Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 12, 1864, Image 4
AGRICULTURAL. .sV.A".w Foil Management ofdrapfc Vines Tho month of November, after Iho loaves havo fallon off, Is tho best timo to primb vines Tbcra Is no dlfirenoi 'f opinion at all on this nolni, with cxpctO'.nts Personal and PolHion" History. I i A ...... l.t I- ....I .I. iniMn n, nknun Pitlill.t,. onocd crepo growers, and it must bo dono o o I in tho fall to succeed well in grapo cuN ttirO. iro. Tho principle should bo fully undot- .1.-.! it.. t...fl -f A ! I .. to Btgou, lliu irutl oi uu.. vuui in iu uiutv from canes of this season's growth. Not ono person In four who baa "gropo vines on .his promises seem o understand this im norlant fact. Thov havo road about it it. .w.uli,,..! i,, !, -J,1 in tuo agricultural papers, out tnoy paiu llttlo attention to it, and seldom or never actod upon it in pruning their vines. Seleot the host canes of this year' for tho noxt fruitinc season, and cut out all 'the old wood, provided you have new wood ouough that grows out Dear the base of tho vine. If tho new wood consists of latorals (that is, tho sido canes or shoots of old wood,) you should simply Icavo enough of these laterals to bear a fair croD' next voar. and but back nil the rest 4o ono eye. Tho true system is to cut back every other shoot, so that tho ' nnnrl nCn.rl M.r mnv rin nrnrWil frnm " -j , tho eyes left upon tbo canes thus cut back. This is tho renewal system, which is prac tised as well upon the sido spurs and ranes as on tboso that grow from ihcbnso of the vino. It matters not how you train'your vines, whothcr to trellis, stakes, or otherwise, 'this renewed system must bo adopted in pruning, because no oano, shoot or spur -ever bears fruit but one season. A correspondent says : The month of November is alsojthc time to cather outlines to set in the following .Spring. LeCthem be of well matured " wood of this year's growth "(but older 1 wood will) cut them from twelvetho'eigli-! teen inohes loog, with froraj two to four, ojes, aocording'to tho length of point3,and if you havo but a few they may bo kept safely in tho cellar, racked in a bos in layers With sand or garden moilld.Sprcad . . i . mong them compactly, so as to exclude m, i i i t. i i . air. Tho sand or mould should contain juBt enough moisture to pravflnt the cut tings from drying. Sand is reccommend- ! cd by horticulturists ; but I Cod that foil oil' my gardent does just as well as saud, , and I simply lay my cuttings upon tho' surface of the soil in layers, and cover them with earth (having too many to put in my'cellar,) and tlioy ',aro preserved in zcelUnt condition. Fall Feed for' Cows. It's of no usoitothink.'of keeping up the quantity and quality of our butter, if wo neclect tho fall fecdinc of our cows. Wnen tno crass uas Deen mtien uy me irosi . " , , . , nnxrprnl times, it losses its SWCOtnCES a nil ' its substance. fl,. I. a i inuru uiiiy .uuiunuugii in bulk, but tho animals do not like it as well, and it does not make as much milk or (.It noes. The pasture feed must be gradua lly supplemented by fodder. And we can well afford to go to tho troublo and ex- p.enso of it, ior butter sell at very remu nerativo prices i-, ,1, . , , Corn stalks not yet dry will bo eaten up clean, and a fow thrown out morning and night are not on ly relished, but have a direct and marked effeot on tho milk product, Sweet apples espeoialy, fed iu reasonable quantiiics, aro good ; but do not let tho cows havo tlio run of tho orchard. Pumpkins are first rate, a few at a timo, twice, a day with all the seeds removed. Cabbngo leaves, beat and turnip and carrot tops, and such like garden refuse, aro excellent. A Hltlo dry hay may also bo given to ftdvaDtairO, feeding OUt Only What Will, bo , . . . , I I mi eaten up ciean. iv iew pints oi oran on corn meal, or a lew ears ot sou corn, or . , . .. . . SomO Oil meal may DO lea daily. ' lot the , , . , Ohano from SimpIO paSUtrnge tO this CXtra ,,,,,, i i ii ,1, feed Should D0 matlO CrratlUUlly. All aO- . ii .1 ..i.n,. .filt. . .r I I ttuunicueu iuu luiiiuiisuiu ui mm vuiciur. ncss in spring, when passirg from dry1 feed to grass. Tbcro should bo similar caro exercised in the fall, or tho yield of milk will fall off. Cows or sheep that aro in good flesh, not to say fat, al the begin ning of cold weather aro half wintercdl ! Just now it is that feed tells best. Tho fresh bracing air gives an appitite, tho an noyanoo of heat and flics doos not wear off tho flesh ; aniinalo can feed all day and fileep all night, and tho weather is not cold enough to make it neoessary to consume much of tho food or fat, to keep up tho enimal heat, American Agriculturist The high prico paid or cotton piching is bringing tho whito women of TenncsscEs and Arkansas Into tho Ileitis. Tub Capo Cod Advertiser says ihaUhc Buy lloet had dono quito a successful maokerol business during tho season, and tho shore fleet has dono well, The milk combination at Boston has broken down, and tbero is plenty of it to be bad at eight cents a quart, Instead of ten, ffhiok tbo milkmen tried to ohargoM. liini) imiJi r J 1 11! runritsiiEB nv J. W.1I.TE11 & (JO. iVo, 10 City Hull Equate , iVct Bloeri.nliic.-il Memoir of t'timcut Vnllnnillirlinm. Itv Ills nruMicr. A neatly printed pamphlet of fil ortavo pagcj,ruti II July Will, 1 Hit. FrlceSitt". , 1 This li a wink of great vnlt-o and Interest, entirely ( authentic nnt M'lnhle, (in. I should bo circulated Immo. . dlatcly by hundreds nf Uiouantiila, I A I O ( 1 1 gpuuonES FOB THE TIMES. BY JAM ICS W. WALL, Willi n Sketch of cd tn eiay Printtucu. Thn A.1mlnll.iri,tn sent Mr. Will I'. cite i tho Stato of.N'cw Jersey, to llm Senate of Iho , 1 Uniinil Stales. Thli Murk ihown wliv he is ncrsccti. , ted by "he enemies and honored by tho friends of III, erty nml law. The speeches nio reptcin with ino pnw. or and energy of I'olllicnt truth, Let them Jfo every- WHI-ru, I," ;r, ,,.... ...,u ...,u mo heartsiirum people nrn turning m ine men vvnonavo hern rLihtfrom tho first and nt all times. These anil nil other works published by in aro de signed tn counteract the tendencies to political I inanity now tn tlangdhiully prnvnlcnt, A thousand agents wnutcil immediately tn sell oAr publications! protlta liberal. Bcnil for ' Circular." Country dealers can be supplied through the chan nola by which they recelvo their New York papers nnilnt our lowest wholesale prico ; tho News Cum rn08. commissions i.cine paid by m. i.yery eoiior, uisposou in niu ino c.iuao. la inviieu 10 insert and notice this advertisement, and hla nrdarruit cvcrtwndollars. will bo accepted nml credited oniny purchase, nmnunllug tn ten dollars er mori'. (.'opica of the pamphlets fur notice aru at the arrvieo rT tho entire editorial fraternity. J. W, Sc CO, I -2Lr,w onK' Augn,l 10, UCl, 1SG1. 1804 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE 3d & t "ft Jl O A n m This great linu travcraca the Northern nil North, weal rounllca of I'ennaylvania to tlie city of Krlo, on l.nke Uric. lthaa been leaaeit by tue renusvlvanla Railrnad ftCT tXr em 1HVI. on.SMit tromei.emeiu to j-.rie WHi,,iieaJ on tho ,vcs tern Division, TIMK OK r.HSKNOF.ri tftAIKB AT NORTaVBIir.Bl.AMn. ' Moll Train leaves, Hast U A. M, Express Trnhi" " 10 37 V. M. ( Mull " " Wct .' 4i " I lliprcss ' ' ' 7 18 A.M. Cars run through without ciianiii both wnya on 1 liesa ' ttitiiiit between riiiladelphia ami Lock llnveii, and , It.illininrc and Lock Ituten. New-and eleuant tiloep. , Ing Cara accompanlng tho lxpreia Train both wayn between U'illlunitpnrt and Haiti more, and William. piul and I'hllailelpbia. . For Information re.pectiug Pa.senger busiueaa, ap plyatthe B. i:. Cor. llth ami .Market Hta. And for freight busincssnf tho Coinpant'a Agents 1 H. II. Klin-ton, Jr., Cor.lStli and Market f:l., I'hil'a J. IV. Keynnlds, I'.rie. .I.M. Drill. Agent N. C. II: 11., naltlmnre. 1 II. II. Hon. ton, (len'l. Freight Agt , Philadelphia, Lewis I.' iloupt, i;cu'l. Ticket Agt. I'liiladelpliia. Joaeph D. Potts, Geii'l. Manager, Villiiunaiirt. Slay 71S4. FHESH ARRIVAL OP ?all & WllltCl GoOllS. A T Miller's Store. TIIIl sulisrrihcr hai just returned from Iho Cities with another large and select aaicrtnict of SPUING AND SUMMEli. GOODS. nurcliasctl ot Philadelphia, at the lowest fijriiro, and as ran be procured cUcwhcro In llloamaburg. Ilia stock rotuprises ladies' dukss ooods, ol'chnirent stjles and latet fashion. dry aunns, .ixn oitocaiiRs, ll1HIn:illK tUEFJiiH.1HE, CED.1H HWiK, IWI.t.OH' IVAKE mo.; jviM', noors $ shoes II.1TS .y aifS, fce., .ye., $c. In short everything usually kept In country Stores to which ho Invite the publle generally. Tlie llighcslpricu paiul'or country produce S. II. MILLER. Bloomsburg, May 2J, 1?C1. . National Foundry. CLOOMSIJUKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. rj III! subscriber, proprietor of the above named ex J tensivo Cktub.ishincnt, is noiv prepared to receive ot lers fur All Kinds of lUicIiSuery, i rCollerlcs, niuit Putnaces, Stationary llniiics, .Mllla TIIPHSHINO MAQIIlNtS. &J.. id He is also prepared to uiako LMnvci, nil sizca ajid .,"'r)"e ,'ow-irons, and cvcrvthiiiL' usuallv made in fust'Class t'oiiudrii's. His extjnsivu facilities and practical workmen, war- ' mull hi,,. In rf-itoii In,, ll,.. l!,i"-nt.t i-nn,rnU ,1,1 Ilia m i reusonauic lerm-. KT-iirainofall kiin cnstini.". , kinds will be taken in exchange for t.. fl.,.!. ...l.,t.k..,nn. 1 ..I .1... , -l? , n, , , i ii ,. i , . it, .t.ui. tn-,, i .no ,jiii.Ki,uu' ii.' X Itluouisbure Railroad Denot. PUTER lill.LMUYIMl. Illaomsburg, Sept. 12, 18G3. WIESTiieitrc flSOJ'GSIi, Nos. 0, lr, in, 15, 17 Couitlandt Street NEAR I1ROADWAY, NUW YORK CITY TltisoId-esUblislisd and favorite resort of the Uusl ness Community lias been recently relitted, nnd is com plete in tiverything that can minister to tlio comfurts of i... i ..ii.u .....t .,...;.-... .... n.. ....i .. ll. iiutiuiio. i.nui.n uitu iuiiuiiva uiv;ii;iiiiii, uiiiiiiiic. miiy provided for. 11 is ctmruiiy lucaieu in uie uu-iness pari Ol llio Cliy, and U contiguous to tho principal lines of steamboats, cars, omnibusses ferries, &c. Iu consequence uf the pressure caused by tho Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar a d I'iftij Cents per Day- 1 ho table is imply supplied with all Iho luxuries n e season, and is equal tu that of any other hotel iu tiro untry. A,,,, tlu nr.ninmnihllnn. n.n nMir,f C.. ,,n,i...l nf Jfin Hells. I BJ?- Do not believe iiinnera.narkmen, and others who may say "Iho Western Hotel is full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. I IJIfja.U, VVt.UIIL.Bi IM. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend H"l custuinera.that he has purchased his brothers iiieirsi in mu iiunvu RSiauiiHiimriii.iiiiuiuu Lonceril WIIS hereafter be conducted by liimaclfexclusively, ,jk He has just received otfers for sale y. , tho larg- lest anil moat extensive assortment of PANCY STOVES ever introduced into this market. i Ilia stock consists of a complete assortment of lie iicsi itiuiiiuu anil iniiior Moves in inv iii,trM-i, iiiei'iu- rrwItliStovo Fixtures of every Jcsciiption, Oven nml Hox Stoves, Itndiators, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air- Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, &c, &c. Stovepipe, and Tinware constantly on hallil and manufactured to order, All kinds of repairing done, as usiinl, em short notice. Tho patronage of old friends and new riistoineirs re- pectlulty soiiclleil, i. Al. llUfiilir. tieetfullv solicited. Moouuburi, November 3d lECl).tf. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. , , . 'HE iitidcrslgucil would inform tho cltltonsof jriii eivcit anil oilers tor sale one ol tlie; mostoilf ustvn assortments of COtiKIMiaiid PAN'I.V STOVES ever Introduced lato tills market. Tlio Christopher C litnhll.. Initios 11 ul,li ,,,l e!lr,t... rn ,.i,,n,, II, llrul rl.a. cooking Sloves.nll of whieli aio air-tight and gas burner III. I'nrlor .(ei,. r,rt- Im ,lk, nn.l llm ,..,,, l . rleel. AliSO-1'articiilar attention is paid tn Tin-Wan. and House Spouting, upon chort uutice. All kinds of repairing will bu done with neatness and despatch. 'r Country nrodiree taken in exrliaiiL'e for werrk. PHILIP S. MOVER. Ploomkbilrg. .May 10, litfi. i National Hotel. (Late Whito Swan, ACE STREET, AP.OVX THIRD I'lllLAOKLIMIIA GEO. LIGIITOAP, Puoiiuetor. a ituiaibiuit. ' .,,. ,?,. f 7? . ri , l t i n L'ormerltfiom bugle Hotel Lebanon, Pa JOS. IIOUSU.M. CitRK, March i, leill-P.'ni. BELL dt ALLABACH, Proprietors. COHNEU OP THIRD STiy PENESYLVAN1A AV WASHINGTON, D. Ol F. 0. HARRISON , M. D. W70l"'n respectfully Inform thocltlisena of llloo VV burt'.and vicinity, that he coatinueatho practiis of MEI1ICJXE AXD HUltaEHY, nd solicits u share of public patronage. Omen, on .Main Street, first houio below the Court House, iljoe) m.lmtif. PsbrMry 3. HJ.-tf MORE MEN WANTED 1 REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES. LJium: ARRIVAL OP FA i WlNTBft AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IX LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA COVXTY, HAS Jut received from I'liiladelpliia, and la now opening at tho old stand lile'y occupied by Marti It V.n, n splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE which will ba sold cheap lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ilia stnckcnnslits of Ladles Dieia Goods choicest (tylea and latest fuililona Calicos, 4 Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimorcs, Satinets, Cdttonatlos, Kontuoky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Mcdicinos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &0. BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In short ery thing ununtiy kept in a country More. Tlie patronago of old Trienda, and tho public general ly, is respectfully so'icitctl. The hlghcit market price paid for country produce. I'LI'lill KNT. Light Street, April 30, 13CI. UP DE GRAFF'S EYE AMI KAU IiVFIMItAIIY, (On th Bpiarc, Three Doors from Steele's Hotel WILKESBARRE, PA. riMUS INSTUHON is now opened and X furnished In tho most costly stylo. Reception, J'riMiteiind Operating Itooms arc large, convenient and well adapted. Tho riurglcal iipartment contains the fineslcollcctlnii of instruinenta In this country, and thus bis i-icultics will enable hiuitn meet any and all emergencies in practice lie will operate upon all the various forniK of III. IXDNl'.SS, Cataract, Oceluon o( the Pupil, Cross Kyes, Closure of I Im Tear Ducta, In version of the tltcllds, Pterygium, Sec, fcc. And wilt treat nil rornia ot Moris, llyo (irnniileil Lids. OpareticB of tlio Cornea, mid Hcrofulnus diseases of the ITyo to gether with all the diseases to which tlu Uye is wuU led. - I l)l'..rNUS! Will treat alt tlie diseases editmon to tlie urgaii. Discharges from thu I n r, NolseB in the I ur Catarrh, dilticnlty of Dcnfucss even where the Ilium is destruyeil. Will insert an niliflrlnl one answering nearly all tile purposes of ilie natural. UlHUA&llrJ Ol' TIIU 'I IIKUAT. All diseases com., ntnii to the Tlimat and N'ogu will lie treated (!1:m:I!AL riUUOnitV.-lloMill operate upon Club 1 feet. Ilalr l.ip, Cl-n I'ullatc, Tumors, Cancers, Unlar gnd Tenclls, vc I'liutic operations by tn atlhg new llesli Into ileforliied parts, and Ceilerul Surgery of wliatever iharacter it may present, iii,ii,i. t,nr ituri uui;.)- tie win ppri.irm "i.ainua operation for the rudlcal (ciunplete) turn i f Hernia. ' iliis is uii'iuestionably a perfect cure, and is in uc with , little or no puin. Uutolnniny hundred operated upoiliu I 1101011 mere nas ueen no 1. mures, it liavlng mei inu perfert approbation of alluhnhavc siibmiited to It , ARTU'H.'AI. l'.VUS. VVIIIiiifeitiirti(!clal llyea glv io tlicm the motion and esprcshiou uf th': natural. Thoyare iuncrtf il Willi the least pain. l!i:1(Utltll01ll.-, (l'ilcs.J-Tlils troublesome disedso is readily cured, Those eulferiiig fromit willdowil to call. Dr Up Do Oraff visits tVilkes-Darre with n vletvnf building up n permanent Institute for the treatment of the Lye, Uaraml Oeneral Surgery. Tho exporiencn of more than a quarter of a rentuty in Hospital and gener. al practice, he hopes, will be .1 sufficient guarantee tn those who in ny be disposed to employ him. May 11, mi. tr. Lackawnutta & RIooiusburg IRailrond ON AND APTIIIl JAN. l, Ifitl. PAS8UXUUK TRAINS WILL RUN AS I'l'.LI.OWS: tl O V I N U S O U T II. LeaVe Prrarton, " Kingston " ll'onmsburg ' r.upert, " Danville, Arrive at Nort'iumbcrland, JIOVl N (3 Leave Northumberland, " Danville, " itiipert, Cloomsbiir ' Kingston, 130 P. M. 5 35 S.23 8.3.1 11.13 0 33 8.00 A.M. 8.40 O.'ii n.33 1U.1-J P. ,M 1,30 N O It T II Arrive at fccruntoii, 1'rcislit c Passenger leaves Rlonmsburg, 10.15 A.M. P.useiigors taking the Vail Train Soutli connect with tho Lxpress train from Nnrtli'd, arriving nt llarrisburg at '.'.311 A. M., Daltimore 7.00 A. M., and at I'liiladelpliia at 7.110 A M. Tho Mail train from Northumberland leaves immediately after tlio Express train from llar risburg nnd Mattimnre, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 10. 10 P. M, to reach points on this during Hid next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping cars accompany the night trains each way between Northumberland nnd Balti more., mid Northumberland uiiil Philadelphia. II. A. I'ONDA, Hunt. J, C.Wells, ntn'l Ticket Jgcril. Kingston. January 3u. leiil. FRESH ARR IV A L Jail cwi lUintcr e7 fW -EVERYBODY- "f IIP- undersigned, grateful for past patronage, respec I fully informs hlscu.tiimers and thepublicgcncrally that he haajust received from tlio Eastcrno cities, tlie nrgcsl and most select stock of Fall and Winter That lias yet been opened ill Illoomsburg, tn which he invites the attention of Ills friends, and assures them that they am offered for sale at great bargains, Ills btocK computes u largo nssortmcut of GENTLEMEN'S WEAItlNO APPAREL. Consisting ol Pasiiionadle Drl.s Cuts, of everv ilea rriptlon; Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton iijuiiKcrcuiits, , loves, suspcmicr, &c. (old Watches and Jewelry. Of every description, flno and ctiejp N. Il.-Ri'ine.ulier ' Lowtnbcro't t Lowtnbcrg't Cheap Emporium.' lAilllllOK UUIIllS. DAVID LOWENllEftn Illoomsburg, April 10, If 01. (June.lfSI ) ew Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE undcraigned would inform their friends nnd tlio public generall y.thut they have taken the stand for meily ; occupied by (ieo. Al. nogenbiich, iutho Eiclningo 11. Hiding, on Main street, In llloonuburi', where lie has Just received u full supply of J)l-iiM, iTSt diciiics, Saii. Is, Oils, Bjilllllaw. AL-i' Wl'ith ''old on moderate term-for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, aortand Pliyslcians' prescrlitloi!a caicfully compounded, ut ,iiii'-i , in .rn suiiri notice. r-...r... , , ... .... , . y itt ii.'iiv. y ji iuu uesi seiecuona, anu ffoua Water iu season. , w .i.u, i, U, tuu puuiic cusiuui is rcspetliuuy su icltcd, EVER U .MOYEIl. llloomshurc, April II, ISM. JOHNO. YEAGElt" MANt PACrUllEIHI.WHOl'E3ALIJ DEADER IN HATb, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNE TsS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWEHS, No. 257 North Third Street, PhhVd. Nov tID, ISO'.' mvF mimm mm THOMAS BROWN, Rarber. ULOOMHIIUlta, COLL IUIA CO., I'A. Shop In Oourt IIibj.o Alloy, lulow Dmtirat Oiuea, Vovemksrfl', IMS', Keep Your Eye ON THIS PLACE. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. Tl AH enlarged and grcntly Improved hla store flnn'm J I and stocked It w llh n largo and superior Stm K of BI'ltINO and HUMMIIIl OOOI1S. w bkli will bo sold a low as al any other establishment In the roinlry. Calicos at 10,' 18, 20 ami 23 (fail's. Muslins, lileachcd and Union at 25, 28, up to 48 cents. Iinnsfl (100DS of every sfcado, quality find price ! a full Hun of nniuustln (lomla, VU i Chccka, Stripes, Ticks, Llnnen nnd Cotton Table Diaper, Bingham", Nankeens, A.c , Ac, A fjoud supply of I. adlcs Slioca nud (Jalturs New stock of Hats nu,l Capa. All U'ool Ingrain niitl CoKngn ( nriicls, a splendid article Just opened and for sale, A frcslttupply nf Groceries and Spices, a now lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARIO. M ACKL'RAL by tho nuarter, half and wholo barrel Noa. I and '2, medium and lingo. Alan, a large and splendid assortment uf Hew deslg-n. Also, a now lot of TUUNKtJ and Oil Cloth Satchels. Having bought these, goods before tho Into rite, I am rreparedtn aell low,cbcnr as thu cheapest for tasli or country produce. . wi: BTiinv to m.kasu. llloomsbitrg, .May li, ISOI. Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO HATS, 1P8 AND SIBK, ri IIH undersigned having liuiiglit out tho Orocery o I Ijavid Stroun, lias renmvi d hia lint and Cap Flore up io ciroup s oki aiann, w n re in nuiiiuoii 10 a aupu rlor assortment of ,, FALL ANDJVrNTEll Uns and Caps, liif C0NPECTI0NA1MES, CRACKERS, Molasfos, " Sucar, ColVee, Teas, Tobacco SnufF, Cigars. Spices, Drii'd Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugi, Parlor arid Hand Lamps, Books, "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware and Cednrwurr, P'ckci Knives, Com lit, ij-c, tj-c, ij-e , Together with a variety uf uiliclea generally kept in a Smro. Also-A fine Kit of U1IW, MOROi F'.OSand Lixins to u hich he invites the at ention of Shoemakers and the public. joii.v k oiirroN. Dloomsburg, Dec. 5, ig(,3 . miderslgi,viris nrsn exteaxivejy erlgcgej tn thr ! J Un,hrtakic Biittt, and kcepsc'oiistaully nn hand ud for sale at hia Warerooms, a largo assortment u( FINISHED 222) 'OFEINS, Ily which he is enabled tn fill orders on presentation also Keepa a good Horse and Hoarse, and will at al times be ready tu attend 1'uneruls. SIMON C. SII1VE.'rg, January 21), 1F50 TI15J NEW CIlOt'EIiV STORE. MORE FRKSII COODS. .liitt cceivid at Erusini.s' New Store. Molasses, ugars, Teas Coffeo, Rice, Spires, AN J) CAjVSa laTs Fish, Suit, Tobacco, Srgars, Candior, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions and etcete las, ton nuuierniis tn iue,ioil. 0.7" Duller, Eggs, Me it and proelute generally taken i I exchange fur goods, A. H, ERASMUS. Iliooinsbur May!), letM. THE CHEAT WORLD'S PAIR EXHIBITION HELD IN LONDON li-Jl. TIIOS. W. MATTSON Was awarded tho Prize Mod- jc'V"tS?v'J:xWi nl for his superiority over all KV&Q'-rii&i cunpetitions iu tho United ll State, for bis Improvements pftp'jJp' He being tlio Inventor and WZ&rf$f$S Manufacturer of Ela-tic steel "- Awh "m.V&" Spring solid Solo Leallierniid solid Riveted Iron Tratno 1 ravel iug Trunks, Vall.ea, Lad'ea Hat Cases, t'arpet Rags. Leather llacs, Umbrellas and Hobby Horses, toys' t.ijs, Propellers, Whoelberfows, Kc, which he is prepared to sell ut the lowest manufacturing price, Tlie niiisU'Xtcnsive Trunk and Carpet Hug Manufactur er in Philadelphia. 41). MAKKLT STREET, one dnnr nbevo Fourth, .a . . Soutli side, PHILADELPHIA, KTSnles room on the (list Hour. K7Trunks neaily repaired or exchanged fur new ones. Cull nnd see. as tie aell very cheap fnf ca.h. Mv, H, ltl',3 I'.'nio A. C. PAUL. A. H. TIIOMI-SON. PAUL & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE JgffggS DEALERS IN No. 43 Noilh ll'httrvcs, PHILADELPHIA. tC7- II U TT E ft, "i: II EES K, 11 A M S, ic c. a Nov. II IH's'l-15mu ESP YM HOTEL. M'lli: undersigned, having taken Iho Espy Hotel, , f . l""J;.l,''"l,uJ, JIr- 1: ll"will, would ru.iifiil'iilly i ,, iiicioi. iino ine punnc in general, that nn pains w ill bo ap-ired for Hie .tl.faclnry eutertainuiciit of all whotuaylavurliiai with their cuiioiu. Eepy, April'.MfUl, I PHILADELPHIA. PA. "pvlieaao of tli eNervcus. Sci.iinal, Urinary ahdS. -a- ual Syatein.-notv and r I la 1,1 o treaiiuent-in re. ports of iho IIOWAltD ASStiflATlON-.vnt ," In sealed letter envelop,, free nf charge. A.tdresa llr J.SKILLINO IIOUOIlWv HntvJ tdA '"' XT.M-r,,,,,n,,ic,,',,", TP. HOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED A pure and powerful Tonir, corrective and nltcratlte of wonderful clllcacy In illroaso of tho STOMACH, LIVBIt AND COIVELS. Circs Dyspepsia, Liver rntnplnlnt, Heails.cho, fJenora Debility, Nervousness, Iliiiresslnn ofr'pltlis, Con tlpatlort, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Crampa and &pnsms, and all 1 nmptulni, of either Sex, arising from lloilily Weiikneaa whether inherent In the system or produced by special c.iuscs. NVrinm that Is not wholesome, genial, Mid restora tive In lis nature rulers into the composition of 1103 TLTTini'S tmiMACII MTTIIIIS. This popular pre paratloii cttntAins no inieeml of nny kind, nodcadl botanical element ! nn fiery eXcllant i but It la a coinby mi ion nfllnn extrarts of r.irc lialsamlc lu rba ahd plants with tho purest and mildest of all diffusive slim ulents. It is well tn he forearmed against ill. ease, and, so far na tkc human system can he protected by human means against maladies engendered by nn unwholesome at niosphero. Impure water nud other external causes, lioai TlTKlrd lllrruatt may bo relied on as a safe guard. In disUlrts Infested witft rtw Urijignc, it lias been found infallible as n preventive and Irresistible as a remedy nnd tliotis.itiiN Who resort to it under nppre. hension of aniittack, e9cap Ike sensrge ; and thousand ho neglect tn avail lltoeiselvea of lis pViileclive pia1 itiesin ndvamc, are cured by a very brief rniiric n this marvelous niedlclno. I'ov r and Ague patients, nller being palid with quinine for months in vain, un til lalrly saluratcil with that I'augoroim alkii'oid, arn not uufri qiiently restored to lieulth within H few days by tlie use "f IIUTi'.TTI lfri IHTTLIIH. 'I ho w e ak stomach Is rapid'' Invigorated and the ap petite restored I y this ftgiebiblo Trnle, and hencn it wnrks wonders in eases of Dispepsla and in less con- i Uniinil forms nf Indigestion. Acting as n gentle and iiaiuie.s apperient, as well as upor the liver, It nln lin-ii',:.'.ly n lleves tho Constipation superinduced by Irreeuta nclion of the digestiVo nml secretive organ's. Pel son,, of feeulc habit li.ibli! .V.rrous JUiotka, Iaw ntn ot -luritsaud Ftte r l.tingitftr, tlnd prompt and peruiau, ut relief from Din Hitters, Tho testimony un , this point i ino.t conclusive, ami from hotn si X'.'s Theasony uf llillius Colic is immediately ns-u.igcd by a single ilo.o of tlie si umlaut, nml by ncr.isioually , ii-s"iitiii$ iu it, hi,: iciurii ill me eoffepinin. may eo pre- As a ceneral Tnn'c. IIOSri.TTntl S I1ITTP. 13 urn. iluciiefl'ei Is wlilrh until Bo oiperieiirod or w Itnessi'il before tliey can he luliy app'ei-lr.letl. Iu r.vr-a of Con stitullottal W',al:ne-s, premature deeayaml drbliltyaiiil ilecri'piltnlu atising from old n tr.-. It exet-ie th. el. trie iiilliience Iu (he conv.i e rent stagi-a ol'all diseases It up, rates as a delightful iiivlgorant. When tlie puw. era ol nature nre relaxed, I! operates tn reinforce nnd re-establish lliein. Last, but not M-I. it 'he mils siilu stimuleiit, being manufactured from sound and iuiiocu mis materials, and entire ly free from the acid ilmm-ins present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of tlie dav. No family medii ine ha been sn uiiiveiH.illy, and it may be truly added, dtitrvid'.u popular w illi the jit'.eltl gent pucliuii of the cuuiimlliity, as HOS I'ET'I LIPS IIIITLUS. Preparetl bv UOSTETTER ,v SMITH, pi p'riiiri!(!ti, p. CySold by all DruggiMs, Uuicers uiid Stun keepers eveiywhere. Nenmber-2I, 1 303-1 y. G en u i ne Prepa rations compoi'nd ri.irin extract r.uciii', a p-i. live and sp -illli: )euie-ly for ,I1.m.i s ol tlie bladd.M Kidiiiys, (travel, and w, lliog. 'I Ins ini'Hi.-iiie iiicreasi-K Hi ,uer of ui,;e.tii,n end exi ite the uhiiuhontti iutti lteii-thv nctjnu te wliii li the Wan ry or l ali'areinis iepo.itio,iH. nul all I'liuaturai lliilargeincuiciiis are reduceei, as a, pain ami in. ilaluatlun. -:o:- IIELMIJOLD'B EXTRACT iiUCIIU. l-'or w eakiiess nrlsmg frnm Ilxsessea, li.'Plts nf His .".''"I'm"'- " ,y Vi,i the lollo nig syii'l'limls :w I, any niiiis-jri '.ton ut .ttiilji-?, iiiieiide.1 with 1 Mill J'U&IIH'M HI lVItlll1l. Los of P.ih er lltlicully of UriMthiii'' 'Pro ,,i., I, (hs oi .ifiuury, n t'nK ifrvfs, mirror oi nisense, r.iin luttiiltack 1'liivi rsal Lassitude of the .Musi iilar System, lint Hands, Eruptions on tin- Face, Dryness of the Skin, - li'ii'lung of tlio llodi , Pallid ('inititcunnce. These symptoms, if allowed to go on which Ihi. medicine invariably removes, soon follows InroitNLY, IViiuiy, Ei-ii.h-T'C 1'nr, In one of which thu Patient may requira Who can say that they are not frequently Inlluwvil by those 'Direful Diseases " "INSANITY AM) COXSI'MPTIOV." Many ore awafo of the ciuso nf their sufl'ri ins, li lt none, will confess the records of the Insane A'yluiiis, A ml melancholy deaths h; Consumption beuuiupc w itness to the truth eif the assertion. 'I'll i, I niiLl!tnlin nnrii ftY, rlr.,1 III, nmn,,l. ..., t .,,,,;..,. ,l. .i.l of,,,, ,,. I , I .... ........ ... ... . ,1, ,, ,,,,,, I I I U ' ojate the system. Which llelmliold's i xtratt lliiiliu in variably dues. A trial will convince thu must skeptical !0!- FEMALES FEMALES. In many aiTectmns peculiar tn Females (lie Extract Hiiiliu is une,iialled by any otlu r leinedy, as in t tils rnsis or Rileiilion, Irregulurity painruliicss, eir Sup pression nf Customary i:nni.itioni, ulcerated or s,-lr-rlmus stalo of tho Uterus, Leuchorrhici or Whites, Sterility, nud far all complaints incident to the six, ivllelilerarl.ini' from illdl.rrnl Inn Im,,,,. ,,r . I lion, of 111 the DECLINE Oft CHANGE OP L1PK -!o:- ! Ta,c Ko faliam Mercury, or uapleaainl Medl i-,,3,.-, ,.,,..., , ,nih,.-rous iiiieasL-a lli-ln, hold's ilxtract lluilui and linpruved Itosu Wosli cures secret diaeases in nil their stagca. At little cxpens", t.iuie or no ciiaogo in um. eni inconvenience, an no exposure. 1 It causes a frequent desire nud gives strength to Dri- nato. thereby removing nlintructions, preventing and I curing strictures of Hie Urethra, nlhylng palu nud in. I llimmariun, so trequiint in the class of ilisuases, and ' expelling all pnjsonuus, diseased ami wnrnnut lualtcr. Thousands upon thousands who have been tlie vie thus of quacks, and who h.ivo paid heavy fees to bo cilfed in u short timo, havo found they were deceived uiiii huh iuu -i-uicwi u-is. uy tin. use of "powerful ii.iiii, lei-ius tcui tiiiuu uii in iuu system, in ureas ill un aggravated I'oiin, and perhaps after marriage break OKI I Use IleltnStild's Exlrac; lluchu fur all stflirtimia affil d seajes nt (ho Urinary Organs, w nether existing in Male nul leinalo, Ironi whatever cause originating and numatlerof liotv long Handing, Discuses of tbcsu Organs requires tho aid of n Diur etic, llelinbold's Extract llnclin is thu (ireal Diuretic, nud isce-rl-ilii to hate desired etT.ct iu all Discuses fur which it is recummiiudvil. Evidence of the most reliable and feattauslblo char acter will accompany tho medicino. Price $1 per Doltle, or C fin $5. Delivered to ony address, securely packed from olise r yntioii Describe sjiuptoius in all bommunica'ious. Lures guaranteed, udvicu gratia. Address kt'vis tor information to ,. a . ."' UC I'M IIOLD. Caeail,,, ...'!" Sn""' renth-st, below thtstnui, t'Jiila. HEIiMHOLII'S Medieal l.epot, HELMUOLD'S tlruir and Clicmleil irartiome, . 5J' IIroaoivaT, Nivv Yoik. Hewaro of Ceiuninrr.'iis a.,,1 iii,.!.i,.i..i .1..., who endeavor tu dispose "of their own" and ' other" articles 011 tlio reputation attained by Helmbold'a (Jen. umo Preparations, Extract buchu. Extract sirsanar li, Unproved llo.e Wush opufIH, ' ..un. FOR SexLE B Y All Druggists Everywhere. A!-.1'o.1.J!"5alH10Pn',, T'AKP NO OTHER tut out tho dvertiiaiuenund tend for iL tyfa.lhy! ' nTl'ii"m nu upesuio 1 DH. BCHENOK'8 OWN CABE, , . , , WHIM LAiiuitinu """l Tonic, and mandrake Puis acton. the System n curing that dis- I caic, and the GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT I To above l a correct likeness of Dr Pchenek taken ninny years ago, after he had recovered from Consump tion : by n rourso of hla "ift ttirK'a rcLMnntcSvnri'," 'I helikei css, nltlioug it dues 1101 represent him any as he was at thu worst, yet It Is in strong contrast wlthlhehile and igornus lookanf the Portrait ln'lmv, which In tin-true- likeness of liluiat the present time, The contrast between these two por traits Is so great that many would nht believe thin to W tlio same person. Vet thi ro nre hundreds of per sona. In and around Plillail-lphla, who will reeogniso both portraits to bo true rerTesentatlona. When tho ttrsl was taken he weighed 107 pounds i 1 1 the pteaont I'.incAt Wei KlU is Mi) pounds. Nw Vokk, W(dnes,iay. .Marc!) .'irj, I ThlrtV years aco I was iu Hie last staires of Pulmnn or Coiisnnipllou, ami givtn up tu die I resided in Philadelphia and llr, J sepl' Parrlstt, then of tin, clty. on e ed me in Mhrestowii, N J., a distance of nine ndles, which look inn twn days to git there. On ny ur rival I was put to bed, and tlieru laid for many weeks. This w as n,y native place, where all my family lived nn.l hid died of f 'iitisninptiuu. llr. Thiirutuu. whu at li inlcil my father in tin last illness, was railed, and gave nn' e week to tlx up my all, lire. He hail seen all my family gn that way. add tJiunch. I wn tngnlmi. 'I hell I heard nf the reilledii's I lloU litter tn tlie mill. lit, whli II riired me. ll sei'ilied to die HUt I coul, I feel tlli-iii tieiu trating my w hole -t"iu. Tln- soon ripYltcd IM,.' n.aMi r "u my lilngs, and I would spit oll'nioie IKan a pint ot ief naive ellnw u, al ter ee ly miiruiiig As -mm as that hit-ait In Hiili.ide, my l oiiirh. fever piin. niglil snrais -all began In leave ilie, and my nppi lite beci i n great that it was with diniiulty I iniilit keep (nun eating tin miii-li. I mini gained my rtf.eui.-iM and I been growing In f-t, i'-i r shlc, . I'm iliaiiv jears I have ciij.veil iimnter- rllpteil ton. I lletillli. keepiil'.- the liver alol stonuilh ' healiliy w iih the eaiieiil 'I'onle ana Mandrake Pills, as 1 I am of n blllo'l t peranieiit. My w e iu lit is lit n linn ' i dred uiid lteiilt pounds. On ley r iovery pende ttuiild , send fli! me, far ami, to see If th ur were tile nun,'. 1'of this purpose I pay prol.' ti-iu ill th" lulge i ilii's. 'I lie eon uiu-tiy. re tt ish In see-the niie makes il,--e medii Itles eeu I tt'iu tta. en red of otisiimpti'ii, b) lii, 'iu. Tit miike iivtt Idugs is tmpos.i. hie ; hut ravilles in lln liiugi nud ihloliie Hie, rations of 111. Iiliiln llilii-s tan lie i ale, -Mu ll lansare lying hiiiiilt under the o-ninary treallnrni ,,( ptiy.j. ciatir. n ii i jiisl suili an i,iei-il 15 iti pfopi-r ii-e of Sclii'ii, l". Pulmonic Stiuii. Seatticd i'u.iit, ami .Man. .drake Pills. I urn now a Ii nlthy loan, will, a lafgp cat ity in tiie ' midille lobe of Hie i mill lung tlie lott er lube 1 1 ry much h'M'Uli. ',1 and riuiipl la a. Hi ion ot l!i,i pleura. The Ii fi lung i- -.iiiiii.l. and the upper Irbe of the richt lung is in n loli ralily In-all lit dim Iim.ii. 'Ibegnal reason w by h .it lam- Un not i-hr,-1 nu-utiiptinu is tliey try tn d't too nun Ii : thi-y give i In nn-. tn ,inp ihei ough, to sn p chill, to r-l.-p mailt tt-i ats, hectli fen, by n ' I'nnig, Hint ,li tl.e tl liole dige.lit e pntl ers, On t,. I iug up tin- si'i retiini-. nnd .-t enMniij the patient sinks nii.l ilo-s. All -r I a ran lul i x.'imiu.iiin of He pXliei't tttih Hi.-Iti spiroiiiet' r. ami liu.l lung, eii'iich h ft In I lie,-. I air-1 1 Hie pall ut llotv In us., the t ill p.-rL-mei.l lt"iii, , the TaiiM' an;; I'.t-y tt HI all rtnpof tlieir "U n ai i.i'i'l. Niiiiii,- i.iii In; clired ol enii.uiiip. lii M.lit.-r e inp'i'iiii., rat irrh, cnuk. r. ul cerate, I'tlirnai, nil''-.-.-, in,.-In - r an I sliau.ith are; healthy. In New l.'ul'tild tins canker, tlirniile rat.irih" I throat, liuigtilioii of inula, is morepreta , lent llinii lii any tidier seiiion of the country. Tim is irequeiitty i iium',1 by a lotil stomach. Yin nay burn It nut with riiu-lle lime and again, alnl all lli-y Mil get is Ii iiipnriirt n In t Corrael tile tloiuai h ami liver, and liny will lo-al up illem-elvi-a. ' Hood nut iiion is tile reuieiu , Ifjenl have any dis-' 1 ''in, mi) part ol tile hHdv, n tt ill remain there and ' I mm. nml until )iui can gi'lilie stomal Ii iu i Hie condition to digest fund, and leak" new Id nnl to take the il,-ieu of ili.eascd nutter. This is tllu only , way'.u heal entities in ilielungs and ulceraled lirnn ihial tub, s. t oiri it the stomarli ami liver, and nature will ilotlie lualuig.- .Many person hate an idea lhat 1 'certain iin-ilii'inc, are great piinlii-ia of iho blood. , Win n bin ul is nine diseased it cannot be pumied ; it is disi used the same as lliu diseased mailer in the system ; hut get the apparatus iu order, the liver ami stomach, and give it plumy of nourishing fund, it mil make new blood, ninth will take tho plate of lhat w Im h is dii-uscd. ', i SthenekN Pulmonic sjrup is nne of the liet prepa ration, nf lion 111 IIS.', ill.., ntmerfnl ll,. ..I ir . and when the Seatti e l Tunic dissolves Hie mucus in Iho stniu, icli. and it n carried oil'liy the aid uf tho Man. draku i'llls.lhi. Pulmonic Sirup is ni.ide intu blood. i ins is inu ouiy way to cure i iinsuuipiiuu. If 1 ran- nut gel a good nppelllo and fond does not digest. I can- iioiiuri' me paiieni .Never niiiiii ino cough ; remote thetausi-and It will etnp of itsi If, 1 ins is Ihi lun.t troublo I have with my palienls at mv l liey say,"llotlur, 1 feci s.ronger i I ran 'oaf my ntgl't Mteats are bitter, and I feel better evefy way ; but mi cough is so bad jet ;" and they aro asuuiised In hear inu say that does tint matter i remove thu cause ;ind it w ill slop itself. Schenik's Seuwi ed creates h guod , appetite in abuut nine days, when llieie is nn tune dis- I nils,' mil, lh lii'.,r I. ...... .......... .1 ,. . . ttraKii Pills cannot unlock the , Iu, ts e:t the eall blndder .' r- - - ... v., ...... nine tin; aiau- iu tnai siiori.pare ui nine, in nnlu- l" allow tuo stale bile in pess ulf Keep tho liter ana thu slumarli I'ldu-t" nllniv tUo stalo iici'inj lino tuircis less u.iuger ol Cjiisumptioii or any mis less iiaueer Ol Cillsumnl on nrinit' It Is liard to take lulu when llin.o or- gans aro lu aitliy. Thoao that ine Inlinus, low .nlriieii. dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor ap-ietite. nerrous, stiunaui lullor wind, eterjthlug tlial iseat en lies henry loss of memory, try one bottle of SC MCK'3 SIJAWECD TONIC, an,r one box Vt S HUN. K'S MANDRAKE PI U.S. ll is only cost of erne dulUr and tweiily.ilvo cents, w 1 1 tl full directions. Ibis Is BUIhcietit, In ii'aiij crises, tu sati.fy what the uiediiine. are. Frequuitly ouu buttle makes 11 great change 111 th' system, Any person that enjoys ordina ry health, by Using tlio Seaweed Tome anil Mandrake Pills ocia.ioinlly, must get the dlgestivu organs in such 11 hcullhy condition thai they become Meshy. 1 J, !" 11 ' ' 1 r' I. it ng M ireu cures I have .iiado in o...f. .'..J 1 .. ' '.' "d vtisli any P rVt is Mrs ' riot, , , , , 1, ,"v"",V"l """" street. il, r I u.b n ,i , Z e I n ., " '" X0, ,U' ""u'1."' 11,01,1 .1,,.. , ,, i ,. 1.1. .' ., '". ",) '""in. ... lini d ttreit, and wished 1110 to call and see her. lie said 1 roiil.l do no good : thai he ba,tn n, , .,..!, eal attendance, anil all said shu was Ion far gone v illi Corfsuuiptiou to ho cured ; but she had heard of some lr. a"., I.. - h! f '.'n, 1. 1.'"11"-''1;'""11'","1!'1"1'' ''"! eonllneil to her will! ot h I fi X!,'f."(, '""'"'owl cuiisuinplion, uutl lungs, fuuud both tubts very iiiuclwi'li'eeli'y but un cavities had formed, her cough nas very severe.' the apil.bul was Half full oflhickpil,. i'ulso ltd. leg,' atto en very much; and , umi ul) ,, ,, dlr. ,uJ, !','Wi': ,l.ll,,r ,,UV "" 'li'M'U limes i , . .' '? 'Tr '!1' '!"' loiutai'iiough to bo cured but lhat this diarrluea had been lung Handing, ami ,,r etoiuachwa, in suili an ulcerated eouilition that I was afraid nothing coulil be doao. Sho nisisled 1 .lioulil trv 11m 1 11 tt o. 1 r,,i.i r... 1 ... , would not last long in ho c'onditoii' tliu was "iui nnu 1 couiil not make her any worse. I gave her dm udoscot my Mandrake Pills, and the tonic and Syrun tree v. 'I nil tun.. .... 'p...... .. ' . : 1 ,,' .'j. un i,j-mi, nest nunuay the iliarihuiavvas cnrrieil oil', hcrappetito had returned and Hie ruuld sit up in heilnndeat herdlunir. shots nuty well, and gave mo a lung certificate, certified 10 by the ltt.v. Dr. Dntvling. MrB,llurilioliiui:iv,b3 West Porty.nnii street, camo ... ... j , , ""n u iniiiur on ner titer, sua was low " I'1 rh." ' l' "s"? co'"1''1' I'owtl. co.tivc, ilu oppeilte, and fast sinking into tho grnvu. The said uuior had been runairg over fuurleen yenra, leave her Syrup, Tonic and Pills, and told her Iu lake them Justus tliu tiircciiona were irlnted. SI10 came back tu J-r""iiis. jji.nuu tireetin two weeks, sumotvhut better j her tonguo had begun tn clean a little 11 run ml tho edges, her akin whiter and her ojes brighter, and tho tumor eliscuirglng very offensiv" matter, much taster Ihnn It h id ever ilnne before. She kept gradit. nny improving, ami In about two months sho cuine to .my rooms very much frightened, saving tlialthti tumor hud nearly slopped runuliie, and wna henllug up. nud that every docior rrad told her that if it over healed It would cauao her death. I told her lhat tho dlscaso hud ail if ri her ay.tem. and nature would heal Ilia ulcer up. Jney uro now healed, and havo boon for abuut ayear, ;n-j .t'10 ' 4 '-erty aoel tcJjust aj wqrajjTiaf 5WU ivill ftntlln, a rfa). tv-sin, jo, ,0Y, to rail on tier, nml taKCs rrcai tiama to v a t onv nn. it...... henra has ntillhllig Ilka her enae. nn.l 1.1.-. " lliein tocoine and sen me. Tho nr-it caao la ,MI, Jin , flo Id, from Stanford. Conn. Mr, llnrlholnmcw got hi. down to sen me, onil sho has bcn ever slue, ,,1 n,ir4. emaciated with a ilistroaslnffrnSiil ,...n, . ....... tnonis, ana witiionoinSaif,irtnnnniitha other lung so.ounf , S!mSv,lS KnnV-ee,! H'olilc. and Mandrakn I'm. mi .......... f '"P. right to W. k, ftie lung la nil healed over. leVUi.?Au cavity qa largo na a goosn egg ! gond appetite, fl,,!. spuna, nnu itus naiiieii jinjiio imrtlfTivo iioumli i .u.l.l I fllml,, .nuts .s,ipi --..I .A. I... . M,R U JiWi 1 del nn not t thoyld think think will leavu for beloro Jiine, wemldlie of crcot interest to snmi, unitrr.i,p'.... clclan tn Visit ILfrii .cases, panlf ufarly Mltn ScntleM or any oithoinwho'invo been cured l,v mv .r..ii.i... ' I hey aio nuinernii. In New York; but the above ti re, all differ from each other i nml tfmy tuedlrlnea are t. I,, ,vl,nl I ,nn., -m .1 -I...., . lrt ere".!!! and tho r tWeted 1 i,iv 1 . W". ", bocurod. si , Wi: "SV' Dr. J II. Fcbenck ranhe roiimtni til. i,ri, i No. 39 North tlh Street, fhllndclplila, every Stu,jar' froniS A. M uhtil .IP. M tn tivo advice, freo It charge! but nir n Ihniniigh examination ho tharte. three dedlnra Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and s, weed Tonic each i 8183 per bmtle, or 8 tho half do,,,, Mandrake Pills Meenta per box, anil fur ttlo bv sti Druggists and Dcnlcrs. ' ' Juno II, 1-0I.-I v. TO ALL INVALIDS; IRON IN THE BLOOD. It Is well known tiilhc tneillcnl professlnii Ih-t H'lvv i tlie Vital PrlnciHleor Life i:ieineil vt tlu l,,, This Is derived froin the fund we eat: h.iiiftba food l not pn perly digested, orifl'riiin Miycausn nhat ever, the nceon.iry quantity tf iron Is not taken Inn lliu circulation, or h couiea reduced, the ivlinlc system sutfera. Tlio bad 'iloo.l n III irritate i heart, will clog up tin- lungs, will obstruct tin- If v. in' will ,,-,) its disease-iiroiliiclng eli nieiits iu all p -isi.nii,, trm, nml every mm wlli suller In wh.itaver oigan mar be preill.posed In disease. Th: great valuu of IRON AS A itltiiliriMi Is well kniiMit and arkniiwledgcil by all niedu rl ins a Tlie dilliiultj Ins been to obtain siieli a pre paralii n n It as will enter the circulation nnd assimilate at ones Willi Un Itlooil, Tli is point, snyi lr. Ilajes, Massaeh iiselts State Chemist, lias hecu attained in the Peruti an Syrup, by combination In a way b,-rore unknown. THE I'ElilVlltV mivv Is .1 Protected olutlii of llm Protoxide of Lop a Vis Discovery in .Mi dlrlne lhat strikes at the Root iifllii case by supplying thu Mood with its Vital Prinilplo -r l.lfu Lleiitnt Iriui. THE I'EARCVIY SYHUi' Curca Dvspepjla, l.fver Ciiniplaiiit, Dropsy Petci tnf Ague, Loss o( i;ner)By. Luw Spirit". THE PER UI'IA . S YR UP Infuses slrenilh.tivor and new life iutntliu ayrteiu.ans build, up mi Iron Coiistitutiiui, THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures t hrotiic Didrr ira. Sen.ful Iloils, Scurry. I,.,' nf Cor.stitiil'oual Vigor. THE IERUVIA. SYRUR Cures N'fiVKiia AlPctioii". Female Cniuplalnts, and n. diseases of the Kidney, and liladdur THE PE R Ul 7,1 Ar S I'll UP Is a specific forall dis'ii-es nrlgliiniitig in a bad mis , ol tile S.isti " , "i .iioni1,.iiiii.i, u, uiiii,, i.rii ..i,w ,ni I amphli-lsroniaiiiin of cures ami rcem "' lalious fio,n ..un! of tlie most . mini , it Thru, baa i lei)ii,ei and others, u ill l a.-ni (! tnun) mlilr... sl, it n tew nt the name, tn shwths nh.mrt.r of Ihc li sti.iionals. JOHN P. WILLIAMS, UKU , I residont ol Hi' Mitropniiuii Hank, ,s,it Rev. VIII. I, ST, VKS. Lite Editor I'misl.tiu A",lv, m,. and JusrasL Rev, P CHI ItCil, Editor New York Chronlrl Itev John Pii-rnoiit w is Jidiiiann. tl tl. llei WarC'-o I iirtmi, Kev r rlliur i! Puller, lire tiiirilnn K, ,I,,im. Ri- S Ivanus i . ite . 'I'. Starr King. Itev phr.tlni Note, Jr Id v Jii.i-ph II riini li, It' V. lieu,) I ,l.,lil, 11' V I' 1 IIi-iimI, y. Rllswell Kllli'- M ll S K Keoillilf it l! t III. holm, M i t rail, I- ri M li J, feuilnll St II. It lilir u'.u Sinelie. M If Ml! .Iiaio i inlell I. A A lliu,.. X II J II ui'loll. VI ll. Iti-V John V tlioie.l f,l II. I . K , M t Prepare, i by N I. I'l. l,'l v I 1 1 1 xi t It f.r J. P. I ItS.MUlii;. .No ..l l.oaott.ty Nett J.,t,. So d by all I : No Painil) Spun!,! lie Vt'i'iinut It, t)iily'J3icula am I. I' llfftstiiiiil; V.. 4.U'.., Vctv Vnrk S IV PUWI.I; CD No. '- Treluolll -Si ll,'.l,.n Anil by i'l llruugiils and Country StrueT-i i ine May II. lint IJni. to Tim ijAm&hi i BOTH MAHRLED AND SIM5LU. Oldest Regulator for U'tmalea. 1)11. CI1EESEM AN S i'EM LE PILLS 1 W'" immediately relieve, without pain, all distuihs.ii 1 t'''1 "' "l0 l"'ri"ilie i'isili,i.Ti win Hi r arilug from rs I luxation or suppression. '1 hey at like a cli.irio in re """ 111 - pains in.ii arcouip.ii yuiuieuii or iiuiunuei ate menstruation, ami are the ' aly satu and relialds remedy for Fluilies, Sick Head he, Pains in thu Loin., Hack and Sides, Palpi ation uf tin' Heart, Nervous li mors, lljbleiiea, Spasms, llrnk u Sleep, ami other un pleasant and dangerous ollecls of an unnatural coudi nun iiftlit sexual fuuriiuns. In too wor.t cases uf Pltior Alfms, or Whiles, they elH.ti n speedy rare. DR. CIIEESKMA.N'S PE-IIALL PILLS. Have been itaed over a Quarter of n Centur. . T.'i" aro offered as the only safe iiieana or renewing Inter" rupted incnstiuntion, hut La lies u ist bear in min i f that, tln'ro is one condition nf thu 'Vinalu system I u"Rh tho Pills cannot he taken withuut pruJurliig a peculiar remit 'i no i omnium refen ."I tn is I'ri'guaus; ; 1,-siiii. ,11 e.ieriaKf. ruin is .ue I rresi.-iior n-ii 'lenry i.ftlic inedicliii! tn resture til lexu il fiinrti.ns I" " niirmal cnnitiiinu. Il1.1t even the 1 -' i luctiv put. tn a normal conilitiim. that eteu lin l'r nature! cannot resist it. They dohnimla er nfuaiuru cannot resist it. They any either way. DR. 1,'LI'l'SKMAN'S FHMALi. Are the only .Medicine that - arrled a--hate relied upon fur many years, or i llewnre of Imilatimis ! Taesi, 1'ille Preparallun oxer put I'nrttrid, wiin "-I.S ugle Liidl-r1 npnii iiutv . i the Fines! iiiiuetliate sad Persistent success. DON'T HE 111 IVEII Tski this udvi'itiseiiienl tu your Druggist, a, id tell las lit t lint ' you want the best and ninl relniblu Peiual,! .Meduiai ' 111 the w orld. w huh is comprised 111 lilt. CHEES.MAN'S FEMALE PILI-f'" I ..T'y'Si' reccing the .... ' EXPLICIT D1RECI IONS with each lliu. - the prim 1 One llellar per Hnx, containing frnui .iu to Ul P,t.. " ''' ""1' proitiplly. by rcunttiiig the purr f." ' Proprietors, or an eiulhorrsed Agcftt, Iu curraa ' iui us. pii u oy iirogis!s generally, I lll'THlNliS i. HILLYER "l 1 ,''f'u" J,'!' ' Proiirietiirs. SI Cedar Street. New York C7 Hold in Illoomsburg, by Eyer & Moyrr, and f! t Lull. Feb. 87, It'lil. ly ti'.iUaS'TLv.7 'J'es, 11 "ll sill''' makes of locks r 1 utl to any mad in the 1'nltcel Htatoe. Five iiafet 111 ana Jfrv, .'111 rami tut rlgt icitA eee I'"' '" g"'d """"'"0" The Salamander Safes of I'liiladelpliia ngaimt lb world. EVANS & WATSON, iinvn hajl the surest 'lemnblratioii 111 tho following rn liflrato Unit their manufacture nf Salamander Sales hat at p-iiglh fully warranted tho representations vvhithhavs been made uf them as rendering mi undoubted aecurtiy against the terriile clement. Philadelphia April I!. lriC .Veesri Kram ,y ration: (Jentlemeii-lt alforda c tho highest satisfaction to stalo tn you, that oning't Hie very iirotectlvi! qualitii-a of ttvn of the Salamander. Safes which wo purchased of you sniuo five mouth sine, wo saved a largo poitiou of jewelry, and nil our books, &c, exposed tu tho calamiuous, (ire in Haustcad placo os the morning uf tho llth inst.. When wo reflect that these safes vvero located in Hit fourth atory of the building wo occupied and that they fell subsequently intua heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of iho heat caused tliu brass platea to melt, wo cannot hut regard tho preservation of their val liable contents nl mojt convincing proof of the jnat so. curity ull'ordeil by yoer safes. We shall tuko great pleasure in recommending thorn . men of businesa a. a sure rellui. 0 against fire, OEOIKIE W, SIMMONS fc URO, JticctUrt J"7Toyvincopfltctiied alijrge Nf. V nti& IBje C '-- EVANS A WATSON- '.''i'""''"'' HALAMANDER SAFES, Kl"- :&thj?ScT$i$$,Mrc,l Philadelphia, have on .'&v,iVStf!fti-7it "11' ' 't'o nssortuient of Pirn i4fl'TS?K's'45rjt ' roof Salamander Safs- iMt3fK!if '"" 1 iloors, for banks ami