EDITHD BY UIVI I. TATE, FHOriUETOIti "Our Gonstltntloniiaril It ever I Oar glorious Union hold It dear I Onr Starry ringforsake It never! Th proud Cnueasslan our only peer! BLOOMSDURG ! -v s Saturday Morning, Oct. 0, 1.064. )o niot ratio ATomiuaiions tfOJl PHBSIDMT, OEN. GEO. 13. McCLELLAN. or xr.vv jnnenv. "To Whom it may Concern." General Elcotion Proclamation, ikj Jp11tflk? M TBT A Itisi.npo,9ib0 to overran Iho Sapor-1 WIIUBBAB nM,,fl,- MMWMJ Uil. MW 59J'f Rev. Reuben E. Wiloon. Wo wero compelled to submit loan IntoHoaMe nut' Sanfonnmnn myiiig. i,or icnve0urpiac.1orjuinpl , n r lr0.t(1cn Lincoln's letter to tllO of l Commonwealth of I'onn.yi,,,,, , entitled "An V ll t 10 trait Of t ID n hnvn limni.,1 ln.Hil.1iifilnn "l"u" ul riPIUtll. I.1IJC0I1 S lOHOr 10 1110 Aft tn rpifiil.iln II.,. Il. ml I l,.ril... il.i. f'n,,.. Hi. .Ircct-corne, near Il.r.iuan'. .tore, This loyal Niagara COm'tliasiollCN. It h a publifl an-' '; ';i;JT.H !:;;",:.;," a'lli'notle preacher its ilcccndoit from thu pulpit to, tlio political nouncetllMlt ItV the clilof mnrMslrntO of tllf) "H'"" tu ho clr-ttml, I JunlAII II. I'MIMAN, nrcna. The following arc- aoino of hlif m i-"llrav. . , , J , v "ul '" MierllTof llio :outity of iJoiumhii, tin her "h make ..d.rin,flo,i.ft,,..k.n. cii.d..inl- ",. " H't lie lias abandoned, finally, all .ft'Sr.jVIM perhcads," ".McClollan It a Tile traitor to hit country," protenntf or OPhCttranoO of Waning a C0I1- ho lit li In alil county, mi th , "The atch-traltor Pendleton," "Tim Chirajr, Convi-n. , . , , . 7, , HKCONI) TUUSDA Vflllli.) 01' OfJi'O I'.Blt, IK .)owe,0..)an,.fcn.p..alor1."..Tl,e r,'he of MltUl.Olial war for tl.O mtorMlon of tl.O it Ul0 MWal ele(lnB d.lfri, , South and sympathisers of Iho Nnttli." Nn nllemnt territorial infi'irrill' nl Mm lillinil nml (tin llloom tnwiishlii. at thoUoort llims.. In lllnnm .!..., Vtfls mado at anyth nj that might bo cn ot argument r . , . . . , .'' ,,I.n:1 towiulil,.nt tho puhllc house ofjohn J. Stiles .1.1 ,, . i 7 ,i . ., . , , ., . . .. supremacy ol ill fundamental law i and In the town or iimton.i alHiou h ie contended lhat tha "abolition nf slavery" 1 . , n.. ,,...,.... ......... . vai the groat oyl of this war, The restoration of Hie "U "p('ll llcclaratton that IicroilfttT it Pliall Bhuinun, . . I'"'" lnol.ppe.ir to have heeu thought ,.f. What bo Waged lor tllQ dcMrui'lio.1 of ulavcry. r Hvnn.illioV " '"""'C """" "m ' appeared Hill ninro disgusting, If possible, than III ... .. . , , , . ,..,. Iloroiigl. ol llcrwlck, at the Town House, In the l!or- nwccplng railing iicctlsatlntis, was llio pompom priilo J"Bp"(7 Ma luiljr tuiltlcil III tills (llrOB- oilsh, wl.i,hlci.ebralolnn,lhlaqkS1.ar,le,1.,.,lcali,.h,n. liou, but lie lias UOUCCnlod iU rortl purport K.?tenta"oV " " "'"' l''M' h,' '"' otc.1, I.e,t . onio might bo icmk ennugli to con 11. le in , llnl.10.f,lp(,I1 nnfM ,! .,,!, n ' ''''' I''P. "t the huu.e of Jeremiah lie.., Je. ' nnu ioiiow inuvaur icnriiPr, wo w.iii M iinieost t he fn . --v ,...v,.v,J ..... ci-iim-u, DR-E- W WILLS' M1ER W A N COMPO UNO For Til E BEiOOD. ugeost the fnl lowing toxin fur soma rnpctttblt chiruyincii to prrnrti gllaii f,,.',:l. h,l.l: ".,0,y" '-- Od unnlbor. Now llo nvoM l.U hnrhotn. ..'''''rsphtotwirbip. nt tl.o public hou of Hrn 1 1 .niiinci uiu arennnce I, w in contoinllne w th Ju,,. .,,,,,,, Ho baa looUcd ono war and tow I'otlVnChnm toumliiti. nt ll.n nulilir linn.n Af llMik.,. i ii - " 1 ' ' ....... rOll VICE PUESIDBNT, HON. GEO. H. PENDLETON, or oiiio. , the .i,vii.i,o H-Mmi.,1 ab..ut ih'iboiiy n. m...... dm.t Now i.u daoiaros his lopg-concoaiod policy. , oiL'r,;':;;;;, not bring ngilnm him n railing arcmaliDi, but nai.l, tlo linB beat !is"idtliitl V nroititlltitii' tlio ! ''?i"luck timn.ljlp. nt U line'. Horn. The l.nr.l rebuke thei'." JuJall. no ins uimi .iwiuuilMy proillllliing llio Jn.k.nn tiiiuhtp, nl Iho Ikmi..! of lklMCnli itton. Again, tTliuothy, Chap X V.W Ing tlin qui lirirntlom War lor tllO UfJIOI) IlltO a War for til" alio- , 1 1. V; , 7 it . , iV.' "" I""""' liniuo uf J""" h. IMMIUVT THKI2T. 1'OR 00NO1UJSS, COL, V. E. PJOLLET, or liiiAnroiin. FOR ASSI'.JiliLY, U1I.MV31S0V II. .JACdllV. or nr.oo.Msiiuna, foi.Mv"ri(Ki:T, I'OU COMMISSIONKlt, AUiE.V MANN, of Beaver. VOW AUDlTult. "D.lMK'i SMT'UKii, of Scott. DEMOCRATIC MEETINCS of hl'liop,. -Hut patient hot finiieer. mil covet- iti(l, 0 8nVcry. KoW llO l.V0W8 tllis pi'OS ".Votu not Ire, le.thclng llfioitup with priilo lie f.ill litutioil, atld (rloiies ill it. Into the coinlcuiiintloii of tho devil." Alp, IjtllColtl Iill not WritO bis ''To wlldlU again i ei i or, tnnn. i.i. "i.narny fiiiiiTPtn lonj. ... ,, , .. ,., .............. ll. II iv iioiitiGrir I'linr witiiniir. it tmrtintM. man. i nnu n Kin. I j elnriiy eiiviem ii'ii ; eairny eannwh net , ' ,. , K .arlngcreek towtulilp, nt tho house formeily occu I ilitlf.ii rHpnffci up." 110 !l Utlll XHI . UUt 110 13 110 tool. Ills I";" ny unorge V. Iltl,lioci, All 111 III lllHll.lilli. allhf. nubile llr.nar- of Jnlin C.lii.r. .Mailuou tnwnihlp, ut thu luilillc liouio of enniuul Illi.iby. Sit. rlearant tuu'nnhln. nt tnc linu.o nf Tlin. Jnnei. Montour tow nhlp,nt Iho hoiio nf VVniJIiilliiiiihonil 11.1 .....hi.. ...I.. ...Ml. L..! f. .... . ... . 77 IS nil tilubliihtd, thoroughly tritt'l AND Diseases Raulting mm Ditordcrs of thel Liver and JJipalivc Organi, I Ann ci'rtr.D nr DOOTOlt IIOOFLAND'S i GERMAN BITTERS THE QRKAT STKtiNflTIICMIMO TOStO Tlicso Diltcro liavo performed tnoroO ir on ! tiiri: .A7 7)0 hick nr.iTj:n 4vsv)j77o.v JIJIIT. Mlilli: TrAri.VV.Vri--IMf'K MOIlK HH- , xpixiAiiu: rr.arut ru rouau kk tiirm 77.V .j.vj' omui .mricu-.i.v tiu:.v.ihkkt , We ilefy nnv one to contradict tliii nmerrllon, anJ will pay ijlcoilln any one Hint will prnitiirs reitilliate nibll,heil by ui.thM In not genuine. IllOOr LAND'S GliHMAN BITTEItS.' will cutoovtry tua of Rimnitj, mow muted bij sumr ofthemod (ji,Vonj0 or Nt.rvous Debility, Discn.ii? uf the Jviuiicy., nnu difoncas oriaiog j Mai..oio.v..,iiip,nttiio public hou.o or join. a. Him. emiii'tit riiijuciuns, li'is attained a cehbri. t from n disordered Stomncb. I 'iMhvtlMartititlfuftmlv. rk(lli not her own, purpOSO Was 11 purHOIial 0D0. It WIS to TC I if not rully irtivoked, thirtieth n erit." 1 . . . ' j l h" linnil-hlll nntlco of tho HMvlIng hml .i mutilaltJ "Ovul" tllO rndlC.ll VOti) mid support ill tt 1110 Mimtiroi,. Weii,.,a,a,u... Tho ..r.i.. "iiii.uy f,)r tho next (Wcinbrr election. The rail - ami mill. ii now nu,l fotover u lie nml i.i pitiable.'' weri' . , . .. .,. j nn.le to real, "union now and forever r.," willed m.l IR,ls ,lavu dlStru-tCU Lllll. '1 1 1 0 most llOtl- I only uiaJo otter aluurdily but truly iu.lic.it) licpuh- Cet nltd iiticerc lltiti-sluvrf? IllCtl ailionf i licaii halro.l of liberty." They uinimt mi n ti.iuut.j .i i . , . 'the word. . . tllcl" lQ"ir bad no confidence iu Mr the "t!iii. i.f I'.-.ico." liyniW -,,i:i,., : ti. i r . , 111 n.'r.ll Au.hly of PiMimylvnnu goes into Hi.' publie MreeN t.l en. OOlllHlCUCC in lll.l HVOWals of antlla- Ono person lor .he otiUe uf tlierltr ul the oouiity of ' rable Cancers urn! l.'ancerou. cai Ftrifn-iven growing ramie. "''ri' rntimcnt. 1 bey have tllnrcforo do- Onepe'rion for Commissioner of Ilia county of Co. 1 Chronic flcftiiled flnre, profi'..'il pr.'iu her of the lilti CleriMl rnlm nil. I .i gage In angry political (ai you dl.l on Hint orrmiiiiin nt tin. innniini, n,' i... .-ni...l !. i i.i: lumbia , , .,. ... ' l"u 'V" P"riy, iioi.iuaifll a oii per.on for Auditor for III.' eounty of t'olumbla. I , , .... ..... ... , , l l , i i.i nlntf,. r ll i lurllur illncteil tlinl Iho ill i lion ur t ho uir.il . member!, of .mr Churi-h, w hat emlin Ho mint llinrom- , ' au,,,u'-i laiH OOVill ,1 platlorill ol ,,.iri t shall benpeueil bitweuii the liournitH ami III j i.iuiiity-.nol nlllkteil in joii ei.li-uily are, with ! jrf-oii.af-iroin," place upon jour Int'Ti-nt in Hi i vation. tich we are lull, Mr. win vnur inn . f .1 - f .. . .... .lillinil. limn v., ll in, ,i. n. ,.., I..... I ., ...... I'l. s ni run I iiinn.!.. , I ., n , .., i.i .. , ., .1 , ; lMll,,irr,, ,n, tl . ' V ' w, . W.WI....I.M.V, i. thu (.niprl r.lenum, which will hi (nt- Hid ,t.iy of hnnwn. Ami., . The , ."n.M .,' ... ! J'lML'J1" ""P1 " rlcovor '"UT onninlonoa ,.,, I I iiy unorce V. Ilm n hac h. . . . .... ii. ..... .. ... .. . I runes liiHii.hlo. nt ii... nubile li.m.n nf .it.,...n. 11 Ul most vtrix vi inc. cuumrv, ii lumiir , Oieretlie rollowlni nymntom. : llcfulllug from lluii'i'in, InOmiigovllle. I I orders of thu Digvutlvo Organ: I'llirt Imvii.l In nl II... I.. All... I ' i OH Cdll S HlM- rSugarliinl' tow iirlilp, nt thu houm nf A. l.'olo, ' 1 tloit. IimiiriJ I'ljo". , tl.:tuoiu"""' ,i"iici",u-0 ,,f j- ! scrofula on kiags fvil nl:!!!i;;,"ff!;i, ! At which lime ami phco H11 mijlined elector) will ! f.x.a""a "'1!ll1"'r."' Hs"'1 ("' i''2J' elei I h:. b.(11ot Iho l.il nwlns lll.tilct ami County oili- , ' "u!'u "flV lu " '" 1"j,1l"7"lnr ,;1Hn,1ir. ccri,l' . ' ' laudation. Huking or 1 lulleriiigiit the III . . One p,-Mnn lo represent tho In.h C.iigr' i-lonal Di- Scmfulonj icrec, P.of or Urrelpla, Rcnle.l lleiJ- of th' Htomrh. Swimniing of On Head, flur- t trkl in the lluu.ii. .f k'preiiei.laliv.-, of the Conerem . , n ',' i! h ! Ji,,'',i,,,,"iTi H'"l""tl 'h ; 01 the United Stat". nml King Worm, TV Iter or Salt llheitmaoittor or Sn oil- Menrt, Choking or ' riuirurotlnir Heinatloiu when in i i V inn i.upi'i.f, , 'i.iiii. ..i , i.i'.ii, ifiup in iiuui . I bel'oro Hie night, r'evcr nn.l Dull I'aln in I 111." Ilend, Deflcleiiry o. I'cr.piraliou, Bores, lllnint or Bolls, Ami now In conclusion, very lie, ereml Sir, When a Jn.'oltl'n moral integrity, nml lliorelorc aiiil'l'ml'iur In Hie'n.Hso of l:"icnlaUve. iiMlie , c.l Xeck, (m, common will, onr American female.) c iii'oni'. i ui-.ri i euaii iienpeiieil ueiwee.i iho Iiour-l ul r aim 111 m, yf. jfi VMttt VW" V wu I. "nil?. 1 llicir OWII. TIll'V llir.'lfotinrl In lUviAn lUn " ' '"' k f"""l"illl, llll.l shall i ..li.lllUC l'tlll H J lis - I I ! f fi Vl V JIT W.fH nil illtir OW I1. J lliy ItircntellPd (O lllVllIe tllO ul i.,rr.i,,'.n nml n.ljoi.rnmeni Until 7 o'.lock In the ' M 'V V Wii ' ', r", ' 'K"pn!)ltcjii vole, and o iilsurc the sue- rxu"1",; "" t-;- ! : i. , vSArwA?. Wv .; duct In ' 1 ,.. ui iii-auL ll i1iiitii..r direcied that the iiieeting uf the ri lilrn X X Yellowness ol'lhulJklii ami L'yes, 1'i.in in nn f I'lo. n.-icK. ( ne. I l.iiuli", r., Hiidden riuxhes cf Heat. I.iirning in the l'lel.,i'niiMiiil Iiu agliiiligsofe.il, i; deprs.lon uf spiriln. Jii iges ntihe Cimrl llini.i.lu llliiiu,ii.luirL' tiiu.ik! out ugr. ..Iniinl return Jii.lfys of ii. ' l'l'.u Ititric' . ; Koye. Jioath ami Threat, Pyphllls In all its furms, Uy- hitilic or mi rccrilil Horo mouth, un.l throat, clir.r.ne ratmii ol lh.i l.ungs, Ktomnch uml Kidneys, I'lin ; a saw lil to opiily publiily to bettrr iltlu ns thai vmr- I and lllt'll hllppoit ill tllO unuiiim election f""'!"'-'"1 ,"f 'h'- .ountles of lir ,1 r'or.i . I mb i.t .M dm ' i ' " 've , i , ,)V llM av()W;l w!licb W01ll(, Mlilfv t!lc ln0bl ri;!1;;:;:, "hi ; ocr.it by a bl-icKgu.irtl. ' . T' "'" i-iy ot OitnUt-r in u. tit uuko out m nt.-. J i PV!1 f'tltlif tils its. Ins- r,-,.,!t.-r nf (Ti.ii.ii-. 1 - . . . . ' :-v v i . . .1 .... -t.. , (j rtnrn ,!,(,,, n r (. i;. pn rtitativi HiPtrfC, i-It;., rtHtunuf, Qua i.ioicnci. Hiiuuinuiim, leiunn- M W tltll II ( 111 t I M I 'I'. Mllfl I S. 1 Alu I I I . . U . IT . . . ..1 I I . . .. . . . ...1.. .....1 . . . : v ,A;.Mh.,.1 iiMi,, Iftiliiiv,,,, ; ,.,,. ', .""-I ccca.ioni lilti. one for hi purpose, wMiifep,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,.,,,...;!" ' "T' 5SvS" P '"'"' l"'lt'i'ti tiil- mill tin- i Jirgt' lll.ll tUt.'injl.HHO iMci:llri' blive i ,. ; , lin t..r ,M"i.ilier.if .s,..nibly. on; Drops 'l 1 "; ,! r"'. ' ' wc hi.1,1 by ti. j),,oi-,ao iw, or; ,l,u "A "T VT y !mtt m u ,H:itl;"v ,iivi:-v- Lt'rcnrtlift", (nrisln? from Intornal ulcer' ) Droppy.CcuctiJil Dtbility, sUuiucUlton nnl h1I(J' l" I .1 ...t ' .1 .I... (.! W li tl.lll lI'Mi .IIIV 'itfl(l; itt .ititiiillit llit'tlt nf l.p.)fit ur . ciiin. ThurstUm .'Iftrr'innn. Oct. . insuc of the lt ' Om.i miii.v Dk.mochat. ' ! ull,Hrt" ""' "ru-t.iu.ier ihe i:,,ii..,i Mate., .,.,., .nv.,r i,,r,.rro. ii no .v. r. n. tu t k. ii.ku : ,r M(llnvilt'. I'utlm Hvniiua, Octo- hi r ij rrr.E ,y r m:. . Slubto'wi). Suiurdntj .ffrrtiotm, Oct. i, r.m: $ ia n a :. ,.f Ji rsetjlown. Saturday Hrrhhia. Oct. H,. 'co,:. .(9.v ;..:;; Ji lirrti ick, ni .'ifminim, Ochi lr Udk. 1 HKK'K & I.IT'I'I.K. k. ii. i.irri.1.-: cn.ii,rri...i. () o'n'r 5. 18111. Salem Democratic IVTeeting-. A largo and t nthusia'-tic L'cuincratic hKctin I I. ..e ..I t I . . I. f iili'ti ilLslrirt. U lift kr ri citnitnl cliitmil ntlior . s.t1...r. On Friday, at Oran?. villi', and Wt '""' i w,..,.,,ui,,,r,ii,i!,.....R,.,;7;.1(.,;, wh.. i ,i i i i i. r i i. ,,, 1 conilnigii sine qu i iton of any tiuacu iiron- V"1'1",'''l.""!-U'.r,""' :"'""ur'. ''x""'"1''' "r" '"'"'J ailllrcasuil by U. I.. Little, Km..oI WvOmi- 1 , . l"-"-!""!' ileparm. ut nl I In . elate, iii ,.f any i ily or ol nuv in- 1T ., , . ... 0-itii)lls fr:.tll tliu Iio'itlOll and IliiliUrV r',',.""il1 itnt, on.) ilulul.... ih.iliviry nieinbir .ruro , Hon. l'.titl Lt'idv, arid t an', I ho 1 , . , -t ,,r it:n-i ami m ti..- t-nr i...i..i,iurc. un.l of mo ... ,, ... . ".i ., chil l, nt t In rehi'llion. lie rcnudiatea '' cl or "I""11" cuju.-h r mv cu-, or cnmi,ii.i,Mi. Uliallalit,0t .MOIlt'Mir. Hull,, J.to. Evans,' ,. 1 er ol any innrporntui i'ilrie'.l-bylaw I'uapi'l.lo .if ' VVITV Illume lll'Cl.irimoil WUl 'll IIU IIUlJ Ll ll ."'"a " ' o ui" um', "" mill! or .ipiiuilll J , ui.'iil of Judue, lu.p. mr ur I Icrk nl .in il.-i-tmu r li.rlll ll. llll.l l-.itmrililK ill., Lnriiiju. .if ll... tllH ClJIIIItUMI IV.'llllIl . .till Hint In, I ll ui,m l.ir. .I.i. I.,.. ... Ad- " . . olli 'r otlker of such ih i Uiuii,b.i!l I' i ligibl.-tn bo then war nun uiu means oi n. coiieiumon, open- 1 . . 1 , lint th" fa'il act of'Asi. lily erHtl.' I ".n art rul.i- Iv nml with an utter moral f hniiit itssuess. 'o 'jenionsot this Coiumoiiw uwu" p.swMt July ,", ii. , , , , , ', I'T . torlln r pi'i nli-il in lollu I., wit. lie V,'n pll'ilgou to OltiiT plnlie anil Other I "'ll.al Hi" In.puiiur ami Jiiilge .;i iu,-i tat i!'o re . i , ... . , , . ri" ..... .o .., i.iiiiiiii. i :ii-rii..ii in ! principles by OVcrV OlUCUl oath, private IhudiMnct m won n tin i ri'ieitn'. iv l,-lou;, l-fnri' , , . ,. , ,, o'clock io the moriui.'j of tin; Hnci.M) Tt!l:sll.V I avowal anil public ao.'la ration, which coulu . nr (icioiicu, mm .t s.i iisptrtur shall appoint ..no , , , . . .. . . CI jrk, who shall be a oualiriiil votir 'I mm h iiutriet. Ill' iraillCIl IO C0U strain tilO COnPClCUCO or i 'In e.ij the p.rhim who eball luv. reclvpil the I'rcs.ii.'cli!. Friday evening at Isloomutr;: lro-tcs Wcro delivured by K II. Little, E-q., Kobt. k. Little, Hon , Paul Lidy. IL n. ('harlcs 11. iimkaU w, and tjapt. Tliomas XJIialfant. liliaa Diutiericb, Ivq , nnMKMnF.il that this uirrrjts Is Not Alcoholic' CONTAINS yo hum or. mn&KEY, j hut IS THE BEST TONIC in the World. l'r".siileiit On Thui-'idav .''.fteriioo'r. at Hinlni. .rno 'lw.1.1 nn li'i.ii.rl , K.f n I ' .-, . r . . r , . . . ... 6, ,., i... hji, lt.vl i(. inic, una lion . Uli.i. It ?lein, Luzerne -county. Tlio Editor of, h. ,!.i,1... n,i,,, .n,l. rl... i,,,..;i,,. ti Journal, Hon. M. E. Jack-on, and IVulav t'vci.i.itr at .M iirlinvillef E, jj rcf-uiiat-U tlie-c .ivoivi.ls wbh never Daniel I'. Seyberl, E-a rcncclivrly ad-he i- ,, . ,, r,,,,,: r, .,.. ,,,.,;.,..,., :l rogrotlul or fspinnatory or i diiterinine the arts of a iimii, a parti'iin, ! or a inu.'iMrale. He ha broken hi; oath LH lb-, ll ., and Li'vi L. Tato, di'l'ivcivl pressed the People. A beautiful Hickory a,),',-,. iSnturday alt'irnoDii i....1at Mo win ra'iicd,frofri vvhicli proudly waved at jjlr.t's Hotel, in L icu-t township, j iitr noble old 1' .au.on TVitieii was incnt'ni ti nml i.lni., s.,n..l.-r,s i.o Democratic Jlo;to, ".MoCk'll.in Pen- nt Jerf-c town, in .M.id'won. Col Ci. I'reeZ'j, Speaker of the ev-i'iiing. 'tin and the Union.' ti.- ..i.i ri ... i t i l i uiu uiiuiiuii .Y.m uii uutiti, auu i'litiied a dozen roun.U cf Diinoorativ i ui ii'T. it w.ib a gMia-uay mr tnej fj ouiiteM. Suo.'o.-h to the no. lo Ucnidi'- rsey of Luzerna. Dciimcriilic .Mfi'lii'.p in llluomsbt'ifsr. ! Tnc D.'iiiii. r.iry nl li!iiiii-.tnitn li.-l.l i nit'.'i'i.t: .ii U i- Cunrt Iliin-n on tw'nl.iy , fvi'ini.ji l.n.1, w h it'll largely ilii.'ii I.' I, l'o Tl'OopS.Qt PlaCCS Of ElcCliOU. I'lmnih-ruia lliat it niievfinnj iii-hiiul- Aet ol 'i.. Lttii H'i! S-r. 0.1 lh,! nfu.i".timn wa elleui.-.i nv til ,i p I hi2ln"t iiiinih'-r ol votes for Ipipuitor .li.ill nut aiteu,! ' on Om ilny or any election tiieu the pi rnn who shull hive rte-'ivt'il tho si'ciiiil hii'lie.t I'uiuti-r of vote- for Judge nt Hi.' next pr.'ccdiug electinu shall act n. Iinpeit or in Iim p'af e And in inse the p'ron t ho has ro r, ii ed th .eiyi'id Inghe.t number nf vole V,r iinpfit nr shall ui't ntti'll.l, the percm eli'cl.'.l .lu.Uu shall np pmnl an In-p 'i lor in 1 1 1 k piaru I mid if any varum y t still minimi'.' iu too bnanl lur thu ip.u:i. ut 0110 hour .tHi-r tin1 Um'lHeil by law lur the opi'uin.-of lueel-c t. oi, th'' iii.iliili'd v ilerti ol the town-hip. wnril or ill, iri.ltnr v. Iiii Ii mm li oilirer shall h.i. n 0. . u . l.-an.l nri'-i nt .ll 111.' il"llinn. slrill elict om of tln-ir titiiuhi'r I'hif 1'vi'iiitn'. rboiild bit.' ''Drow ii'ii Isioni'h.ul Troebes" 10 ,V,"".liK'; . ,., n . . . ... . . . "ll shall lie llie.liity of the st v.'r.'tl Aii smir" rehtw ft- John uf ""'J van "a eill'lli ll III till" pOl'k. t anil h,-l w ai tml at tin- plan- ot Imlding iv.ry eiuVral, I . .. . e ,i 11 I i" i lal "r in', ii. hip ..fiion iluriuu th.- wholi lime , tal.en np.oi the ur-t appu.i ranee ot a Uolil, ' ,uch . I. ition l.-s.ept open, i.ir tin purpo..) of giving , . i . , iiil'.uniaiii.n lo tli- Insp.Tiori iiii.i J i.1j,.i, nhcu iLou-'ii, U'lueh, it ni-i'lL.eud, may terminate mi n. m n i.iti.m 1 1 in-' mim of nuv r ,. v .i . I -''ii by Ili'Mii In M.te ill siiih elei liiiii, iim i iiu mii h i.lti- " i iii hoiuothtiig worse. A., there are unita i uiniti'rs m r. i.itio.i i.i thu .i-n'snni'iit ni i,,i,.rs,n mo ':. 1-.. .1,1.; il. ij....,,,.-, I ssl.l luspirturs ur cither nt thoui 'i.ill (ro.ii Inns tu iii.iii,i..j.iii';i,rtl.'i.liij mi; i;.iii itj ... 'i. "'"I lllll' ri' ' '. , re eondiiling i.'iiuslon. Militarc OIlieeiM and Soldiers i 1 n iascc of Costivcncos cr Contipation it 1 ii V iliiv WFJ! SATS rromttio Ilev Levi n ek.nstor of the Doptlst Chu.Lh, reuiberl.il.. J . formally of Iho North llaptist Chinch, I'hila lelphn. 1 liavo known llo .P. mils Oerniiu nitters favorably for a numtit'r of ji'iirs. I h:tvo u.i'.l thoin in nn own f.iiully, and hue been so pleased Willi their eHVts that I was induced to ri-cnnimeriud Ihem lo many oth er, iii.d know that they hive operated In a slrikinaly beoelli'iat maiiu.'r I liiku ereat ple.iviircin Huh pub licly prnrlnlniiiig t!n fnrr, nn.l lulling tin; nltiitioii of those alllii led w Ith those disease lor which thi.v are t .cciinnneiided, to thoe liltli'rs, knowing frouieiperi 1 enee that mv reriiiumi'iidati-iii will be sustain"!!. I do H.i" ninre cheerfully as IliuiH. mil's llilters is intended . i bem til the aillicied, i.ud is lint "a rum drink. ' . Yours truly. l.liV't G. UIX'K. Its mild In lt action. Just sufficient In regulau th: bowels and keep them regular. Us unlike all prep., rations for tha lllood, having tho l.n.itlva properties combined, Asitenntslns The orj.i'.tiioii w:i- elleui.'.! hv th t . i i ' ', 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 nl tliu follc-V.itu 0 llii'or, vi,' : i'M.ifni-i:u.s f)i:in:iticK. ymi Viv I'wfiilj'ii' tin I. I, ni 1,. lid.' J.i Tr.""'.'.'', Ilniili 1). Mi-llridH, 1,,'vi C M.JnI.n Si Ipin ill, J ii'nti Ki.'r. J. ilm lr.' .1,'r, .I.iiill C Holitiii., Or. II. W. ,Mi-li- .mills S.'er'.ilnrirtV. II. J.ii'ntij'. livid l.t.v-eiii-fri!. Win. II. Mi.it'iiiiik er N'd lody of trnopi il. tin tinny of thu! IV .it d Sutc, (ir ol' tlii-i Cii'iiionwratli, ' '"'t.l b.i pi iHi'tit, ith' r armed or unariin d, nnv til ice ol olcotioii wiihui tlnft ( om- ir,ouwvtilih. d iriiic the time of Mich t-K-Of 1 l.h.in : J roVi'-'r , 1 nat nollnii" lii rein eon- t uicil i-h.ill be so consttusd a-, lo prevent li'iy offiei-r 'T coliLcr, from i serci-ino; tuo ( idH ot f ultra cn in the election district to pliich he may Imlonp, if otherwise quali- ti ncoiirilinir le. l:iw. ' 'fr fisu c'jiifoii'ittif'i cfcto'f fiui. l ur- t hi;nt :,!, :, r.'liMII. I'ni-c MUll i nml Tliomiii Clunfaiil. Kn( , i'l U." DtinvVc - j j - "O- - j . I 10. ! initiiijrnter. 1 lie aihlrt'.s-us i Ati' is.. i.miu nn.l t. iiK will .1 :i it'.i r in Ihi! riii',!, .iii 1 I'ii 'Hie Fishingcreek Conspiracy. ru-A.,VllT r;,,, m,.,.!,.. w,.. r...s-,,,.,i We deem it piopt r to correct .ionio oil itii a ii'iinl iV.i! of .ntl.uii,.-iii . Ail t lo r.Ktlit ions misiepuseiilauotn which I " 1 "-1 i'l".i''!itl' ; iho iiihcihu i Miniina it's nlii.a inf.. 1 !,.,.inn In. il... .-Inv-il . at a lati' l o ir vv ills tlir.ii! I'li.'t-r lor our ' .' . . . l",.....l..l'i..l ...ti.li.l.ilrf M, I lull r.lu nl I m A ,1 .. I hitn ' ii si.Uhnn ' " ,"" . , -If... w, lllli t. , III , ,11 , . I ,W II , ,11 .V what they arc ple-i-cd to call the "Fiah g'rcek Coiipirai'y." Wo are irfonned that ono ol the yr tiny i r,.,. i'i-iimiiia Cou.vrv I'msoxnas. ! l'6tvhitd Tronliei, wbich are sold every ' where ut cent' a 15 .s. j Hon. Putim Knt, of Jjiolit Street, mis jtained a .serious loau , on Friday morning I of lat 'V.'rh, by the brtakii'g of his Pur I naee Dam, owiii'r to the sudden li-o of wa ti'r in FishiiiKcreek. . fS" lit ad thu out..-1'o of lb s Uemw.rai I from lij;iiJiiin;r to e'nd.tlioii feud u to your ;' neighbor. Tin1 o.t'Hlinjr bi'iim li.llj iiianii 7..' I Mil' 1 "--"i"-':-.-.'""-. . r r..'.iuiii.. K.'iiil,-m..ii t.in.'.e .....r-.'.iH.: llun. j i&W A DVEFlT j 3jL .V?H iMTSs It-IiitI 11 Litiln, of U'yoiiun.', lion. I'nil I - - Li'i.l), nf IJ.ui vit'Vi, Ion. C. It. Hil -hiliiw Wanted. i TO 'IT, rill.lt-i-"Hu M ile ao.l Hil l'.'iil.il.' 'IV.i rb ei'i. " In t.ik.' eh. irse of ttitf 1'iiblie honla of I.'uihii ' Inws.iiip. r'lhnjlkill r. unit y. I lo' i..'liiiin;iliui will tdk'i place nt I'inctown. on ' the '.'dth nf li,u!K'r, l-o4. c.oiiiti 'li-'ing nl in i,Yiie!c, a ' ei. 'ih.' tM-'iii ,1 will iipi-ii on to. s.'C'iii.l lundny ol i .Vii'.Miii.'r. .'i.i-i . n.iliti'i r.iiti i.iotr.li". ' I.i ,' l.il ri ih ries w ill be p.n I. TIii.US IIVAX. i.'(t'y , lliii.ii.iwu.iirt, l-i.;i'- .1 iio. I'.ill.lieUill , .mil ihri' el.i'HlH for Ilm yen- I lli'in.Mi wlio ilfliver.'il il.lilie--i'. i!D M en weariny tho Govertimnit uniform, ft is saiil iho eiliz m of Uolu'iiliia eoun t v. i H ......... . ... " , I It 1 r. : 1 in rei-icii auiiiu wct-io -ii;"i t "nii"' " n Fott Mifllin, are lo bo brought to irt.lcd Col. Albright, amtoiinced in JJIonms- Jurg. a few evt".ing ago, at a ''loyal meet- Iii'?,' that tboro wcro armed men up thu I. I. ; I :.. i .1... i . iy tii. onjumzeti uuaiiioii iuu uuvc uiiiiiiu. I ad in reaisianee to tbo laws. Is tliii eo declare it to he untrue. (en. G Jcf tint Otb FwMic Sal Valuable ken 3 i3la(e. 1 I.U In! i .poeil tocr.iki ni ruMinOtu-rry, on l ii i r-'un ' ti'i 'i the 'J.Vi of Oc!ofw. WH. nlnrn for triiih If true, this wil I I t uums- t. . i.: 1 A f.irm :iul ruuitaiioii. iiinii in unii-tnii i'ivnnin. , (i. ,t .i.i , ,.,,-111 v l'i . !i..n'.t ..nt- itiih .oiit'i nl' limi'i' mil v. I'.i . ii'i'siit 'nif null' if'tr ill1 D.hlMtlit rtM'l.; Ri'luiiuiU' I huh l , , Ji'llil I LIU ivm-'i . iii-s.ii, iiiui, I nnei'iii, nnu ant news to these mo-t worthy gentlemen jui.n iim.-ies. I'.iiit.uuiug over Thus epoko tho Editors of tho Patio NINETY" AGUES OF LAND, s', il-ul mlliv moil. The b.il ine j in wo nl.iaml ol au I ! ....J f'.nmi n't flin MOlli of Siir,ti'iiitior in. lltjhly -'re. of w lii.h .110 ile-in'il and ill .1 hi.'h , ami l ItlOU, 01 tno .lUIll OI OCtilimocr. ,t,i".,i'.uli.vilion. The b.iline.. m wuid.laud ofau re it to no untrue. .iamtions were given, that sUeh would j H't ci-siny. There nn- erected upon the premise , Cadwal'ader, on the cvanlng bo tbo action of tlio A.JinIindtrniIofi, U it' A liOUD "WKLIsINO HOUSE, 1 of September, on bis return '..,....,.,. ft .,,. .rmUn,... ii.,... t m tno reported boat ot jiebell.o.i, told o, Ootobcri hfl p..u.i(it ftml Un ai.ho , I s n Uloomsburir and in bear ii" of Jud'o . . , , , , ,. , v'" B"0,1 ,lril1-' t'10 home, w f ui uioomuuig, anu in utarui. 01 uuu.o 1 .()) u.u.noJ oll,urWiso and spoko ns fol- ug" and m-.ius w. n wai"r"d. .wcll and Senator lmckalcw, that be hud j , ' t. 4- ' f"1""'-"' a u '" ' "',;; I ' loWb : i v.'h.'ii .'illuiuiuiii'i will be given and column iilo tliorntirrt. iniiit.iri? pvfiiiiinnlion of I thai entire coiuitr), estunding his research l.r, . i.- v-..i. ai .....i :..i- cn: I bllll L1U11I1 iUUUIll IHI Olltl llllU UUlll- TifK oti3 or uiu rn' riM:s. Can it he possible that thin ili vilish ailiiiiiiietraiion is ki'iping the Cjlunibia county prinonon in ith jiustiir- ofsnid .lay condition lie inailc kunwii hv AllltAIIAH II I'll "AN. M.idisun iwp , On. s, l-.il.- ti ,V e ihatho li .nl tciit this Cavalrv around li' .rt. M ifllin till after eleelion. to ilnnrive i h tbo Turnpike, up tbo ravines and them ot their right of suffiag", and linn I'U'vn tua valleys, auu sain I en. uati- nf VaSiir.Dlc Town Fuopkutv. ' I ader, I am Baliafied that there are uo OIll! undi-rsigiieil nir,-r Ins pro nt residence nt pub I lie -.lie. Ii i .1111.11. .1 in .i pi 'i.iint milt nf lllooius burg, th' coiiiiu M-.ii of i til.iioiii.i, bus n toiuiunilious 1SU1CK ;Vi:LLlNCi I lOi rfK, uiiMiiui tin elcetioii of Abe L nooln ? if this W tlu cist', and tho t icts givo ctry evidence that it is so, tlioro is no act ?o lyr-iimiivil and tl iaho'tu illy iM u-d rctr il ea on tho p:.trnt tliu worut s uurory, not 1(llliroulmllt.. ri.' uuu uvcomi evan in the J.koLUu clubs in tl.o tJ5figM Nntunlay, Of(oh(T 2iil, ISGf . of Terror" in Franco. The story ol their ,,ti nrioikr. m. th-rV t- ueukI v.iriny tt r-nitn ,...nrt.n,l rnlnncn nn.l f.Mnl Imrn .rnrii'li U- 1'ri'inln. Vainm pwli oil llif- llr-t of April. j-.vv-'. .v.s.w r Mm, ni un1 mini' hum' I win tir. r twu v.i- Vo iMirHon fcli.tll br n rmittril to v tr nl nnv eld Hon ts aiir'D;lil. "Hi' r than .1 wliii.- t iti.- .i r( tliv .iiv u l tiil -i.ii.- or iiium', whn filMlltitvw r'iiK'i in thi-4 tftitu nl K-ft (utt yrt.ir. rnnl in it- cluimn liutm ! u hep- !i- i iffrfsln ute, ten ilays limit lj,.t j ,ti-i'C'.U.iu Mu-lt I'ULttoii, nml unlit' two yiMr i.i.l tiJjtiicor runnty t.i, wlni Ii dull Ii'iveJtJt'ii ii ..'-t-f.l nt ft ti-n tltiyn lit fori Hi" ul ta 1 1 un. Itnt a rittviui uf the I nitfil t-i.itp- who h.u jip'i iiu-ly I io i ii ,i iii.lil,'-ii t, ntor f tiiit St. iti-ami ri'iii'ivnl ilnr frutn ami rHiirm .f, ami w ho -liail liit i' n-M'h tl in ihf i-'ctimu di-trn t nn.l p.tid -nS' i -s .it'nii'n.ii'l. -lull in fjitnl' l w ,iti r t' i.iiiux in lln. M.itu m inii'itliHrrtiMili'it, lluttilh w hit t'rsv'i' IIIL'll, 111 7 -US "I tll' I'llllfll .JUll!'i', ll. LtVl'IMI i tie UCt ul' tULiuv out1 ati.l Uvi-iity-twuycar, u hit Imvij imidiit in 1 1 1 f eh ci itu iJi?trii t t'-ri il.i'ij .n .ii'of wii.f si-all bo .inn IimI t t.te, altlKMiah tlicy Mnll w.-t li iv p u, t iv .No p.r-' . hlult It.- p rinitti-tl tn t, w Xt,M, tfii.ii! M not L- .tt-'tl.KJ III I!.'' ll-t of la.il)!.' lull .htiit.t, li.r- iii.lii'l In luo Cunuiiistuiii r. unl I-, l ir.-t li- proltice a ru-ei-it 'i rtyi-fiit, wtllim tw 1 veaii. of ftatu or Coiiuiy lav aM'M-utl .ii,'rc uU y tu if.-: i mi At it itioti.aitu ai att-fa tiy f rJ-'iu'i on In. nath or aftinn.t- lion oi anoiiii'r (Hat Ir lu pai.l u. it a t tjt, or in Tail nn- tn proitiii'.' a r-'ccipt fh.ill uuiUv o.itli to m- pay. nifiit Hi TLot ; or H'c niu. it hu il i i i ij.ht iu voiu ijy Ijci an Hi tlr.r httwci n thu ncu i-r i.ciiiv uvo aiiil tucii' two cais hiill .li'ponj on i.at!i or iithriiiaiimi. Hut Ik tiai ri'snle.! in t.V: Mad: at 1c i -i no' - tr hi I't- tn d appla-aii'iu, aihl ma! - Mich pr. ti ot' r kuI.mhv iu tlo1 d i t ru f ;i i i r"purtMl by ihu m t, an I i-mt h;' dot h ' my ix-ii v ironi in 1 aicmni pn -n nnu tout w rl thf up nioriaiil, and ijiv'i'ii sMt n ol i. r uh'io an i. r-'HUiri'it by.lnn ait, w-lnirrupi'it l i iiatm- ot' tu. I- if n fto jhiiiiittC'.t to votu t-li ul ih in .i t .mI in Hi al I n.u) ti.al li-t by Uu-1 n f pec tor. aiul a lot" in.iijy oppn. mte tlicrilo ly w ritm llh' wnrij ''t.tv " jf h'. -h.ii bi oiniiili'il to ot- li) rt-.tbdii nl luvihi p till tux, aiol III wonl '.i'u' il' ho lull uu iiilmiltuil to viti; Iiy rcjmi of .i'f. uml in i illo-r c:tt' tli i tras-ui ui sm u a v'l' fli.tll in- riaiipMl n-it to IIU' cmtM, wh null iti.iK.- a i.iv io tn in tlu lut ol i .'t'Tft l.i'pt hy i ,,i "In .ui rij j wh' r tli nam t ol un- p -rTi laimri 1 ! to ii i iit't iiuuj on tli'1 lift liiiiu -ti i '. iu i ii,i uii -Fiunort irhin ri.'lit to vnt- wu if c tu..i I tn.'n on or not, lit ulijt-tlt'ti lu u any pul'H -tl riu, n, it luh ii. tli duty o do; lofp'Clinn to i'a. ii.i a ten p r"ti n oath a-4 to in uiniiioiiii, ami u li . riai.nd tt havo n -sI'IimI w llhin tli-: .-lulu t'jr one yea. or limit, hii iMih lult Ij-i sni'J unit proiti' iliL-p'ot, liut lu Mia!l unM iP'OI III ItUkl uliu couipf.tlll Wltllrt. WllotHrUI iir nulilii'ii t-iiLti r, ii ui l iiu iuh rHdhk-n w itiini i!u tlii- irii't for ttmru tt.cti i.at iiumeiluii 1 rucuhnu -.tut co'cuna. u;ui muh aio fw. :ir iiui uirf o.j'i,, tr n-Miliftice, iu niTxiiaiuij ol Itu Uw fat imIU.il' i wu ii. In ih 1 i.i-tria, un.l Hut lin iilil nm r-iU'.nu within Uu luliHl tor lh pnrp".o ot voUIil', "Lrj pur-iun ipimiti it u nlorcfotid, and w ho hliall maki' itii1' pr.mt it roipiirud of Ui rii hwica an I pay nii'iit ot lai aforiiaidt t-hall bi aJnutUtl to otc n: th luwtikhip, ward or ilistritt, ut which hu 'mI1 ru fiilf, "If any person dull re nt or utfumpt tu pp'v ' it any orliuT of an olt-ction. undur tliu tut irom lioldius ninlt th etion, or uo or ttiruaiioi any uol.'itco to .in y pijili oth'Ti am! slnll mi irupt or Impropi rly Ht"H'fy will! linn m tho I'M rution u lus duty, Mult hlocK up or iu'iiipi io iiiot'ii up in- w iiinuw ur a -nn.; iu any wliidou wlh'io thubainei.il. be hnl.li u, or bhall n-l-onnly iinturii lltu pt'iH) if 11 1 i'h ch'ction, or hall un' orpt.uiiLu inuiiiiualii a, tin. -als. !ro r vn-luiw.', with in di viitx tn mil ii'ii1 n unduly or uvraw' any clt't'ior ur pr vent hi in j'runi voliny, or t restrain ihi trM limit uf choice, uch p r -oiw on ruin t iiuii U .11 In: I'm i'd iu any sum u a cc.Cilin live juudtcd dollars, tn liMihpriioued tor un) umu nut If than nuo nur in. in than twi'lvo jiioiiiIii, and if U dull Ito dio.Mt lu tHu t'ourt wIoto th- in it ol ulh od jic diitl bo h id. tut tin peion ho uitt'iii.iii wan not a p'-.id.-ui uf tit city, waiu or nUlfii l uIht.' Hi ) f ild "it'-'iu c wax romtiilU ' t , un i uoi uhlill.'d to vol- tli'-rt'ln. on cmiui iiuti, h ) .-.null U seuii'iict'd tu pav a llu: ut nut It lU.ii) un : hmntiid or iiiuiii liuii oil.- itioiiiiuiiil dullar, auu iu iiupriioiii'd I not K8 than tn nun, i n ir uiori di.i i iw u . ui . (!iv n Untler iny hold, at my ului in til luiiislmr. tin Mil day of ti.ipi. uiliei. in to u.i ot oni) llhuisaiid 'ijlitUni.lf 1 .t.i.i mviv dour, au l in Ih a'lit)'iunth ot tho ind puudHiicu I'f'Hm Unilud IrUU'i. JOM.VIl A. ratMAN, fc.luri Y. From :. J. Jfewton Srowu. I). J)., Kdttor ef the V.fitif clopedia of lieligtoua IkHQicltdge ami Christian CArcn irf, Philadelphia. Althoiii(li not disponed to favor or rfcrvnmcnd Pafnt iciictiM H in L'cni'Tni, throucJi ditru.t nf their iuirr-diunl-t and i ttVct-! ; I jet know of no -ufliciont r"aon ...... wny a man amy not tt-i-tity to tin! tji'iittit iu jclioc iVihl Chcmj. Jla?l(lra;C and IJaUclCllOn hhu? It to luo p'c. ivcd iromauy mniple pn iiaration, 11 in the hnpi; th U he may thin coiilnbitte to tho benuht ot otuorn. liluthli thi more rninlily in rcpard to Ilonfland's (".criii.'in Hiltctf, prcptiri'd by Dr. C .M. Jnclcou, of thiM i ity, liecaoyc I huh prejudiced tis.thiit tl.iu for many ytpr". nndnr Iiy itutu'csoioii Out tlo-y wri1 cln-'flv an nl'ohutic iiiiiturr. 1 am iuil'dili'tl to 'my Irntnd K '!)'; tt r-hoi'inakcr, l'i Tor tho removal f tliii) prnjudicft-by protuT tv.-tt and fur mi ourji'iio'iit lu try them, w hen suucriiii' frnm ereat and lotiq continued dcbiluv. The u-ni of three bottkH of th"-u ilitters, at the b'i'iiiuinf r.r ll. I ...Il l-r.i.s I" .1 l....l I. 11 . I s ' i w I'll e' in iu . s .irt I'M n'.i v u ii. uyim"i. r 1 OJl . tin il rt'iuratio!i to a de-jr m- of hudily and uientul vigoi hit h t had ii'd iV(t for sit month fj"foru. am had al ' manttippnlr)'il of ictal'iin::. I thf-rrore tlunk (!od und my friend "or diic ting nin to ini' Mt of tlmm. J. MUVioX UUOVV.V. pr (pared in a whntijic manner it work wonderfully in cos m of chronic aj)ctom of the from Iho r.-v. Jni 1! l.'m'iar!, I'nslor of the lnih n.'ipiibt i.'h.ir. 11. li?. JiiKson : Dear sir: I have been frequently re uu. st" I tn ". iin.Ti my naine with (iiiiiiii.'iiilniiu'ie of oill'ei'i nt hiiuli' nl i.ii.ilirines but repardinjtlii' prnetiee ns out f my nppropi imo splu.r... I have in all eas"S declined ; but with u le ir proof in various iustanees, and purlieu laily iu n.t I'lmiiy. ufthi iisefulni's of Or. 1Iii'ii1.i:i;' Herman Hilton. I depait for once from my usual eoursi'. to ipri'S3 my full eonviclion that, for tJUi rnl di bility of Ilm system and especially for l.lvr i.iiir.'iifiil, it is a siifi- and vtiliialli' preparation. In some rases it may fail : Inn usually. I doubt not, it will !,.! vry hciii'lleijl tu thus.' wlm .'mler from tho above cans-?. Vours, very ri'spi'i tful') , ' ' J. II KV.SS MID. i Eighth In low L'o.'itei.it . j hilad'u. i 1,'hronie riLl!3, and permaneiilly cured Iiy tha AU' r ( ualivo Hid lAjntive r.:rnct on Brest ftaturj In 11, If ,lt 1 produces an APPXSTTIE. from the online nreiuent in shr.it it a very fine Ton ic lis p..l.itailo and can ho ta'ieu hy the nm-t lal icaio I't iiwlo or Child. It bJins purely resemble then will ha no liana donu in laLini; It, iflliure i uubuaedt detired. liromRer. Warren Htnlnlpli. I'nstcref lliptlii Church 'iurii'.iutow u, t'n Dr. O, Jf, Ja8'pi -, Dear fit : .'ersouul eperienca i'U4bl''s mo to sny that I repacd tlio Oi-rmau Hitter, iirepare.l by joii as a ui''t e.T.:ell ni ineitiriue. lu cac of st'vri' e.'l t nu'l'iTHiietal d. biltly I have been jtri-H. 1y bimelltteil by Ilie uso of the liillnrs. nml doulitnnt llicywill producu similar elim n on others, Vuurs respertiully, WAlUlllV P. A VDOI.PII, (ienuaiuown, I'enu'a. t'roin r.ev. J. II. Turner. Pa. tor ot Wedding M.E Church, I'hil.ida- Dn. Jioiriinv: Dear Sir : llavlni;iised yonrflerman llilters in my f.imi'y l'ri"'i"Ully I am prepared to say thai it has bp.in if great frvue. I helli'V" that in mo"t cafs of Ren irnlly debility of th' lystfiii it Is tliu .jfost and mo-t valuable remedy of wlnrli 1 Ii n nnv i.nol. rnlto. Vours, ic, J. I! Tl'liS'i It. No. Hid .' s.inLUiulh dlNet, Troni the nor. J 11. Lyons. formrv Pitorof the Co. luhibus (N, J ) niul .Milestmvn, (I'a i llaptut I'liurch. Niw t'tdumbus, N'. Y. Dr.. ('- 51. J scscnoi : Hear Blr. 1 fit it a pleasure thus, of my own uecnrd, to hear ti btiuiuny tu Iho ox ...I li.n. .. nf III . r:,.ri!.nn ttiltiT.. S.tini it, r 1 i.nr.il l.l-in? r.lu. li iiil'.uted with Dy.pepsl I, I us'i'il Ihem Willi greet J heni fii'iai results. 1 have t.fi 'ii reciiiiiuuiided Ibein to j persons elifi'i idml Iiy that lorniunum it.svaso. mu i.ave liaanl fruui Iheinlhe i.inst tlalU'rinx tetiltiiouiaU as tu their rreat Value, lu inses of general tluUllity, 1 hu levt) it tob..' a ionic that cannot h.' surpassed. i . J. M . X 03. I . I'rom thu Ilev. Thos, AVinter. Pas'er cf Uoiborousb, ' Itaplitt i'liurch. , or. Jintsos ! Dear Hir : I fe-l it duo to your eicel Itnt prijiaration. Ilnotland's liertllan Hitters, lo add my tt.liiiiiniv to tho di'si rvi d ripulnii m il has obtain ed. I hnvo 'for years, nt iimei, boon troubleit will. Sreat disorder iu my hem! and nervus system. I was n Ivi., il hv a Iriend lo trv ulmliln of i our .lermaii Hit ters. I did sn and liavo expi rienreil crent and unci Frrptifed by Dr. Eo W. Wells', Factical Thysieian V!IJKS.B.VItHK) I'A. 0FFICJI3 over L. 0. I'ains Store, T , ti tF l m Hull ,,,,-n '"'"U"-' "'""" .".'. ' .' . t-'r 7 ..... i.V. I. . i, .-I.....,, ,.,.., ,1U. I.on. For Stllti bll idl DritSaiStS ltrOHg.O'.tt bntled. t coutlilenny ret'ouunenil Ibe urtiolo wiiera I I ' - 1 t.l. . ....a ..'..lit. tn ...V i.'n flil I...V., Imi II IIS .J Voltlltl'l. Hll'n.,i ,y nn'ny nf Hmr ..-nod tfi'ecls. r.ispi-tlfiilly juurs, T. Wl.M'I'.lt. lloiborouglt, I'a. I'.b?, Kvery nj-enl Is iiuthorlic.l to refunil tho money whero the roinpunnJ falls to relieve, full Directions. ' I'rom Uev. J. a. Ileruiaii. of the fjermin Uef.imiea ' ' i i.liunh, KuU'i, in, llerks county, la. acconinany (athbitllc m Knglii.li, I'rencli mul O'er j nr..0.51. Jioiijim-K"s'to. 6ir :-l havo liecn sic I with Dyspepsia neail) iwcnly yenrs, nml have neve man. I used liny lue.lieiue ilia' ei.l i.ri as mm h (uud as 1 1 nor- ;J 1 An "ait ICtiO mcUiCinO H PC', inml - llilters.- l ulinor murn nnprovuu in ncu.iu i li. .io i-'iiw I" "...uiwiui. iv tnK;ug five bottvO. ii-spejimlly '";" v. I J, r, UAHMAiN rntarA nri-n H!.n Miol.llne iworlv doulllo numltily,) ' . ' ..,.-.....,.. 'i.. ir ,i.,.n iv. .fl.UUp'.'l i,"H .u. ..u.v... " ' Uniall eiia-'.S cents per I'otll'i Iiilfiliieu, el DO S!h riff's OIT.ca llloom.l.ur 21, lelW. ADM LXISTlt ATO U;S NOTI0K.' Es.tut.cof Silm MclMichuely dtc'rl. l ouMemi quired. Iu treating Five thouinml cases,! I bavo ucver known a caao to rcquiro Physic, or liavo I over known it to fail in tnucd forces tburo nor were Ibcro atiycvi denoo ol any iu all that country. The vbolo thing, said Gen. 0., is a-'GUANM) p-'AllCli.' Wo are coutout lo leave tbo case, upon this statement, to the judgement lns () est(!llualjor, 0f ihi. omland- inin.i; "r!!.' .ai'''' r tbo public ;is'i. ,Di Rcmy.sh oliino, Thov wHi .ret no CSS- Citizoulbow muoU mccy have ' '". th? T, .ll :M 1 iF'A IMIM- rnT,Z TZ dtoto nU t,m nt 8,Udy aml ,rCftt I ?; ES ZS '?.Sdh' Uko Drafts and taxes of Lincoln cost you ? (ft f.,. ..,:,. .,.inn, .,.i . ., .or ,i,,m itl zs-t'Z' iiud-rsmuStii im nemons ,. ms claim. aitamst't'iie mont of Diaeaics OP THU 1JLO0D- I low much blood bavo thoy oost you their absenco I U'o bono their votes will lA'H how much more do you expect to pay not be lost.- Patriot and Union. ' BUFFALO rfg(t$ Who sliould bo elected again. To begin, Rnultiply your last quota by about 5150, li.ivu been EHilltcO' hv llu It OT nf L'nlliioliin nun Ilm tmderHneil; all nujpQtu. i. wg clJiiin, attauut thu en- m0nt of DiaeaSCS OP TJIB JIjO0D ... ... ... ..... Ill V.'I.U.I ll1 'UC.,U,4,,l.l,-.l'lll-.ll,,, the uilJenlfUpJ, (eiidiii;- ia said lowii.iup, wilhnul KOBIiS ! flmm-i'ih'.'1 p"""" '"l"l),t!l1 lo uul"' i'1"""" am proparud togivo advice (gratis) by ap- I ' ' . fiUOIMIE ETANS, Adiu'r. r--T Tlio abolitiouUi hold a little meet- or nvr.iiY sizuamt auAi.iTV.Kiiri cun-stant. ------ L 7(7?rFr - pljiniS " office or by Icttor, accom- Jfty I 110 uUOltllOUlfl.'i I10III a time IllCtC ,v i,,,,,,! al,a ,e .Wdrl.eap.ir than Ihu iheupe.l XtJIt. UWDo BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ,-.,f T I.OI'SOV.ii I.H.I ,, n . ., l. ...r, i.Tl tee luai ur pii.i"i,.i" ,,-.- lliorouginy removing; iuu unvi9i.a. i.a i tho IVasri'iiR ol itti'ii nouie. Ph'iuM your nearest druspist not h ivo the article, i nnil.e oiitolT bv any nf thu iilxir.itini rr-'para- I.r. ..IV......I ... ll. ..In... I.tll 1HIII til HI. , IIUIIS lll'll lll.iy l,..t,UM t. ,a H...I '."'- - - -, I i.i, .1 U'lll turlvnriL upi-lir.'lv tiacki'd. UV OXPrtiSS nd you get at this last cxponBO. Add to ling on Monday evening, nt wuioli littlo winH.i:sAr,K and iihTAir,. tjumpkins. Cnrn.fid, . Apples; Corn-siocks, oats, uanicd bv a Statnn i,,, ,, , ., , T . . . T, 1 r sir,, .i .s' ! l . . -i . . . .......... 1 and proiiuie general . wanteii nt tins oiuee, uu uu. mu inxoa llini l.UI''lll tvnanp asses- ur. llion, llio UllIU iiiumiiuiei ...unu.iui', -ny ine unuersii-ueu. ni ins innik, uu auu niue accouul. Uctnuer I lent. . F... . . . , , ' I , .. . ' , .tr i . i.labli-hiiit'iit. No. 411.', Martlet ftreei, I'lnl .del ph... U"s ariii winch My Lord fc-oott somes niado a littlo rpceob.. Wo htvn not Hcon thos. iv. .mattbon. ;H;'omS2 X" l S'AX.s-t.' j-.uuuu jiuriomcany 10 ouucui,. j.iiau, u n lisi 01 uiu iiiuuu mm vtuuuuuu, i-ui mu fjoti want tho sum total to bo doubled anil siok and disguitcd cotnpriso about all wbo sWailruplod, go and voto for Liueoln. wtre at tbft ifleeting. a f!iiiin.sr'i.'i m Aai-r Riiiiniiii, for T.U I VI.' C 11 t Vl.'UI . ......... .-. jiji.vAi ii. jiii.xi.iiio,. r laroi, linny Hn " or uanaiing, win us sola Of every du'iforiptioii, for sale at tliisolEci rheao. en sPDlirolinn lo I WinmsHurg, Oft 1 VM ISdlmi f th Usmomt, 13. W. iVELLS, M. 1). Wholi sale. .11 rortland flreet Now Yolk Bold by W 11. L'rsosy k Oo. i Ijl.t ytr-st- Mr Oodson. UuwieK. Ta. Jn.fl i M.tHsl'-rtM Principal Office and Manufactory, fVo. &M A veil Street. putiWKr.ri:ta. Jones & Evans. (Successors to 0, M. JAOKSON k Co.,) PROPRIETORS. tO" I'OU B.M.U by Driijiisu and Dmlers in every ('. u ibs i iium rms .. jaii, n le. Oct JI UW-lStv