Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 19, 1864, Image 4

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    kji'iauUural Department.
John PMtvmvs
Keep Your Eye
,uiru iTT-ng. LACE.
l II 1 Ii A 1) K L P II I A.
Work for the Farm, and Stock
Buildings. Everything sliouM be put
in order for cold weather, which often
I Ifnve now in store of'my own f in
potlntlon ami Manufacture one of .lliu I AR0E3T and
must MiiXUl ic u m'""
Fancy Furs,
fur LADIES' and OM I LIlitEVS WEAK In tho c Hy.
Also, ii Mini tirroilincnt of dent's fur lllnyes & Collars, 1
other Aiori- Hi 1'hlladelprilul
tei III. Ifot.-Jin.
ISO, ii iiii.j tin ...... . 1 1,1.1 .... HI n 1
COniOS U early MB tilt- Ulidlllo of tllO tnotltll. muiVl'owe" premium than nt prcos'iit. I mi enabled i
-r. i i iii dl.iin.c nftlieui lit very reasonable prices. Mpl I
itnnlriHn .... .nlt. mrnlnal frtnn ll n 1 1 M11J . Ill Ml-pose ill lllctii ii H'J', Irunu.l
UMU up bulbil .,....... w.. ,
boarding up stables inside, tightening the
outsido boarding, stopping leaks in tho
roof, 6olting glass where pains are broken,
aro oach iiuportntit at this fcason. All
stables ought to bo provided with ghzed
windows, into whioli the sun mny shine
flutter. Feed the cow roots, pump
kins and meal, bran nnd oil cako,or some
thing of the kind to keep up tho butter
debts io Europe, and will bring high pri
oca whilo forcigh exebaogo is high.
Cattle. Push forward tho fattening of
beaves as fast as po-sible. Tho best flesh
is laid on betor tho coldest weather.
Tl AS enlnrifpil nml ctrntlv linitrovetl Ills Store nnnm
I I mill Riot ked It Willi ii Inruu nml superior Block of
Juct Publish-d in it Scaled Envelojic.
A Lecture on the Nuliiru.Trentinont ntul Radical dire
therefore solicit u cull from my. menus .-uunuj i
vli hilly. nml Stri'rt I
iIV KA UK IRA. SPRING and SUMMER (lOtHIS, which will he sold as
. - i i i ! J' " nt any "titer establishment In tin: country.
718 AIIU1I Street, above. , t ., you th side, . u( , 8) 20 (jrf cmls
PIIILADLLl MIA. ..,.. ,n .,o
O-I have mi Partner, tiur cuiiiioillun with uny , musiijis, liiiavnni unit vruiun ai -iu, 40,
up io -io coifs.
DRESS (1001)3 of every limln.nunliiy
ninl pilcn i a full line of Diiiiipstle Goods,
viz ' lin'rks, stripes. Ticks, Lliinrn nml Cotton
Table Diaper, (llnghnins, Nntikpens, Ac . A.C. A I
guud Kiipjily of Ladles Shoos and Uulturs
New slock of lints nml Cups,
All Wool lngrnin nnd t'oltngo Cmiicls,
u splcmllil iirllrlo lint oponi'il mnl for nlc.
A Ire th mpply of
Groceries and Spices,
n now lot or
MAI.'KIUlAli hy lliu qunrti'r, half nml wholi' harrel
Nob, 1 uml 'J, mcilliini nml 1,-irxo. AIro, u Inrge 1111 J
rplcnilia .' 01
I rt n ill it a atiil . Th,, Mnt I .
And how his Pulmonic s. Seaweed
Tonic, and Manutukc J'tlls acton with nno iunci fur kom, ,,',i iiic iiiurd
.1. V., .,. ii un'un H,ii I coulil not RtvQ murli inrouronciiii'iit. I
the ty StCDt tl curing tltltt UlS- w0u,.tlr!hiittoiiiynti.i,(hnienttherul
cane, and the
them Income nml tre mo. Tho nett cum Ii Mli f,,.
no lil, rrmii Bliinirnril, rmin lr. IKittholmncw got hi,
ilown to rea inc. nml h imt been ever lnc at hut
hniue. V7 hen Klip flrft aino to my rnoini, ilm ...
much pniacinii'ii with iiiklttnlmt cniiRh, tpitiint i.:
A.....llllA. ..f l.llin.l. I , .n,..l..l tin. l...... . If9
iirjer lounn ng(
iiiMit iinnm,
I lllOUllt h,
Hcnweoil Tonic, nml Mnmlmko 1 1 1 1 n nil acemcl ,,;!
mi I . .1.1 ,, orSpirnititorrhiiMor M' imikiiup. iiiviuiimiii
1 lll3 13 as good as golll to pay Umi'.iioim.Hexiial llcliility. linpi iliouiin t" J at-
tlajte Keui'rmiv M.rvuon.m'"'. oiiii'hiiiimi. n, i..n ti
ny, nml l it. Mi'Ulul anil 1'livnlcal incMpui ")'''?!!'
hi: Croin folf Ahui-n. -c. lly UOIl'T J. UJI. LIL
VI'.I,I,,.M. II., Anlhiu af lliu 'Gri cn Hook." .tc.
Tlniwoiirlil tJiiow iKilnuthnr, In tills iiiiinir.ibli! Lee-
lllr... r,t..,irll. I, r. I'rimi hi OWtl LXllliriellCU that til 11
awful coinfiveiicen of ti'lf.Aliiie may hi' elTectnrlly
reinoveil without niviliicliiu, ami wltmiut ilaiiernUH
mirgiMit opiTaltoiiii, huushl'i', in.truiiien', rlnK,or
rorillaN. iioiiuiiiLr out a iinnle of l itre ut oner certain
iTitro ilm ulinllpr rif irood warm slifth to ami ell', hy which every sittlercr. no inntter what
uiv8 ine snoiter oi goou warm sums io ,. r0 .m,,,,; J.y ,,Pi,niy curo i,i,.eir cin-aper, pti
VOlinc Stock, and Stablo tllO tllilk COWS. vately.mU rmlkully. -lhU Lecturu will provu a
jra6 sivi " hooii tothoui.imli)amlthoitaiiil8.
If this bo not nOSSlble. CIVO tho best nro- S.nt uiiilur'n. many iulilru, in u plain, nenleil
I Q r Piiv..nni.. nil llmri.pi lot of mi cctB. or two IIO!tei!0
! ....ittitj.'liv n,l(lr....lnir.
ii..i "i j t i..i ivr i. f...
i;ii.b-j,i . ii.i.
Ilowcry. NewYotk, rost Olllco I tx, 4530.
teotion you can.
Cellar's. See that there is perfect drain
age, and that water cannot run in, even in
tho worst weather. Make thera neat,
healthy and light, by whitewash. Stop
tho rat holes with cement mortar filled
T7ith broken glass, and "point up" cracks
nndlooso spots in the foundations.
Cis'tms. ProtecS against wintor. It
is not too late to make a good one. Dura
ble, farm cisterns are made by cementing
light against tho earth Kinpty foul ois
terns and them out thoroughly, ear
ly in tho month, that they may bo filled
afrcst beforo the snow comes.
Corn. As early as possible have it all
husked and, placed in dry, airy cribs, or
spread out on warm and dry floors. Corn
husks, well baled, meet a ready sale at
high prices iu Eastrc.i cities. i
Draining. Sojong as the ground oon-
tinues open, if it be all winter, keep bunds'
at work at this important business. It ia .
Buoh'be'tter for a farmer to bury his money
in the earth, in the shape of well laid ;
tilos, 4 feet deep, than to put it iu the best
bank in the world, whilo the labor thus ex
ponded is that Which cannot be immedi
ately converted into money. No one who
does a little good draining will .top with
J'encn. - Poor fences are a temptation
to people to steal rails foi firewood, and
the careless farmer is in part answerable'
for the crime.
Oct liSI-lll.
.(. 'cccivid at Erasmus' &w Store.
liars and Caps,
Tiwtlier with n stent Mirlety uf nnlltmsunil clcrle
I (is. ton numerous to men' ion.
C.7" Itnttcr. Hits, Me it anil produce generally taken
i exchange for goo,ls. A. II, KUAS.MUrf.
Illooin-bur Mayll. IWH.
II. C. II 0 W E R,
itl'Si'lXTi'Ul.l.Y oiri'rs hi nrofesii
Ir....,l ..rt'lcf.a In til,. I (1 ll ii .1 11(1 l'l 111 ll".
S.V men of Itl.inin.litiri; ml vicinity, lie is
.Zjt nreiiaruil to utlenil to .'ill thn various
oiurnllnn. in the line of his profession, ami i provlileil
with the lale.tlniprnveil l"JltCF.l1l. TKKTIl ; which
w II luiimerteil on foM. platiu.i. silur.'iuil rubber base
toloo"wi II as the leetli
Ml ieril plate ami block teeth nml all
0 erntii ns on teeth, carefully nml properly attended to.
Ue.iileiice anil olihea few duurs ubovu the Court
ll mf. same side.
Ul ip.nsburx, Juueli 1-H3
Picture Gallery.
new designs. Also, n new lutofTHU.NKS and
Oil Cloth Satchels.
Ilnvlni! bought thesp Roods before the lata rise, I am
prepared to sell low, cheap as the cheapest for cash or
country produrp.
t'.loomsburg, .May l'i, letil.
mill! umlerslcnpil infnrins tin:
, X nnd neishborlioud, that he ha tuk. tU l.i'i" roo.i.
r, ., TT - , at tllO L.A1 liaile lOKCI., i-Ali'liiii" r, , . -,i .,. r
jfTtdt. lianule CarCIUllj j OUC brtlSO liakery, ami the llnokstore w.ierc he lia. put ,0,
. i a i , i . , , a larite Skilichl. It Is only by !?kiitii.t il. .! joi.d pit-i
rOtS an applO. Apples packet! in barrels llltl.,cn l.utakuu especially sro-ips where each person
in dry leaves keep longer than packed in "17.!? " I
any other way we know, aud will bcarr,iK
transportation better. Keep fruit in a '
cool place, but where it will not be frosted. ; l!lo01ilt01ir)fi v,)r.
Cider made from relcctcd sound apples,
and when special care is taken to have
everything.cleanjis superior to most wines.
Grain- Rats, mice and ot'icr vermine
have freo ohanoo at nraiu so I0112 as it is' BUFFALO SIctS ROBES
( rrasjs Store, iu Light Street, Pa.
Who Keeps all Kinds of
Rcady-Mado Cot bin g.
Sugars, Molasses,
Syrups, coffees,
Teas, Fish,
Salt, Bacon,
Hams, Lard,
Tobacco, Bj;ars,
Hats, Boot",
Caps, Shoes,
Drugs, Oils,
Paints, &e., etc.
Iu addition to our lurce stock orilry Oooils, wo have
n I.URP nml full ussoitiiient of Ready Made ('lothins
toi Vipii and llojs wear wiiich wo are determined to
sell cheaper th tu can he bought elsewhere. Call and
too. mid Judge for yourselves.
Light Street, October !W, lt!U4.
TDTnpnri"!3r"D cs
, A pure and powerful Tiinic, cnrrertlve and alterative
of Ytomlciful clllcacy In dltca.u of the
Cres Dyspepsia, I.lver ("ompl.ilnt, llendachp, (leiiera
Debility, Ncrvousnes., Depression nfplrlt', ('nil
atlpatlnn, Colic, liitermlltPiit lVvers, Cramps
u 11 il rpuslns, ami all oiupl iluts of rltlier
Sex, nrlslni! from lloillly Wpakni'ss
whether Inherent III the system or
produced by special cuiises,
Notiiimi that Ii not wholesome, genial nnd restorn
tlteln its nature enterj Into IHp composition nflOS
TI'.TTi:it'S 8'1'O.MACII IlITTnilS. This popular pre
paratloii lontaius nn mineral of any kind, liodeudl.
Iintaiilcal element j no fiery excitant 1 hut It Is a nimby
na ion ofltho pxtrurt. of rfire baNiimic herbs and
plants Willi the purest ami mildest of nil dirTuslvu ttiiu.
It is well toi'1: foroii'ined again. t illseaso, nml, su far
as the liuuinn system can be protected by human means
against ninlndies engendered bv nn uu holesomi' nl
mosiheri'. Impure water nml other external causes,
I10SI UTTCIfrt IU'rrnas may be relied on as u safe
guard. In ilistrli t Infested with Feetr atiiUtgnt. It Inn been
found Infallible us n preventitn mnl Irresistible as a
rciio'ily mnl thousands who resort tu It under appro.
liPiisloii of nn attack, escape Ike scouren ; and thousands
who neglect to avnil tnunneives or us protei live mini
ittcs in nilvame, are cureil by a very brief course o
this iii.irvi'luui medicine IVv r nml Aeue tuitieuts.
alter being p.illd with ipiinlue for months Iu vain, un
til fairly satuiateil witn tu n Dangerous alKn'oiii, are
not unfri queutly restored to liealtl, within a few days
UIMT.I i 1,11 n in ii j, op.
i3. ltd. ,fNov. lenu,
OP Y sr.Bimd aUAI.ITY,Ki:i"rCOVTANT.
ly on liand.und will be tuldchciper than the theupc.l
by thn nnder-igiied, at his Trunk. Pur and Valise
establishment, No. -11)2, .Market Mreot. Philadelphia.
October 1, Ir-Gl. 3lil
in the sheaf. Get it all thrashed and rea
dy for market us soon as possible. Keep
it always clean and bright in tho most
marketable order for high prices.
Hogs. Keep clean, well bedded, and
aheltered ; supply cooked food if possible.' TBI!; HiVBj' BIOTEL.
Litters of early pigs.inny now be provided I CA'ATJIEI'J LLE, PA
for allowing lor the SOW to CO about four THI' undersigned announces to liL-friends and llie
ur, auuviiuk iut iui ow to J.O uuoui tuui Jpullb,iCt thilt lle us became the Proprietor of the
months with young. ' j New Centreville Hotel,
UorseS. Sea to it thai the Slables aro Located in Centrevill, ill Con, ngliam township,
,, .,, .i Columbia County, wheru he is prepared t aci..inimo-
Well Ventilated and light easily clcased ' datd the travelling public, mid allwhu may favurhim
WHO llll IT L'lMlllll, U Li in.l.11 piui)i..iuii
'ij- ltemembcr the Union Hotel
out and warm. Blanket a horse when he
is standing out.of the stable, or when he
lint comes iu, aud at night; loo much
blankctinc is ibiurious.
Leaves furnish an excellent material furl
manure. Collect all that you can. They
answer ior bedding, but arc nut a uood
absorbent cfliijuids. '
Manures. Get out much muck lobe ex
posed to the weather in winter, for use
nsstyoarj collect everything tha5 may
increase the supply in the hog pen stables,
barn yard, or compoi-t heaps ot manuro.
Roots. Store in cool cellars after sweat
ing ; free them from tops and dirt hen
Shhcp, Provide comfortublo bheds.give
them a good range ; if housed, Irco venti
lation and clean quarters, not crowed.
Each sheep should havo 10 to IS square
feet surface room, (equivalent to tv space
2$ by 4 feet, or Ii by I feet foreacli one) j
notmoro than 100 to 100 should be con
fined in the fame room. Turn in the bupk
this mouth for April lambs, but they do
better if dropped in May, in colder loculi
Turnips and Carrdli Dig before the
ground is liable to freeze, and store thorn
after sweutipg.
Winhr Grain. It iu better for it io
havo to much growth than too little
Never feed off at this late teison. Look
to the surface druns, that water may not
stand in thorn, and that sido ltiils be nor
exposed to washing hy overflowing.
Wood for Fail Much good fuel nytj
bo collected from that which has hrokfit
and blown down, dead trees, ko , boih hi
orchard and forest, as well as from old
fences, bridges, &C., which should bo re.
placed with sound otuff:
Plowing. Fall plowing tells, particu
arly on land wbioh is not well drained
and is late in drying in tho spring; also
o.i foal land, and on hoary clay, that air
ameliorated by the frost.
a xv lovi:
Centreville, Aug. 50, ltiC4.-3iu.
No. 257 North Third Street. Phila'd.
Nov '-".l. IrTi.'
National Foundry.
ri II IJ sub-criber, proprietor of tho above named ex
J tensive eatali.isliiuent, is now prepared to receive
era for
All Kinds of Machinery,
r Collerics, lllast Pomaces, Stationary Engines, Mills
lie is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and
, utteriis, p'ow-irons, utid everything usually made in
hlnt'Class r'oumlrics.
His ettjusive rachitics and practicnl workmen, war
mult him iu receiving the largest contracts on the
ul it re isou.ibte terms,
C73 Cruinuf all kinds will be taken in exchange for
n'J This establishment is loea.etl near the l.ackawau
nA lilooiusburg Railroad Depot.
lllauiusburg, Sept. Ii!, 1-03.
Tim undersluneil respectfully lurorms his old friend
and customers, that he has purchased his brothers
ulcrest in thu above establishment, uudlhe concern wild
hereafter be conducted by "liiiiisulf exclusively.
lie lias jut receiveii ami oners lor sine, ine iaru
est ami mii.t extensive assortment of l'ANCY
STD V KS ever introduced into tin. market.
His stock coiisipts of n comidete assortment of
he best Cooking nnd p.trinr stoves hitliu market, togeth
er with Htne 1'iMures of every description, (Hen mid
llo Stows, lindinors, Cliiidar Stmes, Cast Iron Air
Tishl stoves, Camion Stoves, kc.,-r, Stovepipo mid
Tinware coimtautly on hand and inauufartureil to order.
All kinds of repairing dune, us usual, mi short notiie.
The patronai!!! of old friends and new cusioiimrs re
pedfully u licited. A. M. RUPERT.
Pdoniusburg, Xorembernd leGll, tf.
he Hut usu of I
J lie w I UK sioiiiiirn i a rni.iii'j' in iiii'i men nun tu. ii
petite restored l y this ngice.iblu i'onir, and hence It
workr wonders in cases of Dispepsia mnl in less con
tlrni"il forms of Indigestion, Acting n a cenlle and
painlu'i nppertcnt, ns well ai upon thu liver. 11 also
invariably relieves tho Constipation superiiiilured by
irregular nctiou of the digestive and secretive organs
Person of feculo habit liable AVrron, Jllttithi, Anw
n(s oj Prints and File "f Languor, Hud prompt and
permanent relief from Ilm Hitters. The testimony on
this point Is most conclusive, and from bnin sexes
The agony of II 1 It in s Colic Is Immediately ns.ungpd
hy a siuglu doeof the stimulant, and by occasionally
resorting to it, tlio return of the complaint may be pre
vented As a general Tonic, IIOSTKTTElt'S HITTERS pro
duccplletts which must bu experienced or w finessed
before they can be lully oppicclnteil. In iaes of Con
stitutional wi-nkuess, premature decnyand debiiilyaud
ilecrepitudu iirixini! Irom old nge. it exercises thv elcc
triciuflitence In the iiinv.i o-centstagesofall diseases
it ojieiates as u delightful iuvfgornnt, When the pow.
erg ol nature are relaxed, it operates to ro.ioforce and
reestablish them. Lust, but not '-m. t, it the onls safe
stimulent, being mnnulacliireil from sound and imiocu
oils materials, and entirely free from the acid eloments
present more or less in till tho ordinary tonics and
stomachics of the day.
No family medicine ha ljeen so iinlvprsally, and i I
may bu truly added, dtatrntillij popular with the Intelli
gent portion of the community, as IIOSTET'l'ER'S
111 1 TEltS.
Prepared by
7Sold by all Druggists, Gtoccrs aud Storekeepers
November !il. I3C.3 ly.
T nr n A TI T f,MT'j
It Is well knott'M tit the medlcnl profession that IRON
Is thu Vital Prlnilpleor Life Element uf thn blood.
This Is dellved chlelly from tho food wu rat hat if lhu
food Is not preperly dlcested, or If from any cniisn what,
ever, the necessary iiuatitlty of Iron Is not taken Into
the circulation! or becomes reduced, thu w hole system
suirers, The had M I T III irrilatu tho heart, will
clog up the liiim, will obslrnrt the liver nnd will send
its disease, producing elt inputs to all parts of thn sys
tem, nml every una will sutler in ulialever organ may
be predi-poseil to di.eiise,
'lliu great value of
I. well known and at know leilged by all inedlriil men
The illlliiulty has been to 'htaln such a pieparalion o
It a. w 111 enter the rlriul.ttioii and as, imitate at once
with th lllood Tills point, sns Dr llnjes, .Mnssurh.
il.etts Statu Cheiul.t, has been attained In tho Peruvi
an S)rup, hy combination in a way before unknown.
tiii: I'uitrvi viiiii'
Is ii Protected solution of the Prototiilo of Iron nNrw
Discovery In Aledlrlue that Strikes at the Root or Ills
ease by -applying the bluoJ with its Vital Principle or
l.ll'u Element Iron
tin: i'i:ai:vi si'Kiir
Cures Dispepji.i, l.lver Complaint. Ilrop.y i'ever and
'Ague, Loss ol Ener,gy, Low Spirits.
Tim pjiituriAA a y it up
Infuses strength, vigor and new life Into the systcni.nnd
builds up an "Iron Constitution.
Cures Chronic i)lr,rrlio-n, Scrofula, Roils, Scurvy, Loss
of Ciii.slitutiouul Vigor.
euros Nervous AiTrc-tioiM. l-Vm.ili' Cnmplaliila. and all
iilHt'iKCH m me Miiuey- nun niiniiHT.
THE PE ' UI'JA l 6 J 7.' Ul'
I- a spei itlc, lornll ilU.a-es oriirionliiig iu a bad statu
uf ,be Id I, or accompanied hy D.ibilit, or u Low Maw
ul the SVftciu,
P.-tmphl ts rniiluiiiliig cerliflcat'is of cures nnd recouv
meml.'ilintis from some of the tinl eminent Ph siciaiis
t'lerit)!))!'!!. and others, will be sent I roe Io any'mldre-s
Wu seh it a few of the umiies to thow tin! 'character
of thu I ttiiuoo.ils.
joiin r. Williams, i:su .
Presidoiit ol the .Mi tropoiil.iu Now York,
Rev. AIILL S'P VLN.-,.
Late Editor Clirl.laiu AiIvih ate and Journal.
Uev, P CHI'Rl'll,
nillSAT SUCOI'.SS ATI lJiNUuiU IX 1 cavity as large as a gooso eeg !
.,,1.11.. nnii eaineii so up I
right to tvnrK, inn lung is all healed over, Icavlnr
is larso us it Koosii pea : iroou aunei ts
and has gained some thirty-live noun,. i
ninni i no no nn
Te abovp l a corri-rl likeness of Dr Schenck taken
many veurs ago, alter he had recovered from Consilium
Hon : by n cour f his "Sutvu u's Pui.momi' Sv nip."
ihelikei.e.s, nlthoug It do's not represent hi ninny
thine like iishad n he was nt the worst, yi I it Is In
strong contract with the hale aud vlsnrous looks or thu
IVitlrait below, uhali l.tliPlrue likeness of hliiint tho
pri's-tit lime, '1 he ,-imtinst between tbe.e two pur
trait, is so many would not bellevu th-tii to
he the same person, vet tm re nre iiniiiirt.-.i- m r- ,
sons. In nnd around Phllad-lphla, vv ho i III rrt ognl.e ,
both portraits tobu tine rpprpsoiilutious lienthe
11 r hi wafctaKen lie weiiiiiou iui puuiius , ei m. iii..ii
time his weight Is "20 puuiids,
welclit. She has some rough
I think will leave her In loro Juno. I sh-ild think u
would bu or great tiiipresi to unpr" udlcpd ,,h,.
i eiclan to lit thPso cases, pnrtu n, arly l ScofitU
or any of them who have Iippii . n d ly uy mullclnci'
j 'J hey nre numerous In New Y"'k . 'a t Hip nliove tutu'
all ilim r froni each other i and if niv medicines art
lug what 1 represent they nre. th should
credit and the allllcleJ know vvl . mil huw thsywi,.
bo cured. J. il rt'llEM'K, M,,
Dr. J II. Sohsnrk can be found ,t bis prlncip-,1 otri,.
No, '.I't Norlh tit Ii Slreet, 'hilnilc'Vhlu. every Satiinlst.
from i A. M,. uhtll P M., to nive advice, frc if
charge i but for u tho'ouuh pxnminallvu he rhnrec.
thri'o dollars I'rlie of thu Pulmonic. Syrup and p. ,
weed route em k SI--" per hultle, or n Urn hall dnrm.
Mandrake Pills '.'.5 cents per box, uud fur stlo by at,'
Druggist' and Dealers,
, June 11, l-til.-l x.
' Editor New York Chrouiclu
Rev John I'i-rpont, I, . Jnhnsou,
Rev utn ii lairtou,
llcv .'. rtlnir II Puller,
Rev Cordon Dobbins.
Rev Sv Ivalills l.'ubb,
Kpv. T. Starr King,
Rev I phralni Note, Jr.,
Rev Joseph II Clinch,
Uev. Henry Cphaiu.
Rev P C llondley.
Rev John V (Jluicsteml.
Prepared by N I. CLARK k CO exclusively for
I J. P.DINS.MOIIE, No -I'.H Itroadwuy New York.
Sold by all Druguists,
No 1'umilj Should be Witlioiil It, OulylUccnt.n but
run iiv
J. P DINSMtiRE No4.ll llrmdway, New York.
S W I'OWI.H Ii CO No. HTreiuoiil M linstou
1 And by all Druggists and Country Stroekecpers.
May 14, Iiil4-lt2ui.
, M 1).
Rilswell Ku y M tl
S K K lull VI I)
X It Chi. holm, M I).
Priimis D.ina, M D.
Jeremiah Sliuie, ,M. D
Jose Auto Saochi's ,M l
Abraham Wendell AI II.
A A Hayes, M D.
J R I hiltoti. M 1 1,
II, E, Kinney, .M I),
Nvv York, Wtdiiesilay, .March 30, Itftil.
Thirty year, ago I was Iu the last stages of Piitmnn
I'tf TWH BiABB9ife !
Oldest Regulator lor 'eranlfja.
Will linmeiliately relieve, without pain, all tll.tntbaa
res of Ihe periodic, disiha'pu, whether arirlng Irom is.
I :i x lit I n i or siippre-sioii. They act like n charm in u
moving the pains that nccoiiipanydilllcult or limni'df.
ale luenslriiatlon. and lire the oily sale ami nli.l.,,
remedy for I'lurhes, Sick llead irlie.Paliis iu th.' I.nin
Hack nml Sides, Pnlpl ntlou of the Heart, Nervou. Tr.
mors, llv sterirs. Soasiiis. Itrok.-lt Sleeli. mid nthsr us.
' ph ns.'iut ami dangerous olfects of mi unnatural eurnti.
lion oflla-sexual fiiueiloiis In the vvor.t ca.ri
Pluor Alhit. or White, tiny eH'eit u t-pc, dy i it re.
I Have been used over a llunrter of n (N ntiiry. Thff
, are i riered ns the only safe means of renewing iut.r.
. rupled iiieiistrualiou, but La lies must hear in runs'
I that, there is om rendition of the female system im
whii h the PHI. cannot be taken without producing a result The condition refeired to is Pregnane;
J -tlw result. MUcorLige. Suih is the irreiistllils t.ri.
ilency of the medicine to restore lliu sexual (uiictiunt.
' to u normal condition, that even the reproductive pun.
erof nature- mount resist it. The) cannot doh.imi ii-
I any other way.
nn. ci.r.Esr.M nms n:MAi.r. pills
Are the only Medliiue that urried uud Single I. nil,,
Iiav e rclli'd upiui lor many years, or no rely upon now
Itew nre of Imitations 1 'Psi-se Pills lorm thu Fiui-ii
t Preparation ev er put forward, with immediate nod
, Persisleiit succeos. DON'T HI! DECLIVED Tnk.
this ndverliseineiit tu your Drusgist. ami tell liiin thtt
III , rn
Philaitelpbia and Dr, J seph I'arrish, then of this city. in the world, which is comprised iu
Genuine Preparations
tive and spi cilic yi iue4y lor iIim-.i-i s of tiie bladder
Kidneys, Ornvel, ami dropsical swellings
This medicine imruin-s the pawer ufuigestinu, ami
excite the absorbents into he.illhv action, lie w fiii h the
W'uiery ur Calcareous depontious, unl all Unnatural
Etilari'i'tueinent'i are reduced, a. well us pain amlni.
on i" eit me to .More stow ii, N. J a imtance of nine
; miles, vv hich took mo two days to tret there. Oiimynr. ,
! rival I was put to hod, and ttiere laid for many weeks.
1 This vv a. my naliv e pbn e. where tilt my family lived
ami h id died of I'ousiiiuptiori, Dr. Thornton, who at
tended my father in his last illness, was called, nnd
1 gave no-one week to tlx up my ntl.ii rs. He had seen
, all my taiiiilv cothat way. and thouchl I was togii.tmi. '
'I lieu' I heard ot lb" reiui-dies I now otrer to the pub- ,
tic. wiiii h cured in... It sei-uieil to me that I could feel ,
tlieiii pen, t ratluti my vv huh' system, I
They soon ripeui..i thu matter mi my lunes.nnd I
would spit olf more than n pint of oiTensive yellow mnt
ter everv iniirnjoi! As soon as that hcu.iu to .ub-ide,
I my roiiuh. fever, p.-iin. night sweitis all began to leave '
, me, and my appetite became o e'reat that it was w ith
! iliflit lllty I i oilld keep from ealiiii; too loiiiii. I soon
The,' have reeelviil, and are now receiving Hi. t.i
clliiu of tiii- iiui.t einiiient liiy sh laus iu Aiiienru,
EXPLICIT DIKHI'I DINS with each Ilm, ths prl
One li.llar per Hov. I'outaiiiing from ;u to lil) Pill.,
Pills sent by mail, promptly, hy remitting the pun.
to tliu Proprietors, m an aiithnri.ed Agent, iu earrt.
funds. Sold bv Drue-gists generally.
Ill PillNtiS tc HII.I.YEi: Proprietors.
M Cedar Street. New York,
Sold in Hliiounburg, by Lyer Ac Moyvr. uuj C
jl reii. 7, Irlii. I,
fii s.ri:s, rk.
Hi Ixitttk Fcurtk
jjj 'fi f.Vi SAI.AMAN
im. no. iiii tn.iiii i mi. I I hii n liunii iiliiu nil in I 'e..,- r. 'il'-ii'M
b ' ,, i... 7 .. "i". ' .miriiiHC. Vrrrl. Vhv phia, hart on
mpteili-ood health, kef-plue- II... liver and stomach! wiv.ObWJ ,?, f , , " . XLr.rl
healthv with the -i dwreil Tonic i .Mamlrake Pill 1 '.v; iSKtS?!;:, r'1 f'
I an, of a h.liou- temperament. My w lal,t i. two bun ; r'iifiW r,,:,, slum r iron ,."h
nrt-u tuiu iitij i mid. j j i' !. i" "pi1 "ni" i r. in''f I,. , v. i... L j ...... It..
I rT,lin uiidiTfllffin'irii rtrso eMfiblvi'iv enir.ifcrt
I J Uiitlrrtaktntr Bufics$t anil kioiistotiHtaiittv un linnd
In tTi
mi fur mile nt tins Warurooins, a Inrjju a-furlnn'iit if
lly w Im Ii he is enablpil to till orders on pre
A. C. I'M'L.
A. 11. rtlOMI'SOS.
iVo. 43 Soiih U'hurves,
Oy II L' TT E R. i?li E E S E. II A M S, U c. CB
No v. 14. 1.-W.'1-lJmo
HE undersigned would inform thu citi.ptisof
lllooiusbiiri: and viciiiitv, that itu hasjiist re
,,.l .tu. I ,,lt. , j fn. .utn .mi, nf ll ,.! .,,!., Ii ai.-
ii d .n,i iiiLtii j ci'iiiik'i viii.,1, i i'.ivi!- st'rrivi'';
C'Vit iiitroducptl into this uiarki't. lliu Christopher C
iiuibiik, Jaiui's Rnbb and Clube are ntuotig the tirst class t
1 cooking Stoves, all of vv hich are air-tight and gas burner '
! His Parlur stoves are haudsoiup nnd the assortment vf
ried. Al.sO -Particular intention is paid to Tin-Wnri
I nml House Spouting, iiiion chort notice. All kinds of
1 rejiairing will he done with neatness and despatch.
f Cuuntry producu taken mi exchange for work.' a. .mux i. u.
I'lluumsburg, May III, Ieti2. j
l-O'i and ClH Market Street, Philadelphia,
rrvillS Hotel is located iu the very lentru of business
X aud i near the ri'sfiectacle (daces of uiiiusem int
which make it partirularlydcsjralilu to persons visiting
Philadelphia on business or p'casure ; .mil the Manager
hopes by close personal iitteittio'i to the wauisofhis
ills giH-sls to make it a comfortable homo for much as
may favor his house vv ith their patruuagu.
j. in; iiwi.i. eVS0., rron'rs.
c snocKi.r.y, CiiRK,
Tor vv cakiicss arising from Ex. esse., hnbits of His
sipntiou, Early Indiscretion of Abuses, ultcndoii vv nil
the following syniptoios :vv
luili-position to Exertiuu, Loss of Power
Loss of Memory, flllticulty of '-'reathiiig
Weak N'erv Tre.mihne
Horror of Disease, Pain inth.iUui'k
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Sv.lem.
Hot Hands, Eioilioiis on thu l'.ice, i
Dryness of the Skin, E'nshiug of the Uodv ,
Pallid Ciiiinlenauru. ,
These syiiiptnms, if allowed to go on which thi.
medicine invariably reiuovus, soon follows i
hufiitMV, 1-Vicirv. Ui'itaiTic I iit.
In one of which tlie Palieul ini.y r."uiru 1
i Who can say mat tney nre not irc'iuentiy iniiovv.-ii
by those "Direful Disea.o.n
I May are aware of lliu c'tuse of their miII'ci iir.', h it
none xv.1l confess the records of the Insane A.yiums. I
And uielliui holy deaths h Coni-ilinptiou b.-,i cup e
i vv itness to the truth of tho assertion.
i'he Const l tut It'll once eir-eted w 1th orL'anu w- iktii-s.
requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen ami Iiivil
, mute the system, winch llelmbold's I Mr n t llu, bu iu
variably does. A trial will com nice the must skeptual
In many a Hi c t i n 1 1 peculiar to t-'rinak's thn llxlmct
Itiitliu ii iiii('iiii;ill(.-d by ; 1 1 y mli; i rrm.-ily, an in I lilu
riiDirt or INTfiitiiui, Irrt'iMii.tritr. puii)l'iiliu-H, urSiii
lrJi(lll uf t'l'll)lIl:tl JJin niitioii.4, ulctTatt'il or ccir
rlimi t-titti1. of tho Utfrti. l."iuli'rrlni,a or Wltitds.
t-turilitv, uml far nil t oinulii.titH iin-iilcnl lo tliu six,
whrth'T urtxin from iudiacri'ltoti h.tliits ol' tlissij a
tiun, ur iu Uiu
Is ciiiilili'il ti fill onlera on nn""utatinn
Ai mi Kitim a uond llorsp and lltjaiso. uinl will at al
tinn'H he read) to attund l'miLTt-ln.
til.MON C. Sill VLI.
Itiiniuiirs. January --. I.'U
At A. J. Evans'
(LOIIHaI! iiFOliiSii
'I III; nihliTbiL'MHil ri'iicttfiill v 1 1 1 1' r t i k In- IriiinN
i and tlie jhiMic ei'iu-ruU) h Im mt r c i u l
frt'iu ll.i. La-lt-rn citU i, a l:u nonMiim-nt ut'
hfinz tin' in'rt ntKortineiit cvi-r nHVn'd in tin- miirki I.
ftt a rniiil tc atMrtniciit uf Ho r ( 'hn hi :. In lai t
(i'ryilnti tu thu ( liithtu I.hh' l' r Umisj ho hri r
to IffiVM tln ir tinsurt'b. a pfrTi'i't lit L'iiirtnt I. and
itihini: hut th' Ijcst w orkni;ih-liit all -wi-it at this
1,t lutirui'Ut. Ilu alxo kcLp on li.iiul a l.iryi.' iiMort
me ; of
noo'ts Axn miovs.
HATS .'l l'AI, totfi-tlicr with u var'n ti of notiotii.,
U 'AI.I AM) Sui: roil lUlKcl.i 1'. j
A. J. i;vans.
tllnoiiiliiirtr. April. -.1, IHtil.
ri'HP., having taken the Espy llotii,
I lately kept by Mr. E llovvi II. would re-pectfiilly
I iiforni his friends uinitho publlr in general, that no
pains will bu spared for the satisfactory entertainment
of all who may favor hnu with their ix.toiu.
Esiy. April 9.IH4
. Julyl, L-i;4
-12 mo
BELL &. ALLABACH, Proprietors
National Hotel.
(Late White SwanA
l'llll. ADKLPIllA.
GEO. LiGIIl'OAi' PnoiniETOR.-
lornitrltf'Oin E6lc Hotel Lebanon, Pa
March Ieii4-I'iiu.
Take no more llalsam Mercury, or unpleasant Medl
rinc-s for unpleasant and iluiirernus tliteitses llelm
bold's Km liu mid Improved Rose Wash cures
secret diseases in all their stages. At little expense,
l.litle or no chtiiige iu diet. No iucnuv euiciicu. an no
It causes n frequent desire nml gives strength to Uri
n.tte, thereby removing ob-lriii'tiuns, pruveiiliug nun
curing strictures of tlie Urethra, allaying pain ami in
fl.nnunirlon, so frequent in the class of diseases, and
expelling all poisonniH, diseased and vvoriiout mutter.
Thousands upun thousands who have been the vic
tims of quacks, and vvlm have paid heavy fees to be
cured iu n short time, have fuuiid limy were- deceived
and that the 'POISON" has, hy the usu ol" "powerful
astringents" been dried up iu thu system, to break out
in an aggravated form, uud perhaps after niurriuge.
f Five doortbelovv Hart.
WOULD respectfully inform the cillzens of lllooins
burg, and vicinity , Hint ho continue. tho pructisu uf
Mf.htClXF. J.Vli iUMUMY,
ml solicits u share of public patronage.
OmiK mi Mam Street, lir.t house, below the Court
House, Uloiiuislnirg.
Piftirnary n, 1H33 tf
nlKce in Court Ally, formerly occupied by ChuiK It
Meomibuic Dec 1 lf
Disease of th eNervcus, Seminal, Urinary andSex.
ual Systems new and reliable treatment in re
ports nfllm HOWARD ASSOUIATJON-svnt mail
Iu sealed letter envelops, freo of charge. Address Dr
J.SKI1.I.I.MJ HOUdllToN. Ilownrd A.socmllou, No.
SamithNintk street, Philadelphia, Pa.
July 'J3 leM -ly
DR 0 WEXTWORTII.Iiiysiciaii from Berniany.hav.
lug located permanently at Murduii'ville, Coluin
l,l iuuiy. l'a re.pectfully informs thn public gener
ally, '"' I" piepured to scirntillcnjly and success
fujy,all cases o ACUTE and
With prouiptneis and on imi.leratu terms uud will
euaruiitei' general suti.fuction.
b e. wr.vnvor.Tir.
Sep'tSl. If-'l.-y.
THOMAS 1). BROWN, llarb'r.
hop 111 Oourl House Alley, butcrw DtnitirM OtHce.
Vovciiibcr Mi 1 fc'3.
I'se Hi liiibold's Extrac. Ilutliu for nil aircctinns and
diseases ill thu Urinary Organs, u nether existing iu
Jlalo "nil lV'iualo, trotii vv hatuvi'r cause originating uud
noimitit-rof how long Handing,
Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diur
etic, Hi Imbold's Email Ilm hn is the Great Diuretic,
and iscertalu to liave jlesired ul'.cl in all Diseases for
which it is rei'ouimciided,
Evidenco uf ihe most reliable and responsible char
acter will uccuuipany the iiiedlciue.
Price $t per Buttle, or C for $5.
Delivered to liny address, securely packed from obser
vatioit. Descrtbu symptoms iu ul I boiuiiiuuica'iuus.
Cures guaranteed, ailvicu gratis. Address IcH.ib lor
information to
II. II. IIHLMBOLIircieml.i,
1U4 South Teiitli-st . below Chestnut, Pliiln,
IIEL.MIIOLD'S Malital tlrpot,
ilEL.MitOLD'S Drug and Chemical ll'arehovte,
OJ1 llnOilltt'AY, .mu VotK.
llevvare of Counterfeits tnnl unprincipled dealers
who ciidcuv'or tu dispose "of Hiuir own" and other"
articic-8 uu the repulatiuit atlaiued by ilelinbuhl's (Jen
nine Preparations, Extruil llu. hu, Extract,
Impruved Rose Wash,
Cheap Grocery Store.
'I II E undersigned having bought nut the Ororerv o
I David Sliouo, has ii'iiiovpil hi. Dal and Cap Store
up to Slroup's old stand, vvhrrc iu addition to u supe
rior assortment ol
g& Huts and Caps, JjSSf
Molasses, Sugar,
Coffee, Teas,
Toliacro Snuff,
Cigars, Spices,
Dried Fruit, Bui ter,
Coal Oil, Drugs,
Parlor and Hand Lamps,
Books, "Writing Paper & Ink.
llardivarc and Ctdnnrarc,
P'tkct Knives Combs,
iJ'C., ij'C, ij'C ,
Together with u variety of articles cenerally kept in a
Also-A Duo lot uf KIDS, MOKOi EOS and LlNtnns to
which he Invitee the at etitiun of Shoemakers and the
Ulooiiitburg. Dec. 3, ItK)
j. I', tvtn.
t. N, Movnr,
Of every description, for talc at this office
i New Drug Store,
axlIP, undersigiieil would liiforu1 their friends ami the
public generally , that they have taken Hie stand for
merly occupied by (ico, .VI. Hiiiieubiiih, tu the Exrhunge
' lliiihliiig, on .Main street, in llloom.burr, where he lias
ju.c icccivcii u iuii supply "1
AH Druggists Evorywlioro.
Cut out the Adteitibatneni ami bend for it.
And ovdd'unvutitini! nn expviutc
send for iii"i far uud near, to see if Hi ir w ere
like lllllie. I or lh. purpose I pay Vl-its
to the large i tties. 'I be t on lllliptiv-i s vv h lo see tie
one that iii ikes these medic I lies, ami w Im was cured of
cotl.iliuptinu hy them. To make UJW lungs Is llllpo. sl
ide ; but civ Hie - III th. I ii iik ami ch runic oh i ration,
of ttK In I'll' In.'il tube, can ll" Ii nled Sin Ii c.-i-es are
dv luu IioiiiIv under ll .Unary treatment ni i.liy.i-
cl'ilis. an., just sll'h nr.- itl'ed by the pioper o-e of
I Scli' ink'. I'iiIiiiuiiic Sy nip. Seavve. .1 T'liiic, ami Muu
I drake Pills.
Iiiininma healthy mini, w ith :i large rav ity iu th"
; mi, I. II- lull" of Ihe nelit lunu the lower lol... veiy inui Ii
h.'iati."d mid couipli t" adhesion ol the pleura. The
left iu ii g i- sou int. a ml t h" tipperli-lii of Uu- rieht lung
' is iu ii tolerably healthy nun itmii. The irr.-al rea-mi
w hy phy -ii inns do not cure i oii'inoptioii is they try to
ilo too nun ti : llu y e-lv '' loeitii lues to slop me t-oui: ii, to -
stop t Intl. to stop night weals, li.-i Hr lever ami, by so
doing, they di range Hie whole dm". live puwtrs. lurk
ing ii i the 'sei ret lolls, and ev "liltt.tlly tlie palp-lit sinks
ami dies. Alter I make a car. iui . xuiuiiiatii.ii of Hi
putn lit with th" llesiiirometi r. and liud dung, eii'iich
h ii to lire. 1 ilir-ct th" patient how to n-ello- Uirce
rellll'dl S llellliVi 111" I llllse 1,11.1 t'l.-y will all stop of,
thiiriiwu unord. No om tan be i ured ot ronsiiuip
lieu, Iiv. -r e luplaiut. dy -pi pi.i, catarrh, canker, ul
terati'irthroal, unless i In liver ami stoiniuh are made
healthy, Iu New England this canker, chronic rulurth,
ulii rat" I throat. loiie'atiou of uvula, is morp preva
lent than in any oilier s i timi f th" country. This is '
frequently ratis-'d hy a Imil stomach. l on i ay burn i
it out w it'll rau-iii Ilim and iiii.iiu and all they is r.l
get is ti iiiporarv ri lief ( 'orr n t the- slouiath ami Ii v i-r, I
mid tiny will heal up tli'-ui-i ve. '
Hood mil it oui is ihe ri iin-iiy . If you hav e any dii- i
i Jim iii any pari ol the body, il will remain there mid ;
deiiiv uinri .itiii noire unlit you i an getllie sloiua. h in .
the 1 1 ait! i I out toiliuest tiHid. ami lualle new bl Hid to I
lake III" pi .ee i t ui-i a-"d liialt, r- 'I'hl. n th" only I
vv ay to Jte.i! eav itie-iu th" luii'is and tilci-ruii-d hroii-
i hial tuli' s 1 in r it tlie --tomm-li and Ii v r, ,iud nature ,
will to i the h .ilni!-. .Many p. rsou. liave an idea that
lertaiu nn dii lues are great purilieis of th" blond. -When
Id" il l elite il.".'is"d It c.llltiot b" purified ; it ,
U disi Used th.' siiiio as the diseased niaiter iu th
svsteiu : hut eet Hip apparatus in order, th" liver mi.l
sl-jin.ich. aiiugivi'ii pi. uly ol nourishing food, il will
make ii w blood, wlinh will lake thu phuu ut that
vv ho h i. 1. 1-eased t
r-i tieiiek s i'oliiioiiii- sirup i. one ot itiii lie.t prepa
rations i.t iron iu use, it t. a pow
and when tli- S. iivvi-ed Tome tiM
til h ami it c.irri-'tl otf Uy the aid of the Alan
iirake I'iIU Hit Pnltminif Syrup is matte into blood.
Tin. is i.n-only way to ture i iiisiiiiipiiou. If I can- '
not get a eood appi lit - and foo.t does not digest 1 cm- I
m.i eiirt' tin patient N'pvtr nit ii tl the cou-tli ; reiuiive -tht'iiius
and n w ill stop of itself. 'I Ins is thy nioit
trouble I hav u with my palp-Ms ut my rooms I'hey !
say. 'iloittir, I let 1 -sionger ; I e-au cut- my mulil
sweat, nre In tl t. ami IVei-l belli r evi-ry way : lei, my '
cough is so bad yet ;" and they uro asauu, ni In li-ar '
urn say thai ilttps nol matter ; remove thu cuusp eml I
it w ill slop itself Sth -nek's Scaweeu i reales a e-uod ,
aiipttilt: iu about nine itay, when lluie is an lung ills- I
ease, unless thu liver is so conge-iod .hut tlu Mini-I
ilrukit Pills cauuol ii ul nt k the dui Is el In t e'.ili bladder
in thut short ot time', in urdu- l" allow tin: Male
bile to prss otl Keep luu liver ainl tlie sloiuach
lieaitny ami im-reis less tlan.'e'r ol e.iUs'liupliou or any
cither disease, ll is Intro t" takii cuiti when Urn,.,, or
gans arc healthy. Thosu that nre uilious, luvv siiinled,
dreary, leeling stiiiid, i-oaled totigue, poor appetite,
nervous, stoinacli I'tillof vv nnl, every thing that
i u lies in nv y loss of uieinorv, try one bottle of
sCIIENCU'S SEAWEED TO.N'lO. and one btix of
S HEN' h'S, MANOR VKE PILLS, It is only a cn.t of
one' dollar mid tweuty-llvp cents, tvitli full dtrei linns.
This is -tulhi n ut. in many cu.c-s. In satisfy w hat the
inedii ine. are. Prequcutly one buttle makes u great
tliunge in the sy stem. Any person that enjovs ordina
ry health, by using thu Seiippd Tunic and '.Muuilrukc
tills occiisiiui'illy, must gel Hip dice. live n-gaiis iu
such a heallhy niiiiliiiun that they beconie ll.-.liy. 1
can piodiice a number of my old con.uuiplivupatients
now enjoy nig good heallh, vv eighnig nearly -.Mil poiiuilii
I will com linle by relating three cures I hav a.leiu
New Ymk, and which urn all dill, rent, nml vti-diuiiy
one who kil any interest iu the mutter to visit them
1 Irst Is .Mrs I iirlow, restuiug tin n ut Nu. IUT Hon. ton
sireuv. tier iiusiiauii luueii upon me at inv
lloml street, and wished me tu call ami sen
suid I could ilu no good j that he had all the best
ml utleiiiluucc. mid ul I said she was too far eouu villi
e,"ii.iiinpiioii in no emeu .one sue mm Heard 01 sumr
gicnt cures I hail made, ami ho desired tu gratify lit r
wishes. 1 culled, ami luiiuil her lying confined to her
bed in the lust stage of bronchial consumption, and
vvilhnut doubt must havu du d oon, examined her
Hint's, fiiunil both bronchial tubvs very luuih ittl'ei ten,
but 110 cuv ities had formed, lierrougli was very severe,
the spit-box was half full of thick pus. Pulso 140, legs
swollen very much; uml worse than all. she hud chru
nic diarrlitc.i. Her bowls had been moved eleven limes
that iluy. 1 told her she had lungs enuugli tube i ured
but that this diarthtea had been long .landing, uud loir
ttoinacli w.i. iu such an ulcerated condition I was
itlruid nothing could he dune. She insisted I should
try mid do what 1 could for her, observing that she
would not last long in Hie condition she was iu,
ami I could nut iiiukp her uuy worsu. I gave her dr-t
ailojeol my .Mandrake Pills, nnd Hie tonic and Syrup
freely. 'I tint was on Tuesday! and by the iiexISumlav
the itiarihiua vvus carried oil; hcruppetitu had it turned
and he cuuld sit up iu bed and cut herdiuuvr. Slieis
now well, uml guvu me u long certificate, certified tu
by Ihe Rev. Dr, Dovviiug.
Mrs.H.iilholoiuevv, t:i West Porty-fifth street, rami
to my rooms with it luiuor on her liver. She w a. low
spirited, -kin sallow, tongue cuau-d, bowel,, no
appeille, ami fast sinking into Ilm grave. Tint said
tumor liud been rutiHir.g over fourteen years. 1 gave
her Syrup, Toole uml tills, mid loldhertu takethoui
jij.t us thu dlreitiiiiis wt ru iriutod, She cuniu back to
III two weeks, some what
uu to clean a little around
uud her eves briubter. nml
the luiuor iiischareing very olleuslvu mutter, much
faster than it hud ever done lieftirc. She kept gradu-
uny improving, mid iu nbouttwu months she cumu to
any ina'C.
tu th" United States.
h'ivf SnJ r. is or" f.r. 'All cav ont rigt ,
tnitt in irinnl Sfliii'ltni.
The Sr.lainandi-r Safes of lintn Iclphu, agnia.i it-,
iimc tnd IIk 4iiprit 'It'tii-'itrniio-i in tlm fidhnririi im
tihcat" tlinl tin r iii.iuHl'iU'tnr.' .f H.ilaiii.tiiil"r hsfr
ut l''i.:rth fnll warrinlftl th n- r tati- m huh hit
Iwn rnadf nt th'-in ai rcihlt'rinj; n,t tin,Mi.. a u'litntf
aaiiiHt tin it rritic elt m.-tit.
I'hilailt lphia April I'J. ln.
JJtsrit Km in & H'imah- Ci ntl iiit-n It all.mli h.
thu liiL'ht'Ht pntisf.u tion tu itatf t vou that uviiijt:-it
llu w r pr'tn tivi 'iiiuliti-h uf two 1 1" th' Sataiiininlcr,
Haf-'M thirh we purt-li.. l yon hi i tin; nvr inmith ii't
vaid a t.triri' portion of Ji'm Uy. and all our hot
t . t-xpo-., ti to U i .il tiiiiiiotH, tu c i i Uaiif-t''ii 1'li.ct oi
lh- loom JUL' of th I Ith int..
Wh-'iiMt ri'Ih-it .h-l ili-w sc.if hw '"ral ' m ttt
foiirlli tn' ot th htiildinctt. imtu ni . t tli-y
ft II stiih.-t"i"i' nil) nit" a lh itp f hurt) Uvtf lt
Vdfl fur- nlrath n ot tlif Ii al t.iu -.t th m platri ti
mi-It. f rui.n- t lit r'p.irtl tit pr'' fn of ,Uu r
ualdt' rnti-nt-4 t o.,n ito nit pro t th ircat it
"runty atrordi'd Ly u .
W'v U'i j:ri',it pi -a-4iir io rf") .u.-ioliii tUomt
iii''ii ut loiMti as a tf r 'i.inrt- at a it nr1
.I.tKi;i: . SlMM.tSH Ku , 'titlUrt
tTli-v Umv inf r)frclJ0K f!i lare Nifrs.
ily'rt. Ufii. AU4i JtV S3-.
thk ;hi:at wokm - ri.; i mikiitmn usid
J.N l.u.Mi.iN J-..I
TUOfc'. w. MAi'ISOX
IVm nw ardcil th I'n- Met;.
u lor hi- ntipi'riurii mcraJ
f lUpt 111 MHl III till' I lllti'.l
rliile. for hu iinproii'im-oU
'l'i'.! illtMr Trinsi:;
11. !...; i... ....I..- ..
M.-iiiiil.irlorpi-: iriU' "Tt
Spring so id Sole l.p.iilier.imi n,t.t !ii.-t.-,i Iron )rsm
i ravelling 'Prin ks. Will., s. ittl t I ... s. I urp-t
Rags. Leather Hair-, I nil.-, tins I II"!,'. i ll.ii",
rful Ionic of ilri'lf, I Hois' Cigs, Prop. Hi is. Wloi .rr,.w. At- ivbi hlti
dv'"s the mucus in , prepared in .t II at the , t m,i tmat t irniz pri..-
Th" most pxlPiisiv-o Trunk and i 'pi I Hag Manufutisi
or iu Philadelphia.
40- MAI.KL'P SiliELT. on r rilnve I'ourtli,
South soli . I'l.II.AIIEI.I'llIA
D. '-Snles room on the lir.t llnnr.
Lr-Triniks neaily rt pairi'd tir i'icliang.l for n
eiii'st I "fill ami see. us we sell v t ry cheap lor cx.b
c ov . 14, Irlill- P.'inii
i The Berwick Blouse,
j Jknvicky Columbia vo. J9a
mglll. undcrsii'iicd wiuiM ropiitfully aniMunf (
I 'l'H l"l"cnils and tin )ilhjc gt'iierally. that
I i i .... i i ti.... i i... i. . . it
i at 1 1 k n ii-i-ii .it -i iivii-nni'i) ii iiinri; iii' n
a ihoronuh nnuvatinn. Tho room Invi'lu rtn rf-pn'i
nl and the i ntirt CKfalilUlinifiit i lio'utilly r ftiriniho
liritig ideattantly ami clij-'iMy lotalil. and nni'l.-J
with all tho n.-ui4itt mi vt'ii i uti cu u olTcr w lh
public thu I'oinbi Acd udatitau of
A First-Class Hotel:
HIS TAIII.E will always he supplied with the bs.tlhs
uiarkels all'ord, ami HIS 11 -VI! with the ilmice.l i
'lunrs. i'ravellers, druvers. leaiiislers, boarders, c
ai cuiumoilnteil totteiii ral satl.f.n timi. Careful a'i'l 110
rniuiuodatiiig ilusllcrs always iu iilli i'ilauce Slathu
the mo. t complete nod extensive in tins epitioii
J. P. SHIRK t.
May 1A, If lil.
,""" I Nos. 9, 11, HI, 15, 17 Couitlandt Strcd
j it r. 1 1 1 1
This uld'Cbtiiblishcil and favorite resort of the Hurl
uess C'ouiuiuuity has been recently refitted, .millstone
pleto in everything that can minister to the cunifurts of
its patrons Ladles uud families are specially aim cure
fully pmv Idcd for.
It i centrally located in the bu iness part of Hit 'it),
and is continuum to the principal lines of sleaiubimli,
enrs, uninibmses ferries, tc.
Ill consequence of tliepressyre causerfbylhe ll'lii
lion, prices have been reduced to
One Dollar at d l'ifty C ents per Day-
The table is niuply supplied with all Hit- luxurin of
the season, uud is equal to that of any other hutei lit IK
Ampie accommodations are "tiered for upward "f (to
" K7" Do not beliiivt iiinncrs.ii.ickineii, and others J
nitiy say "Ihe Western Hotel is full." , .
' D. D. WINCHESTER, I'rorricl'ir
Jlrilg4, (;5l llC!tlU, i'aillts OH.S. niy rooms, : Itmi.I street
I U .iriinw t... ' belter : her loiiguo had begi
' ns.tlllJl.S, A-ti , the edges her .km whiter
Willi u win no stun on iiiouerain terms for ready pay
Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, surtaiid
Phrsliiuus' prescrliillous rarcfullv rnoino,in.i,.,i . my rooms v en-nou n iriLi,-oe,t im. iii.iiiiu,
all times uml on shoit notice. hud nearly .topped rumiiiic, and wus hculitis tin. and
tr" (.'oufectiiiuc'iy ul the best fce'lccliuiia, and Soda "u' cll-'0' d"dur had told her Hint if it ever lieuled It
wouiiicaiiiu iiuriieuiu. i tutu iierlhut thcillsouse hud
ull liflher system, and naluru would heal the ulcer up.
They urn now healed, and have been fur ubuut a year,
and she i. as h.srty and rnijt a wciojoaas jwj will
nudm i days walk, Win ligui fvt siiy'eni ttcsllcn
Water iu season
Ls A ehuiu uf the public cu.tom is respectfully aU,
Ubjoniibutf AviH 11 IWi
rMIE Proprtciorof this vvell.kiiuwii k centrally 1'
L ted House, thn P.xilUMiL Horn i I Mate; on Mm,
Btrei't, III liinoiusiiurg, imiiieuiai. iv ansiie m. -
bia County Court llouse, respect., illy informs In. frK'"'
and thu public in geticriil, that his llouse is now in ii
der for tho reception anilt'iiterlniinnenl of iravelcri vvu
itiuy feel disposed to favor il with their custom. He
itiared no pxpeuse in prepniing th J:Icllut. fur tns
entertaiinueiit of Ills guests, ueilhar .1. -H there be any.
thing wanting (.on his parl to minister to their persuirii
comfort. His liuuiu Is spacious am' enjoy, an eiceiU'Ol
u" Omnibuien run ut nil times between thu Eicluvnit
llutcl and the vatiou. Rail Road Depot . by whiih trv
eler. will he pleasantly conveyi a to uml from m is
.pectite Stations iu due lima to meet the CV
V. M rl, pvix
Hluoiniliuii Jul 7, ll