DEMOCRAT, LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. VOL. 18. NO. 41. The E.cEiigli Gallic E'oxviIes'.lTho Attempt, to Abolitionise the 7 S warranted lo I- li! Hi" luoft power- 1 J?iSVai,MK;iA Hwinr, cir tJlio.-i. In pfu- I in- tlntr i!lKftluii,cli'iiiu. I liu tin' rystviiimiil Iran- I ffA i.ual llui.1 In ibsi,, f, . y. milk, butler unil Mrr-nclli 1 Ml liml I'.lnbhtliliiif In. I nihl l.'ur. IH VOY'fl ItOtlHI, . Ml l.f I'OlVUI.U I- tliii null. II..I..... .. N.nNtfiJLiMECtlis' nonam. "in tuny (id. iiini'ii ii i m:.r Luunp, nl, ninl Inrciilvil by Vr. l)uoy. l'rofimor of tins I in pi'ri.u Lolii'ji' mr .mrii-iiintri' ni ririi, nun iiihv 111.n1. til'iiciuri'ilby (' (!. lllltMMt, lr ut '.. mid A, Allon town. 1 Ii it'll I'minly, IVnn-Wvaiila. All itluii r nftlw t-'l much, lii'iol. t.mi;i ami 11 1 1., rpocililv nml ci'italnly riirril. Ilialtby Mock Mill li,t brnuijlil Into w very nigh, ft it'ito of p'-rli'iimn, nltil ouo or tun t :i1i1poiii Tti t n wi'i'l.. U ofgrrat value tu Imnl Wurkhi linrsi', liti c'.lnjt tu( k itipl i-olt, nutl paved tlioiiiiiiiil '.. alnabto Imrsct fiom contagions iUscjkck, a wiiliit Hid iarn-)ard it In I In nrui. run i.i:nio!i won.u contuctioxsj 1 (T'l-timlh i,vi'iro:no nil tin nlMlni'le wlilch iiminlly prnvi'iil tin' cjpil lingt (if orni. ar' pt nuant tu taki;, unit Hlin ulli' (it (lit mint il7r.'i aMu MlriiiHi-. i Inr ilnlilrL'ii. t'oiiinli.liMit 1 the Invi'iitur nf llm nicrrii (il III. lllmriniH rttilfi-J, ill III fOluii.h-l. Hun of tliiM prcpitiitinu.tlnt la' fdrnislii'M every ! mtiitt I 1 1 y i r i t 1 1 . tvilli a tvrllMi -rttt r I iti ')u. ti j 11 mnv "i in in 1' n.i in nlir 1, mi. l'MmMiom'ii, 11 vi . vick and ant i:x 'Ji:i!MI.V TO!t. i pivilr Hiii Hire uterinlii.itlon nf all Vcrii'lii", v i 11 v.'r ' han 'A Pli n-u mil ilniialo, nnJ 111 .ill put' r.iWf t" Hi" nlil riiiplioniiK I'linti', wliirli liir l 1 n In 11 -."rt limp, H m n.'tlil"in. I'ur illini 1ii in 9 111 'i p t.'i u..ira !i- tlii urn ill bit U in tin bnv 1 uinlrfil anil llilrly-M'NiMt priii.ilnuu ti.irc be 11 in,. it h il to tliutc U'lebr.itfil pr paratiuiif , up U 1 1 '. n r x 1 t. I'.irt .1. l.o 1 tt. are t h p u liol-'pnl" Agent . in Pbil'i. fur f.ii ii.' Ml ii'ipi'i'iibl lliug iin.l country K ih'J NiiVi-h Ii 1 l.l, 1-1,4 I'Jiii. K El. T. Anthutay & Co., Shiml ii'.ivo (!' Eli.itcfjiMfilnc itJt.t t.i:.!M, !i':ic;'.lc ll JUt UI. 501 1 ilOADWAY, r.f, y, u ft 1 M-1 t't mr 111. 1 Li Iriiii' rf rttr.lntrai !u A-jit- n.t". ' ur- llu.t I'l tart' n lot Hi iwlltuviii, u . ti'uorojts ant Sfeuoitopir Jutes (if th'ft i itivi'ijii Iniiifii-o no.iii"tt, i i r 1 it 1 its V. ,n fr . s .i.irrii.ih unit cin Cfil,n ami I, tJ . . im i.t.'i.jn, Mnlur , .r., he. A'n-i. llcvohlni (t i Oft i i't -. t r HnlC 01 HIV lt.' I VUllllUuil line CilMl fi.k .nl b (-..lit ta uny uuMi uti uelpl uf PI-olographic Albums. W . t il. ' turn in Utifr, hirv Hi a ii to th T'nil ! H 't .j ' w in uiurii tiiri I ill uicii f i'Miiliti'"4 in Lt a nn tv (uit'iiif: m pr fruiti .. n lit t QVt h it. AI.IU .- h.ivu tli rip uuli'mol' It. in;- b.i p ri r i ' I' t mm J ilurahility tonus Mlur. J It. 3 ill !i b' im liy I, Irfti, fit rvu ipt tif priii. L i'ttj A A. fi iiuutf to OrJcr.'i GA'iD PTiOTOGIlAPHS. iur ulil'i'u ni'W I'lubrili'i-'il T Jtrf Ao'.ii. ilif 1 ! ni.i -1 1 . 1 1 1 1 , I'.i vln h ii.i.lititins uri' I'.ji.tinil liy I iu : n-r ) if 1 "rliuili ul l.-uiiiu'il AnTi'uns. .vc , . 7. .i i.l 1 i0 M j 1 J"l 'rnU, .1 I ttr -t.i 11 mis, ;j( .... 11, 1 I 1. tu (' .loll '1., r 1 "ill' r 1 r.i ri, .1 Na.v (.ri ti r,:n ftfit m. n, 1 111 Iiiti 1. 1, I ;j A uti iir, 4 A't 'K, 1.5 SlIKC, 5il tt iniiiin it U onmn. ... 1 rriir.imt I "r ign Puitrni'i. '(Hi (Dili;; (' v oitKS ul-' AIM', iii'n.'ii r .r. ni 11 iiip. ijf iiii- inot til bralfil Til fraun. . I"ii it. c. statue, Ar. ( iii,i.ikui:k m'Iii on r c ipt " imp" An or t'-r f"r Onu I) 7.t 1'iiIiim" froiii .inr Cttibinr Mill b.i lilluJ ua tlii rcivlpt of J I.M) 1111 I 1.1 Ii, iiisill I'ltlB. i'l i 1 in 1 .mil (.11.1:1 n (irtlcrin? rooiI' CO. D. v ith pi 1 inn mi nly live pjt n ut of tin nitb tli ir 1 1 lei. II k II. T. ANTHONY & CO , Slamifttelvrivti pj' Vkoli;rajilac XalcrlaU .111 Hriiiitwny, tuw Vnrk. ''f I ll 1 priccii ua.l ipmlity ct'tur i;v""i t.u nu lull t.r. ,!,. i)oc.i'u4rin. CAi'AWBA- J5.tAKJ)y, AN II !TS;K2.1NG v,T.UV H'lVKS. I'nual in Q i iljiy tin I "li 'ap r in I'rnu t1'"" lliu 1 1. Ml I'l Wlui d III til ' OI.! U'.'rl I I'or f niniii r ( onipl.iinl, i-'lioli-r.i InO-uii'iim. l!oul I i.iiipp.nit C'hIii!, uii'l h:".l.i. A nir 't un. 1-aiiar.intn'J, (irlin i.,m .7 r. fun !.!. In mpp 'rt of III' n'l'ivu ttafini'iitc nru p.i'm'nlu) tnu .'i r' Mi at 'mil Hr. J is. II. t'liiliun, ' luii.Kt N.'iv ... h. . lir I ' .1 111 ( ox, i iii'ino.ii iih.i.iit, "ii u Mitiuin, uiiuini.t U'tuu i iinor - ni. p. ( hi'i I ln-pt!it .r, 1 ircl nu :. unto. rrm. o. '1 ja., ci. Miiibt, lio-tnn; Dr. cin. i pbam sinp- , i I ( Ii .ii it in S. C ; i.inl J V. '.. bl.ini'l . u.i. I li. A, 1. 1 1 . r.i on.'iiui.c i.'ii.'iiii.n.i'iiii.isii. uii i.f wip'in I ,i, ini.ilci il III Cai.nH.a tlr.iiijy, in. i cmiiiuuia it I I to. in, ii ti t. rni-. for ni-(ti nut t.'. A'lhtusn oj the Monsticliviclis Mule As 'V!'''(c'., 7.:. ,. ,. ., ,..r. ., tll'll t' npiM .(I H IIIIIUISU lU'lll Ullill H ink l' ' i'-i .rr,l.r..'r.l,:cl. '.,?. J r'flf.i'Ifl ii ,v ir a i.i n.-imu i- ii..iiy uniiku fusil, oi pain ct. , 1 (ijnr partake cf bntli tlio Irint an.l oil nf frapm. ttn ni.i-. it proline "I'V" pf ( fr.i'ir.uico - .. i. t. ,i..,t.n .... ,i( tl U I' I n: nu lira h V I. iiniH ni'i'ir. i ..ii ' nt i. ti h' ' " ' i'l do n'.i.iv uitli lit ,. manuiJctiir.' ot iia tio iJEpiiiK i bolli at iioui'J ninl, '', ,') A- v"' 'V'"'-, i .lil unJYr Huh 11.1 no 1.3-.!lLTlllllV .niiyL-r iu Pnto . U I.oyl. rton It. the s nne, m lab 1. I lui nnalvr - J "I. l.VUNS' CNTAU'IIA II!AHV." villi rcf ri'iiro to its coiiipoMiii.ii nii.l r, Ii. in-,' tbu ania ti t'lal proi'uci .l i.i piiht A aii pb' t.iki'ii I10111 lull i'.ik uii-m1r tlu f.ihn- ii-.iilii v it!i n fiiril lu niriiy ; a tli.'lilly iucrmn 1 d ani'iiint cf lb prlnciplo 011 v. Iiii Ii its ll ivur il.ip.'11'ls lias il I. run ii-il by ioiiipariiiii ilh furuu-r t pin. 'Ph.- i.ulii.iti.'iii. "f anal -is liov tli-it till Hraimy i' proilnci-.l by tliu n.uiii iirocjui as most of tli im 1 oili-J Ui.imly. U"ap.Llfnlly, A A . Vila", l-'l.ito Air-ayer, l'i sit. Slaniir.ictilicil by II. I! JAL'U.t k. CO. 1 i'o ultoiu all Oril'-'r. elioubl bn ailili.'ssinl ) lkpot, !U l.ib'ity L'i., New York. Noi"mbi:r 3. Im.I.-Uiii. MESH Jill RIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods A T Miller's Store. riMUl nibs ril'r lias j.t-t ri'lilrncl from tlio Cities 1 uuli anotbi'r lartpi ami n l.'rt asJortmct of 'ALL AM) WIX'IEH UOVMS. mirilian'il at I'lu! i.l.'lplil.i. nt tli" Imvo.t niniro, nnj r';i'"b.5, rKKu'!";' wabTrS.'""!" M-i a.i b-i proiuruil ,-toi k rolllllrll'rl iv jnt--s goods, , , , of clime ul .ivlns ninl lat.-it fiifclilnu. i)UY anon, m'ii tuwoKiutis, ii iiiuiriiii: (u:;.mivm:. cr.ii.nt ir.'iitr., wn.wir w.-inu fif-A'. ,w-, Hours .y suot.s TUTS A. C.II'S. A:c . d'C. iii .hurt stiiiii3u-iiaiiy ft ( rumitry Ftorc. to in. Ii Im int it.- tli-' p'lblii; fc"'iii rally. x.i iiij.giipi..c pjidiurioiii !. 11. SllLJil'.iv. moom.imrg. Nov n. hut. Al7Drroirs"NOTICEr J'.S-a,c of Abraham W. Jilt,! ditcaul 'J 11 U underfed, appointed by .he or- ' plian'c court ol Col imliu ni,inly, nil ainlilor lo .in ilu iho amount ot llu ailiiiinitlratru kv., of Abraliam w Kiin.i, iiccuisj.1, mil io tuo diiiiu-of ins VriiS. fi i" anu ."cti'i. wSWi piM..(is.uv.u,.ti. ?1X'drKu4AVVa riiimutiin o i 'i Mothodist Episcopal Church. ' l,roii,mcnl dayman's ltqily to llic tlCI'Ry. , - " ... n -. 1,1 Eiiltlft. ip... .1.. n.i IT. i "i iiwiirMi-r union oi Fatumay Tim fnllmvinrr io tUn ,,..!. ..I:.... .!... ..!,. muiuu iiuniuu of l!,e u,ldrer3 dcIivPrc'1 t W""on wCd. iiiu.iuur evening last uy Hon. Dariom A i (,, , an M-. Ogdcn said tbcro was ouo othoi subject upon which he desired to say n wotd, and he desired to 107 it hero and now. Here at Lima, where tlio gnat in stitutions of learning of the M. Episcopal Cbuich'of Western New Yoik nio located where intellectual power, sound llioolo gy, ami a correet rtjgiom faith uro sun- nojed to 1)0 CXnOtilidcd lipn n tliia nnntrn 1 ' Ul "ULU I "CrL " 1 l!US CClllrO of parnin?,nnd in the midst of the diviuca nf the church whose faith I profess and whoso policy ! admire. I det-irc, in the exercise of a layman's light, to bponk a few plaiti woidi, for it was" hero and by an annual coulcrence of the M. E church, duly orgonizotl and aetiu-; iu i ea ppfity, that, one of the mst outrageous ,.ct ol Lijjutry, wrong and inj ttioe ,at p rpetmtid a few weeks ugo- an insult hliki: lo religion, to the Mctlio-li-t church, and to every member nf dmrebjUho, in the honest exercise of hi.i lil.erty, be bi'gi tu tiio 1) mtocratio party. I desire in th's matter to he precise, aud I here quo'.c the i so!utioii of tho (j Mieseo con fereuoo held rieenth in I.'imi : iiflve', Thai it i ihu dn-idi il and de'ib'.ra'.ei' formed opinion of this con-t'-rtiioc, that li,(t pruf.iuml and ralical is no, winch iu the present eltctinn canvas ' aio to be iiifii and tleei led by Anieiiean eifizi'iifi at tlu Imllot box, divide ihe peo ple u'o two parties, 'vh: Patriots Hid Traiior. To tins tu'.low two other molutions in ihe hi'iief I degree 'tiudutnrj of tin- prefent aJ.niiii naiiou and pledL;i d tu ita carncjt -tij port. T.ii.' ineaning of the resolutions i- clear and the ei.tiig') i delibet ate, lLat till who fail to vote tor :Mr. Lincoln, ur support hi- 1 (1 in I n stratiou policy, urc traiior s. In in this to.-oiu:iou ihtre is no allowance for hone-t tliff.T. uce- of opinion, no chaiiy such as the gospel inculcates, i,o tolera lion tuch eb the Savoul practim. J and taught, but it ii a f ti-rn , 1: l- , i I ti ill add, uucluibtiati eandeniuati.iu of million J ol men, who ar quite ai f iithful to their enutitry, to liberty, lo the goverriiiient,and who have shown it by WJid and deed, uml Sji'i ifiui aud devo!ion, u.5 these di vines, these eleiieni unipirue and judges, who, outside of their ea ling, out ids of all j tit co .cy and ch ri.-ti.iti charity, sitthun m.vcs u;i at politic il ju led, an 1 parlisin piilitiu.uis, I hey spa' of i--su"3 but nam! (bom not. A.l the .'pteiucalions , the; ma ;e to sustain this cr tvs chartie ol ' maioii. i? opposition to the adtutniitratidn , , i tot Sir. liincoiu, ill other words support i ' , i oi 0 en. SlcUr lbtu . is treason. 1 his in tho I substance of this infamous charge so re-. voltina to all the l.ropiietics ot Christian . intercourse and with an iutoltrciicc belong- ;., t() tj10 ( ,b j3 c.fl5 ciali3 made by u e J ciorgynicu ofa eliureh boastful, and iiis'ly c i J B0 , x s njimy uui primitive tlays, ol its - ' defence of the liberty of con-cioncj and of the rights of the people to differ wiih cstab liihcd State churches and political Itiir-J archies. I 10 peet the clergy, their call lug is tho most sacred, most dignified and important on earth ; in tin if approp.iate sphere, 1 will pay them all duo respect, defend their riphts and listen to their teach - i ings, but Wh'1i ttiey toy tiitir saerauotai 1 robes aside, becomo bruwling politicians, I cmb i.-ssdors of the Kepublicau party and ' Abraham Lincoln rather than thu blessed ; Savour, and preach partisan polities in ! stead of the Gospel, 1 can but look upon 1 the picture they present with sadness and disgust, fallen from the most elevated call 1 1DK- Wi ll snarling madness end low vitu- , tirmtir,., tlicv tram.ilt: Obi istian charitv iu the dust tti.d set the very bad example of. j indu'jring ei! tempers and uttering whole sale slanders. Aud j tl theso nun are our pasfors, she) heids of lhe Christ'ul flock. God defend thu flock and save tho people fr0m the examplo and leaching? of thu ,1 o arraut fauatieisru. Tla-u my weak and . . , , ... , , , ., ( mifguidwd. political hucksters, these rev- i t''cml gentlvmcn say wo sevk to uuman l" buying to them the light toil.- .S. ' fmitua a dn-c.ions. N-H at all, i V did IlOt U.-K tllCIll to beCOlllO ministers, ,. , , ,.,,, i,. n,l i p.,i J hey claim to luvo been called ol Uod. Their vows were self-imposed. They were . ret apMlto tho holy work of the Christian luiuistrv bv their own couaeut. It n a AMD BLOOMS BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. "TO HOLD AND TKIM Tllii TORCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'Ktt TUB DARKENED UARTII." BLOQMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, EENN'A,, SATURDAY, D E C E M peculiar, epecial and holy work. Honest- Jy pttreued it docs impose restraints. And if they have become weary iu well doing, ( tired oi their work, and long for iho poli- ticiau's work, and desiro to beoouio stump 1 orators and partisan political preachers, j let them, like honest men, doff their robes ' and enter tho Hit, and take tho rough a'nd tumble of thu strife. They have no right, like cowards, to hkulk behind the pulpit, put on i-anctiiuotiious airs, and 'then utter their anathemas against all in tho pow or church wh.i differ with thum iu political opiuiou, Such ii not gospel preaching either in Fpirit or tvord. Such was nut tho import of their ordination vowj. Kuoh was not the holy work to which th 'y were solemnly dedicated aud :ct tipart,aijd woo bo to them if they luavo the Jlanttr's wo k for this other wor!-. 'i'heir opinions arc their own, thoir ballot within their own keeping, and far be it from nio lo condemn the free exercise of cither. ''J'is not of this that 1 compl tin, but of their iiisiiffor ablo intolerance, their dictatoral beaiing, their abnegation of all charity , their whoic- talo slander Y by, they charge treason, j one oi me nigucii c 111103, upon all tuoti and women in the church or out, who bo lofg tc the Democratic, pally, aud who in luii election tupjort tieorgc B. MoClclbu That is thu monstrous anti-Cluisliau .-pliit manifested by the conference of di vines, and it doesrves condemnation and tnti't receive the reprobation cf fair mini cd honest rvpublic.ins, as well as Demo crat. Suce a fpirit and ruoh languigo i.i not religious but bigotry ; 'lis not the gos p"l nOrit-i prerchiug but tho lowe.-t form of fanatieiiin and the tnot dangerous kind of deviltry. Its only teudency is lo breed contention, animoiiiy, hatred aud civil war. Bleu tiro not to nt tamely down and be sent to the pit uh ciiminals by a confer ence of ministers becauio they caunut, iu the discharge of their duly, vote for Sir L neolu. They will and must rer-tit the iojult; it is not in humin nature to beat it. Wo, as Democrat?, are l.nn ;.-,r in our politic; our opinions are fiaiou-dy and religiously formed. Wo believ', religious ly beliiive, that the higlnst and bef-t good of tho country demands :t chaugo of au mini -tratioti. To this fid v.'o work a" patriots. Wo see in tins course tho onlj suro way of our national troubles ; t'le only certain and safe iath to honorable mid lasting peace. Wuscik to save and perjU trale this government. To this on0" we support and intend to vote for Con cral Meridian. In all this we are fciucore, earnest, Iioihsi ; and then arc wo to be ! . 1 1 . I . . told by jour lody of pritsts that wo are all traitors? No. A eonf-reuce wiio will thus lei-o'.vo arc beriJe theiiLndves. They liavo falleu from grace, turned a.ide from their ligilimate calling, and nlluwed their 'political partisan zjiI to master their christian ciuiity. They are no longer a uligious bojy, anU no linger cfititl.d to re.-ne ct is such, ihev are a Ilonub-iuan . . caucua or convention, and nave substituted for their leader and leather ''Our Abra- ham, as one of the number culla SI.'. Lincoln. Am I too severe do I esabiiorati! ; do 1 bntig into coatt-mpt tlii liudy of minis ; t-irs, and ovorstal ' policy and wrong-4 . o ttc t'lcir tio ', their 1 Head again the ies- ointion ci tncir es.tet pottll I ... -no evading it, they resolve, itiou. Tiioro ia in conference without specitying any Ling but opposition to Sir. Lincoln's rc-eltetion, that m't'.liona ' cf their fellow-citizens of tho loyal Statea ' aro vile criminals, traitors liablu to death, ' Aud if hojct, can these gentlemen stop ; here? Cau they 11 ike these grave charges ! aud then stop il ihey are sincere and lion- est .' 1 tiey must arraign every ximoerai ' who belongs to their ohurehoi j try evory one opposed to Lincoln and expel them , as traitors. To this it mut come at last, . if these men speak tho truth and mean ' what they tay. Nay, more, thoy mut profcouto thsui iu tho courts, indict, try, anil hung them as traitors. These men arc like Haul, as fired with zeal he went froai Jerusalem to Daeiascus. ' In bis view all the followers of Jesus wcro traitors, deserving of, death ; aud his party sent him out on his errand ' members mut have been when, on Satur of dn,tructioii. but he was then no Chris-i l,c-v "ftornoon -two days later-Sir. W., tiau minister then ho wai u' partisan of, lho Jewish Saiihodrim he was beside him- self with lanatieism-hc was following an administration, bowing down to power; und although he might have been very lion st, ho was certainly very wrong ; aud when Ihe High i.nd Lofty One touched his heart, aud when the scales fell from his cyr, und ho saw tho truth and became imbued with tho temper, spirit and faith ofjtsus. ho acknowledged his. error and made confessiou of hb siu, uud how uu- lik was Paul, lha Chilian, hcio and minister, and Saul, tho titter, unrelenting partisan and bigot. Again lot, theso min. liters of tho Goncsoo Oonfurcnco contrast their own harsh reso'ution with thoir .Mas ter's Sermon on tho iMount, and scj if in their partisan zeal they had not forgot tho teaching, tha examplo and spirit of Him "who speak3 as.nover man spoko. I havu no doubt theso mistaken in on will blush with bliauie, confoss in sorrow, and repeat when tho cxcitcniGnt of the can vans shall bo over, aud when religion, rea son and right thoughts shall resumo con trol ovor thorn, and that their folly will ap pear as it is and they will ask tho Grea1 Head ol tho L'hurch to forgive ihcm. You will mark that my complaint is not that theso men aro Republicans that they vote for Sir. Lincoln -that is their privi lege; but it is iheir tleparturo from all decency, Christian courtesy and charity, and thoir wholesale miserable blenders and denunciations of men as honest as themselves aud whose ouly offence is a difference in political opinion. I cm often met by this olaso of clerical politicians with the nsioitiou ; why you are contending lor slavery ; you seek to uphold a stupendous system of moral wrong, aud wc can but denouueo your couroo 1 Honest as tlieo men may bo in thi", ihoy are entiiely mistaken; they mistake and misstate the real issue as we understand it. Wo oontend not for sla very wo wage no political campaign for it; .purporting to s;ippoit General SleClel lan with' 110 iuteut to uphold slavery or ijive it aid aud comfort. Wo stiivo for tho maintenance of tho Government of our tauicrs tor its maiute-uanco with all it3 blessings i us. and Wr posterity, wo Dght! tl.ii political battle and go so earnestly in- i to this election, We sec in the election of! Gen. SIcClol'an hope for our country ,.hro' ! anl by a change of administration. Wo I expect to restore tho Union, to etay the carnage and suffering of war, and give back to all our people law, order and con stitutional li'ie.ty, with peace and pros perity. Aud Lr this wo arc denounced as traitors. If tho admission be made even that sla very was indirectly if not directly tho oauso of tho war, it by no means follows that il is oi- can be the legitimate o'ject of; the war. Sir. Ltncolu got up no such pretence iu the beginnitg it is a State not j a National institution ; it is hateful to me, I ... . . i to us all; v.e tiisiiue it we desire its overthrow will do all that is consistent with the Constitution of our country to abolish it ; but wc must tako things as they arc, allow reason and oonimon sonss to apt ly. I cannot consent to overthrow all the guarantees which secures liberty to U'lntn tcidi in n boollcs'i nrrin,t slavery. If iu the btrmrslo to uphold the Constitution, to maintain the Government slavery bo iucideutly or accidenlly killed, I shall rejoice ; but when 1 too r groat people plunga into a hopeless, exterminat ing war for abolition, tho Constitution set aside, tho legitimate objects of war per verted, and with all, no good, even to the black man, promised, I think it is timo to pause, f x'imiue lho change, if wo can, thu policy so destructive of thu white man's rights, so liopuless for tho future ol our country, and with. no promise of perma nent advantage to tho bl.iek man, A Remarkable Hoax A singular hoax wai played upon Ihe Missouri Legislature recently. Sir. Wolfe of Platte county, a member oi the llouso hating gouo homo, a despatch was re ceived by one of bis fellow members an nouncing his death. Tho despatch boro the namo of a prominent gcntleo-an, and no dcult wai cntcrtaiucd of its genuine ness. Accordingly tho announcement was formerly mado known both in tho House and Senate. Thu customary eulogies were pronoun ced and lenoluiions adopted, aud both branches of tho Legislature adjourned, tho llouso having previously ordered the hall in which it sits to be draped iu mourn I ,nS- J occurreU ou ihursday, tho I lst- JllUe " Burpriso of the " h'3 I-P?er 'evsou, entered tho j chnmoor anil -ools ins seat I rho luncri11 hanging r lo room were 8"" romOT,,, und tbo mewheta wcro quito as lir0" Pl ln tcarit,S off tbc craPe llioh ll'' !l 1,1 tchci t0 woar for ,be i otiod of xUW da3'3' of oourso Jlr' ! Wolfo was n ' gralified to seo and read of tuo estimation in which ho was held, ' lmt bo was Mi!1 bbUer l1,oa3cd v tbc contelou.nci., of his continued existence, Nothing has transpired with rcforcnoo to ll0aJ: Tho'o. F. Meagher on McClellan. On tho evening of tlio 27th of Oct., Oen. Thomas Fronds Sleaghot, dcliverod an address at Nashville, Tcnu., in sup port of Lincoln and Johnson, in which, to tho delight of a largo number of sold iers and Democrats present, and to the infinite disgust of the Lincoln men, includ ing the correspondent of tho Cinnciunati Gazette, from whose report we quote, ho passed n glowing eulogy on Slo'Clellan. Wo commend it to the attention of the ''Loyal Leaguers'' aud General Sl'Clel lan's slanders generally. (Jen, Sloaghor said : "Pionouncing in favor of tho Haiti more Gouventiou and its nominees, us a matter of course I pronouuoo against thu Chicago Convention aud the nominations emanat ing from it. Hear, hear, hear. This I sincerely regret being compelled to do for I widely differ from those who assert that Geucral .McClellan personally is unworthy of occupying the Providential chair. Loud cheers for SlcOlellan. Highly cul tivated, refined in uiannur as in mind, deeply imbued with a roverrnco for nil that is virtuous, wise and heioio in tho history of the Republic, proud of his nat ionality and sensitively jealous of tho honor of his country, I am satisfied that no man could bring to the discharge of the duties of the l'icsidcucy a bolter spirit, nor to the posiiiou itself, fsalted as it is, a more appropriate gracofulnesf, inanli j uuss and dignity. Ljud and continued I chociing. j Iti his truthfulness, in the pocduess of ' his heart, iu his disposition to serve the CJU,Hry ,al""u" anu earnestly, wnetner in civil lifo or in ,llC Cold t0 the utlnost ? hif bi''0 , fa,1Io6t fai,tb'- i " f?la,but , rcsCU!S lho '"Tutatmns against . .i i1 ti.. . . 1 .1 . his loyalty aud courage in which those J J who do not know him have seen fit to in- , -T , , . du'gc. Loud cries ol hear, hear.1 Ihe " Una gentleness with wluuli ho has born b . these aspeisions, confirms in my mind tho ' ,, "7 : ' 1- - v.. m.. cipliucd as hit, a nature s.o magnanimous, a demeanor so chivalrously deeorus, qual :e.. 1.;...,. ;.. ,1 11 lliUi IIUKUI.41II. tu a ouuliiui uiui', for tha highest 0IH00 iu lho gift of the , ?r 1 r t -r 1 ai'd tnthuiiastio cheering As to his evasion of tho dangers of tho battle-field, all I can say is this that if General SIo Clcllan was not under lire at Fair Oaks and Slalvern Hill, neither was the Irish brigade, (tromendous cheering) and this I should have said beforo the Committee on the Conduct of tho War, had I been cs- amiucd by that Committee 1 r ....j L. . loud continued cries of hear, and deafen- cueLrs,J " uprignt auu exemplary cheers. p't'i5.Pn' Mx ''I'-'s11 and judicious Eoll3lic; truB t0 '"3 UaK. (Iic-t hear, hoar,) ' "f t , .li . . ' force bo justly-urged ngaitSst him person ally in derogation of his claims to the Presidency. (Cnthu.nait:o cheering and cries of well done Sleagher.) For my part, if auy man, iu my pres ence, dare call General Sic lellan a trai tor or a coward, I will not stop to argue with him I will at onec kuook him down. I will answer men assertion., only with a I rch tho fl blow-and an Irishman s blow at that ! ! y,, th(j rop,y . llf &u "Dutlcr is in favor of proposing peace , untl talented aro preaohing lor tho Ttmes, and offering an amnesty." ftUa. Uul'c- j one poor brother, at lean, may bo permitt-iin- . i cd to preach for Etcrnilii." Why net "rpot him" ai a trailer then . No "Coppeiliead- ever proposcil any thing moro or worso than that. Iiisclaim ed that the re-election of Lincoln is a con demnation of "peace" and "amnesties ; ' so the quicker Dutlcr, with sn eh notions, is hustled out. tho better. "Peace," in deed ! Wasn't it averted a hundred times, before the election, that Iho only poaoo commissioners that would ho Font should bo such as Grutit.Shcrid an.and Sherman? IViat tight fi'is sho'Uy to be on the Chic ago (utfj7ii 7 Guv orr it at onci: 1 Cicnito was lloinnn of noblo ideas. Ho explained his conduct, when in chief executive office for having mado a poco, when ho had tho moans to have pursued war farther, by saying, "I judgo, indc.'d, 0 llomaus 1 than any peace is better, and more honorable than tc con tinuncoo ofa Civil War!" 03"" Over five huudrcd Union soldiers who were prisoners in tho South, aud have been in rebel cus'tody over a year, becom ing weary of their confinement, aro said to have joined tho rebel army, and bcoa sent out to Hood. t&" Pcstmastor General Dennison's son was a lieutenant of Volunteers when his father went into tho CaViuct,-ami now lie J io a brigadior grnoral ! . TERMS": $2 00 IN ADVANCE. B B vTl 0, I8Z ToLUME28 Illinois. Tho Dishop of Illinois, in ti Ictier lo Judge Lawrence upon matters of local in torcst in which his "loyalty" had been questioned, thus concludes i I know nothing in which I have failed in my obedience and demonstrative loyal ty as a Dishop in tho Church of God. Theso things at least I have done. I may have left many undono in tho estimate of individual feeling, and if questioned by that, I might be obligad to answer an tho good Diihop Griswold onco did to a rude inquiry in a stage coach, "Whothcr ho thought he had, religion 1" "Not muoh, sir, to boast of." Hut I have felt more and moro in times like thoio through which wo arc passing, that for the present aud the future, there was a growiug ueccssity to guard with moro vigilant reticence tho conservatism inherent in certain orders of socicty,which constitute tho great reserve force of order aud equity, truth and love, when society is tossed by tho demands and impulses of a temporary convulsion. Leadiug in this solemn reserve foice is the Judiciary and the Church, and I am grulclul to Dud my own humble conviciton sustaiued so fully by tho prudential agreement ol your learn cd bench. What you feel as a Judge, I feel ai a Dithop, aud on iho same princi ple have I urged tho sarao ou my clergy. I have charged that our vows and offices nnd the sacred claims upon us should deep en our sobriety, chasten our influonccs. scporato us more from the world iu mani- fi.sted consecration to the euro and love of roula. I have felt that the "still small voico" of tho pulpit in the midst of the ex hausting din without of tho ''firo,tho earth quake, aud the storm," should be that of the pure, simple, tender, nil applying Gospel. That tho House of God should llfl fl RnJlVinftl rrifi, nn fnr ll,n ttio. nvt.l ,,, ,, -. , , . . , I03SC I. I in (V(! ind nnrl in on.a l ism 1 ,,, , . , . r , , ,, ul-jiiussuu luigut una ncaoo, anu tuo ;..,, ,,,1 ,.,,,1 , ,, , "2ltjtL(i hud repose ; where all miy bo ,i,. : ,.,.:., . 1 . 1 urawu in quietness and strength to its ,, i,j nj ,t i r . , ' ouauow ns that of agreat rook in a woary ,and,. As the imnulso of natriotism be- came our common air ; as the great topics . ... of national duty, nn-iety and partisan I i'l. 1 , , 1 .--. - .--.-..j -.o.u, . as tho passiotn ol the worldly nature as well as tho principles of tho truer, have boon triumphantly secured for tho sys tems of relief which benevolenoo has con trived for lho woes of war, I have felt that still less was there need that the pulpit should bo absorbed in tho popular im pulses. 1 have craved moro and mire 0 devout seclusion, and that tho Church should stand, even if lonelv nnd r.'vilod. ' ' ' , tho intercessor with God, the consoler of tho harassed, the teacher of all tho Chris- tiaa raooa t0 auud,I0 waywardness nnd restrain excess, bow in peniteuca and in - - w-th Uu,h . aQ( bo Lhe liv-ng moJel through the upheaving and fhoiuation of lho conventional and temporal, of the kingdom arid laws whioh are eternal. In tho Scottish hurck in by-gono time, it was raadehe duty of its olorcy to preach during tho year somo seimons on tho times. In the Convocation, all present ' on e certain accasion reported the fulfill- 1 mnltl .if tliii nnttf l.nirflilnn nml j t remail)) tfnx h-xh congiduration, your obedi.nt servant. IIkniiv J. WniTr.nousn, Dishop of the Diocese ol Illinois. Italian Tkaqkdy The Italian pa pers givo an account of a torriblo tragidy at Turin. Two lovers, finding an obstacle o their union, resolved to saorifieo. The young man wrote a letter to his lnctbor and a letter to his sweetheart, Dosita, und then blew out his brains. Kosita deter mined to fchare her lover's fato, llor family entreated her to bo calm ; fIio seemed to yield to their prayer, but a day afterwards nhe contrived to bo alouo, and then putting a pistol to her heart, she instantly cuded her lifo. Her mother hast ened to daughter the moment she heard tbo pistol's report. At the tight of her blacding, dying child, tho poor wo man's semes fled from her by emation,and slu is uow in a nnd hou'o. llosita's young sister was so struck by thin tragic s.'cno, she attempted to heap foremost from the window, and waj with the ut most difficulty restrained. r,3P At the lato Presidential election iu ouo of the wards in Cincinnati, ono ballot was found, a straight Abolition ticket, with 'God forgive me lor this sin !' written on tho back of it A Contented Fanner. Onoo upon a timo, Frodcriok, King or Prussia, stirnamcd ''Old Frits," took a rido,md opiod an oldarmor plowing hit noro by tho wayside, cheerfully singing li'u melody. "You must be woll off, old man," saii the king. "Doos this acre belong to yoc on which you so industriously labor I" ''No, sir," replied tho larmcr,whoknow not it was the King. 'I am not so noli as that, I plow for uages." "How much do you got oday I" asked the King. "Eight grosohca" (about twenty cents) said the farmer. "This is not much,'' replied the King, ''Can you got along wi:h ibis I" "Get along and have something left." "How is that?" Tho farmer smiled and said. "Well,if I must tell you two groschen aro for myself and wife ; two I lend away and two I give away for the Lords sake" "This is a mystery whioh I cannot solve, said tho King. "Then I will solve it for you," said tha farmer. "I have two old parents at home who kept mo when I Was weak and need ed help,and know that thoy aro weak and need help 1 keep them. This is my debt toward which I pay two grosohen a day. The third pair of grosohen which I lend away I spend for my children, that they may receive a Christian instruction. This will como handy to mo and my wife when we get old With the last two ero- ! schen I maintain two sisters whom I could not bo compelled to kcop. This is what I givo for the Lord'3 sake." Tho King, apparently well ploascd with tho answer, said : "Dravcly spoken, old man, Now 1 will also give you something to guess. Have you ever seen me beforo I" ''Ncvar'said the farmor. "In lera than five minutes you shall ceo mo fifty times, and carry in your pockot fifty of my likenesses." ''This is a riddle which I oannot unrav el," said tho farmer. ''Then I will solve it for you," said the King. Thrusting his hand into his pock et and counting him fifty bran new gold pieces into his hand, stamped with his royal likeness, he said to the astonished farmer who knew not what was coming. "The ooin is genuine, for it also cornea from our Lord God, and I am his pay master, i bid you adien." CS- An officer down in Georgia tellj the following story : One night Gen. , was out on the lino, and observed a light on the 111 oun- ! tain opposite. Thinking it was a. signal ' light of the enemy, ho remarked to Wu Artillery officer that a hole could easily bo put through it. Whereupon tne ollioor turning lo the corporal in charge of fie gun, said : "Corporal, do you see that light l" "Yes, sir." "Put a hole through it," ordered th Captain. Tho -corporal sighted the gun, and when all was ready ho looked up and said : "Captain, that is tho moon." "Dou't caro for that," was tho captain'i ready responso, 'put a hole throu'h it, iu tho General's order." tf A Short time since, as a well known master in a grammar school was censuring a pupil for tho dullness of his comprehension, and consenting to instruct him in a sum in practice, ho said "Is not tho price of a penny bun always a penny V when tho boy innocently re plied "No, sir ; thoy soil them for two penco when thoy aro stale." Zt$' A friend gives us the information that Gen. Lew. Wallace arrosted a drug gist in Baltimore, tho other day, for ad vertising a certain kind of "quack" med icine which ho recommended as being 'good for tho Constiliii'nn." rx?-A.wifo in Minnesota enliited with her husband in 1 BO I , fought with him iu eighteen battles, was wounded thrice, aud has uow lcli the service, us her husband lias been u.l'ei-. taT" In 1'iiieland lho Dihlo is aow sup plied for twelve cents, and the New Tea'- lament for four cents each, and the gos pel for two cents each. PS" Administration military pets. Gen eral Inactivity nt Petersburg ; General l'Jtinucip'itaoti at Vicsn.agtou; General uoniunon in Vi uiriouncssee,aiid General Astonishment all over tho North. r "Sly brethron," said Swift in a sermon "there are three kinds of prido, uiinoly, of birth, of richos, of intellect. 1 h ill not speak of the latter, none of jou being liable to th it abo;nl liable vice.''