Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 19, 1864, Image 2

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" Onr Oonttltntlon guard 11 over '
Our glorfoua Union hold ll dear I
Onr Starry nag forsako ll never!
Tlia proud Oatieawlan ottr only peer'
Saturday Morning, Nov.19,10G1.
On tuuoirrri, Mio navo pain vv "i
. . . -
have our lncore tliankt. Tlicifl lm liavo neglected
in do tf, arc roijuontoilnow to isttlk And rvv imnf
it tilfi Wo need not speak of ntra-Jexpcniie.ctf .
.........ll....... . I...H1.I,.,1 In llm
' "
land i-o iay, tiiattv. liavo earned oar money, .iatiy
and tabor.on,.,.. and .unu.ibe paid.
We are making outnnd aending kiiu to ad indoiitoJ.
including the prcimn (tfth) volume, up to ihxi Mar. h.
and w.xPect from itlf-n. a prompt and ouiyrcMionn-.
Ourtorm, are PAVMCST.. A..VANCE. and every
one taking n paper. fnoid ray a year ahead. Frund..
A Word in Season
I....1... ::mr:'i..- .Turin
1 110 neurnL'ffci iudiuvi.ii.1 i mi.huk .
lato campaign, of lho Republiran press in ,
their wholesale charges upon ih. Demo-,
orat.o party o treason, sympaiuy w. ,
thdrocllion, uieuniomsm, anu wuai mua-
' . . . .
nnl a i nmnn lrnlril hv t lCIf lit Cr
ancos Binootho campaigh. General Mc
Clellan, after all, u a Union man, a good
general, and a patriot. Tho Democratic
.arty roally is at hoait.for the Union at all
hazzards. This is tbo burden of tho cho
rus to which" the abolition organs are now
attuned. Wo leave tho leaders of those
journals to measure the compliment to
their intelligence and integrity which thi
retractioj of two months of persistent slan
der implies. 13ut wc put in a protest right
hsro against the impudent assumption of
theso samo journals that the appeals, as
eortions, and a'gUments oi tho Democracy
have been as heartless as their owu.
Wo have absolutely, nothing to retract,
nothing to qualify, nothing to attcuuatc
Mr. Lincoln wc still believe to be what we
Lavo proclaimed hint to bo. The leaders
of tho republican party and their princi
pies wo still believe to be what we have
tried to persuade the people that they are ;
and tho events of the next four years will
prove it. The difference between the
ideas of tho Republican and tho Demo
cratic parly is still heaven-wide, autagon
istioal, irreconeilcablo. Tho men and
the ideas of tho Republican party will
drivo tho nation to a disunion peace. The
Domocratio party would have restorsd
Union and peace.
Tho Republican party has as utterly
refused conciliaiion or compromise to the
Domocratio party as it has to the South.
It is utterly inadequate to the political
tnallan fnr I rnnni nffR. t m nn v no iov
"-"-"""l --i -i i '
l. Mt.Inl. I.a AJrtll. 'pun lio nntlnfl rr llin )
by which tho North an be united or the
o... i i,rt i
rtflllin 111 V1I1M1I . Ill LIIU I'l UdLLL IJU I U ' I
sion of modern times, Mr. Lincoln and his
advisers scorn to administer government
EO as to command tho confidence, repre-
Benttheidcas, or conciliate the support ol j
the masses even of tbo .North. They aro I cullurht w be 81 50 a year. Four cop
content to please and to represent in their j jsf tpn copies 12 The German
policy thc mere faction ol a mero majority. Cfjijnn is 52 a year; fot teu or more cop
If success in restoring the Union lu im-Li(,S) ?1 50 a year. Orange "Judd, Pub
possiblo to men who represent the average ; ;s,)0rj ,n pjrk j0W) now York.
of tho Republican party, how hopolciBly .. .
Impossible is success to the men andihe Oiu Congressonal Vote,
ideas of its most radical fi action. Some Tho following is the vote 011
glitnpso of this truth bpglns to be caught Congress iu tho 13th district iuctuding
by the Republican leaders, and thoy aru the Army vote.
anxious to define the duty of tho Demo-
oratic party. They have quite enough to I
do to take caro of the duty of tho Repub-,
lican party, and wo adviso the expenditure
of thoir energies in thai direction.
Tho Democratio party understands its
duty and will do it. It will hold tho Rc-1
publican party no ! the 'Union" party
to its pledges sternly, It shall not.with
. , ,. . ,r
its consent, mako a disunion peace. Ilav-
ing triumphed by if profusions of Uu -
ionism to the pcople,.it shall not ohcat the
people, and accomplish disunion. Or if
ovoiits conspire wilh tho incompetency of
r , , . , r '
our rulers and their secretly cherished
. . , , , . .
disunion ism to break down tho Union at
. , ,, . ,....
last, tiicrthe contrivers of disunion shall
' -
catch tbo curso of disunion. The rcpou-
sibil.ty Ehal bo put just where it belong',
uulUy uu oou u..iiui a
heart shall themselvebs smitten with the
nation's wrath.
The Boml of Commissioners. Ai.hv.u
Mann, Eq., the lately elected Commis
sioner, was included into ofilico, un tho
5th of November. Mr. Mann Eucceedi
Oiias. IIesj, &q , whose term of service
ns Commissioner has expired, and wo have
no doubt, that like Mr. Hess, he will also
iiiuuu mu vwiviKim vvtuuiiiluiJt,i uuu iui.ii-
ful County officer. Tho Board now con-
.btofHenra. Ruhr Mellenry, Tho J,
V-J-..II- -...i ah m. ',,...
, HHU1.1SII1.V, mm (linn I....UU, u;i 10,
oil worth v nentlcme... sound democrats.
.. ' '
and faithful nublio servants.
ltoim McIlEMiY Fro v,ho isPre.i.
ItOIIll iuCllEMli, Ifq.) "110 IS 1 real-
dont of tho Board, has not been able to
A , . , a e
nirnttrl nt nrnr nl. 1 1 Snitiilnnc fit nnrtt
U.LklJtl ui uui J9 uu uvoniviiD ii v ? w i
throe months raSt,,n consctiueuco ofh.s
arrest aud imprisonment in Fort Mifllin.
Ills health is quito precaiious, as ho is af
.fliotfid with confirmed Rheumatism and
i r ,r
(Mnsumpiii-n. We hope for the partial
'- v r, ol I in health, but nevor ezpeotit
y!y b" resto.retl
The Late Election.
Tbcro was novcr an Section in tlio
. . , . . i .i i 1
..Ilinl ,1nr n nm ntlnr I ll II'. Hlltl It'll
.....v. ...... ..ii ...... ....w ......
tins Presidential election iu 1H04. Tho ,
...... 1.1 I 1 I
disposition of tho popular mind, worked up
indeed to exceeding bitterness on both
side before tbo final rote, was ovidently
thoroughly American. Wo Word accus-
tomed to election, and accustomed to no-
i i.. .! ..!..!..
. , . ... r ii I
Fiom of the sovereign will. In this very
"Ct wo may find the Ground for
ll'ipo ill mo Ilrliru. lou mi'ji.u nireiui
an c(!0liou i4 aUv,y, g(,od, since it loads
the people Ik ihinkofaud to v.luo our
8 b tc 111 of cJ'crninent, auu to reucct on ,
J W '
bn gn at impo.tanec o prcring it. i no ,
,tr, o the Umo ,s a h,f tory ol vary-.
ing op.ulona, waves .ol durontcnt,
cubsidiog into calm and placid to an over
u'n i,,,.
llu. .1 ui.hrt.l.iirtn nl nrncnptiiltrf II Ihri .
. .. . mi
n" B' ' '"' ""I'"' - "Mb (
" " - ...
,l,mil,a U'n lui'a . n,.nn1...
b'"" i-t" ,v..,..
bounded dovotion o lie uinoi, of the blutca ,
c appreciate all tlia'. wo have Uorivou
from the Union, all the greatness and glo-
ry of our pat hiato'ry, and wo iuteud to
rflnew lho proa,,crity of t10 pvt ill tho
4 . . ..,.,
, ' .. ., . . ?
ie calm
is couu-
rV irntn
, an election, and rclapsii.g imo the;
, which now as always follows ii iu this
try, will uather wisdom and cnurcy from
the very feet its, if Our elections, instead ,
M? -? o country ,
,S72J: Z'Su lZ:t,
.tlii.uS u. w.,....-. v.-.
i i . '
auu cuhiiuiih aiiuuuuu.
1C .
Tho Cnlinr.Hi rounlv Pris-
The Coluinma County
a r... i .i. pi,..i.;n fnniiiv PpUnn-
cw, some three or four only ol the forty ,
four, w3 believe, have had a trial before a
Military Commission at Ilarrisbur, and
been remanded bark to Fort Mifllin.
1 bark to Fort Mifllin
a lnvo been sentenced'-
e, ce ivelv - o as ol
:uj, rcspcciici , .wo as lot-
Three of them
Their sentence
lows :
Wii.uam Aph.emak, fine of 5000 and ,
ono year's conG-.ement in Fort Mifflin, to !
be released on payment cf the fine.
uc rtitastu un jj.iiin.m w mi. i.ii..
Samuf.i, Kline, sentenced to two years
imprisonment, and no fine annexed.
John Kani.z fine of SI 000 and two
year's imprisonment.'
God strv the hand of vindiclivo
. -
neanco. Here are two old and infirm .
men, with largo families and in moderate
circumstances neither of whom would
have been convicted o( any crime in a
Court of Justice consigned to a Moil's
duugcon, in the evening of life, with un -
usually heavy fines and piotractcd service
to perform, which they will nevtr live to
accomplish It is without justico or
Amptmpav AniMrm.TTiTiisr. The No-'
nmlwi ti.milinr rt f 1 1 . n 0 ii vi . i if t ) 1 1 1 kt pfmn4 .
,-uiw ..u a.
.1 I 1. .! 1 f..
matter, not for the farmer only, but for
eveiy condition of domcstb life. Its val-1
up ,; enhanced bv numerous well executed
. m.. . n- i . i t...
engravings, ane puuns'uer uas at, iusj
. 11 1 . i . .1 ' -W
Un 'Mcll t0 B1ICC011lb t0 til0 papcr
. . . .
. . I . ' n.ininrvli n.l fmri-t I l,ri tAViUrl nt
Jig subscription.' The only wonder is,
tijat j)(J was ot (r;vct) t0 ,1,1s bU,) a yCJr
ao On and after December 1st, the
prioc 0 ,i10 vuu edition of the dsn
Ulysses Merour
Bradford, 5700
E. Piollot.
1 308
I Sullivan,
I Wyoming,
' Mercur's Maj. 1001.
1 ''"Ji ,c,d '(i'antl 11 u'- Tra
,cy, 8 in.IJradtord,
j Williamson II. Jacoiiv, Eq ,
Member of Assembly elect, for Columbia
' nilj Montour counties, will take his seat
, 1 1 . m,.-
upon til v 1'irst 1 ucsday in January , 18u.i,
, . .111 , .1 ,
tho day designated by law for the nioetinc
r i 1 t.
of the Lcsi.-latuni of Pennsylvania. It is
..... . T , . .,
gritiiytig to .Mr, Jacoby and the Dcumc-
raoy of o kjow tbal waf
cec,Ci, oycr tho od ,sliQ((y (hlfd) Cut).
didato,' by over three ihouiand majority.
We hope he will duly appreciate his posi
tion and reflect credit alike 'upon hiiiisclt
and his coniitueney.
Auoenhied, Nov. 0, 1804.
Cori. T.vtk:
l) ft it Slf Is n rlnaml Jonon ftnA
two DoHum, for whi-h cmiinua my tub
sbription to the Columbia Democrat,
Yours Truly,
Acv.'c That is the voieo mid . action of
cnilo.u.n Thou-ands moro should
emulate tho examnW Mr M..f!li.,m.-.
1 - --
Wo hop, our f.iends-will remit their mon
.. k,
l7 promptly v. jimo.
, Mn.M, i'(11, r finn.inii Tl,,i
. , " ,. ,
official Dcraocralic majoriiy in Peunsyi ....... ... ww. ...v - i.w
. . . . .
ff:inia 011 tlin linmn nfn at llin tirrnhni
. . ,. .,.
given iu the Ilarrisburg Union.
U thc States havo gono for Lin
coin but Now Jorsoy, Delawaro and Ko:i-
tucky Wo shall givt ibo official result n
oo n It tun bo obtained.
The Stato Draft.
c assured our roaJcrg in our last is
hi t v . i c. e u i
IVflll 111 III! till i 111 111 Pll I fl 1 11 limit, for Stale
- - - , --- - J"lio lilecton i soared)' over,
' '
I . 1 It f
and Iiineolii asiurcd lour moro years of
. 1
power, when the following ordure
sued by the Govcnor :
Head IJjUAimiTH, Penn'a. Mimtia.
Harrirburg, Nov. I'Jth, 1801
Gtncral Orders io. 'I
I ho effort to rair-o bv volunteering thol and niiuiu. Two more beautiful ennrav
norti0 0f tho PennsvlT"ania Stato Ouard,! .... ..-1.1
ordnrod ,,uo Bcmee by Grne.a Orders ,
mu. i. nayiug jiruvt'ii auoriivv, ii i ui
'1 Inl an enrollment and
... . . .
H.i(i I 1 ii" tiiniln ill iHlctlnfirtn n H hrt nm.
vWon9 ,ho Aot of A,sulll,)Iy, of Mny .
.lth and August 33, 10 1. j
3. hat the UmmuMoncrB of the scv-,
Tal Cities and Counties .f iho Common-
wealth, are hereby required and directed
...Ml... VIS .1. ..u u I'U. .Ult.iv V . .UU .
. . ... . . r I
wbiui, nru ueruuy R'llUirPII illlU uiiubil-ui
to SaUOj forttiwitli, tlimr precepts to tho
AsPC9ora 0f heir respective (Hies and
Counties, authorizing and commanding!
them to mako an immediate enrollment '
and clasilicatioii of alj able bodied vrhito .
mc etoens. wi.hiu tlm
it, liable o enrollment under the Cliltia
nu u,c1.uom,nnWfi1n,,- ,
y lkig.idiur Gunoral Limacl Todd,
Slate lu-pnctor General, U charged with
the execution of this order.
ws oi the botiimonweaitii. !
, , ri
. Order of the
Tho orders were addressed to the
"oitnty Commiioncrs and were received
. . .in ii .. 1
yeitcrttay morning, i nnso wen meaning
men who pcrmitf-d themselves to bo do-
Pro miscs of tho A boli tio n 1 cad c rs tb a t the '
i ii i i i . ..
war wouu. cense on J.mco.n s ro-e.eet.oo, ;
wo would havo no more dralts, can
t10 repent of their folly, at their leisure. '
Wc cautioned them, but they would not
j believe.' We mil y regret that tho inno- ,
'nt must suffer with The guilty. Prepare
, ,
A.r another draft ol "1I),000 more.
We cautioned tlietn, but they would not
TT'TV x- !
Gen' MoOlellan'a B OBlgnatlon.
On the 8th instant, the day of the dec-
General McCollan addrcsed a let- ,
T to the President resigning his com-
mission in tho army, aud requesting that
two mission in tuo army, aud requesting tuat
'bis resignation might bo allowed to date ,
vcn.! from that day As 'ho could not then '
l" i, , , , . i . , i
nfirm know whether ho rencned to boeomo a
I... I
Know wnecner no re.-igneu to uu-oniu ,
priva'c citizen, or resigned to become tho
' President-elect of tho United States, the
'time, was appropriately and gracefully
chosen. As ho is not accus'ometl to act
, from any impulses, but acts always from
"deliberately formed h doubtless
j correct to inlur that it was his purpose, if
j not eleeted. to retire wholly to private
life. We hope that his resignation will
bo accepted, fur wo havo no belief -that
his clrttirmiuutiou can bo diaimed. Wn
fin nnl If ti c vc tlnf fnu nno. nnrinnntil iviMi
. ' ---v ------- ,
lhn n.1.,1,nn.n. Ik n mnn i I
t7 ",' Ml i -.
CSr country will be rtjoieeU to '
!Kan uu 8u u3 ""i" '
"010 oeiwt'un uuns. v.rani uiiu lice which
- Srea" "u,cre UCS ' ' '" ' ,!,. Ite ll,n Inr.nn nl'i
u on prisu ncrs oouiti. jv iuc icr ns on.
j .v.
.. , i.i r i'l ,
tins agreement, tho details of which have ;
not yet been definitely settled, we shall be 1
pcrmitcd to scud to tho South clothing,
blankets and supplies for our prisoners in
lac Hands of the outedcratC9 j moy, too
. . 1 . -1 1
in rcturn.bcin'' allowed to do the same tr 1
their prisoners in our hands. It is pro
pncd that an officer from each side should
be specially detailed and paroled to sec
the faithful execution of thc arrangement,
and that the articles sent to the. prisoners
vhould bn confined to articles of nocosity
and comfort, as olothing, blaukcti, moat,
bread, cofloe, sugar, pickles, vinegar, anil
The reblo pipers appear to bo. unani
mous in favor of arming the blacks. The
editor of the Southern Cotifctcrarijia writ
ing home to his paper says : "The presure
brought to bear upon the authorities here,
favoring the arming of tho blacks, has been
too strong to rosNt, hence, it U with gnu
itudo that I am able to state offieiallv that
p,r,.n,Mi, nr nn, i,; mt. . nrm
...... ...... w...b ...L.-.W m....,
3 '
for tho spring campaign, three hundred
thousand slaves, whose niters aro l0 be
compensated by the Confederate Govern -
men;. The slaves ,, armed are to have
their' Irccdoni and fifty acres of land each,
which insures them pennanant homes in
thc South.
- ..L
Tnr. SiiAnow or Death. General
.18 aCCOmplu-hed much IU the
Valley, but at a sad expense. During the
,.n,,,',;n lin lina lni.1 Sir. S.1H inon mi.l lii-i
orcc s now redue.d to 21,155. S gc bst
., , . i, , .
8,000 men there last May Hunter lost
10,000 Wright lot about 3,000. A
V.11.J Ill, ll, "1.1I..V ol lb.
Shadow of Death.' And now it has to bo
substantially abanuonod again for tho wId-
'1 Hi: Demochatic 1'aiitv. I'hero wero
not u, than four millions of votes east for
Prceident for which Mo 'lellan received
- 1 almost two millions. Iu other words.thero
...tii:.,.. r i i :.. .1
..iu i.w ....u..ii.0 u. Lupeim uus m muur-
my and in tho Northern States. Theso
. . ... , .
nrn ns 11111.111 inrorpninii in inn Nnioiu ni run
Union as Republicans can be,but they aro
l a ii Me
- - - - - - " a
,uu ' ",,uu,u "Vu tuu,;u
r Hon. J. F. Ml veus, Editor of tho
Bedford Gazette, we arn ploascd to oh
serve, has been doolared olected (o tho
The LadyFrlend.
Tlia Drtrr.iniKlt niimhnr f thin marvi.
line a a iru y splendid one, being tho
e in a truly splendid one, being tin
handsomest jot issued. Tlia opohing
, .!,.... '!!. I
..1..I.. 1.1'..., U...... ll..' P.. ,.... . r. T.a.
lUlllU, 1 1 1 U U ft I , 1, 1 I IV l.'i? vmi IVIO 1 .11 .13 I lo
1 , ' , . . .,
t'i " in n nnrtnir rfnin ntnl Ilia ! rnlitciniflnt
of the volutnoi suggested by a etory of
j Hans Christian Audorsoh's, is one of
I those engravings upon which tho oyo will
linger for u long titno, and turn to hgoin
douWo Pn8hoD f
1 this month, in fiuoly rngraved and richly
' -
, . ' ll.n .Iimw iimri-nviniia nm nu 11e11.1l
nm, (1(mblU,M b h, .lulcrcati '
,0 ho T)J licrarb ..
0uri9na, 0llt ,, b iMr,, 1Io8mar . 1
...V'0 , " U . Vi , . '
"Two Lulls among tho Mountains," by
IIUIIU blllj I'lllbl llhlHIlHi;.' . VJ .. UJ....I
u u
xi... -.. "J
Mrs Pylo j ''Tho Koldirr's Undo," by
Mwljarnci. "Krou. tho Sumo Stock,1'
( sltctoli relative to viVitinn-
an ,ms 'S ' ' n
your distant relattom, by I'ranoes lieu ;
JullB J
My Auot Ooldbcater," by Mrs. Deni-I
i son Who did the Wrong?'
', '.., i t f
, Virginia I' . J owusend ; itc , &o
I l'rico SU.GO i 2 copies 8100 ;
son ; " Who did tho Wroui; ? ' by Miss
9 copies
SlO.OOj 21 copies 1)5.00. Specimen
numbers will bo sent to thoso desirous of.
! making up elubs for 15 cts. IVbrder &
WtW. cdcbnUot Hewing Mnchims an
furmxhrd as I'remiitim on ccrtoin ttnns.
Aililreec Dfifinnn A'. Pi.tnr.rtii. I O WiiltiHf 1
' ' , J
sll9Ct' 1 u"uoipiu.i.
oU the tim, to sul on fuhscriplious
()jr .a o(.
a now iiitiatrtitoU M igazino for boyn and
girls-, somi to bo started by Mossrs. Tiekor
& Luelds, IJjnto i, and cditd by J. II.
Trowbridge, Cirl Han.iiton and Lucy
U-P'"'" May no Held, , am.
31 ra Aganz, Mrd. ftjtowc, Ut. Dm L'!v-
liimuml Morri, Graeu Greenwood,
cc lueius, Dsio'i, ana cdit.M i.y J. ll.
Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, and other., are
erg;,Se.l as contributors.
3 n"'!'a(r f io'
will contain pictures dr.iwn and engraved
by . Th pub wi
etldcav.,r to furnish to their young readers
a tmgazinc wlioie monthly visit will be
a tmgazinc wlioie moutiiiy visit wilt De
alwys welcome Its contents will com-
Pr;9 "' taiC. ograpl.y 111,
tory and Poetry, Travel and Atlvcuttiro,
,,,i .,l,,,n,l I, ,u,sn,(. fj,,.,,.. !,.
()al.uoor ana I,, ,loor Snorts. Gaines. Puz
'zi,.S) nt)l a v.iricty of cntort lining
' and instructive milter, and wi.l supply a
' want long felt in the household, of the
E ieh number will contain not less than
sixty four pigos.
Single sub-oriptinn S2 per year in ad
vance. A spcciinen copy ol the lirstnum
her may be had as soon as published by
euclosinn ton cents to tho,
No 130 Washington St. ,
On Snurdavlast our unusually ouifl
. - i
nil'n if., iiui il I in fi.t mn ii.tiii.l,
. u;,o,i iv.- n.. ,:, .i,i,.l,
omscd no little aninz.'ineiit, by a troop of
i,0Kerne Tjuitiboring about thirty, uuder
command of Capl. Lambert, and aceompa-
mm! In nnrtf. Kllvpp.. rt l),,niifir TrArrtst
,',,,,, , , , .
Marshal, rotn u oomiburtr.Co timbia c.iun-
Marshal, Irom Uloo...,bur,,Colu.nbia eun-
..... . .
, 'lioir mission was to arreu n iraltpd
un..- tn i
poOM w))0 hai M()t ,oporteh and convoy
l)Cn t() i)ea,iqu.lrlf ri w1Pro t1(,jr ropec-
tiv(J c'ag;s aro t0 lm a,ij,lstlncIlt Ticy
rodp ood hoe. were we'l armed, and
d , , tici, uo,nv:llr u.hi!c : .1..
' '
" ' .
i, w ,nrcti,rl Hmi n r.n,i7t,ni,.
is to be annninted at Dushore. where 200
men are lobe stationed, and all conscripts
, , . , , ,
who havo not reported tbcmsclve- are to be
ferreted nut and meet wish their j istduss,
Sulllvtin Count.;) Dimosral
The Reui,t. The eleotien for 1'reM
dect in the borough of Berwick, on 'i'u'is
day last,ihoukii warmly Contested by both
parties, passed off very quietly,
suit was at (ollows :
For Lincoln
For McCldlan
Lincoln's majoriiy
TllO TO-
Aiiomtion Megtinq. On Thursday
1 0VcniuS last'tbe Aholitonists of this place,
"eld a meeting in tho Academy, if was
-.1.1 1 1... 11 urn ..l 11. .1.1..
i uuuria3l:a u-v JVCV'' ",lH,n a,lu it0K, ' ",lJ"
! of Bloomsburg. These fathers of the. Ladies' Furo.
j "Un,on lca" of "viek, doubtlcs ru i,e.t aS,o,tuieuta,cnMU;n3 OAuroun &
' Ploco t0 680 Ilow t,lcir work,"'" .-.wP
l'"g"e''- Ono via,t ,oro J R"r - The elections psed off quietly ;n every
cud politician, and the Abolition m,jori- part of .ho eou.ntry.J h.s is creditable,
, V in 1cnv"'k. wil1 10 w'Pei1 out. tntirc,y- Gentlemen's Hats.
j liciltHUc Gazette, All lho late.t styles nt CIIAKI.KS OAKrORI) U
. i . VZ, "'
T rwlln.. T....
Purftoll.e,MyM, ,.no,i iun. the heat fur, m
ciiAiu.iiu oakpoud & sonh, Continental i.oiei,
r- Mr. AfiitAiiAM Shehmvv offers
i. fT HL't.MAN, (oiten
to tell Real and Personal property, on
Vn5 l" '-'r'tl1 of November, in Madi
pio.rJIulliSp.p.r.Da prinU hand.
-- - ----- -
I M.ln.ilnnn.ol Qn.., i'l M..
iwaj... uuuuini unr.ii 'i.i.i, uuu iuj..ur..
-i . .. rn.. ...... n i -.rri
t -
imoi.leu.nanu, uen uin HS.ueu wauuen
If .T..BoWl' a"" comTiAo Gco'
- -.
r.nrlioa' Pneo. 1
rXnSlmT'Vr8,.1''! tm w1'
.CIIAItl.l.S OAKI OKI) & Ir'iSS, Contiiie nial Hotel
r i..ui ..... Kir,..., i'i.,i.i,.i..i.. .
Heavy tenures are minounccil with each
.-... .. vmwm
.. amva oi, e gainer. iromLuropeSoine,
" uuiumomai noues
ii , i , , ,
ot England havo recently gone under. In
less than a voar we nr, dice a lil.-n ronl( in
this eouutry.
- , ,
uuu wiHuienanatB.
conuT.n.'.l h'i,V.
jCollllnbiii Comity, Poilll.
HJ r.Rfl'P TON i.Rl UIvNS.
(Li JJJUU 1 11 U J U
NOVKMUKU 8, 1801,
NOV. 8. " Ucl. II.
ProMdcnt. Congress,
, 'r . i 1
?i S-r Sg j:a
td !
y ' : : : :
178 7 120 '1
115 37 80 llO
70 sr 01) 80
208 201 187 200
MO ' 07 K15 no
t'-M I S31 105 134
177 10. j 100 75
17!3 12i)' M5 63
181 30 1(11 28
G2 fi3 51 -18
117 HO; 132 133
107 140 42
70 o' 00 0
220 ll")' 10" 80
100 an, 177 20
107 4,j OH 4
184 3C.1 170 33
li!) 3"?, (17 37
00 OS, 04 50
103 CO 101 00
77 10 Gfci 12
51 27', 4(i 23
i ,
143 Kill' 12? 128
, i
11!) 21 04 12
1115 AVE It.
... n
lit. OHM
oUUii.iv ijvj
I ,
ll J"; 17.111 .ao 1 1 tin
ji ..1 I'll.'
! I 730
l 110.
, . . n
The WoltK Heoun Mr Lincoln's new
Iluiec ol iiovt'vr Iiiih oiiL'iii d rather omi ious-
lj for the people of Wayne, Military ai rots
wl,,ch ""poudeil lor a few tlaxs helore
tll(! election, nave already u-.en rusumoti,
ami wc icgret to add thai ibey are cbnr-
ncterid by that disregard of personal
feeling" which cannot lull to render them
particularly obnoxious A day or o bIpco
a lMr 1 uruyi(" 11,,w' y- w;,s arres'cd ny
a Mr i'Urdy,of Uwl y. was arre.s'cd by
J 1 ' J
ty anj 1(J wifu threat.ncil vith being shot
nr the dthplaj of a, natural indignation.
He was lodged in jail ami ll.e . ay lol ow
, ing she came to Ilouc-diile to seo him
While on 1 tie way she met the Provoit Mar.
. ... ; , .1 1
" "b "VC , , Z' a , : , ,
SUB) S pally, WllOatllUSCU IllCmSCI VI S, a'
..... i 1... 1 i.: : .1.- i',,.,.. r
. ' ; ' ; - . . ,
111. ii-.uin, ui KIUIIIIIL 111 iic.,,iiiu. ,.1VJ
heart ,,rilkoll W0?11BIIM ,llt,y po.Mj .,
Mr. .lames Cartn-y, a moulder, former-
ly iu the employ of Messrs. Knnpp & Char-
'evortli, was a victim of the first su, ple.
inc. in iir v t rnit. no moved to 1 on .icrvii
,-., .,:
nfiin, mill, .-luui', mm u iv i im 1 a 'h"
f-.ii.. r.,iu...,i i,;. ;ti. .i,,.ir fr,,n.irr,
XCSttfrdaV Willie at dinner, lie was
. . y
ar.rP5t;'d b,a lpPuty ""V;1"1'
I net, brought hero, and lodji
VnhMy joforo ow ha!)
r-.u. 1 1.;- .1 ,
uuni una .un-
"Oil in i'lil.
. ' '
t0 E-is.on,
Tlics? are pomo of tbo first fruit. Wc
if ii. .1 f ll
have four yearb in winch to reap the full
harvest. Wayne ( outity IttmOl.
The larjen aninrtiiiiMit .it Oil Altl.E? OAKI'OItllfe
KONH, (.' llnteli riillnlelpllil.
T.nrHfrj nnrl niiilrlvfti'ij Krits.
I.uleat niyh a at (MIAItl.K.S OlliriJItll II r-'ON'tt,
intiui'iitiil Hotel, Philadelphia.
, , t- .
Uentleinen r. i-iats.
Alt tlm latent r. leu nt (JIIAItl'.IW OAKrORI) &
PONS, Continental lintel. Philadelphia.
lrKHN'ANI)o vVqiH) lias been defeated
for Loncrcs in the ninth district Now loik
, son-', i.'i.ntinentai, Piuiaiieiphia
On tho 3d inst , at the M. E. Parson
:.. :.. . . i i i ii ,
m ' tt uc,Brua"
Mr. Henuv OoTSii.M.r,, and Mis Amelia
Kosteniiaiieii, both of Col. co , Pa.
0 ., ., , . , ., , ,
A.MIO.IA I'lUCE. boll, o( C.,1. c., 1.
; Oiv-lhursday, 17th Nov. inst, by tiie
' Rev. D. J. Waller, .Mr. Calvin Aohks
1. A I T PIT fl f .Tp O II a V i 1 1 n ' ft . In Mis. 1 1 ....
, .w ...i.-.r. in. ixi.i
,1 .. .. l. , e l -I .l-.t ,
r TwnW on lho 13th lt. by Rev.
B Wadsworth, Mr. Amo to
' AI SS (JoUNllLlA A IlflVT nllnl' ITnnlii.r.
' 1" ' l" g
1 -" 1 v.
In lleiulook, on lho 15th inst.. Wrr..
Linoton li. fuitSEi., aged about 28 yrs.
On tho 1st of Nov. in Half-Moon, Cen
; tro county, UAituoi.i) Stanheld, infant
i . ...... . i,,,, luiaut
, fon of dohn S. and Emma T. Gray. a"ed
t ......ii.c oi .1 ' '
I , ,, . Q . .
ton Ohio Asm fv IIiti snn nfU i
j Mai tha Lydia Pelors, aged 0 years and 2
Arm m Batt or Monmouth.-
On tho night of tho memorablo conflict,
Washington laid down iu his oloak undor
a tree, in tho mid.t of his bravo ioldicrs.
About midnight officer approached
cautiously, fearful of awakening hlm.when
tho chief called out, "Advnnoo, sir, and
deliver your errand, j. Ho hero to think
ami not to slcrp!" Recollections of Gen. noono,nitm'r.of Samuel iioono.iato of ul'ooui uo.
V aehingtoii. , ,it Thc first aml finn ncooUnt 0f jobn
FOTUNATH CO-ATIOS.-WO Dm riV;5"':i,Kr?:5".iyr ""' -- - o w.
opposed to proprietary medicines, and it
is with BOino conipunction that wo sec ad- townhip,ikconi.oii.
. ,,. , 1 Qitit ' 1 he brt and final aocount of H. V,
vcrtiBonicnts of them in our columns, bt.ll nmtnian.niiinv r UoUtt iiaicnliucb, inn or moo
wo must confer .hat lirown's Troches ,, ro ( o Bh , ni
CO'lVCmo.ll and Useful, III certain COtldltlOUS ut Jacob Mutt, latoof Catuulmn IouumiIp, d.feaii.l.
of the Ibroat ahtl larynx.beforo Rpeaking. , 1(!f,.,'dvvllr,,1 .IIi,!;,,",mn' 5u.ftN
1 0 ji,,, ,,fj, v,,, ley mil, una of lho rhildren of J.hrt
iV. i , ClirutlUl A'lVOCtlte. Mill, lutu of Ueutro towimhlp, ilcceaiuU.
I 7. Fivst ncc'innt of Joseph Coroll. x
A wr between Spain and Peru is imtni- X'kiotil.Vhip.m'.ti'il!!!'1 " W''1 ' la"
nsnt. With another Roi,i,a inay thc Peru-j q', Aci niint ol .Ji-hnM. Ileishlino, nd
viana triumph over their uueient foa is our ' initiUtrntnr of iLinem eat.r. ute of iieutnn tow.
Iicnrtfeltprnjor. VTU of Jacnb Ilnr.,,11. .1..
Until il Jtiruis for iitc'lir. Term, IbOl
Pnrnnch Iteruick llnillel Mnrtr..
Milium William I'nimiutF, J. 1. Cruul.
Ileal er-William I'mlier.
t'ciitre--S.iiiiiiel i.'re'Hiiig, Hnmucl K"lchner.
Oiilnwlann -Nalli in L'
t.'uiiyiisliani -JiHhiin Wnnn-r.
l'lulii nm-rot-K -II tiisli .Mellriile.
ll,.,,,liirl...l.uN. l.i'LtV.
liiiciirt Ji-liii I., lliiMt, Win. t.nniluln. Jlnjlifrry
Kn ill r. J.11 nil l'i.licr.
Minnil riciiiiiU--.ini") K, Ilcaruck.
Mai.ii,on--lntiica Wcl liver.
Mitlliu llnillel Nnicr,
Orniipe -John Herring, Thoa. Mill'li'l-
I'iiie- .11 1 Willi.
siituarlout'--J.ieoli I'rit., Eekiel Cole,
b'cott Jus.pli I illy, Willinni t'. Holier.
i'ravtiMi Jurors. Hr. Tirm, IrfJt.
lllnnm -Jin k.nn J Itnl.liins. I.em.anl II. ltupert.
I'orouch of II, re. Irk- J.i iiii'h Jnroli) .
tlri.iirm k Jn. I.. Siiotii li-rc Levi Plufar,
lleavor lae liii'-la Ii, IVter llautk.
Ileiilitn-Jac li Wo','1 -r.
latiil.a l', . r r, J K f"l.irph!m.
Outre John Hill. Ininr Kliniiiie,
c.,ih iitli.jin Jinnilian J. Il.i.itln 11.I.
rr.inklin - John Arll" . S.111111. I l.nreiinii
llreviiM oii.l l.ane lieu tit Win Hunt, Ail ne.i I'tt.
Ilellllli, It -W.lillltll l'iirel
l.,.nit Jarnii limii.-r. Iliifh Aitley. John llnrnr
.iiii'iisou .l.'lin L.-li k, Jto'iil. iirii..'r
.Mililin Mherl I', lien. Imnr K. Hn',
511. I'll ll.llill- M. Ilimtr..
Iiilinile I'.iiiii l Mine, Mlijuli (S Kirk. IK.
K.i.iriiiL'cre. l.--r..iiiiin. l..' Jnrob l.oiu.'.'iili.'rBer.
ticoli -llioree J..iu, l'liiMiim Tri mh, Lli I riivi-liii j,
J.'tlllOn I. tke.
Fugntli:if--Vl(iiiti;omery Cnltf.
Ileal & IV.Psoiiiil Properly.
r S ' II M .-uh-eribc- w II expose to Public
Sue ill in.' ri'-Hi'lire. Ill .Mn'ln'MI low ll (III p.
(. olmnlii 1 roHiity, I'n., on
I-Hi DAY, NOV. 20. 1804,
A fur 111 1110I ria11t.1l ion. i-ilirile 111 M tIimhii fmii.lilp,
( ( ( nlhhpl, ,,,, l',i . li'ioiil "lie lull,' noiilll ol jer-el-
lnwii ,11. rr ill.'" Oin'-ille ro.1,1 n,l,iiniii3 Mini, nf
..... , 11 . 1., ri 1,. 1, ....... 'ii,.,. .v. rnii.iiini. nii.i
, .1,... - - -
, Jnlm (;ni(.li i. iiiiili.lollip over
L. is. 1,.,. irl,i,h nr.. cl..,ire,lninl 111.1 lniih
t ite of .iili .lion. Tin' lulinr, in uo.i.l lin.l ui 1111 'Minli'y. 'I'here nn-rnrteil upon the premier
eicell. nt 'ii:ili'y
tii-rih,.r uith i finnl Onhiril
HVtlrr ' t-u"11 ,,M I,rtl
' "r1. .'JlVi-n.. c
a uhi jj.
mill Snriti? ii' Imp Iiouo, uilh uactur
low i wi-li w fil- r'l
riJ li'iSiS 1 I Dr' il'iSi 0
;,,,,,;, ,.,., flvc ,,us.
y J,, ,.,, ;r. wMtl. c,nv. n.ini.M.
w,,.,i i, i. oi.tmi; u.,t u,.,i r.,r,...; m, r,.
.., . , c, , .,,,. I0 , ilk . , ,iv,t .iy,
In n .Mien. lante ill liofnei. aim cinlii on iw iiu.iu
kntiM 11 hv
M.u'i.on tnp , Nov. I'.i. lull.- It.
$1 I $050,000 Worth of $1 1
H.VilllEt, ISAlX-i, ItI.S, U
0. s. ii"as1Ins & co',
HO Iicekman Strcut.Ncw York,
ori'i'.i.s Tim nn.i mvt.Nc ixi)L'ci:mi:ms to
Buyers of Valn ible Jewelry.
A VI Ml l"'i 11 lor a Inill. time elipni;eil in Hie P.irSiel
liii.ineHH. nii.i eFtniiii.H mi our repnt.itiiin for
P',!i'"-1?.,"l TV'VlVV ".!.L,V":p,.",5J?"rtf",:
lues 101 ri.'iniii; ji vn iij m. tma un;, r .11- 1 iiiin'in
ih.u u mn r.uii.r.iiiim n nil nh r.ei riianiuMi
scrm.nilil wntlli ol Watilien. Dianininl I'in.. nmina.
J .. I., I... ...I.! l..r i,,ii i'.i, I, . iv i I ll 11,1 1 .0 1. r, , .1 f..
........... -
value, ami not l,ii,!
iiaiil for until you kuuvv whit voir
are tnr..r..iv,'.
Ju.i l.i. l. 111 ill- fiillnnliig list of rticlc. tn Iid t ilil
for line I'nllni arli!
Itl W .llii.a t li.Miiiluniiii.le eiiern..,,,!. nt,,1 r , tilp.l
peifeit, v.'rwni! in prlr- Imlu 91) 'ill tn Sli.l in) em h
-'.'i- l.lilie-' Will-ll''., ollil liol.l lllllllilli: (.'11.. ',
' nil. no n " MH ! ' nir.i' h. ii uu in (ill ,
,,.,, ).,,,, ,ck rhmif. .-ci t.. :u nn
, ' li.-ni'H r..inorni.i i'niiio,i ii,a, iu t,,,..-, 0ll
i 4,UjJ ..iili.oriiia III, in, in. I, rjij in i . n
: ,i,tli .Miuialiire inn. i;u uuelUil lleto'vlng
1 1'nis. r, oatosi un
'J llfji) ( :il,f trtiia Piainnllil atnl UnninetleJ
(1-mV Si nif I'm. iiett HjIm,
3 on tn 13 i()
'J M;i,, me mill I'.nilil in I iup.
3 U0 ti ID Oil
, e.'.ili ilnl.l i ami anu-elrtrf, enriivud ond
1 Plain.
3 HO moil nn
a nun J t iiii-l to.air llroorhe.
3 uu to to en
i .-,11(111
i mio'ii lirooih'H rirh phttr:rua, very
t.ntv 3 00 to CO 00
-l1111 1 '"f1" 1 ava " ""' rc'"
I erlii le. 4 0(1 tn III on
j 3.1(11 a iiinl riorenliio I'nr Hro,u, 3 CD to 10 nil
:i,uu" or.ii, 4 ikiioi, uu
;'!!"!! !::i'l'.''s',..!.'''t''i,".",0.,,.-',",t.n"'1 "ll!'1, i!1."" :. 110
!"'li "IIMIP I uu. n jmi .1 .-i i, ' lO I nu
lA.O'Hl -tW I ailie' JfWflry. new stylos ti ll) to li i0
V.triio (tulil I'l'im, and Silri-r t-ii', ."i 1)0 tu i) Oti
Tliii inliru MM i boainiiui nml vnlunble pikhIh will
he mid for Dun Dollar i ncii, Orlilimtes ni" all lb-
above artnies ni be piaie.i m ,.,v,inpe, nmi .,.i..,i
iu envelopes, anil en .-ii.
tih'mi ci vi'inpPH a in ny
pen ai nt ny iii.ul, nn oriereil. uiibniii
reenril to ( llotc. Ull til'! rreeipt nf ilm rerlillrm,, ir,.
Hill fee v. hnl you aie to li.ive. mnl then it i nt your
option tn noiil one Hollar ami take tbo nrin le, or nut.
I'ive rerlilientee ru I he or.lere. for Sljelei.iu f.
furs; I liiniylivo for Si; aixly.iho for IM; mnl one
buuilreii f"r 413. We will tend a ,insu (.ectiflcnto on
receipt of ttnH.
O S. II HKlH k CD..
Ilox j;n. Uu IVekniau ftroet, New Vork.
Noveuilier 11. 11" I. Jin.
The B chigli Cnllle S'otvikr,
v o
i o Warranted to
be ie mon nnni.r
fill ecent f,.r . ,,..,'
nrli nnil I, Inn, I nf emu,,
IS wiiii.., or Sheep In
liMiiii! discat,,,,,' rlfin J
Ins tli' ostein,, ii, ,,,,,,
Wjiiu.ii tl.inl i), ,V,.''i,
VK inilk. butler aihiMreneih
tyli miU el.'il.l,.
lISl iVrVO.
xTV-K' ?. V ,r!!.. :':?"
-rt' ''""' B'iler'aiiil' 'an,l
CHCt0y, nmi ,Uy ,,'.
a 73 . lllllieil liv Ih.Mr CniirtM
"t-LENTOWN' honored uuh nrZ . ,,.,i
nl. anil inionleii by lr. Wnoy. Profeesor ,,f ilia 1,,,. ,
perial Cnlleae lor Aern iilliire at Paris, 11111I i,(,w 111 111
ufaetureil by C. (!. HlltM'.lt, l)r of '.. mid A Allu '
town. I.elilsh Count v, I'i'iinaytvniiiii.
All dleite of tin, Moui.icb, llloo l, Lunt's nthl IMw. '
ela, apeeilily and cerlaiuly rured, llenllby niuckuill!
beliroui'lit into the m ry Inflict Mule of perfernnu.
ami uiiu or two lalile.poniilul a wiek. 19 nft'real will!"
tulinr.l workmslinrsen, breeilni!lork mid iou, mot
avcilllioii.aiiil. ol yaliiablo horain froiu coniacioua
dneasea, iu well nt llie inirnj aril a.iuibo army.
n. ,1 .1 ,1 , , .
enectuallv overeo i 0 all tho r.h.laclna uhlel, tlly
p event lho cpi ii5 0f worm., ore pleaaant in take,
u u aim. 01111 ol llin im.a . piirirntivra fnr
111, Iron, enroll lidi'iit I. Ilir Imtutur nf ih numia
ol hla lab.rriuua aliiiliiis, 11 Ilia putholniiicnl rnmpiisl-
Hun of bin prep iiiilinu, that he lurni.he every iiml.
"."" ........ ,., .,((,iiuii, n. a innv
THIt.MISVroil, la a powder for the auro eilenuinalioii of all V'erinlna,
will I never change wllh ago aud illninto, and murll
preierauio 10 ino oiit riioapiinroiia I'aate, which hard.
ens in a ekort lime, making it worthies. l'r direr,
tiona ami particulars see llni .mull .id intbu boxes.
tt" Ono hiinilreil nml Ihirly-aeveu premiums have
i'kvii uiiuiiiun in iiiu.u leieuravuu preparailous, up
(htolier 8J. iefl4,, iioini, aro mo wuoicaait Agent a In Plum
foraalo by all ro.perlnlili. Piuj and eouutry atore'a
Knvsmbet ID, lr?C4. 13m,
"jVTOTIOE is hereby givon to all logatoos
rp. . . . . .
Ruurillnn nf r.llMitnth Mil", inimr rliltd of Poll
' Num. Iiiti) of Alilllln loivn.hip. urt vu:il,
1 10. AiC'iU'.t John llcichnrd, executor
of 'InH.i' Heller, lattj nt AlinH.iiii tup.,
11. liirst and filial aecotint of William
Mallier. I'.xrcuinr of Huiuii liovra, lato of Rronnosi
totvn.lilp, 1I1 can'il.
12. l'irl and finnl nc ontit of John Mi-
tcller, nihn'r. ol K.lz.l'H.'i J'jri.lUr, lato rf Mi Otic
loni?lili, decenaoil.
13. First and final account of Jm3
lliirfn, i:enitorof Anna Klott. Into of I'lunw tnwR.
Iilp, ilccenti'il,
14 First account of John AppUnnyn nut!
tliiiini P. App'i'iiian, I'leciiinrs of I'ctvr Applemaii,
lulu of Hemlock tu tith.p, ilecuiibvil.'
15 Account of John Tieiiibli'v, Gur-
linn of 1 liarle 'I'mmp. iiiiunr child nf llen'iy 1'rnu,
iat,! of tscoit ln imhlp. ikic.i.eJ.
lfl. Acccttiit of John Trembjcy, (!ut-
Jinn nf J:llilC 'I'rUlllll. Illlllor rl, lid of li.'urf '1'ramn
I late of S'ci tt ton nt.ilp, n,;il.
17. Account of I Ii Uieviding. adtn r. of
i:iinlntli ('reviling, late of t'cotl twp ilirenneil
18. Ai'Ciunt of .lazuli Vulic, Guanliiiw
of l.r.i Urou n. iiuiior 1I11M of I'unbl llruwu, tat (
Al.iin lowitiip, ilei I'.n.'id.
10. Account of .lacb Yoho.flnardian of
nf (irurt'e llroiin minor rhil.l of Diniel llrowa, into
of Minn ln nliii, di ce, nuil,
211. Aueounl of William MrtiMtigor rind
H111111.1I1 Mi llfliiser. lulu of Mllllill Inw'll.hip, dtcratait.
21 Arcount ol Alexander OolUy, si)
iiiliililr.nor of Iknjiiiuii) Cole, lato of Bngnrlunf I p ,
Illnnin.hiirir, Nnr 7. 1.-0 1. UKrilSTKH.
iY virluo of sufnlr va wihn of vcniitiH4
) n f n i!-fii i! nut mCUic Court of ('nullum, i'lenf
t.N tituiiiliiii nillitv. (tiiil tn tim iff icrtctj, will ui
jnifi-'il in Kit nt (Uihlif (Mil-t rv , ill lh I oi'rl llniinnt (n)
IHooiiinliurj;. mi Viimlny, IIh .'illi du nriMc iub"r uttv,
hi I n'cltH k, V. .M
A certain I, it of (irnum), nitnatfl irj
I'riiin'n m ii"hii, CotuniMa 'nanty. rontHirijcty tKif
l-Mirth nf mi in ft innrn nr lniniUril at fnlluvm, tn
w 11 : Mi l!ie mL by U nf ('it-imikl AJf limry. on tht
N mi Hi hy nit ull.y. uu lw bv nnnllny dinl un trw
ui It ny in- 111:1111 iifni imviiuv Ihrmih f.ilrl Iiifn,
ner 1 are cieiuu a lair 1 -unic! timp Willi tlia p.
I piiri,.ianr..
1 HiilmI. taken in eterniinii nuj ti tn rolj ihV
1 nmtirrw of iiainu 'I Kncal'n'im.
At ih sntna time aiid'placft, th" undiT-
ieil one I on rill prut ,,f a lot of llroiin I, .itunti In C.i
; l"'iihip,Coiiiiiil,inoiiiiiy, I ri.tMri ,1, Ml,,,.,
1 l-Biuum ui a pui.1. Ihi oeo hy loinl. laleof l.,viri,n
bull Hi .r riiiv iu u ti nil nin liftir dr-erres urnt )r fur
itl" In U lnil. thruc hv irtllil nHfVtir Or-ilrirk nu.ilfi
1 ,,,irl' ,l,r"'' ,,n,,,,,M' f"lMh ilrcrei'ii eat cUrt'it
ii,irMrrlifi ln l ihfi... imrll. .pvniy -ptm,
ii i i i n mitt uikFrii-H rii it nrfli' mja int, l!tfinrt
h) Int ur liuin'l J.nm-ri'n iir-rth ilnrl-tvvo ofcl uu9
It.ilf id r.'i,' u 't 1 1' .iii ,ithl llniM fmirlli in-relic ti
lllf pl.K nf III CIMMIUi!, t MIlt'tlllM J Jlt) ttirru 3''JKf4
m ri Mf w Hit Ih' .iiii'iiti'ii..iu i .
H.'ii.-ii, t-tki'u in el rii l -on mnl n b? vitlil nt (Its
prt'l'fil) f Un linrtl 'I nrhv.
HIi-rldN uilir'. I rui..if
l'l,'iri .Nov 1 l,t )
In ilie Court .) i mntitin I'tun-j Cthm.
liia 1 aunty.
Phoi h,, Millr i,y h.r 1
n.4l frirnil . i in. ii 11 ,we r. far Hire rtT alia, .tt
vb Havl.l .Miller ) N'i I'l, f.ip,Vin Ur4
iLU"!!l fOfi.N'I'Y. SS:
'I h- i iitiiini.iHTri,ti nf IVnn a) Ivania it. iha pn.rlit f
.nileoi.xlf. ( T...raM Phneeti ftjill.r b.
h-r neat r en. I '.ii,..i. llnirar. ,lii on ih Gi.t
ol Krhninry I'f.l pirl'v her pililmn l mi, ,4
Jinlc-a ( f our l.'oiirl ol . .ii,ii..ti Pirn. f,ir iUn
couiilv of i 1. 1. in ii, in pi.mnz fur Hie muaea ihrreiu a.l
furlh. -h- iniilii lu ilirorri'il Irnm llu linn.i, .f i) iilll.Tril nil'. 1 till 1)iiii. Mlllrr. iv t, in
llp'r, l.ur rn. iiinili I yml llni ni I Dimrl .lill.r aa h..
lor.' w .li i. ,.l(inu nn ! .it I oihr buainea. nai
ej iirt.'s h n-tii-vr 'i't li an I nppenr in nur prop.r
perti'ii li"f ,i our Ju cr. ui Hfni.iii.K.jr ni a t'nurl l
' I'l, oi. Hi" e tn In l..i (nr lho .aid rnunly af
Cnliiinlii.i ii. i l!i li'.l ilay nf H ptrmlivr Term nail, t
nil. Her the p-lili ni "t libel or mi .ni I I'linrbe Millar
anil In plinw run.' if my yo-i hnve, ivliy tbo aai4
I'hn h' .Mi.l r. ; ,i ir ite. .'iiiiil.l nut Im divorced from
the hiiniN nf nonunion) .ijrer.iliij l,, tloi net of Aaaan.
I'l v in hiicii i.ii'o. inula nil I pnivulrd. A n l barnlf
lull nnl.
ilue.a ih llnii'irnbl i IVit.i.iAM Ei.Tri'M. Ka.pil, .
'iru, lent ot nur a.ii.l i -it rt at llloani.lnirr. On. eni
e.ay ni ilav, A l , line i.'iom.m I eichl hun.lro.l n4
uiyf.iur. J'Srft Cul.lltlAN, Pkutu't
Ami now, to wit: i "nll.ii n!
phoem" rrturneil nnrl proof i.tml.i Ibut llin ilrea,1nal
i iiulil lint be Inilii I in lb' anil I'nuutv of ('oliliiilna ,
whereupon the Hlienlf ii ilirecteil in iduae untie lu a.
piibii.lieil ill on" or more nevvapnper. prinlej Vfilhia
BniJ cnnuly fur four iveeka . urer.Hi ely prior to i'e
liralilay of in it lei in, Ac, atcor,iiny in act of aainuiiij
Ily llu Court.
IHnoinsliiirg, Nov 3, ISiil,
Co urt Proclaim alioiu
J UYMV.W, lli- How xvntu PfenlH-ni
j ll litre oflba Court of Ol.T .in. I Tirinlner nlifl li...
eral J.ul D.'liM ry. Court nf ilu.nt r t-eaMuna of th
I'.'.ire mnl Ciuirt of Cnmiiion : i nu.l Orphnii'a Court,
iu the -J( lb Jii.luinl Di.itiut. c. . ,.,...1 ol the coontira
nf Cnliiiiiliia,Siillinn nn.iUv ... i. and tbellon. J.tiu
M'lte)iml,N.trJli'pbeu ll.'il.lj. . Jii.ltesofl'ulom.
bin ruiintyjiiivo i bailed lie ii - , ..eurindlnie Ilia 7i
day of S 'il . in the year of nnr 1 i thnuaanJ riM
liiiinlri'il mnl sixty. lour anil 'o n ' "i f r liolilinn
Court of Dy t mid Terminer a ' . r nl ilclivarj.
t.'eiuTal c 1 n a r t r fesainim nf i' !','. .nun Plraa
iiul (irph.tu'a Cnurl. in I'lnni- , t 1 u. ,. county r
Cnluiuliia. on lb' llr.t Unuday, ,1," : lib day;
llereniber next. In riintuiue one Wei V
None.' i lu r by yivi n. to the Cur.Hi. r. ' ,o Jull
or Hie Pciirc nml cnt.'il,le nf the r.i. - .imty ofU't.
uiiiliia thai lh" be then mnl them in i.i - ornper par.
.on. at ill n'rlork in Hi., fnreuoi'ii ol . e lth ihfi
p.. or. I., 1 1 , . m 1 1 . 1 1 mnl i.iber r-i n . , .ce lu ilf
llin.e iliineH u Incii to ibeir olliier ,,),;,. r'. i , In be done.
Anil tllilM! that nr.' b'llillil bv leruirn i.e.. to urirlill.
I ni.un.l the prianii, r.s that urn or le n ' - in itie Jnil of
I "d ii.uuly of Coiuinlu.i tn be then ne ' tiier, In pro.f
1 l'llle them a ill.'ill liejllkt. Jllrore l.'e r. oie'teil 1" bl
I'uurtiinl in Ibeii alien, lanje, nirr. . : nnr nolieoe.
i ) H.iteil ul lllooiii.biirK, 1 ' ' i . 1 t day of Nnr.
' i '" Hi '''" of our l.orl (, , -i,, i.nud fuM
' ' ) huinlreil nml n xty-lour. an I in the r Uhlf
eisbth year of lho Independence of lb, Lulled 6ial
PherilTa OfTice, lllnoinsburt' Nov. 1!!, IbOl.
' . , . . -
If Abraham IF. Kline, derrascl.
I HI': umlorblcncd. ennointod bv the or-
plian'rt rourt ol Rnliiniliiii emintv, nn auditor I" an
ili.t lb" nriomit oflbn 11,' fce , nf Alirnlum
"' n"m . nei;,.(i n, 11 in niiril.l ill llie lltlliu.oi
nnpoiiiluicni, ni Ilia ollue In llliioniaburu. on I rnl.
November INH.nt IU o'clock, o in., at which liui
P,ut'oall perauua intcreeleil aro reipir tied to alien I ,
" CLAItli. Audi!"!'
IllooiiiabiirR. Oil. 3J, Hfil.
K" ttAK I'lenwi publib.
- -- -
l'.'liN 10 I IWV I UU i5 iU I lll.
HstatC oj ItllSSrl WlUIC, diC (i.
j ETTEItSnf niluiiniratiou on lho Hnoteof Ilna-r
lj While, late of Ceiitrn tup., Columbia ro.. il'e',1.
liavu le'i n lirnnteit by tho llecialer of Culumhin en.. I
lho uuileraliineil ; nil perri im lioviiiK rlulliu ajrainatlM
,.,,, f tl.u ileeedeni aro re.piealeil to prearnl Ui'uiH
lho .ilmiultr:itor ill hla fcaiilenio in a.ihl I r.reii
i.bip delay, and alt pjraona indebted to
payiuont forthwilb.
Hep 91, Inbl-liw S:
Estate of Stlns Alr.Michud, dee'd.
3 ETTEIIfl of ailiuinlvtrntlnn nn the Eainie of Pl
Ot, .MeSlicluiel late of
llrinr, leek lu o. Col. CO.. dtt'd
have been gr.iuteil by the llppintur "1 Columtiia co.,lo ttn
iinilPraignuil ! all persona having claluis nenlnat the
uto of tho deieilent aro remiestcd tnpreaenl tlieinl"
tn lH" unueraiguea, residing lu aai.i iowii.uii
delay, and nil pcraous lu make
iay mr
Sep :i IfSI Sw f so,'