fOLDHBIA DEMOCRAT, Je4fB 0. Tate, Local Editor. Baturdhy Morning, Aug. 20,1 064 rsr 9 WUnAT, ft bushel. I Hi AND CORN, " " Diseases Resulting fiom Disorders of the flour per i.m. Are cunr.i) iiy DOCTOR IIOOFLAND'S ii 5n H SO 3 00 nUCKWHEAT Hour. 4 (JO ss I titmrtu 1 23 EGGS i so I potatoes Hod. Judge Elwcll,is holding Court at Tunkhannock, this wcok. Lieut. Charles B Brockway is at liomo , GERMAN BITTERS on lurlough.lylng quite low with, tho fever. day- Mr, Moses Coffman, on n trip to Ashland, last wrck lost otio of liis loam Ii irses. im inn apples, hams IIACON, II AY hv tho ton. CHICKENS, per pair. Ti 0 I 00 i so 25 . S3 SO 00 33 SCROFULA. CANDIDATES. CANDIDATE FOR ASSEWLY. DR.B. W. WBLLff ! B Mr. W. T.IlirrErt,on Saturday last, bad two of his Boat horses seriously in jured by lun stroke bolow Gatawissa. i . X i .i B Maj. Wm. B. Koorh, of tlio Ex ohango Hotel, is re building bis largo sta ble ol Brick a inngnificont structure. TUB GREAT BTREN0TIIEN1N0 TONIC. Those Bitters hnvn performed moro Cures lWBJiitn do tun: iif.ttf.ii sTitFJCTio.Y lMl'F. MUHK TlXTIMOJtri-'lMt'n JIIOIIK :- spF.cuni.h: i'kovi.r to rnuoii foii tiikmi TJMA'Jl.Yl' OTHrjlJMTKLnitr T11K MJIRKKT Wo defy nny one, to contradict tlil nsscrrtlon, and will pay (icnotnnny ona ""it u'll produce it ccriiiicate puuiisucu iiy us.tnat it not genuine, j IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS.! Wo are aullinrlicd tn announce the name of GEO' i HCO'T, of Cotawlssa, on a candidal'! for AHSEMAI.Y at the approaching gcnctnl election, In this llcprcscn ! latlve Dlitrlit, eiunposul iiftho counties nf Columbia ' nml Montour, subject in tho decision vt' tlio Coluinblu County Democratic Convention. ,uly i, lbl, ..I, Candidate for Assembly. 1 At tlio solicitation fifnianyfrlnids I woulil nnnoimco I to thn inters of Columbia County, tint I will no a candl (Into for APSEMIILY, ntlliii approaching cnrtnl clcc I lion, tulijrct to tlio derision of tho Columbia cuuuty AMERICAN COMPOUND i THE B1LOOD. Traverse Jurors for September Terra 18G4. I ricntnn r.ll Mendrnhall.Pnrauel Rhone, John Ikeltr Heaver Gideon nreribemntr. llrlarcreek Joseph Btackhouie, Henry Lnmen, Ah lolcm Itouibny L'onyngham Isaac. Haul , , . , 1 . (.'oH re -Joseph Olggcr,H.muel Rower Wllllm '' ley. Nathahlal I.. Campbell' Catawlssa John Keifar. rirliinitcrock Tlioa- Laiidcnbach, Jneob Bluekor, I'll il i p Appleman. I Greenwood-David Deniott, Wm. I.nwtnn, David C. Alh'orttoii, l llfinlofk Jatkaon Knimltt Wm. I irly . I Jackum Jainh l.unicr, Trcdi-ilrk U'lloi' 1 l.ormt-Bllai Jnhnatnn, Jolin Walter. Montour Davlil Clark, Jacob Arnwlne. I Ma'inon- Davhi iiotiii, , , ITIHIII -l-.- l'll .".M Mil ,t-Jlft" .1 . Mount I'lfatant-Davlil . Appleumn,MalcliiaItur.klc Husatlonf-John Lrwln. Bcott Mooro L'rcvcllng, Wm. I.ohif, Samuel llott iWJO AND MhM POSTSCRIPT! Grand Jurors I for Sriilcruber Term 1064. Ileinccratlc Cunvcntlou, WM.II.JACOIIY. will curocviry cuo of B3r Philip Unanust, Esq.,-i:kc :Chronio or Nc.vous Debility, Diseases of ' . 1 ' . I the. Kiiliicvs. find d sonsus nriini burself has only erected a pig pen and torn-crib, on tlio ruins of the fire. iST" JUDnn liui'KtiT, who suffered 1 himut tlio lienvii-'t loss bv ihc fire has com-! hienced bio foundation to rn-build. ft out a disordered arising Stomach. VP" Mr. Daniel Snydeii, of Scott towtihbip) has been named bj liii Di'ino oratio (ellow'Piliens, fur County Auditor. EST lion. I). B. Montgomery, our State Senator, Kill accept our thanks lor Legislative documents COT Hon. John C., our worthy Representative, has again favored us with valuablo public document). Efir Our Democratic County Conron tion, w ill be hold on Monday week same day as tho Chicago Convention. We call attention to tho advortissmrnt of J. Wcichsclhaum, in unothor column. Thoa in need of any thing in his lino ol busitias will do well by calling upon him duiing Court, at the Exehaugo IloteJ. fisay By their fruits ye fhall know them. ! Throughout the whole couutrj there is not i a single Lincoln leader who speaks one J word in favor of the Union as our failure made it and tho olm-rvntjci' of tlioCnu-j amnion, as our fathers olni'ived it. : ) Obierve the followlns ymptoin Uerultlng from Hli- milura or ino iiiirurtit-c orgam; ni (.'oniii,i Hon, limuril I'lb., Fuini of lllnod to thn Henri, Aciillt oflho gtomarh N.iiucn, Heartburn, liUciirt fr Kooil, Piilnea. of wilnlit In tlm stomach. Bour rcriirl.itlnim.f Inking nr I'liilti'iliiB nt the I it of tho, tiivluiininj cfllw HimiI, llur iloil nml niilli'iiU llrailhliii!. I'lutlerins; nt the Heart, Clinking or Hiiirx:ntlii!r eniiatioiu when In a lying ponturo, inim nf Viinn, Dots nr Wrh b'jfori. Hie alght. IVver ami null I'.iln in the Ili ad, Deficieney of 'rrvpu ntmn, Yallownera nf theHkln nml Cyea, I'Lln in tlm Sl.le Hark. Client Llnib. A r SiiiMcii I'liMhes i'f Unit. Iluruinc in the KleFh.i'iiiintniit Im aninln;ofiil, ituprcMion of plril. Slonmrburs, May 14. 1PC4 2 Legislative. Profoupilly grateful for past fv Uencca of generoua eoulljeneii. III'! unilorrlgiKil, Willi Ihc approbatlni of many nfhli Ilenincrallc fellow rltlzena (nlin.e onln lonslia iluly appreiiateaJ-aiiiiouiHUS that hu will he a Cniulidatv liii the. Ahscsnbly, I In the l,egl,Mlvc Dlftilct coniponeil of the Cnuntle. of Columbia nml Mnulnur, at tlm npproarhlng Cicncral Kli'itlon, Mil.Jcct to tho uingea oftlio lllitrlit. nnil tlio ilceliioii ofihe Coliimblii llcmociiitleConvention, I I.IJVI I. T'1'l'fl, lllooimburg, May", lent, Candidate for Auditor. DANIEL SNYDER, jr., of Scott twp we are authorize,! to .'iimoniiff. will ho a cnnill , date for I OUN'I'V AttlUTOIl, at the nppnwliing (5en 1 enil i:ii'Cllon, (uMcct to tho ilerUlon of tho Culuiubla County lleinor rntlc Convention. Aug.SO. It64.-S'i. Candidate for Sheriff. . Through the earnest rnlleliatinn of many Democrnt ie frleniN. I havo liecn iuilueeil too tier aiy.clf ni n i riiniiilate fur thoollleii of Sherllfof Coluinbia County, . (inijcci io me uccitmnoi i no ueniocrnilc county con ' vention. JAMES I.AK1'.. Juno 18, 18C4.-2. 7775 old established, thoroughly tried , Remedy, rccommcdcl by some, of the, moil eminent Physicians y hns attained a cclebru j l ty in most parts oj tht amhtry, in curing. SCROFULA OR A'hCi EVIL Strofulnui Porta, Roue or Kryilpelat, Bcnlcl Holl and nlng Worm, Tetter or Sail :cm Rolttor or oil td Neck, (ro common with otir Aincriran Fuinaloi) eu rable Ciinearaand Cancormu Knroa, lllaiim or lioiU, Chronic IMcrated Sore, llloom-Andrevr Madison, Ellilia Shutt, llenton Thuinaa II. Colo, Clirlntlan Aih. Hor. llerwick-Jacnh W Ilelterlch, Catawla-JacoU liriimheller, Ellaa Woavar t.Vntre K.J Irkinan, Conynghnm Itnberl (lorrcll. Aletandor Margau. Flahlngcrosk-Jacknon Mcllenry, (I reenwond Samuel Mcllenry-Hemlock-John Kinllcr, John licit. Jackon-8lla W. Mcllenry. I.ncimt 1'ctcr K. Hcrblne, I'etcr Bnank, Ooorgo llnrtztl- Malti-Jnjetili (Iclger. Ir-aac Ycltei. Mailison K.'llfr A. fliiillh, Henry 0 Mil's. Mllllln- Abrnlmui r.u.ikiilrw, Urmriiigf rtik-Daniel l.tnn. tllMr-MBCM TIt.1T THIS DITTF.R5 Is Not Alcoholic. CONTAINH CANDIDATE FOR SlIERIKF. OAMUEL SNYDER, of Milllin town- i) chip, we are authorizeil to nnnnuiiee, will be n candidate fur tho flinitlt' the npptnnelilng (leuernl Elerilou, subject tJ tho decision of thu Columbia county Democrailc Convention. May 7. IrCl $'J. I 'letilftrato No. 397 for three sham of Preforted Stork V J nfili- l.aeknwaiiua & lllnomiibiirg It. II. I'd . IssiumI tome May HS'.i, having been lo.t or mislaid, this is ' to caution all persona ngalnt purchasing the sinie ns , I nave nppllju tofaiu unmpany mr anew i.criiiicne. 1 JdllV M piiMlinnv July S3, 16(14. It. New Cash Store! AND- TUP. undersigned respettfully nnoa..eet to his frionds and th public ginerally, that lis lias opsn. on Main street, In OAS Vll.l.n. a few doors hclow tha ri.nwiila it.nb in ,i i.iiii.ilnis fofmerlv oerunlcd br Hamuel llluo- where I manufactures the best quality or Began, wlilrh will be sold cheap, wnonsaio ami reran, no also Keeps a CIIOIOE RESTAURANT, Tho Legislature. Tha Leeislatura mot in special session on main street, in iiaiv ii. hi., b irw own - .... r, Danvilla Hank -In the building formerly occupied by on TuegJuy fast, in obedlonOO to Oovurnor M.tiiit.l Itlnn. wl....A I a ntaiinrMftlirF. the best olialitf J ' Ourtln's Proolamation. A Messsg'd was immediately laid boforo both Houses, In which tho events connected with tho recent rebel invasion of our border, and dctrud tinn of prof cf ty, nro detailed, and tho immediate necessity for tho organization: of a eouipotont Milita foroe of 15 Regi ments fur Stato defence, is tirvrcd Upon tho Legislature. Except tho usual preliminary bu.'itiots, and tho introduciioc of n bill in tlio Governor's rscom- mcdation, nothing haayct been done. Tho members visited the ruim of Chambers burg on Thursday, by invitation of a ritnmittco of citizens of that ill-fated well storked with F.dlbles and lleverago logratlfj' tho warns of the refresh tho wearr and aasuag the patatca of tho thinly. .JUSIil'U B1UWKI. Danville, Juno II, ISO! 3m U. S. IO-40Bonds. FOR SALE AT THE First National Hank of Mopmsburg, Pa. rttlHESE BONDS bear interest at tho aicordanoo with A rato of five per cent, per annum Which, at tho proscnt valuo of doLU, is equal to t 9 per cent, per annum. (Coupon BonDs, On hands and ready for delivery after the first of Juno. J. P. TUfJtln, Cavhitr. Illooinsliiitg. MuyiM, lPiit.-3in. French Breakfast and Dinner NO RUM OR WHISKEY, end ai.v T.VAKr. nnv.YK.inns, nuT IS THE BEST TONIC in tho World. KLUAE) WfiBO SAYS $ gssiT The Union ofileers that tho rebels placi-d under firo at t.'hni lton liavob'.'on mleased on cxeliapgi'. Thoy wro about fifty in unnibcr. Among tlivin was Col. E. L. Dana ol Luzi-mc county. oU. Hot and Coir nghhir of tlie Ti'Jd Rc-gi- mt-nt, iccenl'y caj-turrd were uol inclii Jtd in this t'xeli.iiig'J. I - Anoi.tri"N I'nir.A.NTiiiiopv. I) . S. E, Walton, a notut Aliolitiou of this place, i has received an 8poiiituirut Irom Gov C'uriin logo South to r.'Ct ni t colored itoni mon ' to fill the quota ol our H -rough Ilm de ination in fii'O'gia Thee ''nis' arc to be tlriven North lilio biieep to llio rhamblcs," to bo id I a substHUMs. Sui-h is Abolition philanthropy. Our inot liiudmoutlied "frei'doni shrickers' arc now turning ''Man stealers' and "nlavc drivers Can't Harper get up another out, setting forth theso modern cruelties to ''American citizens of Alrican descent !" Uc wick Gazelle, Frn-n the Rev Levi nck. Pastor of the riaptist Chinch. IVnihoitmi. N J , f.irmeily of thu North llaptlsl I huri'li, I'liilJllelphia. I have k'imvii lliinilands nermau Hitters favorably for a number of y-nr. I hat! uso.t theui In my omi family, null Ii ive b "en so pleased with their ' If'cts that I was Inilneed lo reromiu "iiud them to inmy nth. ors. and Know they have operated in a strikingly hi iir-lli ial m.mui'r I nk' I'tenl pleasure in llrl. tuih lirl pnvlr.t mill- fiel. an l cnlliugthu Ml. 'Minn of those nfllii teii wnh tlio.e ilisi'a-es lur whn Ii they are ri'euuiuiided, to lliiise liilter. know ing frniueiperl euec that my rerninm.'mhiti..u will l.e ust lined. 1 do ttn more clieei hilly a lli'othud ItiMert i inleuiled tu beiielll the afflutuU, and lint "a rum ilriuk." Yours truly, l.i:VI (i. DECK. j CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF, WILLIAM KRIOKBMJM, of Miff lln township, wo are authorized to nnnnuncc. ' will be a candidato lortho SIir.KirFAl.TY. nt the ap. pruaching llenernl Klertmu. subjert to the ilociaioii of the Columbia County Dcimicratlc Convontioii. I May 7, lalil.-'JOD Candidate for Sheriff. pIIARLKS II. IIKSS, Fsq of Mifflin J township, we .ire authorized to announce, will ' be a candidate tor the Mil Kit I IT ALT V,nt the approach ing ( I'.k'cliun, suhjecl to tho decision tif the CHuiubin County Hemocratie Co'iventioii. Juno l, ieu4. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Nose, Mouth and Threat, Syphilis In all its forms, By phitllic or mercerrial Bore niuutli. and throat, chrunlc ulceration of the I.ungs, Blomach and Kidneys, Pim ples, rostunes, and lllotches. Rhoumnti'iii, Female Weakness. I.ercorihao, (arising from Iniornal ulecra- on, llropsy, (.'cnenal Debility, r.mnclatloii and nil dis- j dases of the AT LOWER LIME RIDGE, I'ENN'A T he lindersiBned, having completed their ipaclnu sinre House, nt Lower l.lmo Itldge, in town shin. ColumSIa county, l'n., take pleasure in unuimuc. ng to their friend, and the public generally, have Just opened a town. List of rnust'S for Sep. Term ISflt. I Philip Wlnlcrstecn va Val. Winlcrsteen. I Henry Wei's v (ieorte Klnly. 3 I hjah McMurtrlo vs Christian tVolf. 4 Jacob Harris vs Peter .'nenby. J ili'orgn lluulis, ct nl vs J. V. Crlltvoll. u Hus-el P aiokcr. vs Win Ikeler. 7 W l.ongenberser, ct nl vsU. Holf etal 8 Daniel P Hi ybert, vs lleiibon Nicely. U II. P. Ithlfliart k Urns Hil.ia I) Edgar 10 Joseph lluitinaii vs lti ubn Eins. II Batnuel lluck and Chailes dork vs Jaite CacJr, I'l David AcheiilMCfc vsJchu Wjrdin. 13 Wm Long, vs II P llrijtiiart 14 John tJIgger, vs lilchard II Monngh. 15 11 I.ongeiibcrger, ct al vs Joshus Riblson, and Win j lloylet. Irt Henry Oilmer, vs Moore Creveling. 17 The Com of I'enna vs Jacob Fisher. 11 Jno Alltgnr and .-"aran. A Alletar vs Jim 7 Allesr. Ill Cnos I, Adims.vs D r.ebert and Henry Doak, SO Bamuel Williams vs Charts' II Dieter'icli and Qua 1 A Herring. 21 II r KHghnrri rs Elizabeth Vntislckla 'H I. uke Itoaunnil Anna nnan vs cuai ll IMOtterlfn. 2.1 James I. Duua vs Michael Probst. l I'Mlfp Dlctterlihvs Win Long. S! Wilson Acer vs Jc,.pi F Long. '.'d Hugh McUej' et al vs Pctur Ollphant that they .... . , , e are authorized to announce inai WILLIAM CP.IMSY, of Catawisa townthlp Columhia mumy. Iltrn-icli tlie sollcitaiion ni ni" nemo- , I crane irienu, iiisU'-lmi inuuccu iti uutr iiiuipuu I ramliilatii fur COUNTY CDUMISSIONER, nt the ap I pioaclnng genernl eleition, subject to the decision of ! ihu llemncrtic County Convention WII.L1AN CREAM?. Catawissa, June S3, Irbl .- In cases of Costivoncss or Constipation it NEVER FA LIS. Distressing Occident On Tuesday r 'shl tho "wreck train' on tho L. & B. Rtilroad ran over a man crushed his lep in tuc'i a hi rrlble mnuner that it was fi.uud necessary to resoit to amputated about midway between the knso aud ankle ioint. Tho right foot though severely crushed was properly dressed, alter extrac ting several of tho protruding hones. The cprraiion was performed by Dr. It. II. LtttU', of this place. It appears tho unfur 'i:ia!oman is deaf, ai.d is tuppiiscd to bnv been knocked over by tho engine, t bieh was runing without a head light. His name is Bell, and represent hiuelf zx ri'longing to Blair County, lie if kind ly I- ired for at the Tubhs' Hotel, in Shick f hi- ry. B'twich Guze'lc. rrom rr. J. Xrtrtttn llratr't Ii. )., Fd'tor of IKr F.nry ehpedil nf UcUgxuuj hiwirUdge, and Clrltttan CVinii trle. Pdtaitrtphia Ithough nut ilispo.n, tn favor or ree nend Patent Vruirines in gi throiigit ilistrut of their ingre- i dientf nml I'tiects ; I jrt know of no sufficient reason uhv a linn mnv not ti'lll in lint Inn. Hi In. I.fln.w.. 1 hiiuelt to li.tve recein il Irom any simple preparation, I hi the hope that he nny thus i-outnliutu lntlie bonuhi of , i lilotliis tlie more n .ullly in n-gaiil to llonfl imrs , Ci Hitters, prepnreil br iir. if. Jaekson, of this cit, bec.i- se I was prejufliceil against tl.em lor ninny )irrs, under he impici.siou ihi-y were chielly an nl olinlir niuturu. I urn indebteil to nu i'rl i . t Robert .-hnemaker, Es'i . for tho t.f this prejudice by proper tests, nnd for i u ourui-meiit tu try iliem, n In n euuering irom ?ren ami mug eoutinueu iieniniy. i lie ukii of Ihree bottles of !he"t IliitKr, at the heginuiua of tho pr--sent year, was followil liy cvlileut relief and restoration to a degree of liodUy and i..enial igoi w liit'h i had not tlt for si.i nioutlM h'-fore. and al nt st despaired of regaiiunc. I Ihert-fnie tnank Cod .ind my frj.un! or dtroctiiip .tie to the us of ibem. j. m;ivu).n- iiiiou'n. From ths Rev. Jos II Kenuarl. Taslur of the Mth l!aitiit I'liurch. Dr. JirrsoN : Diar sir: I Inve been freiiieiitty re. TUr-tcd to r onnec t my name with i omiuendatinns ditr -rent kinds of nii'dirin.-s but regnrdingthe prarticu as out of my appropriate sphere. 1 have in all rases declined ; hut with arl-ar proof m various iustauei. and partiru larly in my 1'uiii j . of III uefiilni'ss of It. liooil.ioii's Cenuaii IliHerd. I riepKrt I'or one: from my usual course, to express my full enntiction thai, for general iMulily of ih-- m sti m and i'.-p,-eiully for LI it i nuipliiiul. it is a sat.1 anil valuable prepaiallou. In fume cases it may tail ; but usually. 1 Unubtuoi, it will bo very bcuclirint to those uho Milli-r fiom tho above ca lists. Yours, very respectfully. I .1. II KI'.NN MID. Eighth below- Coates st.,i hilad'a COUNTY COMM ISSIONKR. LLEN MANN. E-q . of Beaver tovvu.hiti w'j nro nuthonzefi to nnno'inn, will i. ,. r,ii,,i.,i.. r... C(i . l.-slliMlrl. .it the enmmliig genvral elertioti. sulijert to Ihu action cf thu Columbia Countv lemiM-raer.itic Convention, M.I)" Jr' I - COUN 1Y COMMISSIONER. TT AP.'llt DUMTSHAOII. nf Hnavor town- i ship, we are authorized lo announce, will bo a candidate for CO V.MIHSIOV Ell. rt the approaching i Fucrnl Irction, nilij.'ct to thu action of the Columbia i oiiniy uiinioi rauc cuinenuon. .May id, lc(14- l'.7Hw".TTJ"rf'T-mt"A"- ...rtgT..ijji'.Tjm-arygamirrs'Boags SPECIAL NOTICE'3 From Itcv. Warr'n llnndolph. Paster cf llaptist Church t.i riuuuluH n, t'a. Dr. 0. M. Jsrgsov ; Dear Sir : experience enables me to a) that I regard tho Reruiau Hitters prepared by ou as a most i'Xi.ellent meiiiriue. Incases of severe cold an. I general di bilily 1 li.ive been gnat ly bem titled by tho use of the Hillers. nnd duubt nut lliey will produce tiiin'ar t A rts on oth. r-. Yuurs re.pectrully, WAKIIEV R WDDLPII, i.etinaiitown, I'eiiu'a. From I'.ev. J. II. Turni r Pastor of Ilediling M. E- Omrth. l'hilada. na Jrn son : Detr tir Hat ing used ynnr flerninn Hitter in in family freipi.uuly 1 a in prepared lo say thn it has bein of grent servne. I believe that in most cases of gen -rally liehilily of the m stem it m the sates t and inoM valuahl' remedy of which I have anv i-nowl. clgo. Yours, 4.C., J. II TUllN'CIt, No. Slii N Niiatecutli Btraet. Tho Democrats ;.)i;!ih ol a sectional predicted that tho party would pro duct- a dissolution of the Union. This was den-iu'ced as "locofoco stuff!" There suli -s i. "fore the country. W i uw predict that tho re-oleciion of --hould it occur, will render perina rif t t :.o .eparatioti of the North and Sm.tii md covor us with digraeo and iuin. ..... ... i t f i-t I 1 .;j -v 1 1 1 oo loruieu "uoppcrneau nou- I ' Well try it I rrom thi Dev. J M. Ly is. former'y r.istnrof the Co luaibus tN. J.) and .Milestuwn, (l'n ) llaptist Churi h New t'oliimbus, ', ' Dr. C. M. .Uron-, :- Dear Sir. I feel it a pleasure thus, of my mu aieord. lo bear teslimony in time's ', rilleii't'ot In i Herman iini"r. nome loars Mnce ueiuj Usui tiii-iii w nu ere.-u i Erior l)cm : Dcin BiR : -With your permission I wish tosny to the read.irs ofyour paper lint I will t-iid, by return mail, to all who wish it (frco.)a Receipt, with full di rections fur making aud ul"g u siniplo Vegetable Halm, that wilUtleetualiy remove. in ten days, Pimples, lllniches, Tan, 1'ieckles. nml all Impurities of thu Skin, leaving tlm same soft, clear, smooth and benuti- f "l will also mail freo to those Ini ing Huld Heads, or Hare Paces, simple, directions ami Information that will enable them to siart a tun growin ol l.nxnriviu Hair. v lusksrn, Mou't.irhc, in less than Hnrly days. All appliculiuusausweied tiyritnru mill without char"e. Respei tlully jours, TlttjB. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist C31 Uroaday, .Now York. July S3.S3S4.-3tv. " AC A RlT T O THE SU F F E RINgT" SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of niichu," "Tonic Hitters, " -Barshriasilla " --Feivnus Ann dotes," &e. tic..t.r. nd nltei you are sati-iled with the r.;sult. then try one b. of OLD DOITOIt IIIJi'll. , N-B ENtiLIBII t-l'Ei I Fit-' I'll. LB nnd he restored to health and vigor in less thn.i thirty days. Tli.-ynro pin sly t cj'i table, plensa-it to take, prompt and salutary in their itfects mi Hie broken ilovvn anil shattered con stitution. Old and toung tan take th'.-m with advan lago. Impoiled anil selu in the IJnilod Btates nuly by " J.S. B. III'TLI It. No. 4'.'7 luoadway, .New t orK. I $7 rteent for the United Blatci ' P, B. A Hoi of Pills, securely packed, will be mailed I to any ad reus on receipt ofprico, which is ONE lull. I.Alt. pn-.upaip-inonu retuuded by tho Agent if entire , ll'ieiioo ii not Kit in. I July -J, leiil. -3tv. j , Bo Yoh WMi io h Curt'd ? i Dlt. IIIJCIl AN'lt ' EVfJLISH SPECIFIC PII.I.B, lnipoteucy, Prema'ur'i, Seminel Wenkniss, Insanity. and all t'rniary. ' Bexual and Novous Alfection". no m.itti-r troai uh.n 1 cause produced. Price. On i Doll ir por boi Bent, , pot paid, by mail, on recnpt of an nrdi-r. Oue Hot 1 will prcler tho Hire lu mnt cases. Address JAMEBB.nUTI.Elt. ' Ceneral Agent, 117 llnmdwny. New York. July 23, lfOJ-3w. Its mill In Its action, Jut siitlici.nt to regulate the bowels and keep them regular. Its unlike all prcpa rations Inr thn Hlnod, having Ilia laiatlve properties combined, As it contains Wild Cherry, Mundrake and Dandelion pirparcd in a scientific manner ii work wonderfully in cas it of chronic affections o the NEW STORE, COFFEE. ft WIND to the very high price of rotfie, nnd the ' ' gnat dilhcnlty In procuring n good, uniform and rellnble nrlirleour customers havu oftsn oipressud a wish that they could be supplied irOui first hands. It tvns tbo intrntlon of the i ORE AT AMERICA TEA COMPANY to do a strictly Pea husliuss, but as wo havo had ' some automata living ut a distance Hint havo relied upon us lo supply tln-iii exclusively with Tea and Cof- , fee. It h'lng Inconvenient for Ibem to come tu New Vork.Tiu 1rktTk, AtsDl'nrrEi Emporium of this country -and as our Tea Taster wn possessed of In-.i formation relating to a Collii- that could he furnished nta mod.ralc price, and glyo universal sa Islictlon, l "T7 OULD respectfully inform the citizens of Plnoro andntt e same tl ie ntTord the retailer u liandsonnj burg, and viclnitv, thnthe cmitinuesthe practlsu uf iirnflt ni- hate been coniDelled tn supply those par- Mi:nii'iMi a vi xnnnrtiv tie.. Tlllrt COFI'l IlilArJ BECOME BO I'OPLLAK with our customers and tbeir sHilas havo Increased to ' sui h an i stunt that we havu been coiupelleJ to make large udditions to our inaihinnry, which will unable tia tu Mipply u few iiiore customers w ith it. We will thereluri- aund it to those who may order. , I, . I'.-, ).-.. ,,; ll,r Cifl'.so Jl (a .I'U.V iKfci.-l'lies ut'll' furl., 1 ,t,t , 111 1 This Coffee has been in.d for mure than a century in. ' lJjLl b(S SOl(l "enV aVil 0,1 easy tonne), Paris, and since its Introduction Into this country It ' A DtVKI.LINfJ IIOUBfl AND VALUAI1LE LOT, which Is merit of fully supplied with a well selected assort. F. C. HARRISON, M D. MMiiui.YK jia') stinrir.hY. nd solicits u share of public patronage. OrriiR on Main Street, first house below theCeurt House, llluo insburg. February :t. l.'.-tf House and Lot for Sale. S EASON ABLE MERC II A N DI'ZE, Conti3ting of Clothes, Cnssimon, Silks, Muslins, Saltinotts. Ladio's Dress Goods, Gontlemcn's Clothiog, and in short everything tifu ally kept in any Country Dry Good and Vai'lety Store. hiir been iiiutt bv Hitiue f the leading I'rrucli Kcs tnnrants hcrr Tlm rariaia f nrtt said in be tha buot Ju Jyu t of cotrto j antl lliu greitt f.ivor in wlrlch it it IHd by tlictn it Hi.) beot rcctumiiiunilntiuii that cun bu nrutiurctj for lit fine ll;ior ain! health)' effects upon ' Uil liuuiaii yfst;in. Wo put up but nnc cra'le nf this coitce, nnd that is of uur customers havf found from :xis rUnct! k'vu I'trfect .ati!fact iun and meet all the ilciuatiils of thuir trad". It in tlio l(jvst price that we can rercoiutiiciiii. ALSO, situate on Main Stroit in We.t lllooutsbufg. JOUN O. PRREZIJ. Muy USOWASISJ AssociATiorv, lilll.ADELrillA, PA, Dlce.icoof thcllcrvcus. Seminal, Urinary, and Ser. ual Systems new and reliable treatment in ro ports of the HiiWARD AsOOIATION-isnt by mail in sealed letter envelnns. free of rhnriFe. A.l.lrec. I,r Wu .lo nil our business on the most extensive scale, J. SMIjt.lMi HOUUIIIUN, Howard Association, No. buy by the cargo and sell at only two cents per pound - South Ninth ttrect, Philadelphia, Pa. profit. 1 July-tt, IcOt-ly Wo put up this Coffee in llarrcls only, of 1-25 Pounds i It,T7; rr, .... each. This method of putting it up save- liom 1 to EXEUUrOR S ISOTiCii, j cunts pir pnunu to tue custuiner, unu by us oeiug in ' n large tuntititv it retains its tint tlat-or much longer , in this form than lu any other. We send wltlnach b iirel Hhotv Cards. Circulars Poster, to asslsttho dealer to introduce it to bis customers. Wo hope our cusluiuirs will take pains lo liavuthein well posted up I onii iiiMrniuiru, as it a iii outu ineir aiivnuinge to unsu. Thu Colt'ee we warrant lo give ucrfeit tallsfuclion, nu.l if it does not please, the purolinser Iris the prlvi- i 1 leg. of returning the whole or any it-irt of it within CD dus. ami having his money refunded together witu all the ux, euses of trausjiortatioit both ways. I We ishue a Priie Circular of our Tvas andCorrtF.s. which we ure glad to -end free tu all wtio wi.h it 1 Cou-uiincrs of CitfTee should cnqutie for the-Freoih. 1 breulljsl and dinner t'oil'ec" and be sure thn it was purchased of the GROCERIES SALT, &C, &C. ! i Es'atcof Henry Fedder, deceased. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Henry Fedder. lutu ofCentrctownsl'Ip. Columbia county deceased, have been granted by the Register of Wills &ctotlie undersigned both residing In Mifllinville, all persons Having claims against the estate of tha decedent aru requested to present them to the execu tor withuut delay, aud all person-Indebted to make payment forthwith. 8 A Ht.'CI, CHI A9Y, ) UEORUB FEDDER. Errs. July 30, iar.-l.-n.i- $2 no. Auditor's wotice. . In the Orphan's court for the county of Lolumbiu ; the Estate of Jacob jVuss, J laie 'of Mifflin townslnplcceasid. I All persons interested will lako notice that the un- dersigncd, appointed auditor by the Orphans' Court of i Coluinbia county to make distribution of the balunc in tho hands of Uideou N'uss, the administrator, io au4 i amongst the heirs of decendnut occording to the rates I aud proportions allowed by law, will nice t the parties j interested at tho Recorder's offico in (doom-burg on 1 Saturday. Augusts, I nil, ut 10 o'clock, a- m., for the purpose of his appointment , when and where all pr- 'B'liti UIKlerSlcnPU desirous of retiring , or bo forever debarred from a share in saldassets. .5 from business, nffors to sell at pritati! sale, the' , . , , ,,, JOHN G, FliEI'ZE, cs-ablishmeiit known as I IHoomsburg, July 27, Io04.-Ct. Wudiio.t ' '(Invent Aiuci'iCiin Tea CJoinpay, PI3H, 3IEAT, IMPORTERS & JOBBERS. 95 it 37 VUSEV: ST., New York. July 23, lni.-3m. Valuublc Property AT PRIVATE SALE. The Bloomsburg Plaining Mill, I uvea Chronic PILES, nnd permanently cured by tho Alter native and Laxative affect o:iu great feature In it, produces an ?"Tt BOOTS & SHOES, All of which will bo sold as choapas can be purchased PAHII r crop.v HnUSI.,.ti Auditor's Notice. RV, SAW MILL, AND DWELLING r- , , - Kril- nu... I r r logcther with tho i Estate oj JSaltiun Oliver, late of Green ENU INK, AND ALL MACHINERY; wood townsup, Col. co.. deceased. alsewheie. Eggs, Meat, Grain and taken in exchange for hiohoit market necessary for a first. class establishment of the kind. The conieru will warrant employment for fifty hands at all times. There is alro connected with the abuve. aud doing a very extensile run of custom, u Cf!r'' A Query Will some Administration rv.i iuform us on what principal the cx eintiun of men from taxation who hold fro.'i ,000 to 8' OO.tiOH or United States ffcuruies, can bo justfied, when the labor inc man, the ineclianie und tlie nianufuo--,i:itf am taxed in a half a dozen difTi-rent v.". ,s, and let r-uob an extent that they cm Ii i r lis -vovido theiUKclvos with the m-cers- ifol Hir , toe city tion, ea 'iM Again Major Gunihor of , email cf New York closes his proclama- j nag the intention of the peoplo o' DEWARE OF that city t tho observance of last Ihurs, day, lis u day of fasting, humiliation &o, as (ollowa : To tho n.iuisters of tho various church es on whom will dovolvo tho duty of open ing prapor m the presenco ofthoir congre gations ard especially thoso ministers who have inouleated tho doctrines of war and blond no n.uoh at varianco with tho teach ings of their Divino Master, I would hum bly recent. mend that they will, on that t-olemn ocoasion invoke tho rocroy tloavm to h'jgton tho relief of our suffer iogpt' pie by turning tho hearts of thoso tn authority to tho nlesjen ways 01 peace. r niin Ii nltlnteil w ith Dl'sn. Osia, henelieial results. 1 lien reccmmendud them tn persons enfeebled by that tormi-nling diseare. uml hnvu lii'ird from themlh- mo-.t il.nteriiu tei-tluionials as to their great value. In eases of gi.neral debility, I ho love it to ha ti tome that cannot be surpassed. , J.M. LYONS. From thi Uev. Thos, Winter. I'as'er of Rnxborough, llaptist Churili. Int. Jack-OS ;-l)car Sir I feel It duo to your excel lint preparation. Ilootiaud's lierilian Hitlers, to add my lestiniou) lu l h- reputalion it has obtain ed. I have lur years, at linns, been troubled w till gront disorder in my head ami nervous system. I was advised bv a Irn-nd to tr iihoillc of your Hernial' Hit ters. I did so and hate ' M" rienced great and uuex pi eleu relief; my health has bueu very inalerially ben , tilted. I confidently recommend the artirle w here I men with tases nmilar to my own auJ have hem as sured Iiy iiiauy ni lln ir good elf 'its. Respectfully jours, T. WIN PER. HoxborougU, Pa, rmin Rev. J. R. Herman, of tho German Reformed Church, liulr.tonn, I'.crks county, I'a. Dr.C.M. JicKsjN-Respiicted Kir :-l havo been sic with lly.pepsin neatly twenty years, and havo never use.l any m.-diciun that did me as much good as Hoot ' laud s Hitters, 1 am very muili improved in health alter t.ikug five bott.s, tespu.-ltully yours, J. H, HA KM AN. i'MCF.S. 1 Large Sir1) (holding tiear'y dnublo miantity.) a I. Oil m r Untile lull' dncn, $5 Ort lie-75 cents rer liottle -half dozen, S4 no EIl-.IIILK DlfCLO-l'liES SIX'llETS FOR THU .MILLION I fioin the .nminenceiucnt-in short it Is n very flue Tonic- Its paliitaole nnd can bo taken by tho most del icato Female or Child. It being purely vegetable there will bo nohnrui done in taking it, if there 1, no benefit derived. COUNTERFEITS. Sco that tho signature or "C. M. JACKSON'," Is on the WKArrtu of inch bottle. Should ynur nearest druggist not havo the article, do not bo put off by any of the intone tin? prepara tions that may bo uft'ered in lis plain, but send ton, and tve will forward, securely packed, by express. Principai Office and Maiitiucluri ISo. fi.'Jfl Arch Street. VIUL.WF.LrUt!). i A inn.t tnluarde and wonderful publication, x wira ni4intpuges. and3il eolnreil niigrnvinys. DR. HUN TElf.-i V ME Ml. CUM, an niiglual and popular Heat ie on Man and Woman H'elr I liynolog,, l'linitions, mid Sexual disorder of every kind with uevi r failing Iteinedies for their pi edy cure. '1 he pactire ol Dr. Hunter has long bees, and still is, unboundad, but at the earnest solicitation of numerous per-ous he Ilia bcenindiiciM to extend ins iuliIiciI usefulness through the medium of his --V AIH. MEi'UM ' It is n vniuiuo that -houlii be in the hands of every family in thu land as n preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for tho alienation of i, nu nf the most awful and destructive scourges ever t inleil mankind. Unu copy si curely en- , velopid will be foi warded fr of postage to any part ol'the United States lor ail cents in P 1) stamps. Address, post D.ild, Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Division Street. New York. May SI, I'-rJ!; Uniformity wrrlccn ! A New Feature in HuHslnes Everyone his own Salesman' JONES ,t CO. of the ('resent One Price Clothing Store, No. S01 Markctstreo above Sixth, I'hiladtlphia, In a.! 1 1 leu to luting the largest, most varied and fa.liionablo stork of Clothing in Philadelphia uiaduex prcsslt lur retail sates, liuvo constitiileo every mm his own saleiuan. bv having marked in figure, on caoh uiticlent tlm veiy lou uht puce it can be sola for so they cannot possibly vary all must buy alike. 'I lie gimds are well sponged aim prepared. md great 1 painslaken with the niaking so that all can buy with i llii-iull assurance o getting a good article nt the very lowest price. Also, a large storkof piecngoods on hand of the latest style and best qualities , which will he outdo tn order, in the most fashionable and ben manner, '.'a per cent, below creilit prices, i Itenicinber tho Crescent. In Market above Sixth street no "01. JOSEd ii CO. Prepared by Dr. E. W. Wells', Pi actical Physician WII.KES.BARHE, PA. Butter, Country produca Goods, and for which thn price will be paid. Give us a call. No charge for exhibit ing our goods, but it will a ford tis pleas urn to havo them exainiued and prices compared. G.VC revel ing &co. Lower Lime Ridgy, June Id. 1601. ESA'i'S, i?SEfi':t EACIEJS, BSD BUm9 AVITSj &.,.. 'r 3 3 1 t'ritt un Ut seal There U uuXhlng to reliable or t'trviiital a il 1! R T ' S K X T 15 It M I X A T 0 R. ITT" Sold I y all Druggists in large boxes, for S3 its. Or It never falls. Not Dangerous to use. 07 Office and I'.iitory, I3'i, Juvciul St., ulmvei Wilnnt. lietMien It'll) k llth Sts Formerly I30,souill loth St.. I'hiladelphit, fi- 'l'n I h valinblu preparation sold in llloomsburg, by the follow ing Druggist: EYI.R & MiiVER. E. P. LUT., nnd J. R. MOYER. July 3n, IsiiL 3ui pd. Tht! holf wi'l bo sold at n barpnhi, uu roa'sunablc Hrm.ftiid immediate possession givcu. TWO OTHER BRICK DWELLING HOUSES NEAR LY NEW. "1 lie one n large size double house, out buildings. Diey will be .old al u bargain if appli cation lie made soou. B. c miivc. Uloomsburg, July , ISI14. MANhOOD! -.'Zt.-J'h? Mow Lost, How Rpstorort. I I'PT published, ii new edltinu of DR. CULVER- .1 WEI.l.tS CKLEIIRATED LS3AY on ths radical I cars (witlinnt medicine) of .-Tbkmaioriuioeia. or semi nal euKiii'ss, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Imi-otch-y, ! Mental and Physical Incapaiity. Iiupediiuents to Mar ' mge, etc. ; ai.o, Cousuuiptioii, Epilepsy, ami Fits, in- ' 1 dure. I by self-indulgence or e.xi:a! i-.ttravag.ilii-e. ' 7" I'riee. in a scaled envelope, onlyii c.-nis. I 'I he cekbrati'd author in thi- admirable essay ilcar ly demonstrates, Trunin thirty uars successful practice, that the alarming consi-uuences of self-uhuse may h.- raoitally eiiied without the uangerom mo ofiuternal I uiedii me or the application of the knife -pointing out I i a Hindi' of cur", at unci- simple, ceitain, and ell', until. 1 ' ny means "i which every siiiuier, in. inuiu-r w nut ills i enmiltinn may he, inayiure hnus.lf iheaply privately, . and rcdieallu. This i.iciure stiouii ne in mo nanus orivery man in the lauu. ma plain envelope, to any address, I ptisi-pald. on roieipl of .tx cents, or two post stamps, i Adrdes tlie publishers i CI1AS. J.O. KLINE CO., 1 127 IIowckv, Nbw Your, Post office box 4536. June H-, Icul. ly. HMI E undersigned, tmditor appointed by ths orphans I Court of Columbia county tn tunku distribution of tho fund iu Ihu hands of Thomas Ogden. I.xecntor f the estate of Nathan Oliver, deceased, among the heirs of sal I decedent, the duties of his appointment at the Recorder's office, in Hloninsburg, on thursday, the -.lath day of August, A. 0., 1;04, al 1 1 o'cloc, in the foiu uoon, when and where all persons interested are re quested to present their claims or b-sforevtr debarr-id from u share in said assets. JOHN G, rilEEZn. July 30, lrti4.-4t Audi or VI' A 5J.. XOT15i. COd and GOS .Market Street, riiil&delphle, TIII9 Hotel Is located in the very icn-re of business and is near the respectnrtt- places of rtmus.-uient which make It particularly desirable lo persons visiting Philadelphia n business or pleasure ; an.) the Manager hopes by coe personal attention to the wuntsnfhis his guests to make it a comfortable home foi much ns may favor his house with their patrnuage. .1. in; uau;. st!., iTojs'rs. JOHN SlincKLEY.CttRK, Real Estate Sale. OFFICE over L. 0. Pains Store, Market Street. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Rcul Estate oj f.wi Jkiscl, diccased For Sale by the Country. nil Drugpiitts throui'hout , L. S. Columbia County ss : ! The Coinninnwenlth i f I'enn ' i Ft-ivaniato Pallie It. Pii.el, I.i vi r. HelMi , Lent I Htlsel.Nareissa ll' i.el and S'Jfau J.lli isel.and lltvld S llammanil. Cirirdinii of the said Misiiu : you and each P.S.-Every ngen, U autl.orircd to refund the money lftn',M uinbia imiiity. ut the Court House ill IPnomtluirg, on Monday, tho flth day (if September next, then nnd I rer , tliere tn accept or relusn lo take the Real estate or l.c unu i y .Bltt ,,.Ceaaei, m Um vnliialio:. put upon it b) an luiucst clii' ly nwnrded hi this Honorable Court, or thi-w cause why the same should not be Midi Wilui'Bs the llunnrablo William Elwell I'resideutof our 4 'mi r l of Common Pleas held at lllunmihurg. the eighth day of Muy eighteen hundred nml silt) -four JUCI1I1 II. t UL.'Kl.S. OOL-,ltl. SI'OYE AND TIN-WARE SHOP, i '! HE undersigned would inform thn citlzeusof rtYjj I lllooiiisburg and vicinity, that ho hssjust re eived ami oilers for sale one of the mof textensivc "t - iissortnients of CCOKINGand FAN' YSl'OVErJ mer introduced into this market. The Chri.topher t) umbus. James Robband Globe are among the first ilass i ookitig Stoves, all of whlili are air-tight audgns burner His Parlor -tnves are hainl'minc und lll'i assorliuent 1 1 rled. AI.O Particular attention is paid to Tiu-Wun and House Spouting upon short nutue. All kind, of repairing w ill bo ilono with uintncss uml despatch. -if" Country prnduii- taken in oxihatige for work. PHILIP S. MOYUrt. HlooinsJiurg. Muy 10 Irii2 where the compound falls to relieve. Full Directions- cacli bottle in English, French accompany. man. N B. No Carthctio niodioino is re quired. In treating Fivo thousand cases, I have never tnotvn a case to requiro or havo I over known it to fail in ; llloomsburg, July Hi, lent. EYE & EAR. Physio thoroughly removing tho diseases PRIVATE SALE OF Valuable Heal Estate. As I Jones & Evans. fJnnFitttv Gttntitbr. Mavor. LETTERS OF ADVICE FOR LADIES. FIVE ANATOMICAL ENORAVINGS. of ( Successors to C, M. JACKSON & Co.,) Has information novcr before published. .r , r. . ( - A.,nla n n nnit n?vn 1 v iaent ' iu ini-uinimiinu iiui tan iuni ' n. vim a vt.'I tun. AUUrCro, ui itixi'wiii'i Box No. 4,052 Now York P. O. Jly 0, J4-3m. FOR BALE bv Drugjiiti and Dealen In every xvii in tho United Enifs. Jua II', M. 'Oet, 31, letM-Utr,o ) Professor J. ISAACS, M. M., Ooci-tuT and Aurist formerly of Ledon, Holland, is now located utNo.511 devotO all my timo at the Study and troat PIN'E Strert, 1'iitt.AiiEiPMU, where persons aillictod w Hit iliseases of the EYE aud EAR will bo uicntifi. .... ,,MTn, tt ftnrt T ally treated and cured, if curable. OJ- Artificial llient 01 DlSOaJCS UD I tills UljUUiJ' 1, Ivjes Inserted wilhnut pain. 1 . It -Vorliarges ui.ldii for Exannnatlnu. "lie Med- , Irai faeuiiy is mined, as ho has no sictets to im mn nroiiarsd lo give auvico .gratis) by ap- mode nf treatment July '.'. It04.- 12m. plying to my omcp or ny ttitor, iiccum panied by a Stamp. E. W. VEI.LS, M. I) Wholesale. 54 Cortland Stteri New Yolk. Sold by W II, Creasy & Co. Light Street Mr. nodson, Ilrrwlek Ft. Jt)nsV9.l4.-lni rj ' HE sub-criber oflVrs at private Sale, f on reasonable terms, a farm situated iu llemlork township, npnut 2 miles from Uuckhuru, Columbia count), containing 108 ACRES. the iin- about eightv acres of wlilcli is clcaicd lanJ provciuints upon which consists of n goo I Fhamu House and Bank Barn, Wngon Shed, nnd other out houses, a good Ppilng House, tie, A fine thrifty applo orchard is grow ing on the premises, with n large variety of other kind of Hull trees. The remaining '-.- acres nf wood land, is covered with Oak and Chestnut timber of good quality. The farm is a desirable propeitv, being In an excel lent statn ot'cultivation, Any information regarding the conditions upon which the Farm can bo purrhnscd will bentlorded by calling ut Pctir Workhcisers, ud Joining the property. 3 CYRUS J. HELLER. Ky V6, JH4.-tr!, WIS.LSAillSiMiSaT Oil, WORKS. NON-EXPLOSIVE ALSO j Refined Benzine and C-i Daluablc JJarm, ' I'hfl juhcrlbi;r nrfer to sell, at pnvnto lalo. n Yalu X Ua l-'arui. ctJiisl.-ting of 100 ACRES OF BOTTOM LAND, situate iu the valley of rishin-creek, about two miles nor.h nf rioomsbiirg, Cul'iinbin county, l'.i , comprising l.-.o bottom laud nl the well-kuuwii Trimbley Furui, an J thu Hamlin Farm. On the premises are it Dwelling limine, two good Earn; on excoll-nt O.tCUARD, out-buildicge, Well. &s t. gether wiih u Maple Orchard, yielding fmn 500 to 1,030 lbs. sugar par year, The veit of the "Pin iiusburg lri Ore," crosses one end of this tract of laud. Al SO . Valu.iblo Town I'toperty. The large Three Story Illicit BUILDING, aid LOT OF GltouN'ii, un which il is creeled, situate on the north sido of Main street, central in tlie town nf Idoiiirisburg Said building Is substantially constructed of exeallt-nt brirk formerly usd lor a arrnge Fac tor) nnd can be well adapted to a pin a of business. Said Lot is 41 feci front on Main meet, nud 214ft deep. Possession of the last named prsimses will be given immediately, if desired. 7 l un. minus of sale will be made to snit the purchaser- D. J. WALLL'U. Dlooiusturg, May 30. 104, NE W AKRlVAls. W1MK OIL in tight Pack- LUBRICATING ages. Orders will receive prompt attention. H. L. HOLDEN, Proprietor. Willianisporl, July 2, IBM tf. Jwill be at Jciseytown on tho first week in ?eptcmher uml will remain there a few days on my return from New York, 1 will remain iu llloomsburg one cek where persons iutetcited will be sure to fmdine, My books fee. will remain in the hands of John dmilU.Ei i, until that time. p,, ill y .0 DM. t At A. J. Evaus' CLOiiUMJ EMIIIl BLOOMSBURG, PENN, LATEST SYLES OAEAP GOODS' aIlli undersigned respectfully Informs his friend! and the public generally, that he has Just receive. j from tho Eastern citn-4, a large assortment of ' being the hstiiisorlini-iit ever otfered Irt this mj.rkt-i. ; Also it ronipletu assortment of Hoys Clothing, fact everything in the Clothiu: Line For those wli) prefer lo leave their measures, a perfect fit guaiaiHeeif. auJ nothing but the best workmanship allow c a at this es- i tuliUkhuicut. lie utsu keeps on hand, a large asioil. tuenl of BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, together wiih a variety of notions. 07- call and rim roit yourself. n llloomsburg, April, 23, 1604. A' ' EVA S BLANK SI BLANKS! I Of every dt'seription, for tale at this office t, 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers