Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 19, 1864, Image 3
DOIjUMHIA IIII0C1UT, ""Al.Et.f D. TATE, LOOAX. EDITOR. " ' Baturdfty Morning, Nov.19,1004. T.l.. TV ,.... . n . jtT dudgo Kmvku., opoha Court in . STL .... . 0.1 v. 1 rU IVUII. uu U1 UIU U Ul 11UVUIU' I ,n ...ill ..I I I I u ' 111030 with which wo havo been nccus- kT' ... toinctl to greet it. Onco eh'ildhood nnd W Hamuli, Snvdeii, High Sheriff tnaturo ago alike welcomed it cheerily, elect of Columbia county, will bo installed j Thero wore visions ol all sorts of winter into ofllco, upon tho first Saturday Jiftcr 'pleasures iu tho whito atmosphere, and the December Court, pursuant to n recent 1 tho doepor tho snow tho more the gaiety, Act of Assembly. ln all tho world there was noliud whgro . ., . j 10 much happiness was to bo found in a l-JT Tho wintor session of tho publlo J winter as in tbii land of ours. The aver tchools of Dlooinsburir, opened on Mou-nco. which tmforiunntelu .,. ...... 1.. '-- 1. no.. .11 11 1 mm 11. i.k ik t my nru an wen ni- ( tended. I ns tho world eontnins them, was vastly i tUT 'I'll e militaryrmy'i.rour county liiplior lioru. The liopplncn was more,1 uc btill cngnged in making arrests. Two 1 !U"1 ,J,1,ri'r ' n"sory w9 i,1Ilcu,I toi i- or three men, (.aid to bo dcorters, won'!1'1" in fiolll instauers, but ihc instances' taken to llairisburg during tho past wck. wuro Vory fow soi'ipared with any ollior - ' country. II CI1CO tllO Wllltrr Ill(lhtli4 lirmntlit : fcir Our' Merchants grn. rally, have ' rcccivd their new supplies 01 Fall and Winter Uno.k Several tuHi adverse -nonta graoc our .-oliimns to-day, nnd ma- ny moro wm ni.mvisu .ippenr. mwnnu aiwiys loutm inai uoio vho promptly uuc ,,ublie'y notify thy.r customers, cm bc.M KCd.inodne tbi-ir wants with choice mer- ;1'amlU0' 1 EJ The oorpse of A.MOtf Tovnhi:nh, ' foldier of tho Potomac Army, arrived ' in HloomsburgYon Tuesday last, and was buried with honors ol war. Atnoi death makes tho second' son, widow iiiourns'iu this cruel war, 'flic other foih jctnaiu'" having 1 con brought home from t'tc army some mx mouths ngn, Car Tho Supervisor onjloonitowiislpp'mg coanU' P"l"co ovry day. The' ' I .... I .!.!. .. . .. . .... lis (luting the pdt lew weeks, been im proving llionppearaneo of the streets nnd tido walks in Rlo.nnsliurg. This is right, let the good work cuinihiin. Much more labor of similar kind ."hotild bo no ei nipliplietl to place our town in "li tt rn'o order." ttS" IVy reloreuoo to our advertising! xMumiih it will b-3 found that Alir.ihain ! Sherman, will kII nu tl.c t!5ih iun, a t m li nut' I', in j'l K y'- l j f - ill 1 1 (J III i II I . ... ni i : . . . n i . . , ..unuia couiiij. no ai,o,j .., p ,.t inu cttiii' iur fin,,, nil ptitiro .ioe!. titul Tnrming utrnsils. This is a rare chaneo for invesiint nt in valuu b!e propm ly, - -- - - . -g- . - . tfyp Our J'irw over the way, Dr John, urges, in ti local item, thoi rroelion of a Town Hail in lilcomsbtir, by iti di.idutil i'iiti rpri.-c or etock slrires. We'id It.f Doctor' rlfiris, uml udil that in iu-t tu'iou of tlii.- kind n:is long been ii"eilcil la n'oomiburn, rini! are a-t'iiiiibcd ilo' . nii'i risi' li f. kj long been nry- al"'. .Oi'iuo, ea;jititl..t'i, givo t'ie pio J ct youi llif'ii. bilul eiiiisiiiti.'i'ion. Th.' t recti o u ol I In- Ilnil. wou'd not only paj ou, ec u.iar'y, but t li prc-uut ns well a f i'u'o e. hoi atio.w. would ever remember -the pround ni'iiitiiiii'iit of yo'ir eitctioa. CsilT 1 im '( rcvi'liti" (.rnnn, ' the Itlfft ! i ,- , . . 1 delicious and safi'i-t urowitii? crnno sneeie , co,, known, is rocci vinir great praise from New. York .Journals A btigi' qiauty lots been ! growing in Smto. with tho utmost) satisfaction to Ihu euliivator?. 'j'lie vine I having found it origian in Columbiii1 County, nnil hcing in abundance, to gether with thr fact, of it. being the best fruit of tlin kind in cxtMcncr, !iould in tlueo otjr ciiiz' ns io pay tho ni'iit paiti''u lur attriiiion to its ciltuui. (Jur town-maiiT-floii. C. Jt. Ri;i-kai,i.w, also, -.-ppiks in the I iuhe-t terms of tins celebrated fvuit. and liu. trau-i-plautud the vine very c.xitnsivily on bis promise--. JJSi" liardrr times than the present on ticwipnper publishers have never been kuowiii 'I he raw article of m-intine. paper, which under Democratic iidmini trations sold iroui live io seven dollar per bundle, uow biitig.s tho exoibtant price of fix'cen dollars. I'atro'ns who (iml lanlt at two dollari a year for the Coun try Journals, should ri fleet a moment on the "times wo livo in," nnd tho exorbi tant prices charged publishers by paper nianufaeturcs. Tho truth U, if publishers raado only a living, when gold ami silver wero permitted to circulato, at a dollar (inrl onrnriri' Cnfi nmilo tVt tlinttt SriiiHtinl j "V"V " j"t "ip What thitlk you, their tables contain in tiuies like these, when cold is ouotcil at twodollars andi f. . A few of tlioirort Mlfllio victims' have received their KCntCllCOS, from tllO Ilarrisburi; Military Commission. Tho O sentences aro severo, especially 111 the .... . ,,,, , J , , CasCS Ol ll OIKS ailll Mine, aud V0 UOU'it, very much, if they ever livo to fill tho sentences, imposed, upon them by pariizin hatred, they being both aged and infim men. Hut by their siiffjr'ng , the inton c ' l.-l. 1 ..!..,-.- ! -1 ' tiAic aim viuuiciivu liy Ol our UUOilllOI) f.ienda in Columbia cunty.and especially in Dloomsburg, have been oiifed by these' scntencea, as has been demonstrated by inon in IJIooinsburg, yea, even minitters .(.,.. rn t.- i -i i t ., w. . WllUlVHtu, IIU IStiltlU It uu t t.u tuvit hands at tho uontencos inflicted on these ' llgcd IIIOII . Such creatures OS thctO are " . . not llUlUaU lliey IH U WOISO tliatl unites fiends whom it would bo a vilo liboli ou the human raeo to call men. They may laugu now, but they may seo tuo day tho laugh will como it of the other .id. of their mouths. There is ,1 Cod in Heaven, and Ii'm vengcanco will not Blumber forever. MiF- On IWonday tlic first Btiow of llio winter loll, Wo havo scarcely had any autumn na yot, Tho Bummer lias strotrli. cd away into tho vory edge of winter, and almoH boforo wo havo oven thought of ovrr-oonls wo tiro about to freeze Snow ' '"" ituuill tu irut'7.0, O Off t.,i.,. ,:n i . .1 . . , b"nB8 mih t lifforont though Is now from o " J ,t,u-w ut; ..... uvcrywnare, muitig litippiaucs and misery us a limu Q1 gl lmr;il r(,jo!ci1!f) among tho ting, and Thanksgivir, and nhristmas, and New Year'., and tho num.' ,.rou, it.ahliro ,i.iy0 tiut apJrt by iudivid- ua!s, woro full of ohcor nrl jollity. Unn , cunioi l.oln draw im llio tontmst thr (ir,, M)ow Mu oll . di W(J f, U,. J (lorn, Wo ren.omtiorjiow niu.y.newgravc, i it uill ci'vcr along thr; banks of our great! river, and how many homes will have! twrl'ul eyes looting out all winter on thoj snow drifts. ftar" 1 lie good peon n of our town arc . is I 'i'" ' 'ui tun" 011. 1 ptitlnring in their winter fuel wood and . , . . eoal !ind are preparing thm'r courkroul ' and -toring away ihfir p.itiitoei, luiiiips' and apple. Wc notice w i''oih unload- ' jMiti-n uiu uigu, uui inu people win uuy. J TT tl T f l!i X-rT' ri' V M A (10 JJ)-SIZKD MARK, for j i Farm, lliigst. Dralt. nr C-iii-i nig. will 1.5 P01J clii'iip, mi iipplir, initio IMitorof thu licmncrnl. Ill'win-li'.rg. crt. ), m',. P.ECEIPTS FOR OCTOBER, to Tin: C U M B I A DEMOCRAT Tho ii,lU-!,M,nv,;iuMl. ,1 J to I lie Cuilin'tl't l)rllinr,r(lf U ri ll IT tllO . ' '' moI)t!) of (Jo,0j,prt i HO I Aliralnin Sh. rinnn f.i nn V,n II Krunrr s rn , 4 nu Dam 'I .Uullrl') :l IM J,lii K ".. i.Hr .1 Crllillttl 1) '. V nitiuiri' lllr.un HiiH'tli.TS a i.n I'l.ui.ty m r.iliiiiilna A no J .,'., mi . - nn Win tli'lliiH. i:'i in. ' "IJ 4 :.n '.' .VI n nn ' t II II. . nn iM-nr nn i.ii.uii II, ml., k II .iiiity Loan :i oil U A Kunu !. ill! - "'' Jell n'V g tin A !iivag" i. Co I'li.tip'nt Bum iii'nri!,' A ifr.-y I -ti n- Iti'-H e no John Kin... II A Sti.'p' iili-liur tl n.i J.unr. U'nsht I'nnl. I Moriian " m At.r.ini rnwinp .M.llrr 1 51. I) nil, I !'m iter, J-iq . , i I no i nu V! I it) on . ,,,, ,, ,,,, ,'r.u... c hi, lien ,i ,-iriii,' I tn Mrs. i nth MSi'iiiiiinlter I no Mmit. tti'. iiu'tj it,... li li i. iiiir - m t; l r-hMiu. uii'l 1 nn M'ptn'ii Im-rliiT t tn j i .1 on ' (in .1. .. 1 1. ,11 .ii.-iii I'lii'ip f. "1. L.'I J.iliii -i Mum. ,ii lUimn Jill li.r"!i Orni ,11, l0 lien V Milter MlllltK'l IV iNnll.tll ii'- rgi A , 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 A IMJiili'. I Julia '.t..i i.ry I U"11HI An.l.-i-u Slewnitl '.'", i n lliert l.n el g lilt II on-J .rg l Jn.i II Kline .-,n - i,i.-iiti.' Ag ,n ill, LnclLly inn .. in. ...nan S on n ii i rv g I'll II. .i. M i; .tr.rti.nn '.' iAI Hell, t ll.irti.i.ll. i on Jim J "' I ..i-n.i:.' 1 .1 T . tlllll I. ... Il ir.'.nH"..M .k. V .inl. a (lii(j...ii, llnitx llfini llik.-niiller I rinr'r. ilernek- L.itthirh l.l'tt It tll.l'lll 1 I.f.-t I , I. 'nn irii toliti II l atiit - :i T..,lrutti I), rr lonn g 'J-. I tO',',',"' U ,7 !!. . ,?.',.,!:,r"" ;i ,-,(1 j i A .in. It O.Kiiii in 1 ' tV in (j (lur i h (.- -ilge ll iH MP, lllii ll.ei Iter 7(111 -, ij i.i.v;! en t.un n i'j,i : ,0. , AiiF. H,,, ieiv ll iii . , r i Ci linleiiinity lot- tin.' p'.isi pay up. e .i, . .1. ...... , .jjt.,t...t iu. t nu t u . .1 1 1; rt ttuv.ll. - S.lrt of .-itt.N for Dee. Turn I ("!) Mnrtile I'.n.'i.ri'T of Vim it Wnlf i t hru li.m Wolf. 'J J.ik.I, ll.trrK v 1','ter 'ar .hy. :i (!e,, rge n. ii'l.- etal t J . rriiwell. i l,"ii 1 1 I' M"k. r. h t in Ik -I. r. A ll I'. Ilh.-'i. .n .1 lir'". i'ila ll I'rignr I. Iiltti'p'l 1 1. 1 rl III 111 4 II. 'Ilh -a I....... " I ;, v ill i tie.ilr.rk v J, hi. W.triltll. l in Long. 1 1 I. I' i,i'ii'n,i,l U tl ',iti;e l.i. '..herger (, ring. MlliPretlll rit Jn'.tltin ll'. till. II- A Willi. III! lln,tl''H. 1(1 II"..., (ill...,,, t Mnnrel r'Velil.g. II Jno All' liar nn I A All u.u vn J".. V Mh'gnr. IJ S.i mil. I ill., ting vs I 'll.irl-'p II. 0. I'Mrl. ,.lnl (leo A ll. i ring. 1.1 Luke ami Anna I'nan v- I'Ii id II Di' Il-'rl' Il I I Pl.t ip "l. tt. riih t - Win Long. J.. Wit-nn ei'i v s Jnieph I' 1. ,.'.:'. In I. ngn M, llevn .1 s . 1 n v I'et. t 1 iliph int IT i..ii- W ('i.' Tt-I' .n. h ll'.w , It. IP Knh.i. I i " lorn.: of tin I.,. I ll,..i,tiitl vi l.i'tvi- ell r aii.n'i oi Ji.hH i;v iU.rt (. 0 III A W I'm nm.-r V- I. .t II II I! en.npnny, Jil Da.n I II llo-t-rv? i I Miller. gl J , .li ii ll-i -n ! et a! thill' II ',i .ly ei -I 2 iM'-irf V iitirri-'t n (:iftMr I TlinnM" 1 "'11 ii .'m'pany. "I Lev 1 l.i.r.-li v AlfrPl I-'reveling. 'ii tin hard .Morgan v S.inni"! Ilnaglnml t2 1 Itl.i.'i.ifhiii-g Iron' t--. tin hard It Icungli. -i; .whom t trt.'.tint4 s i.iiei i i-.i.tti't. jK.tli Coi.KMAS, t'rnlh'inutary. PUBLIC SA.LE REAL ESTATE. O F , ,, 1 II K Sub'ctiber will espo'-o to Public C Sale, nt hi. renileiitf hi CtlaiM.ia tuwnthip, C.,l,.n,l.,a n.mily mi . , . , p n t , dii l'rlifiy, the -ud llay Ot JJocruiUOr leli l, ... if i I ' iron (-rtain Lots or narco s ot croniitl.. utmite in u.'iiawi'a towmiiip, nfnrenai i. ' j mo oilo line;; snuaio on um i u"iu- . - ro.1,,,..1,n1!rrnm('ataiti-KitoMiiniiihar.',fuiitainiii ubuUlli acr"S whetenu i-rrmU'd a two story framg DWKLLING IIOUK, Ul nf 0" Ihu same tottn-hip.iiml titunt.' Um public r.nd. And Hm other tract containing a iout : ..... . i.,tttt ifi.t litlf l iurt -It nm.! la ml. mill till1! i...inu. is gnmi limher i.imi Hal. to tnmiueiir'i at li .''.lock. M. of sai 1 tlay.w rou U-i-nm ol tt.ilo mil h-inulo kn.itvn by s v u, m W1LLIA.M l'ARR iiiit m- ! . vhun: -or- r , ny, a , j i alliablO KC3 I jSiUlG. vn.i.iinpxp...f.i msaie m rm.ii. um-cr). on iiie Salurdm, tin VMh of Xovcmlcr. ISO 1. , rnrm. siinmp in (ir.(nv.r..i tnwn.hip. Poiuu.i 1 county, I'a.aiijotn ng I: n is m ttiii.tnu i.awii... (jiiiuii, Jacui. t utt nud utliers, inntniuinz ONE HUNDRED ACRE3, I wttu iiuitwitiit, AAwk.wsj nnd Ihe nlownnrn. some sixtv live mre of .ro ilearc'.l and in a gnnd stall! nl tuhivalion.tlie bntltiiico in wood laud rn good .pmlily. 'J In re are crrrted up- n, ,,nn.)' nnrr.r r i vn Tjirrv' I ,,., ,,, rras,u.1tn, t3ethrr with fruit i.e- of' ,,'.0, 4 F i. . ' BLANK SI BLANKS! 1 Of every description, for sale at thisoffio MO JIB MKN WANTED I UEvoLcrnw m high prices. LJ1UC,!; ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER AT PHTKU RNT'S STOKH, i.v i.innr sriii r.v. coi.vmiih mi'.vn: vf. nAS Jim iwil Irnm I'hitndelphln. nud is ..nit opening nl llin old stnu.1 1'.tP'Vtu'i.H.ii.ii in. m,..i. It I'.nl. 11 ii'inllil .-t-f,irl Miftit nf MEROirANDTZR uiiiiliuiii i,v ni.i .-ii-ni ii,i .1. ......... .. . CASH OR COWNTllV l'KODUOK 111, L, r 1. ......,. '. 1 1. ri 1 T uwuui iimituM i,ijj flllil llltot l.lllllUlla ,, I n linn. Musliuo, Oiiighims, I'liiiiiiulx, Carpels, Nhawl", Hosiery, Silks, JII5ADV MADH OLOTIJTKO. Oaoimuros, Satinet', ijotioiiadus, iauK, Kentucky Thread, ka. Groceries, tjilcenswitre, (Vdurwnro, Haul ward, Mudieiues, Di tigs, OiN. I. 'lints, r. lrwMU, r .,,r,tiu, a . . JitJtilO ,v ,illUI'.,i, llir,V. I lN. .',.'! '"'i i" " n r.nntiv ,i,.r.-. TlH-pKltnniieo wi fti i,,, nn,i ,. ,i,iIP ,,.,r ,s';'."",y:'tf:" i"''" '- , '1 liu liichnvl iimrHi I pfici ihmI int piiniitrv nrc Into. 11,1 i;u u .NT t-'trp. I, Nv I'.. Fll r.Stl A R It I VA I. ia una iDiutcv w "r5i-'5, Sc"t' f tVI '? W V'J fQ ' 'Affi t ' '';f !' 9 E A iS 'tS' ' - I'nl! El TTTT. VT - , C1- t r . V rJSi V kiOeJl i i i 111! nnilcr-l",., ,1. irr'it, lui l"r -it pntir.mct'. r.."r , il f'tlty lllfnl.ii 111- ...nnn'. a.i'l i iip p.. I,' ir l'.'.h' ra' . v "II'- Hi.' Lali'iii.'.itl.",, tl.c i tlint Ih iian Jn-i ri . ". m-gi'-t ami iiiu.l vi In t sin. k ol Faii.iimJ Winter . V.V? Js . ' m 'it fij.T-.ic & r V frf5 tV 'SV 'S W Tint l.n vpI I ii np.-ncl In lllM..i-l,..rir, I., whirl, hr ill. 111.. II.. .1.1 I. .11 .., I.i If. j t. II. Oi il tli" an1 iill't i nt lur h.ilr at grral l.araini. Ili Si"! k t.'inpi i,.' a lmt:ii a-snrtnii'iit of (!i:xti.':mi;x-s vi: mmvu Ai'i'.MU'.t,. n r.M i itu ol l t-nn , tin v iikk- in, i . nl , x v am. , , ... ...... . ...... ... .... ,-, i i tin- , , .in i oil' 1 1 ? , , ."K.rnM, t ,K, -u. llan.lki'iihii'l,.lil"i. Hu-i" inlrri. .vie. . ioid u :.t.-ii,'. nml .j nu cirv. nl '.'v"r 'h-'Piip"1"'. I'"' ,ne,ip. 7. It l.'i nn ml ii..r I'ktrttt l'....n..i. i - - . - , .....,.....(.. , ,111,1 ,. , II,,, ,;t l, , - inn INK ,,,l,, v, . ill. OAVII) l.uiVLMIKIIl I', i.t-, 9, H i Puf;l;c (June 1-3'' ) ENDUE, or Valuable Personal Property. 7 ILL b' e.vpo-eil tn public ciln. on i C Hi., mr, .ii, nl III . I .ti.,ii .,r ,11.1...,,, , l i.liei , iK'i'en .-l, in l' ..vr tntvn.hli I.'oljinihiA r , , On WediieMl.iy, i hi' -'Hlili i. iN.k. 19:1-1. ; Tllf 1'o'll.lVing lei'..l.ei piop-rtv. vis. ( INK HAY MARK, Truck Wmron, Io ( ow, oin llu for, i it , ii ' Jlll.'tJ liugn, t.i'ili lllvt'P hi llt'.-s. nliili' IV MM I I.' Pll.lHVII i . it a i .-, i .i i in', unwu.tu Uavtivtbe Tun. Ifiv' Jtyc 'linw and Corn 1' niiloi by tin' liumlle- vp nouv ii-v iii',u' viti'i't' Ri K, CORN, OA Is, 1U'..K II l.A I , ,t . . t . t t .. t . . i oinioo" iit.o ppi ov inc nu'iiei ltoo- ftt.d Xppl", bv ilie liu'bel. A LOl' Ol' IIHNC?S. J I'liree Velio' Tlmnnui'l :1I K D MM INU l.KS, ! . i . t i. . . ienowpfje i.oarni, one! uiitca i, eigtu day Clod., ,Hnl (.Lii'iior Cep' oaiilog.-iln'i ; with nil hit llouu'liold unit Is. Kuril lur- tlilliro.'ailll utile I ibinp-t tOO liuill'-'rour to mention. t I " ,'" S.iIp to i .ntHiir't,'. nt 1(1 o'. I .'rl; a ti... of said tlnv. wlifi. aitrml.i'.. u will I.j f. von ami cmitlitiun tin m ii't kmitt ll hy W.M T. SIJUM N. JliUn'r f'l' h'' .'"'u'e " (ipiiun Fiilivr. Nov. VI, I Mil. J-ii LiU .7 .' or R i I i - Full a inter Got)d.s. 4 L A T Miller's Slot o. ' 'Pill'. nh ..l'r l.n p.-i reinri.pil fnnn llin l'iti' J J with am. Oi r targe ami -' leit ai'i'tl. m l nf FALL Ait) II7A7i. UOOltS, niirthniipil lit I'll i l.olf -I pti i : ..I III" tottr.-t r.gnri). nnd win. h lliry aie il' lerinii. ".t " II on n-- mndiTati' tprim j in, run he pp., iirid 1'lni'tt hrrr in lllnniiithiiig. His ...rk .'Ot.ipr.-eH . i.,itiii:v Mini; owns. of t'ti.'ip t ..lyl'' ntnl latrit fasninii. jjin iinmis. .fv iiiiuii.iiii., ii nriv utr; ()r.F.v n.iitr.. rr.n.nt n:-iiii:. imi.i.oiv ;''-V .--!ll. HOOT." 'V SMit-ti , IMTS ff '- . ; In ..linn ff rt Hung .finilly kepi Iii conntry Mor.! tn uliMi Ii none the p.n.l., gprnraily. Tlm Iligln.inti '' pan! I'm rountry prniicp. s; 11 Mil i.t.'n (jinnnt.btirg. s i! hci! A(Ji or j VahUlbiC Heal KstcUC. sale, 'o I in,, !,r i,,eH. in llnu nsl.urs, oil Tuesday, Hi-vSJ 1 dav of Nov. 180-t . . Tltp n, um Int' i l.'irrtht'.t Ilrnl I'.nl fit it ' A HtJU.SI's AND LOT, i Situate on i If s"Uth side ol Third Street, j I in said tnwn in j. in, uu i. Im (unn i ly owned py Ttict. I j ChuiHb'jrv, nn w .....i is I'.'-ct. .1 ti largu ) VR wl.K HUllJJriNti, , Kn iwn n th" I uplift liuri'li. The hit cmitnlm ln i'n. mil "f a A' . nio i or I. -s. IfjP Teriu ui oh kmitvii mi 'ay m' nls. ', ei iiijuj;..iiiiw. J' ,rg. liw t'j u iuui"wuiW' Ef5tray. nmi' to tho eiieb'puro of the nil'scriber, i i ...tilliKi I. I nit' .. .1. In. I '..It. nil. .a Poll lit V. orornhouHhe 'in'i - r" " AiiilHTB J-iri W r t nUU, Bimnnspil It. hen v t.r Id. Tli" owner or owners art! ir -s.,1,1 tu r.t . I.r te l.r.'l.ertv. ...y lllltrK. ...... 1 tnku llmnniiunl iiwnt. otheiwist; sh.. ttillli,' ilisimtt'il , ol iifi'urdini! In law, 11-W III I. I.U.l - I Oct, -.".i.-t'w K.K('UrHI' NOriCE. ltato of Oorgo V. lliitlc, Deneapcd. r i:tti:i:s T.-iitnerv"iiiii..,ftat..'.riiPon,. w. j Ihu .li re.tnnl nr.. reuuested tt. ores. nit tliDlit tn Ilia I'tetu-i trix with'iitti ,11 . and till pri son- cult bled 1 1 nittke psyinrni ,i '. MAUI. IIITTI.n. ' l, ritsn' inp N, f I'M fit rs SPECIAL NOTICES. fPO CoNmI'MI'i IVl-ld. H ( 11 iiitntiv sun" i.ti will receive vnliinlil prt.srr.ptnit t- into nf Consumption, Asthma, rnmlitlH, iiini .ill iliitn.t mill lung Mlccllcuif, ifrco of ilitugc j hy sending in . Ir address tn Her. Win Mill A WILtfON, ! a . ... .,. n IVilllmutbiirgh.Klugiirn, ' I M 1 K CON PKSSKhN SAN iT ExFl." ' I , tim'Cf of 111 ISVALIII. Tut llslioil for tho hrnefit, iiini t.s a million tn Young 1 M.-ii nun others, who mirer frnm h'crvoim Debility, I I nmntm-e llrcny if Mnnuun.l, &c, supplying tit tho . ft ..... tl..... III.. ill L I J... ..V..n ...... 1 1 ul hlnnnir urn r uniterg lint considerable .maekery lit .'..rlnslm n in.thrtiii fl,i,V..i,.i nn,nij.n. .ihsi.. 1 iiplrs limy lia tit il til tin? millinr. NA'I'llNNIIir.MAVr.MU. ' Juno 4, ioi.- ly iimnkiyii, King co., n. Y i' , ,, , . ! ' 1 iifiiiorlJ. IS A('i. M. M Oout'inr rin l Aunur I rnniwrly nrf.frinn. irnllnnil, H nnwlcntn1 nt Nn.r.11 I I'lNil'r-.t. l'Hil.tD;ilii.A, Jtliorn wrnm nffllrli-.l tviin u.i'ii(!i, tu I'm t.i 1, nun n win no trinnin , ,,., ,..,,,,,.,1 in,,! rllr.,,1. If rurnl.ln ITT- Allinrlnl ll.M'l, lllsflli'il Wilililllt piilll, N. II ynili:irsi' fur l'.iimltinllnrf. ' fin Mnl Iml liicnliy i In) has nu (Ctrctn In III" liiintn nf 1 rent 1 in1 nt July 'J. I'll I. I Jin 1 I tlf AM' llclTLKMEi I f; 0,1 w, I, in marry. niMrc. tin! mnlcnign-.l wUn .will u nil nn wlllinil mnncj mnl willinut prlro vain- 1 niip Hint win ynu tn in irry nr. i y I unit .pi!ily, lrr(!Tlivo nf ngc, wtnllli nr lii iiiily.- 'i'lii4 iiifi.rninll,'ii ivilt n,t untlilm.. ntnl II Vnil ir.dirn iniill, mnl no .intloni, unkftl, n,litrc i firnli I!. l..mihi:rt, c; rcLMip olnt. King Co.. Xcw York. l.'cl. iMII.-tlm. I . Untforinltv nl Prices ! A nw I'l'iitnro ill lltiMlnr I I llvrrj "iti lil "ii Hiiti-niiiin! JO.NCrt kCII. tiftlm i:ri'WiilOni.'rlc.- rinttiiug ritnre, 'Jill !,irk.!llri'u nliiHf rllli, riiilii,Milin, ! In ail lllii, ii In li ivlug the tnrgpt, mnat ritrieil nml 1! tiii('k,ir('li)tlilnglnl'liil:nl'lilii.i. i.iuil,!u. rclv lor r. lnll mIph, Iiiivu rniutlliiU'il pvery on,) his o n iiti'inmi, I.v having .ii.iiki.'l in timing, on pii"Ii ...licit' in inu i'i j nitvei prirp i run . P",,t 11 r co ll.ry ' rm.nnt p.mliy vnr) nil niiial l.u nliKti. 1 '1 In gun it ari .l .n..u't.(l nml prrpurp nml grrnt pnliKl.ikpii ith Hip m.iklng mi Unit nil . mi liny with tliofnll nMrmii'H nl gi'tinig n gnu. I nrllrlr at tin' very 1 Intv.'M prirp. .ti., a Inrgr ittt.rkftf i.lrr.'gm.'l nil lniinl of tin, lal't rly 1, ami ln-rt 'in tilth'.,, vt hit h vt 1 , 1 l..j in ,'ni.T, in tin liiHiiiniiaini; an.. i:t i.iui.i:r portt'itl. Ii"Imwii.'.iIi pri, Ki'ini'intiur tin; Criitlit. In Murlicl nl.nvr si xt It lrp.'t hi gui. - jom;h t co. . I .. . . . I 't mi.tiiu.i; iiiai'i.(i-t'i!i: sri'iuna roii iuii 1 .MILLION! A Innl valilnlili' iint) t ..iclrrlill pntill.nlinn. A tt'lik or 4i.i pug"-, m.iiu romrrii oncrnt im', in; i 'I LIl'S V.mIT. MLIVM, an oilcln .1 ami poTiilar pomi i on .Man .mil H'niiiini t'o-lr l', Fnn.tion-, ....f t-. v int ilin.rii.'r ot ,''iy kinit wilt. n.-v. r failing iti'ii.i uc - inr lh. tr p. nv rnri'. I l.f pin nr.- hi nr. 1 1 it ii I r I, i lonu I,, ,'n ami rtill I". tiiil.imii.h'.l. lull t llu- i'iiri..--. h. ,1 t.'i l nt l .... ..I mi Ki'-rt.tiH nrr-iith hi. I..T. I li.'.'ii i.i.lnrcil in u.M.' I.i- nn'. ileal ino'l'iilnep tlirinigli "'" n.i'ilinni i.f 1 1 i VAilC Ml'.iHMl ' 11 is n vnliiii "'" - Ii "i I tl in III, han.Hol Hvrr lan.ily in Hip lai II ih a viifnim. in. I it. a ' ni'.'t i tti.iii i .ii.. , t iIi' iiiiii.i nttliil mi. I ik'-tr.irtivo i oiirgi's rvr t i-.iii',t ininikiuit. lliift rnny s wirclt .'ii, 'lll"'tniiinl,'.ll'r.:.'.'f.Ugn in an, pail ofih,' .1 Sial.- for .".J ri nH In I' 1 1 .(mi.i.'xt, port iialJ. Ilr. Ilniiti:r. No. 3 Invlbinn tl.r. t, TSett S ork, i .....y i, t-.ii y. - -- . ! DK1 i ly ... KL1S SPKOIl'IC PILI.S War-' tN 1 1 1. in all i.'.tt.H ('.m ho rcli.'J oii ! N'rvrr f.nt to run' In. nut naiii nt,' ! Arr -prrilv mnitli.i.l N . h'int" o ,!i, t ,"inii,',l ! In. not interior" Hh li lyiiit a I'lir-niu ! r.-.n h,' nt'. will. i. nt tl, tn linn ! I pw aril.- n am . ..,.' thr in. .nth h.mii: nf th"m t.-ry y.'vi'r,' . a-t'-. 1 1 . r our Iniiiilrcl phyi-i. l . i liavo ii-.'il 1 1. ri n ... tli"ir pnalitc. ami al1 Bprak writ of thrir . ill., nn.l .ippri.t,' ..I tln-ir . onipi.-iiimt. tthirh is rill i . t'lv . lit'titlilr. nml harinl"iH on tlin tytcni. Jltin. ilr-.l of n rlilu.t."t ran he -I'mtii H.'ll' t-prrifn 1'ilU are the mli'i. ml nn.l onlv ceiiuiinj Si..'. 1 lie 1'. 't. Thi'V .... ml. ii. I.', I li.r .irile anil le.n.ilr. im. nr ti'iini;. ar. ii ...e ,.nit ii.i.u. ' reniiuj i .r,n 'eiini; , I ..,' - ." . " .' - .i.i', . .. , " ,i. . j in,. In. fhea or S"i.iln..l Veakii"i, unit all Us t of r,' " ': 'V';'""" i"".1 ) ":" i'"""1' -1,!l'"'t i t..m.,mr, tionn.-il li l,ilit ami In ital'illiti , hmn.P'ii. e, , .. ... ,,....... v , ... 1. 1.... . .. I i.fiinin-., in i.ii-i i 'iHi-r. ,',t .'in' I M in .1 , 4t I lilt h n imw iirim i (t.i II tVtnii i- 11.1 1 I. -ii'i nr !,..r. ., r . ...iMltnilni.'il ,. n.m'r,... ,,i. a im'.ipa. itni-s tn.; -ntli'.t'r trnri liilillling the .lull.", nf inanli'il hi- In all n. nitt Hiean' i.s Oi.m.rrhe.i, llleel. ami Slrji lint"., nml in lii". 'i.-t". of I lie llli.ilit. r ami Ki'lnev... lliev art a-at't.irnil IULli' is ciperi I'l.t'Cil hy lakiliL'.l -tingle tn,. S... ! In all Hie pr' .Irmici'ts. I'rir.'SI. Th. j will lie -.ent hy he. nr -Iv Keaieil. a'nl rnn flil'.'lllt.illt , on roc. h.l o' Ihu ninney. I.v J. flit VAX, M I). ?.' ?ii Ct'.lai -I., .New York. Cm. tatting 1'J.y-irian f"r th.- in. nt of Seminal, 1 . i n.t r . r-i Ci.iit. ami .N'trvmi-. I'I"I.k. . tthn will -.'nil, fri e in ..It, Ihu foll.m nig a Inn Iile u ..i H, ill t-ral- Oil rut '-tup.' . Tin. Tin, i i.i Tnnr-tMi-1'n. IILl.L'S Tltr.ATHI'l on p.'lt-Al.ii-e 1'r ti r I rent . Impntenre amt hm nl putter, S vt.r.l n.'i.'as.'-i .''inliial Weak. lew, Ninhlty'.i.-. 0, niui llel.ilitj , ,.r.. A.. ., a pampiilet nl ii'l .-nntaining iinn". Unit ailt n'e in the a till. led, ami ".ll"'" l"","" ,w " ' UM' :, ""' ''ne'in- nl . n.e in th1' --t ' r -! -t .20-. ih plainly hcl Inrlh itto riai..p.4.t '.l. -t In p,.t pnsl .yr il.'l.'l.lller I.'. I. li I). LADIES rAMCY U-1 71 AT ' .fUHX LK Rl'tlRA'S in. ii i Kl'R .MAN UI'AC 1011 Y, No. 7IS Aieb St., aborc 7lh. i ii i i.'a n iri. i ii i a. (fI'X AiKVJA f'.iM..1Jsl o-y .vjf.-u l!i5Pv I have now in'stnre nf my own Im- imttntinttnml .M'imif.iPtiirp. n" of tlin 1 AltOllST nnd II... H Ili.AL1 HILL -tl.''. Fancy Furs, f, r I.AIiIllS' nn.l L'MILIlllllVS WI'.AU in Itlo rliy. ' Al-n a line arrm tnientnf (iei.t'x I'nr Ili't.'f fi. ' i A in, l"n r wi re ii'l w hen (!nld will, at a milt n li.ttei primin-.i lh. in at preae..i, 1 am riiahte.l In ill-pin..' .,. III.'... Ill tr. 'ia-ol.alde pi It , . mid 1 tliei.'t.ii.' it t rail from my Inum's of I'oiinii j and vo'imtt. Ij' 11' iiK'nih t tin! Name. Nnmhi r ami S-lrn't '. I JOHN I'AI'.KU'tA, 71S ARCH Street, above 7th., south ide, i IMIIL.VDKI.PUIA. i r7 I ti'ivn nn I'ar'n .', nm ' tniiar. Htm with liny I olher .Mere in I hll.'l'li Iphi i ' I S.'ii. III. Ipi. l.-a.n. ! 'S'iHirUT BiJUSlI i'OV Pi.'lil'. i fPIIK utulei"'ir'i'oil offers to sell, at. ( ri j vnti' Sale, a I -nod 'I'r.irt nf Tl VIII'.H I. MI, sit- naif III llent'.u siidj-ii.'arl'.tf inivii'l.ip-, i ulnuiin i c... !,, ;i.n um Muds nf .1,1. It, i, i llrlu;, tier,. D.daon and Jesse iVnuiBlnn. I'.uilaiui.'g iil'i.ut Four llmidicd Acres, Ail n'fwhi.n is lillnlilc ltii.l. well nalere.l and mis teiititih' ol e.i.y eiilli,ati .u. . The said inu I : will I'.' so'd rulir.. or in parts nl i, nr I, mi. lie. i. m in lint arr. I. Us, n tn.iy 1'" .H'nri'.t. T. hub easy nli lih.'ral time ou pail ofthe 1"V'.','!.".'.'.l.S;.i ..,.. r. enm.lrp ..fill.' snlismber '.'. his ri'sidetii'o iii llriri " k ti.wn-hii '. ' .. . . . ' . ,, . .., Ittllli ilnnr TlluM S J. VAMill.tSLlL'i:, Oct. 1.1. Irl'il. nn; xi.w ;:!)t:i:itv stork. MORK I'll BSD OOUDS. Mo":.r 'caii'cd a! Unismt ' jS'w Mure. -uga's, Toax Coffee. Ric", tSpleos, Ihvvs a-ni Cais. Fish, Kali, 'i'obaccv), Grgaw, ("alidiff, Rnzen, KKI',1) AND PROVISIONS. 'logt't'irr with a gnat t.'.r''ty of nutiiitiH ami etci'le ins ton niiin. rou-I., u.r r inn. ii IliU' r. I'.ggs, Me t .mil piodutc generally taken i i rtcliiiiigu lor g.....i-, llnntn-btir May n. IWI A. II. r.UASML'S. iinnmi.t QllO latmrirecl Shoep lor Sale . . rpiie Hileriliei oilers at private Sale, at , Jt hit re, lU.'liru III nur inn ..snip, t,,,iiiiiii.i t'.ii. i.j, ...n'ltm.n niiPl.'n gill.M.'l) - 1,-v,'. ,,,i,.,,k,'.,rii,i,'. ,', , i, iri t.L. u rtrrllelil r 1.1. .11.. 1. I lev W 111 h a sold HI lots in John r. rowj.i'.u. ! w.l pur. hnsers 1'iu.Mtvp. N..v.,i, Ishl A. J.UCiAN URt.M, Attorney and Counsellor at taw, t.M'lil'.Ti:, S''I.I.VAN co. in. MilUnry and other claims proi.ipilyallcpded lo. Orlolier la.lcl.l. rjlUlI'KINH. Porn, (.'idev, Applet', Coin Coin Flock,, nn. 1 nt (hi. rmep frtpcr 1 led I. nnd luctdun ginfiti.). s.ntH.i ni Mount ANO Diseases Rcwlting fioi Disorders of the. Liver and JJlgestivc Organs, aub cjimr.n ijy DOOTOlt IlUOFhAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Tilt". nniiAT (t'rni'.VfiTHnNlVd 'rnvin . ti 1 Tlice Hitters have porifirmro moro O i'" iini'K Jinn no uirn eiTiFjicrniJf iMft; Mtntr. rr.yriMo.yr'-iMft: .voiik : rr.urr.n -m nwun ton ritr.Mn 77M.V AVI' JUt llVU: IX rill'.MHtKM' I Wi' ilpfy nny nno In tonlrnilltt tlii nrrnlnii, ntnl tvin pny (ju'liu u.iiny ,int iiini imii irn,itirA rt'ttilkulu inilillilicil liy ui.tlnitis mil gcniiinu, HOOK LAND'S 0 HUMAN HITTERS.; 1 will ruruevtty mhv tf ! 1 ni,r.! v. ri.i.iiii.. n: ..r " tllU KlllncV''!, Iitlll (lisC.IBCS artSIPff frni n rlun., 1 Uinn.nnl. ltom n UlsOIUCrcU otuilincll. 0"lr, br ',' ,.ni,,p, l'nt' ion, Inirnnl I'll"!., K'ilfif p of llli.ntl tnilio tlciil.Afiillty nf llin IMimuich tl... ll,.lfl,nr,t. niyft,.., c.. l'.i I'nlni'in nfni Islit In t!ie Stninnili Soiir Kriicintloin. finking or I'lnilcrinjattln lit of llii, Hintiinrli, fwlinnlngoriliu llrml, llur. rlo, ,IMl )irli ut Urnitlilng, I'lntti.rmg nl Hip IIpuii, Chokliig or HuinVnllng ScnKiilloni hIipii Inn lyime .ntrp, lliinnp." t.f Iflnn, Doiri or WIm iiuinr, il, ainhi. K..vr n,;,l I., in I' .i litfor.. Hi.' pigtii. F.'vpr m..l lliill I'ain tt.p mill, I let.r ii-nry nr lVriplrntmii. Vcllmvncf of tl. o Skin nn.l i;yt', I'tln in llln flitp, ll.icti. ff.i't Llnitx. Ac, Hmlilvii riufhoa nf llrat. Itnrning in tint ripfti,''..m.tnt.i lifi aglnlng-nf.'tll, K doprPHiioii of tplriti. urjinMOKti tiut mis nnrr.H3 Is Not Alcoholic. A'O RUM OR IfltlSKXV, end C.1.V T M.I KP. OH V.VK.1 11.1.. . 13 TtIK DKS I TONIC in tho World. ' RSB.'flEl M.ft'A'M I'mm III.) Iti'V Levi llPck.r.Kti.r of tlm llnpiikl Chiitrh, I'.'.nl,.'il,.u. V J. fnrnnily nf tlm Norlh ilnptll ' li, I'liiln k'l.hi.i. Ilnti: k.unt n Hi.utl.iniN llittrr- fivnrnlily f"r a i.iiinlu'r nf .trnri. I lint t n-.'.l t Ix-ni in my ow n mnl hive hern -n''l wuh their t'llWt that I t,'.!!- imlm rd ti. ri'eon.nn nml them tn n.ativ nlh- nml knnn Hint ili.-y han np, fatnl in a strikingly I" netinal ninnner I I. ike great pleimirr in tli.i-t put. In li' I'm. I,ilnin' tllM l.irl. ami i-.-i I Ii ii it ll.n ... I ..r inii-vmniui.-ii iimi n.ra'."' mr win. n tiiey am r. i-.i.iiii,,',iiIi..I ,i, tin.. i II. ....r.. t. r -. -. . i. , , nn, t.-.t , nce that my i.'rii.iini.'ii.laii.iii w ill he ustainecl. I iln UZZZ 7un!!L ','"..!!';"." :.'"! """y? i"" Yuiirnlrul), ' J.IJVI . ll'llL'K. ... . ii. .' .7 "' ' 'i''r .'f thtIn'V- irr, 1'lillailiiiMa Ith, .ngl. not In favor or rrroiitnend Patent Mt'dirinej in gfii.', through ili-i.n.i f th. ir incre- ill 'lit" ami i uu'li , Ijttknntt nl mi lliri, nl rr. is why a linn i. my not le-i.l'y in n,,, l,ii ,. i.pMet,., hniKfll ti. hate rereitcil fm inant -nnpte preparation. In the hope he may tlnin r,..iiMl.aU' tn Kit.- ueiii-tit ol others. Iihiihlt the nmre irmlily in r. card tn llonll'in.l'i Hitter-, prep.iri'.l hy l.i.C, tl. Jm, orthis rity. Iipp'ii.h- I win prejii.ilre.i ng.ilrst tl.t'.n for ninny y. i.r. under he ln.prein.i that ihey were, cliiflly nn nl nlinilr mixture. I am in ...v lii"inl Unherl .-h.i..'i.i.ik.'r, I!m . fi.r thu renrntal . f the. prejudicu hy proper tei., and p.r on ...irnueineni 1,1 try then., whn -iitleriiic from gri'al aml'lmia rnuliniieil ih-luliiv. 'Ilie lis,, of Hirer Imltlc. i,f th,.,,, lil,-rs, at Ihe l.e'uinninj nl tlm prrneiii tear, win fullim.'d hy uvi.loiit roliol' ami r.vtornli.111 tn a .lerre.' of hietily and i.'.rntal vigni ttlni'h I had not felt flir ni innnilio and had al drupairi'd of regnining. 1 n.ei.Jnie tnank lli.d and my Iri. nd "or ilirr.tling nio In ilie no of thrni. J. MHVIU.V IIIIOW.V. I'rom tho Rov. Jon. II Kninnrl, I'nitor of the lnth llnptlst Chnrrh lla. J icmni . Hear hir : I ham l.eon friiniently re nipled In . nmi.'i't my name with . nimnemlatinnc ..' .Iillereni kinds nf me.licint'ii hut rt'Loirdiugthc prnrtica as mil . if my appropriate, sphere. I have in all rases .1. ilini'il ; hit ttith atlear proof in varnui'. iui,tanrc. and pirliru l,,rly in my f.nni y. nf Hi usefulness of Or llnotlau.i's Oe, man lli:ters, I .lepiit fur nuc Irnni my usiiil rotir-e. to express in v full r. ...viriinit that, for general dehiliiy nf tli. system and rspe. i.illy for l.itrr I .....plaint, it is a safe and valnal.le nirnarnllon. Ii some rasrs it may a, ; hm usually. not, il will hp very henolltinl tu ihnse tthn sutli'r from llio nbnvr tauses. lours, Very n sli"clfu Iv. J. II KUVXAKI). IJiijhlli below Coates si., lnlad n KroinRvr Warren nilndnlph. I'n-ter ef Ilnplist Church Oerm.tntnwii, Pa llu. C.'.M. .IttK-nv ; Hear Sir : I'rrsnnal rxpenrnrc "n.ihles me In m) I iigaid Ilie Herman Hitters pri'1'..ied h ) nu as a uiu-t eAcell jut inedn iue. In ra-es of s. t ere mid and aeueial itel.ility I hav.! hern great I) hm. rilie.l hy Ihe ure ,f the rulers, mid iloul.t nut they will prnilut'i' Muu'.ir ell -i ts on nth. rs. Yours lespettrtilly. WAItliUV 11 AVIIOLPII, Oermaututt ii, l'eun'a I'rom l!i;V. J. II. Turner. I'astor ot Ilcdding .M. V. I'hurch. I'hil.ida- i Iln J t, kson : Oear Sir : Hat ing used your Ormnn I Hitler- in my faini') fr plently 1 mil prepared tn sav llnl It heen nfgr.'.'.t sert Ire. I I. "Let e that in llln-'l , ras.'s of gnu 'rally ueliilily nf the strte.u il isthesafesl and in'.sl valual.l.! remedy t.f which I have any Unotvl mlge. Yours, 4c, J. II. Tt'll.NKlt. No. Sill N NiiRtei iitli Street. I'rniu llin Hpv. J M. Lyn is. fi.rni'T'y r.t-tnrnf tho Co lu.olnis (, J.) and .Mileslottn, (I'a.) Ilnptisl ( liurch New t', Y. Iln. P. M. J tt Kins . - Hear Sir I feel it n pleasure thus, of in v ott ii an nrd, u. hem lesiimoiiv tu lh.' pa i . Urn. r ,,l (h . ( ts. Suiuejy.'urs since being n .. . t, :. ' -I I , ' 1 (f. ;r ' ' 1 !" "V"? ,"lei;bld by thai tor nlingdi.Mas.'.aml hair nur, nun Ilie. I tile most ll.tllerimr le, ns tl. their grent value, lit t rises nf ireneral debility, 1 ho- leva it lobe a tuiue cauiiut bu surpassed. J. Al . LYONS. I'rouitli" IIpv. Thus, Winter, l'an-r of Itnxhnrough, llaplkt I hiiirh. UK. J it k-ii ;-l).'.ir Sir : I f 'el il due In vnur ptrrl- I lent preparation. Iluntlanu's 0... than llili.-rs. tn n.l.t in) t.'stiiiiniiy tn ihe .leserveil reputation ll litis ol.tain- tit. I Irivo fur )f.irs, 'at liui"s, b -ru tioul.le.t Willi i grent disnrdei in in)' head ami m-rimis s) nteni. I was mlvisi il lit a I r ten. I In try a bottle id' ) nur li. riuai' llif? iter-. I did so ami hate . p. rii'Uit'd gnat and unex- pi'. leii r.jliel i my hrallli has hern very uialerinllv hi'ie . ('titled. I rulllldeutty ret-n.nul.'Ud the arll.-l..' tttlt-r.' t ' uii't't Willi similar In my own anil lueu as suit'.) ny many .. in. ir '.'..ou eii,., ts. Uespectl'ully tnurs, T. WIN I'Ult. Koil.nruiigli, I'a. rromJtev. J. S. Henna., nf I.i Herman Itrfurnied ! w lie,.' llu) . o.npn.ind falls lo relievo, full IhVctinu.. . l1t-','lllil'u;;l',,''''.8cm'''!;,, , Lcto.upnny .n.l,b..tlk'.u r.e.,,1, nnd (Irr llR.C.M JtlKsns- Uesp it .1 Sir :-I hate lit'in uc 1 ' Willi ly.i'."la nearly twenty years, ami h.tvo tics ,nnn Used auv ii.ediiiiiu that .lid u.r us much g.".'l as llnm-. .'. l,,rllu,i;,, ,,i,ll,.,',io ti r. laud s Hitlers. I nm tr,y much Improved in henllli ! 2 U No vartliellO IllCllielUC IS re alter taking ate butt..., iespt':lfully tours, ruler. ii.Mt-MAN'. '(iU-ia,j I u tro'Uitig l'ivo thousand eases, Large Sitn (holding urar'y doublp 'pinnlity.l Tl."' 1" ' .n't ..'"-H ... iin.vit. i", Small Sira-75 cents per Hnltle - half dozen, 41 UU ti,... per . .... e-u c. i ' 1 RFAVARE OF LOUN'I ERFF.I'FU, rleu thai Hip signature or Ihu WvAiiAK ol ouch bolilu. U. M. JACKSON," Is on HI, l.l .... ,.t I,ii.t nnl l.:,vn .', Srilele ,,, -;,' ,iUy-0"lUe .,,.x,.-.. ,,.,: t, nils Ilia) I.e. ..uerru HI lis place, mil seiiu tu ns, ' nud ttu will Ml ward, sc.uiely imtkud, hy f.xnres. i - i rnr.. . i ni . ,.i . .. t tin ijmi. Kjyi'.v tttit iiiuwi(r(ic&cy, rim. inr.i.rui 1. JoxNisS & Evans. i (Suece.-sor to C, M. JACKSON tt Co.,) PROPRIETORS. rJ' rOUHM.IJ I.v lliuwlilt nnd llenleit In vny in v.i in iho Unud isurtS Jti n. If IcOl "cl 31. rSCS- I2un D1U W. WELLS' M112R WAN COMPOUND Fur THE J I nut . if i i .i . n . ,( litis old esf-ablivutt, thorougfin; tried Rnntdy, nconilhdlcd b; some otlicmoil etninetil Miyiktutis, has attained a celebri ty in most purt.i of Iht country in eurivg SCROFULA OH AVAG'S EVIL Bcrnfuloui Horfii, Rone or Hryrlpslaf, Bctlcd Itci.V nuj ltlng Worm, Tetter or fat! Meun Holder nr 8 ult ra" Nock, (r-o rotninnit with otir Amorifnn IVmntcs) en rnlilo Cnncrrs nnd L'nnrcrouf t'orco. Illalniur IViilf. Chronic Wlcrito.I Bnrp, liiB N'o-c, Month nml Thronl, Fyphilli. In nil Its f.irmi o. r ........ o ... . i ,i..,. t. pniwur. r merer,,,,., . i.tcprutton r u.o t.nn;,. smnind. mi.i'j P. 1 p'tiK, rohlim.'B, nml lllnlcnps. iinrnninti-in, rrmaio IVtnknrn. Lpreorrhnn, (nriin; frnm llitoinn'f ulcera on) Diopty. Gcncntll licLility, Kiuaeihllon tint nil tllf tip of the . . I f.i rinse nf f 'oolirCIieSS or Constir.alioU it NEVER FAILS- lis mild in Ks nrlinn. Ju-t tulhclent to tcgulilp llio ' butvtls ntnl krtptlieiu 't.gular. Its unlike nil prepa ! rations for Um ltl.."d. having llio Intallte propcrtlej j . umtiim d, As it contains I ll'id (Jinny, Mamlruke and tiaiidclion pirpared in a sclent ijic nuniner 0. umiKs wonderfully in t.i oj i.ltipttic affections of the 6,y T?3 CSS OWK'JLS Chronic ril.US. unit p. Tiunnently rnred by the Alt f nnllto nnd l.m.niteall'uct o u great f,,.itiiro In ll. H.ll produces tin a ir s , from tho uniiiniPiircnifnt in short It Is n very (lift Ton ic 111 pnlnlaolr- And can bo taken by tho mutt del- icalo IVmnltior Cliild. It being purPly vegetnhto thsro will be noll.itm dorm In Inking It, Iflhern i noboBout will bo 111 derived. Pri pared by V$v, Ei W. Wells', Piatiieal Physiciau WILKIW-IJARHL', I'A. Ol'T'lCK- -over L. 0. I'ltins Store, .Makkit Stuijbt. Fur Sale b'J UU DrtlgpUtS lniOUhOUl the Country. p ,S,Kv. ry (igcnl is nutliniinefl In refund tlin nmnef !,. onsn in r.t T . , ,., n I IlllVO UCVCr KIIOHH a I abO .- . f ., , lMlVbic, Or baVO 1 ever KnOWU It to tail lU 3 tlmrotlL'lll V removinc tllO diseases As 1 b 1 rl ,. t-rtl n ii 111 V IIIIIO til I UU M Ull V a 11,1 ll Clll- i .';.";L,iW ' uienl of Diseases OK TDK RL ... nun tnnnL of Diseases OL 1 Ill's JSiiUUD' ' am prepared to givo advice (gratis) by ap ' p'ying to my ollice or by leitor, aceoiti p.iuieil by a St imp. B. W. OHLLS, ,M. D- Whole. ale. SI Cottlan.l fc'ttroi Nets Vol ''i '',V D,.-tHfivirT " WcDIr-l Jm Soldlivw. It. t jeasy uu igni citgri .. POSTSCRIPT! Gon. Mcadc. TI10 Inquirer's special Washington oot respotidcneo givca this itom of nons: , OEN. MEADE TO DE KEMOVBD, Thero is a rumor in town that Qoosral flortdo is soon to bo eopcrscded" by Qon eral Thomas, now oommanding the Army of tho 0'iimborland at Nashville. It is likely enough thVt Mbfido will logrf his place for the failuro on tho 27th. 86' great a disaMar must not be exoused. ILforo the election, "tho failuro of tho 127th" was oallod a "brilliant snooots." There is ft report that General Shcrmpn' with the princtpil part of his arm has N'orthorn Alabama! returned" to' At , . , . ,, , , .. ,' lautu cvaeuntoi! and burned that cityi and then started eastward across tho country to Charleston, South Carolina That some thing has happened to Atlanta wo do not doubt, Keev Yomx Eye ON THIS PLACE, SECOXD AllRlVAr NEW GOODS.' M AH rnlnrgpil nml grPnlly Improved hlf Htnrn Itoom 1 ' "ml sliK-K. ,1 it ilh a largo nn.l t upirinr Htor.k of Pl'l;i(l anil Ml'MMCIt HOODS, which will bo sold low ii h at any other tslnljllfliniciit In tho country, CWl.wj , UQ Munlhin, fill arlied and Grown at 25, 26, vn to 49 eenis. ntlCsrf nodus r'r c-rry rhstle, quality nnd price; n lull line nf lloinctllr. Cnud.. vlr. . Chf. ks, Ntrlpcs, Ticks, Llimon nml Cnilnn ,'. Tnhl.) Diaper, Oliighain, N'nnkecnj, lie , ice A (loud supply of I, miles r-hncn nn.l (Jailors .New nock of lints nud Caps, i AM Wool Ingrain nml Mltige rarjicW' I u splendid nitirlc Just opened and for tutu, A Iretli eiipply nf ; Groceries and Spices, n new lot nf CADAIl AND WILLOW WARK. MA'-'KI'IIAIi f'f the qunttrr, tmtf nn.l whole barrpl r'.leiwLd nsinrlmrnt of now dtiigm. Also, a nuw lot of TRUN'Ktf and , Oil Cloth Satchels. ' llnving hniiuht these goads hojorr tho Win tic, X am ' Orel. nr.. I tit .ell low. .-he.-.., nslftie el.rfinest tor rjisli nr i country prudui'' I wi: sTi'iiv th, . Iili)umluirg. .Moy g. fj jJlJT (Pj'lfJ'T)' CATAWIU B II ANDY, SPARKLING CIT-IU'III WI.VES. ' l'.'pinl In (lualtly nml Cheaper in I'ric.t tl'an llio Uratl .tics ami Wine- tlm did World . l'nr Suiumnr ('.niipl.nnl, Pho.sra lufvnntuni. Howel Unn. plan. i cramp, Colic, and IHir heodti, j A EtiteCure is gunr.nincd. orthn ii,.i rofnh'fled; In support of thu aNovr -tate.nnts, nr.; presented the Crrtilirntrs of llr. Jus. l. I'liiliuti, chemist, New York ; llr. Iliiiui Cut, Chemical Inspector, Ohio! , llr. James It. Ni. ...s, Chemist llnston; Ductnr N. II. I Jones, Cheiuiral Inspector. I'irclcvillo, Ohiu; I'ruf. C. t T. J.n k-oii, i 'liemist, lliiatou ; llr, (.'has. IJphain tjlicp i nr. I. t'h.trlrslun, S. ('. , nnd J V. ' l.lnnry, nnd (J. A, I Mariner, Cnusiiltinz Chemists, Ciacngo, nil of tvnoin 1 have au.tlt . nl the- Catawba Itramly, nnd commend ll . In the highest terms, for medicinal use. ' Annlijhis oj the Massachusetts State As , saycr, Jan. 23 1858. i When rvnporated through rlom linen it left -p.ofl or olfjii-ife mrttlcr. In every respect it is u puro splr ' liuous Inpior. Tlio Oil which gives tn this Urandy Its flavor nml aroma, is tthnliy unlike fusil, or grain oil. Its odor partakes of l.eth the fruit nml oil of grapes. . ith a. Ids, it produce's ethers of a high fragrance 1 The ( of ll l Urandy for Cognac llrnndy . wil .In nttnv with the manufacture of fictitious spirits ' sold under this iiniu.' l.ntii ut home and nhrond, . lUspcrlfully, A. A. IIAIEd, .M.D. As-ayer lo State Mass.. Hi II, )) lesion Bh I thesnme, in 1801. '' ; I hnvo annl.tTicd -I. LYONS' PUUK CATAWDA PIlAMiY." with reference to Its' roinposilion and ., being thu tamo as that produced jn3 past t venr-. A s imple lakeii frnm ten nuks utlnrileif tho ' same results w till regard to purity ; it sliclitly increas ed atnniiut nf the principle now Inch its ll.tvordepemlf was tl. 'I. Tunned hy enmpansnu with former samples. The indictiiuis of minly-is thow Hint this Ilrnndf Is pro'luced hv tlin sntno process as most jof nho tut polled lli.'tt.iiy Il' spcctfully. A. A . llA vllcl. Slate Assnyer.'!l(i It") lesion Bt. ! Manufactured only by II. II JACO 1 & CO. (T.i whom all Orders should addressed) li.'i.ot. Ui Liberty St., New York. -.nvsniber , iei.i. .,m. TO YOUNG MEN. Jiii'l Published in a Sealed Envchqis. I i:tci:six i:ts. A Lerture r.-itl. N'.nuiP.Tr' Hm -nt and Rmltcnl Riiro of Sp,' . nr .-i.n.nal V.'-.1.ius. involuiitftry Ihui-ti.u.s s teal, ni.d linpsi'i'iirnis to .Mnr ntiae gem r.illy N. . f o'i-ne-s, f unit jnipt I. n, Lpilrp st'. and i'us M, ami I'atsical in i vity, result ing 1 1 nut Sell- S li.iv,'. A.c. liy It'i;; 1 J v.'UI.VLU WLLL, M. II., Autlioi ai .h " ir '.-"t ' "' " ftp. 'I'l.., tvuitrtil r.i..ittv...'.l nn. Im r. t ii II ' -i , 1 1" ' i 'il.;n l.'pp. tuir. ilearly proves from his oiyu rx . :i h it Iti ntt nil t.uist.'ivri.cLS ot eit..ii.us3 i oe eu. cuiriiy reumved w iihout iiie.laclue, mid v. , i. 't (.-nacrous surgical operaipuis, bntiguit's, insiruiniT.-n, rings, or ror.ii.i's. pointing out a inn.lo of rure at o.a certain nud rile, t'ttil, by whicl,,i v.Ty siiirerer. no n. alter what his to .li ion may I.e. .nay euro himself . hen, ;r pri iiit.dy.aml rn.licsliy. 1 tils l.octurn will (rovu a I......I lothuusnml. and thnu-auds. S.nt under sei.. tnunt address, in a plain, fr.aled eiiielupe, on the r. rcipl of tit tela, or tv-0 pojl.tja stamps, by addressing, 1 . (.'HAS' J.C.KI.IXC. a:Co.v 1 ;ii71'. wet). Nert-Yotk,l'ot (JfTicul tx ICO. Ort liH I. I- ISGl. lliilatRIlilii.i & Uric IS04 I -phis ureal line iiatfrses tun iurtuer.i ami iionu. .,,,.! .mcs of l'enns)Hiiiiitt to the city of . . , .. .'.... ' It li.i. !' ' u I'.tsrd I.v tho Pemiijlvniiia HnllronJ (',. in na. n and is "I" rated I.v tlli'in Its entire length wns opi ned fur passenger tad frer'hl l.u-.m -s, ti. Int.. r lith. IpoI. 7 IM K OS 1'Assl.Mlhll llltlNS At S OKI 11 I'M D E It L AS P . , Mail hat. s, lil p I'. M. llturets I'liiin " ' 11 V7 l , M, ' Accniniuu.lntlc.n, 111 U7 A. M. A..'i.ui.iiO'l.iliuu. . SMI. M, l.u.w i; Mail 1 mln. . r 'M'J' ' UlunriiLtpre-s I'" ". 5 A. M. Aicniuiu.ulsilon i dl r. M. At'r'Ui.uiutltltlt.u - II 111 A. Ul I'tiscugers Cuts run thdaivli nn Mail Train, vvitu nt i ... .Mil t.mli wats httwecil I'lilUlelplliriaUil llris. 1 nn.l Ikilliinortiiilid Lne. . . eiiL'i.ui Sit-, mug ars mi l.linlro Utprpss Irataf ' n.'iii ni.ts l.uttt Willia.iisport nud llallimute: : j-,,, t ,,l..r nt rp-peiling I'assengrr buiuem, sp ! ptyn..i.r 'ur. imi,...i irk,.tsu I s. II. Kiuginii, Jr., Cor. lllili and Market lilt.. I'hll'a I J. V . Ill') I. Lrie, I J. M. llr. II. Agent is. i . ii ii., i.n.iiiiinrt'. II. II. llmlslull, i.e.. i ' -11 ' -. , J , , 'r ' r v ,',,i 1 Nut . U. l-"l- BUFFALO UOBIsS ill' IIVIT.Y Sl'i:.tnd UU M.ITY, KIT T CONSTANT ly tut hand ami will he snl.l rhenper thnn the cheapen VUOt.LS.U.B ANll ItlfAIIi, .) llio tin.lri-ignf.l, at Ins Tiunk, Fur nnd Vnlitt iilnhli.linient. No. ln. Matlet Siiftt, Vhllndnlphn. TH08. V. MATTOOK. Octobtt 1 Hfil 3in t i I" fi.'' i 8