Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 03, 1864, Image 4

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Tho War in China.
Scenes in Nankin after its Capture by the
Imperial TioopEnd of tic lieuccrs
of the Gnat Rebellion in the East
llow Nankin was pillaged and its hab
itations destroyed etc.
A despatch, dated JUly 29, J 80-1, of
Which tho following it an extract, has
been received by Earl Itussol from Mr.
Adkins, Acting British Oousul at Chin
kiang. China. Ho says :
I havo tho houor to inform you that
tho' oitV of Nankiu. so long tho contro of
disaffection in China, and tho point from
which so manv hands of ruthless plunder
tirs havo started on thrir raids upon tho
poacoful and wealthy cities of Central Chi
na, has been captured by tha imperialist
arniyi uudor tho command of Tsong-kuo
chuen, tho Governor of Chckiang, and
brother of tho Vicoroy of tho provinces of
Kiank-Nan and Kiang Su. The city wis
fctornaed' on tho 10th of this month through
a breech caused by a mine sprung under
tho wall near tho oast gate. Humors of
Us capture readied mo on tho day follow
ing tho assault, but I paid no attontion to
them, having been so often deceived by
reports of Chinese victories. On the "1th
of this mouth, however, I obtained a copy
of the memorial to tho throno formally an
nouncing tho capture When tho imptr
inlists made good their grand iutcrauce
into tho city thoy fouud that tho palace of
tho Tien Wang, tho leader of tho rebel
lion, ana tuo claimant lor many Tears
past of Divino honors and attributes, had
been burnt to tho ground. It is said
that the impositor ulU his attendants lie
buried in its ruins. I am inclined to cred
it tho rumor, for tho city has been closely
blockaded since January last, and I thiuk
nothing but a desperate sortie would have
enabled to. get cleat.
liut the most iuiiicrtant fact of all is the
capture of Chung Wang. This person
has for many years been tho moat restless
and determined of all tho desperadoes
Taopingdoui hassont forth, licit it a?
who threatened Shanghao in 1B00, he
was Adinirrl Hope's antagonist in his op
orations near Shanghao ; ho fought against
Col. Gordon at Soochow. Ho tried to
iutroduco the foreign element inf his
levies, and was taid by rebel sympathizers
to bo the main hope of the Tacping cause
in its declining days. After the assaults
lie managed to leave tho city with a few
followers I but ho Wa3 Captured three daVS
' ' '
subsequently by a party of cavelry.
was much pressed to visit the Chung
Wang in his confinement, but declined, as
I had no personal acquaintance with him.
On the day following my interview with
tho Ooinmandcr-iiiCbicf, I rode into the
city and visited the breach. Words can
not describe tho utter desolation of every
thing within the walls. The main thor-
OUChfareS trCVCISCU by mo were tho StrcOtS
o " " v"
between ine souiuwest anu south catos.
a '
On cither hand tho houses left standing
had the appcaranco of having been tenant-
less for years, while the gaudy gateways,
denoting tho rcsidenoo of the waDgs or
princes, opened in most instances on to
courts full of brickbats and chatrod lim
bers. As for the side streets, they were
many of them overgrown with jungle four'
fect high.
During my ride through tic city I saw i
a grcat nuuipor of unburicd bodies, and in '
many places the sincll was so oflVncivc
that both myself and Lieutenant Lee.who
uocompanicd nic, were almost overpower
ed, liut, on the whole, I oame to tho con
clusion that the rebel force in the city nt
tho timo of capturo could not have been
very large." Tho imperialists, according
to their own account, spared very low able
bodied males, so that tho dead lying in the
otfeets would be a fair oritcrian of the
strongth of tho garrison. 1 estimate it at
ten thousand men against fifty thousand
under the imperialist commanders.
I think a rido through the 'streets of
Nankin as they arc at present would sat
isfy the most ardent advocate of the rebel
oousooftho dreadful hcllines3 of the sys
tem they support. Some cloven roars ago
theTaepings took Nankin, then one of the
finest cities jn China, liver sinco its cap.
turo it has been their headquarters. Iu it
the chiefs of the movement built their
tawdry houses, and from it they despatch
ed their plundering bands in all directions.
Meanwhile the works of civil government
and social organization aro entirely ueg
locted, and when the city is retaken it is'
found to bo a wilderness of empty houses
Income Taxes.
By law of Congross, a tax upon all real
estate is to bo collected, annually after
April 1805, of fivo per cent, upon real os
tate. This will amount to $51) tax on ev
ery S1000 of valuation. It applies to all
rearcsmte, wiietncr tno owner has an in
come or not, or whether under or over
SOUO. Thus: if a man own'a houso and
lot worth S-iOO his aunual tax upon it for
this purpoo alono will bo 8'5 a farmer
whoee Jarui is valued at 51,000 will
have to pay S-100 taz, &c., for this special
When a preacher succeeds, with politi
cal Sunday evening harangues, in driving
"iinners" from the sanctuary, it shows
that it is about time that that "preacher"
should tako to his legitiiuato employment
on tho stump and give tho Christian pco
plo an opportunity to scours a gospel min
ister who will attend to tho saving of souls
instoad of laying up treasures for moth
and rutt to corrupt.
U&- CJoldia selliDg in New York city
kt $22.
Keei Your Eye
HAS enlarged nnd prratly Improve l hi-, Htorn Itoom
and flocks! II with n 'into awl superior Hlock nf
8P1UNG nndsmi.MHIl (IOOD-. which will he soldas
low ns nt mi' other cstniiiis cm in tuorniiniry.
Calicos at 1(1, 18, 20 and '25 cents.
Muslins, fihached and llrowa at '25, '!8,
tip to .18 cents.
lilt Ess (loOI)S of every shade, quality
and price; n full Hue of HninesHc linnda,
vi. : riicrki, t-'trlpes. Ticks, LHmen mill Cotton
Tatdu Diaper, llliioli.'iniK, Nankeens, .Vr , &.c. A
good supply of Ladles Shies nnil (lultcrn
New stork uf llati nml Cups,
All H'tiol Ingrain and Collapo fiirnets.
a eplcnillil nttltlu Just opened ami for ule.
A rrcfcli Bupily uf
Groceries and Spices,
n now lot r
MACKERAL by t lie quarter, lulf nml wholo barrel
Nos. 1 unJ mod I ii in nml liugf. Al mi, u large and
splendid assortment ul
new dcsijjns. Alio, n new luior ruu.Mva uihi
Oil Cloth Satchels.
Itnvinz bouclit thcio Enods. before the late rise. I mil
prepared to well luw, chcup as tlic cliciipcsl for cash or
country produce.
v u niMii itj rju.isL..
liloonuburg. May li, 1 fill ( .
riiikulelnhia ti Krie
SA2 :k o a n
Tills crinl line Iruvcmet the ortlieru and North.
vel counties of I'eHiifj Ivauiu tu the tity of l!rie,ou
Lhko llria.
It has been leased by the I'.'n'l 1 vanla ltailro.ul
Couipuuy, and in operated by tlieiu.
ltn entire length was opened fur panscngor and
frcisht busiuofs, October lith, lwi4.
Mail Train lean s,
B 4 l". M.
llnprcn Train ' "
m Accoiniuoilnlinn,
Mnil Train, .
i:iinir.i Express Train,
11 S7 I'. SI.
IU 27 A, SI.
i 20 P. M.
3 3'J A. M.
5 2.1 A. M.
4:il P.M.
Ii 1U A. 111.
I'iifHCnscrn Cars run through on Mall Train, wirii.
oui ttAllll both as bi twecu l'liiladetplilaalid line,
and lialtiuioro and Erie.
illecuut Meepliiii f.'ar on P.ln Ire Ilxprcs Trains
both nays between Wiiliauipnrt and ilaltiuiore.
l'or Inforiiiation respectiiiB P.isscneer but.inesj.nii
ply nt tlic Cor. Xlth and .tlurkil Sis.
And for 1'reiKht busiuessof the Coinp.inj 's Agents
H. II. King-ton, Jr., Cor.Kith uud Market SU., 1'lill'a
J. IV. UevnnUls. Erie.
J.M. llril'l. Agent X. C. U: R l!altinioro.
II. II. Houston, (ien'l. 1'reight Aijt . I'biladelphia,
II. V. Owinuer. (Ien'l. Tuket Agt I'liiladelplim.
Joseph 11. rotts.Geu'l. .Manager, Williuuisport.
Nov. 12, loli4.
II. C.
II 0 w
E ll,
ril'Sl'C(Tl''UI.I.V oilers liis profess
ional services to tho linlie and gentle
men of III .oinsbiirg and vicinity. He is
iiri.n.'iri'il m ntiriiil to .'ill lini various
op rations in the line of his profession, and is provided
wiilil ielalcstiiiipioveil ViuCt.UIIA TKKTJI; which
will 1 10 inserted 011'gold. oliitiua. til vcr uud rubber base
tolookw. II as the 11nl1n.1l teeth !
Ml 1er.1l plate and bleck tieth mniiuf.iilured nnd all .
v.. 1-. 1 1.. 1,.. 1 ...
u,.., ,1.1..., ..,,..,... ,.,o..-,., a. .............
ue.iicuce ami omicii lew uoors auove ine uouri
II uiae. lainu side.
l!l,io.ii6burg. June 1
ipHE undersigned uunounces to his friends and thu
JLpubblic, that In: has became the Proprietor of the
New Centreville Hotel,
t.occted ill Ccntrcvitl. in Coiivnetiam tnwnsliin.
Colnui .u county, wiiero no is prepareil to 11
tl.itd the travelling public, and all w ho may I
ivor him
lll0lr cioni, to general sati9iiciiou
nJ?" Heiuembcr the Cniuu Hotel.
rr- Heiuembcr the Union Hotel.
Centreville, Aug. 30, lr'tJ,-3m.
MAN! rAOTimnii&wnoi esale dealer in
No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd.
Nov 29. Iefi2
. c. rucL.
1' A U L
YVHOLESALK Vrif???ffij
No. 4'J North ffhurves.
Nov. 14. Iitu-. 2nio.
II A. MS, tc .0
TUEuudcriirnpd v.ould announce, that lie has on hand
uthis llatuudCap Emporium, on .lluiu Ht 111. nuns
Imtg, an astioitmeut of dilierent Kind of Icatln-r. such at
line calf skins, morocco, (red and hlnck) nud linlnes all
cf which In- will nell cheaper thuu can he had cUcwlieie
In thU market. -Call und cxeuiiuo them for .MmrM Ives
lilonineliur;. May 21, lfi'.4.
snioLisiurs imi ssale. .
I'ittbliursli Commercial College.
Iliiighamplin " " 1
Crittenden's " 1'hiladolphia.
Miration, llryuut k. Co.. " "
Thesis Scrips, lira iiinuioiiuts of Sljnnd SJn and are
is so much cash, hy the Student on enlrin; either "I Hie
nhovu Colleges, Voinig men de.iiiiistooiitaiu u finish
cd Collegiate Education, will here rlndugood upeculu
tion hy apidvingiit tho olV.ce ofthu
rpilE undersipned, hnving taken tho Espy Hotel
1 lately kept hy Sir. I'. Unwell, would repet-tfuly
i iiform Ins friend., uioldiu public in (,-cueral, Uial no
pains will he spared for the sati.f.ictury eiitertuimueut
of all who mayuvu.' In m Willi their custom.
jos d a .incjin.wi;.
Espy, April S.lfii4.
sir BAiaiLEs
BELL 6t ALLABACH, Piopriaors.
coitNEit or
0 I) A C 0 0 DEAL K X
r,y. ins, north tiiihd u'ntEE-r
I'lve doomuelow Itarc.
I'll 1 1 . A I A .
F. 0. HAlilUSON, M. D.
7Pul,l) rt-pectfully iufoini the ofl'dooin
V burc.uinl iiiinity, Ihntlie tontiuiiesthu pruttl.u uf
...... ...... .vi o viiitr.iii .
..lid solicits a -hare of public patroiiac'i).
omce, on JtatiiHtreet, first housu beluvv the Court
Cebrunry 3, lcJ5-tf
S M & X T. V St S
A T T U It XS U 1 A T L
Officu In Court Ally, formerly occupied ly CTiarltii It
-. ltllCkulc'W.
Dlooinsburi'Slk'C. 4. l.-.VJ
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
cLttober 'l3 16u Miu' l'r0lnl"l' "Ucndcil to.
PUMPKINS. Corn. Cider, ArplfiiCorn-Btocks.Oals.
and produst generally, named at this offiee. ....
iccunt. October 1. Ids!.
xa:xX; Attn wm'XRR
(rrasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa.
Who Keeps all Kinds of
Ready-Mado Gothiug,
Sugars, Molasses,
by runs, coltees,
Teas, Fish,
Salt, Uacon,
11.11113, Lard,
Tobacco, spars,
Hats, Boot",
Caps, Shoos,
Drug, Oils,
Paint?, &c., &c.
In addition lo our larce Mock of Dry Hood, we time
n lame and full nssnrtutcnt of Heady Mndo Clothiui!
Ini Vien mid lin) s wear which wn are dcteriiiiucd to
ncll cheaper th ill cull lie bought elsewhere. Call and
tee, and Jiidiro fur j ourselves.
Llcht Street, October 2.1, 1804.
National Foundry.
III! subscriber, proprietor of the nhovu named e-'u ...Ini. l.ln t. I int... tiri.t:triil tnrei.'lve
era for
All Kinds of Machinery,
r Co'lerles, lllast rurnnces, Stationary Engines, .Mills
Tliltl'.SIIINd .MACIIIMIS, &0.. 4U. I
lie is also prepared to make Stoves, nil sines and
rnlteriis, p'oM-imns, and ever thing usually made I it
Ditt-ilns I'oundrles
His e.M nsiie l.ieililics nnirpriKtiral workmen, war- '
iitnll l it ut in recviviug the largest loulraLts on the
ui'Ut reasonable terms. I
ITT" Uruiiiof uil kinds will be taken In exchange for
This establiliieent is Inen.ed near thu l.ackawun
n,i A Ulooinsburg Itailroad Depot.
Itleoni'biirg. Si'it. 12, 1-f.H. , 1
Tl N V AH K & K'm VB SIlUP. ' i
a Mill undersigned rep. rtltilly Informs his old friend
. and customers. Iluit lie has purchased his hrnlliert
merest in tiic ahote establishment. nmlthti concent wils
hereafter be condiiited by hiuiself .xrlusively.
Hi; has Ju?t received uud oilers for sale, the lurg
est and most extensive nsorlUlelt of V A XC '
Mjfl b'J'o V l:s evr introduced into this marki t.
His stock consists of n complete asorliuent of
he best Cooking anil parlor stoves in the niarkit, togith
er with rftove l'ilures of every description, oven and
Hon Stoves, liadiators, t'ylindar Stoves, Cat Iron Air
Tight stoves. Ciiunou Stoves, fcc, &c. Stovepipe and
Tinware com-tnnliy 011 iiand and manufactured to older,
Ail kinds of repairing done, as usual, 011 siioit uotlie.
Tin! pulronauo o old friends mid new cusLoui'irs re
pectfully solRiied. A. M. 11UPEHT.
Pdoonnbuig, oveiuber3d 1PGI1. tf. ,
(On tho Siu.irc, Three Doors fiom Steele's Hole I
fBTTIS IVK'I'II'PIOV .i.i. nnnn.ul -rwl
R . ... ,, t, ,, ,, ,,.,. . I
,1 f!ir"": . 1 ,',"u.8. cl'sll S0;. . f"' 1 ' "";
1 11 ', " , , ,..,., ' I
well uiiatiieii. 1 iij Biirgicai nii.trtmeni contains in
,.,,i,. r int.iiiiieiil- In tin. .-niiolrv. nml
,,r ,n ",'Vi..i..... rv.. iii I
eaiergciiLius in prailico ileuiil operate upon all the
I various forms of lll.lN'D.N'EStS, Catarncl. Oi-eliiou nl
I tlic Pupil. Cross Eyes, Closure of the Tear Duct.i, In-
...- 1 1... 1 .....I I .1 .. Ik. I.. ... 4...I...II
, VI rs.uu 111 1 11 u .... '-ii'is. 1 ii 1 j vi inn 1 cvu.. 1 mi 1 1 1
treat nl lurms ol Mires, Crannied l.nls. Opnceties
' .f t hi. t'nr iii-ii . I Si-muilniw iII.i..-ii.m i.l- Him I'.vh In. .
' gether Mitli all the diseases to which the Eje is sub- i
iect. I
1 HEl'.i:SS- Will treat all the diseases common to
the organ. Discharges from the Par, Noises in the l.ur I
C.itarrii, ditiiciilti ol liciirinz.tntul lie .rue' even m here
the Drum 1 deltued. Will invert tin ti.tifo lal une
uuswcriui! nearly all the purpose?, ,f ,u. natural,
DlPEAr-ES Ol-' THE 'I IlitOAT. All dlncines com
mon to the Throat uud Nu?e will he treated
CENEIiAI. KCltP.EItV - He will operate upon Cluh
feet. Hair l ip, CP-It I'allaie.Tuuiorii, Cancers, Enlar
ciui Teucilii, ist; i'Usiiu operation-, hy iicaiih new
llenli into dciorinud parts, ami Ceuerat Surgery ul
whatever etiiru'-l-r it in ly ph-bent.
DERMA or ItlUTLT.l!.)- He will perform "Lubiuii
operation for iIk rudical (complLle) curu i.f Henna,
hiir ii, uiiquchiioiiuiiiy a perteii cure, anil it. oi.ue w nil
Ditto or no puiu. Out ofui.niy hui.dred operated upouiti
Um.tou there has been no liaviuit mel the
perfi " t approbation of all w hohave suliiuiiteil to it
AKTIl'li M. EVES. Willluerlurtiliel,il Ejes Biv-
Iul' them tlte motion and e.preisiou of Hie natural.
Tlievure iiiM.-rtrd with llie eact paiu.
llEMOIHHIOlDri, (I'iles.l-Thi-1 roublcoine disease i
l reaiiny tureu
to call.
'J'Ijodo bua'cruis ffoinil will do iv I- i
Dr Up Defiratl'vlsitii Wille-I!arrn withnvicwof
IfUilillti up a permanent irii-lituie for the treatment of
tin-Eye, I arand Ceuer.-.l Surtrery. The e.perieuie of
more than u ipiartcr ol'u (iiiluty in llnspilal uud Rener
nl practice, he liopes, will he a fiiiliin-rit gu.iiaulee to
lliu.c wliu may he di-poseil to cinplu) liiiu,
Way 11, leli4. If.
, . 1
Laclcawamia & Moomsburg USaiiioad
AI'l'DIl J . . t-ir.l. PArJui'v-ijijii
J TKAIN'tf U'll.I.
KIJ.V Art rc.I.I.OWB:
Jl U V I K (i SOU T II.
- I 511 1'. M,
.1 ."
" Kingston ....
" llmomsburg
" Rupert, ....
" I i;iu v i llo, ....
Arrive alNurthumlieiiaud,
SI 1 1 V 1 N i S O It T II
Leave Northumberland,
" llunville
" Ilupcrl
" Hlooniburi;
" Klustou
Arrive at Scrautoii
I'.-J '
li.l-J I'.
1 reiulit k I'.uoi-iifi-r leave- llloomehur!;
10.15 A. M.
Passengers taking Hie Vail Train South couiieel witli
the Express mniirouiNortU'di UrrivinVatliarriVburR
at A. V., Ilaltliuore 7.00 A. .M nnd ut I'liiladelphia
ui ..mi .i ji. ino .iiuii train Irani Nort iuiiibeii.nn
leave, immediali-lv alter tliu Exnn-ss train from
ritburK and Kaltimore, allow insr l'.isseimers leavine
rinladcltdiu at 10.10 I. M. to leacll points on tills road
dimes tha next forenoon.
New nnd elegant Weepine ears accompany Ibo niitht
trains curh uny hilween Nortliuinberliiuil uud Haiti, i
more, und Northumberland and I'luhniclphia.
II. A. l'UN'HA. Bupt. ;
J. C.Wells. (Jtn'l Ticket Aa-ut.
Kiusuon, January :tll, It-lit.
bOd ami UUS Market Slrect, riilladclplila,
'plllrt Hotel is located in llie very lentro of business
X and isnear the resoeitai-lb nlnn-M i,r ,
which make It particularly deslrnldu to persons vintinc
Philadelphia on business or pkasitru , and tho .Miiiia-i-r
hopes by close personal uttentln.i to the w-auisofhls
ins Kucnia in nnmc ii u roiuiortauie noiue lor iniiclrus
may favur his liouse with their pairuiiuee.
- J. ill HAVEN k&O.Y, I'roii'rs.'
JOHN SliriCKLEV, I'LttiK, 1
July SKI. ltuM. -12 ino.
National Moiei.
(Lato Whito Swan.1
GEO. LlGiriVLTl', Puonuna-ou.
Formerly Ei6lc Hotel Lebanon, Pa
Jon. iioi'riiiM, t-utRiT, '
.March S, lobl-Hm.
mo wa e; d AssmxA'vTtw'
lioease of thcNorvcus. Seminal, Urinary andStjt,
Zf.. uaJ l?''!f.m.?r.l"'w 1111,1 rt-lialila trealuieut-in re
mi. of tho HOWAHIl ACSOCIATlON-s.ut mail
l '-1 ff ,i'v lops, free of ihuri'o. Address Mr
H V.'.'y.'? ,l(,lJ'''"'O.N. Howard Assjjja "u, si.
SB oulhMnili Mreet, Philudc-lphiii, Pa, uua"u"' Ul
July S3. It-u.4 ly r ,
D i'.o. V,,,!Trf V(JIl't"".''liy-siciaii from Rrrmuny.liav.
HIS li'C.iMd periminently at ,Morduuvill. Coluin.
,ja count). la respectlully luforius the public eenei
With promptness and mi modcruto teriun uud will
ljuaraniee gijiieiui sinisiatuuu,
Bp'tS4i USL-y-.
HUop In Oourl Homo Alley, beloiv Den.mrtt Oillt.
Voieinier H, 1W3.
A pure nml powerful TnniCi corrciivn ntnl alterative
uf wuiiilcU'iil eilUiu'y iliuiso uf Mm
Cres Dyspepsia, l.ivcr Complaint, Headache, ncner.i
Ueblllly, Ner ousness, Depression nftipiril', Con-
tlpatinu, Colic, liiteruiilteut I'evers, Cramps
and Hpasins, nnd nil ' ouiitlaluts of either
Hex, 'tricing from llodily Weakness
I nlii lher luliereut In the system or
1 produced by special CJUees.
N'oTinsn Hint Is not whulesome, genial and rentorn
I live in Its nature enters lull the composition of 110;?
ITr.rrr.n'd stomach nrn'min. This popular pre
J paratlou loutnins 110 miMcral of any kind, no deudl
' botanical element ; no florv excitant; but it I" a tomliy
1 11a ion oflhe extraits of rare balsamic herbs and
plmiti Willi tho purest uud mildest of all dilfusivo stim
I ulelils.
It is w ell to be forearmed against disease, and, so far
as the biimnii system can be protected by human means
against maladies engendered by ft 11 uu'w liolesnme at
! mosphere, imiiiire water and other external causes,
HtlsrilTTUU'd 111 11 IMS limy bo relied 011 as u rafe-
1 11 ii 1 El n. 1 iiii.-M,',, 1,11 rim u.i.iAcflr, 11 uri n
fiiuiid iul.illible us 11 preventive and irresl'tiblu as a
reiueily ami tuousauus wno resort in it nnil
1 mi re.
nsiou of auattarU. est line Ihu scourge : and thousands
wliu ncgleil to avail thomselves ef its protective qual
ities in ndvance. are cured by a very brief courvo o
tills luurielous medkinu. Pevi r nnd Agnc patients,
nlfcr being ialld witli I'liluiuo for months In vain, 11"
til fairly saturated with that daugurous nlt.a'old, are
not iiiitrcqueutly restored to health within a few days
by the iitu uf HOaTclTEll'S IIITTEIIS.
''llieweiik stomathls tnpiil'y invigorated nud the np i
petite restored I y this ngree.ibl.j Tonic, and heme it
works woudeis in ruses of Dlspepsiu and in less ton
hrniHil forms of Indigestion. Acting ns a gentle and
p.inness nppi rienl, as well as upon the liver, it also
iiivn'mbly ri lieves the Constipniou superinduced by
irreginu - fution of tin digi'Mito and secietive organs
I'eisinsof f lie habit liable .VireoHs Jilted. I up.
tits ol e't'fsuud File tf t.aiigunr. find prompt and
permanent telii f from llie Hitlers. The testimuuy un
this point is iiiu.1 1 (inclusive, and from bnln sexi-s
The agony of tlilllus Colic is immediati-l) assuaged
liy a single dnsi tu' llie t-liutuluiit, nut) by occnsiomllly
resorliu1; to it, the return of Hie complaint may be pie
vented As a general Toii'e, IIOSTETTEICS IHTTEKS pro-ilm-eelieits
whirli must bo experienced or witnessed
b. fore Ihej ran bo luliy app'eclated. In cu-cs of ('tm
stitutioual wiiikue, preiiiiiluru decay.iud deliiiityaud
di'creiininie arising from old age it ejieri ises tlu dec
tiic inll.ieneo lotbe (onva e tent si. 11 sofall diseases
it opi-rates asu deligbtfut fuvuoraut. W'lieu lim puw.
ers ol iialur'' are rclaved, it op. -rules to re.lufurce uud
re-eslalilisli them. I. est. but not ' -.1st, it the mils safu
stimuli-lit, being mnmifucturt-d fruni hniind and iiinocu
(iiim ui.itcnnls, uud entirety Ire" from I'm m id element,
present inure or less ill nil the uidiuury tunics and
itoHiei hies of the d,.-.
No family inedii me has le en so universally, and it
in. iv be truly added, diirccdltj " ith llie intelli
gent iiortion of the cuuimuuitv, us DOS I'E I' t'EU'd
Prepared by
PITISIU'lillll, Pa.
CT-Sold liynll Druggi'ts, t.'iutcrs und rtorckeepoi.
November 21, 13.13- lv.
1--l J m xi I 1 1 O
EXTRACT niJCIllf. .-. i,.i.
and siii-ciflc yi me4y lor ill-.-.i-en m tl.u 1,1.,,1,1,-r
iviiiiit'ys, ,,raei, ami ur"iisii.n siieiuui;..
This medicine iuircar-cK the p.nwer of oinesiiou uu.l
excite the ahsoiheutti into health) action. In- w hii h Hie
Winery or Calcari-oiM dej.o.itioiw. cud all
EulafL-ememeul are reduced, un well ui pain ainliii
Por wciiKiups nrlMiijj frotu llnsrMi'ii, habit- of Mt-
HipiitifMi. I'.nrly liulii'cri ti'ui ul AbiitJUK, attuiuli.! with
tin: OjI luw iUZ s iiiitniiit ,v !
liifli-pnf iljon iu Uicrtioti. I.hhi of Cower !
l.nnniit' Mntnury, iHtrmiliy ol" t-'rcalliiny i
VVl'lik VlTVl'S. 'I'm ul.tiurt !
Horror of )Wt hm Inin unli t llyfk I
! ITnivi'rtiiil Lumitmlt; of Hie JIum ulr t kiuni, 1
i Hot llaiidti, i:ruiliHiiH on I In; Pure,
1 llr tics ol Hit Fkin. K'ulnn ul' Ihu Llt-ih ,
I I'.tlhd CniiMli'iiitnrM.
I Tln'so f.yinptnrti-t, it ullowctl tu jri m wliicli I In
i medicine ni' itnaldy ri'innv'". houii follnw
iMrouMY, I'Vimv, i'hi.h'im' hir,
In mir nf Hh- ifitH'iil Hi.y r"iuir'j
I WlnMim hiiy Unit thi'V nr not rrrquciilly lolluw.'d
L' ,l'op..lA1l;r,''co.sllMlTlo
I Mfiny Hrt- awnri (' ihn o(" tlinr MttlViInc. I il
u ii hi; will c nlit'i'ss lilt rt'fi'rdtt nf tin; I najiu A Iiiiim.
A nd mi hinclicly di'iilhi hy OMiniu.iitiuii bca ' nui i
jttii'isd to lhi' trnlh ot' tin- i ion.
' Tin t'nimti tut urn nn cr ruVtU'd v illM-r'-'iinir w ikno
ri"i'iiii'n t lit? aid of .Mi-dit im n strcnytliou and lin nr
ojatti lim i-ytuiii, w Ii c It lli'hiili'dd'tt i Atr.nt liuilin hi
variably doua, A Uiul w ill luiivmcu tbt; uiobt oU-pticl
In manv an'ei lloiis peculiar to I'dunles tliu I'.xIrnLt
lliuliu is iini.iualli-d U any nllitr remedy, us iu t It In
rosis or Ketention, Irrecuiarity .U iil'nl nc-n, ur Sup
pression uf Cusinuiury Ev.-nuiitious, iilu-rutod orsrir
rhous Halo of tho Uterus. I.eiuhorrlue.i ur Whites,
Bteriluv, und fur all i-omuluiuts iniideiit to llio-si,
'"in .u """'' ""'l'a-
Takeiio more llalsuni Mercury, or iiHplensant Mcdl
rims for unpleasant and daugurous ducures II c I in -IioIiI'b
Extratt liuilin and Improved Ito" VVush cures
ciret dicaes in all their stases. At little expense,
l.i'tle or no (.liniijje in dut. Nu ineonveniiuce. an uu
It causes n frequent desire and fives strength loL'ri
mile, then by n-imivnij; obstructions, preveutiu" aim
turiUK t-irii tiires ut tin- I'rithr.i. nlliiyin; pain and in so frequent in tliu class of circuses, und
tipellinc ml poisonous, diseased and w nruuiii inattcri
Tliousuuds upon tlioiikands who have been the vie.
"ms of (juacks, und who havo paid heavy fees to be
cured iu n short tinie, have found limy were deceived
and Unit tin; 'POISON" lias, by tli.- use of"pimerful
uslriuijenls" been dried up in tho system, to break out
iu an iu.grutalcd lurm.und perliups intermarriage,
L'so llclmboid'e ExtruC. I'urhu for all ullertinns nud
diseuses of the L'rinnry Oruans, wnetlier existing in
.Mulu lini remale, from whatever cause originating and
nu matter of lum loui: et.indiui;,
Hiseuses of these Orijaus requires the aid of n llliir
etic, llclmhuld'a Extruet Ihiihu is the (iri-at liiurelii:,
and iscerluiu lu Ii.imi desired elftct iu uil Diseases for
which it is rei.uniiiieudvd.
Evidence of tl.u most reliable and reapoilsiblu char
acter will accompany the mediiine.
. ,,ricc $! ,,cr i,t,Ic, 0r 0 ft)r $5,
! Delivered to tiny (uldress, seiurely packed from olnser
' vntiuii . He.uil.u syiuptums I it uil bum am n ii if ion s . 1
I Cures suar.iuteed, udvne grnlU. Address Icttuls lur !
iiil'oriautiuii to I
qi. It. lir.LMHOLD. tViriifsi,
101 H tiith mil .1 , below Chestnut, 1'hila. I
, IIEL.MIIOI.D'S MJitnt htiwt, J
IIIU.MIKJI.IJ'.S limit and Cliruical llarlhouif,
, Itewnro of Counterfeits and unprincipled dealers
wliu eudeuvor to ilisposu "of their iih n" and 1 oilier" !
articles nu llie reputation attained hv lli-liiilniM-. i:,-i,. '
nine Preparations, Extract, Extract barsupatllia,
lmiruvcd ltu.-c Wuih.
li Y
AH Druggists Evorywlioro.
Cut out thu dvctti.HirieiiUnd send for it.
Ami Btnidiiiipotltion and cipuiute
I t. IsoJ-lf, ,
j i it rii i
It Is well known tollio medlral profession that IRON
Is tho Vital Prliitlple or Life Dement uf tin! blood. 1
Thislsdeilvcd ihlolly from tho fond wu eat t hut ifllm !
food Is not pri pcrly digested, or Iflroui anymuso what
ever, the necessary iuiintlly 'f Iron Is not taken into
the circulation, or becomes mimed, llio whnlu system
Hirers, Tim bad Mood will irritate the heart, will
clog up the luugi, will obstruct tlic liver am! will send ,
itsiliseusO'l'ioducing elements to nil parts oFthu sys-1
teni, nnd every one will sulUr 111 whatever organ may
bu pri disposed to disease.
Tlu ureal vuluu uf I
utox as a niKsnriMi
Is well known and at know ledncd by nil mcdlfiil men
The dlll'iiiilty bus been to obliiiu sucli 11 preparation n
it as will enter the circulation nud assimilate at once '
with llie llkio.l. This pointi says Dr. Ilu)cs, Mnssucli- ,
Usetls Statu Chemist, lias beeuiitlnlncil in thu Peruvi- ,
1111 syrup, by coliibinutioii In 11 way before unknown.
Tin: fi:iu;vi.iV mini'
is a Protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron nfW
Discovery In Jlediclue that Strikes at the Hoot of Ills
esse by supplying tliu bluoi with its Vital PriuUplu or
l.lfo Elemenllroiii
Till: 1I2AI10Y1V sSYHUP
Cuics Dyspepjia, l.ivcr Couiplaint.'Dropsy I'uvct and
Ague, Doss ol EntrH'y. Low Spirits,
Tin: mm uriA n s yu up
Infuses strenwlMlgor nnd new life lulu the .ysloni.und
builds up 1111 "Iron Coustilutiuu.
TU P. Plill U Vl.'lN S YU UP
Cures Chronic Diinrlnra. Srrofula, liolts, Scurvy, Loss
uf Constitutional Vigor.
THE I Ell U VIA N S Yll Ul'
Cures Nervous All'. ctioiis, I'emab' Complaints, and nil
1 discuses "f tho Kldne) and llladder.
Is n speiitie. fnrall dlsiuscs originatiug In a I1.0I stale
of .lie nl. 10.', or accompanied by il.biiit) or 11 Low j-iialu
ul thu System,
Pamphlets containing r 1 1 tllcat usi of cures und.recom
lui'iidiitious troiu some of tin most 1 iiiinent 1'hysit.iaus
t'lersyineii. uud others, w ill In si-iit Tree In uny address
Wu select .1 lew of Hie uauii to show Ihu chiMclcr
of the testlmouals.
Piesidont ot t Ik; Mttropoiilau 1 1,111k, Sew York.
Itev. Allt.L S'l'i.VE.VS.
I. ate Editor Clfrlstaiu AiiMn ati' and Junrual.
lluv, P CllClit'll,
Editor New VorU Clirouirle
II -v John Pieriioul
le w is Ji.husnn. .M 1).
l.'ev Wurri'ii inirtnii,
111 V P rth-ir I! Pulb r,
U'-v Ciirilou llolilniis,
l'.ev S Ivauus 1 'iilib,
liev. 'I', st irr King,
Rev 1 (diriiim Nute, Jr..
Itev Jo.epli II Clinch,
l!i v. Henry,
l!i v I' t: lli.ellt'y.
itev John VV oliuestea I,
KOsnell Kiuuev .M II,,
S K Kendall l D
U' I! I hi-holm, M D.
I'lanils Dana. .M D
.Ii n uii.ih Stone, D
Jn.e Alltu Saliclles M D tVeudi II ,M D.
A A ll.iu-s, .11 D.
J i: 1 lull. 111. M D.
II, E. I.iuuey, M D.
Prepared by N I.CL.MtiCAi COi.mIu.ii
ly lor
J. I'. iii.NS.iloiu;, io 4.11 liio.iilw.iy
So.d by all Diuggi.ts.
No Family Should Ii" Without it, Oul 2. cents a buv
fun s.i.u uv
J. P DlVMIOItH N'o4'JI llroiiUv.iv. Vew Vork.
d VV I'nWl.n .v Co No. H Treuioni M llituu
And bv n'i Druggirls uud Counliy Htrm-keepers.
May 14.
i rPHI iiiiif(rt?lm'irt ntfo oxti'inivrty fninpon in iIk
! Uiutn-tuktiHj luatirss, and Ui-i'picitiHt.nitly nn hand
1 nd fur halt! ut It i h AVarcrouais, a laryu nmoituii'ia of
FINISHED ggsg, roi-TlNS,
- Hy w hii Ii he is enabled to till order on presentation
1 Ai.-u-Keeps a cood Horn-and Hi ari,e, and will ut al
times bu rend) to attend Ftiut-rcls.
silMO.V C. SII1VE.
III in n ii-Iji-r , Januury --.), t.-5'J
.and; sutssssseIB
At A. J. Evans'
'I III; u 1 1 ,u r i Li ii ii I lespi-i il'ully inlnrhis hit, friends
I and tin- public jreiieiully, tint In Ii i jm-t ricched
Iruni t'e E-o-ti-ru cities, a larKe a.soiiim nt of
k heiuir llie liest a&soitmeut ever odi-red in this market,
i Also a loinph'te as.ortiui-nl of llos tTlothni. in
I everjlhini! in Hie rioihiiij.' Lin,'! I'm Hiom-w ho prefer
to leave their mi Uhiires. a pe.-feet tit uu irnuieeil. nml
1 inning but the liel woikiuausliip allowed at tliis ps.
' tit lisliment. Hu also Keeps on hand a Liryu as?uii
I inei ' of
' IIATri VM) CAI'H. loeetlier'wltli n vari"tv of notions.
' ay 'ALL AND tiLE l'Oll VOL'lltfll'i.r. "fj
A. J. EVAi-lS.
Hloomsliuri.', April. 'J:t, IrCI.
Cheap Grocery Store.
H HE underklKiieil hailUB bought nut the Crocery n
I Ia i iit pi r on ii. hasiiuiovid his lint uud Cap tloro
up to Htroup's old sluiid, wlnru in addition lo u tupu
rior uisortmi-nt of
Hats and Caps, pH?
Molaes, Sugar,
ColTeo, Teas,
Tobacco SuufT,
Ciam, Sjiicoa,
Dried Fruit, Dutter,
Coal Oil. DruiM.
Icrln,. IT.,,1 1 .
. M..,. lo.uii uuiiiija,
Books, W rilinti Panor & Ink.
Hardware und Cedurwarc,
. . '
i. iket A'nivcs
iS c., A'C, t'c ,
Toiieilier with 11 uricly uf arliclea fenerally kepi iu a
riloro. ,
Also-A lino lolof UJIH.MOIIOi'l'.O-iaiid LiMhnsto
vv liiclihu invites tliu ut entiou of lioeiuukcr and Ihu
Illoouitburi,'. Dec. 5, SKl
1. V. tVttl.
L N. MOVkll.
New Drug
; rnllll iindersl!ui d would luforii' lluir friends nml th,,
. L public lienerally.llKil tliey have taken the slaml fur
, iiierly occupii tl by Ceo. .M. Iliiucnhiii h, n ihu Exchiiiiiiu
lluildlni;, on Main street, iu llluumsbur?, wlicru lie lias
jus, rccciveu u nut supply ot
1'IIU'. ilBl lliCllsCH. Iaiuls. tils
DiltlllllS rSjt'
v.J ,
Wliicli vvill he sold on moderulo terms for ready pay,
iii..iiiu.iu,iH,,i,wu;lui iivctj vurjc'iy, soriuml
Physicians' prescrlitious carefully compounded, m
all times und on short nutlco. ,
ETr Coufectloiieiv of iIjl be.t selertlnnu. unit .-,.. 1-,
Water in seusuu
U A cliaru or the public custom is respectfully su
Kited. 15VEK .MOVEK
Bloonubuir Arm II, 1?63
Jlnd how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed
YbinV, and Mandrake Pills act on
the System n curing that ts-
case, and the
To nboe Is n correct likeness of Dr r-chenrk taken
tunny veurs ago, niter lie lunl recovered from Consmnp '
Hon. by u course of his "Si iivsck's Pulmomc Svni'r,"
Ihellkere-s iilthoug It does net represent him liny
thing like nsbad ns howns.ul tl'e worst. el it Is In
strong conlrnst with the li.ile and vigorous looks of I in i
Portrait below, whltli Istlietrue likeness of liluiat Ihn 1
present time. Til" contrut between these tvyn pur. 1
traits is so great that ninny would nut bellevu lli'in to '
be the sumo peron. Yet Ihere are hundreds or per-
sons, in and around Philadelphia, who will rerogui,,.
both nortraits tobo Due representations. In n the .
first wns taken he wi lulied luT pounds i nt tlie'nriis .-lit
time his weight is pounut.
J.KW York, Widnesilav. Manli 30, ll-. I.
Tliittv vi'iir" ajio I h in tlif last -.tij;i'8 'i I'm itinii-
(,OH'-ilii)l(ri, (Hlit lIV It tip I" lilt I r --l'li'il III
t I'hil.ulftphm ami Mr, J m di rarn-jh U-n t lln- tit v
. on ril tin1 to Mort'flim ti . J,, a diflann ( niio'
' lolli'H, in Ii i i h tok nit- o l;i h t Lfi'l ih p'. tn iny nr
I ri al I Wiif pat tt lied, and llif'rt' lunl fur ai'm wi'iku
I 'J'ln u ai my iiniU plin v. lu n all io l.iuuly Ii v-d
and h oi (iid t'f t'lticnaipiioii Or. Tliurutoa u'li-i at
t.'liilt'd hi) f ttli T in hii li Bt iltni'f'S w-i- called. ihmI
cava inf oio' v. k lo tiv up in v alf.iir-i. lie li.ol
. all ntV I'aniilv 'o wns, and tlhciuht I va- lopojuo.
. I lit'll I Ifaitl nt III'! ii moiht'H I now ollVr to tli. mili-
, lie. Willi Ii ni-d ni" It ai"d In uv I toiild (Vl-I I
tit flu pt'in trallliii my doll -VMrlu. I
1 j'(i-' mimii r.p in i thu n,attr 'ii my lung, and I !
vwinld ph olfinori th ;ni a pint of oir-'tifivt1 yi!lov inat- '
ti-r I'Vi-rN ntrn j n r A -i'"ii a tluit I ran to -nh-ldi
j my i oiuli f. vi r. p tin, nl-jht wi-afu all ln'?.iii to l uv' 1
1 in aad a i t 1 1- Ii.'imiih o lirat tli a il w.m with
I iiitliiulty I n-iilil k' tpfioui ittii! too miitli. I tnun
..iiki Im htri'h.tti tiiitl I ' Ii (iturmMtiii im ilfli
ii r i-1 in . 1'"' man) vt-ai-i I luu tuj' m itriinf t-
lllptiMI coil I II 1 '111 k.'t plHL til- llVi'f li, Kl'UlOllh,
lii-.iltln u Hii t nt -1 inw. d 'roiiit iiiiii At.iinh.ikt l'illr.:i, i
j t am "f litli.Hj t 'to i cram ml. M v lit u I mi tin a ,
' tlri'd and l vv citl) praiadd. tJn ov r en rr p npi v oal.l
i f cud lur ni'1, t.i r anil iip.i r. in h-c if tli tr a-c. vv it1
lik ihiin'. For tlija pinpoM I pay prolf-i-ionai vi-im '
in tlic tiir"1 ' HM'h. 'I Jo-1 on iimpiit . t, w in pit the
nut' Hi it iii.ikcn tlii'fC iiit'iip im.aiiil who was Hired of
niafiimpliioi Im lli"io. To m.ikt' nvv Inni:.- ik imp()t-.i.
, tlc ; ImM i j v 1 1 itf iii tin Iiini: and chronic ulcMtii.nx
I i f th In on Ii till t n!"- c itii lu h tiled Mali ia--aic
t dv mi! li.Muh iimlrr the o-i.inary trcatmcol 'of ph)i.
nan-., an, ja-t mli art- ntn-d U) m pri'pi r n-I n(
; HrlH'iH k I'lilnioiiK r!) rup, StMWi'ttl Tunic, an. i
! Ur.ikr I'iH-.
I I am now a ln-aliliy man, u ith a laru'c aviiy in tin1
midilli' I lit nf the ml1 lit liutL' Hit! low rr lota; vt-'r) tain h
i H-pati.t'd and toinpl.-t- , tah xiun uf llie pl'iir.i. Tin-
. ! It luiiy i- 1'iiini. ami tiif uppfr Ubi nf Uu; ruhl .nm
i in a lol i.ildi Iji'.iltlty iaiiiiioii. 'I'lif en .tt naxoii
I why phv -t tanv no nn) Lin (-oiuuiiiption ) tliLy tr to
llO tiat HUH . till ) iriVT HK'llli MCI lO lu, tl-( tuljll, to '
rip i lull to kImi uiu lit wi uu, licilii li't ranol, II) Kll '
itoiay, lin-; ih li.i wijnlc i!jii i puwiTii, u k-
i ii' op tin- Kim nt loan, nml ry. iituall) tin- pali.ul Pmks
1 .iiol iii:'-,. Alh-r ni.ika a (iir-lal t ,iaiinaln-ii - tin
pati M w iih the lli f inioiiii'ti-r. and fhid iuunt, vw-
left lit run . ldir tt lin piti-nl hw t iii' tin1 litre.
, rcint'ili h l! caijM' an it'M') will all Mipof
1 lli ir w n lU'Lurd. No utic ( an In nnt'd of i onuaip.
i lien, IiM-r i iiiptaint, d)-p.p(.ia, i;.tarrli. ciiikiT ill
i i at nt ' t It roil I , ii ii I hi' Iivit anl ftnuiai ii afn tnaao
i liultlty. In .cv'nl tin, ranker, (.liinaii' iMianli,
j tili'i rata I tiimal, I'loaatnai ul tivuli. m iuori pi
i li-itl itnta in alt) otloT fi'i tmii m ih, tuaiHiy. Tlu i '
fri'tpicntly ( aiiM-d Ii) a loiil t it;n Ii. Von r y horn
litotitwitli iaiiiit tun)' and auua, and all td y tt ji I
ii ii mi ir i.di.-f i irr 1 1 thu itoaiaLli ana In t-i,
and Ha w ill heal up tli'-in-i'lvaij.
I nut ltmii I the n mi-it) . If you li.at1 an dit.- i
' i i'Ij-i' in mi) part ol the hud) , it w ill minim tli"r'f anl -diLav
iiihm and until m c;ui LVUlir Mom-ii h in '
j the inmlitnai to uiti't tooa, ami luakn tit vv Id mil la !
l.tki: the pl.a c of ilcaM il aiatli-r. Thl is tit nuU-
j mi in hh.imu'j' in iiiriuii ana iiici'iai"H (iron-
. clnal tuln s. I oir. 1 1 the Ii ami Imr. ami naliiti,
will iio the In-. iiuii;. .Manv pirsoiis li.ive an idea that'
1 ri-iiuiu on nn ine.-are purili is ol Hie blood.
, Wlo-n bio -o i-, i. ine tiiM-.if...l il i-aiiuot be pilrlli.'d lit1
it, lii us- d Ihn .'line us tin- ilsiasi-d inath-r in Hie '
system ; Ian ei r tin- app.iruius iu nr. lei, lin- liv. r uud '
stuuiarh, .m l yi v. ll pleilt) ol unur irhiat' I . ., ,,t. iluill
iiuike new bit ml, v, Im it will take tile pl.tie
W lli ll is t'l-t as- d. -
! Si h.'itik's I'ulnninii' sv rup In one of tile best pr'Mi.i-
inlimit. ot iron inn,,', it is a poiii-iiul tonic ol itm-lf,
and when Hie Si-.ivv.-ed 'I'onic iltssolves llii-i.i'uus in
, Hie stomach, and it is earn nl oll'h) the aid oftli.i Man.
drake Pills, tlu. Pulmonic f)rup is ui nle inlu blooil.
This is Hie only way lo cure consumption. Ifliaii.
not gel a itooil uppelit,- and loud does not lllgesl, I can
ion cure Hi,. p.iiiLui Never miud the cuueli ; remove
! tin- caus" and it ill .top of itself, 'Hits is lie.- iudi
, tioulilu I have Willi my patients ,u mt roo'i.s Pliey
stiy, "Honor, I led .riouiter i 1 cm 'eat my ii-ehl i
swints nieli. tt.-r. und I fei I Inner everv way : ua' my i
I couiib is so yet ," und tln- me u.t'...ui.i ul lo ,.ur ,
inu siiy Iliat does not matter ; remove thu cause and '
il will slop iii."lf. i-che nek's lieaivto.i tu .ue. a coo.i 1
appetite in nbuiit nine days, w l ilnuc i. niuiui; ,s.
; t-use, mil. the liver is mi con jusi c-d .hat tu.- Man-
diiik'i Pilli. c-aitnut nnlork the dii.t-i,i tli blu.ldei
iu Hut .hurt spat e of time, in ordu- lo allow the t.t,ilo i
bile lo pass olf Keep tlu luer and the stomach
hi'iiltliy und there is loss d.injer ol i'.,iisiiniitiou orauy
other disease. It is h.irn to t.Htn ioih wnen tlini.e or-
Kins in h'-altli. 'J'litibu that an- unions, low npirited, I
ure.iry, li.rUnjj stupid, coat, d loucue, poor iipp.tite,
uei v on-, sioiuiu Ii full M w mil, . vi'i) Ilium t)i,u ,Mt. i
ell Ins llelivv liis ot li.ei.ioi , , li) one b.illlu ot i
.-CIII.NcK'ti .SEAUEI.H TUMU, and one box ot
S DEV. K-dVANlllt MCE I'll. I.S. it m only a cn.t of
one nnil twi-rtli-.lii'i, t. it nl. 1-..1 1 a
1 Ills is s-11 111 1 tn t III man) uises. ff satisfy vvliat the
iii.-ilii ini s aie. I'reqiieutly one bottle maki s a in-at
' tli.iiiBe in the syBti ui. Any jiej-.on t-njiwa oriiina
1) h.'.ullli, by UMiifc' Hie Sesweed 'I'onic and .Mandrake
, Pills on UMou-illy, iniift -n t Hie iiaesu,u o-ujiiii in
sin Ii a lieulthy condition thai they become ll .hy I
run produie u iiuutln r of my old cuiisiimpiivu p.iiii'nis
1 now 1 iii-j !ou.l health, v ci-jliin--uearl) JUilpounds
I vi ill comliido by relatini! three niri-s 1 have la.i lu iu
' New Vork, and wliicli afi-all ditrercnt, and wish uny
j ouuwhui,-ils uny iiitt-resl 111 Hie nntli-r to tlieui
1 1 irsl is Mis I'aili.w , reriaini; lin n m , U; llou.1,,,1
1 street. Her inn tulled upon 111" al mv rnoiu :i
lloudstreel, nud wi.hnl me toeall and ,ie her lie
said I could do no l-ui, a : that he lia.l.ill tl,.. i..i a;
ml ullemlame. ami all .mil she huh i00 i,,r eoue villi
C'insiiutptioii tu be cured ; but sin- had In-aid of some
K"! '"-'.s i ua.i ma. e. uiiiMi,.' di'sired to crulilv in r
wisiics. i raiu-ii. uiiiitoiiuii per Ijiua eonllu.-d to li r
!"''!, h'r. Btu-u "oniin.ii cuu.uiupiiou, ami
..iiooiii ooiiui it si l ave i li.i ..... I i i
luuas. liiiiud liiitli liroui-hi il tub s very niuih ull'eileu,
hut no lav Hunt hid lorun-d. Iinreonuli was vi rv set ere,
tile spll-bnx uuslMlf lull o Ihnkpui.. I'nUi- HU, legs
swollen very inuili, and worse than all sin- had eliro
Hie di.iriliiiM. Eur been moved eleven times
tliut da). I told her she h.ol lumis i-iioimli tube cured
int that this ui.irrhtea had been loni; slauilnii;. and Imr
Bloniiiclitt,i. hi suih an ulcerut.ul ciudiiiou I was
ulr.iiiliioihi.-.i: couhl be done, be insisted I should
try und do what I luulil for her, ob.erv inj! Unit she
would not la. i Ion); in Hie londitiuii shuwusiu,
and I i -ii lil not make her uuy worse. 1 cave her lir-l
uilusu ul my .Mainlialie Pills, and the tonic and Myruit
lreely. 'I vvus on 'I'uesday, and b) tlic nexijSuiiilay
Ihu di.irthu-a win. carried oil', hcrappetitu liad returned
uud .he could su up in bed uud eat hi-ntiniur. Mieis
now Well, and L'uvu uiuj louu ciiliHiiit.. ,-irtlil...i ...
o ni . in v. in . uovviiui:.
Mrs. llailholoioevv, 1-3 Wi st I'urty-ilfth street came
to my rooms Willi u liiuior on her liver, t'ha vvasluvv-spinteil.i-kiu
sallow. Inutile miti il, bowels co.tue, no
iiiietite, aiuWa.t sulking' nil, i thu ijrave. Tim siiul
tumor liad 1" en ruiihii.i; over fourteen veurs. 1 jeivo
herfyrup, Tonic uud Pill., uud told her to lake them
jii.ln. Hie din clioiis wen- printed, tihe cumu buck to
my looms, . l.ond Irc-U in two weeks, suir.ewliut
my looms
beltci ; her tmii.'Uu be-iuii to ileaq 11 lillle iirouiid
,1m t-dee.. her skin wllltur uu.l lu.r ... ,.u l.r.
tho tumor diselursluj; very ollen.ivu matter, inuili
lasiur .nan ii nau ever none neture. hhu Kept c'rudil-
ullyiiupiovini;, and in iibonitvvu months sliu cniuu to
my rooms very mudi Iruliieiied. sairiK thai Ihu tumor
had marly slopped runnlm:. and vvus heultue ok. nn.i
Iliat every donor had told Tier that if it ever iiealeil II
would cause liurduutli. I told licrlhul ihedi.eii.u had
ull Ii fllicr system, and nature would heal the uliei up,
'1 licy ate now lu-aled, and havu been for atiout a year,
and iheiiKs hearty and nduist a woman us jou will
nud i u adtiyswilk, kHie i glad fot uny one toeall on
Ji s A '
1 npMmmw
them tocoine nud see inf. The licxt cimo It Mis. Mi,
no Id, from stniurortl. Conn, Mm. Ilnilholnniew sot Iim
down to sen mo, nnd sho linn luen ever slncn at ht-t
house. When she flrt cainu to my rom, lio n.
inucll euiurlated with n ilmtreinltiiicouiih, nfiltilni; lart
jvinioiio ni
iinim ' in. .., . VAiiiuuirii nur IUII8H Willi the
Iroiiicterinnd In nil my practice never found on.
I dim so
tar none nnd tho other lung no found
t alveiniiili cnrruirneeineiit.
I tlimiBlit Mia
! but to my nstonlsllmelll the Pulmonic fv...
Cenweed Tonic, nnd Mandrake Pills all seemed to in
. l-l. .......... L- Il.n I,,,,., I. all I In.l . 1 .'S'
JlVity V.r.; n. ' g"o,o 'frfniXSJl
spirits, nnd lias ciilncd snmo tfilrty-llvo pounds in
Wright. PIIO lias siiiiiu cniigii yei, wniru 1 do no nut
thliikwlll I ''ii m her belore June, I should think it
would be of great iulerest to soi;i unpreiidlce, .,,,
ciclun tu visit lliese rnes, pnnirularly Jflss HrtiAtld,
nr any of them w bu have been cured by luv medicines
'I hey are nuiue rous In New York , but the nbovo tarsi,
nil dilfer from eaih other and if my uiediilues are do.
lug what I represent they are. Ihey sliould have Iih
credit and the nlllitlei'. know w lu re and how Ihey mnr
be cured. J, II. HCIIIINCK. M, D,
Dr. J II. Bchenrk rnnbe foumlnt 1,1s principal offics,
No, :W North ( iliflreit, hilmli'lpbi.i, every fritu r.lti r,
from!) A. ,M,. iihlll 5 1'. M.. to uive Hilvleo, fri e i,f
(harge; but fbr u tho'ougli exaiuitialioii he 4 linrires
Ihree dollars I'rlcn nftho Piiluionie Hymp nml Hua,
weed I'onle eai h SI '.'." per bottle, or gd the lint I ilnzrA,
Mamlrnki! Pills '.'." cents per box, uud fur sulu by hi J
Druggists uud Dealers.
June II, 1-H4.-I it.
Olclcst Regulator lor Pomaloa.
nu. rm:nrii:MArf riiMAM; vv m
Will liiuncdiutMy nlit'e. vvltlnait pain, all dutnrbsris
nt ot ttit pt riodic 'lhal, w In tln-r arli(tu Irani ri
taxation or fmppr'fion , 'I hoy ml nk a charm In m
niovliiu' the pains tint ut romp, my iliiliciit or iinuioar
at1 ini'iMtrii.illnii, anil lira tha only fcalu and n W ihli
rt'ini'dv for ritif lii'f., Hii k 1 1 rn Aii li',l'aiii in th i.oih .
lluik aiut Sid"-, I'.ilpi titlou of tli lliuirt, N'tv nui i n.
mors, UyMi'iit-H, Hp.iMii, Ilrok-'H if,'0, uud ntir uu
phuant and ttanjii rous nii'ui tit nf an cm-ji
tlmi ot Ih' Hcxual lunc iu'H lu th. nor) i anu 4 of
I'ltiot AUiii. or Whit th rir.rt a ftp.'iuiv . tire.
)!t. t lll.llSL.MAN'rt I'UM M, I'lhl t
I'm lit 'ii iinfd ov i-r a (l'iuri'r of u (Vntuv Tiny
arc lri'd at lhi' only c iU uu arin of r- ui'vviiii; ia r
rtiptt'd iiu'iintrualtou, Lot l'.,t lut iiin--t lifar in inin 1 tlli'T' l nil lldlllOII of 111' I'-iliall! h Htft.t la
w Im h tin till - i annul he la ken vv nlm it pi'i.hicuiv n
pcru liar ri'iult 'I h" t umtltimi ri'l -ir -d to is I'reuti.tin f
- Ih- ri'Hii'.t Mi Kurtiif''. l h i ta' IT' cii'tuh ten
dt-nty ttl the nirdli llo to ri'tori' ih M'Xinl f.nn ti'ii-j
to a nuiiiiul t oii.litiuii, ilnit uvcu llie r 'pfnaiii ity,! pim
tr nl niilurt i .iiiimL rLXtl it. in i imintL tlu a.tnu ia
any other way.
nu. ri ki;si:m vvm v. imu.h
n the taity Mi-uliine tint arrted ia.1 i, l.v'i t
li ivi' reltetl upon for man) y-at5,or ua re'y npor, n
lii-w .ir' ! liuiialmus t 'IVi-m' Till tnrm tin Tin ,l
I'rt'p i ration v i put fnrwi rd. with immi uutii u
I'enuHt' iit haMUH-i iK'r in; ii;t'i iv i ti j,,ki
1 hum adverliM-meiit ti) )utir IiiiiLriist oi.loil him Km
. ju'i want th,hi-t nml niovi rtlmlilu i fiii.ilu Meauaii
' to llie world w hu h MtoinpriM-1 in
int. t:ii.;i.i Ai u;(Ai.t: 1 1 r, t
'I'li'-v Ii v rec iv.-tl. mid nr' now tt i n tu - udu
' ( t ma nf th' mo-t m I n at l'tn im mi m mu
HXri.HMT IMiiia'i inS wiih . mi t.iu tjo (iikv
I Due I'tllar per Mo, (.onlniuint! imin .) i" a iS.ii.
1'ilU neiit hv mail, prtanpllv. h r "uiiiiutr iti . prr,
In the I'mprp tni8. oi an aullmri'-d Ag at, m ciuruj
fumU. ;inld v I 'rifjr it p-u rally
111, I HIMjS lUUi'.i.K I'r.-pr. tori
l t Mr it . w ,t
'J fttdd in Ulooiii'.bur;:. hv i'.yut i: Mo r ,in,t j;
1. 1117.
I , Il
I 1
?i- .MUVEII to A II. ,v- ,f, H,ti
-.. Mrii-1. I'.Hta Irtplitn on
and a laree tissnr-tnii.tii ,,t r. .
' "'--'Si.-
't'hi -I pronl i-.. lamaii.j -r (sf...
r'J-i l-o. lion duiiis lor blinks im.i
r"?J sior'. sl.uii r-i sji, al
m.iki-H tifmi Ks rsuiltu uny iiiniii
in tin- I'nited HflteH.
h'ti t Sift itt otif firj. Jill cti.te nut rtf'tt, uttl. ti
Im'. in I'i'i'd rmi'l'lHui.
Tli" ralaiii.i'idi'r tf.ilts of Philadelphia annum id,
oavi' liait tin-surest .euini-tr.'itiiiii hi tin. fn'l mj rl.
Illicit that th-ir iiiauul.i. ture ol Cilaunin.n-r r. n s Im,
.il l-'i.nlh I'iiII.v warr iiin-.i tin n-pr. s.-niatinns .Wu, ti
neeii ol in -in as n-nileriiie an
ai-ainsl tin- lemlic eli-uii ut.
Philail. Iptna April I','. I -St.
.Wurt I'rans ,- llnfjeii t-, 1 1 1 , -1 1 j .-1 . i ;,t:i.rii ,
the limlu st s.-iltsf.n lion to Ktnic- to you, tlmi Uvviui u
tin-veiy pntlectiti' qualiii s i. tivo of He. Ciln.ii.iiuVr
Saf. s ulioli we d ol you soiiii- fivi iiimiiiii sitn-e
we suve.t ,i lar.'e poiiioii ot ew elry. and all our bm.ks
tke.. evpo, eil lo tin eal iiuin.ius, lire in Kami, an plate on
Hi- in.,rniii! of Hi . lllh in,.!..
Win-it w i r.-ll.-i t 'h-1 th ' -,uf s w- r.- I' .1 in the
lltlll-lll -S'l.t t - luill jlliy 1V.j ..rlll,,, , I,,,, I ,m, ,,.y
Ii li sii!ii.i-'iii miv iiilou h up of humi'ic iiiiiis. vh ri-tlip
V .1-1 I one lillutn.ll of til" Ii -at causi'd th bn us plait s u
no-tt. we i .iijuoi but r.-imr.l tin- pi- ri.iiiou .,i Ho ir vsl
u.tlde t ..nteitis us moot coiiv Iiiciuij pronl ot th urcut iv
enrity .iilonle'i h) your .tl. s.
Wi shall ii-Ui- ;ii.-.i pi asiin- in r. i uii'-niliiii. them',
nii'ii ofbiirjii"s us a Mir.' r. Iiam . a'ani.t li.-
lil'.iiliiii; . Sf.llurt it i;uu. i-aUi.
D Tllej hail Btuce piliclt.l.ed -IX l.niri1 S il'. ..
Jul) V'.., Id,-.'. Aiijiul ..I Ir1-'
Till! CHEAT Wiii;t.I'-! i'.MI! i:. II Iill l li UV t
IN l.tJMlll.V rj.
TiUJtf. Vv. MAT FdON
Whs iiivard. d th" l'ri Mi ,1
t al far his Piipi-,iorii) i-, r.i.l
! r-uupi-tlllous III the Cuited
suites for Ins inipiovementa
'invrlliivr Trmiits. f''v
II,. In hie Ho. lo. 1 -. ' !'. . H-trtJI
.Miinulai iiir. 1 ofEimu, M.-i I " ''" SS-v.'v-ripriui!
siid.l S.." l.iuihi'r.niil mini lliv.-i"d Iron I'mnn
I ravel inn I riiuks. V11I1.-1 i s I'-tses, 1 urp t
.aits. I.eatln r ll.ies, l.-mlirelia, and HilPiv llo, ,
l.ovs l.ias, Prop, 11,-rs, Wlmt Ibeir jws. li- vh, s In
is piepaied In . in ll. ,n, ,n ,ai.ill.liti,rine nros
q he iiinst i'ti-iisirii Pruul. and Cup.-t liae .Matiufanur
cr in Pltilail.'lphi.i.
lU'J .MAiilUl' Sl'llEEl'. one door nbeve fourth
, , South .1.1.-, PIlILAIiEi.PllH,
IL sales room on the lir.t Hour.
ttV Trunk, in aily ripatri'd or 1 n liati-rd f'r new
cues, t all and s.'e. a, we sell tuyi lieap t"r r.j.11
r nv, 14, IMi:i-K'mo
Berwick House.
Jlcncirk, Columbia co., Pi-
rjl III! iindersiaucd would respet ttully unuoiinre 11
"al" '"""ids und Ihn sublic -ti nei-alli , tnai
liavlns leased '.his vv ell-know n Iioiim-- lie hit. eiv.-n H
a llinroiiL'U ri uov alum. Thu rooms have hi en r- psu-i
ctl und tin' eulirr eslahllsliuieiii eleenntl) r larm In il
lleini! pleasantly and elicih y loe-ned nnd pr.i'.lsa
Willi uil the ic'iui-iiiti rniiveui on us. it oilers I" Hi
public 111 J e.uubiKC'd al inula'-a. of
A Firsf-Class Uoc:
Ills TAIII.I! will alvvnys be supplied with the bestitis
markets nH'iril, und Ills IMIt with Ihu ihno-i-.t 1.
quois. 'I'ravel'i-rs. drov ts. ii'uioslt'rs, boarders -v
arriiimnodated to-ri'iierul salisf.ittiori. Careful nml --u
rouimod.itiui- Hostlers always 111 attti-duui-s. btulii
Hie moil complete uud extensive lu Un rectum
J. 1'. Si DDE r.
May 'Jet. It-til.
WS-:TIEfc,i' 152 03
Nob. 0, 11, 15, 17 Coui tlaiidt Sum
'Phis old-i stablished nnd favoiite resort of tin Hurl
uess Coinmuuiiy lias been reiently rcliiied. un . ini eu,
i nti,7 .1. ,. I. .,,,1, run iiiiitj.ii-r lo ine eoii.i.iris di
. its patrons I. .nlits nud families nre spi cially una mre
I 1 1 l linn,1 I'm ' '
It i- centrally located iu tile Im no-ss pari of Hi. nt).
.nut is con 1 1 .'iiim i is to Uu- principal lines i.f sleaiubuijli,
cms, unuitbusrtes f. rries, .ve.
lu LoiLi'ipii uco of Un-pri-sMiri' mused by the Kdiei
Hon, prices have been reduced tu
One Dollar
at d l-ijtij C cuts per Hay-
'I he tuble is amply supplied with uil ihu Juxuues of
the season, and is equal to that of any otlit-tjhuttl iu lb
Ample accommodations are ottered for upward of IvO
Or?" Ho nut believe , miners. uurkinen, anil othen win
may say "tile Western lintel is lull."
D. 1). WINL'IIErf'1'IJIt, Pror-rli'iot
I'eh, 15, lrKi.
'PHI! Proprietor of this well. kMinvvu ami centrally '
1 ti d llou.e, the ExcitxiioH llorsi,. situate mi ll.
Slreet. iu Itloouisluirif. Immediately inuosile Ihu Colum
bi.i County Court lluii.e, respecttiilly i'ufornis ins iriem.
uud the piiltlie iu euuettil, Uu.l hts liouse is now ill or
der for llie reception andt uturtaiiimeiit oftravelerswhu
may leel dl.poi.i'd to tavor it w itli their custom. He has
spared no expense in p-cpuum: lliu )!xi hxnoi:, lur His
entertainment nfhis ituesls, iieillier (Inli tlicro I" ""l"
Ihiiii! wiiiilin (mi Ins purl) to minister tu their persouitl
cnmlort. His hmne Is spacious and enjoys uu cxcclLut
business locution,
IT Oiuiilbiiscn uiiintall times between the Eichanitf,
Hotel mid tliu various Hail Hnuil Depots, by whilh tliv
cl. rs will Im pleasaull) conveyed to and from tilt, IS'
spcctivo autioiu in due time lo meet the Cra.
Dlooiuibiiij, Jury 7, led1)