I i . I w . . - AGRICULTURAL. -ny-JU JSt! --.'!L - TURNIP& Wo liavo novcr tinul ntlcntioii to ilif do. fernut varieties of this root wliioli it serves and roceivxn nlii-oud Tlio rouson may be that in thu Dotthorn Slrtlos where thoir culture litis Icon most extended, nnd wlicro wo find tlio most cnrclul cuttnro in nil rcspcola, wo cannot feed them off upon tlio ground, as is tho custom in Englntid whoro moat varieties nro allowed to occu pv tho nrounil until thus consumed Tho varieties most gcnornlly cultivated, nnd perhaps tho lost, nil things considered, arc tho Purplctop gimp-load which is flat nnd tho Cowliorn, (Vcrtus Longo-whito,) wliioii is a long root, standing a good deal out ol tho ground , both nro (avurito field v&riotios, tho latter seldom icen in Not York market. Tho Yellow-stone and Gol-den-ball nro each excellent nnd handsome and tho swedes (rutabagas) nro all valua. bio, ovon if sowed rather late, though, of course,thcso ought to havo a long toason For iablo usoin winter and spring, yellow or whito rutabngas sowed in July aro pref orablo to thoso put in Juno, if they grow quickly, for they aro less rank nnd moro marrowy. The last week in July is usually tho time ohosen for sowing turnips. (Swedish turnips may bo Sowed any timo nftcr tho tho middle of Juno.) The best rulo in ro gard to quanity ol seed is to sow as little as you can, a pound nnd a half to tho acre is an abundance Drilled 18 inches apart they do better than if sowed broadens through this is tho usual method with com mon turnips. If tho sowing bo delayed until August, even Into in tho mouth, and severe woather holds off until tho 20th of November. ''Thauksgiving timo" iu New England a good return may bocxpcctetL Turnips do their growing aud filling out in cool weather after frost, and aro only injured by such freezing as entirely cut down their leaves and frcozes the ground hard. The best returns arc gained from rutabagas sowed about tho middlo of June tho drills being put far enough apart to givo tho cultivator room to go between the rows. Sowed late thoro aro fewer weeds, tho roots do not grow so largo nor require so much room, and sow tho drills ma be much nearer. GATHERING POTATOES. There ia n timo which is tho fiitfst and best in which to perform any kind of work where tho elements, und Gcasois of nature, havo any thing to do with it. Clatering potatoes is one of that kind. When should this bo done ? Manifestly as booh as they are ripe, and ordinarily this will bo in about four months and a half from the time the seed covered in tho ground. After the potato is pipe, thcro is no reason why it should remain in th ground ;and certainly since it cannot increase their mzc or good ncss by deferring gathering, tho sooner it ib harvested the less danger will ari.-o from heavy rains ; and while tho soil ia dry the moro easily it can bo. taken from tho earth. But thera is nn important consideration uouueoiou wim hub. auc onritcr tita po tato is dug, Iho better opportunity there i. to destroy tho rank weeds that have sprung up sinoo tho last hoeing. In digging,care should bo taken to destroy all tho weeds ; and in doing this an eye should be hnd for tho next season. Tho potato tops and all the weeds should be buried as you pas, along in digging. Dig a hill of potatoes, leaving the hill open to receive tho top woeds ; then tako earth from the nest hill hnek to cover the lops and weeds thus do- posited. In this, way you destroy at lean one-half of tho seeds of weeds before they mature, and are adding to your ground n valuable manuring for the coming season And when your lot is dug over in this way it locks olean and farm-like, and you have done as good scrvico to tho lot as ono good ploughing would bo, mid better. '1 his mode of harvesting would suggott tho earliest praotiahlc platting of tho pota to, that its harvesting may be made earlier. And the earlier t is harvested, wo feel satisfied tho bcotcr for tho health and clean liness of the soil and tho more profit to tho artner. PRESERVING GRAPES. Mr, F. J. Coving, of Lancaster, Ohio, has been very successful in preserving grapes during tho winter in the following manner : ' On a clear, dry day ho gathers perfectly ripo and sound buuohes,and lays them carefully in stone-jars holding ono or two gallons-each. The jars are then set in tho ground ia a trench deep enough to allow their tops to bo eight or ten inch es below tbo surface. Some boards aro then laid over tho jars, tho tronch filled up, and tho remaining earth ridged up o -cr it Grapes packed in thu way koep per k'Ctly well until tho first of march, and he ,ns somiyot untouched, to test (he length f time they can bo preserved. Mr R. ex r bited some of his grapes to an extensive growtTof tl.t, fruit, who offered to buy his efret, but ho prulers to mnko it public through tho Amtrican Agriculturist. it is wul to mke a note of this for reference and experiment next autumn. Why is 'Becretary Chaso lilro a cunniu old rat! Bacauso ho leaves a sinking ihip. UP D E GRAFF'S i;vi:am i:au ii nntutv, (On tho Gqiint. Tin- llowr fimii .let. j Hutu I , WILICFBUAItllB PA. rplUS 1NSTUT10N in now opined and i. furnished in iho mi.nt .iiy style iii'H'iiirpn, i l',lvMenn(lppeiMliiSllHiiiintoT.y wcii imnnieii. inciruinirni iimum.. ... j . Ihicsi-t rlloclliT t1 tiKlriilnrnis 111 inn rummy, um llmi rOA ncnltlcii will ennlilti liiiii t" Intel nny nnd nil emctscncicslii prnrtlfn lln will npcratii upon nil lh vnrlix'K forniM of IILINDNI'.SS. Catiitntt, Orrlunn of the Pupil, Cross l.yes, l.iosiiru or inn I nit uncut, in vcislon uriho I'.yillils. Pterygium, Vc . .c. Ami will ! Ileal n't foi iiim i,r Sores, F.yn tltnnllloil l.lil. Opnretli T tliu Comm. inn! Scrofulous dlscnspn of llm l!yo " gdlicr Willi nil lliu illsciiios In which tin I'.yu Issub ''llF.AFNr.SS Will Irent till thn diseases ronuiimi In I llm organ llinrliiteen from lltn Cur, Noises I" llm l.n rntnith. iiimciiity I'riii'nriim.tnini iiu-triicin Iho Drum Is dcstieynl. Will insert mi nitinchil mm answering nearly nil the purposes nf thu natural. DISF.ABF.SUF TIM'. Tllltavr, Alt diseases com tnoii tii the Tlifn.it nnil Noso will ho tti-atod II:NI',IIAI HUIllinUV, llo will upuriilo upnii I uh fret, llulr Up, I.Moll FiillntcTiimors. Cancers. I.nliit codTYnrlls, kc I'lasUc oprtatlons by heiillhtt new flcnti Inln ib'tormed pnttii, ntnl Ucnurtil Hurguiy of whnlevur rharfti itr 11 may prescm. III'.UNIA (or ItUI'Tt'lli;.)- II" will perlurin "Lnh us nporntlini fur Iho rullrnl (eiiliiplcli-) rilto "f lluniM; ililn la uii'iiicill'iinhly n pctfi'tt cure. nml In ili.no Willi lllllo nr mi pnln. Out nrninii hiiinlroil npotntuil up'ilii llnnli'ii Ihcru h:i tiei-n no fnllutut.il linvlni! lui't thu iioififtnppnihnllnii nf nil whdli.tvo mihinhtcil In It AIITII'IUAN IJVIM. WlllliioiJIlnttlllrliil I'.ycn dv Iiir them thn nintlnii niul cxpri'iiiin of thn iiutiital. Thi-yntn insert ! with tho icimt p.tln. lin.MOItllllOlllH, (I'llcn.) Tlilii trtiuliluonrno iIiimho ln'ruhdlly enrod. Tluiso tiilTitliig from it will iluwtl' ... nii Ilr. Ui Do OrnlT lulls Wltkcx-ltntra with a vli-wnf I...ll.tln.t mm n i.nri.itinput llikllllllt. fur llm truntlllOllt Uf llioEyo. Unrnnil llonoml Surcuty. Tho i xpiTioiitu nf iiiMtc thnn n qntittor nfn railuty In llimpltnl nnilKuni-'f-nl prnctlco.ho hoprn. will hu imllirloiit cuntnnlou tu thnno uh may ho illpmil to employ him. Mny H, Itfii I. IT. TO TILE TUHL10. Tho underf Isneil would Infnm lliu frlcndn. nmt tho public Kcnernlly. Hint ho in prepared In trenl nuccemi lully tho folluwiUR dleaeii : llheuuintiam, llrnnclKllj, rt. Anthony'a lliiliinj.nid of Blplit. nnd nllliHxi.liliJi'nfcs, Willi l)ii.penla Uc. Hntlarnctinn will ho clvcu ur mi Pay teiiilred. His remeillud nre purely vegetable Iruofroiu any taint or poison, nun taie mm picnsani. 0 1:011a r. YOST, llleoimihurc. April 9, ltd I. Lackawanna & niooinsbtirg fi&nilro. 1 rN AND Ai ri.lt JAN. 1-. lJlil.' 'ASallMilill KJ T, TIIAINB WII.I. IUJN AS 1'liM.OWrJt MUV1KU BUB 'i' II I'aaiiiigcr. I.envo Pcrnntoii, . " Klnunlmi ' lliomiifburg " Unpen. " llautille, Arrive at N'lirthuiulierlnuil, At O V I N I! I.envc N'nrlhinnherhiHil, ' llauiillu, " Itupeit. 11 Idoiiiiuliurif Klnculun, - - I Wl I'. M. . 5 .'." H.'i'l ISM ti.l.'i 'J.i.'i N O II Til Will A. CHI V.'U !'.:io IS.I-.' V. Arrive nl Hcr.iutnn, I ..III rri.inlit At I'nNfliniL'i'r lL.ivnti IIIniiniRliuri'. 1U.l.ri A.l. raicti!er takliiR tlio Vail Train South i hiiiiimI wilh the I'.tproM train ftom Noilh'd, nrriiiuk' at llnmi-liiiri! nl 2.311 A. M llnlllmnrn 7.ini A. .M and at Philailelphlii ut 7.0(1 A M. Tho .Mail train fruni Nnrthniiihcrliinil leaven immediately arii r lln- I'.spreKB train frfnu liar rifhurR and liallinmre, nliiin! I'.ineiMerii leaviue I'hllailelphi.i at III. Ml I'. M. In tench pninU on tin joad durine tho lieu fiirennnn. Now nnd elcsaul f lei piue ear nfcnuipany Ihe iiichl Iralnmncli nay helwi en Niiilhiiinherliind nnd Haiti, morn, unil Northunilierlund and I'liilmlclpliia. II. A. ruNllA. Hupt. J. C.Wells, Om'l Ticket ront, Kinntiin, .I.muary an. In! I. FRESH A Ii II IV A L Sprim) nni) Summer -EVERYBODY- Tp HE iiiiriVrslsncd, gtntiTul fur past patrnnnRo, rcspec J fully informs his cutmners nnd thepiililirnuncrally that ho hasjiin tercived from tlio Uaalcrnu qitlcs, the nrgesi nnil uinsi select siock hi bo z. oo Pti;o- x- wjo x v. t "jw That has yet been opened iu ninomshurs, to wiiliu lie invites the. attention of his friends, mid assuruH them that tlicy nro offered for sale at great bargains. Ills Stock coinpriMia a largo nssorlnient of KUKTLUMCN'S WHAIUNC! ArPAUI'J,. (,'i)n?itins ol 1 APiiioNABLK liness l.iiATs, or every UOf. ctiption; Pants, Vests, Shirts, Criivals Htocl.s, Cotton lluiiuKerciueis, i.mves, ciiirroucin, cic. Gold Watches and Jewelry. Ofevcry description, fine nnd cheap. N.H. Remember " Lmctnhcrg't Cheap l'mprivm.' call and see. No charge for "u'CT.N'nKnr. Illoninrbiiri;, April in. 1P0I. (June 15'I J. P. VTER. t N. Moy, New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TUP. undersigned would Inform their friends ami the public genornlly.that they havo taken the stand for merly occupied hy (leo. .M. Iluccnhurh, Iu the r.xchuiit;c niiildlnK, on Main street, iu lHoouisburf, where llo has Just received a full. supply of SJmgs, ftEt riicmcB, PnSnis, Oils, Jhuiiips, .'i:e , H'liirh will ho sold on mudorute terms for rend pay. Also. NOTIONS cenernlly. of every variety, sortaud site. rhysicinns' ptcscrlptloe.s rarerully compounded, tit all times und on short ii.uico. (C" C'onfectiouciy 'jf tho host seleclions, and Hodn Wnter in season. U A share of tho public custom is respectfully so. icitod. nYCR li MOVO. nioomshurc, April 11. ISH3. ISO!. 1801. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE This grcnt lino traverses tho Northern and North, west coimtiort of l'oniisylvauiii to tho city of Uric, on l.&ke Uric. It lias been leased liy tlio reniujlvanla Itnilrnnd t.'muDany. nuit under tlioir nu. pices, is being raxidlv opened tlirougiioiit its enliru length. It is li"v lis i;su fur l'nasenger ami Freight business from llarrishiirg to I'.uipiiriuui, (11)3 niileslnn the nasi em Division, nml from Shclhcld to Jirio (78 miles) on tlio Western Division, T1MB OF l-iSSESaER TRA1SS AT K0RTIICMCIiUn. Slall Train leaves, Eat II 2J A, Jl, Ilxprcn Train" " 10 '37 I. M. Jlail " " West S 43 " Impress ' ' " 7 Ifi A.M. I.'nra run thtotigh without iiunui both wnys on theso trains betwi'cn 1'liiiadelphln nnd Lock lyiveu, anil llallimuro and I.ncs. IiiiVfii. New nuiteleg'int Sleep, iug Cars accoinpaning tho I'.tpress Train Imlli ways between Williaiiisport and luilimore, und William. port nml I'hlladclphin. For Information respecting Passenger business, ap ply nl the 3. 11. (.'or. Ilth and .Market His. And fur Freight biisiui'ssof tho Uninpany's Agents H. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13lli and Market His., l'hil'a J. IV. Reynold., Hrie. J..M. Drill, Agent N. C. It: It., Ilnltltuorc. II. II, Houston, (len'l. Frelgltt Agt . I'hilndelphia, I.ewis I.' Iloupt, Ren'l. Ticket Agt. I'luladelihia. Joseph I). Polls, (len'l. .Manager, Willitimspoit. May 7 mm. TIIBCUUAT WOltl.ll'rt r"AIil IIXIiiniTION IIKI.D IN LONDON lesi, TIIOS. W. AIATTSON War nwarded tho I'rizo Med al for his superiority overall competitions in tho United Statei for Ills Improvements in Travi'llittg TrtiiiK's, llo being tho Inventor aud Manufacturer of lilaslic steel Spring solid Sole l.enthernnd mlid Riveted Iron Frame Travelling Trunks, Vuliscs, Ladies Mat Uasei, Carpet Hags, Leather Hags, Uinbrcllas nnd lloldiy Ilnr.es, Hoys' fligs, Propellers, Wheelbcrrows, Kc, which ho is prepared to sell nt tho lowest manufacturing price, Tlio innstcxtensivo Trunkund Carpet Uag Manufactur er in liiilndclphia. 02 MAIIKUT STUL'ET, ono ilonr nbevo Fourth. South side, iilil.AIIIil.rnlA. C7Salc room on the first (loot, E7"'I'fiink neaily reraired or exchanged for now ones. Call mid see, tt wis sell very cheap for cash, t ov. II. ItM-lQmo BLOOMSRURG SKY I JQ IIT, " Picture Gallery. Till! undersigned Informs tho citizens of nioimi, ami iielghbothuod, thut hn lias taken tho largo room nt the Uxrhungu lllork, extending over llnruey Stnhncr ll.'ikerv. ami thn Ituoksloru where lie has nut lu alarguKkyliill. It Isouly by Bkyjlslitthnt good pic tures can be tt ton espi't ially groups wiipro each person can bo takes nt as well as separate, lluliasgoii to considerable uxpenso to make his cs ttiblishmont first claw one, and hu IhTiTore solicits a liberal patro age tu enable him, to constantly introdueu tliniuodo l iinprovsiiieins of the urt. ITT"t,Viii jy produce taken in I'.irhanrtt for pltlures niiniKT iii;io-,aiix;iij' Vlooihthure, III! (NiiV.'G '3? Jifl-jjsUEciJli!ltfl IMJVlBsIVY hR til 1ILNC K J C V N t E, Willi.!! I.AtlOIUNCi UNDMtt C'ONSt Ml'TluN, JlniUaW his Pvlmonk Swup, Staffed 7(1)11'', nnd Mandrake rills act on the Sllslcill 11 Carina that (Us- .in i u-iL, win uiu fn,iiiMi cjltfini.'aa AMiWIeVliTVi' I'll, GRLA L SUUUKoS A I 1 hNDINli It I . To nhinj' r n correct llkeueni nf Ilr f-Vhciick taken many enri nun, lifter lie had rer .vretl frmn t'nudump tiiui hy il coiimo uf lliu 'Hdimrn'n l'li.Mimii Untile," 'I helikenevn, ulthoilR it don net rcprenent hlin any thliil! like iinhnil tin he wan lit Ihn wortl. yi.tltin in rlrmiR mulraHl wllhthehnle nml vieotuua limkmir thu rnrlrnll i-liv, u hltli in llm Iriie 1 1 h ciib or ui mat thn prexelit time. Thu rouiiatt l.elwer ii thciio two pup trails in rn crent that many wiuihl not hellevu llirni In ho Ihu pauie perdiiii. Yet theru are hunilreils nf ppr rniiH. in mm nroutiii riiiiuu-'ipuia. won win reciiRUMn hnth purtraitH tnho truo reoreiiL'iilatiDiM. When thu flrpt vn taken lie weighed 107 pounds ; tit Iho pruavlit time hi Weight Is -'.'U pniiuds. ( .New Vokk, Wednesday, March 30, lttGI. Thirty yenrs nsn I was In I lie last 6tnses of 1'iiliunil nryt'oiisumpljou. nml t; I v 1 1 1 up tu die, 1 resided in Philadelphia mid Ilr: .1 soph Pnrrish, then of this city, on mod mt In Mureslown. N. J,, n diftauce nf nine miles, w hit Ii took tue two days to net there. On my nr rival I Vas put to hod. ami Ilium laid for many weeks. Tills wns my natives plain, where all my family lived tiutl had dicil of Cnnsuiuplloii. Dr. Thornton, w'hn nt landed my father iu his last illness, wns called, ami pavu mo one week to fix tip my all'.tirs. lie lt.it seen all my family t;othat way, nml thought I was to cn.inn. '1 he.n I heard of thu remedies I now off,r to thu puh.f nr. wiiicii ritruit mo. ii seeuioii to me mai i cotitii iuoi tliem pcnclrntint' my whole system. 'l'hey soon ripened tho matter oil my lungs, and 1 would spit otf moro than n pint of ofljasivc yellow mnt ter every morning. As soon ns that bryan tti sitblde, my couslt, fever, pnln, night sweats nil begun to Icttvo mo, nml my nppetilu hecntuu so great that 11 was with tliincully I could keep from cnting ton much. I souti Caltied my slrc'tigth, nnd I have been grnwin; in Hush' ever since. For many years I have enjoyed milliter, rttptetl good health, keeping tho liver and stomach healthy with thuenweed Toulcnnd Mandrake l'ills.as I inn of u bilious temperament. My weight is two htm ilred and twenty pounds. On my recovery neoplo would semi fur me, far and near, to see if their cases were like mine. For this pttrposo I pay professional visits in the largo cities. 'I lie coiiMiniptivca w lull to sou the one that makes these medicines, and who was cured of consumption hylhem. To tunkoumv luiigsls Impuisi. bio ; hut cavities in tho lungs and chronic ulceration of tile hronchlal tithes can ho healed itch rases aro dying hourly under tbo ordinary treatment of physl ciatis. nn'J Jiit-l such nro cured by thu proper itso of ticlivnrk'H 1'iiliuonic Syrup. Seaweed Tonic, and Man draku Pills. Inmnnwn healthy man, with a largo cavity in tho middlo lobo of tho tight lung, Iho Inner Inliu very much hepallzod and complete adhesion of thu pleura. Tho Icl'tlune; is sound, anil Ihe tipncrlrheof tlio right lung is in n tolerably healthy condition. Tbo great reason why physicians do not euro couMimplion i they try to do inn much t they plvn medicines to top tho cough, to stop chill, to stup night tlveats, heclic fever. nml, by so doing, they derntigo Iho wholr dlgeslivo powers, lock, lug up thu secietiuns. and eventually thu patient sinks and dies. After I mnko n careful examiualioii of tlio patient wilh llm liespiroincter. ami liuil lungs engimh left to euro, I iii rcl tlio patient how to use the three remeiliiR lteuiuv o the muse tindt'iey will all stupof their own accord. No ono can be cured of coustimp. tien, liver n inplaiut, dyspipsia, catanh, tanker, ul cerntetlflhronl, unless the liver and stnmnrh are made healthy. Iu New England this ranker, chronic catarrh, ulcerato'l throat, elongation of uvula, Is more prevn. lent than in nuyclher section of the country. This is frequently caused by a foul stomach. Vuu it ay hum it out with cnu-uic timo and again, nnd all ihev w III git is temporaiy relief Correct tile Kouiutlt and liver, ami thsy will heal up themselves. lionii nutiitinn Is llto remedy, iryou have nny dis enso ill any nartnf tlio liudv.it will lemiiiu them und decay more and mure until you ran getlhu lnmaih iir mu condition loiiigen loou, ami uiaKo new Uloud tu take thu place uf ilii-oased matlcr. This is tho only wny to heal cavities in thotuttgs and ulcerated lirnu- cniui units. Lor reel thu stomach an, I liver, ami nature will do the healing. Many tiersous liavo an idea that curtain medicines nro great purifiers of the blood. i nun iiiii'iu is iiucu uibcuouu it cannot uu puriheil lit' is dlsinscdtlia sumo ns Iho diseased mailer in the system v but get the apparatus iu order, the liver ami .loiiiach, mid give it plenty of nourishing fond, it w ill mnko new blood, which 'will lake thu place of that which is diseased. Schenck's Pulmonic syrup is otic of the best prepa rations of Iron in use, it is n powerful tonic of itself, and when thu Scnwrod Tonic dissolves Ihe mucus in tlio stomach, nnd it is carried olfby tbo aid of tho Man. draku lills, thb Pulmonic Syrup is made into blond. This is tho only way to euro consumption.- If I ran not get n gnutl appelilo and food does out digert, I can. nolcura tlio patient Never mind tho cough ; remove thuinuse sitd It will stop of itself, iii is is 111? most troublo I have with my patients at my roou s. They say, "Doctor, 1 fcii wronger; lean eat; ur n'ght sw entB nre better, nod I feel better uvcry w.-y : in', my cough is so had yet ;" nnd they aro as'rniiid to h-r.r mo bay that dues not matter ; remnvu tin r& ic ati'l it will slop itself, Scheuck's Se;i"f e 1 rreale? a nm l appetite lu uhuut nine days, when I 1 ,'i nn lung dis. ease, unless tlio liver is so cnng t.i.'d il,n' the .Mini, druks Pills cannot unlork the d.n t c: tli piU blnddui Hi that sliortspaeu or time, in onto-1 ' allow tho stalu bile to pass oil" Keep tlu tlver and Iho stomach healthy ami theru is less ilaiii'.- ol r.i'is :i:iption or any other disease. It is hard to take iols! wjien thoao or gans are healthy, Thoso that nre bilious, low spirited, dreary, feeling Btnpid, coaled tousue, poor nppi'tito, nervous, stomach fullof wind, evi rythiitg that iseat en lips heavy luss of memory, try ono bultlu of SUHIIN'CK'S tillAWl'.i:!) TOXIC, and ono box of S IW.WK'S JIANDIIAKIU'U.I.S. It is only a cost of onu dollar and tnunty.tivo cents, with full directions. This Is 6iillicii iit. Iu man) cases, In satisfy what thu iiieuiciiics are. I re.pteniiy onu luittlo mnkus a great change in. he system Any per.on that enjoj s on'ii,,,,. ry health, by using iho Seatiucd Tonic mid Mnndrnku Fills occasioi.Hlly, must get the dlge.tivo organs in such n healthy condition that thev heeouin lle.he. I can produce u number of my old consuniplivo pnlfciits nin enjoying gutid health, weighing nearly JUOpuitluls. I will ronrlitile hy relating three run s 1 ii.ivu lna.lu iu New York. nml which up-nil iliir,.rent, nnd wish any onuwholrels any interest In tlio mailer to visit Ihoin. First is Mrs i;urlow, residing then at No. ID? Houston Vn III" Mr. net. in it in room i- ml see her lie street, tier iiiisnauu culled noon mu at my mm It .I,,l, 1 ..... ... II .... snld 1 c d do no od i thai ho ha u ,.,h.r. V,,,. ii. cal iitleiidance. ami all said situ was tnn far K"uu Willi Till old-cstablislied nnd favorite resort of tho llust Coiisuinptioii to Iiu cured ; hut she had heard of souio ncss Comiuuniiy lias been recently relitted, nml Is coin, great cures I had made, nml hu desired to gratify lit r plete iu overyihing thai can minuter to the comlurts of wishes. 1 called, ami fount her lying confined to her lls patrons Ladies and families aru specially and enro bed ill tlio last ttagu of bronchial consumption, nntl fully I'ruiided for. without doubt must hnvu died boon, 1 examined her f 11 ' centrally located in thu hii-iuess part of tho city, lungs, found both bronchial tubts very much alfecteii, I nnd is contiguous tn tlio principal llnoa of steamboats, but no cavities hail formed, her rough was veryseviro, ' ears, oiuiiibusses ferries, fee. Iho spit-bux was half full uf thick pus. I'tilso MO, legs I In cuii.cquenco ofthu pressure caukfil by thu Rebel swollen very much; ami worse than all. she had riirn- liun, prices hum been reduced to nlc diarrhiua, iler bowls hail been moved eleven times that day. 1 told her she hud luugsinuugli tobu cured, but thut this iliarrhien had been long .lauding, und hur stomach was iu such an ulcerated condition that I was nfratd nothing coiilil bo dune. fc'Uo insisted 1 should try und do ui.at 1 could fur her, observing that she would not last lung in 'he condition she mis in, nnd I could not niako her nny worse. I gave her llr.t iidnsoot my Mandruku Fills, and the tonic and Syrup fuel)', ihat was on Tuesday, und by tin. uox-l Sunday Iho diarrhii'ii wus curried oil', licrnppetilo had returned and she could sit uu in lied und eat her dinner. Shuis now woll. and gave mo a long certificate, certified to ug tnu jwev. ur. ijuwiing, i Mrs. Ilarlholoinew.ra West Forly-flfili street, cnnio , In my rooms withn tumor on her liver, Him was low spirited, skin sallow, tongue coated, bowels costiyo, no I uppctiie, nnu lait sinking into lliu gravo. Thd said tiiuior uau ueeu runiiics ovct fourteen yeats. I gave 1 hur Syrup, Tonic and Pills, nnd toldher to taknthemi JustiK thu directions were printed, Sho came buck to my rooms, Oi llopd street In two weeks, somewhat J better; her tongue hud begun tu clenti n lilllu around I thu edges, her skin whiter nnd hoc eyes brighter, and , Iho tumor discharging very ollouslvu mutter, much ! ni.icr i mi n u nan ever uono ueiorc, eno Kept gradu ally iiupruvliig, nnd in about two months she cainu to 'yiri'"', ye.' "U'!U frifilitciio.l. sui ing tliailho tumor ' rn1" 1 .".,?' v. : .U , 1 . . . .tu. ut.-ry uoiiur jmn mm net mai n u uvi'r uemuii ii would eouia her death. I tod her that tho dlseaso had all lft hr system, and nature would heal Ihu ulcer up. niy nro now hMled, and have boon fur about u year, null sho I us heart van, I roliuitn woman as vou will liinllh 11 dly walk, lilis iiglutl fur any one tutilj 011 her nml Inkei ftte n pniin li viml nny micUiM fli' It 'tirn hn niiyihlnu like lift ease nml lrlin to gi-l IhPtn Inf.iinc ninl J tiip n nut enno i Mlm fen. flolil fnin Btmifiril. I 'tin Mfs llaithnloinrw Rot Iht iltiwn In f'0 n. nml " li' ln .v. tcnir ut In t liimir, V7 hi'ii ti' Hi 1 1 mici to my r m lln' M innHi ciilntl.ili'il i' H n iflMfi dlnff rmiBh. upllllno latco pinntltlcn nr hl I i xninlniiil In r liuipn with tho riuplrumi'ti t nml i nil my prnftlrn never fniml ono wlthnno Juiibiio fnr .rono miillho oilier liuiff rnruunil. I ioiiIiI lint nlvoiiiii.fi rnrniirfiRcmoiit. t thoiipht the wouU illothnt lomvniilriilhiiiuiiitho riiiinnmcfyrtip. , .... Hcawroil Tonic, nml Mniiilrnko l'llli nil nremeil to ro mlllf! IN'fiTlTUTIO In iin.ter Iho olo innn.igr men iIrIiI to work, tho Iiiiik Id nil henlcil over, lenvlim n I J nnd illrctllnn of I'tof. I). W. I.ohei.I., to lonir, l tin rnilly uk I n fjv rtii ii Biro ccj ennd nppctlto, lino filial of tlio Milrlm. nml hail e. hied nniiio thlrty-IHo liniiulii In1 i,t-nir.ijirrn.' nOMMI'MCMt. COLUAli:. tVI'IMI. nil' (IMI l""lir t MIll J ' '"""I t V V I Ill I II K Will imiTI! Ill r lieilire JIlllU. I nimilll I H wniilil ho nfitrenl I rout In mmit- iiiirliillnl phy- . ... . ... I i ii t.t..L I. ' (Iclan tu vl.it llii'-u nines. pnHlcnlmly Mlmi Hennelil, nr nny ortlnMnwh., Hnve 1,,'en inrod hy my in Unen. I h-y nro niiim r" i New Yink , hut the nlmve lures FtTiri H my MH'Uirnu'R ru tut lift lug what I repre.uil they nro, they should have tho in illt nnd the nllllcti ,: know w lu re nnd In.w they inny hiMiirml. J. II.HOIIIiNCK, M.ll. , Ilr. J II. Hrhenik r.-inhnfniiiKlnl Ml principal olllce, No. :m Ninth fill Slti-.-l. 'hlla.lelphl.i, oiery Hnturilny, I frni,i!IA M.. iihlil .'. .M., In tlvii ndvlco, free of 1 n.tLMi : .tu nir n 1 111111111.11 ennui Ilia nil In) i liamen lluii;ili.lnr I'tlf "ftlio Pulmonic Hyrup mid Hen u (-,.. I'm, lr i.m h .. ni't liiillle. or SI) I lie half dnreii .Mninlriike I'llls VA . Is per hut, mid fur n.lu hy all llnmiiUts nnd lli ali is. Jiiiiu II, l-lil,- I y. PILLS War- 1 ) K kan rni m Al t. Uasks tlnti ho relied on I Never mil t curel llo lint nnusealul Aru Dpcedv iu uclintil Nn iliunpn or ililt re'piiredl lliilinlliili rl. ro Willi husliiui-H pursiiitsl Ciin he used without iluteclluii I Upwards of '.'ml i tires thu past month souiu uf them very severe cases. Over uuu hundred pliy.lil.llis liavii used them iu their ptuilli", nml ni speaK well oi tin ir illliacy, mid approve of their r oniposillon, which Ii i.iiilii.li, t a.ini 1 1. 1.ln tiiui Ii ii fn iltmu (in llm alvfdlil Hull I drills of teitiriintes eau he shown Hell's Him clfie Tills nro thu eilelual mill only ceuuino Hpcrille i'lll. 'I hey nre iidiiiile.I for main nml femnlo, i, Id or tniiinr. and tho oulv teliab. ii riiiiiiiv iiir i'iiitiiiiii n iinriiuiiifiii nml stuu-ilv rurv in nil rases of Hiieriiui' . . " 1 liirrhe.n, ur Semimil Weukuess, with nil its train of evils, Miirli ns Urethral and Vnalnnl Discharges, (Heel, the Whites. Mghlly or Involuntary Ihiils'lniis. Incon tiiitianre, tieuiial Debility ami Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or l.tusof Power, Ncrvloiis Debility, cc nil of whttliaH.es principally frmn Sexual l;xcisesnr Self. I, use, or snuio I'oiistitulimial deraiigctuetit. and Incapacitates thu sitlTerer frui.i fulfilling the duties of innirleil Ilk" Iu nil sexual diseases, us (iiuioriliea, ttleet, nnd Strli lures, and In Diseases of the lllailder and Kidneys, they nrt ns n ih.iriu 1 Uelicf Is expCrl euced hy taking n single huX. Hind hy nil Ihu principal druggists. Price SI. They will he sent hy mail, securely sealed, nml r.o.l lldeiilially, on receipt of thu muiiey, by J, II it VAN, M. I). Nn. 70 t.'edar St., Now York. Consulting Physician fur tho trintineiit of feiulnnl, Urinary, Sexual, and .Vcrvnu. Diseases, who will send, tree to all, Iho following valuable work, ill seal- id etuelupo : Tun FiFiii.ni Tnoi'SANii-Dn. Ill'.l.lS TU CAT I HI", ou M lfiMiitse, l'reinatiire lierny, Impotence nml los of power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Ueakiu ss, Mglitly Jhuissliuis. (ieultai Debility, lee., tie., a pamphlet of 1,1 pages, iiiiilainliig impurtuut tnlvlce In the ittlliiti'il, nml w hii h should bo rend by every sulf'rer, us the means ul euro iu thu severest -stages is plainly set forth. "I'm is stumps required to pay postage. December 12. Itlil-iy. LEATHER 1 LEATHER! ! aMinuiidcr'igui'd would announce, that he lias mi hand . tit Mix lint nml Cap Emporium, on Alain St., Illonttis burg, nn nssortmeutuf different kind of leather, such ns line ralf sl.lu, morocro, (red nml Mack) and linings nil if whlili ho will sell cheaper than ran be had elsewhetr Hi this market. Call and examine them fur yourselves JOll.S'K.UIUTON. r.loomsburg.Mnyai, 18r,l. A T T DltNE Y A T L A W , liwaMsnviia. pa. llllicu In Court Ally, furfuorly occupied by Charles II liiteknleiv, llliiontsliiirg, Dec. 4, le.!l. A. 0. PIU!.. A. B. TIIOMFSO.t. PAUL fc THOMPSON, AVIIOLKSAMl JJ UEAI.KUS IN No. 41) No 'iff ll'liuivcs, PHILADELPHIA. 117" PiUTTCIt, "o II I! II S 1.', IIAIS, tc. 3 No v. 1 1 ldii:i 12iiio. JOHN C. YEAOElj, mani rA(jTuuuu&wiioi.i:sAi.i: iii:ai.i;p. in mi-IATS, C A PS, .STRAW (5 MODS, DONNlilS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street. Phila'd. Nov -fl, If-fi.' EIIESJI RIVAL OF PlliNGOilffliOOOD AT ilicr's Store. rpriH pii!iHrrih"r 1ms Jii.t rf-lurtictl from lh: (Mies J with another turuc mul ftclfcl asortiuct of SPIUNG AND SUMMEIl GOODS. purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest lignre, mid which they are determined lo sell on ns moderate terms ns ran be procured elseuhetu iu lllootiishurg. Ills stock i otiiprises Litur.v inthts aoons. vfchoin si styles and lutest fashion. r aoons, .iki tiiucnuir.s, n ntnwiiiK (lur.iwiMiti:, cr.n.iit mm:, itut.wir ir.inu lltOA", .V.'lll.li, hoots SIIOKIS 7M7W.S- MI'S, Aic, ,yc, .5c III shnrt everything usually kept In country Stores to whirh lie invito the public gi rally. Tho llighusliiriru paid fur country prodtiro. S 11. MILLER. Illoomsbitrg, .May iS, 1K01. rpIlE pooplo of tho county of Columbia, JL nru respectfully, infiirincil that thu undersigned has fu. sale, nt the II ECO R DEll'S OFFICE, in nLooMsiiuutj, tiif. iif.st and ciif.apf.st ASSOUTAlllNT OF io bo round nnywhero in tlio County, consisting n Note, Loiter, Legal and Cap I'apet, Pens, lliildurs Pencils, Ink ami F-nvelopes i JIIMI NEW AND SECOND-HAND ROOK'S j;r. Comprising History. Poetry, Ficllon.Tlio. V,Vt?Pl ology nml tlm elastics. StX GlS lOffHCUr of Dnhu's Loudon puMlrntlnne, from which sclcrtinns can be made, aud Hooks furnished tn order by special arrangement with Now York Agents. ! ROOKS, DOCUMENTS, l'AMPULF.TS , .,,,, . ., , , ,.. ., ,. , .. , 1 2 LF'.?" 1,1 ,col,c'', "nh- I'uited States, mid Stale Constitutions, iu liiriona stiles, nlivavsou linnd. JOII.N f!. lilllL.li. n ninth urg, Nov. T. 1K,.'1 V f11i, . s- r. 1 0S' ) 1 1 la) l5i 17 CourtlillltU Street. I ! NBA" HHOADWAY, NI'.W YOltlC CITY I One Dollar a U liflu Cents per Daii, I hi. i il.lii Is .iint.ie .,,,, ti, ,l u iil, nil n, i.,;.. the season, und isequal to trial ofiiny other lintel iu tho , country. ' Ample nrciuniiKidatiiins aro ottered for upward of 400 guests. II V" I'" not biiluvt, itiiinersjiarkmcii, and others w ho I may say "the Western Motel is full." II. D. v l,cut,ni t.u, 1 rnpriolOf, TIIOS. I). WINCIIFSTLII. Feb. 1.1, lell.. 1. i ' I 'll 1. 1 ri'l'rteii'i ui mis eii-tiuui n linn te in rally loci I I tn, I llruien llm I '.v. it . si.il- HnT.t ciliinti. i, Xlnl Street, in lllooiushurg, immoilialely ?nuosllo thu Coliiui bin County Court House, respcctliilly informs hia friends nml tho public iu gctioralf that his Ilintsu is iiuw in or dor for tho reception audeiiturtainmeiit of travelers uhn may foul disposed to favor it witli their custom, llo lias spared no expense in prcpniing tho llxrii.iNiit:, for Iho nt.,,.l..,..t r l,lu (,.,ut .w.lllto. Knll II,.,.., t... n.,.,- , tiling wniitltiR (on his part) to iniuisler to their purtmi.ti t comfort. His linuso is ipacioui nnd enjoys uu excellenl I uusiuess loruiion, IT' Omitibusen nut nt all timos between tho HxrhaiiLoi Hotel ami thu various Kail Uoad Depots, by whiili I1.1v clera will bu pleasantly conveyed to ami fiomlho 11. peitive Stations in due time to meet lha Care ' . VM. II. KOONd. Illuouisliui j, July 7, lcl'U . ' " .i I , ...l.,..- n.ltnllrt.i nliil lit J of n llinrouph priiftlrnl l"i' V P.?.".?,":" 'V . .1 ' heel; lutely uxteniien ny n" Vi 'ri, liVnln he ItiitlneM froiir.e, In w lilcl. Iho H u '"''"SfB0" " 1 1 refiilnt toutlno ol Imnlni-M tinnn " "; '" "I nun " .7 " " . ' V "i- i V..I.1...1 mm iiiniiiniiift' 11 17 !'"" " ,- - ; , ortuxl i,Mil M In yiUB ,"' '"'' rJ"rr, ilV. k. ' mi hy end, Kliiilont.) n nl II i uln i ' , "a,' '. I of lnjiio nnd licpinlt. UnlLltoaillugntid Stoain-IIiullru (t Olllce, TeleRrapli, &c, Ac. Tho I'mprletor ha. .iared no I moor nt ic n tail in. . klni till. L'mitno tho mii-t Ih vmlsh mid ennyil elo uf nny ever iireoiueu mm iuih., . i H.ni 1,11,11 ii ivlinr lifi'ii h insclf encaiieil In nrlual huslness, nnd hntlni! had many years; experience at leachlui.' tho f cliuo of Accounts, and helni; nlded hy I n full nml efflceleut corps of teachers, hn will he i en-. Ided to inaki! th.irouch nml successful Rrnituatos nf all J who may place themselves under Ids charge. . Iu this essential branch of n huslUss education no ' flnll.au Hirers hctlnr futilities In tho learner. J ho I HlSlans.ein 'w.lil taiulht In nil lis vmlVtie. i,y lliu most sklllfiil mnslerfc of tlio nrt. tfiieclinens of WriliiiR from this lus'iiutioiinnvu rcceivcu iiiuiugucii ciicriiuiums from the press, I'ur ccueral Inrurinatlnii, tetnis, c, nddtesi rorun- lean .Monthfy, wlilrli will he mulled freo; ror speel J,,,',, I'euu'in tmli i Ii, enclosu 'ttvn threo cent stamps. ... ii in t iMtnti ti.I .. l nl Address II, W. I.OWI'.I.I., I'rinclpnl. Lowell's nomnierelal CnlleRe. Illnatiauilnii, N. Y. , ne. n'orfect liiilnt. .mill sprliiR Hold Tens, with hnlilcr p. a e tu,,... li.n. Mn. 1 lilirlilv nil s ipil . . - ... i ...... ...... tr. -mi iii i tt i ii nn rnt.fi. ivnrrnini'ii i ir uuu irni uit" m nmi in " Mit.. ivorrniiKnl tir nllit Vi'fir fie nt, rrci'of rharciG tu nny onu who will rciulc :),50 l tlio ftimvo luiiirt-'di. rpiIGjinderslEnftMi! mso extensively cngnsed In tho .1- Uiiiicrtiil.tiiLr ItUMlness. ami Keeps constantly oil liuilil ml for sale nt his Wururooms, a largo ussortlneitt of FINISHED gga COFFINS, lly which he is otiablod to HII orders on preseiilntion Ai.sn Keeps n good llorso and lleursu, and will nt nl times ho ready lu attend Futierels. SIMON C. SIUVK. Illnoinsbi're, Jununry.2'.). 1S5!) , EVANS WATSON '.!'?'!"- 7,Fv; V JtllVIJI) to .Vo. Ki.SoifA Fourth !!,. tiiJill'-' itt'h, Street, Philadeliihin, hnvu on iKiv'-t!,'i rCT and n-lnrgo assortment of Fiio ll'Ws'iH'.-ifi '1'1'lef proof Salatuauiler Safes. Pat'AViifi-S-i' 's", iron 110111, lor hanks and Wiv-..ii v:!Vr ftores, iron shutters i roil sash, all vjUggj J-f: makes of locks equal to any iitti lo in tho United Platen. tlrr Safei in one fir). .111 came out rtgM; KfiA coi levti in trnod condition. Thu Salatuauiler Safes of Philadelphia ngainst Hi, world. EVANS & WATSON, navo had the surest .leinnstratlon in the follpwing cr-i lilii nti-thai their maitufactiiru of S.iluiuntuler Safes ha, at l"l.gtli fully warranted tin- riiiresetitations which hive been madu of them ns rendering an undoubted security against the turrific element. Philadelphia April 1'.'. 1HAT.. .VMtnrt f; ll'atson- (.'eiith tneii-lt ullords us the Itighest sntlsfactiiui lu suite to you, that owiug.tu the very proteilivu qittilith s of tio of tho Salamander, Safes which ivu pitrehased of you souiu five mouth since wo suved u large poition of jewelry, and all our honk-., tec., exposed tn the calumnious, lire in Kanstend place on thu morning of the nth just.. When we nih et hvt thes., safes were located in the fourth story of the building wo occupied mid Hint the) fell subsequently ititou heap of burning ruins, w here the vast concentration of thu lient caused Ihe brass plates lo melt, we cannot but feganl the preservntion of tlioir val uablu contents as most convincing proof of the grcut se curity iiuorueii ny your sates. Wo shall tuko grcut pleasure in rccnminetidlnr; tb'W ' men nf business ns a sure reliance against lire. CllOltfli: W. SIM MON'S k. IJItl )., Jet, cf.'wv CT7"Thoy hatu since pnrcliaaed six largo Safe.!. JulyiM, Je'i.U. f August a). 1F . TINWARE it STOVE SHOP. Till: undersigned fpspectnilly Informs his (Id friend nml ritstouiers. that ho has purcha-o,l liis brothers merest in tho abovo establishment, nml the ronrern wils hereafter hu conducted by himself exclusively. lie has Just received ntnl offers for s.ile. the larg ,31,3 est and most uxtensivu assortment of FANCY wraSTJVi:S ever iutroiluced Into this niaikct. JDs stock consists of a complete iissorlment ol hu best Cooking und parlor stoves in the market, togeth er with Stove Fixtures of every . Inscription, Oven and llox Stoves, K.ntiatiirH, Cylimhir Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves. Cannon Stoves, tec, .tc. Stovepipe ami Tinware constantly on hand nnd luanitfai lured lo older. All kinds of repaiiing dune? as usual, mi shoit notice. The patiou igu of old friends ami new customer re perlfully solicited. A. A I. UlflilltT. llliiouisbitrg, November 3d IMifl. If. FUISHPI CTII it. ItROTIllUtH. WIIOLF.SAI.K 15 A 0 0 0 D E A L 10 T 0 R F SO. 105, NORTH THIRD STRKET Five iloorsholow Rare. rilll.ADr.I.PIlIA IMPORTANTroFEMALES I I V5 . Tii TESSO Hi AB5S EiS ! ROT II MAIIRIEI) AND SINULE. nlrPQ T3 n, .1 1-, I m- 1'r'r Pnmnloc UlaeSl HCfJUlUIOl' UlV ii GmatOE 1)1!. CIllJiailMAX'S l'n.MAI.F. 1'II.I.S Will iininedintiiy relieve, without pain, all disturban ces of tlu- periodic I'isrhaii'e, whether nrislng from re laxation or suppression. They ait like a cb.irni in re mining Iho pains thai accompany diilirnlt or Immoder "l" "-'ii n rHJIlltHI, IIIMI lilt.' IIU fill IV FilIU I1IKI ri'UUIHC remeily-Tur liurhes, Sick llead'icue.P.iius iu tlio l.uinc Hack and Sides, Palpi ation of Ihe Heart, Nervous Trc ate menstruation, ntnl nre Hu only salu and reliable mors, III stciics, Spasms, llrnkeii Sleep, und other uu pleasant nnd ilnugeroits oli'ects of nn unnatural comh tinn of the sexual functions, lu thu worst cases of Fluor Allots, or Whites, they rlo-it a speedy cure. int. ciii:i:si;man's fiimai.i; pills. Havo been used over n Quarter of a Century. They nru offered ns thu only safu means of renewing Inter rupted menstruation, imt I. alms must hear in mind thut, theru is one condition of thu femnlo svsteni in which the Tills cannot be taken without producing ii peruliar result The condition rcfetred lo Is Pregnancy -thu result. Mitiurrlugu. Smli is thu i. resistible ten dency of tho mcilicliiu In restore thu sexual dilations ,.r t" n iinrnial comlniou. tli.it oven thu runrndiiillvo now. cr "f nntnro rniiuot resist it. They c.tunut dolinriii lu any other way. ' ""' '-'I'l-I'-SHMAN'S FF.MALII PILLS, I Aro the only Mcdlciuo that C arried ami Slnglo Liidlos bavo relied upon for iiinuy years, or rnn rely upon iiuw. lieu are of liuilalluua I Thoso Fills form thu Finest rrepurnuou ever pui iiirnoru, Willi luitneiliaio nun I'ersietent success. DON'T III! DI'.CIll Vl'.l). 'fake this advertisement to your Druggist, nml tell him that you want Iho best ami most reliablu 1'emalo Modiciuu in tho world, which iscompriscd in Dll, U U ;SJ AN'd FDUAI.F. Plljlaill . I O'l.n.. l.nn ...t.L.r.A .. .i -.i.- n'l.A .. ..r I nf r nriiiiii uiiiiuii. b iii i inn n-'iuin... ctioti of thn most eminent Physiclniu in America, " n','c,1t;8 " tllu rcptilatioii utlaiuud liy lli'liubuld's l.'eti IIXPLICIT Illl'.UOIioNS ilh each llux.-tho price J1'!',0.1 ri',l',-l.l,;"""..; l-"" "'" '"'i IMruct Sar.apanliu, wiiu itriiiir ier mi, cm, milium irnui .111 11 , nils. Pills sent by mull, promptly, by roiuilting Ihu pHco to thu l'roprietors, or nn auihnriied Agent, in currau funds. Sold by Drugtists generally. lIUiillNtiS k. IIILI.Yi:!'., l'roprietors. ril Cedar Street, New York, IT?" Bold ill llootn6bttrg, by Jlycr tt Mnycr, and 'l! I Lull. F(.b.'J7, lebl, y. " A. LOGAN GRIM, Atomaj and Counsdhr at .am, ' LAI'ORTL", SULLIVAN ,'0l'A C" Military -mil uilier clalmi promptly Oclobtr 31. IfriO. ittruiloil to HOSTETTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A plltt. ,! puworml TVi' of woiuleiful villi net Hi dlsinsu of the sTo.ii,ni, uviiit and nowi-:i.s. Cre ypej)i a, i. ver i '"' , ' .V . IJCUI liy ,x uiviiusin-s-, mil"""' " ' i ' r .llpallnn, l.ollc. Inler'nllleli ; hum rmiiMMs iiim tin ' iiuii - u.1 s1,,,,i. ntnl nil l ntlltl hllllts ' I I'-.'. ,, . ,i.. lt'....L,.... rex, arising irnui imiohj whether Inherent lu tho system or produced by tpeclal CJiisis. Notiiiso that limit wholesomo, genial ami t'l'j tlte iu its until ru enters Into tk" cuiupiniillnti id DOS ii'.TTr.!t'S STOMACH IIITi'KIIS, i his popular pre . .i. ., ...tu.tmi nrniivkhid. nudend lioiaulcal i lenient i no (lbry excitant i but it isn ininby nn nfithn extrarls of rare balsamic lieibs nnd- plants with tho purest and mildest of till dill'ii'lvu f lim it is woll tn ho fiirearmeil nsaltut dlseaso and, su far as the human system can lie proleited by human mentis against maladies encetiueteu ny an nun iiiumim , mosphere, iiniiuro wnler and other exlernnl rausss, IIOHIilTTnll'rf IHTTiiriS may bo relied on in n tal'o ....n..i K it, ,I..i,1m li,r,,.led with frrrr an,l.li'nt. it has hern i futiiid iufalllldi1 as u preventive nml lrreltllilu ns a ini.m.lv Itll.l Itlnlllflll ,is who resort tn It under nt'lire. I hetislon iifnutilliick.esrapelhnsroiirgi-i nml thousands I ,t i, tn.itiei t in nenil ihuuiHidves of its nrolective tpnl ities lu tulvnticu, nni iiiied by a very brlel loiir.i' n this luarteloiis inedii iiu' I ev t and Ague patients. ..ri... t...l ... 1 1 . 1 u III, in, Iii tn. tin months II ti It. ill. til fairly stitiiinted ullh thai liiiigerous iilka'oid. are nut iiiifn qiienlly restored to health within a lew days hy tin- use of iiD.-er.i-ri i: s in rn;us. The weak stomal hi" rapl.l'y Invigorated and tie' ap I petite festered I y tills ng.et' ildi' i'onle, and limn it , works wondeis In i uses of Dlpi pi,i and in less nni , firineil fiirms of Itnligixlioii. Artiug ns a gentle an I I onlnlnaa t,t,iiirlnl. n4 Unit lis until Mil- lillT. it llKil ' iitvurliibly relieves Ihu l.'oii-lluilloii supei imlureil hy irregular action of the digestive mid w.ui til" organs Persotlsof feeele habit litil-le .'irreu Slllact,.. Imip tusi of .vfnft nn i I II' rf laneuor, find prinnpl mi l ' permanent relief from the Ihllers. Th.- lesliiuouy on 1 this p'dnl is ino-t roiKliisive, nnd from hotu sex -s , The agony of llllliits Colic is in, medial; l as-uaped hy a -high- ilnseof the st'Hiul mt, ami by oce'isumalli resottinc to it, the leliirn or Uu- complaint ma) he pro vented As a gcnernl T.in'c, lltlSTCTTWi'H 1IITTHIH pro dure i ll'ects w hii h inut be experienced or u ilnessed before they enn be lully npp-erla'ed. lu rn.es of Con stitulioiial v akiie-s, preiuatiiru depaynml ilebiiityaud decrepitude urisiiig fruni old age. It exenises th elee trie Inliu, nice In tli,- ennva o cent stages of nil ill senses it operates as u ilelighllul Invuorant. lieu llm pow. ersol iiatureiire relaxed, it op-rates to re-iiiforru und re-establih Ih.m. I, list. hut not ' M-t, it thu mils safe sliiuiileiil, being iiiairifartureil from sound nml iuiiuru- mis materials, and rutin ly freo from tho acid eliiiueuls present mure or less lu nil the ordinary tonus nml sloHinrhirof theil.ty. t No family medli Iue ha been so ittiliersally, und it I may be truly added, dccrrcdli popular ilh lln- Ititelli geitt portion of iho community, as IIOSTDi'Tllli'S lllliil'.ts. Prepared hy HOSTETTER & SMITH, i liTISIIIMIIIII, Pi. I H7"Sohl by all I)ruggits, Crocers and Storekeepers I everywlnre. NoiemberSI, I3r,:i-lr. ISELI HOLD'S Genuine Prtiparalions. COMPOUND FLUID F.XIitACT r.liillT, a psl tivu and specflie i tiuWy lor di-.M-es i, the hi i,l,t,-i Kidneys, Cravii, und dr"P-ital ivelline '. This iiiedli ine iurreaies Ihe jnv.fr of nhp-, t,,n, en I exiilo the nb-oiibetits into heaithy m lion hi iv'ili Ii Ih'i Watt ry or l.'ali'ureous depu.itiuiis, rti-l all Unn'ttuiitl F.iil.irgetiauieiits ule reiliiced, .is well lis pun and in fl.iiiiatlou. -so: IIKLJIROLD'S EXTRACT RUCHU. I'ur uL-akuofttt nrlsitifr frnm I.itif.'rM.v. finlnirf nC riu fii.ittnn, Knrty linlir-crelii'it vt tniM ?, attt ii.ic.I Willi tin folltiuiii f-y tupt4irn av ' j lriilivi(l-ilinn to U.vtrlion. I.u-n i-f I'.mcr ' iiiiivi.rsiu i.iisiiiuuu in too iiiitsi iilur Sy.leut, Hot lluuils, Ihuptioiis on the F.iee, ' Dryuess of the Hl.in, l'.'ushiiig of Ihu lledv, j Pallid I'oiititemiuce. iiieso syniptoins, If allowed to gn on which this iiiedicitte invurialily removes, .soon fojlows ' . litiorr.M v, 1'iimv, I )ii lie t m I'm-, ' In one of iihich the Calient uu.y require I HiincmiMiy that they are nut frequiiilly lollo'.t.'d by Ihosu --DiriiMl Ilisenses " "IN'SAMTV AND CliNSUMITIHN'." .Mnnynre nwaru of ihe cause of their sulfeiiug, h'll tiiine will confess Ihe reinrds of the Insane Asylum, Ami nn lam holy iieulhs h Ci'iisiu.ptinii bear amp e w lluess to Ihn truth uf the assertion The I oiistiiiilion inn it eilVi led with orgatih iretKniMs 1 requires the aid of Medicine in strrnglheii an. I I ri rj oiiitu the s stem, whii h llelmh ihl's I itract hiiihu in variably does. A trial will con .iucu the must skeptical FKMALHS FHMALKS. In many allecHoiis peruliar to Fenmles lliirhii is iiuequnlleil hy any other riiiu ilv Ihu Ftlisii as iu ( hto rnsis or in leiiiiini, iireguiarily, piiliiliiliiis, or Mip pressiiiii of Ciistninnry Diaiiialious, u Ii i-r.i I til or sen- rhitiis Male of lliu Uterus, I elmr rli'i'.'i ur WhiUs, Sterililv, und f .r all complaints iuiiifiui tu the si s, whether urisiiig from luduereliuu halula of dis.ipi lion, or in thu ii:ci,irvi; on ciianci: or urn. -.'(: Take no moro ll.ilsam Mercury, or iineleasnil Medl lies fur iinpleasnut and dangurniis diienses ill Iiu- ciues bold iI'h IMr.ut Ihii hii ami Improved liose IVnsh cures ret diseases in .ill their stages. At little expense, Herri' l.iille or mi clwngo iu diet. No inconvenience, tin uu exposure. It causus a frequent desirennd gives strength to I 'ri- n.ilo thereby riiuot ing nli-triii'tinus, preveiiiiug and I Hiring slrniures of the Urethra, allaying pain mid iu-1 llamiii.irion, so frequent in tho class of ili.e.ise., and I expelling nil poisonous, diseased und wurnout matter. I Thousands upon thousands who have been the vie. tims of qitai ks, ntnl who havii paid heavy fees tu he cured in a shun time, have found ihey were deeeiied ! nml thai Ihe 'POISON" has, by the use of "powerful astringents" been dried up iu thu system, tn break out I in uu nigral atcd form, i:ud perhaps ultdr marriage, I -:o: L'su llelnibold's I'.jlruc; lltichn for all iiircrtioin and diseases of the Urinary Organs, wiiethcr existing In Winn '.uu i eiiuiiu, irnui w naiever cautu originnling and no matter of how long it.itiiling. Diseases of thesu Organs requires thu nid of n Dinr - ctic, llelnibold's lixtruct luichii Is liiu Ureal Dliiriiie, and isccrt'ilu lo hnvu desired ellicl in all Diseases fur w Itlch it is rcrumuii'Uilinl, lividenci of iliu mo, t reliable ami rcipptuiblo rltar - ncter will accompany thu medicine. . Price $1 per Untile, .or G for $5. Delivered tnimy address, serurely packed from obsrt viltiou. Descrlliu symptoms in all boniniiiiilraiiiii, Cures giiaruniecd, tiih leu gratis. Address ict'eis lor iuformntioii tu - II. II, II1M.MIU11.1I, tVioiinii. 101 Boitili Tenth.st , below Chestnut, Fhila. llllL.MIIOLirS Medical liepot, IIIILMDOI.D'S llrua and Vliemleol l'urfiHf, S'.ll ilmixnwAV, Ni.w Yiifk. Ilewaro of Cunntcrfeils and iiiiiirlurinliil dealer., W ho eililen Vur toilifiutsu ttor their nnu" en,) l ..tl - FOR SALE U Y. All DiuiKKitita Kvorywlioro. AK I'OK IICLMIIODIi'in. TAKF NO Olillllt And avoid 1 iilnnsiiirm ana uxnatnr ,, r . - ,' vr ""r"'-"!'' "iw ii. or. VI IwiU y Q I H T O N S ' Olieap Uvo cry Store ..vn 90 ITS, 4RK AVf ,HOUs lir tiiMlerslitni-il lui .; iii.psht ..ut thn Ornctrv. I llnviil Htrnup, has removed hi lint Hint Cap Riots up totilioup's old stand whrru iu uililitioii to a sui,. rlnr mfiirliiient of 1 I'ALL .1A7 WINTER m lints itiid Caps, OONKGOTIONAIUES, OUAOKKHs, Molasses, HiiRar, Ooffi'o, 'I'cas, Toliiicco, Snuff, Cinnro, Spices, Dried Fruit, UutUir, (Joitl Oil, D'Ufc'a, Parlor nnd Hand Lamps BodIcs. "Writnif? Pnpor & Ink, ' Hardware unit CiHnrivau; Vi:kit Jutivcs, Comh' 'J'--. , ' TiiKclhiit witli variety ul niiului ((eintally kept in, HlAU.iA lluu lotofKIIW. .MOIiOi i:(Wan, L,-... fn!' """"" '"" em"m '' a"""'mU" public JUIIN K OIP.TON, llluointliuri Hue , irjea Kfaw Your Eye ON THIS PLACE, SECOiSD All 111 VAL OF NEW GOUD! 16 WEE i l AS snl.iriied and Jrcatly Inrovcd his Htnre riiiom ,,d stocked it with n lartu nnd suptrlnr SIitI, of uimiimi nH wlliMH'n ,-ritilu l.1,1.1, ,u.ii i ,, ' ')im ,-i,rnl i.ny nthVr i s'sbliilime'nt lu tho country. I any ntht i s'sLHihuieiil In tho country. (Jutkin ut Hi, IS. iiO and S3 tents. JMiiilinn, lih ti h tl ti'irl Vrown til 25,29, u to An rents. lllll'.Sr (KXIIM of ewry shade, quality nnd prln1 ; full Hue of I'omestig UooJs, 1 ; ( hei ks. ' lilii'S. i iiks.l.liiueu mid Cotton Table Diaper, ll!nv.hiitni, Niinkeeus, A.c i.c. A eoi',1 supply in i, ann s rimes nun nailers !t.M ..... L ,.f II. u I',,.. ev slink of AU R'otil Itisraiii ami Ciillagt! (nrjuts, a splendid urthie jii"t upunod un.l fur thin, A Ircsh supply of Groceries and Spices, H unw il of CAD Alt AND WILLOW WAlt'i'. MACKI'.IIAI. by tlu quaiter, half and whole barnl Nos. I ami '', liiedlum and large. Also, a large na splendid assortment of new designs. Also, n lieu-lot of i'Ub VICS ja i Od Cloth Satchih. Iliivin.' biuight these goods bi'foro thu l.ite rist t am prep'iredtii sml hnv.chenp us lherheiipest fur ii.u m country produce wi: STcnv to u.r.Mir. I I'.liimurbiiig. May Ii. I-M j Tho Bcrvick House. ' Ihrifi.h, Ciihtihhhi rn , iV i ;gst; I IF. itml.'isigii-d wi til.! resp, i llully nuiioiitic i j ''-A-" iii- f l e'i Is an I th' sllhtie yelieriill, tli ' having I I'ed ".his wi ll-know n house IMS giv en re p. r I irr"M-.ii, ' -I p ,1 1 1 , tr-r, ' , i . n thorough rt ii-oniiu'i The i,,in eil and tile elillik i steldi. !i ii -nt ul l.(.v. nil- IP ine I'le.u .MttH nt I it i ti-i ,'y l ' lih nil Hi" pal, lie lb -1 ; a v Hl 'I' pl.t; will 'i- i.ppin A . it'i Ihe I) ) i-.i ii.'.irKi.x iiU'inl, Hiil IMS 1MK Milt lUn i h Nfhi ' Mi ri . '1 rni'- I r-. 'lrnv ri. fnnmi'T. !i in r Jir .ti i'iriitiit.I.tVi d In ircht'ral s.tlit.l'jii iinti, Cart lul ttml .it t'O'iittiHi'iinm Ilii-tlcrM 'r IH 'itlccd'iin ?. t.tl! ti tllS lll'lrt LUlIltili tO UUi CXtUHKlVU 111 tl'U h(M tHKl. j. p. siiiuicr. May H. W.t MORE M HN WANTED I REVOLUTION JN 111CI) PUIUIV LJllldi: AlUUVAL OF AT PETER ENT'S STORK, ix i.iairr sntr.r.T, mi.vMiin cwxtv. pji HAS jiNt r'tci.'ived from I'htluJelpliiu, and is i,er opening pt the old si .nd pile y ucupl.d by .Mun te. F.iil, u splendid a-sortiueni uf M aiCHAN )JZK uliiiJiwill be si.l.l clieup I'll CASH OR (lOUNTJll' His stoc.l'.ciiiul.tsof I.ndies Dieii tl pr.ODUCi!. nml l.ili si r.uluuiif UlllicOH, i . Muslins, Giiiglimii.i, lilttlilihllt, Caipct'., !Sh.Tv;h, Ho.nici y, Si'lln, RHADY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcioi , Satinets, Cottonatlos, I ., 0llt,U Jt'UUB) I lll urtll, iU. ' f' ,.,.! j ulot,l,ULSi Quceuswiirc, . Cedarwarc, Haiihraro, Medicines. Drill!, Oils. Piiints, ROOTS & SHOES. HATS & OAVs'. In shun my thing n.unliy kept in n ruuulrv rtore. Tho patronage of old friends, und tho public general ly, Is lespeclfitlly sii'icileil. 'lite liigltost market price paid for country pitnluea. I'UTUlt KNT. Light Street. April 3U, IBlil. ' i 1 j l t i WBSW E-aKit!l' (tj FOR SPRING SUMMEW. iHE Bubscrilior lini just rcccivoil n. new llisurtuientof IIusierv-1'.i, l,,n.,...,l sr,.rr..l . melius S E P m 7 til S3c B2K U&fSU 'WO 0 J 1 ALSO; , OI.OVIIU, DOLLS. STAYS. aATCIII'.LS, JIOOP.SKlllTtf FOUT.MONIUS. All other nnliuus. tu whtili sho invitpi Ilia attentna ol Ihe Ladles generally. IT.-Wheeler & Wilson's Puwing Machines fur il' Also-Sunil.iy Schoul lloiiku und lllblus.. Alsn-Mis. Allen's Hair Keslorcr which will give u gruy Us natural color, A. I. wunn. Nmt Dour below Cuiltl Hums lllooiusburg. May 'Jl.lctil, tiOIIOLASllU'S' VQll SAL13. I'iltsliurgli Commerriul College. Iinilluiinptiii " " t'ritt"iidcii' ' " Plillajolphii. Huiil4,UllrvWlltCo.. I. TIiosm Scrips, r,; In .unnimts or 8 U and ?30 and r V ""iWii'f if wt'lot f'i enlririK either -f Urn ubovo I 'BleCei. Young men du.Irius tuobtam nlluish- urwion, win here hud 11 good ipcciiKi at Ihu otlito ofthu OuLUMlli.l ntlMOlUSAT. T'lton y a tw vinl 9 Mu I. isui.