Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 10, 1864, Image 2

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"Cur OonatHmlon guard It ever !
Oar glorious Unionhold It dear I
Oar Htarrr rUg---foraako It never I
Tht proud Oaucanlanour only peer!
W- ...i..i-
Saturday Morning, Doc. 10,1064.
Peace and its'Enemles.
When wc consider tbo antecedents aud
present composition of tho Administration
party, its rcmarkablo blood thirs tineas is
something rcniarlc'ablo. Old blue light
Federaliila, who in 1812 opposed the war
xvith England as unjust and iniquitous,
ana'gavo whatever influence they posoned
to oonuemn it, aro now fierco trumpeters
t. :si ..i ... s i
knifa against tboso that formerly it wis
considered a prido lo call our countrymen.
Old Lino Whigs, who in 1840 denounced,
the war with Mexico as a pro. slarcry
scheme, and unholy, God defying crusade
against a weaker llcpublio and besought
Mexicans to "welcomo our army with
hloody hands to bospitablo graves," are
now clamoring for daughter as though
thoy bad been born in tho shamblos
Members of'pcaco societies, who a few
ycara ago, through press and pulpit, thun
dered their anathemas against all wars,
dsfousivo and offensive, as contrary to Di
vine commands and Christian spirit, and
urged tho immediate conversion of swrds
info ploughshares and spears into prun
ing hooks, are now tho. most ardent vota
ries of tho God of war,and have conceived
a sudden affection for grape, oannister and
Dahlgrecn guns an admiration that is
marvellous and quite refreshing lo behold.
Consistent members of the Church who a
littlo wbilo ago, like Undo Toby, would
not hava harmed a buzzing fly, who listen
with proper dovolion Sabbath after Sab
bath to tbo ambassadors of Him whose
con ing was announced by the angel's song,
'Pcaoc on earth and good will toward
mon," who bade Peter put up tho sword
drawn in self-defense and said 'Blessed
are tti3 peace makers for they shall bo call
cd.tho children of God," even those peo
ple, the very lalt of tbo earth, the richest
cream from tho milk of human kindness,
now breath out throatenings and scream
for fresh heaps of slain.
Mon who, in their own proper persona,
would Mccivc a cowhiding with perfect
cqpanamity, a kick, as a- fundamental com
pliment, and, if smitten on one oheek(
would proceed to offer the other, have,
apparently, been bitten with some milita
ry tarantula, and aro now for a war to
tbo bitter end without compromise, with
out negotiation, and until every slave is
Fair ladies, to, who would shrink at
the sight ot a bpider, and faint in the
presence of a hostilo mouse dear daugh
ters, ot EyE, whose only artillery, should
bo bright smiles whose only warfare the
roses, of York and Lancaster 'fighting, for
mastory on cheek and brow these, also,
have thrown their-gloves and scissors into
the scale, forgotten the service of Venus
in tbo charm of Mars, and joinod in tbo
chorus shouting, like the Roman luulti
tude, ('Delcnda est Carthago!"
We hopo theso people will be condstont
Tbo moat of them have been content to
imitate tho war horse of Job, .and "smell
tbo battle afar off. We pray thom to re
form in' this respcct.and having reoommen
ded steel, and. gunpowdor as a panacea for
car national ills, that thoy nou proceed
to swallow their own mcdicino. Let them,
when drafted, not buy a poor African to
atop bullets in their stead, but chceifully
proceed to tho field of battlo by tho first
train ; and finally let them not listen to
syren song of po&co, such as has been
ringing through tbo avenues or tho capi
tal. It is but a trick of tbo beaten eno-
my, irjMig ucbuhh i.uCu. .uw (
an endorsement ol the Chicago platform.
Tell Mr. Lincoln to stop bis cars and j
harden Lis heart, and to insist upon war,'
war-eternal war,until the South ia wiped
out of existonco. J
l : l- i :. n...:.i .
Gibbon tells us that tbo ancient Scy
thians worshipped ,a8 their Doity , a drawn
sword. Having followed thoir example,
see to it-that the rays of your glittering
God are not ohourcd by even tho shadow
of white-winged Poaoo.
Tlie President's Message.
We this wcok publish a snynopsii of
President Linooln's third annual message.
Its languago is moro dignified and leas
wandering aad obscure than that of last
year's Messago, and its tone ia moro sub
dued and lcaa suggestive of an effort to
create melodramatic effects. Neverthe
less, it is yaguo and superficial. It deals
carelessly, with tboso points that are of
paramount-interest to tho publio, and evin-
cesno stateimanlike analysis of the politi
oal situation. It shoda no ray of hopo
upon the futuro. Perusing it with a vague
expectation of finding somo oluo tbat may
lead out of the dismal labyrinths of inter
actional dissonsion, tbo patriot will put it
aside with a tigh, painfully consoiuua that Per aDDUU3'
it neilhor solves nor waa intended to s.lvo o- MrTSAVAOE, has taken tho Dan
tbo terrible onigama. It la emphatic and ville Hotel, es will bo teen by bia Card,
plain tpokau only when it affirms that the 6Dd will keep, as he alwaya bag done, qu
war aball b prosesutiito the bitter nd. excellent Hooia of Entomiuneat,
Tito's. E. Moaghcr on MoClollan. I Tub Florida to iic Givem Up.
Whlla tho gallant comtuandor of lLo Wao-
Wo tlirf ot particular attention to tbo 1 huset is i oing w'incd and dined by goncr
spseoh of Gan. Moogher.u fupporter of the 0ua admirers, Sccrotnry Seward ii said to
Lincoln Adminlr-tralion, to be rend on the bo prcpairing to .urronder tbo Florida, to
first pago ol tbc'Columbia Democrat.1" rcStorc b6r to tbo port from wherjeo she
Such, and such sentiments, only, ttB tboso ws taken l7 her eaptora. Beirij violent
of tbo brave Mengbcr, every decent man ' y seized in a neutral port. BfazUi lias
and true soldier, must record iu favor of! tbo right to mako an unconditional domand
tho noblo and patriotio Gon. Geo. B. Mo-, for bor restoration. If bo insists upon
Clollati. Dr. Pee John, and all audi! ihln, wo havo no choice but to crant it.
"smalJr i, fna tbo "old Joker" calls them,
should carefullyjrcad this epcccli, and bo
M bow , liercatcr oS beretoforo
ineinuato cowardice against General Mo
Glellan, lest they meet tho knock-down-argument
of Gen. Meagher.
Gen. Meagher's argument ii annexed :
For my part, if auy man, in my pres
ence, daro call General Mo' Icllan a trai
tor or a coward, i will not stop to argue
with him
I will at once knock him down.
1 "ill answer such assertions only with a
bloff-andjinlrlahinon'b blow at that!"
Mr. Giger'd New Store
Mir- Hesuy Gioer, of Montour town-j
ship, having purchased Mr. A. II. Eras-J
mus' Grocery, Confectionary and Variety
Store, iu bMbotnsliurc. lika a sensible bus-
ineisman, desiring aud deserving custom, an'1 honoroble in bis. dcalingn with fiioud
notifies "all tho world and tho rest of . and foe. Ho was a nativo of Chester coun
mankind" of that fact, through tho medium, ty. and lcarusd tlio printing businos at
of tho "Columbia Democrat." Tho now 'he office of the Village Record, with tho
proprietor having.the means and cxercis- ' editorial .department of which he was for
ing the will, to be fully up to tho demands., so'o Jars connected, lie has been cut
of the tinios and the wants of his custom- dow by.a.pulmonary diseaso,at the ear'y
crs, has just replenished bis Store with n-l aS of "8 JfCari-
largo and well-sclcctcd assortment of all
kinds of goods, including mauyjjow varie
ties, usually !frpt in- tuch efitublishments.
One of the dutinguiahed characteristics of
this Store has loui; beeu.the qiialitv and
cheapness of its goods and will j
bo attested by hosts of Lady customers,
Mr. V m. Lrasmus, tho obliging and j
pleasant Clerk, is always on duty, and
takes great delight in showing his warea
free of chargo,
''Stuenqtheniso the Government."
Mrs. Hutchins, of Baltimore, who was
discovered getting up a subscription fr a
sword to be presented to Lieutenant Har
ry Gilmore, of the rebel scrvico, has boon
8ontenced by a "military commission" to
five years imprisonment at Fitcbburg,Mass.
and topav a fmo of Ctro-tbousand dollars .
with further imprisonment until tho fine Lneia anu w- ""nes, besides others,
is paid. Petitions havo been gotton up by The J""uary Number boing a new vol
Unionists in Ballimore, asking lor a miii- J ",no- Mrs. Stowe will begin a new series
gation of tho sentence, but tho ''loyal1' ;0' PaPers ''Tho Chimney Corner" D, G.
Leagues and Union olubs of Baltimore ! Mitchel ill aUo contribute a stoiy somo
have held large meetings and passed reso- j art'des from Hawthorne's Papers will bo
lutions againU tho petition. Of course the ' S'von. Tho Atlantic is always able aud (
league will prevail, for Ben Buller isa jdways leadable. Subscription Si 00 a
leaguer, and Ben has invariably succeded j ?oar- T"knor & Fields, Boston, Mats,
in his ivars against oriuolino. The Phil- pETEll6oN'3DETECTor; for Be
adolphia7)(?!r says-: "tho sentence of jcember jjujt ijtUe(j conUnj desCriptioD9
tho court martial is not severe." Oh, of of 28 Duw oountorfeU9 lhttl liaTC been put
course not; it is very gentle-vcry short : 0ircuiBtion .:- ,.1B lstoflaHt ,nnth.
very light more especially as itison-
ly a woman."
IW Wo call attention to tho admirablo
lettor of Bishop Whitehouso, of llliuois.on
the outside of our Paper, upon the subject
of Politics in tho pulpit. How much in
coatrast is it with thc wild and bloody pro
pagaudism which rules the small fry cler
gy of tho denominations, and even of his
own church.
Bishop Potter wo aro informed is now
advising bis clergy by all means to oschew
politics. Wo fear it is too late to romcdy
all tho evils of a most pernicious examplo
But tho churoh will accept it thankfully.
BJ Somo of our friends to whom wc
sent bills, have responded, for which thej
havo our thanks. Many others, have paid
during Court,in person or by their friends.
We again appeal those in arrears, to re
member that wo must have tho means to
carry on a largo and cxpensivo cash buis
ncss, which can only bo dona by a corres
ponding promptitude on their part, by do
ing as they would bo done by.
tT Tho New York Times says :
As thc Presidential majorities are now
renortod. a cbanrro uf LTi UOO vnlps in fhn
o- -i
gta,ca &Ww LinmUl ,,,0 lmMui m.,:or;
tJc WQuld e,oct Gen M Clellan
Th,B -s Mt ft overwbelming.rc.ult,
on(J that indical03 ,he aauihilalion of
tho ptfmoor2tiQ pty
CSy Ths Philadelphia Ledger cstab
lishmcnt has been sold by Messrs. Swain
'& Co, to Geo. W. Ciiii.ds. Esq., of Phil
adelphia. Tho rullic Ledger has been a
paying establishment for years, which is
not tho oaso with printing, establishments
I The Attorney General has giyon an
opinion that tho rejection of a portion of
the military vote of Bedford oounty by the
Iteturn Judges was an error ; that Judge
King thus having a majority of tho votes
cast,, ia thoreforo duly elected. Ho will
doubtless bo commissioned by tho Gov
C- We publish olsowhero tho Prospco.
tus of tbo Cleveland (Ohio), Plaindcalor,
It is an cxeellont domooratio institution.
Let it bo well supported. j
USS- Godey'a Lady's Book, is hero for'
next Jonuary. It is a beautiful Magazine
and replete with interest. Prioo S3 00J
or to ongago in an unjust andf dwhonora-
bla war. Tho cry. a few day's orjo, was,
.iwo t,B Florida and wo
will keep
her. ' Now. that is nil changed. The
cunnso or tons is for. the ninit. it was
our bull jing bluster, both iu this case and
in ttiat ot Vinson and blidell, wmoii was
wrung in the first instance.
Death, or an Euitou. Wo regret to
hear of tho death of Eno Piuzeii, Esq.,
senior editor of thu Bucks County Jnttl
hgenccr, which occurred at Doylcstown on
Friday last. Mr. Prizer was a gentleman
of untiring industry and energy of char
acter, and was peculiarly well fitted for a
6ucccsful journalist. Altbougli'vory deci
ded in bis political views, ho ucj frank
- Tlie official vots cast in Chester
couuty, (abolition,) at the Presidential
election on the 8th ult., was 14,901.
Tbo official vote cast in Montgomery co.,
Democratic. ) at the aarn.o. clcctinn. was
14)280 Chester county is allowed tuuee
representatives in the State Legislature,
anJ Mon.-omor
TWO. 'I'hfa slinroi tho
unfairness of the apportionment bill, and
tho injustice done to Montgomery oounty
by tbo abolition Legislature of last, win-
tcr. No wonder tho opposttion have
again carried a majority of tho L?gila
' turc.
L. ! . . ,r ,
cer, is ou our woic. ii compioiea v oiumo (
XIV and oontaics. articles bv Lomzfel-
low, Harriet Hosmer, Whittierj Kato
lu those days of unlimited papur money, no
buisnesg mnn can safely do without a
Counterfeit Ddteoter liko Peterson's.
Tho eighth year commences in January.
Prioc 1.50 mothly, or twice a month.
Address T. B. Peterson & Brothera, 300
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Another Cadinet Cuahqe Hon.
Edwaud Bates, Attorney General of tbo meDt buildinS) through ihe negligence o'
United States, under President Lincoln, somo DrSroe8 wa3 dedroyed by fire.
has resigned his position, to take effect Near,y tff0 hundrcdjiorsea and mules were
from January let 1S05. Hu advanced burned t0 death.and seventyfive thousa nd
age, and physical inability to discharge dollars fforth of 0oL'rnnent property do
the arduous duties of tbo office, aro given , itroyed'
aa tho reasons for tho resignation. Hon. ' 1 b rau,inj am0D8 "10 K61 paison
Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, has been ors at SalisburJ-, North Carolina, occurred
tendered tho appointment, but declines it. " Fridny' Novembcr 25"'-
-.-.' y
ftar c have neglected to notice cdi-1
tonally the receplirfti at this ofiico of that
aoio pouuoai ana merary jiagizino, tho
American monthly, (Knickerbocker.)
As a standard work it has no comnc
titor,being conducted-with unrivalled abil
ity. It has a host of tho ablest contribu
tors from both tho Old andNew World.
irico sj per annum. Address J. !
Holmes Agnew, 37 Bark Row.New York, 1
How Mr. Lincoln wa3 JSlected.
Mr. LiiiCQPN's popular voto is 3,250,000
General McClella.n'b is 1,750,000.
Lincoln's majority is thus ou the'popular
vote only SOO.UOO- Now as there aro up
wards of 800,000 office-holders from Sec
retary of Stato down to a Post-office elerk
or Provoit-tnarebal'a aid , it is easily to
seo how Mr. Lincoln secured his election
Comment is unnecessary.
About one half of the entiro mass
of fifty cent fractional cunency now in
circulation ia said to bo composed of coun
terfeits. New ones aro about to bo issued,
and not at all to soon, They will bo a
little longer than iho present bills. Wc
hope wo shall not waut them much 'longer-
- -
tor Eclipses. Next year thero will
bo four ecllpaca two of tho aun and two
of the moon. The eclipsca.of tho sua oc
cur on 25th of April and tho 15th of Oc
tober ;. tboso of tho moon on the 11th of
April and tho 3d of October.
tST Iua. AyEiiy., has assumed the du
tios of JSdrtor and Publisher of the
Wyoming Kepublioan. Mr. 'Burgess be
ing in tho Army servioo. Its abolitionism
is improved,
Bgy Thoro wob onco a man so intcn
soly rjolito that, as he passed ahon on
her nest, he said, ''don't riso ma'am."
T Indemnity for the past-vpay np,
Security for the futurn py down.
Thcro is very littlo news from General
Sherman, Slooutn's column has t.ban
donc&thc idoa ofoapturing Macon, and, a'
last nScbuuts wna inarching eastward to
join Howard's column, which was checked
by the Oonfcd crates forty miles west of
Augusta, Macon is thu9 out of danger.
The indications aro that tho Federal cab
airy havo abaudonod Millcdgovillo and
joined Slncum, aro also marching to unito
with Howard, Sherman, it appears, has
discovered thattheso isolated colli inns wero
ton weak-to copo with tho oncmy, and
changing his plan baa determined to unite
luuui in mi uuaou upon Agusia. inai ,
city is not yot threatened, howovcr, and a
largo lorceoi ouicuerates irora iNoriu . "
and South Carolina are there. As each
duy goes by tho chances of ita oapturo
grow smaller. Beauregard, with the ad
vanoe of his army, was at Macon on No
vember 22ud. He ia now moving cast af
let S!ocum, harrassing tho Federal rear.
From tho neighborhood of Nashville,
wo havo but Jittlo news. Tbo Confeder
ates bad a pontoon across tho Tennessee
Itiver, neor Chickasaw, south of Johnson
villo. A Federal cavalry expedition waa
sent from Nashville by a oirouitous courao
to destroy tho pontoon. They were driv
en off, however, and wero unsuccessful.
Timm nr.. r ,, , . r
1 licro aro somo renorts of ton doinrrs nt
, , .. ..
moaooy a men in tho valley. An attach
was mado last week upon another body of
Federal cavalrv.nnd fortvfivo out ofsixtv
were cantnr(j. 'IW LnUnni, Alnn.
:., :. r .1 ,
in tho position of the two-armies in tho
V ) 1 ,u
From Petersburg thero ia information of
tbo renewal of tho heavv fiiiuir between
r ...... wwu uuuuu
tho pickets. No event of importance has
occurred, howovcr. General 1'ope ia now
at City Point, and it is rumored-he is to
have a command. General Humphreys,
who, sinco the battlo of Gettysburg, has
been General Meade's ohief of'staff,is now
iln of Hancock's Second Corps,
There seems to bo a general impression 1
in tho Confederato camp at Petersburg '
that Grant intends. to mako another effort j
to capture tho Southside Itailroad. Ho is
. . i. i ..... ,
-f"' "'"g '"rKu uumoers or ;
trooP3 t0 taa Weldon Railroad. In tho '
federal, oamp,howevcr,thero is an equal- J
iy siroug imprcBiion mat a r tderal attack
on tho north bank of tho James is intend-1
eu, and thero are ooustant rumors of the
completion of tho Dutch Gap (Jaual.
Nothing has occurred on either side, how
ever, which would indioato the beginning
of an attack.
Tho Confederate raid on Saturday up
on New Creek, on thoBaltimuro and Ohio
Hailroad, was much more serious than has
been supposed. Tho Confederates cap
turod Ihrto hundred Federal troopj and
six or seven cannon. A groat deal of
plunder was also takou. Tho railroad was
nut seriously damaged.
Tho Federal prisoners confined at Salis
bury, North Carolina, recently made an
attempt to oaape, After a rieice conflict
in which forty of tho prisouors were killed
and many wounded.thc guards overpower
ed them.
Iu Baton Rogue, Louisana, a Govern-
Columbia County Pp.Isoneks. A
military commission was engaged this week
in tho trial of two more of tha Columbia
county prisoners. Like ihe case of the
, " ,
spies iho testimony and proceedings are
kept a secret till the result is given in tbo
general orders. Theso poor leilowu have
I bad a hard timo of it. They wero aireated
some months ago and they have been kept
in damp and loathsome orisons ever sinco
They should havo been tried by tho civil
courts as the late law of Concress ore
acribca, where they could have had tcsti
mony on both sides and a fair jury trial,
but it seems tho powers that bo do not re
gard the laws of Congress. The evidence
in tho cases that were fried, proved that
tho men were aoting under a misapprehen
sion that their houses wero to be burned,
j and their property taken, and that they
armed themselves for their own defence.
Yet they were convinced and heavy pen
alties were imposed. Wo hopo tho prcsont
trials will result better. Patriot if Union-
Columbia County Prisoners. The I
trial of Stott E. Colley has boon going on
hero for a neok, aud is not yet completed.
Thero seems to be little or no testimony
against him except that of Edward Mo
Henry, the man who got frightenod and
turned States ovidence,aud the public know
how much rolianoo is to b.R. placed on his
testimony. The truth ii that thoro is a
good deal of a farce ab tho wbolo r.)Z:K7C
Wo do not obiectto thc numsbmciit of men ..., c...l.. .
" ' ... ,
who aro guilty of orimo, but the courts ,
could have tried theso nun as woll if uotr -
better than a military co.irt.-4ic.
.7. . . TlZ '
Reskined, Geo. D. HoorT, Esq,, has
resigned his situation u Principal of tho
oln South West Ward Grammar Sohool.on
annnnnt offnilin Imnll), ITi rnliiiiliin
will take eftect on tho lm of Janury. Mr.
Scott is ono of the mcbt borough teaohcra
in the employ of the School Board, and
bis plaoa will not be east 7 supplied,
KhI'pj; Gazette,
The President's Message.
Itltow Ctizens of tht Senate awl House t
of Representatives
Again tho blossingti of health and an,
abundant harvest claim our profouudesti i
gratitude to ; Almighty God. . '
.tit . rt' . .
'1 lin nnilrlittnn n l.trninn nll.i.rJ IJ
iT .TV . 6
reaFonauiy aaustaoiory. ,
Uox.00 continues to bo a th-atre of civil ,
war. Hinio our political relations witn
MM.ii ... -...I:.!.. i -.1... 1
tl.nt .nun pit lintm n nil npr. nin n it hnnirn.
v :J. , ' -"r-b--
WO uavu ji mo snino iiuiu sirirny inuiu-,..
. . . ... ... , ,. .. I.
laiuuu u uvuiruiivy ucmutu -iuu uuii'li
a i .i .. .( .1.. o..... -f n.-i. '
lca and Nicaragua, a competent engin-,
,Uu rr llW3ls wiiuu .
oor lias uecn auiuorizcu to mane a survey
'of the rivur San Juau,and the port ofbau,
. .........
41 la u nu uuu ui iiiuvu outiaiuuiiuu iiiuu
. -i.i.i. . ...!.. .1
a source ot mucu sausiaction tuat
ine uiuiciiuiui which lor u luwuii-ui l'xuiiuu
c oiiiiL' of tbo lunar ocean a route, nave
been abmiablv adjured, and that there is a
r-ood nrosnect that tho routo will soon bo
rcopcnei nit 1 an ncreaso at.oapae ty.anu
r . ... .. r J. .
. . . . . . ,
adaptation. Wc could not exaggerate ci
ther .tho oomtnurcial or tbo political im
portance of that groat improvement.
It would be doing injustice to an impor
tant South Amcrioa State not to acknowl
edge the directness, frankness, aud.cordU
ality willi which tbo United Ststes of Col
umbia havo entered into intimate relations
with this Government. A. ('latins Con
vention baa been constituted to complete
mo unuuisuou worK oi tue one wuieu cios
. .
.1 -! ,1 ... ...I . . . -l .l.
eu its session in laul
Ti,c now
liberal Counitutiou of Vencsula
3intocffeet with the universal
having ioue
acquaintance of the people, tho Govern-
meut under it bus been r
been reooguiied, and
, . . . ,
uiuiouiaiiu iiutryuuibB u.ns utxu ujjuuuu
-i 1 u -.
wiih it in, a cordial and Iriendly spirit
The lnug-duferred Arcsis and claim has
bcou satisfactorily paid and discharged.
Mutual payu.outs havo been made of tho
claims a wurded by thu late joint commis
sion for the settlement (if claims beUvuou
tho United States and Peru.
An earnest and cordial friendship con
tinues to exist between tbo two countries,
and such efforts-as wero in my power havo
been used, to remove minuuderstandiugs
and avert a threatened war between Peru
nnd Spain. Our relations aro of the most
friendly nature with Chili, ihu Arueniiuo
llcpublio, Bolivia, liioa, Paraguay, San
yu vadurf and Hayti.
Durin.K. thc P1?1 ycnr V differences of
any kind have arisen with any of those
iepubjejjt aa on tho other baud their
svniDuthie with the Unitcil Sistns nro
constantly expressed with cordiality
i no claims arising irom tlie seiruro of
tho cargo of the brig Mace Ionia, in 1821,
have been paid iu full by thu Government
of Chili.
Civil war continues in iho Spanish ,prt
of San Domingo, apparently without pros
cct of an early close.
Official correspondence has been freely
opened with Liberia, and it gives us a
p'eai-ingY cw of social aud politii'aljrogrcs
in that lopublic. ltmiy be expeutud to
derive new vigor aud Amoiioan influence,
improved by tlw rapid UHuppearanco of
aUvury iu the Uuited States.
THE WAll, ($-0-
The war continue. Since- the lad an
nual Messagu all tho important linas nuu
position b than occupied by our lorcss huvo
been in.iiLUtned, and our armies have
steadily advanced, thus liberating ths
renious hft in tho lear, so that Missouri,
Kentucky, 1 ennesscc, an4 parts of other
States have again produced reasonable
lair orcps. i
'I'ho most romarkabU' feature in tho mil
itary operations of tho year is Gen. Sbcr-,
mau's attemptod maroh of 300 miles di
rectly through the iusurgent region. It
tends to show a great increase of our rela-
tivs strength that our General-in-Chief
should feel ablo to confrout and hold in '
cheek every active forco of the enemy and 1
yet to detack a well-appointed large army !
to move on such an expedition. Tho re
sult uot yet being known conjecture iu re-'
gard to it is not hero indulged. j
Important movements have also occur- i
red during the year to ihc effect of mould i
ing society tor durability in thc Uuion
Although short of complete- fcueoess, itjdlAsA Y. II i:ss , aud Miss Makia
! '"UB"U."'U ' S"i ". ' ,
, eitizeni in each of tbo oiatus ot Arkmsaa'
;lU(1 jillui,aua i,ovo orguuiml loyulSutol
i govei nniontj vulli free constitutions, and
I . .1... -! ..1. . .1! .? . 1 . I . II. ,. .
arc earnestly strujiiling to maintain aud
administer them. '
Tho movement in the samo dircoliou,
more extensive, lliougb leis definate, in
Missouri, Kuntuoky, aud T'euncsseoiiskould
not be overlooked. !
But Maryland presents thp csamplo of
complete success. Maryland is secure to
liberty aud Uuion for all tho future. Tho
genim of rebellion will no more claim
Maryland, Like another foul epirit, being
driven out, it may seek lo tear her, but it
will woo her no moro. At the laht so sion
of Congicse a proposed auie'ndment of tlni
CoiiBtitutiou abolishing slavery throughout
tho United States passed tho Senate, but
failed for lack of tho requisitu two-third
vote iu thc Houso of Ilirpruaeotatives. Al
though the present is too same Congress,
and nearly the same members, and with
out questioning the wisdom aud patriotism
of those who stood in opposition, I ven
ture to recommend tho reconsideration
and passage as tho measure- at the present
session. Of oourse tbo abstract question
ia nut changed, but an intervening election
shows almost certainly tbat tbo next Con
gress will pass tho msasuro if this does not.
tlcnce, thero is only a question of timoaa
to when the pioposcd amendment could
; go to tbo States for their action, and as it
! is to so go at all events, may wo not agreo
; llat the sooacr the better ? It is not claim
yumj aUj mituui iiiuu, aa ,iu uuuutouai
element to be considorod. thoir iud'inent
may bo aflectcd by it. It is tho voico of
the people, now for tbo first time heard
upon the question. In a groat national
oriia like ours, unanmity ol action among
' thoso seeking a oommon end, is very do -
sirable almost indisneusablo. and vet no
annrnaoli to annli nnanimirtr in ollninnt.ln
unless somo deference shall be paid to tho
will of tho majority, simply beoauso it is
tho will of tho majority. In this caso tho
common end U tho maintonanoo of tho
Uuion, aud among the uicsud to toouro ihe
end, sucn will, through the election, ia
mostoloarly deolated iu favor of audi con.
siitutionul u'mendmcnt. The most roliablo
indication of publio purpnso in this couu-
rX durivcd ,hrouSh our Pular cIcc
On o arc fill consideration of nil the ov!
. aoce8sibl0( It ,ccm, to mo that no
attempt at negotiation with the insurgent
UHClUlllilfc IJUUUIiiakluu HIHI fctiw iiisuiluiiv
.1 .r.. . O..
lcador could ra.-ult iu any good. IIo would
n( nil,n nlmrt r.f tlm snvsraneo of
T" ; 7Q - V r fl 7 . ' , . offcct .
....!,:... i c tr .1-
J" "u,uul
Ho affords us i
not attempt to deceive us.
- .
0 CUU-
not 01UUtariiy yield. JJOlWCCn Ullll atlU
US tllC issUO ii dislillCt, simple and index-
u '
ibtc. It is Hti issuo which can only
J ImSXt?
.'tried by war and decided by victory.
. : , ",. i,,n rr . I
wc yield we arc beaten. If the Southern
M Mm s beaten.
1 people fail him ho is beaten, Lithor way
it rrould bo tin! vietorv nnd defeat follow
... , r .
mi; war. bat u true, however, of htm
. . .... et.
. . . . .
0rl i ,1- l, fIU, A I
1UU IIL'UUI IUU lUaillgUIll 10 HUh Utl
. .i
lbouIjJ'c ca '0,t rei,.BCCPl 1,10 VU.l0?:lh,ey
. 1" ouluu airBUly , I
, . 1 ., . m .
ii ui 1 ninV innr(, Tliov nun nt nnv
siro neaeo anu reuu on. tho nunwar 0.1.1
such may increase, j hoy can at any
momcht havo peace simply by laying down
their arms and submitting to tho national
authority under tho constitution. Alter
sq mugh tbc govern jiciit could not, if it
woujc, inuiiHain war ugain&t them. The,
loyal people would not sustain or allow it.
II questions should rem sin wo woul d. r-.sJ--.
just them by tho pcuoaful means of legisla
tion, conference courts and voles, opcr
a ingonly in constitutional and lawfi
1.. .
chaunots. Some certain and other poci
, ., m 11,11
lcstiU3 nro am,! W0,l!IJ1 be oud
tho power to m juM, as lor.n-
UUUS-". -uui.ui.uvur ui.gui nq.uro ,ue
HllHWuiMIVu VI IllUllCji
1 fin vy.i fitiliv. iinwnr lfspl ( ivrmlil 1m r.i. t
ally diminislied by the cessation of actual
war. Pardons and remissions of forfeit
ure, however , would stiil be within execu
tive control. Iu what spirit and temper
this control would be exoroiaed can be
fairly judg.jil of hv tho past, A ye ir ago
general purdon nnd amnesty upon speeili".
cd terma wero offered to all cxei'pt certain
designated, aud it was ot tho same
time made know that tbo excepted chides
wero still within contemplation of ip.ecial
olemenoy. Duiiug tho yeir many availed
theniiclves of the general provision, and
many more would, only that tbo signs o.
bad faith, in somo led to such precaution
ary measures as rendered (ho practical
process less oav anu certain, jjuiidc urn )
same limo, !ilso,-peoial tardons have boon
granted to individuals of excepted elates,
and no voluntary application has been tie
Thu?, practically tho door has been for
a full year p-i a I ti all, except,, cuch a
wero not in condition to m&ko tree choice,
that is, such an wore in custody or under
ooustiaiut. It is stiil so opcu to all, but
thu liuio may oomc, probably will spine,
when public duty shall demand t':aiii
be c'ojud, and ihat in lieu rnor: vigorous
measures than hcrjioloro ihall bo adopted.
lu presenting the abandonment of arm
ed re.-ntuno to tho national aiitbo i:y on
tho pirt of tbo insurgents as 'be only in
di'pi'us.'ibla condition to endjng the war
on the part of the gnverutiirut, f rftrnci
nottiiiig b-jrvtofore said as to ulavwry. I
repeat ;im neoiara'iou mauo u ycur ao,-'
that whilo I.iemaiu in my preiont positiuti
I shall not attempt tu reti.iOt or lnoii.f)!
thu Emancipation i'rocl unuiion. Ni'r'
hbiill I returii to s'.uvurv auy prr.ou rvho !
" reu ty the terma ol ihat proslamntiou,
or by any of the acts of Congress. If thv
puopie fiiouiii, uy uimievtr uiouc nr
means, make it an executive duty lo re
eurdne m tb pcrfoiis, another, and not I,
uiiisi bu their iustruuicn to perform it.
iu ctuling a tiuglf condition ol poaoe, I
mean simply to say, that the war will cease
on the partajf the government whenever it
shall havo ceased ou tho part of thoju who
began it.
...... , i,i . . ,
"Nobody is hurt." Abo.
tho widows and orphans.
Lincoln. Ask
On Suuduy evening Deo.
4, in Fisl,
Sutton, Mr
ngcn'i'k t''p,, by E'dor J.
,T I I I I. ... I . . . . .
'-"' ".umuia eounry.-
In B'ooiniburg,ou Wednesday last Miss
Eu.b.n McUluuk, daughter of tho late
Ja.'iied MuClurc, lisq., aged about 50
In Bloanifburg, on tho first of Dc.
lf?04, Mrs; Lenaji Wells, aged about 03
Iu Hemlock lowiibhip, C'o'uu.bia couo
ty,ou Tuoailay last. Mrs. Sarah Bu.iihoy
wife of the late Guor'ock Bomboy, formly
of Blooms-burg, in the 00th year of her
In Berwick, Friday nicht, November
25, 1801, S. Melville Uilmokb, aed
117 yenrp and 2 months.
Tho deceased waa a printer by piofes
eiou. Ho was the second son of tho lat'
S. M. Giiiuore, E?q., of Berwick, Actu
ated by a patriotio impulse, he entered tlu
military servieo of the country, shurtly
after breaking out of thc rebclliuii. He
belonged to Company C, 01st Regiment,
P. V., which composed in part, the gal
lant (ightiug Sixth Corps of tho Army of
thc Potomac. He paiticipated in
battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks.
,i .
terrible Seven Day 'h fight on the Peuiusu
la, South Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg,
and mot of tha engagements in which
that gallant army took so promincLt a
part. Having faithfully served out his
term, of enlistment, ho was honorably di.-
?a7ged tho.orvico on tho 10 th day of
Scntembcr 1804. S hort v after ua ro-
, - , . , - .
tur" lrom tl10 Bervico b0 wai attacked
ftllu, V p ,, i . .' -?.. tcrmi
'7, !lt Bl,uri ,m ,B " 01
hut six dais. Ilia frionds. can oonolo them-
eulves witb tlm thought that ho did r.o5
1 ,want lor attention, lu Iua last moments
'uo wa3 'urrouuded by I eying and dcvoled
BlStOIS ailll KIIHl friends who IlliniStered to
bis every want. Ho has 5000 to bis re
ward in a brighter and a better land,
"Uu sleeps liia lait klfep
lie bat fought U lU
Nu tumid iball twuk'j hunt'i glery agnin
Btnckh Oaz U. I
tLCD!EflS!B!Uia(B EflMffiEff,
Vlli:.Vr, nor builict.
ii vt:.
corn. " "
r'l.OUIt per bbl.
1 fill
i us
1 ou
13 (111
s in
I'.UOrt .
9 (XJ
I'l.AX Sllllli
a 75
II. W hv ilio inn. en mi
CHICKENS, per pair. 40
7tfm CX htrtlf.iMniMlf ft
;. - - .,
r nuiii.' tatvuf rifintruK.,
M V , n n , ' Wa
,w.. ...
Ki.sosros, Pa., Deo. 3, 1801.
.. ... ,Lai,v,
uwunnii and lllnntiialium ll.iilruail n will be held at
.Mnmia,., jnunry U, Ui.J. nt nno o'clock, I' .M., Q
flta IVcildimt and Director.
JL!iOll-iA. XO.
ii tiili rtiuiit i'. in lllnnuiiburi!. in tii
Vlh ul' llccciiibcr, IslM, Vi-C
: I'mulitlng of fine fituU
nnd two ll.U'irii Uiiuu,l
to ou two iuu
C7- 'I Ii 1 imiiiT la r-u jnto J tu nriivi- iirniifrtf
.hte . " -
w " nw uiru.
lllooinsburg. Ict!iiib-r 10 MM.
The undei-sigtiuil having connected him
solf with established Agencies in Wash
ington and Philadilphia is prepared lo
attend lo tho collection of liauk pay, Boun
ties, Pensions, nnd all other iquitablu
. nl.iltn Airniii.t tlin rifli'iirr.mnnL nr.
1 ... .w.... - -'
' ,.n-J.irin.a nrt.1 tit.cinncd nil tin nr.. in, m t.-l.l..
MCllbllUU u.ii uun.uw'. w.' if .. v w ... vunwiU
llllil IU UIIU1IU UI 11IUIII tlllll I M V HUJI IJlf'
j Mblo drflay. No chamrs made '.inks, tl e
clnims aracourud. Offioo will, E. U,
him to attend to them with the least pos
Little Eui., Court House Alley, II o"in.
burgl'a. O.B.IHlOCKWAXl
Bloomsburg, D.'o. 10. ISO 1.
ATE ot lh l'in n n ) I v an I ti lluu.c, li.i piinliu.5.1
J Die Kbuve null Knunii Tavurii ctlaiul, lulj- ucrup.
Ii'd I) Oeii'u i . Fri'i zv, bllunlo on .Mortal t l orry
Irurii, In llnnrlllu. fa., nu J ha. n.'.furui.liuU mid ru
uptiiiud it for Hit: uciuiuodatiHii ut Oio public.
Tbt) Hiiuhc it iiiricd and coiiiino lioiM, uud 111. nbun
dnat oliililniL'. lt'u nliiusuiilly locitud In Uif mnlral
mid buriuei. intl of Uu lirui:u,
To ul I who may favo- liim Mitli t lit. i r pi.triiii.-igii. hi
promisea hit iitiinxl dloiU lu iirouuaii Ihi-lr cmnforl.
uud Hjttirea lliuui tluil nolliluK tliill b,i nnuliiiK uu hn
purtlo luaku bU Jluueu the Traveler' Uouu.
uiiaiii.i:h n. havauk.
N. II. rfaiith'i Uinulbm ruin fruiu Ibo iibutu lu-n
tiaiii'd lloime, tu and uoni both Kail Knud
every arrival of tlii! Traliu. Dot. IU. Ibo).
Public Vendue,
WILL be oxposod to publio aula, ou
tlio pmniiit, ut tlii lulu ri'afdtnre n( funiul
Wauieli . dwctaseJ, iu Ileiuluck tvvp, Columbia cu ,
Ou Tuesday, tho 20th of DcO. 1904,
riia.folluvviii docritied pcrionl properly, fit.'
One top-Buggy, light two-horso Wagon,
and wood-work of a two-horse Wagon,
oua hot of new Tyre, half-interest iu
a Oruiu Brill, one shuro ii a
Tbrcihimf Machine, one iVind-mill,
one tot of doable llnrneiS, on- set niugo
Buggy llarne.s.ouo ButT.ilo Hobo, PIowh
sud llatrows AUo
utij ariuus utlivr artieki nut licreiu enuunrau-l.
Fall ll f KJilillClttC Hi I O clOLk ) til.. Of 43 111 fltif,
wlivn atteiitikiiLtf w ill Uu tiveu otul cuudiliun. b mv
D.csiiibur 10.
New Grocery Styre.
(Finncrlj Ki aunts' old Han-t) o i M ui
iStrtd, iilooimbut
ffMlE undertigued bus just received c.
I gi-ud elotk cf
cf all kin Jh, .Meu'J lli-uty
the bent in tin mnrki'l ; a Good Ataortinnnl of LtiUto'
nud Children' Slloci ufull inJ.
A Presli Lot of Qroccrioa.
ut nil klDi'n, fuch 11
Molasses, Tea, Rice, I Fish,
Augurs, Coffee, Spices, ' Salt,
Mats and Caps,
Tobacco, Si gars, Candicr, Razcn, Lar l,
vic., eci: , ii;u.
I oel'iur v.ltli n fri'ut ;ii ti.ty uf tiuliutitf and etvsi j.
l Hi Mm lumermu to in I ion.
ll l,iU:i, L'fc'yo, .Mc .1 and I'loJiKe ;(. aurally uks
i i rxcliutigo fur guul,
II nam bur,", Uce. 10. Ibdl.
i vn
FOR 1065.
C'heapoil and Pet Family Paper iu tbo
Weal !
O'tr Motto Democracy awl thc Union!"
Every Family should iiavk a Pai'ihi !
ITSE again present our annual Prnaprc-
? y ma to uur rradou fin llio Tnunty-funrlli Vol.
unn I'ftlio I'l.AIN IHlAl.nit. NiiltvillMtaiidnii; l'i
rt-rcnt defeat of tlm U:iiii'rn y. It ii'ivr vvn in hi-ttor
t mid 1 1 iuu v, or l:l licm-r I'lurk pulitically. tu
tlBlil tlm b-iltlus uf iho Dfiimrraiy than nmv, hrliuving
III it in tlio Dciiiucriitic l'artyof tlm North nlono rem
thu f r, v 1 1 1 ir ,.f uur L'uinitry and i.'oiinuiiliiin
U'o bliall .Hire nu t'Spoiide tn iitaku ei cli Wepkly
riain Ui-iil.T contain ii perlect rjnopjtof tha current
nivis nf ihat vvli k, ith thai varmd iicii of fun anl
hiiiuur vvliich huojliitlmtto inada it to popular a p.-iptr,
and lrui-1 that thoi.e ,lio may palrnuizu ui llm eouunj
jiar vnl bu ciuv uieuil tlut it n Uu
Bust- Newspaper in Tin: West !
During lbs comlni! year wo ttiall print Iho PLAIN
llCALUll un uu cuiira rmiv Drem oi Typo, hi that it
111 ,r,.a.,t,t n llu-.l f.,,,1 ,.,UUI..I inr... 11. l.l
continue to employ an ampin Cdiluiul l.'urp, rin-l will
I not b biliind iij' paper in t'lli-ut and unli-rprlae.
i III lilt' till-mlM-rB nl' Ihn A . u.,.-,i,tM,l n.,.1 l.nvinf
an iiileri tt in the now arrangi'mcrit for f,iruiihiug
tipatial Ki'pnrln to tho vVn.tern I'lllea, ivo shall bit
ablo tu furiiih early mul rellubloTtlefrapluc HeporH
from ml tectuiiM of thu enmity ;. nl.n, cn,nplite Muikul
lltpoili of Clcrihind, IltiUalu, Nmv York and ChieaKo. attention vv ill be paid to Ihn l.lturory Do.
parlmeul, giviui; each vverk n Select T.ile.original eo.i.
inliiitiiina of 1'oelry, .MUcellany, it-, lu ilimt, wa
lull make u
Complelo Newspaper Record of each week.
; NOtMiiiuiail Itng 1113 continued o.Iv oncn rr piinor.
ink ami pruning iiiatcriai. tho I'mnriomr or ih flam
hphi win fumi.h Uw
N'otvvitlulaii ling tin continued ndioncn rf pun
lie vela nil Weekly Plain Hosier
Bingle tlubacribor, per year, - . .6199
Uut ofTon. eachcopy 81 fiO
C'luba of Twenty, each copy, . 81 50
With an tuna copy to each club.
Trne tcnuiiiro really lower than Iho times will ad
mit, but tho llalti-lln; piospeila of a larga edition
warrant ua iu oll'ering thu l laiii Dealtr at Iho Cheap
en paper in tha West!
Biibitrlplmiiaeiin commence at any time,
(tj- Every Democrat in rt'iucnuil lo aid m la t
ttit- ur r'P'r bifiuu the pioplc. Addrein.
'JLHVK!.NP outu