Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 01, 1864, Image 3

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Saturday Morning, Oct. 1, 18G-1.
tl g)gwi himiibh 1111111 ii iiTrni sisiii iiiHiiiiii imtwtm
iST Mr. F. DnKttn, a few days ogo, fell
Booldontally anil broko his ntm.
pay- Judgo RhwKLfi is tbia wcok hold
og Court In Sullivan county,
tjSj" MaJ. Knows haf coniplolcd hii fine
lartzo Brick Stable. It is tbo best in this
County, f-'izo 135 bv 40 feet.
jgy Tho abolitionists here nro using the
bulletin board for placarding lying cam
paign dooutneuts.
Sorg'tGEO.'W. SrnuNEU, bai aont
us a letter frotn Barmuda Hundred, which
will apponr in tbo noxt Democrat.
JJQT The Editor who condescends to go
about tlio streets peddling and tolling com
plimentary circus liokstB, must havo but
a litnitod amouut of reaped for himself.
5Qjf Wo tssun our paper on Friday, in
order that all hands may attend the great
Democratic Meeting, this afternoon, t
Orangavillc, and this cvoning in Blooms
burg. 1ST Froinont lias declined being Pres
ident. Old Abo has turned Post Master
Goneral Blair out of office. Wo tupposc this
was a part of the consideration by which
the Woolly Horso was bought off of the
fits? Mr. J. J.BitowEU, who, with sev.
eral others of us, lost hi slttblo by the
fire, in last July, has oreoled upon its ru
ins a new and beautiful building, which is
about completed,
C Democrats, a week from next
Tuosday cornea the great contest in Penn
sylvania. Are you armed for the conflict?
Freemen, to action, and let our victory be
decisive glorious overwhelming.
Cr2r Wc understand some cowardly
Loyal Leaguers arc endeavoring lo pet a
compauy or two of the roldiers up the I
creek, to continue there during the winter,
for what purpoo may be imagined.
t3f We cnutiou our friends ag-tinst be
lieving any abolition reports of (success in
tho army, between this and tlio election
They will be electioneering htories und gut
uf, for tiT'.'ct. Bo wary and awako.
C3 Tho Columbia O'liiuty Agricultural
Soeioty will hold its Ninth Annual Fair,
it Blooinsburg, commencing on Tliursil ty,
tlio 1 Dili of October, and continue three
S A Pole Itaiiing ami Democratic
Mocting,will take to-day, Saturday,
October 1st nt Hunch Haven. Dfiuo
eraf, attend. Hurrah for MoCMlun and
Peudloton. i
A Monster Punid.-iii Mr. Timma
McOaUVY, of Madi-on towiichip, lUU
county, has raied a pumpkin thin season,
not yet full grown, which weighs forty lbs
and incisures around, two inches less,
than live feet.
&& Wo call attention to tlio Cnrd of
Mr. Mattsou, No. -10,!, Market .Street,
Philadelphia, who offt-rs nalc, a supe
rior lot of lhiffalt) Ruht.s, Mr. M , oilers
raro bargains in this lino. We know him
to be a gcntloniaii and a very fair dealer.
fS" You hear cvcrvboH stnirinn how
glad he or alio will he wheti "Johuny
comes marching homo." If ihey want
Johnny ever to come marching homo,tboy
m3t vote for McClellan. If Abo Lin
coln is re-elected, Johnny will nvor come
marching haute. He may bo carried, a
-.f ' '
fl5y- We have seen so many Soldier's
Letters that wo are convinced of one thing
that the army voto is for McClellan,
and if the returns do not show
there will bo fiaud or forco or
bring about a differcut re.'ult.
so, that
both to
Let us
BSU On Frida) the Now York Tribune
quoted against Little Mao and the "Cop-
perheads" a most loyal and patriotic ex -
. ,. , c
tract, Which It Orodltod to Stephen A.
DoudaS. The CXlract turtlod OUt to bo a
part of Gen. McOlellan's West Point
Oration. Shod dy was badly sold.
Fooled Aoain. Tho Abolitionists hero
had their Flag out again last Monday i
and Tuosday, for tho Jail of Mobile, It
was so reportod by ono of tha lying tele- (
grajxhia despatches, with which tho coun-1
try is cursed, but up to Thursday tbo sur-
render of Mobile was unknown to Secre
tary Stanton. The weakness of such crea
tures is more pitiable than despicable j
j-ay It is reported that loss thau 200
men remain, of tho soldiers heretofore sent i
into this county. Wo learn that prepara- !
tions are making for tho trial of our citi-
tens, nut wo Know oi no outciai iniorma
tion to that elTcot, nor whether they are to
havo the chance to procuro witnessos in
their defense. It is also wbisporod, that
Col. Stewart, who was in commaud of the
expedition, has been arrested, on several
charges, and has been, sent to Fort Mifflin
fur trial, Wo give tho report as wo hear
Up with Ibe Flag I Sound the
Music I Tbo McClellan ni&reh has com-
lociiced. It's work is to clear the Whito
Houso for'l.ittle Mao1' and give bim el
bow room to restore the Union.
n utter,
l:0(!8 . .
dmed Arrived,
1 (in
1 so
II AY by the ton.
20 OH
CHICKENS, per pair. 35
Teeuiiilc disclosures-secrets
million i
A most vnluab c and wonderful nnMlrMlnn
A work
III 4IK) llOUCS. Till 311 CO ored eiiorimliiii. 1111 hum
j i.ii h vaui: ni .gum, nn oilglnnl mid popular tieat
lo. mi Man mill Woman their Fhnin d..h...
niiil Sexual disorder of over kiml with never falling
i.c-mcuies inr mcir spceiiy cuio. The pnctlcoorilr
Hunter has long been nnj Is, unbounded, but at
Ibe earnest solicitation of numerous persons he has
hfcnlnilucod to extend lil. medical usefulness through
he medium of bl. "VADBMHOUM III. a volume
that should bo in the hands of avcry lamlly In the land
mi a preventive nf secret vices, or as n guide for tlio
nlleviallon of i,ne of lliu most nwfnl nnd destructive
siirurges ever visited mankind, One copy securely en.
volopert will be fotwnrded tree ofpostngo to any part
ortho United States for 50 rents In PO stamps.
Address, post paid, Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Division
Street, New York.
May g, ISOi y.
Uniformity o! Prices I A New feature in Outlines
1. very ono his own Suleiman t JONES U CO. of Hie
CresentOnol'rlce Clothing filorc,No.20l Jlarkctstrce
above Hlitli, rhiladrlphln,
Inadditlunto liavlnir thu Inrepst, most vnrled and
rn.lilnnabla stork oruiothlntr In l'lilladelphla. modaex.
prcssly for retail rales, havo constituted cvory one
Ills own snkinan, by having marked In figures, nn ennli
arlltloat tho vcrylciwosl price It can bo sold for so they
cannot possibly vary all must buy alike,
'Mia Bunds arc well sponged and prepareitnnd rjrent
pains taken wltlitlio. making so that all ran buy with
the full assuranca ol getting a good urllclu nt tho very
lowest price. Also, a large slock nfplpcp goods on hand
of the latest stylo and best 'pialitles, which will ho made
toorder, In tlio must fashionable and best manner, 25
per cent, below credit prices.
Ilenicmbor tho Crescent. In Muikct above Sixth street
sol Joni;s & t;o.
EYE & 15 All.
Professor 1. ISAACS, M. M Oocuust and AtmtsT
formerly of Ledon, Holland, Is now located ntNo.511
I'l.NL' Street, i'lin.AoiiriiiA, wliern persons nlllicted
with dlseniesnr tho i;VK and UAIt will ho clcntiA
idly treated and rured, If curable. tC7 Artificial
Lyes Inserted w itlmut pain.
N. It Noiharges muilefnr Uxainlnallon. TlieMed
ical faculty inviieil, us ho lias no secrets io his
mode of treatment.
July -2. Ifiil.-l'.'m
riVU ANATOMIC All ENanAvisas.
Has information never before published.
Sent free in a sealed envelop for ten cents.
Address, Dr. STANFORD,
Dux No. 4,052 New York P. 0.
July 9, lfi!l-3m
nerre of in
I ill llliri lor Hie Im'iii III, and as n caution to Young
V .! nun other., vlio hiillcr from Fervous Debility,
I mnatii't.' I)ecii .f .MaiMiood, Acc., supplyln" at the
m o tiin,.' tho Mcim of MLr-Ci'iiii lly ono bn has
, Hied himself lift, r umlerg ling considorahle irunrkcrv
111 riirl"lng a lo.tpald ndclrcssed ciivclopo tinu'le
( npies m-iy be hrd of Him author.
Juiib4, Ihlil.- ly llrnnkljn, Kings co N, Y
('oiisumplivo suffjrers will receive n valu ilile
prescription fur the pure of Cnniiininllnn. Asthma.
Ironrhiti., and nil throat and lung uuToctinns, (ftoeof
marge, j by sending their addres. In
Her. EI1VV Mil) A WILSON',
Williamsburgh, Kings ro ,
Pfpt 2'. lL-am New York
U. S.
Tlie Bcrrrtary of the Trea.urv elves nolleo lhal sub.
srrlpliuns will lm friivvd for Ciuipnn Ttcnuirv ote,
payable three yearn from Aug. Uth 1-iil, wlihseiui.
annual interest at the rale of seven mid lliree.tenlhs
percent, per milium. prlnrlpal and Intu'CM both to
paid in lawful ninopy,
These'nole. willho couvertllile pt thn nptlnnnf tho
holder at maturity. Inln sit per cent, cold bearing
boniU, payable not less than five nor more than twenty
years from their dntn, as the Coveriimeut may elect.
'I'hev will bo i.ui'd in denomination, of ,.'H, $100,
S.ia. f I.0O1 and Sl.pnn, nnd all subn-rlptiuin un,t bo
lor lilly dollarit or Mime luului 1,. of 1'ifiy il,dl,ir'
'I lie notes will be traunmilled to tls- owner- free of
liaiixportatiou charges ,n wii alter ibe ntcipl ul' the
ungiunal liiiliricalei. of Dupusitds they tun bu prepar
ed. As the noti'k draw Interest from August 11, pori-ons ileposils tulij. .pieut to Hut i.ale must pay thu
mieren npprued fro m dale of nolo to d.itefof ileupQHl
Parties despoiing twenl-tivo thouiuiid ilidl.irsau
upwards fortbec notes at any one time will l,e allow
l.i a coiiimifHou t"f one 'piaiter ul one per tent.,
which will be paid by tno Trenmry Depiirtment njMjn
Hie r n ol a bill fortlu niimiiiil, certified lo ty the
nllic-u w itli w hoin tho deposi'u was nnide. No deduction
fur cnniioisioners niiiFt be made from
Itis l Naiionm. Swwh l) ofTriuij a hlshcr rate
of nit. r.xl lliuii enj oilier, mid the best tirurHu. Any
saiiiiisbank which nnj s ils doiunitiors in II. S Notes.
(on-iUcrs that It Is paying ill the best circ-ulntiing me-
, , " . , T. . i , ,,i,i ,
WHEAT, per bushel, 9 25
RYE. " ' 1 25
CORN, 1 50
FLOUR per Ijbt. 12 oil
cLovi'itsGr.n, b ao
flaxseed . in
UUCKWIIEAT Flour. 4 00
7-30 LOAN.
num. i me otiiiuj, i" n i.....i. i-.; . ( euiitied to vote, allliougli tney snail not liave p.ud lax
trr, for it own n-sets me either in government sicur- "No pvrson shall lie permitted lo vote whose n.iine
nb'sorin notes or bonds pnjable in government pa is not coNtuiiml in the li.l of taxable Inhabitant,, fur
' 1 ' e nished by the Cnmmissioiiurs, unless, First he pioiluce
per. " i a receipt of payment, w ilhiii two tears, oi" tiale or
It Is equally couvenicnt as a temporary or p"rmanent Lounly tax asses. ed ngrecaSiy lo the Constitution, and
investment. Tho nolo s ran ulwav . be sold for w itbln pv" sat isfai lory evidence on Ins own oath or lUfirma-
1 ' , - , , . j I Hon ot another tkat hi: lias paid sucha tax, or in fail
a frartion face mid accumulated interest, and j uru , ,,(0,iuco receipt shall make oath to Hie pay
are the best security with banks as cidlaterslr fur ills- i mut thcieof ; or second, il hu claim a right to vote by
count. bei..gun elector between the age of twenty one and
j. ..ii . i-- i ,- or, r),l 1 t only-two years shall depose on oath or allirmatiou.
Lonveitibk ino a Six per cent. i- 20 Gold ,, ,ie httJ jC(11t.j , u.laio.,, i,.lutllu yuar ier.ire
Jlotld his uppluiiliou, ami make such proof of resilience in
' the district as is required by this act, and tint he due.
In addition tn tli very liberal interest on the notes 1 vril) believe from the account given lino that Ise is
r.i, ihtee vears. this nrmlesu of conversation is now 1 Vr 'booiiu iilotesaid, and given such oilier evidence as
wurth about three per rent, per milium, for the current
int.. lor 5 1 Honda is not less than nine fir crxt. pre
roium, and befuro the war the premium on six pi r
cent. U. S. Hocks was over twenty per cent. It will
be seen that the actual profit cm the loan, ut the prcs
(.nlmarkctrute, isnot less than ten per cent, per an
num. Its Exemption fom Slate or Municipal
Hut aside from all Hie advantages we have ennnicr
aled.u special Act uf Congress eieinpf all Saads and
Treasury nero run Cora tatation. On tho aversge,
tins exemption is wurih about two per cent, peran
um,,. fippnrdiiiL' in the rate of taxation iu various parts
Uf the couniry.
" "' n0 f"t B"" '"f""'
iiicuis o lenders as tnose issued by the government,
In oiher forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability
of private parlies, or stock compaines.or separate com
luniiitiws. onlv. is idedeed for .payment, while the
whole property oftlio country isheld to seuire the dis
charge of all the obligations of the United States.
While the government oeffrs thu most liberal terms
for its loans, it believes that the veryslrongert nppeal
will bo tn tho loyally and patriotism nf the people.
Dublicato certificates will bo issued fur all ileepos
lis' Tho parly despositinp must endorse upon tho or
igUa certifi rata the denomination of notes required ,
and whether they are to bo issued iu blank or payable
toorder. When so itidursad it must be left with the
officer receiving Iho dcaposit, to be forwarded to the
Treasury Department,
Si'o.cRii'Tioss vvilc, ne nrcetvrrs by Iho Treasury of
thu United Slates, at Washington,, thu several Assis
tant Treasurers und designated Depositaries, and by
First National Rank of Danville Pa.
and by all National Hanks which are depositaries of
public money, and
throughout the country will givo further Information
Aug. 13, rCI,-2ui
II. c.
RFBPECTFULLY offers his profess
lonal services tn the ladies and gentle
S. men oi moumsuuii; uuu viiim,,. lie is
"iiri'imrod in atteiiilto all the various
op.'iatlons iu the line of his profession, and is provided
u itli fie latest liunruvcd VOliCKL.1L TFF.TII : which
w.ll lieliuerted on gold, plntinn. silver and rubber base
tnlookwidl as the uatiitnl teeth
.Mineral plate nnd block leeih manufactured and all
o) erritiens on teeth, carefully and properly attended lo,
Residence and of.ire u lew dours abovo the Court
Home, same side.
HI lO.nshurg. June It lii3
AlBiBSSlB 8ia!P
j Shop in Oouit House Allr, below Dmittu Offietv
Vovsmber U, 1SS3.
General Elcotlon Proclamation.'
Wltr-IIDAS, In and by an art of Osnotal Amrably
of tbo Commonwealth of Pennsylranla, cntltlod "An
monwealih." It Is enjoined upon mo Io give publlo no.
ties of said election and to enumerate in said notice '
iV irr " 10 bo c,'ct,,1. JUStAII It- PUIIM AN,
. tuuiii oi uoiuninia, no nerouy maso
known nnd give this public notice to the electors of
tbo county of Columbia, that a Ooneial Election will
bo held in said county, on tho
at the several elertlnn districts, rlf i
I loom township, at tho Court House, In nloomihurg.
Ilenton tho public homo of Jobu i . Btilvs
Hi Mir, u,vil U lIQUlOn
Denver town. Inn. nl Hi. ..i.I.IIm lm...n ..t t
lltlarcreck tuinsblp, yt the publlo School Ilotuie
near Evanitlllo.
Iloruujh of llcrwlck, nt the Town House, In the list,
Catawlya ton tishlp, nt tho public houso of Samuel
Centre townslmi.nt ih l.n. t i,,ii, n... j..
Cnnvnehani town.liin. ni ii.n ,.,ii.iu i.A..... e ii....l...
Wasser. (
PlshlnePreek Inivn.lii,,. nl ilm ....Liin i,...,.. np nA...
Jamln Al7lienr7 " ' ' I
i minim lowinnip, niLiayion's School House.
tJrecnwnod township, at the bouse Palton. 1
Hemlock town.hln. nt Hie hii.,.1. II.,.., ..
Jackson township, at the homo of Eaoklol Colo.
Locust towushlp, ut the publlo houio of John L.
Ili'rst, in Hbihtown,
Jlltnin township at the public Houso of John Keller.
Madison township, at tho puhlle house or Samuel
11 1 in by.
Alt, Pleasant township, at liio house of Tho. Jones.
Jlontonr township, at Hie houso of Wm.llullln.hesd,
Malno township, nt the public house of John A. Shu.
Iluaringcreek township, at tho house formerly oceu.
pled by Ooorgo V. Drelsliach,
t. ranee tow n. tiln. ni n,i. t,i.ilp i,nu.n r Ain.n..,in.
Hughes, In Orungovllla,
Pino townsl l.. nt the house of Albert Hunter,
bngarlonf township, at the home of A, Cole,
Scott township nttbo public house of J, 1), March-
At which time and plncn the qualified Ucetos will
elect by b.illot tho roliuwlng DliltUt and County odl
cers, vit:
One person to reproscnt the 13lh Congressional Dis
trict in the House of Representatives uf the Congress
of the United Stales,
One person to represent tho counties of Columbia
and Jlontour in the Houso of lleprc-entntlves in tko
lieneral Assembly of Pennsylvania
One person for the office of eheriirol tha oounty of
One person for Commissioner of tho county of Co
lumbia One per. on for Auditor for tho county of Columbia,
It is further directed that the election of the several
lUslrkts shall bo opened between tho hours of Bund II)
o clock in the foienoon, and shall cnnlliiuu open with
out Interruption mid adjournment uilnl 7 u'Jock lu tho
evening, when the poll, shall bu cio-eil.
It isfurther directed that tin- meeting of tho return
Judges in the Court lloii.e, In lllnoimbure, In make out
the (Imeral Election, will he lac Mtli day of
October next,
'i'hu return Judges of the 1 3 1 It Dislric',
conipo-cd or the counties of llradlord, Colmiibla.Muii
tour, Sullivan and Wyoming, shall meet at the Court
Houso In Tuiikhannoi k, In the roiinty nf Wyoming, on
luesday, the Ir-th day of October next, to make mil tu
larin fur Member of Congress.
1 )ir return Judges uf the Il-prefciilntlvo nii-trkt,
composed of the counties ot Columbia and Mouluur,
shill meet at the on
Tuesday, the Ifcih day of October next, to make out ro
turns lor .Member of Asssembly.
That every prson excepting Jaitlcos nf the Peaco
who shall Hold any ollice or appointment of profit or
trust under Hie United States, or any city or incorpo
rated district, whether n commissioned oihcer or other
wise a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be
emplojed under the Lcglslature,executiv or Judiri ify
deparment of this Stoto, or of any city or of an in
rnrimrntcil dUlrict, and that also. lhatover memlier
of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of Hie)
select or commoii council of any city, or commission
ers or any Incorporated district, is by law Ineapiildo of
holding or exercising nl tha time, the oltio or appoint
incut of Judge, Inspector ur Clerk of an election of
this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or
other officer ul' such election shall beeligibL-lo be then
voted lor.
And tho said net of Assembly entitled "an net rela
ting to elections uf this Commonwealth," passed July
2, IrM'.l, further provided as fellows, lo wits
"That the Inspector nnd Jailers shall niictat the re
spectlvo places appointed for holding the election in
inn inairicini which iney respectively iisiong. before '
ri o'clock in the morning of the SECONII TUESDAY
IIP OCIOIILIt, and said Inspector shall appoint emu
Cl.-rk, who shall bu a iuulilK-d vuler of jnrh district.
"In case thu person who shall have received lh-highc-l
number of votes for luspeitor slull not attenJ
on the day of any election lueii the pcison who shall
hau reielvcd tho second hiuln-st iiumberof voles for
Juilgoiitth next preceding election shall act as Inspect
or iu bis plurc. AnH in inse t lie person w lm has ru
reived the serond higlie-t number of voles for unpen
or shall not attend, the person elertcil Jn Ige shall np
point nn Inspector iu his place ; and if any vacuo )
still continue iu the board for tho space of one hour
alter the time fixed by law for the opening of the elec
tion the qualified voters ol the township, 'ward or dis
trict fur which Fitrli oilker shall lii v .i been elerteil
present at the election, shall eleel one of tneir number
i in lil I the wicntie).
I "It shall be Iheduly of the several Assessors resp-ct-
ieiy io at ono ni me place oi noi.nng every general,
special or to-Midilp election during tin whole nine
such election is kept open, lur the purpose, uf giving
information to t lie Inspectors and Judges, when
called on, in relation to the rigbt of any persun asses
sed by them to rule ut such elei linn, ami on such oth
iiiatU'rn in relation to the nan-ssuiont of the
said Inspector or either uf them nh ill front tlm; to
tlni" require.
No persun shall be permuted tn vole at any pk'ctlou
as alnri-s, ild, oilier lliaa a whit- citizen of Hie age nf
iweiiiy-one or mure, wno snail riavs resioeu in this
Stil-at least one y;r. and in tin oleition ili.iript
w here lie uli'erslo vote, ten days immediately preceding
ncli eleitiun, and vvnliii two jears pjiilaStaieor
I ounty tux, which shall have In-eu asie-'ed at least
ten days before the vli'Uion. llul a eltin nf the I'mted
States who has previously b-en a qiialtll.d voter oftlns
Mate and removed tneretroio ,m,l reiurucd, ami who
snail ncv e resiucu in ine i'i'piion oi-trirt an I oald .ax
c-s afuie.said, shall be tntiUed to vote it r residing in
this Statu six mouths rrovuled. 'I ihn while I roe
men, citizens ot tin Cnit'nl Mates, ht-tween the age
f twenty-one and twenl) -twoycars, vylm have tesi led
' in lb" election district ten days lis mores u.l shall be
is required by this act. whereupun the name of Hi,
person so udiuitted to vole shad bu insert ,l in tin, nl
phabeticul list by the hup'ocMr. and a note made oppo
site thereto by vv riling the w nrd -'lax," if ho shall be
admitted lo vole by reason of having paid lav. und th
vvoid 'age' if ho shall uu adinilled tu vuie by reason
of age, and in either case I lie leasou ol' sich a vote
shall be callled out lo the clerks, w hu shall make a iko
uule in the list of v uters kept by th -m.
"In all cases where tlie iiaiiu of the person claiming
to vote is not lound on the list furnished by the Com
missioners, ir his right to voto whether found Iheiu
on or Hot, is objected too)' any qnal'lieil cituen, it shall
bu thi duty of the Inspectors to examine -mUi p, rson
on oath ns tu qualifications, and if h), claims to have
resided within tha State for one yea.-or more, his oath
shall bu sufficient utuof thereol. hut he sh ill mako
prnol by al least ono compeieilt witness, who shall be
a qualified elector, that he has r. sided within the dis
trict lor more than ten days immediately preceding
suiii election, uuu siiun also swi ar cuai ins bona Hue
residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling Is wit h
In the district, and that hu did nut rcmovo within thu
district for thu purpose of voting,
'Uvery person qualified as aforesaid, mid who shall
make due proof il required of His residence und nav-
nieut of taxes nfoiesuid, shall be admitted tu vote u:
tlie township, waul or district, in which lie shall re
si le,
"If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent
uny officer of an election, under this act from holding
such election, or usu or threat-n any violence to any
such oilier, and shall interrupt or improperly interfere
with him in thu execution of his duty, shall block up
or attempt to block up the window or avenue to any
window' where thu suiuu may be lioldcu, or shall riot
ousl) disturb the peace uf such election, or shall use
or practice Intinii Jalion, threats, torcu or violence,
vvllh thj design to iiillueucu undu!) or overawe any
elfctur or prevent him from voting, oi to restrain iho
freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall be
lined ill uny sum u it exceeding five hiiudrvd dollars, lo
be imprisoned fur any lime Hot has than ono "or moro
than twelve mouths, nud if It shall be shown to tko
Court where the i rial ol suth oifenco shall be had, Hut
the person so ofieuding was nol a resident of the city,
waid cs district where thu said offence was comiullled ,
and not entitled to vote therein, on convicliun, he shall
bu sentenced to pay uune of not Ic.s than one hundred
or mure than one thousand dollars, audbe imprisoned
nut less than six umotlu nor more than tw o j ears.
Given under my hind, at my ofiico in HluoiosUiir,
mis tutu day oi neptemoer, Hi tne year o our i.oia
one thousand ight hundred and sixly-CMi.sud in .
the tigbty-ninth of thu independence orrfie United
Sheriffs Office llloouiiburg 31, leOl.
Vive doorsaslow iUre.
Attorney and Counsellor at .aw,
ZJ" Military and other claims promptly attended to.
uciuucr l,ICUJ,
Six Tcacliei s Wanted,
For Conyngham Township Columbia co.
Those piesentluj good ctitifleates will rereive libs ti
sslatles. J. J. HO AQ LAND, Bicfy.
Ssp.1T, HU tt, 1
French Breakfast and Dinner
VtNOtnthereryhlghprleeof eorTee, ami the
J great unncniiy in procuring a good, Uniform and
reliable article our customers hare often expressed a
wish that they could he supplied from first hands. It
was the intention of tho
to do a ililctlV Tea business, but as wo havo had
. some customers living at a d istanco that have relied
upon us to supply them exclusively with Tea and (.'of.
ico, u ocing inconvenient for tliem to coino tu New
York.Tiu OrkatTki, and Corrxn Empohiom of this
country-and as our TcaTaster was possessed ofln.
formation relating to a Cofloe that could be furnished
at n moderate price, and give universal satisfaction
nnd at tic same tl no afford the retailer a handsome
prufitwo havo been compelled to supply ihnso pat
Willi our customers and tbelr sailas hau Increased to
"c" l" we liovp been compelled lo mako
large auumonslo our machinery, which will enable us
rujiju, i, ,u IfVl" Ull'IIIIUI, Vlll 1, IVC Will
inerciuro scuu it to tnoso wno may order.
It is Fast Superseding nil other Coff"ta,
, This Coffee has been ussd for more than a century In
i Paris, and since Its introduction Into this country It
has bees used by some of Hie leading French lies
I tnurnnls here. The Pnrlsla s nro said to bo the best
Judges of coffee j and the great favor In which It is
held by them Is the best rccrummendatlon (hot can be
procured for Us flno flavor and healthy cll'oWs upon
the human system.
We put up but one grade of this coffee, nnd that Is of
a quality that our customers have found from expo
rlouce will give perfect satisfaction and meet all Ibe
;.T?inei: " ,n ionc'1 p"co i,M we
We do all our business on tho most extonslvo scale,
buy by the cargo and sell at only two cents per pound
prom. ' ll"
I Wo Out Un tills ColTen III Itnrrr,!. r.t 10'. Pnon.t.
.each. 'Mils method of pulling it in, save, rrom 1 to
S cents per pound to the customer, and by its being In
n largo quantity It retains In film flavor much longer
in tins rorm than in any other. We send with inch
barrel Show Cards, Circulars Poster., tu assist the
denier to Introduce it to li Is cuitomors, Wo hope our
customers will take pains to havothom well posted up
and.distribiitrd.ns It will be to their advantage to do so.
TliisCotTee we warrant lo give perfect satisfaction,
nnd if It does not please, the purohascr has the privi
lege of relurulng the whole or any part of it within
til) days, and having his money refunded together Willi
all the nxi.cnses of transportation both ways.
Wo isbuc a Price Circular of our TrAS and Corsets,
which we are glad to send fre to all who wish it
Consumers ufCulTue should enqulro for tho "I'reiich
breakfast and dinner Coffee" nnd be sure lhalitvvas
purchased uf tho
Ureal Aiiici'icau Tea Compay,
as & 37 VESEY ST., New Yobk.
July, SJie5L-3m.
i.A3HS FANCY ?mzi
No. 718 Arch St., above 7th,
, P II I L A D E I. P H I A.
I have now in store of my own Im
portation and Manufacture, one of .tho LARGEST nnd
most UEAUlll'UL selection or
Fancy Furs,
for LADIES' nnd CHILDREN'S WEAR in the clly.
Also, n flue nrrorlmentof Cent's Pur Cloves & Collars,
As my Furs were nil purchased when Cold was nt a
much luwcr premium than at prcusent, I am enabled
lu dispose of them at very reasonable prices, and I
tin' rc fore solicit u call from my friends of Country and
H7" Remember the Name, Number and Slreet !
718 ARCH Street, above 7th., south sidoj
E?" I have nn Partner, nor connection with any
other More in Philadelphia!
Sep. 10. ISli-L Bui. "
A Valuable Farm for Sale.
MIE undersigned Offers to sell at pri
vate sale, a valuable Farm mid Plantation, sit
uate in Locust township, Columbia county, nitloiNlng
farms of Moes V Sboeuinker. Eiias tieoige and .Mrs .
.McMurtry, containing about
Tn:o Ilunilicd Acris of Land,
One Hundred of which is clenred, mid iu u good state
of cultivation, mid the balance is well. timbered.
There is erected upon said promisee, a good
Iframc j House,
LOlj HAUN. nidi other out bulletin, good Orclnrd,
ftml k-ctral r trcll.Mit Hprinya of W.ilur on various
purtH of lilt! rami.
I'DSsufttiou jiiv'rii on tin; llrstof next .April,
Z.h rr cniitliiioii.iiinl furihtr piirticulora, npply to
(Uo s u bf tribtr, near the preniWcs.
Agent for iSiiinui'l C. Uuad.
SI( iti'iuher 17, WA linti. .
TeachGiB' Examinations.
17 animations ol I cat-tiers lor Unlututna
comity, will bo held nt the following times audi
Milllin nl Mifilinville. Pep't, li. Maine and Heaver
at Mann ille.'r'ep't lit. Locust and lio.iriugi reek ul
Numedia, Sep't 1 1, t'ntawissa and Franklin at Cuta
wis.,1, Sep'l la. ('nnynuliain at Ci-uiratia. r'ep't lo.
Ilri ircri-ci. and IWwirk at llerwii k, r'ep't ID- Centre
at I'ovvlersviMo, Sep'i -.'0, Orange nt (Irangcvilte.r'ep't
ill. I'l'hingercek at I'ea'-r's School House, Sep'tiJ
Ilenton nnd Suganoaf at tti nton. Sip'l il Srntt nl
Light Street, i-ep't '.'ii. Ml. Pleasant at J s' Schoo.
Ilousf , Sep't eT. Montour at Uietterirk's School llousel
Scp'tal) llloom nl Hloom.burg, (lit, 1st. Hemlock ul
Huckhnrn. Del. '.Id Mnili-oo ut Jerseyinwn, oit 4th.
l'ine at Wnrtu rsvilte, Oct. I th. Creeiiw'ood and Jack
son. at Itnlirsbtire. Oct. Hth.
The exerci.-i s at all tlie auovc places to commence at
9 o'clock 4. M . I
Teachers uru requested lo appear for excminutinn I
beforelhe Directors tu whom they make application fsr
cmpioymetit. I
l'dooinsliurg. Aug. 3, IFfil. i.'nuiily up't
The Pennsylvania State Agri
cultural Society,
t TEt'llCE-irth nud closing FRIDAY Ml'PTHM
m.R llnili, IM'I. Primiiiins over $iU,Uilu Read thu
follow nig abstract : CATTLE, Foreign Imported, 10
piemrims ranging from 30 to all thcr grndes
of t'altle. 31 pr imiuiiis, Irom J.Vi lo S'll ; and 43 pre
miums from to Rest hem of raille, nm less
than lu, ow lied and iKld ns larm slock, lev., SIU;'.'d
best. '.',i Heat Team of 11) Yoke nf Oxen Irom any
county, lu be paid Agricultural Society of said county,
$ui) best, S'Ju
HORSES Rest imported , li premium-, from gioto
SI j ; Thorough-bred, 10 premiums, from Sill in 10:
Tnuttiug Horses und Marcs, n premium of 2300, one of
fejuu, anu one ol s luu, racing, one ol -j.w .Hatched
Horses, fancy trolling, premium nf J'nl, best Matched
Trolling, u pr eniiuin of g3U ; best Druneht, (lelding,
nnd single llorsee, 1 1 prcmliims from gl.'i to $1U ;
Stallions mid Mares for nil work, IS premiums from
S.'.i to 10 : Jncks and .Mules. 7 premiums from .?!. to
4UI,' best Mulu Team of 1, $30; -M best, $13 ; mnking
about Si UUU iu premiums for ull descriptions of Horses
ami .Mules,
IIELP For iInTtrnt kinds, lii Premiums, from JJO
to S1U : M Premiums, from SS tu SI.
POULTRY of almost every kinds premiums ol SI,
.', 3 and .1, In the asgregato of SjlS,
Agricultural Implements Host display 930. Steam
Plow Slot), mudul or special diploma, and liberal special
premiums for plows, plowman, rollers, cultivators,
wagons, die. The premiums in oilier departments are
literal, being for leather nnd its manufactures, butler,
cheese, &c. vegetables, fruit, melons, grapes, wines,
tlnwers and thei, designs, stoves, tin ware, ice, dom
estic manufactures, needle work, be, fine arts, pain
ting and punmanship, display of aitlales by trades
man and mechanics, silver ware, sewing inuclunrs,
pianoes, &.c.
Tint above being n mere abstract, exhibitors are re
quested tu secure a catalogue so thai they may con
torm lohe rcg illation of the Society, in presenting
unities for exhibition. The most liberal arrangements
arc b ing effected with railroads geneinlly, both as to
freight and excursion tickets, For catalogues and
ruilmid regulations, address the Secretary.
Single Admission tickets, j cents,
THOMAS P. KNOX President.
A. II. LONHAKER, Secretary.
Sept IU, li.6l.-3w
Estate of Jacob Eyerly, deceased.
JETTER-l Testamentary on tho esale of Jacob Uy.
j erly, late of lllooni township, Columbia county
decensed, liavo been granted by Iho Register of Willi
&c.,tothe undersigned both residing in llloomsburg. All
persons Having claims ng i".i iho estate of the decen
dent nro requested to pn - ut them to iho Executors,
without delay, und ull p . is indebted to in ike pay.
ruentforlbwilh Ml IAIJL F, EYERLY,
A ui. Exeeuton
Estate of Gide n Fishet , deceased,
T ETTERS of tKlministration on tho
I j Estate of Gideon Fi -lier late oflleavcr township,
Columbia county, deceas I, hsve been granted by the
Itegl-ter of Columbia county to the undersigned ; re
siding in Heaver township j all persuns having claims
against tho estate of th decedent are requested to
present ibeni lolhe admin , Iratrix, without delay, aud
all persons indebted to m ike payment forthwith,
Aug, Io,lHc14.-6vv (3
Of every asoription, for sale at ft!, offioi
THIS old titablishcd, thoroughly tried
Runedy, rccomtncdcd hj some of the most
Uminent Physician, has attained u celebri.
. . . i ,i .
.ty utmost part of Hit country, m curing
Scrofulous Sores, Rose or Erysipelas, Scaled Head
and Ring Worm, Tetter or Soil JiAeuinOsiilop or Swell
ed Neck, (so common with our American Females) cu
table Cancers and Cancerous Sores, lltains or Dolls,
Chronic Ulcerated Bore,
Nose, Mouth and Throat, Syphilis In all its forms, By
pbitilic or merccrrinl Sore mouth, and throat, chronic
ulceration oftlio Lungs, Stomach and Kidneys, Pim
ples, Postunes, and Rlotcbes. Rheumatism, Female
Weakness. Lercorrhao, (arising from internal ulcers
on) Dropsy, Genenal Debility, Emaciation and nil dis
eases oftlio
In cased of Costtveuess or Constipation it
Its mild In Its action. Just sufficient to regulate the
bowels nnd Keep them regular. Its unliko all prcpa
radons for the Wood, having tho Insatlve properties
combined, As it contains
Wild Cherry, Jlandral;C and Dandelion
prepared in a scientific maimer
il works wondcrfull in cas
cs of chronic ajfections
of the
Chronic PILES, and permanently cured by the Alfr
native aJ Laxative afToct ono great' feature iu it, Is, If
produces an
from tho commencement In ihort it Is a very ftneTdn-ic-
Its palataolc and can be taken by tho most del
icate Tcmaloor Child, It being purely vegetable thcro
will be no harm done in taking it, if there i no benefit
Prepared Sy
Dr. E. W. Wells',
Piactical Physician
OFFICE over L. 0. Pains Store,
rtliriirrn R-pni-e--p
, , ., n
For Sale M Ull DritSaiSlS InroUShoUt
, ;,,
r.8. Every agent la authorized to refund the money
where the compound falls tu relieve.
Full Directions
accompany tuibbottlein English, French mid Ccr
13, No Carthotic raedioino is re
quired. In treating Five thousand cases,
I havo never known a caso to rcquiro
1 UySlO, or
havo I over known it to fail in
thoroughly removing tho diseases, As I
devote all my timo at ibe study and treat
ment of Disoaacs OF THE BLOOD- I
am propared to givo advico (gratis) by ap
plying to my office or by letter, accom
panied by a Stamp.
M. D,
Whole. ale. 34 Cortland Street New York.
Bold by w II, ireny fc Uo. light Bltssi-r-tr.
1 r'
Diseases Resulting horn Disorders of tlit
r t r-. ..... r
JAver ana jjigcsuvn vrgans,
Arts cuni:D nr
These Riders havo performed inoto Cures
nirt: an no (iivr. tihrrr.n xwiricTioN
sry.cjnr.r. to tvuen ton
We defy any one to contradict this asserrllon, and
will pay fjIPOOtunny one that will produces
certificate published by us, that is Hot genuine.
mil curoevtry caso of
Chronio or Nervous Debility, Diseases of
tno Kiuncys, anu Ulseases arising
from a disordered Stomach.
Obscrvc-lhc following symptoms Rpftiltlng from Ills
oiders oftlio Digestive Orgnnsl
as Constipa
tion, Inward Piles,
Fulness of lllood to the
Head, Acidity of thu Stomach
Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Fulness or weight in tho Stomach. Sour
Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the lit
of tho Stomach, Sw Immlng efthe Head, Hur
ried nnd Difficult Ilreulhing, Fluttering nt the
Heart, CJioklng or Suffnratlng Sensations when in a
lying posture, Dimness of Villon, Dots or Webs
beforo tho sight. Fever and Dull Pain in
the Head, Deficlenry of Perspliatioii,
Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes,
1' in tho Side, Hack, Chest
Limb., It., Sudden Flushes
uf Heat. Burning in the
Flesh, Constant lm
ngiuing.nfovil, &- depression
uf spirits,
ncMK.mEti that run hitteiis
Is Not Alcoholic.
aniCWTMAKF. niiUXJCAlins,
IS THE REST TONIC in tho World.
fi&I3AI WfiflO SAYS S
SronitheRev Levi neck.Pa.torof tho Raptlst Cliuieh,
i l'cuibettnn. N J., forineily or the Norlh llaptist
' t'hureh, I'hIUJelphia. 1
I 1 have known lloofland. Oerinau Ritters favorably
i for a number of years. 1 havo used them In my own
i family, and Have been so pleased Willi their effects
I that I was Induced tn recommennil them to many oth-
I or Siiaiu .1,..., I... .... ....I I.. .. ..LIi:i....... I
..;, n...... ,1,. u u,i,'i,iti.-ii iu .iriMiiiiiy i
buncRcial manner I taku great pleasure In thus pub-
lldy proclaiming tin. fact, and calling the attention of 1
those nfllli ted w lih those diseases fur whirh they am
1 recommended, tn those Hitters, knowing from cxperi
I euce that my recommendation will be sustained. I do
i this more cheerfully as lluoll ind's Hitters is intended I
I ,.i benefit the afflicted, and is not "a rum drilik."
Youis truly, LEVI o. HKCK.
, Kreia P. J. AVWea Droun. 1. I,.. ViiUr e tU r.,,?y. '
cfejifoia of tuiijfioui KiwicMgt, and chritiian chror.-
' ' '
AltllOllch not disposed to favor or rsronmsnd I'.Hsnt
Medicines in general, through distrust nf their ingre
dients and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient reasons i
why u man may not testify to Die benefit he believes'1
himself to have received Irom nny simple preparation"'
III tho hope that ho may tlnia contribute to the benefit of
I do this the more readily in regaid to Hpofland'a
Oerman Hitlers, prepareil by Dr. C, .11. Jackson, of this
' city, becnitsu I was prejudiced ngainst ll.em for many
, Ttnrs, under he impression that. thev were chieflv no
alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert
Miuemaker, Esq., for Hie icmovul cf this prejudicu by
proper tests, and for encouragement to try llieui, when
, cu.,... , .. s.y. un,, iu on uoiii.iuieii iirunuy. j no
us of three bottles of those Hitters, at the beginning
ortbc present year, was followed by evident relict
I and restoration tn a'degren of bodily and mental vigoi
1 which I had not felt for six month before, and had al
most despaired of regaining. 1 thcrefoio thank God
and my friend "or directing me tn theuc of them.
2"(oin tho Rev. Jos. II Kennard, Pastor of the lilth
I llaptist C'Jurch.
I Da. Jackson : Dear sir: I bnvo. been frequently re
, quested lo connect my name .rid commendations of
1 ilill'ereut kinds of medicines bill regarding the practice
, ns out or my appropriate sphere. 1 have in all lases
declined ; but with a clear pruof iu various instances,
' nnd particularl) in my fair.", cf i'.Ip iiseDiliiess uf llr.
llooiland's German Hrters, I depait foMmce from my
usual course, lo express my full conviction that, for
general debility of the system and opociully tor Llvrr
Complaint, u is a sale and valuable prpp.-.ratlrrt. In
nine cases it may fail ; but Usually. 1 douM'iiot, it will
be very beneficial to those, who suffer from thu above
i causes.. Yours, very respectfully,
I Eighth below Coates St., 1 liilad'o.
! Crom Rev. Warren Randolph. I'nuercf Raptlst Church
j tie rmantow'ii, Pu.
' t'K O. M. JccKsoi ; Dear Sir: Personal experience
enables me to say that 1 regard the German Hitters
prepared by)ou nsn most excellent medicine. Incases
of severe cold and general debility 1 have been great
ly benefitted by the use of the Hitters, mid doubt not
they vv ill produie siiui'ar efiecls on others.
Your, respectfully, WARREN RANDOLPH,
lieriuautow n, I'cnn a.
I'rum Rev. J. II.
Church, Plulada-
Tnjher, Pastor of Ilcdding M. E-
Dh Jackson : Dear Sir : Having used )0nrCerman
Hitlers in my famii) frequently ! am prepared to say
that It lias been of great servile, nielieve that in most
cases of generally debility of the ivstem il is the safest
mid nio.l valuable remedy o which 1 have any knowl
edge. Yours, io., J. 11 TURNER,
No. 81U N Nineteenth Strset.
From the Rev. J M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Co
lumbus (X, J.) and .Milestuvvn, , rc) llaptist Church.
New Columbus, N Y.
Dit. C. M. Jackson :-Dcar Sir .I feel it a pleasuro
thus, of my ow n accord, to bear testimony lo the ex
ccllenu-ot tlu German Hitters. Sonie.years since being
much ntlhcted with Dysp-psia, 1 usid Uiem Willi great
beneficial results. 1 havo olteu receinmended them to
persons enfeebled by that tormenting d'suusc. nud have
heard from them tlie most fluttering testimonial as to
their greuVvuliie, In casos of general debility, I be
ieve il to be a'.uiiictUat cannot be surpassed.
From tile Rev. ThJ, Winter, Paster of Roxborough,
Raplisl Church.
Hit. Jaikson : Dear Ctr : I feel It due to your excel-
1 lent preparation. Hnorlaud's Gorlfian Hitlers, to add
' my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtain
! ed. I havo for years, at times, been troubled with
great disorder in my head and nervous system. 1 was
i advised by a Iriend to try a bottle of your German Hit-
1 Hid so anil nave experieuceu great anu unux
' nected relief; my henlth has been very materially
i-mted. I confidently recommend the article wh
i meet with cases similar to my own aud have teen as
suredby many or tneir goon enecis.
! Respectfully jours, T. WINTER. Roxborougn. t o.
- ' From Rev. J. B. Herman, of tho German Reformed
Dr.CM. Jacksun-Respected Sir : I havo been sick
wlih Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have never
used any medicine that did mu as much good as Hoof-
land's Hitters. I am very much improved in health
after takiug five bolus, dcupejtlully yours,
Largo 8izo (holding nearly doublo quantity,)
$,uu per Hotilo half dozen, S3 00
Small Size 75 cents pur Hottle-half dozen, SI UU
Sco that the signature nf-'C
M. JACKSON," Is on
the WSArrtK or each buttle.
Should your nearest druggist not have the article,
do not be put ull' by any of the intoxicating prepara
tions that may be offered in its place, but send tout,
and wo will torward, securely packed, by eiprcss.
Principal Office and Manufactory,
Wo. l Arch Street.
Jones & Evans.
(Successors to 0, M. JACKSON & Co.,)
CJ- FOR SALE by' Druggists ir.d Dealers U every
town in Ilia United States.
J Hit II, ISM. (HU. II, IHI-ISum
The town of Athens, in Alabama waj
captured on last Friday by thd Confeder
ates, Athens is but tuontj ml I erf south
of jfecutur. The sudden surprisb and
capture of tho Federal garrison at Alliens,
alarmed (he Fodoral troops in all quar
ters. General Roltssoau was at Nashvilfd,
nnd at onco prepared to go down the f'all-'
rond towards Atbons. Tho ConftSdoratoa
nfter tearing up tho railroad bctwocn
! Athens and Decatur, marched northward
! towardi Nashville, burning' bridges' and
destroying tho railroad as thoy" nllvonecd.
j When last heard from, thby word tTotr'oy-
a long brldgo over Elk Riror, in Ten
nessee, and woro threatening Pultt'ki.
Rousseau's forces had not yet inot them'.
This raid is some distance west of Sher
man's great supply railroad, wliiah runs
southeast from Nashvillo to Chattanooga',
It is stated now that flvo hundred Federal'
troops wero captured at Athens. They'
beloDgod to two Indiana regiments,
There is a report that Oonoral
has been reinforoed by Lonstresf
affair iu the Shenandoah Valley is over.'
After tho contest ot Fisher's Hill, t1i0'
j Confederate rear guard iriade successive'
islands ayWood'Mook and Mount Jackson,
in their rotreat, to gain time Rrislt ao'-'
jtions ensued, but tbo losses on both sidos
wero small. Sficrid'an' will havo to rost
I for a fow days'to reorganize bin command,
land get his supplies iorward,and he may
I then begin a movement against Lynchburg.'
This, however, is very improbable. South
cm accounts slato i'' from five huncrcd'
' to seven hundred Federal prisoners woro
! captured in the battlo of Winchester,
j Everything is quiet at Petersburg. Tho
Cnulcdcrat'cs are said to bo preparing to
j sink torpedoes in tbo James Rivor, bolovr
City Point. As they havo possession of tho
I north bank, tlif'y are nblo to do this.
' Grant is said to bo very watchful on the
j Woldon Railroad. Ho still receives largo'
j reinforcements, tho new recruits being
formed into flow regiments. Oh eomo
1 days as many as two thousand men havo
ariived iu his calnp. Secretary Soward
, ,,. . .
has been m'dltiniX a Visit tO bCU. UranJT.
. c. .- n . i i.- i .
Thore 13 a OOUtliem despatch WniCU,
, , . , .
States that LarragUt riOOS not UOSIgtVat-'
, . , .,
lacking jMobllO at present.
,, . ., - f .
lucre IS nottling now lrom Atlanta.
Sherman will not allow civilians to go
B0UtU f Nali"s In EaBt TcnnOf SBO"
the Confederates are approaching the Fed-
n.n r.nrmtanr. nS ll.ill'a I I -I M I n f,,ln
Ultll (j, 1 la'Jl, .... II LIU o Ui u u 1 -
3 "CBV
Miller's Store.
3 HIE subscriber has Just returned from tho CHlos
with another largo and select assortniet of
purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest flgurei-ond
which theyaro detcrmlin-d to sell un as modcrato Krrni
i ns ran be procured elsewhere in lllootusburg. Ilia
, stopk comprises
LADir.!- aoons,
of clrivpi-st stt'les nnd Intest fnshirm.
I nny uoonsH .ixn anoci:iU$!L
II iltllWillK UFJiX" ll'AKU.
ckii.oi n'.nii:, uuu.uW u'jiric-
max. x.iil uoors - siois
u.its . c.irt-i $..
In short ever)thiug usually kept' In eounlry Store's'
to whiih ho invite tlie r.nbnr generally.
Tho Highest price paid lor counuy prouueo
Illooinsburg, May SMflil.
Nation al Foundry.
'1 HE subscriber, proprietor of the above named ex.
J tMisive tstabliehiiienti is no prepared to receive
oi Jers for'
All Kinds cf Machinery,
i cCo'leries, lllait Furnaces, Stationary Engines, Mills'
TlIItr.SlllNU MACHlNi:s, &c. &c.
Ileis also preiared to mako Stoves, all sizes and
I iitlerus, p'ovv-irous, and everything usually made In
Pist-elass r'oiindiles. -
His c-xlensive lurilllles and pikctlcal workmen, wnr
jsiilt him in rrreitiug the largest contracts on the
in M rt-asoiiable terms. ,
(p-- Grain of ull kinds will be taken in exchaiike for
"r,'? This c-tabtl.limont Is nrr..tid near tho l.aekavvon.
"loom.burg Railroad W-tJ nlLI,flcvBB.
HUomsbiirg, Sept. 13, 1813.
There Is nothing so reliable or efiV-ctaul ns
03" Sold by nil Druggists in largo boxes, for 25 cts.'
Dv" 11 iiuver lans. rui iiani.-er"," u.
I (U- Oftic.i and Faclorv, iro. Juvenal St above
Welnut, between l"!h & lltii tits., Formerly 1J0 south
lUth St., I'hltndelphl.t, ....
53 This valuable preparation sold in Eloinntburg,
hy the following-Druggists : ..,.
E Y LU 4- Al OYER, E. P. I.UTZ, mid J. U. MOYEI1.
July 30, lrlil,-3iii.. pd.
, OIIjh
j "
Refined Benzine and
flrjliRICATING OIL in tight i Pack
ages. Orders will rceoivc prompt attention,
; Williamsport, July 2, 1864. tf.
Picture Gallery.
' nplli: undersigned Informs tho ritrnens of Illcsimf
X nud neighborhood. Hint he Has taken tho large room
at the Exchange Ulock, extending over Harney Stobner
. Ilakcry, and the llookstore, wliere he has put In
'nlargeSkyliglt. It Is only by Pkyllht that good plc
! lures can bell (en especially groups where each person
can be taker nt as welt ns sep arate,
lie lias gon to considerable expense to mako his ei
tablishment tint class one, nnd he Ih-rcfore solicits a
, liberal p.Uro ige toeiiable Ivitu, tocoustautly Introduce
t in mode a improvements of tho art.
ty Covin ;y srvdueo lakeu In Exchange for picture)
Hlooaiiburj, "'. Kj Xot. 8 SZ