l! COLUMBIA DUMOGRAT. Saturday Morning, Sep. 24,10G4. IIW.HH Slllllllll lllllllllllllll'llll IIBIIIIlS lull I III 1 1 III OTTO joa? Hon. S. S. Oox hns boon ro-nomi-hittotl for Congress. Good boy will bo oloclotl. By Col. Froczo lias n fotv copies of MoOlollan'a Iifo, Campaigns and services. Call anil got ono. Ho will soil tbcni at cost. Circulato tlio Documents. war Somkiiowy has laid us Under obli gations to their kindncss,for a lot of Straw berry plants, received through the Post Oflico. JCSiy Soldiers, rcniombcr that tho abo lition Legislature engineered by Governor Curtiiii refused you the privilogo of elect ing your own Army Officers1 Dreadful Calamity I Wo learn by Miss Kate Ubtz, daugh tor of John Bofz of Hemlock lownihip, that on Wednesday morning last, tho Oars on tho Central Pennsylvania Rail, road, oatno in collision with a Coal Train, below Mifilin, Jnniata eo,, nntl killed foino thirtj: tie persons ! Miss Bctz,cscnpod,but lost nil her goods nnd effects. Truly, a terrible calamity. POWERFUL COMBINATION I lLElStB(DlllQ (iMIRLOT, VVIIIIAT, per bushel, 1 tl I M'TITIt. SO it vis. I U noon . 8U cons', " i in i,ii,i'AT(ir.H, 1 00 I1W.KWMI1AT. a I lillll'.D AITI.Krt, 1 flu I'MHUI tier Mil, it .HI IIA.Mrt OMIVI'.lifl.nil, rt All I IIACO.V, V5 ri.AXHi'.nn s oi i li.w i,y iim tun, torn UUCKWIIIiAT I'lour. 4 Ml UIIIUKIiNi), per pair. 33 mm A Grekniiaoic Wunr, InvisstkB. A year ago several journals joiuoil in iccotii' mending their rondors to invest a Dollar 'Greenback" in securing that very excell ent journal for thq Houshold, (including tho littlo ones,) for tho Gardon,nnd for tho Farm, called tho American Agriculturist. Many persons wore thus led to subscribe, and wo bcliuvo nil what did so were much morn than satisfied. They have received tho 23d annual volumo of the Jl grculiurisl John Van Burcn nnd Jnmei T, ! Vfbi.'h Is full of good lliingj, useful, prno- Brady eminent and lending men in Now tu3al nnd cntcrtnmg,and just now tho pub WILL EXHIBIT AT ISLflOMSKUKM, pft Saturday, September 'Uth, 180 1, SPECIAL NOTICED rpmtiunu! iitsoi.orttiui:H.dccni:'ra for Tin; X MILLION I A most valuable and wonderful imlillrnllon. A wJtK ol -ino pages, nml nil roliirijil migravliiiis, lilt. IH'N TISIl'S VAII1S .MIX'U.M, an niigliial timl popular tlont. les nn .Man ninl Womnii their l'hysinlogy, l'niictions, and Hemal disorder of every kind with never falling Iteiuodlcs for thulr speedy tutu. 'Jim pnitlcaofDr. Hunter hns long- bees, nml till It, iiiibimiiili'il, lint t thu earnest sollcllnlluu of n rims pcr-ona llo ha boon Induced til extend lila medical usefulness til rnui.fi tiid medium nr m. "V.iii:.mi:i;i;.m in a vniiinio that .ho.ild hu In Iho hands nfevery Ir.inllr hi Hi i laird ns n preventive nf secret vices, or in n guldo for Urn alleviation of i,Mo oftho lunst awful nml destructive scourges over visited mankind. Unn r.oiy si curcly un. Velnpe.l will be f.irwnnled t'reu of postage to nny part uf tlici i; ii I Uil States lor 5u cents hi I' () sininps. 1 Aitilrcan, init pul.l, ))r. Hunter, Nu. ,1 Divlalnn i Htrri t. New Ymk, , Uliiy i!l, tfOI y, Uniformity ofPrlecs ! A Juw Kcnturi; in llulne 1 livery ono hi. un H.ilcuniin I JON'Ild ft f.'O. nf tlio i iJri'jeiililnc I'rlcn t'Uiililng sturBiNo. '.'U4 Markctstrco nliovu rilxtli, I'lillnilelplila, I liiii'lilltiuii to liaviiiii tlio lariroM, timat vnrioil nml f.iMiliiiinlilu Block of I'lntliiiiK In I'lilla.li'lphla. ninJnci. liri'fifllv for retail rain. Jiavu rnti.tltllti'il cvnrv mm III. nwii aiilcman, ly linvlnc markeil In liiiuro, on catih SCROFUIiA. )R.I!.W.WI!liLS' MllmiCMN COMPOUND lbr THE m,mm. York who havo been supporting Lincoln J liillier ' sending out to eaoh of I. is subscri- Afternoon at a o'elcck.evoning at 7 p. m. ; St?Jiuiyr vtiii m5"t L ii k.oJ J f"r e""''y for two yours ; tiro now ijoing for McClel- Ian I 1 . . r I . e uora .ippiying a presuni 01 n pinm 01 ono Admission, GOcls. oi me most remnrKauio strawborrics that Children under 12 yoars of ago 12Cots THAYER & NOYES Toachots' Examiuntions. Tpxaminations of Teachers for Columbia tonuty, will bo htlil at tlio following time, nnd ptarr. Mlfllln at Minilnvlllo, Scp'ti 12. Mnlno nnd Hearer at Malnvllle. Hep't 13, l.nctut ami lloaringcrcek at Numeilla, Kcti't 14. CatawUia anil Frankllii at Cata ivli.a, Hcp't 13. tlonyngliam at tjciurnlla, Hep't in. Mrlnrercck ami norwlck at llorivIcK, Kep't ! Centro at .'owlcrnvlllu. Hep't SO, Oranjo at Oranucvllle.fcp't til. riililmrroek at I'calcr'a (jclinol llou.e, Hep'tUi llcnton nml ttugarinaf at lleiiloti, tlep't S:i. ritntt at l.lglil Ktroetirei't 121). ,Mt. I'lenaant at Jmiea' Hctinn. f ton so . Hep't S7. Mcnlnurnl lllcltcrlf k'a Sclinol lloiiact Bcp't 3D Illooin at lllonin.lnirK, Oct. 1st, Hemlock nl Ilucklintni Oil. 3.1. Mart I ion lit Jcraeylmvn, Oct 4tli. I'lno at Wnrncrarllle, Oct. Mil. Oreenwooil anil jack. inn, at llnliriliur?, Oct. 1 1 th, 'J lio ejerrl'ea at all tho above placet to commoner at 0 o'clock A.M. Teacliera nro rcqiicatoil to appear for exemlnatlon beforutlio lllrcctura tu wliom tlioymako application for nniplnyiiient. CIIAS. 0. IIAHKUIV. l'.toouiiliurp. Aug. .1, 18(14. County tfup'L The Pennsylvania State Agri cultural Society, WILL HOLD ITS NEXT ! A T HAftTOV, I'A cnmmenclnir TUI33HA V fllll'. TI'.M lll.lt 'JTlli and closlnB I'll I OA V HI'.miM- II I '. U llillli, let 4. 1'rrioliunt over SIO.UIM. Head tlm follnwmi; nhitrnct ! OATI'I,!!, I'orclgn Imported, ID I'lrn, .111,3 laiiKii.H i(,.iu ., ... w j ,11. ..iiht Kiuui', of Cattlo, 31 priimhiiiii, from $ to 81" ! nnd 43 pre in J it tn from $ in licit lit hi nf cnttlu, riot le.a than 15, nnnoil mill lielil nn farin ttnek, &c.,SIUi'.M hoVa.dir;,i?u).cf.;,oIfC?af5Uc,o,,,,;!y): ' iV&nw, has attained a ccM.ru ?jll ,r at. S'W. Ilultnl.n Ileal imported, n premium, from 3.1(1 In ... ..,,,.. llnn.iut.lr,, ,',i ,.i,,'ii SIS; Tlioroilshbred. Ill preiiiliiina, from 8:m In Sill; tlj 111 MOit ptl tit Of tilt CUHHtfy, Viewing THIS old established, thoroughly hied lltmcdy, rccommidid by some, of the. most Tho eonila are well anonni'd and prepared nnd crent palna taken with tho iiiaklii; to Unit all rnu buy with j Tnnttilig llivaea mid .Mare., n proinlum uf $300, one nf llfivn nvnr linnn tirmirrtif nttt rPI, nnn nl.i.1 rr 1 n . I . .-. ....,.v vuu. i iimuu ifiuiibo. ffiT Hon John U. LLiiis, our late' . t1 . , , ' . ' I VT nil fltllfl V tlm nillv nthnr tiiicjnM lmtin member of .be Legislature, has luft us for ' em fi0 roadily nt go UNITED STATES OIKOUS, VAN AMBURGH & CO'S MAMMOTH MENAGERIE Egy pt i a in? 0 a r a v a n;. Greenback invotctl lnttyear has certainly paid well. All we havo to say is, let all others go and do likewise. Notwithstand ing tho prc'cnt ndvanco in cost, tho pub lisher still niters lo take tubseritiliotis thin month (September) nt SI n year, or from ' -wr san bM'wi. itho.p,l.r a to the end ot lBli.j (flrtoun montln) for $1,' disttibutiuii. Miveral copies of tho impor lanlGpiirral Jiaws, passed by the Legis lature of 1 cnssylvntiia, at tho Sossion of 1SG4. Hon. Giio. II. I'iindijIiton. Thisgon tleman, who is the no mi tiro of tho Chicago Convention lor thu Vice Presidency, is a, 13' And still further, he offer ono of the siti-iu-law of tho Into Francis S. Kov. of remarkable Strawberry plants, sent free Maryland, tho author of the "Star .Snan-I ftl"! po.-t-ps.id , every new suWriber who , , i encloses n cents extra for ml cloth, packinc, Blcd BftI1,,er j and poMngo on the plant. Addre Asm u. on Pimiwia-A spenmodie ! ,?'vgu11J,;:ld; flI,,,l,lislirj; of $a uricul ,. e ,. .. ,. , .'""St, -11 Park How, New York. You affection of tlm llrom-liiat I uhes, which , gol R ,nMt b(.alltiruli praotical ftnd are oovi'red with a dry, tenacious plielegtn, olioap paper. Try it. Ilrown's JJrodcliial Troches,' will in soit.u ew'os give immcdiato relief. Wo nre oftcn rpn'od to liud ho few Sewi.no Machines in UBc,in our section of ZVr Wii.Mam UuiitiESS, l'q., Editor t!iu country. In the largo cities, every o( the Wynmlg Jiepubkan, hat left his mmily has its Sewing M.iohine, and they printing e5tablilunctit and guhu into tho I would not bo without ono for ten times its Army. So retnarkablo au act of patriot- cost. It is certainly the ino?t ucful it iMu on the part of a loyal league , is dc- J fcniioiiiical invontion ol the age.and wo ad serving of t omir.eiidation. Dr. John uliould . vim 1)Ur readers of hosilato no longer, but now emulate the example of his loyal .bio-1 neo (jetting one of these lalior and lifosav 'her. ing Machines. There are a fireiti many BR- In Alton, IlliuoTi. la.t Tuesday 'kiullrt ol Suui"S Mh'ne- wo have thero was an cleeti ui. at which the Dcttio- taken 'omo Pain t0 '"'" 'cir re- the full nauraura nl ccttina n cond nrtltlu nt tho cry Inweal price. Alao, a lariru Mtnckftf piece cooda on haiid nf the Intent atyln and beat .pialltii'a, uhlcli n III lie mado to onliT. In tin: lnot f.ialiinnalile and beat manner, '.'.i percent, lielnw credit pricua. Itenieinber the Oreacent. In llutkot above BiMli atrect ti'J -nl. JOlli3 & CO. OK AVAG'o EVIL 15 YH Ai KAll. ' l'rofeaaor J. IrtAAI.'rf, M. M., OocuLtaT and AcmaT formerly of I.edon, Holland, la now located at No. 511 t'IN'll Street. I'lill.Aiiiit'iiiA, uliern peranm al'llrtcd I witlnllaeineanftiio I1VK and llAlt ill hu aiicutili. ally treated and cured, If curable. f Artificial llyea inaerled ilhoiil pain. N II --.VochariteH made for lliatnlnatlnti. iheSled. leal racuity la inviled, aa'liu lia no iiinde of treatment. July 'J. iPiil. Km S.'Oil, nnd ouo ol'SlOU, l'aclnR, ntie uf gsu Matched I llor-ea. f.m-y trnttliiR, premium nf j hest .Matched 1 Trnttini!, n premium of sJ3U j beat Droncht, (Jihllne, SCROFULA nun riiigiu iiiiiaue. i pieiiiiiiina irnin in igiu ; btalliona and .Mnrea for nil work, 15 premiums frnni ' ' S.'.'i lo II): Jacka and Mulea, 7 premluina from S'.'ilo SlU.'beat .Mnlc Tcnni uf 4. 93'Ji ftl beat, 15 : makliie , - . a i- . i i c.i.i iin,,i .?I..Mit$JOilOliiprclniuiii.forullde(c(iptlona nf lor.ea Hcrofulou. fiorra, lto-e or Hryalpelaa, Scalfil Hold- ""hi'm: 111" -ror dliremt kind,, in Premium., from 910 ' "ni1 Rin Worm' ToU" SM '"""m (''"l,r ' fi" "' to SIU ; S.'i t'rcmiiiuia, from $S to SI. I ..... . ... . ,. ,,,.., , rouivi llY-nf almo.l every kinds premiums r 61. , cS Ncclt' n ,onm,u" "1,h m,r Ameilcim 1 emalna) cu a. 3 mill 5, in the a Br. galo uf JJI57. I ...... ,. r.,,r.,. iii.in, , iioil.. AKrlrultnr.il Imnleiiienta Ileal dlanlnv S.'.D. fleam I l'low jiiiu. inailal or special illploiiia.ninl liberal apecial premiHiua for plniva, phmmati. rollers, cultivators, unsoiis, be. The premiums in other ilcpartnicuta nro , liberal, lit'lne for leather nnd its Inanuf.icturea. Imtier. secrets io his rhcoae, &c. vegetables, fruit, inelona, grapes, wjiica. Chronic Ulcerated Bnro, LI'iTTEK.S OF ADViCK FOR LADIES. I I IS ANATOMIOAT. ENGRAVINGS. cratio Ticket wis elci'ted by majorities ranging from two to three hundred, on a ipiara fiht. In IrtOO Lincoln cirried that pi nee by thirteen votes. speetivo merits, and we have come to tlio conclusion that the WiiEi:i.i:u it Wikson, IIWIIHST PllEMIUM SllWINO MAI'IUNK.iS decidedly the best. Then; uneijiulled Machines arc adapted Gifr' .Say, Pee John, lnvo you hoard' to every variety of sewing for family wear, ihe news from Maine ? The abolition ma- , from tl.c lighu-M muMiiis to thu heaviest jority cut down from 10,031 last year to ' elolh-.. They work equally well upon iibnut 11000 less this year. Tlio republi-j nilk, liinieus, woolen, and c.lten gmds, em lo'i in (he State ii ndmittt'd by tbe with silk, cotten, or linen thread. They Ti ihune to be ri'l.'iO Demorr.its gaining , will scam, quilt, gather, hem, full, cord, everywhere and (ho returns still coniiuij I braid, bind, and porform every kind of in. j n'wing, making n beautiful and pcricol titeh alike on bo'h sides of the article !& Mr. & Mrs. David CAitrctTnit. nf Clinton county, nre entitled to our llianka, for a lot of exceedingly elioieo ; Pears und Peacltes. Tlm Poari tito of two vnrijtit's nnd grafted into and grown upon a June-berry and Apple Tre.i s am, They were most delicious fruit. tinners and then ileik'm, utoves, tin wurc. &c.. 1I11111 etle mauufactiirea. neeillu work, fcc, lino nrts, pain tin: nml p.itimanahip, display of nitlales by trades. man mid inech.iuics, sliver uare, fcunin? machines, piannua, Ace. Tlm above beinif n tnero abstract, eihlbitors are re quested tn secure ncataloguo so that they may con Ha- information never before published. aSKI Scut fne in a sealed envelop for ten cents. Address Dr. STANFORD. 15 s No. 4,G5!2 New York P. 0, Julv 0, 1-0 1 3iu rpUV, CONFESSIONS AND EXPE- Tho Wondora of Animated Naturo Consolblttd vrith do only LEGITIMATE CIRCUS Fvtr Ornlxsd alonir, and ncrtnsD Amcsimsnt. Prs.emlnent Equestrians, Acrobats, Oymnists, Jastarsy Cowns. Contortionists. KcialllbrlsU and Uonsrst Por. formers-Splendid Stud of Traihsd Hories, Ponisssnd nreh lint ctlefted with rallroarln generally, hoth ustii Irelght nml i'curaloii iicklis. l or cataiogiiuH mid rallroid regulations, address the Secretary. Single Admission tickets, S3 cents. THOMAS l. KNOX President, A. II. l.OVCAKI'.Il. Secretary. NOKllIril'OWN. l"A Sept IU, UGL-Uiv. 9 ri'en of in IVVAl.tll. I I ir 1 It l.l o l j i;,,bl.he,l for ll.o benrnt. and as rf rautlot, tn Yniing A V cUllllUlO ill'Dl 10 1' Otl C. M -ii anil others, hn auifer (rom Kervoiia Pebilily, I I iniiatnre Decay if Mannooil, fce., supplying at the fB-.TTI iinili.rjirmril nffnro In noil nt nr! . iie tliuetho Mfnor MlfCnm llv ono who has ij 1Llj Undersign C(t OltorS 10 HDI1 nt pn- I, nn. ,1 hi ilf afn r imilerL' iiiil' innslili.rnl,ti, mi-rknrv 'i vate sale, n vnluablo farm nnd 1'lniilalloii, sit- llv eiirlcwlng a insl.p.ild addressed cnvelopo single 11 n,c l-ociist tow nahip, Colunibia county, niijnlnliig rcipiea may be lied of ihe author. , farni if Mo-ea V Hhoeiunkcr, lliiaa (leorge and .Mrs. iNoao, .Mouth and Throat. Pyphills tn nil Its forms, fy phltilic or merceirial Soru mouth, and throat, chronic ulceration ot thu I.ungs, tStiiuiach and Kidnoya, I'lm. i.is. I'natunes. nnd Mutches. Itheiimtiliiin, Femnto Weakness. I.crcorrhioi (nriaing from internal ulr.ern on) Ilropsy, Guiiutial Debility, Umusiafiun und all dis eases of tho Thick MuLzsMagnlficent Collestion of LiTina Liosi, TISEHS. LeOPAKOS. llEAaS. IlTENAS. WOLVES. 3IoKETS. Am, IUboojs, Huds of all kladi sod sizes, dc., (9,U "irtd by Ui - Croat zVati Amburgh' Himself 'lho .11 A. MM Oil I WAR ELEPHANT HANNIBAL, Tl.n Lire-st Animal in the torld, vrUhln; nssrly 15, (TO 1'uui.Ji. fi. A. TAl'lll, or Of tho Now Worll, tho Only Ono on Kibikillon. A WHITE POLAR BEAR, Trom tho Arctic Iteioh, tho Onlr Drio in Ainotia. 4 An AFRICAN OSTRICH, r'loo Ted lllih. A I'sirof 8NOW WHITE PEACOCKS, A l air of JAPANESE MASKSM SWINE TI1J firiturr imiiortf.l in Atnfrirn Iltnidi-i n hnmnM arit' of Itirn urn! lMitlX'il JUiit.", IJibdi NATO AM ML MAYPAIR. En.. Juno 4, If-fi4.- Ijr Ilrciuklyn. Klugi co,, N, Y " IJ. S. 7-30 LOAN.""" c.Murtry. containing about Ttt:o Hundred Acres of .and, si'vrrti. t lie pewing will never unravel or nr wath out. 'I he Wheeler & Wilson Sowing Jla eliinrs ar so simple thnt :i cliilil cttu work tin. in With e:ise. Printed iii'-triictious nre .i iit tiilt every machine, so ihut nny one can operate them without any trouble or &3t The people wnntcJ n clinne in iJifli.-uity. Every mneliinc is tvarrenteJ, Infill. Tliny got it. ICveryhody will nil- and the money returned if not entirely sat- mil ihnt the- ehango wan n had ono j nnd i-ifaetory. now, ngaiu.ereryhody is w.llint; to admit ()vrr f'-,ll l!",v'1 of celebrated tli.it n olinngo cannot he for the wor..- Wheeler k V, il,on Sewing Machios nro Won d it be wrong to try the experinmit oolJ CTerJ 3e:ir' aI,d 'H tb,! ,lc,naml s" We have much to e:ait. and no.l.im, to !n. ' Pront tb.t Ihcy Gin h.rdly bo supplied :fl u n - Mia itri'iini by n olintj-c. 02T Lieut. 0. 15. Pitor-KWAr. of our bounty, who hits been at hnine for .onie tveehs pnst, nn an invalid, having partially fiat ns oidered. Machine are carefully packed and sent in good order to any por tion of the country. We lfipe our readers will write nt once to tho Wheelef it Wilson Apenoy, No. 7li-l Ulr-sinut Strcut, Philadelphia, and get lbs urioiusllod Array oftalentcd Aaristn includes DR. JAEVSE5. L. THAYER-, Tho Klouent arul .cchol.irly I'lown ar.l Comntlmn. ' IV3R. CHARLES W. KOYES, Tba unrivaled Hnr Tamer, who lll Utrodlic his ntsiitiful rorformlr. Ilnrso, "Oust Knu, Jr." Charlos Rood, hu Uhnropten Kiiuostrlan, OeorEO H. Batohollor. tl Orent.st Losp. or In tho world. Esildes numrou, I'orps of Auxiliaries anJ Attendmts. Hie l'KOCnS'ilO.V nl this stiiprndous Consolidation vill l.o proline In iplundid ifferti snd marvels of maj. fiiucencu. Tho COLOSSAL GOLDEN CHARIOT One Hundred of which is cleared, nnd In n Rood stato of cu ti v m i nn , nnd the balance is well. timbered. 'Ihero la erected upon said pteutisce, a good frYame House, I.Ofi PAUV. with other nut building, cood Orchard, mid seicral excellent ;irini;s of Water on various parts of the 1'urm. l'ii.-Si-ioii sjiviiii on tho first of next Arrll, C?-" 1'or cnuiliiiiiiis, and further particula?s, apply lo th" subscriber, near the pteinlses. I1I.IJAI1 YOCII.M. Acnit fur Samuel O. Head. W;tembr IT. I Kit linn. . m ran 5 U h Cd QiNitt me; AJ-.M POSTSCRIPT! Brilliant Victory of Gen. Sher idan. 9 Shcrirfan Attacks Early on the Jicrryvillc Pike and JJtfuils jJkn, Driving Mm through and beyond Winchester Des perate EifhtingTht enemy in Strang lorceThc lit Lei Generals (Jordan and IViottcs lulled General KJti, of the Federals lulled, eind Gcmrals Mackin tosh, Union arul Chapman Wounded y.COO rrisonois Cap'ufclOitr Loss about 2,000 The Enemy Reheat DH i ing tha Alight, fyc. WAsuiNftTorr, Sept. 200.30 a m. Qcn. Sboridan attacked Early, fought it great battle and won a splendid victory. Over 2,CU0 prisonor wore captured. Nino battled flngs nnd fifo pieoes of nrtillory were also captured, nnd the rebel Gens; Oordou and lthodes wero killed. Throe otlior general officers war bounded. All the enemy's killed nnd most of their woundod btsvo falion into our hnnd. vaaxua WFitgtt4.HBas'mmi AiaotxagTCowaciBwoi ADMINIS'ITvATOUS' NOTICH. Estate of Gideon Fishci , deceased, FETTEKS of administration on t,n'B t Ilslato nf (lldeon I'l'licrtatd of Ileacr tovrnsliip. Ooluuibia enmity, deeensed, have been granted by lh Hi el'ter of I'nliiiiibla toiinty tn the iindcisliiiicd 1 to- ilinSln Heaver luwnshlp s all persons having claims neainsl tlm etJ.ile of tin. decedent nro requested to present them to the administratrix, without delay, and all ner.iins iinleblod tumiile pnvin' iit I'nrtlnvlth. 1 ni.lZAIlLTll l'lSllKlt, Adm'i. Aug. 'M.IU04.-0W t3 . CEXTJIEI'ILLE, PJl rpill! undersliinnd announces tn his friends nnd tho' J. piibbln- that hu lias became the Proprietor' f thj New Centrevillc Hotel, Located ill OLiittevitl. In Cunyiif ham towiisbip;, I iiltinibla Cnimtv. wlier he Is prepared to nccniinn ilatd the travelline public, unil ..II ho may lavof luui nith their custom, to k ueral s.itisuetlou , IL" llcmembur the Uninii Hotel. Auz. i(. I6G4.-.1UI. Cuntrevillo FHES1I ARRIVAL or 9 SPIllKG&StMMERtiOODS A T Miller's Store. 'IMtl: mibsrnlier hns Just returned from tlio Ofties " J will) iiiiiiiher lurge ami select assorunei oi -01'- The Perrctary nf th Treasury elves nn'lre that sub . scription. will be received for Counon Treasury Vols, pavnlde three ver' from Anir. I.llli. fill, wllh sem. annual inlere.l nt the rate of seven nnd thrc.tenths percent, per annum, principal and Interest both tn he paid In lawful money. TheseSnotes will he convertible et the option of the hnl.lrr nt iiinliirity, Into six pr cent, cold lienrlni: bonds, payal e not less than fiv(, nnr mor nn t.nty years from their date, as tlm (Internment mnyilecl. They will be issued in ill nominations nf $3'l, 5101), SVi. l.nni ftnd 51.011(1, and at' subscriptions must bu tor lilt) dollars or some uuuiiplu uf fifty dollars- '1 hu notes mil I.,. i rnu, ...i ... . Ae traiiHportatiou .hirses ns soon atti r thu receipt of the ! V cIl!clS.)10 iaCiJ JalJS tclt-G. ' orialunal UirtiCcates of Deposltas they can be prepar- id. "ITT I I.I, be exposed In sale, by I'ublie Vendue, on thu . .i,, ,.i... premises, in Orausu tow ushlp, on As the in tesilr.iw Interest fron Aujust II, persons ' ' ' ' 1 . ',' niak.ne deposits suiise.pmnt to that ,iate must pay th" i oatuiduy, the UWi day ( September ,1801, ii't ro-t neeriied fio m date of note Kid itejof iletpo.Mt- by .Moses Ilvcr'tt, V.xvcillor of Hie lal will of Jameii t'.Htn s ilesposiug tivcntv-live thousand dollars nn j llveritl. late of Or.nnro township, dee'd ; hy virtue of upwards forthe.e notes at'any ono ti.no will be allow ! tdal IMaleo iKClii'nlln 'Suit winch HI he paid by t. in Treasury Ilepartuient upon lauds nf James 1'atterson. on Ihe Souih hy lands of the r'c.ipt of a lull lor the a.uoiinl, certified to hy the : llobert rttnl'. and on tho West hy lauds uf John Hart o.lic r will. ho,., thi deposit, was made. No deduction ulb"' ..ntiiiim.S about t'T c'imiMlBiionurs uitibt bit muili from tlic ilLpt."itt. NINETY ACHES, S.lAIil. ADi AM'I'! Ol1 HIP) li ').UN. ! souiu fifteen ncrss whereof is cleared land, thu balance I Mill. I. TI.MIIUItUI). Whereon is en-rteil a tAV It is a , vi ion At. avisos llxiit, oll'eriii- a liUhcr rate . Mll.t., situated conveniently to the tiinler land. of nit, lot than any other, and the bat ttturttij. Any TIlltMri. Ten perc-nt paid down on the day of sale i savint's bank which pays its. lopo-itlors ill U. .Voles. ! one halt tho balance on the hr.t of April leM-and con-Klers that it Is pa) inc ill the biM cireulatiing me- SPliG AND SUMMER GOODS. n..l, . l'hil.Ielnh'la. nl the loweiH flcitre, iili.l whieii they uro d.leriiilned to sell on lis mode. rait! Icruis us can be lrocii.'ud eltewYere in lllooiiisburc. Ills ' stock comprises In cafes of Costiveueas or C'onatipaiion it i-E- "r,, ,nt.i.t chii. , 1 nnr ouotiis. .vi aupotutiif NEVER FAL1.S- CEDMR U-.1UU, 1WI.1A? rfjIUC IIIU.V, Jk-.11.S, UOOTS S;-SllUtJi nrrs i( C.lPf. &e , S,k., S;e., iii i,rr ..v,.,viuini usually keft In coiTnUy Stare's ,' tijtAluili hu inviU'tt.c iubllc centrally. ! Tha lhijln.stori. 0 puldfurcilnSHn prsidlicti. y 11. MILLEL. I Uloomsburg. M.y lel- . Its mild In Its action. Jiibt sufflchnt to regulatt tha National FoutliSy. howels and keip them regular. Its unlika all pr.pu ! ) .OO.MS1UJ KG, COLUMBIA CO., PA rations fur tho lllood. having tho laxativu properties iNiml.iiird. As it contains . 'rs lor f. 111! riibsrrihnr proprietor of the abuvo nunie.l m 1 ten-lve uslab.i.linicnt'. is nun prepari-d 1.) receiver rceovcr tu, naitcil on J' rittny two weckn onu of their Almanacs for lHOu. mill npi c h iiice, lor the Front nt Pitcrf-burg His ' ituons of work dono by the Machine, all health it Mill quite prefiaKoiis. but like nil 1 "f w,l'h tUe w.i,11 fL'!"1 b'v Tl if ' . i obariiu, to any addict. We should be he Me ellan men, he ever willing to , Klft,-t0' Hu0 Aenoy for W,celer & Wjl- tHke the responsibility." Sueocis to ' ,, 30Wmg Maohino estahlibhed in our lo- Lieut. Brockway. ! callty. We know them to ho tho last, mot , . - - - 1 , . I nlmnnnat tunolliliri 1 f I 1IOA. ! CST" The ontei prising Publishorp. T. B. IVterson it Unitheri, havo issued n new . French Breakfast edition of the life, campaigns nnd services (if Major General IMeOlellnn bringing it down to date. Tho book is so popular that they aro actually making n fortuno onto! it. Every body buys ono Everv ti . . loty wants one. "Llltlo Mao" forever, nit p; T AMERICA TEA COMPANY Agents are supplied in quantities to suit, nt low rotes. Address 3u6, Chestnut Bt.. Philadelphia. and Dinner COFFEE- OWINfi to the very limn price oi couee, nn.i mo ereat dill'iiiiltV in prncurins n irood, uniform and , reliablu artlrlo our ciiftoiners hnv" often expressed n wish that they could he supplied I ruin first hands. It was thu intention of thu , CSS" Several of tho widows of tho Lin- II entn W.irt Mifflin r.nl;:nnl ..!, ;.. .1... , -w.m A-v.i. .At.ji.u 1'uiitiuitl JJinuUUlf, til IUU j upper part of this county, uiuoo tho arrest to ilo a strictly Tea business, hut ns we have had 1 tonio customers living nt a d istancu that havo relied upon us In supply them exclusively with Tea and Con fee, it heiuc inconvenient for them to coino to Newr York.Tut UkcatTea, ami l.'ornu r.Meonit'M of this country -end us our TcaTaslcr was priMessed of in formation relating to a Coll'ee that could be furnulied nln mods ratu price, and sivo universal Hitlrfaition nml ut t' ulinu II no niror.l tho retailer a handsome profit we have been compelled In supply those par lies, 'fins coitli: mas nnco.Mi: su iuiti.aii w i.ii or riifitnioers nml their sallas havo increased to and incarceration of tlinip lnnti..n,1s -in,! 'X1-'1" oial we have neen eouipeiieii tn iniiKo mm luuiirci-rmioii oi moir nusuauits anil I lllr! tinB t0 (tir muchniary, which will ouablu us Son nrn nltnimt dnilv in tin tlm I "ipply n few nmro ciittnuii rs with II. Wo will fons, nro aiinubt (tuny tone seon in tlic n,,.,,.,' lt t ti,0,eWhoiuay order. fields following tho Plow. The country It is Fail Superseding all other Toffies. ' around, WO aro told, is prOttV Well drained I ti.IsC.uT,.,, has hcen used fur more than a century in i u l ii., Pans, ami since its introduction into this country tt ol its provifions nnd provender, by tho I jysI Jeci i.",t by Jmi i of ti.u lemiin? rrench-nes- t.iurauts Her" 'jnei'arisia s nro sain m nu mc m-n liidpos of coll'ee ; mid the t'reat favor In which It is held by them is the best recioiiiniendiillon that can he procured for its lino llavor and healthy cllccts upon tlm human system. .... Wu suit up hut one crude of this coifeo, and lint Is of n nualiiy that our cuioiners havu found from nxpa rlsiicuwill iiivo perfect salofacl imi and meet all Ilia demands of their trade. It Isthu lowest price that wu ran receoiiiuieiid. Wo doull nur business on the most exttnsivo scale, buy hy tho cargo nud sell at only twu cents per pound 1 r , .... on .... Mythological Car of-thQvMuses; ContKiulng Eel. Farmelos famed Brass Band lu drawn hy l'J 1 esniif il AraMan f?leed nowou. ly (aii.irioiioJ nlth cUAU of telvt, richly studded uilh brilliant oinldcnnticnl ornan.Pnti of sold arul t live r, 1 ha Nupt rb Din. Carriage, liastf.igo WaKCni and clher llquijuiteii, lmanufcturrd y tho celetrntfd Kiii.uino lUniiuits Nw Vork.J nru of tho most elegant and coiU ly doif rij tlo n, an-J of lncoinparaldo style nnd fmlih. Tho iiidiwribnblt'iirauuf ur cf thl wotidrful Cavalcade, rcprktMitlm:, ae it dce a MOV1MJ 1'ANOltAMA of ovwr a Mu.rin I.ihgui) with its 11thcUv apolntmcaU and attribntw, I wo Ktiprti It.-yond ennrt'ptloiw exciting jn Ilm boholder th r.-Alizntlou of tho fervid atnuBemenn whichtiH birth to chivalry nnd it-intttindantia?eaitrleii l'ho MiAt.tJii-.iT dcfcin to inij res upon tho FuMia mind tint eafh and cvry 1,-nturf of tlili.rand Combi nation Is ontlridy unr vcpilonaMo and tf n hijli toned and moral rharactir. 'I hu undfniaMn ce ctlenco and su jicrloriiv nf ihU iait1lhmnt is a conceded fact. I'orthc p. ciil amutti-nifnt ef l.adUa aud C'lilldren, Mr C. W. NOYEV will exhibit his great Performing Monkoy " VICTOR,"' Tho leit trslued animal of Ills bind in tlio voild. nn remaining jiait nu first April l-.iii. wilhintere-t from day of talc, l'oscorsion given on payment on th ten per cent. MOiUri UVr.ltllT, Kxecutor. Aiilfu.t'JT. Iil.-tj. 1''. X E CUT Oll'S NO 'J' 10 U . Estate of Jacob Eyeily, dcccate-l, J' Il'lTIllH Teslamentaiy nn the esate of Jacob l j erly, lalo of Idooui luwnship, Colunihia coiiiity dece.i-ed, havu been granted by lle Ueejstef of Wills &.c.,t the undersigned hoth residing in !!ionmburg. All ieruis liavini: claims against the estate nf the deeeii dent are re.piested tn present them tothe Kxecutor, w ith. nit delay, and ell ii.'rsous indehle I to m iku tiay iiieutforlhnilli . .MKJII !'. UVUItl.V, iiuiiuttr r. ui.aki; A Utoeutnrs OOd nnd I'O- Iarkct Street, l'liiladclplitii, Tlllrf llott'l i-i Inrnffil in tint iffy riMitr f luininsj nml iiu'iir tin' ri-nfii'durtu places fit tinii.'iii -nt v Inch m.iko it parti iihuly ilenfrntili lo pcrnim v t f f 1 1 n -riulaili'ldn.i on ljUtiti.'t.4 or pi a- uro ; and thu Man.iL'r linprs (y rlti. -it pi rfiti.il iittt'litiait to thu ot Qh lux Client to mnkf it n roiufiirtahlt' huiui! Ut much ud nuy l'i ir liif Iicum with their patriMiax, .;. m: uwiin anon, rrtrji'rs. JOIIX flliH'KI.r.V, Clerk, July S3, in'.l. -1-.' mo I Foliliers and tboir horses, aud many farms bereft ol ovcry tnalo moraber. IIonco,tbe 'omon and ebildren nre necessitated to cultivate thu field j to avoid ruin tbis win ter and starvation tbo nest season, Tbo nomination of Dr. IIauuv Darin? tlio Kiitertalnmsni KION3. D A V I 8 , The only suerrtsful u il of tha Urest Vsn Aml'Uttll will enter the den of Trsi, ie.1 I.lnns, Tleers sn.l l.eopsr.l At each llnterliliiment will be introduced tho Performing I'snies' Monkeys, Llephmts nnd DR. THAYER'S Educated COMIC MULES, SAftf & DICK. The floKGsous 1'iiocrssiot niX entor town at or about 19 o'clock in lbs niornln.'. ilium of the country, and it raneo pay in anything bet ter, for lis own nsels ft i e either in povernment secur lues or in notes or bunds payable in government pa per. It is cpi-illy convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The uolus can always he sold for within a frartiou of their face and accumulated interest, aud are Ihe best security with banks 1 collaterals, for dis count. (.'onvcrti'Jleinxo a Six per cent. 5-i!0 Gold I land. In addition tn the very liberal Interest nu the notes for three years, this privilege nf conversation is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the cuireiil ral" fur .V.V llonds is not less llriu niaejirr crnt. pre muni, anil before Ihe war the preni'uiii nu til per eeul. I". Is, Hocbs was over tHeiily per rent. It will b n that life a jtu.il pror't on thu loan, at tho pros- -nl inarKct r.ilo, is not less than ten per cent, per an num. Its Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation . Hut aside from all thu mlvantaires we have cnnnier nled, a special Act of Congress cinaptf oil binds and 'lYcasury nefM from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is woiih about two per cent, per nu llum, nccorilin' In the rale of taxation in various parls of the country. It is believed that no securities nffer so great Induce ments o leaders ns those Issued by the envernment. In all oilier forms of indebtedness, Ihe faith' oral.Tlily of private parlies, nr .tmlc companies. or separa.c com. uiiiuitiiis, only, is pledged fur ! payment, wlnlo tlie whole property of the country is held tn secure the dis charge of nlllhe obligations of thu United Slates. While the government oeil'rs the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes, that the verystrnngest nppcut will bo to tho loyalty and patriotism of tho people, Dublicalo (crlillcates will be issued for all despos Its' The parly despositing must endorse upon the or- ifnaf certificate Ihe ileiioininalion ol notes re-pnreu, -il . and whether they are to bu i. sued In blank or payable , j$-Jj& ' , . ., . . . , r ' i.i. !.,. porlation nnd Manufacture, one of tlio .AUGUST and oihcer recelvniij tbo desposit, to be forwarded tu tho jn(J'j m;Au 1 KUI, Rlection of 'l'rea-iiry Department, I FillCV FUTS Seii-cmrrioKs war. dr nr.cmvpn by tho Treasury nf x J ' the United States, at Washinclon,, tho several Assis- for I.ADIKS'and Cilll.Dltl.Vd WDAU in tlio city. ,, , , .. , ,, A so, n One urrorlnientofCent s I'ur Olovos ti. Collars. lain Treasurers aud desisnaled Depo.ltariea. and by 'u' i'urH were all piirehased when Uold was at a tho urn c 1 1 lower preiuiuni than ut preasenl, I uni enabled rirf.t nli01in I Ilallk Of DailVillC I'll, indispose of them at .cry reasonable prices, and I llljin.iliuii.il nuiiit siuuiiiii, Ui,ri,fi')rl) J(Jj(:itu call from my friends of Country and and by all National Hanks which aro depositaries of ueiuiiy. public money, and Itcmemlicr tho Name. Number and Street I Al.l. ni.si'lXl'AllI.r. IIANK3 AND llANKl'.ttS JOHN FAHE1HA, thniualiout the country "HI givo furlher information 71S ARCH Street, above 7th., south sidoi and l'liJ.LlADJ3IU'lllA. T7 I havo no Partner, nor cfniicillon with any niher More in Philadelphia I b'ep. 10, liU l,-3nt. prepared in a scientific ntaiincr il work wonderfully in cud t, if chronic oJficl'wnJ () the Siv 'B'l-ackcrs Wauled, For Conynpham Township Oolumliia co- Tlinsn presenting pood ctrlifirates will receive hh ra salar.es. J. J. IIO.M;i,A.M), y. ct'y. BCp, l, IflH'-ll. 3.AOJES ?hmy YVXSl AT JOHN I'WREIRA'S (ii.ii ,i:31'aiii,i.-iii:i) FUR .MANUFACTORY, No. 718 Arch St., above 7th, 1' II I I A 1) E L V II I A. I have now in tlure of my own I tit Alt l.'ttnla r.t' S?:ti'lli!l.rv. If'iAi Cherry, Mandrake and Danddion f ,.,,,,,,, ?uUmy uugiues, m,ii. I I'llin-.s'llIXC MAClllSltfl. fcU . &u. ' llo is nisi, pruparcd to ni.io Htovrs, all bl?.s and ! attorns. p'" ir,,n, and over) thimj Hsuttlly made in 1 In t-clnss r'nuiidriai, .... Ills enl.-nsive Ini ililies nud pr.trtlci.1 workmen, war mutl him in receiving thu largest cuutracts on ITiu . i.t it reasonable leelm. . i yy- iJruiii of all kinds w ill he taton in itchanj, for I i'ntii,4. il? Tlrs ofI ildishnieiit is loca.ed near tha l.uckttvaii. "-rg.1a,.r.,ad.K&i.li mjUM1.yl.tt, illaouul.itii, Sept. 12, l-'.3. KLL S SLMiiJIFlO l'lLI-S War- 1) iuvit.ii in ,1.1. Ci.si.s-(an bo riliednnl N'evirr ' tail in cure! Do lint ii.ijsci.io : .ire speeuv in ucwum o i hang,' of on t r. 'i.iircd I Do not interfere with tVisiiu-i. pursuiul Cm bu Used without detection I t,pw.r,l-!' 'H'es Uio past ruuuili- some of them vcrlA,on cabus. Over one hundred physicians haro used them ill their pr.n-uce, and al1 iiienk ur.il of tlielr ' .llicaey, .-Hid approve of their couiposilion, which is eiituely , uctiibl.-, nnd harint ss on tlio system. Hun dreds of cer'iiVatt s L.iu he nhown Hell'. i-iLiifie lills aiu thu. rimi.iil ami only eenuiuo ' ilpei rne l iU- They are adapted for iiinlo and femals old r joiini!, .iiid the only n li.ili.e leiuedy for ell'dcting ' n pi-riiiiiiienl and s Iv ears in all cases nf Speruia- lorrhea, or annual tVenkness, Willi all its Irani of rul. such ns Urethral mid V. iiiiii.il liischur.'i's, tiled tho Wl'ile. ?k i;til l ,,f H,,,li.lil.iry Hiiilsslons. Incoli . iiniiauee, (li nitnl In luliti and Irritability, Impotence, ' Weakness or l.nssiil' I'.'wir, Nerviuus l)i luluy, &e.. nil of whiLlinilM-s prinupally irnuiHi'tunl i:eessejor fell- b ue, or mine coiislit.ili.,iial deiangemeiit, and fiiCapacitat'is thu MiD'orer tiom fulfilling the duties of taairie.l 111." In all seA.inl i,iser,es in (iouorrheii, Cllerl. anil Htrieiitri s. and in liisenses nf the llladder und Uiuiiejs. ihey act .1 cluriii I lUlief is eiperi eneeil hy taking n single l.ov. Soul hv nil lli'j piim "pal ilruggists. Price SI. Tli. y will be seiu b mall su urely scaled, und con fidenlially, on receipt o; ihe iituiie. by J. Illt AN, al l. Nu. .C 1'idar fct., Now Vork. Oensullin; l'h siei in for ihu Ireatuieni of f.-niinal. ' Crlnary Seiiial, and Nenous Diseases, who will 1 fend, free to .ill, the fidloii 11,3 aliiuble work, 111 seul , i.,t t'ti 1 loo,. . Tlic 1'inii.iii Tuiiuti-I r.. ni;i,la TIlUATI.-in 011 M lf-.Mnise. l'r mature i eciy, luiju.tenci' and Iuk . of power, denial lli.-.i, , Si iuiohI teakness. Nightly KuiissMii-. ti ''!'.' Di hiliit . e., .Vc, a pamphlet of 04 pages, eoiiiiiiiiing uupurluiit .nl " I" Ihe affliciod. and w huh should lun ml by t-vti y full -re r, ns Iho means of cure 111 Ihe severest stngts la pl.Unly sel foilU. 1'wcr slaillis r. inin d tu p.'i posUu. Ilcceil her W. IrO I - Ij. BOWELS I'liionfr t'll,i:, and penuiinenily cured by tlio AltT nulno ami l.aidlfvu atfect u-io great feature in 11. Is.il produces an Al'l'ETTlE. from fho t'oninienreiuent In short it is a cry fiueTon ic- Its palntanle and can ho taken hy lluf inostikl. icalo I'emalonr (.'hild. It Imng purely vegetable thua will be no tin nn done in taking It, if lliciu i 110 benefit derived. r 1 "II IT, I'p'.'ii" l 'r.il'ilns i II kin, nn cud centrally loca I led llmue. Hie l:eiUMi.. llo ibi. situate mi aiai. Haiti's, nrnl HAWlpr. W .eii.vnc!,, 1,itI,a! Wo not un this (ToUea In llarrels nolv. of Pi5 li , I." " J rnch. 'This' method of puuing it un'.ave, from 1 to I I ,11111. t,HO HIVlllUU 1,1 )tlll.ll,B Ik lip tuzerne DomocratiQ Convention, for the s cents per pound tn ino customer, ami hy in bemg T . . ' , I u l.irgu 'lUiiutity it rcluins its linn (lanr much long ItSglslatlirO, U8 very JudlCIOUS anil eotn- in this form than in nny other. We snid wilhiai , . . , , ,, barrel fhoiv Cards, Circulars I'o.ter. t" nrsiilll llinnls , AtimnKnl , r.,,nvl.al.n 'IM.n, ., . .. 1.. - , .. 1 .. , -.l .. .... I , ,n I.I IV,. li.mn it u,,iui.i usiu ujiJi ouauuu in longer acli The ro both ablo men, pure patriots and thor ough demoiiraU, Wo rcioioo in tho nom- ,1, nl,.. In iiilrmlileu il tn his eiisfnint.r.. eusioiiiers will tnke pains to have them well posleiLup (-.,, i0l and distribulrd.us It will bctotheirailvaiilagu (odoso. ThlsColl'eo wo warrant lo give perfect satisfaction. Tjrinvillfl nud i r tt does not please, the puruhascr has tho prlvl legs of rLturuing the whole or any part of it wllhiii nrslilllie mi,! ..,il, ri,l,!ni;n, mill tin nt WehopOOUr a.llia UI..UUUU.11 uiuumsuui, ..... Sept. 23. Sept. 20. Illation of tllOSO cenlleniCIl, belicvint! that i ulirdavs.Lnud having his money refunded together "HU in he Leeislaturo they will reflect honor ''W.rM 1 nlil-n ii ii it which wo aro glad to send free tn all who with it ,j miho upon tho Deinooraoy of Luzerno I i;n(1,ulcr oicmreo should crniuiro for tho-rrencd nl that of tho State. More, their rium.i1fXWll!i,,,,, """ """ 1,8 ",ru pliant election, of which thero is not a siu- 4s! rent American Tea oiniay5 J(1bt. will be worm-wood and gall, to IMPORTERS & JOBBERS, "io wuoio tnbo orne;ro boutls tbrou2houM U5 & 37 VUSHY ST., Nw York. orlborii Ponnsjlvauio, I J'y :3ieBt.-3m ADMINISTHATOR'S NOTIOB. Estate oj llussel White, elsc'el. ETTnitSofailministrntioiion the Kstaleol liussol Al'FuKD lA'CUY I'ACII.ITV TO SUUSCIUUK58. Aug. in, lNll.-stni WI Mi RAiHSRrllliT OIL WORKS. NOX'ISX PLOSIVE ALSO ; Refined ilenzine and :ez:?.? IETTnitSofailministintioiion tho r.staleol l.u.sol unrn iieivr" Tr : iii.ni J WhlK, latoof Csntra twp t oliiniluacn., dee'd, n'lUlUt' A I IMf Uilt in tight l ack huvo been granted by Iho ltegisler ofCnluinbia co lo tho undersigned , all persons having claims ugniust tho ai"ed. tf.inffl "iruZll' Otilvrs will receive prmnpt attonlion, ship withoutdelay, and all persons Indebted tu make l-l I HOLDEN. payment forthwith ....., l'roiirietor. Urt HUMM I'MI IIUHf O'llll t 1 s t -s J r MANHOOD! HrJw Lost, How Restored. JtTST publlsTied, n new rdltlon of lilt. CUI.VIIIl. Wl'.l.l.'ri Ci:i,l'.HHATr.ll V.SA.W on ihe rodicol curs (wrtlinut inodicl'iio) of JirsamioaniioEA, or semi. i: I w'eakr.csa. Iiivolinltnrv Seiiilnal Losses. lMPOrcicY. Menial nnd Physical Incapacity, liopcdinieuts tu Jlar-1 riage, etc. , also, Cuniiiuiption, l'Ollepsy, and fits, lu iluced by self-iuiliiTgcnce uj sexual extravaguiice. ii" Price, in a sealed envelope, only 0 cents. 'I ho celebrated author in this admiraHo essay clear ly riemniistrates, fromn thirty years successful practice, that the alarming coiisctpiciicea nf self-abuse may bu ' rudiiallv cued withuut the dangerous use of internal. I medicine nr the application of the knife pointing out ' n mode "f nt re, at once simple, certain, and ctlectuul, 1 hy means of which every sulfercr. nn matter what his cnuilllioil limy uu, uiuy curu iiiiji.vii i.ucii. iiaiiijt and raJitatly. .... ID" This Lecture should be in tho hands of every youth and every man In tho land. Ilent, uiiilcr seal, ma priiiieuieinpc, in any nuuress, ,, Ot . poit-patil, on receipi of rt iciits, or two post stamps, pniUCU ly ft otauip. illness liiu I'm-"i i" t HAri J C.K UN IS &.'(., i 1?: loni.Bv, Nfw Yuan, Tost odlce box 4SE0, 1 June te cii.-ly. .Vnparcd by Dr. Ei W. Wells', Ftactical Physician WlltKES.BARRK, PA. OFFICE over L. 0. Pains Store, Mahket Struct. For Sale by all Druggists throughout the Country, P.S. Eveiy agent is authoriied lo refund tl;o money w hero thu compound falls lo relieve. I'ull Directions accompany rathbottle in Knflufi, Trench aud ier man. f. Ji, No t'artliclio meilieiuu is io- quircil. In (routing l'ivo thousnnd onses, I havo never known u ease to require Physio, or havo 1 over known it to fail in th'or6uehly removing thu diseasca. A&K devoto all my titno nt Iho study irtid treat-1 . i meut of Diseases OF Till': BLOOD- I am proparsd to give advice (grutis) by up (ilying to my office or by letter, iiceom. i llllelt ''in,, site the ol II ill In.i Co.iii'a Couit Hulls. ,rr-i'.clttill) ml. inns his friends 8t.'i t, 111 111. ion. .-burg un liei ,.,..i it... ,.,'ii.t,, in ui ueral. tlr.i lu lloure i. iimv ill nr iler lor Ihe reception u'..i.'iu rlnin in ut of travelers w h i maj f,.,. ilispoj.d lo fm or il Willi their custom- lie has , spared nn eJipeii-e ill prepanng the um.k, for tho , entertainment of In- go. s.s. liLiiher tlnll there he any. ! thing wnnlln.' (.on his p.rl) to minister In their personal ! comfort. His house is spaciouj und enjoys an excellent ! liiisinesslocntiiin. ,- oiunibusoii run nt nil titses between the I.tchanga ' Until and th.i tarious 11 ill Koa.l Depots, by which trav el.-rs will bu pleasantly ewn eyed w and from tho r . sdcciivu Sl.ilions in due Un.'j to meet iho Cars. , v VV.M. II. UOONfl. lllnonisbitrg, July 7Ief,n BliOOMSRUlU! SKYLIGHT Picture Gallery. rpili: und. rsign. d n..riii9 the .L J citizens of III. sun'. and li.-ighhorliou'l, that ho has tnkru the large room nt thu l.cli.nig" i'i"i . ' ' lining "ter iiariiey sMouner llakury. mil ihe llnokslur.. where 1m has put in u large rkyli;' 1 1. Il is onlv hy fk light that good ple nties . an he II " P"' '.illy groups where each person can le ink. ij i-iu well as separate. iluhi.-g"ii 1., i ,,ni.i. I.ralil,-eipense to make his es lablii-hiui ill hrsi class uni, nud h" th'-refore solicits n liberal i,iUo ig' toeua'de him. Inconstantly introducu tlie mode i 'iiipioti iti'-nls ol the urt. JJ'" t.'oun )' pioduco taken m Undnngo for iiletnres UENIIY UUUKNUTOCt;. ni.ioiir.buig. (Xnv. B. '18 SWTS, .TSBi:, KOACITIE'S, I Hep 51 I56I-6W J3 W Wlllisinspi'it J'l'yJ r?6l-t RLA.NK SI BLANKS! I Of oveiy deouriptlen, for ialo at thi oflico y,r iwwmiii 1,11 E, W. tVELLS, M. I) Wholesale 51 tuiuaiid ptri'fi New Yotk Mold hv W II I a.) ii Co, 1 teht Buect -Mr ll.i IU) Tatr.; is ii. llilng ,u rchoWg or ull'ecual a I! l! It T ' S B X T (I It 31 I N A T 0 Hi PV Sold by nil Druggists in larire koxes, for 43 cl, yr It ue r fails. Sot Dangerous to use. ,' Ullice uid 1'artor). I'd1', Juvenal til,, abova W. Inut, bitwcen "th it 11 Hi t.. rormtrly lau.oulli llith bl., I'liiladelpliia, This valuable prenaralion sold in EloOiosJiHrg, by the I'olliiyt iug Druggists i IS V Ml & M W V Lit, U I'. t.UTZ, and J. U, MOYEli. July 30, Irtfl, Hiu., pd. " F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. WUL l.D rr.puctfull) inform the citUens of lllooms burg, ami viilnity, tbatli' c ntluueatli practise of uwftf.v' wl aL'uaynr. nd solicits a -Ii ire of public palroiiaee, mii' K n alsui Hirsel riitt hemte Uslnw lbs Ce'irt , iiini.e loon insniin: I febnur, .1, USWli