AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, EDITOll. TERMS : $2 00 IN ADVANCE, "TO HOLD AND TRIM THH TOR0II 01? TRUTH AND WAVI3 IT O'ER TUB DARKENED EARTH." VOL. 18. NO. 30. BLOOMSBURG-, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1864. VOLUME 28 Select poetry. jFive Hundred Thouoand More. "Moto lilooj mtlit ba .lied," MaebctB. Aba Lincoln mils runln Let Jmtlcii lit- dpiplteil) Ami lialf-a-nilllnii vlcllmi inoro To war lio rnicrln"'"'!. My prmont imvor I will retain. Ami Iriiniplo on tlii poor, Anil fnreo lutft my nlmijlitor pun. Five Iunilietl thousand uoro It mattnrn not In ma sr minis 'I liuugli lilfiud In torrents floir, cviy home In my ilnmaln llccniiioii n liuuo nf woe. Yri Ihniish Monument of kull In rlvi' hip by my ilnnr, I'll furrii Into in lauilitcr-pon Fivr. hundred thoiinud mute. What rari I for ihu widow. Or M I'cr tlic orphan', cry. Or Jft how nniiiy mangled form. In Bhy ni.iy ilia. TliniBfi lircililm urn iloolato. And lUlilmro mnihecl with got. I'll f no) Into my f-Iatiirhtnr pen, I'ivu hundred tliou.nud more. 1 know my prrtent power will nd In Infmiiy and uliaiin.- i 1 know ten thouminil tonxue. to-day Acearsn my vary name ; No matter, limud "hull mil hi ihcil. N peace will I restore, But kiep my plur.c, Uiougli it nay toit t'lvc liundrud thousand more. IHniHiff EDITRD EY LUVI I-. TAIZ, Pr.nrRinTOR. " Our Oonttllntlnn suard It ever ! 'mr Rlottous Uuloii"-l:iilil It dear! Crlr fctany rijn foreaku It never ! TUf proud Concaiiilan cur ml" pcor! BLOOMSBURG: Saturday Morning, Sep. 24,1864. New Yohk Nomination -The U.moc racy of New York nblad at Albany on Thursday mid nomiusted the following tiekpt : Kor Governor, Uof. Horatio Sey n cur : liituUuatH Governor, David 11. Tloyd Jones ; Canal ConniiisMOLer, Jarvh Lord; Slate Prison Iupeeior, David K. M Ned. ,T. a ticr-mt is said to be a good one. EOT- y making npplicu'ion at the offieo impious hand-, and its defoiioe by patriot of tt.o Sierctar.y of tho Commonwealth tc and just men Las been hindered or pre- of Ponnsjlv inia, Wank and UiTilo, on ran bo obtained gratis for tk.i ne of ol dier, wbo m ly be compered by eir-um. ! tttiets to vote by pfxy. I'riaiiof tho soldiers rbould at ' uuo supply themsclvrs tvi" Shoddy is a funnj crealare. It loves emancipation ; it is graiilkd by ar bitrary arrests, and it dotes on drafts, aud yet it 1 pposvS Little Mac" tho mm it says invented them til ! Why does it support Old Abo, if ho ii oely the po r tool who executes what other men's bruins fashion, inreni arid iur.n;;" ? Shoddy, ba cinsiueut, and vole for wlnr you love and adore ffi&T Remember, voters, that tho aim of the present Admini-traiion ;s for tho formation of a Uuiou that will be destruct ive of the premut Constitution That tailing tho Kepublican Abolition leaders will declare for a Northern Republic, in which they can hold on to tho reins of Government, I w Ganural llo- ker pairi in a speeeii in New Yo.k Stair- Ihe oihor day, that be - was Nor o sunguine a many persons of my interests to ue connected wim tue were about the speed ending of the war-j promotion of ours, lu cxtenve inter Uu ought lo know tho way things aro ! course wilb my fellow-citizens in various managed by iho Govcrnniaut pretty well j industrial employmentrbut ohiefly as Far by this time. His lciuark shows that ho lm.r nn(l Merchant I have laid tho basis does. STOopisa to Conquer The N. Y. Tribune calls Lincoln and Johnson the "poor white truth" lioket. How appro priatu, sclt-debasf inent won't avail thorn for the people find that that ticket is trafby enough. tfiy- Extraot of a letter received by a lady iu f-'cranton. I am sorry to say that our army before Petersburgh is all McClellau- I for my part go for Old Abe 1 They have au idea that thero will bo peace add they can return to their homes Hon. Oiiaklkh Dbnison. This oou sisUnt and unfaltering Demoorat is uuani inously rcnomiuaicd by tho Democracy ol this Congressional Diitriot to represent thorn in Uongroas for a second term. Oar titter county SuEqiiehana,lat week iu Con vention renominated him, by acclamation. Lackawanna Register. CT He (McClellan) is the most popu lar candidato the Convention could have chosen, Philadelphia Press. George II. Pendleton, tbo Demo cratic candidate for Vice President, is a gentlemen of decided ability, liberal no qoircmcnti ajid uustained ropuUtion. 2V, V- Trbune Col. Piollet, to the People of the Thirteenth Congressional Dis-; inui, composed oi ine uoun ticsof Biadford,Wyoming,Sul livan, Columbia and Montour. To the Freemen of the Thirteenth Con grcssional District. Having boen named by tlio Dcinooratic Conferees of tho jcvcral counties compris ing ibis district as a candidate for tho post of Representative in Congress, I havo a few words to express to you, and shall so licit for thoui duo cousidoratiou nud friend ly conjunction, Tho uuaniinoiia nomination givon mo by the Conference, wan tendorcd under ciroumstanccs precluding a refusal. Al though recommended by my county, I was in favor of the nomination of a gentle man of much merit and patriotic service, resident in the southern part of tho dis trict, and would have been greatly grati fied by his selection. This beeomiug impossible I have acced ed lo tho wishes of the Conference ex pressed in my nomination, and have thus becomo a caudidato before you for your support at tho approaching election. At an ordiuary timo I should be rcluc tant to stand forward in my present atti tude and a ssuttie all the responsibilities con nected willi it. At such a time the labor, expense, and p rbnpi unfriendly criticism of a popular oain.isr., might wed deter oue whoso busi nrtu pursuit aru ample to engross his at tention, and who h is no keeu ambition to gratify, fi urn entering upon a troubled tucno of political contort as a candidate Rut this is no ordiuary time, ''The very foundations cf the. great deep are broken up," and our vessel of stnto is threatened wuh ultor destruction, And it is not Un ion alone which is put in peril in this war but libutty and national prosperity also The constitutional system established by onr fathers, whieh secured Uiion, I.ibtr iv and Profperity, is Eiruek at bv many ven'cd ny circuuitftnncGS beyond their con trol iMy conviction is tint tho redemption ol Ihu couutty mu'toome irom ttie people tbeiuselvo.' , by their uT'otivo hurpooilion in public aff tirs, not sol dy in tho election of a ehiel Magietrate but also 'largely iu the selection of member of the federal The troubled field of public affairs is now open before them, and they ea:i determine the policy of tho future in ihe selection of agents to repieent them in "he Government. I fully endorse and believe the doctrine iliat ihe Representaiivo is bound by the will of h's constiuionis. Giving promt- i nA...,nt., , I t rtl 11 ,,.1,1 nn it rttat .lit. . nured that in cusc of my eleetio to tho pol of Repri tent.itiie, power will not piss from your bauds to be exercised ' ' i, n.n aL'ainst your will, eve n for ihe brief sp ice " ',. ,, ..,:. ,-i, , OI IIIU Uiil0 , am. IU Mil iiuuphuu. niiuiv J ' ' , your will is not piouounceti you may nun, ihe basis of my action 111 tho habit aud associations of my part lifu. I nas born and have liven to mature ,. , . . iieti 10 mature nge among you, and have felt tho security' of opiuious and sympathies which aro per manent sud I believe just. Within tkccompussofthis addresi there is no room to repeat tnoso opinions i to mint of you they are not uukuowu. Upon the great subject that now engrosses the mg to the piiuciples and precepts of Chria attention of the America people, I must t'auity, as received not merely in ,hc un- 11 ,, derstandiOL', hut as mado the vulo and iiowever be normitteu to ex ross wyeit ------ t w earnestly and freely, Iu common with tho mass o( my follow T n m f r .1 . 1 . n . . I nHrl Mn.rMII rtl'llli ClllbU 13 1. UUI DUUUCllbll UUU oyil , . , , , tho actual situation of the oouiury lo say that the solution of a war for tho sup - pres.ioii of rebellion cannot bo found in au houorablo poaoe, upon tho basis of a re- . T. , . i i i i ii , stored Union is simply to noknowlcdgo that wo of the presont generation are ineapablo of maintaining tbo form of government boj quoathod to us by our fathors. Foaoo peaco without disuuion is what abovo all things I most ardently desiro,aud I firm ly believo it may be attained without the surrendor of our honor aa a people. If that should bo required us a ooudiiion of adjuUinont and oompiomiso my place will ever bo among thoso who retiit the requirement. I am now as I always have beon op posed to tho modern praotlco of uting an office given by tho people, for tho purpose of individual gain. Offico ncoording to vA theorv of our Government and tho practico of our bestowed as a, fathers was intended to bo an hnnurablo distinction and ns a reward for disinterested services. Would to Heaven the people of all par tios could realize that thoro is no way to proteot the morals of tho people and save us from overthrow but to crush corrupt practices in the government antl to dechuo 4) clovnto to place and power inoti who use official positions for personal and selfish ends. You who toil and labor to eroalo wealth from the earth, and tho workshop work- ' , i i . lug men, fanners and mochmios-roiiuiro I legislation fairly in sympathy with your j pursuits, particularly when the tax law' , are finally ndiintnd to mont ihn rnnu'ro mnou f .ho couirv. in view of nr vnst ' J J . . . National and Suto indebted ue;s. Thcu of us included iu the above classification ' have a right lo repel the greed of Capital ' when extended to the point of iiiiu,tice,and to requiro that it pay its just share of all tho expenditures of government. In couolusion, fellow-citizens, iliould you elect 1110 as your Representative in the National legislature I engage myself to execute jour will and to represent with fi delity your devotion to the perpetuity ol tho Union and thj mainia'uianoa of the Constitution and the Laws. V. E. PIOLL1ST. Wysox, ep't 10, 1501. The National Intelligencer on Gen. M'cCl;iian's Nomination We commend the following article "to all whom it may concern," but more es pecially to thoje ho once gloried iu the uamo of uhi." Rad it ye old line whigs, who once so pioudly followed the leadership uf the immortal Gi-AY and god like Wkhster ; and hear what the rccoic- nized National organ of jour thcu glori- otis old party has 10 .-ay of ihe nomina tion of General .McOlcllan. Head it, and then hand it to your whig neighbor to read : The reader will learn from ihe intelli gence given iu another column that tho Chicago Covention, reflecting, we dou t uot, the vastly preponderant si uti merit of its constituents, and lespouiliii to the wi-hes and expectations of multitude .tiiiong the loval citizens of the United States not foimaly represented in iLac 1 (he walks of pri vate life a? in the camp ol bod , had placed before tne people in nom- thf noldicr, i- a sufficient token (( the ear ination for tho next J'le.-idctiey the namo ; nestucss with which these motives ol per of Major Geueial Geor.i V. 4MeClellan. sonal confidtnee are cherished by multt- The expression of ihu popular prefer- ' ttidcs of the people, ence for tins distinguished oldii-r has been And if t iie-e are tins por.'onal attributes so m irked duiing die lait few moiith- th it which dtseivedlv command lor General I the decision ol the Convention can he said 10 havo douo hatdly more than give organ- 10 shape- anu lorm to a sentiment ing that groat inasi of thup'ople in the loyal Stales who have become ilisvitisfi'-d with the conduct of the present Admitits- tration. Aud where the indication ol this sentiment has lnvu to univeral, and its esprcoiou jo spyiitanouus,ii woul.t be easy to infer the pre.-ence of natural causes ad equate lo produce mch results, for a pub- lilt KPIirimont. an U idi.snrurwl nllfl fin nf,n . umu -s n(JVur off(lJ(ng (ai.litl01.a in. flnenees Tnesf natural causes lie upon the surface, aud eoiutitute iu their mere . "w v"v "r .. "i . ' in cnrirminiil m i irln.enrunrl ntnl un iti.ii recapitulation nt once uu explanation and a detenco of the di ciiioii which tho Con - , . , , , volition has reached. As a Uani t js ullivL.rf,av 00Deedid (,at Major General McCMlati poisesses in , the highest degree those qualities which iu- rpirc le.iiieei, cuuuoeueu, uuu uuiuiioiiuu, ,r , , , . . . ci1!iracter) a enjoined by the moral law, uuuiog 10 putny boo proony 01 prtvniu the virtues aud graces engrafted on that character by the code of the Christian faith, ho presents in his person the em bodiment of a pstrioiism which tskes its animating impulses not only from a pi r option of what is due to man, but from a proloutui scn.-o ol responsibility to Oon. Aud m this day of mutation aud uncer- tain'.y, wl en so many foundations of hu- man hope havo been d troye, I' is mueii, ,0 kuow that tho m.m 01) w)0(1 W(J re)y ig a man who regulates his conduct aeeoid- . ,.f ,.r. guide of his life. And iu every position in which General McClellan has been placed it is safo to say that the successes of the cause which he .11 I .-A . ! represented, havo been in proportion to t ,h'0 ioteu -u w,li(,h hii a(lvil.0 wns follow 1 cj ol. rejected by his civil or military su- I periors in the conduct of tho war. If this ' lact was for a time obscured from tho pop- mur i . which juutxD ujuii- in turuin ; t,un Q Q h ha9 heM rpaT light by tho subsequent progress of tho war, in viudic iting ih military adminis tration of (isnoral McClellan frmu the disparagement to wbioh it was ignorant1) subjected beforo nuiii had the opportunity ol comparing it with that of h'n successors in command. And not only has hU prac tical sense in the management of large ar mies in tho field been thus approved by the comparative judgmeut of tho people. but his peuetratiug insight into the nature and objects of tho war, aud thoroforo into the ptiuoiples on which it should be con ducted, lias proved bun to possess a clear head as well as a strong hand. Tlieso arc qualities which tho people know how to admire, and tbo valuo of which is seon lo bo as great iu other fields of executive ad ministration as in the aondurt of armUs in the Held and in tho presonco of a vigi lam and powerful enemy. vor to tho persecutions of which he has boon made tho object, and to the unjuit obliquy by which ho has been hunted alike in the held and since his retirement from active command. Tho. attacks thus ' made upon him havo been so obviously thoj offipriug of official jealousies of partisan rivalries that tho people have rcscutod the 1 "'J'""100 uuu to mm uui oiuy irom uini iuvu oi lair iuiy wui.:o uu uiuuB luvu ui lair I'oiy wun:o 13 luniuiriivu uiuuu ,i,nm iiul u,.nlun tl.ov.liave had ihn ! sagacity to perceive that this injustice to j him was a wrouc douo to tho national , .cause. .UcUlellan was , !'ot kell1 ifi rotireuiont for want of capac- ttf nliitli ciiinli fid lint A lioin (rttafiirl n1n nt0 w,,ro llla.cei in p04l4 of honor all(1 rosiinn.ibility. And, if they did notknow it betore, tboy know it only too well nmo, 'u tliu fu" vil,w of what has been done by nuiii uiu, wim an the help 01 tne auilior 1 ies in Washington, have accomplished no more (barring the greater number of lives they have sacrificed) than he was able to accomplish hile sometimes finding these ' authorities almost as much a hindrance as a ludp in bis operations, ! hether, therefore, wo look to the ele ments ol Gen. McCleilau's character or to the history of his conduct, wo find in each 1 a guarantee of those qualities and traits j which the people mod delight to honor. lEarlj signalized by his military comrudts , and superiors as a man of m irk in his pro fession, and adding to the knowledge of an accomplished soldier the enlarged and lib eial culture desucd from studies of prao ncii'iiee as w II as of literature, ho would bnug to ihe Prcidotioy the- graces which inloiii that high nation as well as the stri'tiuih nice.sary to bear ils burdens iu ibis day 1 trial and perplexity, l'o-;-sessiug a mind more lumarkabln for folid ity than brilliancy, calm in his judgments, deliberate in hi" putpo-ics, but, nttcr delib eralion, tetineious of his resolves, he pre- scuts a combination of intellectual qualities and mental traits which, though rare iu one p o young, may be jutly bold to de rive fresh ftroiigth aud bounty from their union with the unspent vigor of early man hood. Suuh wo supposo to bo some of the grounds on which the candidacy of Gen iMc.Clcilan may bo ju-tly vindicated before the American people, and the spontaneous enthusiasm clieiled bj hi name,' as well 111 MeClell iu tho respect and confidence of his country men, it is only just, to say that political principles aro such as com , mend themselves to the cordial acceptance of every lover aud tupporter of the Union, based 011 tho Constitution and tho laws made in pursuaneo thereof. IIn stands to Jay as the representative embodiment of thoie prmoipies which, at ono time 111 the history ol this tad war. enabled the uafon to present an undivided front ajjniust tho r.,L nlnniiMntM trilnllnn flT nrnmil 4Hflltinil a( Uio South aud the equally icvolutionary 1 exaetioin of political r.idiculUm at the Norih. If President Lincoln had possessed the requisite steadfastness to preserve the ' eonsiateitey cf his opiuious if ho hail not ... t ,, . I'll , yielded to a ''nicssuro from which he asked otheia lo relieve the eouutry, with , out having the strength of will to relieve hiiivelf nom in growing deiu.ind he , inir'Hi lo-uuv uivc oiuuu iu niu niiiuu uuui- ,, . , , , 1 uiauuilig atlliuoe, anu, ho maiioiug, toigni have loaned ou Hie support of a loyal and miil.wl iiiinr.lri ltnr hit li u U nhni'it til a "iiiivi. fwr.". complicate his jioiition, and therefore the lononcs ot the Union, so lar as ihev aro subject to bis control, Willi policies lying uot on! v outside of ihe- Constitution, but ... - . .. ' eoneeived in palpable contradiction wuh ' IIS luiiei illiu Olillli, as .ii'iv iliOll Ullli'lll IS '. IS ' i on; construed and interpreted bv many, wo hevc by a vast majority of tho loral nen of the Initcu states. From tliece em- UarraBSinculs una complications Ueneral aicUIellaii is irec, anu the vantage grouuti , I . I - ; 1 Y-. ...1 . I. wniou uus consiueratiou nuorusuiiu is ap- parent to all, and ennnot but it weight in determining the preponderance ol the popular judgment, as it shall incline to tho candidacy ol tho ono or of tho other, according to their comparative opportuni ties anil capacities for dealing with the questions involved in a restoration of the Uuiou, J lie pledges and commitments which Prcsideut Lincoln has assumed by hi extra constitutional proclamations, and which an- re-affi.i.ud by his late manilt-s- to prescribing the terms ol peace, render it imtiiissili ,1 1 1 1 r im 111 1-v 1 1;' I' l ;i 11 v I Ii 1 in III; 11 ""I ''-r ' --- -V-"- O - a piuyii'iiiuii ui uui nuuujen uuuei um .,..:......... .....i.i..n 1.... 1.:.. it neea not bodisguisca tliat ucneral ponents, but, having como to this dotcr-,Qtlcr of -ccop(lDOO incompatible with iuuviviiui uu ua. in sunn; ueyi i:u, uiu ua- uiiiiiiiiuii uuuur uiu fluuiii;1 uuim luiimin ui ,, , , , - - , . . . ....i '..i. ..!.. u. .i..... i.i i" i. ii ri. Chioaco nlatform. In what rofpeot ( thusiasui everywhere manifested in his fa. low-citizens, without distinction ol party, platform declares ''That in the future, Ailmiii'straiion, ;ind the success of lu un!-1 tne Union ami guaranteo for tlio luturo 8,im(. European despot, whioh shall coma it iry 0 induct dots not offer to ihe most 1 the constitutional rights of every State.'' lo mice upon them as Kiuperor the import sangii'ui' any belter hope that he will sue-) McClellan is for the old Union found- ccl BIJ'0" ot ',umc ryul l'0Us ! or ut best eeed in cite, minLui the elemeuis ofdis- ed m CUllsaitou i6Utiug that the .South- .exhausted by intern .1 strife, they satisfaction waieh he i unable or unwill- . ,J , . submit, a thoir only al'ernative for poaco ing to appose bv conciliation. Our only er" sha11 bu faul'1"1 to their engage- and ,ocuriiy to Bonl0 victorious ohiof, and hope of Union and pence, aud also of a ments. ' becomo a great consolidated empiro under return to tho normal sway of the lar.-n jjocoln is in favor of a new Union 1 ft uat've dynasty. All of which may God within iho Loyal States, is thereforo re- 1 . . . . collmicsl and 6un,,orted bv n his mcroy avert. AmosKb.ndai.Ii. posed in a change ol men iu the odmiois- JomUtH 0,1 inquest, and supported by September 1!J, 1801. tration of the Government, to bo followed minorities iu tho oocqusred Stat:s backed , ... by a change of policy in tho management ot our affairs, and, so thinking, wo shall not Itesitaio to givi our cordial support to the nomiuatiou of General MeCleilan. Wo need not say that wo shall iu the future, as the pjst, observe towards tbo'ii who Uava iu in opinion tbo name deforeuco and candor we seek habit ually to praotioc towards onr political op to approach the conideration of tho ques- tion now presontod for their decision tin- der a deep and abiding sense of what Is duo to themselves, to tbeirconntry, and to their God, in this dav of national tribu- ltition and peril. And may He who con- trols the hearts of tho people so guido them , in tho ehoica they shall make in the im- pctiuwig election mat, easting ouv pnmiun niiu prriuuicn, inv) ill ny uiiuuau iui ihuii Mdnf minr tUt ,.mn wlm slmll bo owned I u prrjuuicn. mo) iimyui uu3i.iuiu.uii anil blessed of Heaven, as ono sent iu j mercy rather tbau in wrath to our Buffer- , in? nation 1 AMOS KENDALL on the CRISIS. LETTER. Proofs of Genu til iilcClellnn's I.oyaltv In what he and Lincoln agree aii1 in what, thcu differ His letter consist ml with Chieosa Inform-Opposition to null. IS iuppuri vj j.inioi'i c yiunrs 1 m case of Lincoln s rc-dectwa. I To all Just and Patriotic. ilen : Ueforo we proceed with our exposition of tho conduct of tho Administration tow nrds tho army of the Potomac and tho able General who created it, we turu asido to say a few wotds about the Democratic nominations antl uetiiio too issues now be fore tho rountry. The objections to General McClellun as a candidalo for the Presidency aro both amusitg and instructive. In this oue thing the Liueolnites aud thoso whom they call Copperheads cordially agree. Tho Liueolnites aro endeavoring to prove that McClellan, in his nets, is too much liko Lincoln to bo a Citing candidate for Cop perheads and tho letter echo tho sentiment. If auy thing wcro wanting beyond his own declarations to establish General MeClel lan's uncompromising loyalty ,it is furnish ed by the concurrence of that point of these two extreme factious, It provci, that Goncral McClellan U a fitting candi date to bo votod for by all CViseruatiue Republicans as well as Democrats. Rut McClellan and Lincoln agree on only ono point, and that k a ptofesscd de termination to maintain the Union at ccey ; huziud. . Ihey differ radically id relation to the best meauH to accomplish that cud Lincoln has n prc'iminait to the resto ration of tho Uuion, and that u the ab.iu- i . , e i i .i i i o. . doninent of slavery by the seceded States, ... , . lie will uot lot them return to the Union without the relinquishment of a right held iu common by all tho States by Maesi- chusetta as well r.3 South Carolina; To force the abandonment of this right "poa, ,.,' ,r, . ,, the Southern States whilo it is enjoyed by , ,0 vot(,d ,or llilUt I1)a,.Cfl hirnsolf H. W. HAntucrc. ihe Northeru, whether they choose to ex- ! reopouiblc not only for the continuance of General-in-Chief, erciso it or not, ho would soeiifiec huu-j the war for the abolition of slavery, but Says Mr. l.itioohi, reforring to Antie dreds of thousands of northern lives and M'or ftl1 the abuses and usurpations of the tain j thousands of millions of northern money. , , , , lu short, he is not waging war lo maintain the i onstitutional Union basea on tne oqtiality of tho States, but to onforco on theSmihcrn States a new Union in wbi. h their relation to the Northern shall be that of conquered provinces, deriving their lo. cal institutions, not from the will of the , people, but from thn proseiiptions of tho I conqueror, i , ,. I oVvlellan, on tho other hand, would . . i i umw purpose man ens- 1 armniL' robols and enforoiiiT '.'nn rinniiW,,. i w k ,h. wuuriiui.' , tien and laws. iuU ihfu run 'I'hnr ilnno I .1. .. . y the Union would bo ipso facto restored and each Stato would land in Iu n.i,rin,l an.l each btato would stand n its o ig.nal ' poi"on oi equal rignts nnd equal privi- 11 v.,..ui iibnw uuu cijiwi prut- ) will receive no proposition for ation of peace and union which i leges. Lincoln ; ti. rnKir,rituin , , .11 i-.. i does uot also propose the abolition of sla- vory' McClellan, on tho other hand, "so soon as it is clear or oven probable, that our present adversaries aro readv for neaeo 0:1 t the basis of tho Union," would "exhaust 1 nil the resources of ttatcsmauship prac- ticod by civilized nations and taught by t10 traditions of the American poopk,con , ihUM uu h(J h d . - h , '..., . I. ,11' I uuuuii . iu ieiuu duuii ul-ul-u. ru-L-siniiiin noicuu ineuieeivs uninst tuo armies Ol 1 bayonets. 1 tu g,ort, McClellan is for permanent nml ,. ,., i,,nn,, J ....u. wau which ought conservative JJomocraU and Kepiiblicans vote for T Hut soino of tho so-called peace Demo crats, It scorns, think General McCMlan's the Tho as in the past, we will adhere with uoswerv- ing ddelity to tho Union under tho Con lUulion a tl)0 0Dy 0ild foundation of ., ollr strength, aieonljr and happtnos, as a peoplo, and as a frame-work of govern- ment equally conduoivo to tho wollaroand prosperity of all tho States, both North- flrn y0U((,(" M-ninllnn itoMprun ilial "tho Union must be preserved at all hnazards." Now, what is tho difference between a ideolarntion ol "umvxrvtng fi klity to the Union," and a declaration that it umvsl be preserved at ullhazzarth I" And how can mon who voted for the former dccla- ! ration, refuse to vote for McOlcllan became he tn ado the latter! Rut the plntform declares " justice, humanity, liberty, and the publio welfare, iumni ,bul iinraL.Jia,ocffoI,3 bo made for a cessation of hostilities, with a view to an ultimate Convention of all tho States, or othar peaceable nieaiH to the olid that nt the earliest practicable moment peace may bo restored upon tho basis of the Federal Union of tho ytates.'' And Gen. McUlellan says nothing about armi.tice or Convention. Not in term?, but he does sav what includes them and much more. He says that as soon as it is iteven proba ble" that tho rebels are ''ready for peace npon tho basis of the Constitutional! tin resources of statesmanship,' iko', "should be exhausted to seouro it." Is not an armistice and a convention within "tho resources of statesmanship ? " The fact is, that Gen. McClellan does not coufino himself to these specific means, but ho i does commit Ir.mself to resort to those or any other houorablo moans which circum stances at tho time may show to bo more efficient to the end, whenever thero is oicn a probability that the rebels arc prepared to treat. What can any "unswerving" friend the Union ask more? Would nny man doairo the Government to offer an ar- misticu when the;o is uot tho least proba- bility that it would bo accepted ! What oun any unswerving Iriend of tho Union, ho thinks it can be saved by I stonmn.T the war. sain bv refusing to vom frJr McClellan ? McClellan stind.. pledged to tho Southern States show or indicate a willingness to live iu peace within the Union as it was1 Lincoln 1 Will ouiioui aiuii mu w ui uui uveu iibu u i ' . '.. , , i to a proposition lor peace, until the peo- i pb of tllti Mcedod States give up one of their reserved rights. Which holds out ; the best prospect lor peace, and which ! oug1'1 lllu lu0,it ultla ,uuu 10 l'rt-'(er ? ly .:u :.t.AH .. not supporting iHcClellan, liu will aid in ? ,. " .,, . . yi"Jwtliillw w MWItu W V llU II , pri.Vcnting which he has the power, but will not use it. Nor would the resnon-i- biliiy be lessened by running a third can- tli-laie, with n period knowledge th;,t it could have no other practical effect thaa to aid in tho re election of Mr. Liacrj'.n, Under these circumstances every truly "unswerving" friend ot the restoration of tbo Union a U was will simDort General ! MeClcUsr,. cord! ; v.. d.n, i 1 i j o,o, as a choice' i T,ere ara tWQ tW fop whjoh Qvcr). ' .,t,t at,n,.i.i r,,. nr,,i i.i,., .uuujMiiiu, cuuuiu uuu jii.j uuu i uuu one is. the success of the national arms, so that tb0 ,0'lels bliu11 lj0 Bat'3fied of tllc , u!tL'r ll0I,ell!!sUes3 ol llleir CM autl 1,0 j -no,ine1 ,Q jt up Q d ntan ,0 theip tli.,1 tl,, tn n N kl.n Im enfisliufl nl I in allociauce. Tho other i3, the election of allogiauco. ino other 13, the election ot .Goncral McClellan, thus opening to them 'ho door for the restoration and roaoo on 1 tllc ,onli' eond.tlons whieh will rcuder any Goncral McClellan, thus opening to them coruiai reunion possiDic. uut siiouui Jlr. ; L,ncoln bo rc.cfeeled) all(l prejiin , hi3 present polioy,wo see nothiuirin the futuro of our country but an intsruduablo war ol guerrillas, if not of largo armies, furthor aimnii grauons 01 territory, tax ntion, ban'.rupiby and repudiation, au cud. of all truly republican government, the dominatiou ol unprincipled military chief- tains aud a never eodinc succession of rcxoluiions, iosiigatcd by foreign intrigue ulo personal am! atd personal nmbiiion, until our people beoomc poweiless, as now in Mexico, to "I.UIMIH. ,..v.,w .. i ., i ,t . . -.. r I CSy-Lleot Lincoln and wo shall havo four U10r0 Jaars nf war wi"'out a Union, What could have been done n six mouths and was not dono in four years, cannot bo accomplished in another term by the prosent administration. o must, thoro lor, vots lor ahaugi The AdminiB tration Giving Evi dence in Favor of General Mc Clellan. In view of the attempts of tb Repub lican papsrs to circulate slandor ngiiiust General McOle&IA.v, wo givo tho follow ing testimony respecting his abilities end services from various members of the ad ministration : Wasiusoto.v, Jnly 2, 1S02. Major General Geo. JJ. McClellan ; 1 am satisfied that yoursoll, oIBoers.nud men havo done the best you could. All accounts tay better' fighting was nevor douo. Ton thousand thanks for it. A. Lincoln. Two days afterward, when Mr. Lincoln had fuller information, General McClellan received tbo follnwiug : WAsm.NaToN, July 0, 1803. Major. Gen. Geo. 1. McUlcUan Com manding Army o the rotomnc : A thousand thanks for tho relief your two dispatches of 12 and 1 r. St. yesterday gavo to mo. lio assure! the heroism of yourself, officers, and men i, and foiover will bti appreciated. A, Lincoi.x. In Auguit, 1802, Mr. Lincoln mado a speech ut the White House, in wbioh ho said : There has boen a very wide spread nt tempt to have u quarrel between McClellan aud tho Secretary of War. General McClellan' attitude is such that in tbo very unselfishucfs of his nature ha eaunot but wish to bo successful, and I hope ha will. I know General SlcClcllan wish es to be successful. General Mc Clellan is not to blame jor asking what he wanted and needed. I belicvo ho is a brave and ablu man, and I s'and hero, as justice required me to do, ttV take upon myself what Iia been oh argot! On tho Secretary of War as withholding from him. Hero is General Hallcck's testimony i Washington, August 31, 1802. Major.General GWrc B. rdcClrllan , I beg of you to assist me in this crisis with your ability and experience. I am , entirely tired out. j II. V. IIai,i,eck, General in-Chief, , 1 j Washington, D. C., Sep. 30. , Ma G" McClellan, Commanding 1 . -l,u.r report rr yesterday', '"f? r"u U ?f tI,B ,bllt cs ( South -"niam anu nnueiam, nas been rccciv- ed and subml"erl ,t0 wo President. They we.r.u uu-iougnt nattlos, but ..... ...I., i i ... . . iwi uuu uiibiuuu hiUIUIICS Tho valor antl endurance of your army in tho soveral confliots which terminated in tho expulsion of the enemy from tho loyal State of Maryland, are creditablo alike to tho troops and to tho officers who commanded them. A grateful eouutry, whilo mournim? thn lamented dead, will not be un mindful of the honors duo to the livin- I Wak Dkpaktmknt Washington, Sept. 10, '02. f ' . . Iour u'Pt. ot to-Uay recoivsd. Uod blfS8. auJ a" Wlth you Destroy the rel' a' " poiblo. A. Li.vcor.N. I io '8jr General Geo. B McClellan. ( Rut tho Republican Congress also gives ila testimony. On tho lOih day o! July, , Mr. Kdwards ntcn..1 of New Hamir, I ... ,;.'' .......... . ' i onercn me loitering resomuon in mo j X " W"S Un8D' RF.i0i.vni), I'liot tho thanks of this House bo prosented to Major General Geo. j nuusu uu i i use ii ,eu iu .ii iijui u enur at e.jf eo. T Mcnie.llan and lbr ofTincri of his command, for the scries cf brilliant md decisive victories which by their bkill and bramy lhiy aolifJV(;d ()vpr els and traitors in arms on tho battle fields of Western Virginia. On tho 0th of May, ISO'-', afier the vic tories of Yorktown, William iburg, and West Point, Owon Loyrjoy, the mon ultra radical iu the House of Roprcsentaiivcs, offered tbo following rosolutionv, which were uuaniraously adopted : Rusor.VEH. That it is with feelings of devout gratitude ti Almighty God that tho House nf Representatives 'front time n lime, hears of tlio triumphs of ih Union IU luu a nii uei'ie mr me nipre ",acy 01 VUB constitution otul ibe integri ly ot the Lutou. Resolved, 'Unit wo receive with pro- found satisfaction intclliirenoo of recent victories aohieved bv tho armies of thu Potomac, aisociated from their loo.icali- ties with thee of the Revolution, and that the sincoro thanks of this House aro hero. by tendered to Maior General Oeorro H. McUlellan for tho display of thoss high military qualities which secure important results with but little uaorifico of human life. Lot Democrats bear this testimony in mind and whan efforts are mado to bo lit tie General McClellan'b groat servioa to the stato, let this significant losliraony of Mr. Lincoln, General HAixucK.aud the Rtpablisan Confr?u; bt produwjd. tiCr. 1 1 'Wlli MMH II 1