COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. EDITED liY tllVI 1.. TATE, PROPRIETOR. " Qur Coiwtllnllon suard It evert Out glorloa Union Iiold H der I Ont tMnrrr FlagfouaVa It nererl The proni Camasslan our only peer! BLOOMSBURG: Saturday Morning, Nov. 5, 10G4. mSBIOl'lIATlP NATIONAL TICKET. l.-Olt PRESIDENT, GEN. GEO. B. McCLELLAN. 01' NEW JERSEY. I Olt U E PRESIDENT, HON. GEO. II. PENDLETON, OV OHIO. Go to the Polls early and slay ail diiy and work for McClel lan, Pendleton, and Victory. car Sec Mr. Buucai.ew's caustic let ter in another column, to Col. Grimshaw, about sending ''Bogus Union tickets" to the Army. It concludes that subject, and strikes off ono more electioneering false hood from the Republican list. E An incorrect, garbled aud dishon est report of the Rantz trial was published last week in tho Philadelphia litqituer, and was reproduced this week in the col umus of tho Columbia County Republican. It omits nearly the wholo of the evidence for tbc.Defoudant, nnd gives imperfectly the evidence for tho prosecution; audit wholly omits to notice tho fact that lead ing points of accusation paraded in the charges and Mated as sworn to on the Irial, were flatly contradicted and disprov ed. We shall iu duo time review the testimony, as really taken in thi and the i,:hcroaso3, and expose thoroughly the U'sclit'Ods published concerning them. ESir The trial ol Daniel MoIIenbv. ono of the prisoners Irom this County, was fixed for last Tuesday at Uarrisburg. His witnesses went down for the second timo, one hundred miles at heavy espouse, but tho case postponed until after the election. No day for another appear ancc was fixed, but it may bo Tburdity,of next week. The Defendant was anx'cus for trial, for whipli ho has been waiting four week , but the tho Judge Advojate was not ready. Iu fact that offiecr wjs heard to declare in language moro strong than clcgantithat his evidence against Ale Henry was not worth a d m. The delay of this tiial only postpones a littlo tho full explosion of tho inipoituro of ''Knights ol tho Golden Ciiclc" or Secret Oath-bound Societies to resist the draft, whioh never havirg auy existence in this county, can not endure an investigation even before a Military Comm issioi). The Case of John Rantz. As promised last week, wo print in full upon our first page tho plea of John Rants, to tho jurisdiction of tho Military Commission beloro which ho was tried at Ilariisburg, and also repiiut, in connec tion thrrctvith, our articlo of last week upon the general objections to military trialsof citizens. We invito tho careful .attention of all our readers to those arti rles as furnishing a complete demonstra tion of the illegality aud injustice ofmilitary trials for alleged ''conspiracy" or "sedi tion," now for the first time inaugurated in this country in open defiance of frco prin ciples and of the most solemn guaranties of tha Constitution of tho United Slates. Another Republican Riot. Tho Democracy of Philadelphia had a grand torchlight precession on Saturday night last, which extended, it is said, four miles in length. While the procession was passing the Lincoln League and other prominent places of the Shoddjitcs, tbpy were fired upon by roWilcs, and stones, &o. Several of tho banners wero smashed in. and one man, an inoffencivo democrat named James Campbell, was killed. Ik was an old man 95 years of ago. Demo crats aro never guilty of suoh a black- guardisin and brugulity ;but the timo is not j fardittant, wc fear, wncn tne lawless dan gers on of this administration will cause tho streets of all our towns and cities to be deluged in blooil. Democrats will not 'much longer seo their friends and neigh bors murdered in cold blood, without retaliating. The Qui stion Settled. For tho benefit of the Pittson Gazette and its con- freors in this district, as well as certain eanguino modern Republicsus, wo here itiln (linf Mr Ketchum is not elected to . s.mvw - - - , represent tbo 12th district in tho next' Con- gross. Tbo pcoplo aro so well satisfied with their faithful rcrresentativo in tho last Congress that tho nlaudit of" well dono, good and faithful sorvant" has been given to Hon. Charles Donison a states man, o patriot, a gontlcman, and of course, a Democrat. It is Baid Mr K's. majority on tho army vot in Susquohanna' county jg 107 leaving Mr. Denison'i offioial aajority 657. Will that do ! - 4 ... Falsehoods for the Election. Tho Republican runs over this week with littlo falsehoods In viewtof tho Eloo- tioo. 1. Tbnt MoOlollati first suggested tlio draft. Tlio itifcronoo is that bo was for U. S. conscrlptoa. It Is not true . It was a State proceeding and not ono by tho United States which was in question when he hold command. Nobody over denied jibe power of tlio States to mnko drafts. I 2. That tliu Republicans bavo a major ity of OUl in Pennsylvania upon the homo roto. It is uutruo and known to ho so. Tlio loading Republican newspapers nd- mit a Democratic majority, and tho lull oflicial returns as published prove it. it. The lloorbaok about sending "Bo- ....'MnKlifrmn ll,i, nntMn 1,r.Ar n. b, . , , . f i. , i i Not ono word of this was believed when t ! published. j But coining down from general politics to tho cases of our arrested citizens, tho e .1 ..-.. i . fertility of tho Republican ... pro. "tho thiug which is not," is wonderful, 1. That twenty fivo of tho prisoners brought to llarrisburg fo. trial had "ap parently repontod," and their "peniteDco" had so "afl'ectsd'' tho Military Commis sion that qpon their presenting themselves j and "manifesting a desire to tuko the oath of allegiance," they had been sworn aud parollcd to go home. This budget of falsehoods is copied from , the Inquinr, and then tho substance fcr- ved up again in an editorial. Now tho truth is, that tho Military Commission had nothing to do with discharging the' . . i prisouore: that most ot tuoui were au 1,2rm.d nt. Kort Mifflin and not at liar-, risburg ; that several were discharge eu on account oi sicKuess iu.i mu- iiuu- itonco'' allcdccd, or tho prctcnoo of it, . . r . t.. .1.(1 n never had any oxistenoo and that the oath of allegiance was simply imposed as a condition of discharge. Gen. Couch at Chambcrsbuug ordered two of his officers to examine the cases of ihcsc men and report to him tho names ofthoso acainst whom the charges were least important in order to their discharge. lia3 1,10 'ig!l1 to seize and searoh tho pri This was done and tho discharges then j vtu papers of uny person 1 ordered, tho prisoners thus far having: Do they be'ieve that tho South had the nothing to do with the entire proceeding, i right to secede T beforo answering this 2. That Samuel Kline, one of tlio de-, question, please rrad the following extract fendants tried, "became penitent, made a! lla '' sl,cocu delivered in Congress, by lull rnnfps.inn. and Ihrowed himself unou 1 one called li Honest Abe.'' tho merov of the Court." Here is more "penitence" as well as bad grammar, and just as 1. tile truth as beforo. Khuc made a speech in his owu dtfence beforo the Commission, which is wid to have beeuj manly and forcible. He "tiwiccd' biiU' self iuto a speech, instead of into tho con fessional. 3, Sundry hints and inuendos of "law yeas" and "leading Democrat' here in the having encouraged "conspiracy" county, and that "developments" on the trials "js making somebody quail." The quailing may be in quite another quarter beforo this business is concluded in a quarter where both grammer aud veracity appear to be at a discount. There is not one partiole of evidence in tho trials that any man in Bloomsburg ever advised or oneouraged resistance) to the conscription law or to any other law And tho fact is exactly to tho contrary as to the "law yers" and "leading Democrats." There was a Jtcaisay declaration given in tho' H-miT Mini tl.nt Pnl. Knr.r.zR had snid 'Illinois had seceeded and tho State of Now York was about to go out of iho Un- absurd than ' this can bo produced, jt must be the state- ment bv tho Ileiiublican that such idiotic stuff is to mako men in Bloomsburg 'tremble in their boots !" The Soldiers' Vote. I Tho army vote sent to this county, was counted on Friday last, and tho result appeared as follows : For the Demooratic candidate Victor K. Piolett for Congress 81 votes ; for tho Abolition condidate Ulysses Merour for Congro.B, 87 : For tho Democratio candidate for Assembly, Wm H. Jaeoby, 72 ; lor Daniel Snyder, for Assembly, .il Samuel Snyder, for Sheriff, 71 ; Allen Mann, for CumraisMooer, 70: Daniel Sny der, for Auditor, 71 The majority for the Abolition oaodidato on tin Congro ssio ual vote is only six. Get Out the Votes.- Sjo to it Dem oorati, that every voto in your District is polled. Sec that they aro polled early. You have seen bow your opponents havo organized in their secret leagues, bo on your guard and ready for them. Every man to his post. We must increase our voto. Reader do what you can to assist. This is tho last grand effort. Do your whole duty. CSS" The bettor set of men and papora i of tho Republican psrty unqualifiedly con-' 1 demn thuinsolcnco of tho President to tho i ( UBan OI luu ,,., v. v ville, and also tho usurping tyranny of i .l . f -:.:. r -vi.-i. Andrew Johnson, who in the humble j ranks of labor was ropcotable, lut as a tyrant is execrated. j Examine Your Tickets. Tho oppo- sjtion ar0 nt ai kinds of trick-, and may ciroufato bogus Democratio tickets with some of tbo uames of tho electors wrong.- examine every icuce. auu aeo mai an mo names aro like thoiO on tho shoct wo havo printed. fay Col. W. W. II . Davis, Into fho gallant and patriotio oommauder of tho 101 th Regrocnt Pennsylvania Voluntcors, has takon the stump actively for McClel lan and tha Unios A Letter to Col. Grimshaw. Bt.ooMsnuno, Pa. Nov. a, 1881. 8m i 1 ero in tho newspapers a loiter written by you to Hon. James llnrlan.U, S, Senator allcdfting that 1 had franked 'vagus union Items" for uso in iJi'gus Union ttckcls" for uso iu tho Army, Tho chargo is utterly false, and unworthy nn officer in tho sorvico o( tho United states, I assume that you wroto with personal knowlcdeo of tho truth which was. that 1 forwarded totno sheets of tho regular ticket for this County of tho party to which I belong, headed in prom incut loiters "Democratic Ticket," and never sent others. Those were sent upon request mado to mo, and tho act was not open to criticism much less to your false, ' impudent and slanderous ckarco. Tho wholo country, so far as yoiir epis t i ...II ...t.......i .u. ,,u S"" uunciBinilu jruu iu vimigw on act of deception and fraud j for to no- cnmj.lUh tlioso objects alono aro Bogus tickets ever iisued and circulated. It is because you hold a Commission in tho ) wniou snou a uo prooi oi nonoraoio charaotcr and principles, that I have ,fc bt a (would, otherwise, desctvo nothing but , contempt. 0. H. BTJCKALEW. II. Grimshaw, Colonel, &c. C H- I- Will Dr. John enlighten tho back townships by answoring the following qucs- 111 m 1 A tl,e abolitionists, in favor of 'the "Constitution" as it was under Washing. l0" "q u our00 1 Are tbc' in favor of tbo "Union" as it , WRS uuuer ' " uu lluu " ,sonI . . . Do they believe that under tho Consti- tnitAn Tiinnnln hail tlm nnwnr nr tlin rirrlit. " wi 10 aumlt "lcr" Virginia i uo uc- lievo that under the Constitution old Abe has tho right to suspendthe writ of llab'Pt Co'pus in places where tho civil laws can be enforced ? ! Do they bclicvo that under the Constilu- t. r. . 1 .1 i I. j non ota.uon uas me ng.u io wum s ' an,) ort,cr the arrest of any citizen without duo proccss'oflaw ? Do they believo that under the Consti tution "old Abe" or any of bis satraps. "Any people, aoywhere, bping inclined and having the power, have ihe right to rise up and shake off tbo existing Govern ment and form a new ono that suits them belter." Do thry bclicvo that if the abolitionists get the power they will trample the Laws and tho Constitution under fool 7 beforo an swering this question read tho following extract from a speech by an ono Fogy called Wob.'tcr. "Il the.-e fanatics and Abolitionists ever get power into their hands, tl ey v 1 1 over ride tbo Constitution, set the Supreme Uourt at defiance, chango and ruaka laws to suit themselves, and finally, they will bankrupt the country and delugo it with blood." Many aro anxious to havo these nn swered since hearing the Rev. R E. Wilson say that he would rather sco the t( country wim in blood than to see the ' Old Union' rtstond. More Democratic Meetings. The crowded state of our columns, this week, nrecludes a full statement of tho meetings held in tho variom seclions of Columbia county, eince the last issue of the "Coi.usuiiA Demockat,'' by order of E. H. Little, Esq., Chairman of the Democratic Standing Committee, and we are therefore obliged to give a synopsis of tho proceedings, In Franklin, Daniel tfarr Ei Pros ideut. A S. Knittlc, Soc'y. Charles G irles U' Jacoby, Dirkloy, and Williamson II. Esn'rn, addressed tho mectinc. In Locust, otThiDlo' Hotel, New Me dia, Philip Cool, Eiq , President. Messrs. Jacoby & Harkley Speakers. In Montour township, addressed by Dr. P. H. Freeze, E. II. Lltile, Esq.', and James K. Rrugler, Esq. In Centro township, addressed by Col. L L. Tate, James K. Rrugler, and E. II. Little, Esq'r. Also Fiahincereek, Sugarloaf, Mount- Pleascnt, Kohrsburg, Cattawissa and So rrno, addressed by E. II. Little, Wm H. Jacoby, J. K. Drnglcr, C. G. Darklcy, Esq rs, and Lieut. A. li Tate. Tho work goes on gloriously Ui- dUAuns ANU AT them. In our uext we will most certainly announce tho trium- phant election of Ucn. McClellan to tho Presidency. Too, Tbo abolitionist comnlain nf Mnninllnn WniKn tin wn "nn nlftnr." Gen Grant has, if tha despatches wro all true taken Richmond a .half dozen timrs at least, but has not taken it yet. Ho has been "fighting it out on that lino all summer,'' aBil is no nearer Riohmond than liis illiiilrinns nrflilfieftsnnr. Ocn. now? ... , , , j,oClellaQi Wh0 U ,b8 s,ow on. . Asothi: Dravt. It is stated that Senator Soward has written a letter to General Djx of New York city, annouuee ing tho determination of tho government to call a million of men in tho field, by a draft in January next. Forcing the Election. The admin istration authorities are taking forcible possossion of the ballot boxes, and refus ing to permit New York soldiers to voto by proxy. jffl- Fold your tickets, go to tho cleo lion early and slay all day and work for MoClellin, Pendleton, and Victory, Watchman, What of tho Night ? Tho nil absorbing topio now in political ciroles and in fact almost all circles nrol n nnmtn.tta. tvtint H(... ..ill ..f ...... , meir ciccvora. toios lor ucorgo u. wc Olollan, and what for Abraham Lincoln I Tho wholo ntimbor of electoral votes, as decided by resolution of Congress, is aOl This includos West Virginia, and excludes Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, min:v frtr MC neornia. Florida. Alabama. Mi.,i..inni.ine maiOlIlV J-Wl 1' Louisiwa, Texas, Arkansas' and Tennos- ClcUail SO OVCl'Whclm e. . Of those entitled to vote, a portion ' 'tJmt abolitiOniSIll " , U'J " onoh (riho ndidles, and others oortain for cither. From a careful as un turvoy of tho field tho probabilities aro as follows : States fou McCr.ur.tAN. States. Electors. States. Electors. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware Maryland, Connecticut, 33 i!0 7 ;i 7 0 11 Illinois, Missouri, Miunosota, Oregon, California, Total, 10' Kentucky, States ron Lincoln. Maine, 7 Massachusetts, 12 Khodo Island, 4 Vermont, G New Hnmpshiro, 0 Ohio, West Virginia, Iowa, Kansas, 21 r. 8 3 Total, 70 States IN Dounr. Indiana, 13 I Miohigan, 6 Wisconsin, 8 J Total, 29 Wholo number of Electors, 231 Number required to elect, 110 Iho friends of MoClellan in Indiana, are at work with rcnowed vigor, nnd are' confident ol carrying tlio State at the November election by a handsomo major-1 ily. Tho l cpublicani have succeeded in tho recent State election, by less than ten thousand, in ro-elcoling Governor Morton ; while tho Democrats have elected a clear majority of tho Stato Senate, and perhaps a majority of tho House. Tho Republican majority was secured only through a sys tem of tbo most iiubluhing frauds, an ex traordinary expenditure of money, and tho h . At votes of soldiers from other States. was generally conceded throughout tho canvass that Morton was at least twenfy thousand votes stronffer than Lincoln,. owing to his acknowledged ability as a man and an officer, his great porsonal popularity, and his incessant individual I J I " " . . a k' A VJ1 l i'l lii K "UK I ' ' J UUUIU I ! 1111 U efforts in behalf of tho soldiers. Thousands I yOU IfOm USIIlgOVCry Clerk hein-; a wooly head, who on open of soldiers who voted for Morten will vote honorable eflbl't tO fJe- i"'g the paekagi-.loond tbo contents to read McClellan in wovember. Ihousands of . . ... uermani, lormcny rangeu unuer tlio Dan-; ner ol Fremont, voted for Morton, who will not voto for Lincoln. In Wikconsin the Demooracy aro mak ing a very active and vigorous canvass, and largo accessions are reported in near ly every part of the State. In tho t'on grctsional elcotion of 1 802, the Republican candidates wero bcafu about nineteen hundred in the aggregate voto (including soldiers) of the State. Michigan is in a stato of political commotion. In 1802 the Republicans wero successful by about 0,000 in a total voto of 131,000. We hear from there that the stand the vener able and influential Gen. Cass has taken in behalf of MuClollan, has produced a fino effect, and that there is good prospect of a Democratic victory on the 3-u. Wo say to tho true friends of the Con stitution and the Union, that tho chances of Gen. McClcllan's election arc not only fair, but highly flattering. Wo can over come the influences of official vaunlity, can beat back tho oorrupt gang of polit ical hyenas, can triumph over braggadocio aud intimidation, if the lovers of good ; government wdl but half improve tin short time now intervening until the StL of November. Never was there such a ttahc to call forth the zealous cxeriioits ol every patriot. Freemen I behold tin splendid structure built by the most ro veied of our ancestry, uow in peril from the vandal hands of fanatics 1 Will you stand idly by and sco that glorious tem ple, with oil its preoious heritages, con sumed in tho red flames of revolution ? Will you not como to tho rescue, laying aside all party feeling, smothering nl personal recontmcnts, rcsolvf d to save and preserve our prostate country I Ah, il tbo slrugglo should bo lo st if liberty and i public virtue shall go down through lUt lessness or apathy, wo envy not tho feel- r ings of those who, when all shall have been destroyed, must be striken with the repentant reflection that "it might have been otherwise !'' But what must bu tin inexpressible joy of tho30 who, bending , Sl"rll COurOgC, heroism to tho salvation of the Government iu all its pristino noble ness, shall, ou tho evening of Tuesday next, bo able to congratulate ono another upon the achievcinout of a grand victory a country "rodcotned, regenerated and disenthralled." CS5"Let every Democrat buoklo on hi5 armor and prcpiro himself for tha com ing contest. 'Tho time for argument i exhausted tho timo lor action has oouio I ' If you falter now in the good work you arc lost forever. tr 7 Tf . n l Voterb.' If you have friends and rela- tives in tho army whose lile you pnzo and whose sentiments vou annrove. vote tho Drmooratio ticket, headed by tho great A Stumpfii on Old Aim. Wo know uamo of Georgo B. MoClellan ! ,hak Abraham Lincoln told Miss Catkarim . - Beecher,a sister of Henry Ward Becoher, Look at This Our friends must, that he ''should uovor ooato to regret the pay tho Printer. Ev rybody indebted, J day ho failed to reinforce MeOlollan on the wo hopo, will respond. This will inoludo ponimula," and wo daro Abraham Lincoln candidates nd cnsloweri. "'o deny it. Pennsylvania is ours, but we must not rc- tn TjVaild nild I"""1 lUltr. XlCAUU UU Cnnn it 4ln nnnv mnct iui in iin, i n nVfM'PfimP l)V fill 111 n ' J . ClCaSO 01 Olll II1HJUI liy at IlOIllC. Let US lliakC win. never again uu heard of in the Key stone State. Work. n.. ........ Ti.! How Indiana Was UAIlltlhU, xuui,, j I jinc.nuaii inquirer or oaiuruay oajo . 4 Wo arc informed by a reliable gontloman 3 from Louisville, that a wholo regiment of a Massachusetts soldiers voted in Jefferson JJPJ villu, Indiana, juit oppisito that city, at " tho lato oleetion. In Grcaiisburg many .. . . .. r. ... r. i i. . soldiers votod scvoral timos around, with- .ut anr disauise. as wo understand. In Indianapolis tho total vote is nearly equal to tho wholo malo population of tho city, children and boys under twenty-one years of ge inoluod. Not less than 40,000 illegal and fraudulent vntea wero rut in for Morton and his ticket in tho State. Take the n out, and Iudiaiu is overwhel- . , ' .. ,, mingly Democratic. ftaSf We have no friendship for rebels, who, the butter lo ensure tho rnpiuro of the Government authority, first eonimiied tho ineffablo crime of deserting their 1 i to long allies (agaiutt abolitonists) tlio Democrats of the Noith But wo onnuot stomach the fiendish of tho Krpublioans who cackle over tho desolations in tho Valley of Virginia, whoso inhabitants, fays iho Richmond Enquirer, nro not specially loyal, and some decidedly hos tile t tho Confederacy. Nor can we ro. frain fiom arknowledging the humanity of the rebels in removing 4,000 Federal pris- r.nm ni, , -L.-.n n.. ..r .1... CVillenco of tbtJ (W fer at ;nt 7T. . JLCt 110 laiSe prOiniSeS or fa I se boasts defer . . Iiiii I rrkitii i4 rm t 'jo'1 III pOWer. X llCV relV V J upon money, corporate influences ind official patronage. They know the people desire a change Gov. Seymour has appointed a com mission j consisting of Hon. Aniasa J. Parker, Hon. Wm. E. Alien and Hon.! Wm. Kelly, to proceed to Washington to j vindicate tho laws of iho State of Now ' York, and secure tho rights of Iho New York soldiers. ESS" Charley Shritier before the election declared that the loyalist? would not u How the Democracy oven in Jersey to fuccccd if it was not for tho sake of preserving the seed. We rather think that a littlo see ook effect in Lycoming, Union and Sny dor. Sunbury Democrat. Let it be remembered that an abolition, torchlight procession in Washington oity a few uvtnings since slop; cd and BURNT A LARGE American FLAG. fu"pendid, across tlio street in front of the Democratic headquarter!, They "Rallicdaroud tha flag hoys." . K Democrats, see lo it that every Elfctiox poll tnrougnout tne county, has its com mittees to watch the attempts at fraud aud corruption which wili be made by our polit ical opponents- The late election should be warning sufficient. Voters rcmomber that yo i daily pay a largo amount to gratify the ha'o of abol- itioni.m to the Southern States. You desire a reform in prices- Voto for McGkllan, and have peace in placo of a desolating v nr, ft r four y?ars morj, under I inoolu ...... A cotomporary wishes to know what has induced John Cochrane to wheel into line so vigoronsly for Lincoln, after abusing and denouncing him for months! If green backs could speak thoy could probably answer the quoation. Another Paper Out for McClei.lan, Tho Baltimoro LoinlUl, hereiofcro the organ of Ilonry Winter Dav'n, rnd sun porting Lincoln, has takon dowu tho Aboj. J Jon bJullcrf an now warmly advo0Btcs j tilu oauso of MoClcllau and Pendlofon. Soldiers' Lottor. Camp COtli llegt. Pcnn'a Volsi, Near Yellow House, Va., OoToiiun 2d; 1801. Mr. Editor Columbia' Djemoorat Dear Siu : I enclose tho money for your val uablo paper, Although not from my own County,Ihave ,ci la few 'copies, rent to this Regiment, and I f.nd ,t to bojust what ' wo want. A supporter of McCLCt.tiAN and Union. Yours Hctpcctfully, OliOUGUJ A. QH13V. Lottor from tho Array. Camp -IOtii Pen.n'a Vols, October aoth, 1801. Col Tate: Dear Sir : Wo had on election in tho iicgiuicm on ino 1 1 ui ui ii 19 inuimii tiuu it was one of the mit disgracclul things, in aomo of tho companies, you over taw. Men who wero on the board told men they should not vote the Democratic ticket as it was disunion, nnd some followed their ndvico as they thought they wero bound to obey their superior officers. Ono Lieu tenant in tho Regiment went down iu his Company and tore up all tho Democratic tickets he could find so they had only the ono kind of ticket. Tho vole in our Reg . , .... iment stood, ltil for the Republican ticket ami oi tor Hie Doniooratic. A gtcat many men did not vote as they did not hove 1 anv receipt. I think by tho timo the , nc1 election comes off there will bo P'00.1 of li(jkuls in ""'Pi 80 r (omc of them aro torn up there will bo a re- ' ,0 fa bafk 1 ,,or t x i.. -il ... r. I !..l . ... .1. . o.l. ciiiiii Tuir lur i.iiiiu jinu on mo oui nay next mouth, t, ., , . , i He ii tho best (Jensral in the country. A'l persons must say that I who are not hinrscd ngiinst linn. We arc tired of (ho war, and are afrbid if Abra ham gora in for four years moro we will not see the ei.d of it lor a loti2 time. Wi' will do the best wu can hero but it all rests with the people. J. L. f CWciponitcnea of the Columbia Dunncr.!. A High handed aud Rascally Act. Col. Tatk : On Monday evening, October 24, 1 804, thero passed up in tho Mail from Rlo jmsburg to Cainbra, a package of h.n.n. flirnnlptl nn tlin nut qidn. Vntc f!nl. umbus or Cambra, whioh parsed on quiet lj to Cambra, where a Mr. Wm. Ktick- baum oltioiaied as a Clerk in Mr. Ucnry s Store and Post OCico, the principal being 11 u"nocr?;'f;,r wl,icl1' "V"10 h"s becn sel i tn l Ht ill -till t M si n at the top, Eieot Abrahom Lino iln, which . ' ' ' wa8lolloyed by a stitcnu'ot of eousenuen- ces, on the other gido of the sheet it red, ... . t . If Ml 1 1 , . .. j'jicri vicu. i. lucoiciiaii, anu uieu t lie oousoqtiouces, on perceiving what tlioso arid-bills wmthit- beautiful young man, took upon himxdf the privilege of tearing ihe first one to pitces, and throwing the remainder of ihe paokago into the fire, aud hurniug it into aslu-s. In such conduct 1 to go unpunished. AN OBSERVER. f i Corrcpondencn of I' g OliimliU Doinrierat. j New Colujiui's, Oct. 28, 180-1. I i!7 Editor: i The great abolition or union mert Ing, as i hey call it cinco thoy "have stolen tho livery of Hi-aven to scne the devil in,''camo off lat ovening,ag per announce mniit, aud to sum up iu a tew words, it va a lamentable fizzle. Ii bad been ad vertisei! extensively throughout the wcotern part of Luzerne and a part of Columbia, and after all thu pai'is and labor "the mountain brought forth a mouse." There was a great cry for a little, wool. I was late in gelling there, but on my arrival, I found a few men and buys in the iNorth ... I . , , LI 1 I .... pan oi tuo uoiumuus ocuooi room, i ho abolitionists' were j rcparing themselves to rejoice over the telliug points to be made ngaiust the ''Cor perhcads," who had been I so impertinent aud presumptuous as to I nominate a candidate to displace King Abraham from tho tlirono ho has occupied sicoe March 4, 1801. It was not long however before they began to get uneasy for the long looked ..for crowd had not mado its appcaranco. Long timo theyhcst ti, DOssiblu failure ofsucb an enter- waited, but etillno crowd. A Rev, "Gen . . -r, ., tleman of A frioan descent," came to tho concluiiion that tho pcoplo were not com ing. So the meetitig was organized. The speaker was introduced. Aud to tho dis- uiiit of tho abolitionists aud the deliebt of the democrats, (who constituted half the audience,) their Orator did not say a com- plimcntary woid for poor "Old Abe," but during his discourse ho said that Mc Clellan wao a Scholar, a Gontlcman and a patriotio General, Tho meeting was a long ono for tbcui. They retired okop-fallcn and discontented to their homes without oven a cheer. D is no uso gentlemen, tho pcoplo won't "ratify" tho ro-nnmination ot Old Abe, You would save time,trouble and cxponjo, besides sparing j ourselves somo mortifica tion by rcuniuiug quietly at homo,and noi attempting to lorco tho na.'caus dose under the nostrils of tho people, aud to use a favorito expression of Honry Ward Beccher ''That's what's the matter." A HE. 1ST The Remarkable properties ol Brown's Broncial Troohes havo been thor oughly tested since first introduced, The demand for them has steadily increased and purely upon thiir own merits, thoy havo found favor with those, who, from Pulmonary, Bronchial, or Asthmatic com plaints require them. For Cougbs.Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, aud influeuza, and increasing at onco tbo powor and flexibil ity of tho voice. (Ootrtipondenoe or lh Celmbl l)infi. T js sen mat uocior uonn bas hr,1(!j ohampion general to tha elorify 0f it,- place. To', the laity this may be a ,v joct of merriment but to the divinej it I. moro serious aua.r. jnot ui cxamlna ti, qualiQcations of tl.WMiddlo States Ucfot. raor" fof tho pi'altion ho has assyttned.. first as to his character for p!ty, Ui well known in tho community in which Li . i .1... i.. .i;.i formet, M,Jed that ho ol b of 0 8 o He, the records of cur oourts show th.t t. was compcllotl to make oath that he dM V, liovc there was a Hod, nnd that eventbeo lii ttrn. linrrlltr nramtml. nntl i ..w ....-.,, , ui.nur iu has been hoard to say ho ''knvw no crenoo between Sunday and any othenlij and that ho oiways tnoi; tnauiay t0 rcu,, up his business Tho Doctor, like i,;, Loyal clergy, believes in an nriti-alnvcry Biblo, an anti-tlevery God on ID,j i n.. !.. ..i . slavery vuiiiiiuh"h ui i ouiur worai tboy aro opposed to tho present Bible tt tho present Supremo Huler and to thpr, ent Constitution. Wo thus seo the Dji tor has no fear of future puuishniont u,( knowing this is can easily undonUud why ho was the principal agent, if not tha man himself who under thu iiamo of 7.Vo Dunn endeavored to soduoo a y,"mtn o meet him, about noon, at tho Poji ,,,, ( as ma uocior is a lover oi trutn, virtj and political Honesty, wo liopo lie will to. form his readers whether his Urard K. ther was loyal, and to whit Goveriiu.cut, also, how his Pather supported tlio Go. uruuiUUk UUUUV IUU kllliU UI ll nil N . , . .... . . . . tl.n i!..,n t ,1.. T 1 . .i c i oonvontion, auu we caution tao lector no, to pursue nis usual cnurao 01 mcnuxcity, as livinir witnesses can In produced ti nrntn llin Inv.iltv of onn In fionri( ttin !lf. r 1 j j - f- ..i and of ihe olhcr to George the IV. Tho Doctor has an enviable charaotcr-. Ja ttrong tendency to infidelity, a ti!l i stronger to liber ti nts tn and supurlativo tendency to toryism, nnl this is the man who eulogizes tho ministers for desecrating tho temples of tho liripj; God by preashinj troason, for preaohing abolitionism is preaching treason treason against tho RibU treason agaiost lbs Constitution and treason against UoJ, ICT No piper ii Amsrio evr itosi firmer to tho principles ol tho Whig par ty th in tho Louisville Journal. In lU conrso of an article eulogistic of Mr Win throp's speech, it nays : "Tlis Whii; who now refuses to not with the Djina;ralio party U an apostate. Ho refuses to tuail r J t iust whero ho bas always stood. Pe re nouuees his principles. Ho deserts hit .T a , , .. . colors, lie turns n is ui'K upon iuo hiis teaching and upon tho big'i example of Clay and Crittenden. Suuli a man h s shadow ol right to bo called or to mil himself a Whig. If ho is an honott nsa ami understands the forco oT language, 'at will neither cluinl nor ccept tho hoiiorslla mme.' it Submit to no wrong. or outrages onciccuou day. Maintain and de fend at all hazard? the rights of Freemen. Do nothing wrong and submit to nothing but what is right. Star.d up for your rights like men Voter, if you wMi to havo another drift for 500,000 men within the next threa months in order to give you a ch -noe te shoulder a musket or pay 1000 lo S13M for a substitute, voto for f.iuooln by ill means, that your wish may bo fulfilled. If, on the contrary ,you wirh for an hon orable peace and no moro drafts, vo'e for MoClellan and your desiru will rculiitd It is deemed at Waihington unsafe to rink anv crcncral battla at nrescnl with Lea I priso might ruin whatever ohanoe Mr. Lio i cola may still bsliovo ho retains to bj re I ClCCtf f'O'l til elected I Another Voir. A voto was t:ika tho Central Railroad train coming oait I leav'8 Buffalo at 5. 4."i, Oot 17th with tho following remit MtClellan; Lincoln, Forty eighty soldiors vtcd Mao, and twelve for Lincoln. Ift2 03 for Little DEATHS. Ia Lancaster city, on Thursday even ing, Oct. i!0ih, 1S04, Roiiert Wai.kbu, Father-in-law of Col. John G. Fret-so, in iho Slit yoar of his age. The deceased was born in Lancaster county, whence ho removed iuto tho ter ritory now comprising Montour county, hut whilo tho wholo of what is now Col umbia and Moutour was as yet a part of Northumberland, and settled in the vll lago of Washingtonvillo, atout tho y'r 1810. Ho invented Iho coklratod Walk or Plow, and began its tiianul'i.cturo about tho yoar 1318. Ilo returne' to Lanea" tcr county in tho year 184!, and has lived in the city Bineo that lime. Ilia long, ac tive and useful lifo was il!umin vted and mado cheerful by a dovotcd Christian spirit, und for tho greater part vf his lifo ho a member of a brauoh oi tho Pres byterian denomination, f.sncaun lu'el licence ,