarrrn run innnm ionr. ritnv
linpii nrnsnroeri ill i s in nt inn Wiling. a- ...... ... . . ... . . . , 1 1 , . ., . .. ...
1t,rrn'7,..;e,7nrMnrU .,,r , nn ""i of ealliiic your attention to tbo ineaosbv a r v uiiu putitois, is to ninioiaiD our worst ot the case-it it is tone csiaDiisueu ciect as a people, tnoy may, in oowaruiy You have had the satisfaction ero this of
give the introduction contained in that ' whioh a majority of 20.031 votui, (as I noblB r'" ' "11 its power, and ao-1 n3 a precedent: These men arc being supinct.ess, allow themselves to bo covci-, receiving Irom him the itiformaliou that
paper. Tbo ballad was originally publish ' now learn from official circles) has baun ,ivil lt ' mprlo uptvardn of two drawn out, one by one, to bo tried before cd with tbopall of a despotism as dark your on era wero fulfilled to thojetler,
cd in the Gleaner of June 10, 1815, a rooorclo.l against us. This majority is , "uullr'!(1 "a venty-six thousand freemen a tribunal unknown to tbo Constitution- and dismal as over shrouded any of its S?" 3'"8
volume ol which paper is on our table It j mado up from a h(j votM sU J o -the bono, sinew aud brain, of the Com- called a Court Marital, in which thoy aio j victims in tbo old world , and finally all burtJ0(1 therefore, a helnlois woman
UA hi'! t?d ,ni?n fo! r'ro!",!,- l E" in the districts at homo, includ I 'ealth- Every hope of an ultimate . denied the privilege-priceless in a free the latest of those ignoble graves of Nat-1 whom you have cruelly wronged, address. lsiiKnrnn. iv.ll ,rPorsnS it . :,n ! ific tbotC bv nrox v. and all tbuso L-ivon in , ruu" 10n ol Ul fctales' aua of restoring m an s estimale-ot a trial by a jury ol meir lonal Irccdom.tbat lie 10 dreadful warning you, a Maiur benenl ol I he Umlod btatc
" " ' D 'i
oariy favorite, anu ior meir grauneaiion i me armies negro votes ana all in every
wo give it room. 1 (orm 0f rcUrnS) ;UVful or otherwise.
In opening tbo volumo of the Gleaner, There have been at least two palpable
wc Cud several sheets of mau-cript by the ' forlll3 of frald raPtioed by M0 sll,por
author, of recent date, tuvm some ao- L , . , . , . .
count of Hird. Ho did not aMemnt to do. tcr? of Abraham Linco.n, in order to make
inun'tor of the success jfcrt the fervice, but, ti red of quiet on UP tlli4 "lajorily, and tb'H w.uro him the
!cfuVniSr' i Jirie, ho wanted to jjin Ferry, his electoral vote of the State. Fioitiotis bal
lots havo been placed in the ballot boxes,
the Government aud laws to their original peers, and of the vicinage I
"Thn bust, ehsapsit nnd lie).! surressful Tamil) Ta
per in ine biiion.
t'nTirit nnris onHK 1' us .
'Hi b st I'ainl'y l'apr published in tl.c l.'mnd
Klntes " New l.omlnn Advilnor
"The mo I ! N'ewspiperol our eoiintrvfoinph'te i i
nil Ilia d. pirlui uts of .in Anii rieau 1'amily I'ap 'r
nip ir's tVei h is i arnd fur iisilf a rig1 l to it.
line, "A of I'lvliir-itiun." N. V. IW.
This PHie r fur. lisheji tIM b'st iliu-unli"in Our
I iii.-w liist'-rnns will euritii th.Mis''lve out of lUr.
j ir' W i kly Inns afier writ is, ami punters auJ
p talisliT" am Mrued to dust i' N V, Ut.m.'i lit,
'A nucsssity lit veiy ho'iHyhnld." Traiiscript.
"It i at o.ire a litariin politi.-ni and hislurtcAl si
tir.ll t ot 111 union I'll il . Trass.
The b.isi ol .Us emu in .nusricu "Boston Trai e -It.
Illl'TI'ISrJ les.
'fi rji .11. h r h ,ve p'rC-ctud u syt.ein of nnlllaz
l,y wlurli Ih i an supply tlio .Masozin'a nnd
romptly I . t h"se w ho pnfsr to rieeivu 'lit-ir ii-tioiI-lrsls
uriell (r"Uilh dlfice nf Publication. I'nslmfip.
ersannith r .;. huih uf senilis up t.'iubs will ha'
nippll 'd n nil .1 !l .i.iH).ne jiicto tllo.lii! on np.
ih pii.ti' mi MsrpT's V"ekly Is -0 cents n'jear,
i.ImiIi lima, I..' pud .it Ihu sub cribir's puat-ulfice.
I I'.ltMrt :
lrir r i- t rekl unit year, I fiO
,Mi -ir,i i'P . i eitliT Ih Weekly or M ii;
vill b iipp'. :U rat t fir every rlu'i if five eulisrrt
b'rsallftiiu '.i.b in out finiltiucc; or ii.i copius
I ir t :u ej
i k iiutidis -s esn I. supplied at any lime.
'I In- ml ..lin., i.l llnrp'-r's Weekly, In n.-at
I jih bin-. Lis- w i'i n s - nt by expr--ss, f,ee uf enp.-nse
f't$ truth. A in.ipl t' s-t, compiivmc ilirlil tul
tiiu, s -nt on r--r lpt ot e ish at lh ra t- of $1 50 per
1 olin e. I.eijln i.i , in iiseuf u PllOTIinit.-,
111 .It. lFdl. Franklin H-piare, Xnw .rk.
answering to falbj rogiatrics, thn -"ama as
has been ropeitedly roveu to have been
the caso in our '.'lections heretofore ; and,
eccoudly, the sulfrugin of the volunteer
soldiers have not unit; b.;en over aweti and
perverted by corrupt purtiaau ofiioijls, but
the returns tliainsclvt'.-,in many c.ises,h.ivc
referonuo to Gutitious votes, who boli'ivjs
1 1 i i . i. i i
erlv reoittorud in her Aaiiuns wards and 1 ur pnop.u t.y in,
"V I I. .1 T ... ' ...
nil kiiu iiugri. ruutJ. xiei, ua, u.n a fiun
n one In thc.Vulley has fnrcntlon the fato of hint
w tins.' name h.'ads this paragraph The first tlmu we
' rni.i.niili . r Ir, hiin .nfii lh fi 1 1 im itie ult- i-l.if uml liiu.
tntieal ballad, was lu.tha Ikrnick aiVpenJ.t Amtr been tampered Willi and trauil'orilied
iran, tuiblislicd by William Ci.rolhers, Kiincwliere
annul in ine ij is inn uf.iii-i.i.. , .... .i . .i . t tn -i i i i i . l
i ti,., ,1 m i. tin, nunur u- i,r, in the home nf tb at t h a city of riiiliiJelphia to day, or
lllie writcrbyaiieiehborwIi'Mittenl.dFmuls' Meet- cvt.u lladj ODOO voters legally nud prop- ,rU1U 0Ur countl7,
' i.ij, nt Hern ick. ant,lia reiiinuiir luat tnc poeiry
j v. as, cmniuiited to lueinnry on the evening nf Habbath
tn wIirIi it was rtccive.l. It remains in Ihv store
house of reineinlrancc Jet. nud we coul I rcal ilnuw,
pi rlups as 1 it. rally lis Its et"enu'i! iiutlmr.
'Jh" his besn read and mnp by tlioutunds.
nn.l sninM'ien in tin liny day of r.i inbool. wbo-ii
hair, now wear th; riler uf ncLUniulallnj tears, hue
I, pleased an J i addened i.ltcriiat--ly by the patriotic
and mournful ilmzas.
Pome alterrttioiib hac been mula from Hi- oruiiul
by the ii ilhor, and it is republished at .tin ropiest of
' several who wi-hed.tu revive th retwll. ctma of the
p ist.
I To in inhabitant nf Wyoming it is hardly neces
srry tniay that CIIAUI.Lri .llU:it is the author,
whose pen now, as it was tha is n -ver idli) when it
taiile usi.full'i cr (.li fiutly enipl'ivcd.
purity and vigor, lies in tbo progress aud
ultimate triumph of the Democracy. We
inuit still continue to act as the sentinels
of freedom, and vindiodte our tituo honor
ed principles before the peopln. Instead
ol disbandiug our claims nud associations,
let us innreasL' their number aud inspire
their action. Hold, at least, monthly
meetings Gather if possible and orgm
izj a Demoeratio association in every
pohool dtnet, and boldly canvass on all
proper occasions, tbo measures cf our cor
rupt and imbeeilo rulers b'xpoje the se
cret leagues and baudittilikcgniheriug-i of
opponuhts; anil bol l up to merited scorn
thosu who, in midnight aiseiubles, and un
der kindred darkucas conspire U rob and
and at tlio same timo to
"L'liTnitmiub'y tim best mt liiwl work of tin klaj
in tha wurl."
diuieal Notices of tin l'ros. j
I: i- Hi foremnst .Marazinn oflh day. The hrusi.te
I nter bad h lore deliihlliil i imp mum nor the million
h more I'uierpiisluv Iriend, than Harper'. Magazine,
flhil list I'rol slant, (llnltinmre.) I
'1 h i most popular .Mo. t lily in the world. -ew Yoik
libierter I
tt u must ref -r In terms uf eiiloty lo the hieh tmin
nj I'xc-ll'inco id llurperN .Ma.'.ir.ine -a Jii'irini
lib u monthly circulation of nbout I7U.U IQ copies in
whnsi paires urn lo be Inuud some of the cholce.t lizht
an1 teneriil r.-adnii( of tha day. tte tpk of this '
nnrk as ou t llcnee of th American 1'unplej uml the I
popularity it h i acquired is nn-nled. llacU iiiiuiir
i tun i n fully HI paires of rca hiiij matter, appropriate-
ly lllustraten with g ml woo I cuts, and it combines
I'l iIsjII th i rat)' inniilbly and thn inure pliilosnphieal
fjisrterly, bleiideilwi h the h-sl features of the daily
I lumal It Ii is creat pon er in thu dissemination rf a
ovof pure lit ralure. rrubner's (iuidelo American
Literature, I.ou Inn. )
Til" olilme In, nil,; ci.llsllliue 01 llieuiseiies a liu.
i ol iiii.eellaueniu reulins such as ciinnol be found
i i the same roiu ass in any nthi-r p iblicatinu that has
t juie uudir nur iiutice-llostnu (,'uuner.
nlMlf'llliMONH l-rs
Th - Publishers have ii.trlVcte.l n sv.lem nl'imilintr
l y whiih they can supply Ih" .Mncazlue and Weekly
pimuptly tnthuse w in prefer to r -co u their period!
als iJireftly from Ih" Ullice of I'liblieatimi.
Th.i pnsuseun Harper's .Maij.iziue i.'.'l renfa a year,
Jin h must be initial the subsi ribur's pu-l oillce.
TKtlMS -llaipcr's .Magazine, n.'e year. SI UU
Aneilra cop) of either the M.ijnf isu ol'n eekly will
k supplied itiali for eviiy t'lub or Five fjubsi riben
it jl UU each, in one remittance or ii copies for
ew eJ.
Pack nunihers cm ba supplied nt any timu
A rotuplrtu set, now comprising twenty nine ol
times In neat i lull limiting, will be """t by ripress.
fiiiiht at nziiyti.u id purchases, fer $J S3 per lotunic,
Hinjle volumes, by uml nsl paid. .l mi. Cloth casss.
for binUugs urns, by mail, postpaid.
tiAttenit & r.noTitins,
Friinklni tf'iuare, Now ior.
Dec. 3, 16JI.
srAIlKLlNGfATWVlU v.'p;cs.
tl-iual In Qualily nu t Cheaper in I'rirc l'n Hie Uran-
lie. and Wines ol fnu Old World
For Fiimniir Couiplaiiit, t'liulera luf'iiutuui, llowol
(.oinplainl fiaiup, folic, uud Iliar heud.i,
A turuCutu Is fiiarantied, oriin ii.noy tefunded,
In support of "til" nbovu Hali'iueuts, arc pieseuted
lliai.'ertiliiiit.'siiflir. J it. It. L'hiluni, fhoini.t, New
Vork ', llr. Jlirain t'ot, I luiiuiiui insperior, nuin;
llr. James P. M-hols, fhemisl llnstoui l)ic-t';r N- J;.
Junes, riiemiiul Inspector, t'ircleville, Oliijii Prof. (..
'I'. Jneksun, Chemist, llo-tuu ; llr. Chis. t'pham Shop.
ird.CUirleslnu.H.C ; unit J V '.. lUuney, nud (., A,
llarinw,CiuisiiliinirriieiiilH.l'liicusii. all ol Wiiniu
lsv niinlir d Ihn Cut.iwlii llr.iuuy, and commend it
I'l tits llllillesl t fiu. for llll-di liial NS.1
An yns 'he Mussachmclts btule As.
satcr. Mm, 1.5 1853.
Wh-ii etaporated thruu.h clean Ilium it left no oil
ir tiff ultu mall',. Jn every rosp id it is a pur" I1!''
ll inus liipmr. Tlio fill wlicli pivu. to IhU Ilrnndy in
flavor and annua, ia wholly uiillkn fusil, or eruin oil.
Its odor partakes of limit Ilia fruil and nil of crapes.
IVitli Hclds, it pkiiluces ethers of u liifli fraaranf c.
'nio-subftliutliiii of tl Is Ilrnndy for t;oi!iiac lltaudy
wi do iiwiiv wiUi the inanul'ucture of llctllloiij spirits
Did under this name both at linuin and ubroid,
Usspoclfully. A A. II A l.d, SI. D.
Ass tyer to Btnto Man Hi Hoyleston 8t,
Jlu the s ime, in 1801.
1 hove analyzod "l, LYONS' FUKU rATAWBA
I'ltANDV." iHh rcferencu to Its roinposll nit and
tbaracter, bniut the nime ui that produced iu past
)ear. A sample taken fioui ton cn.ks alfirdeJ tha
aaia results with re.ard In purity i a sliahtly iniveas.
it amount of the principle onw hleli Its flavor dopenoi
via. aetciuiineu uy roiuparisou imu. mimii .a.....v.,
The Indications of aaolyils tliuw that this lirandy
Is produced by the, sama process as most of the m
poind lirandy, Usspeclfully. A. A. IIA fcS.
Plata Assayer, 111 llovleston St,
Manufactured only by II II JACOi) k t.p.
(To whom all Orders should bn ddrafd )
1 Pepol, V Mbcrty Bt NV oxk.
N'oMrotm S, t)3t -3m
Hon of Freedom, liten to m,
And je daughters, ine, gjv.t;
You a ,ad aud inouriilul story
As was ever toli shall h -ur.
Hull, you'know, his trn ps s.irr.'n l -r d,
And dcf'iicil s i fl th We.t;
Then our forces qiuk axeuiblj 1
'J'he iKvadirs lo r: i.l.
Among thii.tro-ipi tint nnrched tu III i iff.
Were Ills Knuisiun Yuluntters !
Captain Thuiuas (h.-ir ro urn in It,
To protect our West fronllois.
Tender w ere llu scenes of pirlin; ;
Mnllprs wruni! their hsndr 'i1 cried ;
Minded wept their !) in secret,
Fulhers strove thsir Uars to bile.
Hut Uiere's on) aiming tile number,
Vnll aud graceful in his nisln :
Firm his slep, Im I K.k ua laaute I-
Nj'er a nobler juuili whs seen.
fine sweet kis he stole frj:n Miry,
Craed liis mother', prayers once more,
I'r.'ssJd his father's hand, and left them.
For Lake Ilrie's di.taut shore.
Mary triad to sny "Farewell. James,"
Wnvml her ban I, but n ithiit j spo ,e ;
"(ioolbye, llird-moy Hai piotirt you I"
From thu rest ul parting breke.
Boon they came whare noble Ferry .
Had assembled nil bis fl Jul !
TU ure the pallant llird enlisted,
Tlojilng soon the foe meet.
Where is llird I tlio uattle r ijes
Is ho in tha strife ur, uo I
Now the cannnn roar treinen l-uis
Dare ha meet tha haughty foe I
Aye-behold him! there with Perry.
In the self fame ship they fjglit j
Thou Ii Ins niess-inates fall around him,
Nothing can his soul nflosht.
Tut behold, a bill has itruck lii.ul
r!eu the rriinson current tl iw!
Leave the deck!" exclaimed brate Ferry.
"No," cried 'llird, "I will not go-"
"Hero on deck I took my station j
Ne'er will Dlril hiJ colors flyj
I'll stand by you, gallant Captain,
Till wo cuno,uor or wo die I"
' Flill te fought', tlio' faint and bleeding,
Till our star and stripes nrnse i
Vut'ry having crowned our cITotts,
All triumphant o'er nur foes! .
And did Uird rjecivo a pension I
Was lie to his fiiends restored I
No, nor never to his bosom
Clasp'J the muij his h'urt aloredt
llu't there came most dismal ti ling.
From l.uko Frio's distant shore i
Tetter if poor llird h id perithod
'.Midst tlio cannon's uwful roar,
'nearest parents,'1 saiJ tha letter,
".This will bring ia.l naws. to y'u i
po not iiioiiru your first beloved,
Though It brings 111 UU a.Iuul
"1 inii'l suffer for deserting
From the brig Niagara, ,
Head this letter, brothers, sislers, f
Tis tlio last you'll have from me,"
Sad unit gloomy was tho morning.
Uird was ordered out tndlo,
Whero' tho breast not dead In pltv,
Hut for him will hiavo a light
Lot ho fought to bravo l F.tK
Freely bled aud nobly dated',
Let Ins courago plead fur mercy i
Let his prcilous life be spated,
Bee him march, and hear hi. fettors,
Harsh they clang upon tho ear ;
, Hut his step is firm and manly,
For his bre'ail ne'er harborod fear.
Heot ho k uecls upon his coflln I
Hureliii death can do no good;
Eparo him I Hark I eh Cod, thoy've shit him!
Oil t his boiom .treami with bload I
Farewell, nird, farewell forever,
Friend, and home ho'll n"" no moro i
liut his mangled corpse hi tu'leJ
On Lain Krl.'a aiitint
preeiuts I Aud ct that number of vols.
has been counted as thuj ictident giving
near rJ,000 Abolition majority iu a city
that not many yc-irs since burnt an Abo
lition hall in open d.ty, as a public uui
tani'ip !
The lato attemji1 toisercisc tho right of
buffragc on the part of the volunteer sol
diers, has proven a signal fjiKtru faucu
I would c.ill it, but Co. its various ineluu
choly coneoiuitautj1 The doubts enteid
tuined by many as to the wUdom cud
propriety of tins inoaMirc, orior t i its adop
tion would seem to have been fully realis
ed. It ta itnpa-siblc ever lo t-eeu e a lair and
full di'tributi.m of tic Let- , su as to allow
a free cboiee to tho vitera in army icrviee.
The expenses of tha atti'iu,U- madu to do
so.hTc ultima beyond b.'lief. U i t lie pirt
ofStAtcjliiy willie tcb nt len-t 3U 0 JO ;
aud the two political orgitreutiotis ex
nfni!jil fulli.- niiinli nifirrt. Thn svRtmn
ii i i'ii , it.. ...,i my place fully discharged in this
will alwavt be lt.tblc to great ab isej, aud ' . f .
... .. . . , reference to tuc lute eieetioin, uui-
,1 in ilrf (inArtfinn .it it '
must ever bo unrqnl in its tipor-ttion, aud
unfair in its results.
Certain it is, that the privilege of voting
given lo tho soldier is a mockery, when
the vtiy man agaiiiit whom perhaps, ho
would like to vote, has the most def-potio
control over those v ho rule that soldiers'
every ui'jveiiieni, and eould send him at a
word to the Iron t of baliU and to death, if
he refused compliance with their bchos's.
Until the vo uutecr soldiery have the pow
er of chooiiug their own offiecrs, tlu right
(if suffrage for othei ptirpoies cau neter be
properly cirried into effect in the army
Hid they been fairly nnd freely left (o
their own preferenees, can tiuy sane twin
doubt, but that there would have beeu
uuroh steadily on tiur accustomed paths,
employing neither stealth nor hecurity ;
they arc unworthy of freicom, who are
afraid to defend it in open day.
Allow me, in tbii connection, to add a
word, ulo, iu behalf of the Democratic
pres'. of Pennsylvania. Altvajs but too
j oorly rewarded, tow, when ijeaily all
public patronage is in the hand of tha ft-natic-i,
aud the expeuscs ol printing grcaN
ly iucri.aed, it become:- the manifest duty
of overy faithful Democrat to support aud
itreiigtheu his I ictl piper, aud to ditcriiu-
iuaic iu his piitronuge, if compelled to do
so at all, in l.ivur nf tlio Deni iciatio pruj
ofotirowu ?inte.: 'i'hero u a culpable
cir.'li'S'.ucS' in tins respect, in many of out
public .men, whieh is a vrn projier subjed
ot iviii'i'lii' -a ii teai'inbr nice
to t h f io who f.iffjr from it.
Uisd-.T ordinary ciicu ustanos, fellow
oltizons, I would deem thu present duty oi
the sc
qu'Ut suggestions which. 1 have tcultired
uoo'i, Aud iu what I lurther undirt.ike
at this time, it is possible I ran) bo ch.irg
cd with traveling somewhat cut of the
sphere of my appjlntmont, and with en
tering upon a Qeld cf inquiry that ij be
yo".d its tifcual limits. Hut as my purnos-
ij manly aud upiight, and, I inay add
patriotic 1 f el I may safely "rely in theso
times, that tho spirit of liberty will socurc
tnc at least your indulgence.
Ou, or about the 1 -t day of September
last, folly -four .-ubstauiial and topuUblo
eit'znns of Columbia and Imz'rno cmn
tie, in tbi State, wore seiz d by military
uutbiiiity and hurried with indecent In-te,
along down thu great pathway of timo I
I should impliedly impugn yoar itilclli- lu behalf of the Democratic State (Jen-
gonoe and love of freedom, lellow cit'ueus, ' tral Committee of Pennsylvania.
by offering here, any claborato discussion ! C. L, WAH1), Chairman.
of this sacred tight of trial by jurj. Noj 'J'owanda, Pa., Deo. Ctb, 1801.
work of tyranny so stirs the inmost depth i
of every f.eemau's hearths any attempt at I Patriotic Sentiments.
infringement of tlis precious principle of ; n e cut tho following noble words from
liberty .which has come down to usuntram-! the Bedford GazeUc :
mcllcd and unimpaired from the day's of There are saiuo narrow-minded parti
MaqiM C h'uta to tho present moment zni who think that Democrats, above all
The very idea of a MVilanj Commission things desire the failure of tbo prcsont ad
sitting in the heatt of our faithlul law-; ministration in its professed efforts to ro
abidiug old try anything establish tho Union aud restore peace.
but simple breaches of military law and This is n great m'utako. For our-part,uot
regulation!!, is monstrous and unbearable, , withstanding the insults and outrages
Our lofti-lature fairly humbled itself to which tho administration has heaped upon
sub-erviency,iu passiug laws punishing my the Democracy, wu wish most heartily it
rei-tstunce, by word or deed, to the con- roay tuoeecd iu restoring an early peace
stription laws ol Congress ; and congrets .upon the basis of the Union. We aro in
in itj turn has piled enactment on enact- the hands oi Abraham Lincoln and his
men: now endorsing our yraeious Presi- party, for the present, and wo hope and
dent's proclamations of martial law, and nay that they may very soon accomplish
then restraiuimr them but all tlio ubilo what they have made tho people believe
jioi-Uin;: lo Ihf Civil Cowts as tho proper they have beeu trying to do for the last
tiibun di to try the class of offences uewly tour cars, viz : testore the Union and
lU'ioimeed hsll I say, ckkated, by Glv0 "s a permanent peace. Wo believe
bnlt President end Congress-Lord nnd that they do not purauc tho, proper plan
M isters of a Mibmis&ivc people 1 la order t0 cure the tnneb deuro end.
I submit, fellow-citizens, whether it is We thiul; they have deceived their follow-
not tho duty "f the two hundred aud crs und that they will deceivo them ngaiu
scvoutysix thouiand DemocrtU of Peun- Nevertheless, we liope that their policy
8jlvania, to inquiro into this alarming will bring forth good instead of evil. The
violction of tlio-c ricat principles of Utt- gr.tuu uc-.iucratum is l'caec i'caoe with
man rights, which even no monaroh on the Jr civil iustitutioni uniinpaiod. God
ibrone of our KngHsh ancestors sinoo tho grnt that Abraham Lincoln may soon be
date of hliigna Cliaitu, ever yet invaded able to give this blessed boon to a lau
with impunity ; aud no administration of guUhing people,aud this wish will ever be
nur (J jvernment ever before dared vo in- upermost in our heart, no matter how
fringe, e en iu the slightest degree ? Tho rainy poisoned arrows of tho partizan
fitc lo day of theso men of Columbia inalign'ty of the i dherents of tho adminis
County, if itinocent, may be ours to-mor-( nation may level at our bead,
row. Hesides, if it ' really has come to Tr "7 . ,
pass, that tho old laws of the land require f Fourteen wWliich People
enforcement by bayonets, and tho new,
oncsktroduced, aul about to he van-1 ting loo fast.and swallowing food
duced, need the samn illustralion and ,nTe'feeiiy ma-stieated.
support, it uiu.t at lean be interesting to j 2cL Ta,!,l,8 to ,uuch fluitl dl,riDg moals-
' ' I 1 11. ...1: .!.:.! j
the people to know it, nud be prepared to , uu- pia"uuu3 iv.usuoy uuu
jieldup graerfully all those clK-ribcd other intosieatmg 1 quors.
principles of civil rrccdom baptized in the ! '1,b- ?vclT,DS 'ate hours at night, and
blood of our fathers of the revolution, and BluelllnS t0 lat in thc '"oruing.
bequeathed to us as their inestimable leg-', 5 h- Wearing the clothe so tigU as to
about the same piOD"ttionatc division of t the bayonet' point, into the deptb-J f
sentiinetit esprcssed by the soldier in the 11 ulslal a,i" un muiiary n.nres.s, as
nto elections that wjs nianifoited by their P08 eoufiuetneat One of them in a
la-.hers rnd brothers at home ! Ieltl!r t0 rolatifes, in timple words that
It is this army vote, (not to peak of tbo ",ust ,ouc,, eVC,y llr'"est 11 lllU1 dc3
other frauds a which has civeu our onno- , crihes their imp risonmen' :
Truth, wo bad the boastful annouuec-; Oih. Wearing thin fhocs.
iheni nf the Secretary of State at Wash-1 Tib. Ncglcctiug to laka sufficient excr
incton, that the su?petisiou uf thr wiit of cisc to keep tbo handoand feet warm.
habeas corpus placod (very independant 6th, Neglecting to wash the body Etif
heort in tho land uhder bis generalship ; Ceicntly lo keep tho pores of the skin
aud we had also the practice of Secretary j open.
Stanton's satrap in various places in other ! Uth. lischanging- the warm clothing
States chowiug the siiino grand estimate worn iu a warm room during tho day for ' would .serve under you ?
nents their recent benrgirly triumph in
Penuylv.tnia. lJiggnly indeed whnu
il is recoollected that it shows a fdlliug off
of from forty or fifty thousand iu their uu-
of its powers ; but, that military coinmis- j
sious and sccct trials, vvithout JUttiEs,
were to be substituted for prficeodings in
Civil Courts of tho oopntry,iii cascB clearly
defined by ctatuto law as belonging ex
clusively lo their jurisdiction, is a state of
things wbic'i could not have been fully
Army, and demand why this was dune.
What was my offense.
My husband was absent, an exile. He
has never been a politician or in any way
engaged iu the struggle now going on
his ago proveutiilg. This faot David
Strotbcr, your chief of staff, could Kavo
told you. The house was build by iny
father, a Revolutionary solder, who ser
ved the wholo seven years for your inde
pendence. There was I born ; tbcro tho
sacred dead rcpoo ; it was my house and
my home; and there has your niece who
lived among us all this horrid war up to
the present moment, met all kindness and
bo pitality ai myJiands,
Was it for this that you turned nie. tnV
young daughter nnd little son upon tho
.i i ;.i. . , ,. n r . .
wunu wuiiom a sooner ( ur was it be
cause my husband is the groudeon of tho
uevoiuuouary patriot md robel, llichard
Ilunry Lee, and tho neer kinsman of tho
noblest of Christian warriors, tho greatest
of generals, llobort E. Leo 1 Heaven's
blessings be upon him forever 1 Youpnd
your Government have failed to conquor,
subdue, or uiatoh him ; and disappointed
rage and malice find vent upon the help- .
less and inoffensive,
Hyena like, jou Lave torn my hoart to
pieces-; for nil hallowed memories cluster
ed around that homestead ; and, demou
like you havo done it without even the pre
test of rovenge ; for I never saw or charm
ed you. Your offioe is not to lead ltho a
brave man nnd a soldier your men to fight
in tho ranks of war, but your work has
been to separate yourself from all danger,
and with your incendiary band steal un
awares upon helpless women and children
to iusult and destroy. Two fair homes
did you yesterday ruthlessly lay in ashes,
giving not a moment's warning to the
Startled inmates ol your wicked purpose ;
turning mothers aud children out of doors ;
your very uamo execrated . by your own
men for the cruel work you have given
them to do.
In tbo cao of Mr. A. K. Uoteler, both
father and mother wcro far away. Any
heart but that of Captain ilni tindale (and
yours) would have beenouohed by that
little circle, comprising a widowed Slaugh
ter, just riicu from her bed of illness, her
threo little fatherless babes the oldest
not five years old and hor heroic sister.
I lopcat, any man would havo been touch
ed ai that sight. liut in Captain Martin
dale one might as well Lope to find
merey and feeling in the heart of .a wolf,
bent on his prey of youDg lambs, B9 to
find saeli qualities iu his boeom. You
have chosen well your man for such deeds ;
doubtless you will promote hiui.
A ooloucl of tho Federal urnly has
stated that you deprived forty of your
officers of their commands became they
refused to carry out your malignant x&&
chicf. All boner to their naraou for tl is,
at least they are men. They havo human
hearts, and blush for such a commander.
1 atk, who that docs not wish infamy
and disgrace attached to bun forever,
Your n.tiuo will
Our trcitment w is inhuman. When
Crit taken aud lucarcernted in this cell.not
a stool or bench to ret our weary limbs , coiiumip.uie.i .. tun pei-pw ui x Cu..;-,vu-on;
not a cup, or Knife, or fork, or plate ;( uia at the late election. Woreally seem
and these few indispensable articles wero to be fust rnnchini; the condition ol the
jority, within the last four years ! Such a ( purchuaicd nt tx.irbjant prices, attended j German Ilarron of olden timo, who, in
vie.tory.and so.oUained, betok.-o a peedy , with vexaeioui tb lay. Porty-four of us in . orJcr tQ .Jc (he menns fop luairjlain.
downfall as a party, to the advocates of , XluXK I -r.a-negro
tqualtty in our slaunoh old Com- (ler that one of our number was loon laid ag(d it to saiuo neighboring Shylocks,
inouwertlth. Rtvo'iilinns ncorr go t'f A- I ,n ,ia last rebtinc i)laco. and niativ others who ftized and unpronrialed it themselves
wards, It is worthy ofromark herealfo, i prorated by ducatc."
that a change of tweuty-livu thomand
votos properly diTidtd amongst tho larger
States, would have defeated Mr. Lincoln
It was our duty, fellow-citizuns. to havo
8scuied tho constitution at the Idle elec
tions, if wo eould. The effort was gallant
ly, but unsuccessfully made. And now,
'in view of all that muit inevitably trans
piro within the next four years, 1 feel hon
estly, moro like congratulating you as a
polilioal party, n having escaped a fear
ful responsibility, than offering explana
j (ions and condolence over a dofeat. Afier
entailing a weight of suflVmg upon this
I oouutry, from which nothing but tho most
1 radical measures can over relieve it ; aftor
, having forced into operation a fiuuucial
i system, which is but tho mask of ruin in
that regard) after so uiivmaiiagiug tho
unfortunate civil war now upon their
bauds, as to leavo soarcely u hope of sav
ing tho Union-it is but rightihat tho Ah
'olitlonWtJ, and their mitruwcut Abrnbaui
before the Ihron's defeucc3 were oontem-
Pour of Ihoir number have recently been plated. Or, in plainer words, in conduct-
brought to Iriul beftiro a military ootnmis- att what eppcared at tbo outset to be a
mou, and. threo of ilium sentenced lo heavy proper strugglo to tu-tain the powers uf
lines and imprisonment, up"11 charges (hp Constitution, and tho supremacy of the
cloarly cofftiiziblo in the Civil Courts of laws over tho Southern States we nro
tho State and of thuUuised States. With now linking tho sumo vitu principles here
the fiuestion of tho cuilt or innoennee of at homo.
theso men, (and I believe them truly in-! Who is responsible for tho position of
nocont of any deliberate infraction of law,) nffiirs so far as our Statu is concerned ?
Ihdve iujhis phco, nothing to do i It is The new .Military Commander of this Di
ibo startling fart that forty-four men, of virion, with his own fair rocotd to preserve,
good rcputo in their respective neighbor- and a blight nucestral fame in memory,
hoods, 6oino of whom had hold places of catiuot bo acting a voluutnry part in them,
high public trust nnd honor, should be The Governor of Pennsylvania disavows
sefzed by soldiery in tho heart of this ull prior.knowledgo of the 'original proeetl-
peaceful and loyal Stato, djragged off to a mgs against tho t o'.umbitl couuty prieo
uoisomo military dungeon, and there kept ners,uud ull responsibi'ity in the premises,
for mouths, without being confronted by The Judioinry, if applied to, would prob.
nu accuser : ono of thorn in the mean timo ably bo disinclined to cntor into a conUiet
dyin-,', as is believed, from suffering thus; with tho military authorities, in which
another becorainc bliud from his comGuc- would simply be illustrated, that tbo Pres
ident and his Cabinet lntuislers .uro tho
the li.iht costumes and exposures iucideut staud on history's page as tho Huntor of
to evening nartie. I "cak wotne aad i'njcent children ; tha
2 . , i ..e I lu'Uier to destroy deletifeless vt laees and
10th. .Starving the r-tomach to gratify aU(J horao3. l0 g,orture
a vain and foolish passion for dress. , a(resU ,ll0 ..gonizod hearts of suffering
11th. Keeping up j cotstant excitement widows; tho Hunter of Africa's poor
by fretting the mind with borrowed' troub- son nnd daughters, to lure them to ..ruin
jeii and death of ul and body; tho Huuter
, , . , with tho relentless heart of u wild beast,
12th. Lmploymg cheap doctors, and IC face of u fiend, and (Lo form of a man
swallo wiug quack nostrums lor every im- Oh, Earth, behold the montter.
maginary ill. Oau I say, "God forgive youf No
13th. Taking tho meals irregular inter-1 prayer can be offered for you. Wero it
vals. possible for human lips to raise your uumo
l lth. Heading tho trash and exciting heavenward, angels would thrust the lou'
literaturo of tha day, and going crazy ou thing back ugain, and demons claim their
politics. own.. The curies of thousands the scorn
.. . I of the monly cud upright, aud iiatrod of
It is .-tattd io the aiutual report of tho tbo true and honorable will fallow ou.
Chief of the liurcauof Ordnanjc of the "I,d J lnove. all time, and brand
. . ,, . ., r ,i r vour name intetny ! infamy 1
Navy Department, that on the field of Again I demand why you have burned
Gettysburg there were 27,571 guns pick-j lr)y i,OU30 j Answer, as you must au7
ed up, and of theso 21,000 were found to ' swer before tho Soarobor of all heart :
bo liaded, and half of them wcro doublo i v. liy havo you added .this cruel, wickod
loaddt Onc-fouith had IVcm three ' deed to )' many crimes T
ten loads in, and many had five or tix gy Tho Now York IJerall .f-aya that
balls to one charge ot powder. In some SOme persons, who wcro "mirraitmid cir-
oases tha powder was nbove tho ball, ia cumstanocB bp fore they got their fiujera
others the catridges wero Lot broken .at
the end, while in one inuekct twcnfy-fivo
boll( sixty-two buoksbot, and a quantity
of powder were all mixed up together.
Dountjf.3 for P.Ecm iTti It is stated
that tho Secretary of War has just decid
ed that colored icofuits, aro entitled to tho
gauio- bounty as white 'recruits, viz s ono
hundred dollars for two j ears, and three
hundred dollars for throe years, Ilopre
soutaliveccruits are also entitled to this
bounty without regard to oolor.
ment. while most of tho others still coram- uient ona ms oaninct intuisters aire tuo rw. a iintlllrfld wedding nro to t&ku
uo, elut up in Port Mifflin a damp, Is- Lords paramount of our destinies, ,,otlj 1 placo io Richmond about Ouristrnus.
land f rt, constructed mo:u with a view of .civil and military I t Huiza (or l'n'ton'
into mutters councctm with "boldurs'
Pairs," now keep their o.rriagos and live
in Kyle, It (i ulbo said that some of the
philanthropic managers of Sanitary Fairs,
tho Chriitiau .Commission and other char
itable catcipriscs developed, by" tbo war,
aro 'making a good thing'" out of tti'ir
devoted labors, lt is believed that the
Icrger proportibn of tbo money colted
to aid theso objects is absorbed in ' ex
penses." S Courago is a power whioh VDg
then, iu proportion tbo jeopardy, ai the
truo root olingi in the Bwaying hnrri'ttBi