Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 12, 1864, Image 2
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. " OariOonftltnficn Uar.l It evert Onr elorlpua Unionhold It dear ! Our Blarrr Xlac fortnks It never! The proud Caucusalan our only ji,or! EDITED BY LEVI I,. TATE, PEOPEIETOtl. BLOOMSBURG: Saturday Morning, Nov.l2,18G4. the world, which Ins retained it organ-iM-TOrepi3CT-j igxjggggjraica Nation cotnp.ict, its spirit intrepid, its pa The Rcnult of the Election, itrintbtn umkfilctl, mid in a contest Tho Presidential Election has been eon- ajfaliiht an administration mil eluded, and there is very little doubt that ll01is l,aiy employing one third of the .Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson,! "ctivu !l tr' of tho wuolo population, respectively, bavo been chosen to fill the i nud directing the interested energies of a offices of Prcsidont and Vice President. j m7 of "tipondiarieg scattered It Las thus been decided that the nation 1 through every city, town, and village in is to enjoy four years moro of Mr- Liu - coin's rule, and an amplification of nil the "benefits ami blessings" which an Abolt tion Administration has shown itself so1 well qualilicd and disposed to shower up- on a happy and grateful people. In Pennsylvania, tho contest is so closo, that the official returns alone, can decide tho result. New York gives her electoral to Mo XJlcllan by some 3000 majority. Uov. Seymour is re-elected, tho Republican candidate, Mr. Fcnton, running far bulow Lis ticket. To the Political Preachers. uTho itch for'news.whieh generally argues a worldly, ehallow, or unsettled mind, is , wonderfully prevalent j even ministers of the Gospel, negligent of their sacred fuuo- tion, aro.becoiuc in this sense Athenians ; bo that the book of God ia neither read nor studied with half the avidity and spirit as a newspaper. These persons, forgetful not only of their calling, but of the very spirit of the Gospel, rea'd tho ac count of a battle with the most violent emotions; and, provided tho victory falls on their favorits tido, they exult and triumph in proportion to the number ol thousands that have been tlain I It is mi wonder if such become political presehers, and their sermons become no better than husks for swino. To such tbo hungry sheep look up and aro not fed. God iiTr such MISERABLE AtIIE.NIANS,AND DIItECT TflEM TO A MORE SUITABLE EMPLOYMENT I" Comment of Dr. Atam Clarke on Acts, , XIII. 21. v Fort Mifflin Prisoners. A letter Fort Mifflin, just received, says: " Wo arc back to Old Fort Mifflin . again. Tho evening we came here John Ranfz, was a very sick man, hut is now soma better. I an nearly deaf, being in this damp cell, and will soon bo totally ,bo, If I dontget out. Abraham Kline is very 6ick with diarr hea. Joseph Vansicle, is insane-totally lost bis reason. George llarliman is so crippled with rheumatism, ho canoaiouly get about. Tho cell at this time is drip piog with water from the arch over us,and even tho sides arc all wet. Tho soundest ' man living could not remain in bore with-! out becoming injured in health, much lea weakly old men, as many of us are ui. , HVf! flnnn nnl h nn I. i 1 lu vu awn piIDgn. ment- si ic ' o. iv. j Another Released Prisoner. Nr. Emas .Jii.ias J. McIIekrv, of the citizens of fish- - n -i i 7 1,10 other ,0 Pul1 har'UTl IIe 9aid "'' fa" ' Wm' Turnor iind his wifo' of New i ingcreek township, Columbia coantv -1 . UJ0"",'C p"ly, J'1"1 10 1 " acuaS of t er had been thoro two hours before- ' Pulls, New York, went to find some hick , . ,. - ' , its noble stiydard bearer, who has well do- .i . .i , . i i L i i i n 1 who was illegally arrested by Lincoln's! ,d , ( t - that there was no uso of my denying tt. I ory nuts one day last week, locking their j military satraps, with over 40 others .upon i Zl sZdC ThnlJZTZl lie .had bD ,,hcrQ- rope ws ( three ehildren up in ho house, When they' tho aist of ast August, was on at , . o 1 " 1 -1, Tuesday dscharced from Prison at liar-1 - w . rismirg,ana on Wednesday returned to - - uji mi mv, mvmi 1JU..CI ui a uruut party, bis Itomo at btill Viator. Somo 8 or 10 wbieb, though not in possession of tho gov more of theso much injured and innocent crnmcnt, can yet exert a weighty influence men are held in confinement aV Harris. upon llie public opinion uf the country, bnrgion tho pretence of undergoing a trial, There ean bo r,o doubt that a vast and aud some 15. more of Ihe.u arc yet incar-' prepondering majority of the people of the ceratcd in tbo dungeon at Fort Mifflin. North arc against the- acknowledgement of Mr. Mcnenry, was imprisoned over 70 the Southern t'onfedraey in any possible days, and says he was told, whcn released, event. The Democratic party, though out that thoy had nothing againtt him I 0f office, is potential to prevent a popular 7Ae Jl'estern Chronicle. Messrs. Charles M. Vandgr' lice & BncTiinn, P)o a"ayod against thai d irgi acefnl cat Sons of Thos. J, Vanderslicc of this Couu-1 a,,rnPllt!' ty, bavo sentu; the first number or a well-' We aro-fulIjf PCMU,Jl,i ,t,0 'hat the ,..;n,,i n, . , , , Demooratio patty can aloiio restore tho printed and ably-conduotcd Democratic Union. It is thie convict.oa which has lent news-paper, published by them at Three vigor to its arm, which has li.ed its loyal Rivera, Michigan, entitled the "Westek.v hcait. But appalling as is the thought CnnosicLn." Mr. C. M. Vandeislice tbi ot a UPW leass ol Rpublioan admin- Senior Editor learned tho Art of printinc' i4tra,.ou'. ,CVCD 'ern,b!e "Itorimtiro tn -r .t un i 17 n ,. "prelorublo to the abandonment of the in the office of tho "Columbia Democrat;' ( Uuiou. !t is lUodllty of lhU gL.nfir,lli(m t0 and wo arc happy to ?ay, thatho is a good i oacrfico itself for tho future welfare of the practical printer and a worthy young gen-j couutry. tlcmnn. Viro wish tho Western Chroniolo,; Jf within tho next four years tho Demo and its young democratic Editors liberal 1 cr!ltl3 Parl' utiun Mr. Lincoln io make lupport and great success' j a, Pc(l? with tb? Son,,tt rccogntzing its in- dependance, then tho Unioii is "clean ' j gouo forever." Southern independance WB bavo shown how Ceneral Wallace! ooco won and acknowledge, tho pride of manages to suppress Deioocratio papers success, tho sentiment of natonaliiy, will in Maryland., Tho federal offioeri i- 1 ' (I ,Lem 10 relinquish il, and tho Dcm- Virginia haye improved upon hi practice. ocr,atlt!. &n ?0,n,D, ,iu! P0ffe"at rr... , . , c , , ; end ol hu term, would be oompelled to They have seized upon Mr. Snowdcn, cd-, ftbil!o hy oiifingeiiienH bj whiah the nati-r itor of tho Alexandria Gazette, and put j oual honor would have been bound, bim upon tho railroad train, exposed to' In the ooinciug-period of groat civil con tho firp of guerrillas. Of eotirs, wbilo holsion the policy of the oountry will iu v ,, - ,h. h oa , "SSiffS: b paper, whioh is discontinued. Such' essential point of tho Union, it is the dut) is tho party t'f freedom. of (hp country not to be dominated bj oyents, hut to mako events tend to the fu- 8S- Ihulh of an Editor. Hem. Sam- f ,uro greatness of the republic. The mi.' del Medarv, Editor of the "CWiiV died tioD a.ui1 tho 8acred ditty of the Dem ... t. r t ir omtio party is to keep tho public mind on Monday last, at Columbus, Ohio. He steady t tbia poar s,0rr, ai0'uo TUJbo iu was o Patriot, Christian and Democrat. jtbe blaokness of tha night now closing iu Gov. Mfriory- wm about 60 yr of ago. 'about us. THE ELECTION. Never was fouclit n tnoro callaul fight ftliantho lojal and truo hearted Domocraoy o? tho North linis-hcd on Tuesday ts tho tun wont down on Ibc Pacific seas. An almost IiopclcM fight I nun tho begitiittg, it ; lias brcu inch by inch contested stubbornly to the bitter etfd. A party which surviv 'cd (ho diifcclion of it- adherence in boarly I hall' of the stiites.which for four yt'rra has resisted i ho assault and the seductions of power such as has not becu wielded by 'any single government since Home ruled 1 tho land, in tho struggle to perpetuate its hold on power a party which ha9 yet put the administration in mich extreme peril ttnJ eolioitmlo for the tenure of its power tunt 'l Mas created a stato to got three Imoro votes, and has preparrd the way for lno reception of votes from tho rebel states luoh a party is imperishable. Four years honco it will be invincible May Gon, in his infinite goodness, grant (bat it shall not then havo survived the republic which to-day it cannot save, and guard, and guido to Unity and Poaco. Every prudent and sagacious business man in the management of his affairs will to day take a new point of dcpaituro' The Dcm lcratio party will be constrained to u similar necessity, and when tho smoke and dust of tho conflict havo pasted away it uill be time enough to consider what its line of action shall be, how its constitu tional opposition to the administration shall bo shaped. But there needs be no delav in eavimr that for tho rust four yearn, as during the past four years, it will vindicate it8 honor and its patriotism aliko. It will never degenerate from constitutional op i position to faction ; it will uphold and ad vocate in opposition what it would enact in administration, with an impartially un shaken bv interest, passion, injustice, ob loquy, failure ; it will fan the embers of civil liberty ; it will hold fast to '-the Un- ion at all hazards" in tho new and most terrible dangers which that union now has to encounter from the incompetency of the 1 rulers ro-oleeted to bo the instruments of'' tho national salvation. History has no record of such a gener ous and'prodveal support of an adminis trillion as has been cx tuned by tho masses of tho Democratic party to Mr. Lincoln, while dissenting at all points from his pol icy, forewarning at every stage the ruin be lias wrougnt, ana bearing a all times incir mil euare oi tne general calamity . .. ii,., , by htm wrought, by him prolonced. J ... , , , , . Wo epcuk for the Deiuooiaiio patty ' t 3 when we say that neither defeat nor tho J v yet unforeseen calamities of another four ' ".u- ... settled I,urpoe of its loyal, devoted, and patriotic members to keep its meaures di- reeled to tho attainment of the uinnt pos- siblo good for the country at every varying stage of public nffairs It is our most serious conviction that tho , ... . . greatest danper now threaten, tho r oount ; ,hat befor(J M Lixcoln's next , tf rm ,iiaji c;Epire ho will havo made a peace recognizing the independence oft he 3.,,i. ,i:.,: xt ... t..i tt . i. ., r faithful to ''the Union at all hazards." It -n -...j . i- - win uu lis uuiv iu ruaisi disunion peace i, n ,i, r . 1 .llljuicaucuvu IU a uimitllliu JJUilCU, ailll Jt will bo its chief mission to keep die oeo Election Arrests. STATEMhNTt. f DAVID LEWIS. I reulo in Sugarloaf toVrnliip, Colum bia county. On Monday bight October tOth, (the night beforo tho election) sol diers came to my hou'c and arrested mo. It was about 11 o'clock and I bad been sotnetimo in bed and asleep, There wero two soldiers at tho bouso. A third ouo! was in the road bating in chargo Eze-' hiel Colo who had been arrested nt his house a tuile distant, and from his bed : as he informed me. I was taken with Colo lo the camp below Benton, oo tho Cdletuan farm, about six miles, arriving thcro shortly after midnight. I was thure 1 put under guard and kept until Wednes day, without any examination or infor- ( (nation as to the causo ol arrest. About one hour after Colo and I arrived in camp, I lint TTi Tfn.nn it'-iCi tii-ntt nil I i n f n I. I rr between land 3 o'clock) and on Tuesday morning Daniol 13. Ilartman, ono of the election board of Benton township, was brought in. Neithcf 1 nor any of tho; any others wero drafted melt. I am 53 years of ago. Tho others aro about tho ealtto age except Ilartman, who is a cripple On Widoosday morning Colo was called up, and 'after 6ome questions asked him, was discharged, I was called up about eleven o'elook ami asked several questions by Capt. Shoit, which I answered. Ho i then consulted with a man named Pealer commonly called "Prclsssor Pealer" for i a fow moments, antl thetl told mo I wai dismissod for the present. Ho ordered . the guard to let rao go, I told him I would havo thanked him kindly if he had called mo up tho day befolo and asked me thoie questions. lie said he could not attend to It. Ilaftmuu had been exam-( incd the day beforo and released. ! Kutao, Cole and myself, wero legal vo- j ter'i amI wo wcro deprived of our votes by J these night arrests and by being kept in custody over election-day. Wo had all, as well as Ilartninn, beerl living openly at our homes for some tnno before. 1 I would have answered all tho questions j CENTRE, 'put to mo by Captain Short at any timely without hoMta'ion, and would have attend-. sd for that purposo at the Camp or any 0Ilier P1400 10 tuo ncigntjoruooa, upon rcaS0'l'W EOtioc. M V LU LiUYVJS. Nov. 7, ieot: Neck-pulling in Jackson. Columbia county, ss : Leonard It. Cole, of Jackson town ship, in said County, being duly sworn according to law, saiih : That he is a snn of Ezek:el J. Cole of said township of Jaokson, and is "eixiceu years "f age. That on Saturday aftoitiCOn Novcmber 5tl tliroo soldicr8 CQme l0hi, t .i i , i i -. a-i , fathers houo and searched it. 1 hoy then , . ., , , , . . went to the barn and deponent started to .i i i . tbo orchard near it to drive out the sheep . .i r 1 1 r c i i?- tri nnntlipr finlil linn nf rltA enMipra 6oppcd hiln and took Lim to the stable in lhp barJi TvTQ of them wcr(J ther0i Th ; said tbe.y would mako mo tell where n,y'11NL' fathsr wftJi " j t0,(1 thom j di(, Mt kDOt7 . R0AKIXG ... ... . Q . w. . . , moantBillf up West Creek gap, to hunt, and told them tho way there' During the uxomiuaiion mey put a rope rounu my nock alul threw it over a mow-nole and ' . I. . . . i drew on it. Ono of thom held tho rope and tho other bad a book to set down what i 1 faid. Tho ono with tho book directed -" puuea until my uceis were urawn on tUe a , t ui- ! i j ., , floor and I was blmdcd and unable to i. m .i i i.n- i .. t, . I "P1-"5' lu3 rauin" 8DU t.nzaneiu ivoo bins approaching, they took off the rope and 1 staggered out of tho stable. Ono' of them had a rnpa with him and they ob tained another piece in the stable and tied the two together to draw' rrib np, I bad answered the questions thoy had asked mo and had not given thum any uncivil language 1 do not know the names of the soldiers in the stablo but would know them up n seeing thom. The third one, was Ephraim i Gentlemen's Kats. Kline of Benton township. Ho was at the , Aii tho lamn .tyi at ciiakl i:s oakfoii'6 u Corn-crib between tho House and Darn; ! aoNs, Ountincntai, rininai-rpha. .EONAltD 11. COLE. ! S&T The pnpuUtion of tho British North 3 worn and Subscribed beforo me, Nov. 7. 1 i : .1 . -.- ,o,., i uv""'u i,u ' American Provttioes that aro uuitiar t lb0,i' JWSB Coi.KMAN, . , . , , r, Prothnnotary, but little short of 3 300,000. The Oath Tho foregoing affidavit, which has bson &lio rcliSion is btild b coDfiidcrnbly more handed us for publication, rpoaks f,r , than two-fiftbs of thojiumber. itS,fI j LadiesFura. , ihc larifp.t asvnnmont at CIIAIIMIB OAKfOKD 4 Ladiea' and Children's Hats. ; aoxa. c-outincntat n.nei. flu i-ad-ipnia. I.ntnat slj'lca at CHARt.US tlAKrOItJ) ic SONS coniinciiui Huti-i, wuiaitoipiiia. Qf A letter from Atlauta, under the ti - - - -- - , date of the Oth ultimo, eaysi "Wo are hav- EST Pisrr.R8os s Ladius' National irjg quccr weatbcr for ,1, ,atill)llo yrs. .Maoazixb,-1Iio November number of ,ord.iy and to-day havi been q.iite cold. th.s excellent magazine has been received, j. )avo ha( a fir0 in , offic0i A, the ,imp It is a valuable number. Its fashion plate , tbo tM.r01M j our ,;oilt arden ar0 iu and instiuo'ioi.s aro fine, Hs rcocipes as fu!, Lloopi nA.iout 8cem ?o niiud it a bit. usual, aro new, noble and useful, and its X wUh j unula eem, J0ll S(1Il)0 of mir flow. literature is instructive and entertaining. crs u it is aiso cmoeuisncu wuu a noo stoei ku graving. Now is the timo to raise your olubs lor 1805, Price 82 a year, or two' copies 83 ; four copies 80, Cbarloi J. , Petersou, No, 300 Uhcstuut St., Pbila-i dolphia. 1 1 Gentlemen's IIat. Alllhii luteal alylca at Cll Altl.US OAKFORD c SO.Va, Continentnl llotfl' I'lilladcliilila. S) Gen. Bragg has been assigned to I -l llf.l. XT , nil KOiuiumiu ut, trilllliugiou, 1110 Charlottsvillo Dhroniole, in announeing this appointment, exclaims "Good bye, Wilmington I" COlllllllbift CO., o Maj. in Columbia Co., ColulflbUl CoHHl'V Pcillla. PRESIDENTIAL , LECTION RETURNS, i HELD NOVEMBER 8, 1804. Nov. 8. Oct. 1 1 President. Congress, . r- TOWNSUII'3. o - . 3 g- n u - P Mi C I . ; A - I ' BEAVER. BENTON. BERWICK BOU 178 110 120 4 20 80 250 50 37 69 03 70j 85! BLOOM.' j BniAIiCIlEEK 208 mo: 204 187 I 07i J 153 10 1 j 123 H lis' i 135 105 1 QATAWISSA. jg 121 177 100 173 145 101 63 23 , PKHINGOKEHK 18-1 02 FRAN KLIN. GREENWOOD. HEMLOCK. JACKSON. 54j 13?j 145' I 48 U7 157 i J33I 17 I ft' 70 1! 00 t IjOCUP. I 'MADIcON j I MAIN. 115 l!)fi 3(i 1 1 j 30 107 03 ' MIFFLIN. 131 170! 33 vrivrnn-r) UKIUUK. 1 MT. PLEASANT, ' . (!!), Oil as 59 i 05 10 27 07 04 io,; 68 io:i' ORANGE. 77 113 j ! SCOTT. icon 127i 128 0 j J2 I crjn i?t OA no 21 I 1 1730, i'l4-lo' 1 1 440 i'l37 MAJoritr?. 5 , returneu mey lounu tuo uouse m asuus ! , . , , . , ,, and their children burned to death. The oldest ehild wa about seven yoats of age. Ladies' Furs. Til rchaacr may rely upon grtiin; t tin beat tafi a'i CHARLES OAKFOKD Si SOSS, Continental Hotel, l'liilailclihia. The printing for the department's of that ol the War especially, is so urgent that tbo numerous presscB of the Government pric ing bureau cannot keep uj with the de mand, aud honco the private priuting cs- ; tablishmets aro employed to assist Ladies' and Children's Hats, utcit iyi.-. at uakfuiiii & hons. coniinentai HoU'i, I'liiiaiii'ipim. T ,11- . , IN somu puns ol Pnm.y!vunia ibera t- now uu extenie inanu icture of tar from t', '-"o'nfpi'eh piue,uiioh Ir s had ill effect of reducing tllO priiJO of HlO Noitll Caroliua tar. Ladies' Furs P,.l,n.... ,.., n,lu ll.n (.. 1.-,... ..1 . u. ....... ... ici, uy..r.k ..... . ui. CHARLES QAKCOItD 4c IfdVS, Continental' Hotel, ciicainut sircci, i'iiiiaiieiihia j- Indemuity for Ui' past pay up. Seeurity for thofuiure -py down, COKltfi&PONUENCIS. 'Tor tho OMMOU DkHOCBiT." Sober noflooSbiM. cot TATn t- Ni'r t tnvtnrr a fnV Ifi.iVrn mnmpnln ' ' , . and the Presidential Eleolion now being nmoDit the events which aro pan, and as '"',.'?: " UIUIIUII ltll.4 IUU oountry too, if ho wero deluatcd at tho Jl 1 ,.t ., i.!. peescnt okction.on this account, beeau 0 next leap year ho would be elected witli- out any trouble. Tho country would then I... tit'n - l,,.:i,l!r, ni-iml lii llin nrnnnil lin u II nu 1 11 IJ l-i luu 1 1.1.. v. ... wt.w g. m....,..w would thrn begin bn adminisliatioii on a . -.1 ....'. ..-.!.. new foundation, build up tho country anew, Like some years ago, when the national bankruptcy law Wis in vogtto, men that I.I.. l . I ... . 1.1.1- were irraooviTBuiy uuui.. u liver un to their creditors nil their nron crty but th.eo hundred dollars, and take ..... -.. il. .1 f a new bi;ni in tiiu H'niu, 1 1 u 1 1 ui huuiii aftcrwaed bceamo men of wealth and af fluence, so with our country, after tho wholo fabric is leveled to tho ground, en- terprize in timo may rebuild tho same. Resides should MrCJlcllan le elected ,tbcro would be thousands of rhoddyitct and Government robbers turned lojso upon tho country, who would Ito like fish out of 1 water, anu Witiioutany means ot support, who would rob and plunder honest inhab- jtants Ibr a living. Thousand, of derks in tho various departments of our govern- mntit mi- nnro Irnvnlinn it,,, ,..... ... - ...V...V w ., .....u.... .ivuuilll, ...lUllblJ, and hivo been for months, drawing their i . . -.1 . e savories wuuuui periormingany scrvicex , . ., , , , .... ccpl to electioneer lor Ab'ohumthe Fir.t. , . , ,, , , , I ale blue over-coats, at the weatnet is be- - ,, i:,ii. , . coming a liltlb cold, are becoming very i- ii i.i , . . .i failuouable, although got up at tho tx- penc of tho Government, are womhyi hundreds ol eiiieens who have never seen a lavs seivic.o iii tho army. Rut tho coals I havo been furnished them by somo frio id ot somn speculator, who sent them home jlby tho wagon load aud sold them or gave (to their Incnus, and undoubtedly many 75 , will before next snrimr cut un their Dr. COalS atlU make pantaloons and, ., i . ,., .1 .i i . ..... ....... , Udau itut uiiuiw niutiiM uu rC U b u UlliC . ill It U V young men aud boys who havo as yet had no opportunity ot public plunder but live ;.. ...:........;... ...An.i: . t, i ,1.1 11UIIU IIULIUIII ILI IIILILVIIIM- nillllll I hfl r i -ft j country) by night aud by day, committing 4a aepreu.iti.iii3, maiioiou. r.cis, robbing fruit trees and last, but not least ill all, would 0 not Mr. Lincoln tr'sat the E octio.i , ! ui though it hid not boon held vnd p-j-, claim hinueli' king '-King Abraham tl 6 2j) 'i'," nil that is wanting i.i tho AMltan power, ilia same power that cnu abduct le- ' '1 gal voIpi-3 from their home., 011 the night before the Election, and keep ihem until after thu Klecticfn closes, could with the to the result no oho knows, but man-V havo Ulcllnn. Mr. l ehx aiurpny, oi -w luait- i. x bo I.rjt ami final -recount of jaiim o tuo result no one hnows., navo strnct cae,l hero last evening and nnnef'r t,f hu..i ot. u, r ui bop.s, after meditating On ho pan, and fhowe(, 10' CIlV(,ll)po nml tho prSn,c, 0ga ""8 ,Ull filril ,..,.. f , , taking a second bohor tbotight, might it not form Whioh he had received from a soldier Fmii!ir,n.u.i:r..i,r;.ii. xunui... u"(f,.nL , lm I.. ....II e-. n I M..n!!l .1.. e-.. .. t.. !.!. V..... Ttnnin- lllll". ltf-t.1lt(.. ' ' r ,u"' 37 ' samo propriety onforeo the proclamation tf j makiug Abraham tho (irst king of a por CO tion of America. Then you seo tho time, IV'lioii liinoil ami carncsiiclulliri. Hit- Krannl, (3(J In (.riuikun. counillng in tkatlu, : vox. 12 i , Tkums or Guduv s L.-.dv-s Dooii roit AG 23,1905. (Prom which there can bo node via'ion.) 1 , rpj10 foj0WjDg aro tj,e lL,r,rj3 0f .ijC i Lady's Book for Ib05. At present, we 1 will receive subrcribcis at tho following 1)185 l730282lM40rJtes. Dim notice will be given if wear. obliged to advance, which will depend up on the prico of paper. One copy, one year . . 53 oi) Two copies, one year.- 5 5u Th'rf.'o copies, one year 7 51) Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to to tha person sending tho club, makiug six copies M 00 Eight copios oncycar,and an extra copy to tho "pen-on .--ond-ing tho club, making 0 copies 21 00 Elcvcu copies ono your, and and an extra copy to the r tr koii sending tho club, making twelve copies 27 50 Additions to any of the above club.-. 2 50 each subscriber Godcy's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent', each one year, on receipt of 81 50. Wo havo no club' with any other Magaziire or Newsraper. The money must all bo sent at one lime lor any Club. Canady hubscribsrs n.ast scuil 21 conts additional for each subscriber Address, L. A. GODEV, N. E. Comur Sixth and Chesluut St. Philadelphia- Tub Suiu'iusu or Kusdav Niuht. The Itielimoiid ISnquier of thp 1st iiit coutaiiis the following dispatch from Gen, giving tho results of the surprise of a part of ur lino on Sunday night last: Headquarters armv Nouiheun Va , O.-tober 2' , 1801 J lion. Jus. A, Seddon, Secretary of Wat : Ocn. Mah'ono penetrated tho tnemy's picket lino la.-t night near Pctorrtl urg, a'nd fewrnt it. fni b'alf n. nrrli aitihirini. twn I,,,,,. . r; ----- "- Q...V.MUU- died anil ilnrty oCacers nnd raou. without i 1 . r m i . , 1 he loss of a man. I ho tofil number of the pr.Bo.u-rs optureV oo the 17tl, below PeK ribur,', according to C'en ITiII'm ro- port, was seven hundred 1. E. hw ..... Ladies' Fura. Tiif larjroitaaic.rtni.mtnt ClIARLEd OAKPOItl) i BON'd, Conilnciiul lloti'l. I'lulad.-lpiila, I r 'in I!.. :.. n . . . . . licy- iiivro incsiu uuunaauoiU DUtCD woman, who received tt her from her huband,a papier df pins. All of .11 Ol twn tbeae. With t Ift PTitanlinlt nf nun na nno nas iirescrvcu tor inutv vcar-i niiup 1 '" .unvy jriun unu tiicm oomtantly and all tbo while Stealing SowikHj' VoTSi.-Dutmg the Dast two or three o ttays neany a sooro ,0 porSOtIS liave CnllL'U at tUO OlllCO 01 tUO 11 a.d cxh.biled soldiers ballot envoi- ; tt ir , lz , z :t ' !.... f t.l i... n t... , il.,. . . .r . .UCIVBU IIUUI lUUOUIu.w.D ..J, ... ...UD, .u ". j -- saino mail, staling that they nail sent tlio power of atlornoy and their votes for Mo- ri':Ull III UUUIIIMIII J UIAHI 1.1... ui." 1 1 ' .... .... t MHcr regiment. no voto uaii uccn u Mraotcd, and the envc ope bnro distinct f lcnc(1 8ralcil probbayv by 60itening tho gnniaibic with steam. Iua private letter Mr. Mur l.liv-'a aiititlnr frlrilnl KtHtmt tll:lt llli'.rn Wfil'n ....... u..... ,w .. - - . nn c twn l.i m n men in l ie ran : unu i of the command. U oilU. ..j .... . . ' . . Dhow; v' ItnosTiitAf. Yrtotiucs. This Uni Kcmei for Cough, and G.ijdn, ' - nn( u,onci,iai Ailecllons now stands the - r.. : t -ri,t,..,n ii.t, ,.. lllfll HI UUI'IIU I.IVU1 IIIIU HIIIUUUIH.V , una I" a , , b , d b a c3l of thfrlce J 1 J years, its merit ami extensive u.o una nnim.tfl ttin f P i ni i ti tm n nil 11 1 n i fY ! t iwl . ... . ........ ca...;nt. niirciiasflr. ,0 be on their guard against worthless itnita-1 ,!nn, l,ull' i it t .7 i """ ,.1 Had theie been no slavery tbcio would I"1" been no waT.Hrvliunpc. Had thoro been no Abolition, would .... ... . ll...n l,, I...... . .11. . .... A .... utL" i , 3EW ADVERTiSEiViHTS ' " , . , KXHCIU'RIX NOTIPE. E.lato of GViBi-e W, lli.tle, Deceased. Lll'I'Tlir.! T-Jl.nii"nnry mi the I'stnle nf (icnrci; V llltlk-. Inti' nf Ml. I'k'ii-anl v imIiIii, Columbia in.. I ili.'ciincil. Imii- lu-i-n craiiti-il li tin' tti-stxt-r nf WilU ,&:., to tin.- niiiii riii..i imth n-siiiin3 in nvp. nil pcrnoim li.ivliiit (laiini ntrjinl tli.i i'-l:ilc ,f tliu iiecnieni nn- ri.-im-ti-ii t" erci-nt timm tmiio num. I triv "Itliiut iloliiy, an, I all in-rauiM Imli-litcil In iiiiiku payment r..itiinii. ,m.rv iirrn, n, I'ldimint I w i. , Nov. I. W.t. i'.vtt. ! O F PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE. ' SHE Subfcriher will expose to I'ubl'c I cLn&CW:"''' lu "'"'"P- ' Friday , the 2id day of December, 1831, Thrco oi tain Lois or pai eels of ground ,ll,J?;" "' Cj,a"i. "1.,0l"i'. ' ' t no out- tracK nitiiate on tuo l iii-ln- of ro.-itl li-nillnit frnm Cilaula tn .Mi (nmb-jrv. contalniiis I nbo'it Jl mri-i. ttlicrion inciectril n two nlory r.-aino DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Ham, Smith Shop nnrl oihcr out building, with a Vmi'ij Orchard. une ohht true, o 1 1 1 : n 1 1 1 cr iJ ner-?h, nfrli-aril l.niil l'i a lurli i.lnii. i,r i ultiiMiii r,lu..i tiiu .imi- timti-liip.aiiJ .itttite iipmi l!ii pulilic roml. ' ' I Am Hit. nl inr r'ml i.nnl.iniii.. a , . . . . . : u,,,', "'l'' ' " nt 12 "Vlork, M. nfHaiil ,loy,w!ion WILLIAM PA II It. Sot. II). IMS Public Vb.vduk, or Valuable Personal .Property. XJ ILL be exposed to pnb'ic nl. on 1 in.' i r 1-111 1 at Hi- latf r. -i.tonci- t t liiilrnu -r . ilsr.a.i 1!. 111 lljiv.r lnvanln;. L'lilui.i'jm en. On Woilno'd iy, 1 ho ailth nf Nuv. 150.1, Tlie I'ollowina ilun.nli-,t p-rionnl firnp .-rt , rll: UNU liAV MA Hi:, Tree': Wagon, Tuo Cows, on Heifer, Time Hogc, Eilit Hive. u!'Illtj) CI It A 1 N IN THU G HOUND, Hay bv lilt! Tun, lung ltyo Strsw and C'Tii l'jilder by th'- liutidle RYK.COKN, OATsJ, HIJ-JKAHHAT, Polatoe. and Applef, bv the buhol A Lot Oi' II A ll.N USS. Fellow pi:.c boardf, one Buret 1, eight day Cork, anil Corner Cup!ioar(l,tOjji-ther with all his Household ami K lo icii fur niture, and other thiug". too numerour 1 1 mention. Sale In nuniiir.nro at 10 u'cl licks ni nfrfiiil ,!.1y wlii-n ait-ndanc- Mill tie ;lvm nn.l coii.liuon h-- rna'' knoii n by WM T. SIIUMAN, Jldm'r or the Estate vj Gideon I'lslier. Nov. 12, 1801. 1S4J1 1 lilladeljihia iV Eric ssl. Tlilf vri-nt lim- tra'vcMra tin- Nunln rn ami Vortii. c.t riMintiea nf rchiifjlvainn lo tlio city of Erin on i.iiKi- l.rii.'. IH'" ,1'nn'il by llio Pennsylvania Railroad I'oinimny, nml fa oiieralnl liy llicin. IU cntiro IuibiIi was iijtciii-il fur iiaescn-er and frt-isflit Imaiiii-.f. Oitfilit-r ITili, Iriit. IIMB OF I-IWKSHLII rmlNS iT NOR1 HU21DKK ttAKb Mail Traiii li'.ni's, East r1 t1 I' M Esproa Train ' " .j; ' j' Aicni'inioilaliiin, III -J7 A, ill." ALCijtmiiiiil.itiiiii, j ..j p ' W LEAVE WESTWARD. Vail Tnln, . . . . 3 :) ;. jj. Llinira l.ipri-m Tiain, I . j, .i-ciiniiiiodrfilnn . . 4 Arcuiiii'iuiliiiiim , . , 1; jo ,u" rancnin r rara run thrnugli nn .Mail Train, wmi. ""'HVi'i'" l"'tl' 7?if ,Kiv"!"1 ''''il'il- 'l'liMimd Eri. , I l-Klllil !-J- 2 ..'fir on l.lml.n l!L., n..i....- botli H.ija b. lrti in Williamapnrt anil ll.iltininre tor inli.riiiatiiinrcsiiecii'n" l'.iain3i'r b-ialtn-ta, an ply at Hu- O t. luiii 1111,1 JlurkctKia. 1 unci inr 1 ri ijni liiialnusmif Hiu l.'omnvii 'a Ari-i b. 11. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13lli and .Maikoi Sta., I'l J. t . It unlit, Krlj. nl I'litl'a J..M. Drill. Accnt X. u. It. It., liHllii.ion-. . Ili'iialoo, (ien'l. I'ri'ight Act . I'lnlai! lllplli.T, w; V" 'i.;i.Tliki't Am I'lnlail. Ipi,m, Jiiaoili II. roll.,Goiri. .Manager, Williamaiu rt. Nov, I A IDI t. ' SHERIFF'S SALES, Y viriuo ofmudry w.iti of Irto,lilK;,r!:,Sj;,;L',,i i,u C4't,U4, IM.ll' l Olll Ol 1 1,, roilrt nf f-lin, nl-l oaniluiul.ia I ounty. aiidlom,. ,,,.lu), ,wn ,.x of llio IVa-airl Cufta!il . i,f t. ,.,', ,u,,,yr, poai.'.l I . aalo at iiuulic oul- ry, at ilu i.-,-rl , iM ! undiia Hat lli'-y l.c , :ij .. , lhl u J,.r 7"' .'!r,,,,'Ja,',lt-)l''C.ii,be,no.u, ""' ' r..r.'..m.ii.f-,.,l,,, , , at 1 o clock, r. ,M. ',r". oniH. iii'pn-iii-.,.is mi i , , , . ,, A pprf'iin I. -it l' l . a certain jot of dround, Fitunto in ourM,", ("in"n,',','.. L''."l'"'' c'M.laii.iiis oiiu , , u ?! . TV or '''11'""'''! lo ,rt'l."b n"l,ul,,,l.UlVMU,;l-"':li''iy'' mi mi' ' ",K' '-"'V .niall.-y and on tiiu , . nJ ', r '"'". ",'fM ,llr""8" Z!,,l V eu.tcdnlaie. C Uuvt tdiop -Aitli the up. 1 , . , iiron .MVr'i1-",1", ,':,''c,""" n"'1 ta 13 ",IJ prniurt) or sainiml Ixrickh.nini. A I Jr ALOO, At the SBiim timo nnd plneo, thu uniliv- leeilonufiiurllipailiifiiroliifllrouiiil, hitimioiiKJ.n. n .urn iiiurin 1,111 1,1 a rot ol i.rounil, a timtn in On. ,"nM,l"P.,''"!l'i"bi.i i-ouuty, iiuuinii-d us foiiowa, beglnnini- al n poat, tlicnco by atnla late of laaac iiiiiM-ieiiiyiioaii.iu.ioiiuir net ,ii , l&SItSrTKi;:!! iirciioi ton m-t Uiium n..nii aoiniy , i-?",, by,,, " 'mZ WmnyMV'irJiZSS half d.-urt-i-a woat oluvcii and tliruti fuurtli pu,clifa in ZVWiVSXXS' tix,' "" n'''".'1'.!? n''."i,i".,''V:!!l.,.uU ",J U " thu JOalAH II. Fill! MA N ... o irriu a ShrrilT-a Oflli.,. , t-'lilKir. I'loomabur;. -Nov. -,', V. 0. IIAllltlSON, M. 1. ty om,,, re.nectfully inlorin llio dlUcna r,f Ulndnis; ' vicinity, tliatliu cuuiinunatini practiaii or .oiinuiicimrnniiu. orntK. on .Main Btrui. dm haV.a balnw h, i-.i llo'im. mmiMiabuig, " " rtrirry3, 1f if REGISI Kll'S! KfVIlPl'ro - - ' vji'ii;, w-rnmrnM I. I,,.., . .... N S tfl'S'i sns ...... -v.-- ...... ... .., .,.,1.1 i, , jietiii,.. ,,n . i . bli county, nnil tvlll ti ..,i,in.i .T...V1L ' f.1 "' .llowmiHllHlhOlrliaiM'LW.lV;;! rillowAiim in tlto orphan' Cn bmi!. in t im cnunty i.mroi.i Hc.u.uiio-a,,, on Uu.lll .1 ' ilfik in tlio, criS'J ( . , .1. 1 In! mill 111. n 1 nnmml (' i . m.wii. aw ..f Cot. j A.limi" im a J,0" trnMuiiip. .icrcmmi. -"un , -i. -lbt, n,n and final aceount of J), t tol'"Ml"i.lV!jui(;d, "aJ '''''""'ii lull' nf 4M 6. Account of .Inhn Sharpie? m),,,'. I'f J ud,i .IniU, l;Ue i;f CllfntiflH a Inn tn I,! n. ,'. -- ...1i 1 r r 1 ' 1 o -.-.-- ' -... n .i unun, cuar. i Ml or J, IV rl' I . nun i,f it... il,.i.i. .. .7 . ' lllll. Into oft '(litre tomxliln. ili-rnnm. 7.... ".. UI J.-a , 7. First account ot, Jnsenli Cor.,11. . !,'1r..,if!1!f: !.nVl; l,'ofl",i",'u w '!'" ,t,kf ' 8- Account of J..)... M. Ileishlmq, rd. ,1.1,, .In. .,f p.... Hill ,1:. ' ul" n 1 . !). Aceiumt of .Tueiib Hurifnl . i. . , ., , ' "I , SraiU.S'r ""J uf 111 l . I..1... K....I. .1 i in. ivpr.iiiuii ni .in in ill-it i .i f Tuklll, m Md , - I 11 Ini-af mirl filial iinn..iinl . f It .ti. I :hxHan"n : "' 12. Firet and final noeount of John Mt" .ti'llcr. nilrn'r. rf ItlltHi.lli .MtnUll- -) Into cf U,aii tuiiliii, ilvcrnn-il. 1H- First and, final ueocunt of J ran .n,tm,, i:i,.tuti.r rf Anhi Kiam iMe.r'- m i.a l' 'l l'.' FirM account ol John Applwimn MM uiam ii. A.j. ,. i...ui. cu-cuton . r .', ut a . itt.l l-f llulilllick t.AMl!tlitl. t LL'l.'U.f . 10 Ai'coimt of John 'I it-iiibli'v. Itiar. ill iii nf Cli.irU'H Tniniii. minor iliil.l nf lliiiy Inti- of Heiitl tiiwmlilii. ili'ii-iimM, i rump, 10. Account ol John Trembler, Guv- .Sinn di JaiacK 'I'mmp, inliinr rlill.I uf lli-nry 'lriiib l.ili- ui" Hioli lunutliipi iloci a".l 17. Account ot Cievtl tij,-. adm i. m" UtiK.ibt-tli (.'reviling, lali- nt rJcutt tivp , tlttrnai-d 1 Aecgtint "f .la oh 1'. !.,. tiuatlun uf l', Ctou n, minor child i f lljrilil nt , , ,t kf Alain tnniisliip, ikeraioil. 10. Aocounl of .lae'di Yohe.G i dii'i of nf tii-orge llrmvn minor clilM of Dam i -own, ni of .Main toiMi.llip, ilt'Caiuil, ' 20. Aceouni ot William Sleti ing.-r' unl 1 1 an ii J Ii r,li'niilijnr. liln of Milllin tonnnp, d' ,,u.l 21 Account ot Alexander Colly, al miniiitriitor uf llmjatniii Cole, talc of Hi e.irl Jar it- doC'S.'.-il. .TO UN G.r.FUHm KlooiiHlmrj. Sot 7. iMit. I!KIWVHS CATAWBA 13!UM)Y. AN I) ' Sr.VllJiLlKG CATAH'IH W!ES, Kqitnl in iliiiilil, nn, I I'liiap.-r in i'rirr tl'au Inu Cia oli'k ami M'rui'i oi Un oi l vVor l'ur Kuiumi-r ConipUint, I'll .'ra 1 .f' Louipliint. Cramp, (.'olr., n:ijl'.--- A iurr (,'uro in guaranti :J, o tfm, I-i aupport rf l!i a'.o rut', -n-j, nro n..ii, Ii. i i .1.. .. r.t... .... tlie I , of I!r J.i ).'".' "r, LVl' Imp'itir "ho iir. Juim- II Niilmlf, l lifioirit Uii.i,i,, i,u,r 2 J una. I l.i-intcal lli-ptrtor. t l.'cli vilU. llli i, . rr,if i I Jni ifon.l laMiii.t.Uo.lon; lr ( .1K. ,,-u, Sht, I uni. t liarle-lun I.'. ; mnl J. V. i'liin j ,d (, A. !. - . ,ir, nnir.l iillllilllns I lifiitl.t..! h ,t i llavi ai.atvE-il llm i'millI.., nrn...... " . . i "' '"i1"'1 .iinui .h AuvaktS uj (hz jUil&SIV.'nilells Stjtt At I stltrr. Jot. 25 1S5S. I Whf-ti oviipiirnt-.l Uimu'li il-i 'i i,.n n 1-fi n o ' r tr inin niHii In nifrr rn-i 1 11 1 a 1, j 1IM"IH ln 10,-. I in ll v. ll.h 1 ill n, l 1 Urji.,1, ,1, anil annua, is . I. ,lw nnno fnml, ,1, i-rbin ,, I II. mlnr paimki-. 1,1 ' Hi llm iriin.iiinl . 11 m . I it lt!i it 'iu Itnt rt'ir ,f . , . f. ,'. I IIC PllPMIlltll 111 'l III. " l, I "v f I , I ui'l iii, j.i.i. i. 'i ij, .. , . i-i .in i ..M umlrr lln nun - l,!lt ,.i , . .. , t , , I r "V'.-.. , '. ri, - -. II, t'tc s inr. i.t 160 1. I ham ni:al-(t I, I.V.c, - , , ( n ii.amii. (Mm r.l'r ni,; 1. iu .0, ,.j cl.aracter. b in? 1.1 ..iiii- ,n t, .1 . ,.. . yi-nrs. A m.iil 1 liken iron i.,., ,,r. 1-14 I p.. ari-renili!, vmIIi i--i;.iril t.i pi- 11 . n u il irnonnt f IU- pilnripln i,., , jt, t, 1, , rt r '. ili'if in i-i-il by cimpin-.i.t iiii ur,,,,. Tlia itu'ir.-tl iu nf nwilv 13 , !i in,, t ( , la prOil"CQil bi tlu annl ' p'. Lfc m ,.1 ( itirl-..l Itr.t 1.1.3 . U pi.rir-I ), N - .1 , M1I1 Aa.a. 1 r I - .'. 1 ,1 Vim' Od'ir u 11. Iy ty II II J 1 1 ', i , 1 (1',i trlmu, nil itpl.-r. .1; 111I.I in , 'rolls 1 1 1 i- ; t,,r.y H1 x rt Iu' l SavrZi'ur A, ti(. 3n. Nonji'i in mvoHcisT'' 'is t f ' nuunou PI .., y l Ida ( ountij. I'lio- Vii: 1 n -xlfn-.ij Sm.iii.-I li vri-r, . I.iliI f.-r F' . ' ra Bin . Alnl. 1 S So w, tf !lumi:i CI)'!;, I V . i.l 1S i . 51 int.- n.nnii nfa'' i-t r.nnir'v" ,ia i, I f'lilnl, ' i; --li 1. tyli t li-r ni-ii f-i'ii. .iiii . 11; -r , ., , of I'tlirnnr. . Ir il pn-fVr Iiit ii t,., Judy -S iiflllll- Ci'lrl (: I n tl!U .11 ,,-,v r I niiiity of L'l.linniii i pi a i nt: Inr t i , -'i ,f .,i,.r , , ,r torlli, that ali'i tniiilit Id ilivnri'f.i f, . u ti, outi Mntriino-iy ciiIlti'iI into null Ilmi I ,i T n lli-rif.irc ynu, t!a--aid li.mi M,n,'r n, u, n riMVo did, Hint si tluii; n.i In i r Ima.n-.a t, i ( i-xriikci li.. l so- v r j nn In' and itp , , v r imrnin lii-rnn- unr Jmlji-i .11 ,U -,- , u- .i n , ,., , Ciiiriliiull l-..ji tll-". ti In- ll.-lil i ,,,,, rui'itv ,f cnliiinliia on lh.- fnat day of d,.ptei r iVrni n.-jt n anant-r llic pulition of lilicl (,- , . ., , ,. ,,, and In lmi- iiiui- if -ny yn-i Ii m,, (, 411, I'boi bi Milli-r. i.'ir ili!.a'iin .. i, ,1 i,r Ai ,r l r,. the bond of matrimony ngie-'. in tha iKt ,.j u lily, in such ins.-a inaJo un i prnvidcd. And lu-r ni ri'irnnt. Wilni' Iho llonnrabli) Wiu.n! Kmi-ih.!,, E. wir' I rcsiilt-nt nf our raid c url ai in luni.lrirt-, lln, lina day of May, A. l oua i!iou.i,i I H-lit iMnnredant mty.f.iur. JtS-K. .ul.iliiAN, I'lioriii Ami iirnr, lo tvit .'-aliaa apU. pliocna"rcturni-i! and pronr t.m.l.- tint lim ti r.-n uni inuld not be Imind in ihu ,i,. Cmny (, t iilii'rciipon tlio lila-riU'la iliri-t-i-,. t i .a en , piibllalii'il iu uni! nr utmi- ui. , . pru 'en kh.iiii F.ud roniily for lour wei'lva aui ,-ii'i'lv ,i..rt' lm fir t day ofui'it term, J.c, incur nn; 10 act u ai.uu.liir. II) tin I'o'llt. .IOSIA1I n FUUMAN, Sh'ff. lllooineliMi','. Km S, 1 ryti t. Co url Pro clamaiio n . WIIEItEK. tbi Hns. Wn.iM-i J -Cliff a. nl'llli" L'oillt ol'dji r .'.IU -ml Jail , Pi-liu-ry. Court ol Hi'.n... IVaiV a"iiM (Jourt of 1'oniiiinn I'Iim.. ..i ,-kii r.' ,111,1 Ui'" ol iua nui a ' .i t. ill rue ,t il-9 111, II, Il Inlnl ' MCI If- .,l'l run .a t.i .. tin 'i.. .mil , ij,-' I , .I fir i. I i tin- -'illi J.iuii'ial DUtrlu. iiinipi,. I nf (.oluinlila.riulliiitii mnl Wyi'i.un . i .M'Iti.yii.iil it m-jilji-ti ll.ildy,A-..n i.' I1K1 county, jiaii' Uaiii'd til 'ir ,rn '. , 1 dn of S - S , in lin' jiiir of our Lor I I liuudri'd .uni nlj i-ur ,1111! to mi ,1,, 1 1 nun i.i i.yi-r .uni r ruiiiicr and (l. i n ral J.ol il, , . urrai it i.nii r -hsioin, of tin- Km nun nrpu'in a . n.iri. in lilouuburii. m Un- .ji i.n .r U.I. M U 1 LII 1 a 111' ri IV "IV.'II. (.. I ... I ..r.. I.. ,.. . MillLII film r. '!l"u ."""f " imn lo ilion niUc ii .i, ri."" i b Ami Un,. timt nr. i, ,jii i,y J.M f. '' t, ,.", , ni'j'iiul Un- iiriaiiucrh Hini iir-i or m-iv li m i',j , o. m1'' ' l"il"-' t I") lb ni nnd t, , t. n' I i"! a b Jr 'ra .. . !,.. punctual in tl.cii nlun c. nSi.', r.My , il, iru.i a . "7"T)- """''i" El... Hi.- I.' day , L. e. ( in tin, )utr n m. l. r i .,, il, ,., ,i ., ( )liuiidii'd nnd Mill-Mur, ,in !, tin, ..tiny -'!'Ul -v-tr liiiU-p. n I. .o ..r tlio tnit.'d tui.i of An.i-ni :. ( U, nu i'.iM.,n'.p't,rD JOCI. li il, l'l !il Hiianif rllariflonko,ln,,n,,urK ;, ,v li Vtli, ; W't 7"v " P f I i ( '1 f ( 1 A i H ,y (H Valllrtb.C Roal ttniP viiitiuL tt 1 Jlla<J IL. Jt7" ILL ho oxpo'i'.l to publto sale, or. i v imu 'ivi.'miB, in iti'igiiiBmJl'f . '. " Tuesday, ,2 ,lay of Nov. ISO 1 Tin- (idimvinj ilt-ariibu.l rival Eaiatu - A llUUSii AND Lul', Situate on tho mmih sido ol Third Siren!, ill aaiil town, j a lot r,irnu-rlv nivuod by Tlma Llwiiubera, on tilinli u ir ctt-d a. lariio K if 11 HK BUILDING, n'uvn ua tlin llnini.i ( l,nr, l, 'i-i,. i. , , ,.,,.., ..,,., J'onilh of a Acro.nioroor laaa, UJ" Turin iimda known on -'ay of a , M i! WOODWARD. RUnmibnrii, V'f 'aaanir .1, llat I