Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 13, 1864, Image 3
-JU COLUMlllAJIiOCRAT, Jesk 0. Tate, Local Editor. Saturday Morning, Atg. 13,1064 jjSf Mr. 13. 13., Jr., is informed that his communication was received, in tbo nbsence of tlio Editor, and will require inatorial correction for publication. KS" Eorg't Reebe Millard of this co., and member of tbo llUth Heavy Artillery, is roportcd to liavo been wounded nnd tn kon prisoner, iu the laio battlo before Pe tersburg. Star, 0,040 ! Our lossVu tho battlo boforo Petersburg, two weeks ngo, is put down at i5,010 1 A Court of Inquiry is about to inquiro into tho misnianngomcnt of tins terrible slaughter. It is shatnoloss and un paralleled in tho hutory of this cruol Ah blition war. keS' Tbo 1'coplo may cry "Peace" "J'caco' ; but so long as Abraham Lincoln feigns, there can bo no Peace. lie will hot even negotiate he shuts tbo door in the face of all efforts at settlement. It is tho arbitrament of tbo sword, and ho wants 500,000 moro. tCf Capt. Silvers, most positively denies that he advised the proclamation of martial law, over Columbia county, as an bounced in tbo last "Democrat " Wo aro glad to maL'O tho correction, as wo have no desire to do him, or any other man, the r lightest injustice-. Our voice aud pen aro ior Penco, K7 Wo aro assured that Joseph How- aud, tho forger of the President's rroela-! illation, wbioh anticipated by a few days his call for a ucw draft and a day cf fast ing and prayer, was released from Fort Lafayette some days ago. A perton of bis namo, at aDy rule, hailed for Europe about a wed: ago. The Woild, tSr Ono hundred and five men were drafted iu Indiana coutily. Pa., to till de- i Gcieucics in tbo lato calls, Of the number, lour n-portcd forser-ieo and oue furnished a substitute Indiana, it should be rcinem bered,is an exceedingly loya1 county, usii jilly giving about two thousand mnjority for the Abolition ticket. Tho publishers in this place, havo itgritd upon a teale of prices, as publish ed in to-day's paper. The prices have' beon advaueed about fifty per cent. This has been found necehsary, otherwise we would bo t'ompelled toducoutiiiuo bui-inchs or lose lnout-y. JJfJr We are rrjoiced to sou that the Democrats of Philadelphia have put in nomination for tho tall elections, gentle mi u who arc among the very lest men in llicir ranks. For Coiigrers in tbo First 1-istrict, Hon. Samuel J. liandull fiteoi.d District, Gen. William M. Jluilly Third District Charle.s Uuokwaltor I'Jsq , -Fourth District George Northrop. Esq., All of lb fro, young aetivo anil atilu men. Mr. 1 oi tin op and Mr. lidckyyaknr aro among the best stump speakers in tho stato, and will make a splendid canvas's. BttJf Wo are delighted to observe that our old Democratio friend Jerry 31oKib biu, of tho Merohauts Hotcl,wa.s uominated lor Sheriff of Philadelphia City, by the Democratic Convention, on the first ballot. Jerry is a full team, and a cross Dog uu. dor tho wagon aud if ho wont put them through, wo are mistaken. Besides that, he Knows how to keep a hold. jj" A subscription paper has been sent out in this township, to procure Fift ken Dollars from each and every one subject to draft. After this done, it is proposed to lay a tax on tho property holders, to raiso a sufficient amount to pay a bounty, of say about two hundred aud fifty dol lars, to each recruit, to fill tho quota o' this township, under the five hundred thou sand call. These men arc for one' year's service. Star. jjiSJ" Tho Board of Kxamlners have been cugaged at this place for tho last two weeks, and adjourned to Troy on Tuesday last. Quito a number of rcoruit3 have been sent into tho service. A tupplcmen tary draft to fill tho deficiencies of the va rious sub-districts will bo mado in a few days ; and after that is finishod up, tho draltfor 500,000 men will take place not however until somctimo in September. Bradford Argus, Infamous. A Court Martial recently found Win. It Straeham,Provost-Marshal-Genoral o"f tho Northern District of Mis souri euiltv of ''prostituting bis official power and position to tho accomplishment of base and grossly immoral ends," in tbo faot that ho compelled a Mrs. Humphrey to accedo to bis base desires upon throats of his to havo her husband killed bo be ing a prisoner in Stratcban'a power. Tbo finding of tbo Court was disapproved by General ltoscoran8,iiot bcoauso thosooun drel was not guilty, as charged and pro von, but bcoauso ho bad "discharged with groat energy and efficiency tbo duties of his office, at a timo whou thoao duties wero! laborious, difficult and ill-defined." Hoj was accordingly "honorably rcloasod." (!) Is it wonderful, when tho grossest crirai nas go uuwhipfc of justico, that thooauso, of our country is languishing and every , day losing supporters I I JDyspep&m. AND Distant Resulting horn Disorders of the1 Liver and Digestive Organs, Ann gurld ijy DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Till: GREAT STRENGTHENING TON10. Those Hitters have performed moro Gurrs havi: and no mm siritFAcnox liAfi: Mint: TF.sTi.uuxriiMri: .mom: iif. sif.ciaiii,i: rr.ui'i.n to foucii ran tiikmi T1IAK M l' OTltElt AHT1CL1UX THE MjlHKhT Wo defy tiny nno In cotitrndlct tills assorrlluu, nnd will pay gliHJOtn liny ono Hint will produced certificate published by us,thatlsiiot genuine. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS.' - will curoovery cam cf . , ... - vurouic or nurvoits jjcuilliy, JJIsoaSCS (It the luuiioys, anu disoasua arising from a disordered Stomaob. Observe tlio following symptom rternltliig from Ills oiders of tho DlgeMlvo Organs: ns Cnnntliu tlnn, tmvnrd I'IIck, 1'ulness of llliiod to tho llcnd. Aridity nftho Nnuscn, lletirtbiirn, llieii!t for Pond, fulness ofvvLlght In ihe Stoinncli. Sour llriiclntlons, finking or riutierlngntllii! I it nf tho Stomach, Kwimniliig oftliu llr.-ul, llur tied nnd IHIIIciiH llrenllilng, Kluttrring at tlio Heart, Clinking or Hullocnlliig !-'onsiitions vthen inn l)ing posture, DliiiiifHsnf Vision, Dm, or Webs beforu tho sight, l'ovqr nml Hull I'nin in thn Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Vi'llrnvnesi of tlie rtkiii and llycs, I'l-lii in tliu Hiilu. Hack, Chest Limb., .Vr Hiidden Fliisheii ef Heat, lliirnlng In Hid rieph.i.'niistniit Ini, agiuliigsnfc II, ft depression uf spirits. M'M KM THAT THIS MrrKHS Is Not Alcoholic. CONTAINS ju jrUM on irmaKEY, M.'IKK DIIU.YJOIlms, hut IS THE BEST TONIC in tbo World. KHAB5 WHO SAYS J r'ZibS, yui i iiurcu, rui Mitel ptiia. 1 liavo known Iloiitl.inds ficrniau Itittnrs favorably for ii number of yi-ars. I havu uo.l them in my own f.iiuily. nnd have b. ijii m pleased with lliuir elleits 1 was iinlui'i'il tn ri'i oiiiiiii'iiiiil tlicui to mmy oth ers, nml know that they h.ivu npernleil in a ,trikiii"ly lii'iiellrfnl uiiinner. 1 take treat pleasure In thus pnli lirl iiroi laiuiliielliK I'.ict, ami calling Iho ntlcntiounf tliose n UUilcd ulth those tliao.isuH lor whirh thuy nro reroiiiiiiended, to those Hitlers, knowing from ejpori elite that my rcroiiiinrudatinii u ill In; sukt.iini'd. I dn tbii more cheerfully ns llooflaml'i. is intended to bi'in llt Hie ntllicted, and is not "a rum drink." Yours truly, i.uvi (!. HIX'K. J-'rnm frr. J. A'arlon llroirn. IK 1) Filltor of the :cy- I rlepulm of litligloui Knowledge, aiul Uhriitian Chrou- tcir, i tiitimctjinin A Itlinugli not difpined to Civor or rer.i umend I'ntent Meilieiio s in i tn-ral, Uirouuli iliPtruit of their ingri dieiili. nml elleris ; I yi i kiiniv of nn sulfideut rensom w by a loan limy not ii-siHV to Hie n fit In, lielieve 1 liiniii'll tn have r I veil from nny siiujiIii preparation, in the hope ho may Hum contribute lotliu ounelit ol otlllTS. Idotliis the more ii'inlily in re;a-d to lloofl.inil'rt (iiriii.iu iiitlLis. pr.' pared by llr. ('. M. J,n kMin, oftliiH i ity, bec.ii.M' I una prejudiied iignint tl.i'iu lor many ycr.ri, under he iuiiiesrioii that they were cliif-ily an al oholic in i x I I inn iiiib bled to oiv I'ri 'lid li'ibert t lioeiiinki'r, IImi.. for the leiiiovnl f lhl prejildlii! by iroper teals, ami for i ii.oiiragi'nii'iil to try llieni, win n sutleriiii! I'iiiiu eri ntuinl Ioiij; i-ont I u c.t ilelnliiv. 'l'lm iisu of Hiree hollies of ilie-w llilleri, at Hie beKiuuinj of tho present year, wiia IoIIuh'.iI by ev. lent relief nnd resloiation tn a degree of bmlilv nml i..eiilnl vlgoi u lii Ii i had not it-1 1 for six month" In Ooe, ami h id nl iiioslilespnlreil or reaalning. I therel'iun thank (iod nnd my Iriuid for directing nio to ih"iie of them. J. NHWION IliiOVV.V. From tho Uev. Jos II K'nmarl, I'a.lor of tlio Mth llaptist Ciiiirih. Dn. .Id nans :-Heal- Mr: I have been fre.pinntly re piesled to eonnei t my n.i'iie uiUi i oiuiormlatioiK of kinds of ineilirini-s but titan ion the piartlee na nut of my'i sphere. I have in all i mes declined; but uiih a i lear proof In v.irioiH instance., ami purlieu tarty in my Mini y. of Hi ' usi fulnu s of .r. Ilooll, mil's (lorinin lli:iers. I depart for once from my ii. mil course, to express my lull conviction that, for general debility nf tho ajaiem and ci.peci.illy for Livr l.iiinpluiiil, ii is a safe mid (nlunblii prep.irntlnu. Iu mine un-1 it may fail ; bill iiMintly. 1 doubt noi, it u ill bo very to tliose ulni sulb r from tliu aboie causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. II KIlNiV I HD, Llghlli below Coates rt., i'a ilroiu Rev. Warren Randolph. I'aler ef llaptist Churc a llerinauiowii, t'u, Dr. C. M. Jackson ; Dear Sir : I'ernmnl experience enables mo tn say I regard the Herman Hitters prepared by you as a most cm client menu in.-. Iu cases of aevern cold and debility I have been great ly benefitted by tliu iihi of Hie Hitlers, mid doubt not tlicywill produce efie. ts on otlu rs. Yours respectfully, WAKUU.S IIANDOI.I'II, (icrmnutou u, I'ciin'a. from Jlev. J. II. Turner. Pastor ol lledding M. E. Church. I 1 1 1 1 .i 1 1 .1 -Dit Jack tux .' pear Sir :l laving uied yonr ftcriuan iiiuers in my i.iiiii'y ire nanny i nm propareu in say Hint it has been of great service. I believe that in most cases of gen.;rully debility of iho svstem it is Ihu nifest ami iuol (ulunblo remedy of whicii I h.ivn any knoul- edgo. Yours, 4.C, J. II TCIINIH!, No. Sill N Nineloenth Strset. from the Rev. J M. Lyons, formerly I'.nlorof the Co IumIiiis (N, J.) and Milcstun'ii. (I'u.j ll.ipli.t Church New Columbus, N V. Hit. C. M. J (iKsox- :-Ilear Sir. I feel it n pleasure thus, of my ou 11 accord, to hear lesiiiiiouy to the ex cellenreof th 1 Herman Hitlers. Some.years since being much ntllicted Willi Dyspepsia, I ustd llieni Willi great beneficial results. I have often recommended them In persons enfeebled by that tormcnUngdUu.i.o..iuil havu liearil from llieni tho most Mattering terllmouials as 10 their great value. Iu debility, I hu lievu it tube 11 tunic that cannot bo surpassed. J..M. LYONS. from Iho Kcv. Thos, Winter, Pus'er of Koxboroiigh, llapti.t Church. Hit. Jacksov; Dear Sir: I feel it duo to your excel- lent preparation. Ilnolluud's (irrtliau Hitters, to add niv testimouv to tlio deserved reputation it has obtain. ed. I havo for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder iu my head and nervous s)sn-m. I was udvised lie a Irleud to try a bottle or your Heroine Hit ters. I did so uud liavo experienced great nml unex pected relief; my health has been very materially ben efitted. I confidently recommend tbu article ulieru I meet with cases similar to my own and havo been as sureu ny many 01 tueir coon cuecK, Respectfully yours, T, WlNTllR. ItoxborougU, Pa. from Rev. J. 8. Herman, of tho Herman Ilefurmod Church, Kiitztown, lierks county, I'u, Dil.C.M, Jacksov Ue.pscted Sir : I havo been sic with Dyspepsiu nearly twenty yeurs, uud havo never used any medicino that did me as much good ns Hoof, land's Hitlers. I am very much iiupioved 111 health alter taking five bult.s, iteipeclliilly yours, J. S, 1IAK.MAN. riaci:s. Largo Sixo (holding nearly double quantity,) 91,00 pur lloitli half dozen, 5 00 Small Sig 7i tents per Hottle-lialf dozen. SI 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Seo that thu signaturu or "C. M. JACKSON," la on j the WmiTtrt uf each buttle. Should your uenrest drui'Jist not liavo the article, do not be put oil" by nny of Iho intoxicating prepara tions that may hu oircred in its plate, but semi tons, uud wo will lorwurd, securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manufactory, IVo. fl Arch Street. VHILAlW.rillA. Jones & Evans. (Successor to C, M. JACKSON ct Co.,) PROPRIETORS. Xy FOR BALI' by Druggi.ts and Dcaloia In every wu iu Hie Unilod States. Juno 11, JHS4. (Oct, 31, 18(l3-15uin.) 5 Of) 1 M 1 SO "S e on H ,'.0 so 4 W IIUTTER. eggs. roTA'i)i:H, IlllU'.n AlTLErt, HAMS nACON. . M 20 1,0 AO I . 'ill . in IIAV by Hie ton, 20 (IU CHICKENS, per pair. 3' CANDIDATES. 0 ANDIDATE "if Oil ASSEMBLY. " Wo aro tn nnnnunrn Hm nnmn nf (ll'n. SCO IT, of Cntnwlasn. ns n cnndldntn for AHSI'.MAI.Y nt thotippro.ichliiR gotiornl Flection, In tills llepresen I tntlvo lilitrict, cmnposod of the counties of lliimli,t : nnd Montour, siiblict to tho decision of tlio Columbia County Heinocralic Convention, i .illy 5, letil.- pd, Candidate for Assembly. ! At tlio solicitation of many friends I wtmld announce to the olcrsof CnluinblnCoiinty, Hint t will bo n cninll. dnto for ASSE.MIILY. nt tlio approaching gsncrnl elec tion, subject In the decision of Ilia Columbia county Dvmocrnllc Convention. WM.ll.JACOIIY. Sloomrburg, Mny 14, 1P0I 2 Legislative. I Profoundly grateful for pntt evidences of generous , cmifldenc. tho undersigned, ulth tliu npprnlmlloi of iimny in ins iiciuocrutic lellow citizens (uiio.uopin. jii'iii ui ins ,'i-iiioiTiiilG lenutv nilAl'IIS iwuu.uop ion nu mny npiroilnte)-nnnounces Hint hu will ba 1j!llllllll!lll r.ll- till htiKlsllllV in tho i.egi.iativo District composed of the Counties f Columbia nnd Montour, nt thn npprnnchlng (lenerni j.iuLiiiui, suiijiici in ine usages niino District, nml tho decision ofthu Columbia llcniocrntlr Convention. I.UVI I, TATG. tlloonishurg, Mny 7, 1SQ4. Candidal c for Sheriff. Through Iho earnest sollelialinn nf many Doiiincrnt ic friends, I line been Induced tnoflcr jnysclf as a candldnto fur the ollliij of Sheriff of Columbia Coutily, subject to the decision ol the Democratic County Con vention. JAMKSLAKi:. Jiino IB, Ibli4, CANDIDATE FOU SHF.llIFF. CAMUEL SNYDElt. of Miniin town- 1 I) ship, wo nro authorized tn announce, will be a ! rnndldntn for tho SHCItllTAl.TV.nt the hlng (leucrnl Hlortloii.sulijectti the decision ofthoCuluuiblit I county Democratic Convention, j Mny 7, leui. S'J. CANDIDATE FOlt ftllWlFF; ILLlAiM KRIOKUUtM, ofiSliff- lira loniishln. we nn' nutlinrlxed in sniinunre. will bo nninilhlnto lor Ilia rfllttllHTAl.TV. at tho np. 1 priiai lilngUeneral I'.leitiou, subject tn Iho decision of the Columbia County Democratic Convention i may , inui. '-'uu Candidate for Sheriff. plIAltLKS H. IIKSS, Ksq., of Mifflin V ton uship, wo are nuthorized to nnnnunco, will be n candidate tor tho SH Hill ITAl.TV.nt the npproacli lug (lenerni Kleetion, subject to tliu decision of tlio Columbia County Democratic Convention. Juno 4, teb'4. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We aro authorized to announce that WILLIAM CIIIMSY, of CaUwissn township Columbia county, through the solicitation of his Demo cratic friend, has been induced tn oiler himself ns n candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the up proaching general election, subject to tliu decision of the Democratic County Convention WILLIAN CltHASY. Catawis.a, June 23, 18o'4.- COUNTY COMM 1 SSION Kit. LLF.N MANN. E-q , of Beaver township, we nre authorifd to announce, will ho a candidate for COM USIOM'.S. at tho vommlni gomrnl election, subject to the action of tho Columbia County Oi inocrarratic Coiiveutiuu. May W, lc(i4.- COUNTY COMMISSIONER. j I AOOH DHEISBAOH, of ISoavcr town- i t ship, wo are nuthoriT'.ed to uiiunuiice. will bo a crfiididnte for COM.MISSIOVHIt, et the approaching general election, Mibject to Iho acliou of tliu Columbia County Democratic Convention. May -.'f, ISI14- SPECIAL NOTICES i EilVor Dent : lK(K Slit : Willi your pertnlsinn I uih many ' to Iho render" of your paper that 1 will end, by n lurii , mail, to nil who u Uh it (free,) a Receipt, u Hh lull ill , reciioiu for making nnd using a simple Vi geiable It.iloi. that will eirectnaliy remove, in ten days, Pimples , ltlotch"s, Tan, freckles, and nil Impurities of the 'Skin, leaving the sjuiu soft, clear, smooth aud beuuti i fill' i I u ill alan mail free In I li ns" tin vlnx Paid llcnd. or I Hare Fares, Miuplij directions and Information that 'will enable them In start n lull growth of Lnxurieut 1 Il.iir, Whiskers, Moustache, in I. a- than thirty days. ' All upplicatiunsansivered by return mill without I charge. Uespi elliilly vours, TIIOS. r CHAPMAN'. Chemiat t3l Hrudduay, New York. July 2.1 2-VI w. I A OAUD TO Tllli SUFFERING. OW.ALI.OW km. Ilin-e hog'heads of lliicliii.' O "Poll oinc Itilturs," "Sir-di.irtsilla " "i-'civous Ami- ilotes," lie. &c. ,'.c. And nite; you are sjtMicd with the result, then try one Imx of (),D DOiTOIt blli'll. i AN'S UN'iil. ISII SI'lli'll'ICPII I.S-aiid bo restored to health and visor in leai than thirty days. Tliyaru piusly ( eeetatde, pleas nt to take, prompt nnd salutary iu their i li'' .Is on the broken liowu nnd sbatlcred inn stitiiliou. did nnd young can take Humii uith iidvau tnge. Imported aud si. M in tliu United States only by J lie. .7. IIU I 1 ,1 It, No. Ilio.iilK.'iy, New Vork. It" Agent for Hie United Slates P, S. A ilo of Pills, securely packed, will bo mailed to any ad ress on receipt of price, which is (INK Hoi,. I.AR. ponpnip-mnno refunded by tliu Agent if entire F.'tiMiiciiuii is notmven, July SI, le'il. -:tw. ) 1'oh Wish to h Ctit cd ? DR IIUCHAN'ft KNm.ISII SriX-U'IC PILLS, Impotency, Premaiiiro decay, Sentinel Weakness, Insanity, and all Uriuury. Sexual anil Nivvoim AU'ectinns. no matter ironi (viuit cause produced. Price, Ono Dollar per bov Sent, post paid, by mail, on recilpt of an order. Ouu Ilox will prefer the cure in most Adi!rc..s JA.Mf.SS. ItUTLllli. (Jeiuiral Agent, 4J7 Hroadu'ay, New York. July 23, letKI. 3iv. P nisi'i niitprn" rrm-Ta nonWie I L"''-E DISLI.O.-UI.LS SCCRLrS TOR 1 IIL I , , .. , ' A, V'"' vnlualiln nnd wonderlul publication. A w.irlc ' n.,.'l,V:!,,;V,,li?l, ,.J.'.,,?,,lor':,l S'nvliirai. DR. HUN THR S VADK M .CUM, an niiginal mid popular leb on Man and Woman their 1'hysinlogy, Functions, anu xujl disorder of every kind with never I'niliiis Remedies for tin ir speedy cure. The nnctlce of Dr. Hunter lias long beeN nud still is, unbounded, but ut the earnest bolicit.iliou uf numerous persona hi: hns 1 been induced tu extend his medical liscfiilnesjlliroNicIl Hie im-dlum nf his "VAIW MHi'l'.M ' II is a volume 1 that should hu iu tho hands ofevery tr.niily iu the land as a preventive of secret vices, or ns a guide for tho alleviation of one of tho must awful and destructive . scourges ever visited mankind, One copy securely en- ' vcloped will be forwarded tree of postage lo any part , of tlio United Slates for Ail rents iu I'll stamps. I Address, post paid, Dr, Hunter, No, 3 Division I Street, New York, I -51 Sl.Jfiil.-y. i ' Uniformity nl Prices ! A Now t'ealuro in llusslues , f very one his oivn Salesman 1 JO.VDS CO. of tliu Creseut One Price Clothing Store, No. 201 Marketstrco abovo Sixth, I'hiladvlphiu, 111 au.iiuou 10 Having 111c largest, most vnrieu ami fashionable .lock uf Clothing Iu Philadelphia, made ex pressly lor retail sales, have constituted every one his own s ilcinun, by haviu marked iu lisures", 011 cnoh nrticlonl the very luu est price it can he sold fur so they raiiHot po.siblv viiry all must buy alike. The woods nro w spougeu unu prepar'Muuu great pniiisiakcn witli thu making so thai nil can buy with Hie full assiirunca ol getting a goud articlo at the very I Iniincf nrisi. A I .jii. I fi r en uf O.- k riC iiieee (ii.n.l. nn ha ,1 ofllielHteitstjIeiinil best qualities, which will bo made ........... i.. .1 r. . 1. 1......1.1 , i.... ... or (i, it,.. . .it iiiu inun, .,,.n.i.riiauiu uuu ,.i;r , in.. u no , -J per cent, below credit prices. I lleruembcr thu Crescent. In Market above Sixth street "u MIL JOMI5S U CO. EYE & EAR. j Professor J, IS ACS, M. M., OiH.ut.isr aud Atiwrr formerly of Ledon, Holland, is now located atNu.Ml PINI5 Street, 1'iiii.AUM.eniA, uhoro persons allhcted w ith diseases of thu l.Y 11 and UAH will ho scitnlitl. ally treated and curedr if curable, E7" Artificial ' I'.yua inserted wilhuut puili, : N. II Nochnrges made for Uxaminallnn. 7 he Med ical faculty is itiviied, us he lias no aecrcts io his inndo of treatment. 1 Julys. Itdl.-lilm, ! LETTERS OF ADVICE FOR LADIES, FIVE ANATOMICAL KNORAVINUS. Has information never before publishod. Sont free in a sealed envelop tor ten cents. Address, Dr. STANFORD, Box No, July 9, lCC4-3m. 4,052 Now York P. 0. i 1 ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. TiseaaeoflheNervcua. Seminal, Urinary, and Sex I J ual Svstems new and reliable treatment in re ports of the HOWARD ASSOClATlON-asnt by mail iu .saled letter envelops, freo of charge. Address Dr J, SHILLING HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa, July 23, Jt'61 ly XVHIJAT, pet nvn. CO UN, I1UCKWAEAT, t'l.ODH tier blil. OLovp.iisr.f.n, f lax seed UUOKWII HAT Flour. SCROFULA, DIU 1U W- WELLS' M1ER1CKN COMPOUND For THE BLOOD. THIS old established, thoroughly tried Rimcihj, recommedd by some of the mod Physicians, has attained a cchbri ty in most parts o tht country, in curing j I I SCROFULA OR KIhGS EVIL Scrofulous Sores, Itoie or Cryslpslns, Scaled Mcd- j and Ring Worm, Tetter or SaU llheam (letettr or Quell ed Neck, (so common Willi onr Amcrlran Fcinalos) cu rable Cancers nnd Cancerous Sores, Wains or Doll, Chronic Ulcerated Sore, N'osu, Mouth nnd Throat. Syphilis In all its forma, Sy philitic or mcrcoirinl Sore mouth, and throat, chronic ulceration o( tlio Lungs, Stoinncli and Kidneys, Pim ples, I'njiuiies, and Illolchcs. Rheumatism, Female Wcnkucas, Lcrcorrhao, (arising from Internal ulccra on) Dropsy, Oenenal Debility, Umaclatlon nnd nil ills oases of tho In cases of Costivcness or Constipation it NEVER FA LIS- Its mild In ita action. Just autficisnt to regulate the bowel, nnd keep them regular. Its unlike all prepa rations for Iho Wood, having the laxative properties combined, As it contains Wild Cherry, Mandrake attd Dandelion prepared in a scientific manner it works won lerfnllij in can C5 of chionic ajf'ectxons of the sver Chronic PILLS, and permanently cured by thuAltir native and Laxative afieet ono groat featuro in it, produces an APPETITE. from tho eoninif nccincnt In short'it is a very fine Ton lc Its palntaole and ran be taken by tlio most del icate Female or Child. It being purely vegetable there will bo no harm done iu taking it, if there is nobouefit derived. Prepared by Dr. E. W. Wells', Practical Physician WILKES.BARRE, PA. OFFICE ovor L. 0. Pains Store, Market Street. For Sale by all Druggists throughout t.Jie CoWltril. I,8, Every cnt ia authorized to refund the money ' ,,h(;r0 n,o compound falls to relieve, Full Directions- accompany ) each buttle in I5nglisb, French and Ger man. N. B. No Carthotio medicine is re quired. Io (renting Fivo thousand cases, I havo novor known u case to require Physio, or havo 1 over known it to fail in thoroughly removing tbo disoascs. As I devote all my timo at tbo study and treat ment of Diseases OF THE BLOOD- am proparsd to givo advice (gratis) by ap plying to' my office of by lettor, uecom panted by a Stamp.- E. W. vVELLS,' M. D- JuH .i.letjl.-l'.hn Trnvtrsc Jurors for September Term 1004. Ilcnton-r.ll Mendenhnll.Rnmuol ttlionc, Jolm Ikclcr ncnvcr- hiucoii iircuoonnrr. ilrlttreroek Joseph Htackliouic, Henry LUmen, Ab. anlcm llntnboy. Cnnyngham Imne liana. Ccn'ro-Jrucpli Olgger, Samuel Howror WIIHnm Ido- iey rsniunniai i,. i.nuipncir Cntawlasn John Kclfcr. rishlngcruek Thos- Laudonlincli, Jacob Bltlckor, l'lilllp Applcmnn, llrcenwnod Dnvld Domett. Wm. I.nivtmi. HnviJC AiDoriton. Ilrmlock Jackson Ilintnilt. Wm. I.eldy. Jackson Jaeob I. tinner, 1'redorlck Wiles' Locust Bllns Johnston, John Wnlter, Montuur David Clark, Jacob Arnwino, Madison David llnbli, Moln-Joseph Mnstellcr' flrorge Miller. Mount I'leasanl-Davld It, Applcinon.Mnlchianiirkli) Rugarlonf John Lewis, Bcott-Mooro Crcvcllng, Win. Lotij. Samuel IScta Grand Jurors for Sfptcmbcr 10G4. Trriu I'.lnoin Andrew Mndlsnn, Ellshn Bliu't. Ilontnn Thonins II. Cole, Christian Ash, Itor. Ilcrwlek-Jaenb W Delterich, Calnwissn Jacob Drunihellcr, Jlllas Weaver. Centre B. J likmnn. Cnnyngliam llobrrt (lorrell, Alcttindcr .Morgan, rishlnccreek Jackson Mcllrnry, (Ircennoud Samui I Mclleury. Ilemlock-Jnhti Klstlcr, Jehu lletr., Jackson Silas W. .Mclleury. I.ncust-l'etcr K. Hcrblno, l'ctcr Swrnik, Ocorgn llnrtr.el. Muln Joseph Cleiger. Isaac Ycttei! Mmllsou Kelirr A, Knillli, Henry 0. Mills, Mllillo- Abrnliam f.u.'kalf w, Ilonrlngercek Daniel I rv'BH'ir.'. pcrtln(e No.3Q7 f()r lhrC(, ,lmro of llfi,fi,rrei, J of Hie l.ucknwiinnii tt lllnniusburg It. It. Co , Issued tome May a, US', having been lost or inlslani, ibis Is in rnutinn nu persons ngainst purcuaslug Hie same as 1 liuvo applied to said Company fur n now Certificate, Ju.yW.leiH.-4,. JU"NJUU,,Klt,,V' PItOSPEUIUS. DKRIOnCATIi: I iATHi.AI, CAMPAIGN PAPER FOR 18G1. FOR Till! PKESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Tncnnpronchlng rresldcnlial election lauii'iueallon nbly In lio Iho must Important cvor held since Hie i s- tabiishment of our ttovuruinent. Upon its rosults may not unlikely depend the continuance nt republican government on tills continent. The 'Iberties or Iho people have been invnded under the pretense of re serving liberty ; their rights assailed under n nreieinl. ed Uefsnso of those rights! their constitutional privl- ire. nr,n;tu umuvi ,iw ,,to VI SU S lai II Ulg me UOI1- SIHUIIOII. The wnr for Iho sunnression cf thn Hoi,n,..n n bellion has been made tlw instriimctit of usurpation and of oppression, and tlio patriotism of iho people turned In nn assault uuon freo envm-nme,,, , prndlrnl liberalitiy nfour rillr.i us in support of the wnr lias been Usui as u means of riirichiug otlici.its. their inends and favorites, and Iho money oontributed tn sustain on r armies nils neon inverted to the best of partisan uses io uie iiiom cnrruppiiij practices iu ov cry brnnrh of Hie Aduilni.trnllou. 'I lie power and inflneiicu of our flrvernment ninong nations have been Iriltcrcd away, nnd a luonnrehycs" tablished on our verv .lonrders, withuut so much n. a protegt r nil the Wn.hiiiglun Adniinistmtiru. Th right of asylum hn been violated with tlio connivance aud nld of Hm Adiiilnlttrntion, nnd foreigners, u hu hnd soiiBtit n home i.n nurshores, havo been kidnapped by the Unitctl States otlieinls, nnd sunt out of tlio coun try, iu viol, mini oi law anu rigiu. The liberties of the press lias been invaded -news papers have been supprefcd by military power, per sona have been seized, imprisoned, punished, Without wnrrnnt. u ithout trial, wllhont Judicial examination, nnd our boasted freedom is fast becoming a by w'urd and a mockery. Finally, the President liasnvowed his determination tn convert tlio wnr iiitoan abolition crusade, and re fuses to entertain propositions of pcorc, except upon condition of Hie nbandoiimciit of slavery in all Mates. Shall the Administration, which has thus failed iu 1 Is duty w hlcn hns thus trampled upon the rights of lli. peop c be continued In power i Snail the polili cat party w bice sustains surh olhcial nilsL'overuiueiit bo permitted to maintain its ascendency I The answer ofevery Honest patriot M an luuiguaut NO, To aid in thn great work of ree.tabllshing the Coo- stiluti'ii, of restoring the Union, uud of uccuring tn the people their liberties and their rights special ef. forts must ho put forth t.i enlengthei: nnd influence tliu public mind, to expose Iho wrongs aud abuses of iho Ailioiiii.-trutloii. nrouse Iho people io n sense ol their I danger, uud disseminate, throughout Hie lenglh and bredlh of the Iniid, during Hie I'rcsiilrntiut eainpnln. Iho great priuiipals of Democrney. of rivil liberty, and of personal nud political rights. i In nildiHun tn our regular Daily, Semj. weekly and Weekly, uc shall I, sue a special cauinjiL'ii edition In be called ! THE CAMPAIGN WORLD, conirnencins the first week in September, w ith tne pro-1 reclines of tlio Cliicaeu Convention, and termi lulling I witli Hm election, it isdesiguedto be a faithful, car-i nest, nnd vigorous exponent of Uu sentimeuts of tlio ! creat opposition party of tin; country, to promote t ho 1 surrcaa of its candidates, nnil to aid iu rcbtnciug the Union to Ms former greatness and power Togivolho Campaign World the widest po.siblo circulation, nu earnest appeal is made to State, ','oun-! ty.and I own Couiinittea, DeuiocraUc Associations and Clubs, and In patriotic Individuals to every pajtoftho country, to nld m its free Distribution iu every neicli borhond Ihroughoiit the Union. A Million of copies should be spread timo ,g the people. The price of the Campaign World will be as log ns the present very high rust of paper will permit. Or ders will be taken nt the following rates and must be for the uholo series of xluu numbers, viz ; Ten coisies to one address ?3 00 Tueiily copies to ono address, 5 110 fifty copies to ono address. 10 00 One hundred mpicsto one uddress, In oU Orders must be for packages of tho numbers above indicated, and nlunys accompanied by the cash. To avoid losses remittance shoul.l, uhcu by ilrnlt on Neu-York. It is de-ircrblu that orders reach this oilice us early ns possible. LctWm maybe addicssed to 'I iik Would, SSPatkllow, Now-York. 1 Aug. C, IrJCl 318. F. 0. HARRISON, M. 1. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of niooina biirg.and viriuilv, that ho coutitiucsthu practise of MKDICI.YF. A.V SUIUI F.ltV, ml solicits a share of public patronage. OrriiK on Main Street, lirrt house below thoCourl (louse, llloo insburg. I'ebruary II. Irt-l-if House and Lot for Sale. WILL bo sold cheap and on easy terms, A DWI'.LLIND IIOUSi: AND VAI.UAIILI5 LOT, situate 011 Main Struct iu Weal lilnouisbiirjr. joiin u. Fuenzn. May RATS, iVllCsE, KOACMIiS, There ia nothing so reliable or effectual as BUNT'S E X T G R 31 I N A T 0 It. Cy Sold by nil Druggists in largo boxes, for 23 cts. Of?" It never falls. Not Dangerous to ue. Oltiee and Factory, I3'i, Juvenal St., above Widnut, between It'th & lllli Sti Formerly HiO.south Illlli St.. Philadelphia, r3- Tills valuable preparation Bold iu lllooiusbiirg, by Iho following Druggists : KYIIR &. M OYHR, H. P. LUTZ, and J. It. MOYI5R. July 311, 1dU4,-3iii., pd. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Real Estate of Levi !cisclt deceased. L. S. Columbia County ss : Tho Commonwealth nflVnn sj'ivamalo Pallie 11. 13cil, Levi P. Ilclscl , Kent lfelsel,Nareiska lleiiel nnd Susan J.lleiscl.aud David S llamioaiid, Guariliuii cflho said Susan ; you and each of you uro hereby commanded to be mid appear beforu tuo Honorable Judges, of Iho Orphans I our', of Col umbia county, at the Court House iu Jliooiniburg, on Monday, the 3th day of f'cpteinlier next, then and there to accept or reluse to take thu Ileal 1. statu of Le vi lleisel defeased, ul Ihu vnlualio.. put upon it by an Inquest finely awarded by this Honorable Court, or shew cause why Hie sumo should not hu sold. Witness the llonnrublu William Illvvi 11 President of our Court of Common Plena held lit lllooiushiirg, the eighth day of May eighteen hundred nml sixty-four. JOSI.MI II. FUItMAN. Shcritr. IRuomsburg, July IS, lsl'.l, PRIVATE SALE OF I Valuable Real Estate. THE sub'oribor oilers at private Sale, on reasonable terms, a farm situated In Hemlock township, apout 21 miles from Uuckhoru, Columbia i county, containing 108 ACRES, I about eighty acres of which is cleared land, tho iin j proveinents upon which, consists of a good I Frame House and Bank Baun, Wagon Shed, and other out houses, n good Spring House, kc. A fln thrifty applu orchard is gruwingon the promisor, with n largo variety of oilier kind of fruit trees, Tliu remaining 24 acres of wood land, ia covered i with Oak and Chestnut limner m goon quality. The farm is a desirable property, being in an excel lent tnto of cultivation. Any information regarding Ihu conditions upon which the Farm can be purchased will be a Horded by calling al Peter Worklicistrs. od joining the property CY11US J. HELLER. Mayi, lbtil.-Om, -'TOBACCO AND SUGARS t rplti; undersigned respectfully annonnces to hit X friends mid thn public gcncrnlly.tlmt ho has open ed n iSK G A.K XJLQ'X GTHYt ffi.WNffi Samuel llluo- whoro I o manulncturca thn best qunllty of Segnrs. which will bu sold cheap, wholosalo and rclnll Hi) also keeps n 0IIOI0H RESTAURANT, well storked with r.dlblca and llovcrarjo tonrntlfy the wunta of the epicure, to refresh ilia wenrv tho p.tlatca of tho thirsty. .JUSttl'll iUUWItX. Danville, Juno 11, IPG4. 3m U. Sa 10-40 Bonds. FOll SALU AT THE Finl National Dank of liloomsburg Pa, IIESE BONDS hear intorost at tho rato of vc per cent, per nnnuic Which, nt tho nrosent valuo of Gold, is ' I nual to I ' ! ii ,.. w. n1. I? J)Cl CCIlt, pd' anilllin. 1 f"rt "Ss coupon monos, On hands and ready for delivery after the first nf .Turin . IlTSt OI tiuno. T P Tllfttin Caahirr ' J. 1. i UB11U, asilicr. Illcomshiirs, May !, IP04.-3m, . m . French Breakfast and Dinner COFFEE. .ho very high price of coffee, and tho 1 ' great diiriciilty iu procuring n good, uniform and reliable article uur customera havo often expressed n 1 wish that they could bo supplied Irum first hands. It I was tbo intention oftlm ' -.,,, ,,,,, ,r, , , .T,r . G1U3AT AMERICA I EA COMPANY to un n strictly i ca ntiriness, nut ns. wo liavo ia. i some cnnoinera living nt a il islinice mat have rellea upon us lo supply them exclusively with 'Pea and (.'of- dcor- fee, it being Inconvenient for them In couiu to New Vork. Tim (IrkatTka, anii Corfu: IImimrium of this country and ns our Ton T.istcr u na possessed of in formation relating to n Colfee that could bo furnished nla modurntu price, and civil universal satisfaction. and alt c same li no aflord Iho retailer a handsome ' proflt-i(u have been eompclled to supply those par-, Hu. THIS COffl.ll HAS tlf.COM I'. SO POPI'LAll with our customers nml their sallas havo Increised to such uu extent that wo havu been roinpelled lo inaVu ! largo ndilitioiis loour inuchinnry, which will onnblo in to supply ii few more customera ullli it. We will ! thereloro send It to tliose who may order. It IS Fast Superseding all Other Cofl'tCS. f ( OlltCS. it century In s cu intry it : 'V'bls8, i ins uonec nas uccn tismi ior moro man ruris. mm since its Introduction into thi h is bees used by some of tliu leading l:m rants here. The I'arlsia a urn said to judges of colfeu j and the grent favur In which it la nviu ny tiiem is me best reicominenilntlon that can bu procured for its fine flavor and healthy cll'ects upon the human system. Wo put up but one grade of this cotfeo, and that laof a qujliiy that our customers have found from expo rlwitcu will give perfect satisfaction nud meet all Iho demands of their trade, it is tnu lowest price that WO can rcccouuucnd, We do all our business nn th" moat extensive scale, buy by the cargo uud sell nt only two cents per pound profit. vvu put up una uoiiee Hi Unrrcls only, nf 125 Pounds each. This method of putting it up saves from 1 lo S cents per pound to the customer, and by Its being In a largo quantity it rctaina its llnu flavor much longer in tills fnrni tlinn in any other. Wo send uitlicirh barrel Show Curds, Circular-! Posters, tn assist the dealer tu introduce it to Ins customers. We hope our ciiktiuncrs will lake pnnis to hive them well posted up anil cimribulrd, as it ivill bo to their advantage 10 do so. 1 This Coifed wo warrant lo give perfect satisfaction, , nnd it it ilues not please, the puroliaser li.i tho privl lie puronaser 11.1. mo privi - orauy part of it within uiey refunded together with tatlou both way?. it-in 01 reiuriiiug ine w note or any ou nays, ami Having Ins uione; cv . ... 7.' ?' !V ! " """i"' ?. , isiiiiv . inu ..-iiimur 01 our I I.AS UUUCOrrEKS. whirh we areglad to ninl free tu all who wl.h it- CoiLiimersolColleeilionlil euqulio for tho "f rench brenkfast anddiniiur Co!Tee" uud be suro that it was purchased of tie: fl s'c;il America is Tea Coni(ay, IMPOR.TER.S &, JOBBERS. 85 & 37 VESEY ST., New York. July 23, ISC4.-3:n. Valuable Property AT PRIVATE SALE. rfpIIE undersigned desirnu's of retiring .3 from business, offera to sell ut private sale, thu I'stablishme nt. known as The Bloomsburg Plaining Mill, SASH FACTOR V, HAW MILL, AND DWELLING IRiUSL',cC. Together with tho ENGINE, AND ALL MACHINERY necessary for a first class eitalillshinciit of the kind. The concern will warrant employment for fifty h inds ut all Hull's. There Is also connected Willi the above, nud doing a very extensivu run of custom, a AIDOMSV IfflASysSTTQSlV Tho whole win bo sold at a bargain, on reasonable , '.erms, and immediate possession given. I A,&2 I TWO HUIClx HWl5I.Lt.VH IIOUS153 NIIAIt. , l.Y M5W. the one 11 large size double house, out uuiiiiings, c. iney win uu soiu at u bargain jfappli cation be made soun. S. C SI1IVL'. Illoniusbiirg, July 9, 1?(11. JilAWaOOD! How Lost, How Restored. loss SV nfk..f- JUST published, u new edition of DR. I'ULVl'.R WULlS OKLHIIRATnil HSSAY nn the radical cure (without medicine) of Si'titMAionmiouA, or semi mil cnsiiess, Involuntary Sciiiinnl Losses, Imi-otencv, Mental and Pliysiciil I nca parity, Impediments lo Mar riage, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and fits, in duced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, U" I'rice, in a sealed envelope, only 0 tents. The celebrated niilhur in tins admirable essay clear ly deiuniislratus, from a thirty years successful praclice, that tin, alarming consequences of self-ubuso maybe radically cured without thu dangerous use of internal medicine or tiro upplicntiuii of iho kuilb pointing nut n mode of ru re, at ouco simple, certain, aud cfVectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, tiHraUically. IV This Lecture should bo in tho hands ofevery youth and eviry man iu thu land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pusi-paw. un rt-ceip'. oi six cents, or two post stamps. Adrdcss thu publishers CliAS. J. C. KLINE Sz CO., IP,? llontHV, Nlw Yotm, t'o.t utlice box 4380. June IS, 1CU4. ly. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. ' I "'II 15 undersigned would inform thu cillzensof mis i liloomsniirg ami vicinity, thai lie liasjust ro eiveii anu oilers tor sate ono oi tnemostexteiisivc "iBiiD iiasortinenta of COOKING und FANCY STOVE ever liitruduci'd ihlo this market. Tho Christopher tl uinbiis, James llobband Globe nro among thu first i lass cooking Stoves, nil of whiili are air-tight and gaa burner His l'nrlur stoves are hutlilsoinu und Iho assortment ried. ALSO-I'articiilar attention Is paid tn Tin-Waic and House Spouting, upon short nuticu. All kinds of rejuiirliii: will bo uono Willi ucuiness uud despatch, U.- uuuuiry prouuee tiinoii in excuaugo ior worK. 1'UtLIP S, MOVER, llloomsburg, Mey 10, 1802. wia.ffieAiiiiSii'oasT Oil W0.KS NON-EXPLOSIVE P-URE CBYSTAL CAO ALSO ; Refined Benzine and LUBRICATING OIL in tight Paok- ages. Orders will receive prompt attention, H. L. HOLDEN, Proprietor. Willlamsport, July 2, 1604, tf. Twill ho at Jeiseyluwn on the first weskln September 1 and will remain thero u fow dayaon my return from where persona Imeicited will bo suro to find ine. My books &n will remain iu the hands uf John Smilh.Eaq, until that time. ,, NEAL UMQX July 30, lsvii.-Jt POSTSCRIPT! Our Safety, Qen. I otttt, tells the peo p'? oflbosouthorn tier of counties in Penn- sylvania, that their safety from Ksbol in- vaslon. is to tnlto tliotr flint mins nnd hiiln , , m wiivi 1111,11 tuuitum suuiiiuq 1 ...... . f , 4 . ... . j iii tnu oorn-ucius anu beiunu tncir none s I ' This U 0 urt'iri's defonco 6f tbo 8tato and her citizens. Sbamo on such grannies. I P. S. Our Hp-creek frionds, it is repor tod, nro acting on the plan of Gou. Couch. ! EXKUUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of llcnrii J'cddcf, diceascd. JJ' fJidcn iTto''of'cVidVoo"vn c"infy ' . u.? ''J ,fi " V , ' Is'.1.".,. J 'L iV ' "i " ? 1 ' 'r . . ....(,, ii, u ,-r,,T, ,.. i icccdcnt are rcquesled to present them to the Kxecu lor without delay, and ull person. Indebted to make pajinent rorilmllfi. H,IIJI-:I, CIIHASY, , , , , ,. ULOIUJi: I' LDDUK. IJx'ra. July nn. I8f,t.-n,v iiisi, ' A !.......... Auaiiora jmohcg. r.. .).. aij..i u .i n "iv vrpww s com i or me county of Columbia , iVav Estate nfjacob Nuss,- lj mUnn lotvnsliiplcccastd. Utoa' nuiongsi 1110 iioira pi ileconiiniil oCcorliiug to tho ratca nnd nrnpnrtmns n 1 oup.i hv nw.inn ,, ,i, -...i.! ',lt,l!tu1":l1 Uio Hccordcr'a olllco In' lllooirtsburg on Saturday. August 27, lfU4, nt 10 o'clock, a-in.. Ior Iho pi'rposu of his appointment , wlien and whoro all per- i.m1ul.mi.u ,0 present ineir claims or l)o forever debarred Irom a ilnru iu saidnsseta. , .. , . , John o. fiti:i:,i:t lllooinsHirr, Jul1 27, ISOL-Cl. AnUltr. Auditor's Notice. t?;i..s. Tyr.,1 ,, . , i. . "J -"'"'' uuvcr, utK Of UrttlU WOOtl lOWnslup, Col, CO., deceased , ' T'U1' " . Jy'."' . null'tor "PPilnteJ by Hie orphans ' tourt of Co uinbla counly lo mako diitribiilion of tho fund in Iho hands Ogdeii, Lxeculnr of the estate of Nathan Oliver, deceased, among tho heii oi sni I iieccnent, tne unties or Ills npnolninieiit m 11, , Itcrnrdcr'a llloonisburcv on ! I,,.,. i . , VV, dav .if Aueust. A H.IHil nl ilnVbri , ' T. 1 ,ir,.,.,i,..i..,. ,i .;.,........::."" 111, Oil, niuiii uno U liure III OflS Ola IlUCrestCil nrn r quested to present their e'alius or be forever debarred from a share In said nsseta. John o, ntnnzi:. Auditor July 30, 1604.-4.. rni.,cs rtr k rr s'.ii.,,,,. 5s 11 (ft A ',f HJfi IOJV ISO & EZ $j .' COil ami 403 Market f..t pi.ii. i.i , . " , , , ' , "et' "'"aUdiia, T 1 i i "'"catod in tho very centro of businosa .tV,",1"1 "t"r, !? r!""l;etacle places of amusement ,v,n, cl 'J"1,, " inirHcularlydoslrablo to persons vlslliug 1 liiladclph a on business or pleasuro laud the Manager his guests to make it n .comfortable homo for much aj his guests to lunke it n comfortable homo for much i ni,1' fllv"r l,nuso with their patrunago. J. I)E IIAVE. & SOX, Prori'rs. JOHNSIIOCKLUY.Ct. 1 July 2.1. 1SI14.-1J 1110 THE' CAMPAIGN AGE run PUDLisimRs of PHILADELPHIA AGE THE Will issue a Campaign Shcot for tho Dem ocratio and Conservative masses- is win ub priu ieu on a large sheet of fin whlto Da- per, at such rates as will bring it uitbin th.rearlicf N ill t o 11 MV ! ' L m , II i! U'.V na t Iho Democraui! , ...1,1 .j.,, , . ;-' i''tuih3 t wn ( cat!! ilm ni'iii J, r ,1 columns. H will boldly ad 1 "f" ?. v1!1".1, :, wl' ' 'nan, and tfearlessly 1 , tt'nr" " Jo ","5 ," I1,1'0??1 ri3l,t ?fllle citizen. " will i,e published in its columns, rt will boldly advo- .:: ... , 11, c iuii iiruaeeuineq or tub m sua. ! tcr from what nu rnm t. J , "i".'."? no mat- 1 ,ni. .. . . '. .7 . ' . 1 ' ""anc-ii. ', erw"'uc isbueil about the Sth ofAu- , , , "A, ,L,1.uln.V,e'. wl,1.1 be Uilrleen followlnr 1 "'l'.!"1: P' weekly, until the. Presidential election. thS rn.ol) .,!',.. I. I..K ..'HI " .. li . 'T ,"-'.""' -ittliuii. (110 :, , ., """, """' ueu 111, tnu una number. Democratic and Conservalivo Clubs, County Coi n, it. tees. Agents nnd all interested in the cuujo aro invlicer to co-operate in tho circulation of '"vucu T E It ill S ; Tho CAMPAIGN AGU, of Thirteen Xumbera. Sihole Coi-irs for the series, Ju ccm. In Clubs nl not less than 20 to one address 45 cts. cacti. ," " SO, ' 40 Cash must arrninnnny each order and NO VAUIA I'loN TEltMs! J'AOl! 1N ANV(;ASE TI1U Allovij Orders should be sunt in immediately, or at least bt' tlio first dav ol' Alum.,, , GLOSSBIIENNER & WELSH, 430 CtiEsTNUT Street, thiladelnhia. Pa. July II, ISGI.-Hn. ' ' Real Estate Bale. 5V ilalmifalc Jfatm.- ciMio subscriber oilers tn sell, at privato sale, a Valiu bio Farm, consisting of 100 ACRES OF BOTTOM LAND, l,".h?J,..i,lle vl",'y ?f ri","nctefik' a,, two mile.' iinrtli of Hlonnisbiirg, Coluiubin county. Pa , comprlsinc Iho botloui landol tliewcll-kuonnTrimbley farm, and the Hamlin farm. On thu premises aru u Dwelling House, two good Barns, nn excellent QllCII AU'D', out-buildings. Well, .e to. gcther with n Maple Orchard, yielding from 500 to LOW lb,, sugar per year, Tho vriif oi the llloumsbtirs Iron Ore," crossca one end of this tract of land. Al SO ; Valuable Town Property. niT,,ai?!J.,T,l''e,!fcit',rs' HUILUrNG1, aid LOT OI- OUOUND, on whlclr it is erected, situate on the north side of Vain street, central in tliu town of lllooinsburg Said building ia substantially constructed or cicallriit brick formerly used for a Carriage Fac-' lory and can he well adapted to aplaic of businoss. Said Lotisdl feet front on Main street, nnd 214ft duep, 1 osscaalun of tho last n'am'eil premises' w ill be given-' Immediately, if desired. Qy Conditions of sale w ill be made to suit thu purchaser. D. J, WALLER. lllooinsburg. Slay 30. led!. NEW ARRIVAL. At A. J. Evans' OiOTIISMi EiiPORIli! BLOOMSBURG, PEN1V. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS fPIIIl undersigned respecifully inforina" Ills friends' I and the public generally, that he lot's just received from tliu Eastern cities, a largo assortment of fijiw s.vqmxng:,. being tho best assortment ever offered in this market Also n complete assortment of Hoys Clothing. In fart overytliiug in Iho Clothing Lino For those who prefer lo leave their measures, a perfect fit guaranteed, runt nothing but thu best workmanship nllnwed at this es. lublishincnt. He also keeps ou hand a largo assort meut of BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, togother with a variety of notions, UV CALL AND SEE TOR YOURSELF. m A. J. EVAllfl. lllooms burg, April, 83, lr?0. SIT'E3 BELL & ALLABACH, Proprietor. CORNER OF THIRD STi' PENESYLVANIA AV. VMsnirioToir, d. oi CH ALES G- BAR.KLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. llLOOMSIlURO, COL. CO.. I'A. Office On Main Streot, in tho Ex-' eliancO bu'tldincrs. OVOr Miller's Store. : BLANK SI BLANKS! f Of ovcry dosoripttou, for mU at UU offis Ti mum mi Bs.