AGRICULTURAL. oiatlierlng and Keeping Applco. In order to secure soundness and pre ecrvntioD, it is indiepcnenbly ncocrinry that Iho fruit should, bo gatlicroil by hand, Tor Winter fruit tho Cllheriug il dolflYCtl 0 0 ' Bl lonif as POSilbto. avoidmi! sevorc frOJtS. , 1 ' , 6 . ., ' and tho most BUCCOSsTul nraOtICQ Willi our . 1 , . CXteriSlV orchardistl IS to plaCO tllO COOU ri , fruit dircotltiin n careful manner, in new, , . , , ,i tight flour barrel;, ns SOOn at gatnereu from the trco. Thcso barrels should bo i geatly shaken while filling, and tho head olosely pressed in ; thoy aro then placed in a cool, shady cxpoeuro undur a hcd open to the ir, or on tho north side of a building, protected by a covering of board OTcr tho top,whoro they remain for a fort night, or until the cold becomes too esvero, when they are carefully transforrcd to COol, drv cellar, ill whioll airmail bo ad- t nnnn,.!nnntl v in hrmlr wnttinr. , ... , ... , rciy or sanuy Boii,wim,ii pojfi-, A cellar tor tnis purposc.snouiu do uiicr in dry gravely ble as lopa to tho north, or.any rate, with opening on tho north sida lor the aduuss-1 . , . , . , . ion f air rory rarely m wcaihor not ex-1 cessivoly cold. Ilore the barrels should be placed on tiers on their sides, and the cellar should be kept as dark as possibls. In such a cellar, ono of tho largest apple growers in Duchess county is able to keep the Greening apple, which, in the fruit room, usually decays in January until the first of April, in tho freshest and finest con dition. Some persons place a layer of clean rye straw between every layer of apples, whun packiog them in barrels. Downing. Wash for Buildings. At a recent meeting of tho New York Farmer's club, Solon llobinssn rocoiu mended a durable was ns follows : Slako ono bushel of good lime and make it in to whitewash by addtug 40 gallons of water also add 20 pounds of tpanish Whiting, 17 pounds of nnlt, and 12 pounds u r ' 1 , I of sugar lTn l,n nldini'nn la fn 1 W U.M.bM MUIIIIL J W w ' coating the surface, the salt making it penetrate the wood, and the sugar to ren der it adhesive This is doubtless a good wash for interiors, but we question if it is to adapted for out-door work,or where constantly exposed to rains and Weather, . i- e. . 413 SOme Other applications. After trying we have found the following; tho maoy, L l . tlf! -I 1.. .1 r I. . utok ; iutx inrt-u puuiii ui kouu trtsu wai- , cr lime with ono peck of very fine clean sand and half a peck of salt. and Add water snough to make a good wash, and apply with a brush, stirring frequently. A single coat will last several years,espe cially, if applied to rough boards. There is no kind of wash,however, and probably never can be, that is equal in durability and perfection to oil paint, through which water can never pass, whilo all the differ ant washes arc soaked through by every long rain. Tho lime, however, penetra ting tho pores of tho wood,greatly increa ses its durability, and if occasionally re peated when needed, is scarcely inferior in this respect to oil paiut. Storing Potatoes for Winter. When potatoes aro to be put away in pits, care bhould be taken to keep them as dry as possible, and to ventilate the pile .so that no confined air shall tcmain. The best method is to select a high dry ridge, and when tho pile is formed. give it a thick covering of straw, grass or stalks, with a euCicitDt thickness of earth to render them securo from frost,and then cover the w'holc with plauk so as to turn off the water iutr trenches, which ahould surround the heap. In forming the pilu, a tube or several ol them, aci-srdiug to the length of tho pit should bo extended iuto li e body of the heap uud reach to tl'e top of the earth, fot lh escape of heated air. These may bt flvo or teu inches squaro, and in very cold weather, the opening should be closed with a bundle of straw or hay. Without this precaution, potatoes that are design ed for seod,aro as much injured as if they wero intended for tho table. Beforo plan ting time they are so mueh grown that their strength and vigor ar so oxhaui-ted that the second growth is much woakei Uhan the first, causing fllendcr,siokly vine, .and a,grcatly diminished crop. Except the covering of plank, turnip and other roots should be ttured and yen filiated in tht saino mannor. A Good Smokehouse. We lately observed a well-planned emokchou.o on the premises of a good farmer, worthy of a brief description. It was shout mx tact tnuar, lite jower half built of liru'kjurrUL ij vv Ii nu tnui lined door, and borving as s.i n,u Jionsu and place for the lira Thf upper part, about four feet high besides the ascent of tho roof , was ma-Jo of wood. It was sencrated from the lower part by scaating joists, a 6paco of two or throe inhrs between them through which sinoka and air could freely , pass', but sufficient to oatch any ham that I minhf actiidentallv fall, mnl thui It from tho aro The upper part, as well as Ihrt lstrle tl' M A n t a i . I tin .1 f tvuu tunvit moo UV U UUUr IrOQl tho outside i thus upper door may be ' kaptlookfld, ercept whon admitting orl Wllb-lraWIDi; hams J but tho lower may bo ten uuiucKeu, lor tue uireaman to build firas. without any danK.r of the contents ,. . ao?ve ioinirstojcn,i tne tniet cannot nana i . ' tMA . Z. r UP DE GRAFF'S BTI3 ANI HAK INFIMHAKY, (On tfc Bqunrt.Thtie Hoots from Btesle's licit I WITjTCESTI ARRE . PA. riIIIS INSTUT10N i now opened Mid a . . .i ..-' x : 1 furnished In the moit costly ttylc. Reception, Private and OpttatingRootnt ate largo, convenient and well ndaptcd. Tim Surgical npnttment cnntaltit Ilia Illicit collection of Instrument! In this country, and thin Ills Ifscu iieswni man a iiiiiiin niece any una nil emergencies In practice Hp will operate upon nil tlie various mrnis oi niji.s iim.r-D, c niamri, uccnion oi the Pupil, Cross Eyes, Closure cif llio Tear Duct.1, In ver iuri of the Eyellde, Pterygium, &c., Ac. Anil will treat nil forms of Sorei, Eye Granule,! Lids. Opaccilot uf tho Cornea, mid Scrofulous diseases of the I'.ye In pettier with mi the discuses to wiiicii tin Eje it sub-1 llinrNHiJS -AVill trentnllthe (lleaei coniinon to the organ. l)Urliar;ra from tho Nolsct in tin! I nr Catarrh, dllllcultyofhcarlng.luml Heartiest even where the Drum In destrtsyed. Will Insert nn artificial one answering neatly Ml the purposes orthennturnl. DISEASES OF Till! 'IIIROAT. All disease! cum-1 monto tho Throat anil Nose will be trentcil GENERAL Sl'lllIHHY, lie will opernlo upon Club rcct, Unit up, cin raiiuio, Tumors, cancers, Eniar. , gadTonclli, f Plastic operation by hcallhg new' ncitl ,, ,terotnieil parts, and General Surgery of "mViiNi. hinMVu!nMTirrii"eC iii nerform "i.abiua i fflVf.'W.V llttln nr nu pnln, Oiitofinany hundred operated upouln Huston tln-ru na men in, Having incline pcrf' 1 1 nppioballnn of ull whnhavn submitted In It ARTlFIt AL EYES. Wlllluscrtnrtinclnl Eyce giv ing them thi iiintlou and expression of tin: natural. Theynru Intert'd nllli the least pain. HEMORRHOIDS, U'ilca.J-Tlilatroubleioine di(cac It roaillly cured. 'J'limo aulTerlng fromlt will do well to call. Ilr Up lie RrnfT vlaltt Wllkes-Ilarre with view of balliling up n ptriiiaiient luMitutc for the treatment of the live. Car ami (ienerul Hiiruery. The experience of more than n nuarlur of it conniiv In llofiilln nndKoner. nl praclu'r,lie liopen, will bun nullielcnt guaruntec to thoe who may bo disposed to employ lilm, ,ioy 14. , jLauuitt.iiiiiii a, uiuiiiuMiurii AN) Arri K j an. i-. mt. v, Lai'lv.'lW.'lllll.'l iV UlOOmSllUrR Railroad f rs and Arrnt jan. i-, jm, i-assunoeu J THAINS WILL RUN AS FCIiLOWHl 'Leave t MOVING BOUT II, Paiitngtr. Peranton. a so r. M. JM S,S5 e.M 1'.I5 P.M Kingston ... M'nomsburg . . . . Itupcrt, ' " llainlllc Arrive at Northumberland, . .MOVING NORTH Lcavo NnrthumbcrlaNd, , " li.mtlllc, .... ! " Itupcrt 1 " lllooinsburg . . . . I " Kingston, .... Arrive at bkriinton aim a. m S.4U 12.1 tl 1. M I 1,30 l reight ts. Passenger leaves lllonmshurg, 1U.I0 A. Si. 1'asseugers taking Hie Vail Train South conned with the llxpress train from Nnrth'd, arriving at llarrishurg nt 2.3U A. M., Ilalliiimre A. .M and at Philadelphia at T.W) A M. Thi .Vail train from Noithiiniberland leaves Inmicdlalely after tlie Uxpnss train from liar riburg and K.-iltftnnre, allow inir rnssencers leaving 1'hlladelphh nl III. 101'. M. to reach points on this road during thd next forenoon. New and ilegtint Sleeping ears accompany the night trains enen ivny neiwecn ioriuuinoeriauu nnu i.nm more, uud Norlliuiuberland and Philadelphia. II. A. roXIIA. Supt. J. 0. Wells, Oen'l Ticket ent. Kingston. January 3n. IM'4. FRESH A It It IV A L iSprinn anD Summer EVERYBODY- "7 HE undersigned, grateful for past pntronnge, rcspec I fullv Infornis hlscustuiners and thepubllcgeiierally il rii ir,m.i,r.ri,.tinnersiiiid thenulillceeiierallv fiTnt t.o im. in, pn.aiu.,1 frntn tlm Itnstorna cities, llio v,.,..j.,.,v,.......... - nriricl nn1 lun.l liit alnrK OI Si'RIANDSOIIIllR. sJtiM.i3 That has vet been opened in nioomsbnrg, tn whiui he Invites the attention of his friends, ntul nstures them ithnt they niu offered for sale nt great bargains. Ills in.ii uiey mu luii-feii iui puis n ski Stock comprises a large, nsburlmont of ;rK.rrv Irrlnllnii! Pants. Vests. Shirts. Cravats Htscks. Cotton I Handkerchiefs. Gloves. KusiiciiiI-ts. &c. SZ. U h , k.,.m,i..,.. I Gold Watches and Jewelry Of every description, fine and cheap. N. II. Kemcmber " Loicatberp's Cheap Emporium.' call and see. No charge for examing Goods. UAVIll lAIVVKNIIUIirj nioomsbnrg, April It, I8G1. (June IsSI ) J. P. CVEIt. L SI. MOV Ell- New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE undersigned would inform their friends nnd the public genernlly.that they nave taken the stand for merly occupied by Ceo. ,M. Ilimcnboch, iu the Exchange llmlding, on Main street, in llloouisburi', where he has Just receivcu a full supp.y of Drtiys', !72i'(liciim, S'.iiiiis, (tils, JLnnijis, &c , Whhh w ill bo sold on moderate terms for ready pny. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sortuud sire. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at nil times and on short notice. rT- Confectionciy sf the best selections, and Soda Water in season. L7 A share of the public custom is respectfully so idled. EYEIl .MOYElt. (Iloooiiliurg, April 11, 1603. . 1804. 1801. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE a A & n 21, o A 33 s This great lino traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania lu the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It lias been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, uud under their auspices is being rapidly opened tliroui'hout its entire length. U is now la usn for P.Msenger and Freight business from llarrishurg to Emporium, ill'i nilli)on the East, cru Division, and froiubhetlicld to Eriu (7C miles) on the Western Division, TIMS. OK rtbSEKOKR IfcllM AT KO.aTUO'MBCSLAKO. Mail Train leaves, EaU u 3-j . M. Expreis Train " " 10 5. P. M. .Mail " ' West 5 i-i " Express 7 m ,. M. Cnrs run through without riuni lioth ways 011 tlieso traius bilwecn Philadelphia and Lock llnveii, and ll.iltimoru ami Loik lluven. Now nml rlegiiit t?leci lug Cars nceompauitig the Exprer3 Train both ways ueiwecn i niiamspori nnu itaiumore, ana tviiuams- port nnu rniiaiteipuiu, For information respecting P.ner nner business, np plyntthcH. E. l.'nr. lllii nnd Market Sis. And for Freight biislnessnf the Company's Agents H. II. Kingston, Jr.. Cor,13lh and Market Sts., Plul'a J. W. Iteynolds, Erie. J..M. Drill, Agent N. C. U: U., naltltnore. II. IL Houston, Ceii'l. Freight Agt , Philadelphia, Lewis !. lloupt, Gen'l. Ticket Agt Philadelphia. Joseph I). Potts, Gen'l. .Manager, Williuinspurt, May 7 ItHil. THE CREAT WOItLU'S r'AIlt EXIilUITlON HELD J. LONDON Ifal. TIIOS. W. AIATTSON Was awnrdedthePrixo.Med- al fnr Ills sitnerinritv over all V A ?'. ' cKinpetilloiu iu the United I ,"'yirVVtS!5 Slate, for his improvements Jr -VVrtii 1 in Tl AVJ-IHilS TrliilKS, lie belnc the Inventor and MtScjsSWiSl iH Ti.Vt Manufacturer of Ela.ticstenl Spring solid Sole Lenlherand solid Riveted Iron Frame Travelling iruuns, v antes, t.ud es Hat Cases, ( arpet Itags. I.eullier Hue., Umbrellas and Hobby Horses, Hoys' Rigs, Propellers, Wheelbarrows. -c, which he is prepared tn sell at the lowest manufacturinc prire. The innt extensive Truuk and Carpet Hag .Manufactur er in Philadelphia. 4U2 -MAKKLT STREET, one door abeve Fourth. . , South side, PHILADELPHIA, t7Sales room on the first floor. C5"Trunks neatly repaired or exchanged for new ones. Call and see, as wc sell very cheap for cash. Hov.H. lee3-12mo ESPYMHOTEL- irWIE undersigned, having taken tho Espy Hotel, X lately kept by Mr. E Howell, would respectfully I nfurm his friends audthe public In general, that no , pains win oe spareu mr tne satisfactory entertainment of all who may tuvur him wiih.iticlr cuitom. JOd DMABCJIUANK. Espy, April 8.JS6I, 5Je 3fB I'T'Kt ATTORNEY AT LAW 0ce ,n c ASZUd by 1 II I Chaxlss R . imthmotv, momth Dec- lsja- LEATHER 1 I FATTr i?n 1 1 TIIEun.le,.lgned would.nun,,lu,heha,onh,nd h m t.ioporium, on mam hi., niooms Z ': r V,: " nn oi leatner, such ai Sn?;..;, r: l: z:.i:v .u-J,H!ir"",,no ''''''"npif i ' vou mu omnisi ijism for your? vs Bl'tVnVVrVg'MnV W, McV4. "OUTW. OF DR. BOnCMOH'B OWN L'ABE, WHILE LAIlOniNO UNDBlt CONSUMPTION, hiw his ?"lmMJe Sfatcccd 'iinfr. ntir JUniitrttkfi ' se ni ie System, n curing that dis ease, and the nTT.iArn cjTTnnr.'aa JV'I"P V VnTV im I UlvliAl Cs UUUI'jOO A 1 J. lUH DliN U li 1 I To above Is n eorn ct llkenem of I)r Pchenck taken many yearn ngo, aOer lie had recovered from Conminp linn .' by n course of his 'HdiKNrK'ii l'ffcfoNicBvRDr'," 'I liellkene, nlllio.ijt it does net represent hminny thluc like ns bad n he was at tho worst, yitllls in Urmig contrast with the hale and ignru I'nikaof thn l'nrtralt below, which Istlietruo likeness of hlmnt tho present time. The enntrnst between these twn por traits It fo creat that many would not believe them to bo the mine person. Yet them are hundreds of per. 1 sons, in and around riiilniMphia, who will recognise noiii portraits tone true representations, When the , w.a".,"!tc.n. '' w' lched ln7 pounds iut the present mi.. iuii rmimis. Nirr Vonit, Wednesday, .March 30, 1H01. Thirty yenrs ngo I wna In the last stages of Pulmon ary Consumption, and glvin up to ille. I resided in riiiiuiicipinn. nnu nr, J nepli rarrisli, l.lcn nfthis city, on ered mo to .Mnrcowu, X. J n distance of nhic i miles, which took me two days to get there. On my ar rival I was put to bed, mid there laid lor many weeks, , This was my native place, where all my family lived nml had died of Consumption. Dr. Thornton, who at tended my fjlhor in his Inst illness, was called, nnd gro me one weeH to fix up my affairs. He had seen all my fauill) go that way, nml thought I was to so.too. ,'ll.rtn I ,Anr,l ,.f ,, ,.,., ,,o I nrf;,. f ,u I... ,. ' --...-'' . ". ....n -u iiik hiu1 them penetrating my whole system, I They soon ripened the n, alter on my lungs, and I wonld spit off mnro tlmti a pint of offensive yellow mat ter every morning. As soon as that hi gnu to t-ubside, my couch, fever, pain, night sweuis-all to leave 1 me. and my appetite became n great that it win with difficulty! roiilil keep from eaiinc too much. I snmi gained my btrength. and I have been growing in flush eversinci'. r or many years I tiavo enjoyed unintcr rupted good heallli. keeping the liver nnd stomach healthy w ith thuSeaweed Tonicninl Mandrnko Pills.ns I inn of ubilinus temneriiinent. Mv weight is twolmn dred and twenty pounds. On my ncovery people would i send for me, fur and nenr, to see if tlieireuses were -' i i--- vj i,iu,i?,u !sus 'argn . ciues. I lie (ou-uiiiitlves wish in ee ihe one that makes these medicines. ami who wns cured nf consumption by them. To uiakcuuw lungs is Impossi ble ; bill ravines in Ihe limes and chronic olecranons of tlu bronihial lubes can bo healed Such cases nro d ing hniirlv under tlm ordinary treatment nf physi cians, nn 1 jiiel null are tured Lj the proper usn of Scliein k's Pulmonic riyrup. Seaweed Tunic, and .Man. urasi; i ins. I am nor.' a healthy middle lobe of Ihe ill! Ihy man, with n large cavity in tho '''I'lUMn'i'M.1 vl:li;t,,t-u ' "'"''vely for right lung.tlie lower lobe very much J 1-Dl.Nri.MOItL, Nu I'll Uroadwuv New oik ilcte adhesion of the pli-uru. Tho Cu"' l'f al1 Uriiggisls, hepatlxed und complete adhesion uf the pli-uru. Tho left lung is sound, and the upperlobenf the right inns is in a tolerably healthy connitinn. Tbe great reason why physicians do not cure consumption is they try lo ' do too much ; they give medicines to stop thueoii;'h, tn I slop chill, tostopnight sweats, hectic fever.and, bv so doing, they derange the wholo lli':e1lvo nnwets. 1,'irk. I inguptlie secretiuiis, and eventiiull) the patient sinks nml dies. Alterl make a cirelul examination of iho palic.nt with the rtespirouietcr. and Hud lungs ennusli lilt to cure, 1 direct tho p.ilieut how to usethe three ii'inedi's Itetiu, c the imisu nn.l t'uy will nil stnpnf their own accord. No uno can be cureil of cuiiHimp lien, liver c mplaint, dysptpsla, c.ilarrh, canker, nl ceiitied'throiit, unless the liver umt stniuach are made healthy. Iu New England tins eauher, elirmiie catarrh, ulcerate ! throat, elongatimi of uvul.i, is more prea lent than iu mi) oilier section of the countiy. This is frequently caiiwd by u loul etnurich. m i ny burn it out with cau-lic nine mnl acain, itiin -lit lli.-y ni.l get is tiiuporary rtln f Coir .it the slomaih mid liver, nnd thry will iiplhem.elves. Good null itiuu is ihu remedy, if you have any dis ease in nny part of the body, it will r.mnin there and decay limn and in, ire until you can gnliho slom.uh iu the innilitiou to digest food, and make new bluod to laku ihe place of dixcm-ed mailer. This is the only way to heal cavities in the lungs nnd ulcerated bron chial tubes. Correct the stomach and liver, and naturn will do the healing. .Many persons h.ivo nn idea that certain medicines are great purifiers of the blood. When blood is once diseased it cniiuot bu purified lit is disiasedthu same us Iho diseased mailer iu tho system ; but gel the apparatus in order, the liver ami stomach, nnd give it plenty or nourishing loud, il will make new blood, winch will lake the plaeo is diseased. tiihenck's Pulmonic s) rup is one of tbe best prepa rations uf iron iu use, it is n powerful tunic of itself, uud w hen the Heaweed Tonic i'iskuIus Ihe minus iu the stomach, ami it is c.inie.l olfb) tho aid of tlm .Man. drake Pills, tin. Pulmonic Syrup is m.ido into blood, This is me only way to cure consumption. If I ran not gel acnod appetite and food does nut dize.t I can not cure tho patient Nevermind the euugh ! remove thucnus. and it will stop of itselt, 'lln is lie; most tmnblu I liiivu with iny patients nt my rooms They say. "Iloclnr, 1 fed i.roiii'ur ; 1 can "eat my night sweats are b, tier, and I fei I belter every way , but my lougli is so bad yit j" and they nru us' to hour iuu ny that does nut matter ; remove the cu'Jre nnd it w ill slop il.elf. Scheuck's rieawied iri dlet a i"oud appelilu iu ubuut nine d.i)s, when (Urn: Is tin oilij; dis ease, unless the liver is so eouesiud ,l.nt llio Mun- draku fills cannot unlock the iltn t C( the jail bladder in that short space uf tune, m i rdu- I'.' allow the stale bile lo pass on" Keep tie, liver and tlm stomach healthy uud there is le.s danger id consumption or any other disease, It is liarcito take mid when those or gans are healthy. Those that are bilious. low spirited, dredry, feeling stupid, coated tongue, puor appetite, nervous, .lomncli full of wind, everything that iseat en lies heavy loss of memory, try one bottle uf rjCIIENCK-a tIEAWEEl) TONIC, nnd one hoi of S IIESi'K'S MANDRAKE PILLS, It is only a cost of onu dollar and tweuty-ll,u cents, with full directions. This is sutficient. in man) cases, to satisfy w hut tho medicines ore. Frequently one bottle innkus u great change in the system. Any person that i njoys ordina ry health, by ti.lug the ticnweeil Tonic and .Mandrake Pills octasionilly, must get the digotlivo organs In such u healthy condition that they beconui fleshy. I can produce a number of my old consuniptivopalienls now enjoying good health, weisbmg nearly ittW pounds 1 will conclude by relating throe cures 1 liau: inado in New ork, and which uroull dillerent, nml wish any one who In Is any Interest in the matter tn visit Ilium l irt is Sirs. 1'urluw, lusnliug tlieu nt No. 107 Houston strict. Her Imsbiind called unon iuu nl inv room. 31 lluud street, and wished tne turll t,h.i i,if ii said I could do no good , that he hud all the best medi cal and ull said she wns too far gone with Consumption tn ho cured ; but she had heard of some great cures I had made, and lie desired tu gratify in r wishes. 1 called, uud found her l)ni(t confined to her bed in the lust stage of bronchial consumption, and without doubt must have died soon, 1 examined her lunfs.fuund both bnuuhial tubis very inuili atfectca, but no cuvities had formed, herewith was very severe, Ihe spit-box was half full of thick pus, Pulse III), legs swollen very inuchj uud wofo Hum all. she had rhru. iiie dlarrhcea. Her buwls hud been moved eleven times that day. I told her she had lungs enough to be cured, but that this diarrhcea had been longstanding, and loir stomacliwas iu such an ulcerated condition that I wus afraid nothing could be done, he jnsistud 1 should try unddowliutl could lor her. observing that she would not last long in the condition she wns iu, and t could not mako her any worse. 1 gave her lir.t adoseol my Muudrake Pills, and the tonic and Syrup freely. That was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the dlarrhcea was carried off, hcroppetile had returned and rhe could sit up in bed and eat lier dinner. Shots now well, and guve me a long certificate, certified to by the Itcv. Dr. Howling, .Mrs.llarthuloinew.fca tVesi rnriv.finii iiiwi. nuns to my rooms with a tumor on her liver, fihe wus low spirited, skin sallow, toiijuo coated, oppetue, and lust sinking' into tlm grave. The said tumor hud been ruiikir.g over fourteen years, I guve ' her Syrup, Tonic uud Pills, and told her to laknilicm Justa (he directions were printed. Hhe came, back to my rooms. 3.' liouil street in twn weeks, suoieuhut better , lier longue had begun to dean a little around tho edges. her skin whiter and her eyes brighter, end tho tumor discharging very oflensivo matter, much faster than it had ever done before, She kept gradu ally improving, and in about mo months slit, came to my rooms very tnuca frightened, sating that the tumor had nearly slopped running, and was healing up, and Hint every doctor had told her that if it ever healed it would cause her death. I told herihat thoi'lseiisa had a'l lift lur system, and nature would heal the ulcer up, 'I h, nr.. .... 1... .. l . . . - . . . , ...... iicuiuu.auu usve nera tur aouuiayear, end beii Nearly 4 roturt uipmtsu jrsju xrtU tier, snd takes trest pains to visit any one lint she hears hit anything like her ease, nnd trie to get them to come and see me. The next easels Miss ren. field, from Stamford, Conn, Mrs. naitholomcw got her down to see me, ami she lias Men ever since at her bouse, When she first nunc tn my rioms, she was much emaciated with a distressing cfliihi spitting large quantities of blood, I examined her lungs with the tcspirnineier, ana in nu my practice never totinu one with one lung so far gone nml the other lung mi sound, I could not give much encouragement, I thought she would die but toiny astonishment the Pulmonic. Hyrnp, Heawecd Tonic, and Mrthdiake Pills all seemed tn go rleht to work, the lung Is all dialed over, leaving n cavity as large ns n goose egg j good nppelite, fine i spirits, ana nas cameo some iiiirty-nvo poiinns hi weight. Hhe has some cough yet, will li I do nn not think will leave her tnlore June. 1 should think II would be of great Interest lo some ilnpMuillccd pity clclan to vllt these cases, particularly Miss Bcnfleld, or nny of theinwhn have been cnrdtl by my medicines. 1 h-y aro numerous In New York , but Iho filnvo Inrte all differ from enih other! and if my meillrlnis are do ing what I represent they are, they should hnvo tna credit and the afflicted know wlo ro nnd how th-y may be cured. J. II. tU'lllINCK, M, I). Ilr J II, Bchrntk enn hi' found nt his principal olficc, r?o, M North Mb Htrect, Philadelphia, every ralurdny, friwirj A. M uhtll S P. M., tn cive advice, free of charge but lor n thoinugli exiiniThatlnn he charges three dollars Trice ofthe Pulmonic Pyrup nn.l Hea. wecd'l ouic each 9125 per bottle, or $11 the half dotcn, Mandrake Pills '-5 cents per box, and for sale by all Druggists and Dealers. June II, l:G!.-l y. TO ALL INVALIDS. IRON IN THE BLOOD. It Is well known totho medical firor.-sl,,ti that tnrw Is the Vital Principle or Life I'lcnicnt ofthe blood. This Is detived chrefly from the food wc eat i but if tho food Is not prepcrly digested, or Iffromnnv cause ever, the necessary quantity of Iron Is not taken into me circulation, or tiecoines reuiiced, llio whole system suffers. The had Mood will irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs, will obstruct the liver run' will send its diseusu-hroduclnit elements lo all nnrts of the tern, and every ono win sullcr 111 whatever urgliu may X lie great vatuu oi lttOK AS A DIKiliriMj is well known nnd acknowledged bv nil mcdlcnl men The difficulty lias been to obtain such n lirennrntlnn n it ns will enter the circulation and nssimltate ntoncc I Willi the liiooii. This point, says Dr. Hayes, Masacli usi tts State Chemist, has been uttained in tlm Peruvi an rj r n 1 , by cniiiliitintiou in a way before unknown, TIIH riMliVIAN SVlilll' is n Protected solution of the Protoxide of hon a New Discovery in .Medicine that Strikes nt the Hoot nf Ilia ease by supplying the blood with its Vital Principle or TIIH PBARDVI.V SYRUP Cures Dyspcpjla, I.iver Complaint, Dropsy Fever and Ague, Loss of liner) gy, Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strenstlt.vlsror nn.! new lift; into the system, and uuiiiiD upau "iron uotisuitutoii, THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Diarrlioa, Scrofula, lloils, Scurvy, Loss vi ijoiisiiiiu'ouai t igur. THE PER U VIA N S YR UP Cures Ncr7ous AflVclionsjremnleCoinpInlnts, and all THE PER UP I AN Sl'RUP Is a specific, for all diseases originating in n hnd Kt.nn oi ,ne uioou, or uccompanied by Debility or a l.ow Slate ot the System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures nnd recom meudalious from some ofthe most eminent Physicians Clergymen, ami others.will be sent Free to anaddress Wo select a few ofthe names to show llie character of tiki testimnmils. JOHN 11. WILLIAMS, LSll., Prcsldont ofthe .Metropolitan Hank, New York. Itcv. AIICI. STLVUXS. Late Editor ChrUtaiu Adi urate and Joarnal. Ituv, P CHUItCII, Editor New York Chronicle Hev John Picrnout. Lewis Johnson. M n. Ilev Warren burton, Itcv Arthur II Fuller, llev Cordon Kohbina, Itcv Sylvnuus Cobb, llev. T. Starr King, Rev I phrnim Nute, Jr., Itcv Joseph II I'IiikIi, ltev. Henry Upturn, llev P C Hundley. UOswell Kinney M I),, S K Kendall M 1). W U Chl-holm, M D. i'rnniis Dunn, ,M 11. Jeremiah Stone, M, ! Jose Anns S.tiiihes M n. Abraham Wendell ,1 D. A A Hayes, Ai D. J It i liillon, M D. Ilev John W Olmest.Md, II, E. Kinney, .M 11, No lamilyShould bu Without it, OutyJccntabox. roa s . lb uv J. P DIN'PMOKF, Sni'H Ilriudwnv, New York. S W FOWLE : CO No, I- Trcinont 41 llnstmi And by nil Druggists uud C'ouulrv Slrockc cpurs. .May It, lidl-IJiu, 'hie new Ron:nv store. iMORE FltESH tiOODS. ,h(ft received at ttrusmt s' Ntw Store. iMohtssnri, uais, Teas Coffee, Ricf, Spires, HclTS AND CAPSc Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Si fjars, Candii'f, Ilazcns, FEED AND PKOA'ISIONS. 'Ingelhur with a great inriety of notions and etcetc I as, too numerous to uieii' inn. 1 -littler, l.ggs, Me it and produce generally taken i l eichmigc fur goodi, A. II, ERASMUS. H.ooinbur .May 0, IHH S'I'OVE AND TIX-WAHE SHOP. 'J'HE undersigned would inform the citir.ensof nioomsbnrg and iciuity, that ho hasjust re Jg4 cived and ull'ers for sale one ofthe mustextciisivu SV. assortinents of COOKlNtiand FANCY STOVEd ever introduced into this market. The Christopher C umbus, J nines Itobbatnl (iloboarc among the first class cooking Stoves, nil of which aro air-tight and gas burner ' His Parlor stoves are handsome nml the assortment vs ried. AI-O- Particular attention is paid to Tin-Wari. nnd House Spouting, upon abort nutico. All kinds of repairing will be done with neatness urn! despatch. tCr" Country produce taken in exchange for work. ! PHILIP S. MOYEK. Hloomsburg, May 10, 1EC2. I BELL tk ALLABAChI Ptoprielors. COItNElt OF TlffP D .f'PA' PPiVP'iVT VA 7VIA A V - .j . , . WASHINGTON, D, Oi a, v, VAOL. PAUL A, It. THOMPSON, Si THOMPSON, WHOLESALE Jsr$j5a DEALEUS IN OS No. 43 North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. (D-BUTTEU, CHEESE. II A M H, ice. ai Nov. 14 IfiisJjsjino. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANI FAOTUREIl4i WHOLESALE DEALEIl IN aHATh, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, RONNEIS AND ARTIFICIAL I IsOWEKS, No, 257 North Thin. Street Pbila'd. Nov '.'9, m'i aKiiiocR tic ROOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS and Speeches i and eoplet of Hie United States, and Slate Constitutions, u urjovs tyles. nlwayt on hand. . John U. FltEEZB. ooratburg, Nov. r, Hill IlOWABtH AS!b UlClATlOiV, PHILADELPHIA. PA. Disease of thtNervcut, Setrnnal, Urinary, and Sex, nal Systems new nnd ri 'iable treatment -in ro. portt ofthe HOWARD ASSOf I ATIQN isnt by mail in Sealed leller envelons. f.M .f l,.,,,0 A,i,l.u.. t. J. SKI LI. ING IIOUailVpN. I owjrd Ascierattoii. No, JBCdiljlVJiltli tstwt', ntfleiltii Sit! P., 7 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY 00 TO Crrasy's Store, in Light Street, I'a, Who Keeps all Kindt of OALUJO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, 0AHPET3, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Rcady-Mado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, cgars, Hats, Boot", Ccps, Shoes, l)rugs, Oils, Paints, Ac, kc. In addition tn our large stock of Dry Coods, wc have a laigc and full assortment of Ready .Made Clothing lor ien and Hoys wear which wo are determined to sell cheaper can be bought elsewhere. Call and seo, and Judge for yourselves. II. W. CIIEABY k CO. Light Street, AprlMJ, ltfOl, 'IMIE iinderslgneiris nisn extensively entered til the .1 Undertaking Justness, and kecpsconstantlv on hand nil for sale ut his Wnromoms, a largo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, Ily which he is enabled to nil orders on presentation Also Keeps n good Horse and Ilenrro, and will at al limes be ready to attend Funcrcls. SIMON C. SII1VE. Illnouisbi'rg, January SO, lti'J Vr A VO r. nr t 'narwy ri A l u cV W A I OUlM- '.' HALAMANDEU SAFES, RI ' ' MOVED tn -Vo. Its South fourth li-4 Street, Philadelphia, huvc on . . .'.f"L """s'lusii iisrorimeui ot rire ,"' ';s-'i , 'I'hh'f proof Snlnniander Hafen. 'ji'-i.'.' U"' iro" 'b'0". for batiks nnd .'h t 'ft. "on shutters Iron sash, all .. -jv. nmk,., nftocii, Kqual to any made in the I'nited (States. Vie Safes in one fir, .lit came out rigt; icitA cos tents in eood condition. The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against tin world, EVANS & WATSON, navo hx I the surest demostratioii in the following cei Illicit- Hint their manufacture of Salamander Safes hi nl l-i.gtli rullvwnrr.inted tin- repr si utatious which has been miide of them ns rendering an titnluulited security against the terrific element. Philadelphia April IS. 1,-3(1. .Iffjjrj I'.rans - Ii'sUon: tienth iueii-It nirords us the highest satisfaction In state to you, that owing 'to the very protective qualities of tin of the Hiil.iinaiuler, Safes which we purchased of you some fhe month since wo Hived n large portion of Jewelry, and nil our books, fce., exposed to tho eiilnniinous, fire in Ranstcail place on Ihe morning of l Ik lltli lust,. When ho relied ,'hst these s.if-s were Incnted in the I fourth sfory ofthe building iv occupied and that they i fell siib.ii'quently intou hi tip of burning ruins. whrri! the vast concentration of the ,.,n caused ih brnss plates to I inelt. we cannot but regard tliejiri'ser.'itlon of III ir val i liable contents as most convincing proof of the great se curity ailonled hy your sates. We shall Hike great (d, asure iu recomin iidiu til' ' men of Ints-im ss ns a sure rvliaure ncaint lire. ' OHOItGE U. SIMMONS & I.Kit., .raa'.'c.t J HVTlie) have since unrchnsed six large Safe.-. , 1 July&i, lei.i'. AngtistCO Its'. ' TINWARE & STOVERS I10J'. " fTMIK iimlprilcnod rppoct.lIy Inrnrnio hU clJ frlrnd 1 nml riihtouif r. I hut Iiu purcliucil Iim hrctlnri ntcrft in the Hbrup frstaMUliincnt.mittlhe cuuri'rn uilv , hen after ho coniliicti'il by liiiiMrlft'stlUHi vi'ly. i lias Jim roccivcil anil olfcrH for sain, (lit lnrv ,55 ent iiiwl mnt I'Miinoivc UHhortuirtit tf PA.VCV , STO V U uvur introditcfil into Uiin iiiarkt t. ( Tiif His hlnrk roiihii-t? of a comnli lo ansnrl'iicnt nf Iip he pt (?nkiii(! anil patlnr Ptiivf in the ntnrKi-t, tngfih i er with ytovt' I'ixlunM if rvtT .lecrii.ti..n. Oven ami j Box Stoves, Ka(H;itnn, ryliiulnr ytuvus, Catt Irnn Air I Tiaht etoves, ('atinoii fiu vi.. ttc . ice, Stovepipe ami t Tm wart; cntiFtautly on h.uul aiul niannfucttirfil to onlur, , All kintN nfrcpalrinj; ilonp ai uual. on blmrt rioitri;. ( The patronage nf old friends and new cnsioinnrn re ' pcctfiilly i-nlhited. A. .M. UUi'KRT. . llli)oniburg, November 31 !?(10, tf. ; IMPORTAlffto FEMALES TO TSaiE BiASJaiES ! ROTH MARRIED AND SINGLE. Oldest Regulator lor Females. Dlt. CIIEESF.MAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relievo, without pain, all disturban ces of the periodic I'ischiirpu, whether arising Irnm re- luxation or suppression. They act like n charm in re- niuving me pains tiiiit accompany iiiitic'iit or immoue !.- itit.iislrnnlinn. mill nrr- til,, rintv cnf mnl ri'llnlite I remedy fur Flushes, Sick Headache, Pains in tho Loins, Hack and Sides, Pulpuntinn ofthe Heart, Nervous Pre ' mors, Hysterics, Spasms, Hroken Sleep, uud other un- pleasant und dangerous ollects of uu uuiiuturtil condi- lion of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of ! l'liioi Albtts, or Whites, they eirect a speedy cure. Dlt, CHEESEMAN'S FEMALIl PILLS. I Have been used over a Quarter of u Century, They u ru riTered ns the only safe means of renewing inter I rupted menstruation, hut La lies must bear iu mind ' that, there is one condition of the female system in I which the Pills ran not he taken without producing a i peiuliar re.ult The condition refeired tn is Preguaucy I His result .Mi. carriage. Such is the Irresistible leu- dency of the medicine to restore the sexual (unctions i to u normal condition, that even the reproductive pow. er of nature cannot resist it, They cannot do harm in any oilier way. I DH. CI-EESE.MAN'fl FEMALE PILLS, i Are tho only .Medicine tlat nrried and Single Ladies nave reiieu upon inr many years, or can re'y upon now. llewarn of Imitations I Tacso Pills Inrm thu Finest Preparation ever put forttnrd, with immediate nnd Persistent success. DON'T HE DECEIVED. Take this advertisement to-your Druggist, and tell him that you want thu best nnd most reliable Female .Medicine in the world, which ft comprised in Hit. CHEES.MAN'd FEMALE riLLHIII Thei have received, and nro now receiving the san ction of the most eminent Physli talis ju America. EXPLICIT DIIICCIIONS with each llU.-liu prlco One lisllar per llax, containing from iu tobO Pills, Pills sent by mail, promptly, by remitting the price to Hie Proprietors, or nn authorized Agent, iu currail funds, Suld by Druggists generally. HUTIllNliS t HILLYUIt, Proprietors. ell Cedar Street, New York. ITT" Sold in Illooiniburg, by Eytr Sc. Moyer, anil E P Lull, Feb. is, leOI.-ly, SCIIOLASIIII'S FOtt SilLI!. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Illughaiuptin " " Crittenden ritlladolphla. Strntion.llryaiit il Co.. " " ThcsB Scrips, are Inninnunts nf SIS ami .Vt and nru is so much cash, by the Student nn entring either ofthe above Colleges. Young men desiring toobtaiu n finish ed Collegiate Education, will here And u good specula tlon by apnlriii at vkt otf.c ofthe utyt.rtst eokVMWiA bhnoka f ! m V -.e.tVi'Kj.-rr-V'-..'V 1 KM i 1 I I IIOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A part and powerlnl Tonic, collective and alterative of wonderful efficacy In disease of the STOMACH, LIVlilt AND BOWELS. Csres Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, tiei'sfa Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Con stipation, Co.Tb, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps I sun ppnsms, nncr.rm i oinniiiiiits oi eitutr Bex, arising iroin iionny tveasness 1 whether Inherent lu the sy'stein or' I ' produced by special I NoTilun that Is not wholesome, genial ond reitors live In Its nature enters into the composition of 110s) THTTEU'S STOMACH I1ITTE8. This popular pre piiratloti contains no mineral of any kind, iiodetill I ; botanical element ! no fiery excitant I but it Is a comb' na.ion of (tho extrncts nf rare balsamic herbs and- plants Willi the purest and mildest of all diffusive stim- ; ulents. It is well to he forearmed against disenso, and, so far as the human system can be protected by human insans against maladies engendered by nu unwholesome at mosphere. itmiure water nnd other external rauses, 1108 TETTER'S HITTER may bu relied on as n safe- t guard. i In dislrlits Infested with Vertr anttgm. It His becrl , found infallible ns a preventive and irresistible as a remedy uud thousands who resort to it under appre hension of aiiallack, escape the scourge ; and thnusxuds who neglect to nvnll themselves of Its protective qual ities lu advance, nru cured by n very brief course o , tills marvelous medicine. Fever nnd Ague patients, alter being palld Willi quinine for mouth lu vain, on. til fairly sntuiatod with that dangerous nlka'oid, nru not iiulreqiieiitly restored tn health within a few days by the use of lll)-Tr,TTi:Il'S IIITTEIlS. The wink stomach Is rapid')' Itltlgornt'-d and the ap petite restored I y this agree ible Tonici nnd hence il worKr vrnndets In eases nf Dispepsla nnd In less con- , nrmed foriui of ludiuesiioti, Acting ns a gentle and intniess npperient, as well as upon the liver, italsu nvH-ia'.ily relieves the Constipation super induced bv trri'ioiiii action of the digestive nnd secretive organs' PeisiM.- of feeule habit liable Aircoui JIUatkt, Leu ne el -juritsnnil File cf Languor, find prompt and lernian.'iil relief from lh Hitters. The testimony vn his point Is most conclusive, and from bom seles ThetiL'nuy nf llillius Colic is Immediately nssiiagcd by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it. the return of theeoinidaint mav be ore- I vented I As a cenernl Ton'c, IIOSTETTER'd Iliri'ERS pro-' ducei Ifiicts w hlch must be experienced or witnessed before llieycnu be lullynpp eclated, lu cases of Con stitiitional w. akness, premnture decay and debility and i decrepitud'! arising from old uge. it exercises lh.' elee. I trie tntltieiicu lu the eon, a e cent si ages u full diseases it operates ns a delightful invUornut. When the pow. crsol nature are relaxed, it operates tn reinforce and I re establish them. Last, but not ' asl, it the outs siifo . stlmulenl, b-iug manufactured from sound nnd innocu ous materials, uud entirely free from the nclil elonieittt ' present more or less in an me oruinury tonics and 1 stoniachlcsof thed.i). ' No family medjcine has ijccri so universally, and It may be truly nuded, aeilrredly popular w tth the Intelli gent portion of the community, m. II OSTETI'E It'll 111 ITERS. Trepared by ' HOSrET'lER & SMITH, PITISIlI'Rdll, Px. C7"Solil by all Druggists, Uiocert and etorekespars cveryw here, November 21, 1303-ly. UELMBOLD'S Genuine. Proparatious. COMPOUND FLUID EXTKACT nUCIIU, a post, tue and specific yeuiety for ol'llu bls.ldjr Kidneys, Cravel. nnd dropsical sKellinzs. 'i'his me diiine in i reuses the p.nn r r of tildes linn nn.l eirile the alisinbeiils into healthy artrotr. br wlin ii the Wnicry or ' nliareous deposition's, end irll Unnatural F.nUrgeiueuieuts are reduced, bs well as pain nudiii. fljmalton. UELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCIIU. For weakness arising froin Rissssei, habits uf His tipution. Early Indiscn lion of Abuses, iillenJ. .1 with the fullr wing s) mpliiiiis :w Imli pcsitiou to Exertion. Lessor I'onsr Loss of tleiimr), OlfDriilty uf Vrrstlllllg Weak Nerves, Trembling Horror of Di-ens-, p,un inths (l, k Universal Lassitu is of the Musrular System, Hot Hands, Eruptions cu the Pjse, Dryness nf the SVin. I; ushiug of the lli di, i&s Pallid I'outilenance. Tliese s inplnms. if allowed to go on which Ibis lueiliritie jnv.ii i.ilitv removes, soon follows iMrinrxcY, I'nmt, Criurnc I'lTT. In one of ihirh th" Patient m.,y rquiro Who can say Hint lli nre not frequently fullnnsd by those "Direinl liiseus,-s " "I.NSAM'I'Y AMI CttN'SI'MPTION." Jinny are nw ar of Ihe c iuse nf tin ir culTci Inc. I, tl none will confess Ihe records of ths Insane A.yliitui, And melHiirlii'ly deaths b Coiisuiupinm bea a npe w ilness to the irulli of Ihe nssrriion The I onstitutiou one iff'ited nil organic wi-Akness requires tin aid of Me.'i, in ' to strengihen ami Imie njate llio systsiii. winch Helinb.til's i xtracl in variably does. A trial will convince His most iksptissl -:o;- FEM ALES FEMALES. In many nfl'ectlons peculiar to Females Iho Exlrtol lluchu is iimquilled by any other remedy, ns in I. hln rosis or Hi tentinii, Irrrgularily. painfulncss, nr Sup pression of Customary Evacuations, ulcerated or scir rhous stale nf thd Uterus, Lcuilmrrlicax or Whites, Sterility, and fr nil complaints incident tothesci, whether arising from indiscretion halijli of diiiini. Hon, or in the DECLlNfl OR CIIANQE OP Lim. Take no more Balsam Mercury, or imnlesisnt M.i. cines for unpleasant and dangsrniis diseases Helm, j hold's Extract lluchu and Improved Rose Wash curst secret diseases in nil their ttaget. At little expense, I Little or no change in diet. No inconvenience, an no ; exposure. j It causes a frequent desire and givet strength to Url-1 nate. thereby removing nhttructiuiii, preventing and I curing stricture! of tho Urethra, allaying pain nud in n.iraui.irlon, so frequent in the class of diseases, nud I expelling all pnisont ilisensed nnd wornuut matter, i Thousands upon thousands who have been the vic tims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to bo cured in n short time, hove found thsy were deceived ' and that the 'POISON" has, by the use of "powerful astringents" been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriueo. I Use Helmbnld's Eitract lluchu for all alTectiont and j diseases of thu Urinary Organs, wncthcr ciisting In .Male -ml Feuinle, from whatever cause originating and i nn matlerof how long Handing. Discuses of thesu Organs requires the aid nf niur. ' ctic, llelmboid's Extract lluchu is the Great Diurelle. ami Is certain tu have desired elTtct in all Diseases for which It is recommended. Evidence of Hie must reliable and responsible char acter will accompany tho medicine. l'rlcc $1 per Bottle, or G for $5. Delivered to toy address, securely packed from obser ration. Describe symptoms in all boinmunica'ions, Cures guaranteed, advice gratis. Address leltsts lor information to II. 11. HELMIIOLD, Casmlsi, IUI South Tenth, st., below Chestnut, Phila. IIELMIIOLD'S Medical Depot, HELMUOLD'S Drug and Chtmitol li'archoun, 5114 IIroabway, New Yoik. ricwaro of Counterfeits and unprincipled dealers who endeavor to dispose "of their own" and other" articles on Hie reputation attained by Iklinliolrl's Gen- tune i-reparations, i.nraci uucuu,i;iiract Sarstparili Improved Ro.e Wash, FOR SALE R Y All Druggists Everywhere. ASK FOR HELMIIODIVB. TAKF NO OTHER Cut out the tdverlitamtnland tend for it. Cheap Groceiy Slorc JlLSO nATS, CAPS Ai snoKo II HEiiniterslgneri UVlhg tsOligtit out the Oroee..'. I Uavld Ptrours, lias removed hit Hot and Can friX.0 jptOBlroup'toldttand, whr In tdditloo to a isi Hor atietlniont of ""pt. FALL AND WINTER j3 ITfitS and Caps, 0ONFE0TIONAUIES, OUACKllirs, olasses, fltiRitr, Coffco, Tcaw, Tobacco. Snuff, Cigars, Hpitiea, Dried Fruit, Uutiot, Coal Oil, J)ri,g, I'nrlflr and Hand LhuiL Books, w rltmg Pupor & ' llardwart nnd Ctdarware, Pi cket Knives i Cumh .Jr., cj-c, .J-c, ' Together nllll n vttltly of artltles generally ksei t . gtoro. Alsn-A lino lot of KlDH, MOKOt.EOa and Ltm.n.L. nhirhheinvlUitheattntlon of Shoetnaktrs slid it!! public. I JOHN K. OIItToil lll""""(""'""','IS3 I Keep Your Eye ON THIS PLACE, sitcOiSb Arrival OF NEW GOODS! HAD enlarged and greatly Improved hit Store Boon and slocked it with large and superior Htoek i) HPItlNO and SUMMER GOODS, which will b. solj low ns al ny other csloblishment In the country, Calicos at 10, 18, 2(1 nnd ." cents. Muslins, llhat hid and Urown at 23,23 up to 48 cftifi. ' IHlESd GOODS of every shade, quality affd price i a full linn nf Domestic Hoods, vis. i CftocXt, r'trlpcs. Ticks, Llnneii and Cotton Table Diaper, Ginghams, Nankreni, 4c , Ac. goud supply of Ladles Shoes and Uailsrs New stock of Hats uud Cups, 111 Wotl Ingrain and Coltago rnrpcts splsudld article lust opened und fur tats, A fresh supply uf Groceries and Spices, a now lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARK. MACItllltAL by the quarter, half and wtiole bsrrst Nos. I and U, medium nud large, Also, a largo auJ splenJid assortment of new designs. AIsu, a new lot of TUUXKtf slid Oil Cloth SatMs. Ilnvlug bou'gl.l theje goods before lbs lata rls's, I tn preparedtis sell low, cheap as the sheapsst fur sash jr soiintry produce. WE STUDY TO TLEASK. Idoouisburg. May 1'.', led. The Berwick House. Reruir.k, Columbia c., l'f undersigned would rs spettfuUy aanannrat,, jjf his fuiends and the sublic rsntrulir, ihst having leased '.his well-known housn ho has glvss 1" athorougU renovation, The rnorns hovehceu re psvsi ed nndthe emirs establishment elgsntly r farm, Iui, lleing pleasantly and eligibly located, and pro, 1,1,1 with all the requisite soiivenieuces, it offers to lira public the combised ndvnntpges of A F'irst-Olass'Bolel: 1111 TA11I.E w ill alwuvi be supplied wlm the best is. liinrken url'oid, and lll.i IKItwitli the rboice.t Ii quors. Pravellers drovers, umtislers, boarders, c uecotmnodiiied to g.-neml latisfactiou Careful and ss rommndatiiig Hostlers always in etusdMus. Siabl i ts e must ivuuiplete and citun.iie ui this tertion J. P. SIHRUT. MsyJ. IfM. MORE MEN WANTED! REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES. L.UKir: ARRIVAL 01 DO I TsTsO AT PETER ENT'S STORi:, ix uaitr &niy.i;r, colvjwi.i mu.rrr. rj HAS Just received from Philodelpli , e.nd 'is.,,, opening at the old stand late y occupied t Mstw I'.nt, a splendid nssoitiuent uf M EKCIT A jS1 D1Z B which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stoekeonslsts of Ltiliss Dicss Oaodt sCio.iestslvlM and latest fashiuns Lnlieoi, Mu:liri8, Ginghams, Flnuuels, Unrpet!., Sltatilp, HoBlerj, Silka, READY MADE CLOTHING. CasFituorgJ, SatinoU, Cottonadoi, Kentucky Jtn, ittread, &o. i Qrocp.rioB , ' Quccnawaro, Cetlrware, Hardware, Motlicinw, Drugi, Oils, Ptintn, ROOTS & SHOES. nATS & CAI'3.' In shon ery thing usuliy kept in a country slots. 1 he patronage of old friends, and tho public stoiiara I ly. Is respectfully to idled. The highest market price paid for country produsa. Light Street, April 30, 18fi,. l'ElBll ENT. National Hotel. (Late White SwanA RACE STREET, AROVK THIRD PHILADELPHIA GEO. L1GHTCAP, PuorniBTon. Formerly f,om Ea&le Hotel Lebanon, Pa JOS. IIOUSIIM, Ciaas, ! March t, HJfil'-l'Jm. jNos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Courtlnndt street NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK CIT- This old-established and farorite resort of iho-Ilusl-nest Coiuinmilty hat been recently refitted, and it com plete in everything that can minister to tho souiforlt of itt patrons. Ladies and families are tpeclally and care fully provided for. It is centrally located in tho business part of lk tlty, and It contiguous lo the principal lines c.f steamboats, cart, ouinibuitet ferriet, fee, Iu consequence of the pressure caused by tht lUbtl lion, prices haro been reduced to One Dollar at tl lifty Cents per Day. Tht table It amply supplied with all the ludurlus of the season, and it equal to that of any utkor hotel lu Iht country, Amplu accommodations iuu oilercd for upward cflPO guests. Uv" Do not believe luuiiert .tiackmou, aud trlhert who uuy tuyUiQ Western Hotel Is full." D. D. WtNCtWsHTitUs, PieprltWf TIIOfl.B, WWVHSITfiiV lr rt, X,U.