Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 03, 1864, Image 2

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' l-na th l.uaernA Uftlnn.
Thoughts Suggested in Fort Miff-
" Out Oonatltutlo'1 guard It erar!
Oar rlerloua Unionhold It ileal I
Onr Starry ring foraake It noverl
Th proud pattcaaalan our only peer!
Let Them Rejoice.
Whim wo llcar n shout go up' from the
Abolition tanks for tho victory thoy havo
oobieved, wocaunot but keep thinking ol
tho litne tho children of lsrtfel ihouted so
. "Neck-pulling in Jaekaou " George B. McClollan.
' InatAnlMintliAHtttABn atAlAlMilll nl HtA 14 II.. l.t nan r. I Am.hIiKI H Itmn II UlrA I
AU 1UUIV IV bllU dUUlU DltlHiUmill Ul IllV JlilUUIUtUlUUl 44,IIJUilMUltlllVIJUUlUi llll.
young man. Leonard It. Cole, published by to oomc when justice will be dono to Geouqe whim: confined' as a oitize imusoneu.
us three wcok'a since, n soldier sicnine R McCi.em.AN. Partizan nrciudico ami uf Mir. (iOtii DAY of confinement.
himself "T. A. Dill." ('and whoannoars to nisirm cannot nlwavs swaV tho hearts of i On thn mnrmno of the aboto named
linvn llir, ronn nn tho noension mnn. Wlinn Hin nnrrrv wnVeH of the nrc. lilnv. Ir wnu nnnnniifli'il nl tlia Ulltrncco of joyously arOUtld tllC golden Calf, and for
in innatirtn 1 nttilUlina t,i. nnrrMivn nf tho t,l eirifn havo . candor and ' nnr n tl.nt il,d iln f,f nur deliverance ' Ook tho God who had led them frohl tllO
mum In tho Columbia Renublican. reason will resumo their nroner rphoro. ' wnit ,lrn-iti,, rinnr. With what a thrill of I lul f Egypt. AoU wo rcinombcf toi)
j If any ono doubted tho truth of tho sto- and mon will look baok upon the past in a joy jt was ,-ecolved i like a shook of idee, j w tust tU(,y wandered for forty years in
I ry heforo, this defenco would rcinovo tho different spirit from that in which thry trioity it ton through tho crowd. Counto. the wilderness, ami repented in sack cloth
'doubt. For tho perpetrator of tho outtngo Burvey tho present. Men who today will nanei-s that looked wan ami pain, with, any ir UB,r
I admits all tho material pellicular stated not listen to a word in defunco of a political anguish depicted in every feature, now . when their repentance was full, and thoy
1,,. I,!., ..',,,;. n,int (t,n i1r-rrrrn nl vir). nnnniU'lir.. ntld Willi VOt Would feci ! IlSul tdl 1iriuliipnrd nn. Mill wero chucrful.liko tho returned to tho God of their fathers, lie
Saturday Morning, Dec. 3,1 QG4. ,cnee OTeJ ii0 lD,itB bu pullotl "a gen to bo told that they arc not in their right ' Htorm-tocd mariner, during tho long, , led them nafdy uerois tho Jordan and no
Ncw&oucrtiscmcnts, uegistkivs notices.
-i ui iujm in uui v u vnn in an lorrof
tntei Of tho fClitcctlve ileiffidenli n.t
Ettate of Abraham Wilivcr, Eeetatrd. jr'ntr.1
n ETTEHS f admlnltrtlnn on mo. i.ainie, oi num. tla county, and u III hp preaenlcd for cnnflriiiallnn arid
!L U am Welllicr, line iiiii.".""" " k- - - -7;' uin n."".' u wi hp ut iieiu 11 11 o0ij.
'V .....1 n..lil.r nrr'nllimlila tllfl ,.h In I id Mnmlv nlnff... il. nn IVn. ... " ... '
letl, at U u'clcckm tlia anrmon ofulj
li7va linen mant-cl by tlio nntlntfr ort-o mm, icwo bufjt. In 1 10 conn y al.itdam. on vc,lnn.lay. the 7ih
talc of tun dccPiii'iii urn ih"' "'...7 ...i.r.U.Vi
lit strain an the ropt" and that tho sub- mind, will then n utet
SPKCIAL N01ICE. jflct of tlds polite attention was not blinded to i-hanio upon the tnju.-tioc thoy have tbi- firt ray of 1 ght
. ... .(.....Ainr. I tlwi nml rC I Kit .1 - !m ihin1i cnnlrnn A n f n it ft I A I W tn f H 1 t n it I i I ut 1 I I I twi ill
with a reeling akin Jrtury MgUt watching. with anxious oye earthly foe could stand before ihciu
iu,tlco thoy have ' the firft ray of 1 aht that radiates the or- The American pcoplo havo wau
'."'"Ml?":':!::8 , '. Viri.i,'r."y';:2 .. The flnt an.l Onnl nooouut ..f Jm
'" n,"."" ' " ' iioono, aiinrr. 01 uamuoi uoiiiio, into or niomu tmvn.
furtliwllli. , ivrn. A,l.'r. thin. dociM.eil. l'wa'
DuciiiriiicrJ, isiji,-Vw''s (w'. 1 ' The llrst and final account of John
. - T-"T:trJ my 7 Bmltli, auin'r. of Jane Olnglm, lato of ilaillson town.
i-n VPiil'nim SHFFHltS. '' n" hrt and final ticcouut of John
10 NLll UUb BUI l JiUa. Memtfll, ..I'im ;f Contod Adaeii, lato or Or. ,S"
l (jrcNTl.l'.M A cured t.f NervoUi Hebllily In- tnwmlilp. Ucrcaagil, k
"iJIUn : will 'M .. 1' ."o urt and final acrount of 15. p.
to lurnlili t nil h ""''d II. If'
llattman. nilin'r of Robert llncnliucli, lata nf Wmim
Oca cuilonifri, vhn have paid up tlMlr neeounti
have our ilncoro thanki. Thoo ho have neglected
to do ao, are rc,ucatodniii to ir.Tri.2 ami tax immi
italtly. V'o,need notipcak of tntrairJcipcuic,ctc..
u tacie thing, ara patunt to every individual Initio
land! we f ay, that va have earned onr ramey, dearly
and laborioutly, and it mutt be paid.
Wo arc i
foruiancp, It was only a pentii exercise,
a littlo gratuitous military inrtruuiion, lor
which young Colo ought to havo felt grate
ful instfad of iudigtiatit. i
But his stupidity was astbnishing. Not
or left st.itracrinR at the end of tlio per- dono in words spoken derogatory to tho ; iontul skv thai ho m.iy direct hU Komi-' from tlit-ir faith. Thoy have failed down
fair fame of men whom History willed 0,sed vessel to a haven ol repoc. bom m auuwi m . . i...
down in tho list of America's most honor-! this drear) coll, during this long night of tcr brought forth by infidelity and uboli
cd patriot-., I oouOocuii'Dt, xvhut earnest longing I The tioniin, and tho spirit of Patriotism gazes
General McCmmxan oan afford to wait; VOry depths of our inmoUsoul would swell soirowfully on while thoy shoulovcr thoir
tho euro vindication of History. Of him p at)( gri,sp at tbu first glimmer or ray own dostiuolion. Dut when they wander
making outand.endinj bin. to all imlebted, I only did ho not appreciate tho kind atteu- it will ho written that tho mou whofvicu , iigbt that afforded the faintest hope ol through tho Ulooay trackless umcri wmtu
including ti,c present (if do voinmc, up tn nest March, tion of "T. A. Gill," in putting a gcntlo saved the capitol ol the uation, still oUor- deliverance. No pen nan describe our . was pprcau out onort. mtui, '
and wt expect from iheni a prompt and o.irly rciponte. ' sirain on the ropo.he did not oven porccivo cd hid sword to his country In het timo of feelings ; uono but those who havo been horrors which are in store for them havo
Our term, arc PtVJlUNT IN ADVANCE, and every '
,lnr,rt. luiw mimh "T. .ml .m. Rnnrnndliv tho men of u!mil,,rU aiiimtoil nun nnnreciato tho de-' been felt, tboy will return to their old po-
ono taking the paper,.i.cuidpayyea,head. Friend,.1 A Gnl i)n(1 , T 0jn,s campBnonj Mi nu rc,jrolIll.t from her eervico Ht-htful sensation produced when tho wol-,' Htiool party and call for assistance upon
.haiicbo,ii.ppointedinyou,honc.ty and J""1"; .,1 . . j a.1( amusd at his terror will bo- attended bv no rccet-no feclins: MI1I0 news orceted our cars. Loved ones ' that power which has guided them for 80
..n and distress. They enjoyed it hugely- that a duty has been lclt uudoue. If ho ,a homo, all tho tender auooiution, all , years, and never once failed, though tho
.m.,hnflr,infiiMt Januarv.we ' but noor Colo drawn un on tin-too. with 1 oan do tho country no further service in tho ties of conaancuiuitv i in fact all that darktiess of three warn had to be met am)
.h.u hohiiied to demand for all unpaid ,ubnttion flushed face and coniorossed wiudnipc. ! tho nrcsetit struciile, it will bo soiuo con- innkes lifo worth liviiic for, and that had passed
Tiir.p.n noLi.Ana cr annum, in-advance. Wo t(.n.,d no sr0 whero the lautfh came in. ' ' folation to know that nartizan malico can sn muoli to do in kecnimr un mv snirits. I No Uiinocrat can feel that he is to blame
hoph our ftleml. will avail them.eivc, of the oppor-i We repeat, Gill's statement fully con-i do him no further harm. Wo do not sup- loaned up i uud, among tho objects of , for the ruin which the deluded ponptc
tunity for liberal payment, at the apprcacimig court 1 (irB)H 0()lc,s affi(Javit upoa lbo niaj f,.n I pM0 a comingency can ar;so which would adoration on earth, is the polar star of , have brought upon u Like Mofeof old,
"I"""''"' " - - ' tores ol the transaction. Tho ropo around again with-raw him from the position of a my affections, was the pleating thought of wo leave our brethren to worship the Ood
The March of Desolation. ,' Cole's neck and thrown over a mow-polo, 'private citizen until tho nation which onco again soon teeing my dear, old mother, iheir own hands have made, in r-orrow
ciixipe oticy, l-reinaturc lle.ny.iiml n Hi f ill K ' '
uatei by a Ileflrc I" i-nefit otliern. will be hnp.ty
u.".'.c, iii.ii'r,..i i.f c harmi) tlui re
in Ilirilllll i" un ." .. ' , .1,. ,, r,,.,!..,!,
cemi mm uiri'i ilium i"i "" ' :r... . e. f 1.,.. hi , . .
llml In lil ran. Buffi-rer. imiiiih primi " u. urauui m jdiiii ooaipiCSS, BUni r.
n lvcrtli'-r bail i-pniciie. " " P"'"" 1," nci at "r J"c . ' " linvn.bip. deceansd.
;,ruaVln! :;.;untl-w.l.,c,rf;iny by d anof J. Veey I 0 ,,. 0 I he 'hildr.n '!? Job.
return mail.
,,t, ., n r 1 . 1 ..u,,aud 1. A. Gil pulling upon it
When the Confederal troops under, ,
- . . 1 nn mnnn t n nn s mi iiuriiu!'
. 1 nmvtnniiinn Tnmncirnr nvfrtfllflif
r"""" , ".7, 7; between the palls. This is tho shameful
the town of ChambersDurc, the Adminis-,
. r., 1 fceuo 83 presented by (il l himself. Did
trat on preEB of ho North Etimultauoously 1 . J . . ,
1 it never ocour to him, that he had no right
enea suarao i ou.rago . wiu . tn nll, n - r immi n . no t0
t -n-- f... , -0
il I. ...
that one act oi, tauugu q hJm to m
I . 1 I 1 1 1 - t' . . ... nf 1 .
tierounceu 11 ut iuc ituiu, was uu (mi. u.
a svstem. It was an isolated case, provok-
over; no jurisdiction or rigutiui power
system, it was an isoiatca case, provuu-. ncpp . . fnr nnv . . . ....
cd by the ruthless sweep of destruction and indecent M wcU nlegal t0 compel tho
rapine that had previously marked thi . . .
course of Federal raiders. During the on by violence to assist ... the pursuit ot
... , his parent !
earlier stages of tho war our armies ab- 1 . , , ,
. , , 6 , . . . .. , As to tho decree of violcnco used, of
itained from tho wanton destruction of- . ..
,. , . . . . course any statement by a man corujut
privato property. Ata later date tho prac-- '
. . i - , -n ting such au outrage, is entitled to but lit-
tieo of sacking, burning, and pillaging was b f '
confined to raiding expeditionS. But now it ,lc ond.ratioD. 1 ho true way to test the
, . . ., . .. , , truth in such a case is upon a prosecution
MAmo flint n airdlum nt Hnvnqtntinn nnq nnpn ' r
, . . , for the assault and injury, when both par-
Inaugurated as a matter of regular military , .
.? . , . - f,iiL ties can bo heard and juitioo bo duly ad-
TOUlino lur lUUl'luuu aiuni.J ui mmituun" ( a
,. ministered.
he. , .
"The army will forage liberally on tho . - Columbia County Prisoners
' '!' " ?r- inns- ii. ouoen
v.....T V..M v. v.iik
rrr- I'. H. Vrri'iiu. Kuin-reri of both mxe, will
fliiilthln l.ifiii inallnii lnvallable,
Ueicmlur i-iii.-sin.
Public Vendue.
ml his honored him with it3 confidence fhall have whoso tottering Iraino and lei bio- step rather than anger, r.nd turn . to gather
nnssed from tho uncertaintv of tho present warned mo that her departure was near strength amid tho horrors ami privations
into the bripbter licht or deeper cloom at hand. That look ol despair, cast upon ol. war, as he received the 'table of stone'
that awaits it in tho future. mo.with all the depths of a tnotherV lovs, amid tlio tlinuuer and iigiitcnmgs oi luouni
when dragged from her presence by tho ii- So says the Ucllefoute It at'jfman.
... . .in i... - -
Illllltary, llovt-T win uu cuai;tu us iu"Je
reason asscrti her throtip, and tho livid
Hill, late of I'untre tnwmlilii, iteccam-d.
? Fi.'l iico.'lilH of J.mopii Coroll, ox
I .v, lr it : i Int will or I'aliKl ) lJ.nn, Uu tfi
UrMliuU I.. tn 111)-, il.i maul.
j .0. ! .) hti M. Hriahline. d
mmlftrnl r "f l ! riiil.f, lut, cr ..snlnn tonn.
. ihlp, dvi n . I.
U. Ai-nniut of .Iji'jIi llitl.!'. .Ir
..... c i ! Ouuri'l.Vi nf lM7al. Hi N.iaa, nilii,-.- (bill f VrUy
ILL lie exno?ed to Public bale, at ku,s, lat-,., sm, tnwu.Mj,, t'cii-f.i,
I ... .nt'Dilnrt.' ... I . I.... .. .1 ,
in. .".i'i-i.iii.i .jqiiii m-ieiiaru, psreutor
j of Ti'iiia. Hell i.lutj nl MaifaPti t-Tfi., di ci-apd,
I 11 Kim hud fji nl nei outit ot William
I Mather, K"fiil'i'if .h,,,hi I'.nr,, f Urceuwom'."
towtuhlp u-c u"1
I 12. Fitft iii'i I'n-il "i finm nl" John Mns-
! teller, adin'r. of f: u... i fcuiulUr, latj if Mlirtir.
I townrhip, dteeaiud.
! Hi. Fir..t and final account of J ma'
1 lliiilnn, tlii'i ntor if Anna Kioto, laiotf lum iimr-.'
' all 1 1.
Plows, Harrow Cultivators, Grain Cra- ;r uccount of Jnhu Appli-inan anil
die, Seyth,, Forks, Shovels, Sleds, Cook , "'"r HVSarVnJi.'Si-S.1""" rt,an'
ing Stovo and uleusels, two pair li d- ; Al.(WUIlt o j0in Tremblrv, Gusr
steads, ot.e table, ouo set Ubairs, one ,,,,, f ( nrP, t,,,,,,,,, ini, rhiu or iho'it irum
Cock, th" '"V ASoSrUlTr 'rrcmblr,, t.Vu
ratielr." not herein in inicraloU. , Jnn f ji,,,, Trt, n,,,,,,, r , ,
try-Hale l fniiinicnc.' at 10 otlnrk a. in.. r,t a Id .la), , ,,.,,,,,, i,miiliiu. '
17. Account ot Mi Urevrlii'g, ndm'r. nf
Kllabilli ('rrvi-liii?. late it Scoll twp , dirrf.l
10. Ai c-uiH of ,1a o. Vulie. fiunidinn
i'f l-.7r:i lirown, niiiii'r ihil.t i, Daniel lirowu, Uw of
.Main liHn,hli. (.'ncr.-iiiud.
lit. Aocoiint of .lai-b 1 iilie.C!(i-iidiaii ol
Hie r-!ildence of tlio lubactlbcr, tn I'lililng
creek townslilp,,, en
FIIU) AY, UEUEM ii Kll '23, 1801.
Vim followlm peraonal property :
On,, two Iiohis SVas?on. ono net cl dou
lo Harness and Fly nets, one sprini? Colt
nheri ntlemlftiict) lh b- ehn ami tumliUon bs maUj
lleccmb-r U isill.
The Late Popular Vote.
Tho following is a pretty close approx
imation totlic popular vnta oast at the
ate Presidential election th roughout tho
United Slates
Lincoln & Johnson I,9o0,000
McClellan & Pendleton . . . 1
imploring look of my cmnpauion, as .ho
Major-Gene a! Cathvaladcr
ILh be. I) ordered to the romn.and
tho Department af tho Su rjiiLhi-ni-h,
he place of Mnj-Uen (?oi;on 'ordered
duty in lien. Thomai' DepariiiKiit
IE. & 83. T. Anlliony & Vo
aianufscuirrrs oi; njoi.fir.iphic Mat-
t'lL-ll?, Uli'jSl'Silk lUlall. o(). Aeeoutu ii
501 iUU'J.VDW'AV, N. y.
oountry durin"; tho maroh." Such is tho ,
language of General Sherman's General
Orders. "To army corps commanders is
entrusted the power to dettroy mills.hous
e, cotton gins, etc.," and should auy at
tempt ba made on the part of the enemy to
obstruct tho march by burning bridges,
obstructing ror.ds, or otherwise, 11 then ar-
my corps commanders should order and
euforoe a devastation moro or less relent
less, to mcaiure of such hoitility." In the
natural course of hostilities, it is to be p:e
sullied that bridecs will bi burned, roads1
sprang from her bed, half-chid, i-xcluim
ing '-Oh I you will not take him ; what
has ho dono !" How vividly all this ha1)
lushed through my mind, while in this
Mijoritv for Lincoln . . . .250,000 , ,lark and "" cal1 am tllcn' 8ilin
Tho President has hardly five pr cent. - m iaw cl,iilclr01,' w ""P1, in
majority on tiio total vote, ror every 1 . 6 . ' i-.ud sale riui dy by uiog I'.rown't Hron
hundred votes for Lincoln in tho loyal ' "-;'S i . 'cl.U Troche.. We have tried the a.lielo,
States, there havo been ca.t uhiety-fivo 6 ? ko, fuJ. 'bc,r j aiHl call lM, rcccommend lUux in all
for his Democratic competitor, and a largo c muist, einip.icty w m.u inqu ro rc, orVht'osli IrrUioil.
was given in iNew hng- . . . - 1 and Public Hpcal.cri llV-v are
Ute privilege oi unnniiiiiijj u. im m , .... .
v.iiui.. IkllUU V. " '"ui" i.
An 12.vcki.lkst lU.Mim.
troublu-d with Iloirfonesc, ('oiigh,or S.nt-
r.' I l, ft W. r . t m. ti ., ,.,.l .. vrtnllil.if
t. ( 11193 "I IHU I III UAI VUU .IJ'J'l J I tAl l
In n! Illiiri In rir I nln IrLtn.1. r,f rtmt.-.r. hie
.MalrriHl., .1 are llei .innrl-r- Mr ttu- twlluwiiitf, i
Hit i twojits 'tin t Mrrtoicopic I'tttcs
Of tlii-ip we Inn- an iini nn.n .Mo.t nei t, incluJinj
War ."ci-ii-a, Ani'riran and Knrnsn liliea and 1.- in-acari-a.
linwipa, M.1I111 ry.&c, (.. A'an, llernlniig
ki lint., i nr it ibtlr nr nrlvate nn iiiiii'n . wur
Whoever U ' (-'ntao?uc Mill he Mil t" Hi.y aldr.. uu i.ailpl tf
itii'T cl.lll nf Ualiul ttii.i, ii.
Over three months have now elapsed
since tho illegil and unwarrantable arresi
of nearly fifty of our up-crcek innocent
citizens. They were cummarily kidnapped
and incarcerated in filthy bistilea, by the
minions of tho Lyucoln dynasty, in direct
violation of tho Laws of the United State?
and their own Aets ol Congress, and yet,
near half of their number are to-day pin
ing their cxistenia in those prisons of death
and persecution
The illegal arrest and cowardly banish
ment of Mr. Vallandtaham. some two
obstructed and other methods known in' ag0( by the same' pitiful minions ol
warfare used to itnpedo tho advance of an dcspotic povver waB deemed to bo cruel
. if ml l. j .
part of this excess
land. In the Central, Western, and Bor
der States .McClellan has tomo ninety
eight votes to Lincoln's one hundred, des
pile all tho great advantages posessed by
the latter, and which were powerfully and
un crupulotisly used.
To Singer;
of f r' ai
now, when the time ha come when it is
repotted by the officers that I will again
Lr, dies' Furs.
! ac-
Attkmit to Desthoy .t Cnv.
New York papers of Saturday gi
count of a bold attempt to dotroy that
city by fire. Eight of tiro largest hotels,
including the St. Nicholas, Tammany ,tho
Foon bo roliasd and permitted to -cc and i i'ur.iiat r nny rctv upmij'tiing itw bn yut, a1
, CM Mil.Kf DAUKDltii M).s. Irnihi.m.l llul.l-
ri'ioi loved ones tit honie, mv loyliuca al- cLctnut stm-t, I'lniniHiphn
nio:t overcome me. I will tbiuh, perhaps,
it is only a dream ( that the mind as well
as tho body from confinement has lost its
vitality ; then the words will repeat ihctp-
not lo hi! misundi'r.lnoil ! 'nt,.n 'Ihe larni-.t naantnient at '-'Il MH.IW uAKrunO.t
, . , BU-l,i (j
Pliotographio Alhuma.
...a.. ...nil. I'nll',1
l I -ire lur nr.i in ii'iiu-"..' , 7 I
k,j.. m,i i.niiulnilni' liiiimiie nunnliti.'. la
lfroui varlrt,. k'il-i-iz in tiriv Ipun ou
u.if Al.lil.'MS hHVi tin- rrpjtat.un
t,..,io b-aiiv iil itiiribility i auy
YYIII tl J .III UV HI. H, IflJI. Jll im.oiJ. ... 'i .vt
, H '.AC Ai'tn-ia kjii In Cru'.r..3
c.ioi.,jii., ii.ih-nnhi'iiLe vrjlca (Aa.nniJ dif.
' fr.'iit ui'jft. (I" Jilitiou ur ui tiniially i
b-IIIJJ II 1..; nl . ti'l.HI.. UI i.i.ii
ni aboul
10'j Mujur-Otiniri'l., -t'.0, .
VM tin. 110 Divl'iea,
l'"l,M 'i. I I -A A tl ora.
I is t;lin. I.. i " A i ei.,
t William .Mi n-itiiMr tin 1
llaiiiiali Mi-iii uijr. I.Hj of Mldllu tnwu.hip,
I Account of Alfijuiiildr "Jollvy. nil
wiulatruit of Ilunjj,.u.i Cl i , lutd i,f rkrlor t n i
lllooiii.biir. Not 7, ISul KKIIIS'l'St,
Remember tho little Follcu I
so'eenu t'l'i'fcju j Toys, Ri'otiojiK, ittjic Ji-kuaciu,
HthM'Thfy 1 - " iH i' MHei, mm Sirt-c j -
.Iklf.-'.IN, CMf., .vc, &.V..
All Hi.- talent Hlyl.i. at CIIX'II.K-' OAKIOlUi J.
RONS. Coiiiini'Ulal Hotel. I'luln J-l.nn
. - k
Ladies' Furs.
oiilinuiiul IIiii.I, I hi ladi I'hn.
Gentlemen's Kaic.
All the l!.te,l iitUfH at ('IliaLI'.S O.'.m'OKO
HrauJreth Hou5C,aud Barnum's Museum, I wo weeks have elasped, and still here, j is. c.ntincnt.i. i'iuia.i. i.iiiH'.
wero Minultauectisly sot on fire, aird but ! 1 have olicn thought of the words ,of an I LadieFurg
for a timely discovery, would, together ancient writer, and now am eorivicced of, rnrcha..r i.ay r-iy upon m mnj th- beat fun at
you are all soon io hu rolcuMl." Jlut
how uncertain are all hurnun oalculaiion. j
Two weeks have elas-ped, and still here.
1 fl-.ll lnK.i. (itll.i. ra. I 122 .-llUljC.
.Nui) lirr.v-iri. ! t" ' rmiiin-ni , uihi-.
ISii lii imi.t Kurrisn futiraita.
3.aO COflL'-i r- WHKK1 'l' 'liT.
irt' Klin; repriH.urtMiii t lli- ut c.-1-brattd
iniinu.. I'M'iiiiia' MitrJ?-, A t. fatnlnyuea ul "n
fcciH nf :-u.M .M. or;-, frOn- 1) t- ri.iu'ca
trmu ur Cat-I"8'ir "ill In fllltd ou tin iiulpt "I
'fl.-il imJ Hellt lir mill! 1'RC!'.
I'l itr.CiBphrrr 1.11I lln i ' rili-rlna. Ji"! L. " "
t.ilh pVit.o rinm i.y,nlj n,e rii i'U "t On aununl
witti Mur rr Ii r. ...
I-.. & II. T AVl'tlfiVY .t CO.
.Vii-aii.(ie. v) I'StUgnifKit .Vulenclt.
;D1 Hr"adl'. Nw Vnrf .
Tlia priai- nnd TJaliiy uf oJr nooda i 1101 f.m rna-di-c.i.;
i'SlIK tmdi'i-iifiiKi! wi-tild rcfpfotfu'ly
4 Infnri'i Hie 1 inx. na . t lituui.i.l. iiv .im' tn ,"
1 publii: t.-ii r.illj. Unit l.e lus Jni d, t.l"iVj.
I t.H rttme, ivUr4o .1 'Ck i.t yia
f 7ti i.' in, in nml AVw
Invading army. The work of devastation,
more or less relentless, is therefore a fore
gone conclusion. Already the progrees of
desolation has become apparent Atlanta,
Homo, Kingston, Calhoun, Canton, Ack
worth, Montioello, Hillsborough, Marietta,
Jonesborougb, McDonough, all are report,
and difgracetul, JJut Mr. v. was a gen
tleman of means and infiucne?, and hit
family wero bountifully supported in his
absenco. Hie character has been vindica
ted and tho act has rebounded with dis
grace upon the Lincoln Administration.
Vastly different is tho ease of tho Col
ed to have been given to tho Dames. Such ' umbia County ' Prisoners. Whilit they
a record of destruction within so brief a amon " our WOi. rotjcctablo ou
tpace of time, and withiujo limited an zeDS) many of them an- mm in indigent
area of territory, is unknown in tho hibto- clrcuniBtBnce, and have left their fimilies
ry of warfare. Tho padvof Attila was in estreme want for lho I1C0esaries of life
aover marked by so broad a ruin. The AnJ m n,idition to this, it should cot be
torch goes in the van of Sheraan'slegiotia for-0,.,n. t0 .... notL;D 0r .j.- iQ5Se9 thus
and ashes are in their rear. Are wc pre- SUBtainejj ,i,e cxpenaos necessarily incur-' demnation of "peace" and "amnesties ; "
pared to contemplate tho consequenoo I ' -n attempting lo biing about tho ' to tlo quicker Butler, with no rb notions.
Hood threatens Wessee. Itis irapossi- paru ,ho Administratioll mU a is hustled out, tho better. "Peace," in
blo to foresee how far he may penetrate . .- . . , f . mon !(1"d! Wasn't it aaserted a hundred times,
into Federal territory! Can wo bopo ' perhop8 over a thousand dollars. It is an I brro lhc election, that the only peace
.1 . . t , ..r..:n r'-.M M.i.1!.ttK a mi. ' I ? .1 . 1 1 1 . , 1
mar, ub win reiiitiu uum luiaiuumu i .inu ,.,, ,r:.iin, ,.n,iii ;,, i,;,- coiuniiEsioiicrs mat wouiu uo sen; tuouiti
with the beet part of the city, have been
laid in aehes. The meaust employed in
all instances, was phosphorous thrown up
on the floor, upon beds, trunks and other
furniture in the rooms, which in every j military confinement, cicied anything I
case speedily ignited. It is supposed to
have been doue to plunder. 0,yp woman
whoso name is not given, haa been arrest
ed as a spupposcd accomplice.
"lUnlcr is in favor of proposing peace
and cfieiitig an amnesty." t'hlta. JJule .
Why not "spot him" as a traitor then I
No "Copperhead" over proposed any
thing more cr worse than that. It is claim
ed that ihe ro-clcciion of Lincoln is a cot.
ontrasre without a narallel in thn liistni-
North has been invaded, and what has q( worj(
bean may bo. Should a Southern army! - -
or a detachment of bold Southern riders, Columbia County Soldiers' Vote,
advance again into Pennsylvania.or should I poR PRESIDENT 1861 Official.
thoy make a daih into Ohio, or should the
be such as Grant. Sheridan.and Shcmian?
What light has shoiUy to be on the Chic
ago platform ? Gkt off it at osci; !
their truthfulness, that ' lose more ll ouu """ ""'
moraUyu tituo of war, than "materially." ! ' "".r,-
Tho profanity and ob.-ceniiy that have! , , Ladies 'B'
1 J . J Th' Urn al aaanrtmenl ot t.'IIAItMW OAKFOKO A.
come unuer my observation during ray 1 u.-. iiot-i. I'lniaiteipina.
Ladies' anrl Chilrlrcn'n I-Intn.
can portray on paper. Loupleii with the L.llC(, , ot (ii:roun i stxw
above turned vices, fliere ucch to bo an I'mnini-ntai nmui, iMuUdeipnii
mo.-t universal proneuess to tlrunken- -
..ess: of course, honorable exceptions.-. Mri ruu wuvamuJSK,
1 i'tiiK'.ii.ii-. S ('ni.- i mule ip i .1.. 1 . r I ..y. rv Mi i
I ' I Uir. I ".I'tli On 1, u l.ulr 11, .11 inn II. limit. -,
I'iriil mil ! mini 1,1 nlmh arc emi n , ,i , 11:1 ,
I ti"J 'It"! "I imr. Mini v.tli it Y. i'l Lvi.i; yr, 111.
I ptniiritle nr (Im -f.jjfit,) '
; II- I. m I A'tCli l'.M'H itKll llll,.l -.Tllh iir,.,.(J,
, -11 Ii a M 1 n . . ,i,H --j".! ,ttl-j 1 t nil. un ..
l.hlliillf . !.i IK yll.irlu I. t tin-1 J- l "kp- IH4IUU.
lllp-. li'llf l.,l;.v -tlirK, tlr-i-'ll-.. pill K'IIT-1 n j U-J
I lulu r 1 I' ki-, 1 u I,,.. Ins-lh'jr wtl'i 11 lintr. I nl "In (
j Hriiel.-a. ttluili hi- I'll''!. 10 ih put.'x: al t.-i I
liMTOKV fN Till: '.in-I1I111 a rail .it 1 h iil.n (,r .al.i utei-i
I all III ili'llillliil III ,'tl-rv IdlilllV. 'I'ht, Itill I Ut itr t... 1
1 rt 1 ' ! Hi j-1, 1 , n; unit r J,i.n' no teller pilitt 111 II...
T!i b.vl, abcap-.t and im-t nitr-arful I'auntj f".i- , etli"ii I" ubiiiiii 11 ,,ni.leia aupplj . r' ll.'lUiiy 1' ,
ner 111 IIH- t in
-A cu.ii'i.r.rr. nri-'itiAi
lllii'iiiiibur?. Vo, -jri.
MllilliKF'S SaLKS.
Hie lir.l I'aiiil') I i't't p'lbli.llJ m I'll L1.1l.1J I'"H 01 UliO'V V. of f tt ''t1,-..'
riat "- . I.wnito.i Advnliaer 1 jJ...iui 1 . . m 11 iho t.'i.url ut 1 '"miii 11. 1 1 in
l-liL- niiiilel Nwi.iier "I ur tnuntit -roirpli 11 in ' " ' " ." aii't tu i . .uruuj, ill bj .a
ii. ii iit.m nl-. 1 1 m " ru 111 rniuiiy 1 ptr - 1 1 -- - 1 -- "i 11 n u-. , 1 1
.ay t.1 u 1, nil 9i 11 ,ai ir mi iiu'ulji . in.
ul 1 .1 n.K. r. 11
There are men whose moral traiuitis;
and: JU 1HK
character resist the temptation, but they
nfi r. inarni
f . . .... 1 Thn riillou'inrr nn.vtnpii!n linvn rippn ni'idi ih the
Uur treatment va inumnan, boo , w t , : , . . TiKiiftt ofns cun m Am-nc
hrat taken and incarcerated m this cell, thu mollth of November. 1804 : !
oot a stool or Ueurn to rest our weary wm j .McK.e, ii
limbs on ; not a cup, or knife, or fork, or . ft',V mc (YtiVvy
plate and these few iudi-ponsablo a niclt s 1 jWi??, k l'o"i.-r. nq
were purchased at exorbitant prices,attend JjJJ.JJ 'iV,'"',','1'
with vexations delay. Forty-lour of us i lll''P
in one cell, without even a sepaiaio place'
to attend to the calls of nature, it is qo f -' Kfnoii. Mr
1 ilium nn l.'miiitL-
wonder that ono of our number wan soon ! I'"'.':1!;?", w "'J1
laid in hh last resting place, and
other posirated by disease.
fortune of war give thoai an hour's sway
in Washington, our citizens could appeal
neither to their justice nor to tboir mercy
for seourity against the loroh. They would
carry with them tho remembrances of Shor-
man a march tnrougu ueorgia, and our
The Return Judges of Columbia county
o-asscmblcd on Piiday, the 25th nit., at
tho Court House, in Bloomsburg, as rc'
rn.MMPMh.nd on V.idav. thn 2fitl. nit., nl 1 "K vow 01 rnu oiuw
" ' J I " J
Official Vote of New York.
The completo official vote of tho St
of New "V ork, for Paceidcut and Govern-
i . .t. ( - t! : i -
quired by law, fob tho purpose of leceiv-p . in.mii
V I I. t,--3llJi..M .
308,7.10 I Lincidn,
una. 040
ing and counting up lho volo for Picsi
dent cast by citizens of Columbia county ,. ,
a, ana our now ju ti,0 military servica of the United m-ou;i -jm n-n n i '
citief.villages and grauaries and the wealth ' SMeSt as return!(i t0 tlaa Prothonotary'8 ' ' ' -J 1 'h '
of our tortile nejiia womu vauun neueaiu i offic3 Over eighty soparato returns were Linoolnmaj. 0 700,Lincolns maj. 50,130
their tread. We regret that as brai o and I rC0eived , from as many camps, companies Fort G uvniiNou.
skillful a commander as Geneial Shorman aQa !qUu.Js 0f men, aud the total vote was ' 180-1. . IS0'2.
should havo adopted this system of dcvis-' a77i a3 follows : ' Fenton, 309,570 I Wcdiwoith, 205,807
tation. 1 hat he tiao-inaugurated it at tho Soldiers' VntpKnr Mninllnn is" beymourJul, 200 Seymour, 300 743
threshold of Mr Lincoln s new term ot For Linooln. 170
otTiea is ttill moro denlorablo. It looks'
i Maj. tor Uonstitulial Liberty 7
j Since the mttting of tho Itcturn Jud
ges tho following additional ballot, havo
been received and forwarded by tho Pro-
thonotary to the Secretary of tho Common-
! wealth :
John Hautz, Samuel Kline, William! For McClellan 11
Appleman, ai our readers were inf.rmed, For Lincoln.. 9
like a beginning to tho mission of exterm
ination, and the promised olive branch has
withered before it blo-somcd.
Doings of the Military Commission.
FentonV ma. 8,307 1 Seymour's ma, 10,743
CS3 It is claimed that enough is known
of tho result of the recent election to show
that the Republicans will have at least ono
hundred and twenty-eight members in the
not Congress, which is thrco moro than
1 K Mi C, Hum, IU4
John ,Mielial
Win I'arr
L-........I. I n..n...
My dear brother, when I look back Atiritiam riil-rimm
' 1 Inl.n n I L i I...
over the scene, and knowing my own son-1 itut Jnim u Freeio
, i .i . i . Stephen Uumvn
liiiivcncss, 1 marval that my health, is as1 u v. t!iuau.
. . . . i , i r ., Ji'sinia nrnm
iiiiou us it is. . uou uc praiseu lor tue : iieo w I'nuat
SI dOV I Kre.hlcr S
'J M mliciv II Whiltuon-r
1 ,-i O't-nrye kredait-r
4 UJ j s . van- ,
a OU Sutliaii rtei-VenHi'i.l
til UJ W in II Jdi-ohy. Ii 1
"U lia M II Appieiuiii
ea nninr) t; luaii
'-' UU ilirum
1 UU .Icjisi.' I'lilen a. i, II-'
1 ll.iii Jarnti I'.iaiii
2 U"( apt W A 1'iil.lia
l0 01 Ja.per sutler
II U" P.t'r Srliu;
'1 U' Hr.liiii! a. i'luincr
l ' Jnim Whiter
'J nlJ 'J'liuuua Wu.iver
00 Jjim . K,,lfl j-j,
f "' I'l lor Kasu
' OO'J'tux J Wt-lliver
-r.iiui Aiir.uu vvui'iv&r .i iu
25.: I. .Mmiri .1 .13
1 0 Win I.l.'.ilo I Ul
1 00 Si-ra t Uuj ICnorr 1 O'J
4 UUl.'i'liiMiOi-i enmity 2:1 IjO
4 STPi-ru'l It .M r'li.inaon 4 io
-1 n I
S 51
4 li I
15 IU
j 7n
a i'j
'i un
a un
-.' CO
5 Ul
i CU
i U.I
5 ?i
nil th
,,ai..i' t erl l'in ,arii"l fit ii'i tr n ria' t lo iU (
i.:i- J "iriml i-I i'ii ill ili'Ui " X. V. Pint.
.'Ilin I'.iji-r funnilie tin- li-t iliiKUdtmna Our, ,,,, , 0r ;.,, ...1 -,
fitnr-I in ii.ui. '.ll inri'li tlieina-l. nut in H.. r- , ' "jOII"''i ' ia .1 i
ner'r W.-.-I.U' imuari"' iwiti-r-. aim pamt-ra ami 'e,!t" ' '.otl '".. t-luub-a ....-JUW. , m.r tt-ia-.v -.
ul.. ,-r. a e innii il I" .lust .'- S V. I'nrl.-t. "i 1 " ' " ' a' "' "r Z' '" "l't '
1 in.-iery lioKli"l.l."-Tiai,.iri,.!. .m"''" 'L ',n'"""1 ' '" " '"'
..ii i. nt ,"!,;.. a 1,-a.lHK nnliti.iil hiiJ luaiorical an- . )"''.' .u ""' ' '.ulW ana'I'V fnl i.n ".. ion.-i'liitn. rrrj. ...... """' V "7 i'';m .-r n i,n i.
Kuatuil Tuti-i- v i ivii u 14, f , -fciuei .ii,,;. .,iu iwl
i .-l.-t?.f.t,'i.iljii iii Mi t.oti ii'ij la li ,ulj ,. .1.4
nii;i.-iif m iini.ji lul.hiimi.
At lb-? ,inic lime end pl.ieo, tin, uiuli-
leeil mie inuiili pan ,.' 3 let rfOnminf. )tu'H in O u
. 1:0 ion iiilnj, t iiiiiiiibh cii'inty. Ujuu.ti'J hi i..i..w ,
, tji-finiiini nl a pint, lluntu la;i,' law nf Knur l,m
1 mi'itli n'eiity inn anJ inn- Unlf .li-rra uen .it fat
nr. ... it ...pi. i;irnc- oy id tin "I l.t ri lui'ri. n .until
flirty lliret-anil iiiie lourili .te-r.;-. euu l n-n a .4 halfpi-riliea In .1 psm ilaii:- 1111,1(1 fi,.itj
Hilda lialf U. -rte. i-it sis pi rilii.. lu.a pn.l, -by
In! ul ll.iiiiel Jiiir.Mun ikhii iliiiiy twa anil uim
lull ilejrei-i i .t tl-von ami lli-ti I'.uilii in-rilu, i
inuplnienl ti.'clm mf. rontiiMii'iu MA.y iIikj
sl i:.. nii"i tnMj.-n-.i 5.
Th - I'nti'.iilier. Iiav.i p.-rl'-iljil n y-lm i't 11iHlll.1t
i.y iiliuli II. inn auppl Uu Magazine au.l Wekl
priuuptt)'linhe itlinpn-ter tn n-ieii u Mn-lr iieriml
ir iU uirt. tlj liuin lln- lltiii-e rf l'utilii:itiim. 1'n.tiiia-.
t-r .mil iilllera ili'Himia nf eellll.lC up f.'iulit Hill In-nipplji-.l
illi n luuijiuuie piilu'i.M Mhnii.l i1! on ap-
1 11.- poatjL" nn llarp'i'a W.-i-My i '.''I cenin a jear,
Mlnilimuai bt pni.l .tl In- suliiiriliei'a puil.tllisf.
I I'.llWri :
llaipi-r', nne )ear, Sine
An .-tint mjy nt eilln'r alt Wn Vly nr Miifazi.ii
will Li - iipp'ii-.l griitin fr etury rlub 1 f live mbacri
In ra at -5 UJ each, in oil - r. iinttaiice ; nr ix cupi.-s
same, together with tho warm sympathy
of kind Irhudi, at home, oouplod with an
inward assurance that I have aconscicpoo
void of offt-noo. Good bye, brother, for
the prest ut j hopiug soon to meet you in
I Frederick Drelir, Ei"i 2 Otr J J llnnnetl un
t l 4
Ii..., ufd ith ,1... in... 1..
1 On . '"r 8.11 UJ j i5, u,.,l, ukjii 1.1 t.i...miou mil t b ! ks tin
A nu 1 llfierf iri.iiti.-ra ean li aupplieu hi anj lima. nnn.artv nt' IIivIiim! -i.i.-.p
Soil 1 Thu ni.iinl Voliimea 11 1' ll.irper' Weekly, iu nial I l""l's'l Kieliaril ' '"j'r-
tuu rl.itli tumlliig, will OjbiiiI liy 1 tpren. f't-c of upeiias j JIIM.1J II. rUIWll.i,
4111 t'nr D i eaili. A loinpl.tu .-t. tuiupriain; eight nl- Hti.-rilV'a Oii'.ce, j Cun.ri-
UI111'. a -ul un rfcipi ni 1 -itiii 111 1 11 x tar ui i per - 1 miiimuurif. .hov. ri, ji 1 ,
i-uliin u, Iri-ialit al fsin-nn (.1 !.....
lIMll'Clt 4c HUOTIillKH. B-n-rVHT- tV. ' n '7 iTl
lijca, w rr.iiiuiin siuw. Nt urii. . j y j j., 5
'Ullipi.-a llSIiauiy in' neat an.mii,--" ni. ,1 mi- iiiny
1 M
in U10 wiiilJ."
V(!uabio Ileal Estate.
'THE uudfr-.igupd otT'TS to sell at p'd-
.1. lie. buIu, upuii the prriiui'-a, mi
Julin Krraalcr I UU Thnj llutaey
BJ- Our payments are annnunced abuve lo: the pa.t
..At. 1 1, n.i.l Ih... ,m .'int. II 'I'll., full .', II .tlftl I V lir 1 11 l'c
lean payuu-uta. Uur tuunkt nrJ title to tlmuijhtful NEW UIONTliLY MAGAZINE ;
irienua. Clrilieal .Notices of thu I res'. I J- "e. uie, upon ihe pi
W have sent bill., by mail the pant two wc.k.. to j , m hll ,,, Th, rtr.M,l. ' THUllSDAV, D K 'K.M UK It 20.ll , 1611,
a largo number oi ptr-ona. in lurimia .ecliim. of the nevurhal a im di-lislilluU.-iupnnion nnr the millinn ' . ..i...., ... ,- ... ... ,...,
a moro pleasant place than, this, I remain '. """'"' " the oAlco nf the L'o'uuiL.a lk-n,o- ? -n..-rpri.ini! Inon.l tlinii llarper'a .Magazine.- j ,.,,,, c,,,;,,,,,,, cMl,y f11H, 0 il,. .
1 f 1 timl rniilln.ln.l 1,1 llm .nml rlmtttitil .ll e L l"i I tl 1 roll Mtait . I l.allIHUrH. I V hl.n......! .. ............ .....
" .-i-.-.v.. .., .... - ..,l, Mrii't h! f mi Ihn ivn.M. -V... V.V . .' ' ." r. I- lll t.-.-urju ,lllll.,lt.. .Hl.u...,.
Ilunilrcila, if nut thauanuiia, nr ottiern, to iMiom wc '
li;io net j-cnt LilU, but whu know Uieuiaelva imtibtcil I
your affiotionato brother,
Fort Mifflin, Pa., Nov. 1, 1804.
Meeting or Ei,ectohs. Tho Electors
of President and Vice Prc-ideut will meet
on tho first Wednesday (tlio 7th) ol De
cember, at tho Capitols Of their respective 1 Lc equal at present to cms in Democratic tlmei)
btatcs, to cast their v tes, which are! Nn,llllu, llie Bama cf Min
Pont to tho I'ref-ldent Ol thS Senate, (the ui, j Uia future a in Ih part, be a.ritken from tho
Hon. Hannibal ILlllllin) and counted he-, rnll. Anil mora, thoy tuilb-cnlktieil by tho rhnrlett
lore both nouses of Congress on the sec- ll'!Hl p'ic.
nnrl' Wndnesdav c'tho nf Ifrihnnrtr l
1S0&, J v ' "! MARRIAGES.
to us, miii If they were na linnet t a a they profeas to be,
wnulil at ouru pay Iheir imlelitcitnea, (eun thmijli it
be but un i 110L1.1R.) without waiting lur a I'riairrf
' Dunn L'pon Ihe nilvent f 1-05. we ah-ill bo en up-l
led, of necceeaity, to chnrije $2 5U fm all past unpaid
rubacriptlnna, anil SI no p.-r animiii, (nliich will not
L'ramc mouse,
r53y It is generally understood that ex
Governor Hieks, of Maryland, is soon to
On the 27th of iov., 180-1, at the rei
denco of tho brides parents, by tho Itev.
bad their trials at IlarrUburg, come timo
since, and wore all eentenred. The two
former to two years in Prison each, and
Majority for McClollan 2
Tho complete Presidential voto of Col-
Home vote.. 3185
Soldiers' vole 102
Mr. Appleraan ttvone years imprisonrtont umbia ?unl-v' on ,ho 8tb of Nvcmtor,
nn,I R5II0 fine.wl.ich ho has since naid and , lou ' was uoreioro mnows i
been roloa cd. Daniel MoIIcnry, was
next on trial when tho Commission ad
journed by a chance in its officer?, which
ought to releate Mr. MoIIcnry from fur. Toial vote 3377
Iher trial. Ftott A. Colloy, was tried on ... , 7-7:
,. , , . , , , . , .. MoCleJ an s majority. 1105
;Monday last, and our last information ; f
from Harmburg, apprizes us that James
&& 'I ho Abolitionitits aro already get
ting into a nuarl. The radicals want
Seward out of tha Cabinet, and tho mod
erates want In Irnrn him In. T.nt ,1m fum.
iU- nlik an m, Tr lm,!0, ,! f ,i.J Thu Hanbburg Patriot . Union
country sums up Linooln s majority in this state,
,0. , on the homo voto, (iududing 15,000 sol-
Rkjiovkd. John Kay Cloment, Pro- diers eent home) nt 200. Rather close,
voel Marshal at ILirrisburc, has been dis- i that I
i. .' . ., a t i .1 ,John Walker Jackson, .Major Samuel
resign Ins seat in tho Senate and that R l0 h v g 0 T f 0Jlloom,bu
Hon. idontgomcry Illatr is to bo his suo- paij aml Mija Emma L. Ettla, of Uar-
miescd, and Capt. Hunt, Gth U. S, Gavel
ry, has been detailed for duty at tho post. !
tS" 'J'ho offioial majority for General
McClellan in Lincoln's own county of
tcr Mr. Lincoln, in a recent speeoh, Sancamon. Illinois, is 370.
tST Postmaster General Donnison's enn declared the adoption of lho new ronstitu- ,
Mellenry, Kq.. of Uambra, Luzcrno was a lieutenant of yolunteers when his tion in Maryland "a big thing I" So it was, ir It is said that Gcnoral Grant in
oeuntj, is now on trial before the Com- father weut into tho Cabinet, anil now ho coiiciderlng tho manner in which it was tends another attack upon Richmond bc
tiiliiiuu. ii a brigadier general I accompli. lu-d. fore elomng th presont eampaign.
risburg, Pa.
On the 19th inut., Ly Rov. E. Fullmer,
Mr. John Kei.luh, of Jickson twp., Col
umbia co., Fa., aud Miss Saiiau lIutr.B
man, of the same place.
At. Audorsonvillo, Georgia, on tho 20th
of June, 1804, Franc ih Rlteut, mem
ber of Uompauy K, 2d Pcnn'a, Cavalry,
and son of William Rupert,of Uloomshurg
aged 18 years, 9 mouths, aud 17 days.
In Madison township, Columbia co., on
tho 8th of Novoniher, 1801, Mr, AnitA
iiah We'.m; Kit, c d about 1(1 y care,
.Mellin.lial rrpti-Ht.iut. (Paltiinuri!.)
I un liui.l ntuiiiiiir .tiui'iuiy in iuc tvnrin. --sew l, or i t.,inii.n
Olm-rier. I
We i:iu-t refer in lertm of tiilnsy to tin lnsli t .nc ' 1 IUO Httnihcu AcriS of .and,
nn.1,l .-ij-olleiicc nf llariier'a Vagaziiii-- a journal o0 il.mdred - which i. r in.' In a goa. alt!.
Willi a ninntlily eirrulation of about l,li.u;i,i en -in u, culliv-ilinn. and the balaiirt la w.ll tiiiis.r.u.
w h id- HHir.-s. are tu bo found minie of Ih- chn c.'.t li-'ln 'i h,.,.. .., ,
mil ,.riiriil r.-ilillili' "I' III., l!il ir.i n..k nf lhi.i ."fiiuira, .iii
work as nu t vi li-ni-e of th J Amerii-au I'eiipli ; au.l the I aji'l
iHMiiiiti, i. , ,, i,. n .(in M-.i ,. iiiviu -.1, ii iiiiui-ier . .
rontaiiit full 14 1 piceii nfrrailiiiir inatier, aiiiirnni late. I .trSi
ly iltiistr.iteil with -rnnil ivooil i on, iind it louiblnea I.Otl I'AIIV, n itli other nut ImiKinja. e ool OrihuJ.
m itsi'It llie racy inontlily ami Uu- nun., plnlo-niphiral j and .eveial ftcelleiit ripriiifi ol Water on varmn
luarterly, blenuod Willi the h-n tV-aturea nf lho d.iily , part, of the I'arm.
lourmil Ii lriap.reat power In lh diaeiiiinatlon i f a , S.ilJ properly will be told in wlnle or In lota to mil
mvi oi i"ii- iiiui.iiiiir. i iniiiiui 11 i.iuue 10 nuiericiin purciuaei a., l.iiiiituu. , r.-S.1I1, n cmimence at ten o'clock A. M.. ofaail
Tin-M-luiui' I1011111I eonatltnte r.f theum'lvea a lib- day. when mteudaiico will lm riven andeo'idill.natu
eraiyol lui-ei-llaneou. readiiij; auth na eaunnt bo found ' luada known by
in the eaineennii aa in nny ntlier pabllcaliiui that haa 1 QVAITIPI f" IIP.AI)
cmiie under our iiotie'i-liii-tnn Courier. I . o.i.uuiiii . ivko-
I Norcmlier So, lfni,5w.
SL'l'H.'ltll'llONLi-li5. -
'J'lu-riibliiiliera have perfn-.ttd a nykiem of mailinirl fl its'if fiiv r tta i J I H
by which they can aupply the Ma-razinc and Weekly . L UfC I M. 1 (jLttllit llilHl
,.1 uiiii'it, .,.,11 ..- n ,i. jiii-ii 11, tt-t.t 1.1 iiiu-.i ,i.,litl
tala nin itly fimn thn lliliee of Publicalimi.
The pn. luge on ll.-irper'.. .Ma-:unn- laSt re'ila a year,
wlni h uiiiitl bn paid at ttia auliacrlber'a po.t ollliii.
TCIiMtt . -Ilarpi'r'i Ma-ja-sinn, one eur, St uu
Anciira copy of. itlit.-r tlio Magazine nf weekly will
be auppllcd Krdlia for eiery Chili nr five tiubairihen
at Si uu each, in nuu remittance ; or 111 inpie Or
SJ11 (in.
Hack nuiuliera can he aupplied at any time.
A niiipliiu uit, now ciunpri.lui! iHeiity-nine Vol
iimea In neat ilolli Inndiim. will lie n:nt hy expri aa.
In ijiht at cipeima ol puirli Ur $i '.'5 p, r vulunie,
v.iluinea, by iuuil, n.t paid. I ill. L'lnth caict,
for uiiidiiig H1 cenia, by mull, p".lp,lid,
HAiti'Kit-v iiRoninus,
I'raiiklin S-piare. New Vnrk.
Dee. a, lPf.4.
Wl!i:tm9, the Jlni. Pm-su, rrtsi-1-"-1
Judpi; nf th.) Court nl t))' r and Terminer and
eral J.11I Il.'lnety, tourt of tluarler iSeaaiona of Un
i't iii " and Ctiiirt of I'oiuiuon I'leaa and Orphaii'a iJouit,
in tin UCtli Judii'ial Diatrnt, eoinpnped ol thn coonliea
nf l.'nlumliiii.K'iilliwin am) Wyoium;. and the Hun J""
Mll.-yniild-it .-'P'pliiii l;,-.ldy,Ai-,ociateJuili;i a oft oiuin
lua enuiily.haie iaa.ieilti,ii pri c pLb-iiriHK dale the .m
day of rlvpl , in lho y. ar "1 our I.or l one thousani tljM
huiiilri'd iiinl aixty lnur and tn lue iliiected f .r m I (
L'ourt of Oj ' r uii'l Tirminer and Oeneral Jail uelivtrf.
tle11er.1l fluurti r rii'Haion. of itie peace, t'oiunirti I'l'"'
and ilrpli.iu'a foiirl. 111 Ulnoim-burl,'. In lho county '
L'l.luiiibia, 011 the tlr-t Monday, .bcine tlio lu day; or
lleceuiber next, tn rontiuuu one week.
Noliro la hereby fiven, tn tha Coroner, tho Juill'-'a
of the 1'eare and l.'oiiatabiea uf the aaid cnunt) ofcal
m il'ia that Ihey ho then and Ihere 111 tli.'ir pn-por pe'
anna ut IU o'clock ill the furcuoi'li ofaaid day wllh ineir
retorda, lii'pn.ltlona ami other remuiibrante 10 -.u
,.,,.. e Al , u, .... , . inoto iiiiiii-a ivuiruio ineir niucea iippeiiaiu in oo"'".
usiaic oj Abraham W. nhne, defeased, Ami iiioao ihatoriii.'iuiidiiyiicosuiiaiice.toproa'c-it.i
againai 11m prlaunera that ara or may nu in inn J"" "'
k i lit county uf Columbia tu bu then nml there to prua
eule I 11 u u ai ahall liujiut, Juror nru rt'iiueiled to tn
iiiuriimi 111 ititu atieuuiiuce, mrreeapiy unm-u ';''-"
) Haled at Ulooniaiiurgi lliu 1111 ay m
I., ri. iiu tin-year of our one thouaai.d t"
.(-.......1 ji.wl 1 1, elsllty
and placoallperaoiialuterc.tcdare requeued to alien I, cishtliyear or tlio Indi penJenra uf tho United tiit"
H K.C'l.AKK Auditor of America. ( Uod ave hie tMMOHwmirii ;
lllnaraaburg, Oct M, ISbl JOHIAII II, Fl'H.MAN. Illifiilf
ITf- 8ri plcaie puHith h-rifla 'Ma', ninoauliuij Nov 11. iVH
'I HE undersigned, appointed by tho or-
phan'a court ol Ci-lurabia county, an auditor toau- cu
't't the account of the adminlattatrli &c., ufAbraliaiii u
,,. ...iuc, ueceaaau, win aitimi 10 ine iiuue-i-r 111a
appoinlment, at Ilia oinco in llloouuburs, on 1'riilay,
nnvuiubersU, IbGl, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at which timo