rasa COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, EDITED BY LEVI I..'TATB, TKOrniETOH. " Our Oonititntlon ctiard It ever ' Onr glorious Union held it dear ! Our Starry nagforsako it never! Tht proud Cattcasalan our only re"! BLOOMSBURO: Saturday Morning, Dec. 17,1804. min i, iiiiiih mi ii ii 1 1 'n 1 1 w 'ii in i him mi ii 1 1 ii mi iiii i SPECIAL NOTICE. On cuitouieti, vho have paid up their account, have our tlnccre thanks. Those who have neglected to do 10, are requested now, to tciiLtanil rxY (min dlttilg. We.need notinrak of iscrraitd expenses, dr.. as these things are patent to every individual In the land s we lay, that v have earned or mon-i', dearly -and laboriously, and itmuitbe paid. We arc making outandaendlnj bills to ell indebted, including lb e preaent (18th) volume, up to next March, md we expect from thfn a prompt and early response. Our termi are TAYJIENT IN ADVANCE, and every one taking the psper.shcul dpnyayearahead. Friends, shall we be disappointed In your honesty and Justice. And lastly. Every person taking this paper, mutt ray TWO DOLLARS, in isvxcci, and they had bel ter remit at once, as npon the (list of next January.we shall bo obliged to demand for all unpaid subscriptions TIIKEE DOLLARS per annum, lit advance. We hflph our friends will avail themselves of tho oppor tunity for libera) paymtnts at the approaching Cotitt in December. The President on tho Public Debt. Speaking of Ibo public debt, in his re cent wos-age, the President says ! "The public debt on tho 1st of July ,last, as appears by the books of the Trcas ory, amounted to one billion seven hundred and forty millions Bis hundred and ninety 'thousand four hundred and eighty-nino dollara and forty nino ' cents. Probably should the war continue for another year that amount will bo increased by not far from five hundred millions. 'Held as it is, for the most part,by our ' own people, it has becomo a substantial hranoh of national, though private ptopor .. ty. . For obvious reasons the moro nearly this property oan be difclribuled among all tho people tbo better. To favor sueb gen become owners might, perhaps with good -effect and without injury, be presented to persons of limited means. "With these vfews I suggest whether it might not bo competent and ezpedieut for w " - J jj.wvw - . ..!. Li. t : .1. ..1 - Congress to provide that a Hmited amount of some future isf'ue of publio-securities might be held by any bona Jlde purchaser, exempt from tasatioa and trom seizure for debt, under each restrictions and limita tionJ as might b nccos.ary lo -guard against abuse of so important a privilege. This would cnablo every penson to set aside a small auuity against a possible day of want, ' Privileges Hko these would render tbe possession Of suoh securities thn amount , "democracy ever undo him a dele-'ato to lu ",utr wras,n you otn a nemjstenti limited, most desirable to every person of1 noutltv Qanventions" U as redlrnlnn n. wo,th on dollars.and poiacs one cm.ii m.n. mum in W? ,h t vuuuiy uauvennons is as rediculous aa , ' L fo ? il A1S, W J!i ad J il U faUo- ' i l,L,'U!,nd dlli'rS ,U ash ' ani1 ,f 0U l0,,,i "!?.gif"J-i?.f"T. I Ihlt ld,tV n-r-Z-T-7r . J' lh0!3U(I " Abraham with which " r.:,:.:'"Zr X T' T",f??7u..M"" r mater.au, aided n ao-., thev cannot be much ODnressed bv a'debt . - . . . ... wnion moy owo to inomeivej. It. will be seon from tho above that the! Presidents rccoommends Congress to pass b - t- - . . . . . taw. under and by v rtuo 0 which any 1 . 3 . , . , , , t . . ... Hnhfnt tvill Ha ctinKlorl I n nhonf his nrnd 1 a tor. All that bo would bavo to do to avoid paying his dpbts, or being compelled by legal process to pay them, would be to in- Test an me personal nnu rea. property,,, ,ono voter in Columbia county. They drove ""uluuuu luuJ UJ" t ou -muon op -Mr. Lioopln proposes to cxemptfrom tax. mnj (tQm r;gl,,eoa3nc8J hor,3 aniJ horo pressed'' by it, for, don't you roe, when ntion and aeiiuro for debt, md tho thing -afleri Aud' this coafirmi our iaiimation ' 6vsr lbcJ gin (0 feel the pressure, they would bo accomplished. months ago, that "all the purclm'o can forSiv" 'bemselvcs tho debt, and It ' to be presumed or hoped thai Con-1 maiia in the professed ministry had been Pro'-'8 t0-,UD 'ien ''s i-auoeled ratriot, gress will not, even at tho request of thej Uugbt by tho, , u (o and Union. . . yet it ia humiliating, a3 well as portentous of atill aadder expedients of the same kind ...1 !l : L,'.M:i!nifA Mti s...iHni 1 in ihe futaro, that tbe Chief Magistrate of the nation-should ask Congress to author ize and enable the people to repudiate their priva'to debts. And may it not well be feared that if tho Execut'ivo cab, to-day, by way of in ducioc th&neoplo to nut their means iu Irriasiirv bnndi. nrnnosA' in n"r.Mnn llirn j .. uusp.j,, iuutcimuvous, anu tjriticisms. in robbing their private oredjtors, bo may, "fcetioo, and retires with tho confidcuqe I The corps nf writerv, that have assisted at some period hereaftar, adyiee tho peo- aDl1 respecter all who bavo bad official in- upkeep up tho -reputation of tho journal pie lo repudiate tho national debt f The 'aroouf so with him in any position iu pub- v codUduu to contribute ftr'anfition from one measure to the other is j Vo or private life. , ' Anong ,L(, nciv fpatUr aDnoMnootl hy quite natural, if not probable. Indeed, Tt e folIrlh caI1Jp'gl) of'this drr ary lho Proprietors is 11 thrilling story entitled are not eura that tho ultimate happening Uar ia no.w rapidly,. drawing to a' close.. ,J'll!ia"'f Lowe" a romance of Balti of the last' namef expedient for getting rid it aa'cot S5.P00 lives and SI ,0t O;O0l),. ! more' U,wtll no donbt bo deeply inter of the financial obligations of the Govern-(rjno'.' What has been accomplished by all . e''tiuS' A ecri'a "f Copy-righted articles 'mentisnomoVetbaninslhuated in that : this immonce ,sop;ifieg of blood and treas. , entitled 'OurGliost Club" will also bo tihafncferjstio rcmatk lu which Mr. Wo pro ?' .Jt any friend of tho "ar aatiified ' "u'"l'r attraotion for tho new year. oolo-8ays ! " ' : with tho progress that Ins beon mado I Of I ' ToruifSa, for ono eopy j 7,50 for a "Tbo great advantage of 'oltitons being j creditors, as wo 1 as debtora, with relation : to .tha public debt, is obvious. Men road-1 ily perceive that they oanuot be much op- presied'hy a debtVf bicb thoy owe tothym-. selves'" ' It Is difficult topercciro why the people Blioulu not be much oppressed by the pub lie'debt that Is accumulated ou tbcm at tho 'rate ofthreo millious of dollars a day, 6X Cflpt on tbo theory that they may, ove nlu tlly,:'agree to extinguish it by act of Con gress. Sheriff Snm'uo tSnyder. gentleman, on Saturday Jdstt, ai euinedhorcipontihlo duties of HigliiSher- ,u o, -.aiauiHia uuanij. tio is a. .jroung man of good mind and liberal education and Ivebayono doubt will bring to tho dfiol-y i, rl.c ra i , of LU ia: position all the requisite qualities pf u 'amiv'e.hoo' 'Sjffujl tnieie? pffioer. Suoh , at least, A ' . ...i n i - i r, ihe.e'.peoUtioii '-Mho UlumiU Dfmoo, racy. ' Glcason's Literacy C6mpahibn. This Valunblo Literary Weekly will commence a now robimo January let, 1805, with new typo nntl an entire new dros Throughout. Tho Zilenvj Com panion is an elegant, moral anil refined misecllnncous Family Journal. Its col umns are devoted to Polito Litoraturo, Wit atid Humor, Proso and Poetio Gems. An unrivaled corps of writer and artists have been engaged lor tho coming year, and soveral new popular features will bo introduced. Each number will bo beau ti full y illustrated. Itt'sito the "Literary Oompatiinn" is some flltccn hundred equaro inches, forming a mammoth woek- ly of sixteen octavo pages, and containing nearly twice as mticl 1'rdading matter and of o more refined character than any other weekly paper. Terms, I subscriber, one year, 8U j 2 ."subscriber, one year, SO 4 subscribers, SO; 8, 810 ; 10, S20 ; and ono gratis to tho goiter up of 10. Ono copy of"Gltaon's I'ictorial"ond ono oopy of tho "Literary Companion," ono year, 83 50. Sample copies sent ou rocoipt of C oents. Publishotl weekly by F, Glcason, 22 Summer Street, Boston, Ma. AuolIicr PoliiicDl Prisoner Released. James McIJxnby, Eq., Merchant of Oambra, Luzerne county, oue of tbo kid napped prisoners of last August, was ou Friday of last week, released from Pr'you for Defft. at llarruburg and permitted to return Com. vr, Thomas Garity Indicmout. bome. Ho was summarily taken from his ( Assault and Buttery Truo Bill." Deff. family and bu?incfs, and incarcerated ono plead not guilty, Jury acquit the D,fft., hundred and threo da)s in Fgit Mifflin ' and each pay half the oosti. and' tho Dauphin County Prison, when at Josoih Ilartuiau vs. Reuben L'ns. An the end of which term, he was told he could appeal Action was brought for-damages, go, without trial or explanation. Mr. r Tlio .Jury found for tbo Plaintiff and hun McIIcbry is oue of tho most cstimablo tired aud twcuti -two dollars and ninety men, respectable oitiions aud Christian gentlemen in all our country, and yet be has, like tho Rev. A. R Hutan. and over forty other good loyal citizens boen f treated as felons and out-lawa, by this wicked, weak and corrupt Administration. fcwv 11 11 amusing 10 ,eo 1110 ation.pt ot "Iu,u.S?..ecK ""-P'"10" ' "feaK uuwu ino eviuenoo 01 toward iUotlcnry,- tho r-rineinln wi.nn,, nn !l,,!f f tl,n a,il : ..:i, ... rr : t ni utuuivut ,1, UU tllUID OU L1UI1 ISUU I UUV i- 1 it., .1 D forct that thev seleotcd him a? one of their I7t... j itnutia, raaue nun a ueiegatq to county conventions, and all that. Whilo our dif foronM In nnliii.l.hn ..!.! - n. - a's the poles wo bclievo that he is testify-, ing to what he knows. Smut Madiine. ! It is eminently befitting, and exactly what might be cspected, that, Pee John, and all euch dij-union stuff, should thus attempt even by downright lying, to bol- tter up tho "uotoriouj El. McHenry:' Tbe whole abolition crew will signally! fail to even w!sitc-wash his character where he is known. And the assertion that, the i ue e-nons ot tno loyal clergy of 1 uuiiiii; iuo Iiuu I'lonnlH nnlnrr nl. Ilio h-,1. , . .... lot hr,Y n.tt .1.., .l.r'u.iT- , vui.uii iuli, uiu4ii auu vua i i . terests were at stako interest affocting not only tho present but the future thev , '"bored as their class never labored before. .1 , , . - -- . I .Alia tne friin.'l nnrv in tt.hw.lt Ann.l 0 , " "V K"y "os1-" Was crowned with vinlnrv ftnul .! j was crowned with victory 1 e submit that "tho cfTorU nf inn tnl dIcr' ., Hk' ,1 , ingenious, and incessant, but denv that , ..10 - j - - - ; tbey, or either, of them, ever changed oven ' Ex-Sheriff Furman. t... , tt' r n - . JoaiAu rl. buRMAN, Esq., has retired from theomoeoflllgh Sheriff of Columbia County. We but express the' general ' OnlniOtl. in RaVlnit. Mint. fAliimV?n .A....... iiiir'sff" b"ltar olBlr08i,,,I t". ao"m JJurmao. Intelligent;, hu- r , ja, . uuuuvy mane, and' itenamn. hn U ,USn1.-ir,.n,l ' . ' .v.-.bv lne nutles ot bis late Othco lo ereneral sat- course all the .lolin Uro-vn no, ro ivorshio-' po nre 8ati.flcd, Hell itself rejoices over ,,,..,'.. , , ,"' . ' Um " nmn; h Pcpl ol sense tuouId beR,n to 'u1m"o, what good has beou dune, what $iato has buu brought back, how near is the ''brnakfast job fin- iihed?" Orangcvillc Now Store. Mr. Cornelius BELr,i:a, advertises in our columns, his New Store in Orange villo. Wo are told that his stock is ample aud complete., and as he h a good Dcmo- j crat, and a very worthy gentleman, and of ; 'course a fair denlnr, wo bespeak for his vtw enterprise a largo and liberal share i of tho publio patronage. Friends, oall und examine the latest Fashions. ,. , A1 Good many wealthy Southern planter j ore removing to Brazil and settling there, g ihtro iu'ordor V Wd ilicir slayc ha. Ve Assoonastho Abolidonists ruin Nor'h Amerioa they will be nftef South Aineri- oa, Courl Frocecdingo, On Monday last week Court commenc ed at this place. Hon, William El well, President, and his. Associates, Ste jihen IJaldtj ami John McHiinotdsJnica on tho Bonoh. First business"- the Constables of tho different township were called and tu&do report.'1 The Grand Jurors wero ncict called and cmpannclcd, making Joseph Lilly (Esq.) of Seott, foreman. v 1 Thu Traverse Jurors being called over nil appeared but live. Com, vs, William lloth lodicmont Larocnoy Truo Bill. Verdict of tho Ju ry not Guilty. Littlo for commonwealth and Robert jb Clark for Dcfft! Luke llhono and wife as, Obas. Deitcr iclc, An action brought for damages Jury found for Plaintiff tho sum of thir teen dollars. - Com vs. Miles Gallaulah and wife. Indictment Larceny Truo Dili. Delfts, pload not. guilty. On being tried the Ju ry found Miles Gidlulah guilty, in manner and lor.n as ho stood indiotcd, but acquit ted (ho wife. Thu scntaneo of the Court is, that tho Defl'i. undergo an imprison ment in tin: Penitentiary of ono year and two and a half months at hard labor, and return the property stolen if not already dono. Littlo and JIarr for Com und Clark cents damages. Clark, for Plaintiff, Frcize and Comly for UtfTt. Com. v s. Gcoriro Rishel. Indicment ' I Lsreeny Truo Bill. Defft. lead not Guilty. Verdict rendered by tho Jury withoHt leaving tho box "not guilty." Daniel llossler t'. David Miller VUU waa nn aoti(,a brou,hl hy )C I)laill tiff for tho navment ol a lost , ' Amruut eichty odd dollars. Tho Jurv r 1 .. ii. 11 rr. t..i. 1 n a: l-fnrlnv f.r nlninlift". I U It U U U VllUIUL IUI VlUi UaCbSUU IUI i.UI, ' ' ' Tim ,.,.n,l T ta... - ' v , " v.. t'eJnwy morning, anil part ol tie Traverso Jurors on Friday morning. Court adjourned on Friday eveninc. sine die Stfir. jjq . At it Again. Abraham can still get off a joke. says in his message i ''Men. icadi'y perooive that they cannot be much oppres.J with a debt which thty o'1-; Jm-elvei;.'' to operate nLMin,t aluvurv. and Abr.ih.tm pn ' cives von his not(?.aa votir ncrenr. nrin,n,i.T " J o to Dav vou when ho recci, thni-ammmi - - - .... . in taxos from you, with a lien on yonr thousand dollar homestead, as ultimate etcuiny, uiuu you oau i De"mucu opprusf- . r r - : 1 .. .1 , e,i becau 1 ut,'ul, c yon owe yoarelf ibo thou sand dollars cash and if Abraham can't Eet taso-s enough out of vou to pay vou. why your homestead is always full scour- 'v Ior 1,10 amount, ut coano, "men 3 PW and ftel perfect The Home Journal io: 1865. On I ln l.t nf .Tumi-,.,, 1 a as. .1.:. ...... j jvuv) una ivaiu- abo mvet entien unon it in.r, v.. Tf ijoue.of the. ablest oouductcd literary lour i a6 now published. N. P. Wills whoso ' i . ' n no ,'ui a uriier urn nnm . .. im ' -nilTOC- Id not asEditor in chief, .whila his nnrlnpr iSrnrr!., 1k!i:.. ww.i quo lAUUau. ... . , t 1 tuperinienus ttio Uopartmeut of Forei"n t: n I C0p,n3' r 01,0 lor J J0"", -always in ad- yanoe. ' Wiliis & f hilip,, 107- Fnlion St , N. Y. Cear Tbo L'hiustian (iMotbudtTt) Wit Ness, publishotl hy the Key. J. F. Given, ut Columbu'., Ohio, which had been sus pended tho pas-t two months, bus again made i's appereauce, It is an excellent religious journal, conducted with signal ability, and wholly undefilcd by political fanatiecitm or nugro-phobio, whioh is an OASIS in the wilderness nf politico-! eligious priesthood vagrinoy. Quarto form, price $2 00 por anuum, iu advauco. 6 The Litti,k Piloium, Edited by Grace Greenwood, Philadelphia, is awel ootno companion for tho little folks and should have a placo in uvory household, Ptrrnts i-t it for your children, and it Wiii piovu ft 'lbl0 !' vf.t.rtcr.t t'owAr'" their intellectual and moral culture. Price only SOcls,, per copy, per .niouin. Grccloy'fl Mcssago in CongreBH. In another column wo give place to an odilorjal wlu'uh is found in the New York Tribune of Saturday, the M inn. -In do itig this, wo depart front our nial habit, nod trench somewhat ou tho practices of those Republican papers which seem to dud their aliment only in tho columns of tho Tiibune ihcir leading editorial bo- ing usuolly nothing but dilated extracts j from tbo editorials of that paper. Our reason for giving placo to this article is, j that it foreshadows moro truthfully and undcrstandingly than lifts the mesiago of out' General Foster. Tbo scouts of tho Weldon railroad and making a long clr Mr. Lincoln, tho polioy that Is to be latter are said to havo coramUuioatod with cult over coasting roadf, The endmy at adontcd by the Concrcss now assembled, the forces under General Sherman, who tacked his rear but did him but little dam- i.ti. I- n i... in pc.-piu, mr. wroe.oy sayry-.i.My , just c i pbaticaiy eDtiorseit tno ndminis- 1 tration and tho war," and hence tho im . , ... . t msutaio auiy oiproviuing ways anu qiean for their support & perpetuity is brought homo to tho preaont Congress, and aa that , Congress is an Abolition one, Mr. Grco- ley takes it upon himself to direct a oourso lor them to pursuo 5 and as ho is the groat political dictator of tho party in power, wo liavo nn doubt thkt. litn oliedipnt ohildmn. wanting a littlo pap, they will be obedient to hisdircctiona. During ihu political canvass just closed, it was aliened bv tho Democracy that tho re-election ot Jir. iiincoln would uo an ' I endorsement of Ins war niiltev : tuat its t.t u uvvuaauijr H.-E11113 nuuiu u uuuiuuuut.u of the war indefinitely ( a call for moro men and mouey 5 and, aa a necessary re- suit, tho people must fuller all the conse- quouces of such a state of affairs. (jn rl,n ml.nr hnml. tlm Ahnliiinn'mN di-niod tl,p.n t,inna nll.c,inn tl.nMhn ro-flnoHnti of Mr. Lincoln would end tho war at once, without any further call for men or mon. oy, by extinguishing tho last hopos of tho euemy, and that they would lay down Ithoir arms at once and beg for pardon and peace. Wc see by Mr, Greeley's measago which party it was that told the truth to tho people during the last campaign.- Tho Admiuistration being rti-elcotcd, Mr, Orcc lev admits the truth tf.hr char2e made by 1 " 7 ,. : the Demoeraov as to the continuanca ot n,n ,i,..cuiv. ir nn immniliii!,. T ...V .... v , . " - - - - nail for fiflO. 000 men tho enorthousncss 1 T !..f ,!. ,ll.i,l, ,,,nrln,Mi,n-nl tlm nron. ------- . " . ,i t-i. , erty of tho people to poyit the high lato of interest paid, and "the failure ol' tbe old plans to provide tho necessary ways and means to keen thu Administration n float Wo want the tax payers to read Jlr.j Greeley's aiticlo and refket upou it ; loj read and carefully digest his plan lor keep-1 irjg Inn abolition machine in motion. lie ' says-: ' uM'cinsist on the amplest and ir.Sst stringent Uxitli ul-owe. L-l w hnw. "Y.1 " thu'M l' 1U"J Z!."" Jvei? ,"'"' ",l'V"''' and tccein s, with (toiib e tie p escnt Uixts on luzurL InUiuperJtmti's. IV t a, now borrowing montu xn(U at rtrrv cent, on he d-Ucu. J-vcrv dollar of ,.ebl contracted lit this vr.rt ita Mifit'iOAOE on i.uniwi" ,,. n . ,, , . .i mc PrrPcn!J "c a"!- Further comment is uuno.-oary We ask our readtrj, one aud all, to carefully road Mr. Greeley s mcuag euiitli'd'Tht' Duties of tho Hour." Litze nc Union. AST" Gen. Bahtram A. Sir-T.Krnrt,laie a Stato Senator from Lancaster county, died at his residence in tbe city of Lau oaster, on Monday morning liwit, rather 6Ulldcnly, although ho had been in failing health for a' year or two past, during a portion of which time he was ufllietcd with blindness. lie was a gentleman 01 kind k:art and goncrous fceling,aud uuivenally esteemed in soo'al lifo. His ago was 40 years. j EST Wo would advise thojeof our friends ' nk urn in nnnil of Hoots or Shoes, to nro. - - i ' tect their foot from the ico and snow dur- '"6 bo wiDter, to cull at Creasey's Cheap Str " L'8hl y,rcct al,J l'chaso a pair, , wi v - . a Mr. ureasv u uo.. uavo a uruo nstou- ment and sells at exceeding low prices, a? will be proven by tho number of custom- ,. ,. r . ., o crs who maiio xor mcir otoro uany via it is proposed tu.uongrtss to amend tbo Tax Laws so that every scgar sold must havi a btump patted thereon. As' there is but ono slump ou a box ol niatoh-! ... , . n , cs, would it not be well also o provide that every match bavo a stamp, ,"Tho peoplo aro shrieking to bo taxed." Hon. J.con Buoom, one of tho leaders ol tho old Native American party in this State, toinu fifteen years ago, died last week in tho city of Washington, flged 50 years. Ho was a nptivo of Baltimore. He represented ouo of tho Districts of Philadelphia in tho 01th Congress. - ft Wir,UAM Ovbufibiid, Esq., at una time a mombcr of tho Houso of Rep resentatives and Senate of this Stato from Alontoc county, and afterwards a Canal rinuimlfl.! mnr. rltnil ni h'iq rnslflnnnn In i Monroo county, on tho 21bt ult.. at the advanood age of 78 year. He was always an active and prominent Democrat, - - . Hoving bands of pirrrillas, nnmboring from ten to twcnty-fii -ut throats each, aru still iufcitlng Koutuelv, doiug serious in- mrv to persons and nr ..icrtv. and kecninrr tho people in continual fear. i Jjhn B, Houston, I niierly an active I and influential Wbia n diticiau of Kontuc- ky, and moro recently i. warm supporter ' n,ics from Savannah, and on Motidav it ?fGc.D' ?'c0KlaUC?r,ho.P",,lJo?oy.8'tvalrfl,,DrtUdtliathe was but f, ,n. Knon lifn!i,P.l t,n lli,ri.ri,lrr' nr.ln. I... been baniMiea, by Hurbritlgea order bo. , youd the Federal lines vzr a ne urau 10 ni. ne oinw unara , is raid to ho abandons . Whether tbo "tiriuer ha, .cet." lrtwbyit is sot' naid, we b ic nt .rnod fllont-.ur l,HKic(ut SUMMARY OF NEWSJ Tho Richmond papery of tho 10th in stant stato ttmt on tlm 7th General Sher. - 1 man was cast of the Ogbcoheo River, twcnty-Gve miles from Savannah, and ! marohing On that city. We have advices, received by tho steamer Donegal, of tho South Atlantic Blookading Squadron, to 'bo effect that Poootaligu bridge, ou tho railroad between Savanuah and (Jhatlestoni ftas destroyed on tho Oth by a novlo and l'1111' expedition under Admiral Dahlgrrn wiri pviipnti'it fn rnnnli Snrnnnnh on tho ' , ibe uomon.tration maUe on Jjritlay Dy a Innilinn .if itin ArmonFllia Pntnmnn .11,1 t- - , uot rca"'1 bringing on an engagement between General Lec'.i army and the Pet1- crat troops. '1 ho object is said to have .ecn to keep tho enemy from sending! forces to interfere with General Warren, aDd i8 belioved to have been ucc;stfiil. At any rato the advanced troops returned 10 'h0'"" quarters ou tbo lOih instant, flowing debnito has vet been heard of General Warren. The eh ongc of weather - bas aucd suffering in tho ormyi A dcfpatch from Cairo Mate-', that a force of Confederates, taid to number four thousand men. are on a niareh to Konluc-' - ki'- General RosecrAUS W;h removed from IU"UI'"""U 01 wms nou niiuiiri 011 J liursdny last, tl is sHccfSJor is Uon. -Uoaire. iso new eommaiid wct irivcii Oon. Roccran3 A l,0lJy ' Confetleraloa, on Thursday b'-'L appeared on theMiss ssippi, noith of cmpuw. A force ot one hundred and Ulty negroes wtrc-.-ont to drivo tliem oil. 1 1,1 "egrue ei up irotn iMempr.is on a u... .mi.mvu uu uviju-ui-iMfcia ran off, the negroes alier them. Soon,: however a bus-by placo was rji-chud.whoio il lart,u ffce o(.Oi.ufeJratc w.n hid. Tht"i' aH beu tutned upon thu uogroes (n.iliini. ml Ui.ilii. I ....... .1 ,... rt.. aim drove tuem to tbe river. il mv were l-iii, .1 u-nnniti.il mul r rntliml im a,,J oanaitl, and many rushed info tbe river anil were drowned. it IS o.ijil lui wwa weapta, .llli1. 1'f f iv i.lMMllle Hie CotiUlllOll 01 ullallfl H the same as usual. Hood is still laboring ;n his earthwork-). It in lepoited thut rrinfoicemants are being sent to Thomas, -r., . . i ... T- . . . . . iiio ueiaeiinieui (ii reuerai troops i inn , ,, ... .... , , i. tit in joiiitboiiviiic, out were loroeu to e . . . . i . , . i- . i vacUate it and retreat into Kehtuckv, ' Mil i i i wi-re tcrrilily Iiairae'i in their niareh. Thirteen are reported kills, tl and wouuiltti and HE.'eeil eaniured. The Conf. derate have rocoutlv made n raid inln Wrrtifrn Virginia. Colonel Witoher, lli 3 ijoinmaador, ri'ptirti having ,i iiii i i caiituri'i oiil- humiri-d hors'. tsirao luiu - dretl bei f c.ittlo, ai.d one i'an:i-n Ho tiii.Tii.'iI fiv'f, ..tnnmltnnfri nnil Kpn I.Ia.V- , ii. , .i .. h use?, ami doitrjycd throe lrn. lie Inst Ivq men Fr-in Petcirbur we liava the iaipor - tant ini-diicottco, throimh p.ivatc chuunt b, that tho construction of the Dutch Gap Canal Las been abandoned. Tho Coi.fud - urale artilleiists bavo nucceedtd iu break ing the enormous drudging machines that are employed iu the execution of the cai a! and now nothing can be done. Tho army is iu whiter quai ters , however.and despite j 000,y at !,,c la, t t tion. The extremes tho many rumors of a new advance that j udJ wof,l K-vu.him tho li.rgest ma rn.if.li ns. it ifi si-ari-flv nrnhnhln that n,,v. I juitics. Connecticut iifftots him : N'e , .. . , . thing will bo dcuc. The guerrillas have seized a Fvderal sohooner and tug on tbe lowtir Jamc4 River j robbed their trcw, und then abandoned the in. The Aue says, wo have reliable iuteli- genoe of General Shermau's march liotn Millon toivards Savannah. He evacuated .Villeu on Droepiber :)d. Ho moved south east, kcopiug his men well together ; send- '"B do raiding parties, aud marching i on tho narrow atrip, of firm ground between ! tlm nn tnntntinn.s tf tin, M,l if A II n -i I, rlvnr . . . , , - ,. . . . r - on tne icn uanu, anu inose oi tuu vgeouee ou the right. Hi. flanks wero thus well j Cadwalader coinmauding. hai been re protected' On December 5. his advance moved lo Philadelphia. It is now known was eightt.cn miles from Milieu. Ono of. 31 tlc "Department of Pennsylvauia." i.:,. .. .... i,,i i., ii,., a "3 lul l" i..- '.'b river, aud ono aloag the 0,-ceohce. The : others were between. On December G,l Sherman moved fa.tcr and is said to hava ' maruheu-eighteen miles, urc.it numbers of stragglors fell out of his ranks, and were picked up by the t.'onfedoato oavary,wlio followed oloso upon bis rear, barreling him terribly. Sherman is said to have had then but twenty thousand men iu his army. All tbo rest had ttrngglod off, or j been wounded. On L'cccmbtr7, ho ad vanced about s'xtcen miles, and on lho mofning of tho 8th last Thursday he was at tho villago of Crajtou, on tbo rail road running lo Milieu, about twenty five miles unrthweit of Savenuah. Tho penin. aula between tbo Savannah and Ogccuhco rivers, along which Shern.au advances, h (but sixteen miles wide, Tho swamps pro tcct bis Qanks, bnt at the samo limo pre vent his sending nut parties to dovas-tuto the country. Both in front and rear,thuro aro largo bodies of Confederate cavalry, nml l,PDlir'n nnnrntlnnn lii-liim b.v0 had ..rious c(reot T,e MeQBOi " ' " Savannah aro by this timo very strong On Saturca-i last. Sherman was but fifteen . ...I ,!. I.o ... L.., .. , Ju 'u' ",HV "b " uuk u' u),10a '""j Buu u" u,u ,,cl I 'lriSliau. QUO liUll , .. ,r. . , ..!,.-, ,.. .. , ., ,w4 iv v,,, .v uuv" iiunvk l,m,n nt n limn, nnil Pr.,mnn r,,a 1 - - -' , mw..mmu wwu- fronlu4 by a strong Confederate force- mi a .1 . . , , T,l 8oul,,ern Journals aro not ooitain whuthef Sherman will attack Savannah or (jo 10 the ei coJt nu'h of it . . I .fr ?" camp oi i uosttay oi last wcok, to go 10 I Weldoti, has returned. General Warren, its coaimander, found when ho approach-' its coaimander, found when ho aporoach- ...... , ' . cd Hicklord, twenty-two miles north of Weldon,that the Confedeaates were strong- ;ly inlrenohed ou the southern bank of Meherviu river. He tried to drivo thorn off, but failed- He then "discovered that General Loo was sending largo bailies of troops south along tliu weltion raiiroau to interupt him. So Warron determined to retreat. Ho turned back, leaving tho ficrfl . nnA unrlnr tlin firrt'rntlnn if n itlvtalnn - ft - I" ' ll,al out io meet tiim. Be made bis way salely back to nnmn It.. .ll.M.Mf li,ll ,Um r. w u.,,.u(4 burno-J ouly a lew depot on the railroitl lie readied camp on Ssindsy. - - - "The Flag of Our Union.' The handfouicst paper published in America, will commence the new yeur in an entire new form, with tew typ", now heading, New Contributors, and with oih er improvements calculated to mako it, as' it has always been a firat class Literary Journal. A large list of tho ablest con- tributors ol the country, have been secured lo write regu'arly for the P.as, whose.con - tnbutiotu will ombraco. Novelettes. Lovo . ; oiories. i niuimg Attventures, liaey ap eedoto. Choi.-e Poctrv, Valuable Histori- " :v& 11 niuuiw, au.ivc- autsoriptions siniuid be torwanled at once, oruer " secure sue nrst number 01 tua , now volume. One copy ouo year, four ' dollars. Tun fo,)ies, ouo year 319 00. Address, Elliott, Thome & Talbot, Hot :ton, ,u.va. , G1 , PictOi'Hl D lint' Weeklv. On ih'i fifbt of Juiti iry. I dU-j. Mr QU.rod will commenoe the pub ioiti. 11 ol a valuab 0 u uiorta ami iterarv Wefk v .... . ' IQUrUAi, entltli'.l IS .ilJivi'. J he paper will he or s-skhh oe'ava p- 'c, iiuu n-,11 contain tis ti.ueh ruJiu,' iiuttcr ittid in ! snnie ea-es innri:) tlian any three dilluri wcikly, bciidt'B being beButiluliy illutra j ted e..ch week. Thft'riM will be ot-ls j oui- tlolltir a vear to ono ub.ci-ih.-r. and ( (ten siibsrcribers tin dollurs, with a copy! gratM to the getlrr-up nf club of teni i I L3 .. .. .. ! I.. u!il I... . . . . . .. i-! j ' OIILL'IIUCU VIJVIU3 Wll I UU .IL'I. I UIJ rt-L'L'lUI Ul : . ' ... .r a throe emit slum.). Ttw n.it,cr w 1 a eo , ' bt for sal at all the principal depotj in I 1 h 1 .1... It. I .... I O ....... . - ... . . I Mll'3 uiiiii ii -ji.iira a, j u-'iiu uvr vl'y ! ,. . v ' Strett i 1 . 1 . ,, ' ..h .... "u"u " ..-tirju-tn,-. s- fill ft I f IVWITI M Mr H i il VAT 1 t r. Ww are in r-ooim of the .1 miiatv iium- . . .. ' , , u'-r oi tiiiti iiio-t t-xe i eiil ani etivau ' . ' JIT 01 Uilh llio-l t 0 IICIll Jtl'l oUO.'iniX 1 .ManfizitH- ptibiitbc 1 in the Iwircil Mat''.' 1 Wc would adviie all in t,-nl of :.u oxcell cut Maaaiiio. and uho j iliori- that doci! . i llot w:"" !lll'h 1,11 lU.Hltution in ihrif house, , t0 sel"' 00 tho !,",ou,lt subMiiiptiou fur ' "2 01 ""' w"! .! Jauuary number. Price only ..lie doll.ir and fifty -f 1 "n" P' r .ve:lr' -V-Mr. s-l-.iliott, I tiomoi rJot Hma, Ma-.a. j ! S2fr TK N srk Mcthd save -Tho Middle States trdtcd .Mr. Lincoln rather Jersey rrjcet-i him ; Pciiusylrnnia hnru ly elect-i him ; New Yuri: merely (tdeoti him, and Dolowuru does iib best to ves bitu. - Bou.stiks nut li-jcittiTri It ,'s stated i that thu Secreiary of War ha just dt oid j J that colored itoruits are entitled to the same bounty as white recruits, vu i one ' huiid re'd dnll'irs for two earn, nml ilin.i' ii i .i i..n.. . ------- - i iiuiuiiuu iiiui-ir. iur (men enra. lt.Mire sentuiive recruits are aUo eutilled to thu bounty without regard to color. Mit.lT.mv riiriviir The Head Quar- , ,orH of .i,;, ...iiitnrv Jmartnmnt. i)P,. a c Gi:.vkk.u, HooKr.it says ho is go il)g , atay j jx-troit until grecnbicka arc worth as much as gold. ' So he's mt tied for lifo'at iuet. MARRIAGES. On thu 24th of Nov., 1801, by Hev. H. B, Foresmau, Mr- Ww.f.usi II. Vannata, of Nortlun p'on county.Pa',and Miss Jkn .me Moititia, only daughter of T. J. Mor ris, Esq , of B!ooinsburg,Oolu!nbi i county , Uov. A M Itirntl? in Tl m.-lll,. . V "'rnttZ, 111 j;il)ville, on Bv ItlO "Juth Ult., bl.t UltltVItr.I.VU and .Mis Luoimia N Uda, both of Columbia o ... r .i . i ...... Un the 1 I 111 ItlSt , by tho llCV. Wll lilllll J; Ever, Mr. Hiiiam Dekii. to MNa Sa- iiaii Fitv, both of Moniour twp., Coliiui. bia Count); In Borwiok, Deo- a. 1801, bv tho Iter. W. B. Fox, Mr, Emas Yo.t', of Briar creek to Miss Maooie White, of I'isb. ingoreok both of Columbia co. -. DEATHS. . . .- - - At the residenoo of her soridn luw, W.1 G. Quick, in Montour township, Columbia n-iinri- nn tlm I'ril lttl lira A vimv MoBbidu, rvlietoflholato Wm. Moliridc,' Of llcillloek twp., Ogd about 80 years. r,r . ... iUrJ. iilOUUIWK, Was a UlClt CStilliabla !i..,.. l .. ..! ci ., t,i . -, iug uuni uu tAuujiiiai iuc ui uo r oi iub l),n.KIr;!. fl 1. I l.. in.. i f i.mjivuitu uuuivih nuviuiii iiui .iliria- . v. tlan profession iu life and finding iu it, hor . , . ..... strong hope and uro eon.oiaiiou iu death, "Blessed nr, tb ded Mbi die in the Lord "J mmrWaU ivw vvvm;vtuviHfll NEW A NPAV SJTfsPT? T.V ' ' i WiVU 111 1 v D T1 T7"T7"T f T U H A IN JJ2i Y 1 .LjIJIJ Cheap Gooila anil Great Bargain?. nptlE SuWriher respectfully inlormi his frirnda -and lh gnrious public, that ti hat Just opened a NEW STORE, In the well. known s'nnd of tho lata Wm. Fjltz, I on Mnin Street, In tran?3Vllc.' Columbia cnuntr, which has been well-nihd wltli all WnJi of Choice New Goods rroih fronullo ERiten Matkf.n which ha Intends! ciiiintrv ftruduce. seinnK us cncnii m idr cuespost lor ready pay i u.s eioek con.l.n In pt of tho following article!? '- w y; ?? tVf?icff -fV. Kf!'lHfVi- t;,,,,,,, ,.nil(1,, niitie, siikv Canbtlr j,fiJ,Vrr ind VPrrti I CI HI Ct (nllifii- MutH'i 'h-wls.Llncnj, Allpi'ckatfl GROCERIES Tmi. Coifj.! iSiKiif.. Mollnsts. Sale: (."ini. f'l. Ktisliit. t, ToWbcn, Scrar-i Snuff, aniiolli t aitlclei in t,i inii, u'ucjiy mpun t-uuimy mwu. A LSI) i Hals nil 'uis, Houis Sliofsl And all ti'.tlim ii.:-(.i:l, li tram. ,.??" ?u"Cf- ri:,:H- anJ prdS uucu lime ii in t: aciibiiit mr iiou'i. CORNELIU6 BELLES. Ofanjevl'te. U.-c. 17, ISC-. ly. IJfTKiJ ff"1. W ftj B f 7 fl 1 A mnn ...t -i ..... . . , ' j H I'w fUUIfriOT Will rjpO'O 10 '810, at .''Vofficouny e,'3-0''- jye(ayi the ,,3lt ,f Qcrtmbn, 1801 j ho foovvn(! valmbl piT.,onal proputty, vli rrt L 7 jfJTf'ktpfQ'j! , , " , Voting Cattle, ?cven Sheep, Otio Fttt Hog Two Shoats. one lo-hure W.ifon 5l!d. Fl-i. H.iri tw, Kuiiiiiiiij.iiiill.UuttlNg.Uox". Iloe, Sh"vi-I foikj! , ri-jinei, inr?o iron uviue, ur-an 111 tho Ground, He Ly the Tim, Hye-Straw and Cori-faJder by Ihe buiidl.-' HjJ byliie umiJIi!. 1 JJuvkwhcitt, liijr, lorn, Wtiutt Uais 1 Patulous ly the lushtl. Oil- Oilnd.ttniiH. CooUtiK Jl ;v.-. IMfj u, Ded-m ad. YSSK'.fu'i'ia? "' maim unu luri'en. i.ii,ck. it or tro i.jr.t.i-j i i , "u,""uu' : Cv" u'o l cmnuience at 9 icloik m. afsf.t dart "Mien utlfiijuiicj Mill bctiveii and cinditio.-i bt) inicsa WM G. o-c i; isei HARK I J Ori-.tnwii?-! tivp Public Veiidne. T I LL ho exp-vd to Pub t S,'.j. ' 0" rLU-i.c cf ih iub-.vilb.-r. t--. risi.in,; LfeK lOMl.tlip, l 01 CO , l Fill DA Y, D KUL'M U ER 13 , 1031 Tb- ful!ul.ij penoiial properly fill., ftt'rt hran lV'-,f.A,i n,1,. oftfrtf ,lrt ( ' ' ,w . , w..u n. . w, - v i ' i., ir.,.., i vi .,7... I "" v ONE COW, FOUR SHEEP. HAY BY THE TO N, ( i I. - narrow, uuinv-unrs, tirjin or : die, hey'ho, borki, Shovols, Sltds Cool: ling btijvo and nie-usels, 1 .tvad-i, oi. e tatil', oi.o iini' Stovo and iiu-usf-ls, tiro pi r B i '.fvad-i. oi.e tat.I-, oi.o set Cta.ro.e .t s I IT I j ijiotit pun p:, rtoi ol v iiii-jj-ir, a'i'i otbi rs Irniel.-i not herein tiutiiv at- l ; t,"fl ,l-1" i-mmnriii-i- .it IU n . lock i .n i!'.M,l ilar.; . mi n a ii-i .lniic.- uil Ui tl.uii mil c-inliliui ia.. Kriir, u tiy MAIHIA"? It Af PLCMAN tlcti-mVr a. IWI. PC'Bl.KJ VE.VDUS. or Pefsuntii Vuluablu Pro.art 11. 1, ur o.tpO'-Cil tn pan to sii" o;l , i , . , . tn- oi.'im. . , M lli- Hti. n iJct,i-i if 1'imui.l! .llllfll . (LCd-lu-i, III lltllllnck Vt tJolll.nl.J3 en . On Tuesday, tho -'Oth of I), e 1301, I'hv t i'.I.i.mhj Ji.-si.iII,'! I ir,nna -j-fij.rr.y . vu Oil.' to; -"iSngity. lipiit two-hou'o Wajn,! and wuod-.voriv a iw.'.-bur.-i. nnn, one et of new Tyro, lialMuicrc-t iu a Grain Dull, ono iare in a Threshing M lehilio, one vVind-nul!, ono sel ofdo'iblu Hanin-s, one sut -ine'ef! Ilug.-y Ilarne-s.iitio L'utl'ulo Hube, I'on and llarrons Also BIJi K WHEAT BY THE BUSHEL and vniluiis oilier nrlnl 'a nr.t lirrcin eiMiini-rnlr.l .1 H Hale In ccuiuiciiro i. I oilo,Ki 111.. of M I liar, nlien itmiilaiice nltlbeKivun ami couJiliu.i, bd rn.iJ. WILSON WAXICH. l).!cemli;r ID, Wi CLAIM AGENCY. The undersignad hating connocted him solf with eUahlished Agencies in Wash ington ano f niiadt'iptiia is prepared lo attend to thu collection of B-ick pay, Boun ties, Pensions, mid all other equitable claims agaitijit the Ctovernincnt. Ills ex-! perieuoe and busln.'Sj cnncceti'in- tnbble him to nttond to them with ilu 1 nt po3 'ible delay. No obarces made unle-s tl o cluiins arp scoured. Olfieo wi'h E. H, Liitla E ,q., Courl ilouso Alloy, U'onms burg Pa. V. B. IJKOCKWaY. Blaamshurg, Dc. 10, 1804. RE-OPN E D. THR DANVjLlE HOTEL. CH A It LEdN "SAVAGE, T ATP. t,t tin IVnnsyivanla (nusi, h.is putcli.iu.l i-j inn iiDiive i:ii Knnwn j av.-r" nuiui, mti-iy occup ied ly Rco "0 U' Fr.'rz. riluaKi on .Mrrkit ti. Fc-rrv .trcrti. In Dam ill-!. r., anil has r-l"iiri lr.cil una ro. I"',"-J 0 f"f thu .ici-omolMion of the public Tli.i lion.) is lorm nml caininnJIou- uuJ h.is nbun- t ' tnhJIus. Il is pioatnntly lu-atuil ii lit ci-utrat ' W KM S.',' (1$ ZZ'Vk ihoir pm-on-c. 1.3 1 rroiiii-os i iiiiui',1 i.ilons to pronino thi-lr cf.Utrr.rt. "d ".-'iroi iliom ihm in ililni; .hall b wunllus on bin : parl 10 ""ke hi ""f0 ""V-'ri.t:" L'v.,,,. 1, .1 IV..I.O l, ,..-.,. N, n. tfailtti'i Omnilms ruiia frnm lli.i nbnve men-ti-nnl IJoii.c, in mid irom Loth tinil 1 ad depots at f-vrry nttlvHl of thu Trains. fllei. 10, lctil. OmflCE- OK THE LACKAWANNA & BL0OMSBUKG 15. U. CO. KiNnsioN, Pa Deo. a, 180 1 , Tli" minimi iiiniillns ofiha HiotkliolJars ofllm Lack. awanna and tnuMtiirt'-l-i ilroa.l t'n , will be held a t tilt, Kingston llnuso, in tti-i Imrcugh of Kiui.lon, on Mnndar. January 0, I8Q, at ilia u'ciuck, 1', M to olect a rresidont mid Ulroctnrs. A. H. BEVNOLD3, Sec'y. 1''K(M1TRIX NO riCM. E.iato nf Ocorno W. Hiitln. IWasod. T I'-'ITKKB Testamentary on thu estate of Geni-pe IV JU UIUU, lato ofMI. l'leaaiiitnttnsiip,(;iilunibl:i co,, dcer-ased, have baen eriuilud by tho lleeister of Wills "ietoiiiB uniii'rsijniiil bopi tulillni! Ill said iwp. all persons havlm, rlaims a-aintl tlm ci-iato nr Uio decedent ,a, rfiuc-.tad to p,a.e..t it. mi ,h n-wn. tru Miinoui unlay, and all person-, inn. bind to inane payment InrtlnMlh. MAUV IIITTI.B. .111. I'lLIltlMlt lu-i... v,w. l'J. - ' '- , wi. A GOOD.SIZED MAKE, a: itablo for 2 Jl. r"atm, nussy Dralt, nr Cans ini;, will bo sold chstji, nu ti-pli.-nilun to the toltT'if tlto Pouo rst. Bunmrbirr Oct. I, loOl,