COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. EDITED BY LUVI I.. TATE, PROPRIETOR. " Out Oorulltutton Krmd It urerl Onr gtorlout Union hold It dr-ar I Oar (Marry Flag foraake It never I Th prond Caucasian onr only pttrl THE HARRISBUim TRIALS. Tho ralr'ol and Union of Oct. '20tli contains tho plea of John Hants, to tho jurisdiction of tho military Commission bcforo whidli ho is tried. Wo shall print HOSPITAL VOTING. Tho following lotter, dated October 18th, 1804, viiB written by an army of ficer of merit to a gontloinnn hero, an a narrolivo ofN tho proceeding of soldier at the lato dk houa no wmm. 1 3& aSL bo hold in BLOOMSDURG: Saturday Morning, Oct. 29,10G1. this most able and conclusive paper in ohti toting at Annapolis, Md noxt number. It shown most plain and election. Thero wero Pennsylvania sold ioipcrntlvo provisions of tho Ootntitution 'iers enough thero to hold an election. DEaiOCKATH) NATIONAL TICKET. KOiCpitESIDENT, GEN. GEO. B. McOLELLAN. or nlw jobey. of tho United States against tho jurisdlo tion ol tho Commission over tho case, and also two clear and positive nets of Con gress to tho saino purpose, one passed in 1803 and the other in 1904. Wo print from tho manuscript, but with hold tlm writer's name to save htm from persecution for elating tho tuutu, Tho returns of voting in Hospitals generally havo an appoarauco of uulairncBS, and FOR VICE PRESIDENT, HON. GEO. H. PENDLETON, OF OHIO. f mill i:,rj r ,rtfrrrtttrrrtnmimn,?:mLrmm In eighty counties in Ohio tho official roturns umko the shoddy majority only 20,10.3, against over 00,000 last year. -Runl, n null ilnwn nf tlirt rotton fnhriri of Aboliti mlsm is a tonbliine but crat'ilvinc. , of libcrty c-secratcd by tho labors and a u o How are you, Shoddisst And tho witdom of the Constitution "cro doubtless secured or manipulated by and laws in respoct to the trial of unscrupulous and corrupt men. Lincoln citizens by the Court's is op-n to no ' surgeons and petty officials aro vary unfit question or doubt, and is iudispensablo to to "'ago elections, and the siok and justice and the public peace. To bo just ' helpless soldier aro controlled, deceived aod to satisfy a free people trials must be' nn(1 choatcd4by them at pleasure. public, must be by jury, must be in the Tho letter is na follows : district of the ailed ged offence, before a law "Stu ' 1 t,csiro to niako yu a 8lal' ifaM . ,,,,,,., &s wr and responsible to public and professional upoig) Maryland, on tho 11th ol Oct. opinion, anil under all the other guaran-j 1 was appointed ono of tho (Jleiks of tica established ly British and American tho board, tho other being a citizen of law. Thia is tho most precious nrincinlo !? '-N" w. oilmiuistercd to nun rtt I li rt .liiil.niia iitf flirt I'lifitr. I hii ri'll lots were placed loofoly upon a table Officers voting were not required to t-bow 1 lax rccn'pls nor make affidavit that thuy i i . i a,.., n ... nuu nam omic ui vjuuuiv iz in uvu jm o, ! efforts of patriots from the time of Magna ! Chetrtu to this day, and it is not to bo Our Majority Conceded. Tho Phil'a tamely surrendered, much less trampled Inquirer, ol Oct. 22, and tho New iork!dowii under tho armed heel of power. Democratic Meetings will Columbia oouuiy, as follows , Lirao Ritlgu, at John O rover's Hotel, on Saturday evening, Oct. 20, by James K. Brugler, I.. II. Little, Levi L. Tate, Esqrs and others. Mount-Pleasant, at Jones's Hotel on Mon day evening, Oct. 31st , by James K, Bruglor, Alom B Tato, & E. 11. Little Fishiogcrcek, b. Uuaiig.t, Tuesday, Nov. 1st, one o'clock in tho aflwruoon, by James K. Bruglor, E-q , Col. Freeze, E. II Little, Uol. Tate, and others. Rohisburg, Tuesday evening, Nov. 1, by Jumcs K. Urugler, Col, Freeze, E. II. Little, anil others. Iola, at John Loggot's Hotel, Wednesday afternoon, Nov, 2, at one o'clock, by J. K. Bruuler, J. O. Freeze, L. L Tate, E. II. Little, and others, Catau is.vo, Thur-dsy evening, Nov. 3d by Brugler, Freeze, Little, and others. Buckhori', Friday eveniug, November 4, by Hrugler, Tuto, Freeze and others. Espytown, Saturday evening, Nor. Cth, by Brulet, Freeze, Little aud otliers Beiiver Valley, Sliutium's Hotel, Monday alieruoon, Nov. 7, by Bruglcr, Freeze, Tutu, and others. Mainvillo, Monday, Nov. 7, by Tale, Brugler. 1 rceze, anil others NEWS FROM WASHINGTON. PENNSYLVANIA 0. I, i Vl -' a ..v hi ,j ""iwivw ill ii V U I U , Mi-nhrtmntvni n iinnvv iinir.A Clear DcmoCl-atio Victory I ' Couoh has ordered the Ulsohargo of sixteen IlODaUliliy 01 tl UCaVy JJldll .ofthewon Utoly arrested in Columbia K. I 0IlT JIn?FI,,N l'tBONBR8.--IH rspott cil hero and generally beloivcd thatOcn. after tho Election. NEW STYLE OF CONSCRIPTION. J SUED. A Failure of tho Laat Draft ! Pennsylvania for M'Olellan.'.ooouty, andoounnod inFon mjohu ror The result of tho October elcotion In 'prisoners of tho nauio ooitnty was also re rcnustlvania. is no Inngcr In doubt, Tho 1 leased on account of sickness but ho had S UUSriTU'UiS AND TUB FIFTY Democrats havo a dear majority of 1 ,702 ' first to tako an oxtra-jndicUl oth of a. DAYS NOTICE TO BE Aliul.- on ttio Congressional vote, wnicu is sum ijji.h... ...c .,. Wl 'cieul to Insure tho State for McOlcllan iu tlio mere reloaso all that Simula lie dcrnau 'November by 30,000 to 50,000. This uea I naj it ooc-io to luia mat tiie eitizem hard.fought and glorious triumph is thus ofnfrceStito can be picked up like ani. 'sunimoil un bv The Age of Thursday : " ""J oagod for tho gratification of j Domocratio tunjority on Congrca oional votes, at the election held in i Pennsylvania, Octobet 11, 1801, 2,000. Sic. Washincton October 21, BQ. It is understood here that tho report of Abolition majority in 1403 15,325. tbo Secretary ol War to Congress will 'euioeratio majority on the Coun otnb.ace tho substance of a very importaut ty ticket in Pennsylvania at the re communication upon the the subject of tho cent elcotion 0,500 Tribune, day before, both conccdo a ma jority on tho homo voto to tho Democracy of Pennsylvania. Last year tho abolition ists claimed tlio Statoby a majority of 15, 3213 This will warrant the State by 30,. 000 for Gen. McOlellan. A military Commission for citizens ac cused of conspiracy or sedition ! And how appointed f And how held? And nor were qunfttious aeked as to citizenship, Rnearloaf. at lizekiel Colo's, ou Thursday age, or other qualiDcationJ. One of tho afternoon, Nov, 3, at ono o'clock, by judges prepared aud ciiculattd AVpiiAzcwi W. Wirt, W. II Jacoby, A. 13. Tato, tickets, telling voters they were "Union tickets. At diuncr time the ballots" wcro CSSF Let every Democrat who has a friend or relative in tho army, who is a legal voter, send him a sheet of tho Mc Olellan electoral ticket for this Stcto. Do this at once by lotter. Complaints aro tnado by soldiers that they were not sup plied with tickets at tho lato election, and many votes wero lost for that raason. Tiekots oan bo bad at this oflico and also in most of the townships, ta which they have been sent. Tlie Bradford Argus. Messrs. Means & Russei,, have pur chased tho old Bradford Argus, and brought it out strongly democratic, and raised tho glorious Flag nf "McClellan, Pendleton and Uuion.1' Jacob DeWitt E-q., is its Editor. Tho Argus has been renewed and makes a fine appearancc,and wo trust it may bo liberally sustained by the noble Democracy of Bradford, as It U tbo only democratic journal in that county. EST Hon. J. S. Black, former Chief Justice of the Supremo Court of Pennsyl vania, and subsequently Attorney General of tho United States, delivered a most powerful speech in Philadelphia on the 21th inst. It tore tho nmk most effectu ally from. Abolitiouum, and made tho ar gument for tho election of Gen. McClellan, conclusive and unanswerable. Judge Black is undoubtedly ono of tho ablest auJ purest men of the Country, and Ilia sup port of Gen. McClellan is most timely aud important. The War began by Lincoln. "Wo must declare,on the 8th of Novem bor,thatas the war legan under Abraham Lincoln, under Abraham Lincoln it must be closed."' against injustice, ; B,,,llelc(1 in a m,tjcl, Put lho P0101 ?f ' one of tho judges who wan not seen for two hour' under what, securities ...l. r : .. " lor uvq nouri' iiic sauiu ui ruijpi'r uuiu. pasnon I These aro questions which go : Artcr llic pols lnil bucn juy do:Jtlj tucy to tho very foundation of this unusual were opened to receive tho votes of a tquad and portentious jurisdiction, and they of men brought to the room under charge f r . 4 . r 1. 1 must be atiswered belore tho acatiicscenco ' 01 a oergeoiu. m " cio u, . m., UCIUIU 11IU IUUUUUL again and than off was more half concluded, tbo Board adjourned, ono nf freemen can bo expected . The Commission is selected by omo;of tua ;ulct.B takine the ballots to his General or military official, not directly I room as before, keeping them thero till responsible to the people; there is nojOa. m, Tho tally-list jhows one voter right of peremptory elialleuga for the j mro than wob returned. Two ballots ... , , remained after counting off, which wero accused: the trial mav bo remo o from . , ... . . ' . " .thrown away, lho poll books wore uot his rcsideneo and witnesses ; tho proceed. ;sjgtlCfj un til after tbo ballots were counted, ings moro or less iecret; them is no ap- 1 regard tlio whole election ns a farce ; peal to a competent court for the corro ction 1 aDU" firmly believe that voting iu the army c ... :., ,!. .) lis nriiudicial to L'ood discipline, anil en auO U. I.. ISarKley, Jvqrs. Jaekson, at Manning's School hou'o, on Friday evening. Nov. 4, by Dr. P. II. Freeze, W. 11. J.ieoby, C. C!. Bailey, and Wesley Wirt, Esqrs. E. II LITTLE, Chairman km, Standing Com. DIoomsburg, Oct. 22, 1804, Now for tho Great Fight 1 DEMOfiB ATS I l'rcpare fur tbo Slii of XOIEMUHR ! Roll on the Ball for "Litte Mac DEMOCRATS OF COLUMBIA ! iou have passed through th urrt cubage- -, i ,- r ' tirely under the control of the "powers munt of the i?reat camoai"n oi" 1S01. Now rapid oral examination of witnesses to ex- 1 rrt,. ,..i uu. ... iiicijn..iwiiij i.uu . pose craft or faUehood ; no speeches by ,ME llo "o ! tb.t men 11 v T. T T 5 " nonnh nr. nr-limlnnr. r,,mm,,i 1,. lim, rl for -, .m m nf vM. I,.nnmfl tn nil -WcUlber. 0U dill Well OU lllOSday i . j ................ ...... j , . - fore a magistral or judge enabling tto ' mtutits ami purposes, a regular army, anil Defendant to know who arc tho witness a,f sucb ?ro r"t,re1 subjL'ut t0 ,b C011tro1 deuce he ia to meet ; no hail taken for his appearance enabling him to go at largo for n. fimn find Oronrtrn full v nnil fnirK- fnr Wit,' . j - -...j ...o trial impattiality in the the case T ... Qir t'.tni- nl.rtrl'f cnrv-inf fl " Note. Wc are confident of better votivg in the Army proper, than teems lnilinnriwl nnnufl. riVnm nit rpli.ililn no certainty of local knowledge and ., - , .. . e c , ing for McClellan among the soldiers in no precision and exoctnem id . , hi L Bfln t bo ovorawcd or tho charges to be met t uch as is required j ttifl(;d wulu 0fficaI irjfluencc and poffCri and fraudulent contrivances, can but par tially defeat the fair expression of soldier opinions in the army. But we commend tho abovo letter to uotice, as illustrating llepublioan conduct io an indictment in court ; no provision for costs in case of acquittal, ror any legal CJftainty as to the quantum or character ol tho punishment in case ot conviction. Such arc some of the startling and un answerable objections to citizen trials bc foro military Commissions or Courts, wero they even permitted by tho Constitution aud authorized by tho laws. But they are; plainly Jirbidden by both, and these objec tions arc mentioned only to nhow the wisdom and justice nf tho prohibited. Wo mint get baok to tho Constitution and laws, and to tho ttue principle, of lib erty and justice, by tho election of Gen McClellan. Alter that event trials for Sedition will no more bo heard of than in tho lato election; as an proof of the unscrupulous and I cuaracter ii mo party wmoii now mis governs aud scourges the country. you can and must do better next time. Prepare for the conUss. BEGIN NOW. Itemeinber, that you aro fightiug for Constitutional Freedom 1 Heme mber, that on tho result of this election depends the ualvatiun of our Un- , iou I i Remember, that yon aro fighting to rid ; yourself of tho most odious tyranny that icv.r disgraced a Nation I j Remember, that you aro Gghting to re j lievo yourselves of Lincoln's corrupt and jini'.apablo Adniin'utration to put an end to tho War to lessen thu Taxes toitop : the Drafts. i You have an important part to per- additi.ual fnrni ; t,j3 importaut work 1 Get ready dangerous 1 for th(J fi ht ORGANIZE I ORGAN- J 15513 ! ! iconierlption act, which h is boon address ed to Mr Slanton. by Provost Marshal Fry. It is stated that Ibis document claims that the present Conscription law is uot only a failure in produoing lhc right kind of men, hulls o moustriUH expense not only to tho government, but to indi viduals, cities, counties, aud townships General Fry urges that the law should bo amended, uot allowing sub.titulcs, and compelling the personal sorvloo of every man. no matter what bin bituation,as soon ; as ho is drafted. It is found that the las1 j call for five hundred thousand men has probably not added to our armies moroj than one hundred thouattxl. i he class recruited Are, in a great degree, jailbirds, foreigner, and vagiibo ids, wh desert whenever they can, aud a very brg'i num- I Ler hivo found their way into thu rebel rnuks. It ii supposed that the cot to iu dividual ami localities of the lato draft will mnou'it to not le-s than one hundred ; and lifty millions of') the men j recruited at this cnormou-i coat aro worth little or uothing to our army. It U under-! I stood that tho Seeretar) ot War will re commend to Congress the abolition of thu right to procuro siib.titute, and the fifty day uotice, no that hcrealter tho men drawn will be promptly put into the ranks. Three hundred thousand more men will be nei'iled for tho prosecution of tho campaign, if it is deemed advisable to keep up our armies to their present standard, for the rca ou that at least one hundred and fifty thousand veteran troops will leave the service before next May. It is found that as our army is pushed into the the southern territory a greater number of men arc needed to cover tho euormom ex tent ut our lines. Hence it is almost cer tain ihoiild Mr. Lincoln be re elected ,and Democratic gain in ono year. . . .23,825. Press on, Democrats and Conservatives I Tho grand battlo for tho Uuioll and tho Constitution U almost won 1 Onward to the cttidel of usurpation, and cast out tho money changers from tho National Tem ple. Trample upon those who tramplo upon tho Constitution. Crush out these who seek to crush out Civil Liberty. Ex pel Abolitionism as a pestilence. Give us back OUR OLD UNION, OUU OLD CONSTITUIION, OUll OLD PROSPERITY aod PEACH I PENNSYLVANIA Vote of 1804. MiJoltlTlKS. A buti. FLEC TION. Compared, with 1603. DEMOCRATIC (JAIN Oil I.OK3. Dtm. Adams 411 .... Allegheny Gltid Armstrong. 00 .... Heaver 700 Bedford... 070 .... Berki 0340 .... Blair 32.") Bradford 2717 Bucks 003 .... Butler 4'J Cambiia. . . 1017 .... Cameron.. .... 73 Carbon.... 502 .... Centre 0fi2 .... Clearfield.. IWi .... C-oiter 3040 i olumbiu. . 1375 .... Clinton .... Clarion .... Crawford . . Cumberland D.iuphin . . , Dcl.iware . . I Elk i Eric 090 070 518 I,t there be no propcct of peace,as there will . '.j.t be none in tha event of his re-election, a Franklin., peremptory draft for thrc hundred thoui- Fulton and men will be madu as early as tho first ! Greene . . . . olJinuarv. Cnoi.rn will hn willing tn 1 nuntlDgdon .1 ..I. 0 . auojn mo rocoamcnuaiions oi me c-ccro- junta . tary of War, as there will bo no important ! Jefferson 437 814 jyo 1435 1147 04 123$ I811O U 5l7 Iudi:iun IGO'J 300 .... 203 Form Clubs in everylTownship. Havo Lists made out of every Democratic Vo ters I Get every man assosicd ! Have the Democratic soldiers assessed, and send iiu' emnlovud sis nurses, it s-avs an exnres Major IlARttT WnlTE, tho Ex-Senator j tbej wore after the defeat of Joltn Adams-lon 0f greatful acknowledgment is duo BrF" Tho Friends' Beview contains what may be called the official opiniou oltho Socictv of Fi iends on lhu draft Aftur i noticiug the fact that Quaker. aro still per-. -hem a Mc' lellau Klcotoral Ticket, mittcd to commute when drafttd.the mon-1 OUR PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT, c being appied to hospital purposes j but wc must Work I V ouii ! I WORK!!! alone, aud tho.c who choose to servo be- ,rom now until jiovomber. - - of Indiana county, since ho returned from the Libby Prison, abovo 60 declared last week, at a Serenade, in Philadelphia W.M. II. Seward, in writing to Minister Adams, used this expression, The War which commmced shortly after tho inau guration ol this Administration, ito. We should hear no moro lying about ''who commenced tho War," by Pee John, or sny of tho other "small fry," of tho Lin coln Administration. the elder for re-election in 1600. He, liko Lincoln, was troublsd with scu't lioas subject., and fur the same reason, because ho sought to bring in arbi-, trary Government upon tho people. j But bad as was bis system, be gave his: political prisoners trials in the Courts,' ami many were acquitted, and the system was exDOsed and broke down. Lincoln ! for the kindness shown by the President, tho Secretary of war, and Congress, iuj granting them religious liberty and immu-1 nity from ufi'eriug in the uiidsl of a great ! war." j Now will any man tell ui why ihc Qua kers, who for fifty years havo been "cxer- j ciscd," and have been exercising, month-1 ly aud quarterly and yearly meetings upon ' the rebjtct of niggers aud abolitionism ; ' Special Correipsndonco to I In Inquirer- Hakrishuru, Oct 30. Our Columbia co. Prisoners. Perhaps the most interesting teuturo of the day here is the trial of the Columbia county conspirators betoro the Military Commission The o barge is th-il of ie sistiug the ourollmeui, aud organizing against the Government and tlio .aws of Hie land. Tho Commistiou is sitting with closed doors, no reporters or "ou isidern, election lor two years. It will bo rcniom-bcr.ed'-that tho Military Oommitteo of both thoj&ioatu and IIoii.e strongly urged the striking oul of the substitute! clause in the last Congress, It was also tho earnest wih of the War Department and tho Pro-vost-Maishal General The pending elec lion, however, compelled tho Republican congressmen to insert the provisions allow ing Cfty days recruiting before the enforce mout of the draft, and permitting tho use of substitutes. is compelled to do it not only in contempt of tho Constitution but ia flat violation of the laws passed by a Republican Congross and signed by himself 1 Farmers, Landholders, Attend. Bv act of Concress, passed August 5, Democrats I Conservative Men ! Remember that Hon. F. P. Blair Pre sident Lincoln's right-hand man, a few weeks ago waited on General McClellan nnd begged him not to bo a candidate for tho Presidency, advised him to ask a com mand iu tha Army, and at tho same time making that pledge, intimating that he thus could get any command ho wished. Do you tun believe Old Abo sent him,aud thus tried to buy McClollan off tbo traok General Nagleo openly charges he did. This shows that Lincoln appreciates Gen. McOlellan's military fkill, and ahility.aud has the fullest couQdence in him, and that La n.ilt rnfn.M'f.rl litin from nnmmnOfi . . , , , , , , raised annutdty bu tax ai above I because he feared tho people would mako , -, .r .i ,, , , IT , , . On t ic first day o Apri . 1805, tli l1i.P i.llnn President of the United States. ' . v ' does not trust tho Courts-. He adroitly; , ,;,1.1i ,ni,j,in ,. ..,inri ' cxeeiit tho eouusei for tho deteuse and improves upon tbo example of Adams - of lhh j() hav(J reguUed lb(J tbo witnesses, are aa.niued to the room He 'ends bis cases of sedition to Militant' ., ,,, , , , . , during the deliberations ot tho Court. 1 . ' 11 , . . . it ! m:t tCrr,bl0 aDd h mi aml The .",. o. Rantz has uol yet been eon- - ur . r vv r-j both as to lives aud property, civil war, ! 0iU(i..j - tie nro.uouiiou will re-t their that has ever been known, should havo an ' case to-day. One of thu witnesses ou tho ''imn.unity for suffering !" The fcin and crime of this war laid at tlio door ot the Quakers aud Preach-1 uruimr lho neonlo to resist the Vederal ers The first have tceured "immunity I officers in making the enrollment and en- f rnrn .ntTi.ri nr, ' nnd tliM I2r-nrtf.l1 nr., mnv. ' forcina the draft, oivuig a a reason, that Atoundno Fraud Puoxr Ballots We arc told by a gentlcmin of uuques tioned veracity, that in the countyof llun tiiifidon, a soldier sent his proxy to a Dem ocraliu friend as authorized by law, but it so happened that ho was able to come b'jiu- in perionto vote aud did vote, aftei which he lifted tho proxy, and o.v open ing IT TUi: FULL AllOElT.ON TICKET The proxy had manifestly beu opened b. some Lincoln officer, aud tho ballot changed. Who can say that this was not stand ycbterduy is represented as pbiinly done iu tlou.auds of instance ! ... . itcstifuiu.' that "leadiuir and well-kuown I Wl" be . Demoorats has visited lus neighborhood, 180'J, it will bo perceived that Seventy I ing earth and all tho powers therein, to Million Dollaiis aro to be ra sed annu- i secure tho .numo "immunity '' They are oily from LantlSi Lots-oJ Ground, with ( iho leaders of the abolition faction which their lSuitUinet Impiovcmenls and Dwell- j has at last ruined tho couutry. 1 t'ftg llousis. To tho State of Pennsylvania is appor tioned 81,910 710 33 or NEARLY TWO MILLION DOLLARS to THE MAIN THING. Afur all lho main thing is to save tho Country to save it from long contined war, from inoreased debt, from further waste of lifo, and from arbitrary prin ciple in government. Littlo matters it the people what aro the personal for tuwi' of "A Lincoln," nor whether A or B hcd a particular tflicc : But tho neccs lit- nf nti. iiico of rulors to anve tho Only Fmr More Yea's of Wat. I ; only ask for Four More Years of War to be abolish slavery iu every one of the South- I crn States." Such was a recent remark ' lis law of Mr. Lincoln. Four more yean ol war 1 will no into force, and only then will farm 1 Four more years of war to add to tho j crs and landholders begin to feel tho bur I publio burthens of debt, taxation, exeUos, 'dens of the taxes mado necessary and im-1 licences, f tamps and incomes to inerea-o poritive by the present plundering admin- j sorrow, affliction and mourning ttirough istratinn. If thev bono soon to eseuno ! out the laud to multiply dralts to im- i i. i i from this burden of hoaiy taxes they eutt Iilinou, Ohio, New Yoru and Now Jer sey were ready to joiu the Conlederate, Government, aud tout Pennsylvania was about to follow in tho same track," and it1 is said thai the individual who was fore-1 most in these utterances, Is ono of the counsel for defeti'O. Such, at least, is thu ! purport of outsido talk of witnesses. F'ti adcpliiu Inquirer. 'And it is said, that the individual ho was the foremost in these utterances, iv one of tho oodbcI for defense," nays tho lijing correspondent of tho "lotal Inquir er," This nii-erablo chaige, is intended as a cross slander upon tho Valuable and Convenient. "Brown's Bronchial Troches,' arc wide ly known as an admirablo rcmer'y for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Coughs, and other troubles of tho throat and lungs. Thej arc of great valuo for the purposes for which they arc di-bigncd, and it should bo known that while they aro usually and pleasantly efficacious, they contain no hurtful ingredianccs, but may at all times bo used with perfect safety. Sos on Recorder. A Democratic. U. t. Senator Gained in OltEtiON. The United States Senator blect from Orcon,in tho place of Mr, liar Hon. George II. Willianis,Ex-chiol character of 1 Justio.i of the State. Ho was an active voto for some ono'who con closo up tbo way speedily ,honorbly and finally, so that tho heavy expeusos now going ou shall bo stopped. - - - Montour American. Dr. D. II. B. poverish labor- to bankrupt tho gov rn mcut. Four more years of war I and for what ? "To abolish slavery I'' And it is to do that, that we aro to ruin ourselves to bring sorrow, humiliation thamo upon I tho American poople to creato a central ized despotism, That to Linooln s pro country is most ovidon.. Let all other Brower & So.v, havo roturnod to Dan- Lramnie four moro ycara of war to abol .considerations bo uborum3ieu io mis one, and our country will be delivered from calamity. For the oleoiiou of Gen. McClellan, wl bo our saltation. Jt will eavo us from, "lho evil days" which threaten us ; it will restore tho rulo of justice among us j it will renew our pros- ceritv: it will closo up moo gaping villc, and after having swallowed up tho la, Bavery, weakly abolition thing, called the "Dan ville American and Democrat," havo revived the old ''MoNrouit American." Jt goes it strongly for Linooln, Loyaljjand Abolitionism, Howboit, tbo Doctor & SS7Lct all who have had enough of thu our ustimablo follow-eitizen, Col. John G.F'tr.EZE, We pronounce tho charge or insinuation, as utterly devoid ol truth and infamously falso. Col. Freeze, has uni formly, in public aod private, to our eer tain knowlodgo, urged obedienco to all laws and non-resistance to the Draft. Thousands of our citizens will bear willing testimony to this fact, as would the per jured oreature named above, could ho toll tho truth, and we dofy successful contra diction. Douglas Democrat, and is now & McClull an Daraoorat, miking the Union the ouo condition of pcaco. Harding who goes out, is a Republican. Lawrcnca Lancaster L'-.b.mnn L.'high 2001 Luzerne . . . i!U45 Lycoming.. 022 Mercer Monroe... 1572 Montgomery 1-lfc'l Montour. . , 473 Mclvean... .... M iUin Northaiiipi'n303 iN'orthum'd 1037 Perry 79 Pike 744 Philadelphia .... Potter Schuylkill. 1750 Somerset Snyder Sullivan... 320 mquehan'a. . , . ;'I0K' Union Venango Wayne" 0s3 Wairen Washington .... A'estmorel'dU77 Vyoniing.. 219 York ... 2805 1540 4040 7 1 0 109 15 1 7341 351 771 105 804 2 1 CO 431 249 000 57' .Gain, I S3 10.-5 432 22 1 3'JU 447 1 Kit) 33 24 2U0 43 350 400 350 290 005 420 423 19 12 HO 300 20 300 124 593 200 159 300 25 1091 255 217 214 535 400 249 105 55 135 303 232 251 020 239 100 202 787 343 250 200 013 ISO 251 tho administration for weeks or inouthi, 'aud then lt aoio again without ono word of apslgy I How would tho military men, who outsed these arrests like to bo treated thus Suppooo rotno ouo would arrest ouo of them iu the dead of night, and car ry him away to eoino loathsonio prison, whero tho dampueas of tho cells would im part diseases that would disable him per haps for lifo, would ho bo satisfied with a mora deliverance from prison without aav ono informing him of tho cauo of his armt or of the charges ag'iin-.t li'in I It is un roasonablo to supposo so. Ono ofthoos men was r.cleascd by death. Is not tliiii murder I Shurely under our Constitution and laws a citizen has a right- toknovr the .accusation brought against him. And be ; bat a right to a trial, aud a public trial u ' that. And ho h as a further riobl l'dan. 'ages for a false iuip.isiinnunt and loss ot' 1 time an d meant nnd health. And if thU 'perverse administration would do its duty j it would impose and collect suoh ua.n;igoi from tho prosecutors in every ea?e not clearly made out. What lover of liberty, be he 1 Democrat or a Republican, wi'l uot join us in sayieg that porsonal liberty ought to be saorcdly respected t What it govornmeut and law worth to tho citizen if porsonal liberty and right is uol respected I . Let those who lovo liberty and who de.iro 'totrautmit the sacred boon to poiteiity, : think and act serioudy in this tnitler, re- gardlesi of political or party feeling, sJJarrisburg Patriot ij- Union, 0:1. 84, '04. (. General McClellan, in his lotter to Mr. Lincoln, from Harrison's Lindinii, said: ' Our eauio. must ncvr bo aband oned ; it is the cause of freo institution I and sflf-gnvcrninnt. Tho Constitution I and tho Union must bo preserved, what ever may be the cost in time, unsure, or blood. Il tci'pssii'n is sucoeis&ful, other dissolutions are cb-arlj to be seen iu ths ' future. Lrt neither military disaster, p'd in ch! fiction, or foreig 1 war khake your settled puipo to onforre the equal op'Ts- ' linn of the laws oCth' United Sutej upon the p-ople of every State.'' I C&" I tcaiizo the weight of thij rcipoe ' ibi'ity to he home, should the people rat ify your choieo. Conseiotm of my owa wcskneM I can only ceek ferveii'iy ih ga'- dauco of tho Ruler of llw UnivcVic, snJ, 1 relying on his all powerful aid, do mj bu to restore the Unmu aud peno- to h sutler ing people, ;md to o-iablili and guard Low. 05 10 41 1 1 their liberties and , Ian .rlfer 0 Acct t.iiic. rights1- -Gen. McUtt- I $Xr Tie preitrvatiun of our Uniou n ' ' : tLu j.ole svovrd abj ct for whieL tho war j was commenced, aud it should hxva bB . . , coudu-'toii in nee ipJsiiCo with those priu- . eiplee. which I took (.eoafion to dccljro ' j when in sc'.iv service. 'J ims ciitnlueUJ, " I the work of rfeoiistruotiou would havo . 1 jli 1 been i-asy, and wa ruigUl havo repealed . . j tho benefit of our uiauy victories ou hud and Bca. Gen, M Cl'dlnn's Letter. 200 111 MARRIAGES. On the 20th inst., by the Rev. Willina J. Eyer, Mr. Gkorok, of Main i twp.. Pa. to Am. Maria MAUi:a,of lio'ir- I ingoreek. DEATHS. At this placo, 011 tho 10 th iint., Akra !)..... ..1' ur... t:i - 1 "J 1 ll. h 1 uiui.i iuu 01 u III- Oliver, ai'M i years und 9 months. , RECEIPTS FOR SEPTEMBER, j TO THH "' i COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. 10,527 3S.S25 -:o:- Domocratio majorit l,(U4l ., .... ... ,, . . ... ... Abolition in jority in 1803 15,325 10 tno w""kh ucmocrm ouie?,uuiin8 iub Democratic gain in tho State 17,027 month of September, 1S04 : lion. r. :oie, 'i John -1. I'oinnty, 1 J i. ii ii. r n. im.. i w lien 1'. ltirlutiU, 1 W Jullll l...(,li. I l) JiMojilj I! I'rcJorlck. 4 W Juliii Ml. H The following payments havo been nrnle niint llottoll. si oo t r.. llubiiifnn's Circni, J tn S Raymoud, tho Chairman of tho H'""y i'iniiiii. ao , . Entaic l.'liril. Mufliy.e U) Shoililv National Committee, nob In bps in Hamu'-i Ho,.r. e iw i x- r ....... . i'lulip ll'Hltcrlrk, liii io e i. j.. jiiius, oi which nets tno cdi- DRAFT, TAXATION HIGH PRICES, vote for McClellan and Pendleton, aud there will bo an end to this LOT- Sod, publish a ipioy and readable journal. ' TERY of DEATH and IIUIN. Tho Union will be restored aud all will be well figy The Printer, that exoallont typo- wounds of war; it will produce concilia graphical magazine of New York, bus been . 1 ! 1 ...III rinAiivrk rtis ta rti I)iSKak Trt t. tn (1 Iniann Jtr fptnre from 4potii9 two-Y Co., ?qblisher, Priw $1 SOp-rintram. again. Disunion fanatics will neither re store tbo Union, nor savo tbo Nation Ku in and death follow in their path. fiSyThcre are many remarkable instan ces of defeotiv6 memory, but the most re mnrkable record ia that of Abraham Lin colu,who could not remember that ho sent Mr Blair to Gen. MoClellun, to solicit his withdraw! from the presidential track.and to accept a prominent command in the irwy. fiffi"" "I will do what is fairly necessary to give tbo administration power to main tain the Government and prevent diiaster to its Sag, and enforce obedience to tho obligations of tho Constitution aud laws past iu acoordanco therewith," - George II. Pendleton. "Tho Constitution as-it if, is played out fiSJ" and I am ready to see any man shot dowu "a who favors tho Union as it was. U. S, Senator Lane of Kansas. Tho Old Guard, is on our Table for November. Always fearless, independent and democratic. G, Chauncoy Burr, Rd tw, New York, Price ft 50 pr annum. tor aud proprietor, tho following soorcher on tho Shoddy managers of the Pennsyl vania clectiou : j 'Tub Three Political Gi:nkrals in tiie Pennsylvania Election. The three generals, General Cameron, Cheva lior Forney and Genoral John Cochrane, have been managing Pennsylvania for Linooln, nnd a pretty mes.s thoy havo tnado of ii, They havo scattered greenbacks, pulled and blowd all over thu Stato, and what is the result I Tho beat thing that they can now do is to pack up bag and baggage, sorip and scribagc, oud retire from the management of party politics in the future. Lt them leave that hereaf ter to men who havo a littlo refutation and honesty left." Rebels for Lincoln. A train of rebel prisoners pn.scd through Sunbury a few days ago, ono" tho guard wero mostly for McClellan, but tho rebels tor Ulu Ano to a man. Wo Uul not sec JoiiC!. Wfbrti'r E.i , W Oil HunhkI 1 1 cxick , 1 IU I'lunr-n rMiuih, 2 en Jiirol) hunger, I. mmii c. Ii. llrorkwa,)' 0 nil Jniiipn K.UrucijIcr.E.'l.'J D" Williuiii lli'.H. I eu Sam I II llutrliifori, U OU II. Clay MiMh. 1 in I, nnc llnir' nliuch, 2 f U lli'lliual Whipple, a OU John It. oritni, '-' W I. cik lliiMiriclr, 4 OU II. I. Jliiiili-ti. Ei., UO r.lijiili Yocuiii, 7 ."ill f!iiui.-l C. Itirid, a IKI Anrmi Weill', in JnlinOniL-rr. I DO J.ico i lli llrr, 0 id 1'. Mchti.-, n no Daniel I'. Uycoclc, 8 W 1 Hull 11 ll , 9 no lluu.S. nriaiol, 4 W J. J . L'p I K-gtn ir, Hi HO lluu. J.N.Uun yntlmm, I UO llulurl II.UIII. I'.sq . S eil . Vim I. ouii. 1., S 00 Joed Irish, 'i ,S ii. a. iii-vnuiiU, i:i.,iii no Ouorpi- Muorc, 11 W) .Mi.. Mary llMiJIon;. iJ Irani Kililiun, 110) r. IVi-KWcitli, '' Henry i:vir. I'D U.ivl I V. Alliortion, 1 OH liaiii l'lnlip. II " llnn.Ji.liu McltiynolJ? tn HMHo litis 1 Walk, a 10 nrnrce Dniiin. hannii'l I'ark, 9 W Wm.J Kiuini'r, 9 M Kilns llcillcnclr, 3 9 )veti li. I'.ycrly, IMMP f. .McMirliael J N Col. Neat Md'oy, 3 51 f aimn l r-t'.'in r, Win. I' t.'rvfllui. " i John Henry. ' ' Jonji llaiud. ; SJ Henry A. Minor, 3 ll.-nry Wiiniu r. J J5 tVm .Mr.icliacl. !W lliayeriiNnjen. Iu Jj Thninait llj ran. Ci.. J f Wcilry llui irrn. Haiinii'l V. lirina. J JJj Adam Krller. Thoinn. Ilrn,lir. U III) Henry J. Yanlu, 4 00 I Winder & Wil-cn Sa-Ve acknowledge, with pleasure, liberal payments for the mourn of Septem ber. v Idle our friends iu t'.is vicinity aro doing well, in tho way ot paying up their indebtedness to this office, it is to bs regrottcd that many distau: suiiseriucri, who owe fur years, r-re doing noihiug. "9 tbera.bul those who took paiue to asoortsin ?PP?a- tUoso men, and their n o their .entimeots. ,l,,t tbnv fiaid tl.. J.USllC0' fr Ur hWtt 0it"C " J" election oi lUouiallan wonlu destroy tuair , confodcraoy and restore tho Union. Sunbury Democrat. tSf The Union roust bo preserved ut kekrJi. Oen, MoCUIUn's Lilltir. We want our monoy. Bo ttiougiitiuii friends, and as wo liuvo dealt generously with you, in return, treat us justly. Send tho amount promptly by mail, at ourrik, and it wul be uarefully retilfUd. vvuit in hopt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers