0. Tatk, Local Editor, Saturday morning, duly 23.1 ooa. HliA.SK8.--Wo will inform our readers JliiU wo keep on linnil nil kind of buuk flrtfiilsi II-ttiflCt TnnaAo T'nf ilmllfl li-if In4r1ti1 i..i a r ntnft Acnr n Ati Nti in tnAt. a t-.j w..r..v.., ..If i xt.i-. rJ t - . - .- - - JCtay Head our New Advertisements, ncv nru ui iiniiuriiiuuu. ,.,7, ... . i 11CV. U. V. oCOT r. Will lirc.'lCIl 10 w 11 i I in llantist IJ Hire i nl lln.q ti ncr. nn next fsiililiaili. ut 1U o clooi; in the morn hit nnu ball paat seven in tlio cvcnincr. 8tT Itcv. J. II. A. HoMur.KOEit, D. D., will preach in tiio Gorman Unformed Ghuro h. of this nlaoo, on next aabuatb.at half past ten o'clock. I ! Jlr. 1). Ijowemiuhu, onr enter-1 vii'ininrr .Merci I ii ll i i anor. una rcccuii v mauc ' . . mi i .1.. i- .... B ri nrn'ii i ii km i' i uiil hiiii uiil iiii ui uvluiuu l i lifiX Wii.i.iam Smith O'Brikn, tho ! t i :.. .i.-.i . il... I Ui i. ii is, inn wis one 01 iiic ifiiut'ra 11 l uu txT The lloiituieii who wcrcoti nblriko lJIVlt'IV' J I'V 1H It" ! 1 M 1 ' - U M Mi. lio'atiug has lieon lather dull so 1 tbis si'a'nn. EcD" "2Vic C' t'is" lias .raiod its sub- l ( 'II r '! N'-u. vjitl.1.' III"", luiliili r, n - 'i It) -l. ur 11) for Ink ittit O S K , a loyal subject of old Abo'a, fl'ii n i .1 i for mo anil nioiip v to supnoit " i lie u ov- I'rU.lll'ill, IIUU ULUUi "y ly.li.M llviKiii. I, I..-.U- lu '(?!. nr:iirns r M 1 1 s t MH'IU S . ' Ha. MJ.. .1 - it foy.tt to return mo youiii! olIc. : oara- B . .. I I .1.... jiiy lucre h still loom in ine J' oris. ... . r . , .. t i ..) i crn i ii li r inn n . lias .it luiiiftii ul-uii iij.uiui liv ihn rnt i j iJtitiomiiL'iii. J lie mat 11 'in if ni niirr liiiinr in 1 11 1 1 i -v j lmiihi - oiivr u v.ri'iit .ijj iu wuwu, ut nn- . i i t i I. . w .it:... ... r iiVt.i.i I tiwiii h.vi it I'.uri ton lu I lie I iM . ?jT A Mincota ripur loirnR that ir.-Mn i ih.ir.iM t i.i it; ii i ni nr. 'if. ( ( nii (iis- -tpiMR fiutr. ii ninritT n 1 i uijii tn in u io y.;s fmnnmieu 10 uciivur im: 110- i ( 1 1 . linn iiflniia rc U'M I tn til 11 r 1 1 oici fti'i.o iv n o lt'an ruiiiiinir funus m: 1 - o I mi . c In uren. finer uciivcruiir o or uirre 1 1 iiii lira i ii h ui i .till:. i u ui ii i i-utiJ' i i i i . . r ...... .1. i VST Thu abolitionism have !iad J'etors-, ...1..... I ,i..w.o il.i.iiii. tin. l;nt , lien i,.m..i ov..... -....v., ... , t ,ii i fiej ! unn pniisiuer l 'i rrciit v umu. . ... .... . i . rr.L..l il i.i not . tiitrt HiisllHL'tOll i ....... in,. i. eninn irneni in .ucu e a i . ami ... ....! . ... .1 1 ' o- . . . .... , ... ... ..;.,.. , .... . ..... . .', . T . . I fit W nl lilIIC'IIIII 111.11 lll.S III. lid. i.... , ,.. .. .1 .1. r .1. l. it:.;. TI IIUVU .111 Ul IUUI11 ui ..uu. ..". , ...... .'he reiua nf power iuto haudn honest and C'Opuuie aim pan mui;. . . tiST One iiight last week tho Ulojins- .u.fi .i,.... j i - .1,., I. ..In ini.i ...liw.l. ii l. iil rrtiroil at the T ...I m nt t he I . iivernnr. nnu nnillll" .in iinuiiit a oul' io I'otomae, ine uanger over, .i. :....n.in., .., nn n.wl 'mil .nil III.. relic a IIIU IHValUli .1 . s..... , - - - eotio "back to ole Virginity;" btan to , ..... .... 1,1 . iiriiiv luuuu mi. 11. . f it . II 1 I .. . I , .. . . XvOIIIUlCIll WUUIU UUIJ Wl-ariun fcuu v..i.i , . 1 r . 1. : 1 .llllplo Statfllieut Ol lUC laCIS. It IS SO . , ... ,. ,. '! .1 . .fl 1 10 slli I1U1WI ivu IIIU . wp" r,.'"L" led by Han s alto, than it isi t ' -n'MUaU" ri'Ut'lS auu rniuuuiu.uu urn- 1 1 1 i... g' rs that our Loyal Leaguers' prefer ibe , f . .,..r lir .':lli.m 1 11 k I'm st, King of Wurtt'tiiherg, died on 11.: .''"I. of June. 1. in .juiu, a' bise.tpiUl Of Smf. it. II' was the 1. ... ,rnn in l.'nrnnn niwl norlinnsiu' tb-wo.ld. He was born on the tilth ol J . 3 nf mber, 1761 and was therefore tu his !M venr. lid COIlllllCnceU lIS rCll!n III . .. .. ..Mill I lit n i.aa uuii vuo aiui! ui n in-i " ..... I, v i.fnr( htm. too rei!rnni( sovcr IWIIIVV.fj ww.w.w I " -o O eigus before his fatherV time having been called dukes. King William wan married throo limcF. and his son by liia third wife,' lun,o mil", , , BllCCeeua llltll. lie 18 years uiu, uu - married, and ascends the throno as Oharlea ... , I., Of H UrtOinbarg. ' . SSr One Milliou inoro of men are to be ...o..:..il ..nil l'itrn TTl1lll1rr.ll tlintll.Uld uuuaiiiu.''U, ui. . , - Poor men are to be torn and dragged Irom their families in tbo beginning of Winter, leaving them to freeze and Btarvc, with coal at six dollars per ton, and flour at 0 cents a pound ; and all for what? Ac- cording to tho Lincoln programme, for tho subjugation of tho South, and tho hnianut nation of tho niircers. Already, includinc , the bluclis. more than two millions have ! , ... , , I l . 1 been failed for (fiat Object, and nothing IS ACOOmpliullcd, H'Wt'AT, per ltitid. llVi:. " " COHN , " " Illicit W All AT, I'l.OU tl per hhl. ui.ov I'tlxni'i), 9 on l .-. i .to 73 f 0(1 S .'.() a so lll'TTUn. cniii- I'OTA I ur.s, Wlllll) AlTI.r.rt, MAMS IIACON, . 5.1 SO U I fio VII 10 20 00 II AY hv Iho ton, MICK WIIUATI'lotir. i 00 CIIICKUNS, per pair. CANDIDATES. -I 1 ,-. . inn -. . --..... nt I iu Jinnrnaeh lie ffonnrn f ret mi. In llil fr-iirciti linn ninwiFim, tin n cuiiiiiu-uf i(ir AOBl.iiinnv. ii II 1 1 lllttrirt. niiutinnLii nr thi rutMitlna nf ("r.hitiilli County Democratic Cunvcntipti, ."' I IIIU VIHIIIUI1 lis L'imvinl nn. ,uiy , ism.- Candidate for Assembly. At Iho follrllntlnii ofiMnliy friendf I nnt1 nnnomirG tnllin Uitfrncfr.'liiinhliiroliiily, limit will In; n c.iii.ll ''Ho fur AFrilllllll V, nl tlio niiiirimililiiil d ncrnl I'lcc ii'i, mijici in ino ncimtm ui iiio uuiuiiiin.i ruunly llL'iiitcrnllc LtiiiVL'iiiltin. W.M.II. JACOIIV. illonmitiurg, SIny 14. IPfil a T . , ., - L.CglSiatlVC. Prnfiiiirilly (.rnti'liil Tnr imt i l.t-'itcrf nf gcncrnii rnnriili'iirK llm inilcri.ieitv.l.- Willi Ilic npprnliiitlii, nf llintiv nf III. I nrrnlir r.'llmv I lllz in . I...... ..i.Im . '"rU"". ... ... . . - ' i!'.'lll"ll'ia n'1,'1 1t"r. t Hi- ripprnmhlim (icncrnl Itlrcl hill. Jill 1 1 ITt 1(1 I MM UR:itfl iflhn ll cttltl. ntiil lli ilciiulm, orthuCnliiiiilil.i llciimcinllr Cmivi'iitloii. ., 1,1:V1 , . Candidate for Sheriff. llirniicli Ihi" rnrii'il rntlrl.iiliuii nf iimiiy llainnrr.it' Ic rrletiil. 1 lime hi i'ii liiilitri il to nll'rr Aiyiclf in n r.i mil. hip. r..r lh.! nlh re nf Hhi'rltr.if t'lihinilil.i (Jninity, Mil.Jri t In tho ilrtliii.il ol tin; Duiiiocralic Ciiiinty Con. Vl'llllllll. JAMIIS l.AKII. Juno If, I'V.I, V. CAND1DVTH Full SIIKKIFR QVMUKIi SXYDHU, of .Milllin town- (j "hip. wc lire aulhiirl.ccl to iiuiiouiiri', i I he n tMiiiliilatn fur lh" !lli:itl!'l'AI,TV,al Iho appin.ichlni! (iriirral i:ii!i'linn..ll,i'ct ti tho ih'Liainii oftht'l.'olunibi.i lo iuty Driiiocriolc cinivclitloii. i Mnv 7. IMH SJ I CANDIDATE Foil IIIiHlPF," WILLIAM KHlKD.Ml.M, nf.Milf- Y Im tnw ii'hlp .' lire iiiillniri.i'i! will l. a rauili.liili- Inr llm rlll'.llll'I'Al.TV. nl th" up. I'll I" tlllUOIItlcC, I prnaihum Ui'iii'r.il l.l.-i linn nl.j. t t In lh" .li r l.lnn ..f lh.' ri.luuil.l.i Cnuiilv lljaiotintic I'oaYratioa . .May T, 1 -li I iTOtl Candidate for Sheriff. pIIAKI.i-8 ll UF.Sri. I-Sq of Mifllio tun u.liip. hi. .ifi. ii ithori. il l nnuoutici', will ho a t'.unli.l.iti- Inr ih 'Slllll. II'I'AI.TV, .it Ih.'iippr Ii- lin!1 (iriiernl r.l.'ttl.m. Mil,rcl tn tin' ill cifimi of tho tviuinliia rouiil) D.'iii.iiriiti. Ciuiv ntloa. Jinn: 4, Im,). COUNTY COMMISSlONUlt. t- iiro nurlior;"il r nnnnnnp that WII.IJAM f'lMMSV of Cntawin Inwn-liln ('liihiti;t ruiiniy. throiu'li til-' -ittiriliitiou nf Ii i h Dt'inu I'nthc ftl.'int, liii4 Ii 'i'ii iiirltici'-i to i. tier hiiiMuir as n t Jiinii'liit. tor OH' -TV CD w MlSrflUVCIl, nt tlm tip prnat liluff (li-ii'-rnl i let Hon, ftihj'Tt to tilt; ilrcinioii of Ilii' Ucmo. r.itic Cirinlx Uixivi'iiliii WII.MAN CRHABV, Ctt.iuiina. Jtuin '.'.j. IrO t - COUNTY COMMISSIONS.. LLKN MANX. K-n . of Heaver i r timnwliin w't am authori. 'il 1.1 nnnnuilrr, will i,n n i-muin .itr inrnni iiiiili.l.ilr fur l'"M USIuMlrS, at thu roiniuiiiL' I I ui".. -r..l 1 1.', lii'ii, i-i.l'.l''. t In Hi" a. Ii. ui ol llio Coliiiuhia I nllntv J I'liinr rnrr.it l l l.tmvi lllioli. Miiy'-.M, l.-l l COUX I Y CO 1 . ISolONUIL T ACOII DliKlSIi CH. of Doaver town- ft ,hii. m-an1 :iulli.iri7"il lu announce, will l.r a iaii.llil.it.' for ti) ' Ml -SlnV I'.ll. it lh.' apprnai hini; i:.. n. r.il .1. i ti .ii. t I., th" .ictioii of llm Coliiiuhia i'ii'iiii v li-m..rr:.1ic I 'o.i v.'ii'.i'.ii. .Mai' .f, lri,- SPECIAL HO TICK j Ji-i'pr Hem : ll u fin : -Willi your p ,nnl'iiai I wlh tnsay tn llio rra't'Tp. of our pap'T lh n I will 4"tiil, hy return mail, to all u Im w hIi it vlri'i'.i-i U.-r."ipt, u ith full ili r.'i iiiiim for i-.ial.inur aiitt 11111:.' n viiupli! Wgi'taMo 11. ,l.n. ih.it w ill I'll'.'Ctual y ri'ii.nvi' in ten ilaj, 1'iuipli"., Illoti In i. Tan. l'r.'iKli. a'i all liiipuritii'N of thu Skin, l.':t in;,' I Ii .ltlu fciitt, rkar, iii.kiIIi ami huaati. fill- 1 w i'I nlo mail fnc to tlm.' hat iair Itiilil llra.N. or II. itr r.ir.., M.iipt.i .lircitiniK .iii.l Information that. ill i nalil.' lh. 'in to r-l.i r t a lull trim III of l.nx'lri'.nt II ai r. t hi.k 'rl .Mini t.ulii', lu I. b th in thirty iluy. Ail .'i,.pu. .m.iiiw ;iii' er.-il iiy return null withotili Kt'Hi.M tlilllv ourH Til i Id. I'. I'llAI'.M V (.'Hoini.t r;il l.ro:oIiu. New ork. July 2.1. M'4 - :iw A U VIII) TtTllT: SUFKKHIXG. SWALLOW iw.i or thr.i' In'E'lnaili of lliichu," funic Hitters, ' "ri irrhpusilla " "Keivnii Aati ilotei.." &.r. A.!-., tc. In-l alt'i yon are hatilieil ilii the r.'ult, then I r oim h-. ol iil.II liut.TOIt lll'i l. a.Vss lA'iil. ISII rirlP 1 1 M IM ' l.-s -anil l.n ntnre.l to he.ilih nn.l i iLor 111 l.'s lliau lairlj it.iys. Thoynn via.t.il.li;. pi.. u-a-it lo t..l. , iiniMipt au.l salutary '.. ...I'.... .... .1... I....L..,. .1 .l .I,.,.,.P...I """ "" l" i.i!'', Iiiipoitcii a ii.i iii llie i,iiu.:.i Din ion only uy .i. 4ii lU'i.lilwny, New V nrk. IV- Aueiii im ihe l.-niieiiriiiite. , P, S. A l!o ofl'illK, S'Ciir l i ke , will li l.nilleil lo aui ail r.'M. on ut. nil . I ion; i.i.u n t. "M, urn., i sfli.t... tii.ii i. mil ul i en. I July a i, Itnl. -,m nn litji.'ii.wit KN'fit. ISII Hl't'.i'H'li' PILLS, I npi.i Miry, freiiii'iiro il.-c.iv.Sen.i.iel Weiiknm, I U..UI ity. an l all 1,'rinnry. riexu.il ana ' 'itw... Alf-'itioiM no mailer IriiHi what raiiH" pin. lure. I. I'rae. ll'U Hollar per hov- Sent, po.l ii.iiiI, In mail, mi r i opt nt nil order. On.i iio W III lll er III tlir III inie-t 1 1"''. A.l.lrrsH j ni.sr. ui 'fi.Lit, li ii'-r.il Aiii nt, u; I. roadway, Now Vork. Jul) -JJ, l.'.i.t - :iw. n i:it..iiu.i: DIsCI D-l lil'S rlfcaUTH 1'UitTJIU 1 MILLION! A nii.rt viilnalili! mul woo lerlul puldiralion, A w.irk oUnil pagi's, aa.Klu i ol.ireil uiiitr.iviinn'. Dlt.llUN T lilfS VaDI". MLI.'H.M. an 0115111.1l ami popular liiial n on .Mini ,ni. Woni 111 tin ir l'liyioloy, I'lincliuim, nii.lt3eM.il disorder of every kind Willi never failing ,. .. j... ..... .nr., 'I III. Illll'llCt, ..I" Or i...iie.i.." .... .in". . "'"J ii.iuiei o is ... . . ...... p.... . . ..,. f h"en niiliiri'd In extend Ills luediral umfillnem tliriingli Ill" llieuuilll .11 III ..''..-. ,Y ' ' UKIt .llollllt lie III III.' I1.IIUII Ol I'V. rj 1..11111J hi inn ...in. an a iin'ienlim of ni'i rel viren, or as a giiidn for tlm allm iHtum if 1.1 fthninost awful and lUslriutivc siourgtn ever M-ileil iii iukiuil. line copy securely en- Address, p.iht 11,11.1, Dr. Hunter. Street. Now Vork. May v!l, Isiit.-y. No. a Hit ition Unlfotmy rpricos !-. New ivaiiiro m iiun-ineri l.i-ry"im Ul. " r-'iierni"'" -"..... ' Cruneiitoiie 1'iico flolliing Sioru.No. '.'01 Markutslruo ahove Sixth. I'lul.idelphia, I ti u.l lit 1,111 tn tiavini! Hie lame-l. innt varied and r....i,i.ni.il.le sliu k of Clothing in flu I ulelplii.i niadiiex. I'ro.ily lor mail sales, havo roii,tltiilo,i every 0110 w,,.,,.oan. l.y liai lag marked in timire.. 011 eaoli articleii. the very 'j'!'" '"' ' ' Tlie con.U are w ell poin.'ed mil pi epnret and great i.Vw,,.. ,.iii, in.. .....kin.' so 1l1.1l dlenalmy with thefaii a.irnnra m grtuug a g"" ; . . low est price. Almi. a large rtn k 1 1 ,.i . goons 011 nana ot tn.-tatem utyinaii.t i.em .piaim whirn wiiihonuii o nor cent, helow ureitlt in ice. Ueineiiibcr llio Cruacviil. In Muikei ano o piixiii ;r-c ) ':ui. -" ' - EYE & EAR. I'rnfuxor J. IdAACS, M. M., Ooccu.r and Aurht foriiicrlv of Ludon, II ol in ml. i now located at No. 51 1 i-im: street. fiiu.uin.rHi. wtiern persoiin aiiiicted wiih,lieiin.'sol l'i" LVL and LAIt will hi scieutill. n y ncatcd and rutrii, 11 cnriii'iu. u-r- miiiicim ."i',"VhiTBcL0i!ia.iBV''r luniuiiiatina, t he Mc.i- , iral faculty u invia-d, a Im liaa no secrets io Ins j ino.lu nl treatuiont July 2. UOI.-Jgiu. r ..n...ir.Tc. nn i ne'nlJ l.'Al) T. tTITl.'a Jj fj 1 1 fjlXO UlWxU XOl-i I Via jmifiuui ANATOMI0AIj EN(mAviNas. Ha, illformation uevet boforo published, S(jnt j-ne ;u a Boaieti envelop for ten cents, Address), Dr. STANFORD, BsNc 4,052 New York V. 0. . Jul uai '"' THOMAS BR0WN,4 Uarberl err. a. 1MI Pill 81 Mil im nasi!i liv I n llliUUDBHUHU, ...oil! uu., irt, ghop , ooMrt Home Alley. Oeia.ire Office. ' VoveinbcrH. IW PROCLA "ATION run A in hk n i.n TVIiSII.1V, AUGUST 2d, 18G1. IN TUH NAM P. AND HY TUK AUTHOR ITV OF 1 COMMONWKALIIl OF I'KNNSVI.V WIA. ANDREW Q. CURTIN, Governor of the .mid Commonwealth. To Jamah II I'phman, Hmi . yhtnffof the tit . I'MtMfl. . 10 Jill fi'n ill mm nrntioirm fmrlntn u mim.I . .....i i. ..i. " """"i" 111,,. I "fl tl l I f I II II' .1 t 'i, which on' n lollowe i ''There nllllll tie UN ililillllnnul siu'llnti In llio ll'itil article of the C(ii'iMilinii, 10 be tluii!iitoi a. n'ciKin tour, ii follow: ''KJ J, Wlii'liclrr inn nf id,. Miiliflu,l ...... . , .. !. . " . IV."""1 ",rl "", 1,1 nnimonw iili Mum Ho III nny iit'lliHI urn liar V cervioi'. Iimler u UMIU f .i t . 1 . .. 1 filion liom iho I'ri'KiJein of the Uniletl Mute, or b) iiiiihiiiny of this Common- , wealth, men oleclor. muv, exeiei-o the I r.ght of iifri.Ko in i.ll olpciion l.y 1 1 l'lllen, miller Mich reLMllatllili on me or I .l,.,il l, ,ltMll.,,.u,i i,. ... f.,M. ..' .M" m preM'IIDed t'V IllW, Ml f tl 1 1 ll ll ' " ...-,. ,e,r ., rali, nTimt i...n i, ...... ...i.i;.: ..i .!...- t" llui eleveiilh iiniule nl the CoiiMilnlioii. , ... 1.. I i . ' . ' t-iuui eigm ailtl II Hie . illov: 1 Leyiflaiuro oooiaiuiiiu mo'o llian one Mib- i i . . ' . jeei, wliieli hliall he elently expre.-ted in die title, except appropriation hill.. "See. U. No lull Mini he p.ied bjMlin Legislature, etantio any power nr firm lee) in any -ra.-e where the uuihorny io yfant Mich powers or privileges, ha. (men or in ay lierealier he, c .'.lerre.! noon the eontl. ol i'ii. ('imiiiiiiii w .iliii,"'h,i li.ien agreed in tiy a tn.ij.iriiy (it the ineii.beis eleeleil lo eacli II n.-o ol the Leiii-lnnre, at two !.iu ee.fiiu e.ioii ol Iho .noe Ami U'liele.i., ll I protitled in the lOih ailii'le ti( Mini c(iiiiiiiiiiiiii, lh.il any auieiiil uieiiis mi auirod upon, rliall be nihiintlei! to thu pu.iplo in Mich muiiner, ai.d at r-ueh ...... ,, nine, at imifi tnree monili alter tieltii; so careen hi uj inc. iwo Houses, a llie l.euis Inline shall prescribe; such sntunissi pen. tie in such manner au.l loritl, thai llieeml ple miy voib Inr or nyiiniM eacli amend ineiil .eimr.ilrt au.l tli-itucily. Ami Whereas. Ii) an act of the (Seueral A'seinbly ol tin. Commonwealth, passeil lh S3.1 ilny nl April, A. I)., nue thousand eiyhi hniulreil ami sixty lour, it is provided 'ih.n foi ihe purpose) of aseerniinin ihe sen-e ol the eeple of ihi- Couiiiionwealib ill reoilta lo iik adoption or rejection ol said .imenilmetits, or eilher of ibein, the Cioverimr ol ihis Commniiwealib shall i ue a writ ol cleelipn, directed tn each ami uiery Sherill ol ihis Coninionweal n, coin uiaodiii"; ilium in ive notice in ihe usual manner, in mil les than two newpapers in ejch city and connly. 1'ion.leil, That so many are pnuli-lied thuruio, and by ut le.i-ll'J-o pril.led h.ili.ibills in e..oli election di'lrtct, ti every miy ami coniny wherein no new..iiai)et U publi-lied, that an elojiinn wl.l be held in each ol ttitj tnwii.tit,!., jiirutiili., ward", tireeini;', and il.'ricl ihereiii, on TUK MUST TUIiSiMY OK ' ALCl.bl', in Ihe jonrnl nut L'iril. one ui Mi-anu eini uumiteii au i i,;y lunr, lor llie purpose nl ilecl.lina tipiiu ihe nppinvni and 'ii'ilicanuf., nr rej-ciion nr tin; .aid amemlimiiil., winch said eleeii'in siiall t'e opened lield ai.d c!n-ed iipnu the da la-t a on.'. am, in the place, an l wiilnn llie hour.-, at and wniiiu which, Ihe (Jeuerdl Kieeiioi.s ol ihi.. Uiiuiuiuiiwcallli are tiueo ted io t'e (iptfned held ai.d cln-ed. iNuw, Tiieri'lnre. In obedieuce In the re qiiirenieiilF ol I tie Hull anicle ol the Ciin s.iiuUun, ami in accordance vvnli lie irue lulent and meanii'"; nl the .aid act I Ihe General Aemtil "I Ilii- Coii!iiimiwe.iliii, I, AM)UHV (i. CliltriN. (Ji.veriini ol ihe said I'o.timoowi ulih n I'oiin)!iaoi.i. do issue tin. nl, cnmiiMndiui' aod reqiiirma ymi, the saiJ JosiiiC II. Kurmaii, Si'i-rill ut Ine said connly in iive ooucu in Ihe n.-u.d in, inner ami a i) Uw rupjtrril, ihai an elei linn will be held .leenr.liui! In Ihe terms ol ilin cniistiliiiiini, i ml provi-ioii' nl the net id the (Seuerrfl A-sumbly aloie-nid, in each of ihe lottii.hip, t roni ward", I precinct-ami dts'rici. trierein, On Ihe cirl I I ne-da) ol Aiinsi, in the jearnl mil L'ird , ni.e ihuiisaiid eijlil linndre.l and suty tmir, I fut iho ptirpiie ol I'eeidii.e; iipuii Tie appro j al and i.i'ilieatiou, or rejection ol the said , an eiiiiuieuts. (Jiven under try hand ami iho u'eat seal i nl me Siaie, in Il,,rrisliuiy, Uu. iwemy lir-' dut n .lune in Hie year ul our Lord, nue , , ns an d fiyht huii'lied ami sixty lour, and I ine l.nmtnniiw oalih llie eighty eihtli. uy rder ol Uu; ii.iveriinr. KLI S .IF Kit, Secrelaiy nf the Comnioiiwealtli. Ill pursuance nl the above proclauiatioil ol llie (Jiiieiuur nl Hie Co n tniiiiweallli nl , l'eniislvai,i.i, I JOSIAII II KL'liMAiN Huh JStit-rifl" nl die ciiiiniy of (ailnuibta, j l'eims) IvaiiM, i'n herehy riiake kiiown itt.d ive iimice to the uleetnr of llie cnillii) ! ulore-aid, thai an eltcuou will lie held ie , saul county ol I'olumtiu, no 'ILTKSDAY. TUK 2d DAY Ai:CL'Sr, Ihiil for the pur iism ol v nl i ii on "a Juiiit Kesiiluiiuu pro- j pn-inu cerlaui dinemlineiils tn Ihe C'nii -I i -'ntion nf Ihe Cniiiinonw eahh " . I also hereby rmiKe known ami u'ne r.olico thai Ihe place, ul hid 'it.;'. 11k nlnre said liooeral eleclltn Hi toe nn ui.vii- , ship., wtlhiii .he cuunl) nl Co..nu jui, are j a., lulloit., viz: . llloiiin lowiislup, al loo Conn House, in j liloiillishliri. Heiilon inwn-hip, a the I'uLlie limine ul John J. Allies, in the I'uwii I li'lilmi. Heaver lownship, nl ihe I'ulilie House ol Franklin 1.. Sliuinaii. Itnarcteek lowm hip al the Public School House near Kvan.ville Horiniuh id llerwick, at the .Town House in the lloruuuh. Cat.it is-a lown-hip, al the Public houe ol iMiiiiirl Kusienliaiider. Cenlre tew n-liip. al llie house of Jeremi 1 all lie.., deceased Coil) nlium twp., at the Public House of Iteobeii Wassor. K'shinijcreek twp., in the Public Huuse ol lleiijamin Mi: I leu I J . Franklin Township, al Cl.ij ton's School !loo-e. tireeiiwnod Township, at the House of Jo-eph 11. Patlim. Hemlock lownship, al llio "Ituck Horn." Jackson township at t lie hnu-e nl Ky.ekiel Cule. I.ocnsi lownship, ai Ihe Ptiblie House of John I.. Hnrsi, in Slabiown. MitUni towtisiiip, atllie Public Hntlsu of John Kller. Madison town-hip, at llie Public Hnu-e nl Samuel ltimby. Mi. Pleasuiii iwp , at llio Public Hni.. ol I'l.oitiiis Jones. Mooinur ipAliship, al llie house nl W.i. HiilliiiLflieau. Maine township, at Ihe Public II John A. Sh'Jtn.in. UoaringJrepk twp., at the house lnnn.il) occupied b) Geure W. I)rethaoh Oranye tnwnsliip, ai the Puflie Hoii-h ot Alexander llniihe., to OraiiaetMle. Pino lownship, al tho house nl Albeit llunier. Su'Xrloaf townbip, al ihe house ol A. Cole. Scoll township, at the Publiu House ol J. I). M.irchbauk. 1 an, for tlm information of llm oleeior of ihe county ol Columbia, publish the anl untitled, "An act prescribing iho time and mnnfr rf m biniltlni.' lo 1 he pen le, lor heir approval ,p tl tatificfitimi ri rejcti i tin1 proposed uu.c. niiponl 10 iin Ctinwilu, linn VViikhka, A jmiii r-f r1tiiiiiii propoin'j rcri.1111 hiii'-iiiIiiih u in inn ( m.i 1 1 t t f mi of lliiri Coiiiiiiiiiim e.ilili, Im.'n natfeil in li h iiiiijnrnv nl Urn Mi'Miilieri- fK . u-,i tn imcli htiiin iif ilie l.t'ii'liiintu, ni iwii no i:(".lv(' Mifdiin.'" nl tin1 chiiii'i ilii! lii.'i m'. .lnn ciiiiiiiu'lli'iiiu on Ilii' lliri 'l in-ilnv of Jitiiuury, in iliu V11' l ut I' "l "iif Hkhm itinl fiuhl liunilit'il nut) tlx'V-ilifi'P, mm! Hie sncotul f t i ! ) 1 1 ((iiiiiniMiL'illu on the (list Tupiltiy in Jiiiiunrv. in iho ye.if of our I.nril oiii! ihon.Muil eight hundred nix! six ly-lour ; And wliereii", ll i prnviilud in the lelith ii ft if to of the CiuiyiiuiiiMii II hi any hiiipiiiI mem, m auieoil upon, flmll he fMituiiiiteil lo die people in Midi o mmnier, hii.I sueh lime, at lenl three mini h oiler tieinu mi agreed lo b llie ln Iioum!., n ihe I,cjli lninre ilnill preeril'e, Mich MibniiMtioii lo I be in Mich iiiaoiier mul foim ih.it the pen ' pie may vote for or ayaiiiM each amend, ineiit reparaiely and I'i-liorlly ; therelore, Sic. 1. lie ifeniioied bj the Senate ami IIone ol lteprjpeut.iiives of llio Common weiiltb o( l'enti-) Ivani.t in General A"em hlv inei. ami il is herehv eiiaein I hv llie v i . J . authoril) ol llie same, I hat for Jho purpoe of acertainiiis' the r-en-e nl Ihe 'tieoole of ' I T 1 1 t.onitiiouvKeiiiihjiii regani to ihe uilop- linn nr rijecunu nl ani aiiiHiiilinenl, or cither ol them, the (Joiernnr ol thi Com- ' llionwealili siiall stie a writ o( eleciioil, dtret leil lo eacli mid every sherill of thl Cutiirnninveidlh.t'oiriitiaudiiii! Ihem to uive lionet1, in Ihn it-iM1 manner h un le-. lliiin two uewspHpefii ill each i-ity ai.d coui.lv : I'rovitliti, Tint n many are pub- li'lieil therein. hii.I Ii ill e.. nvo pilli'ed lul .Iblll- In ejielt eh'i'l on ih.iriCi Ol ever j ci'i .i i.i cm ,iy win1. ein mi iie.vspaper t. j pn'disl ed. ii.ai .ii' elecliiui will lie held ui ea. h nf llie tm nsliip.. bnrntisjlis, wards, pi ecni.'ix mi l di-tf.cs Hierem, on the fitsi I lie-. lay nt AiisiU'i. in the year nf our 1 Lord nue Himi-aml eiht l.uuilr-d and -l.xiy lour. Inr the purpose o! iteurlttm upon the iipptoval aint ralilicaliou, nr rejection uf the .uiil amendment, which said elecliiui slnill t'O npsned, held and clo-e.l iiiinu 1'ie ttay lal nlnresKtd ut Hie place-ami wiih. . in ihe lion's nl a id within which llie ueu oral eleciinu- ol ibis Commonwealth are dirociod tn be opened, held a in! clo-od. . mid n shall lie the duly ol lint judjies, in spector, and clerk., ol eichn! mid town, .hips, llnronuhs, Ward-, Precincts, and Disiti.'l- to receive, at tlie Mini election, lieket-, nol e.xeoedni'j ihe iinntbor of pro posed nmem'mtiiits, eilher wniien or prm led, or partly written ami parily pritped, Irom each nf the tjimdlin.t vofors ol ilns State, who may oll'jr ihe .-ame. and io de. pusii ihem in a ho nr boxes, io be for ihat pu'pnse provided by tlie piopnr ollicer-, w'hieli ticket shall be, respectively, ,,he. led on ihe on side, "First ninemlmeui," ''Second amendment." and '-Third amend ment '' nod those who are lavnrable tn s.ud iiiiieiidiiienl, or ani uf them, may expre-s their apprnval therei)! by vMtwi. e.n-h, as tiiaUV sepata'e, wriileu nr priiped nr par ly writ'cn and paril primed tialluls pr(n,ei1 lM ih-in. com ii.r..(i, the wind. '-l'i nr iieke-., a I ere nre aiiieuuiiieni.- ap- ituiiie, on 'he it. side ur the amendment." ami ilin-e wun are nppuseu 10 -ui'ii amemi ineii'., ur any id llieui, tn. t xpres-iheir uppo. ilion by vinin each, a. inauj sep-i-rae. wiltc i or priuleit or partly Writ'on and paill) printed tialln'.- or lickel-. a. I icre are amen Imeots not approved by lieni con-ainiim n i the in-iile tlirrenl. Ihe word-, '' A-.'ii'tls the ameiidirieiil," Ihe eleciurs vniiti'.' Inr or against the l-t amend u.elil -hall be cnusideted a. x in t iu for ur iie;auit the proposed Iniirth ec. pi nrlicle tliree ul Ihe Coosiiliilinn. extnudiii the Miiht ul sullr.im to s .1. Hers; oleeior. vn'iu for nuaiii.' 1 lie second amendineiit -hall be, con-'uleted a. vottnij Inr nr ajain-t the 1rn p i.ed eiyh'h seclloli tn ail'cle eleven nf Ihe Co -tn ti 1 1 ) ; and eleciors tnttuii (or nr ennin-t the 'bird ameiidiiim I shall bo eon sidereil a vminy lor or iitiiiin-l the tiin- pn-eil iiuilil seei.ou toatlicle eleven ul ihe j Cnns ilultnu. ' Sec 2. Th ti the elec'inn on th" sij.l pro pnse.l nineiHitttents snail, in ait respeel-, bo coiiducled a. the yeneral electiens nf ' ll.i- Common -xealth are nn v oniiiliioied, a id it iall be ihe l n ' nf Ine teliirn j ;oe- ' nl the respectite counties ami )i-tnct Iherenl, lir-l li.iuii!; car. 'lull) n-crumied Ihe uu 'iiber of vole- yiven Inr nr again. I each nl said amendments, m Ihe maimer alnresaul, Hi make nut diiplicaie reiunis iherenl, e.xprued in wind, at leniiih and . lint in liiiires only, nl which re urn n iiiade, siiall be IniUe I in Ihe priiihniiol try', utlice ol tile cnurl ol coiiimou plea, ol the i prnner county, and the piber sealed ami ' directed to tile Secretary ol the Cummtm- , wealth, and by one of .aid Jutloo, deposit- t ed, fun h xv i r ti , in the mo-: couvenieiu po..i . otfiee, uprn which po-l.iL'e -'tall be prepaid al the expense ol ihe pinper county. ee 3 T.'iat ii shall he the duty nf the Secretin) nl the Cnminnnweallli im Ihe 23d i tl.ti ul Aii!itil nexi, belure tour nVlnck, po.t meridian, lo deliver 10 llio Speaker ot llie feiiul, nr the Speaker nf Hie limine, ol ' llepreseiilalive-, the return ol the said eleciimi, from ihe setetal coniilie. nl the C'oiiiiiioiiwi'ahh: and He same h.il no Hie same day and hunt be opened n-ij pnbli.lied in Hie piesence ol the meuiber. , o Hi- Sen. He and Ho. s- ol ItCpreseota j i1.! u am ! e 1.1. rul er nl toief, eiven lor l-uml a-.- ' I -nl-! aiti.-i In O'lt., re.pecllVV . )y. j. i i i . be caieiui j -u iimed up and a 1 i-eriaiiie', n ' On In-a'e cerlifleale.nl the , re. nil . shall bt .i-j-e.l ! the Speakets nf Uiet'X'i Iii u-e. O.i ol said eettiliciies ' shall be delivetetl In the Sei ret.ny nl the Cuininonwealth, who .).nl cause ihe same lo t'e recorded ami filed in In nllice, autf the nlher nl -aid ceritficale. shall he deltv- ' ered in the (iovcroor, who .l.all lorthw ilh issue his prociainatiou, declarini; whether the .aid amendment, nr either nf Ihum have been approved and ratilied by a ma j'lrn) ol ilia ipialifieil vniers ol ihe Stale vo'ino therein. PMvitle.l Tuat il for any cati-e, a quorum .nl eilher Houses of llio Leu'islaiute shall not be present ul the dav , anil hour above menlimiHil. then ihe said voles shall be opened in tlie presence of.1 such men. burs ni Mini hnu.es a- shall tie I present, and in ca-o of the absence of the Speaker of either ol said houses, the said cerlificaiet. shall be signed bv the Speaker pre-eni, or in case of Hie ahsencn nl both Speakers, by Hie Chief Cleili- ol bnib huuse., nr eilher uf them lu tho absence ul line ol the said cletk-. Spc. -1. That the several duties required 10 be perlinmed h tin Sherill-, Comuii. sinner. , fOii-l.ile. j id.' . . ' i'-ei".irs anil all Other nllie-r- win ', m ami about the general eiei-'niii. nl tins Cnmiiinii- w eal Hi ii hr 0 " ii . Co If " . e p ''. ill d 'V siipli ollii-er. hi n. . n i- i ii licreiu proviiled li is il, wheiher ollicei. or n.itiio to ihe same punish. , p .-..-cl nl any duly nr the p . ni) ulT-iioe at iu or about etee i ni ii wtey would for the ii. .. t: .1 like nm) or ho commis.iou ol , Ke oil- .i'. if in ur about the general election ol tni- Cnminniiweol'ii. IIKNia C JOHNSON. Sneaker ol die Hii'iso nf llepresen a ive 1 JOHN P. PKN.NY. Speaker ol tbo kiennie Apprnvod, The twenty mini day n Ainl Anno Domini, otid thousand eight hmidreil ami sixty four. ANDREW G. CUPtTIN, Governor ol Pennsylvania Meeting of Ilctttrn Jutgs. .in, in tlio ptov oin. u ' it-tiiiied in Ibn 2 1 .-). nn n I llio net iiliircsnl tlie jiid-'ei-nl ihn niores. id ili-triei h nil re r-peolively tnl:n ehuti?e of the crtnfiCH'a or return of the c'ceilnn oi their recpeclivo (ll-trieis, mid pndiiee lliein al n inemin of one Judges from each ili trim, at the Conn i b'eai, in Hloomburi;, on llie third tiny after tho eleoilini, tie iti i FHIUA, the 51b of AUGUST, ll.on nn J lliero in do and pcrlnrin the dot os required by law of the s.iiil Judges, AIo, il.al where a judgo by fickiin.a or uiuivoiilable necldetil i.i mialilo lo iiilend sueh ri.rct ny ol Judje., Ilion the cerllfi eale or return iiloieiuiil fIiiiII he Mken eharye of by one of 'he inciu'cior or elerk ol llio election of a;d iliMiici. wl.oxhiiil (In ami perloim llio diilie. rerjiiiro l of said Jl.lie llii.llilr; to niltNul, Given nmler inv Inind, In my nfTlce in I'lnoucbiuu, Ihe Kiift iliy nf J.lly. An no Domini oik IhoiHiiid einlil huiiilred anil ixty biur. JWSIAII M I' UK MAIN, SlierifT- OHieo. ) Sliorilf l'.looit:&bllr. July 1, 18(14 -or- V 1 III 1 hlct EjoI Ircdidm imMiu nm.va Bi.mi.v. n pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of ColiiiuMn county, nn SulUTiny, the tint of Aiipu.il, 1801, M lOn'rlock in tlm rnrvnnnn. J.nnr .Murphy nihiilnl.. tr.itor ol H.uiiu 'l It. Axu, l.itu of .Mnilijon tnwn.hlp, In miiil roiinly, ih eomril, will ripo.e to rule, by Tuhllc Vi'inluo on Ilii! prcinlni'., a crlaiu Tract of Land, 1 1 u at.! In MniMson tonhhlp In Fiihl County, hounilrd on ihr I.a.t l.y Ian. I of John Smith, on thu Hi.inh liv lnn.l of Jn mt'H Dililliic, nn tho We I liy lainl of llirmii Di.iicln-rly mid on the North hv 1,'iu.l nfChirlrii l.oiii; ; Eighty-four Acres, mors or le, w hereon arc crcrtcit n frame iluellliic liue nn.l a frame stiilile, n well Willi luiiup. mul n .Miinnrnppp! orjhiiril For llw payment of tho ilehts of the lleoe.litf'.l- I.ali! the L'tnto of .ai.l itrr-rn.ril. ultuntii In tho town fhip nf .Muilinou and cnuiitv nfnrui.nit. JLHLri COLl'.MAN. Clerk. TI'.ltMi? Ten per rent nf ouo-foiirlli of th" piirrhn.o money, paiil iliiwu on ilay of K.ito Tin.' Ii.ilnnco of the ono f.irtn nt curfirinnllnii ; iinil tho remaining tlireo forlli., in uiio Jear with interi'.t frmu rniithinaliinl. JAJIIH MUitl'IIY, Mm r, lllnonmhuri;, limp Si, IKii-l, " CHALES G- BARKLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. M.OO.MSUUlliJ, COL. CO.. 1'A. OrncH-On Main Street, iu iho Kx clianpe buildings, over Miller'd Store. I'.lwnnliurL' Ayrfl in; INM-Hin RUNAW A YI AIIPCONnr.D from tho ratl'.crilicr In Centre town ship, on iho I'Jth all,, a houinl hoy, name. I U'Asrll INOION rotiCti, spo.l almiit 13 year. All persons, nre rnutloneil ai!nlnt liarhorln!! or trn.ling ealil hoy a 1 will pay uu tlcht ofhu coutrictiui;. WILLIAM MILI.nn. July S' I8M.-3W. New Cash Store! -AND- op AT LOWER LI.MF. RIDGE, PEXXA ri ho undernineil, having roniplrteil iheir eparioii. i r'loro lloase, at Lower l.iino Itiiln'e, in rirott town- , ship. I'ol'iiohia rniinly, fa., lake pk'nurc in uuuoiino. ' uu tn llieirfrieinln ami the pahlic generally, lliatthoy ' li.io ja-t oponc.l a J I NEW STORE, : u mnMoi with a well selected n.orL mem .,f S i : ASON A RLE ME RCII A N DIH , l Cnntisting of Clothes, Cassimcrs, Silks,' i Mulins, Sattinctt. Lathe's Dress ! Goods, Gentlemen's C'othing, and in short everything nm ally kept in any Country Dry Good and Variety Store. ALSO: G ROCERIF.S FJSII, M EAT, j ' . ' SALT, &C , &C. BOOTS & SHOES. ' All ol whltli will bo sold a. iheapas can be punliased ' aNenliere. 1 . tt ... !. . ...: l. Cti) JUltcr, UiggS, lUeai, xir.UU .um 1 Couulry prodnca taken in cschango for , ,.i. , . uoous, anil lor WHICH llie uiglicgi luur&ui price will be paid. 1 Give us a call. No charge fur exhibit- ing our goods, but it will aford us pleas j urn to have them examined aud prices ! compared. G.W.Crcvelina; &co. Lower Limo Ridge, Juno 18. 180-1. S F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. U' 0111.11 respectfully lufonn the citizens oflllootns. hiirg.auil vicinity, that he rontimiestho practise of .iir.oici.VK WAVi xujiannr, lid solicits a share of public patronage. Oirui: on .Mala fftteet, tlrsl house below the Court House, lllno insliurg. IVIiruary :t, lrti-tf Hovse and Lot for Sale. riLL be sold cheap nrd ou easy tortus. a nwui.i.iNi! nousi: and valhaiilislot. situate on Main street in West llio iai.li irg JOHN O runi'..u .Muy I'lsrYME 'I 'ltP, iin.lerslgneil, having taken tho Uspy Hotel. I lat'.ly kept by .Mr. I! Unwell, would ruspcttfully inf'irm ins ftieuiU undtlio public lu geurrul, that no pains will bo spared fur the s .tisfactory ciilorlaiiiinonl of all whu may favur liiui witli.their cminm. JOS tl . ISO.IUAVK Kpy. April 2, i"J,l ADMINISTUATOll'S NO HOE. EtlatcoJ Washington ShumaihUeL Ir.TTi:iisui mimini'iriiiinii nnmi' i;onooi vnlilnir. Jim Hliu ninn.lntn of llonve-r twii., t'olutuMa t o..rtcf 'il. li.ivn hocli nrimlril l.y Hit lletliinr nrOulumlilaca.. to the iinrlerslKncrl i nil pomoni ln vine clninn nsaln.t tlm o.tntn of the ilcrcilciil nru rcq'iefle.i to ptvicnl them lo Hi 13 AdniiiiUtrnlnr at til it ri.'.liloncn In ulld town rlilp without ilolny, nit nil pnrtoni Indclitcd to uifika pnyinunt forthwith, FRANKLIN I.. BlltJ.M AN, Adm'r. Juno 11. IHO-I-Gw ti 00 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Jlrtigtcr, tlco'd. J ITTTfiRS nf nilinlnlstratlnn on the Pfiatenf John iV,K.,nKiy 1 Die iiudcrilgnrd, without delay, nnd nil pciMins p,. il.bU',1 to make pnymeiil forthwith, ! i i. m.ui.i.1,11, iiinoinitmrg, i fj I.'l lilt llltUHI.LU, Hemlock, , Juno 11, IPfil,-Cw S20i), .nin.nn.rau,,.. mVrr7;7T77" . . xt ".'T . In lno orlolk Acw Krgtnte, indicato tbat Til i( H WW f u great battle has been fought b.for.c At I Villi VV t 111 11 njUUJIlO i lanta, rcaulttug iti the complete ovothrow rpin: iiniiorjigncit re.pectfiitiy nnnonncrs to im of Johnston's army, and tho capture of tho JnrrU'iiiiiaii.itiiq public gcncratiy.thrit he iiai uprn. j c(y wjt, tiTtccci thouniid prisoners. Tliit SEGAR SAOT'ORYt ! iji i A. li A (j n V t, in i)Avii.t.t:.a f.!w doors below the : ut'S . nu tiaiu siroL'i, Ilinvlll.i ll.iuk- Sflllllinl II I II fl ..ll.,!.. I n ...nn..rnr!..r. Il.n l..,.l minUte of sigar., ulnrh will Im sold cheap, wholesale mid rcian. ' " - -P- - j well sinrkeit wllh IMIhle, anil llevorngo tn gratify the waii'n nf ih" rplcuru, to rr fresh the weary r ami nssuago i inn p.iiaiefloi uiiruiy JOSEPH MO WRY. Danville, June II, 181143111 U. S. 10-40 llonds. FOR SALE AT THE First National Hank oj i(ooinsburg Pa. ff IIESE 1J0NDS bear intorcst at tho Ji rate nf Ave per cent, per annum Ipji JjjlhZ LTfJ '!vUlIJ.! Which, at the present value of Gor.D, is ,a.,ul who otcuPy a strongly fortified posi equal to ition (1f The New Orleans Ttte )dtt claims to ll J)Cr Cent, per ail till Ul. Ihave positive intelligence that llio rebel ' jp. 1 Gen Dick Taylor left y Alexandria thieu OrilltlllUt llllnlR weeks previously for Richmond, and that r ' On hands ami ready fur delivery after the first of June. J. P. Tustin, Cas'iitr. Ukniiishiirg, May 2S, lf04. Ihn, BARGAINS ! BA-KGAINiS! IF YOU WANT TO I3UY GO TO freasj's Stnrr, iu Light ijlrcel, Pa. Who Kttpn ull KinJs if CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Rcady-Mdo Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Eacon, Hams, Lard, ; iobacco, cgars, , Hats, lJoot", i Caps, Shoes, j j Drugs, Oils, : Paint.', &c, ttc. ! In nddiliou to oar largo stork of Dry Gno.l, we have ' I a Luge nail fall ussortiiient of ltc.nl- .Made Clothing I nn tii una linjswo.ir which we nre determined In , sell cheaper thin can Im bought eliewhere. Call and sou. mid judge for yourselves. ii. v. citDASV ic co. Light Sitreet, April SI, 1FUK Valuable Properly AT PRIVATE SALE. T111,1 '""'""'J.'""! dosirnus of rctirinR eh'iihlishiiiei.l known us it.'... ...ipii..'., ....i:rs io sen ui private ejio, The Bloomsbrg Plaining Mill, PASII PACTOItV. SAW .MILL IIUUSL, dr. 'logelhcr Willi the AND DWL'LLINt. ENGINE, AND ALL MACHINERY nercfsiiry for a lir-t tliss ettahli.luncnt of the kind. I The concern will warrant ruiphiymetit fur tlfty hands . iit all time... 'fhere m also touiirUedAViih Ihe above, ami doing a very eMeimte run of custom, a 'ft .. !t I 'A I r.'-r ll'll . I.M'I I V A Ir-sffr iT.'V KJ JJJJJ li XU Ji JJlil J Jiej j liti J O 1 The t 'i .le wi'l he sold nt a bargain, on reasonable J ,B","a,", ''''''-1''' AL0 TtvooTiir.it niticK tnvni.LiN'fi tioi.-sr.s nimh- l.V XLV. 'Ih-i one h l.irgn tiy.e double lioas.-. out buildings. &c. 'I hey will bo told al a bargain if appli cation tie tuadu soon. I B.C FIIIVP. j llloouisbarg, July 0, ISiiJ. ITy- L.-iston Argus. Mtltoui.in, Lycoming Ileniocrat 1 C i nt. ni loiinly lii'iuorriit, and I.u.erue L'uioii, copy ' four iIiimm. ami scad bill to Columbia Dtjinocrat. j tjijjgf M A N u OOD! j Mow Lost, How Rcslornl. JL'ST puhlMiou, a new rditinn of I)R . CUI.VLR WltLI.S CI'.I.LIIKATl'.l) LSrJAV on the raiheal curt iwltlioul inediciiie) nf SreKMtlniuuii.tA. or semi- nnl W eakness, luinliintary Seminal Losses, Nrim:-,. v, Mental and l'liyiial Incapaciiy, Impediments tn .Mar, riage. i tr. ; al.o, l.onsiuuptinii. l.pilepsy, and t ils, in- iaii.ed by self imlulgeuro nr .etual exlraiiigauce. C I' nre. in a sealed envelope, only li cents. '1 he celebrated aulhur in this admirable es-av itenr- i y ,t.inn,ra,e( .from,-, thlrt years successful practice. that tlH alarming r.iiiM'pii-iii-es oi seii-anuse may he radirullv rureil w illioul the dalicerolls use of internal tnedirine or the uppiirntinu uf Ihe kuiffl pointing bul ' a m. nh of ca re, nt.iiice siuiple. certain, and etl'ectiial nam, nnu eueciual. no mailer what his hy means of wlndi every siiilerer, coiidiliua may be, may cure liiuis Ifilieaply privately, ana rmiicaut. C7 This Leciure shouli heiutlio hands of every youth and ew ry man in the land. Sent, under seal, ma plain enrelupe, to any address. lQt-t'QUl. on rereip' of lix tents, or two post stamps. Adrdess tlie publishers 1 HAS. J.L'. KLINT. & CO , 127 llowertv, Ntw York, fo.t ollice box Jjiii. Juno IS, IsGI. ly. National Hotel. (Ljte Wliitc SwanA 11 ACE STREET, ABUV.K l'llILADliLlMlIA. ,, ,,,,,,,,,, ii.. . . . GEO. IilGlIit'A I', PUOIUIETOK. Fannalij fom E-6lc Hold Lebanon, lZSSim.' JOr). IIOUSU.M, Cixkk, I .. z. ! Marth I. lciil-l'Jin. I STOVK AND TIN-WAHE SHOP. I IIP. undersigned would inform tlm rilueiisof Uloomsliiirg and vicinity, that ho husjust ro eitcd and Hirers for sale one of Hie iiioslexteiisivo assortments of COOUINCand PAN'i'V STOVl'S ever iiilroduied into this market, 'the Christopher C I 1 J -IN - S VI 1 1 tH 4 lr'Uai'l 1 aiiibus, James Itobbnnd (ilobe are among Ilia llr.t class I "U" 1 ' v VU cooking moves, all of which are uir-tight anil gas burner 1 for iai0 Ills farliir slot es arc handsome and tho assortment vi I rlcd. Al.SO-Pirticulor attention is paid to Tiii-Wttt. Th'v (ouipriso a full assortment and nre lit fund nr and llouo Spouting, upon short nuttie. All kinds ut tier They will ho given up al any limo, also, Ihe placo repairing will bo itnne w na iieaiueis aim ucspaica,- repairing will bo itnne w na iieaiueis aim ucsp IfT Couulrv nroduce taken m cxcliungofor work flllLll' S. MOVUll. Illooinsliuig. .May li), Iff.'-. Special Police ! bo Subscriber wishos to oloso his n'd Honks, all persons laving unsettled accounts on the sainu wiltpteasti call unit scttlu without deluy a woruiu ine whs is suiiicieui." J.J.DKOWKtt. f.Piainsbar; July 9, lBcl.-m nnCTQPD 1 DT f J3 YOJ A)ML JL THE WAft. A telegram from W'asliliigtou ttatoa1 that tbo government is in rcoeipt of Infor mation irom yberman'B army, toftuff'osrect tbat on Monday General SbcrmuD, hav ing previously crosicd tho Obaltalioocheo river, advanced liis whole army fivo miles eolith of tli9 river, and crossed 1' aoh- 1 8C0 Orcek, meotlllg, With tho exception.' of slight skirmishing, with no rcsi.tanco SUCll 83 to lOTCC JObnstOU IIHO tflO defenses nf Atliilltu. mid nliiees Onnernl Slirriin.i, in . . e . v. ...... ... a pOSi 1011 to HlU'U tllC CltV. J)Olll)tltll dirt- oultIe( 0 a statCIUOUt published statement, ii is aiJUetl, is "no doubt prctu oiuvwu.) i. i. uiucn, is uu uuiiui iiiuiu- "turo" It probably originated in tbo hn "g'"3'100 "fwiiio unknown but rather over SallL'tliuU person. on Saturday morning l.nl, a 1,'i-gc reb- ( 1 Pn,,rM VnlnSt . n.ntnrrtl lltR r,ln,nt ' --i------ stockado at Urownesboro, on tho Memphis and Charleston Railroad, the garrison of ono hundred men 9caping. After their succcs, tho invading force moved on Huutsvillu, and drove in our pickets at that place after a sharp skirmish- No further intelligence of tho operations of the enemy at this has been received. Ad ditional forces were leaving Louisville lor tho succor ol Iluntsvillc. The strength of the rebels is stated at from eight to ten Ithou - and : that ofour forces at fivo thoui 'the troops l.itali uu 'er him arc now com- mantled by G n W Jkr An expedition was being htb 'I out t New Oilcans to proceed catw. rd lor what purpose is not stated ; but it is supposed that its destina t'ou is I'eiisaonla, and ;s object to co-op-crat- will Gen. Sherman In his movc ')" nts.. WU.JLIAiHSPORT OIL WORKS, I NON-EX PLOSIVE j o ii. :- I ALSO ; Refined Benzine and UiUmuUATl.NU OIL in tight Pook-. I ascs. Orders will receive prompt attention. H. L, HOLDEIM, Proprietor. Willianuport, July 2, JfcC4. tf. the AGE. Tin l'UtiLisiir.iis or PHILADELPHIA the AGE I , Will ISSUC a C.impaicn Sheet for the Dem I ,. i ri ocratic ana Conservative niassos It will he prin led nn a large sheet of fino white na - per, nt such niles as will bring it within tlurenrh f mi- ii w in .uppnri ine iiomiiiei's ol lire Demo, ratio National rnuieiitinu, tho lull proneciliugs of which will be published in its columns. It will boldly advo. cate the rieht of the white man, au.l fearlessly sus tain all the - nii-titutlonal riL-hts of tin- citizen, no mat. uV.& inc;giiM. i in1 w uoie nuiitiier win be iiurt.'eii Inllowntg t.icii oiner wechiy. i nil l llie l'rc-il.1. :il mi i lection, the result ol w lurli w ill be cum. uric. 1 in th. final number. Deuiorratie and Caservniii e Clubs, County Commit tees, Agents and all inter. st. J i.i the cu'Jscare inviled toco.operale in the circulation of IB CAMPAIGN AGS, T K R ill S i The CAMI'AKiN Aftl'., of T liirtet-n Nuinl.srs. Simii.k Coeii.s for llie series, A1) rents. 1 Cicdj ' I not less tliau aim ime addresa l'i tts. each " " .Ml, " II) " t.ish must arroiupanv each order and NO VAl'.I ITO V WILL UU .MAI)!: IN ANVCABlJFItO.M Till! AllOVB TI'.it.MS. Orders should bo sent in immediately, or at least by the tirst day of August, to GLOSSHRENNER & WELSH, l:J0 Ciik-tnut Street, Philadolphia, Pa. July iKJs'Ct.-lin. ReaS Estate Sale. " Ci llalnabic fauut 'Plif piilncribcr oil trs tn st'lt. at private said a Valua 1 Mu Fa nn, cotiHUtina ( ino ACRES OF BOTTOM LAND, situate in tlie tall, v "f Pulinigrr.-ek. uhout two inilnii nor.h of I'tooiusiuirg. I'.d iiul.ia county, fa , comprising the h.ittniu l.iii.l ni lh. wr'l '.'.l wii I'ri'intilt-y farm, and the ll'iiuliii l'miu on lh. piei.il- .., ar - a I) wiling Hunhf, 'ivt ur.td Burns, an riiellent Oil' II AUI). oit-huil..iiigs. Well, ir , to g..'ther w nil a Maple Orchard, yl Iduig frun Stld to 1 nid lbs. sugar per year, 'fin- . in of me "III . i.iivtnirt Ir.n ure," crosses one end of this tract ol lau.l. iiiuu, Vdliiublo Town I'lopcrty. The large Three Story llrlck UUILDING, a id LOT OF I1KOUNH. on nhicli it is erected, situato on the i nortli side of Main street, centrnl in the town of lUontnsluirg .' lid biiildiug is siih-lantially i ciistrinled U'llIK D "f "' ule'iit brirk formorly ti.'-d lor a t nrriaso Pac i to-t i. nd ran be well adapted lo apla o of businesi, fc.nd Lot is II feet fronton .Main stiett. and 314 ft .Iff v. fiissetsiun of the last named premises will be given immediately. If desired. (Tv" Conditions of sule w ill 1). J. WAI.1.1.U. rHUA'4 v. ,., ... , 1 UK undersigned offers UIS entirO StOOK Of I I .u . s .a, n n ocr.es m ni in -inrss, tvuicii is in ine centre oi inootiisiiiirg. tun best canon for constructing an establishment .if Hi,, kind i tins section, llio term) w:il be ma.lu mod crate. Apply soon 1'lUl.ir P. MOYttlt. Itloouisbiirg. Ju'y'J, lt'OL 4t. A. LOGAN GItIM, ' ' Attorney and Counsellor ut .me, I.ArOJlTD. SULLIVAN CO.. PA. O" Military snd olhsr eluirnt prumnlly f iu, ii uirt ' ' OctaVior 31. Idtrt, .lea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers