iiai ii fs i ill it 111m1p.11 it fi 11 UDLUIUDIA UililUUlllilli ALEM D. TATDLCOAL EDITOIt, Saturday Morning, Dec. 3, 1BG-1. Court commences in Bluomsbtirg, tt...i1nii tiif nltirf nrtl lit Pntilimm nrm reck. iw A lamo Meat Vessel, as cood as hi i.. ..i.i ..i. .. ... ...i!....!... i. I U0 illHUJl, Ull UIIIJIIVUUUII IU , ibo editor of tbo Local department. t2r Mr. John Him., of Ccnlro town. ihlp, recently lost a valuablu two year olil colt, by tbo Unrs on the L. & IJ, R. It. 1ST It is yet uucurtaiti wbetber Lin jolu or JI Olcllau Las n majority on tbo omi vote. 6f tlio St.tto of Wisconsin, jdT A National It ink bas btencslab- l!,hfd in litrwick, with a canital of 800,- ' " i Hon. M. E. Jackso.Ni has been fleeted Cashier. tQr QuitoaourioMly'pasVcd through ' (... ... Mninln I..I ol.nn r t large drove of turkey There were on- icuto for Kailon. I . ' ii - t tw Hon. C. H. Huckaluw, U. S. S., left li'oouitburg, on Tuesday last, for Washington, via. Ni.w York City. 'Tho) 'Sfnato couvenes ou Monday next. 'j BST" Mr. Kmab Ijietierich, of Mon- j lour townjbip.liad a valuable horse badly msitned in ono l.'g by nepfiingou a round iiono in the road near Danville. w COT TI'O iVancsylvaui.i Election Com - n.iiioucrs linvo just beet) roltasod from the Old Cipitol I'tison, where they wero con-, tiiicd for tevcral ucks. Nb proof was , -....!. fi.ffict ttmtn n;lcu,,H l0 rl.JO,c0 over ttic irauuuicnt nss- Onnfoolh F,h,mPh.13Conie to'el,'clion of Lincoln. The Democratic ! cn'ght. On the iiOth of June two mini nnd t dog fltartci from Now Ymk toeios" ihr Athntio in a little lout of I no or three j ons,aid since gftting to it nothing I bh i hen bi'HrJ of thorn. We tray well pity the do that was dilodcd and scducd (o' M,rh an umlcrtakinc:. i J UnocKWAV, Our townsman, 0 ho e lecrtffd from Gov. Curtin, tlio C3ln i tni'Mon a- i aptain nl J5atier7 in .P0.eilU'd c'nnlmn mminorH, Ne.v Etr.'- Ight Ar 'y, Penn'a Ro-rrro Vol Corpf. i )fim InG((.ls atl,i Lhi-kitrirds, who bad Wo do not know ube'.lifr bo will tc-ep' j hurangucd tbrm, creat rentlis were proin o: not, I in it sIimum tho coufi.li'ocr fu. J i-fa liy cur o,jllMl)(,ia counly ubolitionibti. T0"'id in him by hi' supari. r ofii o-s Ul) j.tt.n, 0f nceomp'i'bifg great re Capi. Rii'k H has b-teu ur.de n M j r in I .!,,; ,i1(,y nveivi d il.c l"..t 'drubbing i . ths 5 itno H"2tn)?!'t fi;T lly i p'. rrifj In llio Inb'r rnTi I nift ' vif.t 'if ('ii'nmbi a rotinly,, ni'l in i' o'lir ni'tnnn , it . tttlTll V ' I t will bo ' , in j ri' "! h )' I ': few wci .1 Hi 'j ir.t v co f. lilM G MSE. , ' Dr Mo l. lUtt lti a I Tlio c'diflr !-.')nw j J"iia r xnlaiiiit.i ;'ii, wo fully i.t nisl'od th t?ii'ior.i. 'I'l c fl etor l'ut lie lia tiej'i ! jiI :o tio'leo n at -ill in bis pa j prr. 1 1 o do you ft el, an? how, about! it Doctor! You are inai;itig pojr progress .n "icv.i'uiioiii. iij;" mil Oo'unibia, nitlier wilK lt.T .tfi7priK nt Iiciim. etc lu.r ..fi.ri ' ttrs ill tl'i? Q id. ri-Ji" SiMgt-ant OiiAitnEi A. Ksonn.son' cf Mr.Tr.i.iin., ICuorr.of Hloom Ion ub:p, i hafiiig savi-d liis full trnn uf ciilirliiirm i in i?huiid:.'s Army of iho Shenandoah Valu-y, atlJ bn-n lionoritdy disfltarged, 1 iius jut nturiied homo afier au iibsnce of. ilin.'e years. Scrg'.t K.,p.iid ti a visit on last Wuduusday, and wr wrcrc gra'ified to observe him looking exceedingly v.'eil and lu.-iriy Ho is a fine young man, aud whut urn-1 be vu-r graiilsing to his fiii tids, i the fact, lhai his dircliarga ."els forth I is ebarac'or as 11 oft rsci'llent bolh on duty and in piivate li'e. Themes Puun. t till fiut'a fi.ult 'villi the j oMiicsl complfciiou uf the Jur er.". ' He thinks tho number drann, one sided, there beinir but six uboliiiunitts on the list for the approaching tcnn. I'or . r, -t tun ttitiil lliij n f t i i- nnrni-l inn. mui uuii, in. 10 ..... . :. .,;,lo.,i;.. .t, fnn I 111 Till . L I U 111 LL 11IIU IJl'UO U' I ttllUII ..... llli., - r ibet outfidc of throe or four towiiih'pi. io Colu'jibia county, there is hardly a fufiiei rut uim.ber of bolitioriits to coinp"se a good ''corporal guard." Tho truth if, the rommi'.s'ioiior's, if tbey have any great detire to pU-aro Thomas, mu t put his name in the wheel. Ha itchea to serve hii country for the Gr-t liine in the ca-1 pncily of a county jouror. He is willing' to ruu his cbaneo in 0 drafi of this kind, if in no other. ' tor ElwixrdMcllinry, of Benton tvi-p., ibis county, has been a conspicuous wit ness be fore the Military Connnis-ion al Hrrriburg. 'ihh individual, a di.-graeo by tho way, to all others beating the hon ored naino of Mclh.Miv, has been in Btrumei'tal in bringing two ajed and in firm men to pass the last days of their lives in a military basiilo, by his hard Mvaring, is well kuowu. That tho evi dence ho has thus far given, before tho Military Commission is un-reliablo, as far as truth aud voracity aro concerned, is proven from tbo fact, that over Tvvii.ntv of bis neighbor, rami of honor, known far aud near for their truth fulncs.i, sworo that they would not credit bis tcstiinoney nuder oath. That fuoh an out-cast as Ed. MsIIenry, who having tumid State rvidocco, to avoid punishment, fiom deser tion and disloyalty, ehould be credited by tbo military board at llorrisburg, Is mar velous. We hope tbo GomiiiiFsion bore- tfttr will tobe bis tcbtiumiiey for U worth, nnmtly, noihinj. . . . hftt II, - Tbo Abolition Jubilee in IJIooois burg on Saturday afternoon nnd evening of last week was a gorry nfTair, Like all former demonstrations made by tbo Abol ition party in this county, It was r fiixlo. Tlio enthusiasm (what littlo thoro was) was manufactured to order by tbo expect antsof'Tat contracts" nnd official pat ronage. S, P, Lonnstrect, of Wilk'os- uarrc) "clu ,(,rtu in 0I of tbo Forks Hotel, to an nudienca nl nhnill itvn turn ' " died, 2cu and children, in tbo after noon. In ordur to collect tbo crowd for Mr. Loiigftrcct, tbo "loyal'1 merchants and shop-keepers c!o.cd tbeir places of bushes, giving all under their control au opportunity, or ralbor compelling them to attend. Jiut after all, the thing was't right "not big enough" "ibo country folks did "nt turn out," &c, as wo beard a prom- , incut man of their party exclaim, lu tbo even imr iIip .trnml finnlrt 1Ifn. ,l(r 1 o n- " uuuju mi, torch-light procession, illumination, iiro works, Ste., wom to bo inhibited The i,tle ks waited patiently for tbo fun, WUi. WPro (llSappOIDtCU bod tt Ul C 0 11110 aild uii iiro woiks cMiiuiicn. i no oiuor juvcu ties not to be entirely deceived, collected togclhcr.'a largo number of old boxes aud barrels, and bar at them on Market htreet. The other performances of the evening (!onistd in the illumiuation of many of tbo Abolition dwellings w!th tallow dipsi lie , alio, a small proeojfion of men and ! boys carrying widc-awako lamps, lteallv, ! i wo lu" ""' ,or ol,r Kcpubliean friends.; j They wanted a littlo fun, and had ex- i pciulcd a codsiderablo amouut of tbeir ill-1 lgoiten gains to have it, but, like their rot-1 j tl,u principle, it all ended in smoke. It ' was a pic0 0f nreMiuj;vion, however, for ! tn Abolilionils of Columbh county to ..i a ;. . "11.. ll) t0rity lu t 111: county was tlio largest ' that hu been east for a e.mdidato forJ Prmiiirnl. .inc. tlm .lira f .T.Mrcnn. ..,,1 ' t lit-t faet should have indue-d the shoddy itM of ttia couiitv to Fav vtry littlo about t,"il' "victcry." of money tb-y Cousivleritig i ho amount fpent money from the corruption fund the tlicuaiid i of lying (liiotmioiitF that hail becu"tont them, tlio nti'tiler of " obln fpeakers," embracii'; thnt liid li'on admiiiif ti rf I to ih'im, sinee. the ortriniitttion of tbi' ciintj . They j Invo not fin tribiitcd much to the "grand rr.Ju'l,' ul.d lor I'mn to Hitmnpl l" put oil j HT ami Io rtjjiue nvor llin wotk jf ulhc.' oiiut e, i-' niprrni'ly i i.lit tt'ous. i rorth-'' ru'tTi r.t-Mc.cH? ' ! J.Ki"i ni-ticy cf tt t'i liiic:il Iff y ins U't i-- M'TKR wall damtiins cu- ht'f t'.ie ccn- j To j.iay i.irt ta Seep ALL lu pcaca nnd In unity." "Vhen rcgtiei are AI.I. p!ou, 'tii htril to detect ! WH1UH roiin.'8 arc tko rtprcbito, WUI-H tho tloct " I Camta ion SuinTKinEiia. Wo have1 . bctn chtiiug lite nemoc-m uunng m olecion campaign, to a number of persons v.l3 arc not fcular mb-eriliers After 'w- fliull tiny sending ihein the paper, uukss wo rrcive ncl'e of their do sr Io continue. Our trnn'', until the next, will be t yiar, Iks'- of J.tYinary t r .-J tor ms tnoritni. Alter iiiaio,ni',H fball bo compellid to raio. wmwi-iiv'''iiwi' J.ibt nf laiises fur Her. lerm IMJl. I niliih Mitlna I'.n Jonir of V iro n Wolf v Cliris- tiun Wolf. ! J.nob llattH vs r.'fr 1 ic by. 3 i."ort'e li iii'ltr, 1 1 al J. V. Trinvll. I Ru I'M'ikir. vj v in U'd-r. .'. II I'. Ilhih.iit & Hre.li -iln II IM;nr r. to.i ph liiittiuan vs lleiib 'li I. in-. 7 i,.vnl Ai l.ei.liark 3. hn Warilm. S ui I nnj, vs I' r l( iiiliait. B l7H..ise I,oo:"iiiieri;er(..'ing3 Miller eta! v Jo.Itua tn it. n. v Gilmer, vs Moor'.- l'r"vc lin:. II Jno Alle.'.ir nn.lc-ariiii A Alleaar tn Jno Y MiJar. U l-imuel Williaum v t lurles II Dn l"iich jnJ Heo A llerrini. ' 11 l.uk" U".in and Anna rimn vs ( Im II DlelierlJh. ! II I'lii'ip I'l' lU.nh v Win l.oni. I H UiIhou Al'er v J Ofcjili K I.niisi. 10 liuh Melt- yn.d.ls 1 1 al v IVn r oliphint , t7 Ann W I're.iui'r is llnorli linn ell. la Kahard I n.iliad f.rrus- of llatlnl lloajlanl vs J I..WK Yelter mlm'r of Je-se Hvnnsdcc. , 19 A W I reamer v- I. at II II It cmupany ... .. .. .. II.1..I1T 1 11 Divl I Mill 'I J1.lmlleisu letnl1s.-sr lie I III' "Lit .... :.. ... . ..t'ii4i. 1 .....ii-. u ... ' " ."..'"" 1 SI Hi.plien ll.ildv a t:at'awi..i Williannpori anj Krm nit c.mip.iny. I IJ'. la ...III II ......''. ...'....fc. 'J5 Uiihsrd Mure.au vs r iiiiudI lloa.'lind. Sil lllnomebuti! Iron t'ominiuy is Kii'hiird 11 Mcaajh. 1 Amo W I'reiimt's 1 j l:nnck lluivell. Jr.-.'B Coi.CMAN', Proth'mtiiru. GrntKl.1 is for IKcbr. Term, I8G1. Ilorniifh I'.erwick- U.idi'1 .Martt. lllo.1111--WIH1.1m I raminn, J, t.. (Iro'll. Ilii.su r-U illiani 1'isher. I Vnlre Saiiuul i.'rfp'liug. famuel Kclchnor. Caliiw issi -Nathin Creasy. ('oiiynjham--Johii 1 tVoiuer. I'lrlmik's-rt-s "k tltiuti Mclltiilo. lUmlocl.--Is.iac l.'-ldy. ' . , I.ouist Jolin I. Ilutst, Win. (.'oodwin. Mo)berry Mi)der. Jacob I'lsher. .Mount I'leiisiut Amos K, llcarock. Mail 1 sou lames Welliver. vli'lh 11 Daniel Noyer. tjrnngi' John llernni 'i hoi. Mrllenr)'. l'lue .'.In... s atts PntMrhuf Jacob t'nlz, Kzekhl I'ole. Sclt Joseph Lilly, Willium II. Iloivcr. Tntvfi.sfi Jul ors lc. Tirm, IbC 1. H. n iii-Jaikou J. Ilnl.btne. Leonard 11. HupJII. I'm "n-h uf In rn'ick- J nuts Juenby. Hi ii. nr. k - J.i-. L. rl'inm berit, l."il I'll ifer. Il -ni'ii- l-a'n luie'bui Ii, I'ctur llauck. ilentuii Jac .b Wohv r. t'ai.twissa P. ter lieedi r. J. U tharpless. Cenlro- John Mill. Iine Lhrwine. oiiinchaiii -Jumilh.iii J. Ilontl.ind. I'rahkliu-John Aitley. Samuel l.nrenlan tirei nwood-l.a.ie Dewnt. Win. Hoiit, Adamttt. Ilemloek-Welluiliton I'ursel Locust-Jacob llurin r. Iluuh Aitk-y, John ILirner' Madison John Ussirk.Ja'nh IL ier . Milllin Mhcrl t.'. Ile.s. Isaac K. Sivcppenliciser. .Ml. I'lensniit J.n kson . Ilowcr. (Iraiige Daniel Klluu, Rlijan ti Itn kells. Ro.irinscreek-S.iiiiuel l.enly. Jarnh Lonsenbrriier. Ktoii lleorec Joint, I'heiias 'l'rinch, LI I Crcieling, James Lake. t?ujntlojf Vlonlgoinery Cole. BUFFALO ROBES 01' r,Vr.HY SIZCnn.l UlTAI.irV.Ki:PT CONTANT. ly on I1t.11d.u11d will be H'ld i lie.tper than the cheapest. WIltU.KSAM AM) Rl TAIL. I I... ff.MI.fr P. IP Dt.,1 VSIISM uy tno iiuuersitfiieu. si ms ...-. .... ..... ,"' , .lobliihmem, No I0J, Miikd etieel. rinlade dp hi. THOU-W MAriM"N Octok.r 1 l'l 3" i Cnltlc JPowdcr.J "I S warranted to i tin tlio most power, fill Mrellt far llin lnin. ntli nnd blond of Cattle, fitvlnp, r Hheep, In pro. Irullnj illtestloii.rlciiiii. In? tlm system mid tran sfi'f.iiB tlio purified nn. I 1 inn I Unlit In Hi-nil, f.it, milk, butter nmntrencth mill establishing lien I ill ami vlitr. i iiUYuv H iionni: u MILL' POVI)i:il is tlm only medl rliiiA It-ifnlly ' patented in I'm.ico, I'.nit land, Wiv It i r n n .1 unit GmeMIs' Holland, and ilnly ml. jr. -rt.. tun i "ii ny ill' ir Limns, 'iLLENTOVW r honored withpriMi . , nU, nnd Invented hy lr. Hiivoy- r"niftor of tlio tin perhlCnllfjn tor Auririilturi. at i'.irls, mnl lion man iifnctiircilhyC (). IllltVCIt, llr or "J A. Allen-i town, Lehigh County, retinsylvnul t. All dlenes of til" ftmii iclt. Wool. Lungs ami How 1 fts, speedily mid ceitnlnlv cured. Healthy uttick will I'u hrouaht Into the very hichist (Into nf perfection, mnl ono or two lahlespnnufui n week. In liferent value i to hard wnrklnjt horses, hroeillrijr stork nml mils, mnl saved thousands nl vnliiabln hor-t- from tr.ntn Eiou diseases, wcilnl tlio narinyard as In the unity. I TIIU LL'nlOII WORM t'OM'IX'rliiNM 1 rfn'rtunllv overcome all tin? obstacles which 11.11.1lly prevent the cir llii nf worms, iiro pleasant to lake, mnl nlo nnt' of the mnt ucfprnhlu pntuittlv's fi.r rhlMri'ii, So oiufiili'iit I the Inventor nf tlio mirri'KH T,1 '"'"rioii-tii,n.-. h,.. p.uhninticni .n,p0,i nun ni inm pnp.iiaiinn.uiai no inriii-ii. 1'i'i'rv eiail InuVnl TI,U u?"uN 'ffifflf AN'H V UX" TIZXVlA prurrratilu la Iho ol.l l'li"fphoru Pn.lf, which haril. n in n "tnirt tl'ue ma k I ii c i ' wn.'thle.a. Tor itirnr tlmm mi l p.irlli ul.irs .re the mil ill hill- lu tlm b.ixen 3 7" tine humlreil ami thirty. xeveu premium have' bei n nwanleil to lhet-cclcbriiti.'il preinratluin., up 11 Oetnlier ftl. Im!I. KiiVai, ft. Kovin. are tho wholenale Ajent in I'hil'n. I nr fain by till repeunbl.j Drug ami cmiutr tnre xsnvutiibor 111, I "til -lain. j MOKE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION IN HIGH PIl'VES. LSI 11 di ARRIVAL Ol' PALL & WINTBU AT PETIHl ENT S STOilE, IX l.tailV STIIF.KT. VOLVMIUA CWXTV, I'.l. i Tl AS Jurt rveejveil from riiilaili'lphni. an. I n now 1 l npeninz at tht nl.l Ktauil l it" y icii'ieil by Marti At Km, h t..lemliit n"i"rlnioiit of S 1?1" P I I A TT m r S? ! ii.' jjl JUJJLlAj 1 1 fLlS kJL.J ill : which will be unl.l cheap for 'ASH OR COUNTRY PKODHCE. "I !"' kconaiMii of l.adica Duaa Uoodi choice.l tyle. and lile.t fihiom Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shav.ic , HoMcr?, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. I Oasiimuret, ! Satineti, j Cottonadi!."", ! Kentucky Jeans, Thread, S:o. . Gioccrics, i Queenswarc, , Ccdarware, Hard warn, i Medicines, j . Dru;?, ! Oils, 1'r.inU, I - -ilc. i ROOTS A SHOES. H TS & CAS. I In hnn fvvty tliinp iMintiy li'l in n country nlor;. ' The patrnpupo of nUl fncmN, tutil the jtubliL "'''i' ii ly, i" rfi-ji 'ttfully sa iriieii. I Tin Iiliilie-t nutrkct nrit paiil fur cunMry pro.I'u-rt. I'KTUR r.N T i I Ijltl ?trcrt, Nov 19, lfc(M. 1 FRESH A Ii R I V A L irall au& iBiiUfi '1 liff q'W MXtW'tk l, - roit- -EVERYBODY- IIH uni'eri."ll.'il. crnt. fill lor n-t ttrnn.iie. t-r A full int. this hiKciiNiuun'r- and t'i.- n'iMici:"u... llinl he h.ihjiiKt rereivnl iroin the r.jr.i"iuu i iuef ateiit ami imt lclei t stock nl tl e Fall and Winter tJ jJ &Jj ,a. AAA ASa. -M. m ! iff. W W& 'Sr"Y".-V 'Vf.'tT' ftf-i. That has yet b"en op.'iied in Ulooinsbnri;. t" ii'blrh hi im ites the ,iiliMitioii of his friends, nml injures tin m that they nre olfi md tor ale r.t irr 'at baivaius, His Sunk l prikft 11 Inrpe uscnrtmein 01 I III'M'I.I'lll VS U I'.AIIINC AI'PAni!!. ! t'ouri.'iine in rmmiiMi'ir Dnn'Ci.t.. of eitry it" rrlption; I'ains, Ves's .-hirts, fraviis ftnr.l'i;, ijoltnii llamlker:liul-. i;io es. usi'""'ier- .c (Jtild Wotolies and Jfwt'lry Of everj description, line ami tiieap. . It. iteiuenuitT " l.ortnntri cacot c.is;.orlLn.' rail nml ee No rhari:e for t'laminii l.nnds. DAViti i.uu i;in;itf) nioomshiiri:, ov. 19, 13.M. .June l-5'i ) Public Vi:.nduk, Valuable Personal Property. WIIsL be exposed to public snle. oil the prcmi"s.-nt th" late renduKe if uideoit I',.!,.,. iiuli..itft.J to ll".tv..r Iri.vnliin. IViltlnilns rn On Wediionlsy, the nOlh of Nov. ISti l, The folloivini; described nerional propity, vU j ONE BAY MAKE, ; Truck Wagon, Two Cows, one Ilciil-r, Three Hosts, r.ioht Hives til sees. i GHAIN IN THE GllOUNU, Hav bv iho Ton, Ihdk Bye Sttcw and Oorn fodder by the bundle llYE.OOILV, OATS, BIVKWHEAT, Potatoes und Apples, by the bu-hcl, A LOT OF 11 IIS ESS. Three Thousand SHAVED SHINGLES, Yellow pico boards, ono Bureau, eight dny Olot'k, and Corner Cuplioardogclbor Willi all his Household anil K telieu fur niluro, and otliur tilings too uuuiuioui to mention. ty Kale to enmm-nre .It 10 o't I pi k in., of said il.i v, when aiteinlaiici. u ill lie KIH'O anjl couuition Im mniln kilo nu by W.M T. SU U.MAN, ,'Jdm'r of the PMaic 0 Utdeon Pis'iet. Nov. la, I fetll. . Estray. " tamo to tho enelosure ol the fuhperiher, rcu llni in franklin township, Columbia eow.ly, 011 or about the '.'Olh 01 Oelouer A WHTE HOG, supposed to ben year old. Tl:f owner nr oh mrs aro reoiirsltd to cull, prove propeily, p.ij rli u jjt n, and lake the oiiiioal nwiiy, otherwise she will h. ;i M'oul ..f llin. In law. DAVID LIU Ilk . Oct, -Ow EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Estate of licorgo Hittle, Dew-accd. Ll'.TTl.lW Testiinentary on the inno "t i.eorito tv. i mule, lato o .Ml. l'leasani t"W ns' ip, Comuil'i.i ru, ' , in c ased, hate been srnnted by the lte,isler ot Wills lie,, to the undersigned both resnlnnt lu said twp. lull p. 'nuns haviui; ilnima ncalii.t tho. ennlu of tlm I deredtiil lire re'iueiteil to preseni Ihem to the rteru- Irix williuut iieiny, nun an persons nun'ute.i in nmr pe)un.ut ftnthiMlh. .MAliY Hl'l'I'LK, .Ml. i'lcnsanttwp., Nov. U. 18f.l. Ilx'rs, ' BLANK SI BLANKS! ! Of tverjr deficription, for sale at thisoflio The Loliiffh SPECIAL NOTICES, VO OONal Ml 1 ft t'liimimpllvu uir rrt4 will recolvi n rnlunble prcrcrtpllnn fnr thiciira nf t'nnminiptlnn, Anlima. riirliitl., nml nil throat nml Inn; i.llcctlnm. (fee cf cliafgc.) by iciiillng their nJnrf to Iter.iiliu Mil) A VVILPON. Wllllainiljuritlii Klnet co . Kept !)'. IPH4,-3m Now York MM1K OONKESStONS AND EXPH- t rlerro cf in INV.M.II). I'nl.llrlii'il for llin lirncdl, nnd nn n caution tn Young M mi nml othcrr.. wlm miller from Kcivnim Dchility. I ti'innlii 'O llecaj' nf Mannnoil, tc. uppl)lnz at the ..tine thin) thu Mum or rl.r(.,unl; lly ono who liai i iiiciI liiinaclf nfti r iimlcrit lini tonMJprahlo 'piackcry ti iiitlCKllie n nr.t pilil nililffiiuil cnvolnpo flnjlo t oi'lcs Hi'iy l.o hrd or tlm nullir.r. NATII ANlCli MAVKAIll, V.t'U Juno I, IfCl.- ly llronkljn, King! co N, Y 13 M ha 11. I'rofriiinr'J. Irf AI.'H, M. M OotfttiT owl Atm ht formerly of l.ilon. Ilollaml, Is now Incatml sto,.MI ; I'lM! Htreet. l'itit,iKt i-ika, uliorn ' pemnnn nfllietfil with ill.iainnr the I3VI1 ami UAH will bo nrli'iitlfi. ; ally tri'.itinl nml cunt. If curable. Sv" Attlflcial I t'.jn InsL'ttoil with. nit pain, ; N. II Nocliantun iinnlofor llinmlnallon. ItiiMeil. Icil farully in invllcil.ui ho bit no secret o till 1 mi. .li; nl irentnieiit. July'i. IMI.-IJui 5V1 A T ft iM 0 U 3 A 1 1 I.AI.IH AMI llt.NH.EMr. If fpu wlrli to marry, rnl.ttena the ittntnrfieneit, who w 111 tenil ymi with. ml nmncy anil without price alu able iiiruriiiatiou that will enahle yon to marry happy ami fpeei'lly, irrc perllvc nf nao, wealth nr beauty. 'I 111- Inrnriiialluu will rnn you nnthlni!, ami If )"'i whh to imiriv. I Hill theertully nlt oil. All letters I Uriclly fotillileiitlal. The ilcj (red leforinntion tent by I return mall, uinkiiu 'pirhtluu. nakeil, ndilrensi B;i nib !!. Lambert, (Ireenpoliit, Uitign Co.. New Ymk. tlnlformltv of I'tlcci ' A New I'vatur. in f!iiine. ,i;eryonn hla own Haleainmi! JONI'.rt ,st U'O. nf tho t'reheutOim Price l.'Kithiiiir titnre. No, 'Jill Murketuree ul.nvo fUtli, I'lillailelpliia In n.l.lHM.ii In linvltt.r tlm tarei.Mt. mint t'nrleil mnl I fanlilonable ttnik oft luthlni! in l'lill.v.lelihl.i inmlupx . pieHnly (or retail :il"p. Imve i iinmllutinl eery ono I iiH own a.ilemuu, by having maikeil lu liuurei, nu enoh i I nitirleat the very luwet piice it e.vi he cnlit fer rothty ! ciiimit poifll.ly vary all muni buy alike. i ' The pool- are in II npniiseil mnl pri pnre,lnnil great , i paiunl.ikoii Willi tho maklni! m that alliiiiilniy with I ! lit" till! amnrana ot ctltnir n Roo'l iiiticlo at the very 1 lowest price.. AIo, n luisu tocknf pl. ie eomli on linml ' nf the l,ite-t ptyleainl beet 'inalitiei., ulm Ii will be ma.ls 1 t.toriler, In tin: mont faihinunhlr anil tiert uiuiiuer. 'Ji ' per ri tit, b'.low croiHt nicft. Remember thu Creci lit. In Uutkit nlimu Ciith ttrrel no '.'HI. JD i:ci (t- CI). TLHiiini.r. iiis(:i.o-fiii;d-Hi:cnr.T3 run Tin: 1 .MILLION' I A mon vntuaMo mnl wninlerl'iil iublicalon. A wjrk I hi 4iiH pane, nnd an coor"d inra ins., tilt IIIIN Tl.lfr? V,lli:-MI;rtlM. an oiiclnnl nml popular Heat. I' .4 1 11 Man ami Woman their l'liynnlnjy, I'nnitlon-, iindHnxital ilHnr.lt r nf i n ry kind with never ftilln? K.'iiii ,11... f'..r their eneeilv cure 'the 111,1 tiCe nf Dr. ' Milliter has Ions beiN and Htill It, tinhntindeil, but nt ' Ihe earu' tt miicltmioii nf iiniiieruuii pecniH ho ' en induced to extend hU im dical uft r.iinei..t inrnutin Hi" medium of hi- "VADi: MKOl'.M ': Hit ft volutins ' III it -liinild be In th" hands nf every tamiw lu tho land hk a ureieiitito of mcrct vie."., or an n uuldc for tlm at et intiiui of 1 ne -f th" inurt hvm'iI nnd di.tructtve di-.iiirpti-. . r vllte,l nnnkiii'l. I'nc copy c.ir.-ly 1 11 veliip.il will I,., fcmmriled ire" nlpint.tiji' to any part l the 1,'uiti.l Hiati for 51 cimli in I'll nauip-. Addt's. p.i.t paid, 11 r. Hunter, .No. a Diilun, Hlrcel, N'ew York. May SI. I'l l.- y. I JELL'S b'lMlCIL'iO PILLS War- I ) r.ANTrn is i.t. t'.-n -t'nn bo ri.liJ on I N'. ver ' f.-.it to cite1 Ho tint iiaiiHcnte ' Ar' upeodv In nrlion! I N" rhnniie o iln t required' Ho ini interfer" i iih I b'isiiwii purniita I t'un b" iihoiI ultlioitt deti ctiou 1 ' 1'pwards nl ilntl t ine tlio pant month -"ume "f tli"iii I very nevere ca.-ei4. Hv. r nin-liundred phviiian. h ivo ' I iied th"iu ill tin ir praftio . and nl1 pcnk ueil of their et?U act, r.iitt approv" nf tin ir compo.ilion, whl'h n, I enlneiy n Kilnbl". aim liar ml. mi the aji teni Hum I drdi of c"rtilu it"- niit b" !i'iwi. Hell'., tipecifie rills urn li- rimal and only O'tmlno , ; rippriAY I'lll. Tlm aie ndni.ti-d for mnl : and f-malc, old or spun, ard Hi" only r.'liiib o r.meily for ell' ethM a peimnio-ut nl.d (peedy cur-in all rum") of rip"rma J torrh.-.i, i.r Mo.innl Wftiktifni. nh all its train of rilij, mich ar 1'n'lhral nml Vniiinal Din-hirces. Ulent . the luti Nnilitiy or liivoluutnr Hiiut'ioiii. Inn n ' tiiiu.ince, (ieiiil.-il in bilit mil Irritahill'), lmu.eiice, I Vt'eaknefa or l.t.h of i'l'.ver. Nertina". Debility, &e. . j etl nf n In. h .iri'M pnm ip.tlli fr'inif'ejiial r.xci net or i rfelf b'l;.", nr tnme eniii.titiiti.imil ileriiinti'nieikt, ami , i ine.itini ital"j tho .nfT'tnr I'ih.i lulllllini! Hie duln; ot I inairi'-.l life' In rill K'xu.il rii.'.iti. a' iiiunithi .i, , tlleit, and SJtiuior". mid in liisea-je of the lil.uldrr ' ond Kiitnt'te. IH"y id in a charm 1 I'.ilkf it evperi. i euced hy tnklni; a motile but. rinid by nil ilie piintipal ilru;itils. Trie-SI I Tiny will be "Hit !i mail, fcteurely himIuJ, and con ' ft Initially, on reti ipl of the money, hv I J. HI1VAM, M. P. ! No 7ii IV nr Hi , New Yorl" I ('("Multin!! I'hvuciai! for the Ir. utni.'tit nf K initial. I iii.iity. Stxuil, urn! .Vrvuun 1'id ti" b. wfio will tend fr"e Io all the follow m valuable work, lu aeal- I i 1 en wl.'.p : I 'I iik liriiTH Timf3n-1'R. lltl.Id Til II ATI.4 n I on t-el.AI,iiM I' e ii.miiu I ieii, Impnti'iic" nnd loi ; of power, b' mini I.K.'i.sei. ti iiilnal weakiies-, Ni.'litly K. nii f.eiiit.ii Ui'bilit) ki., l-c, a p.iinphut of bl I naif"-, containio',' important iidviee to th ; uf.llcted. mi l wiinh hniil.i ber.'ii'lhy i very null' ht, a- Hie means ' o cure in the evi'rel l.ie is plainl bit forth Two Ht.impn re on oil to pav piihl.'ige. ! D..iell'llel 1-. It OJ ly. . ' NOTI IN JUViMiCK. g 1 S I In the Ccitrl ij am mm P'c::s'f Colitui ! .la I oitnty. riinobr Mill-r by her ' next friend saiimrl 11 'it er, , rs Haniul .Millar il.ibel fcr Divorce ln iuh ) N'o ?.), svp.lcrui ltej : ('(H.IJMIHV COUNTY, 3S: j 'ihe (nininonwi allk nf Pennsylvania to tho fh-rinof sal I eo.inty . fireetini;. ivherean I'hneee Jlillur by 1 lier neit l-ioii.l Miiim-I llnwer, did on the fi.-t rlav nf IVUriaiy. I 'bl. picfer her peiiHon to our s.uJ J idites of uiir t'o.itt ot t'oinmon Pleas' fur tlm sti I (ounlv .f Cnliimtii.i nraviuz for the cnuiies ih.'r-in fi f.irlh. tb.it rhe liimhl In dunned from Iln- bonds of 1 Matnieony enteceil into with D.1.11 I .Miller, lie ,to tbereforo cimiman I you. the -:ud D.iiuel .Mil.'r. as bo- i tore e .iil. tll.lt ietlllli: ItMite Ull nth"r Ii Isl lleas .nift eieiMes ithaiso.'ier oii bo and appear 111 your proper ; ,ei,(in In f.ou our JiiiIci'k .it liloom-S'irB' at n Court 01 ' t'limui'i'i I'le.is lliru In ho held lor lb- mnl counly ,11" t.'.,luiiilii 1 0.1 the first day of Sepli iub. r Term mat, tn n 11 e -r the petition 01 iiiiei or llin --nil I'ltoeba Miller, and 10 shun tau-e it any you Mat", why the mid rho-be .Miilrr, our wile, should not be divorced front Hie bolide of until luiony agreeably to th i net ot Assent. bi In bitch ca-e, mttdo and provided. And hmeif fail not. Witness Iho Honorable Willm'i r,t'VKit,, J!ieUlre I'n eideut of our said c -urt at Itlonui-buri, ihis tilth, day of May. A. D., 011a thousand t iiiht hgnilred and ' sixty four. J sdi l.'tjl.l'. 11 AN', I'stornv. Aim iii.y, to tut: :"alia fub plin. nil" rrturned nnd proof made thai tho ilieudint could not he lo'iud in the i.ai.1 t'ountv ot Columbia : 1 ivhereupon Hie ilherttf ' dtrecle.l to caimi nonre to be ' p.ibiishi.il in one ..r more neii-pap"rs priuud 11 illiiu 1 faul (ounlv for lour iveidi- sotee.sively prior to tba lirslclay 01'next term, .c, uccordiu? 10 act of assymbly. lly the Couit. .JOSIAII H. b'UUM.SN, SU'ff. Reading Kail-roatl. VViiMliii ilti J.lAXvjril lVJ.ii i , November Tth. lSO-i. f reat Trunk L'no from the North and vJt Nmiii -West for rhiiade pbi.i, New-Yotk, Rmd mi, 1'i.llfMlle, Lebanon, AHeiitown. i: isliin, tc, Kc. Truitu leave llarrlshiiri! for Neiv-Yotk, ns follows Al a HO and IS A !. nml 1 si I'. M , nrrlvius at New York nt I') .M.. and -Mi and IU tu) 1'. tl. The atioio eon n ri with siniil ir Trains on l!n I'enn f.linula liuil Ro.-id. t.u I Sl'epiuj Unrs uciuinpuny llu' llritt two Ti in ns, without clt. nii!! I.e.iv for lie'iilins. I'o'.tsvill.-.T.nn.i.pii, MmersviMe, Mlentow'ii, und I'hil.-.dclphi t il r IS A M and I 45 P. .M.. sioiieiu ,il L. liiU'ui .ui.l nrim inil Htminns only. Way Trniu. .sloppnnj .il nil pninis, at 7 il A- .M .and ' -l.-ib P. M. It. firmu;' i.iave w -York at !l A M..IJ noon, and 7 in V ,M. l'hilaileliihn at 8 A M'und'dUd 1' ,M . I'..tlst illeni i 50 A. M..iml -IM 1'. M ; Taiuiqun nl H.iu A. .11. .-in.l-J.I.'i P M. and Readinsnt li uil-liiij III, 1 7 M and ID. li A. M , l.iH and li Oi f. .M, Riailiuii Arcomoil ilinn Ti.'.in; Leaves Una Imitate. 311 A. .M, rt lurnimj Horn I'hilidelphn nt 1.3 J I'. .M, I I t'olumbni lliilroid Trim j leave Ucadim; at O.s0 and II A M.l'oi l.phi.iM, Liti.. I'uliiiubii. &e. tin Mundavs ; Leave Nini.York at 7 I' M I'hihdel. phni M. II I' 'tl.. 1'i.llsvill" 7.30 A. M . Titina.tia 7 A. M , , llnrrisliua' 8 13 . .M.. and K-.nli'M at I- ii.l.liut'lil.fer 1 llartisbiK;. . ! Coniniuiatinii, Mileage. Hsa.nn, Sehonl, and Ktcur 1 s inn Tickets to end from .ill point, m reduced Rales. Hai.'saso clierk' d throinth ; i-'O pounds allowed each l''""""8er' fi A.N'II'OLI.H, ! (Itntral iutrrtn(fnuunt. Pivwung, P.i v 2(1. triscajn,,, ft oifs, V rt J vYl 1 Wl i? iHil3llCi Hi 3 A Anil!) iTt J4Kt3 3 ALU UN. rJ",nE Mill' -riher reopecifully gives no- J iiccto the t -bile that heha.nl hi. Mitoon, on .Main (tre;t, 111 ns'iurg, constantly on bund. i FRlisll OYSTERS. Hither in the SU ' I.L or bv the CAM to suit custom ers, ruimliei i i bo supplied by the can or by th. uu.rl unnn shon lotieo. He also keeps constantly on hand XX ALU, ' dir and Minetals. Uivn him a call. B. STOHNEK. Ulnnmbiir. N'V.SO, l?M. LudicrV acl Childven'B Hata. I men soli'i ' I'HARIsGS OAKfORIl k SONS, renlioeolsillii' rbiMilpnU nyspepsia, AND Diseases Resulting fiotn Disorders nf the J.ivcr and Digestive Organs, ARK CUUKI) I1Y D00TOII IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Till! mU'.A'r HTKBN'OTIII'.N'I.Vrj TOVIO Tbesp Hitters bavo pcrfnrmnd moro Ou it.it'i: .i.vn no rnrr. ur.rrr.n mtiwci' HAvr. M i it h TKsriMoxriii.in: .win: nc , si'F.ojjiiii.k pKuvt.n ru ration hon,Tiir.jm Tit.i.y ji.vy OTinM jinricLKi.y rim si.ntia.r ) i Vo ilefy any one to contradict till nerrtinti, ami 1 will pay $IC0tn any nut- Hint ulll proilucua cirtllicatu publishoil by us, that ii not kciiuIiio, HOOF LAND'S a HUMAN 1HTTEH8.I wilt curopvery cue tf ! ! tmronio nr ifivous ucoiiuy, uiscascs ot the Kidney'', and discuses ariing I io in a diforuoreil btomacli. Obifrvc Ihf follow lujr syinptoinn Urrutllng fruio oiilera of tin; Uluexllvc Orfaim: an Cnn-lipa-tlnn, Inward I'lle", Tulneiit nf Hlood tnthc lleml, Aeiility of tho rUnmach Nhiis' M. Ikarthuru. Illigut fur t'oo.l, I'iiIiii'm nf wilulit in the t?t r. in.'u li . Hour KrncUtlonf. Pinking or riulleiinintthe i It ot the .-tnmncli, vl iiihi I r.c of t Nu Head, llur- ti'-.i nii't imii" .in .iri;iiiiin, . iimeiiug l inn , Heart, Cnnkiuir or Siillwntini! i!euiatii.n when in n ! lying poJline, liimuea. or Vliiun, Unit or Webs bufor tint vlslit. I'ever unit Dull fain the Head, Deficiency nf I'crtpiration, -Yellotvne-. of thodkln ami Uyei, I'l In In the Siil u. Mack, t'lio-l l.li.ib-, ic Siidilcn Kluilif nt Hi nt. hunilng in II. d I'le.h.l'oiiKt'inl lt. a:l:ilnj;ofel II, h. depreaioii of iplrits. I RVMKMBr.tt rti.1T Tim iinriM h Not Alcoholic. 1 OSTEIN'S NO RUM OR WinsKUY, tuACA.V TMKK nttlWA'AkDS, nt; r irMV 1MiO'ti i-.Wtn .1 it- 11 lb 111b J5ES I JUilU III thij World. . I'rnin tho Rev f.-vi Il'rk.l'a-toroftli.. Itaptl.t CbuiCh, tVmli'tioii. V J. fonmily uf thg North lUptlst f huiili, I'llila Iclphia I hive know 11 HootliRils Oernrin Hitlers favorably for n ninnb.'r of years. I tnv use,) them in my own f.imili. nml liavu been so pleased with their ilTects Hint I was iinUiceil to ree.omin..nn. t.iem to inmv nth 1 rh. titid ktitniriliat they hale operated in a atri kingly benefit lal manner I take yrciit pleasure in thus pub luly pr..claimiin.' this i.ict, an I callin? tho i,tt.:iitiou of thus" ittilii led wnh Ihove dl-enst - for iilmh they nre recommended, to Iho-e liitlrs, kiiuwini; fiomexperi t-nee Hint my ri't.iit.iiiieiii,iii'iii will l.e -ustatimd. I do Mils more theeri'ully as lluntlaud'e Hitler- Is- Intended 1 b'Miefil the at.ln.tcd, and is not "a rum drink." Yours truly, LUVI tl. IlLCK. Fron ff. J. Vevtoi cVrefn II, It ,'Fdltvr of Its F.nty. r f.i.Mi.i " litlwioui ithJ.-i, .mil (.'Arl-nas C'lrti;l UltH'hitaitt'phm . Itht'Uuli not ill. poi..'il tol',ivor or reconmend Tntcnl Mediclin s in ftii"ri.l. throush .'Ktnutof their Dure. i!i"iits and eireets ; I yet know nf no siilucieut reasons w hy a man 1101) not testily in the ben. lit be bellen.6 !:imelf lu h.iie r it 1 il from anv simple tre .a rat 1011 10 the fiouu that mi in.i thus contribute tothe hineflt ol others. I do this the more leadily in re-aut to Ilnofland's K 'r.naii llitt'Ts prepared h Dr I', M. J.nkson, nf tin city beei' se I was piojuiiieeil against il.em Inr i.uny ti;rs. under he iniiieinii th 11 Hiev were clneflv 1111 al oholie mulor.!. I .tin iod litml tu iu Inend Robert r-hn, iu.iker, lis'i , for lb" r 10 ival f this ptejudic.! b) prop, r tests, ind for en o iras'emeiii tu try them, linen iillVrins from pre.it nml lime cnntintied debility. '1 he use of threo hollies of the., Hitlers, at the besinnint of the pre-smt 51 nr. wits rollow. d by t viden: reli"f and restornlirli to u iieqree 1,1 nodily rtml mental viirm whb'li 1 li.nl ii-. 1 l.-lt for ri innuihs before, ami Inul al must despaired nr r.valninit. I theret'oio thank tloil and my friend "or dlrei.'inK .im toiheme of Ihem. j J. MIWl ON UltOW.V. 1 I'loni the Rev. Jos. II Kenuar', I'nstor of the intli , ll 1 1 t (Tiiinh I t)- Jsmsot :-lie.ir sir.- I have heen freoiienlly re. 'pi 'steii 10 couni'et my innin niih commendations o diirer' lit kinds nt in.'ilj. i in s but n-t'.iri!i lip thu practice is out nf my appropriate sphere. I have in all cases deeli'i" I : b it v 11I1 .1 rl. ar proof in annus Instances, nnd tiarlicu hrly 111 my r.iitii y. of Hi list fulness or Dr iirou.ine s Herman ni:iers, 1 iii.pirt tor once trout rn usual course, to eiprcss my full conviction that, fur .vii"rnl ileliility nf ilie svsteui -Hid especially for Llr t.uuiplnint, it is a safe mid valualdu preparation. Il Kinie ciscs 11 nut) fail ; Imt usually. 1 doubt not, it wip be very bcntI1c1.1l to those who mtl-r (rem the nboe tuiiaei. Yours, very rtipectfully, J. II KLN.VUtll, Ki;'bth b 'low L'oateo t., 1 hilad a I'.roni licv. Wjrren Randolph l'nter tf Iljptlit Churcl. I.'ernriutowii, t'a. Dn. C, .M. jAtiCMiN Dear Sir: Personal eperieno nnuliles me tu Miy Hint 1 regard tho ;. rman Hitter. prep.! red by )ou as 11 must exri'llent medii lite. In cn-t 1 of were told ittni uener.il lUbjlily I liate he"ii ureal ly benefitted hy Hie use nf thu Hitlers, nml duilM 1ml they v, ill produce similar ef'n'.is nu oth rs. Yours respoetlully. WAUHIIN' R VN'DOLI'H, t.ermuutow 11, 1'cnn'u Kroni Rev. J. II, (.'mirth, I'll 1 1 .nl .'i - Turner. 1'astor of IlnMing M. I'. Dr Jack os : D nr Sir HaviniMie,l ynnr fleniisi Hitters in my fami' fr.'q lently I am prvpaied tu sai lint it ha- h'-en rf reit . n ue. I li( , . tliaa in mn cases i,f gen -rnllv ii lulity of the si sieiu it is the sufes nnd most iiilunbl" reno'dy of which I have any snuwi edri. Yours, At, J. Il.Trit.M'.i:. No. Mil N Nintleeiitli Sir-' I I'ron the Itev J M I. yo formerly Paslnr nf the Co liimbun t..V. J.; and .Milestowu, (l'.i) tntpust I huich N.'W Columbus, N' V. Dr. CM Jri.niw :-li'ar Ir . -I ! I it n pleasuri thus, nf my own uiruid, to bear ttstiuiuny to theev cellenieof'thj (.erui.tn Hitlers, l-ome )".irs sinci betnt much niDiiteil Willi llvp"pia, I ussd tln-m with prea, benrhi'ial resulti-. I h.iie i fteu recemmen.l'ul th"in t persons enfeebled by th.it toi merit imrdissas't. and hav. h.'ard from them the most Ilittrni't tesiliuouials ns ti 1 their Kreat value. In eaes of gein'ral del'ility, I be nn. 11 tobe 1: Ionic mat cannot be surpassi d. J. .11. LYONH. I'rnnith" Rev. Thus, Winter, ras'er of Uosboroiish, Ibintitt Chiireh. j Dr. Jai'siui ; Dear Hir ' I feel it dii" tn your eTCel I li nt pri p.tralioii. Iloitlanu's H.'i lii.u. .ilt''is. to jih I my testimony to the deserved reputation it lias obtain ltd. I liavo for years, nt turns, het n tiouhle.l with 1 great disorder in my h".'id and ii"roiis system 1 tin. itilvised hi .t Inend tn try aboltlu of yuur tletiiiin Hit i ters. 1 did mi ami Inn e ripi rieiici-il sreat and tinei , pitle.i roll. I ; in) lie.ilih has been very inatiTi.illy h"ii tfittel. I conildt liny rfcoinuieinl the article where I inei t with i ases simiiir to my n.i n and haio bctn as nured l.y mai.) ot' Hn-ir c.nnl .-H'. ets. I Kesp. ctluily j'mrs, T. WIN I Hit. Knitoroub, Ta. I'roin Rfv. J. S. II. mi in, ef Hu Oerntn Refonned Church, Kuu'utin. l erks county. I'a, Dr C.M. J tcKsnt-Itesp.cti .1 Sir -I li am been sit with D,vspi'p-iii nentl) twenty v ars, nml Inv nee usi'd any ui"ilieine thtt did tn.t ns iiiurh itoou us Hoof Ltud's l illers. I .im )ery much iinprovi d in health ufltr takiuir fno bull 9, tt spejliiilly yours, J. S, IIARMAN. riurF.s. Iii;u fize (holding nearly double 'piantity.) s)l,(i I per llotile lull .1,. nicn. S5 Ou Entail Pise 73 cenis p r I'nltlo lull' dozen, tl Ul) HE WARE OF C OUN'.ERFEITS. Hec lhat Hit' nitimluro or the Wmiytli ol euih hnttle. C. M. JACKSON," is on Khoiild your nearest ilruct'ist not hive tho article, do'iitit he uil ull' by mi) nf tho intoxic itintr prepara tions Hint mi) ho nd'ered in its place, but semi to its, and we will torwnrd, serutely packed, by express. Prinripal Oi)ke and Manufactory, rYo. 1 Arch Slrce. PltlLIDELPUII. Jones & Evans.- (Successors to C, M. JAOKSON & Co.,) PROPRIETORS. iayrCtl8AI.il by Dtiti(8lt and Dealers In every lwn io the llntd itaKI jH ti 11 1S4, net.. I . lliuo SCROFUI.A.POSTSCH1PT! Bill W.WELLS' AMERICAN COMPOUND For THE THIS ull ettubluhftl, thnroiigUi trhti ' Rtn.edu. rtcovnnetM l,u ,m, nfthe most ! ' tminenl Physicians hvs atltiincd it cikbrU y in nwl parU oj Hit cmnitri, in ruring SCROFULA Oil A'AUS EVIL I acrofulom Sor(, lime or Rryilpelat. Sculoil llei. mnl llin j Worm, Tetter or Jstt Ilium Otlner or Sn ell ed N'ock, (in common with our American Tcmalci) cu ratio (,'ancen and Ctnturotia .Sorti, Illolm or Hoili, Cltronle UlcrtJ Rnr. Ilore, Mouth and Throat, P) phllli In till ttn fnrroi, By. phitllic or ucrecrrlil 8or month, nJ throat, chronic ulceration oltha I.unf, Stomach aud Kidneye. Plin. p'ei, l'oStue,. ami Dlotchc nheumatiim. Female Weaknen. Lcrcorrhao. (nri.lnn from Internal ulcera- on", iJropny. tiouwtl D.-bllity, umacution .nu an o.. llil.lf tb n csjea of Co'tivenees ov U'onstipatiou m .s ..' .. NEVER FAILS. It. wild in it. action. Jiul uf!llanl to re.lw tb. boiTCls and kiep thuu tegular. It. unlike all props, rations for the Ulood. having th. laxative propeitle. combined, Asit.ontalns Wild Cherry, Mandrake and Dandelion prepared in a scitntiftc manner is worki wonderfully in cos tt oj chtonic ujj'ectlont 0 the WEIjI Chronic nt.r.fS, nd permsnsntly cur.J by Hit Alt w native and I.aiatirs affect ono (real fs.tur. In II. li.H produces an -t i-i. -'HI. 0 from Ihe ommencenitnt-in thortitis a very fins Ton ic Its palatable and can bo taken by the most del. icata 1'cmr.luor Child. Il bciajr pursly vojenbln there will be nohirm done in tskiuj it, if thers is nobeooflt deriTsJ. J'repnrtd by Dr. E. W. Wells', Pi actual Physieian WII.KKS.B.IIBK, PA. Ol'b'ICK over L. 0. I'nins Store, M.v it KKT Sthekv. For Sale ly all DntspUs throughout the Country. P.H. Every atml 11 suthorued to rcfunJ tho mon. j where the compound falls to relieve, full Directions, accompany tuehbi tile in English, r'reiich and 0r man I. 'o Carthelic medicine is re quired, lu tro-jting Five thousand ease, I have never Known a ease to require Physic, or have I ever knovrn It to fail in lliorottnblv romoviric tho diseases At ' devote all my timo at tho study and treat ment of Diseajcs OF THE BLOOD- I am prepared to give advice (gratis) by ap plying to my office or by lettor, uocom pauied by a St-imp. E. W. iVELLS, M. 1) Wholesale. 34 Cortland Stroct New York, gold by W II. Creasy ei. Light tel HwlMMi, iforlyl'vW Capture of Hogor A. Pryor. Tbo Krbol.cx-General Ilooxn A. lnr or, now a privato eoldicr in tbo Coaftdor alo Army, was onptHrcd on Friday last by tbo Fifth Corps' pickets of tbo Army of the Potomac, wbilo attempting to exchange papors with our pickets, as a retaliatory act for tbo recent capture of Captain UrjK-. flitlDas by tho ltcbel picket nndor similar oirourantsnccs. Ho eoyo that General Leu bad issued an order for the return of Captain BunnnmoB ,on Saturday and ho will probably ba j returned as soon as HiiinniDois is cent ; l,ack' Sinco bis capture Captain Hur ,' nntnR has been dismissed from tho army tor msoocying iuo order forbidding tho .-! e ' l'"n or l,0,c,1Dfi 'ntcrcouro witn tlio eucmv under nn n-m.t eyer. I'uYori has been to Washington and j committed to tlio Old Capital prijon. $1 8050,000 Worth of $1 ! HATCHES, 1IAI.VS, l!fGS, &c. j 0. S. IIASKINS & CO., I 30 Urckman Street, New York. ore-urn Tiin roi.i.owts-a ikuuccme.t3 to Buyers of Valuable Jewelry. ' vcnuiry 10 lllll way we .,, .,...., 1 'tolalrVnl 'a",f,C"" " flitX , ii5ll,00l) worth of Vi.tche. ni. n... . . Ac, to be sulci for one Dollar each, w thoui ,iWrf value, am tint to l.f ......i r.,. ' "".noul ""a to lire to receive. ,v" " R"ow J 1 for One D0o,Ur,each,ill0n'"11 f A"k'" 10 b! i -. . ..... i , . , .....cni t,uaniunmiy cnirrnved, nnd wartAniarf ,VHZe J,"'1,,? ! Price from SW IHI n 8lw I i Sin l,!tdli.V Watdiei. nollil (I.. M n..n. i.?. ttln i till '::!!! .,,l.i:,:".,Y,;rv?.,c'- 5oui25ot' s m j e , . ' J. ? i ii?4L:iS?.Kiri,,,' i 5!i 3" Ofl yiiZtnrSa'MwKd " " a uoo t.'ollfnrni.i Olamond nnd Cnamelled '" C 10 25 W ,Jm) AIu,01llc ,;,,,',,'(.,, .y;; soot., is ro 3 m to m oo . . uoiu nana bracelets, enirraTed and ' plnin. S.UOU Jet iindMoiaienrnn.. 3 00 to 30 00 V.OV.) Uaineo Uroochci, rich pkttsrni.Vory 3 OU tu 70 DO taatv 4.5UJ rioretitlno nnd tan Pint, the artirlp. 3 OJ to CO 00 teal 4 00 to 10 01 3 CO to 10 IK1 ' e u ".?, '"'''. J"t and flold. 15 nt So w IS inu .et. ? i h'.' s','1 P"-',''id a.sor't, a 00 to 15 00 . ..tUU Gold Pens, and Silver Cases? it nn tn 111 no c..u... 7 . .'..."'"" 4 ou toll 00 ' .wu uoiu reus. Hint miiui nn ... .u. tiu, m list of b.iTiitimi ami vninauc inods n'm " """ une uollar inch. Cf rtillcat". i f n'l tho above articles will bo placed in envelope., and sealed. lean! "to. I T. o"1 by Rs n'"' 'Without Lfii ili 1 J. ' " """'1" cf certinca'e ycu 1 2n' W 0U '" nd than it is at your ri'.ii "" n'J ,"a iMV ar"1 tnke tllc nr""' or hot. ror J. , tl lrty-flvo fur ti; auty.flve for SIO; and on. nn snn - S. IIASKINS tz CO.. n vrr. ?,i -. ipsibs mm lij'J (HJJCil UATA v JBA BiiANDY. j SPAnKLlXG CATAiriM WIXES. Eiual In Quality and Cheaper In I'rlca than the Uaa- .lie. and Wines 01 th 01J World For Summer Complaint, Cholera luf-amum, Rowsl Complaint, Cramp, Colic, and DUr buo.la, , A sure Cure It guaranteed, nr'.iio I,,,, refunded. In support nf tho above ttntcmentj, nro nresectal the Certificate,, of Dr . Jas. tt. Cbilton, t ,ei,,iat, Ne n t ' "rv'lr,','-"i. Chemical Inspector, Ohio ( Dr. James R. Nn ios Chemist Uostnn 1 Doctor N. n. Jones, Chemical Inspector, Circleiille, Ohio: Prof O I. Jackton, Chemist, Uostoiii Dr. Chas. Upham 6hp. ard, Charleston, H. C. ; and J. V. Z, lllaney, and O As , Jliiriiitr.Consullii.jCbeinists.Chicngo, ull of wi'iorn have nnalvzed the Cittaivba llran.iy, and eommend il In lh Inchest terms, for medicinal use. Analysis oj the Massachusetts State As. , suyei Jim. 25. 1858. I When evaporated through clean linen it left no oft or otreii-He nutter. In every reapact it is n puro spir ituous Honor. The nil wplrli fives to tilts Urandy its flavor nnd aroma, ij wholly unlike fusil, or oraiii oil Its ndor pnrtnkep of both the rruit nnd oil i-r crapui. U Ull -iclds, it produces ethers of n liij.fi fragranco The substitution of tl is llriuidy for Cognac Ilrandy will donwav with Ihe manufjcturo of llctillous spirlti sold under this name both ul hnmo und abroad, Kvspecirmly, A. A, ll.W ua. M. D, Assayer to State Maf.. ill l!o)eton Su .' Hu the same, in 1801. .,i!Ab0.T,t.Mn'1,yf.c'1 " LVOXd' fUItU CATAWBA IIIlAsin.' with rcferenco to its composition and el.nrncter, beini; thu tame as that produced in' nasi years. A sample taken from ten casks afforded th same results with regard to purity ; a slishtly mcreat. nl amount nf the principle on w Inch its flavor depends was determined by compan-un with former samples. Tile Indications of analysis show that this Ilrandy is produced hy tho same process as most of the its ported Urandy. lt"sptitfully, A.A.HAYES. State Assayer. IG lliiylesiun at. Manufactured only bv II. il JACO i & CO, (To whooi all Orders should bn addressed ) Depot, PI LiKrty St., uw York. i. uTvmuer ... icui..iiii. imms mmy vumi AT JOHN FAR EI S OLD rSTAM.18 FUR MANUFACTORY, No. 718 Arch St., abore 7lb, P H I L A I) E',L P II I A. I have now in store of my own Im- porlntion aud Manufacture, one of tho LAItOEST and most UKALI'lt'l'L -elettionof Fancy Furs, for LADIES' and Cilll.HISHv'd WIJAIt in tho elly. Also, a fine arrortinontof t.ent's Kor Olov.'s Sc Collars. As my furs were ull purchased when t.onl was at a much lower premium than at preasent. I am enable 1 to dispose ot them nt try n asonal.le prices, and f th return solicit a cull from my triendi of Country and vliiuity. UV Itemember the Name. Number and Ptrect I JOHN FAKE IK A, 713 ARCH Street, above 7th., .-outb sido, PHILADELPHIA. ' ID" Tliave no rnrtner. nor connection with any 1 other flore In Philadelphia I jjep, 10. IMi.-:iui. FRESH ARRIVAL Pais & V inter Goods A T Miller's Store. '"PI'S sube'riber has j'it returned from Iho Cllise X with another hirt'u and select nssorlmet of FALL AiD WIN'JEI, GOODS. purchased at I'hilidelphla. nt tho lowest ftjturo.anj which they ate d. termuied to sell nu as moderate terms as rnu be prniured elseiiiieie in lllooluiburg, Ills stock comprises lauihh' nut.f.s noons, of chnic st l)Tcs and latest fashion. Dili' UUO IIS, OhOVKltlF.S, mitiM'titr. Ciur.f.Y'ir.mic, cy.u.iit ir.utK, iwua'ii- tr.mn l0.V, X.UI.S. IIUOT3 SIMM HATS i- CjJJ'A. die.. e.. Sc.. I . eieryihiiiitiisimlly kept In country Stores ! to wlm h he mule the the n iiiblle c'liernlly. Tiie HiKhesi price paid I'or country produce. S. 11. MILLER1. Bloomsburs, Nov 15. 1MU. Timhfi' fjand for Sale. PHE uiidfripncd ofl'-ra tn sell at Pri- X vnle Sale. coo 1 Tract of TI.MIIRK UASBi sit. itste In llenfoii sndtfiiijarluaf lownhipJ, Columbia co. i'a., adjoining lands of Jo. Inn llrln;, t.co. Dodioit and tstfua .'.l lllat.lll rMliti.l.llnOT at...... FdSr Uundicd Acres All ofwliuh is tillable land, eeiilililo of easy i ulti.alluii. Ji well watered and sttt- The said tract ; will he w..'.d entirj or in parts of . niiriiui'.iiL-.i, urni imy ncr .is, ns may oe uesi reo, I Sv" Terms easy with liberal lliuo ou part of the 1 pmtncntt, ! t'nr furtther parllruhrs enquire of the subscriber at Mr I his rctiduicc in llrinl.vk township, or by address ut nuck Horn TilOMAH J VANllHMSHCf:, Oct is, iir,i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers