oULUMBIA DEMOCRAT. EDITED BYAKVI L.TA.TE, PROPRIETOR. " Our Confutation prd It ever t Oar glorious Unionhold It dear ) Our Hurry nag forsake It never I Th proud Oaucas.lan our only prtt'. . 1 DLOOMSDURG: Saturday Morning July 23,1004 ron president in mei, GEORGE B.M'CLELLAN .(Subject to tho decision of the National Convention.) - SQf CAMPION SUIlSCIIIEtU. Wo w ll'.i . t t I r i r... ... , ,. ' u 111 thoy were when I left homo. There is too Beau, tbo Columbia Democrat from now, , - ...... A. ft ,. .,..,, . niuohniggor in the present administration, till after tho Presidential Election, for CO ,. ... m. - - . and too ninny ic published in newspapers, cents ,n advance This bo low that ev- t finJ f T wnnl ,ma0 1qm ery man should have it, and see that Ins near tho truth,I Lava to ,ko it from ncm ncighbors have if. If they cannot pay for - ,. ., It -I..I. i it -. .1 I li. mull i.iiiri.riinr- null rrnr inr innm. ,-0 . Many friends have aont In their name, fjr our Cam. rtai Dkhoctut." mill' with tlicm, tho money (58 cent, each,) for which we are thankful but, we beg to niako it .uggesllon. which we hopo will meet their approba tion uml nrovo Mutually advantageous. It la th.tt Hu.v me tiicir innuunco to get up dubs in every tinn nml town.h.pln tho County cf Cntun.lila. A club of Ten any location, and i es oocncioacii wbuM make it an ob. now draft will fill tho country with prc iheni i or Twcty.two .ub.cnbcrs, at ' found disgust. It will be remombcrcd that Ject to tho publ. slier tho tame, and StU Ui, with one copy to tho getter up of he Club, would grently mlvaneo tho canto of Demo cracy and benefit ti.e objects of tb.i cn.Hlng Campaisn yjonld not VCtO to repeal tho tlirco hun Deinocrntlo frlcnd, will yon mnlto tho cirort, aku o , , , ., , it at okck. We need not urge the importance of .up porting your own Local Vtctt. Muqh ilcpcndi upon privilegO Was allowed tllO onco cloriOUS your actlvoiiertion j to render ita labor, oirc-cilvn and in iir.. . to no claaa of our people l thin appeal mado Willi OlUiCOmmonwealtll of buying Southern 110 innm directness than to the "Young Democracy." ' grtlCS as SubjtitUtCS.- It now further ' r,,,, r mi, I seems tliat tbo Massochujclts men must Duty ol tne rimes. , , , .... .. T, . ., . , , . ,N 'havoesaoteu still anothar concession from Evory subscriber to tho Co umb a Dum-t,. w , , ., , - ., . . . ... ,tbo War Department that ot notifying ocrat. and debtor to t ho offino. n i n v r,n- ' . . . ' . 3 fa itfipfl. (lint Vi (i tnmeeuvA aT !Mnn ! ' ... . "u,u . ""'"-"i porattvely rcquire-owing to iho.ncrcased expenses of living and DOUBLE P1UCE of Ink and Paper, whieh wo are now pay- j llln tft .not, tl.n n...nl 1. ...... .. ""6 ,M w"uj .ua u uiua. ljuvu p ill wonts promptly and in advance. Wo ap peal to our friends and customers for tho means to prosecute our busincss- -UOt for ' conations but simply common justice,- wl.ioh ia the prompt and general payment .of our just dues Itomembor, dear friends, that wo live id Lincoln Times-hc "good ' times promised by tho swindlers who havo destroyed our beloved country; and 1 are now aiming at the destruction of nil ( our libcrtics-and upon m o m. of me- ohanics, does tho presuro of tho t:mcs fall CoLTrEditrU9S "P0.0; rtr i ' ' , , .- N o need not enlarge upon the subject. ' lwo Dollars, wore due to us from tho e who have no p81d,n advance the day they commenced taking our paper, or when tbo last year expires, and tve ought to have' .. r,,, . - . ... . , , i tl flow. Otherwise S2 00 will ha demand- ed. "Every little helps along. We trust to your generosity and magna nimity. Mexico. Wo. direct attention to an articlo on our outside, describing tho journey of Maxi .millian, Emperor of Mexico, by virtue of .French bayonets, from Vera Cruz, and his triumphant entry into the City of Mexico, ! his capital. ,Thus it ic, this audition administration has -disregtrded the Monroe Doctriue,and permitted one European power to over throw an American Uopublio,and establish an Empire huts stead. And the United States Senate did not daro even to protest How long will it be before tho monarchies of Europe, believing us sufiicisntly weak ened by our unnatural .war, .will come in, and, helping forward Mr. Lincoln, estab Hsb another Empire upon the ruins of thi. last of tho Republics. Thu work is begun can wo avert it ! Tho Crst thing to be doue is to elect a Democrat, to be presi 'dent. A Sublime Spectacle. About two weeks ago a most sublime spectacle was exhibited in Bloomsburg Two Inquisitions were here and in fission at the samo time. Ono was the Board of Examination, whoso motto is to the poor man your m ney or your life, Sir. The other w.as the appearance of one f.ord Scott, a collector of negro-tax, in tho shape of external, ioternal and infernal rcicnuej, to bo paid out ot die earnings of tbo me chanic and farmer a perfeet robbing ol tho industrial interests of l;3 country. The ''Loyal Lord," who runs this machine, only gives notice of his movements in the JSegro Organs, so-that tho great majority of tbo Tax-payers of Columbia, who arc Demoorats, must find out the time aud place, or pay 10 cts. additional on every dollar. 0, the beauties of this miserable stamp-lax Administration. Bebel Raids Itead tho programme of tbe next Rebel Raid, as published in tho Philadelphia In g uire f. It is an Editorial in that paper, and -considering that the Legislature which it so satirizes it is republican, and from tho foul ,1 tinPntw nnnA.linnniiitlf tnt1t DtOflA (1UU UlllUlt UUUVIIIIIIIUIUII. " . T . " , ... , . . .. , ., Jikol v lo remain bo; it seems that tbo truth . . ,.. ... r ., for once, is told by a ltepublican of tho t. Lis in .1 t .! 'p ,i, , Ilenublioani. '1 hey aro the friends of tho ti f i 7 !. ..:,. Ilebolss carry out their designj, asmt r, , - . ., - , , their raids p ay into their hands. , ' J eSy The Hepublioan twain of Lincoln and Johnson rido. upon two horses Gen- .eral Taxation and General Condition. i . i, n i Ti u UestdcB. thero aro Bthlking General Uank- i uptcy and General Ruin, riding ,tbp pale ftorscs of Death and Starvation 1 3r Thomas Dumb rcpcotfullyrqHc. tod to rend ihc letter on our first pago ol to-day's Donioorat, headed ''Loiter from Array," signed 11. E Tiffany, and than to givo it a plaoo in tho Republican. Sir. i Tiffany, when at home, in Tunkbannock, like Pee John and JHlley Pulton, was en ! liroly "loyal." and they havo ropcalodly endorsed his loyally and patriotism, but now, that lie is in the Army, and desires to toll tho truth, theso loyalists can givo him no words of lineouraeeiuent. Dont bo angry nt your brother in tho Gold, who has the honoaty to say, ulfwc can't whip them (tho rebel!.) bv fall, wo never can. The Soldiers will stand it (abolitionism) no longer. They will go for a now (Demo cratic) Administration. In fjot I havo nlinnnnfl mv v in vt t nitnaiilnr it til 1- frA.ii tvK.it I r Smcko. that, you old Rut's. Shame on Massachusetts. Th indecont basic of Massachusetts to get more than her share of tho negroes to rr)re3CDt her RODS in tho army under tho the Massachusetts members of (Jongress urcu uoiiar conimutaiion clause until tlio iiuom belorcliaml when tho draft was to take place, so that they could bo tho first - .J ' . J " 7 " ; " Z" ,Z ' ' T and best asortmcnt of darkles to handle tbe muskels d . d f O for whito Bay Statu men. it wilt ho noticed, before tho Pros ident's call was out, that Governor An- .... ... diikw hail all t fin til n t It I nn r w 'tirnnnrn.1 1 i .i , t Tirnnlnmnfiiin tuna nnf Iw.fftvn LlNCIiN.s ,how, that hc musl Im(, b(,CQ illformod ;u advaQC0 of ,ho otJjer What ft emnonl a thu u ,1)C ds of swarming Yankees who wero to rush t0 atm't who an ma - tio rocu. tim ,yas isfuC( , At thij ve d AlassocbaBotts has fewer whito men in the riinl3 , proportioD t0 Ler ,,ltjon l)an nny ctale;D ,bc N()nb crolho , and foreigners w.thdrawn it would be found that the number of nativo Majschusetts rauk aud fi,e wou)d bj cot)tt,m jb, ..P. 4Negro Equalit Practically Illustrated. m. , e a . r , .. no ''free American ot African descent' . .. ..... iujjiiii3 uttiii-iuijaijjf Ufuu WIC ilOOllllon idea of equality, and every few days our exchanges bring us tho accounts of somo outrages committed by these deluded so mi- barbarians. Only last week wo were hor irified by the details of tho kidnapping of -i white woman by a negro in one of tho westirn cities. Tha woman was kept out of si-ht. under lock and key, and i as for- 'bly mado to submit to every outrage which her dingy keeper saw fit to commit uopn her person. The Lycoming Gazette They confide the selection of their Legis of this week reeorda another rxamplo of lotors to caucuses and coi.vcntions tho teachings of Abolitionism being prac- composed of persons who are eith- ucally carried out : or friends of the undersigned, or who 1 toforeordered is to far completed as that the A hdy Cooper, a fr.ee American of the are cheap fellows that can bo bought over aformcntioned act of Congress may now purest African decent, camo Dear losing at small expense. Every precaution will 1 be put in operation for rccruitiug and keep bis life on Saturday.. Tio won a waiter be taken hy the undersigned to continue J '"g UP tbostrenglh of the armies in tho field at ono of our borough .liotels, and on tbo this excellent arrangemuut. j for garrisons and such military operations morning of that .day, foroiWy eeized and It has bcen further objected that the ' as may bo required for tho purpos of sup kisseri a respectable while married lady people of Pennsylvania may defy their pressing tho rebellion and restoring the living at the same hotel. A sorn as the Legislature, and arm ihemselvcs and or- authority of the United. States government lady could escape hU grasp tho informed ganizo regiments to oppose tho excursions ' n "10 '"urgent states, her husband, who took a revolver and of the undersigned. Such objection would ' Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, went into the dining room, where Andy be well founded if tbo undersigned con- Prosident of the United States, do issue was at work, with tho in'.CDtion .of blowing tcinplated an excursion into Otio or Indi-' "'is my call for five hundred thousand vol his brains out, but Andy, diseoveriag bis ana, where tho citizens are wide awake unteers for thu military service ; provided approach, and Jjuowinn his object, seized aud always ready : but it does not bold ncvertheless.that all credits which may be a girl standing by, and -held her betrtccn himself and tha enraged hu.-baud, until he eoulfi back to tbe ''dummy," down which he pitched carrying tho girl with him to the ba-iemeU kitchen. From thero he made a frog leap through a window and then loeomotivo speed to "Nigger Alley," sinoo which ho has JjQsii invisible, If wo don't mistake publio sentiment, Andy will find Williamiport a very unsafe placo of resi dence. t&" An effort was lnadeto get up a Company at this place in rcspouso to the calls of tho Governor, but as 10 low inter ested themselves or manifested a willing ness to go, the movement was abandonod for the present. Lei eaeh husiue-ts estab lishment agree to send all tho force possi bio short of absolutely dosing up. And if needs bo let us all close Ki.aod every ono ablo to march shoulder his knapsack and musket and no. Smutl Machine, Mr. Dunn, wo take you at your word, and assure you, that when you ucloe up," "shoulder knap-sack and ao," we will do likewise. Now pitch in. Don't again show the "whito feather," Uniiukieo Dead. The rocent rpport, I . , . r .. , ' said to como from a bedural army ofiieer ., ' sayo tne uuio unsia that mere are v.t . . lying Mnburied, in tho Wi derneja, 30,000 J . ' ' " dead of tho two armies, 15.000 of whioh ' '. . i are our own men, deserves investigation 1 T, . . ' , . . ,. , It is given as truo, and not contradioted. ' Wo reoolleot that Gen. Lee sent a fl.igof truce to Gen. .Guam, asking permission hory the Confederate dead, and that it wtisrofused. Tint wan all was heard of ,b() mttUr . but w!j0 Upn0(,od tLat ,he dead of both armies were .never buried? , This is disgraceful. Fourth Gmnd Annual Excursion I Anm lltnltmnnrl 4 r Pnnnairlvnnln. The;o lively and stirring diversions oorao off with sueh regularity that wo may rnttnril llirtn sm r.tflhl Inliud fnatliros of till! u,.r. Hn ,,tinln1 rmtl onlnrnrl.tnrt nrn ' tho mana-rors that no surprise should boEll proolamation of HowAUl) called for expressed if our next moiul nowspapcrs contain fnr tlin llVilllli fir ilwl from Uiol.mnnd in Maryland M)xti and thn nitmlinrland Vallov. for iht, gummor of 1005. Their odvertisomcnts will nrob- ably road somewhat after this fashion :- "Tho subscribers who managed tho lalo excursion to Maryland Heights, Ualti- tiiAfA ntwl T n elii 11 rtt mi . r.rAfinan tn rnlnni . H.n iT,.ir l.i l.arv.,1 limn In tl.n enmin yoar. They refer to their recent party as ) on earnest of what may bo expected next summer. Tho unpeasant oircum stances which followed tho exoursion of 1802 and 1803 (Antlctam and Gettys burg.) were entirely avoided in 1204. Tho undesigned flatter themselves that this success was owing to their manage ment, and to tho employment of compe tent pilots and conductors, well acquaint ed with tho country. On the late ocea tion thoy obtained, through those moans, a great amount of valuable information eonoerniniT tlin hct; rnnls. fords, hridirnq a-- . , and stonnimr-n ancs. wh ch wi 1 bo mado' available for tho benefit of their patrons in ' r lBorj. TiU .nnnnsml hv tnm, nnr.nn. ,i,nt It. supposed b some ptr.on. that I theso excursions arc attended with consid erable danger. That o'jcciionis no longer well-founded. ' Each additional year's experience ii teaching tho undersigned how to conduct tlicm with increased salet and success They take certain things for granted' For instance, no serious ob structions need bo feared in tin Shenan doah Valley. None lievo ever been on ooun,crc(l- Neither is any danger to be "PP'ehended from the opposition of tno I1 eninyivania legislature. Although tho Governor of the Slate and tho newspapers II . T . . . ... . also h 11 VG rcndGtfllllu t?. ill nil ntrnnfinn In ibcSC CXCUTsionS. and hnvfi dcinatirlnrl nrn. lc0.ive measures in the form of military lawS( &c ( t0 prcvcut such invasions fas 'thry cal, them) for tho fllturc . tllI! L i4 laturo pays no attention whatever to cuoli preposterous demands. The Legislature of t,a, Sutc niay tbercforCj bo C()ul)tlI( upon as our abiding friends, who will o nl, accouut ,cct tbo eoable an( np hatiwH ()f tti bthr h tbei vate bill, for sueh unprofitable matters as miliiia laws or any other public measures originated by old fogy talk about tho pub- lie welfare. The undesigned, therelore, confidently rely upon the Pennsylvania Legislature leaving then, an open field and u . . , . , , an unobstructed passage in tho future as .t, u -.. .u . "J uavu in iuu It may bo objected that the people of Pennsylvania, who aro strongly opposed l9 'be excursions oftho undersigned, will take the matter in their own hands, and turnout onr friendly legislature; hut none of our patrons need entertain any fears on that account. The Peuny'va- nians, and opecially tbo Philadelphia!, care very litllo about the character ol thu officers they elect to mako laws for them good of Pennsylvania, where tbe people never begin to prepare themselves until ls excursion is nearly over. Ftoxi the forogoing it will be seen that tfceso Or and Annual Excursions now be considered entirely safe. Ao (o dte points to bo visited they will continue to bo tho favorite places in iho Shenandoah and Cumberland Valleys, as heretofore, vie : Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Martinsburg, Greeucastlo, Fred erick, .&o. Beyond theso tho undersigned will bo governed aeoording to oircumstan- cos, but will always conduct their patrons either to Haltimoro or Chamborsbiirc, to Havro do Grace or to Washington or Harrisburg, as ehher placo may pronrss the best and ehoapestoniertaiument at tho time. Some negotiations are on foot for extending ono ot these excursions to Phil - a These lively parties havo great advan - tages ovor U otters- Their natrons aro better fed than they are at homo; thoy havo ample facilities for exchanging their old homc.pun for good broad cloth ; when their old horses aro worn out, thoy get hettpr ones for nothing Nothing need bit said about epoons or greenbacks, or iher light and portable articles of tho same general oharaotcr. There aro nu merous other attractions which will read, ily suggest themselves, among which is tho enjoyment for a few weeks of that unre triflted liberty, so doar to overy Southern heart. Sccuro your tioket early, and bo ready about harvest timo, 1805. Jubatj Early, John 0. BiiECKiNiiinaE, IliunrKY T. Johnson, Cousin' Hauuv GiiiMORE. Successors to 11 Stonewall Jackon & Co. JSnquirer. A NOW Draft Ordcrcd-Call For A?0W.ral,", mirli--7.Ti m-.. i . . . .IlZr; If thu half u mill on of no w soldier, r whioh tho President rails n. Ms proeln , a- tion are n.cded, tho call is a cry of .lis- trcBS alld a national h.lmllialioil. The I for files of the Ulch. , "lv four fifth, as many and that inven- tho prfc,ieot called to tbo Quid tlito han lain tho programme j livc 80ai"P is it""'"-"' 111 1'' orl Cyclic ,Jrt,,i thousand militia, to serve, lor a term Annual Excursion for convoyinc to the world iho impulsion 0r nine months. This number was prompt- ''al tht V,r8lui campaign wa, a failure, 'crtttln it is, that public) . xpectation is difappointcd.and tho thoenun.n will not he,!- o U rpoii.ible for the ailing w.sie of life whloh ,il,u 10 ,lT,ri! w . 1 a .. 1 1 . I I i .. ... n I lit,, inl.inl, rnriiinit iinii ii ii ;. viii 1 1 iiir iv in i u i m iv inuii 1 t .1 ...--I rcuusra uvu uuuuiuu muur nu utw iiiuu ncccs.iry so soon after tl.r opening of a canipa.gu that promised to bo triumphant, triumphant oriife 'fo; Wu say "unavailing" waste wo cannot seo that any substaintial advan-1 tgo has been gained by our army .sinoo 1 it left the llnpidan, It has recoiled ocain and aain before rebel intronchmonts ; it is now arrested bv rebel intronohmonts i land tbo whole destanco from Petersburg i to Richmond is hedged up by rebel in- drcd thousands men, not to count uiacu lougcu in jan. lucy gavenuir ii,.1.,vr.,.i.. ( ti""i,,w'Ar!i I'tVl I trcnohments, placed at short intervals for men and that within the pa;t year wo have the 1Ciirug boforc Ksquiro Bennett, as I rlZ'nM t'niw ' ' ... !,. il.n n.il.1 uninn 1 1 ii i wl ic 1 1 thnUianu .... i tm 1.1 rt....i. ' Ucail.AriilityiirtbiilStou.t.ih t in w ho n I .tunc,, of Iwinlt; mi "Mv . . J ' plan," as Mr. Lincoln called thu over- land march.haseost in sim'l" a campaign, . . w. ' more men than either iS Ai'Ot.EON or I Welu.noton commanded at Waterloo : :.t r .t 7.... ",l"u "" u" u"' w ",i;m """) wu'.ilitarv forces I best;ucl1 our ooutltrj ,"on to mnrk.but j .1. , 1 . . 1 . . 1 .1 iuuu tiiuti iiiuiii Uuu n iuai-. auu jcr, tbo prospect of taking Itiohiuond is not Ub.rle.ton -The World. " " n r r wad i nn nrn UilLilJ I'Ull A JUiidl'l. FATHER AnilAIIA.lI UA.TS'F1VK HFX- DKEI) TIIOU.SAM) MOltK. Pt'Ctsidciit Siincola s I'vocltijua lion. iHalf a Million One Year Soldiers Wanted m Fifty Days. Massachusetts m Hot Haste iiter Xiggcri. Darkies lo the Front so thai Yankees may May Home. Ar.L Anour tiib Panvious Drafts. 2, 408,846 Men Called for Here tofore. Wash in (.ton, Jul j- 18. By the President of the United Slates of Aiwica. A PROOLAMATION. Whcrcas,by the act,approvcd July 4,1804, entitled "An act farther lo regulato and provide for the enrolling and calling out the natioual forces aud for other purposes, ' in is provided that the President of the United States may, at his discretion, at any time hereafter, call for any number of men as volunteers, for the respctivn terms of ono, two, and three year, fir military sfrvice and ''that in ease the quota or any .part there fauy ton ii, township, ward of a city, precinct, or election district, or of a county nor. to sub divided, shall not be filled within the tpaoo of fifiy days after sueh call, t hen tho President shall iinmo diatcly order a draft for ono year to fill sueh quola, or any part then of which may be unfilled. And whereas, tho new enrollment hero wtabliahed under section eight of the afore- sain act, on account persons who have entered the naval service during tho jires- unt rebellion, and by credits for men furn ibed to the military service in excisi of ca'ls heretofore made for volunteers, will be accepted under this eall for ono, two, or three yearn, as thoy may elect, and will be entitled to the bounty provided by tho law for the period of servioo for which they enlist. And I hereby proclaim, order, and di rect that immediately after tbo 5th day of September, .604, being fifty days from the date of this call, a draft for tioops io serve ' for on Jear 6na11 bo '"Id in every town, township, ward of a city, precinct, election ' district, or a county nnt so sun divided, to fi thu qu,a wh,ch sLall bo assigucd to it . , -., . , under this sca'e or any part thereof, which 1 m ,be U"elk''1 b voluDtcers ou "M , Jl" oay 01 oepteinber, tHUl. In testimony whtreof I have hereunto sot my hand caused the seal of tho United States to bo affixed - TlAIIO tit thn (Mt.' f IVnotiiiintnli lia a!i.I, wow mw ' I . I .y. . . h?uiiii;ivii I I. . - V. I 11 ., , ,. , i . , , M'.Mirri tin v ni .lint in rrin rnu r ir nnr t , ,.i., i Lord, 1804, and of the Independence of tho United States tho 80th. i Auuaham Lincoln, j By tho Presidont ! J William II. Sewaiid, Seorctary of State NUMI1KK OF.HEN ALIlliADY BENT TO THE - FIELD. In his report mado on tho 1st of De camber, 1801, Secretary Cameron stated that 77,875 men were raised during that year, under the first call of tho Pre.tdent. Theeo were "tbreo months' men," I ho number of men, at the dab of nt.rep.fi,. . fi.rii.rpnvoRM.wn-.fl00.071. July I, lOa,in.i..o(liatvly after tho ro- t, , , , for ,hrc0 Lullt,rcd t,ousand tuorc voiulllocrfl. This forco was chiefly of infantry, in pursuauoo ol arocouimou. datlon of tho President. On the 4th of Augut of tho same yoar, ly liiniiilicd .lima IC. 1803. tho President summon-1 . Ufmm rSi nn , bo . as at" ' I ' , " S JJiJ. Luri" th month'of July, 1803a draft a. t in ti nun nun nnfnrnnd. mr ouu.uuu iuuu ua .iw..-. Since tho 17th ot Uci., las , uuuer mc cans auoui sovrii i.u.... ZtZttZ Oeld. , Tho Senator from California speaks of thcspasmodiiiction of tbo adnunistra- SlSSSli: l5S!": "K I ' . .'!.,..! nr rnnrMltd , (Or KUUiY UHH Wl ll'Htl lir. '8,nce the 17th day of October last six bun- llu ,u" - -- men ! tliat WC haVO matlO an CXerilOIl SUCH . f i!n, nr ,,! rnd few nation, can make: that wo havo spent 81'25(0L)0- ' .. ... i .1 r. .l . "w 'n nonnties ; uiai wo uau umuuu , that wo havo used tho whole power and inuucuuu .iii.u IllUUUIIbb "IIU bvV4."v- -w , n itntinn rtllllm nn vx T tl HI n tl I 1(1 lllnrP.uSU Ulir Thus it is easy to arrive at tho tola,! i II .. 1 .... . . I.- nil. i nuiiiuur ui un-u ui.ntu uui ouno break ot tho rebellion, It Is given con- J oisoly,in the following ubl. : I I JIK KS-w;,:'' ' Volunteers, for the war Itiiil bMl.tl.t Cniliir I'ri'niilcnfs c.ll of July I. IflM ailli.Uill) jnntuejiied n.u i" Am-.i.t h-hj niiowiu 1 Militia culled .mtuJu.u-.w-.:i .V:" 1ST. Since 11th nf Urtnber, le-t.5 7(H), null -mtai Jubilee for the Tribune. i Strong emotion is like strong ilrink- betrays thu inmost feelings of tbo heart, Under such influence tho real character is sure to be exhibited. Tremulous with uusuppressed passion and frenzy, the Tribune of July 14th dis plays the wicked machinations it has so long sought to deny. It says : For yci'i ice have been hoping that the rtbrls would assail Washington city. Their Secretary of War threatened Us oapluro directly after tho red iction of Fort Sumter. I hey might easily havo taken it the day after their initial tiiu.n;.li nl Hull Kun, J hey ought to have . ssault. it it diropllv niter IliPir vielnru nvnr Pnhnnn mrectiy am r uitir victory over I ono on n -ally tho same (-round. At last three years orter they should hayr done it-they have made thvir rush on tho Federal cap. ital. Wi: rejoici: at Tins.'' Is it true, that tbcro exists an individual, a press, who dare to rejoice at an. attack on the Federal capital, and who invites its ilc-truction t lias ilia naiuro ol thincs changed? Is what me to bo '"lujalty" now ''(reason?" and is a jubilait orer the destruction of our nation's eapital loynliy I U. ,.., l 0 WO SO pervurtutl that this man, Who IS thin inaile happy by pur huniiliatioii, nho .....1.1 (l. .1 I n . tf i, i ivuu u leaf UUWII ill! Il.'llllirillfr lie. nr tl ..:,; ii . I r. l ! uu (.j Mcc-a on uiii.eu in iu. uai ing at the capital doors; who is only sor ry the ailack was not made when r.uy re- J - sistance was impossible aro so utterly distraught as to allow this lliatl to arro- - , r . . gate, tor those tor whom hc speaks, any , e , . .. lOVC lor our Country, aud to tmpU'C dlS- loyalty to us ? The capital fates are endangered and tho Tribune rejoices ! I ! Regiments Consolidated in Gen. Grant's Army. From the Albany (N. Y..) Alias and Areas. Some idea of the losses duriug Grant's oampaigu may be gathered from the fact that many regiments have been nearly an nihilated. Tho local' papers all over tho nniillrrv toll tlio stinm slnri! pnTionmmr nr.' ganizations that have gone from their re- 0 " SOectivo localities. 'J'liey each think that ' . " their reciment havo suffered the most of , any IU tllO army, When the facts aro that . ,, , , , ,-, ... nearly all havo been "cut up alike. Tho Auburn Advetiscr learns, through private i-ourcu-i, that the 111 h has been consolidated with the l'J5th, 12o'th and 57th Now Verk Regiments. Loss thau two yi-ars ag'i this-j reditu 'U wont out from aiming u Irom eight hundred to a thousand iro'i4. At lea-t two of them were among tbe prisoners taken by Stonc- ,,.ll tl..n.. , II........... I.,..... 11 SII o dunruii uk ti.11 uci a I'Cll Vi till 14 ML' u ... . ........ but little I'XOO -dl on thn fioWl until tlin Vi.tt. , ' , tlu Of Cit'tlVhhurir. Doubtless al of them Uave reeeiveu IllOrO or ICSS recruits IU tho tncantimn. But now wo seb that four no ble New York Regiments, after loss than two years' service, have melted into one. - . cay Dr. Ui'OEOttArF pel formed anoth er operation ou Monday afternoon, which proved successful in causing tho blind to .. . see. it was upon ratriek Uullen.ot ply moutb.an olU man ol sixty-five, who had been blind in the right eye for seveny ear Tbo operation con-isicd in removing the lens or tho prinoipal humor in tho eye which strve-i the purpose of refracting tho llnlit (a (Vicii llm i.iinnn nn till, rnlinft CJ . , . . . i . . . his lens had become opaque and was re . moved, The operation required but a mo me nt. '1 ho patient now sees distinctly. The Luzerne Union. ftSr Air. Fessendcu has aocoptcd tho appointment pf Secretary of the Trcus ury, and eutered upon hjs duties on Iho 5th. Conqhe s Adjouknkd The first ses r.iv(" 38th Congress closed on Men - 1 inst at 12 oVlonW noon fnr 1 IllSt., dt 1 i 0 C OOk llOOn , for sion of tho day, tho 4th whiob tUu country should bo iliivoullv 00 iWVOUliy tuauiciui, Dabtaiidlt Assault -One oftho most outrageous and unprovoked assaults that Un9 boen commiUcd in these troublous ml(, m ' M ff a mgA " propnaior - room waltng for some of his guost who wore not jn) u-hon a couplo of lrshmen camo in and demanded liquor. Mr. II. rcluicd to comply with their request, on the L'rouud that thoy were already sufii- c;crjtly intoxicated. Ono ol th"m then ""bl"1"d f' ,Hufford, whloh Ho dodged, lie immed.. ately picked up the pitehcr-a tery heavy ntin Mtltl fttrtlGK Mf. II. ID tllO I10Q(I in ,lieting 80vcra gr9tic9 qi a irigm.ui cuar- mvr Thny then went into mo sirrei omi tbrow stones in the house, breaking win- Uows, picture tran.es, eve, nun euuange.- ing tho lives ol nuy persons who happened l0 be within. One sto ic stru. k Judge ,n h h MrroW," 7 capcing. A number of perto..s being - - . , , . arouscu, thoy were pcrsueu, c.iugiu, nnu Thomas U. iUOOIIOT anu 1 nomas r . 11 nth- . ... , .. i c, A"y were commuieu 10 usi uv tho next court. it., n'.-.i 1 . .1. li mr. liuiiom o.imj nun, .....u.. 10pcd ho will recover. The Luzcinc .. . jHVJtlt Ni;o,,r,CTE1) Corcms AND Cui.Jm. )'''W J ... ..... I aware oi i no imporiaiH'o n curcKiug c u or no,lumon Cold," in i s first sta,ft. f that ,Uoh, in tho beginning would yield to a m. U remcuy, ,f neglec to,, soon preys U00I1 tllO lung". "UroWllrt llroil- . ... i i, ('nnnti 1 n7Minrr ,11'niil chial 1 roehes, or tougii hozetiges, . uoiu infant relief. 1 jrcif'5r.ri;wiij.ui!Jkt!i:J-i !,."..lJJ.kiarj Onlli? 17th Inst . by Montgomery "le, Mr. Hi ll .Millonrv ui" J,u knui tiiiMishlr, and Wirt Mar, It 1 1 1 l'-r .Mclleury. of lieiiltin towufhlp. nil of t.'uliiuibi i r I'Oniilv. taecacwi -iu-rEsgjaaMjg-rrr.-gg!igatr,i.-.fir-.i, NctD&Dueilisnncnts, NOTICES. pirrllflcatc No.357 fur tlnir shun- nf Preferred Hto k tiiiuu .ay , l.-j. Ii.iviii1.' hi'i'i. In-t or inlsl ml. ilii-Cin to rautiou all pi-r-uii- uir.-ihipl purcl..uin? Hie t.:tne- u h 1 li.iveaiiplied losaid cJunip iuy fr a new Ccrlilicili;. . JU.IX .M.l'DMIlllur. 1 July 23, ISlil.-tt. HOWARD AKSOCaATfOA', rmi..i)i:i.i'iiiA. pa. lllseaso of theNcrvcus. Seminal, Urinary, and Key. w m th- Lackawanna c iiinniiiiiur5 it. 11. i o., i-.u'-n .IJ u?l rirsteins -new nml re'ltihle tn-atHii-ui ...... ..el. ii. ivc c ii ii ttrit'l -i'lfiv ... i.., .....i ill -e.itnil letter eu.-loin, fiee id i h.iree. Address Mr J SMI,I,I x UJKiUtill I'tlM, linn itnl Ar-mnatlini, Nn. aitmtll NlllIl, Mr,.,,t, phiiaiieieina, p.,. Jmy i k-i'.i -is 1 French Breakfast and Dinner , - -x n-l v- IT'-I i I .WIN'fi to I !. rery Itish prire nf mile tin, I th.' ' t'nt i at (intimity in tu lu-iiriiiu a uiiod. untler.u au.l relittlil art.t In our cust.euers inr- nl'tun eipr.--.setl n wish Unit lli" toulil he upilietl I rut., flrnt hands. It was tbe inteittiuu of th! OR HAT AMEUIOA I KA COMPANY to do tl strlrtly le- titl-itli-s-t, hit us u " lntte h.'nl sntue t-ti. tinners llr.i. at a ili-i-ntri that h.tve r.-li.-.l tljtnu ll In supply ttll'lll i-XL'llUely With Tett and Cnf fee. It li '111 llll'iinVl'llielll tor U lit tn rniue tn ctt 1 "tl. I llh t.HKVf fcA, ..MltllftLh I.nrmtiu-S OI llllll , country -mid us our Tea Taller unit pn.fi.ss.'.l nf in. ,;,,, ,mlu ,,rlJ, n'Ildi,lVi. unir-r.t.i mtii .ttis.... ,.r..n. ami nit e s.itne Ii w jitr-tnl the retnili-r a It.tn Isnit e He-- Tllla I'ol-T II ll AH IUI'.IMi: ti lupi'l. i; -ll.lle been cnuili-'lle.l l.llppi) I Iiiim- pill ,uih our tiislo.ui-rsand lb ir s.til,is havo Intreased to sut li ait i t -nt tli.it we hare I u rii.iiii.-lled to tii-ike larje .1 iiliti.ms to uur uiarltiuary, v 1. 1 ,-l. will uui'ile us J" "I'''1-1' M ,V,V,",,T Wew'" thurelnru seittl it tn those ho iti.iy urjer. ; ll is Fust, bupcuriti'ig all clticr Cu(ft cs. This Cutroe has been us -d for inure than a century in , Paris, itiul since its tiilrinliii-lii.it lulu tins cnuuiry ll i. iee. used by .nmi of the le.idnn I'nutii k.-h- t.iur.iuts Itere. 'lite P.irint.t stireu.l in he lit.-best jo-lues of toll'.-e ; and Hie !jn -at fa.ir in "huh it is i.i'lil li) liieni is lllo nesl recrouillieniinitnii uttti can lie pr.ieiiretl for its fine ll uur and 1h.iIiIi ell'ccts iiputi the human Hyst.-iu. We put up but one tirade of this rotl'-e, itn.l th tt is of a ipiality th.tt o-ir custuuiers Ii.ivj found frmn exp-i rl.-ui:e ill Hire pi rfoU satisf-u t inn and nnji-t nil lh--demands of their trade, ll is 111 1 luwei-t prn-e tli-tl tv. can n L-c-nmiueud. Wo ilouli our business ou the utn.i siirusiru s-c.cl.. imy by the cargo am si-il.'tt .nil) tun 1,-1,11 p r p.i.in.i i t ullt. We put up this li flee in llarreN onlt . ,Ji iui!in. em-li. This ineilind of put-um it u,- ,-(h.-, I tn . cents tier pnnitil to the cust'un, r, m, i i t'-i '. .e 111 a larj-ii -pi, unity it n l.iius iN tin,- : . u .1-1 .. I . f in tins l-iriit II1.111 in any mh r ,- ., v 1 . m-i-i Ii li.tlnl I tfhnw 1 arils. I'lrruUr- 1-. , , . , ,i,i-i tn- r to introduce it tn ln c-u-i ., i 1 i'.. n.u.eo.i tne-rs will take pains to h.ne ib ,..,.1 I n-i ii-tnbutrd.ti!. It .t ill be In In, ir .nit anl.iS io.-.-m- isColk-o we warrant In (,-ire perfect s.illl'ieii m tlculi Ij",' illlsl.olle. , .11.11 11 i. n.,.- nn. ,n-,i-i-, tin- piiruu.iser lias Iliu privi- K'of returni..?. tim wind,, or nn pin nritwitinii I 0.1 days, and hut inu' his iiiuuey rcfuudeil tngelher null all lheex( cases of transportation both ways. tVe islttio 11 I'ru-e t'lnular nf our I'us niMCinii'. wiiirh no nrfglnd to -eml fre to all nlm i-h 11 Conniiners nl CnilVe thould einuln.' fnr tli( "I'rfiu I. l.rcukr.il uud tliuta-r Coll'ee" ami he sure thai, it huh plltchased nf tliu I civcixi A ..:..-;... 'IV:i a ...... . v. I " A ? 7 IMPORTERS & JOBBERS 35 ct :)7 A'ESBV ST., New Yoiik. July S3, lGl.-am. NOTICE IN PARTITIOnT Ileal Estate of Levi Ihiscl. ihcn.tr,) - i - . L. S. Columbia County ss : . . The t'nninionwcalth nfPuiiu st'iraniato S-all.e It. Ilei.el, l.et i p. luisc-l . K.-ni I II -lsel.-nn.iii.!i llnl.i.l ,, .. .. : .---r.... . . .. v.,.,ui, ...iviil - 11 aiuiniind. liu.triliau nf the bant mimhi ; ynu and eiith ami Misan j.ueisei.auil David "!'y"u aro horeby cnmiuiiinled tn be anil .inneiir Ii.-i.t.. , the ilnnnrnble Juilses; of tlio Orphans I mitt, of i , "lubi.i exility, at tliu Court llniig-1 in llic.iiiuibura.nl. i ini.i.ii. . ... ii . .i.... ..r .2 : .loan. v. in .".I i it:iv ,.r Smi.i.. 'm'ro m accept or rc-lum to take the Real l.st.itu of ,e. ' 1 "'J .eiliuilllllir llttAI. llll'll anil vi neisci ui ceased, at tbci t alualiii.. put upon n by an Impiest finely awarded bv tbi Honorable Cotitt, or ....... mii,c mi; iiie siiiiiu sii'iiiiu inn on M.ld. Witiit-ss the lloiiorabli! IVilliatn lilwtll President of our Court ofCoiiimon Pleas held at llltiouisluirB. tbe eiubth day of .May eijhleen hundred and mty-fmir. ., , ,, ,J!lMlll.l'L'KSIAN,6licriir. llloiiinsburi;, July Hi, leoi. STATES VMQX BSOTKfi. roil nhd CU.- Market Street, Philadelphia, i rnillS ll.iti.i lirni,. i. - 1 I am. isnJaV tZ; t I'liihi.ie ,,hi ,V ,! ffAruWtt.lft nuy favor his hiui.u wilh their patriiiiaeo. J- IK ll.ULA AiSO.V, Prop rs. JOIINSIinuKLCY.iVLLRx, July S3, 18iH. -13 mo. last mmmE. I I ilf Miller on costs, urc rciuircd iiuiiiediaily to inn- IlIU Stllllll III III,. ..ml. ...I ..I ' ' The ainomii. r ,. aln.n ,. a.. . . . .. . . . r ' " ""-inviii ii nut puid b) Autjtisl l.r.t ,vl, be ue.l. joiin a. ruiiiizc. June, i lb'114, Iltouiusburc. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. j Est itc of John Cox, deceased, , t ETTEliS of administration ou tho ..r. jtuiu uoi, into or Hemlock township, , I ld'"S lllooni luwutbip j ;,n peon. havini! claims fa ,,, "Maui o ,l, clcc.'-d.,,t are reuuested to i i.siaie oi jobn Cot, Into of Hemlock lownshiii S,"el,,,'l't,MV,.l,e?duihlU,r,',nr .without delay, auJ all persons Jndt-bteil lo inaku payment f.irthwith. ,.,.. ,. c . LEVI COX, Aiim'r, Jffgfpg 19RW MT an n Diseases Resulting f)om Disorder of i, Liver and Digestive Organs, Attn otirtKi) iiy DOCTOR IIOOFLAND'fe' ft ?R A W Hi V V Kji O Till'. OIltJATSTnCNCJTIIENINU TOXIC These Bitters havo performed morn (!nrM avKCMiiu: VKOvi.it nt roue 1 1 nut n,,. 7VJ.V..JAT orin.it .iinicuu.v Tin: Anan Wo defy nny one In cniilrndlct thin ns.crrtlon, a i Will imy $lciiutii nnv niir Hint ttlli pnnlucc ;, ccrtllicati! (luhll. heil by us. lint Is net genuine, UOOFLAND'S 0 HUMAN BIT; E - will lut.'cuty cae of Chronic or Neivous Debility, Df i tho Kidneys, and dcasei nnitig I ti'oui n disoiderod Stomach owrvcthnftj i:.j.i,u.-,,-f,u, u,. v,,ea. Ilnrllur. UNb.kI f..r rn. l-uln.'.-i nfwi Icl.t in the Sliunarh. Hour r.r..ciMi.i.-. Pinking or Ki.ittrriim nt tt..-1 ,i nf tlx- (jtni.int'li. Hwiiiiinlni; uftlw Head. 1 1 it tied, ami Dilllcull llr.Mthlnj;, I'liitli-nn;' nl th Heart, (.'JmkhiK or Hull'iK'ntiuii recusation u lnn jui lyliiB posture, lllinui'ss of Vlimi, Hot. nr Wil lidfuri. the vinht. I 'over and Dull I'aiu in the llt'iid, Ilelki.'i.ry nl' rcrspiiatK-i., Velnwni's nftlicHkhi uml IJyes, I'l in in tin. Hide. Ilaclt. fhi-sl l.linbs. r .'Jiiilden l'lil-hci if ll.-al. Ilurniiii! i thu l'l.-jli,. c,iist:uit 1 1 1 -ajlninssnffv II, tlrpri'.iiuu of plril. i:Mi:.vtiEii that riis airrum Is Not . Alcoholic. to.y.M.vs .0 HUM OR. miISKR) tada.V T.V.-llCi: Dlil.SW.ll.DS, in; r IS THE BUST TONIC in the UYrM. b&g:ai wsa sav .scpi I'nni the I! (,.-vi'lt.-c.k,l-.i-i.r ..f lie !ln,ti.i t'li.n-b IVuib'Tlmi V J, foiiueily i.f t.j Nurll. Ila'.ii--I hurrli. i'lnla lelphi... 1 have know n lii.nil mils rtt-rmnu llitn-rs favr.-il.lv furn n.ttiihi r of eit-. I h ii- I lln m n, hl) .,,, fniuily. nml hare Ii n pli.a.cl with their elH-.u that I .1 m lured in reriuuiiii.-tiiiil them In uimy . id em, niel know tl.nl lln-y hire npc-rnted m n trik.n:l, hem fn ...I nmnner I i ike irr .-: t il.-nnui- in llni n,,s l.rl pr.-i-liliililiu- tin. Iir,,-,ii,l .".IDlii! Ill- .tit -lltl.lt mine .lien nn nun iiiu.i, a.,,, n.r t.lie h lh--i ,r j r-. '.innini.leil, t.i llmn- Hitlers kn.iwing Inuii eieei iii.u n rei.ninieiiitat..ii ttlll . it,;iineil. Ii ""'r ' ll f""1)' - """d ...d Hitters i nn-ii.i, ' v'.'irL' iIny" ""' "''Tvi'i'MiivK ' , ,,,.' i trT '"' ' A'-'" i.yn. i. i. r,iur th i:, 1 """'""'ti'i', t'.rliliiin tv,r. e lihnusli nut di.p.Ki .1 t,ifni,r , rr, innd pv Veilti iiieii in i;en. ml, lhriitt!!ii i!l-liut ,.f their n, dlents ,-tud ell'etl. ; 1 jet knot, of mi ul!iri, lit rea-r why n ni.'tn nwy tint lemiy tn t;,.. fit he l-.-li i . hliuell In hive rrteireil 1 ro.n any simpi,. tireti.ir.i-. in the hope Urn Iw nt.-iy thus coiitrl!tt, Inthe Ii. n i nth -rs. I dn tins the men. nitilily ,i, rera.il tlli.un. (.erinnn lliit.-r, prepared by dr. f, ll J.-nk.nn, nf -i-ily. been -se I i,t prej udneil .i.tiM-t ll.em fnr in. yutrs. under he iuiiie..mn lli.,i iltey were itiieih , ill iihnlir uiiitur.!. I itni iii,libt...l tn in, ' ui Kill .( .-hni niiiker, i:. , fnr the renewal . f tin- pr.-judi. -- br proper lets. and fir en nur-taeiiietit tn tri liieni, wli i siillerinc frmn emu uml inui! mntii I ifelnlity. 1 1,., ! " I,,u lyi-'-" y-,r ,'" unities , iiut,:r, at IR, I,.,;,,,,.,,,, ol thu proem M-.ir w.is rll,,, . ,.u , ,,. ; nn I r.-i.tiir.-ti.in t,i u i,.5rri. nf bndili :iud i, eiii.,1 ii-ni Ii. id unt , It fnr sii i n i ,ti I li - b. (nr.-, an. iml al ' nirjtdespure d ol ri-snuiiiii.- I tlu-ri-fnie ttiaeK Hod ,,,,u 1M' ''',l)r u'''''t'3 nn' tnlheuse nf iheni. J. M'.lVl'O.V 111 OH V l-roiit tu Kt-r. Jos. Ki-nnar-i, Pastor of lh-leu. , ll.ipli.t (.'Inirrli lln. Jm-hsou :-le.v sir . I hat.. ,en, fn-nin mlt n-Tie-ted toroiineii my Jm,. ,M,h cnniiiic-nil.tliniH ... ililferent kinds ol medn ines but nx.-ir.lins th pr.icu, . as nut of my appropriate spbere. 1 bar..-111 all i.-i,-. tier ined ; but tt HIi a dear proof in varimis inslaiu-i .Hid parliriilnrl) in in) f.-iim . (, th , it,, ml s i,f 1 ,, lloetl uie- s l.urinan Hi:tr. ,i,.,.,n fr ,.,. U.IKll c-eilrse In ..t,.r,..,. mj- f,i c-ltlcloU that. Inr euer.,1 lllibllilr ,,f XI, . ,,,,., , ,.,p,.,.,,,y fr (,,,., I niiip..iiiit, 11 i j ,; U,:1J ,,r..,,n;.iinn. 1 , tome ,!,,, ,t ,.,, (iwl , (,, ,v ! ,,, W1 lie rery bcin-ilcial tn m, , - lv 4..tl. r irooi tlio -l...i 1-cttui-cs. Y-.iirs, . i) cup. M l-v. J. 11 ken:; mid. t-'nal- t , tiilml n KiKhtb lj.-i.iv H1011, Hcv. '. ..rren I. .11 Impll. I'.it ir ff ll.-lptlsl Dure I -', 1 1.1 let '. u, I'll. II;: O. .1 i( use , - - l)i ir "1. -I'..,...,.. I "!" '"" I" "ty '.i! I n..inl the (itnii.ui Killer' i Vi T , .'""' f-'-""'"1 del.llii) I bam 1,1 Breai I,,' ' " k u ' "' HiMers. nml iltim I -'"I'M'rni , ,r ell .. 1, ,, th-rs. I ' n spiiliull,. Vt AIIIWV I;A.10I.PII, tieiiit.uiluitn, IVnu'r.. " '' '') ' ' ' ... "i oict-in nt Mi. iii, In,-. In . rtV.""i" ii,0?;"!' " ''"'"ni-r Pastor o! Ilcliling M. P. LliurtJi. Pluhila. llil.!!,JKS'',.:M''',r', '-";lVi"-"",''l yenrdnruiaii ...1,1 '!'' fre-pienily I am prepared In -av at it has been c;fHre.-,t ..in,,,. belle,.-i,,-,t in most ml imisl tiiliuibli.. remedy or Hindi I hate nnv I. nun I t'lge. uurs, ic, j. -nijivun. Nn. !-(l Vjiiut-oiilh Slrst t. rrmu the Itc-r. J M. I,yn funucr'y Pastor of lit-. Un-lu-Mbus i., J.) ami .Mileston n, (Pa j ll.tpint Uiurth ,, ., . New ri.luuibus, .V V. thu a. juksov:-! ear Sir .-I feel it a plensur ".' ' ,r '",,"" ',' aic-oril. to bear tt-.tiiuony loth-en ...... i .11 . . ."tiers, nunm years h1i.cc; In nut "la liited jtilli lyspepsia, 1 s1 tH..-. will, meal bi-iii-liti.il n-siilts. I Into iillc-u rt-ceniuieii.leil tlte.it I . Ib'1..?".".' ,",,'",u"! d-'lternn; tc-nriiinnlals as M ,nJ..T, ,V!'''''''- cn"'' ,u' Bfm-rul debility, I be Hutu it lube a Ionic llial caiinnt be .urpassi-d. ... ' '" 'ytii-'l toriiu-nlini!ilist,.-iM.,au, barn J..U. UVONfl , 1 ,.h '.' " '! 'S "''.v- 'hns, Winter. Pai'er of Iloiborntirli. I "ill'"t Chinch. I, "a.JstKsosi- I I''"1 ITiparatlni I feel it duo to your etci'l 's (ierlliaii lthii.i-. i., mlil my lestimnny m ih,. leserved reputation ll has obtain. 1 '"' ' ,"llv" , r,,r V'ars, at lnm-, been irouliletl with n.k ',""h'. '," ".'y '"-fvous yiem. I was idilsed bv a iriend In try abuttlfl of your Herman Uil ,,.,i'.. Lit r"" I'nvo i-ip.neiiro.l great nml (met pe l ii relief-, n,y l.eallli has been very materially ben ,,,, .in1 fn"n,ll',"tl' recoiniueinl tbu article where I m tt t nl, canes similar to my nun and havu been as turetl by many of their enod ell'ects. Respectfully yours, T. WJM'lilt. Itoiborough, P.. i'roin Uet- j. S lien,,,,,,. ,,f ,hu ,jDrMn .f,,,,,,,,! t-hurch, kutz-.onn, lli-rks county, Pa. tin n t i.. ... n. .viii. ii..; ": :: "."s"cieu nir :-i uavn bi -ie ' ? 51X3, WXrJ!, -dicme lb.it did we it's much sooil us i nnt unproved in health I -TW. ! uieliuii.t, I'll in :.r. I.arsc Pizq (holtliiiK nearly double inniitiii-A St l on it,,,,i.,i...i.. .1. . I Slin.ll T ..... '..V... JT." ' uu nzen. St;, Cm ucenu per Holtle-lialf dozen, ?l uu BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See llial thu signature or' ii-ek ot cicli bottle. 1 V ? ?,,!!'?.. !'r !''' Vmw I , , "(ihl' UUli IIIU (1(111 ll'. eiiouni your uenrest t ruoelyi nm hnvi. n.n n.ii.i.. ,....j u.i niiereu in us place, nut .i-mi 10 us, mid wu will lorward, securely packed, by expre... rnmipal Office and Manufactory, JVo. Hill Arch Street. piiii.wi:u'iii i. Jones & Evans. (Successors to 0, M. JACKSON k Co.,) v " PROPRIETORS. t'OIl SALE by Mini . 'n In llm Wnin tiatt,. nnifglsta and Uealer. In etery .OH, 31 lC3-l?ma.