Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 01, 1864, Image 1

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i mi
VOL. 18. NO, 31.
McClellan, tlxo Brave.
mm Kosln tho How,
Com. yc nhn would tmve refdrmntloii,
Turn out for McClellan, tho btarc,
Tho hero, tin pride of tho nMlon,
Who our cnuutry from tuln.can ittt.
Whllo Ashling for freedom and fitorr,
Anil in licit by hit iutJIeri belovoJ,
The Jsritous a til I called him a torf ,
And iaid lis must ba now remored.
Mc't linn our country defendel,
And well mltlit her sons ' are tellsf,
And the turmoil nud carnnco bo ended,
Had lit' left li I lit t.'uiiiinaiider In-chief,
A hero of hip,h pcllinntlon.
Lung, loaf, braro McClellan liubson,
jto toon nt thi' In ad of Hie nation
Khali In honor nd ilory bo seen,
Tot him will hold a convention,
And by thousands be marching alnnj,
Btjcicltig in nlvst'r dcclen.ion,
And nulla ill loud cheering and aon,
ih Star Hiiangled llnnncf In splendor
OVr iutrlitn proudly shall war?,
While P.. puUlcain cnlinly surrender,
To McClellan, Ilia honest and brave.
Thus gathered from mnuntalii and ralley, '
From the hills and the plains all around,
for .McClellan our freemen shall rally.
And tho (uhees of music resound.
Away with all Wild abolition,
Thsl caused erury bullle we fnnjht,
TIM eh.iupodiur coulitr)' rnmlilion.
Madu d'.btiiud tniatlon fur liaujht.
llo'T lone must our money ba squandered I
llow long mint our nation yet bleed I
Tf Oods I Oh I how muih 1 hits wondered
How Ions wo must suffer, indued.
Pet Ihe fortuneless, sad-heaitsd mothsrs,
Now inn'itilng tli lost of their sons,
The hsatt liiukea iim and brothers,
Jlade sad since tlii war firs: b"gua.
Republicanism must vanish,
And peaca restored it should b'. ;
Th iMitors fr.ini ofllce be buni.lli.l
Now oppnssliu the brare au I tlio frf.
Oh, a c'iflne.' I onn b" effftd
re tyiauti shall doom us n? iU?1i I
If I.irn.'iln r.'jaia l,o e'leclo.l,
'flun mci.uiu will atnk to its f.rari.
The Taint of Disunion.
"I will not vote for u man, no not ii ho
wsro my own brother, who had lain with
nio in tliu womb ol my mother, on whom
there it the b:a-it shadow of riiurpiriou ol
lisuriiort ." nr. (f. II'. llahif c, U, U,
l-t the Acudemy nf Atuiir, X. F., 1S00.
To learn the real tentirm nn of the men
for whom wc art) askr d to vote, wo must
look bac! t'l tho opii'ions tlu-v avowed
and deionded bt;fre thuy o.imc bffore tliu
euantry a'kitig for iti higlinst ofiicsn. Then
thsy wire umlir no tuiuptation to coucosl
taeir own opinions, uor to .trow others.
What hoy were theu thfy are iuw, unless
they havo ittraes.i ilieir puulishnd dtoU
ration of politiosl .eniimeut. Tho lc
dent of tho p-trty now in power aio and
always havo been DraCKio.Ntsib men
who believe in the right of aeccs-iori, and
the duty of disunion on ae;:ount uf!iv:ry.
This will be readily been from their own
writings and perulios.
1. Abraham Lincoln. In ihu IIoujuo'
Hepresontstivus, whilo a member oi Con
grobs, Mr. L'ncolu said in a speech :
'Any pftsona anywhere, bdng iaelinoil
and hatiiij; the jmwer, lltve ihu ngiit to
rise up end nhuko off the exiititij; govern
moot, and form a new one that suits them
b-ttor. Nor I ihii riyht eontiaed to casea
where the pcopli- of an existing govern
ment may chooso to ex.'ieie it. Any
portion ol euuh peoplo thit can may revo
lutionize, putting down a minority inter
ming'ed with or near about them, who
may oppose them,"
This declaration ol sentiment, Mr Liu
coin has never modified uor retracted ;
and the manner irj which ho has conduct
rd ihe war, the removal of generals when
tbey wetu ubta to aehiero great suoeos.s,
hit fn-fiueiit interference with militarv
plans, his abandonmoiit of the Oonstiiu-1
lion for tho laws of his own will, his re-
construction plans bacd on lho State hi- i
Icido thaory ol Uh.tiles Sumner, bis ncg.
leot to attempt any negotiations with any
power other than Jeflbraon Ctvis, and hii
refusal of those excapt ouly on tho basis
of abolition so that ho effect.
un tvoemont between himself and tho 1 Blar.v 10 ooutinuo ( oemttor mug-
Kiehmond dynasty, to consider the Con-1 ha"J OI!l'
..station dead, and the Union gonofand to ! bti Ewuh X.
icconalruct n now govcrnmoiit all this, . Wc cannot havo both slavery and tho Con
ranpled with tho fact that ho had never t tution. We ought to revolutionize bIu
tuodificd or explained his old secession ' verV out 0 oxisteneo, JJrig.Uen. J'htljjs,
jetrino, abundantly justifies the belief j f VmMnl'
I .at ho is deeply taincd with Disunion "yhoull lllis 0bo election of Fremont)
1 he is "honen old Abo," ho belie-vos now ' f"1' "? WU,J 1 l"Kr eat'0
. . , . , w hero from tho aMiults of tho arrogant
r.Hat ho advooaUd in tho p.imo and vigor ' stavo oligarchy, who then would rule with
f I'it llfd tho right of secession in a Stato, an iron hand. For the freo North would
i cunty or town ! Ho had not done cverv-
I mg that human power oan invont to
.r,lr TTi,i J:rr,..n - : m , ,
- W...-M m.jiusmu.o i
v 0 are hopelessly divided if his plans aro
uuained j by tho peoplo.
i. William II. Seward. In 1850, Mr.
B- ward, predicting civil war between tho
iNorth and South, said :
"Then tho freo States and slave States
ol the Atlantio, divided and warrlug with
coli other, would disgust tho freo States
"'' tho Paoifio, and thej,- would have abun-
duct oauso and juetifioatibn for withdraw-
ing Horn a union productive) no longer of
poace, satety aud liborty to themselves.'
"In 18G0, Sonntor Halo presented two
petitions praying that somo plan bo do
vised for tho dissolution of tho American
Union.' This petition received three votes
J.P. lloto,W. It. Soward.S. P. Chase."
3. Tho "licpublicaus" in Massaehu
Bctt. Alter tho election of James Bu
chanan to tho Presidency, a disunion con
tention was called ittthe following words :
''We, ihu undersigned, citizens of Wor
cester, believing the result of tho recent
Prosiileutiul ulertiou to iuvolvo four years
more of pro-slavery government, and a
rapid increase in the hostility betwoun tho
two sfouous oi ttie Union :
1. 1 , - 7
"lie icviiiir t n uistiliiir iA l, .i. :
spring not ol paity excitement, but of a '
lunuaincntal dillorehcu in education, hab-
its anil lawi i
"Believing the existing Union to boa
failure, as being a hnpt'lcM attempt to
unite under one government two antagonu.
tics cystentNofsoenty, whioh diverge more
widely every year ;
'I And belieiviig it to ho the duty of in
tslligent and coticcU'iitioua men to meet
these laets ttith wisdom nud irinne.s;
"Hoipeotfully invite our feilow-eitizens
of Massachuactti to meet in eotivrntion at
Wureeslur, on Thursday, Jauuar 15, to
consider the practicability, probability,
ami expediency of a separatum bi twet'ii
tlio life and rlave Stales and to take melt
othor uieamros a1 iho contliliou of the
times may require."
4. The Aliolitiouist?, Witneet the
abundant proof, nor doubt that we cart
lutnieh volume of the
iMao tort of cvi-
ri was a '
t make a
is out of
:.. r
"Tho Conttiiution of our 1'athim was a
unstaki Je,t if in jii,cc.i an it
littler. Don t ety tho machine
oniei it is in order a t!)e, what its fm-
lucr.i intended." ''Our claim ij i)iituion.
orrsi.iug up ot Ihu fciatt, ! L Inno shown
. , , , , . '
yoa that our work oannot be done under
our institutions (law.s ) The Kepublicin
pirty, w tho Grt pnrty ever or
gi.i.ed in ibis country It docs "not know
its own fare, and calls itself uitional, hut
It is t ,tnl inn 1. 1 tr u ..I .1... V.uil.
nlndifinl nraintt the s...l. !"hv .;
1. .... nt. 1 n .. .. . . nt
18 14, a I No York-
Kf.olved, That scessMou from the U. S"
Government i tho duty of vvcr abolition-'
Unsolved , "'! bat the only exodus of tho
Uvo to freedoin,tuiles. it ho one of blond,
mut ho over the rimaius of the present
Ainrrican Chun-h, and the grave of the
.1. uu .'Ull-l.nui y lliccillirr It Jintf.
present Union.'
liosoiveo, "inn i 'its anoi::oiiists ot
tl. L - rounti y i.hoiil.1 iiifike it. cub of tho
the Atrn ricin Union
i j v, w, ..... ...u v u.s.uivu
i.rinvir nlt,, n I Ills anill.,,.. I.. ,1..,.1.
"I have Inhiireil for twenty years to
br;ik up tho Union, am) I ylory in the
fact Wcwldt I'hilipsr.t liuiljonlt Feb.
S21, 1&G2
''The Fremont patty is moitldiug pub
lie seutiaicnt iu the rii;hi d.rcctiuti for the
specific work ilio abolitionists aro striving
to accomplish ; tho dissolution ofthoUu
ion, and iho abolition of slavery through
out the laud." H'js. Lhijd fr'tiriioi,
'No net of otira do we regard with
more conscientious approval or higher
"stislrioti u ; uoue do we submit more
oiinfidtntly to tl"' i f ilatcn and
the moral venlict of inaut.ind, than when
several years ago, on tho -lth ol July in
the presence, of .t gn-at assembly, weeoui
mitteii to thfi U.i mcs tho Coustitution ot
tho United States." - rm. l.luyl Garri
son. 5. Prominent Friends and Supporters
I of Mr, Lincoln. The speeches, writings,
acta of these men, all foim onu black his
tory of enmity to tho Union. Wo make a
few brief citations as proof;, danmiug and
disgraceful, and wc challenge tho radical
party to meet these proofs.
"Tho Union as it was is playod out."
kcnulot 'Jim Lime" ol Kansas.
I "Tho Union as it was and tho Consli
I tution at! it is God forbid U," Thwtdeus
i Strvcns.
"Who in thd name of God wants tho
Cotton States or anv other State this side
of perdition to remain in ih Union, if j
'e'1 ,uc "lioicn ol a peaeetul dissolution
f .1.., IT..: :..ii . i u i
of the Uniou, a civil war whieh would end
" 11,0 ',rau uueouumonai burrouuer
.. 1 ;. : . . t . 1
of every prinoiplo held dear by freemen."
Francis E. Spinner, U. S, Treasurer.
'I havo no doubt tho free and slave
States ought to loparato. Tho Union is
not worth supporting in connection with
'bo South." Jame3 S. Pike, Minister to
! Hollan.d appointed by Linooln after this
! av"al'
Kxtraot from tho constitution of the
''Emancipation League." William Cullon
Bryant pwidenl.
"Art. 1. Tho name of (lib unr-intv l,all
bo tho Emancipation Le.tguo in tho City
of Now York.
Art. 2. Tho objects of this society shall
bo to insist that no State
now in robolliou bo recognized os a mom
her of tho Union except on the condition
of emancipation.'1
0. Tho ltcpublicau Nowspapora. Ilore
the evidence is overwhelming.
"Not it few of the llcpublioan journals
of the interior aro working theuuclvca up
to the belief, which they are endeavoring
to impress upon their readers, thnr tl in hp
ceded Slates, ho they few or many, will
be whipped back into tho Union. Wu
caution all such that in language of that
Bort they am adding new fuel to the flame
""'on is already blsziUL' too ficrm-l r ! unrl
, probabilities now aro that tho re-
1 rovo luem 10 bQ tlil!u prophets.
No man knows what public poliuy may
demaiid of the incoming Administration ;
but this drift of opinion seems to bo that,
if pcaeeablu Eceebsion is pojsiblc, tho re
tiring Status will be assisted' to go, tliAt this
needless and bitter bontrdversy may bo
brought to an end. If ths the Ui ion is
t'i lie tlifiolvod a bloodless separation i by
all nitfiius to be coveted. Do nut lei m
uiuko that impoEsibli." Chicago Tribune,
Dec 1600.
brom the Tribune of A'ov.0, 1800.
If tho Cotton States kliall becomo satis,
ded that they oau do better out of the
Union than in it, wo insist on lotting them
go in peaee. Tho right to snoedo limy bo
a revolutionary onr( but it exists neverthe
less. Wo must over resist tho right
of any State to rcmaiu in the Union and
ulillily or defy the laws thereof. To with
draw from the Union is quite another mr.t
tor ; whenever a considerable motion dr
our Union .hall deliberately resolve to o 1
out, wo thai! rcit ail oowewo measures '
denned to keep it in. Wo hope never to ;
1 I ........ . . I i
livo iu a rcpuhiio whereon one section is
ninntd to another ll V tin L'lllt.ltQ
4 J V""
1'romthc Tiibnne tf Sac. '-20, 18G0,
If the Cotton Miii'. unit, div mid unr-
nestly wish to withdinw puan-luily frimi
the Union, wi- think tiny thou d anil would
be allowed to go. Any attempt to compel
them by loree to remaiu would be eoutra-
r 10 be. P" n i-i p os enunciated in the im
moital tlrclaratiou of indopenre, contrary
to tho fundamental ideas on which human '
i:l . I .
,s 01"ou,'
fVo" lhc T'l!m"e V. 17, 1800.
" 'be Doijlration of Independence
justified the secession from tho British F,ui-
p'ir ol three millious ol uolouisis in 1770,
WB not sc0 wiiy it would uot justify the
secession of five millions of Southrons
from tho Union iu lsGl.
From the 1 itbwie of Feb. 128. 1K01
Whenever it shall becomo clear that tho
cr,t Uunf (!,,.
. ... . ' . K
neeome cone usiveiv n lonatc.I from t hr.
Union, and anxious to escape from it, WU
,,, j W . iu, IOi. uaMy 1)roI.en now t)an jt wa3 wIlPuthig
m If three months morn of earnest fitrht- Administration commenced. Whatever
ing Bliu.ll not serve to make a serious im- , , , , . , -
pression on tho rebels-if the end of that f L"CSty of purposo '" be!onS 10 '"m'
turm shall find us no further ndvaii"ed than all(l 1 unl willing to admit that ho has had
its beginning if somo luili-jnant Fate has it, his vaseillation, his policy, now oonser-
deereed that tho blood and trcasuto of the votive, now radioal, his selection of milt-
natio:i shall ever bo squandered !.. fruitless t officor( A incompetent, his
cflorts, let us bow to our destiny, anil J e , -i .
make tho beat attainable tiener,. lul!Ut of tti0'0 wll were evidently compe-
rili: AMStticAN ri.Ao.
1'ruin lho X. V. Tribuno.
AU dill I In fl'imi.iK I. in
Tin' M.irn eruw rule; anil dim ;
Tlie btnp.'s arc bltimly rears
. l.iu iliu wtuiiiiii? liyinn.
It slik'l.iH ,1 fiir.ilc's .1 ei It,
It binds a man 111 rliain.,
It yukcj t li c captive's inxk,
Anil vijk tliu blooily stains.
Toar ilowii the dunning Mi I
llnif'iuasl tlio slurry lla? ;
I it Mil 1 1 im bunny sky
Willi liatc'a polluted rag t
I).-truy it y whp can I
Deqi sink it in tlio vtavs 1
II bears a frtlinv man,
Togruan with fellow slums.
Furl, fiut tho bosgtej I, in I
Till 1'rccdoni lives again.
Tn rule mice mora in truth
Anijn: nut rnninieloil men.
Bull up tlio starry sheen,
Conceal its blundy stains.
X'ur iu its folds tiro sei'n
The clank of rusilins chain?.
From (he livening PoU, Oct. 1803.
Tho "Union as it was' means tho utter
destruction of thoso who now adhere to
tho Union; and iu view of this fact it is
the duty ot every honorablo American
ol every ono who
values tho loya.ty oftothorai ht task, IIo b t d
Sflf With nil ,.. xii.l.t I & J
T Jrihern men, to work with all his might
against ihe plot of tho slaveholder's friends
Let the sober minded, intelligent, ptri -
otto American people.who love tho Union
above iPropflrty midlife, read thoso opin-1
ions, and consider tho conclusions to whioh
thev 1. ad. Hoar in m'nd that Afr. T.i I
coin, after ho had avowed himsolf a firm 1
believer in tho dootrine of secession, was
nominated by tho influence, mainly, of tho
Chicago Tribune and Now York Tribune
men, who wcro tho ultra abolitionists of
tho Republican party. Ho was elected
by choir enthusiastic support.
Not ono of tho meu who.'o original do
liborato opinions wo havo put on record
abovo, has, iu any shape or form, iudiau
...1 ..... .I... -I- . .!
iuu uu uuuiigc 01 foinunuut or purpose
Thoy aro to 11 man disunionisti to-day.
Thev havo oonduotod tho war with refer
eneo to that result, putting all possiblo
obstacles iu tho way of adjuitment, ami
soeking to mako Union impracioable, With
this key to their policy, their courso is in
telligible and eotuittent. If thfy obtuln
a Icaso of power for four years more, tho
tlcstruoliori of tho Union, and o sepata
tion of tho North and South, which is
their oherished purpose, will bo an accom
plished fact. These riro hard sayings,
hut, in tho facn of tho proof wo have ci
ted, who daro beliovo othorwieo ? Out of
their own mouths wo judge them, and tho
judgment is just. Tho Baltimore platform
is a condensation of Iho quotations wc havo
made. Journal of Commerce.
Roverdy Johnson for McClellan.
One after another, prominent Old Line
Wl.! :.!! . .t... . e .1.1
...g. art: j,u,ug luC gretu uouy o. me
.u.s.v. .-...,. B'v P-1 rcau prejudioe-he soared above them all,
port to the nominees' of tho Chicago Con- hoWi on ,ligh t,0 B-m ,Q 0rogs of0hr-st
ventlon. When ,n Baltimore for several ' as tho onQ onl objcct worlb ,0
days last weok, wo found numbers of ntteution.
Union men openly Rowing their intention , M hr"cthor ,g Su pa(J, tQ ,)0 d
to rota for General McClellan m pre fer- C(1 aa a csara , , thb
enoe to Lincoln. They be bvfd tho Un on , n i l
, i m n .stcrsot Christ in general, or is ho not ?
would bo restored with McC o an in pow-1 Tr .,, , . i- r in .
, ... ... Havo tho great facti and issues of Chnsti-
or, and were convinced that under Lineo n .. , , ., . ,. . .,
,,,,,, .... i auity so changed, that sorao different mdde
it never could. o have now tho follow , ,. , . , .
, , ,, , , I of dtscliarciug the duties of an embassa
mg letter from Hon. Hevcrdy Johnson, 1 , , .,6T, r. . , ,
f , , c, , ... ' ; dor of tho Lord Jesus may profitably be
who was elected Senator bv a Lccis ature ! . ,. . ... . .
opposed to tho Doa.ocratio party lie has
-...-j., ..WS..-.U.U, n o,, . UFpUSllIOI, tu
ua, ia ...ill U3 uuw UUUUIIUU IIU UeilWVCS
tho rc-elcotion of Lincoln would bo the
grc;itc$t disaster which could bcfail this
nation. Lot him speak for himself, as tho
oldest Senator in Congress :
Sahatooa Si'iunos, Sep. 14
G intTjEMEN : Your invitation to tho
mcetinir to bu held in W-i,binr.ton m. il,
I , "g. . -, 'lsh,"on 0,1 lho
'',! ra"fjf lho uo"",lat,on ofMe-
W""" '"! I 'ondleton.i but just received.
ll ...III 1 . - P , 1 !
H will bo out of iu v. nower to bo with
you, my stay hero for some days longer
beilij; unavoidable. Opposed as I wan to
the original Weetion of Mr. Liuco li to the
station hu now occupies, from a conviction
ol his being unequal to its duties, the
manner iu which bo has met them, has
but confirmed ion in that ontnion. With
more than two millions cf soldiers
nUend in hi l,,i. ,.,! ..nlimi.l
amount of treasury his policy and his
manner of using his power, instead of put
ting the leuellio'j down and bringing to
our ranks the thousands of union men
who were then in each of tu-i beceded
States, and who, iu some, aro brlievcd to
outnumber the rebels, have but served the
.Innlitn nnrniuj nf nt.ilintv llinui nntnqt 114
, ,. V : ,. ., - - , .,
uuu ' "'vrutug mi- puuno opinion oi too
I ...... I Ci 11' fT. . , , C i .1..
al o.uu cueui, ui uwutau, m nsm,
notwithstanding the gallant deeds of our
army and navy, and tho manifest justice of
.... tu' IT. - ,. .-..
"Ul '-Ul) tUU LlltUli 13 tUU II1II11T UUlLk
tent, his yielding in this to what he has
himself often been heard to say as au ex
cuse, was "outside preasuro," his having
1 net only not puni8hed,hut as far as the pub
lio know, failed to fobuko the vandal ex
cesses of military ofQcurs of his special se
lection, shocking tho sentiment ol tho
i world, and disgracing us in the view of
Christendom by tho burning of privato
dwellings, and depriving their often 02
' clu-ivcly female occupants of homes and
; means of livelihood all demonstrate that
I ho is grossly incompetent to govern the
country in this criris of its fato.
! How can an honest man believe that
.one who has so signally failed for almost
four entire years, oan bo successful if
another four years is granted him I No
1 ono in Congress certainly. Not twenty
I members beliovo him eoual or at all ennnl
! and found wanting. Let us have a change,
! nonl; 11 l0al can 1)0 tor 11,0 wor80' "
!" not ,hat wo wish t0 u, IlU owu classio
fiur0 10 BwaP h"rs08 lh middt of a
Strcam' bllt ,hat wheB We ar " ai0UrDBy
anu 3a,eiy n(,PCQ,,s 011 mnS our ue3tl
nation at tho earliest moment, wo should
n i D I r o 1 , 1 n 1 erm t r ! n r il n II it , ! n ImMfn
seouro a sound and active one.
Iu Geueral McClellan wa aro furnished
in the history of his lifo, iu the purity
of his character, his refinement, his at
tainments, civil and military, and, abovo
all in his perfect loyalty every assurance
that, under his executive guidance, the
war, now so, exhaustive of troamtra and
blood, will soon be brought to a triumphant
iHiminstiiiu, and this Union which, "at ull
buzzards ' ho will never agree to surrender,
will be restored.
With regard, your ob't serv't
ItBvenDr Johnson.
Widows of blaok soldiers get tho same
pflrion i viJowg.of whits, oldir.
AguinBt Preaching Politics.
8. Paul wont fdrth to toll tho good news
of God, and to prcaoh tho dootrlucs of ro
pontnnoo and faith in tho Son of God as
tho only mctliod by which men could bo
saved. Lverythtng olso was lost eight of
iu thin single purpose of winning souls to!
tho Kcdcomcr. This was tho labor of his
lifo, this the burden of his teachings, and
this tho all-engrossing topio of his thoughts
and of his desires, tfor this he was ready '
to sink all issues that pcrtainod mcroly to
tho present life questions of nationality ;
questions of secular philosophy; questions
of moro philanthropy i quoilioDS ol hu
rcsoricu to i Are men any tuo less in uan
gor of losing their souls now thafi thoy
w(jr0 ror,lor,y J Auj ,8 c(,cssity for
proslaiming an uuadulteratod Gospel any
tho less urgent than it has been hereto
, foro I May the grand old themes, pro
I found as the mysteries of eternity, and
I awfui as tho possibilities of human desti
ny, be safely superseded iu favor of the
tlimsy questions of the hour ? Has it in-
J 'i"""""" "uul ' ,k ,u"
deed come to this, that it hall be brought
as a railing aocu.-aiion agaict a Chrutian
i(,tUllU his millUtrations t.u on no
hue from tho popular excitements prevail
ing around him I That ho shall be lihell
ud w i l!i infamous charges, simply for tht.
reason that he has confined himself strictly
to tho proper pathway of his oallinij I that
he shall be mado the victim of soanda'
and of conspiracy, for refusing to pander
to men's earthly pcfMons ? Havo wc
reached such a pass, that men will not he
satisfied unless they cau bring tho atmos
phere of the nowspapcr and the caucus
with them into tho houso of God ! that
thoy cannot for ono short hour worship
their Maker, without .olluting tho offering
with moat offered to au earthly idol ? Can
not Christians consent to leavo tho world
behind them, on coming into the presence
. . ...
01 tl,at eY which fills all heaven with
,, , Tn fnrna. fnr
tumult and tho strife that rage so furious
ly outeidc and try to rise into that purer
level where God is all in all ? The times
mu"t, indeed, be sadly out of joint if such
a state of feeling has come to prevail ex
tensively among the followers of Him
"who-o kingdom is not of this world."
i Tho theory which I myself have been
1 accustomed to cherish has been, that in tho
j Church of God no merely earthly issue
'could rightfully have place I had sup
posed that thero at least all men might '& world where men oannot always think
, meet an Christians and conscious of their anJ a'i'JU ! and I also beliovo that in
, common tin iu tho fellowship of Jeu?,for-; 'ue oud il will prove to be tho winning
gf-t the differences whieh elsewhere keep method. You rriay Migmitizo it as you
j thorn asunder. Tho echo of such words tllink best ; you may brand mo, for hold
; as these "thero is no differenco bctwoea ing ' with such epithets as your good
I the Jew and tho Greek, for the same Lord 'a"c and your Christian charity may sug
j over nil is rich unto all that call upon goat it will mako no difference. Tho
1 Him" had left upon my tuiud tlio im- record of my ministry has to go boforo a
I pressiou that the common prejudices cud far more awful tribunal, to bo submitted
I affinitiea that classify society ontcrcd not to a far more eearehing sorutiny, than
'iuto tho arrangements of tho Lord's farai- that of any human censorship.
ly j but that thoro tho ono groat tie of Yea, dear brclhern, tbo conscicntions,
Christian sympathy took tho place of those carncbt minister of Christ oan but think
minor sympathies which, with their cob- often and solemnly of tho timo when that
web lines, bind men together in various I vecord shall havo closed. IIo looks for
earthly aggregations. In short, it had ap-, ward to tho hour when, worn out with
peared to me that, differ as thoy might faithful labors for tho Bouls committod to
elsewhere on any conoeivablo topio what- j bis care labors, it may bo, which too of.
soever, men might still meet and min- ten havo met only ingratitude and unkind
glu beforo the altar of their oommon Lord, ncss the weary servant of the Lord ro
oousciotis ouly that thoy wore inspired with ceives bis summons to depart.- And then
tho same faith, auimatcd by tho samo hope, ho calls up that other hour, bung round
and bound for tho same eternity. with a still inoro terriblo solemnity, when
Hut, brclhern, I am almost ready to ask ho shall meet exposed in the full light of
myself wlmther this idea of mino has not eternity, tho history of all his toils, and
been alter all a mero delusion I And
whether ot. Paul was not mistaken, when
he described tho Gospel as a systom in
which nolo was taken of ''neither Greek
nor Jowjcircumcision nor unoircumoision,
barbarian, Seythian, bond nor freo, but
Christ is all, and in all ?" Groat God of
peaco and charity 1 And is thero, then,
on saered rclugo to which Th ue. . juis,
vexed with tho strife of tongues an weary
with thg scoues of earthly hatrud, m .v re
tire aud enjoy tho blessedness of uudih-i
turhed communion with Thoo, the common
Father of our spirits ! Brethoru, I most
solemuly assuro youi that wore it possiblo
for mo to view Christianity in an aspect
so narrow, so unlovely, I should feel com
polled to renounce my faith in it altogeth
er, l .should hold it as a cheat and an
imposture, I, ibould barten to rtnk my-
eolf among its cnomlea, And devote my
lifo to fighting against it, m being one of
tho groateit hindrances in tho way of ha
man happiness and human dignfty, And
I give it you, (uithermoro, an my most
earnest conviction, that tho spirit of int61-'
cranco to whioh I havo alluded.if it oomoa I
generally loprovail among Christians, will
uv iiiuiu iu uuruiop inuueiiij man an tuo i
writings of all the infidels that havo livod
since the beginning of tho Christian ora
These aro fearful times, and onr hearts'
may well tremblo for tho ark of God,
When, in tho very botom of Christ's house
hold, thcro appears to bo springing up a
desiro that tho pure Bride of Christ may
bo prostituted to tho pleasure of an earth
ly partisanship ; when somo arbitrary
standard of duty to Crosar is attcmptod to
bo planted on tho vory altar conseo'rated to
tho sarvico of God ; when tho temper df
tho anciont Pharisceiim ii revived in
another form, and men calling themselves
Christians iise (ho olti words with a new
meaning, "Stand back, for I nm holier
than thou," I confess that I cannot repress
tho oonvictiou that tho Churohhaa fallen
tipdn evil days.
Brcthcrn, as ono of the watchmen set
upon tho walls of Zion, 1 dcclaro to you
that sooner than do anyiting to fostef a
spirit of this kind sooner than yield in
any manner to the prossure of a sentiment
so utterly at war with a Gospct which
bears upon its banner the motto "Peace
on earth, good will towards men" soon
er than allow tho position in which I stand
as the head of this congregation to be bent
one hair's breadth for tho purposo of hu
moring any political fancy, or of reflecting
any prcvaleut agitation in the world out
side, I would boro my tongtto through
with a hot iron, and lay my right hand
upon the block to bo eovered from my
body. Yrs, let it be understood onoo for
all that this parish, so long as it oontinucs
in my charge, is iu tho speoial interest of
no paity, or clique, or set of men, wheth
er in Cliurolt or Stato; that it bears no
distinctive complexion with regard to polit
ical affairs on ono side or the other ; that
no man or woman, old or young, trill bo
permitted to prescribe what sort of people
shall bo admitted to its privileges, or what
excluded from them ; and that whatever
may be the sympathies of individuals with
reference to the topios of ihe day, it will
make no difference as to their position
hoic as worshippers of the samo God and
heirs of the same promises. I cm nd
friend to a tyrannous proscription for mcro
opinion's sake, nor cau I consent to be the
instrument through which it shall bo
brought to bear on tho members of Christ's
family. Such is lho platform on which
this pariah has been conducted heretofore,
and on which, God helping me, it shall be
conducted in the future. I believo it to
bo the only true ground for us to take, in
praynrs, and sufferings in tho service of
his Lord. There rises to his view that
, solemn soene, in whioh both pastor and
, peoplo must havo part.whon ho shall havo
1 to answer for his fidelity towards thorn,
and they in turn shall havo to answer for
their fidelity towards him. O in anticipa
tion of suoh au hour.and such a scene,
and such tremendous issues as theu shall
be disclosed, how trifling must pcciu to
him all the littlo trials, aud porploxitles,
and discouragements whioh gather round
his present efforts ! With that great and
high-minded Apoitlc; whoso ministry vre
havo reviewed this morning, ho will tread
them all under his feat, and, strong in the
faith which is in Christ Je.-ui, will fling
out his eublimo challenge to tribulation,
'' None of these things move me, neithor
rant I my Ufa dear unto royaslfj so that
I might finish my ooarse with joy.and ths
mlniilry, trhtoh I havo feeeived of Ih:
Lord Jesus, to leslify the Gospel of the
gracoof Qod." Suoh brclhern. I, tt.K
, motto which hn hrm rsrorr,. i.:
and under which, oontent to enduro hard'
ncss as a good soldier of fJhri.t T.... ).
us shield;
will struggle, on.till tho groat viotory shall
be won at last.'
Tht Rev. Edward lent.
, A Scono In tho Oare.
Tho New" York Expreit of Thursday
relates tho following :
''Yestordoy afternoon thero oocurrod an
exoiting inoidont on dno of th Third Avo-
nue cars on an cp-town trip'. Two genllo
mon of oppotiito politio'i Linooln and Mc
Clellan who were psascngors, wero seat
ed sida by side, and wero discussing tho
affairs of tho day tho war particularly
in a Sarin but rtrien'dly manner. The lat
ter was oandid in his hopes that McClel
lan would be eleoted, tho war oeaso and
the Union bo restored. The former liko
Old Abe, could boo nothing bright in ths
futurd Until slavery vtai abolished or tho
whole South exterminated. If it took bhc
last man and the last dollar, said he, the
war must go on to tho bitter end. He was
extremely violont in hi' manner, gestures
and boks. By his side at a plainly dnis
ed, respectable looking woman, whoihow
ed oonsiderablo agitation whilo tho Lin
coln fanatlo thus raved. She had watchod
him closely from the btfjifJfjing, and her
ears evidently drank iii every wrathful
word he uttered. But when he excl, :mcd
that every man must suffer in the cause ot
tho negro, alio sprung from htr seat a
quickly as a tigress, and dealt blotf rvftor
blow upon the face and noso of tho up
lucky Lincolnito. Blood spirted over tho
floor of the oar, and tho soustuion created
by the extraordinary aot caused great ex
citement among tho pasncDgers, ambng
whom wero many ladico.
The coudttctor was thunderstruck, and
scarcely knew what 10 do. First hs starts
ed for the beligorsnt female ; then he halt
ed, and pulled thu strtp to ring the bell ;
and fiually ho mado a dash at tho bclige
rent female, who kept punishing the of
fending Republican, exclaiming once in a
while, "you want war; you have it right
here at homo," ntid then followed a so
veror blow still. Finally she was drawn
off, and the sufferer, with his pocketband
kerchief to his bleeding noso, beat a re
treat, and reaohing tho sidewalk, perform
ed iniraolas in tho way he footed it down
tlie 'inird Avenue.
After quiet was restorod,and the oar was
proceeding up town, tho assailant exoused
herself for her unwarrantable oonduot by
saving that she iiutl til res J? lost her hus
band and one son in this war, and thatshb
bad still two sons in the army, and sho
felt felt that no one must intiraato before
her that tho other two tiust aacridoe their
lives also, and leave her alone in the world
to satisfy the fanaticism of the hour.
The Nominaticmo.
The Philadelphia Ledger is a newspa
per which caters to tha taste of its read
ers under the garb of neutrality. Every
other newspaper is disloyal or loyal, as it
agrees or differs with it. It has a largo
circulation, a very eot.jidcrablo influencej
and is paiticularly oarcful respecting any
admissions mado iu its columns touching
current events. Its owners are good Dem
ocrats its conductors are Shoddy. Wo
mako theso remark' because wo teo in its
correspondence and editorials a "sign in
the wiud'' whioh prosagca a very good
tima for tht) Dcmooraoy in November.
In its Washington correspondence wo
havo written :
"The nomination of McClellan met with
no special reception it has been antici
pated for months. M.tuy regret, and thou
sands more will regret, that he is not pos
sessed of more experience for to impor
tant a ponitiou, as it is cvidcut, if elected,
othors will have to counsel and advise him
as to the proper courso to' pursue upon the
tremendous issues that will be presented
boforo him. Ouo of ihiso advisers will,
no doubt, bo Judgo Woodward, of your
State, between whom und Gun. McClellan
there exists a friendship lasting as death.
"Tbo platform is regarded hero as an
otU'Ulid'OUt peace instrument. There is
not a breath ot war in it from hrst to last,
and on its face it gives indications that the
party is willing to nuvko tho bast terms
possible with the rebel authorith't It is
not generally beliefed, however, thatauoh
will bo the ease. Th Dpraooracy, if sue
ceasful in Novomber, and the war U no'
closed by tho 4th of March, will no doul i
offer to tbo South a return to the Union,
with all its rights under tho Constitution
guaranteed ; but this persistently refused,
then tho war lJor ihe restoration of tha
Union" will go on. Under this bauuer,if
is beliovodj all tho troops necessary could
bo raited, where now it is found difficult
to fill any quota without reoourao t? r
Exactly, Eloot MaGIallrta, nod all wilt
gt their righlm