COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR VOL. 18. NO. 33. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. EDITED BY IXVI h. TATE, FHOPRIETOn, " Onr Constitution cuard it ever I Onr glorious Unionhold It dear,! Onr Starry ring.. .forsake It novcrl The proud Oancasslan our only peer! BLOOMSBURG: Saturday Mornmer, Oct. 15.1064. mnnnMnfnni FOR PRESIDENT, '(JEN. GEO. B. McCLELLAN. or m:v jehsuy. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, HON. GEO. H. PENDLETON, or omo. Wo istuo hut a half sheet tL is week. ' Th County Fair and Election day, being ! both celebrated by our offioo hands, ii our We are unable, as wu go to preis, on Fridir dood, to say who is clcotod in our Congressional District. Judgo Mereur, Aboli'.ioDist.i, has doubilrst defeated Co, rioi.r,BT. Or.s. Wm. II, M, Domoerat, is slsoted to Congress iu the Hth Pid'riot. Ho.v. Ciiaules Dbn.mion, it ro-olocted to Congress in tho lUth District. feST Dr. John, last woek, "staled a womnn had ckarged upon th tosch iDgs of such men as Tate, Jicoby and Lawyer Little, tho raueo of Lor husband and son's being in the Port. Wo challenge Dr. John to give this wo man' mmn, and until he does so, pro nounce the story, a malicious lie such as ouly such liars fibncate. And tho nun who tells the same -tory, ciihtrin bloon burg, BsnTick, or el!owln'ro,i equally an Infamous lir. More M i I tary A rrcsis. Jasiaii II. F u u man, High Sheriff of t'oluiubin county, ami Ronuur C. Fruit, Clerk to the Uotuuiisti nun, wero on Tuos dny lt arrested by the military satraps and sent to prison at IJm!burg. Their offenses. we suppose, iu the ertimatiim of the loyaliiln, consisted in tho fact, lint they had taken two men, (who were alleg ed deserrors ) from tho jail to Heuiloek twp., to end thoir vote, and were when arrostod returning with tb'om to tricjiil. Wo aver, that in thU, there was no vio latiou of eivil or military law. P. S. Messrs. Fuuman it Fruit, wero dischargod at Ilarrisburg, and havo returned to Blootnslniig. So al.o, wore tho throe young mou vis: D. H. Fry, of Main township, with W. II. Holler, aud Dan'l Holler, of Hemlock, who were arrested aa deserters, but again.t neither of whom could therobo anjthing allegail by tho tJoverumeiit. Death of one of Lincoln's Pris oners. Mr. Wr&MAM E. RoriBttis, of Jack nan township, Columbia county, diet! on Thnrday of la?t week, in tho Military Hospital, near Fort Mifflin, in the 57th year of bin life' Mr. Roberts was ono of ilia inour Hinmnlnrv and oTnrtllpiit niten in all our county ,-a worthy Christian- man, and was respected by all who en- joyed his acquaintance. Ho leaves a large and helnlesM family, thus unmereilullv - deprived, by th-do.potio band of military power, of husband, father and protector. Was not this innocent murdered, and murdered by whom I Let the Lineolu eatrapi aoswor to the oountiy and before God. Innocent of anv viola tinn of the laws, ai was evinocd from thc faot, that ho was discharged a (au days bolore bis death. i& In respect to Mr. Lincoln, 1 eon- lit. ..a n avn.l . ,1,A ..111 ivinnlu ..nn tibuo to bold exactly tbo saniiments eon- tainud inmylcttcrofacceptanoa. Ioonsid- or that his Administration has boen po- lilioally, militarily and Cnanoially a fail- nro, and that its neoessary oontinuanoo is a oauss of regret for tbe oountry. Fremont's Letter of Declination Tos, Linoolu's re-eleclion would bo ,a eamo or rogret for tbo country." That is Fremont', opinion. Tho neopio are with him, and they will take measures to prevent Its -coiitinuaneo' after tbe fourth of March next. IIU administration is a "failure , ayaOon. Fremont, politioally, militarily aud financially." Yer, agtupend . -i,,,l. t II ?r, asiunenuoiisiau- uro Tho people-will take cam of that too, and the Foarth day of nexi Match, will inaufturfcte n v admiuiattni'ioii that shall bo i iuoeess in cvury respect. CSi Scvflral coitrntyiloations are om- Hurrah for Columbia True Thoughout tho Storm. SOLDIERS ARMED AND MAKING ARRESTS ON ELECTION Di Cnllimiiin rMimtir All r:i-i An increase maloritv in nil AiMvnsmps, except where tho I ooicnera mtcricrcu. Democratic Majority In Columbia County 4 VJ."-fi .'!. i -4. tj-j. r COLUMBIA CO., ELECTION KJfiTUKNS; OFFICIAL. IlifiLiO OCTOBER 11,1864. iCoNanEss A8hEinr,Y Ton.Nsntrg, iS'li -1 H BKAVKIl. UNNTWN. REUWICK BOR. HI.OOM. IJHIAKCREEK. OATAWISSA. CENTRK. CONYNGHAM. FISHINCiOULEK FRANK LIN. GHEI2.N WOOD. 1 1 EM LOCK. JACKSON. LOOUPT. MADHON. MAIN. MIFFLIN. MONTOUR. JIT. PLEASANT. ORANGE. PINE. ROARING UK. SCOTT. SUOAKLOAF. I 'JO 1 no! 250 1 50 1 131 J 75 81 I 28, 4S, Kilii : 80' aoi 371 50 60, 1 00 00 00 230 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 U 1 00 00 1 00 00 8 00 00 00 15 47 00 80 89 0:1 187 05 180 i:ir ion 130 110 itifi 145 10 c M5 104 54 1011 55 131 145 C'. 1 0S 177 149 70 109 175 03 ).-) 170 07 01 15 07 on 104 OS 1(11 08 40 2s1 12s 12 45! 127 i:w 04 94 29'24 1-14 li I44tl Pioi.let's M..t. 1 3u() The balance ol tho County Ticket is elected without opposition, namely : SHERIFF, Samuel Snyder. COM MISSIONE R. A m.en Mann. AUDITOR Daniel Snydeu. 0HI INDIANA. Tho returns from Ohio und Indiana ) ns lurniincu ty the AssoeiatfU J'ress 1" 1 1'uiladolphia are thesgre. They indicate r .11 . . 1 I. DBB,oer.Uo g..n ou tho homo vote , Ohio of FOR I Y thouraud. Indiana is; ropr.5e.1tcd to have been carried by tba , Aboliiionists, by nu increased vote, but , j w,: H'u',: EVEUV KBA" T0 nELiEVE that nu uituai iciurua win vary ma erinny from this report. Stubborn Facts. The way to put muslin up to a dollar a yard is to voto for AnE Lincoln. All men ho w t u ieo ofcoa . j , . 1 . I ... .r Br-u-u jr voiiug for Lincoln. Sugar used to sell for eight ! and now sells for thirty coots. Vota for a nn Ltncoln and it will soon bo a dol- jtr I . . ! Ualf th0 amount a worlsinB raan raote3 goes to support Ana Lincoln.! corrupt administration. The .ol.lUr in the army I ho 6oU 810 where he used to get 13,' P two priof. lo tho Commi.s.r, for all 1,0 btf The nrmy, the navy and the Fopto through the prolongation of the war ) "OB LINCOLN S 10 tUIS time, WUen ll ... , . . eouia uave neen ended two years aoo, aro giving life, blood, and treasure at double former rates. Shall suob an Administration be oontin lied? No, Never! No! Ohjof Justioa Taney d-ed at Washing- 1gSii f -a ....5 .tr AND BL00M8BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. "TO HOLD AND TRIM THM TOUGH BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA Glorious News ! PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. THE OLD KEYSTOMi REDEEMED I oty, ofi 00 51 DEMOCRACY GLORY ENOUGH FOR ONE DAY. Aboliliouisis Seeking (heir Uulcs. GREAT DEMOCRATIC GAINS. Pennyslvania safe for The returns of tbe Election boid in Pennsylvania on Tuesday lat, as far aa recoived up tho hour of going to prou, indiuato the triumphant redemption ol the old Keystone State from Abolition' . , uuiuiou rule ami .bo Despots power. Never wa a political contest invosied with raoro interest, aud none was ever fought more denperately by tho enemies of tho Demo- ' craiio party Tho Abolitio.ti.U strained ' ctory aerve to win tho battle. They manufactured bogus despatches, and circulated all kinds of false news to oreato enthusiasm for their came. . Mr. Lincoln himself eutered the political arena iJent, J. A. Swisher, and 8.' P. Demott. and did all in his power to encourago tho Secretaries. Miltou Trough, E.'q., and faint-bo.irted in their wavering ranks. Hon. M. E. Jickson, of Uerwiek, ad But the hardy yeomanry of Pennsylvania ' t,re9sct3 ,l10 'nocting- Tho Speeches of individually repelled all their insidious lll0, KpDtlemen vcro highly appropriate advances aud polled nuoli a tremendous vote sgaiust the law-breakers at Wash ington and their followers iu Pennsylvania, a to make tiis State safe fob Mc Clella.v and Penju.eton. The returns already reoeived from the various town ships and counties indicate tho est of tho current. They arb enough to send a thrill of iov throurrh I lift li.-.rl r,r .... ,...,,. . friend of tbe Ln.on and tbe Constitution in the country. They indicate clcrrly, that tho vote or the tkople is in favor f .!. T .... i iim jvemoerauc cau-o. and it tho rest of tho Stato allows the same result as the poitions rilioady beard from, THEhE is no DOUUT THAT THE DemOCBACY HAVH if. CUKEU A DEC1UED MAJOHITY O.V Tilt VOTE POLLED IX THE SEVEUAI, COUNTI1 S or this State. Let this suffice us all m ; oxchange our hearty congratulations on the. crlnriniiQ moutf .ml ... .- ca - .w-m.w, muuuu ud iu iicrvo , g r work sun iiclort ua ocgh w now known to enable as tbank the gallant Democraoy of tho State for tho noblo work thoy performed on Tuesday in tb face of tho most dctermin ed ami unscrupulous opposition that ever arrayed against them 1 C There never was a greater unani mity in a country than was exhibited here .1 tl.n fall .I' C. . .1 Ul "I WHIIHCI, UUU IUU CDUIII WHS p0WCrleM In the faoo ofit; but Mr. Liu- coi completely paralizod this generous feeling. He dentroyed tbe strength of tho I position and divided tho North when he 1 ueoiareu 10 1110 qoutu mat slavery nbouiil ! bo protected. He has built up for the South a strength which otherwise they could havo nover attained, "mon, s Letter of Declination L.neolu paralyzed tho Jorth, and built a strength in the South, And yet there are men who de.ire tho oontinuanoo in power ol a man whose measures dettroy the """"I l"uia kua luutuunico ui a....u n .. oouvu. uenatuiy an aummisiraiion which has thus administered affairs is not only unworthy of continuauco iu power ; but its continuance would bo actually crimiual. Will the neopio continue suoh a VMy 10 condemned by its own friends ! OP T HUT II AND WAVE IT O'ER COUNTY, PENN'A., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1864. Have You Heard from deliwakg a.m) roxKEtncirr ? "Behold how Brightly Breako the Morning." The People Speak for iHcUlrllan, Pc2- tiicion atid the Union. The elcctiou on Tuesday of hit wock. throughout tho State of Delaware for Judges and Inspec.or,, recited in tho Bh..iuibi innmpn ever aoineveit by tho Deiiineraey of that State. 'I ho Dtmo j cratio majority is 1 ,405. J Returns from eleven towns in Conneo- ticut dhow largo Democrutic majorities an average gmn of four hundred in every uutrict heard from. The Democratic bosta aro marshalling ! More Democratic Meetings. A very large and cuthusiaslic Demo- ; oratio Meeting, was held on Friday even ling of last week, at MiOlinvilU. Jacoh I Yohk, Esq., President, Andrew Frcan, j aud S. Creay, Vioe Presidents, and I Wm. Kriekbaum, Seo'y. Addrcista wore ,' delivered by Col. Tato and E. H. Little, ' Esq. 1 Locnut Democratic Meeting. ' mi.. !-...... ... - - uon,.Mio citizens 01 jj0Cuat twp., r .i.oon 0. last week, at Col Hum' Hotel. It was organized by electing 4Lzoxahd Adams. Esq., PrcBi'deut, Wm. Driesbach, and Henry Fink, Vice Presidents, and Gem offlir Seo 'j. E. H. Little and L. L. Tnte Ksq'rs a,ldrcs?cd Vi Jerseytowu Democratic Meeting The D mocratio cifann? of Madison township, oonvout'd at Jtrseytortn, on Saturday evening last, and organized by anooinlin? Lewi Srmrvr.rrt n-. aim gave universal sntislaotion lo the ''He rroeracy of old Madison." Berwick Democratic Meeting. On Monday lat, a Domocratio Meet ing wad held at the Town Hall, in Dcr wiok John Doau, Erq , in the Chair. Effective speeches wero delivered by E, H. Little, Fsq,, and E. L. Merrimon, Esq., (of Wilketbarre,; Col Livi L. Tate, and Hon. M. E. Jackson. Awful wap thc whining of the poor doomed abolitionists, Auuthcr mKCtill,r Ba, ,ld in tLfl ovcn. ing, in !rwick, and 'ras addrassed by Me?sfi. Meiriman k. Jackson. . Goino it Stko.(1. Wo have received an txtra of tho lilontnabiire Democrat, published by Levi L. Tate, Esq., eon- ' ,,.i!","t;i,'lC t'Tlu. RtDtu: n" ..Of , 11WU1 1. UUl Jll UUU llllll. J . Jl, Ruekalew, together with fundry local news and matter. This is a truly a pat- j riotio paper, and doierves the patronage of every Demorrat m tho State. They aro Hchtinir against the minion of nower. located iu their midst, and yet thoy daro to speak their sentiments and to preach their honest convictions to tho peope. May heavou' prosper them. Ilarrisburg Patriot And Unicri. Tho present English Risbop of South Africa was onco a curato in Scotland. He was accustomed to pass over a certain bridpe.whero sundry young man who spent the sabbath phying pitch and toss used to , . , . revile htm for his earnest advice. becoming exhausted, the muscular curate took off hit coat and wollopped the crowd. Il soiuu of tho native chiefs in Africa ccd sound argument tbo Risbop oan furnish it. "lirown's lironchila 7'roches." Rev. Chas. S. Robison, late of Troy, now of lirookliu, N. Y., writes of Brown's Bron chial Troohes ; ,lRev. Mr. Rooth gave mo two or three trom uis pooset, a tew ypars ?Bo.Torndlnf m. ,0 make a trial of hem, for bo had fund them ben.f.ctal, I have kept them on land ever aiuco, and found them very -erviceable after the weariness of spear ng, as well as allaying tbe inilation oonst q'uent of a oold. The DavrT, 'e publih to day, a full list ol tho Draft' I men lor Columbia, The Board of Examination, are lo meet on tho first of N'ovembor, at Bluoins burg. Drafted u.m aro required to ro-rtt- t'sw nana t'v Iki f VasraeiW, THR DARKENHD EARTH." List of Drafltd Men of Colombia County. DRAWN OClOIlKtl 3, I654. 1 Qnr.rt.wuoD, . Jacob Lone William U Parker. Michael Wal, 1-aac Kline Jacob lliirriion, David Demon, 0. V Swisher, William M Parker, William 11 Mather, David .Htady, John Ke. William M. Heece. J0I111 Sladen, Zebnlon Kline Klijah Ike'er, A. 1'. Vomit!, John C I.pninn. John Crawford, Jmnfi Manning, Ana F Hoe, Clurk W. Kline, Andrew J. Altierteoti. Iticlurd J Kvhs. Samuel McHonry, Itobi, Muirvo, Wm C Eves, Georfiu Greenly. Ira Jolirnon, Jno. Moore fcro, Isaac Heacock, D. Swisher, I'arvin Kve, Thomas VViUon, Jmiailun f.emnn, H. J. Walts, Hendriek Baru;s, Sam uel Patterson, Daninl Ohl, Wm. P. Ikeler, Jos. Klus Kves, Jno. C Rictiarl, 'Jeore Ikeler, Kranc'n M line, Henry B. Maiher, Jnteph Clement, John T Patlerson, Har vey Smith, Joseph S Kline, Samuel T. Uernitmer. Samuel Mnoprave. Parry D lllaclc, Wm. B Patterson, Maihias M Kline ' floori-H Mariin. Mon iVInnlroville Mctlenry, man, J' D. Wi.son. raslH Hemlershnl, Dav id P. Allan, Francis P Koi, Abraham Tit man, Clintnn Kobbins, Oeori: W. Leo. Joeph H Parker, Js.,W, Pation, Kea mi Conner, Peler llajma'i, Williamson De h lit, James Doniti tONYNRIIAM Mathias Coyl, Moses Snytler, Jno Thorn a, Jnlm De.nner, Wm Snjder, Pairick McDmiald, Henry Drucher, Kichard Hor ran. CworKe W. Dai, t arney MeGinro, Moses Lung, Frank Smelser, Ceor-je Rendy I'rmh Tilley, ,'1'hnrnBS Uowon, Hichnrd Harri-l. PhiUp Watjiinr, John Shillinit, Carl Noivman, Ellis Vaiemiiie. Edwani Fuyor ly, John Laes, Frederick Hush, Benjamin Leonard, H. chard Keller, Thomas Howell , I'eler Glensner, James Jlageny, James Cravvford, llarlir? Bienin, Joshua Call, Henry Umlaut, Thos. McCprmick, Frsilrjr ick Snyder, Hsnry l'irotig, Jacob Shane, nr tliiinnmin Jrtnpi. Viphntna KmMUnr (,tit,n Dewill, Anthony Gallagher, Daniel KeilTer, .lames lien muter, thailes McNibI, Hetij 1.1m : Hubert Packer, .Jacob Fiher, Jn- Hushes. John Nnlu, Daniel Moier, John Inctn. II u I nh Nt v fin I'hn tlmvmr I I . Beadle, Thomas Lengan Michsel Hacnan, Morris Morrison, Joseph Steel John Dan- nan James H. Hhine, Boben Fabler. F.lias Ash, Liviniji-ton ithnno. Jr.o Pealer 3d, Stetiheii Dresber, Jelhro Henry, Jixiah Coleman, Jnhn l. Merrel, Ira 1). Kline, Emanilui Bender, Samuel F. Pealer, Pos 'er Sulion, Alexander McHnnry, Jacob M. IValer, P. D Sutton S I) Kline. Joseph F. McHenry, Hiram Pealer, Jacob Guisinjier, Abraham Kline, Levi Lunijdr, Cvrus B. White, Cyrus Bobbin, Datnel F Kramer, Camdsn Meart., Daniel McHenry, John NeytiaMl, H. A. Fiillrntr, John I HeMi, Daniel iiinurd, Norman Mcllenrv. H in. l oleniMi, Jacob Kindt", Wm. Lamlerliach, Martin A. Arnmeran Ira J. Thorns Emun tlus l,'nangl, A. A. P. Unanu't, C)rns W ' 'inr eilmg, Elias B. Bender, Genrue Doily, Itbiibeii Bosian, Allred T. Crevellinj; HlBbOV Alfred Peijc' Samuel Johnon. William B Kunjan, Thomas Dncheiiy, Jame W. Eves. John J. Kearnes. Jos. Kichards, Geo. W. Nephew, Samuel .11. Kline, Amo Hilt, Davis liunyan, Elias kichard Francis Eves J.-hri M. Smith, Auslin Corell. Andrew S. A'len, rtinmas O. Kline, Josiah Moisi, Jno. Dallmau, Jacob A. Swisher, It. II. Moul, Geo. W. Cole, Samuel P. Demon Uaao U hippie, Hiram Lunger, William Kuuley, Joseini K-,. Mium, w imam I'ursel, iienrue W. Girton, Michael Hock, Jojepli Keter, Joel Foulke, Stephen Flln, Daniel S. Been lei, Abraham StaurTer, David . Hole, . David Kinney, William Kyer, Jamea Mills, O. P. Kunyan. PIIANOI. Henry II. Kelchner, John Harmon, Sam ue 1 Huil.u, Win O Eves. Heniy Conner A B Smart, Guo. W. Applenuu M M Mrtiatgle. J V. Keeler, Lemuel For", Alexander Herring, Perry DeLonit, Michael IWenbuch, Sanderson Por'el, Wm. Miller, John Welcch, Itatiflow Feiater, John Keet er, Emanuel limine, Win. Goodrich, Jer. ComMock, Jno. MnMltnan, Jno. M. S'hite, Mellm 'Irimbnre, Ruffel White, Corne.llui Bellas, John Fisher John Heldebraud, Dan iel Shuliz, Samuel Everett, Wm H. Snjiler, Pliiiieiio Vouok. Joseph Idler, Monross S. Hnjhtirot, Oscar Achenbach. vt-Hiun. I C. karne, Philip Knau.e, 1, Hnuben Appleman. Philip J. Slile, Jame- F Karnes, BKNTON John Kepler, J, C ' Charier, editions A L'llim InltM ii,, iiuii. .'tii, j. w Hie , ui. II." 1 UHIHC3. 1 Hiram Ash, Ueniamin Colley, Geo. U. Hess, Elias McHenry, Jeremiah Sides, Jeremiah Vansickle Alexander Hess, Sari.U Kline, Lawsnn Huehes. Jnhn Ii. Keeler; Geo I. an bach, Levi H. Priest. Hiram Hest, John S. McHenry, Lowrv McHenry, Thomas O. Kline, Christian Laubach, liohr McHenry, Irvin Krickbaum, Freeman Horn, George W. Cole, McKelvy Brink, Abraham Hart man, Joseph Ash. BRAVER. Jacob nmberger, Henry Miller, Daniel Ilamer, Hutcl.iiii-ou Brown, Wm. Bakor, Iloubeti Owen, Andrew Huusmger, John Hatz, IV.ier . Shllhammer Jacob Keller, J"1'1' rt '""b Keister, Joseph Snumau, J0!"1 tt)'. Juhn Naus, Ihomas Shumau, Mephen Michael, Jool Swenk, John Har ring Andrew bhuinan, John Singly, Wm. Kimball, George W. Hawk, Hanrj Ho.sler, Jacob KlingHuian, Henry Hearharl, Thomas Miller, Henry Hiuterlitor, Conrad Bredbeu der, Jacob Haraer, Henry Henuiuur, Jno llunnnger. BL'aiRI.OA. Abrahnm Pelerman, James Smith. Nath an H. Sewaril, Andrew Hess, Wilson Fritz Calvin Kitchen, David Coker, Emanuel Dills, Dynr C. Mans, John Gelz, Andrew Kile, Clark Neiiz, George Moore, John W Dillz, Uaiio Meikotl, Georao W Masieller, plfnlVn.'S; K.P George Ellison, Benton Colo, Alern Cokes onbairer, Jer. Vansickle, Wm. Peierman LOCUST Henry Hoffman, Michael Honberjjer Jno. Snyder George Phillips, J, B. Kosienbat'er Jonn Erwin, Jacob Lindenmuth, Franklin Beaver, Berin Horubeiger, Peter Bitner, sr John S Carl, Jesse McClow, Wm I. Kline. David Long Isaac Dver, William. Erine Washington Gaiger, Jscob Slino jr., It A. Herbinu, C. S. Mears, John Lindenmuth, Wm. D. Phaylor. rnMi.iK. Jacob Knitll, Jacob Kelchner. Clinton -UwUckall, w4 W, Kivto, JACKSON. Silas W. Mcllflnry,, John II. Fritz, Let! Keeler. Daniel Fritz 1 Jiicob Shnli., TIkh Y Herr, John Uoderts, John Shnllmiberijer W S. Parkf r, Wm. W. Ilobens, Jelferson Fii'z, Jacob KiioJfe'. Wm. Younir, Jackon Me Henry, John F. Derr, Washington Kuouje rrnc. Jusnph Swuyny, Wm. Thompson, Jarne Hist, R. W. Lyons. James Drnihlebis, laac M Lymia, Win Karchner, Val. Welliver. Ausiiii IJanldron, Silas Sweeny, Benjamin Pia't, John Colo llnbert Poi'er. Satnl. Wil liam, Isaac Yount, Hei.ry Gardner. Frpm,Tiie Star of tho North. SOBRESPOSDKSCC. Fort Mirn.iN, October 7. KntTOR or Tiir. Star : It becomes my painful duly 10 announce the dpaih-ot Wil liam E. Hoaicifrs, ono of llio citizip prifou ers brought hoio by the military on the first of September, lie had been at the hospi tal about twelve days. At midnight last eveulne. iha gates of our coll were jhrown opsn and ihe death ol Mr HoDiiiTS ws an nounced, Yon may imasiim. Mr. Editor, tho leelinas this iad news imported at that solnmn hour. Our feeling wero such that Utile sleep ekrno Ic our reliel during the re mainder ol the tiinhi, When he left the bomb-proof for the hospital he was the very picture ol despair; his beard and hair whiloned vviih Ihe frost of fifly.six wir.d-rs, his form bent over, hisjhands clasped across his breast. 1 turned from the sceno with feelinas ol anguish. Binished from his home from his wife and family and dy ing without the sight or a comforsitig word Irom those who would have yjadly admin-! iMered ur.lo him in his dyimj hours. And, what can I se.y to his beieaved wife and ' i lamll- All that we could do in our siraiahlened cirou instances lo render him j comloruble was den. After ho was t,t- 1 ken to the ho-piial ho was cared for a well ! , , co,lld ho ftpscted. , 1 do not envy the ! ' position ol the fiand or Guilds who wore the ' 1 cause ol lorciim this pnor old man (torn his' homo and lamily and Iriends to die nmon strangers. Frequently, aller he became very leeblti, he would enquire it General Coi'rn In.d come, us he ant ici paled a in leae. Poor man, he it. releat-ed liom the control of all earthly power, and will bo brought belore a Judge where justice, is meted oui. Thoe wicked persons that were instrumental iu bunging htm here, if not dead 10 all loeltt'Ks ot common human- , ily musl lia8 bl!,Br cnmpmictinns of con- ' Fcience when they look upon that poor,' disconsolate family, whose support and' cornlort they have taken away. May Gou in Hi. mercy forgive them. 1 This is considered a ery unhealthy loca-. lion, even out in Hie open air. and must bo much more so in this damp, closo cell. The elfect is visible opon all. Without, eren charges being preferred,! thirty-eight days to-day have elop.ed mnea j we were brought here. Bui only intending ; to give an account ol the death of one of ! tho inmates ol tr.'m cell, 1 will not trouble ! you further, hopinrj soon aaaiu to enjoy the sacred boon ol I.ibkhtt our forefathers lought and suffered po much lo accomplish ll tho present state of things continue, Ihe inepiimablo blra-i.ngs of liberty will be wrst-'.ed from the people, and de.potism w.ih it6 dark pall will (utile over our one happy couuiry, which, may Heaven pro ven',. jhes m'hicnrv. "Poor TnT.'' Taesday avet.inig last at the Conn lloure, the Managers and Direct ors ot llio siraighis of this born, uatn an entertainment, ai which lliay iniroilucsd a one of tlie speakers, II. F Ci.ahic Esq (as ho said) from the rebut county ol Colum I bia, who was mado Ins nape o,l 111 ; CongreM,ona, Uislrlct u. yorfrs ag ....... . . ,, , . n r. j f,'iml 10 ,hfl bools of ,ho Rar- G"0' bia, who was mado tho Hune gout in this auo 10 LN- , tos, 10 bear Ihe sum ol the outcasts, to Java tho r niintv Tirkm frnrn KMinmminii L He bowed himself to ihe vokn of hi oppressor", aud Vissed ihn hands of those who made him tho dupa and victim of their selfish ends !' It was a sad pic ture to behold, but it shows iho pow.r ol ihe artitt who paints the canvass 10 suit his own selfiidi ends,! Not one word of inqui ry did Mr Clark mako after iho '-(tro thou sand majority" that was promisml him in this noble old county, ihat was able to give Mr. Lincoln for whom he spoke, AvtJhou- snnd majority. II h can't In4 in Bradford, belter than ho can run (or Congress, ho will find that he is spell bound, and ho hau better return lo his "Rebel County," and let Maj. 1'Ki.nT havo Iha voles llhaiiford Aigut. Tlie TAEiNo or Mobile Given up It is staled in a high Republican uuarter thai iho idea of taking Mobile has been aban doned. This Is undoubtedly true, beeaue Farragut has been ordered to the command ui iho Atlantic (squadron. If Mobile) and Charleston could be taken, trade would in evitably, spring up as at New Orleans, aud the supply ol iha' great necessity lo the laboring man, cotton would bo vastly increased. Trade is a great civilizer and pacificator. Mr. Chase held before the war to'-letting Ihe Southren Slates o, lor trade would soon bring thorn back again," That would have given up the Ujiion without an effort tJ manUin ill authority, But a Dem ocrat "or any other man" who after four jeers ol badly managed war, suggests tf for tas.atlHi'j.a h a Kails? 1 SStSt3t TERMS: $2 00 IN ADVANCE. VOLUME 28. COMMUNICATED. A Lady who has been n momber of tho Methodist Episcopal Churoh of Bloomi burg for several years, would refer Rr. R. E. Wilson, to Dr. Clarke's oooj monta upon verso 17th, Chapter 2nd of St. Luke: "These ahenherds t. I f ( " V IjUU fi'tt praackors of tho Qospol of Christ i ana wnat was their txt I Why, Glory to God in the hishut lltam. ...... tu,, peucc and good will among men. This is mo oiegaut ana enorgetio bavino wbioh ooraprises tho sum, and sabataniu of tho Gospel of God. This, and this only, io the mesiago which all Christ's tiue pnttort or ihtphtnli bring to ruen. Ho wliq, while ho professes the -religion ol Christ, disturbs society by his nreachinir or i?rtV who excludes trom tho salvation of God all who hold not his rcligioui or pol itical creed, nevt r knew the naturoi of the Gospel, and nsver its power or influenoo. How can religious cohtcnlianc. civUhmU. or optnviara, look tint Gospol in tho faot ,..t.:.t. ....n 1 ... . "uicu puuusncs nointng but glory to God u.t, jjculc mm gooct mil among men. Crusades for tho recovery of a holy land sooalled, (by the.way .latterly, ho most unholy in the map of ths world,) and wars for tho support of religion, are an insult to the Gospel, and blaphemy against God 1 b MARRIAGES. MihAUbuiiKldt. both Of0rnoo7twp"col. c. DEATHS, In Town Hill, on (lie l'Jih of Hoptcmber Dr R r7. UoK, tummy or UloonHburg. aA Sou't yen.? Cathifn. Cliarily Wliltmlre, Died October 8th A5M Sutjr ye.r. .Vino Mouth, and 1.1 A,y0 wjfe of 01" whitmlr. of rinaTowrmhlpUelumtla ec Pa gEWARTISEMEWTS, Five Teachers WantedT" lliortiuabarir. Oct . 1704. St.. VV LR' WATSIMOftlAL! ' Till, iiifuriiialiuu will cost von , y Estray 'S. w' :wn L,u Trom me enflnture firth- n,u- -i . . Tuee Calves, Two red Deiffirs. and One Young Buil, all under one year nlil. AnVDron lm .in timber JLauil rr Sale THE undersigned, offers to Re! at'Pri rate hair, it Sood I'racl of TlMiipn i uair hi llentoi, Sli?ar o"rLnVliDi' eiv"',0, .JjohiMiR laud, of j0",r,j llM,?r SPI7U,L''' co. i'our Hundred Acies " -d .... i. Jena easy wiUi liriri ircu. pivminit. "utrAl time 0H p,irl oilhu O Y u U M fi KA e Jutt Published in a Seeded Envelope. 1 iinti oi. riiN To. "rt Zn ; V Au,h0J f'he''Or"cn.oolJ:.fccUER awtul coM.eivqnce. of Heir.Abu,o"ny H .ff,, undeflectual, by which vcrv ,S!.V "nco. cer,,,1, his co. dmon iiiiv b, mlZVL .,uV?.r" . ?. 'natter whal radic.ll,. .Thu",."' """" ,ll'' pri- boon 10 inonnmd, .uj thousand.. prove .nvc,,, ieceicr V.V' eated po.tu( addre tin n VH;Ka: S' c K'-'NE. fc Co.. Ort W, l"7"r '""wnitdf.i tJH y a WKNTlVnRTII.Phytlclan from Oorminy.har. XJ init located permanently at .Mordan.vlllo, t'oluui. bia county. P... rc.pectfully inforim Ihi puhltc gener- nn prompumi. nu on mnaerata ttrui. and will guarantee general iatitfaction. Bep't 54. 1? r. Wanted. T0TEdllEai-"3li Mule and rJit Petnata Teach fr'i." to take cluirKe of tin Fuiilie. School, of Union towiihip, fcliuylkill ronnly. I h t'.iamiriHlinn will tako rilaee at Rin.tonn.on tli. 'iSlhof O.tobcr, liici4, commencing at IU o'clock, a. 111. The rJchoilt will open on the second Monday of November, ana continue Four month. Liberal d.'erie. will be paid, TIIOilAa RYAH, fl.ct'V Rlngtown.Ori, 8, 180J- ' B' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTldE Estate of Iiussel White, dc"d. I ETTEnSpf administration mi Knaleol Rmiel Ij White, late of o.iilr. two., Columbia co Uec'd. have been granted by Hie UelHr of Columbia co.V in theunderilgned i all perton. having cl.uu.agalniilh. eatate of the decedent aro replevied to vreieut theiu 1. tlie Adininutrator at hi. re.idenca in .aid low ahip withoutdelay, aud all p.non. indekted to iwak. ,A4r At