Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 24, 1864, Image 2

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edited nt ttivi t. tate, rnormpToni
" Onr Oottstlttitlon gnatd It ever I
Our glorious Union hold It dear I
Onr fitnrrr nag forsake It never!
The proud Oaucasalan onr only peer!
Batiirday Morning, Sep. 24,1064,
Democratic Nominations
or new jmtenY.
op onto.
C0L.V. E. P10LLET,
or ur.O0Msnuna,
SAMUEL SNYDER, of Mifflin.
ALLEN UIAXN, of Beaver.
Abolition Loyalty.
Ona hundred and five men wero drafted ing men in tho ltepubliean party, is op
in Indiana county, Pa., to fill deficiencies' posed to Abraham Linooln, and favorable
in tho lato calls. Of the number, four ro- 'to Georgo 13. McClellan.
ported for service, and ono furnished a
substituto. Indiana, it should bo remem
bered, is an exceedingly loyal county usu
ally giving about two thousand majority
for tho Abolition ticket.
IC7 Tho Hon. Esiehson Ethridoe,
of Tenn., lato momber of CoDgress, and
twico clerk of tho House, clectbd by tho
Republicans ; addressed the McClelhn
Meeting in Independence Squaro in Phil
adelphia, on tho 17th ; and which it is ad
mitted was tho largest political meeting
over held in that city. Ho mado a most
mognifioont specob.
fiST" John J. Cisoo, lato Lincoln's U.
S. Treasurer at New York,was Vice Pres
ident of the McClellan meeting last Satur
day, and on the same stand wero Win. B.
Astor, tho millionaire, Hon. Geo. Law,
Rcpublioan candidate for nomination to
the presidency in 18G0, and Wm. II. As
pinwall, oil heretofore opposed to tho
Democracy ; now laboring for our success.
jgy The Hon. Revekdy Johnson, U.
43. Senator from Maryland, has written a
lotter severely denouncing tho inoompo
tonoy and unfitness of Lincoln, protesting
against hie re-election, and going, with all
tho might of his groat intellect for Mc
Clellan. He is tho oldest and ono of tho
ablest Senators in Congress, and has al
ways heretofore been a Whig, and oppos
ed to tho Democracy. We will try and
publish his letter next wcok. Ho says
"not twenty member (of Congross) be
lieve Lincoln equal, or at all equal to tho
mighty task" of governing the oountry.
'Any man may oppose tho Adminis
taation,'yot bo a truo patriot and loyal
supporter of tho Government."
Tribune, A?ig, 11, 18C4.
Not long since wo called attention to an
article from tho Tribune, enunciating tho
tamo doctrine, and covering a few fanatics
iu town with ridiculo and contempt ; on
accouut of their foolish attempts to make
pcoplo bclicvo that tho administration of
Abe Lincoln, was as otic, with the govern
ment itself.
Sicca the publication of that article, we
havo not heard of any street or corner
gasing on tho subject ; but for foar that
tho blowers should forget themstlvcs, wo
givo them anothordoso from tho samo Old
Coon. We shall lot them fight it out with
Mr. Horace Greoley & co.
Abolition Outrage.
From a spooial dispatoh to tho Age, wo
learn that after tho adjournment of tho im
mense Democratio mass meeting at Potts
yillo, on Saturdayi twenty oavalrymen
belonging to a foreo of newly enlisted men
in camp near that town, charged out of an
alley with drawn sabres upon tho pcoplo.
They out and slashed about and trampled
down quito a number of people Six men
voro wounded by them. Before resist
ance could ba offered to the assault, thoy
hurried off.
Theso men aro from Chamborsburgjhavo
not been in servico before, and havo never
yet faoed the robols. It is supposed that
they ware encouraged by Abolition roii
dents. Tho meeting was one of tho largest and
most onthusiastio, and was addressed by
Messrs. F. V. Hughes, Wm. Witte, Joal
Cook, Mycr Strouso, and others.
$3gr Gen. John A, McClornand, lato
a Linooln man, Is out in a Utter for Mo
Clellan. no is from Illinois,
Out for Littlo Mac.
CIKOKGE D. l'KENTIOH, for tuanj
joars llio lending opponent of tlio Domo
craoy, in tho Statu of Kentucky, is out
strong for MoOlo.lati.. Tho Louisvillo
Journal, Prcntico's paper, tuns up tlio
names of McClellnu and Fondleton to iti
GOV. BltAMLETTE, of Kontucky,
whoso elaetion was claimed by tho ''Ho
publioans," as a Linooln viotory, support
M'Clellannndl'cndlotom GEN. LESLIE
of tho samo Stato, arc also Etrong sup
porters of Littlo Mac.
ohusetta, always horetoibro opposed to tho
Democracy, is out forMoClellan and Pen
dleton. AMOS KENDALL, Gen. Jackson's
Post-master General, is ouo of tho most
ardent Bnnnortora of Littlo Mao in tho
whole Union.
CER,1' the most reliable news journal in
tha United States, and which never boforo
supported a Democratic caudidato for the
Presidency, comos out in a long and ablu
loader, endorsing tho nomination of Mo
Clcllau and Pendleton and oa mostly roc
nmmonding tlioir election.
hitherto a strong opposition paper, hoiats
the names of the Democratic nomincos for
President and Vice-President.
Whig Governor of Now York, supports
McClellan and Pondlcton.
JAMES S. THAYER, tho most clo
quant orator in the Stato of New York,
and onco the bosom friend and political
partizan of Henry Clay, is an enthusias
ts supporter of the Democratic nominees.
'tor from this Stato, and ono of tho lead-
Thus, tho ball is rolling. Tho host men
and truest patriots in tho opposition ranks
support Littlo Mac. Hurrah for tho horo
of Antictam I
EST We aro glad to learn that Dr. W.
E. Bamiett, of Cambra, is not among tho
list of martyrs to tho cause of Demonraoy
from tho lower part of the County. How
far Lincoln is to pursuo this unholy cru
sado against tho Constitutional rights of
tho citizen remains to bo seen. Wo would
warn him as our fathers warned his great
prototypo Georgo tho III, .hot ho may
pursuo it until forboaranco ceases to be a
virtuo, when both soldier and citizen will
unito in hurling from power, ono who has
trampled upon, instead of maintaining the
rights of the citizen.
Let tho Administration coaso the per
secution of tho neonlo for oninion sake.
Let it restore to freedom all it has illegal-!
ly robbed of their liberty, and insure to
all in future, tho rights securod by tho
Constitution and the laws.
Lackawanna IlrgiiUr.
Ova Demooatio friends will do well to
remember that tho telegraph wires, liko
tho posloffico,aro under tho control of Mr.
Lincoln and his partisans. Tho false re
turns from Maino, olaming twenty and
twenty-five thousand majority for Cony,
wnen, in iaoi, nis majority 01 seventeen
thousand Bevon hundred and sixteen last'
year has been whittled down throo or four;
.1 i .1.:. i... t i- i
thousand this year by Demooratio gains
in every county save two, aro ono speci
men of tho uso that will bo mado of this
oontrol of thermos.
Hon. RonHitT 0. Winturop, lato
a member of Congress, and speaker there
of by the selection of tho whigs, and after
wards suooessor of Daniel Webster in tho
U. S. Scnato ; a lifelong whig, and one
of tho ablest men in Massachusetts, ad
dressed tho McClellan meeting in Now
York on Saturday last.
Every man not wedded to abolition and
mi.'cegenatton, is following such men as
Winthrop, Johnson, Ethoridgo, Prentico
and others, and giving notieo "To whom
it may concern," that they are for McClel
lan, Union and Peace.
Tho Confederates captured twenty-fivo
hundred head of catllo from Gen. Grant's
army on Friday last. Tho oaltlo wero
grazing at Ooggin's Point, on tho south
sido of the James, eight miles bolow City
Point. Thoy woro guarded by a detach
ment of Kautz'a cavalry. Tho Confeder
ates, about firo thousand strong, attacked
tho Federal camp at daylight on Friday
morning, and snrronnded tho herd, cap
turiuc nearly all the cattle guards. There
was scarcoly a rosistanco mado. In ad
dition to the beeves, they seized one thou:
and prisoners and several wagons, with
their teams of mules, Thoy then marched
southeast towards a point on tho Woldon
Railroad, eevon miles bclowHtcams' Sta
tion, In various places on their march,
thoy captured Fedoral pickets. A largo
force sent down tho Jerusalem road to
intercept them, arrived too lato, Thoy
had crossed beforo tho tardy pursuers
reaohed tho ground? Without being at
taokod, tho Confederates orosscd tho Wei
don Railroad and placed tho heard in
safety within tlioir own lines. Tho booty
they got was worth half a million of dol
lars. Tom ConwiN is about to take tho stump
in favor of his "bloody hands and bospi.
table graves" party and oindidates,
Ho Will Support tho Nominees
of the Party.
from tho Dayton (Ohio) Umpire, Sept, 17lh.
Wo had last night another of those mag-
uifiocut demonstrations, now so common
ovorwhoro,showing conclusively with what
force tho tide of publio sen time tit is mov
ing against Abraham Lincoln, and in fa
vor ol tho Domooraoy. Mr. Pendleton
came to tho city yesterday evening, after
Tho Empire had gone to press, anil con
sequently loo lato to mako any notico of
his arrival. Nevcrtheloss.tho news spread
rapidly, a band was engaged, nnd a sere
nade appointed at eight o'clock. Ab Mr.
Pendleton was tho guest of Mr. Valland
igham, a crowd soon began to aiscniblo in
front of Mr. V.'s residence, whioh; was
augmoutcd to thousands by tho arrival of
an immense procession, headed by the
Mr. Pendleton being loudly called ,oamo
forward and spoko as follows :
Ladies and G est t km en : I thank you
for this vory flattering compliment I
thauk vou for this mauifustation of tho
-- rf
hospitality of Dayton, whioh has become
proverbial throughout the United States.
At four o'clock this afternoon I did not
expect to ba hero this evening. I oamo
unexpectedly, on purely personal business,
disconnected with public affair. I had
no idea of seeing any uuniber of my fellow-citizens
or discusaiug political ques
tions. This iintuonsc concourse thus suddenly
convonod fills me with roncwed liopo it
gives mo-conGdenco that soon again you
will bo callsd together, not, as now, lo
commence a vigorous contest, but to re
joice over its results, to rejoice that the
powers of the Government will bo again
in the possession of the Democratic party
whoso bpneficont principles, recently sol
emnly annouced in National Convention,
will bring us peace, maintain tho rights
of tho States, rcinvigorato tho Union, and
with peaoe and Union will secure us the
blessings of personal liberty ,matcrial pros
perity and national powor. Rut I will not
repay your kindness by detaining you
with a spteeh ; I intended only to thank
you for the honor you havo done me, aud
now I bcg'leavo'to wish you good night.
Mr, V:llandigham was next Called, and
responded iu a masterly speech of half an
hour, which was repeatedly interrupted by
cheers" He spoko in defenso of the Dem
ocratic party and of Stato Riglits and
Peace, and in support ol tho Chicago
platform. Tno Democratio party was a
Stato Rights party a constitutional party
a Union party and just now a Peace
It was his party and its candidates
" '
wore his candidates. It bore tho Ark of
the Covenant; it carried the fortunes of
tho Republic, and- in its succoss lay tho
only hope of tho Republic. Tho Chicago
platform enunciated its policy and princi
ples by authority, and was binding upon
every Dcmoorat, and by them tho Demo
cratic Administration must and should be
governed. It was the only authorized ex
p0i,ition 0f tho Democratic creed, and ho
,opmiiated an otliers. Tho unity and
Uarmony of tt0 pnrty ero essential to
gs and without success. in November
tLccoun( was losti In conclusion ha
. r ...
deolarod his purpose to voto for tho noun
noes of tho Chicago Convention as the
. only hope of securing tho defeat of Lin
coin, and tho rcscuo of the Republic.
Pennsylvania State Fair. .
Tho Pennsylvania Stato Fair to open
at Easton, Sept. 27th inst., next Tuesday,
and to continue four days, is creating a
very great intorcst all over this section of
the State and Now Jersey. Numerous on
irics aro being daily made, and from pres
ent indications it will bo an immense gath
ering and display of articles.
Tho Floral and Fruit Departments aro
boing arrayed on tho grandest Eoalc,orna-
mented with fountains, water jets, rock
work, rural Bcenory, &e, covering an area
of 1 10 feet by 80 feet. The main build
ing will be decorated with many of tho
flags, shields, bunting, ornaments, &o.,
lately exhibited at tho Sanitary Fair,Phil
adclphia. Tho Fruit Grower's SocioH of Easton,
Pennsylvania, will meet on tho Grounds;
at tho same time in convention, and dis-
play their numerous fruits, consisting of
over 200 varieties of pears, from 75 to 100
varieties of grapes, applcs,peacheB, plumbs,
wines, &o., making an exhibition them
selves. Tho Society is negotiating for a Steam
Plow with a fair prospect of success. On
Thursday thcro will bo a Groman's pa
rade and on Friday afternoon tho Firo
men of Northampton County will have a
trial of speed on tho traok, contending for
a premium, each hoco carriage to bo of
equal weight, and to bo drawn by not
moro than eighteen members of tho oom
Grand trials of speed will bo had upon
the track upon oaoh day. The Premiums
of 300, 200, S100, &o.,for trotting will
bring upon tho track somo of the fastest
horses in tho Stato.
Tho Lobili Valley Kailroad, Now
Jersey Central, Dolawaro, Flemington
and Bclvidcrs, tho Nortli i'cun'a East
Penn'u, Lobonon Valley, Pliilpdelphia
andTrentiou will all runjezcumlon train,
notioo of whioh will bo ptiblishod by hand
bills. Persons doiirous of exhibition must
mako tlioir entries on or boloro Tuesday,
Sept. S7. For particulars addrois, A. B.
LoDgakor, Seorctary, Huston, Pa.
I'OR THE Columbia Hkwociut.
Gosiikn, Ind,, Sep. M, 1804.
Cor,. Tate, Dear Sir :
Permit mo, through tho columns of your
oxccllont journal, to enouk a fow words
iu regard to tho manner in whioh our
would-bo ministers of tho Gospel, but
messengers of Satan, conduct themselves
iu this part of our oneo happy, but now
distracted, country.
On Suuday cvo last, I prooccded to tho
Methodist Churoh, hoping to bear the
word of C3od expounded ao cording to his
laws laid down in tho Holy Bible. But
instead of that, to tho utter shamed dis
graoo of the Christian community, wo wero
prcsontcd by tho would-bo minister, but
in truth political'ncgro hcad,with a stump
speech, too offonsivo to bo uttered in tho
houso of God, and what was still moro
outrageous, on tho Sabbath, which should)
bo devoted to tho praise of God, and not
to political affairs. After discussing tho
manner in which our armies had been con
ducted, thoij progress, &c and giving as
might bo expected of these negro-loving
miuiators, a hint lo Copporheads, ho end
ed by reading and asking the choir to
sing a National Song, but what ho called
a hymn.
1 Suoh, Mr. Editor, was the manner iu
which tho word of God was proscnted to
us. Tho cong:egation was horrified to
think that this church should be devoted
to a political stand, instead of a place
where tho lovers of God might assomblo
and praise Him according to divino truth.
What tho namo of common sense will our
Christian Community como to if we let in
power Abolition minions instead of just
men for our rulers ? Whito men's riglits
havo been imposed upon, and theso politi
cal fiends and Despotio Tyrants go so far
as to tramplo on tho churcb and turn it
into a political stand, It is timo that
something should bo dono lo savo our
country frcm ruin nnd nothing short of tlio
olection of Geoiicie B, McClellan, can
save our country from eternal destruction.
The pcoplo of Elkhart county, as woll as
adjoining ones, havo had their eyoi open
ed of late and they are going to rush to tho
ballot-box this fall with a determination
that Abraham Lincoln shall be their ruler
no longer, Let tho pooplo in every State
do so, and Satan, who has been loose for
nearly four years, will bo chained again.
Yours truly,
Foin Mim.iv, SKrr. 13, 1864.
Editor oj the Sui uj the North : l)y Urn ,ir
riviil ol )oiir paper ot llio "ill nisi, we uu'ur
tumud yon ktiutv ol our rt l,cruaboul. A
shorl -account at our lertnii.tuoii Imhi.T
iiiiyhl interest your ruiidor-,, On tho morn
ot lliu lust day ol August I was ver
unceroniomoiisly atoasud worn my bod ly
ilium ping at tlio door ol my hou-o. t.onky
inj! mil in the dim twilight 1 saw my resi
dence was simouiidud tiv a equail ol caval
ry : walking to my front door and upumni:
it, ono Cupt Lambert Mopped hi, enquired
il my namo was Ja. Melleiirj, aud il I
kept ilie flora on llio corner ; bemi; aiiswur
ed in tho alhriuutivu, lie cmA Cid. S:eiv,irl
anled to tea mo at Demon. Four ol thu
Miiad remaining. llic balanoo yalloped down
lo Mow ColumbiiK, as I aliorward.i learned,
lo tinny my friend, D. I,. Ctiupiti. Ono ol
thoeo polne geullemea li'ok a eual in the
carrugo with me lo cunsulo me m iny aw
fully iriy litouod condition; (ou arliclo m
Forney's 1'ress) arrirnii; at the Uunion
Church, found quile u number o! llio citizen
ol tho surrounding country had been simi
larly arreoied and brouyiit there, quito a
large congregation lor to uiueauouaole an
hour, door and windows guarded. Instead
of lite Treacher in tho pulpit mon in uuilnrm
occupied it. Alter a good deal ot whisper
ing and erasurod and significant signs lony
five ol us wore rapidly marched lo liloom
burg, arriving there ir the evening', tired
and leel iore, as nearly all marched on foot ;
were hurried down to the Depot, rushed
aboard llio cars with no knowledge of oar
destination; slopped a few minutes at North
umberland, but no chanco lor any relreih.
monls j arrived at Harrisburg about 2 A.A1.,
changed cars, arrived at Philadelphia 7 a. m.
Alier decamping in Market Street woro
marched out to 5ih and Builomvood lo tho
Provost Marshal's banucks; were taken up
about five stones high in a filthy room,
doors and windows all strongly guarded
Here wo obtained something to eat, remain
ing here until about 12 M., we worn hur
riedly marched down to Arch Street Wharf
and wero put aboard tho steamer It.iy Hold!
Horo while nt anchor, it was whispered we
wero to bo taken lo Fort Mifllin. Tho Cap.
lain ot the squad who guarded us hero dis
iHbuioii peaches and daily papers, which
we enjoyed. Wo scon set ea,l down tho
Delaware and arrived at tho Fort at 3 P. M.
sinco which time wo havo been shut m
from the outer world. Ouu privilege wo
still onjny, viz: we receive llio daily papers
and impeded letters Irom home. Alter ihir
teen daysol confinement I porcoive quito a
change in the physical appearance of our
men, especially tho old men, who all their
life lime hnv? been ued to an active agri
cultural hlo.
Alter arriving within tho Foit it was found
that thero was one man more than there
were tiame on tho roll, consequently Silas
Mclloiiry w&s released mid pent homo
Aller being shut up in our Homb Proof I
ennfe-s I loll gloomy, lor my lile I could not
imagine what I was brought here lor, hav
ing all my lilo boon taught and endeavored
to obey all legally enacted laws ol iny coun
try, resolving tho riahi tn Iroely criticize the
acts ol thin Adminisiiv on as woll as tho.e
thai preceded it, with it itie least thought
of violating ihe laws oi .lie land. But only
iiiluudiuu lo give a bnoi account of our trip
here, 1 will clofu lor tlw present, hoping
soon ugaiu lo return to my lamily and busi
ness from which I wus i. i summarily taken.
Yours, kc, Ji.mks McIIknhy.
Tun New York Times, tlio organ of
Lincoln and Seward, thus vents its spleen
, aE"1iBt ,uo llcro 01 fi,",0,ani
It is not too much to say, that it would
bo far better that lto'iert E, Lee should J
enter Washington at tho bond of hit) ar
my at its conqueror, than that Georgo B,i
McClellan should cute; it as President. ,
In tlloomsliurfr, nn tlio Hth Inst., by tho Hoy. . J
Waller, Mr. 11. It. lUvininuT, nf Catawlssa. to Miss
Narcimji M., daughter of rfllnt Ilodson, of llloomsburg.
f, ... j.t. rt ttitiA In.t. tiv J.. .a J. Carnpntor. IS1..
Mr. lumr.l, KntiTirt, and Miss Catiiikixr Hoati, both
of Sugar Valley, Clinton county, Fa.
In nrUrcwk twp Col.eo . on tlio 4th of July lint,
Mr, Bn. McMicHAiil, nscil about 33 yenrs.
In lllooniitiurx, n Friday, tho lOlli nr September,
leoi, Mr. Ciuiv.ts ll.CnmsTMA!!, ton nf riillli ami Ail
tia Clirlttmnn, aged Sd yean, 6 months nnd 2i daji.
Agricultural, Horticultural, nnd Me
chanical Association:
To bo hold at OLOOMSBURC,
llcst pair draUL-hl horfci 00
2d do do 5 (10
Host pair carrhigo horsei 8 00
2d " do do 5 00
llcst pair of inaros C 00
2d do do 4 00
Host stallion over 4 years old 8 00
2d ' do do fl 00
Ucat stallion betweon 2 nnd 4 years old 4 00
2d " do do do do 3 00
Boat brood mnro, with colt nt her sido
both owned by exhibitor, f 00
2d ' brood ruaro, Ac-, 4 00
Dcst ilnglo cniriago liorso 4 00
2d " do do 2 CO
Host slnglo carrlaijo niaro .1 00
licit Boldlng,colt between 2 .13 years old 4 00
' maro " " 2 A 3 years old a 00
" horio " " 1 A 2 years old 3 00
" maro " " 1 A 2 yours old 2 00
" horso or maro cnlt under 10 muiilhs 3 00
2d " do do du do 2 01)
Exhibitors under this class wilt havo tlioir
hortos ou tho ground by IU o'clock on Friday
morning, at which tlnio thu judgoii will oxainluo
JUDOIM Tosopli IJnyman, Oreenwood I .T. II.
Vnnderslico, Mt. l'lniant: Ellas Creasy, Centre.
numiAii STOCK.
Best Hull three yours old and upwards fi 00
2d " do do " 4 00
Best do betweon 2 A 3 yoara old I 00
2d " do do " 3 00
Host do " 1 A 2 " 3 00
2d " do " do " 2 00
Best Bull calf under 10 months 2 00
2d " do do I 00
Boat hclfor or cow betweon 2 A 3 years 3 00
2d ' do do " tin 2 00
Best cow calf uudcr 10 mouths 1 00
" Cow 5,00
2d ' do 3 00
nnvo.t stock.
Best bull threo years old nnd upwards fl 00
2d " do " " -1 00
Best bull batweon 2 A 3 years 4 00
2d " do " do 3 110
Best do " 1 A 2 yimrj 3 00
2d " do " do 2 110
Best do calf under 10 months 2 Oil
2d ' do calf do I 00
Best hoifcr or eow butwoon 2 A 3 year 3 00
2d " do do " ch 2 00
Best Cow calf under 10 luuuths 1 00
" Cow 5 00
2n " do 3 U0
oiiAiinn stock.
Best hull 3 years and upwards 6 00
2d " do " ' 3 (ID
Best do between 2 A 3 years il 00
2d " do do 2 U0
Host do " 1 A 2 years 2 00
2d " do " do i fiO
Best do calf under 10 months 1 M)
2d " do do do 1 (Ml
Best hclfcr or cow between 2 A 3 yean 2 00
2d " do dn do 1 50
Best cow calf under 10 mouths
Best cow
2d ' do
hativi: btock,
Best hull two years uhl and upwards
2d " do do
Best do between 1 A 2 years old
2d " do " do
" do calf under lo months
2d " do do do
" Cow
2d " do
" Cow or heifer boiwocn 2 A 3 yoars
2d " do no do
" do calf under 10 months
os UN and s ri: r.ns.
Bost yok of oxen, owned nnd worked
the exhibitor
2d " yoke of oxen, Ac,
" steers between 2 A 3 years
2d ' do ' do
JUDGES It. J. Iteedcr, Frauklin :
5 00
3 00
4 00
2 00
Hughes, Center ; Conrad Ilittcnbomlur, llloim.
Tho judges ou Cuttle will bo ready to oxamino
them by 10 o'clock A. M. on Friday. Exhibitors
uiubt havo their stock ready
Bost boar of any brood
2d " do do
Bost brood sow
2d " do
2 00
Bost lot of pig, ." or more, under S weoks 2 00
Zil " uo oo " uo
Best display of fHt hogs, 2 or tuoro
2d " do do do
Best hit o( ftocli bogs, throo or moro
2d " do do do
JUDGES. O. A. Jnonby, Bloom ; J. M.
3 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
ton, Hemlock ; Thomas Wili-un, lireeuivvud.
Best ldorded buck 3 00
2d " do 2 00
3d ' do 1 00
" natho buck 2 00
2d " do 1 00
" blooded ( 3 00
" naliro " 2 0(1
JUDGES. Solomon gbmnnn, Catawlssaj l'hil.
ip Cool, ltoarinci'cek ; Daniel Vucuiu, Ueinlock,
Vest and Inrgust display of poultry .1 00
" do do do 2 00
" pr chickens imy breed, male A ferualo 100
" pair turkeys, do do 1 00
2d do do do 50
'! pair geeso do do 1 00
" do do do 60
" pair ducks do do 1 00
" and largost display of tamo pigeons 50
JUDGES. Thomas Dullmau, Scott ; E. 1'.
Lutz, Bloom; Clinton Margorum, Catawitsa.
Best half bushel of olorerseod
2 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
2 00,
2 00
1 00
1 CO
1 00
1 00
2d "
do do
do timothysood
do do
bushel of rod wheat
do whito "
do llyo
half bushel gourd seed corn
do yellow corn
do srnoko corn
romplo of Kwcot corn, O oars or moro
bushel of oats I 09
half bushel (lax seed 1 00
" bashel buckwheat I 00
JUDGES, Chnndloo Eves, Oroowoodj Hugh
1. McBrplo, Hemlock; William l'ursol, Madison.
Best bushol Mercer potatoos
" do l'lrnco Albert potatoes
" do, Field Turnips
" do llutn Bagas
" half bushel boots
" do ouioni
" do carrots
" do parsnips
" do sugar beeli
" peck swoot potatoes
" " tomatoes
" threo heads cabbago
" two quarts Lima beans
" do soap beans
" three garden f(tiushfs
" six field pumpkins
JUDGES. John Koifer, Catawissa ;
Creasy. Centre ; Hoth lUrtmau, Franklin.
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Best ten yards Manuel mado on hand loom 1 00
2d " da do do so
" fivo yards woolen cloth da I 00
" ten do carpet 1 00
2d " do do do at)
" ten Jo plain llnon ' 00
i ten ilo diaper 1 0
" knit woolen itocklngs n
ii ii ii mlttotu 60
' homo mndo iblrt 1 00
" silk quilt 1 00
" cotton quilt 1 00
2d " do do 60
" prtlr noolon blantcotrt 1 00
' tmlr linen thoetl 60
homo-mado Inula clotll 60
JUDUES.-Wuii Snydtr, lllooul Mrs. Bolh
Ilnrtinnn, Franklin JIr. Philip Cool, ltonrliig
orock Mrs. Mnllilas Hartmari, Cntmvla.
Bett loaf of bread
" pound cako
ginger cako
" ininiloof preserves
1 00
fruit jolly
tomato prcscrvo
cucumber pickles
pickles of any kind
npplo butter
peach butter
plumb bailor
preserved poaches
eared ham
2d '
roll of butcr, not loss than S pounds
do do do
enmplo yeast
do sausago
nmilo bio
JUUaUS. Josoph K. Sands, Jit. Plonsiiiit;
GUS. Josoph
Mrs. I. U. Quick, Jloc
ontourt Mrs. C.BIttonbcnder,
Host knit Quilt.
I 00
1 OO
l no
I (10
I on
I no
I no
1 OJ
l'olKli llouls.
lartin Afghan,
email "
knit llnsc,
'" Infant's Saiqun.
" worsted Umbroidty.
" cnttnn "
" telling Collar.
' pcriineii of Tcttlnf,
" worsted and cotton Mat,
" specimen Head work,
' Phcll work,
" Iturrwotk,
' Leather vnik,
" Hair work,
' Wat work.
" collection of Dahlias.
artificial Flonurs,
house plants in bloom,
dried (1 raises,
' dried rinwers,
" lamest variety of Flowuit,
" samplo mat Suwing,
" Drawing or Painting,
" lloiuet of 1'loweis,
Handlist basket,
" fancy I'm rushion,
" Crotchet Tripod.
' Miiall articles Crotchet,
" silk embroidery,
' embroidered Slipper.
Jcnoks. Johntl. l'ree.e, llloom; Miss Sal 'In Clark,
Cutawlssa; Miss Mary Applcman, Pmlii iigcruv n j Mn.
Alfred Crevcllug. Espy.
llcst sample Wheat Flour, 0(1
lliickwheat, -.'Oil
' " lire, - CO
Junots. Jnmes Masters, Finn ; John IleU, lluin
loi k ; Win. Ileers, Mount I'lcatnut.
ilfst Cookinc Siotc with futures, 3 OO
Parlor e'low, - u
' variety of 'I'm Warn, 3 no
Juduks William John, Catawlsta i Jnmes H;es
holl., Ilerwlck; Wm. Knt, 1icht .-trert.
est I'lniv. of nuv pattern, S! oo
' Thri"liliii! Mnchluo, '1 Oil
" lliirsu Hake I l
" I. line llire.u1or, I OO
IVruMc Ci.R.r Mill and I'rox. 1 0.)
Wa.hlns Machiuu, I HO
' Farm Wnyuii. - dd
' IVherliiarriiw, 50
SI,., I,
ltiillcr. Sil
" ciiithi- Wringer. J oil
" I lovi-r lliitli-r, 1 'M
' Kenper nml MoMi'r fonibliii-,1, -J oil
Junnn Wm. I, I r'a, lnlr,;; Jacob Uufrard,
Greenwood; benjamin Vnln Mililiu.
CI.ASri !! WAUUNtS AMI l.'Altltl ACUH.
Ili'sl Tp lillglijr,
(J'ii Dufiay.
" two liorae Cirriac,
" Sli-litli.
' rulkey.
Jeunm Jiiliu Ilartiiian. Ilemlnrk; ,. V
.Mount I'lelmanl ; Jrihli Wolf. Milllili.
CI.AAS IS-llllNTlol'ltV,
Ili'sl .olt Artiliri il Teeth.
ewiirj MiilIiImo.
s.impli' building Unci.
" lot II irtlieiiw.ire.
Jcnoks - ('Lr!;t, l.n'.antH, Onirun : Itr W
'J II)
!J lit)
J uo
I Oil
1 uo
1 U)
He noliU, lli'iiilotk ; Dr. F. M I.i, . i.r-t u ,t,kj,i.
ci.Asd to m:ns ami ma; iiivi:h
llmt line Sunniis, I 1)0
" t.iniplu llniiey S lbs, I in
Junius H.imiiel Ohl, lleiiiniA ; Pelr r.oilni,', Cat
aw h.;i , Jl-mi,1 llrucurk, IJiui'llwoo.l,
llcst piarl Currant Will''. I IM
Hl.ickbi'rry Wino, 1 on
" " tlrapi' Wlniii I 00
" I hurry Wine, uu
llyn Whiaki'y, . I oil
l.'ider Viuesar. I on
JrnuBi Dr. F. Cotni'r. Jtricfwii : llnr ',up-
liinger, llloom; Win, tilioetuutrr, jr., Ilciilo.-k.
Debt display l.'.ibiiii t Ware, i on
' timitti Work J oo
-' pair line lloi'ls, l mi
' ciniri!' llouls, I uu
" H-tt Windsor Chain, I on
Pi It Sprini; Seal Chairs, Ion
" Uockuie Chair, i ou
a..tteu, i)i
" One-hall' dozen Com llroiims, Sn
" Sel Hin;ln Harness, s nu
' " I ) m 1 1 1 1 'i ii
Two Snli's Sole Leather,"' I UU
Two Mdus Upper Leather, ) tn
" Two Uln. i uu
" Tttn Calf Skins. oil
" t-aimasu .Mailune, ,ou
Jeuuis William T Shiiman Mnln- , Jmiiri Har
mon, Uraugi:; .Ma)berry llughes, Culaw isn.
CLASS lO-FIIl.'l I'.
Ilest Onc-lialf llmhcls Winler Aiples, 1 O)
Fall Apples, I ill)
" " " " (Standard Fears, l oo
' fix Dwarf Fears, 50
' Sample Dried Apples, So
' " " I'eachcs, SO
" ' " Cherries, s
Joriiin-Cyriis Crcvi-liinr, Centru ; John . auitk,
Montour ; I'eler Wcnner, tliiarerciK.
Fiiht TnoT.
Ilest Trotting Itorin, Maro or Uoldliijr, on-
traur.i! fee SIS (10. inn on
If less 'han four horses Hro entered, for inch hors.i
lens than that number $15 00 shall it deducted from
the premium offered.
Ilest Trotting Horse, .Mare or Gelding, en
trance fee S1U 00, An on
If less than four horses aro cntrrod, for each honu
less than that number $10 00 shall bo deducted from
Hie premium ulfercd.
Uort Trotting Horse, Maro or Gelding, cu.
tranco fee $3 00 55 00
If less than four horses aro entered, for each horse
less than that number $3 00 shall bo deducted from
the premium ollered.
No premiums will he'awnrded fornny of tho ubovn
throe Trots if less than twohorsus appear liicoiiipolu
for tho premiums
Milu heals in harness. Ilest iwo out of three.
Rules and Regulations.
Articlo 3d of tlio Constitution retire every per
son to pay to thu Ass eiotion Ono Dollar to constitute
Membership, t ho practice heretofore has iieeutubuy
a ticket on Fair days, and liavo their names recorded
at thu time,
Cvery ceibitor is required to hecomo a member of
thu ; Association beforo entering his articles fur eihi
ui ttiiiipi'iiuuii,
..,,..o, t,, o,.tiiiu csiiioiiori wncn tneir tiarcnts
"'.'"r '"" ""',l!,'',
J ho Held, f rnnipelilionisonentonll. Persons from
other I'ountics or tftats, can b.eoinu uxhibiiors tipuu
the samu lerms us cltt.ensuf this cumiiy.
All articles ollered for competition mint bo owned
by tho coiupctitor I ruit, Vegetables, Flnwers, &c
must bo the growth or tho competitor, nnd nil man.
ufacturei articles must bu made by Ihu cumpet iter.
All artirleu for Id, . t - ..,
1 1 . i . . . .
1 .. ,. , , . ....,.....,.. ,.,! u ,, ,u numm
by IJ 1 clock, noon, on Thursday, the IJ1I1. and re.
main there until S o'clock P.M. of Friday llth.wheu
they ure at tho disposal of tho cihihitor
Atauds lor the salo of refreshments can be obtained
by making application to the President ur Secretary
of thu association,
Koliccusu will beerantodto stands that sell snlr.
iluous or mall liquors.
Judges nppoiuied In oxamino llio dillereni classes,
will confer 11 favor 011 llio Aociati0n ,y calling at
the aecretarj's oilica early uicH'nday mojning, and
ublain Iheir instrtiftlous.
Tickets in tho Fair nblaincd of A. J. Sloan. 1!
Meiideiihall, J. J. Uruwor, II, IJ. fc W. Ilartiiian'
L.T. tilia,pluss, B.H. Miller, llluoinsbarg l,,l n.
Nclielvy, Noai u Co., A, J. Uvaus, and llook Slum
I.. II. UUl'CUT, Sscretary.'1, ,,"M'
llloomsburg, Sept.Si, moi
nit.C WIIGWI'ltTII. Phl'.li'lnn f.n, n t.
-IV iiiu Inral,..! n,i ,., Jn tJ" .," ,"'. 'r,,.'"',M " I
bla county, Fa., respectfully informs tho public icne".'.'
jr. -iiai nu is prepared to ocicnHlicall v and sir.,,...
nrenarod in Rrir.iiurlriii.i ....
hr'iiUHt-r, P wbwp.rtii.
General Election Proclamation,
W1IC11UA3, In and by an act of (Isimral Annmit
of tho Couiuliinwcallh of ronnsylvanla, iiitiit,i ,
Actio reijuUto 1 the General Clvetlo.n within this iC '
innnwcaltli." It Is enjoined upon luu to glvu pui,iu
llco of said flection and to onumurato lit said n,.,Y
what offlcers afo to boelocted, I JUSI All II. FUltlUv'
Sheriff of the county uf Columbia, do hsrobv 1
I,,i. no. I lx., Il,l loihllo nnllr.. ,,. ,1. . ..,
the county or Columbln, that a General Uloulluil'wo!
bo lii-ld In said county, ou the 1 w"
SECOND TUi:ai)AV(Ilth.) 01' ooroBtiit, UI,
nt tho sovcrat cloctlou disltcts, vli 1
llloom township, nt tliolMurt llous-.lti RIooniAi,.
Ileutoii thu public houso of Johu 1 m.o
In tho liuvii of tlsulim. '
lli'urcr township, ul Hi publio horns of Franklin 1
Bhumaii, 11
llrlarercek township, it tin) puhlls flchonl ltt
near llvnusvlllc. "
llorough of lletwlck at thu Town House, luth. n
Catawissa ton luhlp, at thu publio homo of tjni,.
Koslenbadcr. ,fl
Ct litre township, at Hit house of Joreinlth H,l( .
censed, '
i'oiiyimiam lounsinp, nt too public lioiuii of Uuubdi
1'lahlHgcrcek township, at llio public hums of Ii.,.
JanilnMrlleiiry. '
Frauklin township, at Clayton's School Hnuii
Greenwood township, nt the house, l'ui,
Ueinlock township, at the "Duck Ilorn,"
Jacksun tonushlp, ntths houss uf Czoklcl C0I4,
l.o.Uft towuihlp, ut lliu public' liousu of Juim ,
lll'tst. In Plabtown,
.M I ill i si township, atlho public lining of Jolm i;u!a,
Madison lowuslilp, at tho public housu uf Hammi
Alt. l'leassnt township, nt tile houso of Thus. Jones
Montour lowu.hlp, nt the hotiko of Win, Ilutlnslia
Mn luu township, ol the publio houso of John A, hi,,'
Itnnrlni;! reek township, nt tho hcUso fornurl um.i
pied by Gliorge W, Drsiili.ich,
rrinifc township, at tho public hosso of AlsiauU,
Hushes, in Ur.-inguvillu.
I'me town, I Ip, nl lliu houso of Albert Hunter.
Suit. 11I0, if towushlii, at Hlo house uf A. (,'uls.
Hoott tuwushlp at thu public house of J. 1), Martb
Atwhichtimo and plnco the qualified eketiws w,l
elect by ballot tho following Dlilila and County oil!
curs, vi, :
Ono ptsun to represent tho Kith Consrcsiloiml li,,
trlcl In thu Ilouiu of lti preseiiialives uf tlio Cunrui4
ul Hi'! Culled .States.
Due person In represent tho counties of Ci,aiub,
ami Montour in the Houso of Uepreaeutatltes in it,,
General Aisembly of l'uiiiis)lvuiii
Urn- pursuit for thu ollicu of BherllV ul His oi,unt;uf
Uue person fur Commissioner of the county uf I'.,
One person fur Auditor for tin) county of t'i,l,ui,i,ij
It is further diruclcit thut the election ol' the tail
iliilrh Is shall bo opened betweuu tku hours ufr? ami 1 1
n'tlock iu lliu forwiiuoii, and shall riintinuu opn smu
mil iiiierrupilou ana niijoiirnmeiii 1111111 , o .iock mill
evening, when the polls shall bu ctoswd.
It Is lililli. r directed thai thu Im-eling of thu ritun,
Judges nlllis Court llou.u.ia llluomsburif, to muku i"il
the Giiietal I'.lecliuu, Which will bu tno Mtti U:ij i
October neit,
Thu Coii;resiional return Judges of the IDlh Diitrlr.
eompojed nf the cnuutics of llradfurd,Coluiut,is.,Mn
lour, Sullivan and Wyoniiiti;, shall met ut thj Cuit
Hum; in Tuiikhauiiui k, iu Hi; Bounty of Wyumini;. 1,11
Tuesday, tho leth day of Octubef null, to make out 10
turns for Member of Congress.
The return Judgss uf Ihu lleprescntativa Di.trui,
enmprsed of the leauttes ut Columbia and Muiinm
shall meet at the uu
Tuesday, Ihu lcth day of October null, to uinka uut is
iiirus lor member or Asssumiiiy.
Thut every person I'lccptln? Justices nf the IW
wl,n shall hold nuy ollicu ur appointment of prnfu,,,
trust under the United Status, or any city or iucucpo
raietl dlstrn't, whetkeru coiiimiisioni'd otlteer orotiirr.
wiie. a frubnrdiuate ottieer r agutil who is or shall Ut
iniployud under the I.i'i;islaturiM'iecutivo or JuJnnrj
di'parsiuut of this Jtntu. or uf any nly ir of any 111
corpnrated district, and thut also, that every uitmlift
of Cnngren and of the Stats Leg isisturu. and uf tli
helmt or ciuiimok council of any rilf. or ntmailssnm
ers of any incorporated district, ittiy law luespaM u(
lioldlng or fircisliiK at the tl.uu. Hie utTie ur appoint
infill of Judge, lusperptr nr I'Urk sf suy elfsiiaa r
this ('iiiiiiiHinwi'altH, and that uo luspscto, Js.d(i
utliur orllcur of audi rleetlun shall kc slitfiblSIs S- Lk.n
voted tor. ,
And thf ssld act nf Assswkly tniitlsj "si tst rels
tine tu eli.-rtlous uf tills Ciimiaou.w.;&lllt," phases' iit,
I, l"l'J. turlhur pioviikd as follows, to wit.
"'I hat tin Insprctur and Jssgps shall lusstat lbs M
sportive iUii's apiiinte,t for lioldlui the sUatiou ,u
the dlatrict at which thsy respsslively beloa, litf .t,
H o'clock iu lb,' morning of thf UCI.'oiTII TUKsllAr
(IF OI'TOIII.It, and Inapsrtiir shall supoist
t'lurk, who shall bs a tusliti.',l votrr of sustt diatrist
"lu case th prr-uii who shall hivs rcsiisd tb
lillio't iiumb-r of kutes for liuptisr shsll uut olKoa
on the day of .my rluitioii luun tku pursun wh,,
hivo rerutveil the s,'cund lustiest tiuuihsr uf vutss for
Jinlgiiiit tin next prrieOiug s ec I ,11 slmli ail as laspact
nr iu his pla i'. And iu i ns' His p'r-,ui wU Iu. r,
uivi'dthu si'rnud hij!h" uuiubur uf votes for luspr,.
or shall uut attend, the person sbTtml Jinltu shall ap
point an Iuspuctor lit his placi , ami if any varan,,
still continue 111 Ihe b.mrd for the spile of our hn",
after lh HUH' Hied by law for th i,pini( i,r th- lr
tiuu the .pialiOud tolura 01 the tuw usliip wnraurdia
trlil for which aurh nincer shall lisle been ih iu-i
prr,,'iii at th ! election, slull elsct mis of their uuiiikir
to till tin- viratir.v.
"It mill be I ho ,1 illy of thu sevrrnl Assessors isspi'rl
hi ly to ul mid at tlie plni'- of holiliui; everf k mo at
pi'eiil nr toMi.tiip el.-itiiiu diinu; Hi- win, la 'imp
.iic'i Mi'ttinii is kept open, for ,tlie purpoas of givmi
tiiforniatii'n lo lliu tuspurior nnu Juiljjes, v.hrn
tailed ou. 111 relation to the rul.t of any person sss
scd by thmii tn vote at Min.h tliitun, ami uu s,h nth
matturs in r, lalio.i to the a-suKsuirut of voterssis ttn
sald ins.H eturs or cither of thsiu shall (runt lima I ,
tun" rcpnre.
-No person shall be peruutti'il lit vote- ut nil)- elrrtiun
as alorusald, utliur lhaa a white r It izen ,,f ihf nes
Iwenty-i.tio or uivir,'. who shall havs iisiusj m tins
Statu at lea.t one ysar. an 1 111 the t l.-.tjoo di,,nrt
where he oilers lo vole, ten days imniedtatel) prue,',ii,i
such cUction, and with) 1 tio yrara psi.l a tat r
County tax, which shall have been usu.-, nt ,
leu days before the 0I.1I1011. Uut a it ix -n ,,r ih.. i,.,i...
States who hn previously liecnaiu,ilitle.l voter ofllo.
Statu ; iiinl rsiiiuved therefrom and rrliunrj, Hri ,
I shall huve residrd 111 the election ill, tin t ami pui n
; rs afoiusitid, slull he entitled to vole ri'r ri'si.line in
1 tin-Statu six months I riividmt, I hat tin w Intu fns
, men, dti.rns of Ihe I'llltud Stales, brtnirn tlni nf
. of Iweiily-onuaud tweiily-lwo years, who luve reinls.1
in the eluctioa dilrtcl ti'uda)sas aforusald skatl bs
untitled to rule, althoiich the) shall not h.ivr 11,1 1 m
; "Nopirsnn shall be purmitteil to voto n i, Ium,
is not cimt.iinuit iu the list of taxable inhabitant, tilt
' nirhcdby tho Conimisiioutr-, unless, First h- pruluts
a reoi'ipt of payiaeiii, within two yinrs. of ftato or
County tax assessed asreenk.y to the Constltiitioii.aml
gtvH sati.fiutory i'idence on Ins own uslh or alhrina
torn uf itiiiithcr Iknt he has panl such a tax. or 111 fail
urn to produce a receipt th ill mako oath to Hie nsv
' in ut theicof ; or sre mil, If he claim a right tu vote lit
bui..g an elector hulw een the aije uf twenty use an I
tHeiiiy-two yinrs shall di pono on ualh or alhrniatioii.
that he has resided iu lliu Mali; nt Ifastuno y. ar bi fire
his applirulfiu, and make such proof of resid'uoi in
thu distriLl us 14 ru'tulrul by this ntt, nnd that hu do 1
vnly believe from thu atronui ijiven him that he .1
of the aso aroresatd, und Btveit such other evidence as
is required by this act, whereupon thu name of tin
person so mliuitti'd tn votii shall tin tiiserled in llio al
phabetical list by thuinssstor,uu,l a note mado upno
situ thereto by writhis tin! word ''tax." if he skill lis
1 adinitted 10 vote by reason of hn tntf pai J tax. sii,l th
word 'use' if he shall u admilied 10 vote by rsasnn
nfaije, and iu cither case the leason or such a vol.
shail be tallied out to the clerks, whoshall make a Iks
liolu 111 thu list of voters kept by them.
"In all casus wln ru tliu name nf the person claiuiln
tu vole is nut fojnd on the list furiusin d by Hoi 1,'oin
luissiuncrs, ir hid ri;ht lo voto whether foiimi thi n
cm or not, is objected tony any pialiliud cituni, H
lw th" duly of tho Inspectors to exainliiu ,uch pnrsun
nu until us lo qualifications, and if he, claims to hsvs
, resided within thu Statu lor ons year or more. Ins uath
sllllll tin i.riur (l.......r ..... ... . ' ..
proo by at least ono competent witness, who shall bu
ulualilled elector, that hu has sided wtlhtii the tils
trtcl lor more limn ten days immediately urocediiiir
said elecllon, and .hall also sw, ar that his bona li.le
ri'sldgnce, iu pursuance of his Uwful railing is with
In the district, and th it ha did nut reuiova within ths
dislnct for Ihu purpose of voting.
'Uvery jiertnn ,unliliud us uforesaid, and who slnll
, make duo proof if required of his residence an I nav
inentol laxea uforesaid, shall be adtniilud lo vlu 111
side1""" Wa''' ''"lr,ct' ln "uicl1 '''ill rs
I "If any person shall prevent or attempt tn pri-voni
i,ny oihcer of an election, iiudur this act from holding
sue 1 election, or uso or thruatrii any vinlcucu to any
' such fil ler, and shall interrupt or Improperly interlur'i
with him 111 tho execution of his duly shall block up
or attempt to block up the winnow or avenue to any
window whero tho same may bo hidden, or shall riot
ously disturb the peace uf such election, ur shall 11 an
or pructico intimidation, threats, lurcu or violence,
with the desiKit to iiiliuuacu unduly or overawe any
elector or prevent him frum votinj, or to r. strain ihu
ireeilnm uf choice, such r, . m,.. i.., .. l. . , ,
- ..",-. 1 Mttii'i, uiii no snail maxu
! , 1 - r----" ",'..'.,,,,,, an ,,,
f , m n n eiceeuing live hiiudud dollars, pi
1 '," ''"Prisoned for any not lias than ouu ur inorv
, 3" Hvolvu moiiHia, nnd if 11 shall he shown to Iks
t""'l "hore tho trial n suth oll'moi shall bo had. (kit
thupersun sn uireiullng was not a resideui f the dir.
I ""'J "' district where tho said oirencu w assiiiumilti'l,
j""1 not entitled to voto therein, on conviction, he shall
, sentenced lu puy a lino of not tea than ouo hundred
" '""" 'han ono thousand dollars, and be imprisoned
tlllt leas tliri,, ul ........ ... . .....
- ...... iniiuiii, ur innre man two years
1 '".Vj" .".llor '"' l,J1"1' at my ollicu iu lllosui.l
i,i i,iH,. I.. ill .I....-
this I UU day of September, in tlio year uf .ur Lord
..1,1 -njai iiuuureu ami sixty rsJRtasMd I"
Statolf independuncc olW71Jnile
at, i,t. .r JOilAII A. Fllltll AM, ShsrilT.
IShsrilTa Olfieo. lllooiusbiirt ill. Irkil.
CollSUiantivri urlll .
In,ln,l. .l vi, h T.Kin.lV
r.w.v.,lu,, ,ut 100 sure or i;onsutnptinn, Asthins
Jlrouthilis, ami all throat and lung aUeclious. (fre U
charge,) by sending their uddress tu v
llov.l-DWAltl) A. WILSON,
a, , , Villlainsbiirh, Kings en,
Sept. at, l8(H,-3in n,U.
Estate of Silas .McMichuol, dee'd.
! 9 .Du ' ,'"!l"iislraiion nil the-Ilstala uf Silss
' , '
aieaiiennei istp nr it. ur ,ir ...... ...i ... j....
have been grained by the KegUtor of Uulmnbia co.,n. tha
undersignedi all persons having claim, against tho us.
mto o tlio decedent are reuuesleil to present tlieinlir
the uudeignsa, residing in said l.nshlp, ntlkotl
delay, and all psrsoua iudybted to uiaka payinerl
lot tli with 1
s: , . "nOUOK F.VANS, rtdntf
Sep H IH)!,-6w $J 00,