Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 29, 1864, Image 3

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Saturday Morning, Oot. 29, 1 0G4
tjjUmjjfXjrBWU'JA-AM9mtaumHaauuAjmu i atwlia i.
(QT l '10 I-'rotnuims ns n warded
j,y tbo JudiM of the Into county Fair ap
jCir3 nmoug our new ndvertisomonts.
fOf-'l'liu Electoral Ticket, is now prill
ltd and ready for dstribtition, at tho office
of ibo 'H'olumbia Demonrat."
gy Tlio Draft Board of cnrolinout,
j.e will ootnmotico their work tit thi
plnco next week. Th drafted men in the
county, ro to report hero on tbo J3d of
- c
fay The friends of tbo Soldiers hnvn
tnltct) their Hospital in this placo for tbo
Htndquartorn of tho IIouid League. We
.nr.rue tbu f i i cutis of Education bnvc
itDt tbo soldiers to sonic tchool bouse.
fay Tbnnia Downs one of the Blooms
bur election day victims, is reported to
bs confined in Georgetown, D. C., with
case Milt uiibeard.- He tins his certi-fi-alo
if having paid commuutation money
(till safe.
rjta" Mr. Jonathan ll. Leacock, of
Troyi JiUZ"ruo county, formerly of tbis
place, the successful horseman that
won tho two highest prizes for fast trot
ling at our l.itu county Fair. His two
nimiij owned -and trained by himself are
nitnb'o of feet aud Imrd to boat.
DIEUS Let every citizen who writes
to a soldier in tho army, locloto in his
letter a Dnmocratio ballot A majority
of tho fioldicrs from llil Stato will voto for
General Mct'lollan, if they pot an onpor
tunily Five sixths of tbocs who havo
been enlisted aro Democrats .cnloUsly at
Inched to tho c.inso. 'I'hov will irfadlv
support it by their votes, if they nre prop
erly instructed m to tbo method of voting,
and I'm nislicd with tbo requisite bnllols.
Tickets aro read y lur distributional this
Hr.i.n at i!i.onunui!0
Thursday. Friday and Saturday
Oct. 13, 11 anil 15, 1H0 1.
Heft pair draught horses, 1'. 1). Heller, $S CO
2il " Ji) do Jos Dayman. A (10
2d " ilo Mures, John Vaticc, Jr.,5 00
Host pair carrbgo horses, K M Warden, S Oft
2d " Ja do .Tnhn ,Voltner. 5 CO
Dct t jmir uf nmrcs A .1 Wtiilcnsaiil.u 00
2d ' dn do J V llntrenliiicli.l 00
liest ttr.lltnn over 1 year'' old. H Itu'io, S 00
Host slnlllon between 2 and A years old
Wesley llowtnnn 4 00
Rest single c.trrlaifu ht;rsi,W IIollin1iend,4 00
2d " do Jo .) HrtKotilpucli, 2 CO
Rest jincln currlnco tnare. .1 Tnmm. Jr., 3 00
Rent geMlligolt between 2 itr.'l years old
Dunicl Vnndcrillce, 1 00
mro " " 2 A 3 rears idd
Ifynti wish to marry, mldress tlio underilfned, whn
will mil! yrai III, ,ut money niul without price vnlu
able Information that ulll enable you In marry happy
niul speedily, lrrrvii'cllvo of age, wei'llh or beauty.
This information will cost yon. nollilng, rind ir you
wl-h to marry, 1 will cheerfully nasl.t ymi. All letters
strictly cotiflilf iiliiil. Tho desired Icfermation tent by
ri.'iurii mall, niul no questions nkeil, address
Sarah II. I.nmbort, (Ircelipolnt, Ulrica ct)., New York,
Oct, 15, lui -:im.
Ey Cm you tell u- of a single traitor
in the; N'or'h, who would not rejoice in lie
election oi IiCksIImii. liembltcan.
Yes Doctor wc can. Thero is a corta n
tunn in this Town known ns Thomas Dunn
tho luioal dwhCcudcnt of Tories, who would
sot do so.
Any inoro question;, Doctor !
tj Jlosjrs. II. W. Okeasv & Co., the
cctnlemaiily merchants -of Lioht Street,
nummucj through our coliituus tiie ar-ri-ul
of a lurB aud well selected sisort
aijut of Full and Winter Goods. This
fir ii sills cheap', a faot proven by the
that daily visit their
EiM4 At HA 11. .
rrcfi'ssnr J, 13 A(.'d, M. M,, Uucuiist and Aumrr
formerly of l.tilon, llollaml, la now Incalril at No. fill
1'INT. fUrert. 1'iiil.Anririilt, uhcrn persons nniitleil
ltliillseni'iif tho I'.VI, and I1AII will ho sdi'i.tlfl
ally truati'il and cur.-il, If curable D Arlintlul
Lye Insi'tted witliimt pain.
II -.Voilnrue tiiailu for P.tamlnatlon. 'JhnMeil.
If nl farulty is Im llcJ, as ho Ins nu secrets It) his
tnoilo onri'fitiiiiit.
Jul)"-'. ISOI.-Uin
Uniformity nil'rlcoi t A Now t'entura in llusslnes I
Mvtrvnne his own Halenniii! JI)M:8 i CO. of the 1
On sentomi I'rlco Clothing sturi),No. ViUI MarkeUlreO
i abnvi! iltth, 1'hllaili Iphla,
I In ail iltluii to linviiiQ .the lafirct, most varlel and 1
fafhlonablu stock iifi'lolhliij In I'liilailelpliln mailoei ;
prossly for retail sales, have constltuti'il cery ono .
ills mill siileiiian, hy lining uiArked In Oaurrs, on mull
arurluat ttm veiy luwi'.t priro It run lie soJil fur to tiny ,
i raiiHot po'sibly nry nil mint buy aliKC,
The irooil are well spoiiseil aim prepareilainl uro.t
' pilns taken with the m.tklin; u that nllcinh'iy with'
the lull nssntaiiea nl Eeitini! u l'OoiI nrliclo at the very '
lowrxt prlre. Also, n laryti stock of piece kohiIs on ha ml
of tho latest stylo mid best qualities, which will In' niailh
to onler, In tlio iiiu-t l,ililomiblo and licrt luniincr, 'IS
per rent. bei,w creilil prices.
I llcimiiiibir the Crescent, In Market above Sixth Mrcct
ll'J '.01. JUW.3 U 1.(1.
No. 718 Arch St.,ftboro 7tb,
1' II I li A I) E I. V II I A
I liavt now In store of myon Im
portation and Manufacture, one of .Ilia I ARUEST and
uoit lli;,UIII'lil, telcitliiiiof
Fauoy Furs,
rnr l, . Mill, T nun i;iiii,iiki. a i..iu m u oij.
Also, n flu arrortiiieiitoftletil's Tor Uloos l.ollars.
As my I'urs were all purchased when (lolil was at a
much lunar premium than at prcaienl, I am cnableil
to UlspnsC 01 1 Ill-Ill M Very teaSOIIIIUie prirrr, nm. I
Ihercfurij solicit a call from my Iriunils of Country riu
ITv" llciecmbcf the Name, Number and Street I
713 ARCH Street, abovu 7th., couth fiido,
Bj' t have no farmer, nor connection with any
other More In rhlladttphlal
Rep, 10, lMi4,-Uin,
ah I WIIKnCAfl, In ami by an act or nshsral Asembif
of the Commonwealth uf I'ennsjlranla, entitled i An
Mt'ates Tltiuhlitrr (mm I)hnrdcr3 of the Actio rfftulstf the Oeucral Klerilnns within this O om
lice oi said election ana inpnumcraio in saiu oonc
what oirircrs nru to boeloctid, I JUKI All II-IT'UMAN,
Bherlir of thr tounty of Cnluifihla, do hereby tnakn
Liver and JJigcstive Orgam,
MoClollan Eloctoral Ticket for
Wo print below a column of McOlellari"
Hltiotoral Tickctfl, in ordor that ctcry man
may be supplied with thoin with.ittt troub
le. our friend bt! caielul that they
i niliTlll Ol lll county OI nnniiiiin, u IM-lcuy innn,T .
I known and slve this public notice to, tho electors of ,VD iKo rjifht ticket before VOtillKi tUO
1 1 1, i. rimnlv l.f i:lil,U II,. I lh I'.'.ililnllal Klscllnn , ,fj"
win bo held in suit county, on the ( npuition will uo doubt 1'iraulittti pari'
ma ivn rrnn n r c . sN.t., T"ce6.AVs,h'' 0P,V1:',C Kt- . oat on, i-'
n I'ilk Tin V B I I I rjlii at which tune iweniysii electors rnr ft rresnieni ana 1
At A.
i MM
J. EvariB'
l lli: unJer-lu'iied ropi'Clfiilly Informs Ills Iricnits
I anil the public (ttnerally, that he has Jilt rccelvsJ
from the llastern cities, n large nssorttui lit of
Those Bitters havo performed tnoro On cs
wi7: jiti) no niVK nr.rrKH mrnrwio.Y
iMt'K m'ihk ry.iTiMo.vr iirjirt: muhk a nun.ti ru tvvvn ion thumi
TllI.VJlXr OTIIKIiJlimCUU.V turmahkkt
We defy any one to contradict this aaserrllon, and
will pay tlcnotniny one that will produces
lerllllcatu published by ill, that is not genuine.
will cureemy case tf
I Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of
tho kidney, and c1so;ibui anting
from a disordered Stomach.
Vice I'reilscnt of the United Ptales are to bo elected
I I'lnoiu township, at the Court House, In llloomshtirs;.
Ilrntou Inwiithlp.nt the public houie of John J. Stiles
In tho town of llenton.
lb-aver township, at the public house of Franklin L
Ilrlarcreck township, st tho public Kchool llouia
near Ilvausville.
lloruugh of llerwlck, at tho 'l imn House, in tin Bsr
Catanlsaa ton mtilp, at the public house of Samuel
('nitre township, at tho house uf Jeremiah Hess, deceased,
(.niiyiigham township, at the public nous: or Itcunen
I'lrhiagcrcck township, at tho public house of Uea-I
Jam in .Mrlleury.
l'raiiklin tm nhli, at Clayton's Hclinol Itoui. J
lireenwood toiiship, at the huusa of Jos. K. 1'sttoa,
Hemlock township, nt tho "lluck Horn."
Jackann timuhp, atthu housii uf llziklcl Cole,
Locust touushin, nt the nubile house of John 1
lli'tit, in HI ilitouii, j
Mllllln township at the public House of John Keller.
Madison tOAiishln. at tho nubile house uf Parous! '
' nimby.
Sit. I'lessant township, at tito house of Thoi, Jones. ,
I Montour tnwiihlp, at llic house of Wiii.lloltinshnad, I
Maine township, at the public Rouse cf John A, tihu-,
numerous cnnvds
VJ" " He says thero Is no rjear-n. nellher any Hell
A ery pMty Stry lor an niilor tntull."
The aLovc H nu estr:ict from an un
publihed ioem aud is applicable to the
abolitiou Editor iu tbi t placo, and yet hu
tt'k-i about jit'yanil Christianity. Wou'd
tt not be will for Tlinni.t to giv Irs
readers a clufiter on morality and advice
hit clergy t.i prea.ib fcnni'ii n'iiin t the
mus condetiined by tbo II. bh', bueh af
1'oriiiuiilioi). Ititeniperniio", l'i nf.imty and
the bs aring of :V. c witmad aga;ust their
tfSf' Davih Lo'.YBsnuitr, our enter-j
priring fcllo'.T-oitii'.'ns ba- recently return '
vd from the eastern cities, accompanied
by a Ufgo and lioa'utiful stock of fall and
winter Clo;hing Jlr. Lunenburg ha
long since amed tho reputation of being
nno oi the most lair .md,lionorah!t dealera
in our county. This toiji thfr withjiisex
peri.'iice as a o'othicr, who culs and
orcr-ees his work ami miiiif regents no
article, Im'iineil him a host ol fri.itids
find cnetouiers untseclled b ar.y siiuiim
vctablinliuisjiit in northern Ponusylvouis,
r.S? The new mo. hod of introdueiny i
poli'ics in the church is by carefully prc-i
pared Tbu ''loyal ' clergy, after j
it'llinj: (and what a wonderful liciritr He i-, I
then dilate on the qtu'stiims of national
politiO'' atid invoke ti":inl p ovi'Ie.i.te. in i
order to carry ih 'northern ympathizcr' '
in to Sceutsia. Rev. WiUon has given the !
wrslev IJowtnan, 3 00
" horse " 1 A i! years old
C Crcvellng, 3 00
" roaro " ' 1 i 2 years old
C CrovelltiK, 2 00
" horse or tnaro colt under 10 months
II II Molck, 3 00
2d belt pair crriaKo'mnrcfl,W 1' fcycrly, 4 00
class m.-cattm:. I
neniiAM stocic. 1
Ilest Hull S years old, Pyl. rursell. CO
Best Hull calf under 10 moa. 11 At Kill,, 2 OD
licit heifer or cow bctucon 2 ,t, .". years
n M. rm, .1 00
Ilest cow calf tinder 10 mot, 1) M llllii, 1 00
" Cow, 11 M Kills, 5 00
III'.YOS Riocir. ,
Ilest bull three years old, II V I'nuton (1 0,1
Ucst do between 1 2 yrii,(.ileb llnrton,R 00
2.1 " do " do J ICrcsaler, 2 U0
onnr.n stock.
Best do between 2 & " vo.rsj K Kycr, .TOO
Ilest do " 1 .t 2 ycirs. I! M 'i:ilis,2"o0
Ilest heifer cr cow betiveen 2 ,1 3 vars
1! M Kllia 2 00
2J " do btwon I i 2 .T K Tver 'J 01
lint calf under 10 inns, I! M Kliit, 1 00
licit dls),lsy of fut l or;, f.'hts lluehes ,1 00
Best 2 ii(5i. under 7 wveki A Siiebenhiser," 00 i
CLASS itli. Slir.IU'. !
IlrstblocilcU buck, II M Kllis, 3 00
2d " da do 2 00
31 do do 1 00
" blondod f'C, Cy-tu Crcvellij, 3 00
" n.itlvo do H 1' Slueker 3 00
Cl.AS-3 5th. I'OUI.rilY.
Ilest and l.-.riro.t duplny of pon'iry
ll. VanloiT,
" do d.i S l'urjell,
" iT I'hiikcns K Vllartaiaa,
" pair diieln, :i 1' ir-' I,
tn.At-s Bih, mtiv a srnns
Hrsihalt httsliM tliaotliysoe I, O lie.uner
" Int. of red wiiint,ll wi; penhelio:
" do rt ii its " lio-irja l.uiscl,
,1 i live, J il k" li'i'J''1!,
!' 4 l.u. ccurdsee I en'n t V Itnr'.raan,
" do rei ini erir'i, j M'4eahti.-ii,
" bushel of on'.', (.'"r;:- !l',ill,
' lis'f ;-ii;iil tin nH, It I' Slacker,
' Wiiil il bt;f :t ii .u do
" er..r,,l: pop -rr , ''"irsc c "k,
3d " dj J I, i: I'.ir.-i.i:,
" do filer 1'nttii Nf hftoiah K"coe,
dlsjil'.v common ftsili. Isvi: II oil,
c i.a'sk Tib. v i:n ;: i'a hi.ks.
" ri.j 'l'lrl'i rtirnlf.' John llrosaler, 1
" half huslioi letts, M.-t, .1 Y Shr.naon,
" do onions, I'eler lii ulo.-,
" thtoo heads ealib,-.i;,', do
" two quirt' Li'ii.i beans, H 1 Stucker,
" do tup ! u.. A 11 Vunkw
" six field pj:ni'Ki:is, P. I' StueScer,
' swcit to 1' llnu'lei-,
" fjarnotl Chili iced potaloes O A Jieibyl
i ' rj'i tse'.i hl";v p.ifitoej, S Surtels, 1
j " Vlsceoea, Mrs. S. Knrrels,
peek tLi'Mtoei, Mr.-. 11 .Meue'u.
I " Yertutt,: I'.'fiim'i, na Crevc'in2, I
, CL,SS nth. lHJl -CtHH.O MAN'lTAi.'n-ll);.-
llcst tell Villi" :iatiii 1 ma le on nan I In
Mrs 1, I'uisjli. I
3d " do do Ir, I). Ynil,'rs!ii
" tin yds plain, ,Mi. !.. II liup:rtl
" Unit i:nt. stueltitips .Mrs. ,M. Appieniun
" homo tnndc l'iit, Oo. K aiucr, 1
" ccttua Minit, Mrs. C A Moycr. I
2d " do ilo .) 1I-M
" pair wool blankets Mrs. I). Vanderslleol 00
3d " dd do Mls M A Ai,i,!erujn ')
, I i:u .nii.n i)ist-'i.o-i'iti:H ricunnra roitTiiu
A innt vnluablo and won leri'ul publication. w.rk ;
n1 Inn pages. aiiiDu rnlnrnd nurnvlnv. I)U. III'N
TIMl .- V till'. Mt.l'llM. nu nilcitinl ami popular tii'iit-1
ie on Mini ami Woman tin Ir I'liysiolosy, I'miulons, '
tin -I .'ex ia disorder of every kind with ln r liiilnii;
lti'iiieilli' Inr thilr speedy Hire. Tim pu tiee of llr I
Milliter h i luiitf lieea unit still Is, itnbouliileil. but at . , ., , .....nn,.,! i ii.i h.a.I
the earliest solicitation of nuineroii.. ho Ins ".' r '" n!""tnient ever ' . ' ;'
I n induce
th" mediuiii
that -hu'ilil
as n prevcntiv
a let l.itinii
senurRi's ever init.'d ininkiii'l, Hue copy securely hi.
velopeil will be forwarded iroe of potn?,' tn tiny part
ofthe United ftati'i for 5'J cents in 1" O sunups.
Address, pm-t Dai;!, Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Division
fillet, Xew VoiV.
.May 'JI, l-t.4 y.
d to extend IiIh iisefulne'S tliroucli '",'.'. ."'". " ",' i ,' V,,, Hum. nhi, nrufjr .
ur lil.i't'thlMII'i t!l ' Ills. i vniiiiiie I'verylhlnit In the i.lotliiin: liltie I or iiinsc nno prcmr
of of th,. nin.t mid ihstriictivu t.i Ushmciit. lie also keeps on hand alarge assort
ni?i 01 1
Oitfrtfl the follnwlne symptoms' Resulilni from Dii
orders of Ui- Oke.tlve . H"'arln?ereek township, at the hoifse formerly oecu-1,
tlnn. llii aril I'ibs,
1'uiiiess of 11 Inn, I in the
Head, Acidity ofllie moiulich
Nausea, Heartburn, WhsiM for l'ood,
I'uliiess of weight In the titomach. Sour
Kriittations.b'liikltii! or I'liitleritiKnltho l It
of tin; ritomach, en iimtiiiia oflliu Head, Hur
lliir't rhokln. Hu ft 'leo , o , Vl en iS . 1 d1"'1'" e opened betweon the hours of g ami III ,
" f .'' . If, l.lm . lis rfVr.ior'Mn' 'a -V Web ' ! "' ll.e.for.i.o,,n. and shall continue open with. ,
7. .. ' t. . .... . . n ii i Ltrr iniian nttii tn iiitriiititit tiniM t n'.inpK til ina
pied by (iooree W UnMiaili,
t raiiKc lownshlp. at the public house of Aleianilef
J Ituithes, III Urniit'i.'Villn.
I'liif towns! ip, nt the house nf Albert Hunter,
Hucarlnar tow itshlp, at the house of A. Cole,
I Hcott township at the public house of J, U. Marsh.
J bank,
' It la further rilrerted Itint llie otertlon nt tbo severs I
HATS' M CAI':'. lonthir with a vr.'iety of notions.
L w -ali. am, rou vouiwn..MJ ,
Ulooinsntirg, Apru. i-vi.
bel'ori. tin; sltl,t. I'mcr and Hull I'ain
the Head, llenrleuey of rersptintion,
Yellowness of therlklu anil Lus,
I'tlu in the Side. Dark, Cheat
Limb-, &e tfu'lilfii Kliiahes
sf Hint. Iliinilne In the
riesh.l'niislniil Iru,
k depreaion
of spirits.
o I
Ni ver 1
fall to cure! Uo not n.mseati.' ! Ate speedy in action!
No ( h.uiL'.' or dii t ri"nir'd I Ilo not interdT" Willi'
ImsiiW'S pursuit! Cm he used without def-rtion I j
I pnarils ot Moll i ores the past month - mine of them
very 8"ver" ci-ee . Over hundred pliylelnns havo
lined thi ui In t ! i i r pr.ictir". mid al' speak well ol llictr .
elllrai v . nun approve of their composition, which is
ciititeiy U'ectahl". mid itnruiless on tho system. Hun.
dr 'iN o'f certilli :ile can be sI'oh n
Hell's Specific 1'ills are th" rieiiinl and only eenuine
Speeil'r I'lll. They ale adiiited lor mill,' mm fi'iu.Ue,
old or youns. tl'io i tily reioil. e remedy for ml. i iina
a p riiianeiii and spteiiy iii'ln ill cues of Spi rma
torrln i. or Si iiiitial Weakness, with all Hi nam of
ivll., iii!i an I aim V.iginal llisiliari s, IJIeet
the Whites. Sml llv or Irviduntary Hinis-ious Inion
liiiniiiiii', Hi n Hid I'leliilili niul Irritability, liiipntenee,
1 V. Mkni'sn or l.i'ssof 1'ower. Nut Ions lli bility, kc,
nil of ulitiliarl-ra prlnclpallv.frniii -exu.i! l.xi'i;rsur
riilf- bus-, or mii.ii! i ili'riint'i'iiii'iit. and
iiiripacifil' s Hie -iitli.'ier trom lultiMiii? Ill" ilutn-iof
' i.imri 'd lile In all sexual ii'.hh u Hoiiiirrliea,
' (il.-et. and Strletiires. and in lil-eatei of tlm liLidder
mid Ki.inevs. thi'V net a elnrin I I'.clief is expeii. i
f ,nr,..l l,t liiltlli. u 4liull' hot.
I tsiml bv nil the pniieipnl driiecists. 1'rlicSI
1 Tln' will be m m & mail m on ly sealed, and con ;
I fidentlally, ou riceipt u' the luuto y, ti I
No TO Ci il.'ir M., New York. I
Consullin; I'hvietan for th" treatment of S mill,
I trinaiy. Sevu il, and .ervnu liiean'i. who will
I send. In' in .ill, the follow mi; aluablu work, a is seal-
Tiu'ciMitiii TuncssNu-I'n. nr.l.I.'fl TltCATISt: !
on m:II- Uiii,'. I'rein.itiiro I leny. Inijiotei'ce and loss,
i of power, S. xiial lli.iM n.S.'iiinial Wealiiiiss. Niphtly
i Kuiih.inns. (I' 'nt.i' Debility, fccic. a i
' tiu! s . 1 1 hi la i in ii imporfint iiiUiee m Hie iiillicicd. i.uu
I wliirh should ! n ad b every .'iir rer, as tint mean. ,
' or euro untie seirel sl.iyrs ii plainly sit lorth. Two
stamps required to pay ioslau. ;
Ikvuib'.r I'-'. lcU.l-l. I
a! &i .A svi
Jucl Published i " SeuUd Envelope.
A Leriiir" mi the Naturo Treatment and Radical Cure
ofr-iriiiatoirliu"ior Seminal M',il.iie.s. Inyo iiiitnry
ll, ons.Sexual llebllitv. a,.d InipedlnieiitH to . at-
rlaiie cenernlly l'rvollslll romsuniptK n, l.iilep. 1
m'. mill Tits Mental and IMyslcnl i icnpa. y.,1"'ri4'1, ,
lite Iroiu Self Abu.e. lie. Hy if U I J. ..Ul. LK
ULLL, M. II, AuihoJ of l!ie"i3rein 1 ook &e.
'I'lie iwuirU reunrtud author, In llii- admirabli)
Hire, clearly provsiroiu his own exp tin
nwlu! I'oiinsivi'iie.-s ol Self-Abus.' i.iny ho eflert'Ully
ru'ii .v.,,1 wi.i t medaeiue. ami wittiuut ilat.f emits
suruiral oiiiT.nions, bounties, intriitoen's, riHK.or
eorurtls. iioiiumi: out a in ulo of cure at oneo certain
l,n,!ctli.uunl, In vMiirh every sufferer no tier what
hi en di ion may In , tiny mre hliu-elf i lienpur, pri
(at'ly.aiid I'hls Luturo will prove n
boon tothoiuaiiil. an It'll. ilMinds.
H. nt under sun tnniiv uddies", in a plain, sealed
uiv. lop.j, on the reeupt of six ce. U, or two poslugu
, sumps, by a-i'lrcssine.
New-York, lo.i wiucu v iji.
rkmrmseh Tins nrrrim
Is Not Alcoholic.
ttci.-r.v.iKK on v.vK.uwt.
Oct IT.
eveuins, when l!ienoll shall bu cijied. '
It isturther ilirecled that the meeting of the return j
Judge at till! Court llou,', In lllnnuisburg, to make uut
the County lleturns, which will be tac lllh day 1,(1
Nuvwiuber next, '
NOI ICn IH IIKItr.tlY GIVEN, j every perion I'ltipiing nf the Pea I
who shall linlil liny olhcn or appointnienl of profiler I
I nt.t Illuler III.! I'nited sltnlo.. ,,r tv rdvn l,t,,,r,,l
1 rated district, whetkera commissioned otfiter or oilier I
; nl". a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall bs
einplojed under the Legislature.!' xeculive or judiciary !
I de.paritif nl of this State, or of any city or of any in
I rorunrnted ilirtrnt, and that also that every member
I of Coujtress and of the Slate Legislature, and of tin
j select or common counril of nny city, or commission
I f rs of any Incorporated ili.trici, is by law incapable of
j holding or 'teriislnil at the time, the utlio or appoint
I incut of Judge, Inspector or 1 'lerk of any election of
this Commonwealth, anil that no linii"i lnr, Judire of
i 1 tiler olllcvr uf such election shall be eligible to bs thus, '
I voted Inr. ' '
And the said act rr xssembly enlitled "an act rel
tlnj to elertinns of this Cnuiinimweatth," passed July t
IIO, liirtln r piovided ns follows, to wit ;
"That tiie Inspector mid J i.l,'r shall tuectnt ths ra '
'pectlie plan s appoibted for hnldiiig thu 1 lection la ;
Ihudutrict at which ih.y r"spei lively bclone. befurs I
r o'llock in the iiiorintig of the HHCtlNII Tt'llSHAY r
ut in; 1 uni. 11, aim s.iiu inspector slum appoint one
Clerk, who shall b'i a qualnleri voter of such dutrict.
"Iu case the person win, shall have received ths
hlshe-t number of votes fof lusfru.tor shall nut attetnl
on the da; of any ,!etti m tneti the peiion hu alia I
have recelvi d fhe second highest nuiufiL r of vote for
J diluent tli uert ireccdiug elect! in shall art as Inspect
or iu hi plaee And iu case toe person who has re
ct'ived the set on. I Inghe't number of vote fur inspect.
or shall no! attend, tin; person ejected Jii'Uii shall ap
point an Inspector lis his place i and if any vacancy
still eoatinuo in the board for the space of mil. hour
alter ttie itme ui il Ly law tor me opening ol tin dec
tiou the 't'lalilied voters ot the township ward or clis
Hubert L. Jobnit'oiiV
lliobnrd Vaux,
William I.ougblin, 11. IK'linbuM,
Klwartl P Dunn.
Tliotnus McCulluugb,'
Hdwsrd T. linsn,
I'lnliji S. GfrliarJ,
George G Lei per,
Michael Seltzer,
Patrick Molitoy,
'I buniat" II. Walker,
Oliver H. Dimiiiiek,
Abram 1) Dunning,'
Paul Lojily,
It'jbcft iiwincford,
John Abl.
George A. Smith,
Tlifiiltlcui linnka,
jlugli Moiitjfoinery ,
Jolin M Irvine,
Joseph M Thompson,' Brown,
Jamu P. B.irr,
William .. Kounti,
Wiliistrn Moutomuryr-
If you want low tsxci, no mora11
concrIption anil the good old titnci wo'
one oDjoyed, vota tbo following tickatt-
l'rom the Hey f,evi neck.r.ntor of tha r.aptist Chiitrh,
rei'ilii'itini. V J., fnrineily ol thu North llaptisl
church. I'lillsh.lphn.
I have known llontiamls (Irrinan Hitters favora'dy
for a number of years. I have tisc.l tlie'ii In tnv own
lainiry. rum nave neeti so pleased witntuilr meets tilii lor which em h oilieer shall u been eleited.
that I w.n irnlncoi! to iccoi.uiu ntul them in ihnnv nth
urs, niul ktimv tliisi Uiiy hnvt- oicr.itut in a Htiikinul
l.f (ictii ml manner 1 tnke prful plcHAurt' iu tltuy pub
; In ly pr-Thiiiinii tin f.irt, tm'l cillini; tliu ultmitloti of
, thnm fililn t'tl with llnxn lisf.ii'i lur Is i !i limy uru
riTuiiinmrnli'ii, tn t Iiosu Uiitcrn. kniiuitii! fniinr'ipcri
( tucc llmt my rffititinieniiation will bi; susIuumm) . I Ud
tjiM in to t nci-Ti'iuy m iit'oii.inti nitiuf i uifiuiua
, i bent'IU th! nll.icU'it, and u not "a rum drink.''
Vuun truly, LLVI (i. UIX'K.
of uvnnY t?rr.nm. ou.xi.ity, ki: r(ov?TAN"r
ly uu huml Ami will Itc bUtJ rlicapL-r ttun the hoa(l
,f anio to tbo cnt-IiT'iro oi'tbn uti'i'ctil'cr,
n mll'is la i'r.niM.n ton iiship, l.'olumbia coutit
on or about tan aitli m (jriooei-
snppnd to ben ear old. Tin owner or owners aro
r 111.-1 mi to call, piov" property, pay thing's, an I
t.iku iheami'iul away, otherwise she will h" spuseu
u' lii'iordiiu I" Uw. 1A 1U I'M 1'
Hit, t'W
, v.'iini.rsAi.s ami niTAir.,
T.7" ' bv the nuili'mened. at liis 'I riink. Cur mid
Wf P Ai T,S i s No 4U4, Market Hrecl
October 1.
TmiJjef Squill iiv Salt.
rmilE utiiierfiftitirl oit rs to st'll nt iti
publio soma very laru ovidcnci's of bin.
political devotion, not only in bis political j
speeches delivered in out county, but as j ;,i
trull in his -own pulpit. Ob! bow he i
bates "Copperheads." How be lulls tho.
Almighty of that vitriolic hatred, and)
hopes they may go to Itobeldom, ic.
Zcj There is great and just complaint
against bur mails and po.-t offices. When
r letter u dropped into our ofiicj thero U
no cett nut r it will ever reach its destina
tion. Several gcntlc-inou have compliuneiVj
to us lalely that importantjettcrs aud pa
pera of (heirs have never been beard of
aitir bein entrusted to thu mails. We
believo there is a systematic arrangement
among tbw ."pies of the Adinini.-trAiion for
opeuiiig letters, ntid that every one be
lievvd to coutiin importont mutter,", politi
cal or otherwise, is examined and stepped.
Th,. I'n.i utTion n..narinnrit. i( not a tiartv
to this cpionugo, had better havo the
tb'iDg corrected.
ey Abraham at Washinglon has ii
awd auetber protldnittion for ihaukigiving
oud pr-iycr on the last Thursday in No
vember nost. 'Phis is all right and prop-
cr in it?o'f. It is tho season usually tct
apart by tbo different Governors or relig
ious woeietios. But every thing nowadays
i merged iu ''tlio government," If the
historian had no other date to tnako up
tho history nf Mr. Lincoln than bis proc
lamation for j rayer ntid praise, ho might
bo act down in tho pagc3 us a groat cbrU
tian Bui unformnaiely h'n '"all day"
anecdoto obscenity befovo tbo committee
of clergy anil his ribald sfng on tho gory
Cold of Antietam, whoro cur soldiers were
dyiug all around him aro still in the
memory aud already on the pajes of his
liomc-made tnldo I'lntll do
" lintii ll, Mrs. I. K. Hupert,
" yroolon snelts, Mrj. 11 H'vnsj'.ii,
" rduvo. do
" linen .slieels, Mrs, II K Stsy'vy,
" ooverlid, Mrs Imaa Hess,
t:i,ss s.-aioMn-s'ii'.' M.:aTACTUUEs.
l..i.t !.,.if of Mr I.', JO
" kli'S Mi-. M A liobldiK. 43
' ...op:o appk'iutter, Mrs. tl ICrnmer, 10
" .'.i pcie'jbittter, Mr.'. D. Vandors 1'eSl)
" 1U11 Littler, Mr. Meliel:, 1 t 0
" A, Mr. .1 Keller, to
" onyilcpio, Mief S Melliek, So
" ."oft lo.ii, Mr. d Ke.ier, iO
" hard soap. .Mrs. N limine, JO
" t.dlow Handles .Mrs. 1'iullp D Keller, JO
" presetvid eliet-ies. Mrs. U 11 MeuoKh, iO
" eauiied nuirn'is. Mrs. It U I'.irk JO
Valuable Ileal Estate.
U'II.1, be eipo"J to Sale oi Public Oui cry.'ou.ih j
pr"iniies on j
Silurilw., th- Wiof Xtivciiditr, 1S01.
! Kami sit -t i i ilreeinvond tnu'iislilp, l oliimbK
c mull', I'.i, ,i..jiiiiiiii' I "id" i 'I w 1 1 1 1 -i in l.iv.lon, tieo. ,
(liltoii J.irob I nil. .Hid olhers. i oiilaininj
an! the nlowane. some lUty.fivn ne res of Inrh tro
ch ate, I nu.l in a g..o I sine of cu'ltvation. th.' t.allaiiro ,
in wood land i,t a k'uml 'piality. '1 lu re are ereeled up
on thi pr.-aiiii s. ,
snda sin-ill frni" ll-irn, toseth.-r with fruit tiee of
di.U'reot km Is- Al ' a t,"".'l sp-nitt near I he houe.
tJ-Hili' t e.iui uu'in'e at one o'cloek r. il..oteai.i
dm-, uhenall, ,n..,loe v.lll I"' linen nun e'i niie ions u i
v.itePal-. ac io.l Tractof TIMIIIUt I,Nn,it-
i ii...,,..., fa.,.i Siirnrinrif tiiwu-tins. i. in 1:0
pa , I,, hz laud" ot Joihua llilun. tie", llodson and
I Jee'se .'enuiplou. coulaimas about
J'otii- llundie'l Acrtx,
1 All ofHlneh is lillaH" land, well watered and rus
I cipllbl.' ofc.i-v iitlit.aliiiu.
The aid tiact will I" fold tntira nr In parts or
, one'd, ur in filty acre lots, as may lie denied.
IL?" Terms easy with liberal time ou part olllie
p'l lliellts.
1 or lurriio r par in unit - "i ,. "
,1.1,'U..'-' III UemlO'-K to" ii.u
l Kruis Ptv. J. AVlrea Jlrcvn. 11. I) , FdUor cf thi V.n'.y
. clvpedia of llcltiout KiwirttJtft, and Cirlstlail Caron-
lels, I'lilladdphia
Altho'tsh not ilt.pnu d to favor or reen-iimend Patent
Meiliriui'K in ri to'r il, llirouvit ,lilrust of thmr
and efteet ; I jet know of i.o suiluietit leasous
why o man may not tt'stity to the le iu lit h" bilieves
i him-ell tn liaio n eeu ed from any niuple priTariition.
in the hope that he may thus contribute tothe. Uvaetit ol
I do this Hie morn n adily in rejaul to lloofland's
German llil'.eii. pn pared by Dr. r il. Jackson, nt tins
rit.ber.i e I ia pr jinliee.t ai;.iiut tl.eiu lor iiiiuy
)t its. under h' niipiessioii th it t li'- were chielly an
akoiiotic iitiiiure. i am nun tiled to mv Iri'tnl Itooert
pri'si ut at tin eieiiiou, suaii elett or liumDir
to fill the v.tiMiu v.
"It -hall be the duty of the several Assessors respect
ively to al end ,tt Hie place ol lioldiln; every general,
iieclil or to n -hi ii . lettiou d'trini! tlu whole ilmu
I U'-u ei.'iiion is R'.piojru, hit me iiurpo.if oi givillfi I
iti.urtii.iui'n in me iiispeciors aiiu jiiui', wnen j
called on. in relation to the ribt of any pirson asss- i
S"d by tlieiii tu vote at sirtii tlecilor. niul un suth olli- '
iiiallers iu relation to tho inlsesaineiil ol vnt"rs,ai the i
rutd luspictors or ctllier ot lliem snail trom time to
lim' reipure.
"No person shall bt peftoflted to vote at any election
as aforesaid, other thaa a t. lute iiiiz.ii of the ate of
leiit-on or iuvr, who shall have resided in this
H'.nte nt least one year, ami iu the eleition diatrict
whert. lie oilers to vote, ten days it.ii.itilialety preteding 1
sin Ii eleiliou. and willti 1 two years paij a taty cr
County tax, whieli i-,'iall have bo n as,e-sed at h ail
ten days b fjr- the t h ctiim. Hut a i iti.euof the l.'nitod
r'luti'j uli'i h..s pr.'Vi''U.I been a qualihed voter ol'lbii
Suite :iinl rouioveJ thi-ri from and ri-turtied, and who
nh.ill hull; resided in th" u'eiliou ilistrul and paid .ai-
$ ulriii'-.:!! 1, iliall be eiititleu to vote niter r, sidms in ,
thi Stale m inoiillis I'riiided, 'Itiallhu ',iiilu fri-e- !
men, i itiz.-ns ot tile LntiLU Male, tutween the ajc ;
ol twenty-one and twenty-two vears, who hive residjil
Robert L. Jobuitou,
Kicliard Vaux,
William Loughlin,
Kdward H. UelmboUV
Elward P. Dunn,
'f hoiuns Mc(!ullough,
K.lward T. Hess,
Philip S. Gerhard,
George O. J.cipcr,
Miclitri'l Seltzer,
Patrick .McEvoy,
Thomas 11. Walker
Oliver S. Dimii,ick,
sbrain B. IJunninjf,
Psul Loidy,
llobert S-vineford,-John
Georgt A. Smi'h,
Thaddeuj Bank-,
lluiih Moutijouiery,
John M. Irvine,
Joseph M. Tliotnpson,
Hasclus Brown,
James P Barr,
William J. KounU.
William AlcntoiueTy,
.-hoeiniiker. lls-i , for the removal . f thi-. prejudic- by I , ,. ,., ,u di-lnct t-n day's as 'tifereviid "shall
hU resid
Hack ll-ii a
Oct. 15. Irli4.
ofllie subscriber at
.Inn. or tn nd'i.ess ai
nf Vatui blc
Town Proijbktv.
TUP. nnilersien.'il Hirers hi piivate re.idenee at pub
I In-en!.. It Is siiu.ittd in a plea-ant pait or lllooius
burp, the eounH seat of Columbia, li.i. a cniiiinodiuUB
BlllUK DWKIJilNt; lioust:,
will finislied. and the lot eoi.latns all tlm iicccssary
improvement. Tin' sale will tukc pho u o.t
yaltirtlay, Oclnber 22(1. 1861.
. i -I....L- I. l M'l,,.r,. U a enrol vnrirlv of Trilil on
tho Poss,-rtiun tlv ell on thu llrsl of Vpril.
proper tests, and tor i li.ourugf unwii to try thi-ui, w hen
mlt,'riii" from ereat and lone ennUimed debility. 'I lie
llJ of three bottles nf Un-'.' llltleis, at the hipnnins
ol the present ear. was followed by ei idem relief
and r''i.tornllon tn a decree of bodily and i..entnl vigoi
which i Intd not felt fur n monl!i before, and had nl
moat despaired of ri't'.'iliiiiir. I th,refore thank (io.l
and my fiieii I "or diricliiiK mo to tlio use of them.
J. NCrtTOS liUOtV.V.
l'rom tho Kev. Jni. II Kennanl, Taslor cf the lt'tli
llaptist (.'hurrh. -lln.
Jacksos ' Dear sir: I have ! een frequently re
Ut'teil to connect my name Willi coiniu. dilations o'
riiirereiit kind, of nieiiieiii. s hut re..;ir-iiiiKlhe practice
as out of my appropriate sphere, 1 havo iti all i as,-s
declined : but vv till a clear proof iu arums instances,
and particu laili in my fuiiniy. of th. unc fuluiMs of I'r
lloo,l.ini,'H deri'mi Itt'tirs. I dep-irl fur once fr tin my
usual course, to etpres my f.i.l "lliat. for
general debility of the si stem and e-pei ia!ly for Liv - r
l.u mjilai lit. ll is a siif" ami valil.tlile preparation, ll
some cacs it may tail ; hut usually 1 doiiLliiot, it will
be very beticllcial to those who suth-r from the above
causes. Yours, very respectfully,
L'lghtli bilow L'u itea St., 1 hilad'a
mad kin wn In
iJr'enwoi,.l. n t.
2.1, l-i.-l. n
y- Alui. at tin' ,-iiin- lime I will oil-r In'j .i
UAI'.l.i: HI "I' LHl'S. lor .ah- I.I.I S lllt.r.3.
P,louiu.-bur', net, I, leii.-:it
fa&'Xi Aim
Hfoni ncv. V.irrcn RaiKlnlph. Pnstrr cf Haplist Church
J tr iii.intowti t'a.
-i-rn ivrli Cm,,, lli nrntn.iire of ttie U'lder.isneil.
O tliltliii tow lit hip. Columbia county. aeuut ten weeks j
"nr'2.icc C'dres. Tun rid Hciff'is. and
Dn. C, M. Jieusos ; Dear Htr : Personal experience
enalilei mo to say that I rcir.inl the (i.-rman Hitler,
prupari'd ly)ou us a mot eCKlli-nt iiiciliritie. In i uses
of -vere t'old and eeiieral del,ility I l.avi- h 'en ereat
lv li 'iiefitted Iu tin. ii e ol the Hitters, nnd doubt nut
the.i will rroituiv -.tiiii'.tr i-ti.'itsou ot!,,-rj.
Vuurs re.iiectlull;, IVAIIIIUN' It X.MIOl.l'lt,
In (,'criuautuvi u, 1'inu'a
One Young Bull,
from llev. J. II. T.irticr, Pastor of Heddin: M. II
Churth. Plulada-
Dr. Jac ksos : Dear Sir :- Hat Incused yonr Cerman
1 all under one ear old. ny pirson win will return j ,hat ( hnil (,,,, 0f jjrent s.-rvli-e. I beln-ve that in inos't
, tlieiii to the mt tier, or piv- information of tnir neie - r c,. ,r,,ly debility ofllie sti-tn it i the safit
i -ii i it l icv ii iv i, f.'u i" ii"" "k
be liberally rewarded. WILLIAM PUTT Pi.
" tamplo sperm candle-, Mrs. li Wyncoop 0
" (.'iiiirhriia 1, Mrs. .1. Iljgriibueli, iO
" rpiiol peaches, Misi M A Ituuison, 5J
" jireserved fiiiiiue, Mrs. H 11 Munegh, JO
' mtiiiud plum', do JO
ri.Afll n-l'ACV Artl'ICLUS
1 01
Jl '
' 5.)
1 Hi)
1 III)
Ct3Tho Union is the condition of poaca,
rd nit no morn. MrCMMn's Isttfi'.
Pcit Tidy. .Mi-s II. A. ltcbi-on.
" Illlitlll . Mil 'I li. .ill. i.iir.i i. nil.,
" rpt'i iui.'ii ol"!"ttlu,', .Min. I,, yiiarpltsr,
" Lamp, Alii) IL Wituian,
spuciui-'ii Head work, .Miss Dura Lutz,
.. I'eiiiir.uship. Mrs. li. U'jucoop
.' Paintina. Mrs. P.. Uvnconp.
.' lluiilet of 4'lotti-fs, .Mrs. IV. Uo'ilaon
l.iotchet Tripoli. Mrs. P. Kinney,
I i.ibioider). Miss -M A. Api'
embroidered clippers, tli-s Ala Kupert.
Knit Sliaiil, tlrs t.'.i. Il.irkle),
Mittens. -Mrs, O It. Park.
,, f'rnrei il ... .
Oii'ii.iu Z'plivr work, Mt-s l.ydla ?nyder. JU
" Worked llruidmi.', Mr. J. P. I'ouuer, JO
Fkitt A- Miirului! Hutu., Mrs II. I'. ,-tayley, JO
r-.tinple ,'.-di-w oik, Mm II. tVitiu.ui, JU Tripod, Miss l. Mi irplesi, JO
" i ettiiie toliar, .Mm I'ren ln a, JO
III. Ml- ll-l'Lt)llti
pest samplu Wheat Plnur, vie) Hi'vtrian. i! 00
.. ., uje, " " " '-'
ci,sa la-AfiaiL'fi.Ti'P.AL iMPi.r.ur.vr-).
Host Duller, r-lifer, Wall ?hrt:n.r i; Co., 1 nl
" lleai er aud Mimcr couiliiiied, " 11 0
" ll.t) .''tr.iw fuller W. I'rew.'r. 1 "0
' Lever Power tVuo.l Si w P. hruKier. 100 (iriin t'raiile, f. I'.tfch.n. Diploma.
Palmer Patent ll.iy Turk. r. I,. Mill, ajt.
" rateut Mill llurr llalauco, J.nnes Ulll, I 00
t.'l.Aftl Ij-niJNTIfTllY, -C
tti'ttlet llnrtli. nwaie, John Dick-, 1 00
I'lniir Packer, Albeit llrown, Dip'ouia.
ll)tjru lt!irunn.t 'r. J. D Kistoil. Act.
i:i..SS-i ID HCI.ri AM) Illli: DIVLS.
licit Sau'plu Homy, ti.'i'rij o Kramer.
CI.ASi- i;WIVt rt MI LIUL'OP.3.
Pest llluklwriy Wiim, vliss M Applepian
" t'lieny Hrnidy John Kri'isb-i,
' I'idcr Vitii'iiui, .Mrs. Philip -."1,
Den Mdu.sadille, J. ... Purm ll. 2 00
" I .Meloikou, Harris a llcmi t, Diploma,
" 1 Org in, du du no
ri.A-.-i in..l'ltl 1 1
P.eBt Dainple Dried Appl s, Mrs. J llacenbitch,
" " " Peaches, .Mrs. i tv t'o-ler,
" ' " W i.'herries. Mrs t". l'r.-vilins
" " lle.l .Mrs. ,M. Api'iuiuau
' " " Quihces, A llibb,
" " " lirapos, Philip II. K-lli r.
" " " lllack Cherries. .Mrs O Poiter
CLASS 20 -Till A!, OP UOIIS-hl.
FinT Trot.
nest Trot, J. It. I.eacoclt 1J01 ,
licit Trot, 1. ll Leacuca, . iO 00 I
Doit Trot, Harvey Utk, 95 CO
J II 1KI.EU, PmimtPT.
U B. UUl'EUT, Bif nr-TiHT.
UleomiVarj, Orlob'r 19, 1w
Crrnsy's Sinn', in Light Street, Pa.
Who h'erpx ul Kinds of
' Rcaily-Mado Colli ing
Sugars, Molasses, '
Syrups ) coffocs,
Teas, Pish,
bait, Bacon,
IiauiH, Lard,
Tobacco, 'r111"1)
Hats, Boot-,
, Caps, Shoes,
j Drug?, Oils,
Paint?, Ac.
.M.Illlllvllle, tlrl. 13, 1301 "ts
' Estatr of Abraham W, Kline, decrascd.
I 'I HE undeisiiinr.!. wppointud by the or-
I 1 plum's court off 'da county, an auditor to an-
I dit tlm aicoiint of the ai ituniHi atl I x fcr or nbralnm
i U. Mine, ik-iiaP.d. will ntti-iil m the dune-ot Ins
; cpaiiiutuienl, a. Ins olliee in lllooiiubiirc on I rid-iy.
I Niivemb.'r -.'-l. l-i I, .it 'Uu'ilock. it. in., at Inch Unto
' and place.illpirsoiiviiitere.lH.lan; re.pie.teil to alleii.l.
U I'.CLAUI.. Auditor.
lllonaub'irs. Oct 22. led.
fj- rtiAR please publish.
1 1 Estate of Ilusbcl While, dee(.
' T tnTUUi' the P-stateol P.ifssl
Is Wllite. latu of Centra twp, l.iildml.ia Co., di-c'il.
have b-eii (rallied by Hie lieKismr of i;oluuilua i Co.. In
tin- iiinlersiitiieil ; all persons liavmi: llanos uralnsttlio
i-stato of the decedent nro u-ipiesied to present them to
the Ailniininraior t.t his resnleiicu m snidtortit
I hip wuliouldi'lav, and all persons indebted to make
! Pay"":"1 BAMUP.L NUYIMKU. A.lnPr.
' Hep "21. lnll-fr.v f t ib'
and most valuable remedy uf which I hat." any ) nowl
edge. Vuurs, Jke, J. ll.TLKMlll,
No. r'lti N Nineteenth Slrvcl.
Finin the llev. J M. Lyons, former')' Pastor of the To
I ii ml, us l, J.) and .Mlleatowii, (Pa; Daptut Church
New Columbus, .' V.
1IR. C. M. J.cksiis : Dear Fir. I fei I it a pleasure
thus, of my mn accord, to bear testimony to the ex
celleiii i- ot thi Herman Hitler. .Some, years mute beine
much .illllcti.d with D)apepna, I usvd them Willi great
betielieiai results. I hum niton ri ceiiiuiended them p.
person cufcihliid by that torinoMti nr ili-u.t -c ittiti hate
laard from tlieut thii most ilatternist testimonials ns to
their creat value. In cai-o- ol general dubilil), I be
leve it to be a tunic that cannot be surpassed.
Trout tli- Rev. Titos, Winter. Pai'cr of Itoiborough
It.mtiki Church.
Iib Jai kmiv : Dear f!lr : I feel it due to your eicel-
leut iireiuratiou. Iloori.iinl'a (ierltian llun ia. to add
mv lesiiiiiimv to ihe deserved renut.ition it has oliiniu
i-.l I tiavr'fiir lui.. at times, been trnnblud with
treat dionler in my In ad and nervous system. I was
inlviKeil In a menu to try aooili" 1.1 your ueriu io nu
teis. I did su and Inn u eip. ri"iii'i-d Kreat and unei
peeled relief ; my liealtli has been very materially ben
efitted. I coiit'nleiiliy recoiii'iu nil the ann l" w la-re I
niei t witln ti to nil own and hate been as
sured by m.iiiv ol ih ir i'nu.1 ell'o Is.
iUipectfiilly )iiui, T. tVI.N l Uoxborousli, Pa.
entitled to vote, alllioiinh they shtll not have pud tai
"N'on-r.oa shall he tiermitteil to vote wion naiito ,
is not coiiluineil iu the list ur taxable inhabitants, fur
lushed hy tho Coiiuiiissioners. iiuleas, l' pioduco
a receipt ot p-iymeiit. wlihut two jears. of rtute or
County lax assessed arjreeah y to the Constitution, and
Civo sati-faitiiry eudeiico on hu own oath or atlirina- I
lion of another that lie has paid such a tax, or in laii-itri-to
produce a receipt ihall make uath to the puy
iiieiit thereof ; nr second, it lie claim a right to vote by I
bei..irau eteitor between the cite of twenty one anil I
twetit)-lwo years shall depose on oalh or alfirmation,
that he has resided in the Mate at least one year before
Iih application, ninl make auih proof if residence in
the tlistrici as is rvpiired by Hits acl, and that he does
i ' lily heliei e from lit" ureoimt given linn that lie ,s
of t!ii- nee aforesaid, and Riven such oilier evidence as
i. rupiiral by this act, win reu pun the mine ol ths
person so admitted to vote stri'l be inserted in Ihe al
phabetical li&t b) tile inspector. 4111I a note mad'- oppo.
.ne tlii'f'.o by w ritiini th" word -'lax." 11' Iu shall be
itiliinit-'d to vte b) n usiui of having paid lax.uud the
word 'ase' 11 he shall o admilted to vote by rej-on
id life, and in eitlu'r ri-e tlie icaauii or sunt a vota
.hall be tallied out to the clerks, whuitull make a ike
not- 111 lie: list 1 f iot"is kept by th,-iu.
"In till eases where Un- name of the person claitalns
to ot'i is not loiiiid on the list furiiisned by the Com
missioners, rr his rif-'ht to voto whether found there
on or mil, is objected lo oy any ipiaHfied citizen, 11 shall
be the duty ul the Inspectors to examine .ui!i person
011 o.itn ur. to iUaltlicaiioiiH. and if hu claims In have
fhiiied wnniu tile Main lur one )ea.-or more, ins oatti
shall bo audit lout proof thereof, but he shall make
prooi by at least one competent witness, who shall be
a ipialilit'i! otfitor. that he lias rvsuled within the dis
trict lor umii; than leu rials immediately preceding
said election, and -h ill also swi ar that his bona hilu
rcsiduiice, 111 pursuance of Ins Ian fill callini; is wuh
1 1 1 the ui-tiiit. and Hut he did not remove within Uu
listncl for the purposo ot vuliir.'.
-M.verv iiersi.ii 'tualillt d as aforesaid, and who shall
make due proof it rcpilrcd of 'us residence and pay
ment ot lax.-, aforesaid, shili he admitted 10 vole Iu
tin; town. hip, ward or district, in which lie shall reside. I.r.vpnt or attempt to rrerent
any ollii er of an election, under this act I rum holding
sucli i l'-ciiiiii. ur u.e or tiireat "ll any violence 10 any
such oilier, and shall interrupt or improperly interfere
Willi linn in tlie execution 01 Ills duly snail diock up
or attempt to block up the window or avenue to uny
window where tlie tunc ma) be hidden, or shall riot
ously disturb Ihe pcec of such election, or shall use
ur praclire intimidation, threats, lurco or violence,
with the desiitu to iiillueuru uinlul) or overawe any
.lector or prt-teut I11111 from votiui;, 01 lo restrain ilia
freuloin of ilmice. such persons on 10111 tctloii snail be
fined 111 any sum 11 t exo ciiiiik live hundred dollars, to
he imprisoned for nny lime ii-d l-iss than uiic Her more
U1.111 twelve iuoiiiIh, mid if ll shall be shown to tss
Court w here the 01 sulll otfi'iicu shall he h id. fkat
the pet sou so oifeuiliug was not a resident of the city,
waul or disiriit where the said olfein'e was commuted ,
und nnl entitled to vole thi rein, on coiivictton, lie shall
li- scute nt-eit tu pay u liiu of not lc.s than one huudrju
or mure than one thousand dollars, and be liiipri.oiivd
not less than six mootlis hoi more than urn wars.
Uiveti under lay hand, at my office in llloouisbur-;,
this lt'tli day of repiemoi.r, in the yi nr of our Loid
one tlioii.auil "lehl hundred and sixty-four, and 111
Ihe eiuhty-ninlh uf the independence uf the United
J061AII II IT'P.MAN, EiierilT.
1 00
1 no
1 is)
In addition to our lartte slock of Dry Condi, we have
a Lnse omr full assortment of Heady .Mode Cluthiim
tin eu nnd Ilo)-. wear which wo aro dctenni I to
sell ihe.tper 111 -li can ho boirjlit elsewhere. Call and
see ,.,lJn,l,ef.,ryoi,r.elvu..ii fc c0
I laht Flrnet. Oi tuber i I HI I.
Eitutf 'J -bV'f Mr.Michiiil, dee'd.
I'TTi'ii.t r "mil i-tratiDii ou Ihe r.-tatn of Pilas
I ,L. M '.Miclta 'l lati-of llrnr- leek l p. Col. ro.. iscU,
' Iru e been (ranted by the lleei-ter ol Columbnco.,to the
Ulliler.lUtl'.d ; HU , ersous liavin- ii..!".- i.s-.i.,-. ...- -tale
of tlie ileieiliiit are reiutsled topreseut Iheinlo
Hie uudersiKiie-t, ri si.liin; in sni.l towii.lnp, williuul
d.lay. and all persona iiidubud tu uiaku payment
rorlliwiiti. or.Oltai: IlVAXf", Adm'r. I.srje Hue (holdinp nearly double quantit),)
u .n ii.11 n M no ' SUM per Ituiilu lialt dm
If you aro opposed to abolitionism1
and believe this government was miido for
h.Ue men, vote the following ticket r
Robert L. JohnstorT,
Richard Vaux,
William Louiilin,
Edward 11. Hulmbold,
Edv7:ird P. Dunn,
Thomas MoCuliough,
Edward T. IK- .
Philip S. Gerhard,
George U. Leiper,
Michael Seltzer,
Patrick MeEvoy,
Thomas II. Walker,
Oliver S. Dimmick,
Abrnm B. Dunning,
Paul Loidy,
Robert Swincford,
John Ali),
tieorgo A. Smith,
Thaddcus Banks,
Hugh Montgomery,
John M. Irvino,
Joseph M. Thompson,
Rassclas Brotvu,
James P. Barr,
William J. Kountu,
William Montyomory
Tf you want men who believe Id'
the supremacy ofthe white raco, aud aro
in favor of Peace, Union and Prospurity,
rote ihe following ticket:
FlierifTa Office Itloouuburc Oct 13 letjl I
' jj ' II E under-igned offers to sell at pri-
v ate svle, a valuable Farm and Plantation, it-
I'roin llev. J P. II. rmaii, of the German Itcformed
Church, Kutztowti, Ci'rlci; countv, Pa.
Dr.C.M. JviKsox-ltesp.cted Hir have bectiue
with Dv.pepsia ivarl) twenty years, and hav. neve
itseii niiy iiieilirtnu that did me 11s lunch von. I as Moor
land's Miters. I am very much 111, proved 111 health
afier takiun five butt.s, iespejll'ullyjour,
Will be exposed to Public Vendue, at the residenrc
nf III 1 uinlesijli d, in liuulock Township,, Coiiimbia
county.-near tho residence of Levi Lights.- tut
I Alon.hy, the Ulal cf Octobsr, 1601,
The follow ins described per.enal p'operty, tit.'
thrco of which are good Colts,
Cnniis In? of two Milk Cow s ans three calves.
O.10 iw-o-h'iru Waaon, One Med, Plow, llarrow.Citl
tivutor,.e. Harness and Ply nets,
fi-0 OON-SUMI'i IV Ed. j
8 Coiistiuiptivi! suffirer. will receive a valuable
prescription lor the euro of Consumption, Asthma,
froiirhili-, ninl nil throat nnd lull),' i-llectious. vfre'j(-f
chat.'e ) by seiii!iti tlicir addri-.s to
k ' ' llev. P.D.t till) A WILSON,
Willuinsbursh, Knifs eo ,
Sept. 21, IMI4.-3in New Yolk
Five Teachers Wanted.
1-p 1 V 11 .MALI! TUiC.ii:ttri are wanted for the
' rkhoolsof llloont riihuul I District The Hoard of
Directors will tiiectattho Hmro ofthe undersiifind, on
.Vl'I'ltllA V, the lath, at which time the applications
s , 4. niiui,
tier Hume Halt iloicn, sa uu
Small rJiic 73 oents per Hottle-half ilneu, it I UU
V. .M. JACKaO.N," li 011
,11 lin ai'Li d utioii
lliooiiisburi.', Jct -u, ITiil.-'Jts.
TJUMPKINH, Corn, t ider, Appli s; Corn-Blocks, Oati,
J and pruducv Ksiii'tJlly. wanted al this oltiee, uu
account. October I loUt.
Kix 't's achoi m Wntilt il.
a.n.of.dd.y.' For Convngham Totynsbip Oolumbia co
when altcndanra will be given and condition be made Thoso presenile! jn.a rsiJIcates will terelM nw
n.mfZk'. Or 01. H. ' ss?17 tKl- 4t-
Hce that llu antnatun) or
the Whsit.k ol each ouiue.
Fliould your nearest drucsiit not Inve tho article,
dn not be put oil' by any nl the intoxie ting prepara
tions that may bu ollcred in its place, but send tn as,
and we will forward, securely paiked, by express.
. J'rincipal Office und Manufactory)
Wo. C:J6 Arcli Street.
! ruiuwcLMta.
Jones & Evans.
(Successors to 0, M. JACKSON tc Co.,)
rf FOB 8.M.B by Drnjjlslsi ss4 Dsslers In stsry
sm 4 M, IW, "ff.Tl, irU-Um.
uatu in I.oiust tntvnthip, Culuu.Liv count) . aujuisini
lurius ef V Shoemaker, Unas George aud .Mrs .
iMcMurir). contaiiuiig about
Tiro llundied Acris of .and,
One Hundred of w Inch Is cleared, end in a rood atste
of cultivation, and tho balance is will liiii',ursd.
There is erected upon prctuisee. a good
LOC. nAP.X, null other out bu.Kiinfa. cooJ Orchard,
and several excellent juni,'. it Water on various
parts oi inn r arm.
Possession given on the first cf n it April,
O" I'or cniiditioiis.aiid lurtlu'r particulars, apply to I
the subscriber, near the premises
A?. i;t fur riupietcl C. H.i
P .tember 17, lent1 Into. .
1 Wanted.
I TO TrJACIIKIW "till Male and Six Tenale Teach
er's." to Hike cliarire nf the Public t-chuuls ut Unrest
tov s.lnp. s'ciiu) Drill eoniity.
Ihe l.iiimiiiatioii will take place at Uniptown. on
tho eoth of Ostobcr, lebt. commencing al ll) o'clock, a.
in. I lie rscliii. ds w ill open on tlie secuuu aiuuusj ui i
nveuiber. and routinuu Pour months. 1
i Liberal rlaleriet will be paid. I
llintovfti.Oct, 8, 1803 '
' CARB. i
DU CWF.NTWOItTII, Physician from Oorman) hav
liili located permanently al Mordan-ville, t'olinu-'
i,i county Pa respectfully informs the public ifener'
nliv 'hot he is prepared to sciellltUctll) and .ucceii' ;
fulfr. a" " ACUTP. and 1
With promptness and on mu.lsrsts tsrrus and will,.. .nsr.l ,.,l,f,.,s g ,.NTW,RTH
Robort L. Jnbnstou,
Uicbard Vaux,
William Loihlin,
EdwarJ 11. Helmbold,
Edward P. Dunn,
'l'liomas Mo ullough,
Edward T. Hess.
Philip S. Gerhard,
Oeori;t! G Leiper,
Mielunl Sv'tzor,
Patriok Mi Hvay.
Thomas H W-ilker.
Oliver S. 1: mick,
Abi am M D.iiciog,.
Paul Lt'idy,
Hobf rt Swiusfordr
J .lin Abl.
Guroa A.,
Thaddeus Banks,
Hugh iMontKonury,
John M. Irvine,
Joseph M. Thompt-on,-
Kasstlaa Brown,
James P. Bair,
William J Koun!,
William Mnntgomsry..