Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 03, 1864, Image 3

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    COLUMBIA DMOCRAT, Dyspepsia,
I. , A"
Jrsbk 0. Tatk, Local Editdr.
,flaturday Morhingj febp.
" i-Court tjommonces on next Monday
in Blooraabttrif.
5- Tho Extra Session of ibo Lfgtsla.
turo adjourned on laat Tuesday.
Diseases Resulting ft om Disorders of the
Iter Mr. J. Wolsohelbaum, tho Optioal
nnd Spectacle roan, will ba horn during
onr Court.
$rT7 Joseph Howard, Jr., the "Proc
lamation Forger," waa laat vreok released
from Fort Lafayette. I
SS?- The Doylostown paper have again
raised their prices 8'2 GO a joar in ad-
ranee, and three dollars If not so paid.
CO" That able Demooratio paper, tho
Hurrisburg Patriot and Union, haa been
changed to an evening papir.
BST Tho Whito Houjois being oloancd
but. Another oloaning out will take plsoo
in the fall.
tar Tho Draft, it is reported, vrill tako
place on next Tuesday at Troy. Our
county quota is 5S5. Tho quote for
Bloom township, under iho 500,000 oall,
is Oil, for which ahe offers 8450 local boun
Mr. Thomas Dunn, of tho ''hand
organ,' is again growing fcrooioua and
talk of being "learless and untrauiellod."
That would be awful. Wont aombody
bold our Thomas
CGJ- We ak no sympathy, of Dr. John,
in relation to tho notion of tho late County
Convention. His praiao is as deleterious
as tho poison of the Boham Upas Tree,
May wo e.'capo its contamination.
&e$" Dr. Johu'a woakly Smut Machine,
perpetrates upon its faoo two whopping
falsehood. One is tho "War for the Un
ion,'' and the other is his standing (r
lying) motto- ','Free Speech, Freo Pre
nd Freedom' Both prorai.os aro un
tenable and falacious.
Those Bitters bavo performed moro 0 ures
WUKAT. Mr bushel,
RVK. '
corn, "
FLOUR tier bbl.
BUCKWHEAT Floir. 4 00
1 iS
. 74
It 40
a so
i oo
rana . .
HAY by lbs too,
1 00
i so
. m
so m
CUICKEN8, per pair. 31
svr.cTJiDiK rr.opLR to pouch ton themi
misauinLB i)isci.o?unK8-r.uar.T3 ran tub
A moit valuable and wonderful publication. A work in J 3i) colored engravings. DR.IIUN
TER'S VADB MCCUM, an oilglnal ami popular Heat,
ios on Man and Woman their 1'bysinlogy, Pnnetlnns,
andHeiual dlsordcrofavrry kind with never falling
Remedies for their speedy cure. The paetlccofDr.
llllH.M. I.-- lnnH .... . .l ..11, I. ...'....,., .....
?tmtM ,h ",Ml ""ellauon'of numerou. lie ha.
lrlA&k.ZffiPW!PidS?'&,2i?. ''J'! ' medical through
ine meuiuin or nta "vaiik higuum." Illia volume
that should he In tho hands nf every lamily In thn land
as a preventive, of secret vices, or aa a guide for the
alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive
icniirgea errr visited mankind, One copy aecurely cn
veloped will be forwarded free of postage to any part
oftlie United Htatri for 5U ecnl. In I' O stamps,
Addren, pott paid, Dr. Hunter, No. Division
fitrret. New York.
May 81, y.
I Uniformity nIPrlces I A New Feature in nusslnrs
I Every one til a own tJalesmanl JONHH At (JO. oflho
. CresentOne Price Clothing Store, No. SOt Marketitrea
' above Siith, Philadelphia,
In addition to having the largest, mutt varied and
fashionable stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, madeei
pressly for retail sal's, havo constituted every one
Ills own snlcmau, by having marked In Ggurrs, on ea'di
artlrloat the very lowent nrlco It can be told fur mthey
rauntit possibly vary all must buy alike.
I lie gooim arc well pongnu ana prepared and great
Wa defy any one to contradict thli auerrtton, and
will pay alOOOtn any one that nlll producea i
certificate published by ui.that It not genuine, ,
ItesprctfulUj inotm the citizens of
Bloomsburg and vicinity that he has opin
ed a ROOM at the Exchange Hotel.
Where he offers for suit
Trnf 6rso Jurors Tor September Term
i 10G4. .. t
I teuton Ell Mendenhall.Bamuel Ithono, John Uelet
llcaverv-Oldeon nredbender.
' n,i;.rALJn.c,.li Hiarkhnula. tlanrr Lamnn. Ab
golem Ilomboy
Conynghara-Iiaae Ilau, ..,,
-niepn i.iggQr, oiihuc. uonor iviihbw mu-
tty, Nathanlal I.. Campbell
will every can of
Cbronio or Npitous Debility, Diaeasos nf
the Kidney", tuid dipeases arising
fiotn a disordered Stomach.
Ohiervt Ihe following aymptoma! Iliftiltlng from Die
ordera of the Higetive Organii
a Cun.tlpa
tinn. Inward Pilet.
Fulneaa nf lllood to the
llcad.Acidit) of the Stomach
Naui-a, Heartburn, igimt for Pood,
Fulneaa nfwilglit in the Stomach. Hour
Kriictatlnna. Finking or Plutterlnc at the I'll
of the Stomach, Swimming t.f Ilia Head, Hur
ried and Difficult Uraithinir. Klutterintr at the
Heart, Choking or Huflbcatlng Scnaatlnna when in a
lying posture, lilmneaa or Viaion, Unte or Willi
befori. the tight. Fever and Hull Pain in
the Mead, Deficiency nf I'erapiratinn,
Ycllnnneita ol'tliorfkln and Kyea,
l' in in the Side. Hark, Cheat
Limb., Ac., Sudden Flitaliea
ef Heat, Hunting in the
t'leFh.t'niistaiil lm
tc depre.'lnn
of apirlta.
nz-wcMiiicii that nits bitter
Is Not Alcoholic.
IS THE BEST TONIC in the World
' palnatakcn with the makliii! to that nil can buy with
i the full aaauranra nt gutting n good article at the very
, lownt price. Alan, a largu atnckof piecegnoda on hand
of the latent atyle and heat qiriilitlcn, which will be made
I In order, In the moat faxhionable and beat manner, 35
I per cent, belnw credit pricni.
I Remember tho Creacont. In Market above Sixth street
, no W. JtMKU & CO.
Profnaaor J, IS ACS, M. M., OocottaT and Acrut
formerly of Ledon, Holland, la now located at No. All
NNi: Street, riiatniLpim, where persona afflicted
' nithdlaeaaeaof fie CYti and HA It will be ecienlin.
ally treuted and cured, If curable. f Artificial
I hyca Inaerted without pain.
, N It Vochargca mado for i:atnnitlnn. IheMrcl
leal faculty m ho hai no aacrela m Ina
I mode nf treatment.
I July 3. IfetH. I3in.
'.I..I.H-John Keifer.
Flattlniereek Thoa' Laudenbaeh, iaeok ntaaker
fhltln Annlwmiin. . m
I flreenwood-DavId Demott, Wen. Lantoo, David a t
Hemlock latkaon Rmmltt, Wm. Leldy.
iaekaon Jaiob Lunger, Frederick Wllaf
l.oetit I Bllaa Jobnaton, John Walter,
Montour David Clark, Jacob Aronlne,
Madiaon-Davld Dohb. t
Maln-Jnaeph Maitellef Oenrge Miller.
Mount rieaaant David It. Applaman.Maltbia Battle
Hugatloaf-John Lewia,
lUott-Mooro CreVellng, Tm. Long, Samael Dal
Grand Jurors for September Term
A new Invention of Hnectaclea, for dlatanl or tloas
reading, with gold, sliver, atcol, and turtoi.e-ehell
f remee and a new and improved aaaortmunt of peri
focal and parabola ground flint Ulaaica if hit own
manufacture, He would particularly call the attio' I
tian or the public lu Ills Hl'i;uTACbE3 for
Antl for neraona who have been operated upon fof
t he cataract of the eye, and to lilt new kind of ilaaaea
ami uonarrvcra ot tne aignt, mane or the beat Hint and i
ar.urc (Jlaaaia, Good Glaaaea mav be known by their ,
ahape, etacl centre; aharp and highly potlahcd aurfacel
Tho qualillca aro to be found In a high degrco in liia ,
ii tit . . . it . . 1
HOlh. Utysiai I SO uniVenUUI ntOVei 10 Oe .,.!. No.307 for three aharo of Preferred Stock
far sum, inr to ami other Glass. ! "'J l'il1iic.uKr.l'"J'.' !,',!.u
AlrtO. I to efiution all permn ncainit piirchsnhiR iho name ai
m ar n a . . . a II-.. . 1 . fi.mnanir fn tiatu PstllAl,i
.Uicrosoopes. any and yiiixiuc Glaoa of 1 """"ph"" "- m roMitwTv
overy size and guallty TeU'acopc, Mag
nil vine? i( Unoru Glassos. I
With dliferent pnvtere, together with every variety of
articles in the ol'Tll.'AL line not mentioned.
t5 I.PTICAL and other Inatiumeiita and Ulaaaea
carefully repaired at thort notice. He can alwaya
select Glaaaea tu auit the t I f ion of the perann, as he
seea them, upon the flret trial. He will remain In thia
place During Sep. Court and thnie in want of the above
artlcalca will please give him a call.
for September
ntoom-AndreW Madison, ElltHa tibatt.
Ilenton Thomas 0. Cole, Christian Aid.
Ilor. DerwIck-JaeoU V Delterick,
Catawlssa-Jacob Drurtifasller, Elias WeaveA
Centre B.J Irkman,
Conyngttant-illobcrl Oorrell, Alefandsr Msrgatt
Flsfilngcreek Jackson Mellcnry.
(Ireenwood Samuel Mellcnry.
Hemlock-John Kistler, John Ucta.
i.,k.r,n.llii W. Mcllcnrr.
Locust Peter K, Uerblne, Pater Otvank, 04(ga
llarttcl. . . .
Alaln-Jnsentt Oclger. Isaac Tettat.
Madlaon KellTar A. Smith. Henry 0. Mill.
Mlfllln- Abraham Bu.'kalew,
Uoarlngereck-Danlel l.evan.
July 33, IcCl.-lt.
Court Proclamation
WHKREAS, the Hon. Watt an Hlwcu, President
Judge of tho Court of Oyer and Terminer and ;en.
cral Jail Delivery, Court of Uuartcr Hosslona of the
Peace and Court of Common Pleas and Orphan's Court,
in the 3iith Judicial District, composed of tin1 counties
of Columbia, Sullivan anil Wyoming, and the Hon. John
M'ttpviiuldsferitenlicu llaldv.AssoclateJudgcsof Colum
bia county.havo Issued their preccpt.bcariti? date the Till
I day of Dec, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight
ted. Tho very best EYE-WATER and "V -rernM 'and . 'ja i de Vie
'till! beat Huntinc Glaasea always lor Bale, fleneral Uuatter Sesaionsuf tho Peace, Comiuon Pleas
i ., ,, lflr, J and Orphan's Court, in lllnoinsburg, in the county ef
llo will, if required, go to any reepcota-
bio hctiae whero his Rcrvtccs ntay no wan-
' IIa. information never before poblifhed.
Sent free in a tu-aled envelop for ten centa.
lAridrcai. Dr. STANFORD.
R x No. 4,052 Now York P. 0.
July P, ie04-3m.
! Wil.Ii!AWSI01tT
Public Sale
Vahiablc Ueal Estate.
, Vslf ILL be exposed to sale, by Tulilic Vendue, on the
I V premlsea, In Orange township, on
Saturday, Vie 24A day of September ,1804 ,
by Mores Uver tt, Kucutor of the last will of James
-.vnriii. idle 01 uraugo lownaiiip, oec ,1 : by virtue of
1 fidunihln. on the first Monday, (being the 1st day; of
February nont, t conitnue one wee.
Notice is hereby cleii, to the Coroner, the Juslleoa
nt Dm I'eaee nml Constables of the snid county cf Col.
iimbia that they lie men anil iiiero in uieir proper per
sons nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon ofaald day with lliclr
reiords. inquisitions and other remembrance to do
Ihuac things winch to their ofTices appertain to bi done.
And those that are bound by lecogniiancc, to prosecute
against the prisoners that are or may be in Ine Jail of
said county of Columbia to be then and there to prose
cute them as shall be Just. Jurors are ruquestcd to be
punctual in tlteit attendance, agreeably lo their notices.
r n-, i Dated at lllnoinsburg, tho Suth day of Aug.
L. H. in the year ef our Lord oiie thousand eight
9 hundred and slxtv-foor. anil in the eichtv
t inwnsnip. uec ,1 : dv virtue or , t ' r .. . - . .
aiitliotlty In said will contained i Hie following de-1 '8J rar 01 '"V.T "P " " """Vi.,
wit t-nounuVd on the North by k - i..m7 S i v h. ,. ,r
EST- Tho Court Ilnuae is bcinp: thor
oughly irujiroved, frcacoeil and painted
Mr. Andresv Teiiwilliqeh, bai the con
tract and he is doinj; it up to admiration,
llo is an excellent ArttHtio Mcohai.ic, and
in addition to his ordinary business, lia
provided himself with tho complete ma
cliiucry for grniuing doors, Ac, by patent
invention, iu a very upcrior etylo.
Cr- IIknrt ZupftxanR, our old and
oinollcnl Watch-maker and .lewoller, ol
IJIooniBburp, ba a telcct a-tortnioiit of
Watches nd Jewalry at hia estMbli-hment,
On Main Street, to which tho attention ol
tbo pub'.io is invited. .Mr. Z'a oipacii)
and qualifications for repairing Clock,
Wtclica, fcc., of the ruoat difficult kind,
are .a unntieationod ae be i a man of
judgcmeui and integrity. He Keeps foi
sale watch material, watch glasica, specta
cles. ,tc.. of all kinda. and deicrvca liber-
nl aufpojt
More U. S Troopt litiweea two and
three hundred more United State Troops,
accompanied by Mnj (Joii.Oadwalladhp.,
afrivfd on Saturday last, in Hloonihburp.
On Stjnday morning tuok up lino of march
for the upper part of our count", and are
with the first squad, domiciled near Den
ton. We believo they have found none of
the drafted men, so far, nor i it likely
ibey will, hut if they behave tbeuiaeUea,
aa we hope they niuy, t' ey nill form the
nrfinaintance of as dreent oitiRens U) the
creek, and as holiest msr. sa they have
ver seen or known.
From thn Rov Levi neck.Pastorof tka llaptist Chuicb,
Pcmbertnn. N J formeily rf the North llaptist
Chuich, Philadelphia.
I have known HonAande Oernian Hitters favorably
for a iiunibcr of yrars. I have used them in my own
taniily, and have been so pleased with their cflVrts
thatl was induced In reromm'-nnd them to miny oth
ers, and know that they have operated in a strikingly
beneficial manner I take great pleasureiu tliiu pub
licly proclaiming thn f.ict, and calling the auentiun of
those atllii ted e. Ith thuse diseases for which they nra
recommended, to tliose nitters, knnulng fromejperi
euce that my recommendation will be sustained. 1 do
this more cheerfully as lloofl.ind Hitters is intended
to benetii uic auticteu, anil is not "a rum ilrink "
Yours truly, LHV1 tl. I1F.CK.
Frem Tir. J. .Yru-lcn Uroic n. ). 1).. roller ef Hit f.nnj-
tfopcdiH ef Keltfftoua KneKMft, and CArifiiaa Caroa- I
itle. rhlladt'.phla
Although not dispnaed tnfavnr or reermmend Patent '
Medicines in cenerai, Ihrouch distrust nf their ingre.
dients and elTerts ; I jet know nf no sufficient reasons
why a man may not ti-stlfj its thn lieuriit he btlioee ,
himself to hive received frnmany simple jirepnration, 1
in the hope that he may thus contribute tolho lienetit of '
I do this tho morn readily in rcgalil to Hoorland's
(Jerman Hitters. prcvnn-d by lir. C, M. Jackson, of thi
city, becaiiso I n hi, prejiidiLed against tl.em fot miny, uuiUr he inipiji,..,uii that tliey ivcre chiefly an
al. idiolie mixture. 1 am indebted to my friend Robert
-hoeniakcr, ni., for the removal i f this prejudice by
proper teals, and for cu.ouragemcnl lo try Uiem, wheu
sutleriiig from great aint long cmiuned rihility. Tlie
uas of three bottles nf the-n Hitters, at the lieginnint
nf Hie present year was followed by evident relict
and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor
whn.h I had not felt for six months before, and had al
most despaired of regaining. 1 therefore thank Ood
and my Irmnd "or directing mo to the use of them.
Refined Benzine and
! ages.
Orders will receive prompt attention.
I Proprietor.
Wllmmsport. JU'y 2. Irt'il tr
scribed Ileal Hstate, to wit ; Hounded on the North by
lauds oftlie heirs of VVII lam Heeler, on the lt by
lands of James Patterson, on the South by lauds of
llolicrt SUIT, and on the West by lauds of Jobu Hart
mill aad others : containing about
enine 0n-cn acres v,heruof is cleared laud; the balance.
VUI,I. TIM HCIt Ull. VVhcriou is en-ct-d a MAW
MILL, situated conveniently to the timber land.
I Ti:RM9.- Ten percent paid down on the day of sale
' one half the balance on lliu first nf April Iciii and
the remaining pait on first April IBiio, with interest
rriim nay in sale, roste.sion given on payment on the
ten per cent.
MOiF.d F.Vr.UlTF, Executor.
Augu.t ?, IPni.-ls.
"rllKSehoul Directors of Montour township, in Co-
I lumtiia county, oner the roilorring large induce-
JOSIAll II. FUR.MAN, dheriu.
Bberiffs Office, nicomaburg. Aug. 0, lSf).
'V tu
Fbr President
For lice President;
lion. reo II. Peudletori.
jst-m sms Mi mm m, .s ssn-spssisaWMysM mJ-'-m'f'ti's
Tho National Democratic Convantion aaaombled at Ohioago, Aug. 20th, at!3M.
It was oalled lo order by August B:lmoat. Er-Govornor Bigler was mado tempo
rary Chairman. Hon James Quthrto, of Kentucky, chairman of tho Committee on
Resolutions. On Wednoadat morning the proeoedtngs vrero opened with prayer byx
Kiahop Wbitehouae. Gov. Horatio Skymoub, waa maae permanent i'rcsiaent. .
On Wedneadav. volo for tlm Candidato for Prosidont waa roaohed. The rote wa
taken by States, with tho following reault i For Gen. MoOiollan, 02J votea
Thoraai H. Seymour, 331 votet. On motion tho nomination was mado unaoimou.
Tho Convention than proceeded to vote for Vico Preident, on tho aecond ballot,
Gkquoii II. Pendleton, of Ohio, waa unanitnoualy nominated. We give below tLa
platform of prinoiplea, as adopted by tho Convention i
Mr. Guthrie, natcd that the oommittee olutionary and be reaiated with all
on resolution, bad agreed upon a BerieB;the ineani. and power under our control.
', . , Resolved, That the aim and object of
of reaoluttons, and were ready lo report.-U i)omooralio party u to preaervo tho
Tho iceolutiona were read aa follow : Federal Union and the rirhts of tho States
Kesolved, That in the future, aa in the unimpaired, and they hereby declare that
paat, we will adhere with unswerving fi- they consider tho adinituatrativo uaurpa.
dclity to the Union undor the Constitution, tion of extraordinary aud dangoroua pow-
aa the only solid foundation of our Btrengtuors not granted by the Uonstitutton, tho
accunty anu uapptness as a people,:inu aBubver8ion ot civil by military law in too
tho framework of the Government, equally States not in insurrection, the arbitrary
conducive to tho welfare and prosperity military arroat and imprisonment, trial
of all the Statea, both Northern and South ,aud sentenca of American citizens in tho
cm. dtatca where civil law exists in full force.
Resolved, That tbia Convention doesjthe suppression cf freedom of speech anu
explicitly declare, as the sense of the'of tho press, the denial of the right of aay-.
American people, tuat alter tour years lum, Iho open and avowed disregard ot
of failuroto restore the Uuion by tho ox Stato rights ; the employment of unusual
pcriment of war, during which, under thcjtont oaths, and the interference with and
s wat.
$, foif
n. o.
From the Rcr. Xos. II KennaH, Pa, lor of tho loth
Daptlst Church
Da. J.rasns . Dear sir: I have heen frequently re
quester) lo connect my name niili romiuenilations of
different Kinds of nicilicuii H but recanting the pmrtice '
as nut of my appropriate sphere. I have in nil eaes
declined; but null a plear proof in various instances,
and partial lnrl in my fanu'y. of tlv usefulness of Mr.
lnotlmil's (lernidu lliuers, I depart for once from my
usual course, to express my full conviction that, for
general debility of the system nnd e.pecially for l.iv-r
i.uinptaint. il is a safe and vulunblc preparation. In
sn'iue cute it may fail ; but usually. 1 doubt nut, il uiil
be Tory bsneticial to those wli-i 'uuVr from the above
causes. Yours, very rtipectfully,
J. II Ki:.'NRD.
Eighth below Coales St.. i hilad'a.
Hroin Rev. Warren llandolpti. Paster ef llapllst Church
Cermantown, I'a.
Dr. O. M. Jicaaov ; Dear Sir : I'erannal experience
enables me to say that 1 regard tho German Hitters
prepared by you as a most excellent meilirinc. Incases
nf severe cold aud ceneral dehility 1 have been great
' ly benefitted by the use of the Hitters, nnd doubt not
! t h e "ill produce similar cfleits ou nth- rs.
I Vouca respectfully. 'ARIIF.N' It,
i.eriiinuiuw ii, iiriin a.
From iter. J. II, Turner
Church, i'liilada-
Taslor of llcdding M. F..
11 O r E K,
ntl'i:rri-ur.LY offers hie profess
tonal services to the Indies nd gentle
men of HI minshiirc and vicinity, Ho is
P lirenaieil inutirudtn all the various
op ratlinf in the I'm- of liis professMiti, and is provided
will t'icl.iiet improved f"JRVKLHI Tb'ETIl ; which
w II l.jin.erteil un gold, platina, silver nnd rubbur baao
to Inn'tn. II as tho natuial teeth
Ml icril plate and bli ikteelli maniifartnred and all
oj eri ii' na on teeth, carefully and properly attended to.
Ur. (deuce and office a few doors above the Court
II lU.e. same side.
Ill ir.netnlrg. June A 1601
'V OTICKts hereby given to nil legatees. reilt1rs
I' and other persons interested in the estates of tbo
respective decendentsnnd minors, thatihu following
admirii-trntion anil fiiiardinii acrounts have been filed
in the Office", f tho lirgirtcr of Columhiu county, an t
will be prevented for coiifirmntinu nnd ullownnce in
the Orphan' Court, to lie held al lllnomsbiirg. in the
county af'ice.aid, on Woiiuesday. tbo 7th day of Sep
tember. Ir''i4, nt '.' o'llock in tho aflernnor. of said da).
I. t irst and account of Johnson II, Ikrlcrnd
mimslralor of tfoiomon llrumsteller of Greenvood
tip , dei'M.
a. Tirst and final acoount nf Johnson H. Ikeler. Uae
cutor of Anu Craig late of Greenwood tup., dee'd
3. The second nnd final recount of Marj W. Hi lines,
adniiiiislrnlrii of Hdivin Holiuoa, late of Fishingrrect
twp , doe.'d.
I a. First and Anal account nf t.aar. A. Dewitt, adm'r
of Kdard U. Albertson. lato ofGreenwood twp. dee'd.
; 5 Account of Lot Farker & Jesse Kester. Kierulors
j of Cphraiui I'arkcr. late of Greenwood twp. dci.'il
0. Account of Solnmon Fetterman. Guardian of Klnca
1 beth t'rensy. Grand daughter of Henry Vohe, de,M
i 7. First nnd final account nf Henry C. Ile-s. adm'r of
, Benjamin 1't.leruian, late of cugarloaf twp ,l,.c'.l
8 Account of H i Crevelliie, Guardian rf Martha
Abbott, minor child of Win. Abbott of (,'entie tup,
I !). Final account of ('reveling A: Wm. Cnrriion'
adm'rs, f Jacoh Harrison late nf lllnoin twp., dee'd.
1 10. Account of Wm. N. Brotsn, Guardian of William
, II llckrote, minor child of Peter Eckrole of Mif
i flintwp.
11. Account of Catharine Whitcnight.ndnir'x of John
nisnts to Volunteers.
V t. HOUN'I V, 100 IK)
Thus retelling for one years aerriae the turn of
Six HuiKlrnl and Muoty-Six Uullats,
. II. VoliiKticri r'P'Ti to J V. Hnrman, Railroad
Ageut, Rupert Station,
ISAAC S10WR.Y, Treaident.
t. DIF.TTF.RICK, Secretary.
August, 27, I8GI.
New Cash Store!
Valuable Property
rpiIE uuderhiijned desirous of retiring
1 from business, olTurs to sell at private sale, the
cs'ablishmopt known ns
j The Bloorasbui'g Plaining Mill,
liolldt:, Ait. Together with tho
necessary for a first class establishment of tho kind.
ni. HI wn . ,t imiilAVinint fnr fiflv Cliandv
nl nil times. There is also connecieii wiin uie aDove. . pretense Ol military nCCeaSHV Or lUO war
'n.",crvr nower.bicher than thu Conatitution : the
rjiAXlSJUlfJilSir imaiCHiJiratBTrtaiiSU Constitution itself has been disrecaded in
Srmr. '""""" ever, part, and public liberty and private
' right alike trodden down, anu tuo mate
rial prosperity of tbo oouutrj' essential!)
dontal of tho richt of the peoplo to bear
arms, as calculated to prevent tho restora
tion of the Union and tho perpetuation of
Government deriving its just power
from the consent of the governed.
Resoi.Vbd, luat the shameful tlisre-
i.ynuw. 'ihe one a large' s'lae double house, out, impaired ; that jtiatico, humauity, liberty gard of the administration to its duty in
buildings, &c. Ilicy will be sola al a bargain If appll
cation be made soon.
Bloomsburg, July P. I'M.
- Cheap
Ilow Lost, llov, liostorcd.
rt he underaigned, having completed their ipuciou
-1 more House, at Lower I.ime Ridge, in Sentt town
ship, Columbia county, Pa., take pleasure in announc
ng to their friends and the publis generally, that the y
have just opened a
hieh is
inent of
fully supplied with a well selected assort.
" . . II. f.-rw rii-.r Ri. tl.vlnf. ii. ed -onGerniail I
CfJLDS AND CoOGU3 Sudden OliangCh nmf , ,y fnnii'y frequently! am prepared tu say Whileiiight. late of Itloom twp., deed.
of olimalo aro sources
TI..1 uwow.rv ! that It has oeen ot greai service, i oeuevr inn, in luns.
I UlHIiJIinrj (xiet nf .rny liebility ol the sstem it is the .afest
and Uronchial effoctio.H. Erporienee "UTcT cf bMqV h ,
having proved that simple remedie. act I6N Mncteentu -
nnprtilu nnrl ciprtnililv whi-n taken in the , p.n, ih nv 1 M. T. von, formerly Pastor of the Co-
J i I MtlA.tnvin. rlM Hnnlitt Church.
uniuuc .j uiiu ...y- i ....
New Columbus. N V.
Dr. 0. M. JiCKsost-Dear Sir. I feel it n pleasure
Ihus. of my on accord, to bear testimony to Ihu er
ccllenioof til j German Hitters, aome.j ears since being
much nfflicted Willi Dyspepsia, I usvd them with great
beneficial results. I have often recommended them to
persons enfeebled by that tormenting ditsase. nnd have
heard from Ihemthe most tl.iltennu teriliiioiiiala as lo
their value. In cases of general dubillty, I bo
icve it to be a tonic that cannut be surpassed.
early stage of disease, recourse ahoultl at
once be had to 'Brown's Bronctiirl Trocli
er,' or Lozengoa, lot ihe Cold, Cough or
Irritation of the Throat be over so alight,
aa by this precaution a more serious attaok
mav bo effectually warded off. Soldiers
should have them,
in the pocket and
. i
as mey eau ne carrieu
taken as occasion ro-
Frnm the Kev. Thoa, Winter, Taster or Roiborongh,
nnnll.t Phlirrh
1 Dr. JacKtosi-Dear Sir: I feel It due In your eicel
lent preparation. Ilooflaiid's fierfllan Hitters, to add
' my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obt.iin.
ed. I have for years, at times, been troubled with
great disorder in my head and nervous system, i was
ndvised bv a (riend to try n buttle of your Herman Hit
ters. I did so and have eiperienred great nml unei-
.... 1 ,.l. I,.... varu in.ll, ni t' hlttl-
. 1.1 r I l" cieii reuei i 111, licit,,,, nun u.-m tj .-..
ter and Lord, he WOnld not malte tUO lalSO efitted. I cnnfiilcutly recommeiid the article where
, .' , i j., i . meet ith cases similar to my own nud have been as
and bluodeung assertions he din on tuat surcd by many of their goo leffjcts.
n....-.,..ii ......... 'V Wl V IM'.H. lri hnrooek. Pa.
C- If tho Rev. gentleman who offieia.
ted in the Episcopal Church, on last Sab-
bath evening, would ptruo the written
word, and revealed will of his Divine Mas- ters.
ooeasion. Wo will quote, for hia benefit
a few passages from ''The Book :'' Gen.
1ft. 0 And tho aiicel of tbo Lord said
I a m i, iv. . i . . ... .a timlhti'D nnvpf
unto her, Return tu thy mistress, anu anu- OT
mit tbveelf under hor hands. Lev. 25.
45, 40 ; Moreover, of tbo ohildrcn of the
strangers that do sojourn among you of
them shall yo buy, and of their families
that are with you, which they begat in
your land : and they shall bo your pos
Antl yo shall tako them aa an inheri
tance for your children after you, to in
herit them for a possession ; they shall bo
your bond-men for ever.
From Rev, J S. Herman, of (ha German Reformed
Church, Kutr.owrf. Ilerks county. I'a.
Dr.O.M. JcKso-r-ncspcctcd Sir :-! have been sic
i f twenty y
n.l anu mn.ll.inii (lint ilnl in., .
. . . . . . . , .....I 1. I.-.I, h
land s Hitlers. I am very inuin improvi-n n, t,...
after takiug five bott.s, c,pei j'Usyj'KrMAN
I .... Si.A rhnlitln nesrlii double oliantitV,
81,0" Pr llottle half doien, 3 09
Small Siao "5 cenn per Uottlc-half doreu, SI 00
M. JACKSON," It on
Beathat the signature of'O
the waarritn or eacn uoiuo.
Should your nearest druggist not havo the artida,
oo not oe put on py any oi mo iui"iii"ii"t fLfsi-
12. First and final account nf Jnsiah (leveling, Be-
editor of t-amuel L'reemg late of Fivhlngcreek twp., i
13. First and final nerount of Tcter Wnrkhrtaer. art
ing ndm'r of Win. Cool, late of Hemlock twp. dee'd.
14. First and Anal account of Teter K, Herbciii and
John Yeagerjr . adm'rs of Alciaiider .Mears, late of i
I ocust tup., dee'd. 1
IS Account of JnhnC. Myers, adm'r of Wm, Mrors. '
lato of Roaringcreek twp, dee'd. '
16. Account of i:iwood llughm.Ouardian of Thocin I
Wnip, minor child of Anthony Walp, lato of Unarcreck ;
twp., dec'. I.
IT. First and final nrcount of Minna Miles, adm'r of
Win. Foa. lato of L'atawissa twp , dee'd.
15. Accniint of Isaac I,, fe Anna R. Crydr. F.iecii
torsof.MaryO Cryder, latu of U.lercreck twp. dee'd. I
19. First and final account of Jnhn K Kves Ouardiin
nf John lives minor child of Lharles lives, lato of
Orccnn ood twp. dee'd.
Vt). Firstaiidfinat account of John II Metier adm'r of
Hamuli Creasy jr. late of Mifflin twp. dee'd.
il, First aicount nf U. Laaarus, ndm'r with tho will
nnnotcU of Clemuel O. ltickelts lato or Orauga twp.,
M. Account of Henry Shaffer, adm'r of John E.
Shaffer late of Centra twp. dee'd,
'il. Accountof Augustus '. Kabb. ndm'r with the will
annexed of Henry Deighmlller, Into of Hemlock twp,
21. First and finnl arcount nf John Frill and Abijah
Fritt. Kir's of i'hitip Fritz, lato of Sugarloaf tr.
'.'5. First nnd final account of F.llwood Hughes, ei'r
of Abraham Arnwine. late of Centre twp. dee'd.
St). Account of Oeurgs Hughes, John Sharpless and
Lloyd I'atlou, adm'rs of Joseph raitnn. lato of Cata
ulssa two. dee'd of Ibo sales of thu Heal Estste of
tho .'ecedent.
27. Account of II. F. Hartman adm'r of Robert Hag
enbuch, late ol lllnoin twp, dee'd,
24. Flr't and final account of John K. Eves. Ex'r of
Wm. Watson, of Oreenwood twp. dee'd.
. 2P. Accountof rvter Yocnai, Oiiardlan of Win, W.
Yoriiiu, miliar child of Jos. Yoeiim dee'd.
' 30 rnul account of Mat hias Gilbert. Guardian of
Davm rltiiiip nf I'leasant township.
31. The first and final account of John Williains.and
OIH e Evans, Executors of the last will and testament
of James Hampton late of Roaring Creek, twp. deed.
JOHN G. FREEZE, Uoglster.
lllnomahiirg. Aug, fi. IHII4.
W .!, ,1,. nnllmnn tn nninl nnt lionrtnat may hooliereu in its piuce, ou. "
" "s uo ta..- i --- lna
tho contempt shown, or the pity expressed
by hia Master in these passages. Wo aro
at a loss to know how any man eduoatetl
for tho Episoopal ministry oould bo so
hopelessly ignorant of Bible knowledge.
Wo may add in this connection, that if
tbe offioiating minister cannot procure a (Successor to G, M. JACKSON & Co.,)
enbatituto who will preach tho gospel, in- PROPRIETORS.
stead of politics, ho had better nil the pal- forsalh by iiruastiu ad Uaaiaii in very
I ire will lorward, aecurely packed, by express.
Principal Office and Manufactory,
Wo. Gi Arch Street.
Jones & Evans.
iH tbo Uafcbd
Col. A. A. IjUCHLER.
$500 Bounty !
Men mustered immeillately and paid cash down
a .An r-.i.nn .Invlv. nr ill amlsds
0 ..,nn Hnneine "Omen will ba commissioned a
a..nn,i Lieutenant i US men. a Firs! Lieutenant j 4a
men, aCaptalli,
The above ill be executed to the letter.
Apply to Col. A. A, LEOHIjEU,
i Cratmrt, ait csjiinVx rtrit
1 Avg , ' -rm.
Consisting of Clothes, Cassimera, Silks,
Muslins, Saltinott?, Ladio's Dress
Goods, GootlcnWa Clothing,
and in short everything urn
ally kept in any Country
Dry Good and Variety Store.
SALT, &C , &C.
Mat & Caps,
All of which wilt be sold as cheap as can bo purchased
cS Butter, Egs, Meat, Grain and
Country produce taken in exchange for
Goods, antl for which the
price will be paid.
Givo us a call. No charge for exhibit
ing onr goods, but it will aford us pleas
uro to Iibto tbom examined and prtoea
G.W.Creveling &co.
Ijwr Limo Ridge,
June 18, 1801.
JUHT published, h new coition of DR. CULVER
WELL'S CELLllttATED ESSAY on the radical
curs (without medicine) of r!raimainnr.iisa, or semi
nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotict,
Mental and Physical incapiicit,, Iiiiiedimeiits to JIar
ri-igc, etc. j ntso, Consumption, Epilepsy, and FitB, in
duce. I by self iudulgence or .eiual citraiagancc.
ST Trice, ill a semen eiiYeiupe,, u tun,.. -'I
he celebrated author in tins admirable essay clear
ly demonstrates, froma thirty cars succes-ful practice,
that the alarming cunsequences of sclf abusc may bu
radically cured without the dangerous use of internal
meilirine or theaunlication of Ihe knife-poluling out
a mode of cu re, atonce simple, cerlnin, and eiTeetual,
by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his
condition may be, may cure hiinatlf cheaply privately,
and radically.
K7- This Lecture should be initio hands of every ,
youth and every man in the land.
rient, under seal, ina plain envelope, to any address,
poil-patd, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps.
Adrdess the publishers
Cil A3. J. C. KLINE tc. CO.,
12 lion ery, Naiv Yoke, I'ost office box 43SS.
June It", leTil. ly.
There is nolhing so reliable or ctTcctaal as . j
HURT'S E X T 11 K M I K A T 0 R. j
Z7 fold by all Druggists in large boses, for 25 (ts. i
It never fails. Not Dangerons to use.
tlv Office and Farlury, 130, Jinennl HI., nbnve
Wdnul, between D'tli i 1 Ith St., Formerly ISU.soulh
lUUi St.. Thiladelphia,
B.-J- This valuable preparation sold in llloomsburg,
by the following Druggists ,,
K YMl tc .M DV KK, L. 1'. LUTZ, and J. U. MOYER. ,
July 30, IS(il,-3in., pit. 1
and public welfare demand that immcdi
1 ate efforts be made for the cessation of hos
tilities, with a t'icw to tho ultimate con
J rentiou of all the State. , or other peaceful
means, to the cuti that, at tuo earliest prac
ticable moment, peace may bo restored on
the basis oflho Federal Union of tho States
RtsoLVED, That the direct inicrferenci
of the military authority of the United
i States in the rcoent elections held in Ken
' tacky, Maryland, Missouri and Delaware
was a ihnmeful violation of tho Constitu
tion, nnd r, repetition of suoh aots in th't
approaching elections will bo held as rev-j
ros-ped to our lellow-oitizens wiio now anu
long havo been prisoners, nnd are now in
t suftenng condition,' ueserYcn tho sovcrest
reprobation on the eoora alike of' public
and common humanity.
Resolved That th'e sympathy of tho
Democratic party is heartily and oirneet
ly extented to tho soldiery of our army,
who are and havo been iu tho Geld under,
the Mug of our couutry,and in the event of
our attaining power, they will receiro all
the care, protection, regard aud kindness,
that the brave soldiers of our Republic
havo to nobly oarned.
U. S. 10-40 Bonds.
2'7rst National Ravi: oj Rioomsburg, Pa
1IESE BONDS bear intorest at the
j& rato of five per cent, per annum
pirWAtDks qh mm
Which, at the present value of Gold, is
equal to
9 per cent, per annum,
On hs'nds and ready for delivery after the
first of June.
J. P. TllBtin, Cashier.
Bleoineburg, May ), lr'UL 3m.
List of (arisen for Sep. Tern, Is64.
1 Fhilip Winlerrtcen va Val. Winloratoeii.
5 llenry Wei's vs t.cori:e Kinly
3 uiijali McMurtne vs unri-iian ivoir.
4 Jacob Harris vb I'eter Jucoby.
3 George Hughs, etal vs J. V. Criswsll,
0 Kus.el t' Stoker, vs Wm Ikeler.
7 W Lonu'cnberger, etnl vsO. Wolf ot al.
8 Daniel F Seyberl, vs Reuben Nicely.
J II. F. Rhigharl &: Urn s Silas 1) Ldgar
10 Joseph Hartman vs Reuben I. ins.
11 Samuel Ijiicknnd Chailes.Uuck vs Join Ilk.
IS David Aclienback vs John Vardin.
13 Wm Long, va It F llcighart.
14 John Cigger, vs Richard H Meuagli.
IS (1 I.nngcnberger, etal vs Joshus Robisusi, and Vfm
Hi Henry Oilincr, vs Moore Crveling.
1, The Com of I'enna vs Jacob Fi.her.
18 Jio .Mlegar and Sarah A Allegar vs Jno Y Allear.
ill Enoa L Adams. va D F. Seybort and llnry Doak, .
IU Samuel Williams vs Charles II Dieterrch aud Oe?
A Herring.
21 II r Relghard vs Elizabeth Vansickls.
SJ Luke Roan ami Anna Honn vs Chas II Dletterreh.
S:i James L Dunu vs Michael llrobst.
21 I'hitip Dielterich vs Wm Long.
3! Wilson Ager vs Joseph F Long.
Sd Hugh McUuyiiolda el al ts I'eter Oliphant
Real Estate
Levi JlciicL iltccaud
ilj'S iJii.i-',
L. S. Columbia County as i
Tho Commonwealth nf Penn '
svivaniato Sallie P.. Dclsel, Levi V, llelscl , Kent i
ifel.'l.Nareissa llel.el and Susan J.lleijcl.and Uavid rt '
Hanimaud.liuardiaii oftlie said Susan : you and each
of von are hereby commanded to be and appear before
the Honorable Judges, of iho Orphans I oun. of Col-j
uinbin county, nt the Court House in ninomiburg. on ,
Mondav the 5th day of September next, then and '
tnS?e tVaccept or relS.e to taU the Real L.tateof Le-,
vl ileisel decSased. at the v alualio.-. put upon it by an .
Iinucst dufly awarded by this lloiinrnble Court, or
shew cause why tho same should not ba so d. I
Witness the Honorable William Klue I resident of
our Courl of Cnniinon I'lens held at II oomsburg. tho
eighth day of May e.gbinudr and sutyfou j
Rioomsburg, July Hi, leul.
Estate oj Jacob .Martz. dae'd.
House and Lot for Sale.
WILL be Fold cheap and on easy tcrmh,
' A Ml
situateou Maiu Street in Weal llloomsburg.
IKTTKRSiifndminislrattonon the Folate ol Jacob JOHM ii.tliLL.6i9.
i.Marti, late of C.itiwissa twp., Lolumbia Co., dee'd. " , ,
havo been granted by tho Rtgi.ier ofCidumbia co., to
the undersigned , all persons having claims against tho
estutu.of the decedent are. mimesied to present them to
tho Administrator at his rediiiel'ce in aaidlimn-
snip wi.mmiiieiuy, aim uu persons lo maso T KT.rR,B Te,Rll,ont..y en the estate nf lleurr
Estate of Henry Fcddcr, diccaseil.
Valuable Real Estate.
npiIE suboriber offers at private Sale,
1 on reasonable terms, a farm situated in Hemlock
townahip, apout l miles from tluckhorn, Columbia
county, containing
108 ACRES,
about eighty acres of which is cleared land, the Im
provements upon which consists of a good
Wn'on Slie.l, and other out Iioub's, n good Fprlng
Hume t'f A One thrifty apple orchard is growing on
Un-premise -.with a large variety of other kind of frull
trees The remaining 1 acres of wood land, is covered
withdak and Chestnut timber of good minlity.
, Thefarinis n ilesiraoia iropcuv, uuiim n, u, cxni-
hlChOlt marKei . nt tat0 f cultivation. Any Information rcgnrdlng
Hie canditione upon which tbo Farm can be purchased
I will be afforded by calling al I'eter Wotkheiscls. ad
j01ainS the property. YRug
May S3, 18S4.-6m.
Estate of Jacob Mills. Deceased.
LETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of Jacob
Mills, lato ofMadison lownshlp.Columbla county
deceased, have been granted by Ihe Register of Colum
bia county, to the undersigneds all persona having
claims against tho estate or the decedent aro requested
to present them to the Hiecutorsiat thsir losidcuce
in said townihip without delay, and all persoin indeb
ted to make payment forthwith. r m .
i Ang, 13, IfM-ow Z1 P0. Exeenln,f.
oavinent foithw ith.
July 6. 18W-fiw 83 00
OliAXGliVil.LE iNOltilUL StllOOL
The next term of this luttiiutton will commence oi
Mmduy, August 15 A, 186'!.
The organiiationotho Normal School with Prengra
tory and Model depnrtmsiits, otlorda students of liill-r
ent grades, the besiopportunity for a perfect Classili
cation, and rare facilitico for u rumple te course of In
struction, Weekly Scientific Lectures .illustrated wlih apparat
us and weekly Lectures on tbo Theory aud Practice ol
'lv.-irhiiie will be eivetl bv the Princlnal.
Tuitinn per term of 11 weeks, from SI to 0. Inci
dentals for Library . Repairs itcSOcts.
For further particulars inquiio of Prof, II. 1). Wit
KkR, Principal, or of MucslII. Williams, Sec. ofTrus
August, 0, 1804. ,
redder, late of Centre tonus'iip, Columbia county
deceased,, have liven granted by the Register of Wills
ecc to the urderaigneil ItnSh residing in Mifllinvilla,
all persons having ilalins, against Iho estate of tha
decedent are requetted to present them to the Riont
lurs without delay, and all person, indebted to make
payment forthwith. f!. Mil HI. Cltl A9V, 1
IIF.ORQLI FHDDllll. j li ra.
July 30, 1PC4 -fl.v e?"Q
COdBnd 603 Mnrkci Street, Philadelphia,
f bitsineis
and is near the rcspectacli, plauis of qmus-ru'iut
THIS Hotel is located in tha very icutre
and is near the rcspectacli, nlauis of
wttii 1 1 make it particularly deslraide to persons visitin;
Philadeliih'ia on business or nleasurc , and the .Manairse
hopes by close personal attention to tha waiilsoflul
his guests to maku It n comfortable hoiiiH for uucli aa
may favor his house with their patruuuge.
.J. in: HAVEiV AibOX, I'rop.'rs.
JOHN SimCliltKV.t.URI,
July 'J3, lStH.-l.' ma
Auditor's Uotico.
Jrt the Orphan's court for the county of
i. i ; ... .1.- 7.. , , r 7..A A'...o
LOIHHWIU S (lit Jllt J Jiiw ii,a.,
late of Mifflin township, deceased.
All persons interested will lake notice that the un
dersigned, appointed auditor by the Orphans' Court of
Columbia county to make distribution of the balance
in the hands of tiidenn Nubs, thu administrator, to aud
aniongsl ine neirs ni iiccunueiu eco'rumg iu me rums omD A V OTIPll'
.ml nrnnnrtion allowed bv law;. will melt the putties Ollvlx OUEiK.
interested al the Recorder's office in Hloomsburg nal-tame Into the enclosure of the undotaignad, residing
Saturday, August 'il, Itlul, at 10 o'clock, a.m., ine.w in Locust township, Columbia County, (near us
nurnosaof his anoointnient . when and where all per-'ruer's Furnare.l on or about thn first of July uaat
sous interested uro requested to present their claims! FIVE 1 1 Hi AD OF SHEEP.
THU underaigned announcea lo In; (rletica and fs
pubblie, that he has became thu Tropin-lor ot the
New Centreville Hotel,
Located in Centrevill, in Conyiuhain luunahlp.
C'olnmbij County, w here he Is prepared in acromion.
iiatd lliu travelling puuitc, ana an who may iav r ui"i
uh their cistom, to general satisfjction .
IL" Remember tho Union Hotel.
Contrutnie, Aug. 53, lM)l,-.tii.,
8bCT? 'a Oaxt Hocis Any, bisTansr InrnirW ja.
Voil'm'jlr II. lt.
Will be reoeived, by the undersiaiird.for
a bill of Timber, la build a Ham, 3J X2J feel, to
, w tellTerad In ntosVrrl .
AVfu'st'?, l LT.tUVf.
or be forever debarrod (rem a share in said assets.
llloomsburs, July 37, 16C-4. fit. jludite
(The owner is desired to
L...I i.V. lhti, ,wv. n.
Auditor's Notioo.
Estate of Nathan Olivejr, late of Grttn
wood township, Col. co deceased.
TMI B undersigned, auditor appointed by the orphans
7 dine to law
August u, 100-1.-
prove property, pay cliargss-
,uey win oe uispoirn ni aecoi
Estate of Jacob Eyerly, dfciasel.
iviurt orcoiumoiacouniT to mas.0 uisiriouiion oi T vm-un j w.... .... i..j. r.
,ho fund ... the hand, of Thoma. Ogd.n, fc.ecutor ;f' jj-.'.r.V o Wooirr' wnVhip CoTumb'." county
thn eslalo of Nathan Oliver, deceased, among tho hnra -- , . , .. .. . , ,.-,i .
ofsail. decedent.ihu duties of Ulaappointuiem
Recorder s luooiusaurg, on iiiurauay, me ijiu ...iu... v... ...-... ...
day uf Augutt, A. D IHIil, al 10 o'clock
in the fore- persons having claims agaiust the estate ot tneoe-v,,.
noon, when and where all person, interested are m (dent aro requested to piesent them to itm M;cuur .
quested to present their claim, or beforover drbarred'withoui delay, and all yrson; indeblriMo makop.y.
fVmii share in said assets'. Imautlorlhwilh MlCHAKI.l r.yr.aLV,
liomasuareinsaiu asssH. ' nuintcr r in asg
J.tarSt, 1IM -i
Ai, is II. ,
rtUllltkT r I'l AUbt
pt Umielf.
ltr. It fs8-lttas