Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 01, 1864, Image 2

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" Onf Constitution guard It ever !
Oar glorious Union hold It dear I
Onr Starry Flag forsake It navorl
Tlit proud Caucasslan our only peer!
Saturday Morning, Oot. 1, 1064.
Democratic dominations
or oiiio.
SAMUEL SNYDER, of Mifflin.
ALLEN MAKN, of Beaver.
1 "" i
"to whom it may concern."
Whereas, my noma was announced in
tho Republican papor,of Bloomsburg, last
week, as a volunteor candidate for the
legislature, I take this occasion to say,
that I am not a candidate for that
offioo, nor eould I coiiEcnt to disorganize
the noblo Democratic party of Columbia
or the State, as I firmly believe that upin
the electiou of the State and National
Tickets McOlellan & Pendleton depend
the political salvation of our beloved coun
Espy, Sep't 27, 1804.
"Sour Grapes'' for l Thomas Dunn."
Tho' Editor of tho Republican, famili
nry known as tho "Smut Machine,' at
tempted last week, to seduce and destroy
our estimable friend and fellow-citizen,
Mr. Daniel Snydek, by announcing his
name as a volunteor candidate for tho Leg
islature. Mr. iSnydeb is a Democrat, an
honest man, and an uncompromising sup
porter of Gen. McCleelan for tho Pres
idency, and is tho last man to aid the1
oanse of Treason and Disunion by affilia-1
ting with the cohorts of Black Republi
canism. Let Mr. Dunn and the other
enemies of our common -liberties loyal
preachers, thieves and vagabonds, seek
elsewhere a victim for political sacrifice,
ns they have done heretofore, and aban-1
don the hope of prostituting the honored ,
namo of Daniel Snyder.
EST" "We underftand tho announce
ment that Daniel Snyder is an independ
ent candidate for tho Legislature is well
received by a largo portion of the intelli
gent members of the Democracy of this
district If the Republicans vote for him
end we believe they iotend doing so in
preference to Jacoby he will most likely
be elected. If we must have a Democrat
to represent us, let it bo a decent ono a
man of eomo character.-Thursday's Smut
Now, don't Tomas." Mr. Snyder
has spoiled all your hopes of defeating Ja
coby, tho Democratic nominee. Bah!
To our Patrons. We earnestly request
prompt and advance payments to the
"Columbia Democrat." The man who
takes our paper, and omits payment, is
either inexcusably negligent, or not the
printer's friond. Our printing material
has run up to noar three prices, and all
other articles of living in proportion,henoe
the continuance of our business depends
upon tho punctuality of our friends and
Every dollar tells in these terrible times.
Let those who havo not paid for tho last
year's subscription, call or send, and do
00, immediately ; and then pay another
year (S'2 00) in advance. This is what
should be dono, and all who do so, will
save 50cti or $1 00 a year, and we sin
cerely hopo many of our numerous sub
scribers and customers, will promptly
comply with their plain duties.
Geeat Fall in Dby Goods. At the
auction sale of ono of the dry goods
houses in Philad'a., the other day,ebawla,
pieces of silk, and other imported goods
sold at the sameprioa as when gold was at
par, whioh is a declino of over one-half.
Tho cautious dealers oau now replen
ish their stocks at one-half the prioes ru
ling thirty days sgo. Our people should
sow look out for impositions.
JMs-.TLeFT?tb Annual Fair, of the
Luzerne County Agricultural Sooictv.will
bo hed on tho Wyoming Battlo Ground,
on Wednesday tbe otu ot Uotober, and
continuing turso days, Mr. Daniel F.
Leacock, keeps an excellent IIotel,on the
premises, where our friends will bo well
Aooomodated. Give him a call,
)e& A tremenduous MoOlollan meet
ing was held in old Lancaster on the 17th.
Tbe country is aljro with eBtbmiaim,
Wo liavo a man In Bloomsburg
whoso calling t a minister of tho Qospol,
his business is electioneering for Abo Lin
coln. In his ostensible pastoral visits in
stead of inquiring after tho soul's hoalth,
his solioitudc is for the body's politics.
Hs button holes his Dcmooratio members,
tells them that McClcllan is also a war
man, as Linooln is an assertion ho knows
to be faleo when ho makes it avers that
thore is thus no difference for whom you
vote, but thinks that Lincoln should bo re
elected, for he has not yet had a fairchanco.
That ho ought to bo allowod to end the
war, that he has just begun to understand
the business, ij-o. &o.
Electioneering is his constant business
as well as his pastime, it is tho eubjcot of
his conversation, and if ho aver prays,
doubtless of his prayers also. The ob
scene jester at Washington is his be&u ideal
of a man and a statesman, tho blood of his
fallow-citizens tho wine whoreon he grows
frantio Ho prostitutes his holy calling to
the dirty work of tho Loyal Loaguo Ho
uses his official position to operate upon
tho minds of the members of his congrega
tion, and with well feigned, modesty and
hypocritioal piety seeks to accomplish his
Wo call his attention to an article on
our first pagt this wcok, which although
moro particularly nircod at the proaching
of I'olitics of which bo is also guilty-
will nevertheless suggest somo thoughts to
him, which ho will do well to ponder. Wo
aro on his track we mean to keep there
and if ho shall oontinuo to sink tho
Preacher in tho Politioian, to make his
stated rounds among his people ono grand
campaign spcecli; wo shall treat him in tho
character ho thus assumes, give his namo
to the public, strip bim of tho cloak under
which he hides,
Ami put a whip In every honest hand,
To lash liisSalnt-shlp naked through the land.
The Dismissal of Postmaster
General Blair.
Tho telegraph makes the announcement
of tho dismissal of Montgomery Blair as
Postmaster-General b; President Lincoln,
the reason assigned by the President be
ing to relievo him from embarrassment.
Retwcon tho Blair and tho Fremont fac
tions thero has been, ever sinco Fromont imprisonment not exceeding two years or
had command in Missouri, a ''war to the by both of said punishments,
knife'' quarrel. This alienated the Path-' Sec. 20. And be it Junker enacted,
finder from the support of Lincoln and That the court shall, for reasonable cause,
, , . , , . crant a continuanco to cither party for
caused him to accept tho nomination for wh lmo aml as oftcn a3 Bha nppe'ar to
President by the Cleveland Convention. bo just; Provided, That if the prisonor
Wo announce tho declension of Fremont he in oloso confinement, tho trial shall not
in his letter of adhesion to Lincoln, and be delayed for a period longer than sixty
the summary dismis al af Blair from the a1JS'
Cabinet, Was this letter tho considora-1 jtsy Hon. Millard Fillmore, Ex
tion in the contract which induced Gener- President of tho United States, olectcd by
al Fremont to support Lincoln's rc-elec- tho Whigs when they were yet a party,
tion ? It looks very much like it. Mr. Lin- is ol,t in a letter in favor of MeClellnn.
coin, in arousing tho wrath of tho Blair Mr. Fillmore has a reputation for hones
family, may find this lates ("swap," a bad ty, integrity, ability and devotion to the
bargain. . Union and the best interests of tho coun-
i " " . T- try, which will insuro him a high place
General Fremont's Letter. ,Uo BtatMmcn and p. of our
. The Presidential quection '.has been C0UDtry.
simplified, but not materially changsd, by Tho old wUgs of tbc ooulltrj Bre once
General Fremont's withdrawal from the morc lookirjg t0 tleir eaders in thi, crisis,
oanvass. Nominally, though with a very and wLcn tbey gue Millard FiUluorej and
bad graoo, the Cleveland candidate re- Rovordy JohnBon,nd KobertO. Winthrop,
signs in favor of Mr. Lincoln ; but, in 1 and Goorgo s Hilliard, and Josiah Ran
rcality, his withdrawal will scarcely affect dal) aud Washington Hunt, and tho iV
the relative positions of tho remaining tioml tegll,cT Dnd lbo Louisville
candidates, or if it does, tho advantage Jourmi an(j osts 0f olbcr Bnoient alld
will be with the Democratio nominee. il0norcd iea(Jcrs j0ining tbo ranks o( Mo
Those who brought General Fremont into nU. ,.., .:ii t,r,:i ,i,i ,i,.,:
tho arpna aimed a blow at' Mr. Lincoln,
and although it has failed of its full effect,
they are aware that it will not bo forgotten
or forgiven. It is now too lato for them
to return to tho fold with any hopo of wi
ping out tho record of thoir apostaoy. The
fatted calf will not be killed for thcm,and
they will rather cast their fortunes with tanco of useing every honorable effort to
McClcllan than seek to patch up a hasty fjol Victor E. Piollet, to repro
and hopeless reconciliation with the object sent them iu the next Congress. A more
of their deeper hostility.
General l-romont relied upon the votes
of thoso Black Republicans who are thor -
oughly disgusted with Mr. Lincoln, and
the fact of tho withdrawal will not render
their repugnanco Ies3 intense. No enmity
is more bitter than that of on aiicnted
friend, and nono is more zealous than a
renegade to oppose his formor faith. Many
Black Republicans flocked to tho standard
of General Fremont becauso they had
been rebuffed aud slighted in tho distribu-
tion of tho spoils, end their disappointed
averico and ambition sought relief in a
vindictive opposition. Others were influ
enced by conscientious motive, having
sufficiently apprcciaied Mr.Lincoln's char
actcr to bo convinced that under his Ad
ministration the honor and welfaro of tbo
country would be sacrificed to tho most
unscrupulous ambition and the most ob
stinate folly. Tho votes of both olasses
will bo givon to tho Ohioago nominees, and
the result of General Fremont's abdica
tion will be to reoruit tho ranks of Mr.
Linooln'a opponents, So far as tbo pros
ecution of the war is concerned, tboro has
been do antagonism of sentiment between
the candidates,
Two Planks rnoM McClel-
lan'b Platform. Neither confiscation
of property, political executions of per
sons, territorial organization of States, nor
forcible abolition of slavery should be coo.
templotcd for a moment. Letter to Presu
dent Lincoln, Jul; 2, 1802.
In prosecuting this war,all private prop
erty and unarmed persons should be strict
ly protected, subjeot to the necessity of
military operations. Zetttr to the Presi
dmtfJulyl, J88?.
Tho Fishlngcrcck Arrcats.
Wo call attention to the 24th, 2Gth, and
20th sections of the "Aot for enrolling
and calling out the National Forces, and
for othor purposes," approved March 3d,
1603, by whioh it will bo seen that the
parties arrested in this county, upon the
last day of August, aro entitled .to havo
been delivered over to tho civil authorities
immediately upon their arrest, and to bo
tried by tho oivil Courts. Thcso men havo
now been in prison over thirty days, yet
wo havo no information as to when their
trial will conic before tho United State's
Court. Tho following aro tho sections
embodying tho law of Congress, on the
subject of Military arrests, and aro appli
cable to tho cases in question :
Sec. 24. And be it further enacted.
That ovcry person not subjoot to tho rules
and articles of war who shall procuro or
cntico, or attempt to procuro or entice, a
soldier in the service of tho United States
to desort; or who shall harbor, conceal,
or give employment to a deserter, or oarry
him away, or aid in oarrying him away,
knowing him to bo such ; or who shall
purchase from auy soldier his arms, equip
ments, animation, uniform, clothing, or
any part thereof ; and any captain or
commanding officer of any Rliip or vessel,
or any superintendent or conductor of auy
railroad, or nny otlicr ptiblio conveyance
carry'mg away any suoli sajdirr as ono of
his crew or otherwise, knowing him to
havo deserted, or shall retuso to deliver
him up to tho orders of his commanding
officor, shall, upon legal conviction, bo
fined, at the discretion of nny court baring
cognizance of the same, in any buui not
exceeding fivo hundred dollnrs, and ho
shall bo imprisoned not exceeding two years
nor less than six months.
Sec. 25. Ami be tt Jttrthtr enacted,
That if any person snail resist any draft
of men enrolled under this act into the
service of the United States, or shall
counsel or aid any persan to resist any
such draft ; or shall assault or obstruct
any officer in making suoh draft, or in tho
performance of any service iu relation
thereto ; "or shall counsel any person to
assault nr obstruct any such officer, or shall
eounsel auy drafted men not to 'appear at
the place of rendexvous, or wilfully dis
suade them from tho performance of mil
itary duty as required by law, such per
son shall be subject to summary arrest by
tho provost marshal, and shall be forthwith
dilivercd to the civil authorities, and, upon
conviction thereof, bo punished by a fine
not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by
and prcsonco, and roll on the ball, even
equalling tho Democracy in their honest
Our Congressional Nominee.
Wo trust tho conservative voters of this
Congressional district will sec tho impor-
! worthy man cuu'.d not have been telectod.
Jjia extended knowlcdgo of our political
1 bistory will, should ho chosen, enable him
to reflect oredit upon tho State and Nation,
n0 j3 a ready debater, an able speaker,
j and a truo friend of National masures.
j We must have men of his mind in our
country from the hands of those who seek
jita overthrow. Lit us work with a aoal
and energy worthy of tho great intorest
, iaVolvod, and all will be well.
. The Way Kentucky is Governed.
From ono singlo number of the Lincoln
organ in Kentucky, tho Louisville Press,
we select tbo following paragraphs :
Jatnos F. Hito was politely requested to
go North yestorday, and he went.
Mrs. Auodiot and two children were
received at the Female Military Prison
The following persons have boon stnt to
Memphis by order of General Burbridge,
with a roquest to tho commandant there
to send them through tho lines.
Thomas J. Bronston, Milo Baxter,
Sqiro lurner, and Wm. Marshal.
Lieut. Sago, of tho 112th Illinois In
fantry, an able and efficient officer, has tbo
prisoners io charge
Hurrah for tbe land of the freo and the
home of the bravo! where all power over
life, liborty and property is concentrated in
one man ? This is the kind of government
Lincoln wants to cst&bluh in all all tho
Gen. Robert Anderson. The gallant
defender of Fort Sumter is out for the he
ro of Anlietam, So is Gen. Ilooker,
"Fighting Joe," So it goes,
Politico-Religious Fauatlolsm.
v. ,n.,i r n,..n
'polltioo-rcligious fanatics, in this county,
... ,rlBl 1B,.nn m1 fmntlnni rn.
e b-
vines, doserve recistratton in tho 0olum.
bia Democrat."
Rev, .. Milton Acres, somotimo ago,
gars his views of loyally and tho duty of
proaohors, through tho Smut Maohino, in
which ho most unqualifiedly wished all
mcnwhodisngrco with him in political
sentiments-ana wiiom no uonouncos as
"copporhoads, 'in a hotter placo than bo
Jlev. P.P. Eyer, who lately turned a
somerset out of tho back-window of tho
est garioai oouooi iiouso, in excusing uis
' ..
COWarutco, uutonuun jfuiuuurmo, ua nicu
i , . . . r. fL TT ., '.;.
who resist the Draft." Ho thus slanders
his honored Father, who is what ho never
1: i : i . . i .
was or will he, a Dcuioorat, a gentleman
and a Christian. Shame on such hypocrisy
Rev. D. A. Jiccldey, wo aro told, led a
political mootiug last Sabbath, in M. E.
Church. He thanked God that they had
licked tho rebels in Shanandoah Valley,
and boastod that tbey would acliievo an
equal victory (over tho Democrats ) in
next November. This last named indi
vidual, it should not bo forgotten, stands
upon tho Records of our Quarter Sessions,
as a convicted Rioter,
What a trio of Preaobors. And what
clso could be expected of fools and fanat
ics inspicred by ncgrophobia, Oh ! the
horrors of "negro-on-tho-brain."
The Prospect.
Tho signs of the times point unmistaka
bly to the coming regeneration of tbe gov
ernmont and the ronvoation of liberty.
Tho publio(plunder, although vast beyond
precedent, is insufficient to satisfy the
cravings of tho vampires who suck out
tho life-blood ol the nation' Insatiably
hungry, they fight over tho spoils, each
clamoring for mero, and all proclaiming
that tho reward of "loyalli," should bo un
limited cxactionsjwrung from a suffering
peoplo by increased taxation, more fraud
ulent oontracts and more suffcring,wounds
and death. Let tho conscription bir en
forced, let exactions be increased, let the
soldiers bo butohercd all this brings grist
to our mill. Ho is a traitor who hesitates
to inflict the sacrifice and suffering which
will swoll our already enormous fortunes,
and expand still further our bloated car
cases, full to repletion of the fat ofthe land,
at the expetie of starved soldiers and de
luded peoplo. Such arc tho sentiments
of tho enemies of the Constitution and the
country, who present a revolting spcotable
of uncrupulous vice and callous indiffer
ence to porils aud agonies which they do
not share.
On the other hand, the great Democrat
ic party,unchangeable, independent,united
presents n front invulnerable to the enemy,
whether Seecssion or Abolition. Abso
lutely united, thpy are unconquerable.
l'be gates of Hell cannot prevail against
them. Rallied around the standard of the
Constiution, thoy still hear the voices of
the party calling them to defend the
last citadel of freedom. Jefferson
and Jackson live again in the inspiration
of their example, and the wisdom of their
No man doubts that only force and fraud
can prevent the sentence of condemnation
on the crimes of those who now rulo the
country by nbitrary foroe who have cov
oredjtho land with mourning and biought
impcading universal ruin,
Let .no man despair of tho ropublio.
Time makes all things even. Time will
show that the inherent vitality of truth
will triumph over all tho arts and schemes
of wicke l men.
Practically, this will be demanstrated
by the election of McOlellan, who will
rcstoro peace to our distracted country,
relievo us from tho oppression of enormous
taxation, and, abovo all, restore tbe har
mony of tho Uoion, the ascendancy ofthe
Constitution, the supremacy of law, the
rights of the Statos, and the liberties of
tho peoplo.
If citizens aro bribed or intimidated, if!
they havo not the intelligence to poreoivo
the evils which surround them, or the mis-1
ery whioh is impending over them, if they j
aro regardless of the Constitution and ,
have lost thoir love cf liborty, Lincoln
my bo elected. But if they aro truo to 1
tho traditions of their fathers, thoy will
emulate their glorious example. They
will purge tho land alike of tyrants and
traitors, and bring bth to just judgement
would like to name. A vagrant itinerant that thojr had assembled, ami w th ono oLo,on camlidnta of tho rcbols,or for Geo.
preacher, wUhing his fellow-men in Hell ZZttltTL saldtt ITbe ' McOlellan, tho terror of (ho rebels!
-thus .-using the livery of Heaven to Wno Ho aid thathoo ,BJ1I , Volo fof
servo tne tcvn in,
lor tUCir Crimes, i umj--.iiitvory ui cuiummiu iiuiiunui won-
Tho only hope is in discarding and do-' tentions Tho Ohioago Convention Bra
stroying the vileand vulgar gang imbeciles zi and Brazillian society Demoeraoy vs.
and cowards who have.during three years, llopubUcamsra, &c, &o.
nearly overturned tho glounous fabrio of . , . ' ,, , ,
freedom reared by tbo pure patriots of tho 1 Send for it by all means-Three dol
Rsvolution and protected bv succeeding lars per year. J, Holmes Agnow, Editor,
generations, until lately, when supinenoss, No. 37 Park Bow, Now York,
lethargy, and over-confidenco in supposed Increased attractions arc promised for
tocunty, combiucc with unfortunate in- Novemucr
tcstine divisioos,unabled the enomy to sur
prise the sentinels on tho watch tower of &&" Tbo Atlantio Monthly (abolition)
liberty, and to usurp tho functions of gov for October ison our table. Paper, typo
ernment. Let all honest men unite to arjd gcneral-get up, very fioo. An enter
drive these mone-ohangers from the Tern- , r
pie. To this restore what has been ,a,n,DS tabIs f contenta, and from the
stolen, aud seouro what is in jeopardy.tho Atlantic's point of view strongly written,
party of the people has rallied in its an- The Itov. Col, Higginson begins in No
cient unity and might under the glourious veniber n sories of papers on his eiperU
banner of the heroic McOLELLAN.and will enofls wlth bis nigger regiment. They
nnvn tli.t Klnetiinrrrj n 1 nTfAi tinas Utr Vila aa J
umnhant election. '
From Atlanta have been removed 440
families-being 705 adults, 800 children
scd 470 lervanti. So uyt Bherram.
Gen. John Cochrane.
will nni MO w W1I not
bo surprised to see Old Abo himself sup-
sinrllno- Mnninllnn wlinn Ihr, fill. nfNovOIll-
t o .
bor comes. Hon. John Coohrono.
candidate for VicfPnsident on the Fro-,
mont tiokot, msdo a specoh in Chicago on
tho 27th ult., In which ho said !
"When wo look at tho great crowd be
foro him, ho thought that tho good old
democratic U wjr. -SflXnaS1"
rKlt of tll0 peopi0 t0 assomblo peaceably
nd discuss tho affairs of tho Government ;
htiA over nrnved hnr dpvntinn to the oatlSO
0f liberty by shedding her best A
Ho oonoludcd by stating that tho Irishmen
"n"-n mi"i ' r i
't-n. r 9An nnn r. Mruniinn tm,
iiiu uiilv u iu ,uuu iui iuuuiuiiuu, ,.
-- , ' ,
man who, amid bribery, corruption, and
MsoUqoA blooA proud) 'abovc (t b11J and
preserved tho osoutchcon of his character
pure, bright, and untarnished.
Our County Ticket. Our District and
County Tiekots are nowcompleto and will
bo triumphantly elected. Tho enomy, con-
soious of their weakness and tho wiokod -
noss of thoir cause, tlaro not oiler opposi-
tion. Wo aro sorry for this, as wo not on -
IV intend clcotinff every man on tbo Dam-
ocratio Ticket, but could beat the Aboli
tionist by on unprecedented majority.
Democrats, call at this office, and get tho
Tiokels for your respective Election Dis
tticts. w w
flgy Dryden's Fables, a most beautiful
pocket edition, for sale cheap, by Col.
Frcezo ; who has also many curious new
aud socond baud books, for ealo at very
low prices. Somo at cost, and somo at a
still lower figuro.
iiuiii viuitct oyuvicf uuiiuu uiulcu
Senator from Kentucky, an old whig,
heretofore acting with tho republican par
ty, .or iucuicuan. ue is an aoio
? r ht"ii-ii tt
am, e.ocjueiu. man, anu is uoing yeoman
Our Book Table.
Mmb. Demohest's Illustrated Monthly
Mirror of Fashion, for Soptembor, is
upon our Table. It contains thi latost
Parrisian Fashions, elegant engravings
on colored plates, and a choice assort
ment of polito literature. Every Lady
should patronizo Mmo. Demorest's
fasbionablo Magazine. 25 cents per
copy, or S3 00 a year.
TlIE Puinter. for Scntcmbor. has benn
received. This is a quarto work of eight ' raore lh tho w,bole MPon B?'
, , . . 1 , ., ernmont from tho Declaration of Iude-
sheets, sixteen pages, and forty-eight pPndence to March 4, l0t. - Can wo :if
columnsjhandsomcly covered and neatly 1 ford such a President for four yew moro ?
printed. It is chiefly devoted to Qm 1 -??ii-u.---.
interests of printing and printers the
exposition of tho "art preservative ol all
arts." John Gleason & Co., publish
ers, New York, at 81 50 per annum.
The Lady's Friend, for October, win j l0st offices in the western section of Lu
hero last wcok. "Peep," a beautifully zcrne county, and tho northern portions of
executed stool engraving of a mother Columbia county, have been flooded with
and her little girl, introduces this num- j Electioneering Documents, t tbo amount
bcr of the Lady's Friend. Tho double , of wheelbarrow loads, all directed to B
steel Fashion Plate is rich and elegant B. Emry, ono of the hirelings of Mr. Abra
Then follow the numerous engravings,
illustrating the now mode? for ladies
and ohildren. By Peterson iVDeacon,
Philadelphia, at 82 50 per yoar.
Gouey's Ladies' Book is hero for Octo
ber. It is tho standard American Mag
azine of polite literature. Ladies every
where appreciate its character and im
portance. L. A. Godey, proprielor,
Philadelphia, 3 50 per annum.
The Ladies' Kepository, published by
the M. E. Churoh, in Cincinnati, Ohio,
is before us for Octobor. It has always
been a favorite in our family, rankiug
ing high in the literary annals, and is
a sample Religious Magazino. Terms,
2 50 in advanco per annum.
Ballou'b Dollar Monthlt Magazine
of Boston, for October, is on our desk.
It Is a secular publication, containing,
much useful reading and many engra
vings. We always pcruso Uallou with
interest aud edification Price, 15 cts,
per copy, or 81 50 per year.
Peterson's Ladies' National Maga
zine, looms up in good time and order,
for October. Colored plates, rich eugra
vings, and choice literary production'',
graoo its pleasant pages. No lady should
be without this parlor ornamont. Prioo,
2 00 a year.
Cgy The American Monthly (Demo
cratioi with a rioh list of articles, is on
our taQ for Ootober. It has "Haboas
"PUS ' oancludcd-several capital po-
Wl11 Joubtltss bo entortaining, and strong.
i u pnue o. iuu juiumiio is so po onr
dollars hereafter , of which subscribers
mi ! f ,i.. ill..,!.... i. i.
will take notice, Address, Ttckuor &
Fields, Boston,
The Christian (?) Advocate and Jour.
nal, Methodist, nnnounocs Us intention to
dovoto its columns to party politics for the
HOXt IWO months j and SOUlO" of its profan-
... l. ,t. . 1 r
w "i . ug u.u . .
denomination Hero last Hunuay wo
1 trust somo of them will read tho article in
... ..... II I ...!.-! t
lU0 Jmorat mis wook, - Against prcnoc
ng politics." How high abovo suoh mon
aro tho real followers ol Him whoso king
,d0" U "'Jti
Loyal mon cf tho North I for whom
I w!ii vou voto for Abraham Lincoln, tho
T.Snnntn ! Whrtli.Fi we look ni his tiomi
nation in tht light oj pma or of tear, we
. ,r r ,,co ,0 McClcllan."
,. iii,m,i 7?,;rr c, . it it,
-the llichmontl inquirer says: uc
i -
Clcllan is by far the more dangerous can
didatefor tw."
Paymasters are being sont to the arm
ies to pay off a portion of the back indeb-
tcdnees of tho Govommont to the poor sol-
diers, somo of whom havo boon unpaid
for eight and ton months, in order that
1 the soldiers inav cdt in a cood humor to
the soldiers may gdt In a good humor to
voto for Old Abe, After that it is hard
' to say whon thoy will sea tho light of a
navmastur's countenance.
r j
Montour County. The Opposition
in Montour county havo nominatod a whole
county ticket as follows :
For Commissioner Daniel Morgan, of
tho Borough of Danville.
For Treasurer Charles Fenstonnaohor,
of Valley township.
For Auditor 'ian Murray, of Lib-
rrfv lownshin.
cny lowuinip.
lor unroncr John I'atton, ot uanvuic.
An abolition meeting was held in
jjancastor uty a lew mgnts ago, which
was addressed by two ministers of the
Gospel C?) As wo said a few weeks ago,
the Philadelphia Loyal League is perform-
... . . .
, ing its labors. Uo in, gentlo Samuos, Howl
, tor blood.
t&- Brown' Bronohial Troches Clear ' wll owo for J'car8 doI"S uot,'ing
and give strength to tho voice of Singers, !aPPcal t() ihoso men, and thoir sense of
and aro indispensable to Public Speaders.
"I havo never changed my mind res
pecting them from tho first, exeoptingto
think yet better of that which I began
thinking well of."
Rev. IT. W. Beecher.
CSS Mr. Linno'n has managed during
the three years ho has been in office to
swell tho p.iblio debt of the United States
to about seven hundred million dollars
For Ihe "Columbia Dumocrat."
Col. L. I,. Tate
For the last ten or twelvo davs, the
ham Lincoln, and how much further, the
country is flooded by this kind of trash,
is unknown to the public in general.
Theso documents consists in part of a Hi
ographical sketch of Andrew Johnson, to
gether with his speech nt Nashvillo and
another headed Georgo LI. Pendleton, the
copperhead candidate for Vice President,
(beautiful languago for Christians and
gentlemen,) &c. &c and now within a
few days Mr. Einry has appeared himself,
probably to make a judicious distribution
of those valuable documents, and perhaps
too, of collecting the tax of Two Dollars
from each Postmaster for tho purpose of
defraying clcciioneering oxponscs. This
Hovercnd B, B Emry is the same fellow
who camo up from Washington one year
ago, to cant an illegal and fraudulent vote
against Judgo Woodward. In tho first
plaoe his father, Wm. Emry made unsuc
cessful trials to tho assessors of several
districts in Luzerne connty to have him
assessed, his residenoe being at I Fashing
ton. But just ton days before the gener
al election, ho oamo up, stopped with his
father iu Fishingoreek two or tbreo days,
then proceeded to Wyoming county, but'
was suro to return by the second Tuesday
in October, and thero claimed tho right to
vote, on a ten day's resideuce, which was
objeolod to bymany,but his vote was final
ly taken by a good natured Domooratic
board. Ho no doubt, will try to play tho
same game at Ihe approaohini; election.
. ,. f . , , ,
'i ,,w v..b,uu wujr uuum ui uiuuiiuu irotu
being again so imposed upon. Under Gen
eral Jackson's Administration, clerks that
went into tho States to interfere in their
elections wore promptly dimiised, butun'
lni- il,o i.l.,.:i..
w. ,u. fimmi iwui-uuu uuiiiiiilbtraiiou,
thoy are encouraged, and paid about fivo
dollars per day. This follow does not wear
a sootoh-oap and plaid-cloak, but a very
nigh crowned fur hat, and a suit of black
clothes, and the words oamo out of his '
mouth as smooth as oil, and asporsuasivo '
as if bis very existence dependod upon
the re-election of Mr, Lincoln, I do not
want to compare him to th) President's
dog, but we think it would bo very appro-1
prjate to. consider Inrn as ono of Fornoy'e
Pups. Vox Populi,
national ijepraiiatirm. unnniia,i
nr., i ... . .
R . .. p """"7 .
n f' f f r?S "V '
the particulars of an enthusiastto' D.-mo-
(ratio Mass Meeting, in that City, which
was addressed by two gentlemen, In tan.
port of McOlellan.wlio havo boon!!! J.i
Republicans, and conoluded with the fol
lowing itom of our National Pcg-od .loi7
"Tho President's urounds are st 11 ii.'
scones of negro pic-uios, a flno jot of hc,.
ant young negro women aro theio. Th
havo swings, and Old Abo goes out nnj
swings them. Thrso scones remind ona
of Abraham of old, who called
dron homo lo his bosom 5 and It follow
tbot Abraham of a later dntit should p0
and do likewise. Headers tho uMto is ,,,,
fiction. I havo coen it with my own ovcl
and I can tell you it Is no pleasing (.jJ
for a woundod soldier. Hoping tit 1. 1 '
may hear, if the uows doos not ieno:i inn
on the fiold ol battle, that Luzerne county
guvo McOlolhn a handsome majority,
Yours, &0., Union.
Tho following payments hnvo been mji'j
to tho Columbia Democrat officc,durii. ,
month of September, 18(M ;
r.H.n Unwell, s) no
Ilntillmon'6 Cirrui, & 00
Henry Karnnnlil, 50
i:Uta Chriit. Muflly,2 00
S.iiniii'l Doner. 'J 00
Hon. Oco.l', Btil, p ,,1
J0I111 M. Pommy, ' , 7
L, & U. U, It. Co., S
neo. P. nirharili, J ,
Jonn Jos.on.
ji'.Vc'r'trr iu ou
?.?.Vi"c' 'J"1!;!!'' i,','
so.epli 13, Prodorle, a ,
John Alt,
Woorcc Moor?, ii ij
.Mrs. Mnry llamllong, "i
I rntn Kitchen, ii ?,
;.Vriirrtl.. '
Henry Hycr, , ,,,,
L'uvlil U. AII.crti.on, M oi
llavlil Pliillim, fi -s .McltoynuliliJ m
r.3tatelliinol VYuUu, 3 tio
(H'nrgu Oinuii, v oj
P.'imui'l I'ntk, i I,,
W111.J Krninar, s
rjliislluitlcrlck, jo,
On en I!. I'.yerly, b 0)
Hutaio 8. AlcMlclncl 3li
t'ol. Neal .McCoy, 3 Jj
Hainiicl titctler, 1 i,j
Win, 1' Crevcill !i J'j
John llonry, I t)
Julian llurlzcl, H 01
Henry A. Miliar, s J)
llunry WiiBiipr, a m
Win. AlcMlclniel. i 1,1
'1 hayer & Noyci, 1') 01
'I'll omn 3 llrynn, I2i?., I 45
Wesley llolilren, 5 uj
Annuel W, Oirton, 1 w)
AJam Keller, U 00
Lcniiaril Kline, 5)
Wheeler c Wilson, 2 00
ft""6' 'J"!'.1'
. fitui'.ia tii.itiii uii
Jncnli Lunger, .'0
t .i ..11 1 I'. II. Ilrnrktvnv 0 Oil
Jniiie K.iiniMi6r,Ei.a en
, Hanri . Hutchison, ou
A AKtld
1 lnnc linpHibiic!',
3 00 1
u 10
4 Oil
11 00
7 50
:i 00
f 50
'.' U'J
U itf
(i no
H (10
s 00
4 O'l
i",1',?"!!! ui.
j "iiflojj!'
Jacb Mmiic'r,
10 00
Hon. J.N.Uoiiyngh.nn,4 OO
Hubert n.iuni,i:g.i., 500
h. Vnu i.uon, r,, s 00
Joel Irish. Ils'i.. '1
(!. A. Knynolil., Ciq.,10 110
Jj1"' "j"
a oo
4 00
, ,,,-y. W(J a,itlU)Wi1.(l1,u. with
lil)(,ra, pavmPn.B for ti10 ,n0Dlh of 8optoIn.
bor vV1)i,0 our .friun(a ; tllig v,0nit
are doirjg woll, in tho way of payin up
tUcir iudobtcdnrss to this office, it is to bo
i resetted that manv distant subscribe.
Jusllc r U0Desy carnca ana JU1,
We want our money. Bo thoughtful,
friends, and as wc have dealt generously
with you, in roturn, treat us justly. Sand
tho amount promptly by mail, at our riek,
and it will be carefully reecipUd. We
wait in hope.
In ninonitlitiri!. hy Kcv. J. II Dimm, on the '.'ith
iiiBt., .Mr. (Ilokue (iiKMcu ami .Mini CiruoRlst Dti.R,
all T llazktuii, Lucerne county, 1'u
In Klnpston, Tuesilay iiior:iiii(T, H.'pt. STtli, Wa.
t"Ti.iND, Esq., ngeJ T5 years, 3 mouths i,nj dn)-
In lllnoiinliiir?, on tho 111) innt., I.illv L Pmitii,
ilanjliter of Solomon Sinllli, ngvi 1 ycir, 10 rnsntln,
anil 21 flays.
In llloointlmrg, on Jiilur.Iay wornlnj Inst, .Mr. Wm.
Sloan, ajji'il T2 years. 10 mouth, arul til ilj, r.
In this place, on the SCth In.t., ,Jr, vV.m. IIcoiui
accn nbout 34 yearn.
At Espy, on the 4th Inst., Ann,, twin ilmightsr rf
Haiiiuel A and .Martha M. Wornian, ucuil IU momhi
a ml il days,
lu l.'cntrn ltvi on tho 21th of Aujujt, We IIidLai
ujed 01 jenrs.
I and p ru
rnrn, Ciller. Annlei: Cnrti r-nrks f)nl.
pruuues generally, nanted at tins oiliee, on
October 1 lc04.
li.onsr. von fjiiarSi,
A GOOD-aiZED MA HE, suitahlo for
IK 1'ariii, Hussy, limit, nr Uatiahnr;, will do solJ
cheap, on application to thi Uilitorof the lieruorrat.
tllouinsburg, Oct. 1, lr-nl.
ly on haiut.nnd will be cold cheaper than the chcapn'.
by the uiiileriipncil, at his Trunk, fur ami Valii!
establifhincnt, No. 403, BlJrkr-t Street. I'liilnlrlphia.
, TI10S. V. WATTii'Lt.
October 1, lfC4.-3m
of Valuable
Town Property.
rrMIE undersigned offers his private residence at pub
X lie sale. It Is situatud in a pleasant r"" "f HI0011"
burg, the county scat of Columbia, has a commodious
well finished, and tho lot contains all the. nccenat)
improvements. The sale will take plnco on
Saturday, October 22d, ISC1.
nt 1 n.clock P. ,M. There is a good variety of Prulton
thejireniisis. Possession given on the tirt of April
L Also, nt the snina time I will off r TWO VAU
UAIII.E OUT L'lTri, for sale tl.lia HICKS
lllooimburg, Oct, I, IJils, 3t
Estate of Silas McMichnel, dcu'd.
LETTEIIS nf administration nn Ihe Estate of Slls
Me.Michncl late of llriarcrrek twp. Col. co., dtt'd.
have been granted hy the Iteglsler ofi,'i)liiuibiarototb
undersigned i all persons having claim, against the is
,he undersignc.!, residing in said township, without
delay, and all persons IndobtLii io mako parinerf
late ot tini acceuent are reouested to present Ihenila
b'ep.SI, lPM.-flw 6J oo. '
Estate of Itusscl White, dcl.
I T AEnSof administration on the Ettatool Itmstl
ivniic, lato or Centrs twn., Columbia rn dec u
: fhV!..bdn..5.,ftW
1 JT AililsS''''." "'."iSW
wPWhU5,,l; snU pe'"0"" ""lebt!d ,0
PAMrrn. vpa-iiatvii. AHm'r.
flap. SI, I6C1-0W S3 (JO
DIl.O- WEOWEUTII, riiyslclnn froni Oermany .hir
ing located permanently al Morilnnvllle, foluw
bia county. Pa., respectfully liit'unns thu nubile gcr
ally, 'hat lie Is prepared to siuntiflcslly und succcm'
fully, all ecscs of ACUTE and
With promptness and m moderato terms and will
guarauleo general satisfaction,
8epH 51, ISJ4.-y.
nOIILD respectfully Inform thocltUrns-.f Dloon's
VV JHlSriS?9'M,t''1
''1 .'