Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 22, 1864, Image 2
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, The Election in Bloomsburg. EDITED BY LEVI Ij. TATE, THOriUETOn. "Onr Constitution guard II evert Our glorious Union haM It dear I Our Htatrv FlaK forHko It never I The proud Caucattlan our only pecrt 1 It is duo to Iho oauso of truth and ins- Itloo that a narrativo of tho events occur " ring hero on tho day of tho late oltction, 'should ho Riven to the public, nnd It will I bo instructive "to all whom it may con BLOOMSBURG: .corn. D1SSI0CUJVTI0 NATIONAL TIGKIST, Dnnirit Holder, ft mi till find rnlor ol Saturday Morning, Oct. 22,1064. 1IomIock townrtilp, was arreted by Dep. juty I'rovost Marshal Silver on Saturday evening procodlDg tho olcotion and com mitted to jail hero, whero he still romaincd without a hoanncr on i ucsday. It was said or proteuded that ho was a deserter On Monday, Win II. llcllcr, atiothor voter of Hemlock, was ntrested on the tamo charge or protenco, and also put in jail. Ho was promised an inquiry or healing on Monday, again for Tuesday morning, but none was given him, and both ho and Holder rcmainod in prison on FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. GEO. B. McCLELLAN. Ol' M:V JEttBT.Y. ' POR VICE PRESIDENT, HON. GEO. H. PENDLETON, or onto. AST Okn. McOriEr.t.AN is 25,000 votes stronger in Pennsylvania than our local party tickets as run at tholato clecliou. ! Tuesday afternoon, without any apparent Thousauds of men who do cot voto with prospect of au investigation of their oases our nartv. will voto for Gen. MoUlcllan until after the EUction. Tho fact was . , to save the Country. Tho army vote will bo better, nnd fraud will bo watched and kopt down. Considering military interference and tho light vote, the majority! 1375 in this County is a fine one. But it can bo in creased to at least 1,500 for Gen. McClcl lan, and will be if our friends aro prudent, active nnd confident, as thoy should be, tgir An set of 1780 authorizes Sheriffs to receivo prisoners of the United States "oomuiilted by virtuo of legal process;" meaning in judicial proceedings by the Courts. And an act of 1814 authorizes them to receive "hostages and prisoners of war" of tho United States. There is no law requiring Sheriffs to receivo men nrrostcd by Provost Marshals in draft oases, and tho use of our jails for tuch purpose is purely a voluntary act of the Sheriff ; a favor extended to tho United Slates ond not the performance of a legal obligation. Considered m tho light of this explanation, tho arrest of Shoriff Furman was a most peculiar case of in Holenco and outrage. VST" Last week tho soldiers camo down from Benton to Orangevillo whero a part of them yet remain. At tho iustancc, n? it is believed of Sanderson Woods, Sam Aehcnbach & Co. Professor J. B. Pat ton was ordered by the military to vaeato his school houss on one day's notice foT the use of tho troops. He had a flourish ing delect school of seventy or eighty young men and women, which wa? broken up and scattered. Tho Academy of Prof. H. D. Walker, at tho tame plaoo with a smaller number of scholars and younger pupils, was unmolested, Prolcssor Pat ton is supposed to he a McClellan man, whilo Walker is a Yankee Abolitionist of tho Cist water. This unauthorized ap propriation of private property and de struction of a useful institution, whilo a rival ono was spared, is one instructive example of the exuting condition of our country under Abraham the First. S Soldiers were placed on the day of election upon the roads of approach to tho polls in Fishing-creek township, The Bame thing was dono in Sugarloaf and Benton. In the latter township ono of tho elcctiou officers wa3 arrested In the morning just before the polls opened, aud several citizens belonging to that and neighboring districts wore arrested the night before ana kopt from voting. They wcro released afterwards, Troops were also sent to Boaver. Seo tho re duced voto in all those districts as given in another article. Citizens wcro intimi dated and deterred from going to the polls, for no wan can know that ho i? safe from arrest. The pretence thai the eoluiers were looking for deserters in Ben ton, &c, is false. None wcro heard of nor were there any in that section. The arrests were of Citizens, and tho whole proceeding an interference with the freo dom of elections. How long will free government exist in this country undei Buch a system ? Its end will bo speedy and inglorious unless new men are put in power. Friend t You who read this I ponder this subject and then act as a Freeman and Patriot ; for your own se curity and tho good of your country. WHAT DOES IT MEAN ? prononnood upon nil tho arrests, except that of Downs, who had been ecnt to Washington, anil whoso oasa is ono of much injustice and hardship. Wo will only odd a few romaika upon tho caio of tho Shoriff, IIo was 'not ro- quired by law to receivo and hold tho ar rested men nfall. And in rooeiving thorn voluntarily tho only obligation ho assum ed toward tho Deputy Marshal was to de liver them back again when called for. Thoro was, of course, no warrant orpnpor of commitment, nor any regular authority for hii holding thorn. Hit normittinc Tho ltosult of tho Eloctioti.!p0'',RE-wllBon'1,,,roor'rray' mi., ii t? r M a. lit' xcfiiooniiiu gam iu xnuuiu iwpj THE WAR Tho Smoko of tho Battle Clear ing Away. Affairs nt Pcteisburu aro still without To change Tim two, armios lio qtitolly in w.ia ItvnnU'.lVmr eiticn lint election. whom are wo most indebted for this glo; t P f'jt? tto'lal nous result I Tho "appostato preacher," Grant has rolloved Generals Meade and or tho "attorney to tho Provost Marshal?' Wairon from command. Thoy woro or , .. , ... . , , dored to attack Iho strong Corimderalo po Wo say.tho "Brawler" bears off the palm. ,j,nns nc"at ,0 Wehlon Ilallroad ; they Tho Democracy Victorious. There is a clear, certain Democratic majority of near y,000 in this Slato upon tho homo voto, inoluding all the hospilala ' aftoc- nil." Proof. Men wcro heard to say, whilo re- protested against it, as it would cause an inrninn tmm lir,irln,r il'irt nnni Immcnao loss o lilc, anu moM probably be turning rrom Iioaring li d Kev s. genu, lmmee,MM . nm Grant removed them. that thoy ''had supposed this war was for llnncock, it l rumoreil, will bo Meade's tho restoration of the Union: but now successor. Wlieihnr lhoio roports aro true .. .1 t iii' 1 .. wo cannot say, but all Iho old cabal ogams! thoy find it is for tho abolition ofslavcry J Monde, which onco were so srnnB, havo tlm T)mnntnta nrn rlirhl been revived. HirnoV Is Still In l'llilauol- i.i i ...i.i r-... Ii ...ill l, - rni i i nil n. von iuw wim n iuvui. n n, " x no imuuriau uus iruiy sa.u, -fa bofofJ m Cftn ,,,, commiim . ' .! Pt,!ln.llr.t.t. n,1 l Jn u.t. in il.n mnnlll uoioio no can resume ins coinrnHuii. those men to voto was not only no viola. in 1 mlaUclplna ana olsouuero " ' that "tho connection betweon tho throno Sheridan's Wnlmroui duvasiHlion in ih lion oflaw-f but wasTn fact carrying out SutB uporintotidod and controlled by nIia the all!ir j3 80 intimato, that tho ban- Shenandoah Valley lim already borne lis ,,i,,. ii.. Ii.-ti-t.. I Lincoln Surccons nnd offioo holdora. ... .... ...,. i - ffllilR lho niictnllas are ko numerous tho law which confers upon them the right J"ulom uu noiue. ; nof flf tho churob ,1M ofBuflrago. And tho Marshall had no 1 " 0U,c,Bl rurD3 wu ruu' ,0n tho sido of tho business to meddle with tho question of wcol thoir voting. soldom been soon n.i Rn nnvaut In thplr attacks nnon liih tinnnln." Tim ninttx rnnrjnnnls mill Miniilv Iraino. liat III) fillll i. r.,il,A nii ... i,n nl in f, liiiiiiMsIl unable to hold a pofliioii so far ad llcv. fmleil to tell us that ho was in favor ynncei n sa,bufJ ,, lrains frnm tlar of rc-clcctinir Lincoln, in ordor that the ner's Kurrv nre in'iercented, and Mo.ol;y churoh might wield tho temporal power, will noi allow his aniis of laborers to re , .... ,, . . . ' . pnir tlio Manassas Gap I!nlltoail. bo bher make tithes the subiect of leral cnaotment f .. .1 1.... . k...i.. ... , , .. r ., , a n un 11ns no h imihuiku i" uuuuuhh Besides, it was well known tlial the , npponiicu uy uov t-urun, one 01 luc in n,i3 country, havo nil clorgjmon rccoivo Sirasburg, and retreat northward towards Tl,n RnorSiT uommissionors ior nrmy toiiuc uuuer uio ,. na frnm .,,,,, na u inciioier. 11 t saiu im win umii; Ho could have complained only in oaso they had been permitted to cscapo COMMISSIONER ENT. Col. W. II. Ent, of this County was from tho government, as do "JctZu and lawless arrest. that neither of them was linblo to arrest as wo shall presently show. On Monday another arrest was made by a squad of soldiers in Main township, aud the man, (named D. II. Fry) brought hero and lodged in jail, where ho remain cd duriog election day, IIo was a legal voter and deprived of his voto by tho ar rest. His father camo hero and papers were drawn up and Bworn to showing the facts in his case, and most clearly tint thoro was not tho slightest ground for his arrest or dctontion, but his discharge could not bo procured. His 11 a mo hap pens to ho tho samn ns his fathers, except that ho lias a middle name. The father's name was drawn in tho draft, and upon duo no'ico ho attended at the place of ex amination and was disoha'rgcd for legal cause. Upon tho shallow pretence th-t tha son was really meant in that old pro ceeding, tho latter was, without any pre vious notice whatever, seized tho day bo fore the election and thrust iuto jail as a iiustTiu auu nvjiv tuuu 111 iu iu ui iuii ,y Urum-lieau UomnusMon, yclept, a explanation and proof. jTi;lli M 0f wliols is in positive violation And still auothcr case is to bo men-j0f tho Act of Congress, tioncd, A young man, named Downs, a j We should think that this farce of ar votcr in this district, was approaching tho resting unoffending citizens, by thomilita polls for tho purposo of exercising his ' ry fatraps, without warrant or evidenoe mon wcro illccallv arrested. received full legal advioj on the subject, nct onast sossslon Pa830U 1,1 P""uanco 0inpai03 , ,lie army, and bring tho civil iVrner's Ferrv. A tin Mtrpt, his dovai and tho men themselves were carefully ,of 11,0 amendment to the Uonstitution. powcr , tlcir aiJ -w t(j0 coeol;0 0f tithes. tioii is as uuiver-l as Hint made-in the examined upon , ho facts before anything, f Passcd . us'ood , Lincoln's snuffing, yelping, bloody-mouth. ,L tITIU ,M u" was dono. In short, tho conduct of thQ!lhat oppomt'oonts Wcro to bo made Iroin . ,1Qlln(1, .i.mnr fnr -k,,! nnd ,1.,, 0er since tho war becati has uiierrilla Sliprlff tens tint nnlv iinnTRGntionablo lint both political partios to insuro somo show tnoro i,inn,i.K,n,i mm,,, , rnnr, W(,'war been so bloody as it is now in the laudable, and he desorved tho thanks of f of fairness, and (ho Covernor therefore hcar.l from Mr all honorable men instead of tho foul e,cc,i:u a ,uw "-" s luu nl.n. t.rnnod nnnn him hv nartv malirr-' bori wuo U;,U beo ,ffioors iu aotivu Ecrvio nit v. and the ro outrarro of an insolent . aml 1,ad an established eharaotcr-for gal -'j j r a- . The only report we nnXth 1 Clark's performance, is The New Yi York Independent sta'os that e ..1 .1 1 i.:. uenera s iermnu win niiiKH no auem iiimn iruui iiiuii (viiu ouv iiii-y vvuuw iu nuur hiiu 1 . .. , ... t? ...,. ."'.'. . . vear to ailvniicc siiulh ol Atlanta. I'or ovel out of moro curiosity, as it was unileritood ,iirea Wnek w Inivu noi had a lino ol The railroad anil that tin h.iil Sullivan. Wvnmincr news Ifom Ills arm V i 1 , ... .1 ' I leluuranh cnnnectiim Atlanta with ('data uuu nrou.oru cou.mes, iruora no mirouuc-, ru t.rokcii. anil Hie Coiilmleratun ed himself as from tho ''hcbcl County of lantry and honor. When tho news of Col. Ent's 'appointment camo to BIooidb- t i t-,i:a; l Ti..:nnmT.n m 11 1 . r t xtoiuuau ui ruUuwiiiiiui. uurg, u.uru u..ii ig n um iuu ( Co(iita." They fuppoied, thoreforo, llotmMoIICNnY, Ksq., Commissioner j "loyal' leaders who denounced the Gov that by tmo ,10 ,t for 0cc bo of Columbia county, and lato one of "Old ornor as a "traitor" of the worst kiud.and Me ,Q lnok(J ft ro loblo ,cchi j,t iVbes political prisoners," was on wonuay , """""" ' " t"-"'u th0y say, '-his epeoch was the flmoitthing last, released from confinement at liar-1 him to compel n withdrawal of the !'P' 1 ttj0? (.vor heard. " "That it was mere risbu:g, and returned to his homo near pointmont . ltcmonstranoos woro got up 1.. Ink nml wator the Benton. Also, Messrs. Jojeph Coleman, nd signed by the faithful, &o , but sad to m,k ,cfl olt .rh(j ou,y Mng coM Klias more ,i:M,n,nri ,1 ,nimn m iIt! rn,nnf.Jeeeded to discharge his duties in a faith ivc homos on Tuesday. There aro somo 1 and satisfactory manner and. returned eight or ten more of these innocent but hoiDO alul not tbo slightest attention was much injured mou iu durance vile at liar- paid-in any quarter to the "loyal" llc risburg, awaiting lite formula of a millta- monstranta and Denouucers who had to swallow tueir venomous spittle as tnoy bott could. Here was tho caso of an offi cer who had Bervcd with much credit, who had been promoted and who had been wounded, and who had no motive for act ing as Commissioner but to perforin a pub ilias Mellenry, and John York, three tall without the. slightest effect upon his j Q ri,collmod of S)oeoIli was UlBl ,)(J noro of the "Fort MiQlin victims," wcro treacherous Lxcellency. Col. Lut pro 1, , hjj jid tfccn the Pvi(Ionc(! iust thc Fii-hingi'reck rchoN, and they had i'er taiuly funned a conspiracy to overthrow the Govoriimcnt.'' Mirabilu ciictu ! When and nhuro was the testimony taken ? certainly the political prisoners knew nothing of it. To thc Democracy of Penn'a. right as a freeman, when ho was seized as thus far they are found to bo innocent, 1' duty lo which ho had been assigned by soldiers and taken to tho qnartcrs of was about 'played nut.' the Deputy Provost Marshal. He was About twenty more of theso poor men, kept there during the day, permitted to go wo Carn, havo been released. Wo tell home some distance for Ids dinner but not the violators of law, hero and clsewhoro, permitted t go to thc polls. Wo beliovo that this is not thc ond of this ''political ho was in scrvico under tho old stato cxperimont." Iraft, was taken prisoner aud parolled. 1 Mr. Bonn Mcllr.NitY, only returns His term of service expired and ho was alivo. lie is deeply alllioied with Diarrhoea enrolled and his name drawn in tho U. S. and llheumatism f.iko W. E. Koberts, draft. He then paid co emulation mouoy in a few more days, ho would havo been and obtained a certificate of discharge in destroyed in ihu Lincoln bastile. duo form. This was, perhaps a year ago "" .ami hn Im, livfid hem nnmilv nnd withonl " lli,am Armstrong, Of A ll- question until now. Wo will add, that bo 'amsport, addressed thc Hepublicans on was shipped off to "Washingion on the M"ket F1,Jar,,' TJ Evening. W 0 evening of tho election and wo do not not hear "liulo Billy V ispcech, but know what has become of him. are l0lu 11 was unimporiani. iJii.y noipcu Thus stood thc case on Toosdny after- Pass tbc Pro?cnt inlamo3 Congressional noon at three o'clock. Four good voters apportionment law, and then going home wcro safe in hand. The ponderous doors ran 33 tbo K"Publican candidate for Cou- of the jail bad olosed upou three, and the grcss in tho district he had fixed for him- 4 ' -...If ... . 7 - . TT I 11 1 fourth naa tindnr vigilant rruard iu a mod- bB" ucl"ul- 110 was uami oca- est room where the maiestvof thc United tan Halo, a volunteer candidate. Tlnu vnnr Tallin U'nnltrl rl.n nA..m t!nn States was represented in tbc person of a. '"7 j """"""" decreet official. No danger ol ihose four u"' ' "' u:lu "au eno"S 01 votes! Thov would bo entered upon no bim and lie had to stand aside. Doing toll-book ; they would contaminate no re- 1u,e ,dt Ie'8ar,e! " M ribt tbat U111 turn. Thc faces of tho Hepublicans beam- 1"M h"f Slivering a lew ed with intense satisfaction 1 A dozen fat weak, insincere and unimportant speeches contracts distributed upon thc spot among to Pwp'wvilhnB to bear him. .he faithful "friends of tho Union," could ' A Rt;PubllJB moctinS is to be hold to notbavo bad a more i xhilarating and , da' nt Ucut0D to bo by Maj. happy effect than the knowledge of theso without his knowledge or solicitation. Hut both he and thc Governor woro bitterly denounced by theso ''loyal" rogues who Jlooms oj the Democratic State Central Committee, Jo. OIvJ Cic-itnu. SticcL, I'ltihitkliua, October I'i, ldfll. Returns from tho election held on Tues day of last week have enme to hand, suf fice to prove beyond question, that wo Democratic Moolinss will hn l,i.t , Columbia county, as follows j Oh Wednesday oycnlng, October 30th Franklin twp , at Clayton's SchJ IIOUbc. Mpoakers, J, II. OarnnU of D7t.vl!lo. Aleni 13, Tate?0 ' Harkloy and W. II. Jacobv. En' ' At Nowmcdia, on Thursday afiernunn Oct. 27lh, Spsakrn, O. Q. B.u ' Alom 1. Tato, . II. Jacobv ami i II. Campbell. Huitu, J' uonyngiiam, i'riuay ovontug, Uct. SSiW 1... 1 1... 1 1..11 s .. J"J. u juuuuj, vaiiipumi, jiarKiey nJ iimo Ridco, at John Q rover's Uninl Saturday oveniug, Oct. SO, by Ja, K. Rruglor, K. II. Littlo, K-qrs 8n(J ethers. Montour township, Rrlck SohooUousij near P)lias DicttoriekS, on Friday ovcti! ing Uct. satli, by Ur. P, U Frcfl, Wesley Wift, Ei., Col. L I,. Tato' and others. ' Mount-Pleasan!, at Julia' Hoti-1 on Mon. day evening, Oot. illst , by James K Rrugler, Alom B. Tato, & E. 11. LiUc Other ap'pointm'cnta I71H bo nnnounceJ nest week. H. H. LITTLE, Chairman Dtm. Standing Com. niooinsburg, Oct. 22, 18(31, wanted a Commissioner 10 defraud for 'vo triuniphod in the State by a majority arrests; mado so judioiously, and so well limed 1 But human joys aro transitory. Pres ently it transpired that tho Sheriff had taken the two Hemlock voters towards their placo of election, and that their dis franchisement might not be accomplished. Soldiers wero hurried after him in hot hasto, but too lato to avert tho mischief;; for two honest votes had already beon )iivcn pursuant to tho Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth, and thc Shciiff had returned almot homo with the voters safely in charge ll was too bad distressing to the hearts of all "lo al'' men and tho rago manifested on tho occasion was well proportioned to the grievous character of the provocation. Chas, II. Shrinor and Clinton Llovd. E-q Tho former has just been defeated as a Republican candidate for thc State Senate in a Republican district, and Mr. Lloyd wa3 also beaten last year boforo the people and had to take refuge in a Clerk ship at Washington. The Republicans aro Bending their lame ducks into this County where it is thought tbey can do no harm. Wo hope the pay of these lit tlo sp outers is put at a good figure. Shod, dy is rich, and oan afford to pay. them, and were enraged that an hnnora bio man instead of a tool for their guilty purpose, hod been selected. Shame on theso pretended "no party" menl thetc "union men";wr excellence, who love the '"dear soldiers'' who uphold the flag ! and whose righteous souls are moved with in dignation at thc bare suggestion that any one in martial uniform can be iu tho slightest degree insolent or unworthy! Notwithstanding all this, they seem to eotuidor elections as a grand cheat, to be controlled by fraud and force, and wo '0 the unlucky officer or private who will not subserve their purposes ond gratify their will. lie is to be denounced and caium? niatcd and along with him even a Repub lican Governor who may happen to have a better senso ol honor a -d deceuey than themselves. By the election laws tho officers who hold elections are divided between politi cal parties; as in selecting them but one Inspector is voted for by eaoh oleotor, whilo two aro chosen. This arrangement preserves election" from fraud and secures honesty, and the principlo on which it is founded requires a division botwoen par ties of tho Commissioners for army voting All this is very plain and very reasonable to men o( sense and fairness,among whom, however, wo cannot rank tho leading Re publicans of Bloomsburg, Thoy have groat capacity for calumniating their of about two thousand of homo voles. Thc votes of the soldier in tho hospitals and iii thc army, may, or may not, roduco tills aggregate. We congratulate you on this glorious result! All honor to the noblu and faith ful men who havo achieved suoh a victory, in tpitc of the frowns of powcr, the cor ruption of money, and the iufluuiico of a bliad and remortiless fanaticism ! Our victory, however, is but half com plete. We hold the vantago ground bo gloriously obtained, only for one grand movement more to reclaim in Novombor ilic threatened liberties of our country, and restore to it the peace and prosperity ol former times. We cniijure you, then, by all that free men hold dear, lo rally onco more for a final struggle ! Organize anew ! Shako off the creeping ap.ithy which comes too often aftsr a successful coute-t ; and let us hurl from p nvcr the insolent contem ners of the people's rights, overthrowing at the same time thc baud of public plun derers which follow in their train. By order of thc Committee : C. L. Waud, Chairman. Robukt J IlKMi'inr.t,, Secretary. "inooh nro slill broken, unit ihe Conlmler;! 1 have iheir own way. On Saturday Inst Wheoler ruptured Homo, a town 111 ueor- a'n naM of blicriiiuii'H supply, and look three thnvNaml neuro troop i)rioners. On Ihe same u-i). he dailieil nun Alu nulla, hear ilia Iumuhi'.v Mountain and on the raifroail, nml nuked th cmmo'i. Mood is near Marietta, where ttie bulk of Slier man's troops are, Ihe two armies are reMine: on their urine, watching each other All tho Federal trnnpi hn u been driven frnm Sniil'iwc-iorii Virginia. One body ns liillnue.i by (JcuoMl llieekiiimdtie a1 miMt () Kunxrille, 111 Kail Tenneiec Iturhridye, whose command l now imnr l.exniuion, Kentucky, lepurls ihul he lust heavily ui the retreat. The detent ol Washburne's command near Point, Alabama, by Forrest, is confirmed. All Wasliburne's iirlillery e'mhl utin win raptured. Two ol his eais-oiii were exploded, nt'd nne of 111- inn.4iii.rts disabled ()' Ihe Confederate, shol's. Wa-dibiirna ha h rnlroaled. Genera' Price lias iri.ulo hi headquar ter al II iiuievillti, Mi--onri j'il ciinlh ol ihe Mifiiiui Hiver. North ol Hie river the Federal tronpi have abandoned nearly ail Ihu Slaic, and are coniviuruluiy al Macon Cilv, iinrihwest of St. I.oai In front ol I'oler-bnrs:. there is the iiMial picket and artillery firmtT. A reconnni anco sent net b) (iiineral Untlfr, on Thiiri day lal, advanced about twn and a half miles in llie direction ol Richmond, nml alier enlne .kirm.-tiin'4 wnh parlies ol Cn.i ledeMte, returned. 1'he.y did nni frid the enemy in lorce. The Cnnfedernle cavalry are reported concentrating nn (Jranl's lelt, upparemly 10 inak a raid on ht railrnad comtiiunicaiinn. l'rep.'irctiont were tna kinjj to provenl lh'n. e(reary Slanlon and older eiitineii cmmik'led with the Ad-iniiii-tra ion are. on a v 1 -1 1 :n tlie Irunt. General Selmtield tins arrived at Uhata noogu, and K.Ken cimiinainl there. I'lie place in In be MfeniJiliened in anticipation ol an attack by the enemy. Ilnod 1 army i reponuil at D.iluiu, and Slierman iJallon n nuar COl.liSlDIA co. KLP.CTION KKTl'llXS HELD OCTOBER 11, 10G4. Co.souEaa'Ai-thMitr.y 1 TOWNSHII'B. BE AVER. BENTON. BERWICK BOR. BLOOM. BHIAIiCREEK. OATAWISSA. CENTRE. CONVNGIIAM. FISHINCOHEEK FUAMvLIN. GREENWOOD. IIEMLjCK. . JACKSON. LOt:U?T. MADH.ON. MAIN. MIFFLIN. MONTOUR. MT. PLEASANT. ORANGE. PINE. ROARING U'K. SCOTT. SUGARLOAF. P101. let's Waj u 7" a O -1 ;, c. o r 2.c " I s ll li!U et); 0: "16" 1 0 ior. lflfi 101 ri Mr. Oil 108 IT? no 07 04 101 08 40 1 04 1' an, stti '250: BO 1041 1J 80 0 (IU 00 (111 i8ot yatr 11 m lf.8l 8F I4f.i 'IS' 10P 1440 i;i70 4-, 133 42' 0' 8lii 20 41 ri.-ti no' oo1 12i as: las' !!! 144J f)5i l.'U1 l.ti 70. 10(l I7f 03 175 071 on! 104' Osl 4-1 1 3i 04 OU no no co (Ml lUl) I OU On 1 HI) (HI B 01) (III CO n (HI j The balanco o( tho Coui ty Ticket iR ' nlnnlDil frill.. Hit nnnn.ltinu. tkAlH.-ll ' "I l" ' SHr RTFF, Samubi. Ssiukr. 'COMMISSIONER Allbn MAa.v - AUDITOR -Damei. S.sydku. JunaeMCNT to uy Shoddy. uy the Lord OniHcitn On tlie day f tho Con nppeari. aru Mill beM'eaini; Alainona, a a table citizen wdit to thc polli to i0tt duMwlch a that iho jarrion ai tl ! l0 was handed tho tet-oath, wliicli hi placu eie iiiakinu an cib-tmalo deleni-e. ,, It now ernes out ihat 111 ihe receni aiiaek tok.- lie was then a6Ued : If tho Le on Alatecina, ihe Onnletlermoi cupinred ion and Cor.tidcr-.ta nrinifB wcro loth two Fed.ral regime,.-. ... drawn 1,'p in lino of buUit, wlroh would Gfiitral Pr.ti!, 111 Mi'W.ri, ha lelt1 1 ' Hnoncvd'o, and mcned In- iir-i.v toward yoa hope to In u:.'0Mt'il ! 1 o will h lo l.e.viimtnn. Tlie Federal cavalry under ! answered promptly, I would Lavu it wuh General Sanborn, met widi a 1lele.1i dli . . T , ,, ,,,, , . ... , , Wednesday la-i, al Pise Ge,.eral l!o,c- lhe Lortl- Ho Judg then raphtd- erans lias urnved al J.-ller-on City. General A-bmh'f expe.liinm in Flnriiln The 1 You cannot vote ; the nuwer in no: s";ti.i ' factorv." Of cuiirpa eat. The Lird'i li;.d . 111 11r1.1l lit. tmvn nt M.irianni, Federal Im- wa small. dccition, could not he l'ik. n by any of the We have accounts ol varimn cavalry ex- n01l forsaken crew wh ) nr:- tramniin'r out puiiiunns in i.uui-iana 111 an m viiii;ii iiiu L'olllelleal,l were delea'ed. Mokk Tviian.nv The mnt tyrannical and urbi'.rary ontraye cnmmilleJ lately by any tei of men, cither civil or olhorw'e, wan Ihe acl perpetrated mi Iho Okangkvii.i.r AcAnK.v.V, a few day rince, by the military in this county. 'Ihe fcIiooI was vicited by a pair olhoulder strap, accompanied, as we nudei'and, by a fanatic or two of thai i place, ami the Principal, J. H: Pal 011, in humed that he muni evacea'e the building The War. Wo havo nothing en couraging from tho Army of tho Potomac. Gen. Grant's losses, according lo tho best information, during the past month, have ! Cheating honest freo men out of their votes ...:i.i r .1 r, .ui uci-i. puwv.uua, uuu I will, great carnestnesj of purpose, nfter swearing big oaths at Gov. Curtin and thc yeaM preparation, with a thousand pik Dornoorats; but when it comca to a ques tion of politioal honesty they arc to be ox oused ! Thoy have not tho slightest idea of what that means and probably never will havo, as witness tbur noisy and in decent approval of the unlawful and outrag eous arrc?t3 mado hero on election day ! Tbc btinging of such a mass of troops to this County aud keeping them or part of thorn hero so long at very heavy ex peiuo 7 Perhaps the reason can be con-; OVCuiog train,'whcn thoy woro hurried off jectured from considering the effect, which 1 10 Hartisburg under guard. It is difficult is as follows in three districts : t0 fay whether folly or malice was most Whole vole in 1803. 1604. pr0iuincnt iu this impudent proceeding, Freok. 300 102 j whch WflS applau(cd by moat f Sugarloaf. 100 100 1 publicans 01 iJioomsourg ami insugaica by unlawful and impudent force, and foul abuse ol those who resent tho iniquity these arc tbo thing? suited lo thoir tastes boon very heavy. A big quarrol has grown up betweeu Meade and Butler,call in.'' Stunion tbore to quell it, which will I .. .1 . 1.... .1 . . ..:. ...c. The Sheriff and his assistant were BOiZf!(l i mo't oueiy result 111 the dismissal of ono j iy , ''" as if thoy wcro felous, and aloDg with tho voters, held in strict confinement until the CST Hod. John W. Dawson, has ro tired from the oontrol of the F'H Wayne 200 112 100 100 This shows a falling off of forty votes upon the hundred in ono year. In Reaver by their loaders. And now for tho finale : Tho Sheriff also, to which troops wero tent on the eve ' and Mr. FrtuiT (his assistant), after do?- of tho election, tho vote in 1603 was 181, ; tenlion for a day and night in a filthy' and it is now but 1 33. In the other parts ' guard-room at Ilarrisburg were trans of tho county tho former vote ii nearly ferred to tho Dauphin County prison. On maintained, tho falling off not reaching , Thursday afternoon thoy wero discharged fifteen votes to tho hundred. Making all by order of tbo Provost Marshal of the allowances tor arrested men nnd abson- Western Distriot of Pennsylvania, and tees, it is plain that a largo number of left fot homo that night. At the same citizens havo been detcircd from attend- time were discharged both the Hemloak log tbo election by the prcsenco of a mill- voters as having been arretted unlawfully tary force in the county, in connection and without cause, and they also camo with arrest and throats intended to intimi- homo. Thoy bad never beon in servioe, date and broak the spirit of tbo people, nor had they beon drawn in cither ono of General Couch; coming to understand tho U. 8. drafts. Mr. Fry of Main twp., iho use mado of his troops bore is very was also diecharged, booauso his arrest properly removing them from the county was illegal, Thus coudomnatiou was 9 m w of them, which of courie, will be General He0 ttl0 conduct of Gov. Curtin in oxo- T 1 1 Ai.llnn tlia I n nl tlm PnivimAHmnnllli i r iueaue, cuting the lawsol tho Commonwealth in a reasonable and proper manner. The Chicago Convention deliberated History. Specrh nf Hon. llc'n; A. Fid.'rr, at. the Union Meiling, I'hilu., Dec. ISO1.). The history of this attempted iujurrce tiou discloses a remarkable fact, that John llrowu, a man ol intelligence, of btronir , lat;B nm 1,1,5 fl,n'-s wil1' a" llis Rw, "''h nfter n m Mich a lenglli 01 lime, or lliey would bo es '-thrown out. Thin was accordingly dono. in possession, with ammunition at his com-! and the Academy laken possession of by mand holding two day the Government j tho military, and turned into n hn-pital arsenal, could only induce two neeroes to . ,v,iH there wore other buildinas iu the join his standard, aud they woro thc first1 place lliat could have beer, obtained, and 10 Burreniici. i nuru iu irgmia, a oiaio 1 whjch wo(l ilV0 ani,Weied with ;J,OUU negro siavcf witliiu a circuit every pur pose, without interferins with iho Aca demy. Il looks very much like the work ol a little partisan malice on the pari nl certain citizens ol that place. This school has boeu called in our presence a "Demo. Times, He has ripened a Law Office and ' in a spirit of patriotic intelligent directed resumed the practice of his profession, j to tho end of displacing, by legal and Gov. Dawson h a Scholar, Democrat and Gentleman. Tho "Times and Union" office, and a most excellent ono it is, is offered for sale'. Sy It is reported that Gen, Couch has ordored the dischargQ of sixtoon of the arrested men from this county in Port Mifflin, Also several of them at Harris-burg. constitutional means tho unworthy men who for nearly four long dreary years have prostitued their pubic functions aud dragged this nation along in bloody ruin. The peoplo aro longing for a change of thc wicked incompetents now at tho Load of affairs for MoUlcllan aud Pendleton. More of Lincoln'3 Policy. Sheridan reports that lm has burned, in of fifteen miles, to whom liberation nnd froedom wero promised, only two camo lorward to accept this boon. Docs not this provo that the alayes as a mass aro contcn- inil ns lliev arc? The.v wjint. no elmnna- least of rtll, such a chango as John Rro'wn cralic InMilution", hut wo will guarantee in could givo them. Treuiondous cheering ' "" 0(10 lllMt Pf0'- 1llllon dees not attempt Wiser than John Drown, and wher than to teanh politics in his school. Would thai those who aided and abetted him, they are we could say so much for the oilier Imiilu coutont rather to bear tho ills they havo lion, under ihe coairol ol Professor Walker, than fly to others they know not of. Cer- This lurniaij a public or private school into tainly tho worst enemies tho slaves can the street, and taking chargo of the build have are thoy who disturb his quiet, and jg hy ,10 tuiliiary, is Iho moil high-hand -inoite himto rebellion and insurreoiion. eil ncl ,hal has ll0RI) perpelra,ed in ,hk We adopt the language ofthe great states. c b Uncoln., oJlo d be man 0 the est, ol Henry Clay-''Wo ,h0 a,Bti7(I. prefer the liberty of our own country to .. that ot every other country, and the hap piness of our own race to that of every other raco." every vestige of coii'ii'n'.K-iial rights iu tho name of Uncoil' nd Liuvrt)." " We wero iuforniid of an aiuiiaii incident tho other day. I. happened ou thc ydiuylkill canal. A bout wa paBin through the lock, with a Me luilan fl..g flying when thc lock-te.i c snecrirgly derided it and added th u McC elUu wn a "traitor." The boatman very mild ly answered that ho served under McClol lau on the Peninsula and at Anil tarn, and that no mm should call him a traitor with out going under. With that he seized tlioj lock tender by tho napo of tho Book and the seat of the pantaloons, und pitched him into tho canal. He "went under," and camo up a wiser man. Lebanon Ad vert i set . tCT" Hon. Rcvcrdy Johnson, of Mary land is out with another strong letter for McClellan, in which ho sums up iho griev ance, r'bortcoming? and failures of Lin coln's administration, and then dcolaros that "this must be arrested, or, in my "Jn re;)fe to Mr Lincoln, 1 continue to hold exactly the sentiments contained in my tetter of acceptance. I (onsittcr tint his ri minNiation Iw been VOU1ICALLY, MIL ITAIULY and FINANCIALLY a failure amltlnd its nocessary continuance is a cause of regret lor iho country "John C. Fre mont's Letter of withdrawal. Tho evidonco in tho caso of John t,ie Shenoudooh Valley, 2000 barns, 70j0(linion ,Ue country will be ruined." ,atnarmburg boforn Iho military mil'8.' " 0 dwellings. Just as suroj ... !.,.! 1,00 i,n i..,i.i a ..: 1 as Lincoln is ro-eleotod th border coun- Lincoln Enthusiasm, It woul Rantz commission, has been concluded, A writ ten defence will bo put in and a decision reached some days hence. Jon-Work, Sic., Wo aro prepared lo do almost all kinds of job work neatly and expeditiously. Wo have blanks for Justices, Constables, School Boards, &o , for salo.- tie3 Mi Pennsylvania will havo to suffer in return for this barbaroui work. Now, marko tho prediction, Tho MoClollan doctrine is, The Union at all hazards. The Lincoln doctrine i, Abolition al all hazards. General MtCi.Ki.i.AN says that the Union is the only condition ol poaco. Mr. Lincoln says iho freedom of Iho negro is tho oulv would bo condition of poaco. livery man, therefore a s'ght to seo any man not a shoddy con traotor or oflioc-holdor who can bo on thusiaslio over Lincoln's nomination, and who would rejoico in tho prospect of a four years continuance of his roign. who prefers the negro 10 the Union, will vote for Lincoln, debt, taxation and oodles war. . 11 The consistency of Abolitionism is beau tiful ! The Administration journals revile General McClellan becausa he did not bag fcSTA Western papor call. Lincoln tho "mJ ' Antielam, yet ihoy are per ,, ., , ' ' . leclly fatiofied with General bherman' "wiflniff maker " Annrnnrihln noMA ..:i . 1 11 i. . a.i-.... ' ....u.v. iuiiuic 10 nag iiuvu d biiii) ni (vuuniu. Wo have already auounced tho aban donment of the Rcpui'lnan candidates by several journals in different parts of the country. Wo hear of auothrr oasa todiy that of the Weschcster(X. V ) Monitor, which,in mnking the chango known to its readers, says : "In viow nf those indictments agaiiKt the Lincoln Adininistratiou,tho rovolutum iu public sentiment ts nstouiulinir, and tin couutry with ono accord exclaims give us a change 111 tho Aumiiintration. Influ ential presses, heretofore its adfoeatos, sll cry alouc, -give us a chango !' Wc cer tainly cannot bo any worse off. We nm- havo it, or may high licaveu alone prob-ci our common country from tho impiidia? doom that awaits us in iho downUH ol oui Government." The Shoddy orgaus aro Hunting up slanders against McClellan, and quite na turally they quoto from rebel papers and other secession sources. This is hut evi dence of what wo havo often stated j tht Abolition and secession are allies andhvi a joint interest. MARRIAGES. On tho 13th inst., by the Rev. Nathan iel Spear, Mr. Washington Kanousk, of Jaoks'ou, aud Mins Sauaij H. TukneUi of lionton. On tho 15th inst., by tho same, Mr. CoriNRMua Hellas, of Fithiugcrrck, and Mis Jaku Schi'TLEK, of Oramjovilb-