Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 13, 1864, Image 1

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'I1! 11 TVTO . Af A A TV! 1 1Tf 1 -XTiT
VOL. IS. NO. 24.
Wistars's Balsam
HllMllDIES IN ThE WOlll.U I'Oll
Cor?A, I'oWi, Jf 'hooping Cough, firon
chilis, Difficulty of Breathing, asthma,
Hoarseness, Sore Tlnvit, Croup
und every affection of
ivcu'mno nvr.v
Wistar'sBalsanioiWild Oliorry
Ho i-encrnl has remedy liccomc, nn J so
iwipulnr Is It everywhere, thai ltd unnecessary tn re
iuin' its virtiifs lt works tpenk fur It, nud line ut
terance Intho alntmlantnml voluntnry testimony nf tin
many wlio from loin; mitri-rlns ami totted disease rnvc
liv In mo liccn restored to nrittiun vl(?"r anil lienllli
Wo can priNi-iitB mass of clilcnco In proof of our
ii o31ons In jirimf of our nsfrtlons, lliat
The Rev. Jacob Scchlcr.
W'i II known ami niticli reiecteil ninnnj the (lcrm"n
ti in ilatlon In this counlry, makes tho following stat1--iiijiii
for the beiiclltof the. nfllictutt.
IUmivkii 1'., 1-Vli. llj, 1S.V).
Oct.-' Sir, Having rcnlUeil 111 niv family import int
l.cicfl a from thu lite of ymir vnlunblo preparation
WisrA iVUalsam ok Wii.ii Ciinmv- It a Hi pin nn: plea-i-nro
to recommend It lo .Ilia public. Soiiiu trlplit years
nciionc' of mv ilaiifc'lilern enii'(l In In inn decline, nml
nn I limes of hor recovery were entertained. I then
pnciiro 1 a bottlp of your excellent Itnlsam, ami before
lie had tnken Uin nhnlu of the cm lent of ihu bnttle
lliero Whin u runt Imprownieiit in I er lienllh. I li.ivu
Hi my individual cise, ninilo frequent uu ofyoiir Mil
u,ili!c medicine, ami Imvu always bejn In'iieflltuiltiv it
jvtou auuiii.un
Fiom, ,'essic Smith, Esq., T'Chvlcnt of the
Mot is County JJanlc, MoriiUowu
2Vc Jersey.
'. nvins mo d llr. Wii-tar's lial tain of Wild ('hurry
l,,r nboiil fifteen joara, nml having r'nliieil bem ilcial
iei.iiiuiiiiiiyf.iniilv,il all'.irdu mi sroit pleanire in re
i.illlmciidini; it tilth" publicum vidua il renn'dy iuca-
of weak Iiiiijs. ddCs eoiiht , Jtc , nud a remedy
vhiihl i oiimlir I" be eutirel) inn in-lit nud in.iy be
I. b. ti w ill pulcct safety by tho most ndiciito in health.
l',om lion. John E. $m t.h, a Distin
guished Lawyers m If'ttiniiu.
stir, ii,.
Ibatoni fOoral cirra-inn unil Dr WiUr'a Hainan!
ol Wild ( hrryforioveiecol.l',anil tilwiy will, il.'ci
ddbeuebt. I know fno priiparntion that la more cine
nr oinor more riVsi-mni: i t use.
the ll.ilai.iii ha nli-obei'ii lined will excellent cll.ct
li .1.11. Uliult. .Merchant, lla'I's I'rnss .Mil.
istur's liahiuu oj Wihl Cherry.
one ueuuiliti uulon-i l jued "1 U L'Tl'c," on the
wii per
For sale by
J I' IIIVHUOIil',, No I II llroi ilway New Vorli,
BW t'liU'l.E&Cti. I'roiirieior., lotui ,
Ami by all Unif (jitU.
Rctlding's Ilussici JSiilvo.
I!n fully established tlie supr iotilyof
Redding's Hussia iSalve.
Over nil utlwrl'jnlins propn ntioiiii.
tl ruresnll kinds nffSn es, (,"iiU, He Ids, IhiriiR, KniU
IMrer, Halt Itlieuiii, U yslprld flies I'lles, Cnrin
Hoiellps fore eyen, v., fcc reir,iini! tUnpainnl
iniee. nud lleduciuir the innnt nn;:ry ' unking fWLllmg
nud niilniualioii us if by uuicic. Out v cents u box.
inn tun: nv
J I' l'lWMOUi:, No. l!il llrondway Now York,
rl iV l.OH l,U fcljt).. N i. lHTmim it si. lloslon,
And by all DruegldH,
ln) T, 1(51 12m,
'FiiFfA irw" not V STORU.
,. 'cccioed at Erasmi s' Xtw Store.
JIaTs and Caps,
- Tobacco,
Tocetlier with a grenl iniieiy of iiuliunsnnd ctctito-
inn ton iiuiiierous to nieo'ioo.
0.7 ll.illor, i;gKi aleal ami prouuvc gencroiiy inKen
1 1 i etchaugu fur good!.,
ii. u,! un.
Iboniu.bur May 'J. lHl!l.
I riepee or in IN VALID.
l"ul IIhIkJ for tho beiu lil, and ns u caution In Young
Mm anil oihern, who niller from Nervous llebilily,
) I leniatu-e Ilccav i f .Mannooil, Ate., suiinlyini: at the
f f line tinin tlio MfcANs or rit.r.'uuB lly oneuholias
, i in ill hiuitelf nlti r underi! "ill! considerable ipiackery
liv euilnnlui! u losl.riaid addressed envelope sinulu
Ii riiie mtiy be hrJ of the author.
June I, Ir'fil.- ly llrouklyn, hum en., N Y
II. C. II 0 W E It,
KFrtl'P.CTFUI.l.Y oilers ills nrofe8
iounl services In the Indies nud gentle
l men of illiioiughurg nud vicinity. He is
nrenared to ntleml tn nil the varioiu
lopjrallons in the Hue of his nrofesgiou, nml is provided
I with the laiei.t improved I'QhCKIJtlM TKKTII; which
will he iiiHcrlcd on pnld, pint inn, silver nud rubber base,
tulnokw II as ihu natuinl teeth
Miner il plntft and bloikteelh inauiifactiireil and nil
oi nrnlii ns on teeth, carefully nnd nronerlvnltemledtii.
Iuevioincu nun uiuiuu lew uours UU0VU tile I olirt
II. in. e. sauiu side.
Ulju.nsburg, Junu U ld3
National Foundry.
Irt III! subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovu tiniucd ex
1 I Irn.ive eatablishinciit, is now oreiiared to receive
ioideis lor
All Kinds or Machinery,
E( i' Colleries, lllnst Puriiaccs, Ptatlonary Kiighies, .Mills
TIIlli:SIIIN(! MACIIINPS, &0.. &0.
llo is also prinarcd to make Stoves, nil sizes and
trutterus, plow-irons, and everything usually uiude in
I)lt-cl.H9 foundries.
His i xtijusivu facilities mid practical workmen, war
Jnntt him in rrcviviiiL' the luruutt contracts on ti.u
llu it rtMsouablu terms.
p Zr" liraiu or all kinds will bo taken in cxcliaute for
ft sy 'Pills establishment is near the I.nckawnu.
Itia llluoiusburg llallroail JJepot.
tlleoinsburg, Sept. IS, 16C3,
'pill) nnilersiirued, having tnken the Espy Jlotcl,
I iHlrlvLtiiit l.v Mr V. llmvll ,.,...1.1 ......... .r.. ii.!
luforiii his friends nnd tlie public in general, thai no
pains will bu spsred fur tlio sati.faclory entcilalumcnt
f nil ttho may favor him witUtlieir custom.
.. . 103 U MAttCllllANlC,
Sclat pocirn.
If nil our liopss.jnnd nil our fears,
Wero prisoned In life's tinrrjw bou nd j
If travelers through this vain of tenri,
We snw no bettor world beyond j
Oh I what could check the rising sigh ?
What earthly thing could ploaiuro givo f
Oh I whoiwmild ventiirp thou, to dlo
Or who would venture then to Hvo I
Were life n dark nml desert moor,
Whero lulatsnml clouds eternal spread
'J heir gloomy tell behind, before,
And tempests thunder overhead !
Whero not a sunbeam breaks the gloom,
And not n floweret smiles bcnenlli,
Who would oxiatin such-Ill such ntonib
Who dwell in darkness and in death I
And such wer life without tlio ray
01' our divine religion given I
"Pi. ttils that makes our darkness day,
'Tin this that makes our earth u heaven I
llrlghtls tho golden tun above,
And beautiful Ihu tlowets that bloom,
And nil Is Joy, and all Is love,
Iteflectcd from tlio world to come I
Iu April, lb'Gl, ut the outbreak of hos
tilities, the Army of tlio United States was
Mimll and wliully inadequate to meet the
exijjatiey of war which had arisen. The
President called for seventy-five thousand
troops from the States to serve for a period
of ihree months, and fUUEequcutly made
other calls. Finally, iu tho lalter nart of i
1H0J, drafts were ordered iu several States
lo fill up their quotas, and tho proceeding
for thai purpose was under tho Statu au
thorities, pursuant to State laws and some
general adulations of tho War Department
trained tor (bu occasion. Thus the case 1
stood as to tho r.iising of troops at the coui-! municipalities. Iu their payment there has
ineneeineiil of ltjOU, and tho troops in ser-J been grci.t want of uniformity and system,
vice at lliat d.ito consisted of tho licgular ; Tho policy of the General Government has
Army of the Ui.ited States as it stood nt' nut beeu tho same at all times, and iu ihu
ihu outiueak of htfltilities,witli subsequent ' States there has beon inQnito diversity.
nliuments added, nnd of volunteers and! Upon tho whole, tlio system of bounties
drafted militia of the States, orgauized and ' has boon costly and unequal ; tho amount
offieerud as companies and regiments by of indebtedness created by His enormous,
Stattf authority. Voluntpering had at ono I nud unequal sums havo been paid to sol
lime been cheeked by the Administration, ' titers of tho same grade of merit. Under
upon a ntaii-nietit by it that all the troops any system of local bounties to avoid con
needed weuj already iuscrvicu. Soon, how-1 scription, tho wealthy parts of tho cjuntry
over, tho demand for men wa rouowcd,ai)d enjoy an advantago over othcis, and espu
at the beginning of 180!) tho number call-' cially whero manufacturing and other in
ed for nnd raisud had becomo enormous. terests find it to their profit in providing tho
13ut for tho alter purposes ol tho Adminis- J supplies of tho war to retain their laborers
tration it was perfectly ftta.-ible for it to at home, oub.-tituting paymouls of money
call for additional troops in tho inanuer in their stuad, unless each Sttc shall bo
theretoforo pr.ipticed, which involved State j firmly required to furnish tho substitutes
a.-sistauee and co-operation and scoured to to fill up its quota from its own citizens.
tho troops r.-iscd their regular organiza- But the General Government has peruiit
tion as Statu militia uuder the laws of their1 ted tho agouts of buelt iutojets in u State
respcetivo States. The army bore, mainly, J to go into other States and into tho south
tho character of a public farce contributed ' cni country ami obtain enlistments for
by the States under the fifteenth aud six-' bounties, both of white and black troops,
icoDth clauses of tho eighth section of tho to be credited upon tho quota ot tho Stato
first article of tho Constitution, which nu- f U10 agout. If u shall happen hereafter
thorizu Conorenj "To provi-lo for calling 1 that local paymcuts of bounties, whether
forth tho militia to execute tho laws ol the by states or by municipalities within them.
Union, suppress in.-urreeiioiu, aud repel ! bo assuUR,d by the Government of the Uni
luvasions," aud "to provide for orgauiz- tcd ytatt.Si tho i,lcquai,iea 0f tLo system
mg, Brining and disciplining tho tho mili-, and iU extravagauce in many cases w.ll
tin, and for governing bU(m part of them! bocomo a maUor of concoru l0 lho wLolo
as n.ny bo employed in tho service of tho pCop,0t Aud itia just mnttor of comp,ait
United States, reserving to tho Stales re-! 0Cajngt ti,0,0 wbo bl,Vo held uutboritv in
speetively the uppoiutmeut of lho officers,"!
Tho power of the Federal Govcrumont
to call for troops, and tho power of tho
States to Mipply tlnsm, organizing thum in
to companies and regiments and appoint
ing their officers, wero unquestionable, as
was aUo tho power of tho States to select
those troops which they were to contrib
ute, by draft or lot
Dul early in ItiOU n new system for the
raising of troops was established by aot of
Congress This was u system of conscrip
tion, (the word and the iden being borrow
ed from tho Fronoh,) and was without ex
ample in tho history of tho Uuited States.
1'assiDg by the Stato authorities and by
the clauses of the Constitution above men
tioned, it put tho Goneral C.'ovornnient in
direct communication with tho whole nrtns
beariug population of thu country, nud ns
sumcd for the Gcucrnl Government exclu
sivo nnd aboluto control over tho whole
proceeding of raising troopB, The validi
ty of this enactment has been questioned,
and it is ono of the debatable points whioh
belong to tho history of tho war. For it
has been argued with much of force and
reason that tho power of Congress to raise
armies although a goneral power is not un
limited, nnd that laws of conscription by
it aro not "necessary nnd proper" when tho
forces required can bo raised with porfect
certainty and convenionco from tho militia
of the States under tho provisions of tlio
1 Constitution nbovo cited. Dut, passing
this poiut, tho inquiry arises, why was the
I former sytem involving Stato co-oporn-I
liou abaudouod, aud n now aud questioutt-
hlo ono substituted f No clear nnd ado
quato reason for the inaaauro appears in
tho debates of tho Congress which passed
it, unless tho suggestion rnado by ono of its
loading supporters in tho IIouso of llcpro
8cntativcs that it wa9 iu hostility to ''tho
accursod doctrino of Stato rights" bo ao
ceptod as such reason. Wo must, there
fore, coneludo that it was tho policy of the
authors of tho law to deprivo tho States,
of tho appointmout of tho officors of the
troops raised,aud to absorb that power in
to the hands of the Federal Administra
tion; that the act was tho inoasuro of a par
ty to incroaso its iniluouco and power.and
to prevent tho possibility of any participa
tion therein ly tlu Governments of tho
Wo beliovo it to bo certain that this meas
ure has cntailod great cxponi-o upon the
Treasury of the United Statos ; that it has
created unnecessarily a largo number of
Federal officors, distrilyitod throughout tho
country; and that.whilo it has been no more
efficient than tho system which required
State co-operatiou, it has been much less
If a necessity for raising troops by con
scription is asicrtod, then it would follow
that tho revolutionary policy of tho Ad
ministration has alarmed and diigustcd
tho peopk, and chilled that enthusiasm
which iu tho earlier days of tho contest fill-
cd our armv with bravo nml ivil-
ling volunteers.
What is further to be mentioned in this
connection is tho payment of bounties by
tho United Stntos, by tho State govern-
incuts, nnd bv cities, counties, .md ntlmr
tbo VK&na. Government.lhat by ihoirpol-
icy and want of policy on this subject tho
burden of tho war has been vastly mcrcas
cd, and ben distributed irregularly and
Tho pecuniury outlay and indebtedness
caused by tho pa)iuont of local bounties,
being mostly incurred by powerful and in
fluential communities, it is quito possible
thnt they may bo recognized hcrenftcr by
Congress as a legitimate object of nation
al assumption : aud il this happen, thoso
communities thnt have retained their la
borers nt homo, nnd thereby secured their
prosperity during tho wnr, will cast a part
of tho burden of their exemption upon oth
er sections.
Obviously what hns been wanting has
been wisdom nud foresight in thoso who
havo controlled tho public measures of tho
war, and who havo resorted to ono expe
dient after another without a fixed policy;
who havo acted where they ought not, und
havo failed tc;aet whoro notion and regula
tion wero demanded.
KEono Tiioops.
Dut n subject whioh requires particular
notico is, lho employment of negro troops
iu tho war. An act of Congress, passed
tho 17th day of July, 1802, authorized
tho President "to rcceivo into tho scrvieo
of tho United Stales for lho purpose of
constructing introuchmcnts,or porformiug
camp 6ervic8, or any other labor, or any
military or navnl servieo for which ihoy
might bo found competent, persous of Af
ricun descent ; und suoh persous should bo
enrolled aud orgauized under suoli regula
tions, not inconsistent with tho Constitu
tion and luwa, an tho President might pro-
scribo ;" and further, that they "should
rcceivo ton dollars per month nnd ono ra
tion, three dollars of whioh monthly pay
might bo in clothing."
Without any othor law on tho subioct
prior in dato to tho prcsont sciiiiou of Con-
gross, (except an imperfect provision in an .
net ol 1802 ) tho President iu his mcssago
of December 8,1803, announcod, that "of
those who wero slaves ol tho beginning 0f
the rebellion, fully ouo hundred thousand
nro now in tho Uuited Slates military ser
vice, about olio half of which number ac
tually boar arras in tho ranks."
At the present session, on tho 521th of
February, an net nineudatory of the con
scripiion law of 1801) was approved, tho
twenty-fourth section of which provides
for thu enrollment of colored persons be
tween twouty and forty-five years of ago ;
that slaves of loyal masters cnrollfid,dniwn
and mustered into tho publio service, shall
be free, and ono hundred dollars for each
shall be pid to the master ; and that in
tho slavo States represented iu Congress,
tho loyal master of n slavo who voluuteers
into tho public service shall bo paid a sum
not exceeding three hundred dollars, out
of tho military commutation fund.
By tho army appropriation bill, np
proved June 15, leOl, it w.i3 further pro
vided, "that all persons of color who havo
been or may bo mustered into the military
servieo of tho United States shall receive
tho samejunilorm, clothing, arms, equip
ments, camp equipage, rations, medical
and hospital ntteudaucc, pay and emolu
ments, other than bounty, as other soldiers
of the regular or volunteer forces of the
United S:ates of like arm of tho service,
'from and nficr tho first day of January,
I 180-1; and that every person of color
j who shall hereafter be mustered into the
service, shall rcceivo such sum in bounty
as the President shall order in the different
States and parts of the United "States,
j not exceeding one hundred dollars fjjaoh."
'1 his cuactmeut is similar iu terms to a
bill which passed tho Semite in March
last, upon tho eonsidctation of whioh it
i was announced, that at least two hundred
thousand colored troops would ho raised.
, Adding to this number the number stated
by the l're.-ideijt to bo in service iu Do
' cembcr last, would maku ono quarter of a
' million of troops of this description.
I The measures above meutioned would
' establish the following poiuts iu the policy
' of tho Govoruincut; First, Tho employ
( inent of black troops generally, both slave
l and free. Second. The equality of black
troops with white as lo compeusation aud
supplies; and Third, Tho payment to tho
loyal master of a slave of a bounty of ono
hundred dollars wheu thu Blavo is drafted
into tho service, or of a bounty not exceed
ing three hundred dollars, when ho vol u n
tecis. The practical tcsults of this policy aro,
to obtain an iuferior quality of troops at
highest ralo of expeuce ; to impose upon
tho Treasury the support of nn enormous
' number of undiscipliued and ignorant no
' groea ; to recognizo tho principal of buy
ing negroes from their masters, whether
tho public interests require it or not, and
to incur tho risk of .breaking down in tho
tho war because of tho inefficiency of tho
forces employed in its prosecution. Be
I sides, it is notorious that iu pursuing this
I policy, tho negro women and children
must, to a great extent, bo thrown upon
tho Government lor support or bo left to
Thero has never beon extensive objec
tion to tho employment of negroes under
tho act of 1602,iu thoso war employments
for which they are fitted as laborers and
teamsters, and for camp service. In tho
warm parts of tho couulry specially, they
could bo thus usefully employed, and a "u0 a" zummor." iut tuo puii-uog, lie
roasonablo number doubtless might also I10"'1 oarcfor di,t so 1 lanka ! !"
bo employed for some sorts of service in "IIow t,il1 you do that I"
navy. But to employ an unwieldy num. j ''Vy, I goes vay arouut, so as po pull
ber of them at such prodigious cxp'ouso, is lo couldn't see inc, and ven 1 got to do
most evideut folly and wrong, aud it will t back g:ite vat J lluks 1 -eu ? v' (Ioro 1
bo wull if signal disaster does not result seo dut samo ohl pull-don; I So I vlanks
from it. Wo know no reason for this x- him again."
travagnnt, costly, and daugorotis polioy, j "How did you do that ?"
except a desiro of tho majority in Congress , " Vy, I goos vay arouut again, so as bo
to establish (if iude'ed (heir enactments uldu t zoo mo to anoder little beech oroli
could accomplish suoh object) tho equality ard auii vc" 1 Suta l,oro vat you diuks 1
of tho blaok and whito races with each oth- HC0 ? V' doro 1 300 Iszma old pull-dog?
er. Dut doubtless, tbo employment of a 1 vlauks Lim ai5ai'1-"
blaoks in the war is to bo mado tho pretext "1,ow did 'ou Jo that ?"
for extending to thorn tho right of suffrage ! ''Vy, I saya to dat old pull-dog, Look
and also SQcialpositton.and to bo followed, bero Mister Pull-dog, I vlanks you dreo
probably, by the organization of a oonsid-, dim08 al,d cvor dimes 1 u,lJ youiloaaiuo
crahlo body of (hem into a standing army. ! old pull-dog. Tarn your old brccohos ; who
Tho immediate result of this policy of ' 0ar8 for )'our old becohoa if My dimo is
negroiim in lho war ha? beeu to postpono, ' our uoxl ",0"tua and do couim' Inay 8
aud at last to limit tlio inorea,o of compen. t0 dc duvil for bccchc3 so 1 B" to 1UV
satiou to our citizen so,ldiors. Bills pro- du"1, 0 ' '
viding suoli increase w.ero per.uiHtod, t,o Ho 1 The height of simplicity to hear a wo
unnoted upon in Caress for uioro (huu m" lulMog poliliOs to uutertulu coinpauy,
five months of tho proscnt SQssion,rtnd the
bill finally adopted for that purpose was
inadequate nud mad a to tuko effect only
from tho first day of May, 1801. It in
oreased tho pay of privates from thirteen
to sixteen dollars per mouth, (without dis
linctiou of color,) and tho pay of officers
'c somowhat similar proportion. Hut tho
smallncss of this increase, as well as tho
3o'y i enacting it, was occasioned by tho
extravagant nionsurcs aoove mentioned.
The Treasury, strained by tho paymcutof
enormous sums to negroes by reason of
their employment iu increased numbers
nud at increased ratos of cxpousc, could
illy respond lo tho just domands mado up
on it in behalf of our citizen soldiers.
Besides it is instructive to obsorvo that
iu this legislation by Congtess, while in
creased pay to whits troops borins on tho
first of May, au incrcaso to colorod troops
dates from tho first of January. And a
provision contained in tho act of 15th of
Juno authorizes tho Attorney General of
tho United Slates to inquire whether in
creased pay uuder former laws cannot bo
allowed to urgroes employed in the public
service bcloro tho beginning of thu present
year, who wure free on tho lDth of April,
1801, and if ho determined in favor of
such allowance his decision vhall bo car
ried into effect by orders of tho War De
partment. J'ho majority in Cougress, in
pursuing tho phantom of negro equality,
are,ni improvident as they aro impassioned.
Tho decision of the War Department (iu
accordance with tho opinion of its solici
tor) as to tho compensation of negroes un
der lormer laws, is to bo opened aud aub-
joctod to review by tho Attorney Goneral,
in tho hopo that some additional meaning
may bo wrung out of tho old statutes jus
tifying additional expenditure upou a fa
vorite object.
It ought lo bo inanifitfst to every reas
onable man that negroes in servioo should
bo paid less than white troops,aud that tho
incrcaso ol their pay from tea to sixteen
dollars per mouth was unnecessary nnd
prolligate. The market value of their la
bor is known to bo less than that of citi
zens, and it U equally clear that their ser
vices aro much less valuable in tho army.
Wu havo but to add under this head
that additional pay to our citizen soldiers
iu sei vice is but just and reasonable, and
ought long since to have been provided-
Who great depreciation iu tho value of tlio
currency in which they aro paid, and lho
increased rates of price in the country af
fecting nil their purchases aud outlays,
havo demanded tho notice aud considera
tion of thu Government. It is upon their
exertions that relianoo must be placed for
success iu thu war, and even for the pres
ervation of tho Treasury from embarrass
ment and tho country from poeuuiary con
vulsion ; nud whatever differences of opin
ion may exist as to measures of Govern
ment policy, their merits and sacrifices
demand recognition aud gratitude from
the whole mass of their countrymen.
This giganiie eehemo for thu employ
ment ol negro troops at full rates of ex
pense is, therefore, uuwiso qs regards lho
prosecution of tho war, and operates Un
justly as to our citizen soldiery iu service.
Iu othor words, it is daugerous, profligalo,
aud unjust. Concessional Aildnss.
A Flank Movement. Ono of Sigel's
soldiers gives tho following account of a
loragiug adveuturo he had in Virginia :
"Veil you zee, I goes down to dat old fol
low's blace dat ha3 a bench orchard, vcre
vo vas stadhionod, to sthcal some breeches,
aud ven I gets to du Vrout gate vat you
dinks I zee I Iseus dero a pig pull-dog,
and ho looks mighty savage. So I dinks
I frighdons him, and I says, "Look hero,
! Mr 1uH-dog, stand back, 1 fights on dis
Our readers havo read tho account of
tho burning of tho residence of tho prcs
ont Qovornor Bradford of Maryland,
near Baltimore, during tho Into rcbol raid.
Tho following letter from cx-Qovcrnor
Letcher of Virginia explains why this act
' J ""a I
of apparont vandalism was committed'
11 ' -"" .country, with its institutions, bclon-'s to
1 ho only difference in tho proceedings ml tho pcoplo who inhabit it. Whoiiever tboy
tho two cases scorns lo bo that tho robels ! s'laH grow weary of the existing ,,Urn.
permitted Mrs. Bradford, and her fcmal I
companions, to remove their clothing, pi- I
' ' '
ano, ka., &c., whilc'if ex-Governor Letoh
or is to bo bolioved, Gen, Hunter peremp
tory refused all overtures of tho kind :
A Letter from Ex-Governor
Letcher of Virginia.
Prom the itltliuiond Whig, July 31.
Lexington, Va., July 5, 1801,
Finding that tho Yan
kees would tako tho town on Saturday,
(llth,) I left homo near midnight, Friday
night, and went to Big Island, in Bedford,
where I remained to Wednesday morning
following, whon hearing tho Vandals had
left, I returned. I had proviously heard
that my houso had been burned, with all
its contents. Tho throats mado bv the
Yankees against mo for the last two years,
satisfied mu that thoy would destroy my
houso when they oamo to Lexington ; but
I always supposed they would allow tho
furniture nnd my families clothing to bo
removed. In ibis, however, I was dis
appointed. When the Yankees took possession of
tho town, Dr. Patou, Medical Director for
I Hunter's army, and who hails from Mar
j ion county, Virginia, went to my hous
told my wifo ho was unwell, and said ho
j must havo a room in thu houso. Ho took
t lho room, supped and breakfasted, and
when breakfast was nearly over, remark
ed iu a manner half-jocular, half earnest,
to Lizzie, that it was tho last meal she
would tako in the house. Shortly after
he left, without takiug leave of any of the
j family, nor was ho again scon by any of
I Tho threats made by soldiers on Sat-
, urday evening iuduoed my wifo to four tho
I houso would bo burned, and sho expressed
her fears in tho hearing of Dr. Paton and
Captain Towns, of N. York. Capt. Towns
very promptly said, that I, being a private
citizen aud tho houso being private prop
erty, burning it would bo an inexcusable
' outrage, and proposed at onco to go lo
Hunter's headquarters and nsccrtain, llo
weut, and was directed by Hunter to as
sure my wifo that tho houso would not bo
disturbed. The sequal shows that tho sole
object of this assuranco was to quiet her
upprcbensious, and thus prevent anything
from being removed.
About half-past 8 o'clock, a. m. (Sun
day,) Capt. Horry and Provost Guard rodo
t,n rml lm r,(Vio 1Ia,1 fnr mi- .ifi, Rl.r.
t., j
(nllin fn llin ilnnp wlion ltorru nifnrnioil
her that ho was ordered by Hunter to Dru
thu louse. She replied thero must bo
somo mistake, and asked for the ordor.
1 Ho said it was a vorbal order. Sho then
said to him : "Can it not be delayed until
I see Gen. Hunter ?"
cmptory, ho replied,
The order is pcr
nnd you havo five
minutes to leave tho houso. Sho then ask
ed leave to move her mother's, sistcr's,her
own nud her children's clothing, which was
insolently refused.
im.uu.u,i..iy luuiuiuwi ...uuniiuuu wu
I...I...H ml.i . 41. t I .. . (..... ...
pourou on tuo panor noor auti igniicu witu
a match. In tuo mcantimo my daughter iiud
gathered up an armful of clothing, uud was
going out whan ho discovered her, ran for
ward and fired tho clothing in her arms.
llo then poured campheno in her wardrobo
bureau drawers, aud iguitud tlio olothing'
taking out my clothing, which ho said.
ho intended to tako to tho North. I
livery boiiso ou my lot was burned save
a small granary over my ice houso. Not
a particle of flour, muat.or anything cdiblo
was lelt, all having becu carried off on Sat
urday. My mother, now in hor 78th year, lives
on tho lot adjoining my owu, having with
her ono of her graml-children and u ser
vant. After my property had bueu fired,
tho fiends fired her utablu located about
forty feet from her house, with no other
viow than to burn her out nlo. Tho
houso caught twico, und would havo bcou
consumed but for tho untiring efforts of
Captain Towus, who mado his men oarry
water aud extinguish tho flames. Tho
Captain behaved liko a gentleman toward
my owu and mother's family.
Generals Avcrill, Crook, Sullivan, nud
Duffoo, denounced tha wholo proceedings
as an outrage iu violatiou"bf nil thu prin
ciples of civilized warfaro, and statod that
1-Iuutor alouo was responsible for these
1 am truly, aud iu basto, your friond.
John huTOiiKit.
Joseph .Mayo, Kicbmond, Va.
When Lincoln and Davis Dis
played a Remarkable Unanimi
ty of Sentiment.
tKx.raCr-rom J Mires, of Abraham L,.
Suppose you go io war, you cannot fight
always; auU when, after muoh loss on both
. - - -w v i vukU
fiiuc? nuu no cam on eithdr. Villi nnian
fighting, tho identical questions as to terms
Of tlSormini-cr.
i-oinitrv. u-iil, t,i:..,:' i .'
, - f-s
u "'l1' Uly ca" exercise their constitution-.
Hi.m ?aiiuS or thcir revolution.'
ry right lo dismember or nvnri im.. u
nry right i
l.xtract Irom a Speech of JcITurson
Slates Senate, January in. mi"
If you will not havo it thus ; if in tho
pride ol power,! iu contempt of reason
nnd reliance upon forco, you say wo shall
not go, but t ball rcmnin ns subjects to you,
gentlemen of tho North, a war is to bo iu
auguratoil, tho liko of which men havo not
seen. Sufficiently numerous ou both sides,
in close contest with only imaginary lines
ol division, aud with many moans of ap
proach, each sustained by produotivo sec
tions, lho pcoplo of which will givo freely
both of money and of storo, the conflicts
must bo multiplied indefinitely; and mass
es of men, sacrificed to tho demon of civil
war, will lurnish hcoatombs, such ns tho
recent war in Italv did nor r,nr..r a. .i...
end of all th.s, what will you havo effect
ol i Instruction upon both sides, subjuga
tion upou neither ; a treaty of peaoo leav
ing both lorn and blooding, the wail of lho
widow and tho cry of tho orphan substitu
ted lor those poaceful notes of domestio
inptiucss that now provail throughout tho
land ; and then yon will agree that each
is to pursuo his eeparnlo courso as best
ho may. This is to bo the end of war.
Ihrough a long series of years you may
wasto your strength distross you people
and got at last to tho position which you
might havo had at first, had justice nnd
reason, iustend of selfishuoss nnd passion,
folly nnd crimo, dictnted your course.
Power of a Word,
Wondell Philips, in his leoturo last win
tor, beforo tho Parent Wnshingtonian So.
cicty, told the following story :
A mother on the green hills of Vermont,
stood at her garden gate, holding by hor
right hand a son of sixteen years old, mnd
with lovo of tho sea. "Edward," said
sho, "they tell me that tho great tempta
tion of tho seaman's life ia drink. Prom
ise me beforo you quit your mother's houso
hat you never will dsink." Said he, for
ho told me tho story, "I gave her tho
promise. I wont tho broad globe over
Calcutta, tho Mediterranean, San Fran
cisco, the Capo of Good IJopo and dur
ing forty years, whenovor I saw n glass
filled with tho sparkling liquors, my moth
ers form by the garden gate, on the hill
side ol Vermont, rose up beforo; aud to,
day, nt sixty, my ljp3 aro innocont of tha.
tasto of liquor. '
Was not that sweet cvideneo of the
power of a singlo word ? Aud yet it was
but half ; "for,"' said he, "yesterday there
cane into my county-room a young maa
of forty, and asked mo, 'do you kuow me,T
'No,' said I. 'I Was brought once.' said
uo to my miorniant,
.... ' Juul
'drunk-, inln ,,..
preaenco, on slim-hoard : un ,.
. ., ..... '
sonrrrtp (1m n. ..... i .
o-- i "u"iu iiuui.u mc USUI'.' ; you
took mo into your berth, kept mo tbcics
until I had slept off tho intoxication, and
thou you asked mc if I had a mother. I
said, never that ! know ol ; I nevor had
heard a mother's voico. You told mo of
yours nt tho garden gate ; und to-day,,
twenty years later, I urn master of ouo, of
tho finest packets in New York.aod I catao
I to nun you to seo me-' "
How far back that little caudle throws
j itsiioam-thc mother's word on tuogreeu
I 1 Ml 1 ....
. jim-eiuo ot veriuout! God bo thanked
lor the ulmighty power of
n singlo word.
a- Lincoln latu declaration that l.
will ouly uud tho war ou tho basis of th
freedom of thu Negro is satisfactory to th
office holders and speculators of the war.
but 10 tU0P1- au who is robbed of hi
",0,,uy r uraggeu irom ins family, to bo
slaughtered for tho negro, it stands in tho
light of un unmitigated crime.
I Wo havo heard life loim
lately declaro that Lincoln should never
ugam receive their volo.
C5jy The Presidant appointed hU
thaulis-giving for our victory in tho Wil
dcrness, whcro,it turns out, bo lost U3.U00
uienpnd 1)8,000 stand of arms.
" "- w ,
CfT "Howard of (ho Times" oalled fo
a fast aud four hundred thousand meu..-ar-Ho
was put in Fort Lafaystto. Liuoojii
calls for a fast and fivo hundred thousand
men. Now, then, what 6b.ould bo douo
with Lincoln t
1 rf ,
ItATimit Douhtfuij Whether Abra
ham Lincoln will comply with tho sugges
tions about to bo prcseutcd to him by the
'"Doinocratio Uaatlo." Better turn your
attention to suppressing th llubeltiou.
Then, your dependants will have lesncauia
to blush, than for your porfjdiou tlUijr.
sioit tn t'uvor of tlio obcls,