COLUMBIA DEMOC RAT, states LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. VOL. .18. NO. 28. FRJ2SU ARRIVAL VTf) CIG!1MS fW Miller's Store. fpnn putixTlliir has Just returned from the Cities 1 with another lrc anil select ns sortmct of iSPIllNG AND SUMMER GOODS. purchased nt Vhlladclphla. nt tho lowest (Inure, nnd Which they aro determined to .oil on a. moderate terms i ran bo procured elsewhere, in lllooinsburg. Ilia Mori comprises Udies' vhk8 aoons, of clinical styles and latent fashion. vity aotws. M'J aiioci:niF.s. IHIinWJtlK UK K.V I Kill K, CRUJiit trjiriK, UOIJ.OW waim BOA', AVJLS, HOOTS - &HOF.S HATS C.1VS, cfct., 4 e iy., In almrt everything u.iiully kept In country Storm in whl-h he Invito the public generally. Tho lllghosttirleo patuTor country produce. S. II. MILLER. EloomaliurK. May 2f. lPfil. FpTllTGONFESSlONS AND EXPE- fj None of tn INVALID. ttit.ll-lrJ for tho Ix rn fit, nml at n caution tn Young Mi nun nthcra. turn suffer from t-'crvoiis Dehillly, i rrniatu o Uccny of MnU'ino:!, &c supplj Ini! nt tho urn llinu thu Mmm or i-n-ri'irm lly nnc who hat trued himself aft r uiiih'rii liiie cnnrldurahlc rpiackery In micI(i.Iii n oft paid iiitiiressuil envelope single iniiice ni ly ho hrd or tho ruthnr, NATHANIEL MAVFAIR. Esq.. Juno J, 16(14.- ly llrookln, Kiiigseo.,JLY " National Foundry. DI.OOMS15UUG-, COLUMBIA CO., PA. it II n Fiilisrrih.T proprietor of Iho above nainod ex. j tcn.ivti csUl'ishiucnt, in now prepared to receive i (r for All Kinds of Machinery, i Collerles, III. nt Furnneos, Ftallonary Engines, .MIIH TIU'CHIIING .MAOIIlN'IiS, KC. &C. nc Is also prepared lo mnku floves, all sizes and sstlrns, p'riw-lrnui, and ever thing usually inaJe in fiit'Cla.. r'nundrice III. exl;nsivc facilities and practical workmen, war jmitt hlui in receiving the large. t toulracls on the M nt re (seriald tcrim. 17" lirain uf nil kinds w lit be taken in exchange for ceilmo. a.? ThL o.lalili.hinent is lora.ed nosr the l.aekawaa ml lsinoiii.burcj Itailroad Oepnt. teier mllmetl-ii WDonisburp, Pept. 12, lHfiJ. JELL'S SPECIFIC" PILLS War- ; RATftn ii-Ti Pahbh-Cain ho relic '4 on I IWyr fil to rare! Do mil nnuifMiu ! Arc fi(Nil iii a- tlmi! No rhnniti nf uiit r'iuim. I In not ..UrrfWf with iui' pursuits I l uri'it uiUiuut urtertioi, I 1 tWJirtli" at irc Hp tnl inutith- Miuif nf tli'iu v. ry fv ro cnn. ilvr one hnnilrfil pliyn i.iti Uwc ntrci thorn in th lr fnirtiro, mi' it I dpctk wnl uf their Clrnry, mttl npiri'' t' t!) ir rfinii-iHm, wlurh i t r.i oi vrtfliilihi. nn I l-iirinl' s on ilic f)ficiu. liun drl "f c rtitkntf cut If Honn Hell' i'liiTifir Till hp: tlif t'Miiinl nii-I iuiy cuimiua fppciilr 1'ilJ. '1 U y :tr .iiiaMt' i tnr'' nntl f 'iiiMu, bi ot younz. nnl tli" only r.'li.itt r-:ii-ly fur ''NVi'tinn a pcriiirfiiLht iiiiit iO' l tur in r:iHfi nf pi'rni,i torrlion. r S'lininal Wcnkiifsf, uith nil it train uf evils, purh ai I nihl Vu;'innl tli Aclinrf'fi. fil;ot hr I'iliiH, NkIiI j or Invdtmlary i:i.n-tnii. nrMi liaiuinru, (tt'iiiiul n Inlity hiil tri itnl'ility, I nipttifiicf, VpflkiM-mi r l.nnf INiwi r, NfrnniH lability, A.i' Unf wliuhftnM's pontip.illv tVnm cual ritHM'inr -lf Imih', nr H(frn) rniuiiiutioiiri! deransnniiMi itnl ItKKpncitnt" the iiitfuicr t'roin inlfllliiis tin iIuii-m nf ttiaini'il lil'" In nil iuiM f!iM'Hi', WmiorrlKn, (ili-rt, nml Strn turt. nil in ItKiAcn r.f ilm (Mnl.i;r Bud Kiilta) . th' .irl a- h rluinn t Kr Hef is etprri twit ny lakmu n khmIj Imt. "ul by nil I In principal (Irnf'iFti, TricfrJI. Th' y i ill tin rt n. Uy nmil. cvcuti I) peil-'d. and ton 1.1 It, ou rec. ipt o tin rimnry, In J. lillYAW M 0. No. 76 (Vitnr St., New York OtmrUtln; riiyslfian fnr th- trmtnvnt of 'wiiiml, Cnnnry. :mhiI, mnl .trnn Inifnay. who vwil n ul. frfc to nil, tli fnlluwing vnlnclile urk, in p;r.l- il nrlopn . Tiir 1'ipiieth TvioiAND-If.T. niJ.TS TltnATli: nn bclf-Ahimi. l'rt'tniturc I.ccny, linpntrnrn nml linn rfpnwT, Huxual Uis-nicx, ti inlnol ciki., Mglitly Ei'iiKcii-i-. (jt iiitai nihility, 'c, n p.itnphl"! m U4 f5"fl, runtaiiiinc nnpoitnnt a-lvin- (n the atllictr;!. ami rrhnli fhouU bs read by every urF ri. thn mcnnn nf cure in lln m-rtrfpl ctaC4 u plainly tut fort.1 Two rUraps ru'piirctt f p'ty pustajra. 12. i.'Gi - ly. Nos. 0, 1 1, 13, 15, 17 Courtlamlt Street NKARimoAnwAY. ncwyor. (ty. nss foinimmiK h.n i. i recently refined, ami i com- j Tins r.;u eaiiiuiisneu nr.o nivniii.i resori or 1110 nun- i pin- in ..luij.itt.i, ui... iu..,' i io.i. ....iiuvi.b .j, Itspairons aud fjimiies ar..-.penally ami care-. ' 'nV'cuura ami i. CJiinciiniis in uie principal linen i.i airaiuuuan, em.. .Miiiiiioiesi-.ierri. s, .'jc. lncoiise.iueiiconftheiire.sur- canted hv the Rebel I lion, pnee have been reduce t., n )nr nt il 1itln (i'ut .ir Unit. The table is amply up,,l,edl.h nil the luxurlo. 'of the season, anil in equal to that of any other hotel in the rountry Anipl arents. Ample accommo'jnuoiis aro nuervn lor upwnru 01 wu s-..-, . .... i l.jr-jitA t.f" On not believt lUiiiiers.nockmen, ami others who may say "the Western Hotel is run. 1). i). tt'iNCHKHTnfc, rroprittor. THew. n, WINCHUSTBR. Fub. IS, lfi. , r. .i . n mv! -r. ja.h-'m I ' 1U"UUU vs0.ju.Ui.oiJuiu3 Liolilu, Stanton and Hallock ; but, un- ..uuu.. w. v. K f(,f(H'fVflw Hpi ofKeniuoky. Ho said : fortuuately neither of them can boast a assembled in tho vicinity repeatedly cheer iXIai.'UJjU A lJ.VJ AAiJ a .U,U ,.,., ,,.... ri c, .. r... i.i-1. .i...nm,i ri i i. i t i. r..- u..nin. Anii,r,. n.... ' II K Proprietor of this wrll-kuon n and centrally luea I teil House, tho KxeUAira: II011.1., situate nn Mai, Flrcel, in llloouisbiirt' immediately "pnosile tho Coluni bia County Court llou.e, respectfully Informs Ins frienda nml the puhlic iu general, that his House, is now in nr der lor the receptiuu uiidciiterlaiunieat uf traveler nhti limy feel ili.po.eil to t.ivor it with their custom, lie has p.ireil no expense in prepauui; tho Kxc iianue, fur the .inii.rl. ii.iueiit ,rtilri Ptie.lB. Ill llller .Knit tlirre lie nnv. iiniij! (on lus.part) to minister to their personal ...... III. I. ....... .i.jpiillli: nii.l t.H ..r ..1 Ir.,. Hoti tT&X?$A$$il olers will ho pleasantly conveyed to and from the re- .pactivemationsinduotimotomeetthecara. tlUSIUesA 101'iltlOll Illoomsburc, July 7. Itoa DL003ISBURG SKYLIGHT, Pictuic Gallery. T'lmCioo! ni ino i.xcuunce uierK. rsiunuinK over narney Eionner If.L..... ..,.1 tlin llil.lnrn ........ 1.,. I.... ..... tlit' "'"it UonVyXsVyn'shtthat Kood'Uie- ini' "tn"' "on to considerabioVipein'o to iiinto his e it fvmt s1n Olin ftllil fill 1 1 1 t o fivu .riliitlla ninrgvtiKyiir tares can hell can bo taKenJ lie iias eon tabluhment first class one, and ho therefore solicits a liberal patro lge tncnablo him, tncoustautly Introduce thninodo l improvements of the art. Cz-Co'in 'y uroduco taken in Exchange for pieturoi lll'VI'V HlwPA'flTOnv UENItY UOSENSTOCK. VdoGuiitmre, 'I'J Nov. 0 LEATHER 1 LEATHER! ! nnni:undersliinedv.ouldannnunce.thathehionhand A,;T.V sf which ho will scllrhcaner than c&n be had elsenhera buo rair skins, morocco, (reil nml black) and iininp. an 11 this uarket, Call und eiemlnc them for ynur.elvei. JOHN K. CHITON. Eloorusburg, May ti, IfSi. SIlilOLASIIII'S FOIl SILE. nttsbnrcli Commercial Collen. lllnehamplin ' Crittenden's rhnadolnlita. rlratton. Ilrvant & Hi.. i Thos Scrips, aro in amounts of $15 and $50 and ara .VTJ'oVh. d L'ollrjiato Education, will here findajnod speeuli- " M." ?f Pai"l ,he WAISa nBMOflU AT 1 t, BLANK SI BLANKS! I Of ovary devoription, fot sale rttTris office AND BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1864. Sdect Poctrn. Hurrah for the Man wc Lovo. A in " Five L' Amour." Come all yc true patflotn and Join In thl. oni. v Hurrah for the man wc love, McCIcllan'a our leader- he', gallant and itrong ) Hurrah for tho man we love, C'uonci.-lle'll win the race-to the White House he'll go, Whether Lincoln and Chine are willing or no, Hurrah for the man, hurrah for the man, hurrah for tho man wc love. On Mexican plain, ho won a unod natno j Hurrah for I lie m.n we love, General Scott rpoke hia pral.ct, and we'll do the aame ; Hurrah for the in we love. Cnoo. He'll win tho raco-to tho White Homo tu'll go, Whether Stanton and Halleekare willing or no. Hurrah for tho man. hurrah for the man, hurrah for the man wo lovo Uncle .ent him out to Ihe bloody Crimea, Hurrah for tho man wo love Which c.talili.hod hi. fiimu ns a gran engineer. Hurrah fortha man w love. Ciiorcs. Iln'll will the race tn Hiu Wlillo Home ' he'll gn, Whether lleriher or Orrcley are willitiR or no, Hurriih forthe man, hurrah for the man, hurrah fur tho man w love, When acr.eiioiilat. tried tho Union to ,otor Up ro.o thu nun wu love ; Little Mac drew hli enord and boldly aaid 'xith I" Hurrah for thu man u low. Cuoro.- Ho'll hIii the raci , to the White House he'll K'. Whether plniidering traitor, nro willing or no. Hurrah for the, hurrah for thu man. hurrau, for the man we love, Then floek round his banner iu Z'-alous array. And lia.ien your footsteps him ; Determined In earnest, from this very day. In tho President's chair to seat him, ..'horl's With McCLCLLix for rro.ldent-lT WiTII Tlin KIjAtJ I Tho rebellion will end-nwny with its rag. Three cheers fjr tlio man, three cheers for theiuan, three cheers for the man wo lovo. Ilir ! nip ' nip I H.WTXIJ Tl' 'IT ri I II. II n I WIIbmb IMMENiE DEMOCRAT IC MASS MEETING i . The SSfiitti ilJcIJIt'ltiiii S)i'so- Tj'emeudous Guthorlnf? in Court House Square. rive 3!-Cii:i$,s in SiiniiUaiicims I'nitiin lilfl'tjm i-aiii) oi'iiio a ii). Last niglit wns tli" oeui.-ioii of such a poWfusI (lciii(iii"triition ns ntvor vmih wit iicsud in Ohioig'-, or in thu West before TIims.' vrlio tvero present at the meeting which took place on thu night previoti though the crowd was immense arid the i n tlinaiafin ui. para lied ; but, when tln- saw t!u; meetinj; last nielli, t!ie gtamleur of the former waj cotti plt-tfly telipsod rind tho vast muliitudo were over whelmed with thriii inealuulablc magnitude. -v- - -;'- - ..b The first epcreh of the evening was de- nvuritil nu I en. .n in nnm h nt k on of Ken ' tin iiniiy, nuui uic uu I niu il u UU uourl ,, I u" I utiuua. -lueurium iicmitii unim com . , . ,, , , Illi'llCcd pe.l foritlinr about 7 0 clock, and !,:......, :, . ' ' .... jiiiiuiiu until iiiiaiiui iu v v il. nut 1 1 '6'") Ml-" I 'P'aker t0h ' SlauJ I C'll i II I I' :h i W i MM UI Id. 01 uiiiuu wr u im.Huoinj'j L o ' Tho masses at tbo north euirauco of iho were oaiieu io io oruer a : ,ir. i,.. n- t i.t .w i-i 1,-. ,- u 1 jjljl." Ui 1 1 J. r,.n J iliJj(3 iui tk lew moiiieniH only to have your attcniion. An old soldier asks it of you in u good oause, lor 1 th in'.! 1 havo a right to call myself an o,d soldier. I bite u ,t pokeu here aiuce yer ago, whcii the lament Uouglus was hero and the Mayor of Ciueiuali was . . . . J hurt' i I say now, xYXl " aS !u;f ?.fir,t iu !"y l'. 'i00'1' w1beo tllC StatQ ol Ohio was a Irontliir htuto.wllun , tl.c Territories iNoitlnve.-t were it,rder I Territories : and your Chicago Creek I J remember it is a liver now .md a few j Imildiugi wero in tho place of your oity. ; It was when our boys fvr the first timo ' crosned tho Ohio river, and eatue to the rcli f of tbo men of Ohiu. Michigan, ludi- ..... . una nun mi o .1. oo inn L' uru hiv rec oU'Ctiotis ol ilioc dass that it si aius almost that I am ppi-aking of nomubndy else, or that I am still a boy. L.iughier. t saw . I ' l .1 1 1.:. . 1 .1 v.... i- Queen of tho Lake. Ilavinii coo ibcue things, my fellow OltizbllH, JOU CaU imag- l" bow weigUs upon my heart when I turu uiu to conioinpiaiu io-iiiglll iuobo uarK scenes 01 etrilo and tilsiodntied that now shroud our wholo couutry in gloom Alu that I should livo to bod tlie?e days, to think that our southern brethren should draw the sword ! I told them iu the bo ginuiug of this btrife of s.-ctioim, that they wore throwing fire-bail to ambitious devils that would turn them on out own houses, and that they would uot care a d-n if it Were r-Ot Oil filO. L'ltlzhtor.l But, SIT, H"W y I llVO old as I J I shall live to mo t his Mrifo ended 5 I fhull live to seo thu bonds of national fra- teruiry agaiu uuittfd ; I ihall live tb w 111 n cumin v iiucu lucre yrrr uui icw iuj tuiiiui u. u "'"Ki "uu x j B .i . .1 ,l r,L ... a , a , t.i ii- 1 l- ' i i .'Bland was soon covered, haoh succossivo a settlement hero and there aud now I to live and die a national whig. Rut at 1 1 come, and behold "the city full." The tho same tuno I tell you all h.-ro, if you Poal of "iillery wa greeted with tromen. Queen of the Wet on tho Father of Wat- pro cad to nominate t constitutional , duous nheora for McClollan, and as the otk, - aud this, I believe they call it, The Union ma 1 for PreMdenoy, though ho bo ; orowds f:om the Tub Would office oame BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, 'TO HOLD AND TRIM TIIH TOROU this paper monoy abated ; ibis gunpowder ourrenoy, which I would not uso fur wad ding to kill a prairio ohickon, nbatod and turned into gold and silver. Applause. And that onn bo dono only by removing this abominable iidmiuiatration. I stato a faot; when Mr. Linooln onterod upon his high official dutiet, I wont to him and told him this: Mr. I.iuoolc, you woro born in the Stato of Kentucky, and Mr?. Linooln also, I bttlit vo, and you cannot bo indiffer ent to tho prosperity of Kentucky ,nnd that of (he whole country ; and, if you will pro ceed to administer tho government upon the principles of the. fathor,upun tho prin ciples of the constitution and for the pros perity of tho wholooouutry, I will support your administration. He told mo ho would do so, Hut whatfollowsl t was in Washing ton at the tinioof tho Cr t Hull Hud fight. There was the call for 75,000 men thon for thegreat nrrates. Than riv rn of blood didflow, and have been flowing over sinoe. Hundreds of thousand!) have fallen nine. Almost every houso iu the land is in mourning, and et thero is no prospect of ending the stri o. Has not blood unotigh been .shed ? Cries of "Yes," ''yo." I have furnished from my own family two : oue has had two homes shot from under him, and the other coiutnMidod nt Sliilnh. I have furnished my full aliaru of hclp,and now 1 pray to God that this war may ter minatr. 1 am tirftd of this war, I am tired of the lamentations in my ears all around me. I tell you, gentlemen, you know nothing of the horrors ot this war here. Il you could see tbo guorillas pour ing into your villages and every part of the State, aud citizens dying, as 1 have seen them in my town, Laxington, you yould know something of tho horrors of this war. And when I but just now left my heme, my town was cnarded by ne groes, no white man left with tho privilege of a gun in bis hmd. I am not a slave- Holder. J'jiuht years aoo i set mine free, i I emancipated them myself, for I did not ....v.... ... .... ....... ........ v. j.u.u luuni, .inpiau.e. oo licit mv lamilV in the hands of emancipated slaves, for I my negroes would nut leavo inc I tell you, J hare seen thouo puorillaB charging down through town when I was rather del icate looking out of the windows, becauso you could not know where o bullet might , be cominr. I left my family under com-, mniiilers that think the negro a liltle better than the white man, und thoy account all dislojal becauso wethiuk tho Vihito man a : littlo better than tho negro. In Huch a ' condituiu I left my family the guerillas prowling aiuuiiu, iiuu iney tun its u mc government take our negroes ihey have a rit'lit to t.iku our horses Fellow citizen.-', 1 address you with the friiedom of an old soldier, aud I feel that I might regard mysell as a watchman ou your lowers. Atid I could desire, when you ask nto "Watchrn.iu, what of tho i.iuht! ' that I rould answer, "All'x wll : let our babes reft in qniot." Dut now, sint'i despotism has taken ebargo of tho onuiitry, and VFoC mil? ram" Mk"d cept the will now. "Watchman, what of tho uiirbt ?" I must answer, "All's ill," Y'et, sir, I tell you all's ill now, unless tho people wako ."-' "':;: r;,,: u,., uu.v.-u j uu, uu.v-u up, unless you waKe up, unless we aroueo tiurnelvfs buf rti the da wii of day to tho j i' c .1 . I c ' M i-i . -r deleiico of the principles of civil liberty, if will ua ill wrtli us, ana sacred pr.n- , UipiL'B W III UO IOM lorcver 10 U1, 1 Here 0 0 .,' ,, , , , . ' , , " tllat 1 c0"10 llar0 t" fpelt tO you Of the nrinciules ol constitutional libcrtv.and . . . - ,,, ...,,.- ,1,.. ,l... e j. ,, i...uu, .....U..SI.S u. uceijvjuo,,. ... tho administration of oncman. Moro than nilitinn linnrlri'il inara nun Itninn wua i . . . . poVLTHOd bv tlircc IllUtl 111 tho I'HU 01 ttlt Itepublio One was Augustus Cn;s:ir,auo- tuul -lutuiij, uuu iuu muu uuuw Komn. 1 icv were al of nob o blood Aud we, too, have now our iriumviratc - W1J 11 I i uic.i.iibi iunu.J X Plcua with profuuud regret ol'the powets that bo. Lauhi.T coniinued Dut thu paralle was lurthcr Ihero suceeedud to Uomo an Emperor that could Uddlu and dance whtu their oity was burning. We also have our i!i injitror , liincoln, that can tell lus talc jokes while the land is running xfA wi,h lUa. blo,od of our b1rothot8 aIld B0"3;. And UlUCt tlllS bo TCOOlVCd a3 .1 gleam Ot glory iu the future of our country T Wa read in auoiont history of tho great oity of the Hebrews, and -that whilst TittiB was dailjr battleiug dowu thoir walls, tho fao- lious Jtws wero quarreling among them- selves every night. Hut for Cod's sake. dont let u bo like tho jews quarreling uuiuiiuati uuraeivua, uuu uuTiiuriuir iiuu ,iu- . . P other in theso times of tho extremity of our imperilled in.-titutions of freedom. For tu null, I am uu old lino Henry Clay whig IT . 1 .. ( IV . . HI.. c.i ,.. 1 T .. ... .... , a democrat, 1 will voto for him. Applauscl I II IT im an old lsaptist, too, baptized nil over in running water, yet if you nominate a oiriimuu, aim no uc uuiciiyisu a coustltu tional Uuiou man, I will voto for him for all that Laughter and applauso. Shall I tell you, geutleinen, what further we have bad iu Kentucky to make us tired of mil itary rulo f It was but two days beforo our late August election that a military cotntnauder iu our Stato issued au orJor tint 0110 of our candidates for Judge of the Court of Appeals (wo had but two candi dates) should not bo a oaoditlato, and wo submitted under the stress of bayonets. Jut we rallied aud nominated anothor gen tleman for iho position and suoeceded.and e lefctvd him over the nejrro oandldata Aj. OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER plause. I mention this in viow of the fact that wo have auother eleotion in Kentucky next November, and will voto then as we did in August, and carry our candidate by our thousands' Continued applausa. Sir, I am a freeman,! will vote. Why not I It is my right. Do you think I will fail to exorcise my right! 1 will voto or dio. Andientuoky will voto next November, and oarry tho nominco of next Monday's convention by fifty thousand majority. Uubouudod applause. We will do it, and report ourselvos at head quarters in good order' Aud those men who havo been oppressing and ruining the country with luxation, and dohiRiti tho land with blood, will bo driven baok to their moun tains, and they will rail upon tho moun tains to fall upon thorn and hide them from tho fierco indignation of tho people. Cheers. Gentlemen, I cannot but warn you against their negro emancipation pol icy. If they freo the iilaves you will have to feed them. You aro bound to take them hero into Illinois I want to pend Kiy share of thorn into Illinois for Mr. Liu coin to Mipport. They won't work. Thr-y will cat, aud do nothing else. And at tho samo time you will be bound to pay taxes. You will be taxed upon everything per taining to lifo and business- You cannot draw or pay out money, but you will have to pay a tax for it. lou will be over-I whelmed with taxation, besides tho care of j tho negroes ; and what a tiuto you will havo of it; for thoy will not work; or if they no, it will be for half tho compenaa- i nun in u u wimc man. anu ou iu tne suauo m n l j y t i . i t ir.t r-r ' i . -i I Clellan badges and a brisk trade, among half the tin e. Laughter. ' . , 6 , , , , , fa Gentlomon, when I wan invited to speak ,lhwo ,n the ParIc and elsewhere, frequent here to-night I folt that I could not: and , ly receiving ton times tho amount asked you perceive well enough that, with this I winu in my lac, I havo no voico for so largo a hearing. I have dono what I could. This is a great confederacy of States, and jit is your part gentlemen , to seo that, un ior laws each tliall bo kept in its own sphere. Let each man kiss his own wile - mau nmu our gnu oiiuurcu. J will uiuse what I have lo say in an old couplet, chan'Mug two words 'For more joy McClellan exiled feels, Thau Lincoln with a Senato at his heels.' Applause. i The Response of the Metropolis Enthusiastic Mcrptwn of tht jtw in . . - Net' 0reM Elei,eerthoa . inception of tub sr.vs ckne3 at tub Vtuitl.J) Ol'FIf'K The )oliiii-al hi.i'ory of the cnutitry af fords no tiarnllel to the intense interest with chilli tho citizens of New York of all Clellan. When the embers neatly died out shades of political opinions, awaited yes- lher '"-barrels were placed on the burn terdaytho result of tho ballot, wbioh U . 'g 1'ile, and tho blazo renewed, to the de was known would be taken at Chicago S1" ol ha "peotators. In Eighth ave- durinS tho morning. Long before tho hour 01 tl,e mooting ol tlio oonveniton tuc teio- graph offices wero surrounded and the newspaper offices thronged by eager UD"D . UK . "J. , r oroWfjj( Ju,t before noon tbo. hulletin- nrowrt .nut nplnrn noon r in. Oltlietin- , , f ... ... i' i , i .i ; uuisi uo ui ill. II uiw.u i.ii3uiiuuiuuviu r ' - uiii.iji.AJi .iujim.lir.u u. j,uii "uoi , , , n UALI.0T. Tn nn instant thr, nnnt nn enlbusiasin - - - - - r l . broke fourth. .Men camo running lrom ,. .. . , , , a" UlieCtlOIlS to rea DO news J l ee 4nu lnsnf nmiitllt iih 111. thn I IUI uuuui us diuiu-u, uaun uj iu ; . people io tho streets, and passed along by mo c-iiuenn inmiuuue. xuv oincu was j : en,.! i.. ,i :: r .i. i ,, . A A lli lei eivvicu.ui .uu .it.b ui.iiauyj p appeared with the "extras'' a ruh was made, and in a very hort space of timo , . .. . ... , AomandB wero disposed of throughout tho c'- Cheers for The oRM) were given Witn a will, as surefieervo edilions lollow- ed with tho details of the convention's do- , ings, up to the final announcement of t 1 ,. , ., ir- T. , . ; "suit ol the ballot for ico-I resident. tho THE l'AUK. The Tammany officials had made prep arations for the reception of tho news, and hardly had tho bulletin announced tho nomination when tho first gun of tho sa lute Was fired in front of the City Hall. Although some hours were to elapso before j tho beginning of tho meeting, overy ineh I 0 f.round iu the neighborhood of the I O D 14 V 1 a over announcing the result of tho ballot ting for the Vioo Prosidenoy, tbo noise be came doafening. Loyal-leaguers and shod dy patriots grow blaok in tho face at tho response of tho crowd to tho proposal made by a Btontorian voico from tbo City Hallstopu, 'Threo times, threo, for Iho win ning ticket.' humors or TrtE CROWD. Thogroatost good humor rrovailcd, the Dcmoorats gcnorotisly compassionating tlio fow shoddyites proient, and reserving their shafts of (un for moro important game. 'How are you, old Abe,' 'Littlo Mao and iVlttory; 'Paei up, Uale Ab,' 'Two THE DARKENED EARTH." mouths' warning, Mrs. A.,' 'Mao nnd tho Buckoyo 13oy,' 'Wo aro coming, Father Abraham,' 'Now, let's swap horses,' 'Mc Clellan's tho nag for us,' 'Welles and the Patriarchs,' 'Start for Hartford.' This last was met by a solemn assertion on tho part of a ouo-artned sailor that the ven erable seoretary 'hadn't a vessel which would carry him thero in two inontbB.' 'McClellau and tho Union,' 'Where aro you loyal leaguers,' 'Itemembcr tho sword vote,' 'Don't maka so much noise, you'll disturb Daddy Wolles,'"Now for ourtplan,' 'Iflnll- Inn mnnflln mnrn ' Arn . .?. . u.r. echoed on every side. Tho announcement "Washington is safe,' was groctcd with shouts of derisivo laugli tor, and ericg of 'It will be,' 'We'll savo it,' 'House Cleaning time is coming,' io snow ourt coLons. As tho news of tho nomination spread, flags wore thrown out from buildiugs in all parts of tho oity, being greoted by pis- tors by with cheers for 'McClellan and tbo old flag ' At one of tho up town hotels a lady hung out tho stars and Btripos to tho disgust of her 'loyal' husband, who 'couldn't for tho lifo of him :oc what all this fuss was about.' Peripatetic juvoniles, with a mania for Bpeotilaiion, rushed to and fro with Mo in payment for their wares ON THE STREETS. Tho excitement was ovorywhoro tho same. Friends hailed each othor as they passeu, witti Ulow aro you little iMao I ' Democrats met their political opponents witn a Dttmguaur, smuc, ana inc rcinarK, 'Our turn is coming now.' In t tic stages ' and on tho cars nothing was talked of but' IU IIUUJIU.WUUi AXV iUU UldUVO UI ULUliU , ,. . j t, a. ii.n ..t..r. r ( muni iu tnu uveuiug, me auguiess aimsion i j to McClellan was greeted with uproarious j , cheers, and in one, a song , honor of lit- tin Man wna tnnf. nv n IriiinniifliMMa wnll nf , J J ! n nnl nnrin ttin ainif Virtitur nliliifnrl nm.nM. I 7""' lV ". V"''" l" muu ( cheer Aftor ohcer for 'McClellan and Pen- dleton. BONFIRES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. In almost every ward in tho oity huge! bonfires wero lit at dusk in honor of tho ! nomination : and the er0wiln rrntl.J ered arouud them cheered lustily for Mc- I i nue and otlier parts ot tho city mftny ' houses wero brilliantly illuminated and these circumstances called forth cheers re peatedly from all who viewed them I Al.ugobonGro wasbuilt near tho Foitv . w ! seoond street railroad depot liy tho Mo-1 tl ,t, . . . Clellan Club, and a mooting was improvis- cd in Bhloh addrcssas in favor of tho nom- ;. . , ,, . , , ,T , lnations wore dolivered by tho Hon. J bos. ,, . ' . ' llyan J-tionias union, joun Hyau and r , nn i . flnlnnrtl Vhil I TAMMANY hall. rTnnn tlm niMinUf ilmn.ii. nf M,.PI..I. s nomiuatiou, Tammany Hall at onco g its banner to the breeze. Tho stars ; fl and stripes wero run up the flag staff,which surmounts the building, flanked on either side by innumerable little flags. Crowds gathered about it immediately, and cheer ed for the Union candidate for President, Georgo B McClollan, nntil thoy woro hoarse. Calls wero mado for speeches from prominent Tammany loaders, but nono being at hand, tho immense throngs contented themselves with cheering. Tho following motto was stretched aorosg the balcony in front of the hall. The Union must and shall ba Freserred. . . ; At last, tho crowds dispersed, but to meet again at tho impromptu ratification meeting in tho Park. THE ILLUMINjVTION. At dusk, tho old wigwam was in blaro. From tho groat hall to the attic story, every window sent out a flood of light from hundred of tapers, and when the illumina tion was first noticed it was greeted wilh loud cheers. Tho Jacksonian motto, 'the Union must and ihall ba preserved,' was surrounded by numorous lights, and be- noatli was a long and brilliant row of Chineso lanterns tho material being tri colored. Tho saloon of Tammany was densely orowded, and tho popular candi dato for tho President was repeatedly toas ted amid loud applaune. TUB OEUMANS TUnNINO OUT. At one of tho gardens in the Bowery lanterns and transparonoios wero hung out, and the place was orowded with the German chitons of iho oity who manliest, ed tbo greatest enthusiasm, All through tli a evening orowds wero passing up and , down, ringing and snouting. A banner insorlbod with the noma of McOlelian, and bbaring his portrait, has been atretohed across Chatham quure,and ' is daily looked upon by the thousands of i.tnj.n j ' .t .1... groat thoroughfare, Tho banner is a very , vJj VUU lUl liua pi UUUI .U ijr rUU tion among the'Btorokoapcrs in that vioin- i'y. The Tammany RaliflcationMcot ing. , Tho great meeting in the Park, though suddenly improvised, showed not only tho popularity of General McClellan ; but al so tho renewed strength of old Tammany, whose officers convened it, Thuusande wailed for hours to respond to the call, and the enthusiasm which marked all the proceedings amply attested that "Littlo Mao" was the people's choico as well as that of the convention. Atfiveo'olook there was an immense mass of people presont who were divided among tho three stands, each running par allel with tho City Hall, on tho esplanade. Tho tbuuder of a few fix pounders noar by gave notice that the orations would soon commence, and us the sounds burst upon the air huzzas aud che'ors rose from the multitude. One of the salutes was fired from a handsome brass peioo belong ing to Captain Moroby which was desig nated "Little Mao," The meetiDg at this time grew larger by now accessions from every part of the city, und in its numbers was an entire sueccss, it showed the influ ence of Tammany, as the ancient and still hon0red expounder of Democracy and union over tho masses, and also tho en- terpriso of its sccrotary Douglas Taylor sq , wiioso lahors contributed to its auc- c(.gS Tammanv was thu tho first in the field to mtifv the ..r.m, n,, it. M. J , , , -11 1 1 ., I ... I blo example will doubtless bo imitated every whord Al 5j Jud Da A Qak IIal thfi Ho1 noUi Q . rad Svvackhaimer. and uumcrous othtr gentlemen, entered tho various platforms. when tho three meetings were atonco call ed to order. Colonel Davis, of the Harris light oav- ' mr' vt m oorcs,oi iow .Jersey; .1 . t Tir if , T VJU'uul:, 'euuur -no, uuage uoccn, of Queens county ; Chaunoy Shaffer, and Thos ' Fiold3 ,nado bricf n,ld , ojj-juiiuj i una mo rJUahillg WJfl 111 While the progress, tho Seventh Ward Club march cd past thb stand bearing a flag with the inscription TO WHOM IT HAY CONCERN ! FOR PRESIDENT, ai:oiuu: b, mcclellan, which caused greaUnthus.asm. A hu- morous soug waB sung in the cnurso ofthc . . .. , .i . ioi vri,,., cvsning lo the tuno 01 Glory Hallelujah, tho immense audience joining in the cho .... Tl ,,.l.. r'l . cm jt ' rus. Jhe remarks ot Chaunoy Shaffer , ...... were grcotea wim oonstueraoic applause 1 . r M ni il hh lif came out for JleCilellan . ,V, Copperhead Complainta Can any of our readers guess what doc nment contains the following complaints j Tho Abolitionists will readily say it is tho "disloyal" platform of some Copperhead convention "Ho has made judges dopendont upon his will alone. ''no has ereotod a multitude of now of fioos, "Ho has kept among us, in timo of peace, standing a;mi6S, without tho consent of Legislatures. ''He has ven effected to render tho mil itary independent of and superior to the civil power: "Ha has combined, with others, to sub ject us to a jurisdition foreign to our Con stitution and unacknowledged by our laws giving his assent to thoir aots ol pretended legislation ''For quartering bodies of armed troops among us. "For protecting them, by mock trial from punishmont for any murder wliich they commit on tho inhabitants of those States. "For depriving us, in many cases, of tho benefit of trial by jury. "For taking away our oharter, abolish ing our most valuablo laws, and altering, fundamentally, tho forms of our govern ment. "He has incited domestio insurrections among us." The above are not extracts from any - latter day political gathering, but aro taken literally from a renowned old docu- mont signed ny Joun nancooic and nity- live otneri written ny i nomas jeuorson engrossed by order of Congress and familiarly known as tha "Deelarallon Tftderxstltnes." TERMS: $2 00 1NADYANCE, VOLUME 28 Tho Reason of McClellnn's Ro- moval from tho Army Officially ,, Declared. At Mia innntiiin t. Vv w , V ' u T WodtiQidej owning, Hon. Eli P. Norton ' , . . nouueed him if ho had merely been a sol dier i but Georgo B. MoClellaii had his own ideas ao an araoricnu oitiien Ho did not believe in abolition, confiscation and a war against the populating of the South. Within two week bo, Mr. Nor ton, know that Gm.erl McClellan had been offoroil the lngliit command in the army, if he would iv- in his adhesion to Iho policy of fL.. A ' uinistrutinn. He re fused. Gov. ;Jui.Hict.', nl Ohio, Who pre sided at th !, ; 1 :or--' Cotivi'titiott which nominated Auribain Lincoln, had (lectur ed, of his peuoua kuowlHire. 1h.1t Mo Clcllan was remorrd, not from any doubt of bis military tibility, but because tho Admiiiletratiou believed the Deinocratio party would tuako him their next oandi-' dato for Pretidout. G07, Dennison mado the romarko in hi: ( Mr. Norton's ) pres ence) Mn. Lincoln's CufEP Dbfendbii. It is a fact of no littlo significance that the leading defender and advocate of Abra ham Linooln in New England is William Lloyd Garrison, oditor of tbo Boston Lib' etalor. This man has boasted that ho has boon engaged for thirty yoors in efforts to broak up tho American Union. It was Garrison who published, some? years ago, luis declaration : The only salvation for the slave is over tho ruins of the American Church and Union." He it was, too, who for many years kept at the head of his paper this motto : "Tho Constitution is a covenant wilh Death, and the Union a league with Hell." Is there any impropriety or inconsist ency in Mr. Garrison's pro.ent position as the loading advooatc of Liuaoln's rc-cleo-tion t Whyi indeed, should he not urge tho election of :t mm who has done what Linooln has t The latter, at last throw ing off all disguise, has openly responded to the test that has been applied to him. Ho avows his opposition to a restoration of the Union of our Fathers, aud dcolares for Abolition as tho object of greatest con sequenoo : Abolition and a ooutinuanoe of this ruinous war 1 Grim old Mr. Garrl-' son is consistent ! Hartfurd 2mes. E&- The Easton (Pa.) Argus wants to' know "how, in tho name of God, tho, Un ion is to be restored, if President Lincoln will listen to no Commissioncre, will ro ceivo no offers, will hear no proposals I How are we ever to havo an end if he will allow no one to mako a beginning On three occasions ho has refused lo listen to offers of pcaco." The Aigua r.rocecds. addressing thoughtful Hepublicans : "Wo ask you, in view of theso things, can you, will you austain President Lo coin tiny longer t It is as plain as tho sun al noon-day, that if he is re-alccted we shell have four years moro or war, drafts, Uxas, misery, bloodshed, devasta tion, ruiu, and perhaps another revolution in the North. President Lincoln is either a fanatic himself, or he is under the in fluence of fanatics and contiactors, who rule him and shape his course to suit ihemselvee. We verily believo that a' Deinocratio Administration could end tho war nnd rostoro the Union in three months. You can tsko your ohoice, then, gentle tnenj and make up your minds betwoen now end Novumber t vote oither for "1. A Duinoerutic Aduiiuiftratson, with peace; compromise ami re-union, no more drafts, and reduced Uxco ; or "2. Pour year.- more ci Lincoln's Ad uiinibtiatiou, with oomi uid war and bulobery, mora drafts, financial ruin, and perhaps pormanent separation.'' True, Vert Truk. Tho New Yotk Ttybune in a late editorial esys : "Our publio burdons ore fearful ; our Taxes ara enormous ; our Publio Debt, already frightful,is etoodily augmenting ; we arc freshly summoned to send half a million mora men to tho battle field, Never sinco tho disonvery of Arnold's troa son have blacker olouds hung over us : our trust is in God alone. Never wss a National appeal to tho Father of Mercies more appropriate then now." Tne best thing wo oan do is to turn oat our rulers, Linooln & Co; tST Tho New fork" Worldiays tbsfr Lincoln's best holt is msking jokes. Oh, Mr. World, he makes widows and orphans faitar than jokes, In faot ho is the great est widow maker over known. Tub Bibls speaks of a time when sevan w ft men shall ln linlil nf nn. .ann TI..I. i - - J www .uuu, . UBS uI,f0ituuate time will soon bo bore if Abe Lincoln lays his hund on the half milliort ( of men ho pr0p01e, to oaU ouk Star A child fivo years old woi shot by of a soldier who Cred at a deserter in Pliil'a 1 Tkt slfsmrUr eieapsd ami the skitt died,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers