3M& itiKl fik 3 I'M' F r ' F I , vA AND .'BL'OOMS.BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER :. i ' -tislv'i ' tS- ' I.! -, I IJ U'l l Li '1 WffftHH rft-fr---.:. LEVI J,. TATE, EDITOll. VOL. 18. NO. 36. TERMS:' 2 00 IN ADVANCE. "TO II J)jJLj1) ,AND TIIJLM THIS 1)011011 01? TRUTH AND. WAVE IT O'Elt THE DARKENED EARTH." ,11, lie ii BLOOMfr COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, . ... ?- --yr VOLUME 28. PRESIDENTIAL BLliOTION PROCLAMATION. WIIKlllIAS, In mill liy nn nt nf Ucncnil Af 'eiiilily tof tlie Common ivr-nllli of I'eiin.ylvnnl i I'rilitlcil An Act to rcftilBtc the tlr-mrnl Llottlmn within this O nm inoiiwealth." It i enjoini il li.i.i, me In plvo publicum ce nf unit flection mill to i-niiinorato in mild unties what offlcerii are tn)i' elect.', 1, I JllSt All H-i'UlMAK. hSpfln nf I In! eoiiutv nf ('nluml.Iii. ilo IktuIiv iniiki" Known anil civo this public notice to thn electors of c rnunty i,f Coli-iiibin, Hint tho Presidential lllcclloit . Vv 111 In) held In "aid countyi oil the ' ; BUCONUTUESDAViUi.) Of NOVT.MIIlX I-IU, at which Hun! tivi'tilysix oleitnri' fur a l'ri-sUi lit mnl Vlco 1'reslduut of thu United Plate ora to lie clotted. triAoM tnwinhln, at the Crurt House, in llloonisliuri;. riclitnil tmvtislllp.tit tlio public tiriittic of John J. Still- In tho town of Hvnton. Denver lott utliip. nt the piiMK- liouno nf 1'r.mklin I. eliiinini- lltinrf reek tottiuhlp, it Ilia public Hcliool lloni-o nt-nr KmiiM il to. florouth Hi lkrwlcl:, nt tho Town lloune, In tho Ror out n t'ntniia ton ni-nlp, lit thu pulillc lioua nf S. mine I Kottcnuaiii-r CQLOMSIA DEMOCRAT. EUITI'.D BY LUVI I,. TATE, rROfHIDTOR- " Cur Consllluiiori ciuiil it cor! (Inr plotloti" Ifnlc-n hold il ileiir ! Our Marry ring forsnko 11 titverl The proud CauciMiuii our only peer! erf-! t;cuiro loivnjnip.ai me nouso o; jcreiuinii iienrrilc - t, i rcH.cl, , I It shorva i;nnyii;u.iiii innncnip, u me puuiiciioiia 1,1 iicnucii WUH.T. Kl -lllMgrrer 1: towurhip, nt the pulillc Iiciiihi- of lien Jtuilii Mi:llcuryv rmiililiu tounlilp, .ni"lay:oir Hiho'il lloinf lireiiittoiiil tniMirlllp. nt lli'i l.onsu iil'Jnj, 11. I'.Hton. Ilcniluck liiwiiflihi nt III-"llnck Horn." Jatkrnu tinvn-liip, ritltu- Ihhh i.f l.tikiel (.Vile. BLOOMiSBURG : SaUirduy Morning, Nov. 5, 1064. f'j-HE HARR'isiiUKG TRIALS. Wo publish tills tvock tlio pita of John U.tNT.-i, to tlio jutisdiuiioii ol' ilit! military , (Jonimistioii liuloro wliijb bu is tried . TIffi MAIN THING. ino-jt plain iit-tl i'uperntivc piovisioii9 of tlio Constitution of the United States against tho juiitdiotion ol the f'oinuiiasion over tho onc, :uid also two clear wd positive hcIs tt" Con- !.ocut tnuimlilPt lit Hid nulnn: hu'HJ of Joint I.. i il, .,,.. .. .,,.,1 ! Ill-mi, In SlaH'HM. h' '"'r " ' I1" "" Mlt'lln tnwihlp. nlllin pulilli-Hiiiii-iif John Ki-Mi-r. ' i-nil tin- ntlw-r in I Qfi 1 Eh.yple.,n.tow8hip.ntt,1Uhou.oofTh,H.Jone... I Alul lI,c wliflom Jf lIlt! CoUStltUlion MiHitourtomifhlp, nt the Iiiiiihh of U'iii,IIiiIIiiii.Ii,-ii'I, -inil 1:HVH in rrenr-i-t tn the ti l-il nf Maliietoniuhlp,ntthopiililielinueof John A. Shu- ! , rc" 10 lll-1 ' ua,"- , , , , citizens ly tho (Joint is optu to no KnnrliiKcreek toivnslilp, nt tin-house foriin-ily occu- ' picu by ooorEi-v. iirvi.ii.ith, ' (luettiou or doubt, nod is indi'honsablB to Ironto InHemhlp. nt thu public hotio of Aluiiimtur . , , ,. , lt, ,! ' llilthes, iiillrnng. villii. , jUrtllfe Milt IllP' puhlle ilPSC1!. To flP lUSt I'lnu tortn.l ip. nt the limise nf Albert IIDi'ter. I , , , : , Sjuparlo.if ioiisliii, nt Hie house nf A, Cub-. iiuu to S:il-.y II lleo P'-iMiltt triafs nVUt hi Hrott low iifliip at thu public hmite of J. D. .March- , . ituk. . piib'ic, iiiti be by lunj, mint. ! c ti i!r IX filltln.r (llredeil tlmt the eleclinn or th -uvcr-i I ,. , .... ,, , ' , . , , , di.triclK thall bcnpcneil hilwucn tho linurt f and lu tllSI mil t) lliV ',' lit.; 'ait o Cii..- w iiuiiv I il in-; kin inn, mill cum - I null rinu imicii nil i i i . . j ut Interruption uiu! adjournment tnmi : i..ck mth- JU'i&C tniitwt It) JU.ful k IttVt.s'l t'C OVrilllrif. VUII UJU M1IIH Mlllll II tlUH'll. ' . It tsfuftliur ilircctcil tint thu mciliti f tlm ri'tun. ! ttfi'i '7 J lit IT c 4 ai in G ! till 1 1 1 1 ti u 4i. 1 ll . m) il m rir. to iii.iKt. im i Hie County lUturns. wiikh m11 Iju iftc iith .im ui ptnVitl. ATIU UliUL't MM tJi. it,it!f tfU r.Uj .Nori'T. is iimtr.iiY (iivnv. ' ',stilW','"-,,l y I'- iM-u nA Am nenn t-hnt every i-r.m i-jcepimj Jif.ti.- ,,'f l!i, Pen,.. 1,1XV tf,o Ilio-t prei-IJ H pi-iliuilil i- .bn shall liolil any nlhc- or iitii'iMiitiur ni of i ro ll or , 1 r I ii Of , '.(I c! .'-i;.. I. t tn ! iiiiiiif-lid jiti !. AlW all tho mn i 11 thing is to save tho Country to rave it from long coulincd War, from increased debt, from further was-to of lift), mid from aihitrary prin ciple in government. Ijittlo matters it to the peoplo what aro tho jicrional for tunes of "A. Lincoln,", tior whether A.or IJ hold a partionlar ciriee : But tho neces sity of a charge of rulers to save the country id nioit uviduil. jjut ail other ooiictderatiotia be fuborduiated to this one, ami our country will bo delivered from 1-nl.imity. , ,lJor tho cleotinii of Gen MeCi.oi.l.A.s, will bu .our -salvation. It will fttvo us from 'Mho uvil dnye" which threaten in; it, will rcttore the rule of juatiee nmoiig us ; it will renew our pros perity ; it will elti-ii Lp the.-o g-ipinjj woundi of v.ui ; it will rotlticn concUiu lion nt, d re union, and it will pceuro cur utitro finuiSliifpot!sm and renewed wars. Columbia County Prisoners. j .t PROTEST OF JOHN RANTZ. (juty In the fca!c3 referred to cannot bo iimparcd muchlcsj tukcu tway by the John Rantz, one of the Columbia county ' susponsion of the habeas corpus, nor in-pri-sonors, who is on trial beforo n Court deed by any order of tho Hxccutivo or Martial in llarrisburg has offered the. fo!- law of Congress. To this t-ffoet tec !ind lowing protctt against his detutilion by j Story on Con,, sco's 1,778 to 1705, iuolu military authority and his trial by a mili-' s'uo. tary court : 4 Hut not only may this right of trial To all tho I'haigos and specifications j by jury bo regaided us nffir.natively as John Itantz, the prisoner, wheti in a court scrti-d and secured to the eitizeu by the of iropor jurisdiction will plead uot guilty, ' provisions of tho Constitution, by any ami but respectfully be" leave to file tho fol- 'every other mode of trial must be taheu to iriut under th,.' I'nii.-il t!t,iu-f, in-.ui) cin or iniorpu- ol libel I V , I'OUSi oratud by ill-- I ruleil district. vln-tK,-r a eoiiiiu.tiiui-,1 mlu'-r or otli -r J wise, n mbnrJlniiii-otiiur or agent ho in nr tlinll tin uljrts Ol plltriOti Iroiil l!i 1 11.10 inploved uinler tho Leylslutnr,-,. .i 1 utu i- or jii.li. 1 iry fl . 'v.o.'ni iu iijiu im, iiu It ilruntiiK-iil ol Una Mat, , 01 of any iity or ol tinv in- .orDorntcd Ulrtrlit. niiil tli.il lloil cuti- m. i,i'i r nf C'iini!re8. mnl of tliu tlt.it.) Ii.-i-iiiiilute. ami of lie: tanivly urrilirlure(l , l.,U.:,l If .1 r of any in -urporiitiil ili-t.-iei, is l,j law tin m-uhl" I down ullll T tin' hriuiil ineiit uf Ji-iIko, In.p -il.ir or rlorl. 01 mu eh eil.m nf 1 A l!liit--rV CnUillii-JiOll .nf i'iiicIH UC il.U l.,,..i... ,ili-..f.lll I I1...I .1.. l,...... .... f..' ntlicr olllocr of audi tli I'lon lull lucl lliljt'u b.- tluii cUM-d ol C'ir-iiracy nr h.d.li'ili! Aiid - ......I . volcil tor. Anil the mM act of Uiemhly enliilnl "in net rebi tun; to elect. u4 of tin- (''.imiii,,iiu , u.ih." p,-ud July V, IHI9, fnither plovi.li il .is li,l.i-.v. I i il : "Thai thu limpeitoi .i-ul .'.h'r.-h -h.ili uuLtat til : re spectivo pl.ici ii nnt.1,1 it'i.l tor lo.l'ii'in Hi 1 .-I '.-ti.-- i-i Hie ilislrict it ilin a ill, ) r sp - in,l.. I, Io-il- li I'm V o'clock in tliu inoiiiim ,,t III- .- DN'ii I'l .MiV H' OO'lOln-li. .111,1 h.i i,t liiip.it'.r hlull np.iui'ii i n, t'lirk, who -h-ill I1-1 n -pi.-ilm -,l vifr ! -11. It nntri,i "til Cll-O tli, P'TS'lll il,. hll III ll.lV,' I Ikl.tlll' !igit iiuinbi'r of vol s toi tt;n ti.r hull u -1 .0 11 1 on tho tluV ' f iiii I' 1 tout tii'-n til p-ion vv l. Html linve rccelvi-il tin- hioio! tuiili -t uiiiiiii, 1 1 win 1 r Judge tit til :t,-xl pli 1 i-,l 1111,": e, tl ti clul net ,1 t ii'.j.i-ct- i r in hiii place And in iim-tln' p r Wmti.ii LKirc.1 Urn ni-c.'1'il hilu'-l iiuiiib-r ot v ut fir itispe t or slull 110' iitii-iol. tin- (u run i-l"i:t,',l Ju 14 vli.itl i.p polul un I i.-ipei tor 111 his pl.o'o ; mil 11 .inr ... iu y still coiiin.. . tn 11111 bouril l-ir tho p.t f n( one hour Ifarniers, Landholders, Attend By net of Congreis, piued .August 5, 160U, it will be perceived that Sevunty ilir.i.to. Dotit.Aiis iiro to bo r.ied annu iUy from Lends, Luls-oJ Giuttiid, it'uh i.iif IjitLutin&s ,1'iip'uvcmcult and Dwell if Iwuses. 't'o tliu Hinto of Ponnsylvania is nppor- , , . - , aioucd l,uaa.7IU :t:i or NEARLY .. . .1 ' ' -i t'Wv) iMILJilUX DOLLAltS to be .mud (tiiMndhj bj loxtit ubucr, ! On the first day of April, lHl55,tbis law will, go into force-, aud only thou will farm ers and landholders begiu to feel the hur iletn of the ta.es lnndu necessary and im oriiivc liy the present pjuydei'ing iidtniu- tt.tr.tt ton.-. If thev liotw 'pooh to iiscapu Jj'rom tin burden of heajy tuxes the.y mut vato ror "homo (lie who i-iin clo.e up the ll ? '' ltd ",'! l'Let''''yinol'0!'rill!1' finally ,sO that. j thu- jiayy eipunses uorr gottif; oirsiiaU Lia how tipii'iiiiH'I '. A'.-l Ii.OiV uii'.-r w li.itj .-ei-uViti;.:-- I'.'iltiit H.j--.i.:cu, uticihi'r arl-lUf! t'oni i''"- fu.iiy qr I I'M p;i'-.u., pntt on ; 1 ti? 1 1- .1:0 j-r -1 to thu vi'ty" r.-uiidtuioti f tnul pi.Vii'i! ili.it-1 jiirij.il .;ti UVt.-l l.'i- ties, fi-tl I't-I' li lu o!' frt'i ii'i'n ''iii b.- t.xj.i-e:- I 'J'hit 1 'o-ntiiis.-iiin is V.elei-tttl by tjcijei :tl or tuilin.r 1 ".cui, not dii(.Ltly . whit il ...i.-'Vi: The Pojuilav . qurrcnt.. uutisua, ilit,'uocra,i0.u,lljrity 'on Cotigron-' u, in' 'bry. .tonnl vote, at rho 6!ectinii held u-4 ip.&ei neo in 1 i-ni.s., n au-.i, tj 1 11, uiui, lowing written plea to tho jurisdiction of this court i 1. Tho ch.trg03 involve high and infa mous crimes, and the Constitution of tho United States expressly ptovi.des that no porson shall he held' to answer for a capi tal or otherwise infamous crime unless 011 a presentment or indictment by a grand jury, except in eases ariiin from the lantl or naval forces, or in tho militia, when in active scrvico in timo of War or public jj danger. (Amendment Court. Art. 5) And again : ,fIn all criminal cases the ,prisonct (.ball enjoy the right of a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of tho Stato and district where the 'crime shall hive been committed (Amendment to the Const. Art. C.) These provisions were adopted after the organization of the Government of tho Unitid States under tho Constitution and for the purpose of placlug tho trial by jury entirely beyond tho power of Con gress and all other bodies of tho Govern ment. Tho Constitution, as origionally adopted, contained tho following provis ions on tho subject : "Tho trial of all crime?, cscopt in eases of impeachment, shall bu by jury ; and euch trial shall be held in tho Sta',e where such crimo shall have been committed." (Art. 4, Sec. 2,) So jealous were tho peoplo of tho right in i (ue.-tioii that they required tho amend- I meut quotud, notwithstanding the origiual ', provision. Out) I Tho defendant is a citizen of tho United authorize the 'Prudent to'' Wpcml the NEWS FjP.OM WASHINGTON. Wtit Of h-ihlttS CUljiUS. 1 - The second roquiro tbe Wtary ol -j J 0 bii b 1 1 1 1 V ()f U HeaYV "Draft Stato and of V6r to report to iho dudg-i . s i of thd United States Circuit nild l)istirt' ' r WltW (llfj ElcCtlOH. Courts'the names of ncrnontt held in mil-1 : i itary custody by order of tho 'President, jy sX'VlalS OF OONSOltlPTION. iu their respective districts, and if tho ' ' grand juries of thu proper districts fail t I SUBSTITUTES AND THE FIFTY DAYS t OTIC2 TO HE ABOLISHED. Abolition majority in IttOJ, . . ITif) fo.'iio tuoiTitio muiorily on the i-oun- iv tiesvts tu i-iit. ti, r.t me ro- eunt election, . . . 8,.rU0 States and of tho State of I'cnusylvacia, not in the land or naval forces or in the j militia in active service. Ho is therefore not within the exception of Article 5 of 0;),8'3 amendments above cited. That exception utter the Hun.-lived by l.nv lor tin! npuilu,: ol til. tl.-c- r. &.iijjiaiL1c to tho tu-opie J theru i.S 110 .1.... m... I lll...l ....lr. . . tint I..I. ...I m.l ..- .1.. I ' outior wt.it is Hlull oiiici-r tii.iii h.11,1 ii.-on 1 ititt-d. , r'.'ht of pm'tiipiory oiiullunuM tor thu ' Dtnioora.ic ;aiu ii) oiii ycer, I'.ir.i-ii. it. .1111 i-irii.i'ii. piiiiii tii.i.1 iuiu nt .nan itiuiiii.i ..-i . -!.. t. I. .. . .m.... . 1.1 nil tlie v.ii mil. , uectHid ! ilio tn il u: iy bit nu.ai.j fit:. 11 I'res- on. Democrats and Couservutivea '. does not affect his riohls ahy more than "it shall be the duly ot the sovernl Asnei-sor-i respect- , , . . . , ... . . 1 I . 1 . . . m. . tei to ut end at tin- pine ot hoiiiiinj .-vir enurai, hi- iT-iiU'iiO'i '"" wiktiosi'.i i tin" pi' '0 eil- llif grand I) it lie f ir llio union and tho I if it did not exist. Tho several provisions such'iLcUoVMVkei't op. Ui'o'iiV-iuViowu'iir't'ivVtii: iii inn i- or lost i tsil 5 t'u-i'i i no ap- (J.inrtituii-t: iiniio't won 1 l'ou have I of tho Constitution arc absolute as to him ; tiiforuiition to lb.- Iiif p.'i'inr'. 11. id Ju-'",., b. 11 tlleil on, ill rel.lllo.l to the I UliL ol ,il pi riiu ,n..'f. led by Ih'-iu lu otc at sm Ii ..li-cLiiii.. .-lint uu iith ollt- ' umtters 111 r-'lano.-i to the in-io-asiot nt it nt -!i,ni tit srtid Insp. .-tor-, or eilhi.r of lbi!.ii slull Iriu 11.11c to time retjtiiift. "No porv-n sluill be peniiiltid I i oie nt any .-I,- U".i us nforosuld, nth' r tloui aw'.ii 1111., 11 id ihi. .my 1,1 Iwcutyioiie or iiiori-, uho rliallluuc r.-siucti iuthw ttale at Ica-t 01, y, ui an I 1.1 ib ).', ii.i ,.,.t,ia 11 here ho ollera u 1 'i(-- t'u d it nn.ne ! .o l.i pt-ei dhu suili tlccti'io. ,i,im ulii too ji.uv iiii.i (ftiiior County tux. i. In, b ilniil h.m b" -n iis-e -.d ,11 I ui ten days before tint t ieciinu. Hit! a ' it', -tiof th L't'iti-d HlateH Klin Iihh pu- wa.lv lieon .1 .piulia -.1 . of inti Hlnto mid rent-'v d lb-r. irniii .1 iu 1 i- in '.tinduli, shall lit-vt- rei,t' ,1 in ilo. 1 ' li.-n 1 1 - lit. 1 mid p.tl.l :itt s ufoiepiiitl. h." il, !. ,'tilill, M i-i i 1 - . tt r i, -1 un it this Htnto six in, n, lb-- I ro-. id, "I. I Ii 't tli Lit" Ir- men, citi. t ' ih oiled .-i.it t-, b 1.11,11 lb,. :u, of menlj-iiur u 1 I mi nij iw.tje.iir, . It 1 Irn-j rem ' I in tho ck-cti-iii di-tru I t nit,ni.i- ..1 r. aiiid biiali b entitled to v-,t. , i.li1- mi'li thev .h.nl run lint., p.. i l t.. "op'.r on bh.ul It.-(o riniiK'l to i'i-Hltoett 11 tine is nut cotttniii- n in tin li-t of ra 11i.l- iiiliulntnntii, lur niktiedby 011- o.iiiiuii-hi .,iir. iiui"-, I'.i 1 11 pio-m.-' areeeiptof pii) ir.. tit, 11I1 11 liv,i yi-uif, 11 etnl" ,ir County lax U.S. sod Jre. .iin) to t!i -i omtlt ilnm.-intl ivn satiiliuloi 1 - nlctioo 011 Ins own oath or utBris.it- tinn of niiolliet ib it In' Inn paid ui ii 11 t.tx. or in but po.tl 1 1 11 -omiitt nt court I' t i'u- Rormvcioti eui i-.i d tin-oi.' -osU ! Onwutd to the cit- 1 and if any constitutional provision can of ci ror i.r v roug in tin' proareilitijj-. ; no mlut ot uu- ifoti,aud oat out the money protect a right it would seem that he ought maid of..l tSdmtiiati u f wi'iwtwn to cti'nn9'rs Iroi't the National Templo. to be protected from a trial not 'iu con- p. 1-0 wail or ttii-ohojd ; un M;K!il.f Wy .Trample upon those who trample upon the I formity with them. It seems that ho can- uuu-t.1 j no j-ri liiiiiu-irv i-xii.i;ntiioir bo- -Constitution ! 0 lish out those who .-'tek to not, in fairness, be tried without being pre- fine 11 in !!: tin to 01 j iiia itiabiiii'; tlte crush out Civil Liberty ! Mspel Abolition- scntcd by a grtuul jury, or tried without a Dcf. odiui. u rttiow who on- the witinwfbu tm s ii.potili'iKi 1 Give us hack Bnin-t t tut, ami tilt- i liurm-ti't- ol ill- evl- OH 11 01.0 UNION, .Uii.ee lu i- M meet ; no i. .ii uU'-u tor his Ol' U OLV ( ONS ITCiJ T;TpN, : 1,'ieMaueo e-iatj'-iiiu ii'ia tu lu nt l.tr- v lor Ol'L! ijlA) PitOSPKIHTY, and give be excluded and prohibited. Thus; ''No person shall be held to answer for tiny capital or otherwi-ic infamous crimo unless in case of presentment and indictment by a grand jury." ite., clearly precludes the notion ol any o'.hor form ol tttal. Tho old common law aud great statute.' of England, broujht over with then! by tho founder.! of KuglUb colonies, and io forco at tho time of iho adoption of the Constitution of tlio United Stales, uxelu tied all other modes of trial of acy citizen not in the military commission. Sir. Ju .tice Story, as already cited, expressly ap peals to and quotes Magna Charta uroi this point and iu support of this position The DUth chapter of this great tct is as fellows : S'.No frcoman shall be taki-n or impm oucd, or disseized or out! wo.!, or bftuiih cd, ot in any way. destroyed ; nor wil1 wi pass upon him unless by the lawliii j- de ment of his peers, or by the law the land." "The judgment of his peer?," la-re allu ded to, says Story, "is the trial by jury, who aro called tho peers of tho paity ac cused, being of like condition and equal.'' lie also expressly sajs : "When our more immediate nncustnr.5 removed to America . thev brought this great privilege with theiu, as their hiith right aud lnltotiianco, 113 a purt ot tiiai admircble eommou law which had fenced round and interposed bnrricn! o:t every sido against the approat-hes of arbitrary power." P. 1779. But this denial of any other form t trial, and especially that by military cem missions, was asserted in the WMition of llights" passed in the third year of Ohailc the First. It is therein cu-ictid anil es tablished, "That no man of what state or condition should be put out of his "l.-tn'd-or tenements, nor taken, nor impiisoned, nor disinheiited, nor put to death without due process of law." And in speaking of tho commissioni. aforesaid, tho act usoth tho follow irg terms : "Whieh commissions, aud all others ol like nature, aro wholly and directly con trary to the said law and ttatutcs of the realm." ! iluil bilL-i, it is tho duty of tho judges to have nil uch persons discharged on taking tho oath of allegiance end giving bond if required. The thirl reotiou provides that all par bens so held and not reported, shall be entitled to a discharge in tho Bailie man tier as is provided iii thu second sccliou, after a failure on the part of tho proper Graud Jury to indict him. Here are air tho sections of this act which boar on tho question, :nid it will bo seen that w.hilo they contomplal.i and sanction military arrests, thioy da not countcnancr or authoiizc militiiry trials Ou llio contrary thoy fairly' discount nunco tbuni. The President's proclamation based on this act, limits tho suspdnsion of the habeas corpus to persons nmccdublo to military law, or to the rules and articles of war, itc. No order Is contained in lit is pro clama'ion in regard to trials, aud the inference is irrcsiattible that the proper courts s.vo left to act uudcr tho rules of law, upon that sul jeot, aud theso aro too well defined to requh'S comment. Civil e.ourU try offences against the laws com mitted by citizens. Military courts and eomitiissions try such as arc subject to tho rules aud article:; of wir, and tbo defend ant claims that lib docs uot fall within that class. G Tho recent act giving military court3 jurisdiction ol oft'i.uces against tho civil Iaw3,wheu committed by soldiers er.oludes citiz.-ns by iti silence from nny'such juris diction. and leave them to be died by tho civil courts for all such oiT)neijs, Sec ilev. rrg. 18G3, p 511. But all doubt, if there coull be any ou thu qurttion, is put to rest by tho tct oi 3rd of March, 3 963, entitled or known us the Enrollment Act.wherc itisespress ly provided, That w hero persons aro charged with resisting thr- draft,tliey shall be farlhivith ddivcrel to the civil aUUiaii firs,'' and upon codvietion bo punished. Statues at laro, vol VI, p. 735, pi The President's proclamation of 15ih of September. 1883, professc3 to conform to the stalucjindcqd makes the statue the rule of iiction unuer tbo iiroclamatton,anJ doc3 not impair the right ol trial by jury Wo'htivc, hovyever, in the enrollment act of the anhof July, 1801, tho E::ecutiv and legislative conui uctitioii of tho the A Failure of the Last Draft i &e, &a, iSic. S-i,itnr lannnnw-iis emnl.nt.-d in Lo' csiUJDg law, lor mo Hearing oi tno party 15,11 of Hie'hts passed at tho time of the M oas" csclurivcly ossianc a nun' and pr.-p.ro luily atttl muly ior his i PEACH ! Age , . . trial ; n-vio'iioiiity ot l.'fTHl ktiowkdoi' itr.d . , . , ... . ., , Oonor.'! .idi i.ui.i.AS, i.i lis letter to iilif.ui ilal.tv ill t 10 tlltuiml Ui:oii t'l'S ii -.i v iiiifiui .wnj in . Ja.f r.N, irom Hirrifons Linni Lr. ll, . i. ! l.fl !l!lll-.(ntl 111.(1 iMUUt 11''! S ill .'.it . .1(1... I ...r.'..... I..v. 111. mill . .4. in - . 'v --- Sit'll - villi LIOU-O leuit itovvi uu iiiiiiui." I ... i i . .. ' t I'.I - i. ,.-,.iir,-d one.l; it U the e ..-o of frt'O .u.t.tutious ' i he Constitution indeeU autbor.ZuS tno person not a memoer o. i.iu uiiuj i.avv and i-iif-c-'erun"-u.- J lie i utistiiiiiion .suspension ot tno nuueas cupus act a iaw or in tue miiuiii ,u ucmui m.iw. -u- the ol.ii ro to bo met ueh petit, jury of the distort wherein tho al loged offences were committed, But it may be said that wc aro in a state of war ; that the wiit of habeas tor- .hi. I.. c.iei-..iwl...t mnl lln. nrnc-tclm-icl ih 1? i l-nl .llinll ft 1()S8. l IT CU3I.VUUV.VI , U,IU IUV invil-'vitw . i. ....j . w. , ... . , it . . 1 11 . . 1 , -i .. ii i. .(..',,. ,.(oin.l tUit k'mca tho Cticmt Court of the United stale?, in niiftstinn ar tindpr simi ar susnension. , Aud it may be satt-t ttaleti mat since ' But there is no provisions for the tu,pcD. that time no proceedings of this nature foe dislri.et.m which tbo ofTuncj was com ..i...,..,- ..r .1,.. fv6.;,i,nn i. ,ni..,,n ,,i,or !,. vMnd urniinst an v , '"'M. specified as the only proper tnb- CIUH 1JI UUI U1I..I..I. Ui in wio..n..w... , i,Md ii.uvu w. . - - - n O - I l .1 .1 1 1 O 1 to a Court of competent juried icttoa,- and ure to pro.i no .1 r. ..iipl hall iniil.u 0,111 1.1 the pnv. ! j,j !in iiidictillPtlb HI vfjitllr' ', HO pfovisi JU for U1V.U. Ii!. ii - .T.r .. .1 . . i-.. . t it... i. .... it . .1 .. 1 .1 ... .... 1 .. . .1 ... .1 a. .a - 1 ..: 1...1 t?..ii I. t...i-x i.. , 1 tie uoiuuuaui tutiuvr uvmx-ii tun wu.a iniiiiueie. . ,.ri;..oi, it .0 1. ..... 1 ...... ...... , ....,. ii tiuu t.0 uii on iiiuM u.o ' or ' orvu , v.ir.ti-( ot tue lauu.Keuera iv auoptou in me oiat.es need, a usiiuguieiieu jiugaau .juu uu- . : , . . , bei..c an eleiior bttAeeit the nee 01 tiwiiiy kihv 1.1.1 costu II, CUSC 01 aofl Ulttll , t 0" ' HUy lejril f iTV f ,.;'.-' ' 'fa t .. .. ., , niw.inn In rmitL r 1 lia nin.-HIon ill dcterm iiv,.my.t-o,i'r8bi,,.H dep.e omb or au-muii. ... L03lB m i ,,',.,'.... A - r 0. uj. 1.. thi! ; o.-t iu tune, irens.ure, or j t Constitntiou. Tho T S d of said : "Mart a aw as of old doc, not m.ssion to coastua ims qu-simn in ucicrm iiiatiieiiaareS,,iti.i.,iih.!ciiit.-ati.-i.,toiioyi,,,rh..iW.!' 0J,ta t.ty a. io ihe (pi wtuut or character , . jiM -rt e,,Il.0,..sful 'nihtsr r , " 1 . . r, , , , ,, ,. , . iuiiif that 01 tho iurisdictiou.v z : Can the his appite,,,, .. ami unii;. such pr,, t r".,.ioBe .1. 0 ' ' - , ,.ou,:icljon 'w' ' . " " - " A-, ' , ', ,," trial by y, whoever, is placed on a dir- exist in England at nil," and is contrary-to , ,nn& 01 1)3 juusuid on, . u i iho district est.ire.uire,t by ibis aoi.itudth.it he. ol the; puii'nnieni in t.tsi- oi (ou.icuun. cl i -lyoliitiuus are oiMti.y l(. be u in tho ... , , r i t r-i ,,iu,u r- ., ,.,, sentenee o I this court bo p eadco. in bir to v.iiiyb'iit'.eriotnth,- accouni e.ve.j him tb.ii i,-:. f . elnrtiD hi.t! un- (Liu,. Si x'mWe'v u m nrv di, t-ter nol foreut mid lusher Sou,id. It is secured tho Constitution, and has been for u cell- ,U"UIMU,"1 . of th,!iit!eii!or..aid.andiiueus.i.lioii,rvvi.!eiii;i.s SUCH .110 t-OUiC 01 tno eiariiui , unvi un IU11W. I'1 1 IH ill et moil nry o n u r, "u o o , ..i.,i.,l 'i i;t c, floi.ld a prosrCUtum Upon indicmeilt for thoof- i. recjiiiieii i.yiiiiti act. i..-reup'ui ii.,!i,!iii.Jf,i-ti, nbiot-tiom to fitizeii ttials U- t .c.i ,f tis) bu, (ir. 1 .ii-ijii, war shako your by these several abiolote provisions ol the lury totally exploued. Uraut vs. uonia i' i .,ron con, iiniii,.d i.noie Shan b,niLiu,; m un: i,i- answer.ible onletuotis Diiuitu iii-i. i nit'" 'If,. r ' ,i , i .:''. . . ,, , , j 1 ,t ir., ,o iti no ttt.Iv t n o4n tt-iI.v feuce c hareo iu tho civil courts : It would ihnbeiicniinthytiie.u.pecior.aioiiin.ii.-lu.ij.joppo. . iwihiw of ()"u-t-. woro h ttlfO purpovi-to nfo-e-.-the qua! opera- (joust tul on a;a nst a chances and under 2 Hume Bl. 00 1 Halo P.O. -40 li.Ho " b . lite titeictoby iiritiiisibj or.i tiv."ii b. tiiuii.-.- loro iniliiary Uoniti.HsiOiH oc IJ u..v,wiro . . . ' n i .status unon ,, - mi i . .i ,1 i,mo "in . 't'l.ij i,,. i,nnVe Siicm no , in view ol tho reoont legivlation ttedt.),..tebi.';.on.iiii'mutMi,.,it4.i:n.iii..- ,.,.,' k-,,,;.,, iu. tho "t'on.titutioii 'l'if ' ,'i ,a." ; p al c rcuuistances. The Cat that suspends com. law 0, , oo ; 11m, it li.tD ticiurc , .. . ., w.,i ..k- ' ... b. rb.,ii..".oi,,,iiw.i in tofnbyreaHii, they .'vrit pefiutuod by ttio on. nun hQ. . ,U(J. cu, Mate." ( . , ,,.,, hv R ,finiIlfid tlrro. "Is correct, of Congiesa, nlrOauy cifid. llio legisla- l.I ERt. Ullll 111 I'lllier e.lsu llio l lisoo ot lillllt ll vn "1 ... . . .1. 1 . 1 ,,n,a 1, u.tiv I r. .- . . ' IllLiSU U'J nuiuut otiviu.l m 1 11 vii... v, . w. j J D ' lllll UUI..IUI 1iCVi I'.? ..-" ---- ---j . J - . -v- m ---fr it ll.U aee. shall b- cailli-d out tu tin cl'.rl.u, ulionbull iital, Hole ill tl), Ittt of .oter.-! kept by th -.11. "Ill all .u- lt"r-. tn na 01 Hi,-1 r.. claiuiliii; 10 vote l. not i.otud 011 tin- list lurtiiMu n bv trt't Lui. uiiisluneiii, rim right to vol.- i It.-tln r found lb, ro-c-it or not, J. mo- ilt-.l ij u iio) ,p.dl-ii.i! . 1111MM1. il'itfi.tll bo ttlti llul of 'ill'' Illp'Ctol, to i-x in- t, leu p ri. 01 011 until an t ' tuuiMK. 11011,11, mnl if In. . Linus tu Imvo it'sided tvltli.n nm ri.ito for one 11 a. or more, hi . o-ath shall he sinlb lent pr i , ih.'icoi, but be uliall, ntnka p root by al lensi 010 eonipeli in wit. n fa ho b .11 1.. 0 .iialiIi,.'J . lni -1. 1 tin 1 he ban ramdetl williin the dis trict lor inuii- than 1, 11 i.ijt. i.nnn .liitli Ij pi,v, .iiii. aid elertinn. and rlinll also nvuir Hint lit. bona tide residi.ni'0, in pursumiiv of In. I.iul',,1 cill.'.i'; in v. lib In the di.triLt. ami that lie nnl nut leioovo wilbiu uv ilistriil for Hie purpi'toi 01 vuliii,. 'Every per- 11 ipiaiilh-il us ulon'-anl mid ttlm shall I1111 kc due prool 11 re-puied ot lu. te.-i4--iic,. an-! pay ment n tui.b alul, -bin, I, shall b u.linliliil lo vote 11. thu township, uartl or ot.iiit.ti m ttlnili lie slull re tide, "If anv ne rnit nli.ill prevent or ntli nipt I., pi .t.t kny ollkcr of an . Ijillnn, miller lhl ml Hon. U"l Un-' such flectliiu. or us.' ui llir'.at'.n uuy 10lenee loa.. such oilier, mnl ,-iiall inuriupt or iuipropkily ml in 1. wllh bun in ibe .xoc'iliuit of bis duty, shall block up nr attempt in ni-.t h up the uimtou ur uv.-uu . iu any window whom On same may In linldeii. or shall m l ously disturb Hie p.aci ol siieli i lioii'ip, or lll ill list or protlii-i- in, nm Ian .11. lbi.au ton" of vmlvin.'. Willi tlio itesu'ii in 1111I11111 0 nndiily or ot --taw ait; lector nr pr sent linn fio.u union 01 to icstimu ib" freedom of choice, such persons 0 1 cuiivitlloii !iall be fined In any sum 11 .1 i-xc.lins uu- hiiudri d dnllur. , to ho imprisoned lor uuy linn nm !- than cum nor lunr. thuti ttveho inoiitli., and 11 ll sli.il! he tdmivn IJ th" Court wh-jru the trial of sutli oilcnc' UM be bud. 'hut the person so oili-mhiij was 1101 a r' td. til of ih- city, void or district here lb said oilein o was coiumitt"di and not cntiilmi to votetln ri'in, on cotivn ti" i, sli.i'1 be icmleiiceil 10 pa a lino of not li'-n than one Iniu Irmi or mote lltati one UiouMiiid dollars, and bu iuipii-.'ii, d nut lest Hutu six niuoths nor moro tlntu two vur. (liven und.r inv hand, lit luv olllee ill ltluiuusliurili tills lutlt day of biipieinbi'i-, in the year of our l.uru unu thousand emht Imudroil and stl -loar. ami tu lltti cithly-iunlli of the indi-pciidouco of tho United riatca, JOSlAII ll. ITItJIAN. fc'ia-ri.r. Phcrlift Ollleo- liloomsburif. Oti 13 Idol.; mil antiiorrwd b? tho laws. But they air. pluinlv Joibid.tn by bolh,hud fliow ol-jo- ; , gp- j l?uli-io, the weiaht ol tlio re.tpou tioru ,tu u uii'iitioned only to r-how the 1 fitity to lie l-oru;-, slmuhl thc'ponple rat wisdom md jj fatieo ol tho prohihitio'i. (t'y jour choieb.l Con-ioiom of iny own o mint gel hoelv to tho Cotittiuition w)lj;UC,s l Cnn only soil; fervently the gui aud laws, ami to tbo lino principle of lib- (jau,.0-oi ti. It uUr o'f the Universe, aud, crty and justice, by tho flection of Gen. reijUg 0u his all powerful aid, do my best McCloHiin. ' Alter tlmt s polcut enough lo auolisb every principle of tho Constitution, and all thosa as to the oommuiity generally, both in primodial lights that oxiBted beforo the war and peaeo. Uor.stitutiou and so fur as huinau fore j By an act. approved July 31, 180-t, vol. sight provide ag.iinst their iuvasion, pro- jo( statutes ut large, page U'16-l, conspir tecteil by plain coustitutiouul provisions. I acies arc defined, and the mode of punish- If it should bo contended then that tho lQCIlt provided, n.inicly : By trial in tho event tiiuls for ; . ;e,,ol0 Ul0 Uuiu ttu,i peace to a suffer- i Per necessary for th0 euspension ot l be ; Circail 01. DittriBl Cotirt 0f the United soduion will no moro bo l.tnrd of thun . , , .... Cstabli-li and euard , (.. involves ... 6 i,.,. . .o Sla,C3 0l tnc ppcr circuit or a.stuct tliQ wore aftor thu deleut of .Mi'. Adams .illBr.iM 1U1 rights Ucn. jMcUcl ibe elder fur io-ileciioii in VMO, Ilo, a?(,4 Mef 0j AtsctpUnce, ' VV.o JJncoit, was troubled with soti- . tioti and for be . reason,, fr.-'U."! . o u-vo i o , u. , VW '.l l -v.. . i'.-ir Mt t:i.L,.r.A:; una rj:.SDi.i:r"N. SfllOUSllll'S FOB SALE. I'llUburch roinmercial College. lliliShatiipliii " " Crillciiticu'i " " riillnilnlphin. Btratton.llrant 4: Co.. " Thets fctlpa, uru .iiuiiiouuts of . 15 ami $50 ami arc tssoiuut.il rash, by tho Student nit enirins either of the bje (,'ollusus. Vounii men desiring toublain a lluuli . J Conditio Education, wilt lu-re unu a fioj spcru iu tlou by i. plviuj ut tho iHtcu ofilio I l.i lUlil .illM V UI,NWI 1 In n -list! 111!. SOU fflll tO 1'llHB IU tlfOl v. . . ... - t. w trary Uovtnimrnl up" tbo ptioio. Hut'o-d us washiB systt-m, ho fVP uu noliiif! rUor.tr tnnU iu tuo emirts, and many weio acquitted, mid tho system j a i:;pMed and brokp down. l.iD' olu dons nut iruat ttio Uoititf. Ih udroltly iinpvovt fc upon the tsau .le of Adatnd tlo betids hi csh-i ol rcdttiorj to Mtfttiu C-iiiiitissiotis uud iliu only pity U that he is compelled to do it uot only in coiitcuijit of the (.ou.-titutiou but in 11 -it vioU.on oi tho I a wi) passed by ti lit-puli'ican Congresii and signed by liimsolf Ct Tbo rO'CStablUhiuent of tlte Union in all its lu'igilty U, eoaiiuite to bo, the indis,gub.iblo cuudition of auy et tleineiit. Cen. McUlelbtn.s hotter. jj6JTho Union is the couditiou of poaey, we ask no more . 'U l ot's 1st' (tod there will bo an eml to tm-tiUi-TlJUV of DEATH stul I.UIX. 'IV Union V.ll b; re-.tored r.pd all w bo well ..I . I- . tit ....l.l.nH 1.1 imu n. llliUi-lOIt lauitlic-i v.". iiuiuiui store tbo Utiloi-, u.ir snvo thu N ation. Bu in and dt ulh follow In their path. C y '-1 will do wjmt is fairly necessary tooivetbo r.dnilnisirntion power to muin- titu the Govorniiiint and prevent disaster to tin flag, and -tnforco obedience to tho obbgutiaus of thu Constitution aud laws past in acoordauoo therewith. ' - fi'roc 11 Pch'Jlelon. - - - """ "Tho Constitution as it is, is played out 8W'- aud I uni toti'dy lo seo any man shot down Tii w ho tavors tbo union as it was.-. A'. Senator Lane of Kansas. N1' poafo oau be pcrmaucnt with out I 'umi v.. u. McClt'llau'a Letter- iVftr tion clearly give.' jurisdiction of this ca?e to tho civil courts, and upon their fjiluro to try and convict him entitles him to lu diachargeglj t. liter tipn t- rim or absoluto- In view of tbc-e consiJurntions, tho de fendont respectfully submits th tt ho in uot triablo by thu commission, not bsiug with- ... .i.- '..!.. ...... .1 r... .i suspension of the right of trial by jury.l.c Cau tllcso partia, bu tried Mote .my Z H I ' ' ' begs leave to say that, ,n his opinion, ,t thcr tribllual , Wo boll! D0, By the , ' f . ciinuoi, for tbo following reasons : j Projident a proelaination of Sept. M-ltli,i jOiirsP.-N'T ' . . IP l. . I t.. t,. t. 1 1 ii In noil In. tli n . .i . . - i . 1. . e I. ' ' 4 ' isi. inu vita, uj juij iituv-v. ..j lou-i, SUspcnuiuj; iliu v.iu oi mucus ti'i '.111.tiflltil.il nilinnc lllO Oricilial reserved .,... . it .-nc nrilnroit HTIint ilnrincr ttlr, JOHNSON'S n,o ntml.v nml m,it. in fivnr nf t..i..a !.....i.n n,i n. n si.n,1itrt. I' ramont S poi'soual or.'Oii, the natural liberiv, bo hold safe as acainst ,fimro for biinnrcssinL' ihe uamo, all A ''""i coninttntiug upon Andy John.'on v thu exorcise of any doubtlul power upon robels tho principle of connruetion( applied to abettors constitution, that grants ol power aro to 6ball be subj be construed strictly as aaiust tho power to trial and punishment by courts martial mid in favor of liberty. j or military commission." Without Etop- 2. But being last iu point of timo and of piDg t0 inquiro whether tho proclamation equal authority with tho provisions in re- i was authorized and if so whether it em- lation to the suspensions of habeas corpus, hracod persons charged with o immitting a tho amondments must bo held to restrain ' substantial offense within a State not in that provision so fur as may bo necessary insurrection, and when tho courts aro in to tho perfect enjoyment of tha rights as- full exero'tso ol their powers, tho delend eertcil in tho amendments. J ant claims that il has been supsreodad by 3. Simply, however, because thoy are ' the act of Congress of iho 3rd of March, amendments to tho Constitution, every- ! 1S03, (vol. la, statutes at largo tio) ro Vashiugtdu, October 2-1, 180-1. It is understood hero that tho report of tho Secretary ol War to Congress wilf ouibi.'ieo thu substance of a very important communication upon the the subject of tho conscription net, which has been address ed to Mr. Kmutoti by Provost Marshal Pry. It is staled that this docunierit claims that tho present Conscription law is uot only :t failure in producing the right li'md of men, but is a monstrcus expeuso not only to the government, bul to indi viduals, cities, counties, and townships. General Fry urges that tho law should bo amended, not allowing substitutes, and compelling ihc personal service of every mau, ua matter what bis situation, as soon as ho is drafted . It is found that tho las' call for five hundred thousand men has probably not added to our armies moro than one hundred thousand. Tho class recruited aro, in a groat degree, jailbirds, foreigners, and vagaboudaj who desert whenever they can, and a very largo num ber havo found their way '.iuto the rebel ranks. It ts supposed that tho cost to in dividuals and localities of tho lato draft will amount to not less than one hundred and fifty millions of dollars.whiU tho mon reciuited at this cuormdus tost aro worth little or nothing to our army. It is under stood that the Secretary of War will re commend to Congress the abolition of the right to proeuro bubstitutoa, and tho fifty day notice, so that hereafter the nicn drawn will bo promptly put into the ranks. Three hundred thousand moro men will be needed for tho prosecution of tho campaign,if it is deemed advisablo to keep up our armies to their present standard, for the rca'on that at least one hundred and fifty thousand veteran troops will leave the service beforo next May. It is found that as our army is pushed into tho tho touthern territory a greater number of men are needed to cover tho enormous ex tent of our lines. Hence it is almost cer tain,sho.ild Mr. Lincoln be ro clodtcd,and there bo no prospect of poaco,as there will bo none in tho event of his re-election, a peremptory draft for three hundred thous and men will ho mado as early as tho firs't of January. Congress will bo willing to adopt the rccduiincndatiocs of the Secra tary of Var,as there will bo no important election lor two years. It will bo remom- Lered that the Military Committee of both theJSonato and House strongly urged tho striking out of tho substitute clauso in tho last Congress. It was also the earnest wish of tho War Department an'd tho Pro-vost-Maishal General The ponding elec tion, however, compelled tho Republican congressmen to insert the provisions allow ing fifty days recruiting beforo tbo enforce ment of the draft, and permitting tho uso of substitute?. O&r The condition of our finances', thd depreciation of the paper uioncv, and, tho burdens thereby imposed on labor and capital, show the necessity of a return to a sound financial system, wbilo the rights of citizens and tho rights of States, and the biudir-g authoiifey of law over tho Presi di'iit, tho army and tho peoplo aro sub jects of not Icho vital importauco in war Pttoei.AMAUJ.v.-Gc.ie'ral tban in pcoca.-Genoral McClcllan's Let- tor. isuro lor bupprcsstrij Ibe came, an j v - "o ' it-;- n e preservation ol our ;ls aud insurgent, their aiders and j proclamitbn, " tlio luanlmcsa to . Uli. r0,0 BTWW( -i.jett f(,r wh! ttors, within tbo United States, &c. ! 8a? : " ThU elco ion ol Gov.n-r John-ou h .a, Mmnienceil am i( sll011,(1 II be subieet to mariial law and liable H Tonniwcc "ill t. dlo performvieo. oon(lu,.tm! i(J uccra,r,c, witU thing in that instrument that may iu auy 1 lating to tbo writ of habeas corpus aud view bo held lo impair rights therein ac tho PrcHdout'Hprooltvnation, based there sorted must give way to thorn. To that on of tho 15th of September, 180a. extent thev change and modify tho power The firfct section of tho act of 1803, Tie preservation of our Union was Inch tho war havo bean flinsr nrln- If e'.rctors orochoeen, thoy will uo'- loiv-' . . ., - ., . ... . , ., orSanizid!.y the Senaie . Th, ..f ' wiel ,n a(!liv5 M.rvil.e. TllU3 oonduotod Teline.sSC if ,t could be lega l- K -V ,D will woyk of Iccpn?lruction woul(1 LaV(J not ho needed to re-elect Mr Lmco m, It lie . , . . . , . , , .... , , beciv uasv, nnd wa might havo repeated lacked for ra-eltiction th.' number of elect- ., . . . , . , , , tho beueht of our mnny victories on laud urai .uiua iu wuiuu icimcncs irwutu ua and kpii. Gen. AluOlellan's Letter. entitlod, and sough' to retain power. througu such presided election, it is quito , A Shml(1y sluct rcCommend3 that tho probable that the Noith would fall into war! olJ llihch&rgud tol(iiera who aro iDfavor in ruisunce of such usurpation.. If it did , t,f j!c0lcUan toafrtpood of their uniforms, not, it would bo thought that wo n-cr.) of . As tboy h6T0 bctn K,ipp(,a of ovcrythiri n nation not fit to be u repuMIo or any- ' hf tha Sb()dJy t u ht aJ thing else, The Union mutt bapreserved nt all lmimK Gen, MoClellan's Lrttar. woll tako their cl fies also. Tlio fanati cism of it Shoddvltu it like his mnwin- 'ftlialllrt Ml, ii i