Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 19, 1864, Image 1

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VOL. 18. NO, 38.
Select $3octni.
I liovc painted the wood.. I have kltitlte.l the. iky,
I hale btlrhteticd ino hill. llli a Rhiniu of mine, eyo
1 Imvu sciittnrotl thofriilta, I havo cailo-rcd tliu corn.
A inl nun frniii tin- earth niiixt tier vcrdue ha turn.
llinttliiK llnwcr, ye leavca of tin) y
1 siuuiinou yuull- nway :
No more Irnm tho depth nf tin- urovi- may he heard
Tim lo,. burdened a-uiK "flu llutlnrliiK bird i
I have pascd o'er llli' Iiriiiirln'tt thnt aliolli r lilm there.
.Mill lltelr MUll'ermK orop- ry 1. .inim-i, iu mi.
Y llnnctim; Unwcr., ye leave. ul'lh! apray,
1 tuuuunn )u all away I away I
Plead not. the. daycare lewuniiyuiiil lnnii.
That vimr hue. lire Mill brlitht'niui!. your flbrea utrodg:
To MB'ir iiinl In-all ty. relenile.ii am I
There I. notuiltlt louuj: or ion ion iv in iim.
Ye liitccrinc ll-mcr.. e leave. if the .pray,
I 1111111111111 yc all away! away I
Ami I call mi tho wind, that rcpnae Inthe'noilh,
Tn .end their wllil loice. ill u ii i nun forllij
I .el Hie harp of Ilia tewpcfl he dolefully "Ir.'H ir
lliere'ii u wall tube. made, there', a dirge lobe nunc;
I'ur the I i n ill-rl iK flower., the leavi . of the .pray,
'I hey are. Uooiui J-lhey are djinij, away 1 nway I
fe.iual Iu Quality ami Cheaper In rrtc? Il"" Ufa..
.Ilea and Wine, of tin Old IVorld
i'ur Hummer Cuinplalnt, Cholera luranluin, Iluwel
(Jntnplulnl.Uramp, Colic, and lllar licodu,
A aureC'iiro I. guarantied, or tuo ),.., c-y refundod,
, lu.upportof the ntinic atateineuta, am prneataa'
IticCerlllliateiiuf Dr. Jan. H. Cliiliuii, fhmilst, Now
S'urk ! llr. Illraiii Col, Cliemlcal lnupcclor, t)hlo
Ir'. J.ime. It. Mi liula, i:iiemlt lln.ton s Doctor N. K.
,,,,,-t. I'heinlrnl lii-iiertur. I'irclovlllo, Ohio: Truf, u.
T Jark.nn. f hernial, lluilou; llr. Ch.u. lphaui 8ht.
aril. I'harlentou, !. C : ami J . V '., I.lan.y, anil CI. A.
Marnier, f munltlng Cheinl.tii. fhicaeo. all f whom
jiavo aiialvn'il the Catawba llranily, aail .flaiiamid It
In Ilia hlche.t term., for imiillrliial i.
Aitulyns of llit Massachusetts Stult As
syir, Jun. i!6. 1H53.
When crapnriilnil through clean linun it left nOjCll
or oirennlie mallM. In every'reip-cl it l a pur plr
itiioui ll pior. The Oil Hh'rh biv. In till. Uriuly il
fl.vT uii.l aroma, ii wholly unlike fuill, or grala oil,
lt oilor imrtiiken of both the fruit anil oil of ur.p..
With uliln. it pro luce, ether, of a lilfh frajrancr.
'I'll, eubktltutloii of II in llraiuly for Cngnae DruiidJ
viiM iloliwav with the iii,iimfnitnre of fietllliiua ipiril.
oKI under cli I n nano- hoth at Inline ami abroad.
INnperlfully. A A.IIAMM. M.I).
Au)er to ft.ile Man . IU llnyle.luu Si
iv the s ime, in 18114.
T lie nii.ilw.Ml "I. I.Yli.S'S' I'l'lti: CATAWMA
IIKANIIV." witli rtfereine to ita roiopa.itloii una
i l.irarter, heius the anie ,11 that produced lu .i.l
)enr". A .ample taken from tun mk iiiranl the
.anie re.ulti Willi reiiard to purity ! .Hchlly inrrea--ed
amount of the principle on huh it. Il.nor di'pne
. I.. I .. r I. o tic il I. V , 1 1 111 Mil 1 1 oil with lorilier klillllilei.
The iiniiialii n of aualy.i. ihoW that this
l produced hy the eame proce. a.i oio.t of tha lui
uurludlliand). Ue.pi-ilfully. A. A . IIAYI.h.
r . Hliiln Aaayr. I lloyle.t.u tft.
JlanufacUired only hy II II J.M'D.i fc l'J.
(Ti whuoi all Order, uliould iti addrii J
llepot, HI l.ilii-rly 81., New Yoia.
November S, lelil.-llin.
tOn lb P'lU.ire, Three llnor. from tUei le'e Hole I
WILKESBAIWii, fJ. . , ,,, il. I.ili road from
TinilS IXSrUTION is now opi iu'd and i1 "'K n ,i,,.i W., not
I furlllhed 111 tin- lOOht lo-tly elyle. .OlirlStltn.. to DlOKtUUlll. W U UJU HOl
1-nvate.ind Opciatini! lloom tin- .arj:--. ',,,'',,V1',!'1 I!!:! ! tmvclcd OVi 1' IU01 0 that half tllO (HaUDCU,
Ki ll lldapled. I lie riilriilllll lip.irlmelll riilltllHI. Mil' I inniiui uyi
tii,ei." ' " V ",,,.,,':..t..,.,l ".'.f.-t ,.;",.'r?.;..i".Vii ! whuuuMrai.Lri'r, liolili.g id ono bund a
tun. i.i-......... r .................. i . ... i I
;'iuniiialiilc(l III"
Sntcrcstinn SUctci).
Tho History of a Hand it
I'uo.M tiii: Geuman. n v Hiii" Seiiail.
thirty robbers in all, bavo beon captured,
Was tho icply.
' I remonibert d to have heard this name
as thnt of ono of tho most formidablo of
tho kuighls of the road, and feeling soma
onrioMly to sl'o biin, took mjplaoo among
the crowd.
"(Suarilcd by a strong band of soldiers,
with chains on their hands and feet, tho
would bring tho robber, cither dead or
ali vo , to tho Castio of Aggcrhuyi. Rut no
ono had Been or heard anything ofbira.
save an old beggar woman, who said that
a man whilojpafstng by had droppodtwo
gold pieces into her lay, romarktng at the
sums time :
" 'Every ono should always commence
the day by tho performance of 6omo good
robber) passed beforo mo, and what was aotion. Remember mo, old mothor, in
my astonishment whon I rucognizod in your prayer.' "No ono ever again
their leador tho unknown highway nmu, j heard of Onlie Uielnn iu old Norway , but
who had lent mc tho ptirso on tho road I was destined once more to meet tho man
some two mouths before 1 lie in return who had already twice cronsed my path
recognized mo, and a quick glance of his in so ttrango a manner
oyo seemed to say remember !'
'When tho cortege arrived at tho Cas
tio of Aggerhuys, wliidi had been select-
''During my travel,! visited tho Frcnoh
possessions in Algeria, and found there, in
tho foreign legion, an old soldier who had
cd as tho prison for Hulan and bis fol- distinguished himself by his unporalled
ich Nor-
studio ol ono ol our moet i-elebrated ar-
The UounlOaluH II ,
wrjiiau iioblfinun, lately narrated iu
tUn, tho lollowiiii' .-lory
'It U uow thirty yuars aj;o sineo 1 wa
riding on hor.-i'liack, aocou.panifcl by ouly
. U .iimlc M'iViint. ou tin! lilul' road
.lueriieio u 111 praitoe II.- w ill "li-rnte upon all tin- . , aml jn til.- 0 ll T a ilia.'
vnrMil-rm-.,f HI.IMIM:. f.iiaiii.l iii-eluon o( plelOl, aim ill
the I'upil. I'roe. l'. Clii.ure of the liii.t.i. In- i i( j nn .,;)t, Mnd mini
v"n ion ot th -l!)ell.l.. I'li-OB .M-.. .e. ud will l " .' I '
(rent ll I loroni ol .-i-ri . I.yi- i,rauiiieu (.. -of
the lorioa, nud A riiliil..u ili-e.i-i- m the lye I'"
".elllLr Willi .ill UK' ,l..-.ue. lo Willi ll Uw l.JU U MI.J-
'immI'M-CJ Will In-:.! nil till' ihuTt
in... ..... . , . . . . , i.
the nruan I ll nar-i. uooi ni" i nr. ii..-i n -
I atarrli. dilli.ulo ot Hiailni! II- lini ,-i-;ii w h, re
the llriim iMli-elry-d Will io- rt mi a.lili' one
Bii.uerni'.' io-arl .ill llm pur of iln-u
llrL: nlls Till! 'I II1KIAT. -All ilieiM.-. miu
I, to Ihe Throat and on- will In- tr.-nti-d
i!I'M:':.I. St'ltiiCI! V ll,- will op. rale upon i oh
feet. ip t l ll 1'i.ll.ite Tiinier-. l aiiier-.
.. -.1 Tiio-il., .i I'l.i-lir up-rilion- In li-a.ilis new'
rl h inio dilorioe l part, and li. Suta. ry "1
wlul. V r 1I1.11.1 t-' it may pr -eut
.it um v iiir ici'iii i.i ..) ii i. i" ri
i.pi.rniio.i tor Hi r.on .il ii - oipl. l. i urn- n
i... 1...M.11111I.U -I o. ,fi 1 1 1 r. inol i- '
hill, .fi nopiiin. mil olui.ini Inn ilr perateii upo'im
It., .ninth -re h.i- h.-ei I.11. nr. 1 it I ft in-' m-1 ui-i
i...rf 1 nMirnhall"lt ol all wliohav will-nil l "
1 ..j..,. .1 i. r w ill iu. 1 il nrtilirl il l.
lllif -lieill III" lllotl lild l-pree-on of til" 11 .iCti 1 I
The are inn'ilid with lln- pun
II KMI Hill. ll ill . O'll'-i"-' -Thi-lri'OlileM'Uie 1 lln an
i.ri.olil) Hired. 'I'lii.e mil', mis troio il willdow.H
'"llr'Vp ll-limit' iii-it Wilke.-ll.irri- nh " "f.
I.111I. tliu up .1 permanent lu-lilute lor III'- uealnieiit n
Ihe Ke. I ar and i 1.-1..I Surserj - Th- i'M" rii-u-e l
more U1.u1 a .pi.irter -da r. utui in llo-pili-l and f i r
al pr.o lie, ,he hope-, will In-.1 .Ullo lent KUIir.lll -' 10
tho.e who lil.H he il.l.i.-il tni-ni.o hllll,
Vliy ll in,). --It.
i iiloitun.tily I hiiil wrapped
I. lo- w .
. siv-
, ..i u..i, ii..,. w "
lliy.-i-li .-o i-iuM'ij iii 111 jr "i" t. ...... ,
iiiio.-!-itl 'o tiiaku ot my
ami, rtitiug that all iuiUuci!
. I .,..,.. II...I in
UU"UM'"' 1 '". -' .lor his
Till- IlllklJUWIl (loiu.iliilcu III V hum;, rajiug
at tin- sum'! itiiiu :
'Count Oalus, I know that you are
wt-altliv. Iu out' muiiiituiits hero there
aiftniiiiy pirMiii-i who ull"ur ,ith liunt-cr
and llit- eolil. 1 will diMiiouto jour aim
lowin, thofgovuruor adJreiscd him in tho
folio wing maunur'
'I know that you havft never broken
your word. If you ta!o an oath that you
will make no attempt to escape, tho chains
upon jour hauilit and feet shall ho ro
moved, and you shall havo lull liberty to
walk about within tho walls ol tho castle.'
" 'I swear I replied ho. 'Urand tuo as
a liar aud a coward when I attempt to
lino. I5o not generous, however,by balven,
lull entirely , and remove tho fetters from
my companions also.'
" -I cannot do that,'' rejoined tho gov
ernor. 'It would be vt-ry imprudent to
permit thirty men of your caliber to walk
at liberty about this fortress.'
' 'You arc right,' said Hielan.
"Next morning tho soldier who was ta-
, tinned at the outer drawbridge of tho cas-
was n it a liitlo (istuniellec ot seeing
an unknown man fitting near him upon a
, t 1 h-ap ol chains and hand-cuft's, who a-ked
.urreuder I ,0 vo "oors 01 "ll5 prison opeiicu
valor,and in pito ol his sixty years, at
each attack upon tho Arabs ho pcrlormud
deeds of chivalrio heroism. I recognized
in this veteran hero,iny old acquaintance,
Oulio Ilielan, and addressed to him a few
words iu his native language. His eyes
Cl'ed with tears. Ha stretched out his
baud, but seized with a feeling of shame
and respect, be quickly withdrew it again.
' 'Your bund, my bravo fellow, your
hand !' cried I. What has happoncd in
times pabt has long siuoo boon obliterated
by your gallant deeds''
"At this moment tho bugle called tbo
legion to arms, and Onlio Hielan hastened
Six Confederate Soldiers Shot
in Retaliation.
The St. Louis Republican gives an ac
count of tho shooting of six Confederate
joldicrs at St. Louh, by ordor of tbo
Federal General commanding, in rcUila
ticn for tho killing of Mojor White and
his six oomrades, by guerilla", under cir
cumstances heretofore narrated. It is not
nrolended that theso men, or any of them,
bad any part in the killing of Whito or
his comrades.
The names of tho men to lod to execu
tion were James Gates, Third Missouri
Cavalry, 0. S. A. i Harvey II. Blackburn,
Company A, Coleman's Regiment, 0. S.
A. ; John Nioholf, Company G, Second
Mis.ouri Cavalry, C, S. A. ; Charles W.
Minnikcn, Company A, Crahtrees Ark
ansas Cavalry, C. S. A. ; Asa V. Ladd,
Company A, Rurbridge's Missouri Regi
ment of Cavalry. O. S. A., and George
T. Runoh, Company U, Third Mis.ouri
When tho prisoners arrived on the
ground they were marched lo tho places
fixed for tho execution, theso being x up
right pino pobts tct iu the ground with
square hard seatB attached for cacb man
. .... , ., . i.
to eit upon. 'JLney toou tueir piaccs upun
their seats, each with comparative calm
ucs, and nearly all with appearance of
resignation to tho dreadful latt-,tbatstarcd
ut thom so immediately. Hut little cmo-
soul I" Hunch and Blackburn still ro- How they go to Bod.
uialnod silent and almost motionless. Min- Tho difference between a man tn&'
niken said : "Lord, havo morby on my woman in disposition, finds no plainer il
poor sinful soul 1" Gates, said "John lustration than that atforded attho inoaioiH
Nichols, wo arc going to die Farewell." WUen cither of them retire lo bed.'
Minnikcn replied, "Farewell; wc w ill i Tho vouok eirl trips to hor cbarabor.
meet in a better world wbero liberty i J and with tho cactious timidity peullarl
enjoyed," Gates reponded, "Farewell . her, first locks tho doors, and arrwscs
When tho sentinel
hesitated, ho added :
"I am Onlio llielan,and I have a short
time siuco set at liberty my thirty con
federates Hero yo'i sen, are tho chains.
I h-tvu pledged my word not to attempt 10
u.capu, and therefore 1 eutrcct )ou to
took his placo in tho ranks of his company. J tion was displayed by any of tho six, ex
cept Nichols aud Minniketi tho latter
commenced prajerful ejaculations in a sub
dued tone of voice, toon after being soat
ed, which bo kept up until the baudago
was tied over his eyes; alter that his only
rk was, "Boys, when you shoot me,
to all the boyi."
Nothing further was said, and tbo com
mand to mako ready was givon. There
was a momontary suspense, and then a
further command, "Ono, two, fire '." and
then the entire volley was discharged al
most as one gun. Instantly tho blcod
spurted from the breast of each prisoner,
and, quivering for a moment, their beads
fell upon their shoulders, and their bodies
lurched to one eido, aud fell as near the
ground as they could with their arm? pin
ioned to tho stakes. In this position the
blood streamed from their wounds, wbioh
were nearly all in tho breast, and in one
or two placos formed littlo pools on the
Tho attending physicians cxaminedtho
bodies as soon as tho firing ceased, and
found no sign of life in any except Black
burn. In fivo minutos from tho tirno the
olloy was discharged, they were all dead.
Gates, after be was shot, uttered the ex
clamation, "'Ob !" and Blackburn cried
out, "Kill mc quick," but in an inatant
later tboy were evidently insensible
lSOi. 1 hlladfliihia & Kric
among them. ' nurmit mo to return to mv orison .lest tho
B.-itso.'Iripli.Ml, 'but le.ivo &ownnT ohsctvtig wy momentary, ab
suffi.'ieiit amount ol mom y to enable ruu ; aouce , fibiuid be induced, from appcrau
to continue ii.j journey to Ilroutbeiu-' I c,. to draw conclusions whi-.-h would bo
-'That is a favor I always grant to ; 0,r(.,jsive t0 ,y lloU(ir ,
traveler".-.' Thu soldier called aloud , tin' prison
j "During this biief conversation I (loor;j w(.vo ,1,11 open, and Onlio Hie
boarcheil through all toy pockets, without 1 an remaiuaJ iu lllc fortress of Aggcrhuys
bowev r, finding my pur.-e : 1 uau icu 11
my failur's roopi luforu u tting out in
f&mmS!ttPmdBZmM .I n,,,5...r. I could not h.-lp laughing
at my m glict, and the tobber. aleo, wlieu
I told 1 1 1 an of iny'bail luck, entered into
the humor of the juku, ainl joined heiutily
ill my ninth 1 n quested tutu to eearc-h
me, lion he might con olioralu the liuih of
my ai-rtioii')
For shame 1' si'l ho. 'The idea
never entered my mind that, a rentleuian
of your rank and wealth would utter a
falsi ho-id lor tlm sake of a few paltry
nieces ot gold I believe you eveu with
uut a plulgo of your word of honor.'
Thl. treat line the Aortlii-ru ami Minn.
wei.1 lounliesof I'emi.ylv.iiiia to ihe ill) of i:n-,on
Lake line. ., . .
H i.ib h -ell le.l-.ed III th- IVimsjU. 1111,1 ll.lllroad
t'ompnio, and I. operated h tll-lii
ll. eiiiin- leiii-ih wa. lyeiied tor p.i-.enijer and
fru-ht liit.ini-M., Uitoli- r l'.l!i. iMil
IIMk or l-A-.hMlHl UUI.- il MUlllll .MaUH.AIll.
m I'r.iio li-.ive.. l',.i-.t e 4- I1. M.
11 1 . ..1.
in a. m.
0 .'j 1'. SI.
for eight mouths, as a prisoner on parol.
'One day he sought an interview with
tho governor.
" 'My lord !' said ho, 'I am tired of my
long impriioumciit. I have pkad for a
pardon, but no reply has beeu received
from tho king. Release nin,from my oath,
hllll, IHtllll HI,
I'.ipr. Train "
Ai 1 nmnio.l.tlioil.
liiavi: wi:.vrw.i:n.
Hull 1 rain.
i:innra f.ipier. Tram.
A, tonilnoiUtli-o
a :i:i
4 :n I'. M.
I. In A. 111.
iieemi!er ''am run llimucli on Mail Train. Willi-
IHH llllMli bolh W.l(l l.l twelll I'llll.l.le plna.llld t.rle,
and ll.iltiiiioreaoil l.n--.
l;i. -ant rlo. puis far. on niniire l.iproR. I rains
bolh wa). helweeii Williani.porl and llullnioire.
J'or iiiloroi.ilion re. pectin;; r.i.eui;er Imetiieee, ap
ply.iilln for. Mill and ,M..rkel Si..
Ami for l-'n iL-ht liii.iiie.sol' tin- foinp.iiiy s Aireiils
S. II. Klnj;-t"ii. Jr.. for. Kith and Marku St-i., I'lula
J. . Ki-)iioldi. line.
J.M. lirtll. .U'-iil X--' H It.. It.illiiimri'.
II. II. Ilouttoii. ifeii-l. rreiuhl Aal . Philadelphia.
II. W. liwioiii r. lien'l.Tii kel Am Philadelphia.
Jo.epli II. I'oli. lieii'l. .Mauat'ei.Willi.iiii'port.
Moi . Ii!, leol.
Lackawanna in lUooiusburg Itidlroad
It S 1J, l-iil. rASall.MiKli
.M u V 1 ,S i s t U T II.
" 'Sec me after the battle,' said I,as ha
left mo.
'I did sec him again after tho battle,
but it was bin dead body borne upou the
guns of his comrades. A bullet had pieru
ud his heart I
"By a soldier's death.the glorious death J kill me dead." Nichols made 110 remarks,
on the field of battle, ho had erased evory but kept weeping from tho time of taking
blot with which his former deeds had sul- his until tho bandago was placed
ied tho fair oscutchcon of his fains. I'oaco . over his eyes. Ladd aud Buuch cxbibi
to his memoirs I'' I ted aouie blight evidences of dejection, but
- I l0t a word t-tcaped them during tbo wholo
How Murat Died. . BOeuo. Blackburn sat still and solid upou
Tho tentenoo of the military oommiss- ' his neat, and throughout was unperturbed
ion was read to him with due soleinuiiy.- ' at a statue. No mutiele of bis faco quiv-
Ue listened to it as he would hve lUten- ' eicd there was no wildueas in his eye
e, to the cannon of another battlu durin-: not u movemout that denoted the slightest
his military life, without 0 notion or bra- uneasiness in his mauner.
vado. lln neither asked for pardon, for , Gates, who was ouly twenty one yeara
delay ,uor for appeal, lie had advanced, ofuge, and perfectly beardless, at first
of his own accord, toward the door, as if mauilested a most mugular ludillercuee
to accelerate the catastropho. The door ' He bad the mauner of a young man just
opened on a narrow esplanade lying bo- the least embarrassed upon tho iutrodue
iween the totvers of tho castle aud tho tion to strangers. Yet, withal, there was
outer walla. Twelve soldiers, with load- no fear iu the oxpressiou of his features
ed muskets.awaited him their. Tho uar 1 but rather a manifestation of self coufi
row space did not permit him to stand at j dcuce, as ono who had a great and dan
a sufficient distance to deprive his death ' gerotis duty to porform, aud who folt him
! ol a part of its horror. ftiurat,intstcpping ! self equal to il. Toward the end ho bo
! user 1 ha threshold of tho chamber, found can lo manifest emotion, and speaking to
and make sueh arrangements as you deem ; Ullll;)eif faou to face with them. Ho refus- loan of the attending physicians, who was
proper for my safe custody!' I eJ ,0 laV(J hjs CyCS bandaged, and lookiog standing near by, asked, 'Don't you think
' 1 lie governor req-ti-atcii mm m con- , ,a tlQ souiers wjtu a grm nnd benevolent 1 thoro is auy hopo that it Will bo post
tudor the obligations of Ins oath binding
fo another mouth aud during that time
ho cau-ed to bo ereete.l iu the castle yard,
would have given me greati r
binile, said, 'My friends, do not poned I" and on being auswercd in the
suffercby takeingbad aim. The narrow t negative, be moaned occasionally, and at
Miace comnels vou almost to rest the muz- intervals made use of the following cxpres-
Mi'ongoet and 1110.1t singular prison . .. . , breatt : do ! siotm : "Oh. Lord have mercv imon tnol'
which human ingenuity could invent. Jt j not tromblu ; do not strika me in the face; ."Oh, to think of the news that is to go to
aim at my heart here ii is.1' As be fathor aud mother V "Well, I ain't tho
spoke thus, he placed his right hand upou first and I don't rcokon I'll 1 0 the last !"
his coat, to indieato the position of his , "Lord havo mercy upon me!" "To bo
heart, in b'n left hand bo hold a small ! tied to a stake and shot, I tell you it's
widow curtains, so that by rio poiilbU
obance a passer by or bolated nooturnsl
wanderer from tbo pavement can cttob
glitupio of her budding boauty whan en
dishapitU. This task completed, ahe tnrUtt
on tho gas to its full, and institutes a gen
eral search throughout the apartment,
that tbo may be shurc it doos not oontajn
'horrible burglar," orilespcrato ruffian iu
big whiskers and crisp black hair. Care
fully, with hcrdelioato littlo fi'ngcri, alio
lifts tho bud-valance, wbero even Ton
Thumb oould't equeozc hisdiminutivo cor
poration, and takes a diminutivo corpora
tion, and lakes a diminutive beep into tho
half-emptied trunk, not forgo ting to gUnc
norvouily undor the sofa, .tho spaoo bo
tween which and tho floor is not sufEoienk
to contain tho ghost of Calvin Edion,
much less an ordinary robbsr.
Having ascertained thnt alio is roally
alone, she leisurely proocds' to7 divest her
fair form of "the silk' and linen convention
alities of society." First, eherelfcYM her
glo3sy hair from its thraldom of pins and
I combs, and "docs it up" moro completly.
After this the bodies wcro placed in Then off comes the liitlo collar, and tho
plaiu .coffins and taken in charge by the j light vapory cloud of laco alio calls her
Government undertaker, Air. Smithers. I ua'dersleevos, which all tho day hav" been
Then the crowd dispersed, and tbo sold- clasped around her whito, plump arms by
iers returned to their quarters. a" couplo of India rubber strips. Norl,
the 'Move of a spring etlk dross is unfast-
PiUVATEKus and 1'iR.VTEs. Once more enud in front. Then't-uudry waiste strlngi
the confederacy has becomo activo on the an(j button etrapi aro loosod, and lo 1 what
sea. It has sent out of Wilmington some a oolUnse. like that of Lowo's biir hulloon.
privateers that aro making great haf'oo a- gbo stands like Saturn 111 tho oentre of
moug the merchant ships and small eralt rings. There thoy lie upon tho soft oar-
on the coast. Certain Lngliohman have Pet. partly covered by the linen underfir-
aleo sent to sea another ship that is to cru- ing(, with no more expression iu thtrn
ise as a pirate against our commerce. than there is in the bsre floor boneatb tht
This ship is to be, if she is not already, carpet. Sits alia now on tho edge of tka
commanded by tho runaway prisoner, Sem-1 snowy bed, and begins the unlacing of
mea, and she will olaim to be a confederate gaiters and the disrobing of thoio fair,
man-of-war or privateer ; but she has nevar swelling limbs other stockings. Tka
been and never will bo in a rebel port, and pretty little foot is carefully perched upon
sho is, thcreforo, purely and simply another the knee down drops the gaiter, off cornea
English built, English armed and English tho clastic, and her thumb inserted attho
maniud pirate. Now is the timo for the top of her stookings,pushesit down iown
Navy Department to exhibit somo energy over tho heel, and the cotton rests besido
and show the world that we mean to vigor- tb0 prunella. So with tho other foot, only
ously use our great uaval power. Wc aro involvcing a slight chango of position,
able to cover tho Beas with cruisers fit to There is a smile that poops out from bo
cope with this ship, and should do it at hind tho plushes of her sweet face now,
onco, aud not trifle with her by sending as standing beforo the glass abo plocosup
oue or two ships hero and there, as wo did on her head tho night-cap, and with a
in tho oae of tho Alabama, Georgia and quick twist of n'cr fiogerc tics tho be-
Florida. Two mouths ought to bo tho ex- witching bow. Tbon the nigh gown is
treme limit of the Sea King's career, and thrown over the fraillod ehemise, oomeal-
ton days ought to finish the Cbickamaugua ing tho heaving bosom, and tho shoulders
and Tallahassee Wake up, Gideon. in tbo linen folds. Thon tho counterpnno
and sbeots aro thrown back, the ga in
I acknowledge,' njoiiufi I, 'That it was tt entirely isila'ed, high and narrow
medallion, which contained the one focus
rS AMI All
l.vai 0
al .Vitr.iuuilierlnn.1,
. I Mil I". M.
5 .V,
11. 1.1
satisfaciiou tower, with but a single 1 nuance, which
to rharo with you the contents of my wa-i sccurely fastened with heavy locks,
purse than to us placed in my present di- iinj ;ru bars. Within the first enclosure
lemma, f' r I am now at a loss what course waj a 6l.,.ond tower.or rather a c.igi3,which
to pursue, "iinuui ...uu.j . was iruuu 01 inrgu I", . 1 ""J , of love, the imago of his wife and four
1 ;ii,,.e m men in,' .- or to toiretlier bv b.indi i and bolts ot iron, and . . . '
timuaii ua-iiiiQ u,iv. .w - , 0 .
continue on my way ' 0" dm branches bells were so suspend-
1. m oar hero of th, road, in- cd that the occupant of the cell could not
I u. - -- - (
ter.-untim: 1110, '1 will not luave a man
'ou in so uupleaaut .1 prcilicauieut Hero
The Indians and tub Teleokai'h. turne,i down very, ve,ry low and tho
It is a noticeable fact, that in all tho In- jjmG fozm pre3gpa tho yielding, couch,and
dian troubles in tho Northwest, tho tele- t10 anej 0P8 0fj int0 the world of dreaain.
' graph lines have not been disturbed. Now, in tbo room directly over her ia
When tbo lino between 1 orU Kearney and the great brute of a brother. Ho oomoa
Lamario, which are 500 miles apart, was jnt0 jtj ,buts the door with a slam, turn
completed, the superintendent of the line the key with a snap, growls at a ohair
made arrangements for two influential wb;0, happens to bo in his way, palls cfl
N ll UT II
Mill A..M.
KM J l. M
.Arriu- at Cerantuu. ' ,';'" . .,
KreichKi I'a-.eiiBir lea.. Itlo .Imri!. IU.1.1 A. M.
I'reichl i
the Kxpre..
is my purse, which couaius twenty pieces
of gold. It is a small sum, but I have al-
j ready distributed much in charity to day.'
I "I hesitated to accept thisjiingular offer,
. nnil tlm Imrulit ncrc Ivitij it, drow forth
lilje ' mako the slightest inovemcnl.without caus
ing them to ring.
"When this prison was fiiiijhed,tho gov
ernor oouductt-d Onlie Hiulan to it, and
showing him all the arrangements, left it
optional with himsell whether ho would
becomo its occupant, or remain as before,
children, as if he wished thus to mako them
witucsses of his look. He fixed his eyes
on ibis potrait, and received tho death
blow in.tho.contomjl'iition of all ho loved
on earth. His body, pierced a'i so short
a distance with twelve balls, fell, with his
arms open and his face towards tho earth,
as ff .till embracing tho kingdom ho once
possessed, and which ho bad como to re
couciucr for bis tomb. They threw his
awful I"
After he bad S'aen tied to the stake.and
Chaplain MeKim had prayed with him,
he said (addressing the guard), "Boys, I
hope if any ol you aro ever shot, yo.u
won't be shot as innocent as 1 am,''
Captain Mclvim having said prayers
with each pri.oner, aud bid them good-bye,
Col. Henrichs read tho order of execution
. 1 .-:!. ,1... Unn.1 l.tu wnnl nf liiinnp nlnnn.
iwuiiur. i another poiguttru ,auu unsc. ri;..,i finlirt cloak upon his body, winch was buried
tram iroin iorni o. . ii.. " . . ,.. , I...I ,l. w ,,.,,,1 fn nin.siiv- . 1 " l'"""! "f"'- . ., A., . ., -...
in tuo uainaurai oi rizzt.
DI I.UU V tilt all" .'"i" " " ' ,,, j .
leave, immediately alter the i:pre.ntrain Inuu liar- lUg
... ... .,. v.. I.... I'., dd..iiL(. r. lea. mil I
rli.liuru anil .aniuniiu, animi". ..... ... - -
riiiladeldii.i al 111.111 1'. M. lu K.icli poinl. on tin. road
iliinn; tliu next torenooii.
New and elesriint fluepini! car. ari oiiip iiiy III IB it
trams each nay h. lweeu .S'lirthuiiiherlaud aud Haiti
uiure, and Norlhumbeiland and I'hil.jihljihin.
J. ('.Will'. f' Ticket .Igi'HX.
Kiiig.lnii. JauuarJ W. I''"'-
i,i a i i.n.i at l-iii ,oie n n.i -.ti t ii, 1 1 1 1 1 naniiL'ii rue itu.uuu u-i uji.,?,,.- ,
.;!... V ,,,i.i ii.-iiui . . . - i
..II n.i,.. I l.TJ lA1..tnr nu f lift in. , T Tfc -1
fita.,tlv about vour person. If a man tended to remain thoro all his life, and 1 ciaI1 to tho Hospital for Poor, Sick, and
shews you .hi. knob, no matter who he ' occupied his lime, undt-r constant and Djstituto Jewi at Jflruaaloin 8;nco 1841,
mav be or iu what place you may. meet 1 vigilant supervision, in cutting small lanoy wrilC8 . An extraordinary chango has
him reiurn to that por.on ibis weapon and articles of ebony, in which he was very 0 over lbo city of Jerusalem. It is
. 1 , ; skilful. no lotigor the city which 'no man ssekcth
' "SoTaviiiir, he put spur, to bis homo, ''Seven or eight weeks after this I was aft(ir.. lt U no,- ,ho rosort of the wealthy
and was soon out of sight iu the distance. , t a fancy ball given by l'nnco B , , aBd the groat ones of the earth. Large
liale in l.ocu.t tow n.hip. I oluinhia cnuiiiy. aujoiHiuB innrnr-V tnnkinrr USO WllCU a mau uiiisvij r" "' ) purcnases 01 uousea nun juuuauiu muuo
rU! rf M VB, oeur-eand.ur.. I proceeded on ui jour, ej , making, use I sojzu(1 mob thfl I v.arnn ,Qvernm8nts. and
nf i ho moncv tho lobbcr hau r'aneu mo. . . ., , , . j ., J -fav ' 1
IuDrontheiiu I found letters of cre,lit and drawing n.e aside exhibited the CBUblishmcl)U on a larg, and
I ! , ,nWin mc auJ nro- knob of the dagger which I had formerly oout Bl!Bi0 will portly be made in the
IU.U...J, a , . rocolvcd from Onlie Hielan, and, in ac- neighborhood. This is very extraordin-
il . 1 T Mn I ,i w n tnlMirlLflfin
Un UlC UHV u ") iuiuiu iy wuhsviwmw -- - ,.i jaa, i . . .
W4 VMW J ' . I T .ltn.,0,1 m niirmi Ullli tllP. dafff?er IU " .,M-nt. li nnnrmAin n nnritniAi
j. diiivm ' J r DO UUU Ul UV(91UUD UlC o' biiuiwuuljl lUWltm.-uu
to tho hand of the masked figure, and ero that it is wonderful that they can find
I could turn around the black domiuohad tubsiitenco."
fi'ramc g
1,00 HAUJf. with other out huildliil., Rood Orchard,
and K-vcral excellent Sprlui!. of Water ou larioua
part, of tho l arm.
IWe.iioii Biven on the flr.tof ne't April.
Q- Tor conditlnnii.aiid furth-'r particular., apply to
the auh.uiuer. "ear the preml.e.. VOCT'M,
Auoiil ot (iamucl C. Head.
Saitcnibcr 17. ISCI.-Jinu. .
IIU uiiderslgni-il w ould announce, that ho has on liand
uthi.llataiidCap lauporiiuii, on aiaiu i-i., iiiuuio.-
I fouud tbo whole city in a btate ot tho
wildest commotion, i'eoplo presscti-in
crowds through the stre,ts,all the windows
wcro filled with human heads, and strong
dftaclnnonts of military patrolled tbo
town. Struck with aBtonishmont, I in-
cordaiice with the promise given, carried ary an(j vory disastrous for the poor popu
always upon my person. lation, to whom tho price of house rent
l,uru,.u..ortmeut. ,t,n . of this unusual CXcitO
HUH Call .RIUH, IllUIIICCO.ireil IIOUDinv..Ji.iii. U.....I." ""luuilbu luw whw
f which lie will .ell cheaper tliuii can ho had uUewheto I
mvu ., ... ,
" 'Oulic HiclMi, ana ma cuurc oauui
in tula uiurket, Call and.ciciuint. them for M'ur.clvc.,
B.a.miliure,M)' SI,
diappead, . j
"'1 ho next day tho wtioio cuy wan
fifiy Lying in bed, with tbo head high,lhe
m...i; 11 I t . ..,!,,.!. I., . :.. lt
,. i n: I.. f A. K Iflol-m ,,,ul luuuicai uouruai DuvB, io uiiiiuiuiuj , iu uii
speaking of tbo flight of Orlio nioldii,aml ,,,, ,,vnp ,,' ,,,,
the governor ordered placards to bo dis- sboaa bo pretty nearly ou a level with the
trtbuUd evorywhore,'ui which ho promised body, and pnoplo ought to acoustbnvtbcm
a hundred pieces of gold to nuy one who tohd to sloop thus to avoid danger,
his boots and throws them in a oorner,
jerks bis socks from his ,fcet,drops hit
pantaloons on the floor and lets them lay
thoro ; gets off his coat and vest by a quick,
chiefs of the Sioux and Arapahoe tribes
to have a talk over the wires, the Sioux
boing at Fort Lamarie, and the Arprboo
at Fort Kearney. After their talk,which
plcasod them wondorluliy, they Etarted vindioatiTo sort of twist of his arms and
on horsebaok, and aficr ridiug two bun-1 boJy) UDpin8 ad unbuttons his collar,
drcd and fifty miles each, met and com- j throws it carelessly with tie tio at, rather
pared notes, aLd found their talk' of a than on tha table ; travels to the window
week was all real and no illusion. Since , ju nj3 sbjrt extremity ,to let down tho our which he inlormed ihe prisoners that then no telegraph wiro ur pole has been taiu3 a8 if bo didn't care a cusg whether
if they desired to tay anything they could harmed by Indian hands. The Indians t10 CDljrc population of the street beheld
have an opportunity. Thora was no re- "ow tuo great power oi una uiscovory, - jj,, auatoniy or not -, ifim puts ouiino ngni
pouse except from Minuiken, who ,aid.: and as thej think it haK something to do I nnd bounces into bed, like a great calf
' 1 ' . II. .1.. Sinirif limit ilnn nnf filllKh 1 . .f I U:n.l
kiiu iuu uuij ui,t,v, .uji jumping inio a pile oi uay tuna uiiucoiL
the linos. This is a fortunate fact for the ; upi his knees u. aily touching his noso,
permanency of telegraphic communication 5irtcb'es' his limbs ou.,8icara at the tuck-
"I would like to say a few words." He
thon, with firm aud distinct voioe, and
rapid utterance, said :
"Soldiers, and all who bear mo, lake
warning 1 I havo been a Confederate
soldier for four jears, and as such have
served my country faithfully. Aud 1 um
taken out uow and shot for what men have
douo that I know nothing about, and for
what 1 had nothing to do with. I never
was a guerilla, but a privato in tho Con
federate ouiise of liberty, and lam sorry
that I have to bo shot for the acts of men
that I never had anything to do with, and
for what I am not guilty of. If 1, or
my countrymen, had takeu you soldiers
prisoners, we would havo treated you as
such, I hope God may tuko me to his
bosom when I am dead,"
Each prisoner's eyes were than band
aged. When tho sergeant approached
Minuiken to pu the baudago on his eyes
the prisoner said ; "Sergeant, I dou't
blamo you i I' hopo I'll raoet you in Ileav-
ou. 0, Lord, have tneroy oh my poor
in the Northwest.
Meeting or Reiiei. Goviuinous. The
Governors ol Virginia, North Carolinai
South Carolipa, Georgia, Alabama and
Mississippi Held a meeting in Augusta,
inc. in of tho bed clothes, grunts,get8 over
on the other sido, and ia usleep. Than
comes in the snoring and snorting. Isn't
there a differcuco in stylo I
Novel Bet. Two rrcntlemcn residing
Georgia, on the 17th ull., and paiseu res- jn jroojjyn nia(ie a bet on tho Proiidcn-
olutions which declare that it is ne eBary ' tja election which it carried out, Trill ba
that every male person o( suitablo age,and liable to creato soui amusament among
without regard to color, shall at onoo be our cilizenst. Tho Let was for a beaver
put in tho southern armies, and that all hat, which was to be twenty four inches
details of men as spceial agcnts.provosl aud jn height and seven in breadth of brim,
oiher gusrds throughout tho country shall 'I'he individual whoso favorite wai claetcA
be at onco called in and placed in the is to wear tho hat during the Presidential
Two centuries ago not one in a hundred
wore stockings, Fifty years ago not one
boy in a thousand was allowed to run at
large after night. Fifty years ajjo not ono
girl in a thousand made a waiting maid of
her mothor. Wonderful improvements in I
thi3 wondorful ago.
.. . ... . .
term, audi a novcl'bcadod-pieoa wouia
make quite an imposing appcarence in tho
street..--Xew York Daily News.
BiaS- When has a mun a right to aeolJ
his wile about his coffoo I When he Ita
abundant grounds,
ttOfc, Do ucto others, h yoa wao!!
I othuti do unto you,