COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L, TATE, EDITOR. "TO HOLD AND TllIM TUB TORCH 0 L? TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS : $2 00 IN ADVANCE. VOL. 18. NO, 32. IS LOOMS BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FENN'A,, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1864. VOLU ME 28. S P 15 13 C H. ov ROBERT R. LITTLE, Esq., Of Wjomlog county, at Oraugevlllfc, lo luinbU county, Sent 30, 1801. nttrORTHD tlV I). V. MURPHY. or some years past, fellow-oitizon,tbo people, or at least a considerable portion of ttiein, have been following after strange gods, ad announcing strange dootriucs doctrines iuri nut many years ago wouiu have boon scouted by every statesman in tis land, aud porhaps I may say aro still loatitrd by every statesman in the land. These doctrines havo beeone for sotnufow yc&ts past tho fashion, to such an extent that thoso of u who Mill adhere to tho dootrincs of tho Fathers aro stigmatized as "copperheads." What peculiar signifi cance our Iriends on tho other side who arrogate to themselves all tho loyalty and patriotism that it had pleased God cvur to vouchsafe tu man, attach to this Krtr;, I do not know; but I think I do know that not many years Iigiico wo ihall find them undertaking to etual it from us, olid claiming to have been tho original Cup of the laud, to havo uecn Cop perheads from tho brginuiug. When tho nraus of this ,lloynl" party shall oowt to pubiiih tho usual notice of tho ptoccedings of this meeting they will undoubtedly tell thoir ''loyal" reader that your speakers upou this occasion hud a great deal to say against Abraham Lin colli, but uot a word against Jifi'ijrson D.v TU. JiCSt 1 iuigut unng icpruueu upuu this rueottug, i- beg ol you, fellow-citizens, lo aisumc that I havo devoted a fair por tion of my allotment of time lo denuueia tiou and abuse of Joffersou Davis. It will save jour time ; it will SHve me somo ta bor j and it will he all the same to Jtffer ioq Davis. (Laughter.). I need not lomtud you, fellow-citizens, that Washington aud Jaaksou on the oo eision ol their retiremeut from public life, At a lime when no lUotives other than mo lives of the purest aud loftkst patriotism could have iufluenccd theic, warned the people of America lo boware of f cetioual urn ; to beware of sectional putties, par ti., nnnil rr n rw r .1 !1 1 1 i (1 5 I (1 1 V LSI 1)118 Or itnti. or bused upon issues which might arri the people of onu section of tho eonniry in hostiliiy to the people of aneth or seotion of the country. ou all rceo, leet tho warnings of those venerated stttosmen in rolotenoe to that subject. I need not remind you of the history of our eountry for the last four years ; it is too fresh in your recolleoimn. Until lbOl) no Motional party ever triumphed in the Uni ted States. In 150U a purely sectional pUy triumphed in the election of that year, lkuow U is deuied that that party vts scctioniil ; but let us seo That party was based upou the idea ol hostility to the so called "peculiar insti tution" of the South. That institution was ooufiQeil lo the southern section of tho Union. It wa6, therefore, a spolional in stitution. The party termed upon the iJea ofhostilitj to thatinet.tution its loca tion in tho northern sjctiou of the Union. The object of iU hostility was a Pectioual institution belonging alouo to the Stales of ih ijouth. Theretoro, a party based on this idea must bo a iectioua! party. I he t war man as we cm ro.nlily lul l, dtation of such a sectional j arty iu the What right thm, Mlow-citiz-ns, has North based upon tho idea ol hostility to this party to accus us of fympaihy with sc an institution which belonged only to tho cession! Further, what right h-u this pir Bonth, naturally originated the iuaugura ' ty to deuounco scecs.ion ? They have ad -tion of a party in the South based upon '. vocated i; almost from the beginning : .they tho idea of thu support oi that institution. 1 nre a secession party. I thiuk I may W o had those two parties, one in the North ' safely sny that at ono time or another all and tho other in tho South, aud wo have , the present leaders of the Hepublioan par I ofore as the consequences which were so ; ty havo been declared, avowed secession accurately anticipated and foretold by the , Tits Illustrious statosmen whose names I men-r Then permit mo to ask which of the tioncd a moment since. Why should tho Democrats party sym- palhizr with tho South ! Why should it sympathize with secession t Let us look at this questiou a moment, for you know lhat wo arc charged with 6uch sympatjiy. Looking to the past, what has the Demo cratic parly gaiued by secession I Nothing, Ha it lost anything by secession I As a paity, as a political organization, it lost everything by secession. We woro iu pow er iu Congress. This Administration would havo been barren of all seriously ovil rssults lo the country had it not been for secossion. We should have btill ro uiAined iu a majority in Congress, and no sectional policy could hava boen carried out by the present Administration, How is it with tho other party I What have they lo6t by secession ! Nothing. As a political organization, ybat havo they gained by secesiion I Dominion in this land, absolute, arbitrary, despotic do minion. Thon I ak yon again, fellow-oitizcus, whv iiotW the Demooratie party sympa thize with, feel kindly towards tho south ern seoosiion movement I Looking to tho future, how is it I Our hopes aro based upon tho restoration of tho Union ; all our interosts as a political organization are Identified with tho Union. Restore the Union, and we aro again in powor, porma nontly in power as a political organization. How will it bn with tho Republican par ty t Ah, fellow citizens, thoy seo tho doom of thoir party in tho restoration of tho Union as it was. Again : of all tho Domooratio statesmen of tho Und in tho putt or the prosent, when or where liayo you known ol ono that has evor favored disunion or secession ! What Democratic Convention has over by vi resoVutTon's e'nrhTfc'ed or favored reoei- won? Not ono. Upou tho other hand, bow hosit boon with our opponents ! I oannot give you tho dato, but you all ro- uiembcr ai part of tho history of tho ooun- try the fact that lomo years ago Senator Halo of Now Hampshire, Mr. Secretary Chase, roccntly of Mr. L'tncolu's Cabinet. ana fllr. beward, at this moment a nart of, Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, presented and sua- j thereforo, whether good or bad, it is in no covcry that slavery was tho cause of all taincd a pclitiou to Congress asking thorn jsonso responsible: if they will aban- our troubles,aud attempted to ram it down to doviso'somc plan by which tho Union , don that institution, 1 will linen to propo- our throats. As I said before, tho coun mtght bo divided. sals of pcaoo." 1 thiuk that if Mr. Lin- try got along very well, very peacefully, Nor need we stop hero, In 1848, Mr. coin does not listen to proposals of peace . very prosperously with slavery for tnauy Lincoln, tho present Prosident of the ! Iroin the South until tho happening of that 1 years ; lis had very little troublo until tho Uuited States, then a member of Congress condition, he will never listen to ouch j Republican party became abolitionizod and from tho State of Illinois, announced on j proposals j ho will have a cbanco to carry I became, in fact, tho abolition party of the luu huvi ui yuniii Lai una (M iucipiu, mai any people, anywhere, being iuclincd, and having the power, have tho light to with draw from tho exutirig government and sot up another to suit them bettor. That I look upon aa pretty good secession doctrine. (Laughter.) That is just tho doctrine that Jeff D.tvis contends for to day, - just the dootrino that ho announced at the time of tho secession of tho Southern States from this Union, just the doctrine that the up holders of secession in the South stand upon to day. oil have tho hiitory of Wendell Phillips before you I ncd not repeat the hundreds of instances in which that man, political preacher as ho is, has declared his hostility to this Union, has declared himself to have beon in favor for twenty years past of dividing this Union, You have tho hiitory of Garrison before you, the man who dec'ared that tho Con stitution of the Uuited States was a "league with death and a covenant with hell. ' You havo tho history of Mr. Greoly bo foro you, an old DiMituoniat. What has he said on this subject ! . On the UOth day of November 1800, Greeley said in his Tribune : "If tho cotton States unitedly aud earn estly wish to withdiaw peaeolully the Union, wo think they should and would bo allowed to do so. Any attempt to compel them by foree to remain wou'd bo contrary to ttio principles enunciated in the immortal Declaration of Independence and contrary to thu I'mihI uncntal ideas on which human liberty is based '' On ilTs 17ih of Deennlier following, while South Carolina was in tho very act of seceding, Mr. Greeley declared : "If the Declaration ol Indepnidonce j'tified :ho iccciisiun from l"fo ol three millions ol tho liri ttnh Hin .)lonits in 1770. we do not seo why it would not justify the secession of five millions of Smihoru crs from the Union in 1801.'' On the C'.'hd of lMiruary ISfil, after Sitvi-n Slates hail already Receded, Mr. Greeley s .id : ''Whenever it shall he oloar that the great body of the Southern people have brconio conclusively alienated Irom tho Union and asxious to escape from ii, we will do our best to forwaid their views, ' If I were to r.uuouneu such doctrines to you lo-day from lhi stvid, you would have rcism to pronounce m disloyal ! This man Greelev very clorlv doliuod his position .a a subsequent time in the follow in;.; language : ,lll the Cotton Stat'i shall I aaomo rl;s fied that they can do be iter out of the Uni on than in it, wo insist ou lettiDg them go in peace." Is i'U.vok ! . r , t. r 1 Iiow, L behove, iir. ur.'uicyias vnieni two irreat parties n ititiuruiy i ho Union party of Uio country As I was on my way hero, I saw at Snranton a great lull in large letters posted up ag-iinst tho wall of onu of the hotels there "headed ' Lm oo'u, Johnson, aud Union ;" and you will recollect that last fall when intelligence of the defeat cf Judge Woodward in the gu bernatorial contest in this St.ito wa an nounced, Secretary Stantou declared that that was a gieat Union victory, that tho election of Governor Curtin was a grout Union triumph, of mora importance to the country evou than a great victory in tho field ! And you will recollect that Win. II. Seward in a recent speech at Washing- ington, made within the past threo weeus, ueu iiusinn'MUigo : --uio issue is now run - 1ji.ti i. ... : . r . .. lingo ly mado up ; that issuo is Lincoln and I mon or iWeClolluti and limtmnn." (Laughter.) Hero this old Secession par ty, this party that has to-day upon Iho staluto book of th e Stato of Massachu setts a seccs-iou statute unrepealed, this great Republican party claims to ba the tiuon party ; and .ucuieliuti, who de clares for tho Union as the one aud only condition of peace, is said to bo tho Dis union candidate 1 Is" it not a pretty par ty to claim to bo the Union party ! Ah, and it is not long siuce Mr. Greeley called it tho Unconditional Union party! (Laugh ter.) What is the present isBuo ! Is thoro an Unconditional Union party in this country, and if so which is it ? MoClollan says that the Union is tho only condition of peaco ; and he says more : ho says that with it view to tho restoration of tho Union ho is in favor of oxhausting all the resources of modern statesmanship. That is the posi tion of tho Democratic oandidate for tho Presidency. That is our sido of the pros ent r me. How it il upon Che olhor sfde t Mr. Lincoln says in effort "oh, yes, I will agree to peace upon tho basis of tbo in- tegrity of thu ontiro Union, upon comli- tion that you will first abolish slavery in tho South, upon condition that tho people of tho Southern Slates will abandon an in- Stittltion over which TiVdr'ril finwrn. uiont hat no iiirmllntlnn niwl on this war at least four years more, if he j should unfortunately be re-elected. What 1 1 he will listen to terms of peace on the ba- nis of the Union, prowled the people of j the South will lirst abandon tho institution ' of slavery 1 And this is Greeley's "Un- conditional" Union party ; imposing this ' impossible condition in the way of the tcs-! toratiou of the Union I Fellow-citizen, we do not want any such Unionism as this; u 'un not nave any sucu muouisiu as this ; and we do not think much of the ''leyill;" of the party that impofis thu impossible condition iu tho way of the res toration of the Uuion and of peaco. I have thus stated to you Mr. Lincoln's avowed position, and we h'ul hW whole party occupying it to day. Tho Now Vork Times, the leading Lincoln o:gan of the north shortly after Mr. Lincoln's "to whom it may concern'' manifest, la .... ..ill..... .. ... , . . bored hard to convince tho people that it did not mean what it said; that in ayiug that ho would listen to tonus of peace ba sed upon the integrity cf the Uuion and the abaiidoiiinenijOf slavery ,hu did not say that he would uot listen t ) proiios Is of peace upou any other basis 1 That was the argument which, doubtless, most of you saw in the leading Kcpublican papors ol tho day. They labored hard to prove that Lincoln did not mean what he said ; but now they have given It up, aud since Mr, Greeley has been nominated a elec tor at Urge upon tho Lincoln electoral tick t in the State of New York he has ahaudouid thu effort to di-guHc Mr. Lin coln s poucy , to disguise the meaning of his manifesto, and he comes out openly and K've him credit for nosncrasiui; u lit tle muihoodin this at lean and declare that Mr. Lincoln aud his parly aro op posed to the restoration of the Union uu til slacry ihill be lirst abolished. Why ! What is tho secret of Mrs condition J The party has a mo'.ivu in thU, and I thiuk wo can very readily B'-e it. It h because they know that the restoration of the Union as it wav i3 tlui end of Republican rule in this country. They know Ibat if the souther orn States arc allowed to come back into the Union with all their rights under the Jonstiiution as they wre before tho re bellion, tho white people of those States would bo voters; would have the right and the opportunity affrJod to them to voto against Mr. Lincoln and his sectional pol icy. Of coure, thu rial dt would ho an end of Republican Dominion iu this coun try ; their pi'rty would io down torcver there would be nothing left of it. I'liey are unwilling to see the Lincoln dynasty fail; it mut be perpetuited; and heneo 'the Union as it was'' must be scouted ; hence "the Union as it was" must .never bo allowed to return to us ! Of course, however, they mustdisguiso their real mo tive ; it would not do to avow it ; and iu what way do they disguise it ? Thoy dis- .r.ilci i, lit ,,itt.-ir,i. )i.nnailinr,j an-ini.:, , "'r"1. r-rrT. " SIS "Who ..r Is "Liiln'and IT.,; M,.ninllnn n ..,. 1, calling Democrats "copperheads," "trai- I "."-able attempt to disguise he true at inn." and other bad names. They at. I ltulle a,ld -,ollc of ,,ho "upublioan Pty tempt to disguise it bv false statements of I Any " n wo it that m It see it. Any the lause of all our troubles ; by the mis. . ,;' " " n c0 !lat 8la,v.7 waB erahlc pretext that slavery was the cmso i 1 1 : .i c , must be put down. Ah ! Wis slaverv the causo of secession This Union existed happy and pro-perous for many year? with slavery. Is there anything iu tho institution ol slavery which renders it in compatible with the perpetuity of tho discovery was never mode until 1800 !- Indeed, they did not make it so soon, be cause you will recollect that iu 1801 when wo heard so muh about no-paity-isin, when they told us that thero should bo no j moro party now, that we should oomo up 10 the rescue ot the Uuion, they also told us tat we must not. Fay anything about tho came of the rebellion until tho rebellion , b .(1 ho t fo, yliy tlis set1ejtivo i . ..... ., . . n.,rt 0f ncss on thu p'jrt of tho Republican party iu reference to tho causes our national troubles ! The Democrats wero not afraid tu talk about those causes ; we wtre wil ling at any and every lime to discuss the Cannes of the country's troubles ; but they told us that whon tho rebollion was put down it would bo time enough to talk abotit its causes ; and you will remember how thoy illustrated this idea. Thoy said "if a man's homo is on fire, he would be a great fool to stop and enquire who set the houso on firo or how tho fire was ooinmunicated to the houso, in stead of putting out tho firo first and thou instituting iuquiry as toils oauso" doubt less a very familiar iustaueo to you all of Republican logic Wo woro of opiuion that while tho soldiers of our armios wero engaged in putting down tho aruied re bellion it was always proper for the civil ians to inquiro into the oause of tho troub les and annlv tho proper remedy: for we know that wo could never apply that rem edy without first ascortaiuing tho causo of the diffionlty. Rut tho Kcpublioans then woro remark ably sensitive on that point) ttioy did not like to hear tho ''caino" talked about. In 1802, however , they inado a new dis covery. Then thoy stopped forbidding Deinoorats to talk about tho oause of the country's troublo and went to discussing country ; for there is no Republican party now. Thero aro but twoparties,thc Dcm oeratic party and the Abolition party ; and it is idlo for the Republicans of 185t5 and 1800 to claim any longer that thoy aro not abolitionists. Thoy now declare in favor of carrying on this war against slaverv ; Abraham Jiinooln by his Emaci- nation proclamation uudertook to pledge tho whole military and riaval power of the country against the institution of slavery. ILs party sustein him and that proclamation and aro endeavoring to reelect him with th it avowed policy of his upan record. Is not that party.then an Abolition party ! Tho old Abolition party was never in fa vor of waging war against this peculiar in stiiuticii of the South, never lor involving the eountry iu a bloody fratricidal war on its account: at least it never so declared it Self. Rut the so-called Hc ublican party, that only a few years nijo would havo deemed itself insultud if termed an Aboli tion part), now stands squarely upon Lin coln's platform in favor of employing the wholo military s'nd naval power of tho couutry against this institution of tho South. I suv therefore thcro are now but twn rrnnt rmrtina in the countrv. tho Dem- cerr.lio party and tbo Abolition party. j I said that in 1802 tho Republicans dis- covered that slavery was tho cause of all ' our troubles. In what senso can slavery ; bo considered the oauso of secession anil of the evils which havo lollowed secession ! If ono of vou. havincr a little money in his nockot. should hannen to be robbod ' on thu wav homo, vou oould say with precisely the same propriety that money was the ouiso ot your being robbed. If you had not had tho mouey, you would not have been robbod ; and therefore mon- ov was the cause of robbery. Tlic.rel'ore money ihouLl be iilmhaheil. If it were not tor the lovo of money, which inheres in i ho human breast, our list of crimes would be very greatly reduced : therefore. money is to a very large extent the oiu e of crime! Il'klavcry had never c.vited, thero wo ild never have been an abolition party. If there had never been an abolition party, thero never would have beon nuy secession. If thcro had been no secession, thore would have been no war. Rut that is a strange nay to prove that slavery is tho cauo of tho war I Now go back a Ktep. So long as slavery was lot alone, so long ai thu eonstitutioml principlo that tho federal government had no power or jurisdiction over any domestic institution of nny of tho ' !'tatci' wa9 reooguized and reapeeWd, there Will nu secession nuu uo war. n was um until a political organization was formed on the basis ol hostility to an institution basis ol hostility to of tho South ovor which neither the federal government, nor tho government of any our even in time of peace to ro elect any State where it did not exist had any ort man to tho Presidency, because of tho im of nnwer or authority, that thero was any mcnio oatronauo which ho wields; and troublo ou this account ; and yet wo arc told that slavery is tho cauo of all our 1 national trouble, 1 t " -ot require a man of any great menial capacity m uu luriwn Jiliai capacity u ecu luruui.i uti una 1101 100 causo oi iitu iruuuiui miu-ii uuw afflict tho country ; that il slavery had tho Coiiititiuion com , heen le alono, as manded us to lot it alono, there would have beon no trouble on account ol the southern system of labor. I need not stand hero aud argue to you that wo of the North havo uo belter right to intcrloro with tho svstem of labor of tho South than i PU0P u l luu ouu' uaU ,lu , lUfc ' we shall adopt in tho Northern Statos I , think wo should not be long in getting our backs up if tho people uf tbo South should attempt to dictate lo us what system of labor wo Bhould adopt hero. If they should undOrtako to say to us ''you shall uurr uur system ui iuuui tutu jruui unuuij you bhall implaut it there, and if you don't do it we will mako you do it," I think wo should not submit to it very quietly. If not, why should wo expect them to sub mit nuietlv to suoh dictation from tho .. -. . .... . .... . flv,.... ...i.... North ! j In 1S60 tho penplo wanted a change, 1 A great deal was snid about the virtue of a change. True, thu country was pros- j terous, every tiling was going on very well ; but it was said thore was a groat deal of virtue iu a change, there was no telling how muoh good might oomo from it ; and therefore many of tho people wero for a change. Well, .hy got a chango, and now how do thoy h . it ! I tell you, fellow-citizens, that vr want a ohango now, aud wo moan to ivo it. Tho op portunity is now afford to us to effect a chango by choosiug hotwoon Abraham Linooln and George R "loOlellau. What sort ofi reoord has M Lincoln mado for himself! He deolan t in 1818 iu favor ofseoesfion. That w..s tho first wo bad ever heard of him. V-'o hoard nothing mora ol him until aboi.' thu time he hap - nencd to have a littli introversv in Uli- aud got beaten. nois vh Senator D'ou Wc board no more of him until 1800, when by a minority voto ho was elected1 President of tho United States. Sinco thon, ho has issuod an emancipation proo-1 tarnation ; and he has issued an amnesty ' proclamation by which ho proposos to organizo bogus States in tho South on the principle that one-tenth of the people shall govern all tho rest. That is Mr. Lincoln's record. That is about all the record ho ha! ; It is alt I have ever known of him. General MoClellan has a record. I will not occupy your time now by going over his war rocord or his pcaoo record. It is familiar to this people. On this ' point I might refer to Raymond of the ' Times; to Grocloy of tho Tribune to, ! almost all tho present leaders of the Ro- publican party; for there is scarco one of, them that bas not at ono tunc or another; lauded McUlellan and concccdcd to him ! tho praises so riohly merited by his akill and his transcendent services.' 1 will not occupy jour tiino now by quot-1 ing their many laudations oi his sagac ity, his regard for his soldiers, his skill l,in tbo accomplishment of important re sults with but littlo sacrifice of lifo,' his courage, his fidelity, his patriotism. All this was beforo bo was known to be a Democrat, or wc should nover bavo heard it from these loyal sources. I will ouly refer to Hallcck's pitiful dispatohos when tho rebel cannon wero thundering in the ears of the trc blititr Migrates at Wash ington ; when McClellan's army had Ken withdrawn from his commaud ; when, standing within hoariog of thoso cannon at Acrtuia Creek, while Leo's legions were driving the exhausted and shattered col ' umns of the braggart Pope,he telegraphed to the General in Chief ''if I cannot be ! allowed to command mv own army, per mit me, at least to join its ranks aud ehare tie fate." nt that dread moment the trembling Halleok with pallid lips and shaking pen was writing his despatch, now historical, "como to me and aid mo iu. this crisis with yous skill and experience." What an endorsement of our glorious Hero ! and from such a source from tho nmn who had conspired with tho shuffling demaifoaues nt Washington to render abortive his plans, lest success might crown them and make him the people's idol. Ah! our Hero triumph was Biul den and sure. Ho came lie re-organ iz ed the shattorod remnants of our defeated forces, and pressed on to South mountain and Antietam, driving tho czultaut and hitherto victorious iogions of the enemy before him like chaff before the storm. I will only add the verdict of General Uurnsidc ; know lien. iUcUeiian as "well as I know any human being on the ''luce of the earth. 1 know that no feel "ing of ambition beyond that of the mc "cess of our cuiee, ever outers his breast "All that ho does is with a single eye to "the sucooss of the covornment and the ''breakina down of this rebellion. J know "that nothing under the sun will over in "duce that man to swerve from what he "knows to bo his duty. Ho is an honest, 'ehristian-likc, and conscientious man ; "and let mo add ono thing, he has tho "soundest bond and tho clearest military "perception of any man iu, the United "States." Mr. Greeley about the time of tho Cleveland Convention, said it was danger that especially in time of war, of war, whon the patronage of tho Government was iucreas- j ed to such a vast extent, thero would bo dangc rto the country -oinatiogand lu-uituuui: in, jjtuui. ui wuj wmn u.u.,. occupying ihe Pro-idential chair Rut Mr- Greeley has forgotted all this now ; heswallows Mr. Lincoln. Lven Lremont, who accepted tho Clevelaud nomination only upon condition that Mr. Lincoln should be the nominee at the subsequent Raltimoro Convention, has come into Mr. Lincoln's snpport. They mako a groat many wry faces about itjiowovor ; ho does not go down easily ; but still they take him down, long legs, boots aud all: Laughter. Mr. Greeley, in tho articlo in whioh ho gives in his adhesion, says,iu effect and 1 helievo I give almost his very words "truo, Mr. Lincoln lacks capacity ; truo, he lacks earnestness, but wumustgivo him earnestness; true, he lacks onergy, but we must give him en ergy," That is tho kiud of a mau whom it 'n nrnnnscil to lnakn President of tho Uuited Statos for a second term, notwith- staudina tho immense danger that must certainly rosult from the reuotnination and ro-election of nny President, Rut, follow-oitizens, as time nre other speakers to follow mo. I iuut uot tres pass too much on your paiionee. Ono moro point aud I shall relieve you. Wo wero told a few yoars sinco, as I tiioutioned a short tiino ago, that wo should havo no party now ; that wo should all join to put down tho rebolliou, and whon that was done, wo could talk about politics. In other words, wo were all to go togotber until the Ropublioau party becamu tho only party of tho country, aud then things would go on smoothly. You havo doubt loss heard a groat deal of this kind of talk, Whon tho loadors of ihe Republi can party first mado to us this no-party proffor you rooollcot how it was received. Wo mot them unit way. At tuatttinea Republican Congress declared a platform of principles, which was to govern tho conduot of tilts war. I refer to tho Crit tenden war resolution. The Dcmooratio party accepted it. It was placed at tbo editorial head of tho leading Democratic papers throughout the oountry. 'Tho De mooraoy iMd'woitoespt that resolution ; wo accept it evou as a test of loyalty, if you will) as a tost of lidolity to tho coun try ) as a tost of patriotism." Wo stood b it ; we stand by it to-day. Wo did more : wo voted in Oongross all the men and all tho money asked for by tho Ad ministration to carry on tho war. We certainly met them moro than half way," Rut how woro wo treated by these no party men! As tho time for tho election campaign came round each year, we found them organizing their party machinory, issuing their party circulars, making their nominations, and all tho tiuio talking about no-party. What did it moan? It uinaut, simply, ,uo party but the Repub'i' lican p.uty I" They may havo pulled tho wool ovor our oyca lor a short tiruo but wo have got them open again. They talked about holding ''country above patty"; aj if tho Dernocraoy had ever dune otherwiso than hold Country abovo party ; as if our organization was not planted upon the Constitution; as if wo did not own all our success in the past to ilia fact that our party was for tho couutry and was iho only party that was for the country ! "Country above party'' that is our party creed ; and 1 believe I but express the honest sentiment of all those Democrats who like you, Mr. Presi dent, have stood laithfuliy by their party through good report nnd through ovil ro- port: through darkness aud storm una adversity as well as in the sunlight of, incentive to send forth Us protest against prosperity, when 1 declare that wo have uo( this infamous war, whioh uterus to be do attaohment to our party except so far as, basing human nature on this Continant wo deem it necessary to the vindication ot , the Constitution, necessary to tho restora- tiuu and preservation of the Union, ncccs-' r . . . aary to the restoration ot ttio country to its lortncr condition ol greatness and pros-: pority. 1'iouu ana glorious a me uisiory of that party has been, and as its record is to day, I would see that history and that record blotted out and forgotton, and the glorious old party itself swallowed up' in oblivion if I believed that tho restora tion of the Union to its old status and of the country to its former happy and pioa- porous condition, demanded such a sacri fice Rut no, fellow-citizens; wo must not now look for relief in this dark hour of tho nation's calamity to the acriQca of that party under whoso counsels the coun try became great and prosperous ; the Unioo, tho admiration of tho world ; our syitcni of Govcrnmon, at ouco tho prido of the American citizen and the terror of the old world royalists. From tho tem porary defeit of that party in its vain struggle with sectionalism and fanaticism in IbGO, camo war and blood and carnage and doath and desolation and disaster c.tmo a violated and trampled Constitution camo tho prostration of the great writ of liberty, the peoples only protection from arrest without warrant, and imprisonment j without crime camo tho suppiession of free speech, and of a free press came a reign ol terror in this land of boasted lit) i erty came taxation, to the fall limit of the people's endurance, upon everything! wo eat, drink, wear, see, feel, smell, own or possess camo an inheritonca of na tional indebtedness that will cause ourj children's children to ourso our memory : and worse then all, and with all, eame ai broken and shattered Unioo. To the suo-! cess of that party in this renewed contestl with tho samo loo we now look for the triumph of tho Unicn, and "iu this sign we j conquer. The Republican Convention at Chicago, whioh nominated Mr. Licoln, passed this resolution : Resolved. That tho maintonanco inviolao ! of tho rights of the States and especially tho right of oaoh State to order and con ' trol its own domostie institutions accord- ing to Us own judgement exclusively, is essential to that balance of powor on which the perfection and endurance of our polit- jCal fabrio depend, and wo donounco tho lawless invasion by armed force of tho soil of any State ar territory, no matter under what pretext, as among tho greatest of oriuies. ' la his Niagara lettor Mr. Liucoln now dcolares that tho control ovor tho domes tic institutions of the States confirmed to them in our Constitution, and in tho con federate Constitution not less explicitly, shall bo assumed by "an authority that can control tho armies now at war with , the United States," and transferred to him who now controls tho armies and navies of tho United States, and that otherwiso ho will not listen to overtures of peace. In his inaugural Prosident Lincoln quoted Irom one ol his own specohes and reiterated this declaration : "I have no purpose directly or indireot ly to interfero with the institution of sla very in the Statoi where itoxits. I bc liev'j I havo no lawful right to do so, and I have uo inclination to do so. I now ro- iterato these sentiments, und in doing so I ouly press upon tho public attention tho most conclusive evidenco of which the caso is suiccptiblo that tho property ,poaco, and security of no seotion are to be in any wiso cudangorcd by tho now incoming ad ministration. Mr. Lincoln now justifies tho rebels in disbelieving thoso solumn assoyerations by proving that they wero falso. He now doos what he then dcolarod he had no lawful rieht to do, and, for tho sako of ro-election, confesses tho inclination whioh ho then dUavowrd; Tho Horrors of St. Domingo R&s peatcd. Wc regret to perccivo tht odr BUok Hepublioan ootctnporaries, who never fail to raise a huo-and-ory whenever tbo Con federates, as in tho caso of tho brirning of Chambcrsburg, overstep lis reeognieod limits of warfare, studiously rufraiu from giving publicity to similar or muoh worso outrageous acts of barbarism perpetrated under the direction1 or with tho taoit ftp' proval of Federal oommandori. Wc hare published a number of extradtsfro'iri South ern journals in relation to thi conduot ot tho negro troops under General Sheridan; during tho recent raid into Westmoreland County. It is Impossible for rannhood to restrain the blush of shame and indigna tion at tho perusal of tho enormities of which theso unrestrained savages warn guilty. Without reforcaco to tho system of In cendiarism and destruction of privato prop erty that seems to have beon adopted in those useless and vindictive raids that have become a theme for boastfulness on the part of the Administration organs, thero are deeds upon tho records so horrible that shuddaring Christendom need no further oeiow mo aunouies oi no oruio creation. What American can road without humili- ntion such statements as tho following: it.M ... t.i..i:.u f.. i : -nir. uon, uuguau, mc uuviug uyury- thing destroyed, was stripped, tied up, and given thirty-nino lashes with tho oowhide. And moro horriblo, but only too true, twen ty or thirty ladies woro violated by tbh party of negroes. Six noeroos violated the person of Mrs. G. eleven times, she being sick at tho time with an infant sir mouths old at the breast.'' What power is thero to subdno n rnoo of froomen norved to redistanoo by tho mem ory of such wrongs ? The Southerners would be the lowest of cowards, the most abject of slaves if they would consent, wa will not say to lower their weapons in tub mission, but cvon to bo reconciled to a foo that sanctioned these outrages by their black myrmidons. Let tho poeple of tho North proclaim to the world that they aro' nut sanctioned by tbo popular sentiment;. Tho honor of the North' demands that inf. mediate steps should bo taken to prevent the recurrcuco of suoh horrors. A mass meeting ehould bo held to express tho popular abhorrence of suoh orimos, and to demand of tho Administration' that ef fectual moasures be adopted to repress and control tho infernal lusts of the nogroos, and that if they insist upon arming thm for the butchery of white men, tho persons of white women shall at least be spared. d ' tSr In his first message to Congress, at thu extra session in the summer of ISO! Mr. Lincoln said : Lest theru ba ecnro unossiness in the minds of caudid men as to what is to be tbo oourse of tho government toward tho Southorn States after tho rebollion shall have been supprcssed,th9 oxecutivo doems it proper to say it will be hii purpose then . as ever, to be guided by the Constitution and tho laws ; and that ho probably will have uo different understanding of the powors and duties of tho federal govern ment relatively to the rights of the states and the people, under tho Constitution, that thoy expressod in tho inaurural ad dress. He desires to preserve the gov ernment, that it may be administered for all, as it was administered by the mon who mado it. Loyal citizens everywhere' havo the right to ulaiin this of their gov ernment, aud the government has no right to withhold or neglect it. It is not porceived that, in giving it, thoro is any oocrcion, any conquest, or any .subjuga tion, in any just sense of those terms. Now avowing that tho abandonment of siayary shall precedo tho aoceptanoo of overtures of peaco, Mr. Lincoln's messago can be interpreted only as tho oonfossion that ho is doing what 'loyal oilizons' have a right to protest against his doing, and what he violates tho Constitution of tho. United Statos in doing. E& In August,18G2,Mr. Linooln wrote' to Mr, Greoloy : My paramount object iu to save tho Union, and not oither save Or destroy sla very. If 1 could save the Union without freeing any slaves, I would no it ; if I could eavo it by freeing some aud loaving othors alone, I would also do that. What I do abont slavory nnd the oolored race, I do because I boliovo it helps to save tnn Union ; and what I forbear, I forbear be cause 1 do not believe it would help lo save tbo Union. I shall do lass when ever I shall belioyo vrbst I am doing hurts tho oause ; and I shall do more whenever I boliovo doing moro will help the cause, , Mr. Lincoln's last letter to Mr. Grec loy declares two objeots of tho war,witb . at whioh it shall notooase, "the integrity f the Whole Union and tho Abandonment i ' slavery." He does not baso tbo latter u? on thu former a effeot upon oause. Eaol" is tho on-equal and oo-ordinato of the oil' cr. His paramount objeot is not now to "save tho Union and not cither to save or doslroy slavory. He avows openly that slavery must bo destroyed as well as the Union saved. The salvation of tho Union is not even profesiod to ba the xelosir and puraraoivnt objeot, ft I ji l'!