Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 13, 1864, Image 2

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" Onr Constitution gnanl It ever I
Our glorioua Unionhold II dear 1
Onr merry riag forsake It never I
The prond Caucasslsn onr only peer!
BaturdaMorHng7A.Ug. 13, 1864
for niesident in 1864,
(Subject to the decision of the National Convention.)
tr Campaign SuusciDEtis. Wo will 1 lMoRE Richmonds. Wo observe by tho
send tho Columbia Democrat from now, Newspapers that a Third Republican Na
till after tho Presidential Election, for CO l5oual Gonvontion will assemble, at Buffalo
cents in advance Thin is so low that cv Now York on tuo 22d daJ of September,
cry man should have it, and soo that his H Lincoln and Fremont withdraw in tho
neighbors havo it. If they cannot pay for 5 tboy will try and nominate a
it club together and get it for them. candidate who shall bo able to combino
Many friend, have aent In their nam.e for our Ox- "Shoddy" and ''lladioal ;" if tboy do not
rsion Democrat," and with them, tho money (50 cents
eaehA for which we are thankful but, we beg to mako
a suggestion, which we hope will meet their approba
. ..'.. ,,, i. k..
tlon and prove mutually advantageous. It Is that they
use their Influence to get up clubs In every section ami
lown.hipin the County cf Columbia. A club of Ten
Bubscrlbera, at 50 cents each, can easily bo obtained In
any location, ami 8 J 00 enclosed w.uld make It an ob;
Ject to the publ.ehers i or Twcnty.two subscribers, at
the same, and io oo, with one copy to the getter up of
tho Club, would greatly advance the cause of Demo-
eracy and benefit tho objects of Hi a ensuing Campaign,
Demoeratio friends, will you make tho effort, mo bo
your actlvotxcrtlons to render Its labors effectlvo and
to no class of our people is this appeal made with
more aireciness man io ine "xoung uuiuucracy,
(w UxlUu is uorouy given mat ino ivemo-
J' ,rllr EW.rt.jr.. in aid for the .everM noroushs
TftmTOTl t 1- 1 T.
and Election Districts, will meet at their respectivo
places of holding tho General Elections, on i
Saturday, the 27 day oj August next,
between tho hours ora and 7 o'clock p.m. of said .lay,
?h"i?i..rtu wf Z StV ."nuJnVtt
Monday, meumn aay 01 jutgusc, ,
an o'clock p., the purpose or making the usual
annual nominations or the Democratic party ' Co1
li.nhln CTmintv
Wm. KnicKBifM, I Hiram Hower.
Jacob Yeaoee I John Heo.hoeu..
Dmocratit Standing Committee.
nioomiburg, July 30, SdH.
To our Patrons and the Public.
ml . . t . . . p ii
me presem nign price ui pajicr, iauu, f""h6 ,
our charges. Ilenco the undersigned, publishers in
Bloomsburg, wiU on and after the 1st of September
I8C4, make an advance of Fifty per e rat. upon old rates.
One square of elrht tinea 1 tlmo
3 times,
.. ' " month,
' 3 months.
" C months.
.. .. .. J year.
Executor's and Administrator's Notices,
Auditor's Notices.
81 00
I 0
S 00
4 01)
G 00
3 00
i 50
Hand Dills ooo eighth sheet, 30 or less $3 00
" " one-fourth " " 3 su
" neialf mm fi 00
' " full Bhcel, " " 10 00
All notices of rublic meetings except of political or
religious) must be paid for at adverlisini: rates.
Editorials or local advertising will bo charged 20 cts
per line.
All transient advertlslag must bo paid for at tXe
time of insertion.
P. JOHN, rubUsher llrrMu.n
W. II. JACOBV, l'uli.itor.
LEVI L.TATE, I'vli. Democrat
Dloomsbufg, Aug. 13,1804.
The Congressional Address.
We give this week parts of the Con
gressional Address recently issued by
Demoeratio members of Congress, and will
hereafter givo other extracts. Tho length
of the Address prevents its publication cn
tiro in one number of our paper, but as
tbo subjects treated by 'it are arraoged un
der appropriate heads, iit can be given. con
veniently in detached mparts.
SB Old Abe's ultimatum, "tho aban
donment of Slavory" as tho sole condition
of peaoo, brings tho "Eclcslastical and
Historical viow of Slavery" by Bishop
Hopkins, once moro prominently before
tho public Wo have already rccommond
ed it as a work of most profound research
and ability, which ought io be in lie hands
of every man in thooountry. Wo under
stand a few copies can still be had of Col.
freeze also a few of JUcUlellan s Kepori.
t&- It is whispered by the knowing
ones, that the Philadelphia Loyal League
has completed arrangements for buying up
nil tbo preachers in tho State of Pennsyl
vania, who can be bought, and they enm
priso tho largo majority ; and intend to
havo them tako tbo stump this fall in fa
vor of Lincoln, dcspotism,drafts and blood
shed. We shall thereforo very soon hear
these apostles of peace howl for war, theso
sheep in wolves clothing, who havo sold
their Master and themselves for green
backs, assume tho blood-stained garment
of a Judas, and howl to the Loyal Leagues
in favor of tho innocence of theft, rapine
nnd murder.
Surely tho League has dono well. And
wo suppose thirty nieces, not of silver.will
purchase tho soul and bodv of each one
of the crew, whoso "Hungry sheep look
up, anu are not leeu."
Jt Tho President's Fast Day was
seized upon by our Preachers as a ftjio oo
casion to preach a political harangue and
tboy improved it vaaily.
Mayor Guntbcr was denounced for ask-'
ing tho Now York clergy to pray for poaos
Drafted men, not reporting wora Btigma
tized as sympathizers I and many other
eilly things said by theso sleek apolo
jits for despotism, and defenders of divine
Now we ean tell theso reverened Lincoln-
itcs, that if declining to bo dragged from
their families and sent by force into tho
army constitute "sympathizers with Treo -
tfon" thoy themselves aro in that category,1
aud shamo ought to keop their nioutlti
closed, Thsy aro a precious party of poli
ticians, am tubit sia .obi.iuu uuu piuwav sumvo j
7-30 Government Loan.
In nnothor column of our paper will bo
found an advertisoment of "United States
7-00 Loan," to wbioh wo would dlroot tlio
attontton ol ourreadors. This loan boouis
to us the inout liberal of all yet ofFcrcd.
An exohauge in speaking of this loan.says,
the general rate of interest is six percent
payablo annually. This is ovon and
threo tenths, nayablo semi-annually. If
you lend on a morle-ico, thoro must bo a
'searching of titles, lawyers' Ices, stamp
duties, and delays, and you will finally
! liavo returned to you only tho sarao kind
! of monoy you would rcocivo from tho gov
1 "roDt a,,d lcss of 5t If you invcst in
this loan, you havo no trOllblo
resign, tllCIl a 27lrTrcsidcntial abolition !
. i
win oo nut mio mo noiu.
Auiid all these dcBtraClionj, tho United ,
-r.. i, ;., .!.. .. i ii
- DomOOraoy, having chosen a Standard I
1)0 II TOP, and inscribed Upon their banners
Libcr,y and 0lljon 0no and inscparabC)
Now and Forovcr" will march triumph-
a,)ty t(J viotorv, 'uc Jay3 0f ShoMy
, i i,
Abolitionism aro numbered; and the seep-
rc' Pwcr 13 aB",u 00 r.e,urD0U
w uuiiiuuub; uj mu wuvuiuijju yuo
jji Humiliating. Tho Ilarrisbnrg
correspondent of tho Philadelphia l.iquu-
,, , Q flurlin i,a fn. - inn
lual OT. UUfllB liaS lor a long
ti,no lccn unsiUCCSslully soliciting vermis- ,
' ........
umfrom the federal Executive to organ-1
izelhe militia of Pennsylvania ! CouU
there be a more humiliating confession than !
;. - . . . .; . 1
. , A . .
organize a forco of which the Constitution
declares liini comtnalider-!n.(riipf I
Curtin entirely lost his manhood i
Next Presidential Election.
Tho passage of the bill by Congress in
ijuiuhuu hi uiu oiaiua wuicn nave dccii lor-
mBiiT declared to bo in insurrecti.m. mla
" . . .. . ' .
irom ino nut to voto nt tuo next IJrusi
cleoli1? an? Wi" .rc,luc.olh bor
ui vuhjb oi iuu uiumorai ooitcgo upon mo
election of a President and Vice President
of tbo Uniled States, to two hundred and
forty-one. Ono hundred and fortyono
will thereforo bo necessary to a choice.
Tho States which will participato, will be
the following :
Statts. Etcefrt,
New Hampshire
Ilhodo Island
New York
New Jcrsry
West Virginia
v 5
Total, 21 States, Electors
The disloyal States when they were en- over estimated his own power of aggress
titled to participate in tho Presidential ioQ or underestimated Lee's powe of de-
uiuiiuu, uau iug luiiuwiu, vuiua ;
Total, II States, Electors
There have bcon some Territories whioh
havc been authorized to bo admitted as
States, but tho question depends on the
vote of the people ot those .territories, as
it is probable that soino of them will do
clinc the privilego of State sovereignity,
If thcro had becu no rebellion the full
electoral voto would havp brcn three hun-
ureu huu iiiiny. xuu lunioruy oi electors
... . i
which would then havo been required
.1 . 1 i rni. . . . c
would lLavo been a hundred and sixtv-six. .
Tho bill making tho foregoing provisions
is tho ono tho President relused to sign ;
but parts of which ho attempted to enact
into a law by power of a proclamation
and which drew from Senator Wada and
Kspresentativo Harry Wintor Davis, a
most indignant and scathing protest ; as
chairmen of committees of tho Ssnatoand
House, appointed to consider that Bubjcct.
Even tboy aro beginning to be alarmed
at -'executive usurpations," and aro desi-
rous to find and apply tho remedy. Tho
Democracy will apply an effectual remedy,
Jf resident .Lincoln insists on an
Abolition Wax-.
Tho curses of tho mourners and suffer
ers in this terrible war will rest upon the
head of Abraham Lincoln. Again he re-
irp.f.n nl'orhirns nf npnnp. nml tliia limn lin
openlv announces that this is an Aholi -
v ,
tionWar." II .nl!m , hnm :
may concern," that the "abandonment of'
slmvpro" .. n r.nn.v.n wn. .,
Tho Constitution authorize, him in M.
forOQ the laws, tounhol.l tho fionsfittitinn.l
to suppress insurrection but he puts him
' 1
stlf abovo tho Constitution, and, in the
character of an infamous despot, announ
ces that States shall not return to tho Un
ion, that rebels shall not becomo loyal cit
izens, until tho Stata Constitutions are al
tered, and slavery abolished. Where docs
bo get tho authority to mako suoh a con
dition I Not from tbo Constitution no
where except in his own despotio will.
This war is now confessedly waged to
abolish negro slavery. For this our fellow,
citizens are dragged to tho field of battlo
for this their bodies rot and their bonos
bleach upon Southorn soil lor this a hall
million moro aro to bo conscripted for pri
vation, wounds and deaths. Will the pco-
PIe 8,T0 Mr L5ncoln a now four J00"'
loaso to dcsolato tho country and murder
, its noblo sons and brothers and all on a
quixotio orusado against negro slavorv ?
Patuiotio Nonbensk. Ono of the
shoddy organs styles itself "A loyal un
conditional National Union papor,"
Statet, Electors. Statu.
Virginia 13 Mississippi
North Carolina 0 I.oui.ijna
South Carolina C J Florida
Ceorgia XI .irkaiims
Alabama 8 Ttiaa
Tennessee 10
ft t t I 1 lit.f41
iuomio is suuaicu at tuo noau 01 a long
boy, and is thirty miles from tha sea. Tho
mnnili of tho hav Is almost olocd bv a
j j
called Dnupbino Islaod. on tho western
sido. Between them is tho harbor ontranco,
throo miles wido, and defended by Forts
Morgan and Gaines : ono on caoh side. In
.. .?. .. ... ...
iMobilo Bay, fivo miles bolow tho city, is
Dog lliver Bar, abovo whioh vossols draw
ing moro than nino feet of wator cannot
go. On Friday last Admiral Farragut be
gan his operations. Ho captured Dauphinc
Island, in tho roar of Fort Gaines. Fort
Gaines appears to havo cither bcon cap
tured or abaudoncd, for nothing is heard
of any operations there, Farragut's fleet
then udvaucod to pass through tho open
iug between Forts Morgan and Gaines.
Tho iion-elads Bailed first and thon the
wooden vessels. A vory brief resistance
was expected hero, as tho iron vessels oould
oatily pass tho forts. Fort Morgan opsn-
, cd fire, and ono of Farragut's iron clads,
... rp 011mR1l, . nnn Tlirnp otlin
MO i CCUmSLll, Was SUUK. lliroc OlUC
. . ., . ... t,:. .,i,i :
passing the lort. Tho Confcdcrato fleet,
under Admiral Buchanan, then engaged
Farragut. Furragut succeeded in captur
ing two of tho Confcdcrato vessels, tho
Tonncsseo and Sclma,and running a third,
tho 0 nines, ashore, Admiral Buchanan
was wounded and taken prisoner. Farra-
'gut's fleet the, sailed up tho bay as far as
Uog lliver Bar. It could go no further,
and anchored. Tho iron-clads then on-
eaSod 1,10 various Coufcdcrato batterios
abovo tho bar. This ends our antclligcnoo,
all of which comes from Confedorato sour-
Gen. Avcrcll oapturcd four cannon and
fivo hundred prisoners from the Ooiifedor-
atcs at MoorCeld, on Sunday. The col-
urau ho attacked was a small lorco of Con-
federates marching southward from Now
Creek. They had no connection with the
main body oi tho Confederates in the
Shenandoah Valley.
There is very littlo of importance trans
piring at Atlanta. Two Fedorul generals,
Dodge and Sweeney, engaged in a fight
wicu oaca omcr o Juiy -sum. xuuy WUIU
'anablo to decide whether tho previous bat-
'.I. i . .t ... niil. 1U... ,
t0 Was a victory or not. Hot luis len.
Sweenoy Was removed from command and
. , n , c. ,
court-martialed. General Stoncman s cap-
turo is conCrmed.
Fivo blookado runners havo recently
1 eluded Admiral Dahlgren's fleet and pass-
cd into Charleston.
The National Intelligencer of Saturday
last gives a j exhaustive icsume of General
2 Grant's recent Virginia campaign. Tho
conclusion it arrives at seems to bo.
I. That the plan of tho campaigu was a
mistako ; General Grant having eiihor
3. That cverv movement of tho cam
s' naicn was unsuccessful, the only exception
being tlio capture of a rebel division on
the Po.
3 That very little tactical skill was dis-
played in any of the engagements, which
oonsisted simply of pushing masses of men
against strong works, boforo which they
were uselessly slaughtered.
A. iuat after losing immense numbers
of valuable lives, as well as trained officers
., i . ,.,,, ,i ,i,
no advantage has been gained, anu tuo
. . ... . , . ' .,
campaign agamu menmona is a lauuro.
ii. t i r;i
The JnfdSgateer has a right to its opin-
ious) of oourso but wo ,hink ,unt il does
not mnko allowanoo for Mn. Lincoln's
influence upon tho campaign. General
Grant was successful at Vioksburg when
no llid nnt fallow BIr- Lincogm's advice,
as laLter acknowledged in a letter, and
his failuro in Virginia is undoubtedly due
to his adoption of Mr. Lincoln's wish for
n ovorland campaign. Io this circuro-
stance anu to Ins repeated denials of Ge.v.
Grant's rcquosts in -regard to changes
among his subordinate generals, can be
traced all tho disasters in Virginia. Thoro
seems to bo a curso upon everything Mr
Lincoln meddles with in a military way.
The New U. S. Stamp Duties
, for 1864. Messrs. T. B. Peterson
I C- ll.tU., nna ni. ai, tjl:i.
iv uiuiuum, uuu uuucwiub utivv., i una
. ao,P""" 1 ') utt Jusl ,BB
"I . I I. 7k f ; i -i
I containing tue o.nciai use oi tno "flew
StaraP Dlllio3j" imVosei b? A Act of
congress ot June ao, 1B04. I his card
I wlU bo found vcr? convenient lor refer
enc0 bJ and sl,ou,d b" at tho Bido ol
every storekeeper, merchant, manufacturer
broker, attornoy, or any man of business
as it shows at a glanco tho amount of
stamp duty or tax to bo paid on everything
in every-day businoss, as well as the
Provisions of tho Act, Exemptions and
Penalties of tho Law. It is entirely dif
ferent from tho old Stamp Duties, and
this card is copyrighted, and is tlio only
correct and official edition published.
Price 15 Cents a copy, or threo oopies for
30 cents, $ 1 00 dozen i $8 a hundred ;
818 75 for 250 copios, or 7 cents each
$ 33 75 for 500 copies, or Gi coots each
SOO for 1000 copies, or 0 cents each Nctt
cash with order, Canvassers and Podlars
wautcd overywhero to cngago in its sale
Send for circular, containing instrotions
Uruers solicited.
Buown's BRONoniAti Trociies. Th
beneficial effects resulting from tho use o
this Roraody and its extensivo uso for
Coughs, Colds and Throat Affections, has
brought out many imitations,most of which
oontain injurious ingredients. The Troohcs
have proved tueir efficacy.
uiu oi ma oay is almost oioicu pj a , ii - "
g, narrow strip of land putting out on lnoo, and that no cud or war is to bo look
eastom sido, and u narrow s'ind ban cd for during tho Prcsldcnoy of Mr. Lin-
. .. . 1 l HI... ....!!.. t.i.t. .iit
The End of tho war.
Nothing can bo more clear, after Mr.
(Llnooln'8 announcement, then tho fact
that this Administration is unoblo to mako
.ooln. That polioy which gave and Btill
B'ves to tho originators and leaders of
secession and rebellion their cntiro hold
on tho people ol tlio South is to no con
... .. i .1 . - i
tinucd as long as tho present incumbent
governs tho national oourso. Is it not
worth tho whilo of sober men to look this
fact straight in tho face ! What pcaco
does Mr. Lincoln look for, if any 1 Two
yearo ago he listened to tho loud ory of
rampant nbnliiionism, nnd thought, ap
parently, that it was tho voiou of a groat
pooplo, who would stand by him if ho ad
optod their views and oboyed their behests.
Ho oboyed. Now he ovidently imagines
that tho same voioo continues to sound,
and that tho same pcoplo will recleot him
on tho principlo of war to tho extiootion
of slavery, whalovor tho cost, however dis
tant tho accomplishment. Ho is mistaken
or wo aro. Thcro it a widespread and
increasing feeling in tho Republican party
in favor of tho return to constitution and
to reason. It is linio to stop this polioy
of giving tho enemy strength and cohes
ion. If there had been good sencc to the
amount of a grain of mustard scud in tho
counsels of tbo Administration, wo should
long ago have seen tho attompt tuado to
divide instead of uniting tho robcls. If,
in 1601 or 1802, tho policy of the Admin
istration bad been a strict adherence to
tho Crittenden Resolutions, thora is no
doubt now remaining that a pcaco party
would havo risen in tho South, wonld
havo gained strength under the prcssuro of
the adversities ot war, would havo become
powerful in many of tho States, and would
havo so far wcaknod tho strength of tho
robel leaders that tboy would by this time,
perpaps long boforo this time, havo bocn
compcllod to seek terms of peace and sub
mission. No calm review of the history
of tlio past threo years can fail to make
this apparent. Wo do not aecuso Mr.
Lincoln of a contrary design ; but we do
solemnly impeach tho men who led the
Republican party, beforo God and their
country, of the doliberato dstcrniiuation to
prevent a restoration of tho Union, and to
exclude tho population of tho Southern
Ibtates, at least ior this generation, from
voting power in tho national councils, is
there a man of sense who doubts the truth
of this accusation 7 If thcro be, lot him
pause now and review tho past and ho
will givo his vordict, beyond a question,
against the radical political leaders, as
moral traitors of tho most wicked kind.
It was a lamentable weakness of Mr. Lin
coln that bo believed those men to bo tho
representatives of a pooplc's mind. Ho
was thus led into tho grandest eirors of
modern, nay of all politioal history. To
accomplish their objects, the liberty of tho
citizen was a small sacrifice in their view.
So long as tboy held power they feared
nothing, and they resolved to hold power
until the end of their livcs,and transmit it,
if they might, to their children. They
had this advantage, that the pcoplo had
been accustomed, by party habit and al
liance, to follow party leadors. They
know that they could load on masses with
them, by this habit of follow-my-leador
partisanship. But they mi-caloulatcd the
extent to which this would enable them to
go It was easy to laugh at debt, to dc-
nuo the horrors of war, to persuade men
that the future was brilliant before them.
But now that debt is felt, that warstretches
its clouds of gloom over all tho land
clouds with crimson streaks portending
cither a day of storm or a setting sun, -tho
pcoplo arc awakening to tho character
and dosign of the men they have followed-
Would to God that the f resident could
catch somo of tho wisdom that begins to
inspire tho pcoplo !
I he war oannot end under the admin
istration of Abraham Lincoln, unless he
abandons his evil counselors, changes
his wholo polioy, revokes his proclama
tions to all whom it may concern, and
takes tho Constitution as his guide and the
object of his sworn support. Tho issue is
presented plainly to the pooplo war till
the abolition of slavery is fully accom
plished, or peace under tho Constitution.
What has been the success ol tbo attempt
to uuuiiau mavery ujr luroo tuus tur, "e
solemn fact u, that by tho regular figures
of tho census, by the laws of natural in-
crease, there are probably more negro new p.roru. BUT THIS l'HUCLAMA
slaves withm the linos of the rebel army TIOiVi , 0I(D LIKlil.KSS. ltlOID,
ta-day than there woro in the entire United BOUND HOUND WITH HDD TAPE
States when tho war began? The de- (JI.OTIIKD IN THE FOkMAL LAN
crcaso, if any, can bo but very small. And GUAGE Oh' TIIK UUUEAU, SOUNDS
oi ine tiueraieu, inousaiias uavo perienou 'fHQ I'X'y AUTIIOll TllO'T THE
by starvation and neglect. PEOPLE OOULD UE Alt TO llli
If there bo any truth in is not CHILLED AND DISH Ii A UTE NE D.
to bo questioned that the United States Its tono is NOT that ofa chief of a icpub
could purchase at his or her full pnoo.and lio calliu upon h;e followoitizona to sup
liberate every slave now in tho South, for port a 0;lu,oi whioh tt aro aiko intcre
ic.a oum oi mouoj mm win no auueu io
tho national debt boforo Mr. Linooln can
ano istj slavery by bis plan t we might
safely add that tho entire black population
of tho North and South oould he made free .
and transported in comfort and luxury to
the chores of Afrioa.tho wholo cost of freo-
dom, transportation, and oolomeing being
less than will bo tho new ;t of tho war,
from tho present moment to tho time which
Mr. Lincoln sets as the end of it. We do
not propose any such expenditures. Wo
but state the facts, and the peoplo will
judge of the propriety of continuing tho
Lincoln policy after next March.
Journal of Commerce.
A Ntano Victim. of the Dbaitt.
How He Felt. Tho Lacrosso (Wis.)
Democrat, a plaeo whero thoy havo lately
been drafting, says : Among tho viotims
of tho late draft in this city, was Sam, a
graceful motioned contraband who was
given leave to loavo tho tbo South last
Spring and become a freeman "up Norf 1'
Early in the Spring ho did ohorcs at tho
Harrington House. Later in tho season
ho hoed gardens, got married, and black
ed stoves till they rivaled tho gloss on his
cheoks.- Monday he was drafted, and on
Tuesday served with a notioe to bo at tho
rendezvous within ten days along with his
: white brethorD, or be oonsidorod a deserter
Ho took tho uotico to a friond, who read
it and mado understand tho naturo thorcof.
And this is tho way ho took on :
"Wat Wat Will (lainou lOOIISIl llllgam of No,v Columbus, Lur.crnc eounly.
dls yoah I ho a freoman 1 Las' spring doy At the cxrhanie. In iiioomabiiM, on the 7iii Inst . by
i , i i . ii t r.. - ltev. J. It. Dlinni, Mr. John O.HIchart, nnd JlliJ Mary
Bond mo Up Norl and toll mo ISO a trCO,V . Mnigri,rd,bothor (Ireenwiso.ltwp., Columbia to.
man dat do Iiinouin jojors hab lib'rated' At Town mil, on tho 7th imt., by r.ov. n Wads.
, . . ... r , , Wnrth. Mr. Hiram A. llo.ton, of l'n rnioiint. and Miss
mo. Nowwatatn dis dam foolish ting Yff",,nac
..... . . . . A t. I .... ,
for 1 I'll bo dim gon forlflsogot lOgWIUO
to dis yeah wah. A nigger don't stand no
.1 .i .1.1. Fr fl.ii. P !.r
BU0W UUWU UIII1 11UW, X1U gv BUUV Ul iivru.
right (.mart I reckon 1 If I'd know watdat
printed ling was I'd frow him downin tho
Street jlS liko dlS, (ho throw tho EOtieO UltO
tho street with a jcrJJl an uon uoy nouur
. ... . 5... ' . a 4 . 1
fool dlS nigger I WhV dld'Ut doy let UO
nicccr Slay daro or Stay hoah I 1
The Call for half a Million of
jlen Another Year of War.
The President's call for half a million
of mon is construed by unthinking pcoplo
to moan that wo aro co'mg to have a 'moro
vigorous prosecution ol the war' right off,
b ' , , ,. - '
and that tho new and extraordinary forou
will como in in timo to help Grant put tho
finishing touch to tho rebellion at tho close
of tho present campaign, Nothing could
be further from tho fact. The call is, on
tho contrary, a confession that tho military
operations of 1804 havo in tho aggregate
failed, and that another army must bo
formed to renew thostrugglo nest spring.
Troons raised imtweon this tlmti mill full'
,r . ... ., ....
Can bO Oi lltlQ USO 111 thO prCSCIlt Campaign,
The Tribune rcOOITuizes this. savillB :
. . '
uuiuu lb uvuuuiu uiijiuiuub iuub uiui u
troops would be needed, tharo has been no
timo to summon them into tbo service in
soason for employment this year. -The
men will not bo collected into regimental
nrnnizntion till Ontnlinr nt tlm nurlipot
and will remain iu scrvico during nt-xt
The Springfield Rcpublican.anothor ad-
minibtratiou miner, thus snoko in ad vanuo
V . . V. '
and on tlio eve of tho call . ' I'-rcont. per uud Intcrc.t both to to
o it -. paid in lawful money,
Somo Union presses aro again iiicingi' .,, , , , ,
the President to oall for half a million ol! T"u "n,!1 ,vi"bo cu"mtib " nl ,h0 i"ntl,a
volutitcers, and exhorting tho wholo peo- i"oUlr "l ",alu,,y' tlt ,cr cl,,t- B,J ,'c!""'!!
pic to devotO themselves to war till tl,e ""ds, payable not less than live nor more than twenty
rcbollion U chruslicd out. Wo should '- from their date, us the Government may tied.
havo unlearned such fullios by this time. T'",y 'Hi uo ,llci1 'iciiominutloiis of $5u,stoo,
War call UOVCr bo Conducted SUOCeSsfnily Sl.OOOnnd 5".u00,nndnll subscriptions must bo
ill tbi B way Haifa million Of Volunteers
oould not bo organized, cquippotl and put
into the field ,bcforo tho campaign for this
year is at an cud, and to maintain such
gigantio armies for another year, with the
better portion of our able-bodied men
withdrawn from productive labor, wour.l)
Nor is there any promise of success in
such a measure. We have now twice as
many men under arms as the rebels, and
if this number is kept good they ean bring
the war to a close just as soon as it co.ild
bo dono with double that ntimber,antl with
vastly less sacrifice of men and mcuus.
Wo havo had quite too many of these
Still another administration paper, the
Now York evening Post, has a leading ed
itorial on tho call to which wc would call
attention ot every citizen. The Post goes
on to spoak of what one hundred thous
and men might accomplish if wo had them
ready for tho field now as wo ought to have,
and says :
But the shape in which the President
has chosen to put his demand is, wc arc
constrained to say, pretty suro to do the
vory reverse. To threaton a prcmptory
draft now, when eveybody boliovcs the
war is nearly ended ; to demand men for
threo years when the strugglo should bo
and must be over in six month ; to call
for half a million men whon the country
nau rigntiy or wroDgiy imagined iuat a
hundred thousand would suffice to termi
nated tho struggle, this docs appear to us
to misunderstand tho spirit ot the Auicri
cau people, nnd to blunder.
This is apnareitt in tho first nlaco. bc-
.oause it is sure to be misunderstood by all
our cnomies abroad and at home. It will
bo received as a confession of weakness ami
not as a sign of strength ; it will bo regar
ded as a compliment to the reistiug pow
er ol tho rebels ; it will bo quoted as an
official acknowledgement that unless our
army, already so vast, is mado stronger
by half a million of men, wo shall fail.
In the second place because, instead of
stirring the hopes and reviving tho en
thusiasm of the pcoplo, it rather depresses
thi'in, it aivi'8 voice to tho doubters, and
sildncos those who never doubted boforo
0f our succo.. Ill n great crisis liko this
:. i,,inr,niit m konn t, .nin. t
pe,)pe, to iniiiniain their hon,'fu,.Si.. to
Thig burrjin(, iangage(' der reader, is
from tho Non YorkEvening Post, ono of
lUo moti powerui of Uie administration
Slill anothor at tninlstration paper, the
New York Commercial Advertiser of last
evening thus addresses itself to the call
Tho mtliorof tho bogui proclamation
has had tho satisfaction of seeing all tho
main features of that document ratified
hy tbo Prosident,and can now justly claim
rolcase from Fort Lafayetto,
Wo have had tho proclamation for aday
cf fasting and prayer, and now comes tho
call for moro troops the only difFercnco
in tho call being that Howard's wob issu
ed on tho 18th of May and called for 400,
000, while the President's was issued on
tho 18th of July, and goes 100,000 better.
Howard, like his friend Fremont, has had
to suffer for attempting to load publio opin
ion instead of folio wing aftorit. As things
havo turned out. it would It nun hpnn
iw.t iubvuuu utiuiiuwiut: itltUI AB tniDffa
, , ,' " ""UK.
as well to let tho bogus proclamation stand
as genuine.for in that oase wo would havo
been in a fair way ol filling our quota by
Volunteoring beforo tho 5th of Soptcmbor,
whereas now it is nert to an irapoesibility.
heriOUSlv. fills nnwr lnnu fnr film flfiri
men .r t Vf 7l. ' 7.
-l .iif f
no joks albeit it comes Irom a source triy
on to jokes. fa
In Wllkesbarrc, oa Wednesday cvcnlrt?, Aug. 3d, by
tlio lie v. II. MIIch, Mr, Isaac It. Applsman.oi rut.
riflilSftlll IWI1.. I'UtlllllUii. iu., .... eon. ..,...-"--
0u tho fill hut., by Itov Win. J. l'.yer, .Mr. John i II.
w.inch.nd i.).ii.iin.r, both of Locust twp..coi.
CO, I'll.
rtncc, on tho loth Inst,, Dr. Elcnier llrolhwell
ngcu .syears.
i,.i i.i,in.n.i nn idrt fit h I n I . A . 1 fi r tt urtrt I.VOr.
,'0 month. i .ml 10 day,;
fear Itohrsburg. on tho Sfitli of July, of dlpthcrla
(lull Elina Maria, needs years. II monliis anil El days,
a .l - ti Pntr. fittail I van c. H mfi
ii -a.!. "iiwVbVf if chri.tianaand Jo-ipi, iiccco.
ir j -
Estate of Jttcob Milts, Deceased.
r ETTEUH Tcslatncntnry on tho Estate of Jncoh
Li .Mills, late or Madison townsiiip.coiiimiiia rounty.,an. Iinvn !ir.,it hv tint Kcciflt(r Of ColUIlt
bin county, tonho undersigned I all persons having
claims again. t tho estate or tho decedent nro rcpii'sled
Io present them to the Executorslnt tlulr icsldcnca
In raid timnihlp without delay, nnd all persons liideb
ted to make payment forthwith. ,( M fl
Ang, 13. leiil-Ow S'J 00. Executors.
Estate of Jacob Eycrly, decease!.
Jj " ,ntB ,,r 1111,0111 township. Columbia eounty,
T ETTEIM Tcstamcntnty on tho cjato of Jacob i.y.
! decensrd, hnvu liceu Rtanted hy tho III plster ol i Ills
, ,r. m the iiii.lerniined both manllne In lllooiinhurc All
persuhs linving clninia ngalnst tho estate of the dcpcn -
1 dent nro ri'ipifsli'U lo present luniu loinu i.ieciimr.
wiinoiu iieiay, anu
! forthwiin
ni nil p'rnims Indebted In make pay
Allim Alii. 1 . EVUIll.Y,
noiiEiir r
Aug. 13, 1801
U. S." 7-30 LOAN.
h.i... a .!...., il,,,, ui,l.
! BC,'P"n"a wl" ho "lvcd for Coupon Treasury Notes,
mMoibm years from Aug. imh.isiu. withaemi.
: a""mi Interest at tho rate of seven and thrce-teutha
fr fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars'
1 he notes will be transmitted to the owners free of
transportation charged as soon alter the receipt of the
origlonnl Ccrlilkates of Ueposlt as they can be prepar
As the notes draw Intercut from August IS, persons
making deposits stibscpicnt to that date must pay tho
Interc't uccrucd fro m date of note to d.ito of deposit.
I'arlic'8 desposing twcnty.flvo thousand dollars and
upwards for these notes nt any ono tliun will be iillutY
ed a cniumis"'unor of one-uartcr of ono per ci'i't.,
which will he pnid by tuo Treasury Department upon
the receipt of a bill for tlu amount, certified to hy tho
otneer Willi whom tbo depesito was made. (Co dedio tH 11
for Lomiiiissioners must be made from the ilcsposiu.
Sl'iailli AUVAKIKS OP 'I HIS J.0..S.
Iris a XvuosAt, Sivi.ios IIas, oircring a higher rate
of intcruhl than any oHier, nnd the leal itcurtty. Any
savings haul; which pays its dnpoaitiors in U. H. Notes,
considers that it Is paying ih tho bent circulating me
dium nf tho country, ami it cannot p iy in anything bet
ter, for it own nssrtsaro either in government secur
ities or in notes or bonds payable in government pu
it Isc'iuully couvenieutas a temporary or permniicut
investment. Tho nutos can always be sold for within
a fruition of their fico uu.l nccuuiulaied interest, and
aro thu host security with banks as for dis-
Conveitiblcinio a Six per cent, Gold
Iiiaddltloutu tho very libenl interest on the notes
for three years, this privilego of conversation is now
worth about tlireo per cent, pur nunum, fitlie cuirvnt
rate for 5-SJ llouds is not less thin mat VZr ctal. pre-
Bimm, and beforo the war thu premium on fix per
cent. U. 8. clocks Has over twenty per cent. It nill
bo seen the actual prolU on tlu loan, at tho pres
ent market rale, is not lets than ten per cent, per an
num. Jts Exemption ft am State or Municipal
Hut aside from all thu udvautai;es wu have ennmor
aled,n special Act of Congress crcmtitt all bonih and
Treasury notes fiutn local taxation. On the average,
tlii s exemption is worth about tiMi per cent, per an
num, according to tho laleof tniaiion in various parts
of tlio cnunlry
It is believed that no securities offer so great iuduce
menlB to leadersas tliosu issued by tho government.
In nil other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability
of private parties, orMotk companies. or separulo com
munities, only, is pledged for payment, while tbo
wholo property oftlio country is held to secure tho dis
charge ofolltlio obligations of tho United Plates.
While the government ocll'rs the most liberal terms
for its loans, i. believes that ,he very slrongest appeal
will bo to tho loyalty and patriotism of tho people.
Dublicato certilicatcs will he issued for all despos
its' Tho party despositing must endorse upon the or-
iglnal cetlilicale tlio denomination of notes required ,
1 "
and whether they nro to ho issued iu blank or payablo
to order. When so endorsed it must be left with tho
First National Hank of Danville I'a
and by all National llauks which are depotitarics of
public money, and
throughout the country will givo further informaliou
Aug, 13, ldil,-Sm
$500 Bounty !
Jlen mustered Immediately and paid cash down
Slot), Como singly, or In squads
Any person bringing SO mon will lio commissioned a
Second Lieutenant i SJ men, u l'ir.t Licuteuuiit i 10
men, aCaptaiu,
The oJjovo will ho executed to the Idler.
Apply to Col. A. A, LUCIILElt,
Head duarters, (ill Ch esnut St, 1'hilu.
Aug, f, '01. 1 in .
TTT'll 1 1 i . . -
. . mu oi i imoer, to bull
1,(1 jcaverod in uioomiburg,
i.nvi l.
rjamo Into tho enclosure of Iho undersigned, resl
' 1 '
1' 1VK lit) AD OF SHEEP.
Tho owner Is desired to prove properly, pay chamos.
" tiicm away, or they win b.! .ti-poL"! r
ViA.-zu wuonuvuuuLCB.
olllccr receiving thu desposit, to to forwarded to tlio W o.ij'rn llotil so Ut ;iaVid T .McKiernan ;"
Treasury Uepartmen,. j ij y Alkins J ft-ly i'
SooiCKii-rio.Nswii.LnR heiehed by thu Treasury of !!"'lf;1i:"ScuK 8 hji.'lohn Uelr-l If
I J Ivllne tl ol) John K lloldtins 1
the United Slates, al Washington,, tho several Assia-' Wm II Young 1 Do -; ( Ikeler, a '
tant Treasurers and designated Ilepu.itaries. and hy gT, ffift i ,
tno i llirm tjoleni.iu ."in Win it, inir tt
Itcyisiei'Vi Notices.
NOTICE Is hereby given to alt leaatoes, credit...
and other persons interested In tho estates otthl
respective deccndenls mid minors, that llin foironinr
ailinini.iraiion nun ..uiiruniii ncciiuius uavo ncfn nte I
In tho OITlco of the Itegld'or iff Columbia county, ,
win oo prcpuii.v-.. uuu, iiiuimi, nun Allowance In
tho Orphans' Court, to he held nl Itloom.burg, In n,
rounty aforesaid, on Wednesday, thojlhdayof
t'jinhcr, 180J, nt il o'clock In tho nnornoon of ssld day
1, first and final account of Johnson II, Ikoler n,l
tninlstialor of .Solomon' llruiustctler ot Orccrnvooii
twp., der.'d,
!J. I'lrst nnd final ncnounl nf Johnson II. Ikelor, Eta.
tutor of Ann Craig late of tlreenwood twp., dee'd
a. The second and final Mrnuiif of Mar) W. ttrtmes
ailnilnlslruiriJ of Edwin Holmes, lalo or l'lshlnicrctr
4, First and final account of tsunc A, Domtt, adia'r
of Edward It. Albertson, lalu iifUrcrntvnnd twp. ilecM.
S Account of Lot Parker At Jessn Koster, Ejecutor.
of Ephrnlni Parker, lalo nf (Jrecimofid twp. dee'd,
0. Account of Solomon Keltcrmaii, (luardinn tit r.Hu
j ill Creasy, (Irand daughter nf Henry Voho, dee'd.
7, l'lrst and final account of Henry U. Ilcss. nnni'r of
lleiijamln l'cterman, late of tfugarloaf twp., ilcc'd,
H Account of Ell Crcvelliig, Ounrdinn of Mnttbi
Abbott, minor child ol Win. Abbott of Centre !
II. Ilnal account or Ml i;roveiing & win, OaiH.oaV
ndin'ra, of Jncob (Inrrisoii lalo or liloom twp.', dec'a,
10. Account of Win. N. Ilroivn, Ouanllan of Wlll1t,
It Eckrutc, minor cblhl of l'ctor Eckroto cf lt
11. Account of Untharino Whlteiiight.admr'x f Ji,,n
Wliitcnielit. lata uf llloouitwp.,dei.'d.
l'J. l'lrst and final account of Joslah Crevollng, i;t
eculor of Samuel crcvoimg laie ol i isningcreek two.
13. l'lrst and final account of IMer Workhoiscr, iC
lug adm'r of Win. Cool, late of lleml ocl twp, dee'rf,
U, I'lrtt and Ilnal account of l'eter K. Ilerboin nnt
John Vcagcrjr., udm'rs of Alexander Mean, l.itouf
Locust t p., dee'd,
15 Account of John 0. .Myers, ndiu'r of Win, Mjcn
latu of lloarlngcreek twp, dee'd.
1(1. Account or Ellwood llushe.(luardlan ofTlmnuv
Wnlp, minor child of Anthony Wnlpjuluor llrlarcruiik
twp., dee'd.
17. l'lrst and final account of Minna lilies, adiu'r of
Win, l'ut, latu of Cotuwlssa twp., dee'd.
IS. Account of lunae I.. At Anna It. Cryder. Exocn.
tors of Alary U Cryder, lotu nf ll.iercrcek Iwp, dee'd,
first and final account of John IC Eves (
of Joint Ees minor child of C'h.itlea Eves, lata of
(Jrccnwcod twp, dee'd,
SO. rirstnnd final account of John II Holler adm'r ol
Pdiimel Creasy Jr. late of Mifflin twp. dec'.l.
Jl, l'irt account of E. I.nzarus, adm'r with Ihenlil
annexed of Clcmucl . Illeketls latu of Ornugj twp..
2i. Account of Henry Shnfler, adm'r of John IS,
Shall'or late of Centru twp. dee'd,
S3. Acrountof Aucustus !. Uabh.adm'r with tlio III
annexed of Henry Doighmiller, lato of llimlock twp,
31. Pint nnd final account of John I'rlln and AIiIJ.i'i
t'riU, Em's ofl'hilip I'rita. latu of Uugarloaf t
S.l. first and final account of Ellw oud Hughes, ex'r
of Abraliam rtrnwlno, late nl ueiure i p. oodi.
Sll, Acmnnt nf deorg. Hughes, John Sharpies nil
I.loyd I'uxtoii, nilm'rs of Jo9 ph Puttuii, Into of I'ntn.
wlssa twp. ilcc'd uf tlu rales of the Real E.tstsuf
the decedent.
S7. Acrnunt of II. K. llarliiinn ndm'l of Hubert lln;
enbuch, late ol liloom tu p. dee'd.
S-i. flr.t and final nicounl of John It. Eves, E'r of
Wm. Ualsou, of dreeuwund twp. dee'd
SO. Account of 1'i.ter Yncusi. Ouiinlliiii of Win, W.
Yocum, minor child of Jos, Yocum due'd.
30 final account of Mat hln (lllliert, Ouaidijii of
David Slroup of Pleasant township.
31. Tlio first and final account of John Williams an
Olive Evans, Executum of tin1 last will ami te.tniiii.-iit
of Jamci Hampton lata of ltoarlnir Crook, twp. d ,i
lllonnisburg, Aug. ti. IsOI.
List of Causes for Sep. Term ISC1,
I Philip Wlnlorkti'iMi va Vol. Wluterslecii.
S Henry Wells vs (ieorge Uiu ly.
3 l.lij.ih Mc.Murtrie u Cliri.lian Wolf.
4 Jnciiti Harris s I'l't'r Ucoby.
5 denrgo lluglH, it nl i J. V. Criswcll.
li llus il 1" i-toker. s Win Ikeler.
7 W l.ounenbercer, c tal s(,'. H olf it al
ri llanii'l f Heyli.-rl. vs lleuUi-ii Nicely
tl II. 1'. Ithlgliiirt Ic, I'm II''
10 Jn.iph vs Keiib 'ii I. ins.
11 H.n I lluilt .mil Cloules llui k va Juts lima
IS ll.ivid Arlit-iihark viJlIiu WarUm.
I.I Win Long, vs II t' l.eigu.ut.
14 J oli ii (jigger, vs Itich.ird II M nagli.
13 U l.ougeiibvrger,et al i s ' ilotinoii, and ,
Iil I.'H.
Hi Henry (iilmor, vs Moor" Crovi'llug,
17 The Cum of IVnn.i v. Jacob I'lslmr.
15 JnuAlk'gar and Mirnli A AllePur vs Ju.i Y Albion
HI Em', t, A,l,uus,v.i I) V. pybert an I Henry llui.
50 Hjoiuel U'llliams vs Ch.irlo. II llwli'riili uint (!i
A llerrini:.
51 Uf K. igli.ird vs Hliz.ibetli Viusirla
SS l.uko Koau and Anna Kn.iii vs l Ins 11 Diutlcn Ii
Sd James 1. Huu. vs Micliiel Itrobsl.
SI Pin lp s Win l.oo'.
5J WHnou Acer vs Jo-.i'iihl' i.uiig.
Sil Hugh McltuyiioMs ot al vs Peter OIIih'iiH
OKANtiLVllsLH i0.l3IlL St llOOI.
The next term of this lmtituii J n will cfiiu:u'iict; mi
j!.i, August C)lt, 1601.
Tho orsanlzatlon oftho Normal School with IVrein
toryand Model dfurlui.-ul, iilHirils stihlentH i.Miir r
out grudes, the h-.t npp,'rluniiy fur a per lei t I'ij.mK
cation, and rare facilities fr a lompluto toiir.e t I
VvJekly Sri ilk Lectures illustrated williappera.
!!.s' wt,l'.k.l: Lectures with.; Theory nnd frarlir. !
leaioing him oo (jl vuiii i,y ine rnnrip.ii
TuiIIhu ner term of II weeks. I'ruiii 1 to U. Inn
dentals for . liup.tirs fc Jtlcts
I'or further parliiulan luiili- of Prof. II, II. Wu
Ktit, Principal, or of .Mu.n IS, Wilmams, Sec ol I'm.
Augut,fi, ldiH.
Tho following payments havo been mad J
to tho Columbia Democrat office, during
the month of July, 1804 :
Jos W ramphill
Alex'r Stoker
llli K alien
Thomas Harlan
M.tof Phi'ip Treat
tlU im;juhn A Kcini
SO'lniialh.iu II Smith
H do list of Henry I'udder
-U'd A I'ltteu
li UV'Val Krus.lcr
Wm T Kilter
I ') li las Lruui
t.'altawis.a llridge Co l'J li!i'i,eirj!e Keifer
Ml' John liarlmau s oi lohn I, IJoiiil
John llower i uilMvb Hills
Samuel llriieler V uu'- liun, i;al
1st al of liloom .t iui i,itu K iiniihiiu
I I,
:i iw
J II llarman, l.k'i S lio'jrhu Wnnii k
viLjc, S
Vlnfllpy 10 uuf ni'ililf' (JUt"l, "'
Joy, Coe fi Co a WUohu T Smith
sMVucngl'li'll'o. S
,l.l.."tc,1!!li:.? " ,"".',cr.. 'I I I'lli-1.01'!11' 'l'oeniaker
Tlios llolloway.Jl U i! Uli'jnliii I.ciri(itl
John (lrpaon & co S UUMohn .Miller
iiuttr fc Co SO fe".
l w
e 'U
I l"
( l'
llirjin l'olciii,iu
A" Wm llriiik
navid Utt, Jr
SALraluin Dribelbis
Estate of Jacob Marlz, dee'd.
IlITTKItfof administration on tho Hstate ol J
JiMartz, lalo ofOatiwlssa t p., Columbia in "
havo been grnnted by the llegi.ter of Colunilo,.'"
thoiinilcrsigneil j nil persons having claims aiiiiuw
estato of the decedent nro rut)Uosted to present ile'in
tho Adiniiiistrator at his residence in .ud l"" "
shii without delay, and all persons Indebted M
payment foiihwith.
JOIINfillAKl', Allan.
July (i. Ii4-0iv 85 0()
F'.RSON'H knowing themselves indebted to I'.x bli i
Itf Jlillcr, on cost", nro rc'iuirod immudiat) tfi"
the Eunio to tho undersigned.
Tho amounts of Dr. George Hill, still unsettled, i( :l
paid by August lirtl will bu sued.
June. S3, ISM.
National fiBotel. I
(Lato Whlto Swan.1
I'll tl.ADHI.L'IUA.
QUO. LIGHTUAI', Pitoiitiiaoit.
Formerly fom Eagle Hotel Lebanon, '
Jlartirr, l6Cl-l3in.
Shoiiu Duurt llouto Alley, below Vimeliai OlhM
Voveiubcrlt, lob'J,