Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 26, 1864, Image 2

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11 Our Oonstilntlon cnard It ever I
Oar glorloua Union hold, tt dear I
Onr Etarry Flag forsake- tt noverl
Th proud Oaucasalan our only peorl
Saturday Morning, Nov.20,18G4.
Ota ho l,a,e paid up their Mounts,'
have our tlnccro thanki. Those who tiava neglected
lodo.o.ireren.ue.tednow. to .LTTuand i-Av (mm..
i.t.y. We nccdnolspcak of lntraicceipcnscs,ctc..
. ., ...... .
those things aro fatcnt to every Individual In tho
landi we say. that w have earned aar money, dearly Uy. . , "v" ," ","
andUboriou,iy.nditmu.tbepaid. I Wc will not reprint our tablo until the n neglcot of too ltichmond authorities,
Wfl are making out and sending bills to all indebted, fu(i officjal vot(J of tlc 80VCral g,ntes s ro. ( all givo plausibility to the rumor. Au
indudlngthe present (teth) volume, up to next .March, . c(j.yc(j -phus far tho eompleto roturiiB nclty '3 undoubtedly necessary to success
nd wo expect from them a prompt and early re.ponse. I ., N ' , Connecticut i' Vfar, but this movmcut of SiiEitMAN is
Our tern, are rAVMOT
one taKing me paper,louiupBynycuruueim. ki.viiu.,
I hall webe disappointed inyour honesty and Justice,
Anllaitly. Every person taking this papor, niunt I
pay TWO DOLLARS, x DViK, and they had bet.
ter remit at once, as upon tho first of next January, wo
shall be obliged to demand for all unpaid subscriptions
TlirtCC D0LLA113 per annum, In ndvanco. Wo
hoph our friends will avail themselves of the nppof j
tunity for liberal payments nt the approaching Couit
in December.
The Late Elections Locally Con
Twenty years ago, in the great elections
of 1844, tho Democratic majority in Uol-
umbia county was 1000. Montour has
since been erected, and now the magnif
icent majority of that former time is not
only maintained but increased by 300.
Amid all tho of times and of oar-
ties. Columbia county stands firm to her
anciont laun, JUDjeci 01 course to uuciua- ,
tions in hr maiorities, but with no pros-
i i... . : ,.., .in,rt
ures now Btand sho gives over 1400 and
Montour noar 50O. An 1800 hopes were
. i, l) l.i:.
outui-iiiiutiu iuU ' ' ",";" - . - " I, ,.
Democratio strength hero would be broken
down and disappear. Foster's majority
1UI UUIGMIUI tl IUVU uuub. wvv mum .uw
m .1 onn -.,.1 u.,
oin.f T.inonln nAnr RM. nf
now Lincoln is beaten in this couuty over
1400 and Curtin for re-election a year
Etnco was beaten still mors, inese arc
tho facts, and although wc muM regret tho
result of tho Presidential election in the
Country at large, wo oan congratulato
ourselves upon the fact that this section
bears no share of the responsibility.
This thought may convey some satisfac
tion to us in the daik days of war, and
debt and taxation and suffering of tho
But this year all the counties near us
havo dono well. Wyoming gives Mc
CUllan a small majority and Luzcrno an
enormous one. Little Sullivaa has done
exceedingly well, and Montour also, Ly
coming whioli did badly a few years since,
swings baok to us with a thousand major
ity and Northumberland givos nearly as
much. Bepullican majorites aro cut down
largely in Union and Snyder, and Sehuyl
Mil comes along with 2,000 ou the right
tide Even Bradford is improving. Col.
Piollct, a gallant and true man l educed
the Republican majority on the Congress
ional vote this year finely, and Lincoln
was unablo to reach near his fjrmer vote
in that County.
Tho Republicans of this section have no
reason to rejoice over tho returns at home,
as they have been badly bcaton in this and
all tbo neighboring oounties, just as thoy
will bo hereafter.
OloEing Up the War.
Our Republican friends havo promhed
to close up the war by puttiPg an end to
the rebellion in a very short time.
All tho Democrats will rcjoico at Euch
a result. Tho Administration has it all
its own way all tho men and money It
calls for tho samo as in tbo past three
yoars. No Democrat obstructs or will
obstruot its course. We shall all bo glad
to havo tho war ended speedily, for ite
expenses aro enormous and its destruction
of lifo is great.
Let us even hold our belief in abeyance,
and await the good time of peace aud the
Union with tho prosperity and glory of the
A Monster Lemon.Joux G-
Quick, Esq., of Montour tovnship,in this
county, on Wednesday last, presented us
with a Monster Lemon, It measured 1 1 j
by 14 inches, and weighed just ONE
POUND ! This huge vegetablo was rais
ed the past season, by Mrs. & Mr. Quick,
on their domestio Tree wbioh thoy have
fostered in their houso for tho last fifteen
years, and is tbo handsomest, largest
and plumpest specimen of that choico fruit
wo havo ever seon1
Tho donors have our thinks-
. ..
Cosani:ss. Ibis dignified body of
Abolitionists will n ect in a few days.
Tho timo to tho holidays will be spent in
trying to oheot tho Democrats out of their
soats. Tho rest of tho Bession will be spent
chcatiDg in their seals.
t There is an evident desire for peace
in administration circle., as was evinced
by General Butler a recent Fpecoh in New
York, provided they can dictate tho terms,
The IUynau of America maj yet bo re-
,srdoii ts a copperhead.
tf , t it t .1
podllton. It is this, that some time ago,
JZ?. S. :i:.T, Lf "''council waiheld at Macon, Georgia by
1 . . m . . fli . ' 'oino of tbo lending men of that State, who
thon annouoc8cl. Twenty-two of the twen-, .... , ., ,, , ,
...,, . , , f decided to withdraw from the Confedcraoy,
ty-Hvo States that votod havo gone for . , . ,... ,, , 0
i , . ,, ,, , , . , ... provided SiiEitMAN would capturo Savan
L nooln, civing htm 213 cleotnral votes . , , r
, . ,b. B. ri , nab nnd Olmrlobtoo. A meisongtr was
leavinir oulv three, (Do aware, Kentucky ....... .., .
I , T t ... ... i i ...
and Now Jersey) with
Ann irtnr . nrani 1 wirii -rt n nni ru vijliim
for McOlcllan.
Va Va.L- t.tyiti srim. nf nur frinltrl.
,B" AVlrt "UIW" w w" '
hoping against hopo, o
lung to until tbo
very last, has turned over with the mass, ' ' "
and cast her rote for Lincoln by about legislature rofuiod to mako any arrange
8,000 majo.iiy. With this result, too, "ent to defend tbo Stale, and also, that
n ' ,n ..nwoleamo faot that Governor
, ,, , .. ..,, n
S '..., , ....' tioll!ll fro JQm
Of StatO rigUU auU constitutional trecuom,
.UfnniffM.o nknnf ilm ,imi. mninr.
IS alSO UeteatCU uy BDOUt lUO same major-
append tl 10 Oggrrgato figures :
McClcllan's lllaj.
Lincoln's majority
ucuioiian maj. uiu
T - l-ll II i
iNieho son, ( Uem.) is c octed to uongrcss
by Delaware over Smithers, (Abol.) tho.
Preseu member, by 403 majority,
Tho returns of our own Stato are, eo
,far Partisl nnd contradictory. Wo bavo
, nor known a time, during an experience
of tweuty-four years, in which it was so
as r.t present.
The Ilarrisbure; Patriot nrofesscsto uive
t the home returns of tho Presidential elec-
' ion on the 8th absolutely official from 10
' rnnnlies tho mniorkies in 18 counties
omcui, . uuuou.puuK-u uy lU0 1UI. ug.
, cm unuccouipaim-u uy tuc u ug -
ures tlio rcmainuer irom reports ny let-
'tors nno leicprnnn to tnfl i-riiriai mm
w .
CHIOM. WlllCll lOOtS UO 33 fOllOWS l
Official full vote 110,374
, , !
'33 GS
; rcprtcJ 21 241
1 '
Assumed Lincoln majoiitv
On tho other hand,Forn,ey's Press pub
lishes a talo ot what is calleil "tlio Lor-
reeled Vote of Pennsylvania," whioli
makes out a majority of 10,198 for Lin
coin. With this wide discrepancy between
tho two Statements, it would be useless for
us to attempt to givo anything like rchablo
returns at this time'
ir -i ti ... tt ci
Gen. McClellan m the U. S.
Wo would suggest to our friends in New
Jersey, and especially to the
Legislature iust choten, that
McClellan be oleeted United Stales Sena-
" " '
tor to succeed Mr. Ten Eych. The Dem-
ocratio party would hail his presence in the
upper House of Congress with delight. In
such a position his commanding talents as
a statesman, as well as his exalted virluo
as a patriot, would shino forth in all tho . EavaB llccniQ unacr wlllcu 1110 "Wo des
vinor and nower of unre.-trietod and un- PoU wuo occupy, like Burbridgo and
connncu ireoaom. iNeithcr the i'resi-
dent, nor Stanton, nor Gen. Ihdleek.could
touch him there. There ho would meet
ur-.i. o . ,
uauo uuu oumner. anu L;nanciicr ana
.nor, and Chandler and
and cniial nround. In
Wilson on ven
such a position his sagacious and far-see-
.......... . -
ing mind, hi, just and comprehensive
views, hh enlightened and high toned
morality, his upright and ppotlesa charact
cr,would havo full anu Iree eoopo of devel
opment of action. He would bo a tower
of strength to tho time honored
of tho National Democracy
power in representing that wide spread
sentiment which exists in tho country,and
which though now in minority, niuit con-
tinuo to be a nower a healthful noncr in
reatrainin the d nd n is t r a tio n C'ti
great lieen, and despotism.
We therefore again nominate General
McOIellan for tho LI. S. Senate, and irtisl!
those journals who sympathize with us
this view will join us in urgiug the Legis-1
latute oi Now Jersey to elect him. '
The Modern Moses.
A few days ago, Andy Johnsou.tho Mil-
itary tJoveuor of Teuncse,and Vice Pres -
ident elect, addressed a largo body of
negroes, at Nasbvilleluriog whioh ho re-
minded thorn that Father Abraham, by
proclamation, had set a large portion of
the slaves freo but that his proclamation
did not release them : but that ho would
now tal:e thu rcBnonsibilitv indenendent of
1 it. lii.i. 1 .i..i r...i
, - .logout, uuu uL-u.aru .rct-uom .u
1 I .tun AcortA II, I. - 1 .1 .
, . wuw... ..u uo Wa..Wu "Db.lrbarous warf,ro There is war .n AN
j .uo.,cs to jpring up ana lead tbni ; ho
negroes responded that they wanted him
for their Moses, aud thereupon Johnson
promised to bo their Moes to load them
( us children of Isral outof bondago
! When tho auoient Mosos fnuod h.s fd
lowers deertiog tho standard and looking
baok alter the flesh pols of Egypt, lie rain -
ed a brazen urpent for all to look upon
aDd bo saved. When Johnson's ho-ts be -
' Como hungered and look baok upon the
flosh pots of their old masters, ho wilj
hardly dara raise a "copperhoad," it
fflast b9 a bbckinake.
Rumor About Shcrman'a Expe-
A rrpott u ln olrculaUo whlah f ,ruo
WM1 throw somo light on Sit SUM AN 8 Ex-
uospaioncu to mo ncsiuout Willi this
proposition, and a promise was returned
that it should be attempted. It is bi'lciv-
. .
.i tut. i t a..
T, ... . .t , ....
O0V' UCOrgia, I1 l.H message
to tho Legislature- boldly announced tbo i
'tight of a State to withdraw from the
,,, .
Uonfedorooy whenovot its interests aro to
fin C A ft a tAl AO I.. 0 rni..n r.m. .In i. I . a . . i
somo snob objoct as mentioned, ho will
Lincoln, bavo a remarkably fino chance to 'fail
60,014 cut off from his base of supplies if surrouu
ded by a hostilo population that will uso
. n,,r ' every means possible to obstruct bis march.
ho will bo singularly fortunate if bo suc-j
2,427 cceds in bis designs. Hut if on tbo other
8,157 hand the penplo aro in favor of bis com
! ing, bo may be able to "break tho baok
of ,1.. -eboliian. thin time rr.nn.
.... .. , , .
llj0 e houUhls
expedition. This is tbo first instance of i
an army lost during this war no one
knows where Sherman has sono 0r what
he has gone aflcr. All is speculation, but
let us l.nm, tlmi i, will . r.rsh.
inl.lnw m ilm n,,n,.,ina nc i.tun.nfrn n,i
that our Western army may add frwh
,aurcls ,0 hna alieajy so nobly won
i ir ti.. u..:..,..,!
dot-. rmi. ad to drive the Sta o of Kentucky
iut0 tl)0 Southern Confederacy. That
. ,i -. ,., ,. . ,
, prouu oiu uomiuouweaitn, w nicu uns suo-
, oewfa, re3isted bol, Secession and Ab-
oewfa reaisted bol, SccMS,nn ald Ab.
0iti0n is tho theatre of tyranuieal as well
, , . .. . ., 1 .
1 ,13 UI OU U V V I U 113 U L II U 11 3 . O UC IJUB ,1110 JJI til-
. ... ...l l.
. . ... ,
lino military, anu inuen prisoner m wasn
5Dgtn' MWJ other lojul citizens .no
treated in the same way, ecaus.j they do
no' uuor8 Liuoolti s polie.f. jt bil
guerillas are ib part of tlio St&A' t!.u
Federal autburitiii- bciiij; t. f:
them out. A drnlt N being ..l-.-i .:.
hundreds nf thocoicnptu a- evii't
to join the r.bol ai 1113 , pte'ermg itiht ; .
being plaoe.l under such Go ic.-- .I--P-iiii..,
i company with negro suidiurs, t.i hunt
up) bound down and shoot their oivti
friouds iti Keutuoky, who ar as true to
the old Union as is tho needle ta the pote.
I A Cool) Act So seldom docs it he-
, ,
come our duty to commend any act of Mr
ljU,com inat K0 avau ou:selt ,vltD Pleas
o f any opportunily to do so Major
Waif, of.heConfede.ato army, has been
nn.lnmr.l tn rlnn.h. Thof wn.iw ,Mi
l 1 . , .1 mi . , 1 .
oonucmncu 10 acain. mat nioouy award
Mr- Lincoln has, wc are glad to fay, sun-
Pfnueu uut" uo sn navo pven tbo ca-o
mf personal examination, uonor ue pant
h m for at loast l,lis oao aut of intervention
Dctweeu 1110 r,Su" Iminanity and tbo
-- '., i f'"''H'w"--u "-i
, """"t the front of battle ike
men lDt a war of nhriiainto taught-
cr. M.iv nn net iUr T.inonln An
" ' - o
anotnergoou act oy saving this people
om the infamy of responsibility for the
n anl. , o.ll, ll..l it . U .......inJ P
violent death that is to be executed, one of
, lhcao da?3 10 wn, upon a woman ?
-il ll,u
end of Lincoln's terra, half the real and
d pr inc le1 Pporty ia tho whole country!
I .,, l l ,
j ,auu' wl" ln own oniy j
i a' tbo uorse3 'n u's stables, half,
i lu CB"10 ln 1113 uulas' "alt tUo l" ,n Ins
1 P-;-, the grain in his barn, will go
j o the shoddy contractors who aro run -
ty in deb. at the rate of
1 11 ice minion un 11 nr. n nnvin 11 nom ip nnnni
,,vw.u uuuut
ia(S,s "ST0C a ff0tk'
Speculators in Gold Wo hear oc
casional threats from tho Black quarter,
against speculators in gold. Who aro
tho "Peculators in gold f The government
' wanls 'l fr d"lic. When duites aro due
and be paid, government puts up tho
Pricei anJ wlien 110 (1uties aro to bo paid,
govenment can afford to let thu price gu
liwn. There is but little importation
, now' bonce there ii lets excitement in the
8old marked y
I . . ... 1
like ll nni.n 1 irrp.nii!ir.
te 0, tbo worW.aro livine in a rUte of
' gBrh) MeXion, Polnnp, Tu...- 1W (!l,.
ua y eil, j.,,,,,. At,i,;,l,r!
om'i tlt n-it . ri, u. ,; .,, tw i;.ti '
, , , T , 1 i v-;,. ,t 'vv'ca
j, . -pj,,, fj,u, 1 smt is ro'viati'
od witii ttn Ii'.i-cimV 'b'ftrL. V ' .'
! ro.woe, M Ki'f,u ..j '
S-ck i-W0 W,rw to er -wa Th m
. h Ol.alHnt. Em . edft- r of th' ):ui!
j hadlistnvt, is .lu,,gmu,l ill w;t'. Tt
phoid fever. We earnestly join bis many
'friends in tho hope that ho may soon be
refitrd to heahh.-MwfoKr Anwkan,
Legnl Cluim Against Major Gone
ral Butler.
On Alotida) , in tbo Cjurt of Common .
I'lca. New York, Sainui'l Smith ami An
..... ... .
uruw v. auiiiu applied lor an atuoiiraont
against Gciicral Uutli r, bo being n non
resident debtor. The plaintiffs in their
complaint ovor that in May, 18Q'2. they
wero private bankers, doing buisecps un
der the firm namo of Samuel Smith &Oo.,
at 1!7 Camp street, Nuw Oileads. On
the 1 0th of May, General is al
leged, forcibly entered their citabish
merit, took away all their funds, privato
accounts, and 8U0,000 in cold coin. All
this property wus kept from them until
July, when the defendant returned all
tlair property except thu gold coin, which
the plaintiffs ulltuo ho converted to hts
own use, and refused to deliver up to
,, , , , , TT, . ',
tliem when demanded. Upon this stato
of facts tho iudiru trautcd a writ of at
tachuient against the property of tho de
fendant in tho sum of S100,080. Tho
complaint and original process were served
upou the General in person by under
Sheriff F. L. Vulutoo. Tho Sheriff has
also attached all monies due tho General
from tho United Slates and now in tlio sub-
treasury, also tho monies in the ' bands of
bis ptivate bankers, Messrs. Macomber &
The Trials in Columbia County.
It is known to our rcadeia that, for
some time past, tho trial uf a number of
parties, arrested under a charge of re
eibtiug and obstructing tbo operation of
tho drift in Columbia couuty, has been go
ing ou for the alleged offence before u mil-
i t:uy oommusioo. 1 ureo of them, John
llaulzi Samuct Klino a1"1 William Ap.
rhreo of them, John
pieman, havo been convicted of a co.
siijrcy to resist the draft in Columbia
oouutv. in this State, and sentenced as
'olloo: Kunir, the ring loader, .0 in p a-
... -.t m... r . .
onmcQi, in rurt lUiium ior two years,
and a fino of one thnusaud dollars i Kline
..i!,i..,n .,,t ai.
man to a fiuc of fivo hundred dol.ars and
' ouo year's imprisonment, Gen. Couch
t..., ..... i: a .i..: ..i .1 : :
uanuuunwu iuu ucui.iuu mu :
i counsel for the prisoners enteri'd
r ,
.1..: 1.. . .1
- - .
lu-ll iiiy,i:.i. u, nil vi CfcDliUUI luu lliu'
,.,i: in. , ,!, ,.. ,!,,,. I
i .) .... - .. i . ... 1 1. . -
i, j uu,,,,,,,,-., , ...'..miming
a, a ...atter ol law u,d l ngla that tho
matter b, re-,.u-d . -hu ul .mhoritii-s.
l'li- ir piou -t iioiun nu'io" d.'u , thoy with-
''ic-! l run. the Ouiv-j-u). ;uiU His rjc ult of
the Uirtl is uUvs -uted. Tho eonseri,)-
lion ' iw t i.viJn that all su. ch-es shall
'' t.T:od to th-j civil l,t trial,
. iuisttr .'.ttl'- iur.
idr Tl.o l'.-.Hi In
loany i.oinin.'tio 11 Uj.
ii ... u
i i'c,.,u':
f. O al
'ion of hi?
me-, ag '. A 1 nli.-ti aut
ui' me rcpoit-i of
the variou-s bureaui hav. hem tuinishd
hi:n. Nothnit! has tranired rutneetiiiL'
the views it will take 5 hut it is understood
that the President will recommend the
enactment of a law abolifhiug Savory eve-
" 'l'? 10 tl,e UT"ltcd ita,ca
forotvcr- II 18 ruu1orcJ
wl bo a ch,'uc 10 tiQ Mua Mo
next sotsion of Congress. If Mr. Fussen-
den is re-elected Senater, a new Secrcmry
of the Trcaiury must be .-clueied, and pjs-
tiUy o'her changes will be made. Among
these may be tho removal of Mr. Stanton,
County Superintendent's Convex
tion. Una Convention is to be held in
Pui.k,,,. Mmini,.;- lunn:.,,
thc Qou Supcrinto;(OIlls nt"tCDd!u;,itho
.., nf rntnr . . . .
r u ' bu 1,a'5
bccQ grant0(li provitleil full fttrQ wa, id
. .. . (,, . . .,,,-
' "" auu
Groat Wcsler phi'ladc, 'hia
FhJindc,phia ond llca(liD(j; P(
ana r.,rie,i
I 11 I
Central. Allenhenv Vnllnv. New flastln
,! Il - ir.i,.. T..t... ....i
. . ' "
7 . " I 'V5 . Vrt"Ui BUU
ri V V r ii X7 ,nn nitfinnn n .1
"""'""'j. CJumUerlanc, Valley Titts
i rvj. e..' .i... r. i !?.!..
'- uw-.m j i'ieus,-itn .loounoii
election board at Newton Hamilton, Miff -
im county, ri'jeoteii tuc votes ot two Uem-
ocn.s, ,ho had been two years out ol the
! military service because they could not!
, produce their dueharge papers, sho,
. 1 11 nr. i nnv leprn nir. iipnrrnra. n iiiaiikiii
...-j . . -....-ubu
they had paid all their taxes within two
yoars, A friend went 10 miles after tho
discharge papers, and returned ten min
utes before the polls closed, and thus hav
ing circumvented these Abolition 'soldier's
friends,' got tho soldiers ballots in.
Relief of Our Prisoners.
Now that the election U over, wo trust
Mr. Lincoln will lake in ni'diatu meas
ures to release the '10,000 Union r-oldier,
in capliuly at the South. Let our brave
bojs, who have been peri-hiiig by bun
dreiK, at Aodoreo nville, be immediately
relieved. t 0 puliiic il reason can di ter
Uio I'rt'iil. nt li'.im aeiiii.' prumtly now,
hhJ iiit ion:' ut liiun .'iit ulouJ up
01. ii.i tu .in; n,'. , u. u irJt,K,ut f turih.'r
- v
l'...iilC.ll' i'Afti'l!.''.
: l-
taiiv, I hut Ll.;iuo(!t! .ol t.i 1'.
out, 6;,
' .K'i I'
1 U 0. ..I .
,,n r.'pntdii
. 1. er. 1
Ladies' and Children's Hats.
Latest styles at CIIAULKS OAVICORD & iJOKi
Confacntsl Itotsl, rttlltlslfhia,
Income Taxes.
Uy law of Oongrcss, a tax upon all real
cstato is to ba collected, nnnually oftcr
a nril 1805, of flvo ner cent, unon real es
1 ' ... 1 r
tate, This will amount to 851) tax on ev-
., , , T, , . . tt
cry 81000 Of Valuation. It applies ta all
. . i ., i i..
real estate, whether the owner has an In-
oorae or not, or whether under or over
5000. Thus : if a tnau own a houso and
lot worth ?a00 bis annual tax upon it for
this purposo alono will bo 820 a
whoso larmod Is valued t $4,000 will
havo to pay 200 tax,&c, for this special
purpose. I
. . ,
GEN McCl.UtiLAN. The Now York
oorrofpondeiit of tho Philadelphia Lodgor .
Writes as follows : I
"Gentlemen who have visited Genoral
McOlcllan sinoo tho election, report that .
ho bears up under his defeat with bcoom-'
Mn.inn. i.1UJn in n Milnnlmt.fl
upon tho administration or its friends, but
cxnressinu the earnest hone that the choico
..... ,, . , ... i . ,,
uiuu tuu uupiu uuvu uiuuu i.iii, uj me
blessings of Providence, enure to the well
laro and prosperity of tho republio. "Ev
erj thing depends on tho blessings of Prov
idence" bo is said to havo remarked, ,'for
man, and man's passions, threaten now to
make common shipwreck of us all." Tho
General will probably go ou a vifitto
ff A correspondence writing from
thu Army of the l'otomuo, says of the pris
oners recently captured :
The priiuticrs captured arc all well clad
and have new bbocs. Shoes are now ex
tensively manufactured in several of the
leading cities of the Confederacy, and the
' necessity for their impoitalion no longer
, exuu. Uouijllcss tbc twenty
Doubllcssthc twenty five hundred
i"1-JU ' u"l'la,cu
us some few
niontln ago, have helped ab ig
he ehoe
" n oacy, tuppo.-,ng the
MililHl Irt ll,, tftlinprl lit. till Itmrt ll.rf,
- "j -i
'Ui3'y tswu.
. jujjan w i ti it r fr0m N
i ' P" Jountor"' vKiT tit
Currefpoudent of the St Liu'
avada territory
noeount ol a visit there w ich lu i.
I makin' savs that tiie oatiitul and urinei
- -
f . . . 1 .. , .
;l ty, has a population reaching au nggre
I'tilU Kll O ilLL'U VUUUSilllll 3.UU12. I 111
f il... ..t, flM
111010 tlmH tho whnU'. wliitn i.nniilninri nf
. 1
t10 r.itry auouutcd to in the year 1800.
1 Acoord llg -t0 thi1 corre ondcuee the .ii
ver mines bid fair to rival in proluetive
Ucss tho-so of Mexico
A 13ulo Tit IKF. In Pittepurg, on lasi
Friday a man took a horse and buiiirv
from before the office door of Dr. li dter,
Lure the horae w us tic , aud sprinyiug
into thu bu.'gy, tlrovo iff and went as fat
as Adamsburg, ou the G reousburg turnp'kt-
a distance of twenty -two iiiilc3,befbro he
nas arrested. He mad: pcvcral aitempl.
to bell the buggy aud horse, but could not
n r'chaser. That is what we would
ca" bold 8tcal'Dg'
A New Railroad. A meeting of the
of Schuylkill e.mnly, for the pu -
poso of adopting mcauix,H to aid in th.
oonstructian of a pew railroad direct from
Schuylkill Haven to New York, wai held
in Pottsvillu on the UOih ult. Mr. Hurd
P,iitci-h(in presided. A committee of tltir-
ty persons was appointed, but it does no:
appear very clearly from ihe report be fire
m what they aro to do.
Breton's Hroiivhinl Trocfus. From
the Medical Director of tbo General Hos
pital. Denton Barracks, near St, Louis
March 8. 1&G2. John I. Drown and Son, IIo--
t Mo9,. of far famc'd a
.,' thc hospital cf which I havo fharue, nnd
,-,.., ... , ., ,, , ..,
aiav:n;- bronchial irritation and nmibid
seusitivoncss of mucous
' o . . . .
tricmbrance ofglot
lis uml n.irta
, 1 j-.vm.. ,
1 ,
A Dampeu. At a recent n ilroad iliu i
ncr, in complaint to the legal fraternity, 1
jibe toast was givon :-"An honest lawyer,
tho floblot work of CJod." Bat an old ;
farmpr in tlin Imnlr nnrl nf llin Iin.ll rnllipr
. .. " . V . ..
hp0iIcU the effect by adding, in a loud
1 voice, ''And about the scarcest."
77 " ' , ,
; i f, 7 1
f J .
. ,
during ono of bis robbing raids.
l'bc rebel raiders in Missouri
inado tlio ilayor ol UlarUesvu 0 give three
' t b
cneers ior JeiiLavis anu tuenroubeu 111m.
Ilo nOW CXnOCtS tO bo tllOt bv tllO next
Squad o( Union Soldiers COin" that Way for
no J
CtlCCrillg for UatlS,
. - - -
'-j. i v rt i .ii t
tztT lu l0W UrloailS thoy have cars for
colored porsous distinguished by a star.
White persons can also ride iu these oars
if I inr Wl lint f intf nr ,ml norm Mori to
' . j - r-
object to thu presoaco of the other race.
&" Prentice says : "Wo think wo
euuii.u uuu im wiuu u iuiv uruuiua wiiu u
fiSttAi nrrSof!ir,Tl
tt ill (..rant, or Sherman, or Sheridan send
US one ? ''
K'OOMP I'linir llniPfn T.vus Tl.n
inoojil utOM UtitLcr 1A.ES. ibo
last report ol tho Commissioner of Infer
nal Utvenuo Bhows that tho inoomo ot tho
I ,nv 1 rmtiniil l.nm l.,i-..l 1., lj .,
cut iifin nriii . ..1 .1 oiu,,. n
000 a year.
A Nnw Device roil Gueenuaokj. -Tbo
next issuo of greenbacks ought to be cm
:., t ,i 1. 1.. 1 . .
beli-hcd with a picturo of Old Abo hold
ing Unolc Sam's noso on a grindstone.
ifcjr Hon. John L. Dawson, in ibo
Twenty-firrt District, is eloctod by flfty
tix votes over Fuller, on the soldiora'
On tbo 10th of Novcmbcr,l80i, at tbo
rosidenoo of tbo brides M. Colo-1
Esq , Mr. Josui-jl McTIenhv, to Miis
c, ...... . M 11....... -r nl
uum u. mimi.
CO., 1 a,
"u'' '
In 11 OOmiburg, by tllO UOV. J. W.
csobcri on 0, 180.1, Mr. IIeN-
uv Gitlino. and Miss M. Oath. VoHK,
both of Mifllin, Columbia county.
u !Llj
.... 1.. (... r... .. oAKroitn & sonu, Continentni iioui,
1 urtnasera may rciy upon aeiui.e .
cue.tuut street, , rhiiadciphi
Gentlemen's Hats.
Alt(la i,,,,,,,, yC, , OIIARI.U3 OAKFOllt) tt
RUNS, Conltncnmt Hotel. Philadelphia.
Ladies' Furs.
n,e r.rpit nstnrtini-utntUH.MIt.lW UAKt'onUc
sons, fontineuitti Motel, Phi ladsiphu.
Gentlemen's Hats.
All the iniet iyic. ot ciiAitLi:s)AKroiiu &
BONt". Cuullnciilal. Philadelphia.
Ladies' Fui'S.
Piircliascr laay ri-ly upon Retting the best furs at
OlIAIlLIIlj OAKl'OIll) Jc SONrf, Uontinental Hotel,
Ladies' Furs.
The larpost assnitmcnt at CIIAKLUS OAKFOUU it
SON'S, Contiucntul Hotel, Philadelphia.
Ladies' and Children's Hats.
Latest styles at CIIARI.Ed OAKI'Oltl) & fOVd,
Contlnenliil Hotel, Philadelphia.
rr,IIE mleriliur ronpcotfully givis no
il ticu to the public that he liui .it hi. Saloon, c.'i
Main dtrc t, lllooui.burg, contl.iutly on lioaj,
Illlher In the MIIEI.I. or hv the f.W to nult cnslnn.
era. Fniullirs an bn aupilieil by I In can or ny thi
qiiiirimmii .mill ni ne... tic niso aeeps ron.iaiMiy on
UI' o mbiir.f. Nov. W I'KI.
Valuable Heal Es(a(c.
iHE untlerngncd ofl'. i'H to sell at pul
llr Mile, upon Hie preimicd. mi i
1M1L IISD.VY, DE EMUKll 'jyill, ISOl,
A Vft!u;iltlt I'nrm an:l VUu tutioii. nil tintt in hociir-t
OAiifliiiN Culnihhin counly unjoiuiny fairiiii nf M'h-s
V. SlioL'iii.'ik' r. i) iud ;viiik' miilAtii. McMurir( cun
tuituiig i b.iut
Ttoti Hu nth cd Acns of Land
One IIiiihUlmI nf hirh in fit nretl, urn' tn n rooiIJ rIUq
of cultivntioii, nnd tin- tinttmcu m w timt'rt-J.
Tlicru in urn ted nt nay prt'iniscc. a you it
Frame g liotise,
I.IJR il.M'.V. wiih nlhrr mil hlnu k. noo.l Diehard,
.mil aiivcral iierlliiit tfpnnij. of W'ater on .ui"in
puru ot tlit- Km in.
Sl I r (. r i w ill he sold in w lmle or in InU In unit
l tfrth' In c.iiiiiiieni'iMit ten oV-lin-k A. M., ..f-jil
iln. w lii i. .iiteiiilaucu will In- tu-n un.i cu ulitltniH ho
inai o kiit.w ii by
Novenih.-r .'ii, lirj,5.
lii'iidiug Jitiil-roud.
Glrcat Tiunk L mi from ihe N'..rih nnd
North A' n .1 fur I'hitn le Inn. Nen -Vnrk. ftc.itl-
inar, INitt.v illi-. I.t'haiiou, Allout,iwn. Kaaton, A.r.. Kz.
TiniiK lemu llnrri.hiirj fi.r NV-Vork. u rlli.w
ll ,i luu r, .. aii.i i 1. 1 r. .ii,, un ll ill 5 ui ,ew
Vuik .it 1 1 A It., ami '.' 15 n:cl 1!) 0.1 C. )I.
'I'll.' 11I1 v rniincit Willi Train - 01 Hi I'.-nn
tviwmi.i 11,111 uoaa, an.. i 111 rig uars acco:iiH-i tn U'.o'l'i.inH, wuhu'U cIi.iiijii
l.i-uvu I'nr lluii'ling. I' itiville,'r,iiiiaTii 1, liini-rii i 'If.
Alli'iuowu, mid I'hilj. 1.1,, hi.i at SI,". A. M mi J I 15 I".
.11.. aliipiilni! at L. union .111 1 prinr.ipnl Ulannui only.
Way Tram. t,topi in' al n.l puini, al ? -J5 A. M and
4.40 t. l. ll. titf 1111.H i.envB .Ni'W-Vork at U A "I ,1-3
noon, T.(U V .M. 1'hil.i.lcliihiA nt 8 A M
I. .M : rotti)ilIeat4S-5J A. M.und 33 V .M : Trttiii'-i'iia
m r.iurt. n anti ..ur m . anu i.j.iuiiij m i j niiJiu 'in,
7 35 au.l 10.13 A. M., uml tiu'j l. M.
ll a -iiK Ai'L-tn latin-i Trdin , l.eriva Itm ll n? al f-
3J A. VI. r 'turning limn I'tnl t l.'IptiM at 4.3J I' l.
O Jiinibi It lilrotiil Tr mm! Kc nlin;; t C, t'j nn.l
ll A M.fur l.ptir.iiti, I.Hi'.. f.tlii.iit,i,i. kc.
Oil Stiial.i) v ; l..ivo Ni:-Votk at 7 P Phil nl.-l- "
phia U.I. V .M., I'muvtlla 7 30 A. M , T.i!naua 7 , VI . '
ilurrihtirtf S 5 A. .M.. and UuaiJmg al ii juitluihl t-r
lUrridburz. ,
Uumiiiulntiuii, .'Milfin!;.', Hmsuh, Hflrml, ntJ lUmr- '
stun l ichLt-, to mtii irnm 'ill pntuts at rmluc-'il Katri.
Uaiftf ige chccki"! ttirouyti : uunnds ntluueJ tach
i asi-iiter.
(i. A. NM' OI.I.H.
General Supermini dki t.
ItuAmsa, Pa Nov V If3.'. I
Rememhnr the little "Polka!
, lli.l .11. Ill il i4f 111411 I Ll 111' O
i wvwvw w mi xvvl vlmimc
I c. . A vw .-.wwfw ..'fs
- i r! JJjx, Vi '"- y
1 w u'4, c.i a' v 'Viu r-jc b a
' SS. y! -.ifisfv Ji&ll . ir-J X
oyM, ftotiouM, Ei.ancii-!iit:ie!in,
i'u!K, Dandies anti Sweet-
.TBt aii, &c, t:c.
-r n a
' uuderslgFTvould re.peetiVly
ui niurc, a lurse eiCK ui
Ciristmus ami i'cw J air's Toys,
C"'6'i"B of Camlies up into nearly every kiml
',u ,"' ,oou,nu m which uro e u n up wun a
(jooj ileal of tare, and Willi a new' of heins very up.
''7'Va'uv V.w...
urh Misses. NeU, ihirerent ile "f ciHiib., lieniis.
l.nttnn. holt., c,,.,,u.i,l,.r. ..n.l.tu r. f .n..n. ,,..,1.1..
Ilo lias I.AIU.n CASlid well nile.1 with notions,
lop. Iiltlo ivllluiv-tvork, necllcs, (ilm. knivus ar-otul
article if sneitacles, Uuelhcr with IninilrJili of oilier i
' urtieles, it filch he oilers to ll.u public at very low1
i friti's
1 ui" nun n can as uu ne oiicm ior saio is ueiui
and in demand in every f.inuly. The hnlid.-iy are fast
Si'W?.1,'''''? ,V',i
and we know of no belter place in this
lain a couipltlo .upply of Holiday Toys
5. Nov.W, Hid.
ami eirt. forciuiireu,
n c
T"B Subscriber will expose to Public
J ,,,, nl ,, r,.tlateo m catawi.M township.
Columbia cuunty, 011
Friday, tho iJud day of December, 1801,
i'Lrf,Q ....tain Lots or narcols of ground
lxXtZZlCU fc " '
Thu one track situato on tho Public
mii i.i,Um.. fmm i:.itntt ssa to . 1111 iiin.'.rni,i.iniii'T
about 41 ucror, whereon la erected u two story I'r.iuie
Vfnniri llnrn. Slinrt nml ntlinr out
bmllincr. with a l'ouii" Orohard.
- o : . .
Ono other tract, contain'tuif Ih acres,
of clearer) land, in a liieh Halo of cultlvnlir.11, alsoiu
the same loviasliip, and sltuato upon the public road.
Aud the other tract containing aliout 25
acre,, about the one half beinr, cleared find, and .ihe
balance is good timber land.
salp to coiiimencv at li o'clock, .11. of said lUy.tvhcn
condiiimu of sale will be made known by
Nov, 10, ISot,
T 01iUL noroby fliven to all Ugatces.
iatc oriho rep,ciiva iiAemiontii iui.i in'ino,, ,,?:
the foltowln mlmlni.trntlon nml (lunnlinn . L.lt1
havo been nied in tn omcaor the itrti.ii ,f t.;iJ'l
tx'Hi'i'i nni nc I'rL'neiuoi ir eo in rmatluii h i
Mluwnnenlnthturphint'duurt.tobolielil In 11? ''"a
Bum, In l is county nmre.alil, on Wcdneiday, tl, ,h"
i. Tbo first and Qnal account of Jau,e
,X"deca"e.'iI'f S""Utl Unc' UU uf Dl("s"1 tonn"
''i,u first MU fUn nccount of John
li I ii . dejcai.d.
rinmn, Rm r. tiwano uiuniea, luio or iMuJI.oii t0BU,
R, .,,, fin, T,
ui uw lliv ...m una, UbbUUU. UI u0!fl
Megnteell, ail'mf. of Conrad Adams, lute of Oious.
tuniiihlp, deceased, '
4. Thu first and finar account of ll.
tinitiimn, ailm'r of llobctt llneiibuih, Itle of I: t .
tuwuililp, decerned.
6. Account of John Slinrptess, adm'r,
uf Jacob Mam, lute of CtitnulssH tonnthip, diceairj
0. Account of Edward Ilartuiau, cunr
dlon of i, Wesley lllll. 0110 of tho children 0? Jul.
Hill, late of Centre township, deceased.
7. Flint account of Jnscpli Cotell, c.
etiitrf I'fllie ln.t w ill of Hnnlil i) Wclduiin. iat. L.
11- ii.iu, k tnumliip. ileien.til,
b. Acniint ol Ji h 11 M. I'eii-hliiit). nil.
inmltltHt. r .1 I'l.lnvj. t-akr, Ir.u if I'chtuii tona.
thlp, die. il-.-.l.
I), Aeenunt of Juob llartzol', Jr.
(luurdlim of I'.lizab-lli Nil... niinif clillj of feiir
NUf, lutu uf .Mi III 1 11 tint u. hip, ileiiuirtl,
10. Aeenunl ul .loliii lieicli.ird, cxccu'.sr
of Tobin. Ilrlli r. lull- of .Miuilmn ti'., ilrri iui,
11 i'ilst and tiiiiil uei'i.unt ol William
.Mather. Kxeciil r f r.unn l!"fcvi., late of (iKiLw jv
township, ilitea.i-,1,
12. Fir-t nnd liiinl ncr-ou'lt of Juliu Ml,
teller, ndln'r. uf I'.'Ui. ji-IIi ft nst(,II. T. Inta cf MiJiu;
tow liblilr, decra.ed,
1 13,. First aud final account of J tncs
llnrlon. litrculor of Anna Klolx, late if I Itju.u (,,,.
.hip, deceased,
14. Firn account of John AppUnimi ;m.
Hham I). App'tiniin. nxmnti'is uf Pitir Apilcuso,
lute if llcuiloik towuihip, ilrceUKcd.
10. Account of John Tr tubley, Gusr-
JI.111 of I h.irlc. Trump, minor child of llen'iy 'trump
idle ui rcuii iu iiauii, (icicumun.
Aeecunt ol dotiu Iromliicy, ( ui
of Jamc. Trump, uilnnr clilM of llrnry
17. Account ol I. li Ch m liiii!. itc i)
I :vi,u lonutu in. u.
Lllzubilh (;rieliia. lule nl Hi nil lp .
I 8. Al'C. ItUt (if J v. ui' V ll ' i
uf l.?rn Urutt n. minor f.'.lhl . I I'v.f li
ftlalti l.nMinhlp, ilecru.u.i.
lit. Aeeouiii ol V . .
of .l.'orge llrwii mi.i r,..ilui ....
uf Mum tuwnthip, .i.r. a...,i
!0. Account o '.i .n.iin M-,
Hon n. Ui Miii.inior, luti I M. aim ..'
y I Aecnuiit o; A'cx-t... .
,, lt rntor uf IJviijnM.i eul
l..ld 'll.. r.i
In' 4
Fill I V.V,
llluornnburir, NN'r
)Y viriiic of Miudiy wiits of ven:Vi;ia, irrU it 1 lit UI lilt' t.OUrt uf ( I.JII tll4.ll M.,b.
i.. i.'oluiubi.i I uniily, and tu me .lintted, will b. -u
i-.ncil to ...I" :it piil'lie unl.i ry. l Hi" l ... r I 'II, , ,
llliiuin.liur, on liuml..), thv Ath ufll (iiiib twi
at 1 u'cloik. P, M
. r . ..e c 1 . ...
' Hniton inwuslilp. c.iluint.ia (.' c. .iii.ini, mk ..!!
l.tuitli l an urre. inure 01 -t. i.ouudr, nn m . . .
wti: i n tin1 t i ht tr iJciiiuel .Mrlit my tn tin.
Nuilh b) mi nlli'i , tut Itic Kiifl b unn'lij nini m,
Smith b lit ni'iiii flrtrrt t;i(.ni thrniili fi-i J t,
wtierttin an lii ittil a. Imgf (.' Linit bt,i Vi itfi the
pur toiiauc d
HfUcil, likoti in itxulfon :n-J u bj auli u -fu
pruji'irty uf Sitnut.1 Kri. kNuuni.
1 At lh pauiu time and pljtuo, ill- unl f-
l icJ (iih fmiuli J ait nf a lot nf ijromi ', hK.h'.o in u
t u tmv iiihii, ( nluitibia c unity, bmin it J i m f ',
b''iiiiinis at a pntt, (lit ik' l) luiitir I .tic ol Unar I. '
uriu tti m euty i u ali'l mii li.ilf iW'K t'f Hti ki4 p .
1 ch'- tu a p"ki, tliuitcv bv (un ii tit 1'' wn I ii n t ,ii
tliiity thri't itint mu finmli ilcn't'i n -1 I. v u ,in i
uin tin If pirt tiH lu a p-t iht'ii imiUi ri. niiv v u
unil a half th kit" futt fix p r. h. t ,a ptt tij .
by It. I nt lliiiicl J.timuii m rlh thirty t. mi i u, -ti.tlf
tt srff vs.'nt i'Ii-vl'II unit Itir.'.t f-mth m, n
thu pi irrnf bfyhiiiiiiv. ' nil; thro t, r
' p- rt!i.' sitlt tin ;i put ti'Hrtin't t.
Si U.-il, Ittkt'ii in v Tiitiiiii iiiil ti) bj Mild an tti
pfi'l fit) ul Uutiiinl I "H.y.
JO.-.lAll II. FU Ii M N ,
' Sh -riir'n liihi '. ( Hm ii. if
, I Innni.lmric. Nnv. I'J. Irtl !
I noti .): in uivoiii!!:.
' ,, iis Court I ( omin tu Vca-i f d i
' .,,.,,
' rh.u'lM' Miller by h- r ), u .. n-t ...,,1,,. . .......
v. H.inl"l .Mill. r.
.I.,', .1 r,.r n ...
) N'u 2J rrp , cn.i , a .
l't)HJ '1 ill I'lXI.N TV
'I'll ' ' Hill IIM IHV III lit 'if 'cilliil) ln'illi l l .Ml T J f
1 I n'ji.ty : tit I'.-iihii, v ti rr. I ! v, , r if
U t iHit f- i'1'tt niuifl Utiw r I i.-i t iu ii t i,df
(f Pi hrilnrv I i'iI prt-f r lnr p titin.i to .r i ,
Judlf. n -1 itiir Cti'iit ui (niiin.ii i'lt'ix i"T Hi'- i,t
roniitv "f i'nliiiii.i(i pim ftr t Ti - niui' U i mi
fur III.' -Ii ininl hi tliw.fieJ If.u Ui bin . ,t
Mntriii'M t-ulcrrii inti ilh Ihni t Ml it iti 4j
Ihi'itfnn ru.nui.tir ) ml. th -iipI li.iui- I If. i r u u
1'Tf S ill'l, IfHil 'lllll ni If al t - tn r u
i' usi'ii wbu-"' r i bt dii-1 a;ij t'.u in Vn-tr i (i r
pcrun Ii fmi' Ju 'pt'i1 a l'l-"t nb irj .it ,i -i .
I'liiniiimi l'lt-a Ih c la (j i h -Id mr ill i n I t, ju tiv
CohiJiibia o!i tif- ilifl itny uf tf. pt. inh r 'j -r x
iiiiinr tLf pi litntit. l libfl ur iiii ,ini rin tit il. t i
.mil lu nUitw tii'ifi- if any mi Un . w !i; ih i
t'in) hi Mltl'T. vmir wiit'.n I nut In tu v4ri f n
t'li' liiniiJn uf iiuiiriiiiu'iy h;' retail t ta tti i r M,
III)' JU lHCll.4l In I'lU UilJ plU.ltUU. All 1 .1 Il
fail nut.
Wiuiomi thu MouoraM'.' VVillui I;i.wm.i, I!Mr
I'ii nitli'iit nur vaid c tirl at Kiiiii'iiiiiir., th , it ,i
day of ny, A. U., uuu thoiitjiii I t ij;iit h.u i it u -t
iity fuur. JitfHi CttotinAN, :.t t
! Ami nnw, to twt : ti'ii. i. h
. pho.-nfi' ' tt ttirnoj nnd puuf Madr tht ih" jn -i i
emild nni bt-ftund in Hiu t..ti.l I'.i'jmy ut ' i ut
whcii'iipnn lhJ t'lirfi;! ih dirciiud t' cauitf n..u v i j
I phwiuulm in mi t iu.jh uetwiup m i..i..u
find enmity air lour w.'ek. .orc-ffivlv irimi
VDr.tduy i. luxt t.'rin,.lc, nccor.liii iu .-1 a.auu.
uy the louit.
.. , ..... . . ..
"" ' -
j vin:ai:.H. the u II ,H'I L'l W F.I L Pfs'pi nt
. w jimj;) in uiu v.tiun 01 wvt.r oau i rniin r Bin r'
t-rni J.iii u.uiry, iMiirt or unaa-r;
iV.'trc mitt l.'mirt (it ('iimiiiAii Pica and (Jrpbin s r
in the ' Jiidnial iJistnct. cot:ip wt-d 01 th t.
.f ( nliliiiliia, sulln an ami vnn.ini,' and ib 1
Jay of S.'pt , in ih" ytnr (.four I., r I ui" ih1 '
1 t niiiiiKua, aunn an anu ynim n 1 nnu m j. n jm.
humlri'il auil .iity.four and 10 iii.i.lir 'it. .1 1 r.
i .iiiri ui uj. r nun n rinin.-r nun t.i 10 ri
(Jent ral (liLiitcr rietmuiis of tin1 !'.
nml (rihau n Cuiirl. in I'li.nni.'l. ir; ...
C.iluniliia. on th.' nr-l "(111.I.1;', ,1 .
tVcenilior iust. t-. - ..i.tinu -u v
Nonce ii her-l.) iv 11 lu 'Ji
ol Ihi. IVnee unil , ..f'.-.i ' f .
uiiJn.-i tlial Hi-', i... ih m ,n ' ll,
kci.ih at 111 u'll. U 1,, .!. f.i., lii' ... .,.1 .,
thnc lliiiinii u,i. th ;.. 1 nt 1 r !!. ,
Ami ttioso Ihnl .if li 'i i i.) .
a.'.unM thu juimin -r MjI ..r-i . rountj of I ..luii.tna 1 . h th
elite them IH rlh.ll Ii JUfl Jill'. ik.i i
piinctnnl ill llifii all.-n-iiinr". i irr. ..I i. u ' i
. 1 . 1
f JhuniirtJ mid it nur iul in in. n..n)
nl.,1,,1, p ,.,",1... I ,.t I f .!. In., I .-...I,'.
L, H.
in ,hi.,'nir,i,iilii , ,. ll, ,,.,1 I.I-.1
li. il ,i ut, Un I'.'UI .) I
oi'Ainencn. ( U'Ui hAii.-uiL I i.omil 11.1.1
' JDSi.MI ll. it '..MAN, bin nir.
Bheriir. Office, lllooiiiiiliurg Nov. il, lei.l.
auditors Norici:
ks'ale O Abraham II . hlliU, dttraitil.
,. ,,,, , , , . .
' 111 uudeibigocd, Kpionitd by tli or-
i-phan's court ol Columbia county, an au.liti.r 1 w
lit ll.u account of ihu uilniinihirHlr 1 ,tc . of ibi.iUJ'
W.Kline, ilecra.jil, will am ill in tin- dm ' 11
appointment, a, his mlico in llloom.biir;. 0.1 i n 1 .)
.November ej, IMI.I, at 111 o'clock, a. 111.. ut tt tii. fi n
nnd place all pertous iutoremeil uro icun hisd tu " 1
K f.Ul.AUK. itudil.'i
lUoointburg. Oct. it. 1?C4.
drAii pliuto publish.
Ehtute of llusul Whic, .kc'il.
CTriiltHof ou thu LHule of Hu-."'
I' wuito. uto of c,utr tivp, Columbia n... u.r.t
estato of tho iieei.,ieut are requited to present theun-
l ie Win III atrnior ai ills reaiueutu 111 i" '"" '
sliip without delay, auJ nil
persons iiideiiluil to maW
piiyineiit forthwith. . , ..
8AMUUI. NUYIIAhll. Aduir.
Hrn.51. lridl-Gw 43 U0
- -
Estate of Situs Mcftlichuil, (hod.
, ;TTr;n3 of aduuuMralliin on Hie .'.mate of Si'';
.tleMichae) lute of llriuri ic. k tw p. fol. c diet
isavo t.ceu eran.-.i bytiso i-mHti.-r "f;"1"";;! Yfto VL"
ffi! -
, , ,,,,, u,,pJ..,i,i,
j",.; nd all uorsiuis indauted to iimko pamen
fnriu iih 1 '
"m,m,,h' ocoruuuvan9,.w-i
Ffp. 51. 13lil,-6w SJ 03.'